CURRICULUM VITAE RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP List of Publications: Book Chapters Journal Articles Conference Proceedings Professional Journals Conferences, meetings and scientific events: Oral presentations, publications and key lectures Evidence of appropriate external funding Supervision of researchers/research students Evidence of contribution at an international level to the subject area Status within the subject area/profession Professional activity Membership of editorial board Refereeing of articles for peer-reviewed academic journals Refereeing of grant applications by UK research councils and other major funding bodies Organisation of major academic conferences/meetings Award of medals, prizes or other academic distinctions TEACHING PROFILE Summary of my Teaching Experiences from 2007 onwards Annexed Documentation: Evidences of Teaching Modules (10 cases) INNOVATION AND ENGAGEMENT Statement International Workshops, Lectures and Seminars ERASMUS Exchange Agreements National and Regional Exhibitions Advanced Academic Training MADE Journal: Editorial Board International Design Competitions UNIVERSITY CITIZENSHIP Statement School Roles and Responsibilities School/University Committees 2007-2013
List of Publications Book Chapters Journal Articles Conference Proceedings Professional Journals Conferences, meetings and scientific events: Oral presentations, publications and key lectures Evidence of appropriate external funding Supervision of researchers/research students MArch/MSc/MPhil/PhD dissertations Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem Status within the subject area/profession Expert member of a specified field/profession Professional activity Membership of academic/professional committees Membership of editorial board Refereeing of articles for peer-reviewed academic journals Refereeing of grant applications by UK research councils and other major funding bodies Organisation of major academic conferences/meetings Award of medals, prizes or other academic distinctions
Dr Cristian Suau • • • • • • • •
Citizenship(s): Spanish and Chilean Address: 25 Springfield Place, CF119NZ, Cardiff, UK Telephones: +44 (0)7912535082 or +44 29 20389181 E-mails: suauc@cardiff.ac.uk or suauc@ecofab.org Websites: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/suau.php, www.ecofab.org Languages: English and Spanish fluently. Also Swedish Present position: BSc1 chair AD1, Erasmus coordinator (WSA) Previous positions: Senior Architect, OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), Rotterdam Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), Barcelona Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Architecture (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Education - academic degrees Degree, year, institution, discipline • BSc in Architecture, 1991, Faculty of Architecture, University of Chile (validated in EU), Architecture • MArch in Architecture, 1993, Faculty of Architecture, University of Chile (validated in EU), Architecture • Master in Urban Design (MA), 1997, Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC), Urban Design • European Ph.D. (Cum Laude), 2001, Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC), Architecture • Advanced Diploma, 2002, Lund University, Sweden, Climatic Architecture • Advanced Diploma, 2009, Cardiff University, UK (accredited by the HEA), Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (PCUTL) Teaching Experience Contents, institution, year, role description • Architectural Design and Theory of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture (FAU), University of Chile, 1993-1995 and 2000), professional tutor (BSc2) and module leader (Scandinavian Architecture) • Architectural Design, School of Architecture (PUC), Universidad Católica de Chile, 2000• 2001, MArch2 5 year tutor (final graduate exams) • Architectural Design, Urbanism & Landscape; School of Architecture UNAP, 2001-2003, year chair BSc2 and module leader of urbanism and landscape • Urban Design, Monterrey School of Architecture - ITESM Mexico, 2004, autumn Design Workshop (principal tutor) • Doctorate Programme: The New Instruments of Architecture, Barcelona School of Architecture (UPC), 2004-2005, PhD module leader on: - Pavilion as Manifesto of Architecture (taught course) - The City Conceived from Modern Architecture (workshop seminar) - Potential Architecture (research course) • Architectural Design 3, Ljubljana School of Architecture, Slovenia, 2006, summer Design Workshop, programme leader and main tutor • Architectural Design 2, FAAD, School of Architecture, Chile, 2006, summer Design Workshop: programme leader and main tutor • Architectural Design, NTNU, IaaC-Barcelona, 2006, summer Design Workshop: programme leader and main tutor • Architectural Design; Architectural Technology and World Architecture, WSA, mid-2007 onwards, year chair BSc1 & BSc2 and module leader - Year chair Architectural Design BSc1 & BSc2 - Module leader of World Architecture - Module leader of Architectural Technology 1-2 - Coordinator of Vertical Studio - Supervisor/examiner: MArch, MSc, MAUD, MPhil & PhD
