Creative Zone Magazine
Summer Issue 20211
Program Highlight ArtStart CREATIVE FEATURE
TechKeys Network Foundation
Program Highlight Third Space Network CREATIVE FEATURE
Relay Hope
Program Highlight Studio In A School Cover by: Artem Podrez Creator & Photographer
Founders’ Note Youth and Young Adult programs have been a staple in my life ever since I was a teenager. Most of my friends were involved in extra curricular activities at school and would ask me why I didn’t participate in any, my answer was always the same...I live at my church. They would laugh, but it was true. With the exception of Thursday nights, I spent my evenings at church participating in some program. Over the years there were several programs that I participated in and some I even led once I was older, but the two that stick with me most are the drama ministry and the dance ministry. Ever since I could remember I’ve been a fan of performance art and these two ministries gave me the opportunity to develop my skills in drama and dance. Through the dance ministry I learned to express my love for God with my whole body and how to bring a song to life through movement. The drama ministry helped me rediscover my love for writing and storytelling. These programs along with so many others shaped who I am today. If you’re looking for a cause to get behind, I strongly urge you to support art programs for youth and young adults, because they are needed.
Founders’ Note Creative programs have always been a part of my life. From summer camp to girls’ scouts. I have always loved the inclusion part of programs because it allowed me to be around people that had the same interest as me.
I remember going to the community center when I was younger, and arts and crafts was a major program within the center. We would make everything. There was always something new to create and I loved it. Creative programs are something that the world needs. They allow us all to learn and develop an understanding of the things we like and don’t like. Creative programs also give us all an opportunity to explore new ways to be creative in our lives. The beauty part about life is art is all around us. In museums, poetry writings, murals on the side of buildings. We are all living and breathing art. Hopefully you live in an area where there are more than a few programs to become involved in that will allow you to express your creative ideas and see them come to life.
Program Highlight
Are you interested in seeing art in a different way? ArtStart is a nonprofit arts organization that is reusing and reimagining the world by providing arts education. Their programs consist of seeing the artistic beauty of Japan by visiting virtually or creativity kits to help you bring out your inner artist. ArtStart is on a mission to provide arts education through incredible experiences. You can be a part of ArtStart by being a member, volunteer or donor.
Creative Feature
Since our last issue was published, the world has changed and one positive that has arisen is the creativity of people. Out of the ashes of a global pandemic, businesses and programs bloomed that are making an impact in the lives of those they serve. CZ Magazine had the opportunity to meet and speak with a young woman who is apart of such a program. Here is our interview with Ms. Gabrielle Harriston, Vice President of the TechKeyz Network Foundation. CZ: What is The TechKeyz Network Foundation? GH: The TechKeys Network Foundation is a youth outreach and enrichment program that aims to equip youth and young adults with essential resources, or Keyz, in regard to education, wellness, kingdom life, and fine arts.
CZ: What is the purpose of TechKeys? GH: We aim to create strong learning and enrichment programs that will further equip youth and young adults while allowing them to feel safe to be their authentic selves. We aim to serve as an impactful program that embraces, develops, and equips youth and young adults globally. CZ: Where is Techkeys Network Foundation located? GH: The TechKeyz Network Foundation was birthed out of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are licensed through Michigan, but our members are spread out across the United States and abroad. We currently operate virtually with opportunities for members to meet up in their own states and cities, but we do hope to have our own building that will serve as the main hub for The TechKeyz Network Foundation. 8
CZ: What are the core values of the foundation? GH: The core values of The TechKeyz Network Foundation: H - Honesty (Proverbs 12:22) E - Education (Proverbs 18:15) A - Accountability (Proverbs 27:17) R - Responsibility (1 Corinthians 13:11) T - Trust (Colossians 3:9-10) CZ: Can you tell us more about your Keyz? GH: Yes, there are 8 Keyz (departments) EdYOUcate, Valor (our key focused specifically on training up young men), Mind, Body & Soul Kingdom, Fine Arts, Finance, Mentorship and International EdYOUcate Key The EdYOUcate Key aims to equip youth and young adults with the tools they need for optimum success in school transitioning from elementary school through college. The EdYOUcate Key will implement its goals throughout the network with weekly tutoring sessions, college readiness panels that will help students look at and decide on higher education pathways and that will answer any financial aid questions, and other problems that students face in school today (online learning, bullying, how to reach out to teachers, etc). Valor The Valor Key is our key that is specifically designed for young men. This key serves to train up men in Biblical, societal and moral principles in order to empower and equip them to be upstanding gentlemen. While the Valor Key operates out of its own group chat, they will also hold various conversations and panel discussions on Zoom. Additionally, the Valor Key will use the 33 Series as their curriculum for success. The 33 Series is a guided program to teach authentic manhood through 4 basic principles that are patterned after the 33 years of Jesus Christ’s life: Reject Passivity, Lead courageously, Accept responsibility, and Invest Eternally
been created surrounding physical and mental health. Not only do we aim to spread awareness through this key, but we also want to ensure that all members of the network begin to practice a life of wellness. This key will work with professionals in both the physical and mental health fields, as well as advocates, to provide tools and resources on therapeutic services that are available, to provide a safe space for panel discussions, and to provide an opportunity for members to engage in various wellness events and challenges. In the future, The TechKeyz Network Foundation does hope to be able to offer in -house mental health services. Kingdom Our Kingdom Key aims to focus on empowering youth and young adults to operate in various capacities of ministry based upon Biblical principles. Through this key we will provide different presentations on kingdom living, serving in the church, and praise and worship workshops. Additionally, we will hold Monday Night Prayer calls and Friday Night Bible Studies on Zoom.
