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Saltängen NorrkÜping, Sweden Jan-Hendrik Mohr Sarah Nelsen Chris Riggert

nskap Introduction

Methodology and Scope

use district in Norrköping Sweden. It uses a regional

methods, which were used during the project work, will

This document profiles a proposal for an active mixed

perspective in order to provide a competitive edge to the city of Norrköping, Sweden. By partnering with other

regional entities, the region will grow symbiotically as opposed to competitively. To guide development, this proposal considers all three modes of sustainability:

• Economic • Social • Environmental

This plan is a document of strategic planning executed in development guidelines and an urban design proposal. It is

strategic because it connects visions with implementation strategies and it concentrates on focus points rather than zoning the area in whole. It was created collaboratively

in the course Urban Development and Planning in spring 2012 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.

After considering the urban and regional context of

In the following the scope of this report and different be presented. The scope of the report is finding strategic

project ideas and creating an urban design proposal for the Saltängen site in Norrköping. To reach this target of the report following three methods were used:

• field trip with photo exercise • expert talks • internet and literature research

During the field trip we visited the city of Norrköping and

the old industrial site of Saltängen next to the inner city. We conducted visual analysis from our on-site photos to

refine our understanding of Saltängen. We spoke with many experts in charge of the project such as the head

of the city’s planning council, the overseeing planners in the administration and with researchers of Linköping’s

University. In addition we researched and read texts written on issues concerning our project.

Norrköping, a vision for Saltängen is broken into five

Because this report was assembled over the course of

different strategies and projects which achieve sustainable

strategic vision for Saltängen and not as a complete,

focus points. These points are explored and supported by

development on the site, in the city and in the region. An urban design proposal for the future development of the

site is given through above mentioned strategies and

one month and one site visit, it should be seen as a brief

overall planning of the site. Thus, it embraces the ideas of Strategic Planning.

projects while important consideration was also given to the implementation of this design and its guidelines.


Urban and Regional Context Norrköping

Norrköping is located in the region of Östergötland in the south of Sweden. It is well integrated into the transport network of North and Eastern Europe (Baltic region) which encourages international trading contacts. Because

of its remarkable national connectivity, Norrköping is an appealing site in central Sweden: Norrköping acts as a

hub by linking several cities like Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm.


• • • • • •

Proximity to the city center / sight axes (church) Next to the river / waterside

Industrial history / industrial character Existing businesses

Underground culture (sprayed images) Some existing green space


Together with Linköping, Norrköping is part of the Twin cities of Sweden – a region which offers excellent

opportunities for development and growth. Linköping with its university and research centers and Norrköping with its

industrial history and a “diversified business community” (ESDA n.d.), together create a positive atmosphere for

knowledge transfer between academia and economy. Today Norrköping’s main industries are paper and

packaging as well as electronics. In addition, important companies within the field of information technology have

also settled in Norrköping. Employees and their families

• • • • • • •

Inaccessibility of the riverside (fences / laws) No public transport / cars / parking lots Industrial emissions

Inconsistent density Much truck traffic

Large street separates it from the inner city Pollution of the ground


• Making the riverside accessible • Establishing public transport / proximity to the city • • • •



Establish connections in general

Creating park structures out of the existing Preserving the industrial history


• • • • •

1.1 Building adjacent Arbetemuseet


1.2 Riverfront


Existing businesses Pollution

Ownership of the ground Flooding

1.3 Architectural detail in Norrköping

find attractive housing possibilities and enjoy the cultural

values of Norrköping. Working and living in the city but being also close to the sea and the country-side creates high living quality. Saltängen

Saltängen, which is located north-east of the city center of Norrköping, has a high potential for being reused in a sustainable way. The site’s proximity to the city center and

train station make it a desirable site for redevelopment. The site is located directly adjacent the Motala Strömmen,

1.4 Looking east on Saltängensgatan

which is viewed as a large asset for the site. This proximity

does present the risk for future flooding as water level continue to rise due to climate change.

The current use is mainly large-parcel single story industrial. This provides much space for redevelopment.

The site also provides some historical structures which

reveal the past uses of the site. These uses do present the challenge of soil pollution.

The site is currently connected to existing Norrköping

1.5 Looking south to Motala Strömmen

transit through primarily car infrastructure. Sidewalks exist yet are not necessarily connected. Packhusgatan acts as the western edge of the site. It is heavily trafficked

by cars and acts as a pedestrian barrier between the city center and the Saltängen site.