• -
International Architectural/Urban Studios (tutor/reviewer/lecturer/key speaker): Design and Games, International University of Catalonia (2008) Architectural and Urban Design (2008), FAAD, PUC, FAU and UBB Urban Design, Girona School of Architecture (2010-2011) Eco-Urbanism (2011-2012), Architectural Association: Mittelmeerland 1-2-3: Architectural and Climatic Design (2011-2012), University of Tianjin-Cardiff University Others
Research sponsored by Academic and Scientific Bodies Research field, sponsorship, year, research title and outcome(s) • Collective housing, Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile), 2000, ‘Flexible Housing Systems’, coauthor: CS journal articles and proceedings • Doctoral thesis, Barcelona School of Architecture (Spain), 2001, ‘Aalto and the Wooden Pavilions’, author: CS journal articles & proceedings • Urban Public Spaces, UNAP (Chile), 2002, ‘Colonisation of the Urban Void in the Atacama Desert’, author: CS professional journal • Sustainable Design (Postdoctoral fellow), Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2003, ‘Pallet Housing System© (PHS)’, author: CS proceedings • Urban Re-activation (Postdoctoral fellow), AGAUR programme, Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain, 2004-2006, ‘Potential Public Spaces in the Modern Suburbia’, author: CS journal article and proceedings • University Network for Sustainable Urbanism, Asia Link (EU programme), ETSAB (Spain) Politecnico de Milano (Italy) & Hanoi University (Vietnam), 2004-2006, ‘University Network for Sustainable Architecture’, co-author: CS journal article and proceedings • Eco-Design (Postdoctoral fellow), NTNU-Department of Architectural Design and Technology (Norway), 2004 -2006, ‘Pallet Housing System PHS©’ and ‘Triangular Pallet House TPH©’, author: CS journals and proceedings • Fog Collection in Arid Lands, Cardiff University, 2010-2011, ‘Fog Collection in the Atacama Desert - FogHive©’, author: CS journals and proceedings • Marie Curie IEF Project; FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF, Proposal n° 331084; Project Acronym: ‘EMUVE, Euro‐Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology’, author: CS journals and proceedings. Dec. 2012, 24 months Research and Scientific Grants Sponsor, project name, duration, funding • Marie Curie IEF Project; FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF, Proposal n° 331084; Project Acronym: EMUVE; Dr Suau is the scientist in charge and coordinator of this project, Dec. 2012, 24 months, € 244000 • British Council UK_NL, Colloquium on ‘Crisis & Urban Resistance’; Dr Suau was the main coordinator, October 2010 (one week), £8,000. • Cardiff University, Fieldwork in the Atacama Desert; Dr Suau was the principal researcher, May 2010 (1 month), £ 2,225 • GENCAT, Postdoctoral Research on Experimental Housing; Dr Suau was the principal researcher, 2004 (24 months), € 44,000 • Asia Link (EU), University Network for Sustainable Cities and Architecture; Dr Suau was the principal researcher, 2004 (24 months), € 200,000 • NTNU, Postdoctoral Research on Sustainable Housing; Dr Suau was the principal researcher fellow, 2004 (24 months), € 90,000 • ULARE-MET, Research on Architectural Teaching; Dr Suau was the principal researcher fellow, 2001(12 months), U$ 14,000 • UD, Research on Urban Reprogramming of Social Housing in Santiago; Dr Suau was the principal researcher fellow, 1999 (6 months), U$ 17,000
Professional and Academic Organizations Organization, place, year membership (since) • • • • • •
Architectural Association (AA), London, 2012 The Centre for Interdisciplinary Film and Visual Culture Research (IFVCR), Cardiff, 2011 The European Architectural History Network (EAHN), Delft, 2011 DOCOMOMO, Barcelona, 2010 PLEA (Passive Low-Energy Architecture), http://plea-arch.org, 2006 Sveriges Arkitekt, Sweden, since 2006
