Catalogue Leborgne 2014 - English version

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Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Catalogue 2014 Professional distribution


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Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Summary

Professional distribution


p. 03

Introduction History Sustainable development Innovation Recognized design Health in building and construction Acting to prevent work strain Backed by experts Leborgne® recognition

p. 03 p. 03 p. 04 p. 05 p. 05 p. 06 p. 06 p. 07 p. 07

Nanovib® Range

p. 08

Bricklaying and Construction Tools

p. 12

Claw Hammers Club Hammers Sledge Hammers Hatchet

p. 13 p. 14 p. 14 p. 15

Forged/Heavy Work Tools

p. 16

Spikes, Chisels Miner's Bar Heel Bars, Bolt Cutters Nippers, Hammer Scraper, Prop Key Miscellaneous Tools

p. 17 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 20

Groundwork/Roadwork tools

p. 21

Shovels, Picks Rakes, Spreaders Concrete Scraper, Tamper

p. 22 p. 23 p. 24

Tools for Wood Frame Houses

p. 25

Wood Frame House Builder Range Hammers

p. 26 p. 28


p. 29

Hammer Holder Belt

p. 30 p. 30


p. 31


p. 34

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We have been designing and manufacturing hand tools for professionals in France since 1829.



The excellence of Leborgne® tools is expressed through their innovative design and durability. More than ever Leborgne® now focusses on protecting the health of craftsmen and contractors by acting to reduce work strain. Leborgne® joined the Fiskars Group in 2007. Since its creation in a small Finnish village called Fiskars in 1649, the company has become an international group, present in more than 60 countries on four continents. Leborgne® has its roots and heart firmly planted in Savoie, where the Arvillard and La Rochette plants achieved ISO14001 environmental certification in 2012.

Leborgne® - number one in France in spontaneous brand recognition of hammers and other hand tools. ”





1173 Foundation in Savoie of the Monastery of St Hugon where the Carthusian monks forged the swords and axes used by knights during the Crusades 1 . 1829 The Leborgne family acquires the blast furnace at St Hugon 2 . 1863 Leborgne® manufactures several thousand shovels used to excavate the Suez Canal 3 . 1878 Leborgne® tools are highly prized throughout Europe, and at the Universal Exhibitions in Paris of 1855 and 1878 4 . 1880 The Lumière brothers produce the first photographic catalogue for Leborgne® tools 5 . 2007 Leborgne® joins the Fiskars Group.

Leborgne®, the trademark of the Fiskars Group for Construction professionals, is number one in France in spontaneous brand recognition of hammers and other hand tools (according to an IPSOS survey produced in 2010 for Fiskars®). Leborgne® tools will progressively become available on all European markets.

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Sustainable Development

"Sustainable development is development that meets current needs without affecting the ability of future generations to meet theirs." (United Nations Commission for the Environment and Development, "Our Common Future" report 1987)

Leborgne® sustainable development process is part of a long-term view and involves a highly operational approach. Supported by the Okoumé Conseil consultancy since 2010, we set up a sustainable development and social responsibility committee to reduce our social and environmental impact. This year Leborgne® made eight commitments under three heads. 1 Reducing the impact of our organization and products on the environment: • reduce our overall energy demand (distribution, purchasing, production), • valorize and recycle our waste, • eco-design our innovative tools. 2 Promoting social responsibility in our value chain: • encourage our suppliers to control their environmental and social impacts, • act according to values and a vision shared by all employees, • fight against occupational health problems and accidents.

Strengthening our relationships with our stakeholders: • develop in harmony with our plant locations, • anticipate and take into account the expectations of our institutional partners. 3

The significant first results of our process and commitments are: • the marketing of a new range of Nanovib® tools to improve working conditions, • the use of first choice recycled steel and wood from FSC or PEFC certified forests, • the ISO14001 certification of our Savoie plants, • movement and posture training and work station adaptation, • the setting up of an Older People and Male/Female Equal Opportunities action plan, • our participation in common projects with our stakeholders ("La Route du Fer"), • the signing of an ethical charter by our employees and suppliers.

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The Leborgne® production plants (forging, assembly, logistics platform) in Savoie now cover an area of 13,000 m². In 2012 they obtained ISO14001 environmental certification. This international standard is an important management tool for performance improvement. Leborgne® has its industrial processes under perfect control. Each new tool results from direct collaboration between the Leborgne® Design Office and construction industry professionals: craftsmen, contractors and safety managers.

Recognized design Leborgne® tools are set apart by their unique design.

An identifying colour, yellow, a series of broken lines for rigour and strength, curves for comfort and safety: unquestionably, it's a Leborgne® tool. This design is repeated in the typography of the new logo.

Innovation is central to our work and global economic development, which is why Leborgne® carefully protects its inventions. Among our tools currently on the market, 20 are patented, proof that they provide "a new technical solution to a given technical problem" (according to the official INPI [French national institute for industrial property] definition).

Leborgne® tools were present at the French Design Exhibition (Stockholm), at the Saint-Etienne Design Biennale in France. In 2009, the Architect's Plumb Line won the Batimat international tradeshow Design Gold Trophy. In 2010, Leborgne® gained the Design Observer Label for the Magnetic Plumb Line, the Architect's Plumb Line was selected for the Fonds National d’Art Contemporain (French national contemporary art collection). At the Préventica trade fair, a jury of experts, made of representatives of professional bodies, leading companies and journalists, awarded the Innovation Prize 2013 (Construction category) to the new Leborgne® Nanovib® Bolt-Cutters.

