Creative Crafting Christmas 2009

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Christmas/New Year 2009 Issue 2

By Crafters for Crafters

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Welcome to our Festive

This issue of Creative Crafting was brought to you by: Anna - The Crystal Lady Email -

Issue of Creative Crafting!! We hope that you enjoyed our last issue, we are still getting over quite how many of you actually read it! Your support is much appreciated. Thank you. This time around we have put together lots of festive goodies for you, along with the return of regular features such as ‘How to Knit, Crochet’ etc. We have more wonderful interviews with fellow crafters, some projects for you to complete and lots more. If you would like to be a part of our February Issue please get in touch, we would love to hear from you. There are always lots of things to do and Avril and I would love the help. I would like to thank my dear friend Avril (Sprinkles Sparkles), without her help this magazine would probably never get finished. Also, Cyn (Crochet Cynth), Elaine (Knitwits), Di (Peggy’s Knits) and Amy (Ciren.s Call). We also welcome Kristina from Flutterby Creations who we hope will join us again.

Merry Christmas!

a n n A Avril - Sprinkles Sparkles Email - Cynth - Crochet Cynth Elaine - Knitwits Diane - Peggy’s Knits Amy - Ciren’s Call Kristina - Flutter by Creations Guest Contributors Kelly - Kelso Creations Diane - Baggy T’s

Interviews Kate - Jezebel Charms Martin - Dogplant Suzie - The Wool Santuary

Cover Photograph Jean - Miniature Mohair Bears


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Interviews Jezebel Charms...................................4 An Interview with a Gentleman Crafter!...............................................16 Suzie Johnson....................................24 Jewellery Making Crystal Magic.....................................11 Create your own Earrings.................12 Peaches, beads and me...............................................13 Crochet Basic Crochet Stitches......................28 How to Crochet a Christmas Stocking............................................32 Knitting Peggy’s Knits - How to Knit Part 2 ..37 How to knit a Christmas Tree..........38 Yarn Yarn Unravelled!...............................26 Baking Christmas Biscuits..............................6 Quick and Easy Truffles.....................8 Features Surviving Christmas and New Year! 14 Tina in the Garden............................18 Budget or Luxury..............................20 Sprinkles Best Picks..........................23 This Months......................................35 Misi Makers Round Up....................36 Kelso Kreations.................................40 A Little Bit about Baggy T’s.............41 Diary of a beader...............................42

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Tina in the Garden Page 18

We tracked down our favourite Charm Jewellery Creator Kate from Jezebel Charms. We wanted to know more about the lady behind the pieces that we all love. Tell us about yourself About me .... Well, I’m a married 35 year old who has a tendency to be rather indulgent and materialistic! I love food and wine and often get described as arty-farty. I used to live in Texas and really miss the southern drawl of the cowboys. My previous career was in the retail sector as an interior designer. I love giving my pets strange names so its probably a good idea I never had children! How long have you been crafting and how did you start? Well technically I started crafting when I got my egg boxes and double-sided sticky tape out whilst watching Sarah Greene on Blue Peter! I did attend art college and used to paint fine art all the time but I got fed up of being so poor at 21 years old. That’s when I fell into retail, but luckily it was in an artistic way. I probably made my first piece of jewellery less than twelve months ago; I’m a completely self-taught artisan (such a perfectionist that I even drive myself crazy!); I thought I’d have a go at selling jewellery to give me some extra pocket money and remember thinking how thrilled I’d be to sell one piece a week! This coincided with being made redundant but thankfully the angels are looking down on me because I’m now so busy this is my full time job. It took three months for me to finesse my own style and get comfortable and confident to sell. I spent many weeks looking at other artisans, (not just jewellery makers) to gain inspiration and pinpoint an avenue of creation that was original. What are your favourite materials? My favourite material is old watches; that can be wristwatches, clocks, pocket watches, absolutely any timepiece. I get giddy with excitement when I have a parcel arrive and I sort through the pieces; I resurrect and recycle vintage timepieces into original, wearable art. What is your favourite thing that you have made? The piece I’ve just finished is always my favourite! There are just so many to pick from but I do have a a fondness for all of my Alice in Wonderland and Doctor Who inspired baubles, they’re just so whimsy and dreamy and they have a bit of a cult following too! What is your favourite colour? I can’t pick on favourite colour (this is my indulgent nature coming out, I want everything and hate choosing!). I have a lot of pink clothing but love working with purples and greens in my jewellery creations.

‘All my items maintain a ' theme', whether that's Alice In Wonderland or Honey Bees ! ‘ ‘Perfect for those of us who love eccentric, unique jewellery ! ‘

What or who is your inspiration? I gain my inspiration from the olden-days; from the 1920’s when there was such an explosion of art and decadent style, it was just so sumptuous back then. I adore the 1940’s too, when ladies wouldn’t answer the front door without some lippy on! Do you have a favourite supplier? All my suppliers are important to me; I’ve taken a long time to source my materials that I’m now rather reluctant to divulge them! But I will say that I get the best service from The Tiny Box company for my gift boxes, they never fail with their next day delivery.

Has any person helped or supported you more than any other? My adorable husband is my main cheerleader! I’m very humble when I meet people and they ask what I do but James is right there raving about my sales, my gallery exhibitions and the latest mention of me in a magazine..... I think he’s very proud of my success! What is your favourite handcrafted shop? (Misi, Folksy, Etsy etc)? I just love Strangeling - Jasmine Becket-Griffith on Etsy, her art is in a world of its own.

What is your favourite website? One of my favourite websites is a bit of a guilty pleasure .... Gossip by Michael on Dlisted. He’s based in New York and he just has you in stitches with his wisecracks. Light relief for ten minutes everyday!

Be sure to visit Kate at one of her online shops, you too can fall in love with her work.

‘I’m a completely self-taught artisan (such a perfectionist that I even drive myself crazy!)’

INGREDIENTS 100g salted butter 100g soft brown sugar 2 eggs 4tsp honey 1tsp baking powder 300g plain flour 1/2 tsp cinnamon 1tsp ground ginger

Scrumptious treats or edible decorations... If the kids want to help decorate, wait until the biscuits are cooked and cooled. Then make up a bowl of icing, only just thin enough to spread. Put the kids in aprons and get out the sprinkles! Once the biscuits have dried, they are ready to be threaded with pretty ribbon and tied onto the Christmas tree.

INSTRUCTIONS In a large bowl, beat together the butter and sugar until soft and whippy.

