Cape is just a disguise, the real Superhero lies inside!
5+ Kids
Creativity gives you Superhero powers! Wearable Superhero Mask inside
DIY Magazine
May 2018
CreativKits’ Superhero Special is hosted by
Instein, the Booklover, Gardener, Maker & Scientist
1. Light Up & Pop Up Circuit Card 04 Introduction 04/05 Things you will need 06 Instructions 07/08/09 2. DIY Hama Beads Bookmarks Introduction Things you will need Instructions Some Inspirations
10 10/11 12 13/14 15
SUPERHERO MASK INSIDE 3. Grow your own Grass Hair Introduction Things you will need Instructions
16 16/17 18 19
4. DIY Fingerprint Glass Magnets 20 Introduction 20/21 Things you will need 22 Instructions 23/24 Creative Corner - Doodle Art 25
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TED-Ed Videos Worth Watching
Ar tsy
Table of Contents
aS Light Up & Pop Up Flower Circuit Card
Eve upe ryo rhe ne ro. can Let ’s d be o it ! Grow your own Grass Hair!
Science, Combo and Plus Kits Science and Plus Kits
Hama Beads Mini-bookmarks
Fingerprint Glass Fridge Magnets
Art & Craft, Combo & Plus Kits
Art & Craft and Plus Kits
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Activity 1:
Light Up & Pop Up Circuit Card
What are Circuits? A Circuit is a complete path around which electricity can flow. It must include a source of electricity, an example is a battery. Materials that allow electric current to pass through them easily, are called conductors. They can be used to link the positive and negative ends of a battery, creating a circuit. In an open or broken circuit, there is a break along the line, and the current stops. In a closed or complete circuit, electric current can flow. When electric current flows, it can be used by electrical appliances, an example is a light bulb.
Scan and Learn Did you know that all gadgets are made by combining many such circuits?
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
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Introduction • Knowledge Nugget •
Types of Circuits... Wire Positive terminal (+)
Negative terminal (-)
Light Bulb Light Bulb
Diagram of Series Circuit
Series Circuit
Connecting Wire Light Bulb
Parallel Circuit
Diagram of Parallel Circuit
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Activity 1:
Light Up & Pop Up Circuit Card
Things you will need •
What do you need for Light-up Pop-up Circuit Card? Flower Circuit Design Template (Download using the Bar-code on Page 7)
Coin Battery
Card Stock LEDs
Glue Stick Scissors (Not included)
Copper Tape
Note: Brand, Colour, Packaging and Quantity may differ based on activity requirements and availability.
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Instructions (1/3) •
nce you have gathered all material, follow these steps. Make sure your mum or dad is watching over while you do this so that you can reach out to them when you needed. Scan the bar-code to download the template.
Scan and Watch
Step 1: Get Ready Gather all the material required and use a flat surface like a table or a bench to do the activity. Note: Keep the coin cells away from younger siblings and do not put it in your mouth or swallow. It is dangerous!
Step 2: Prepare the Cut-outs Use a pair of scissors to cut out the Stem, Flowers and the Pot out of the template provided in the kit.
Step 3: Make the Flowers 1. Fold a flower in half, leaving one petal uncovered. 2. Continue to fold on the flower along the petal lines so it looks like you only have one petal. 3. Using the Glue Stick, stick one edge petal to the other petal to close the flower. 4. Repeat with other flowers. You need to make 3 flowers. Mark them with #1, #2 and #3 randomly.
Step 4: Connect the Flowers 1. Fold each of the flowers in half. Using the glue, stick the right-most petal of flower #2 to the left-most petal of flower #1. 2. Stick the right-most petal of flower #3 to the left-most petal of flower #2.
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Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Activity 1:
Light Up & Pop Up Circuit Card
Instructions (2/3) •
3. Open flowers. They should look like the attached images. If not, check that you’ve taped in the right spots. 4. Insert one LED into the centre hole of the right-hand flower.
Step 5: Set up the Card Take a piece of white card stock and fold in half just like a regular greeting card, if it’s not already folded. Fold the cut out piece of the pot in half in a way that the flaps are going to the back of the pot. Line up the centre fold of the pot with the centre fold of the card. Glue the left flap of the pot to the card. Place the flower trio at the top of the card and align it to the centre fold of the card. The flower should get folded inside when you close the card like a pop up. See the picture on left.
Step 6: Build the Circuit 1. Bend the LED leads on the underside of the flower so that they can lay flat against the paper. 2. Using copper tape, attach the right hand side LED lead to the card and extend it down to the lower half of the pot. 3. Tape the left hand side LED lead with copper tape (so that it secures the lead to the paper) and extend it down to the left side of the back of the pot. 4. Make a small turn with the copper tape (making sure the copper tape stays continuous), and stick the coin cell battery to the copper tape attaching it to the back of the pot as shown in the image. 5. Close the pot onto the right side of the card and test the circuit by pressing on the coin cell battery. The LED should glow when you press on the battery.