Fine Arts The Fine Arts Key aims to refine various skillsets within fine arts. Currently, the Fine Arts Key is set up to refine skillsets that members already possess. Members have access to workshops for areas such Mind, Body & Soul as artist development, songwriting, music producThe Mind, Body & Soul key is The TechKeyz Network tion, artist assistant and adjutant etiquette, and our Foundation’s wellness key that aims to spread singers and musicians: do’s and don’ts. However, as awareness and erase the negative stigmas that have 9
the growth of the network progresses, we will offer introductory courses in most areas of fine arts (vocal, instrumental, modeling, graphic design, etc). Finance The TechKeyz Network’s Finance Key is designed to educate youth and young adults in financial literacy and generational wealth. Please note that The TechKeyz Network Foundation does not offer any credit building or debt reduction services; all information provided are suggestions, tips, and tricks that key leaders and presenters have found useful for them. The TechKeyz Network Foundation aims to make gaining financial literacy fun through offering courses and by providing savings challenges for network members.
is taken care of. CZ: How did you get involved? GH: This is a very long story, but to shorten it, I was watching Angel (our Founder) live on YouNow one night and saw a young lady talking about what she was doing in her own town. Angel was excited and wanted to help her do what she was doing on a small scale, on a bigger scale. So Angel asked for people who genuinely wanted to help this young lady to DM her on Instagram. I did, and we began planning. Months later The TechKeyz Network was forming into something much larger than any of us anticipated and one day Angel asked me to be her second in command and I said yes, and now we are here.
Mentorship The Mentorship Key, which is likely our largest key, aims to provide youth and young adults with mentors and accountability partners that will help to guide them through life’s hurdles. Each mentor will have to go through a verification process where they will be interviewed and have to complete a background check before they are approved to be a mentor. Once mentors are approved, they will be matched with their mentee. As to ensure maximum growth for mentees under the age of 18, mentors and parents will be able to communicate as well. CZ: What is the age groups for TechKeys and how do they sign up? International GH: The TechKeyz Network Foundation is available Currently, the International Key will serve to educate for people ages 10 and above. There is a monthly $5 those within the United States about other membership fee, and all new members must sign countries and cultures. In the long term, The Techour policies and guidelines as well as a parental conKeyz Network Foundation aims to take what sent form (ages 10 - 17). has been accomplished in the United States and tailor the program to fit the needs of other CZ: How can people contact the foundation? countries. GH: All inquiries can be sent to Our website, CZ: What is your role with the foundation? has the form new members GH: I am the Vice President as well as the Mind, can complete to join. We’re listed as Body, and Soul Key Leader and the Mentorship Pro- The TechKeyz Network on all social media platforms. gram Director. I wear a ton of hats, but I mainly oversee the daily operations of the network. That includes keeping in close contact with our head liaisons who oversee the network’s group chats; as well as making sure everything on the administrative side 10
Program Highlight
Art happens on all types of canvases. Third Space Network is showing just how the internet is a creative canvas to be used for expression. Third Space Network is an artist driven platform exploring the internet as a theater stage of the future. Be sure to check them out to see what they have coming up next and join their newsletter. Project Art: When you talk about above and beyond Project Art should be in the conversation. Project Art not only provides after school opportunities but a residency program for artist in collaboration with public libraries across the nation. Project Art is bringing arts to the underserved to make sure that youth have the opportunity to be mentored and have adequate access to art education.