1.6 Interesting industrial detail with graffiti


A Vision for Future Saltängen

lroad g Rai n n i t s i Ex Statio with

Connection Node Pedestrian/Cycle Connection

Continued Development

Cultural/Historic Node


mR g Tra n i t s i Ex

Tram Extension

Saltängen will become Saltängenskap, a vibrant

cultural and economic hub for the city of Norrköping. Norrköping has been left in perpetual economic transition

This vision can be broken down into five major points. Saltängenskap is:

• Further integrated into the regional economy of Norrköping

Linköping University campus in Norrköping has brought

• A celebration of cultural and historical traditions • Dynamic and innovative buildings in which to live,

life to promote a new addition to the city.

• A network of green and blue public systems, creating

The goal of this proposal is to attract students and new

• An addition to Norrköping’s transportation network

innovative business, residential and cultural district. This

This proposal was formulated under the assumption that

of appliances and textiles to one of production of forward

Motala Strömmen. In the resolving stages of this plan, it

after the textile industry closed in the 1970’s. A new vibrance to the city. The following guidelines utilize this

businesses to Saltängenskap and foster a new and will change Norrköping’s industry from one of production

thinking and creative businesses and individuals. Thus, this development will contribute to the progress of the city by fostering development of the post-industrial economy.

work and play

lively public places

redevelopment of industrial areas would continue across wall act as a catalyst to encourage adjacent development. This plan supplies strategies and implementation projects

to guide development in Saltängenskap. These are explored through a series of case studies.




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Saltängenskap is... 7

...Further integrated into the regional economy of Norrköping Attract Creative Industries

necessary to allure creative people. Moreover, the ability

site is one strategy to create regional interest in the


Drawing innovative and creative businesses to the Saltängen site. According to Richard Florida there is a

to integrate new people in the city can be a competitive

relationship between the economic strength of a region

Once artists and creative people live in a city, they

creative class is defined as a group of people who work

encouraged. Nevertheless, it is not enough to boost

and the presence of the so called creative class. The independently and create new things. Artists, musicians,

designer, architects are counted among the creative class as well as layers, professors, managers, consultants,

software developer, engineers and even hairdressers. By attracting these parties to the site, it will create a solid

economic base for Saltängen. The growth of cities and regions depends on attracting and retaining the creative

class. The three most important attractors are technology, talent and tolerance. (Hettler 2005)

Technology and innovation as well as talent are things

will attract other artists to come and the economy is culture and art. The special requirements of the creative class must be tended to. Creative people have no static

work schedule; they often work in the night or on the weekends. Therefore cultural opportunities must adjust to

the special needs of the creative class by being available at any time and located near the working place.

Inviting living conditions – as Norrköping offers them - and the lifestyle of creative people make a place an interesting and attractive site for companies to settle down.

which are offered by the Twin cities Linköping-Norrköping:

Linköping with its research centers and graduates offers talent and Norrköping with its Science Park and about

9,000 companies in a broad field of technology and industries. This makes Saltängen ideally suited for use

as working space for creative industries (Norrköping’s

kommun n.d.). Cheap (e.g. subsidized) working space will

attract start-ups which benefit from experienced

specialist. New graduates from Linköping and Norrköping

can find employment in Saltängen. Tolerance and

openness towards new, different and unknown things are

2.1 Linköping campus in Norrköping


Outside Investment



Outside Investment


Students/ Projects








With 27,000 national and international students Linköping University is an important institution for highly educated

people. It is known for being multidisciplinary and creative

and its graduates have high competencies. Moreover, Linköping University interacts with the local community, industry and government. It focuses on applied research and programs for professional degrees. Therefore, it is an interesting and important resource of graduates who

want to start working in Saltängenskap / Norrköping. (ESDA n.d.) 2.2 Age Forecast for Norrköping

Fostering the cooperation between Linköping University

and the broad based business community located in Norrköping is Growing These diagrams show not only the projected growth of Norrköping, but the shifting age. Saltängenskap utilizes these projections to supply the housing and employment this age group will need.

Norrköping encourages the contact between students and companies as possible future employers. Also the

companies benefit from the contact to leading researchers. The close collaboration between the university and industry offers easy access to the working life and can

even contribute to more positive study conditions (e.g. external investment by interested parties).

To support these initiatives, Saltängenskap will offer

high living quality as a perfect location to settle down

with or without a family. All tasks that make Saltängen a

dynamic place to work and live will attract graduates. This attractiveness also has to be extended to other urban quarters in Norrköping.