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Instructions (3/3) • Information Video • Step 7: Finish the Card 1. Once you have tested the circuit works, cover the copper tape with the green stem pieces using glue. Make sure that the green stem pieces only go far enough into the pot so that the copper tape is not visible. Do this carefully as it should not block the circuit connection. 2. Glue the right flap of the pot to the card. 3. Glue the two petals of the flower, one on the right and one on the left to the card.
Step 8: And it’s Ready! Complete with writing your chosen wishes and give it to your favourite person or use to decorate your own room!
Don’t like Flower Circuit Card? Try Cupcake or a Robot Card!
Scan and Watch
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Watch the instruction video to learn how to create any LED card: 9 of 28
Activity 2:
DIY Hama Beads Mini-Bookmarks
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Introduction • Fun Facts •
Rightly said, things that can’t be created with Lego Bricks can be created with Hama Beads!
So, where does “Hama” come from? Hama beads are manufactured by a Denmark company called Malte Haaning Plastic A/S. It was founded by Malte Haaning in 1961. The company started off by making plastic drinking straws, then developed its production to include items such as cocktail sticks, skipping ropes, fly swatters, bird feeders and a lot of other fun things. When there turned out to be a greater demand for beads and manufacturers at that time were unable to cope up with this demand, Malte Haaning decided to give this a go. In 1984, the HAMA name was registered as a trademark. It derives from the name of the founder of the company: HA = the first two letters of his surname, and MA = the first two letters of his first name.
Hama Universe App allows you to create your creations anywhere and everywhere. Download the FREE App today! Did you know that Hama beads comes in three sizes? Maxi, Midi and Mini
App Store
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Google Play
Activity 2:
Hama Beads Mini-Bookmarks
Things you will need •
What do you need to make these Mini-Bookmarks? Peg Board
Design Reference (Page 15)
Hama Beads
Metal Paper Clips
Iron Box (Not Included)
Baking Paper (Not included)
Kitchen towel (not included)
Note: Brand, Colour, Packaging and Quantity may differ based on activity requirements and availability.
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Instructions (1/2) • Information Video •
Scan and Watch
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Watch the instruction video to make Hama Beads Mini-Bookmarks:
nce you have gathered all material, follow these steps. Make sure your mum or dad is watching over while you do this so that you can reach out to them when you needed. OPERATE IRON BOX UNDER ADULT’S GUIDANCE! Step 1: Get Ready Gather all material required and use a flat surface like a table or a bench to do the activity. Keep some tissues or cleaning cloth ready for use in case of spillage. Step 2: Make an Awesome Design Create a design out of Hama beads using the peg board. You can refer to one of the designs from the Design Reference provided or use your own imagination.
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Activity 2:
Hama Beads Mini-Bookmarks
Instructions (2/2) •
Step 3: Using the Iron Box Ask for an adult’s help to melt one side of the design with the iron box. Place an ironing paper on top of your design and press it hard with hot iron to fuse the beads together. Refer to the attached image. Step 4: Placing the Paper Clip When one side is fused, remove it from the board. Flip it over and place a metal paper clip near the bottom of the design. Be sure to have the opening end of the clip opposite the hama beads so that the clip can open once everything is fused together. Step 5: Fusing the Paper Clip Place the baking paper over the beads and paper clip and press down a hot iron until the clip is fused to the beads. Let it cool for sometime. Note: If you want to use large paper clips you will need to use super glue to attach them to the beads.
Step 6: And it’s Ready! Ta Da ! Your very own bookmark is ready. How about creating few for the whole family.
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Some Inspirations •
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Activity 3:
Grow your own Grass Hair
Varieties of lawn grass in Australia
Kikuyu Grass
Buffalo Grass
Taking its name from the most populous ethnic group in Kenya (this grass’s native country), Kikuyu grass is generally regarded as one of the more “vigorous” (read: durable) grasses, and also the most economical lawn. It loves a warmer climate, and thrives in full sun which makes it perfect for Australian homes. Infamous for being incredibly irritating and scratchy, Buffalo grass has, over the last few years, come into its own as a popular choice for lawns with the advent of “Soft Leaf Buffalo” grass types. These grasses, such as Sir Walter and Matilda Buffalo, can make for incredibly lush and soft lawns if maintained correctly.
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Introduction • Fun Facts •
Couch Grass
Zoysia Grass
A consistently popular grass with a number of popular sub-types (Queensland Blue, Santa Ana etc.), Couch grass is an easy-going and cheaper grass which can make for a great-looking lawn when treated correctly. It holds up against wear and tear, and is capable of repairing itself rather quickly due to its vigorous underground runners. A less popular grass in Australia historically speaking, Zoysia grass is starting to gain recognition as a viable and even attractive option for Australian lawns. It’s known for being incredibly soft, with no chance of irritating or scratching the skin. It also grows incredibly slowly, making it attractive for those who aren’t a huge fan of mowing.
Scan and Grow
Did you know that there are around 12,000 species of grass across the world?
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
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Activity 3:
Grow your own Grass Hair
Things you will need •
Contents of the Grass Hair Growing Kit are:
Ceramic Pot
Grass Seeds
Soil Pellet Gloves (Not Included)
Bowl (Not included)
Kitchen towel (not included)
Note: Design and Packaging may differ based on activity requirements and availability.