The design of Nanovib® hammers won the Red Dot Design Award 2013 ”

winner Communicate Innovations

Analyse Uses

Test Tools


Define Needs

Manufacture Prototypes

Create Concepts

In 2012 Leborgne® received the Design Management Europe Award (DMEA); our design management system puts the end user at the centre of the product design and innovation process.

These awards, together with the building trade professionals' fondness for the tools, confirm Leborgne® in its process of product development and its search for innovation.

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Health in the construction industry

According to the INRS (French occupational risk prevention research institute), occupational health problems in the construction industry increased six fold over the last twenty years.

Acting to prevent work strain

It seemed stabilized in 2006, but the large increase of 2007 continued in 2010. This is due to greater allowance for and better recognition of occupational health problems, especially MusculoSkeletal Disorders and periarticular complaints (shoulder, elbow and wrist) which progressed by 79% over five years. MusculoSkeletal Disorders are now the leading cause of occupational health problems and affect nine out of ten sick leave in the construction industry.

Work strain is: "the employee's exposure, throughout their professional career, to one or several risk factors liable to leave lasting traces, that are identifiable and irreversible for health". (Law of 9 November 2010 on pension reform and according to Article L. 4121-3-1 of the Labour Code)

Since the law on pension reform, the requirement to prevent work strain is one of the general principles of occupational risk prevention. These are the relevant European Directives: • 89/391/EEC, measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of workers, • 90/269/EEC (and Decree No. 92-958), requirements for the manual handling of loads, • 2002/44/EEC (and Decree No. 2005-746), requirements regarding the exposure of workers to vibration. The issues are referred to by the OPPBTP (French professional safety organization for the construction industry) in its "Work Strain" guide: • the social and ethical requirement to preserve the health of people at work, • high direct and indirect health costs (MusculoSkeletal Disorders are the leading cause of absenteeism at work), • the attractiveness of construction industry trades and companies.

For the better prevention of the risk factors, the single risk assessment document enables a diagnosis to be produced and an action plan to be defined for: • carrying out preventive actions and training, • investing in new adapted equipment. 1






Leborgne® has designed and manufactured the innovative tools of the Nanovib® range to offer solutions that contribute to reducing the following risk factors (fixed by Decree D. 4121-5 of the Labour Code): 1 mechanical vibration, 2 repetitive work characterized by repetition of the same gesture 3 manual load handling, 4 accidents, 5 noise, 6 postures. 6 I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I Corporate

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Backed by experts

We have sought the advice of safety experts: professional safety bodies, health research and innovation institutes, safety managers of leading Construction companies and contractors as well. This has resulted in the launch of the new range of Nanovib® tools. On 24 April 2012, Leborgne® signed a partnership agreement with the CAPEB and the IRIS-ST (French institute of research and innovation for health and safety at work) to test and offer companies innovative tools in terms of risk prevention. This three-way agreement also ensures the impartiality and objectivity of the results. Leborgne® is also in partnership with the FFB (French building industry federation) and regularly exhibits at its trade fairs.

Leborgne® recognition Over ten million estimated contacts in one year across the printed press and the internet, thanks to a press campaign and active public relations. Media coverage review 2012 Total coverage achieved at 14/02/2013 138 Press Number of Press articles 67 Number of products valorized 79 Press distribution 3 ,018, 673 Number of estimated contacts 9 ,056, 019 Website/Blogs Number of Web articles 71 Number of products valorized 97 Monthly visits communicated * 973 ,549

* Many websites/blogs do not give visit numbers.

Total 10, 029, 568

Number of website estimated contacts/monthly visits.

A dedicated team in Savoie in France and in Billnäs in Finland specifies high technical requirements and then inspects the chemical, mechanical and vibration characteristics of our tools. Eti270

While there is no standardized test for measuring hammer vibration, unlike portable electric tools, and only one Decree No. 2005-746 of 4 July 2005, Leborgne® has developed a specific test and takes vibration measurements according to ISO5349-1. We are now working with the AFNOR (French standards body) and our colleagues in a standardization project for this test.

Testez-moi !* Soyez convaincu ou faites-vous rembourser ! *Achetez un outil de la gamme Nanovib®, testez-le sur votre chantier et si vous n’êtes pas convaincu, nous vous le remboursons !

Offre réservée pour l’achat des références Nanovib® suivantes 123309, 100210, 100220, 100230, 127309, 051249, 127409, 166033, 146510, 146500, 141200, 133700, 494110, 144200, 158229, 603229, 603239, entre le 15/11/2013 et le 15/03/2014. La demande implique le renvoi de l’outil avant le 15/04/2014. Offre limitée à 1 remboursement par entreprise. Voir modalités complètes sur


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We also maintain an active presence in the relevant bodies and attend many discussion meetings to remain close to industry expectations: Cetim, SIO, UNM, Afnor, CCI, Unibal, FEDIYMA, CNDB (relevant French and European bodies).

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Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Nanovib®

Tamper 166033 SR033N

Pick Axe 051249 PK249N

Club Hammer 123309 CH120N LAURÉAT 2013 FABRICANT

Sledge Hammer 4000 gr/9 lb 127409 SH300N


Sledge Hammer 3000 gr/6.6 lb 127309 SH300N


Framing Hammer 100230 HA230N

Claw Hammer 100210 HA210N

Carpenter's Hammer 100220 HA220N

The tools in this range are designed and manufactured to offer solutions that efficiently contribute to reducing risk factors.