2.3 Projected Population for Norrköping


...A celebration of cultural and historic traditions Respond to the Cultural Landscape

Norrköping has a very rich architectural and environmental tradition. For this reason, it is important that new

construction is in conversation with the existing context

of Norrköping. Any plant material should be native to the Swedish landscape, which can be seen in figure 4.1. Architectural details should be modeled after the wide array of architectural details which already exist in the city

center. Building materials will be covered under the next point of the vision.

3.1 Swedish landscape

Reuse of Structures and Public Education

An important way to celebrate Saltängenskap’s past

is not only to reuse old structures but to animate them

and provide education about them. A case study of IBA Emscher Park provides good insight into a project which shares similar site and situation.

The IBA Emscher Park was built in the wake of economical

change in a former industrial region of Germany. It improved the quality of life in the Ruhr area by developing

3.2 Zeche Zolverein

new ideas and projects in urbanistic, social, cultural and

ecological fields. New residences were built, existing

landmarked habitations were renovated, green spaces were redeveloped and new technology centers were created. To reach a high acceptance, inhabitants were

involved in several projects of the IBA Emscher Park. (IBA Emscher Park n.d.)

Similar to our proposal and its goals, the industrial site

turned old facilities into future offices for founders of new

3.3 Structures reused for recreation in IBA Emscher Park

businesses and expanding companies. Special centers were created to encourage the exchange between

research and companies. In addition, there was a focus on support housing for people with lower incomes.

3.4 IBA Emscher Park is a post-industrial recreation-scape


Many of the structures on the Saltängen site hold architectural and historical importance. These are

identified in the diagram below. These structures will be reused as public buildings to showcase Saltängenskap’s past uses, while also providing space for current uses. Possible uses include:

• • • •

A stage/theater

Classroom/work space


Exhibition space Library

3.6 E.ON reserve energy plant



3.7 Old structures remain on site

3.5 Old Crane located adjacent textile factory

Retain Existing Structures The existing structures will provide a jumping- off point for development, with initial developer investment taking place adjacent these refurbished public structures.

3 1

2 11

...Dynamic buildings in which to live, work and play Creating Interesting and Innovative Buildings

Block Structure

standards in many fields. They must be energy efficient

Saltängenskap is the breaking up of the traditional block

New structures built in Saltängenskap must fulfill high and durable, functional but also aesthetic pleasing, high quality and still affordable. They should respond to the environment in a sustainable way.

Some of the industrial buildings on the site will be reused and will be evidence of Saltängenskap’s industrial past. Using materials which respond to the industrial charm

(e.g. steel or concrete) will help to preserve the identity of Saltängenskap. But also wooden houses have a long tradition in Sweden and could be a good contrast to the

Another important way to embrace such dynamism in structure. By doing this, the private space in the yard is transformed into a semi-public space, so that one can

look into the yards from the street. The appearance of the street is then less uniform but more dynamic. Varying

the building type and height offers some positive effects. A maximum of sunlight can be used as solar energy

gain which supports energy efficiency. Furthermore, the diversified block structure makes the appearance of the site more interesting and the streets brighter.

cool industrial features. Wood as a local material and renewable resource is ecological and because of its good

thermal insulation also energy efficient. Furthermore, wood provides a comfortable and healthy indoor climate.

In addition to materials used, the architecture must be interesting and innovative. Mixed use within the buildings

calls for special architecture which regards all demands and combines them in an effective way. Moreover, modern architecture considers space for children and allows for

special needs of handicapped persons. When putting the focus on housing for people with fewer incomes (to ensure mixed neighborhoods), simplified designs and floor plans

make it possible to save money without deteriorating the

4.1 A building in HafenCity, Hamburg, with a gross floor space of 3,700 square meter containing residential, office and service space.

quality of the residences.

Traditional Block Structure


Broken Block Structure This proposal breaks up the solid streetwall of the traditional block structure.

Diversified Block Structure Buildings are raised or lowered to create a diversified block and to allow maximum amounts of sunlight to penetrate the new block structure

Mixed Use Within Buildings

The buildings in Saltängenskap site will contain many

different uses to create a diverse and lively neighborhood.

4 AM

These are residential, commercial, recreational and

Morning exercise

cultural usages. Not every building will contain every use but more than one. For example it is important not to have

8 AM

purely residential areas because there is a heightened

opportunity for dead periods during work hours. This idea

is strongly connected to the idea of encouraging the use

11 AM

Coffee with friends

Lunch with a coworker

of the site at all hours.