This recipe was provided by Diane from ‘Peggy’s Knits’

Beat together the eggs and honey. Then add to the butter mixture. Sift in the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and ginger. Bring the mixture together to form a dough. Cover the bowl and put into the fridge for 30 minutes to make it easier to work with. Now roll out the dough quite thinly and cut into Christmassy shapes. Finally, using a knitting needle (yes they come in handy for all sorts of jobs!! ) or skewer, make a hole at the top of each biscuit for threading through ribbon. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until firm, at a temperature of 170˚C

INGREDIENTS 125g (4oz) plain chocolate 50g (2oz) butter 125g (4oz) plain sponge cake 50g (2oz) icing sugar 25ml (1 1/2 tbsp) dark rum, brandy or liquer of your choice 50g (2oz) cocoa powder, icing sugar or chocolate vermicelli (never measure this myself!)

This recipe is very simple with a very tasty result! These wonderful truffles are perfect for that Christmas get together or just to nibble on in front of the TV. Variations include: White or milk chocolate, nuts, dried fruit. The list is endless.

The wonderful truffles in the pictures below were made by my lovely husband. The Truffles above were made by my mother. We all love them!

INSTRUCTIONS Melt the chocolate with the butter.(I use the microwave!). Stir in the cake crumbs, icing sugar and spirit or liqueur of your choice. Cover and refrigerate for about 30 minutes or until the mixture is firm enough to handle.

This recipe was provided by Anna ‘The Crystal Lady’

Lightly dust your fingers with icing sugar and roll the truffle mixture into 24 small balls, then roll each one in the cocoa powder, icing sugar or chocolate vermicelli to coat completely. Arrange the truffles in petit four cases, chill in the refrigerator until required. Remove from the refrigerator about 30 minutes before serving. Healing Gemstone Jewellery


I used both trifle sponges and a bought sponge cake. I personally preferred the one I made with the sponge cake as the trifle sponges had added sugar and it make the consistency a bit odd! The 30 minute out of the fridge is very important. If they are too cold you can't taste the alcohol. Very, very bad indeed!!!!

Bespoke Swarovski Crystal Bridal and Occasion Jewellery

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lapis lazuli






Beautiful Jewellery to help you through life!

Crystal Magic Mother Nature has provided us with wonderful Healing Gemstones and Minerals. For this Issue, discover the beauty of

Amethyst SiO2+(Al,Fe,Ca,Mg,Li,Na)

Defined as a mineral that ‘makes a person better, disperses bad thoughts ,and brings good commonsense and makes one mild and gentle’. Mentally - Relieves sadness and grief. Encourages sobriety and awareness. Overcomes addiction. Physically - works with: nervous complaints, diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin blemishes and intestinal complaints. Relieves pain and releases tension, especially headaches. Chakra - Third Eye, Crown and Higher Crown

£8.00 £14.99 Amethyst Cluster Earrings

Amethyst and Crystal Bracelet

£13.99 £26.50 £3.50 Amethyst and Rose Quartz Bracelet Amethyst Pendant

Amethyst Snowflake


Cleopatra Necklace

If you would like more information about Crystal Healing Jewellery, you can contact The Crystal Lady at: or visit

create your own earrings For this Christmas issue, Sprinkles Sparkles is going to show you how to make a simple pair of earrings. You will need A pair of earwires Your choice of beads Headpins Round nose pliers Pair of side cutters Flat nose pliers

Pick up one of the headpins, and add your selected beads to the first pin. Repeat with the second headpin.

Using your flat nose pliers, bend both headpins over 90 degrees.

Finished Earrings!

Using your side cutters, carefully cut off some of the headpin wire, so it’s short enough to bend over in a loop. Repeat on the other headpin.

To attach the headpin loops to the earwires, simply open the loops slightly on the earwires carefully with round nose pliers.

With your round nose pliers, grip the end of the headpin, and curl over into a loop, meeting the wire on the other side.

With the loops slightly opened, add on the headpins to both earwires. Close the loops back up with your round nose pliers.

Repeat, with the other headpin. Both headpins will now have perfect loops.

And there you have your own handmade earrings!

By Sprinkles Sparkles

Peaches, beads and me Peaches is a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, she is a colour called Blenheim. Which, to non doggy people is white with bits of pale brown. She came from an animal rescue in South Wales called ‘Many tears’. They are a fabulous group of people who re-home animals all over the country. They don't just take in dog and cats, I have seen goats and ponies on their site!! They do some amazing work and they don't give up which is wonderful! They have sadly taken on some real cruelty cases but all they want to do for any animal is find them warm loving homes. Earlier this year I was chatting online with a friend of mine, she also has a dog from Many Tears. We wanted to do something to raise money for them. One of the ideas was making jewellery. When I got up the next day the idea still seemed a good one. So as a dedicated internet freak I did the obvious thing. I googled! Well actually I use a search engine called Easy Search, every time you use it money goes to your chosen charity, which of course is Many Tears. I took a couple of classes at Shiney Rocks ( at the paint works in Bristol and I LOVED it! What surprised me even more was I appeared to be good at it. I've never been terribly crafty and I can't draw to save my life, but I loved the way I could bring colours together and make something beautiful. After more internet searches I found Misi, a place where I could set up an online shop to sell my work on, all the profits I take go to the rescue centre. It makes the whole thing complete. I make stunning jewellery and I can help the people who gave me my wonderful girl. She's the one who is always with me, when I sit and work she is asleep next to me on the sofa, she's there is the morning wagging her tail and happy to see me. I wouldn’t be without her now and I hope some of my work can help another dog find a home as loving as this one. p.s. If anyone ever finds a bead that’s the same colour brown as she is you would make my day! I would love to make a piece of jewellery all about her but it’s so hard to find something that matches as close as I would like.