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Vibration Strenght Load Security Noise

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Prop Key 144200 BA420N

Hammer Holder 494110 BP110N

Insulated Bar 133700 BA150N

Hammer Scraper 141200 BA120N

Heel bar with straight edge 146510 BA651N

Heel bar 146500 BA650N

Nippers/shears 158229 PI220N

Bolt Cutter 603239 BC900N

Bolt Cutter 603229 BC750N

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Nanovib®

The tools in this range are designed and manufactured to offer solutions that efficiently contribute to reducing risk factors.

HA210N Claw Hammer

" Mechanical vibration is one of the risks liable to constitute work strain factors ". (Article R.444-1 of the Labour Code)

- 50 %

Vibration Vibrations Vibrationen

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Vibration that, when transmitted to the human hand-arm system, entails risks to the health and safety of workers, in particular vascular, bone or joint, neurological or muscular disorders. Leborgne® in France has designed and manufactured the new Nanovib® hammer to offer a solution that contributes to reducing this occupational risk factor. While there is no standardized test for measuring hammer vibration, unlike for portable electric tools, Leborgne® has developed, with the expertise of independent specialists, a specific test and takes vibration measurements according to ISO 5349-1.



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Comparative tests demonstrate that the Leborgne® Nanovib® hammer absorbs 50 % more vibration compared with the best hammers in its class. ”



40 mn

Use time/day (8h) Min. for TLV < 2.5m/s² Rival products Leborgne® Hammer

According to Decree No. 2005-746 of 4 July 2005, when a tool exceeds a threshold limit value (ELV) to vibration of 2.5m/s², the employer must set up protection measures for the worker: either to reduce the daily use time of a product, or to make available personal protective equipment for reduction vibration. The Leborgne® Nanovib® hammer has a threshold limit value (ELV) to vibration less than 2.5 m/s², which means a contractor can use the Nanovib® hammer for a whole workday (2400 strikes/day). Comparative tests demonstrate that the Leborgne® Nanovib® hammer absorbs 50 % more vibration compared with the best hammers in its class. Leborgne® is now working with the AFNOR (French standards body) on a standardization project for this test. In terms of prevention, with the new Leborgne® Nanovib® claw hammer by acting on vibration intensity you reduce it at source.

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Bolt Cutter

- 30 %

Strain Effort Bemühung


Démultiplication Getribe

" Repetitive work characterized by repetition of the same movement is one of the risks liable to constitute work strain factors ". (Article D. 4121-5 of the Labour Code)

Currently among construction industry activities there are situations where the repetition of the same movement at a rapid rate is required to accomplish a task. These repetitions have delayed effects on the human body which come under the category of MusculoSkeletal Disorders (MSD). Leborgne® in France has designed and manufactured the new Nanovib® bolt cutters to offer a solution that contributes to reducing this occupational risk factor.

Leborgne® Nanovib® bolt cutters reduce muscular effort by 30-60% compared with bolt cutters in its class thanks to the patented compounding gear system. The reduction range is distributed in order to maximize cut efficiency from the start, when most force is required, unlike the "hinge" reduction of standard bolt cutters which is efficient only at the cut end after the bar has already yielded.






Leborgne® Nanovib® bolt cutters reduce muscular effort by 30-60% compared with bolt cutters in its class thanks to the patented compounded gear system. ”



700 800 N

Ø 10 mm Peak load (N) Rival products Leborgne® Bolt Cutters

The expertise of our plant in France allows us to forge the pieces with great accuracy, in respect of the rack compounding curves and resistant enough to bear the cutting forces. The blades are made of forged and tempered (56/62 HRC) chrome vanadium steel. In terms of prevention, with the new Leborgne® Nanovib® bolt cutters you are acting to reduce the number of repeated movements and to improve the gesture. Corporate I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 11

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Bricklaying and Construction Tools

Thanks to its expertise and innovations, Leborgne® has always been a leading company for professional Builders’ hammers (source GFK). Our hammers, made of forged and tempered carbon steel, have been developed together with the Safety Managers of major Construction companies to prevent occupational hazards and reduce the risks of worksite accidents. As a specialist in composite handles, Leborgne combines strength and MSD prevention (MusculoSkeletal Disorders) with its Nanovib® handle: increased safety, less vibration.

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Framing Hammers

Bricklaying and Construction Tools

Claw Hammers Nanovib® Claw Hammer • Increased safety = less vibration 50% less vibration thanks to the patented Nanovib® system • Safety = Nanovib® shaft, vibration absorbed and MSD reduced • Strength = tempered steel shaft with high resistance to miss-hits • Ergonomic = three-material shaft • Design - Batimat Design Gold Award 2011 - Star of the Observeur du Design 2012 - Red Dot Award 2013

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Total weight

Total height mm




100210 HA210N



Lateral strike






Novamax® Batipro® Claw Hammer • • • •

Steel miss-hit guard = protects the shaft Wider handle cross-section for better grip Shaped shaft end = reduces the risk of losing the hammer Magnetic nail-holder for single-handed use without holding the nail Total height

Head weight gr/oz




100016 HA016B


3157331000166* Miss-hit guard

Rounded claws

Rounded edges


Lateral strike

Batipro® SP4 Claw Hammer Spain • For all bricklaying, framing and shuttering work • Lateral strike faces for work in confined spaces • Rounded strike faces and claw edges • Magnetic nail-holder for single-handed use without holding the nail Total height