It should be considered that mixing particular uses can lead to conflicts. For instance noisy night clubs should

not be located in close proximity to residential areas. But

3 PM

6 PM

each of the four different uses contains unique conflicts,


Dinner out/ Nightlife

thus such conflicts will have to be examined in each special case.

Encourage Site Use at All Hours

12 PM

The dynamism at the block and building scale is also accommodated on a social scale. Successful development of such a mixed use district will result in a usable site at all hours. The diagram to the right displays

such a concept. Creative people will attract these types of

There’s Always Something to do in Saltängenskap The above diagram displays the kind of activities and lifestyle that residents of Saltängenskap could live. It relies heavily on attraction of the right types of businesses and people.

businesses, and in return these types of businesses will

attract creative people. Because of this feedback loop, it is imperative that this effort is successful initially, which may also prove to be the biggest challenge.

Vary Building Heights Varied building height will create an interesting and diverse development.


...A network of blue and green systems, creating lively public places Blue and Green Spaces for Social Benefit

integrates best management practices into the urban

two ways: to be engaging and lively places to support

this integration, and the stages are as follows:

New parks and waterways should be designed to act in

public life, and to detain and filter rainwater during storm events.

A newly cut waterway will be developed through the site affording residents opportunities for walking, biking,

running, small boating and ice skating during the winter. It will act as an active public vein that runs through the

site, with many nice views from adjacent buildings. This waterway will also act as a filtration mechanism for pollutants like salt, oil, sediment and litter.

infrastructure. The diagram to the below demonstrates 1. Green roofs

• • • •

Absorb rainwater, release at a controlled rate

Absorb heat in summer and release heat in winter Reduce solar albedo

Evaporation of some rainwater

2. Bioretention areas / Stormwater planters

• • • •

Filters water

Releases at controlled rate

Usable for recreational activities when it’s not storming Heightened opportunity for evaporation

3. Canal to river

used for ice skating in the winter and swimming during the

• Absorbs stormwater from previous stages • Usable for recreational activities • Heightened opportunity for evaporation

and watch music, creating an interesting new experience.

In each stage of this process, water is utilized for social

Blue and Green Spaces for Environmental Benefit

create comfortable streets and public gathering /

A basin will also be cut to act as public space, as can be seen in the diagram to the bottom right. This can be

summer. Also, a stage can be floated so people can swim

To achieve a high level of sustainability, this proposal

and economical purposes - to create rooftop spaces, recreation spaces.

1. Green Roof Integrated stormwater management. This diagram demonstrates how managing stormwater can turn into social benefit.

1. Green Roof

3. Canal to River

2. Bioretention area


2. Stormwater street planter

Space for Urban Agriculture

Since we are approaching the end of the fossil-fueled

Like in an example from Berlin, the Prinzessinnengärten,

year (and the effects of the climate change becoming

transportable containments for the plants can be placed.

age and transportation gets more expensive every

stronger), the idea of producing food next to the place where it is consumed should be taken in consideration

in Saltängenskap. Thus, the site will include places for urban agriculture. There should be different forms of urban gardens in backyards and on centrally located grounds.

According to Dalhousie University, some advantages of

there should be a ground site centrally located on which The beds have to be transportable to protect them during

the winter by bringing them into a hall or some other shelter. In winter the site can be used in another way,

for example as an ice skating field or for something else. (Nomadisch Grün gemeinnützige GmbH 2012)

urban agriculture are:

The idea of Urban Agriculture on the site not only


produced food, but it also creates a social cohesion in the

• Saving energy for transport and thus, protecting the • Consumption of fresh food increases health of the population

• Improving the climate of the site by

reducing pollution

absorbing green house gases


compostable waste



area, if many people are working together to grow food.

In order to do so inhabitants of different social heritage get to know each other and are learning to understand each other. This will finally result in a more integrated and

producing oxygen

• Reducing

responds to a growing demand for ecologically and locally

stronger interconnected neighborhood. (Nomadisch Grün recycling


• Greening the city by creating more (agricultural) green spaces

• Helping to protect the biodiversity • Creating and strengthening a feeling of community

gemeinnützige GmbH 2012)

To further utilize the social and environmental benefits of urban agriculture, farmers markets should be organized

often. This could include farmer’s from the immediate region as well as produce from Saltängenskap.

between people

• Preventing erosion and contributing to the storage of storm runoff

Network of Blue and Green Spaces This diagram shows that both blue and green spaces are woven through the site. Though block courtyards are open, they still retain a character of semi-private to private.


