We had a visitor!! Peter Hussey Crooked House Artistic Director ! !
Established in 1993, Crooked House is a theatre and arts organisation working with artists, actors, and non-actors in a range of settings. Over the past 15 years the company has developed Theatre of the Oppressed techniques for an Irish context. The company develops and facilitates participatory theatre (and applied theatre) programmes for NGOs, agencies, and community/youth organisations nationally. We are commissioned to develop theatre programmes to work specifically with non-actors. These usually have a justice, equality or human rights dimension. (Crooked House Website 2014) Relevant weblinks: http://www.crookedhouse.ie/ https://www.facebook.com/CrookedHouseTheatre www.theatreoftheoppressed.org http://www.pedagogyoftheoppressed.com/ Organisation using Theatre of the oppressed https://www.sfcg.org/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CaXR3PKXvoM&list=PLE8219C0686 38F583 !