Head weight gr/oz




100006 HA006B


3157331000067* Rounded claws

Rounded edges


Side strike

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Club Hammers

Bricklaying and Construction Tools

Club Hammers Nanovib® Club Hammer • Improved safety = less vibration The Nanovib® shaft absorbs vibration and reduces MSD • Nanovib shaft: - safety = Nanovib® shaft, vibration absorbed and fewer MSD, - ergonomic = widened shaft, comfortable grip • Head = three faces for three functions: - striking = one domed face for lessening the risk of chipping, - scraping = two tempered sharp edges for scraping, - shaping = true sharp edges for breaking stone and block

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Total height

Head weight gr/lb




123309 CH120N





Ergonomic handle


Batipro® Club Hammer • -

Three faces for three functions: striking = one domed face for lessening the risk of chipping, scraping = two tempered sharp edges for scraping, shaping = true sharp edges for breaking stone and block Hauteur totale

Poids tête gr/lb




123318 CH100B



123308 CH120B


3157331233083* Breaking



Sledge Hammers Nanovib® Sledge Hammer • Improved safety = less vibration The Nanovib® shaft absorbs vibration and reduces MSD • Safety = Nanovib® shaft, vibration absorbed and fewer MSD • Ergonomics = widened shaft, comfortable grip ELV Test

Miss-hit guard

Hauteur totale

Poids tête gr/lb




127309 SH300N



127409 SH400N


2002/44/CE m/s²

Rounded edges

Ergonomic handle


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Sledge Hammers

Bricklaying and Construction Tools

Batipro® Sledge Hammer • Miss-hit guard = protects the shaft and reduces vibration • Rounded striking surface edges = delays burring and lessens the risk of chipping • Lateral faces ideal for driving wood posts without deterioration Hauteur totale

Poids tête gr/lb




127304 SH300B



125464 SH400B



127504 SH500B


Miss-hit guard


Rounded edges

Hatchet Batipro® Hatchet • • • • • •

Multiple-use for carpenters, bricklayers, plasterers, etc. Nail puller Magnetic nail-holder Sharpened edge ready to use Adjustable edge protector = safe tool storage Steel miss-hit guard Total height mm



Miss-hit guard

Edge protector


Cutting edge width




104104 AX104B

Head weight



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Forged/Heavy Work Tools

Always in the service of professionals, Leborgne速 guarantees the quality of its steels which meet European standards EN 10083 and EN 2001. The Batipro速 range, exclusive to Leborgne速, satisfies rigorous technical specifications to offer you the best tool on the market. By offering lighter tools or tools requiring less user effort, while maintaining high strength, Leborgne contributes to the reduction of worksite strain. In this way Nanovib速 tools contribute to making load handling easier, to reducing awkward postures and to reducing sound nuisance.

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Forged/Heavy Work Tools

Spikes Batipro® Self-sharpening Spike • 300 mm version available with miss-hit guard • For all bricklaying work and possibly shaping soft stone, not recommended for shaping hard stone • Large diameter reinforced head: delays burring • Steel, manganese and silicon • True cruciform cross-section, remains effective longer than ordinary octogonal cross-section spikes and chisels: - heat-treated core-hardened steel, - self-sharpening, even tip wear mm






Without miss-hit guard 131250L SC125B




131300L SC130B 131302L SC132B




131350L SC135B




131400L SC140B

Total length Total weight Diameter


Wide head

With miss-hit guard

3157331313020* Chisels Batipro® Self-sharpening Chisel • 300 mm version available with miss-hit guard • For all bricklaying work and possibly shaping soft stone, not recommended for shaping hard stone • Large diameter reinforced head, delays burring • Manganese and silicon steel • True cruciform cross-section, remains effective longer than ordinary octagonal spikes/chisels: - heat-treated core-hardened steel, - self-sharpening, even tip wear mm






Without miss-hit guard 132250L SC225B




132300L SC230B 132302L SC232B




132350L SC235B




132400L SC240B

Total length Total weight Diameter


Wide head

With miss-hit guard

3157331323029* Miner’s Bar Nanovib® Insulated Miner’s Bar • Miner’s Bar insulated up to 1000 V 20% weight reduction compared with a traditional all-steel crowbar • Insulated bar can with stand nominal voltage up to 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC (in compliance with standard BS8020) • Ergonomic = 20 % lighter than traditional all-steel crowbar • Body of the miner’s bar 100 % fibreglass ensuring lifting capacities up to 1.5 t • Working parts made of forged steel = one pointed side for digging and one flat side for levering



Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



133700 BA150N


End stop

Max. load

Max. thrust


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Construction Bars

Forged/Heavy Work Tools

Heel Bars Nanovib® Heel Bar • The Nanovib® pry bar is three times lighter than is steel counterparts, risks of back MSD prevented • For levering, positioning, moving and blocking shutting panels and heavy loads in construction, metal framework, handling and industrial maintenance • Shaft made of high-performance tempered aluminium ensuring capacities of loading, strength and stiffness comparable to steel • Heel made of forged tempered steel for lifting or aligning loads • Lifting capacity 2 t per heel bar • For lifting 4 t use two heel bars • No more than one person per heel bar Total length

Total weight gr/lb

Part. No.



146500 BA650N


Max. load

Max. thrust

Correct use direction

Incorrect use direction



3157331465002* Nanovib® Heel Bar with Straight Edge • The Nanovib® pry bar is three times lighter than is steel counterparts, risks of back MSD prevented • For levering, positioning, moving, blocking shuttering panels and heavy loads in the building, metal framework, industrial handling and maintenance • Shaft made of high performance tempered aluminium ensuring capacities of loading, strength and stiffness comparable to steel • Heel and flat made of forged tempered steel • Heel made of forged tempered steel for lifting or shifting loads • Flat side: makes the tool multipurpose, enables work in places inaccessible with the heel • Lifting capacity 2 t per heel bar • For lifting 4 t use two heel bars • No more than one person per heel bar Max. load

Max. thrust

Correct use direction

Incorrect use direction


Total length

Total weight gr/lb

Part. No.