...An addition to Norrköping’s transportation network Cycling as a Primary Mode of Transportation

Cycling for transportation as opposed to the car is more

ecological responsible and saves money that would be

spent on fuel. Another advantage is the healthful benefit of cycling for sport. Lastly, cycling can save time. Possibilities

to shorten the ride time according to Breitinger (2012) can be:

• Reducing the space for cars in support of creating more space for bikes

• Reducing the speed limit of cars • Change traffic light circuit for the benefit of bikes

5.1 Painted bike lanes

It is important to create a safe environment for cycling in order to encourage people to use this mode of

transportation as much as possible. This can be achieved through:

• Connected bike infrastructure • Separate or clearly marked cycling lanes • Many cycling amenities, such as covered bike parking and air pumps

• Larger bikes rentable from Grocery stores for transport

5.2 Bicycle rentals

Bicycling should be utilized in Saltängenskap as an easy, cheap, healthful and responsible alternative to the car. In order to respond to uneven topography, public

transportation (bus/tram) should have accommodations for bikes (bike racks). When done properly, bicycling will help contribute to the social sustainability of Saltängenskap.

For Saltängenskap, the link to the city center is crucial. A good net of bike lanes connecting Saltängenskap with its surroundings should be established and also encouraged

5.3 Covered bicycle parking

in all of Norrköping. This supports encourages citizens to ride recreationally to Saltängenskap to have an ice cream and enjoy the riverside. Especially important for ensuring

a good cycling connection is to create a new bridge over the heavy used streets Packhusgatan and Hamnbron.


5.4 Public bicycle pump

Ensure Public Transportation Connections

However, further development should be considered.

Since Norrköping is very well connected to the region by

to be redeveloped in the future. Construction of a new

throughout Site to Norrköping

different means of transportation, it is also important to ensure the infrastructural link between Saltängen and Norrköping.

The areas east and south of Saltängen have potential bridge across the Motala River affords the opportunity to

continue a tram route to the area south of Motala River, shown on page 4.

In addition to encourage cycling through the whole city,

Ensure Walkability

tram routes connect the station with the city center and

pedestrian connections between all parts of the new

the tram routes should also be extended. The existing

follow partly the esplanades around the city core. Part of the development should be to create a tram line to

Saltängenskap to ensure that even people without bike or car can go to the site easily. Thus, one proposal could be to continue the current route on Norra Promenaden

up to Packhusrondellen and then follow the existing

It is very important to create active sidewalks and development. This will make the area livelier and socially sustainable. By ensuring residents make walking a part of their daily routine, it will ensure better health of

Norrköping’s citizenry. The diagram below profiles what should be included in a typical sidewalk section.

industrial railroad, as can be seen on page 4. This route

To overcome the border street of Packhusgatan, a new

able to reach a tram station from everywhere on the site.

to Saltängenskap to ensure a solid pedestrian and

forms a diagonal axis across Saltängen, so that one is

Furthermore, a well developed tram network helps to reduce car traffic on the site and in the city.

Street trees

bridge should be constructed connecting the city center

bicycle connection. This will be discussed further in the implementation phases.

Larger windows with views to the street

Street amenities • light poles • trashcans • benches

Custom storefront canopies Outdoor seating

Extra wide sidewalks


Implementation To implement our vision on the site there should be

Since it is not – at least from an economic perspective

be completed in four phases with the possibility to

have to be secured from floods by raising it (old, industrial

a phased approach toward development. It should

develop the adjacent eastern and southern sites next to

Saltängenskap. The proposed four development stages are (see map on right page):

Phase 0 – Preparation of the site Phase 1 – Western Basin

Phase 2 – Harbor Expansion

Phase 3 – Eastern and Southern Connection Phase 0 – Preparation of the site

An important question in the beginning of the site development is, how to relocate existing industrial companies: Triggered by the planned future development

of the site the real estate values will increase. This will imply development limitations for the existing industrial

companies on the site since they will not be able to get cheap land next to their location any longer. Moreover the planned development of residential buildings on

the site will also constrain for example an increase of

production (emissions) by the companies. To overcome the development constraints of the companies as well as

– possible to raise the historic houses, the ground floors

buildings with high ceilings), putting resilient usages there or adding flood protection gates. The costs of these essential measures should be born by a public-private

partnership because the interest of making the site attractive for new inhabitants exists on behalf of the city

as well as on the side of, for example, a housing company. Phase 1 – Western Basin

After raising the land and cutting down the water structures

on the site the new buildings could be built and the historic structures could be reused. Possible new users

of the historic buildings are creative start-up companies,

cultural projects or the University of Linköping. The rents

for these buildings should be subsidized by the city of Norrköping to keep them relatively cheap. New people

will create an attraction pole for other companies which want to finance the new, mixed-use buildings next to the historical structures and for people who want to live in this new growing quarter of the city.

being able to develop Saltängenskap, Norrköping should

To make a proper connection to the city available a bus line

of the town.