This article was written by Amy From Ciren’s Call

You tell us your tips for Surviving Christmas and New Year! My top tip is to book your Christmas meal at your local Indian restaurant on Christmas day. This will be the 4th year that we have done it and I love working right up to Christmas Eve knowing that I don't have to go do battle in the supermarkets to buy food for just one day. It is such a lovely friendly atmosphere in our local Indian and although they don't celebrate the season they ensure that we all have a great time and they give out presents and selection boxes for the children. Best thing is that although they have a set menu for the day you can also choose from the usual menu and the charge is no different from any other day. Far better than paying for an over-priced traditional meal that you would be able to cook better at home yourself. Our table is already booked! I shop at M&S with my vouchers that I have saved for all year and put in all sorts of treats and tasties to have over the festive period, liquid mainly!” Natty Needles

“How to survive Christmas----– simple--just watching Masterchef and the thought jumped out at me, employ the Loser for 3 days ...sorted” Dogplant

“My tip is - spend it with who you want to be with, have everything you want in moderation, and keep the curtains closed! “ Jewels by Isis

I did think this year that as there will only be 4 of us and no small children I would treat everyone to a nice meal in a hotel ....walked past The Castle today and there is a sign saying ' Treat your Mum this Christmas - only ÂŁ50 per head'I would rather have egg and chips and ÂŁ200 in my purse!! Bah Humbug'So, this year we will be going to M&S and buying it all pre-prepared and just enough for 2 days eating. Did it a few years ago when I came home after surgery a few days before Christmas Eve. The only thing we forgot was the readymade gravy and BOY didmy men-folk complain about the faffing around it apparently takes to make a pint of gravy!! Talking Beads

Designs by Isis Visit the forum on our Magazine Website For more of your Christmas Tips


Many of our readers will know Martin from the Forums on Misi. We thought we would find out more about our friendly Gentleman Crafter. My name is martin. I am 42 years old and I am married to Vanessa. We have four children who keep us very occupied indeed. I am a skilled toolmaker by trade producing plastic injection moulds for the plastics industry. I once ran my own business for five years in Oldham, Lancashire, employing six fully skilled toolmakers. Due to three large companies going into receivership and owing us large amounts of money, I was reluctantly forced to close the business. I managed to find a job in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire and with the travelling issues (for those who know the M62) it was clear we had to make the move over the Pennines and move closer to work in Wakefield. However, one year later 15 employees received the news we were to be made redundant. Now normally in my game its all down to word of mouth regarding who was available, but i was in a new area and basically nobody knew me and after searching all over West Yorkshire, it became apparent that tool-making was extinct.

‘not every day you have a herd of pigs, cats, dogs and ducks looking at you as you drive along the road is it!’

After being made redundant about a year ago now I was basically drifting here and there into pointless jobs as i call them Then, last month my mother came back from Canada where she had been on holiday and showed me some pictures of a planter a fellow had made in a frog shape. My designer juices started to flow and I began sketching next doors dog which is a dalmation. I took 5 trips to the tip and gutted our large shed/workshop and began to construct my first prototype. My first three attempts turned out to be rubbish designs, then, with the help of my 10 year old daughter, we came up with the current design. Next door wanted one, her sister wanted one, the lady from number 22 wanted one and so on. After making 10 freebies for every Tom, Dick and Harry it was decided this could be the opportunity I was looking for. I knew I needed more designs for my CV so it was back to the sketch pad and soon we (daughter and I) came up with the pigs, cats and duck ideas .We started selling at car boot sales, on a local layby which was great fun watching peoples heads turn as they drove past, not every day you have a herd of pigs, cats, dogs and ducks looking at you as you drive along the road is it!

‘My designer juices started to flow and I began sketching next doors dog’

All my planters and toy boxes are made from 18 mm thick mdf sheets and 2"x 1" pine wooden slats so i guess these have to be my favourite materials

The favourite item that I have made is my newest design, the gypsy wagon. There is a lot of attention to detail involved and there are plenty of large and small parts to its construction. I guess it takes me back to my tool-making days. gypsy_waggon_planter.html

I, or should I say we, have four cats in the family and the black cat was designed on the strength of a photograph of our very own black cat(fluffy). My two daughters have a happy pig each in their bedrooms filled with teddys, so i guess these two are my favourite items handmade_black_cat_planter.html happy_pig_toybox/storage.html _duck_plant_pot_holder.html

My favourite colour is blue, the colour of my favourite football team, Oldham Athletic.

My inspiration at this moment are my children. Without this idea, I think we would have had to move back to Lancashire to find work in the tool-making industry which would have meant moving the children again, which isn’t fair at their ages. If i had made all the designs that my daughter had come up with, I would be needing a warehouse now to store them all in. She certainly keeps me on my toes.

I use B&Q for everything except the boxes for delivering. They have everything in one shop and I find the prices and quality are hard to match.

Again, this will be my daughter. Not only is she chief tea maker, sweeper upper and designer, she even gets up early to put the heater on in my workshop. She is irreplaceable but she doesn’t come cheap. _cat_plant_pot_holder/storage.html

My favourite shop is mornieGjewellery. I have found this lady to be invaluable with her help and support and she has become a great friend. My daughter also loves her shop and I have been told that this is where her Christmas present will be coming from. I am now looking forward to a healthy build up to Christmas to keep my daughter in the lifestyle she has become accustomed to!

My favourite website has now got to be Misi. I have met some wonderful people on there who are prepared to offer their time and services for any reason. A truly wonderful website with some fantastic people on board and I would like to wish the owners of Misi all the very best in the future

Don’t forget to visit Martins shop ‘Dogplant’ at for wonderful Gift ideas this Christmas. _holder.html

in the Garden

Hi! I’m Tina, I love my ga rden and would like to share with you some of the pleasure I get from it and the birds and creatures, which inhabit it.

I don’t do computer s, the Internet, anyth ing like that. Technology I do not do. Therefor e I will just write my accounts of the garden and send them to my very dear friend the Crystal Lady, she is just great at all of this compu ter stuff. She’s a rea l wiz. I will take some pictures of the garden, it lov es to be photographed. I ca n manage that, the camera is more or less idiot pro of. I am a bit of a fraud wri ting in this magazine, as I am not talented like the other participants. The items they create are so imaginative and beautif ul. The only thing I have to write about is the garden , and that creates itself wit h a little help.