146510 BA651N



3157331465101* Bolt cutters Nanovib® Bolt Cutters • 30 % less effort thanks to patented rack reduction system • Optimized 55° blade cutting angle • Blades made of forged and tempered chrome vanadium steel (56-62 HRC) • Precise jaw adjustment by eccentric screws (36 positions) • Steel tube handle = lightness and strength • Ergonomic two-material handles = comfortable grip • Spare jaws available • Design - Batimat Innovation Award 2013 - Préventica Innovation Award 2013


Tube handle


Eccentric screw


Total length

Total weight

Cutting capacity 19 HRC

Cutting capacity 40 HRC











62 HRC/55°

diameter mm

Part. No.

Spare Jaws


603229 BC750N



603239 BC900N


diameter mm

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Forged/Heavy Work Tools

Nippers Nanovib® Nippers/Shears • 50 % less effort thanks to system with high reduction of the lateral shears • Two tools in one: - nippers for twisting, cutting, binding, - lateral shears: for cutting soft iron wire up to 4 mm diameter • Jaws of the nippers and shears made of forged and tempered chrome vanadium steel (55 HRC) • Profiled handles, comfortable grip

Ø 4 mm

Cutting Cutting Cutting capacity Cutting capacity Total Total capacity (shears) capacity (shears) (shears) (shears) length weight Piano Soft wire Semi-hard Hard wire mm gr wire wire diameter diameter 220 Nippers




diameter mm


diameter mm





Part. No.

158229 PI220N

Strike face

3157331582297* Hammer Scraper Nanovib® Hammer Scraper • Lighter and more precise than a traditional miner’s bar • Exclusive to Leborgne® • Precision • Power • Safety • Strip/clean concrete slab • Adjust a floorslab • Clean concrete runs after shuttering • Pierce openings • Split edges Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



141200 BA120N


Anti-shock Piercing system




Prop Key Nanovib® Prop Key • • • • • •

Eliminates the noise of hammering on strut nuts Exclusive to Leborgne® Universal lever for strut nuts and shoring towers Replaces the hammer for tightening struts Reduces sound nuisance Reduces MSD risks related to hammering Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144200 BA420N



Flat nut


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Miscellaneous Tools

Forged/Heavy Work Tools

Miscellaneous Tools Batipro® magnetic plumb line • • • • •

Hands free Wind stability (500 gr) Length (8000 mm) Cleaning scraper for residual concrete Line and weight holding mount Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144772 ME772B


8m 0,5 kg



Max. lenght



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Groundwork/ Roadwork and Sewerage Tools

Leborgne速 has a complete range of essential tools for groundwork, roadwork and sewerage. Resulting from partnerships with the HESQ managers of major Construction companies, Leborgne速 takes the greatest care with the ergonomics of its tools in order to improve the work and health conditions of workers throughout their careers. The handles on many tools (shovels, rakes, etc.) have therefore been lengthened to reduce awkward postures and the Nanovib速 handle is now available on our pick axes for greater safety and less vibration.

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Round and square shovels

Groundwork/Roadwork and Sewerage Tools

Shovels Batipro® Shovel • Stronger fully tempered tool • Straight edges, efficient ground scraping • Pointed end, better shovel penetration • Footrests, stable foot support, shoes not damaged Head weight

Head height

Head width

PEFC wood





005402 SV402B

005406 SV406B




3157330054061* Straight edges


Picks Nanovib® Pick • Improved safety = less vibration The Nanovib® shaft absorbs vibration and reduces MSD • Nanovib® shaft: - ergonomic = widened handle, comfortable grip • Head: - extra-hard cruciform tip, - straight edge flat for digging trenches, - lateral strike face

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Total weight

Head height mm




051249 PK249N


Lateral strike

Cruciform tip

Straight edges



Batipro® Pick (oval socket 50x32 mm) • Extra-hard diamond cruciform tip for improved wear resistance • Lateral strike face for knocking in stakes • Straight edge flat for scraping • Novamax® three-material shaft 1000 mm Head weight

Head height

Head width mm





051245 PK245B



3157330512455* Cruciform

Lateral strike

Straight edges

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07/01/2014 12:00:59

Forged and miscellaneous rakes

Groundwork/Roadwork and Sewerage Tools

Rakes Batipro® Rake • Reinforced side teeth and fully tempered comb for more resistance with difficult work • Reinforced lateral teeth and fully tempered comb = stronger • Tubular socket = reinforced shaft fitting • Angular steel levelling plate = facilitates levelling and consolidates the comb Head weight

Head width mm


PEFC wood




376102 RA142B



Reinforced Levelling teeth plate

Spreaders Batipro® Spreader (tempered steel) • Multiple use spreader = both lengthman spreader and tar spreader • Extra-hard tempered steel folded blade = better resistance to bending and wear, weight saving • Larger link plate = solidity reinforced • Shaft 1800 mm = spares the back • For heavy coatings 0-14 (roads) Head weight

Head width mm

PEFC wood



143442 SR442B


3157331434428* Batipro® Concrete Spreader (tempered steel) • Extra-hard tempered steel folded blade = better resistance to bending and wear, weight saving • Larger link plate = reinforced solidity • Hook for lifting mesh before pouring concrete Head weight

