S tripped to M y V ery S oul about the pain and sorrow of losing a young husband, a father, mother, step mother, sister in law, young brother in law, and recently my brother and young nephew. Not to mention health issues, financial issues and many other trials.
By Jan Stefanic
There is something about going through the fiery trials of adversity that
not only changes us but draws us to the very heart of God. Difficulties challenge us, overcoming them builds selfconfidence, teaches us self-control and we have a far better understanding when others around us are hurting. As much as I would love to avoid it, because there is nothing really pleasant
St r i p p e d t o M y Ve r y S o u l
We all will face them, we all will have them, it’s learning to survive and overcoming them that creates in us our resilience, our strength and adversity develops our character. It creates a deeper trust in God, draws us closer to him, it stretches our faith and dependency on him. I have walked through many trials, I assure you it wasn’t by choice, and there were times that I thought I would never get up again. In fact there were plenty of times I didn’t want to. I felt stripped to the very