Development Education and Global citizenship

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Arts Par(cipa(on and Development Documenta(on November 2013 by Audrey Atkinson and Mary Claire Woolley

Lecture Notes, Inspira(on, and Reflec(ons from last years’ class

Link the Social themes and issues

Table Quiz!!!

Games for Development Education in a classroom or group setting.

Action Ranking Activity & What does Development mean throughout the world?

Map Play – How we engage with the world Peter’s Projec(on vs Mercator cartography debate

Map Activity and other Reflections . Â

A Cultural Exchange….

Notes available.

Two ‘alien worlds’ were created, and introduced to each other.

Notes on Cultural Exchange Activity

Ad Busting

Ad-Busting Activity We divided into groups, each given a different advert to reflect on, think critically about, and respond with an ad of our own.

Grouped badges into recurring themes each person picking a theme they want to explore for poster making.

Poster Making! Public Art and other Visual Communica=on. We divided into groups from badge-­‐making exercise to make a large poster. We discussed the implica(ons and how it’s subjected to public opinion – Public Art may not always be appropriate in its surroundings and could even cause offence or even outrage. This may or may not be the desired outcome. Each poster addresses a different Human Rights issue.

Poster Making!

Poster Making!

Our theme was Social Responsibility and Care for others.

My group used collage, spray paint, and the Rasterbator – an online image enlargement tool and Photoshop. Our work was influenced by propaganda ar(st, Shepard Fairy .

How do we introduce Development Educa7on into the mix?

• Sports clubs • GAA • Soccer clubs • Athle(c clubs • Religious organiza(ons • Youth groups/ clubs • Community groups • ‘Grassroots’ ac(va(on • adult educa(on •  ‘Second chance’ learning • Social clubs • Appren(ceship • Workplace training (?)

Informal Educa(on

• School • College/ University • Structured Curriculum • Regimented schedule • Founded principles during the the industrial revolu(on • Exams & Standard tes(ng • ‘Points’ systems determining eligibility criteria for the next educa(on level

Non-­‐Formal Educa(on

Formal Educa(on

Types of Educa=on

• Peer group • Ins(nct • At home • Parents • Reading • Blogging/Social Networking • Hobbies • Cracs • Gardening • Cooking • Other leisure ac(vi(es in a non-­‐ organiza(onal group sedng • Naturally ‘absorbing’ informa(on/ s(mula(on on a day-­‐to-­‐day basis

Discussion of Learner’s Experience Challenge is essen(al to learning, but when overdone can have the opposite effect.

Learner’s Comfort Zone Learner is challenged, but s(ll engaged. Learner is challenged further, engaged, learns more -­‐ but pushed to limita(ons. Panic Zone: Leaner shuts down and is unable to learn as limita(ons have been exhausted.

Links and References

Space for additional links and references for those who wish to elaborate! All welcome J ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________

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Sheperd Fairy -­‐ Online Tool -­‐ hhp:// RSA Anima(on video on educa(on – highly recommended! v=zDZFcDGpL4U -­‐ watched in class; great for demonstra(ng cri(cal thinking. hhp:// library/weekly/aa030201a.htm -­‐ Peter’s projec(on v Mercator hhp:// Interna(onal_development -­‐ Wikipedia entry on the concept of ‘Interna(onal Development’ hhp:// millenniumgoals/ -­‐ Link to millennial goals hhp:// v=uAybZOfCN6g&feature=share -­‐ Food eco footprint – from Audrey’s Brother in Law!

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