Head width mm

PEFC wood



137182 SR182B



Products I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 23

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 23

07/01/2014 12:01:00

Concrete Scrapers

Groundwork/Roadwork and Sewerage Tools

Concrete Scraper Batipro® Scraper • • • • • •

For cleaning shuttering panels, scraping concrete slabs Socket reinforced with two braces for intensive use Extra-hard tempered blade Rounded edges = do not scratch the scraped surfaces Folded blade = choice of two work angles Shaft 1300 mm = greater scope for cleaning vertical panels Head weight

Head width mm

PEFC wood



142302 SR302B


Rounded edges



Folded blade

Tamper Nanovib® Tamper • Improved safety, less vibration The silent block socket absorbs vibrations and reduces MSD • For tamping any surface • Sillentbloc socket = vibrations attenuated • Metal shaft = reinforced solidity • Elastomer handle = ergonomic and safe • 3 right angles for tamping in corners • 1 rounded corner = for tamping around obstacles (lamps)

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Head weight

Head width mm

Part. No.



166033 SR033N


Silent block

Rounded edge

5 kg/11 lb


24 I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I Products

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 24

07/01/2014 12:01:02

Tools for Wood Frame Houses

Wood is the material of the future! It has many advantages for outside insulation and renovation projects. Essentially it is a natural, durable and renewable material that helps to reduce greenhouse gases. It is quite natural that Leborgne has developed, always in partnership with tradesmen, a new range of essential tools intended for professionals in wood construction or renovation. All these tools have been approved by the CNDB (National Wood Development Committee) and MBOC (Maisons Bois Outils Concept) instructors.

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 25

07/01/2014 12:01:02

Wood Frame House Builder Range

Tools for Wood Frame Houses

Wood Frame House Builder Range Batipro® Wall Brace • • •

For adjusting the top part of walls Fast and accurate telescopic brace: fast adjustment with notches accurate micrometric screw adjustment Consult our website to validate the wind resistance capacity according to region Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144700 WH700B








Plumb adjustment

Batipro® Wall Levelling Tool • For adjusting with precision the bottom part of woof frame house walls • Fixing on all types of support (concrete floor, joist, etc.) • Also autonomous use without support • For solid walls and open walls Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144750 WH750B




1. Open walls

2. Open walls

1. Solid walls

1. Rotary plate

2. Solid walls

2. Rotary plate

Batipro® Board Truing Tool • For aligning timber floor or deck boards • Universal truing tool • Micrometric adjustment of the jaw, adjustable centre distance 50-110 mm • Interchangeable block and jaw, adapts to the floor fitting direction Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144760 WH760B



Interchangeable blocks



1 -1


m 0m

Jaw adjustment

Batipro® Architect’s Plumb Line • Architect’s model, axis and plumb • Wall fixing, frees the user’s hands • Long nylon line (4000 mm) Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144770 WH770B


4m Pierced mount


Max. lenght

26 I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I Products

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 26

07/01/2014 12:01:06

Wood Frame House Builder Range

Tools for Wood Frame Houses

Batipro® Board Spacer 5 mm and 7 mm • For setting the space between boards • Two thicknesses (5 mm and 7 mm) on the spacer Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144780 WH780B


3157331447800* Spacer thickness 5/7 mm

Batipro® Combination Square • • • • • • •

Integral trigger-gate, no need to screw to hold the rule Easy holding system with trigger-gate Aluminium rule 45 mm long Belt hanging clip Integral pencil Spirit level Ergonomic two-material handle Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



144790 WH790B



45 mm


Central slot



Batipro® Flat Heel Bar with spur • • • • •

Aligning spur adjustable to 45 mm or 60 mm Multipurpose tool For nail pulling, levering, scraping, aligning, etc. Forged tempered steel Two-position spur 45 mm and 60 mm for aligning wood Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



145000 WH000B


3157331450008* Spur

45/60 mm

Batipro® Batten Remover • • • •

Two tools in one = batten remover and wrecking bar Two in one, batten remover with heel bar Hexagonal section High strength forged tool Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



145010 WH010B


3157331450107* Batten remover

Nail puller

Products I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 27

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 27

07/01/2014 12:01:09


Tools for Wood Frame Houses

Hammers Nanovib® Carpenter’s Hammer (one teeth) with spur • Increased safety = less vibration 50 % less vibration thanks to the patented Nanovib® system • Safety = Nanovib® shaft, vibration absorbed and fewer MSD • Strength = tempered steel shaft high resistance to miss-hits • Ergonomic = three-material shaft • Efficiency = one pointed claw for hammering in frame, with spur • Design - Star of the Observeur du Design 2012 - Red Dot Design Award 2012

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Total length

Total weight gr/oz

Part. No.



100220 HA220N




Lateral strike


Rounded surface





Nanovib® Framing Hammer with spur • Increased safety = less vibration 50% less vibration thanks to the patented Nanovib® system • Safety = Nanovib® shaft, vibration absorbed and fewer MSD • Strength = tempered steel shaft high resistance to miss-hits • Ergonomic = three-material shaft • Efficiency = spur for aligning wood • Design - Star of the Observeur du Design 2012 - Red Dot Design Award 2012

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Total length

Total weight gr/oz

Part. No.



100230 HA230N




Lateral strike


Rounded surface





28 I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I Products

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 28

07/01/2014 12:01:14


Accessories: recognized as a hand-tool specialist, Leborgne速 has developed a clever range of multipurpose nail pouches combining strength with wear resistance and functionality.