Well, I know that you all lead busy lives, so make yourself a cup of tea , coffee or whatever you feel like. Maybe a biscuit or two , no, put the packet back in the cupboard we must no t over indulge, and spend a few quiet moments in the garden.

lling and I the ro gical ween t a e m b ally ho is ated alf, w t is re s situ I h i . r n e a es e t e t ard he s y be s o do The g and t He al ith m w e . d out e d i r h s n e t t ry k, w i st frie live h r e o coun b o t w y y dm arden luck ction nd an ke a g nstru am s o a o a b c s m d u ed o le t my h cover ng an possib both hich scapi m w i d s o. n n e g l a e el nett ve be ar s a all th 15 ye s and ld ha e e u l ip s o b h u s w r m o t eh rtne s, bra him i sed th ur pa a weed o h f e c o h r t t pu all. from e par en we the w nsens t e wh it off b mmo o a c the si en e e h ve be can b also t deas er ha i b He is y o t e m c O r th e of r and perfect fo as som sion embe t t s p e pas e ju S h re , t f , o m r d s e a h s r e we ont so w onfu k the c e e e r w e The m onderful, ar ast nts a yw , they ntil l y pla reall Up u bulbs t is ut ! M . i g B g , n n i . i m r en ll the lower the sp f e gard t l d l ith a I i n t this em w as, a r is s o h e e t d p w t r o e ’t e l f on s we cov and up. ‘D can do is roses I ming o l l . c s a y d So eave alrea arly’. llen l too e d fa h n c a u l m soi more little

Alre ady ,Ih path ave s an rake d pa w as t d th tio. e fal e bu Not t on len l for t for t t eave o he p t he b h e s up lant flow onfi sum from s an erbe r mer e, th d d the s b e at is , ach ulbs it is they such year over ju s t have l a I t i h k g the s won ead e wi one d tran nter uvet . By ge th down in er ‘wher and e di t to th ing also d th he is, I e soi it is neve ey g l to muc o?’, enri r no h ch as ch it tic eape . Bu r tha e this h t a n co ppen mm ercia ing, l mu lche s.

or weed t a slug pellet all organic, no e in liv ey th b, The garden is do this jo en. The birds e garden, th in es killer to be se dg he d other bushes an not feed the the copse and l stream. I do al sm e th m fro gs fro e come th be t d an they do no ts and seed, so e berries th m birds with nu fro ed themselves fe ey th e, m Also an reliant on are planted. hedges, which d an asses bs gr ru e sh th on the uces seeds on ld and so prod e wi th ft le ep is ke I ea ar sential, so rs. Water is es r me. and wild flowe es not do it fo do in ra d, if the birdbaths fille be seen r diet, he can ird likes a wide kb ac Bl em on . th Mr g t, Bu and bashin ls in his beak is it , picking up snai ks ell brea tio until the sh s mate the path or pa gether with hi to , so Al h. tc wa to rry g in at fascin from the mulbe t the whole crop os m me al so d ve ha ha I they e first time however for th I d an , ar ye st tree. This year la ich I planted wh ne vi e th ll. we grapes on o had those as n imagine wh am sure you ca ted. ring bulbs plan re, I have the sp fo be d ll wi ne I tio so en , As I m a little cold ht sunny day if ig ve br a ha I is h it ic y wh Toda lemon tree orange and a ce fen e th to be covering an up g them ece, then placin cked in pots with fle There we are, tu s. nd wi ld co e th f of ep ke to help er. up for the wint

‘The viol the et g mo unt rowing f or ai a no one n path long B ut peo in p g ro ple can articu ws la n or f org ot over r. et i l ook t.’

so cold winter as there are Maybe we will have a rose of s lot , hawthorn and many berries on the ivy ers, flow of l ful so ly seen the hol hips, and I have never e. to com promising the berries my to sleep for the winter, So the garden is going s walks each rou me nu our ke ma l better half and I wil e and and the birds will com day around the garden derful won a h suc for l gratefu greet us, and we will be gift.

and that r visit to the garden I hope you enjoyed you it again vis ld cou you ed, maybe you were not too bor t made too ll that is if I have no in the next issue. We this time. much of a hash of it r. tmas and New Yea Have a great Chris

friend, Your green fingered Tina

Thi s is m ma scot y little Cha rlie he l , ove s Chr istm as .

Budget Luxury or

Sally Christmas Stocking Tobyboo £48.00

Sweet as Candy Holiday Card Just Yesterday £1.05

Miss Claus Steelaccess $70.00 Christmas Wreath Pin Jostreasures $3.95

White Robin Tags Charlotte Macey £1.80

Felt Robin Christmas Decoration Lucie Lockets Pocket £2.00

Christmas Rocker Always Christmas £74.09

Shabby Patchwork Doorstep/Decoration Shabby Nessy £32.99

n, Making much fu o s e b n crafts ca nʼt arts and g your wares is where but sellin o easy. Thatʼs e like s es in! W so m always o c k u things GroovyC o sell unusual your h g people w r guide to sellin u line! hereʼs o crafts on

Makush’s Handmade Jewellery makushshandmadejewellery You could have a shop like this!

Just K Jewellery k/ just_k_jewellery

om p fr tes o h s si our rking y k to two Lin ial Ne ch as ctions su onne free So c C for tive book g! a e Cr Face rtisin and Adve

This is just one of Karen’s GroovyCart shops

World Of BLink nk You could sell your handmade baby and toddler wear, like this shop.

Always take good quality photos of your products. Ensure the focus is good and have a clear background.

Beading and Jewellery Supplies

Bespoke Bridal and Occasion Jewellery

Online Street Christmas Angel Card Molly Moo Designs £1.50 uk

Baby Toddler Santa Hat Kims Creative Crafts £3.00

Angel Sign Decoration The Scrummy Yummy Shop £7.00 uk

Christmas Lined Tote Emily Pickle £7.00 www.emilypickle.coriandr.c om

Personalised Rudolph Christmas Card Made With Love Cards £4.50

Woodland Feast A3 Gidee Print Sweetart £25.00

Best Picks Gingerbread Pillowcase Dress The Daisy Chain Boutique $17.00 user/atthedaisychain.aspx

Winter Berry Wax Tarts Jennuine Candles $7.00 user/jennuinecandles.aspx

Little Elf Wreath Tennesseecrafters $29.99 users/tennessecrafters.aspx

Curly Toe Christmas Stocking Randumosity £18.18

Whimsical Forest Deer Necklace Glitzer £18.18

Guest Soap Christmas Trees Allegheny Hearth £2.73

By Sprinkles Sparkles

‘I have turned my victorian flat into a haven for knitters it is now a wool sanctuary. I provide yarn and knitting advice to knitters when they need it.’

I work full time as an Engineering Consultant for the MoD, but in my spare time I run my business The Wool Sanctuary. I have knitted everyday since I was 5, I am 37 now.

My mum taught me when I had chicken pox. None of my friends were interested in knitting so I spent most of my early life being encouraged by my mum. She really influenced me and encouraged me to do more challenging things.

I love knitting in soft yarns like cashmere, it is so beautiful to knit with and looks so rich, I tend to use bright colours, I love them.