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Instructions •
nce you have gathered all material, follow these steps. Make sure your mum or dad is watching over while you do this so that you can reach out to them when you needed. Step 1: Put the soil pellet in a bowl and add lukewarm water, about 3 times the volume of the pellet. After approximately 10 minutes you will have enough soil to fill your pot. Leave a small amount of soil in the bowl to use later. Step 2: Open the sachet of seeds and sprinkle evenly over the soil. Use the soil left in the bowl to lightly cover the seeds. Water and then keep soil evenly moist. Step 3: Place your pot in a warm sunny position, a windowsill is ideal. Within 7 days seeds will sprout. After a few more days your pets hair will grow tall. When it reaches about to 5 to 7cm high it is ready to be cut and styled.
Result After 1 Week
Scan & Watch
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Alternatively, watch this instruction video to follow the steps: 19 of 28
Activity 4:
DIY Fingerprint Glass Magnets
Do you know about “The Magnet Lady”? Louise J. Greenfarb, also known as The Magnet Lady, from Henderson (suburb of Las Vegas, USA), has 35,000 non-duplicated fridge magnets that she has been collecting since the 1970’s, setting the new world record for the Largest collection of refrigerator magnets, according to the World Record.
How many fridges would it take to hold 35,000 Fridge Magnets? Assume 50 on one fridge!
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Introduction • Fun Facts •
The Magnet Lady has to spend $420,000 to buy that many fridges. Now, tell me how much one fridge costs?
Scan and Learn
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
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Activity 4:
DIY Fingerprint Glass Magnets
Things you will need •
What do you need for Fingerprint Glass Magnets? Coloured Papers
Magnets Clear Glass Gems
Glue Scissors (Not included)
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Kitchen towel (not included)
Instructions (1/2) •
Scan and Watch
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Watch the instruction video to make Fingerprint Glass Magnets:
nce you have gathered all material, follow these steps. Make sure your mum or dad is watching over while you do this so that you can reach out to them when you needed.
Step 1: Get Ready Gather all the material required and use a flat surface like a table or a bench to do the activity. Keep some tissues or kitchen towel ready for use in case of spillage. Step 2: Make a Thumbprint Art 1. Press your thumb into an ink pad 2. Gently press thumb (with the ink on) diagonally onto the white or coloured paper just like making a V shape. When using a coloured paper, use a contrast colour. 3. Press your thumb into ink pad again to reapply ink 4. Tilt thumb slightly and press down again next to the initial thumbprint just like completing the shape V 5. Allow fingerprint ink to dry before moving further.
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Activity 4:
DIY Fingerprint Glass Magnets
Instructions (2/2) •
Note: You can make any doodle designs. Refer to the video. Step 3: Stick the Gem to your Artwork Apply clear glue on the flat side of the glass gem and place it over the thumbprint heart so the heart is visible from the top of the gem. Let it dry overnight. Step 4: Trim the Paper Edges Use a pair of scissors to cut and trim excess paper around the glass gem. If you have some tiny edges left over and is hard to trim, glue it to the glass gem. Step 4: Stick the Magnets Take the sticker off the magnets and stick them at the back side of the glass gem. When done, the magnet will not be seen when you see your art work. Step 5: And, it’s Ready! Gift these magnets to your near and dear ones or use them to decorate your own fridge! Tip: You can also use your own photo prints instead of thumb prints to personalise your magnets!
Each one of you has something no one else has, or has ever had: your fingerprints, your brain, your heart. Be an individual. Be unique. Stand out. Make noise. Make someone notice. That’s the power of individuals.
- Jon Bon Jovi
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Fingerprint Doodle Art
Creative Corner •
Can you name all the animals?
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TED-Ed Videos Worth Watching...
Where does gold come from??
Scan and Ring
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Where does gold come from? - David Lunney
Could you actually live on Mars??
Scan and R
Scan and Ring
Learn how to scan the code on Page 27
Could we actually live on Mars? - Mari Foroutan 26 of 28
Get rewarded for your Creativity, here’s how? CreativKits is rewarding $5 for each Creative activity completed using CreativKits subscription kit. So, don’t waste time and follow the steps below to start earning! 1. Order a Subscription Kit from CreativKits. If you have one, go to step 2 2. Complete one or more activities from any of the Current or Past kits 3. Ask your mum or dad to post a photo of completed activities on their favourite social media. Post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter platforms with @CreativKits and #CreativKits. If they don’t use any of these social media then ask them to send us the photos on 4. We will pay $5 for every completed activity to your parents account 5. Use this money to reinvest in Creativity or get your parents to buy something you want or watch one of your favourite movies. For any questions, please send an email to Check out the Public Offer on the following page:
Scan to Register
Just use your smart phone camera!
Scanning QR code from a Smart Phone or Tablet:
Step 1: Open up the camera app on your Smartphone and hold it up to the QR code (like the one on the left) Step 2: Your device will automatically recognize the QR code and provide you with an on-screen notification. Step 3: Tap the notification to be taken to the destination of the QR code.
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Instein, your Superhero!
“Life doesn’t give us purpose. We give life a purpose.” - The Flash (Superhero)
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