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 29

07/01/2014 12:01:14

Hammer carrier


Hammer Holder Nanovib® Hammer Holder • The anti-loss profile (storage angle 45°) prevents the hammer falling when the operator squats • Anti-loss sheath • Anti-shock polymer material • Carpenter’s pencil integrated • For right or left handers Total length mm 220


Total weight gr 200

Part. No. 494110 BP110N


Pencil holder

Belt Batipro® Comfort Belt • Soft-lined • Metal hammer-holder • Reflective safety strip Total length

Total weight gr

Part. No.



494020 BP020B


3157334940209* Soft-lined and breathable

Adjustable loops

Metal hammercarrier

30 I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I Products

Leb_Cat2014_InnPag210x297Eng.indd 30

07/01/2014 12:01:16

Just work, we care.

New merchandising and website

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

The new Leborgne® visual identity is developed on all the POS information leaflets.

Catalogue 2014 Professional distribution Tube arm


Bras tube Armaufsatz

Eccentric screw


62 HRC I 55°

Vis excentrique Exzenterschraube

Just work, we care.

Cut capacity Capacité coupe Schneidekapazität

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

19HRC 40HRC Spare jaws Mâchoire de rechange Ersatzbacken

- 30 %

n°2 750 mm 4,2 kg 603229

BC750N Ø 11 mm

Ø 9 mm



n°3 900 mm 5,3 kg 603239

BC900N Ø 13 mm

Ø 10 mm



Effort Bemühung

Gears Getribe

Fiskars France SAS

91320 • Wissous • France Eti253 V1.1 • 012014





All of them bear the new Leborgne® visual identity; they promote the tool's advantages in terms of risk prevention and reducing work strain. Also posters, pediments and kakemonos convey this new identity on store displays in order to strengthen recognition. 18/11/2013 11:56:37 Leb_603229_603239NanBolCut2014_Car105x148Eng_Eti253.indd 2

18/11/2013 11:56:39


Leb_603229_603239NanBolCut2014_Car105x148Eng_Eti253.indd 1


Leb_VisIde2013_PoiOfSaiHea1000x200Eng_495130.indd 1

19/07/2013 14:18:51

Just work, we care.

Just work, we care.


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

Just work, we care.


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

- 50%


- 50%


Vibrations Vibrationen


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

- 50%



Vibrations Vibrationen

ELV Test

Vibrations Vibrationen

ELV Test

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

Nanovib® Claw Hammer

2002/44/CE m/s²


Marteau de Coffreur Nanovib®

2002/44/CE m/s²





Just work, we care.


Just work, we care.


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Leb_100210NanFraHam2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti265.indd 1

29/07/2013 10:00:39

Leb_100220NanGerCarHam2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti266.indd 1

29/07/2013 16:47:57

Leb_100230NanCarHam2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti267.indd 1

29/07/2013 10:06:29

No noise nuisance Aucune nuisance sonore Keine Lärmbelastigung

- 50%



Vibrations Vibrationen

Just work, we care.

ELV Test


Effort Bemühung

Load Charge Last


Sécurité Sicherheit

Noise Bruit Lärm

Posture Haltung

nanovib group

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

2002/44/CE m/s²

- 30%

Leb_144200NanProKey2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti263.indd 1

29/07/2013 10:31:35


Effort Bemühung

nanovib group

Leb_603229_603239NanBolCu2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti253.indd 1

29/07/2013 17:38:04

Just work, we care. Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.


3 times lighter

3 x plus léger 3 x leichter

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

- 50% Strain

Effort Bemühung

Ø 4 mm

Just work, we care.


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.



group group

Less vibration

Leb_158229NanTowPin2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti252.indd 1

01/08/2013 17:18:46 Leb_146500_146510NanrHeeBar2013_Car148x210Eng_Eti261.indd 1

Moins de vibrations Weniger Vibrationen

29/07/2013 17:49:40

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

nanovib group

Leb_123309NanCluHam2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti249.indd 1

29/07/2013 10:08:41

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. 3 times lighter

3 x plus léger 3 x leichter

nanovib group


Leb_VisIde2013_PoiOfSaiWobA200x1000Eng_Maf35.indd 2


Leb_146500_146510NanrHeeBar2013_Car148x210Eng_Eti261.indd 1

29/07/2013 17:49:40


29/07/2013 09:44:06

Leb_VisIde2013_PoiOfSaiWobB200x1000Eng_Maf36.indd 1

Just work, we care.

29/07/2013 09:46:17


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

Less vibration Moins de vibrations Weniger Vibrationen

Just work, we care.

ELV Test


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

2002/44/CE m/s²

Insulated Isolée Isoliert




Leb_051249NanPic2013_Car148x210Eng_Eti251.indd 1

01/08/2013 17:09:57

nanovib group

Leb_133700NanrIsuMinBar2013_Car148x210Eng_Eti247.indd 1

Just work, we care.

30/07/2013 14:22:47

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Less vibration

Less vibration

Moins de vibrations Weniger Vibrationen

Moins de vibrations Weniger Vibrationen

ELV Test

ELV Test





nanovib group

nanovib group

Just work, we care.


Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

Lighter Plus léger Leichter

Leb_127309_127409NanSleHam2013_Car297x341Eng_Eti250.indd 1

Leb_127309_127409NanSleHam2013_Car297x341Eng_Eti250.indd 1

01/08/2013 18:05:10

01/08/2013 18:05:10

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Less vibration Moins de vibrations Weniger Vibrationen

nanovib group

Leb_141200NanrRocCutToo2013_Car148x210Eng_Eti260.indd 1

29/07/2013 16:17:17

ELV Test

2002/44/CE m/s²

nanovib group

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt.