I love my Kaffee Fassett coat, I knitted it when I was 21. I used to knit a bit of it then pull it up over me and go to sleep, it was so warm. My mum used to make me go and get it at dinner parties to show her friends.

I have sold so many of my Draught Excluder and Knitted Houses that I made for Kirstie Allsopp for her series 'Kirstie's Homemade Home'. People have been so encouraging about them and my designs, which seems really weird when I have spent most of my knitting life knitting on my own with only my mum being interested in my knitting. My friends only really got interested when they hit their 30s either because they were having their own babies and wanted something hand made, or because they wanted to make something original that no one else has.

I love red, but should really like pale blue because I support Manchester City.

‘I used to knit a bit of it then pull it up over me and go to sleep, it was so warm.’

Fashion magazines, such as Vogue, Bazaar, Elle. Then fashion images from the 70s. Vivienne Westwood, Chanel, Debbie Abrahams, Biba, Ossie Clarke, Pucci.

My mum, she encouraged me so much from being young and showed so much interest in what I was doing when no one else seemed interested.

I met a really nice lady at I Knit in London and she has a shop called Alabama Whirly on Etsy, she is bonkers and such a kind talented person.

I buy most of my haberdashery from a wholesalers in Bristol but if I were to buy yarn from anywhere else it would be designs by either Debbie Abrahams, a good friend of mine or I love going to Di Gilpin's shop in St Andrews. She is so inspiring and very welcoming. I also love anything by Kim Hargreaves. She does the most beautiful designs and I have known her since I worked at the Rowan mill. (Sorry about the name dropping).

Catch up with Suzie at:

You know, I really can't think of any. I have tried to embrace technology but I just want to spend all my spare time knitting not surfing the Internet.

Yarn Unravelled! I think one of the most common questions asked, is why is it called yarn? When a lot of people refer to it as wool. This is the definition of yarn from the Wikipedia article on yarn.

This is a somewhat simplistic overview; to what is too many an all consuming basis for addiction! This does not cover the wonderful colours, blends of fibres, weights and textures available! Let alone commercially dyed, hand dyed or even hand spun. It is enough to make you want to go and lie down in a darkened room for a few hours until the dribbling has stopped and you can face the world again with a calm face. I will endeavour to cover some of these bases and possibly even fuel an addiction or two in the process.

Weight of yarn The weight of yarn is the thickness of the individual strand of yarn, not the physical weight of the skein or ball. This is an industry standard. However, when choosing a yarn for a pattern, it is wise also to check the length of yarn needed too, as these can vary widely! If you are uncertain what weight a yarn is you can use an inch by inch gauge to count the number of wraps you get per an inch (WPI) . Lace weight yarn (Also known as 2ply ) – This is fine light weight yarn usually about 18wpi. These can be sold in numerous different fibre types. The ones I sell are 80% Merino 20% Silk giving a wonderful soft but strong lightweight finish.

Black lace 1200m lace weight

Fingering weight yarn (also known as sock or 4ply) – This is the most common weight of yarn to knit socks in. This is about 14wpi. This is a further very addictive subject! A lot of the blends used in this weight yarn tend to be superwash (treated so not to shrink or felt) or ones with a mixture of synthetic fibres like nylon. Also for those with wool allergies there is cotton / tencel blends available, which are soft as silk. This allows them to be machine washable at 40oc. I prefer totally natural fibres, so the ones I dye are usually superwash. Of course gloves, hats, scarves & shawls are but a few things to knit with this weight yarn!

Purple haze sock yarn 400m

Sportweight yarn is a slightly heavier version of sock weight. Luxury fibre yarns tend to be slightly heavier and shorter length. Sportweight tends to be around 12wpi

Double knit yarn This tends to be the most popular yarn in use. About 11wpi. Also most often sold in Acrylic or other man made fibres, as this weight yarn is widelyused for things like hats, dolls clothes & toys. Hand dyed pure 100% wool fibre double knits make great felting projects.

Aran weight yarn Not to be mistaken from wool produced in the Aran isles, but an industry standard weight similar to what is produced there. About 8wpi. Ideal for all sorts of projects and knits up quicker but get less length than a lighter weight yarn.

Lily Aran weight 144m Chunky weight yarn A really heavy weight yarn often used for scarves and hats. This is about 7wpi. Otherwise known as Bulky.

Hand spun yarns These are each unique. No two skeins are exactly the same. No two spinners will produce the same results. Hand spun yarns provide texture and uniqueness to your knitted garments. These yarns are best where gauge is not critical for the outcome of the shape. I love to spin & most people who do sometimes find it really difficult to part with these yarns which have been lovingly created from raw fibre.

Fire in the sky hand spun 136 yds

A final word When buying your yarn, unless it is for a specific project, let it talk to you. Let that naughty little devil that sits on your shoulder tempt you. A world of fluffy goodness will open up to you. Worry not about what to turn it into, there are fabulous online communities like Ravelry which hold a wealth of patterns. Searches are available for type of yarn & yardage. Of course yarn makes a great Christmas present to a knitter, weaver or hooker (crochet) person alike.

This article was written by Kristina (Wyndwitch) from Flutter-by-Crafts

Basic Crochet Stitches A piece of crochet work is basically a combination of different stitches. I shall cover the most common and basic ones, namely: Please note that I am using the American terminology, which differs from English ones, and I will provide a comparison table later. There are different ways to start a project. If your work is going to be in a straight line, you can start with making a slip stitch then make a chain. Alternatively, if your work is a concentric one, you can start by making a slip stitch, make a few chains, then slip stitch the first and last chain together to form a ring.

I) Slip Stitch (ss / sl st)

/ sl st)


s Slip Stitch (s


Chain (ch)


e Single Croch


Double Croc


Half Double


Treble Croch

t (sc)

het (dc) Crochet (hd


et (tc)

The easiest way to make a slip stitch is by wrapping the yarn around your finger to form a circle. With the yarn overlapping as shown in the picture, you then fold and bring the yarn under the loop. Put the hook through the loop, behind the yarn, and bring the yarn forward through the loop. Tighten the loop around the hook by pulling both ends tight. You have just made yourself a slip stitch.

II) Chain With the slip stitch on the hook, wrap the yarn around the hook from back to front. The yarn would appear to ‘hang’ on the hook. Pull the yarn through the slip stitch on the hook, then pull tight, forming a chain. Repeat the procedure twice, and essentially you will have a chain of three.