Creative Feature
and summer camps were closed or canceled. Relay was contacted to see if there was an interest in participating in helping a community in Anna, TX made up of low income and marginalized kids and families. Because our regular programs were closed, we came up with a creative way to meet the need of the community and provide summer resources. Relay delivered fun but educational kits to the families in the community and helped to organize healthy snacks and good from March 2020 to August 2020. Once the summer came to an end we knew we couldn’t just abandon the families and now we had a better idea of their needs and continued efforts that would benefit not only this community but many others. In the fall of 2020 Relay Hope was born. We decided the Anna community was ideal to run our pilot program. Out of this great opportunity The saying goes “Everything is bigger in Texas.” Well, there is a program happening in Anna, Texas we’ve built amazing friendships going above and beyond for students showing that with our families everything just might be bigger in Texas. Relay and have provided Hope is passing the baton of bigger hope on to stufood, resources, dents through an amazing program that offers educational assiswhat is needed in the community. tance and financial support to 150 CZ: What is Relay Hope? kids and 207 RH: Relay Hope is an after school program for kids adults consistently that are in need. Relay Hope’s parent organization since our first inis Relay Heroes Today Leaders Tomorrow. Relay troduction to the community. We’ve done the proHope, runs twice a week during the school year gram as a pop-up in tents outside and recently purand once a month on Saturdays. We provide help chased a mobile home that will be converted into with homework, tutoring, mentorship and a our program on wheels. This will give us the mobilihealthy snack. Once a month we bring a fun activi- ty to take the program to many other neighborty to encourage motor skills, community and hoods in need and continue the program in Anna, friendship! TX. CZ: How did Relay Hope get its start and why is this a needed program?
CZ: What has been the response since the program has started?
RH: Relay Hope started in the Fall of 2020. We run a program called Relay Summer. Normally our relay summer program goes to summer camps and local parks and provide financial literacy skills to children and families. Due to Covid-19 many of the parks
RH: The response was slow at first. We are a popup. Which means there is no fancy building. No air conditioning and no heat for when weather isn’t on your side. However, we were consistent and met the kids at the bus stop and provided a healthy snack and let them know we didn’t want anything 13
other than to serve. Slowly, the families began to realize we meant what we said and before we knew it we would average 20 to 25 kids during the week for tutoring or homework assistance ranging from 1st grade to 10th grade and 50 to 60 kids for our once a month activity.
CZ: What can the students and parents look forward to by being a part of Relay Hope? RH: They can look forward to the resources needed to help them feel confident about their student’s educational needs and all needs outside of the classroom. School supplies are always provided along with extras in case the child would need to replace items that they didn’t have access too. Our goal was to meet whatever need would present itself when it was our days to have Relay Hope open. Some days the need was just to be able to sit and talk about their day and sometimes the need was to have help with homework. They could always look forward to a healthy snack waiting for them after school and we would sometimes show up with an extra surprise like a pizza party or a pie eating contest! The monthly activities were very popular as the kids enjoyed us just having fun and being able to put the school books away!
list. We provided a registration form and asked for three wishes along with clothes and shoe sizes. We would sit in tears going through the slips and reading how all some kids just wanted was socks or a new coat. The way the Relay Board, Anna community, Relay partners and others came together to make their Christmas happen blew us away! CZ: Where do you see Relay Hope heading in the future? RH: I see us in a mobile vehicle being able
To duplicate the program in other areas in DFW communities, but I also see us having multiple vehicles and being able to have the program in other cities. I see us being able to provide a full time program as our current programming is part time. CZ: How can the readers of CZ support Relay Hope? RH: Run, walk, go quick and check out our website and donate, volunteer or spread the word! Check out all of our social platforms and follow us to keep up on what we are doing and how your support is making an impact! You can also sign up for our newsletter by emailing
CZ: What have been some of the more popular activities that have allowed you to see what works for this program? RH: For Christmas we adopted all 150 kids. Many of the families are without jobs before and during Covid-19. There is a large need for assistance in the community and many rely on programming like Relay but also state funding to be able to provide for their families. Some of the kids never experienced someone asking them what would you like for Christmas because it wasn’t a high priority on the 14
Program Highlight
Did you know visual arts can help with creativity and intellectual development? Well Studio in a school knew and that’s why they are making sure they provide the opportunity for you to experience this. They provide several programs taught by professional artists. The programs are based on age groups so there is something for everyone. Make sure you check out their programs and some of the amazing art work that has been created by students.
CZ Magazine is looking for interns. Want to gain experience with writing for a magazine? Interested in sharpening your interview skills? Do you have amazing photography skills? Then CZ Mag wants you! Send all inquiries to
A Special Thank you To All Our Contributors
The Creative Zone “To cultivate an atmosphere where creativity lives and flourishes through the artistic abilities of young people” In Loving Memory of Dwight D. Stevenson
Summer Issue 2021