- 30% Strain

Effort Bemühung

Leb_127309_127409NanSleHam2013_Car297x341Eng_Eti250.indd 1


01/08/2013 18:05:10


Leb_603229_603239NanBolCu2013_Car105x148Eng_Eti253.indd 1

Leb_NanRanInSto2013.indd 1

29/07/2013 17:38:04

05/09/2013 15:57:58

The new website is online! Go to

Corporate I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 31

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 31

08/01/2014 10:23:14

32 I Leborgne速 Catalogue 2014 I Corporate

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 32

08/01/2014 10:23:15

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Catalogue 2014 Professional distribution

Corporate I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 33

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 33

08/01/2014 10:23:15



1. The experience of Fiskars Leborgne on the tools market means it can contribute to Distribution's concerns for in-store safety and give advice especially suited to the presentation of its products. 1.2. Various standards (in particular standard NF E25-080 of May 2005) set out the safety requirements for the pegs and materials used in store. As each point of sale comes under its own responsibility, it has to ensure that the equipment used complies with these standards, whatever its source. 1.3. Each item of presentation furniture used must have sufficient strength to support the occasionally heavy weight of some of our tools. The point of sale must also ensure that this furniture is used in the conditions specified by its manufacturer. 1.4. Consumer handling of the tools must not produce any risk of falling, especially when the product is replaced incorrectly. 1.5. Heavy tools should be positioned neared the bottom of the shelf display. There they will be easier for the consumer to reach, without risk of dangerous falling. 1.6. The cutting and pointed parts of our tools are delivered with suitable protection. Some of our tools are also delivered with information leaflets intended to give the consumer advice on safety, use and maintenance. These protection and information leaflets must remain in place so long as the products are present in store, even if these items are often stolen. This means users are guaranteed to benefit from this advice after purchasing. Simply ask the company to send you free replacements. 1.7. The tool spaces at the top of the shelf display can be a cause of risk, especially if consumers have access. 速

2. Fiskars速 gives information about its products as a contribution to consumer training so that the tools can be used and maintained in the best conditions. In order for the retailer to play its part in this training, the main advice is listed below: 2.1. Personal safety involves both the strict application of the safety instructions given on our products and the protection measures taken by each user according to the requirements of their trade, their skills and the regulations in force. 2.2. Before using any tool, the consumer should read and understand the symbols and any information leaflet attached to them. Should there be any doubt about their capacity to use the tool, they should not use it and must seek use advice from an experienced person. When using the tools, they must also ensure the safety of any persons who happen to be nearby. 2.3. Should the tool be hired out, the lender must provide the safety instructions and the borrower should comply with them. 2.4. In all cases, the eyes must be protected from the risks of any flying chips. This protection requirement is all the more necessary when the standardized symbol "1" is shown on the product, engraved in relief, or on any information leaflet. The choice of protective equipment (goggles, mask, etc.) is up to the user according to their situation. 2.5. In all cases, protection is necessary from any blows and cuts that may be caused through handling or using the tools. This protection requirement is all the more necessary when the standardized symbol "2" is shown on the product, engraved in relief, or on any information leaflet. The choice of protective equipment (gloves, apron, shoes, etc.) is up to the user according to their situation. 2.6. The original protection delivered for pointed or cutting parts should be retained and reused when storing the tools. After cleaning, the tools should be stored out of children's reach. The storing method must prevent any instability that could lead to the tools falling down. 2.7. A tool must be used for the designed use. It is forbidden to modify the technical characteristics of a tool by grinding or welding (case of wood wedges: see below). 2.8. Damaged or worn tools must not be used. 2.9. Advice on wooden handles: a wooden handle that by wear has lost some of its cross-section near the head must be replaced. Also it is especially necessary to ensure the storage conditions of wooden handles to prevent unwanted wear and drying out that can create significant play between the handle and the tool head. 2.10. Advice on refitting tools with handles: handles can be refitted to tools and spare handles are available. However, the risk of head/ handle separation should be checked. Do not use a tool if there is any head/handle movement. 2.11. Advice on tools for striking (sledge hammers, choppers, hatchets and axes): goggles must be worn. This is what the symbol "1" on products means. Never use a strike face to hit hard treated surfaces as this risks producing chips. In particular, one strike face should not be hit against another one, or a sledge hammer used to hit an axe. Always strike flat and use the specially designed strike faces. Even more than for other tools, do not use worn tools, especially those with burrs on the strike face. 2.12. Advice on chisels and wood wedges: do not use these tools on treated metals, they are not designed for this. Do not use tools that are chipped or burred. Initially, burrs can be ground off. Thereafter the tool must be scrapped, especially if there are cracks. 2.13. Advice on cutting tools (axes, hatchets, choppers, billhooks, scythes and sickles): they should be used with great care so that should the blade slip, it does not go on to injure the user or anyone else. Our websites and provide Distribution, the General Public and Professionals with advice on tool safety and maintenance. 34 I Leborgne速 Catalogue 2014 I Corporate

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 34

08/01/2014 10:23:15

Just work, we care.

Mieux équipé, mieux protégé. Besser ausgerüstet, besser geschützt. Catalogue 2014 Professional distribution

Corporate I Leborgne® Catalogue 2014 I 35

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 35

08/01/2014 10:23:15

Fiskars Construction Tools Business Unit Fiskars France SAS PAE du Héron 183 impasse des Peupliers 73110 La Rochette Tél : +33 (0)4 79 25 51 22 Fax : +33 (0)4 79 25 78 92

Leb_Cat2014_Cov210x297Eng.indd 36


903025 • LebCat2014Eng

08/01/2014 10:23:15

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