You can either continue to make a straight line, or you can make approximately 4-5 chains, then slip stitch the last chain to the first chain to form a ring. You can do so by putting the hook through the first chain, then wrap the yarn over, pull it through both the first and last chain on the hook. A ring is formed. This is the first step to start a project such as a granny square or anything concentric.

III) Single Crochet (sc) Once you have a chain, you can work a single crochet starting from the second chain from the hook. This is because the first chain would act as the first single crochet. Put your hook through the second chain from front to back, wrap the yarn over the hook once. Pull the yarn through the chain leaving two loops on the hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook and pull through both loops. That is a single crochet. Repeat the procedure for the rest of the chains and that would result in a row of single crochet.

IV) Double Crochet (dc) Double crochet is very similar to single crochet. However, before you start the stitch, you wrap the yarn over the hook first. In the picture illustration, I chained two before starting the row of double crochet, which is actually my first double crochet. Then put the hook through the next stitch, pull the yarn through, leaving three instead of two loops on the hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook and pull it through two loops. This will leave two loops on your crochet hook. Repeat the procedure by wrapping the yarn over the hook and pulling it through the remaining two loops. This completes a double crochet.

V) Half Double Crochet (hdc) Half double crochet starts off like a normal double crochet. Wrap the yarn over the hook, put through the or stitch, then wrap the yarn over the hook again to pull it through. The next step is different from a normal double crochet. With three loops on the hook, wrap the yarn over the hook and instead of pulling through two loops at a time, you pull through all three loops together.

VI) Treble Crochet (tc) Once you know how to make single and double crochet, treble crochet would come natural to you. Like double crochet, when you work a treble crochet, you have to wrap the yarn over the hook, but instead of once, you wrapit around twice before you put it through the chain or stitch. When you pull the yarn through, there will be four loops on the hook. Wrap the yarn over the hook to pull through the two loops at a time for three times, and a treble crochet is made.

As I have mentioned earlier, the terminology that I explained above is American crochet terms, as I find them to make perfect sense. Single crochet is when you have to pull the yarn through two loops once. Double crochet is when you have to pull the yarn through two loops twice; and treble, thrice. However, I have included a table to compare the difference between British and American crochet terms. British English double crochet (dc) half treble (htr) treble (tr) double treble (dtr) triple treble (trtr) Miss Tension yarn over hook (yoh)

USA - American English single crochet (sc) half double crochet (hdc) double crochet (dc) treble (tr) double treble (dtr) Skip gauge yarn over (yo)

So be very careful when you follow a pattern. Do double check to see if it uses British or American crochet terms. As you can see in the picture, different stitches have different heights, widths and effects to your whole piece of work.

This article was written by Cynthia Wu Photography by Penny Woodworth

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A Christmas Crochet Project!

This adorable Crocheted Stocking can be used as a tree decoration, gift stocking for children or as shown in the picture, it can make the Christmas dinner table more interesting. I’m sure you’ve all been very good this year and can’t wait for Santa Claus to come round with presents. You can’t really spend Christmas without a stocking, right? So here you go with some extremely simple steps of crocheting a lovely little stocking for you and your family.

Little tasks for you: 1.

Pick three of your favourite colours or pick some Christmas colours (I picked red (A), green (B) and white (C) ) Find yourself a 4mm crochet hook. I’ll have a number in the brackets at the end of the instruction for each row, so you can keep track of the number of stitches.

2. 3.

abbreviations I)

Chain (ch)


Single Croche

Three main parts of the stockings: - Hanging loop – Row 2 - Stocking Main body of stocking – Rows 3 – 18 Foot – Rows 19 – 26 Toe – Rows 27 – 29 - Top Edging

t (sc)

Stocking We’re going to start this stocking from the top. Use Colour A and chain 32. Row 1: Sc in the 2nd ch from the hook and each ch across – turn. (31 sc)

Row 2: We shall make a hanging loop here. Ch 1, skip the first 9 sc, then sc in each of the remaining sc. (22 sc + a loop) Ch 1, then turn. Row 2

Row 3 – 7: Sc in each sc across (22 sc). Ch 1, then turn. Row 8: Sc in each sc across (22 sc). Make a slip stitch on hook with Colour B. Ch 1, tighten Colour A, cut to leave a few inches of yarn to sew in. Turn. Row 9 – 11: Sc in each sc across (22 sc). Ch 1, then turn.

Row 2

Row 8

Row 12: Sc in each sc across (22 sc). Make a slip stitch on hook with Colour A. Ch 1, tighten Colour B, cut to leave a few inches of yarn to sew in. Turn.

Row 9 Row 13 – 18: Sc in each sc across (22 sc). Ch 1, then turn.

Row 19: Sc in first 8 sc. [2 sc in next sc] for 6 times. Sc in last 8 sc. (28 sc). By working 2 sc in 1 sc, it increases the number of stitches to shape the foot. Ch 1, then turn.

Row 19

Row 20: Sc in first 8 sc. [2 sc in next sc and 1 sc in following sc] for 6 times. Sc in last 8 sc (34 sc) Ch 1, then turn. Row 21: 2 sc in first sc, sc all the way across to the second last sc. 2 sc in last sc. (36 sc). Ch 1, then turn. Row 22 – 26: Sc in each sc (36 sc). Ch 1, then turn. Row 27: Sc in first 12 sc. Sc2tog** 6 times. Sc in last 12 sc. (30 sc). Ch 1, then turn. ** sc2tog = single crochet 2 together. You can do this by starting off with how you’d do a single crochet. However, you don’t finish the stitch off by pulling yarn through two loops. Instead, you leave the 2 loops on the hook, and carry on to do a sc in the next sc. You’ll then have 3 loops on the hook. Wrap the yarn over (yo) and draw through all 3 loops at once. This is essentially how you decrease number of stitches.





Row 28: Sc2tog over first 2 sc. Sc in next 10 sc. [sc2tog] 3 times, sc in next 10 sc. Sc2tog over last 2 sc (25 sc). Ch 1, then turn. Row 29: Sc2tog over first 2 sc. Sc to last 2 sc. Sc2tog last 2 sc. Fasten off.

(front view of work)

(this is what the stocking looks like when it’s folded)

Top Edging (T.E.) Use Colour C and work on Row 2 of the stocking. Skip the 9-sc loop. Pick up first sc of Row 2 by putting hook from front to back of sc and bring it back to front, as shown in picture.

