q Each person gets 3 post-its and labels them A, B, C, and writes one statement on each post-it – 2 of which are true and 1 is false. q Next, each person reads out their 3 statements and others in the group decide which statements are true and which are false.
• April 4th: Deadline for Creative Activism exercise
• April 29th: Journal tutorial
• May 9th: Reflective journal
Musical Chairs 1 Arrange chairs in a circle - 1 person stands in the middle and the others sit on the chairs. The person standing in the middle requests people to change place, if what the person says applies to them – for example, change places if you have blue eyes. Continue for approximately 5 minutes. Musical Chairs 2 Chairs remain in a circle, 1 person stands in the middle and the others sit on the chairs. The person standing in the middle makes a statement relating to social change asks people to change places if they agree with the statement – for example, change places if you support same-sex marriage. Continue for approximately 5 minutes.
Change you would like to happen
How this links to others, locally & globally
“Our values represent our guiding principles, our broadest motivations, influencing the attitudes we hold and how we act.” (The Art of Life)
Mark useful values with yellow dots Mark non-useful values with orange dots www.valuesandframes.org
The Value of Social Inclusion
Meeting Place: Emmie, Gavin, MaryClaire, Orla.
Benchmark: Ann, Audrey
A., Audrey D., Jo.
Looking ahead and thinking of Change