project overview
site analysis - orchard road
design process
technical drawings
ďŹ nal design
p roject overview Aez ur ai san ar t i s an’ scol l ect i v e des i gned t o cr eat e dr opsofi nt i macywi t hi n a commer ci als pace, changi ngt hedy nami coft hedens eur banf abr i cofOr char dRoad.Pockets pacesar ei nt r oducedt ogi v e excl us i v i t yt ot hear t i s ans ’s paces .Eachpocketi sani nt egr at i onofpr ogr ammess uchasr et ai l ,wor ks hop andl ands cape,cr eat i ngacommuni t ywi t hi nal ar gerembodi ment .Thebui l di ngpr es ent si t s el fwi t ha s of t ,del i cat el ook,asi t st r ans l ucentext er i ordi f f us esl i ghti nt ot hei nt er i ors paces .Theat r i um,wher e t he exhi bi t i on gal l er yi sl ocat ed,t i est he s pacest oget her .Us er swi l ldi s cov ercommuni t i esast hey j our neywi t hi nt hebui l di ng,exper i enci ngt hepockets pacesasawhol eor gani s m.
site analysis - orchard road
a retail icon
Or char dRoadi sani coni cs hoppi ngdi s t r i cti nSi ngapor e.I t s2. 2km l ong boul ev ar d i s a maj or t our i s t at t r act i on. Bef or e i t s commer ci al dev el opmenti nt he1970s ,Or char dRoadwasar es i dent i aldi s t r i ctwi t ha gr eatnumberofpr i v at ehous esandbungal ows .Or char dRoadwasfir s t es t abl i s hed i nt he 1830s .I twast he s cene ofgambi erand pepper pl ant at i ons ,nut meg and f r ui tor char ds .Gr av ey ar dsappear ed i nt he 1840s ,bef or epr i v at ehous eswer edev el opedi nt he1860s .Thefir s tmal l , T angs ,wases t abl i s hed i nt he 1950s .T oday ,many oft he t r adi t i onal s hophous eshav ebeenpr es er v ed,s omedev el opedi nt or es t aur ant sand bar s ,cr eat i ngadi f f er entr et ai lexper i enceatt hebackofOr char dRoad. Or char dRoadhasbecomeamoder nt our i s tat t r act i on,wi t hev ent ss uch ast heGr eatSi ngapor eSal ei nJune,aswel lasPedes t r i anni ghtatev er y fir s tSat ur dayofeachmont ht oat t r actv i s i t or s .
Asonemov est hr ought hes hophous esatEmer al dHi l l ,i t ss mal l ers cal ebui l di ngs and al l ey s ,cr eat esawar m and i nt i mat e at mos pher e.Di ni ng pl acesgr adual l y t r ans i ti nt oaqui etr es i dent i alar ea;ar emi ni s cenceoft hepas t .
ďŹ g ure g round - p ub lic / p rivate
nolli’s p lan
Li nearcommer ci aldev el opment Res i dent i aldi s t r i ctatt hebackofOr char dRoad
evolution - orchard road
departm ent store
l i near m al l
street-i ntegrated m al l
user exp erience
user exp erience
facad e articulation
sun p ath
w ind analysis
shad ow
d esig n p rocess
m ental m ap
d esig n p rocess
connecti ng spaces,publ i c & pri vate
d esig n p rocess
breaki ng l i neari ty,creati ng i nternalci rcul ati on com partm ental i si ng spaces
d esig n p rocess
pocket spaces
d esig n p rocess
creati ng drops of i nti m acy
d esig n p rocess
connecti ng spaces,i nterm edi ate l evel s
d esig n p rocess
creati ng warm ,i nti m ate atm osphere di ffusi ng l i ght i nto i nteri or spaces
technical d raw ing s
l ocati on, si te pl an
technical d raw ing s - b p
1st storey pl an
technical d raw ing s - b p
secti on, el evati on
technical d raw ing s - b p
1st storey toi l et part pl an
technical d raw ing s - b p
d etails
secti on
d etails detai l1
detai l2
detai l3
m etalroof, skyl i ght
d etail 1
curtai n wal lsystem
d etail 2
gl ass bal ustrade, rai sed oor system
d etail 3
ďŹ nal d esig n
sectional m od el
ep ilog ue