Row 1

Row 1 T.E. Row 1: Pick up Colour C, pull through to the back of first sc and sc across with the same method. (22 sc) Ch 1, turn. T.E. Row 2: Sc through back loop of each sc. (22 sc) Ch1, turn. T.E. Row 3 – 4: Sc through each sc (22 sc). Ch 1, turn T.E. Row 5: Sc in first sc. [ch4, skip 2 sc, sc next sc] repeat till the end. (7 ch-4 spaces) Ch 1, turn. T.E. Row 6: Slip stitch in first sc, [5 sc in ch-4 space, slip stitch in next sc] repeat 7 times. Fasten off.

You can find more pictures of this on the next page.



Row 2 single crochet into back loop

Row 5 the ch-4 space

work the single crochet into the ch-4 space

5 sc in 1 ch-4 space

Finishing off Again there are different ways to finish off this project. You can either sew the sides together, or you can single crochet them together. Personally, I think single crochet them together would make a neater finish.

1. Fold the stocking with the wrong side facing you. 2. Pin the sides together to hold them in place. 3. Single crochet the sides together. You can either pick up both loops or simply work on the back loops. 4. Sew the loose ends in. 5. You’ve got a stocking! This is just instructions for a very simple stocking. Feel free to add snowflakes, bows, stars or any appliqués of your liking to the stocking. As you can see, this is a very sweet little stocking. The yarn I used was Cascade 220 Superwash, and the stocking measured out to be 6” long and 3.5” at the widest part of the ‘foot’. It can be used as a tree decoration, gift stocking for children or as shown in the picture, it can make the Christmas dinner table more interesting. Please note that this pattern is like a detailed description with step-by-step illustration of a free pattern found on the Internet at

The online pattern comes with a bow, however, Penny finds that the pattern is quite cute as it is, so we left it there. Hope you and your family like it as much as we do. Have yourselves a very merry Christmas!

Cynth and Penny X

This article was written by Cynthia Wu Photography by Penny Woodworth

This Months... is Sew Scrumptious! Louises blog has captured my evening read for the last couple of months now with her mum’s 70 birthday coming up on Christmas Day. The idea is to collect presents for each year, so a total of 70. Start your journey of her present collection here

is Rosy Tint! Rachael from Sailsbury, Wiltshire creates hand knitted, hand sewn, needlecraft goodies that are available online now at Rosy Tints shop has loads of great Christmas gift ideas, like hand knitted ornimental brooches, and hand knitted ‘pop up’ santas!

chosen by Elaine from KnitWits. It’s Jon Bon Jovi! Picture from source: famecrawler/2007/11/16-22/ bon_jovi-nude-governor.jpg

as seen on Best Picks!

Personalised Rudolph Colourful Christmas Card £4.50 each from

After over two months of anticipation, stock making, and numerous table layouts, the MISI event finally came around. A few last checkups that everything was in place, a handful of extra price labels to appease the label eating pixie and too many mini chedders for one person, and we were on our way. With a fast growing queue outside, the doors opened at 10:30am to the bustling shoppers. The first 100 people through the door recieved a MISI Swag Bag, containing leaflets, freebies, and a MISI brochure! The bags didn’t last long though! By mid morning I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting some of the stall holders, including Louise from Looby Crafts, Jean from Little Scruffs, and Jean and Janice from Talking Beads, just to name a few, along with some customers who have shops on MISI, but didn’t have a stall at the event, like Lisa from Designs by Isis, and my lovely friend Cynthia from Crotchet Cynth. Isn’t it funny that they never look like how you imagine! Is that a good thing, or a bad thing!? The day carried on very busy. Hundreds of people in and out of the hall, visiting the workshops that were on offer. There was a variety to choose from, from making dichroic glass pendants to peg dolls. There seemed to be many little girls walking around the hall with their peg doll creations! By 4 o’clock it was starting to die down a bit. The rain was on and off all day, but by now the light was drawing in. By 5 o’clock, stall holders, including myself, started to pack up, from what was a fantastic first MISI Makers Event - hosted by Emma, the creater of Comments of the day from the stall holders, and customers!: -

- -


By Sprinkles Sparkles

s t i n K s ’ y g g Pe We will be starting with the basics in part 2.

The two main stitches that you would need to know are how to cast on and how to: knit and purl

Once you have mastered these two stitches there are so many more you can learn to advance your knitting. Garter Stitch

Purl Stitch

Two or more rows of knit stitches are called garter stitch - a good stitch for edges as it doesn’t curl.

The purl stitch can be as important as the knit stitch. You cannot do one without the other. You need to knit into the front of the needle rather than the back as in the knit stitches I have looked at.

Stocking Stitch This is when you knit one row and then purl the next and continue in this repeat to get a pattern called stocking stitch. Next time I will be looking at increasing, decreasing and casting off.....

By Peggy Knits

KnitWits a Christmas tree! Simple step by step instruction to knit a Christmas tree decoration for your tree. These can be knitted and decorated in any colour scheme you like. KnitWits is sticking with the traditional green tree with coloured baubles, but the possibilities are endless! You will need a basic knowledge of cast on, knit, and knitting stitches together.

A pair of 4mm knitting needles Oddments of yarn in colour of your choice Small amounts of toy stuffing if you want a 3D ornament Some small buttons/beads or sequins to decorate This tree was knitted by Sprinkles Sparkles’ mum, using Elaine’s pattern! Tree Pattern Cast on 21 stitches Row 1 - k each stitch tbl Row 2 - knit Row 3 - k2tog, k to end (20sts) Row 4 - k2tog, k to end (19sts) Row 5 -sl1, k to end

Repeat rows 3-5 until there are 3sts remaining Next row - sl1, k2tog, psso abbreviations K2tog - knit 2 stitches together tbl -knit into back of stitch sl1 - slip 1 stitch psso - pass slip stitch over

Fasten off leaving a long tail. At this stage you can decide if you would like to have just a flat decoration or a slighty padded one.

For a flat decoration, attach beads, buttons etc as desired, fix a small piece of ribbon or loop made from wool for hanging & if desired, pick up 5 stitches from cast on edge & using whatever colour you prefer, knit 5 rows to make a pot, cast off and sew in ends.

Pick up and k5sts with whatever colour you prefer for the Christmas tree trunk. Cast off and sew in the end. Attach loop for hanging.

