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Ursula Salvador

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Zoe Marmentini

Zoe Marmentini

Iwas born in Madrid, Spain and grew up in Miami, US. I studied communications and after Art History at the Sorbonne in Paris, where I developed a deeper passion for art that lead me to work and collaborate first with galleries in Paris and then elsewhere. I travelled and lived after in

London, Athens, Beirut , Marbella and many others places, that made me more inclined towards modern and contemporary art. I expanded my mind and horizons and made me the cosmopolitan woman I am today. That was my direction and my circumstances and choices in life.


My favorites times in art that influenced me the most and still do, are the School of Paris and New York School. From Pierre

Soulages in France, seeing so much beauty and light out of a stroke brush of black, that made me sense and feel the messages and strong meanings of modern and contemporary artists, from the Informalism and Lyrism with so much poetical and musical notes in their paintings to the after New York

School period of Pollock with those drippings, seeing also beauty in simple Drippings or a Rothko, so much beauty in a colorful piece, so much force and intensity in the colors and so on, until now and the multi layers of contemporary art.

Nowadays contemporary art is the one that leads in the art world far ahead of some Old Masters, something unimaginable before.

The US and the UK being always at the top of the art markets power worldwide, followed by Asia , China etc.

The world is more than ever global after internet and with the world every day smaller and more accesible to all of us. It has made art fairs also locally more easier and reachable to everyone and everywhere , and giving artist not only from big cities, but from each country, more chances and choices.


Born in Madrid, lives between Miami, Marbella and Beirut.

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