(see Ensure Walkability and Cycling as Primary Mode

offer the companies new, attractive areas in other parts

To prepare the development the water basin and the

channel are cut. The polluted soil which is excavated should be treated in two different ways: The heavily

polluted soil should be brought away and purified. The lightly/non polluted soil should be used in the green

should be redirected to the site and the above mentioned

of Transportation) walking and cycling link to the inner

city must be ready when the first phase is completed. A floating stage on the basin should offer a big cultural draw to the site in its initial phase as well as attract and interest prospective inhabitants.

spaces and will be cleaned by special plants which absorb

the problematic substances in a longer time period. This saves money and protects the environment because not so much soil has to be transported. All soil is used to raise the land to be resilient to possible future flooding events.


6.1 BP Pedestrian Bridge by Frank Gehry



tens m Ex


2 1 Pedestrian/Cycle Connection

Phase 2 – Harbor Expansion

new inhabitants with different social background. The

phase east and north of the basin – including the waterfront

important hub for the site and for neighboring quarters

When the first development stage is completed the second – should be developed. This should be done to satisfy the

high demand for residential, commercial, recreational and

cultural space. In the second phase there will be enough

private housing and development companies to further

develop the site (upscale waterfront development). But to avoid a development with respect to only well-off people

square on the south-eastern corner of the site will be an yet to be developed. The University of Linköping could

for example transfer some facilities to buildings around the square to make it livelier. Furthermore, the increased

connection afforded by the transit square could attract public administration uses on-site.

(high rents and, hence, bigger gainings) the city has to

When the third and last part of the site is completed one can

determined amount of flats with lower rents to create a

or southern sites. Having finished the construction of the

contract with the housing companies. There should be a

social mixture on the site and these residential spaces for lower income people should not be clustered in only one, marginal part of Saltängenskap.

Phase 3 – Eastern and Southern Connection

After the second development phase, a bridge to the southern part of the city and a new tram line will be built

think about further develop the city to the adjacent eastern site and having attracted more inhabitants to this lively

and vibrant place the tram line can adjust to the increased

demand by simply intensifying the traveling frequency or by extending the length of the vehicles. Depending on the ideas of the city the tram line can also easily be extended to the two above mentioned development sites.

to push the further development of the site and to attract



Saltängen’s transformation into Saltängenskap will be

realization of this proposal and its guidelines, context-

social experiences. By focusing on five major topics this

document even more strategic.

marked by diverse business opportunities and unique report proposes a broad vision for the future of Saltängen,

sensitive phasing has been supplied, making the

the city of Norrköping and the region. Because each

In conclusion, this report presents an exciting vision for

strategies and implementation projects, it is strategic and

in Norrköping to a vibrant, mixed use and creative quarter

point of the vision is investigated through a series of responds to the needs of the Norrköping community. It embraces the three modes of sustainability (ecological,

social, economic). Intertwined with this strategic planning document is the urban design, which embraces the

progressive nature of Norrköping. To ensure proper


the conversion of a run-of-the-mill derelict industrial site

of the inner city. This vision will be a starting point for

an ongoing sustainable development of the city and the region.

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3.4 Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord / IBA Wikimedia

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LaPaDu_Panorama_2010-10-03.jpg>, access on March 7th, 2012.

3.5 - 3.7 Taken by group 4.1 - HafenCity Hamburg GmbH (2012): Quartiere – Kleinteilig und lebendig: Das erste Quartier der Hafencity. <http://www.>, access on February 29th 2012.

5.1 - Painted bike lanes. Digital image. Streetsblog. Web. 2

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5.2 - Maury, Erin G. Bicycle rentals in London. Digital image. Nileguide. 8 Dec. 2010. Web. 2 Mar. 2012. <http://www.>.

5.3 - Covered bike parking. Digital image. Directions and How to Get Here. Web. 08 Mar. 2012. < aspx?pid=290>.

5.4 - A bike rack with a pump. Digital image.

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3.1 - Flickr. Yahoo! Web. 08 Mar. 2012. < photos/mnmoutdoor/4311655991/sizes/l/in/photostream/>.


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