For a padded decoration, you will need to knit 2 pieces as above, decorate with beads, buttons, etc, then stitch the two pieces together down the sides. Slightly fill with toy stuffing, then sew up the bottom end.

And now you have your very own hanging Christmas Tree Decoration! Thank you to KnitWits for sharing your pattern with us! This article was written by Elaine from Knitwits

Kelso Kreations This issue we have a guest maker, Kelly, from Kelso Kreations. Kelly produces one of a kind keepsake items from wooden boxes, door plaques, photo garlands & lots more.

Wooden heart with pre drilled hole Smaller heart template Scissors Pencil Plastic cup Paint brush Red acrylic paint Christmas patterned card/old Christmas cards Double sided sticky foam Ribbon Optional - button, thread and needle

Put the red acrylic paint in the plastic cup and add a table spoon of water just so the paint doesn't dry out too quickly! Then paint one side of the wooden heart and wait for it to dry.

Once dry turn over the heart and paint this side also making sure you cover the edges.

Whilst waiting for it to dry get the heart template and draw round it with the card of your choice and cut it out.

Get the double sided foam and cut 3 equal lengths and stick to the back of the heart you have just cut out.

Once the heart is dry peel the away the backing on the foam and place the card heart in the centre of the wooden heart.

Measure the ribbon against heart the and cut to the length you want and thread it through the wooden heart.

Knot the ends of the ribbon together and you have your finished product or find a button, and needle and thread and sew the button onto the top of the ribbon overlapping it so it sews into a loop and your christmas wooden heart decoration is finished.

By Kelso Kreations

Baggy Ts came about when I started making eco friendly bags from recycled kids clothing, jeans, skirts (and of course T-Shirts) in my spare time for my daughter to use. I found I enjoyed making them so much I found my self carrying it on and soon it became a hobby. Before I knew it I had made so many I needed to create some room in my house. With encouragement from my daughter, Amy, I started selling them at craft fairs and online. My daughter is also on Misi (artbymimi) and helps run my shop with me. A couple of months ago I started branching out with new experiments, for example my wrist warmers, new bag designs, children’s aprons (which has a wooden spoon, 3 shape cutters and recipe card included in the price). I am forever going around fairs and getting ideas from other people and seeing what is popular, for example the Tea Cosies. I love experimenting and trying new items out. I also allow commissions. The latest commission that my daughter and I worked on together is name bags. Name bags are made to the customer’s choice of colour and my daughter then personalises it by painting their chosen object, animal etc. along with the child’s name on the front. I then sew it all together and stuff the painted picture to give it a 3D effect. Ideal as a present as they are something different to the other children’s bags available, making the child feel like the coolest kid in the play ground. In September, my daughter had an idea of creating her own banner for craft fairs etc. She posted a picture of it up on Facebook for a reaction and before long orders came flooding through and we started working together creating hand made banners. It was surreal going around the Misi Event seeing quite a few of our banners on their first outing. The feedback we’ve got so far has been amazing! Within two months of making banners we have sold 9 in total! Locally and online. This week (November) my daughter started hand painting tote bags and so far she has sold 17 bags within 24 hours! She has also ordered some small tote bags which will be ideal for jewellery, party bags etc. She can’t wait to get started on them. Baggy T’s is a brand new adventure and it has been a brilliant experience so far. We really hope the sales continue, and Baggy T's is a success.

Gem ‘n’ Bead Show I left Bath Spa train station at 9:15 on the Sunday, on my journey to the Gem ‘n’ bead show at Newton Abbot racecourse. I was meeting up with Anna, The Crystal Lady, Cynthia, Crotchet Cynth, and Anna’s mum. I arrived at Exeter just before 11 am. Clambering off the train, trying not to fall down the gap between the train and the platform edge, I phoned Anna to announce my arrival! Following everyone else to the platform exit, I found my way out and pin pointed out Anna on the phone to me just outside the ticket gates. Cynthia had already arrived previous to my arrival, as I had a longer journey. Everyone was congregated in the cofffee shop in the station, finishing off their hot drinks. We made a move soon after, and Anna drove us ladies to the bead show!

Left side of the room

Right side of the room

We started off to the left. Looking and chatting away about what we liked. We circled the first room, buying a few bits of bobs, checking out the prices, making sure we weren’t getting stung! Anna found a stall in the show that she regularly buys from, and introduced herself. The owner recognised her name, and they exchanged ‘hello’s. So, to the second room! More looking, more ‘mmmm’s and ‘helllloooo’s to the beads from Cyn! I found a fabulous stall with some flowers and leaves on for some future projects. So i filled up my plastic pot, and handed it to the stall holder. I don’t think they were best pleased with me, having to count my £14’s worth of beads! We finished off our round trip of the second room. I think we were all feeling a little hungry, but we went back to the first room, and picked up some more gemstones and beads that we had previously eyed up! Who needs food when you have beads!

We were all feeling exhausted now. Well I certainly was! But before we left we posed for the camera.

We left the Gem ‘n’ Bead show, and headed off to grab some food, at non other than McDonalds... nom nom nom. After indulging in our burgers, it was time to go, and catch the train back to Bath. It was a wonderful day, and thank you to Anna for ferrying us all about!

Here are the next Gem ‘n’ Bead Shows in your area! 30th and 31st January 2010 Chepstow Racecourse Chepstow, Monmouthshire. 20th and 21st February 2010 York Racecourse York, North Yorkshire. 6th and 7th March 2010 Brighton Racecourse - Freshfield Road, Brighton. 27 and 28 March 2010 Cheltenham Racecourse Prestbury Park, Cheltenham Gloucester. 24 and 25 April 2010 Newark Showground Winthorpe, Newark, Notts. 26th and 27th June 2010 Elsecar Heritage Centre - Elsecar, South

10th and 11th July 2010 Farnham Maltings Bridge Square, Farnham, Surrey. 25th and 26th September 2010 Newark Showground Winthorpe, Newark, Notts 3rd and 24th October 2010 Cheltenham Racecourse Prestbury Park, Cheltenham Gloucester. 6th and 7th November 2010 Newton Abbot Racecourse Newton Abbot, Devon. 20th and 21st November 2010 Brighton Racecourse -

By Sprinkles Sparkles

Issue no. 1 Autumn 2009

Happy Halloween ng ~ Baking ~ Crochet ~ Knitting ~ Sewing ~ Beadi


and learn, create, discover. Whatever your craft, join us a good time. Make new friends and have

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Will be available to view from 1st February 2010

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