Public Service Service, institution, place, year (since) • NGO, RECICLARQ: www.reciclarq.org, Barcelona, since 2006 • NGO, Architects without Boundaries, Catalan Association of Architects (COAC), Barcelona, since 2004 Scholarships and Research Funding Title, sponsor, year, host institution/place, duration • Scholarship for European Doctorate Studies, MUTIS (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain), 1995, Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC), 36 months • Mobility Research Programme in Finland, AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya, Spain), 1998, Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) and Alvar Aalto Foundation, 12 months • Advanced Diploma on Climatic Architecture, SIDA (Lund University, • Sweden), 2002, Architecture, Energy and Environment at Lund University (LTH), 3 month • International Visiting Programme, Department of Foreign Affairs (Canada), 2003, Mc Gill University and the Canadian Centre of Architecture (CCA), Montreal, 3 months • Postdoctoral Researcher, Ministry of Education and Science (Spain), 2003, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 12 months • Reincorporation of Early Career Researchers, AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya), 2004, CDPACETSAB (included Ph.D. teaching), 24 months • International Collaboration Award, Cardiff University (Research Division), 2010, International Research fieldwork at ‘Centro del Desierto de Atacama’, Chile, 1 month
1. List of Publications (X) : Publications % CS : Percentage of authorship RAE : RAE categories (1, 2, 3, 4)
1.1. Book Chapters
(X) 100% CS - RAE 3 (*) 1. Suau, C. ‘The Pan-American Highway: Informal Commerce and Instant Urbanism’: Economy Conference, Cardiff, July 2011. Revised paper is ready for book chapter’s final revision. The conference proceedings (hardcopy) is available here: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/economy/ Note (*): Subject to editorial judgement on the balance and the strength of the book proposal overall, my paper has been considered for inclusion in the Routledge’s ‘Economy’ book. I am currently working in the final adjustment of this document. For more details, please contact Dr Steven Kite. (X) 100%CS - RAE 3 2. ‘Theory by Design: Architectural Research Made Explicit in the Design Teaching Studio’; Section ‘Knowing by Making’; article: Suau, C. ‘The Power of Less’: 2012, Antwerp, Artesis University College, pp. 353-362. ISBN 978-94-90705-07-7 (X) 80% CS - RAE 3 3. Lascelles, M. ’The Union Street Urban Orchard: A Case Study of Creative Interim Use. Section called ‘DIY: Do It Yourself’ by Suau, C. & Davidson, R. The Architectural Foundation, London, pp. 7980, ISSN 978-0-9519067-8-1: Book chapter Website: http://www.architecturefoundation.org.uk/shop/the-union-street-urban-orchard-book (X) 100% CS - RAE 3 4. Ferrater, C. & Pinos, C. ‘A Game in a Place: Vertical Studio’, 2011; Sections: ‘Pool Table Laser’, ‘Drawing in the Air’ and ‘Puzzlab’ by Suau, C. and Blanco, M. ActarBirkhauserD, Barcelona, pp. 5965. ISBN 978-84-938493-1-3: Book chapter (X) 50% CS - RAE 3 5. Rebois, D. (Europan head editor), ‘European Urbanity (Europan 8)’. Chapter: ‘Theme 2. Urbanising with Infrastructures’ by Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N. “Railtown: Dealing with Infrastructure in Norway”, 2007, EUROPAN 8, Norway, pp. 107-108, ISBN 2-914296-07-X: Book chapter Website: http://www.europan-europe.com/pages_eng/publication/publication.php (X) 100% CS - RAE 3 6. Gimenez, A. “Racons Publics (Public Corners)”. Chapter: ‘Racons 08’ by Suau, C. (Catalan/Spanish/English), 2004, FAD editorial - Ajuntament de Barcelona, Barcelona, pp. 139. ISBN: 84-7609-375-6: Book chapter Website: http://fad.cat/raconspublics/
1.2. Journal Articles
(X) 100% CS - RAE 3 1. Suau, C. “Lessons from the Woodland: The Lapua Forest Pavilion by Alvar Aalto”, DOCOMOMO Journal 46 (2012/1): ‘Designing Modern Life’. Barcelona, 2012, pp. 42-47. Website: http://www.docomomo.com/com/journal-docomomo.htm (X) 100% CS - RAE 3 2. Suau, C. ‘The Pan-American Highway’, CERCLE Review 006 (June, 2012), ISSN 2014-014. Digital journal: website: http://cercle.upc.edu (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 3. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “The Malls in the Online Shopping Era”, CERCLE Review 006 (June, 2012), ISSN 2014-014. Digital journal. Website: http://cercle.upc.edu (X) 100% CS - RAE 3 4. Suau, C. “Visionary Prefab in the Modern Age: Deconstructing Keaton’s Films”, DOCOMOMO Journal 44 (2011/1): ‘Modern and Sustainable’, Barcelona, 2011, pp. 81-85. Website: http://www.docomomo.com/com/journal-docomomo.htm (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 5. Suau, C. “FogHive: Sustainable Architecture in the Atacama Coast”, 2011, MADE Journal, Issue 6, The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff. pp. 31-40, ISSN 1742-416X (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 6. Suau, C. “Towards Minimum Dwellings. Manifesto Against Oversized Architecture”, 2008, MADE Journal, Issue 4, The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff, pp. 74-83, ISSN 1742-416X (X) 80% CS - RAE 3 7. Suau, C. & Markuekiaga, N. “Fabricating New Spatial Systems”, August 2006, Revista 180, Issue 17, FAAD, Santiago de Chile, pp. 18-21, ISSN 0718-2309 . (X) 50% CS RAE 3 8. Codinachs, M; Katarina Mrkonjic & Suau, C. “Incubating Sustainable Architecture: Think-Tank Networks on Cooperation and Progressive Research’”, International Conference of the Centre for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR), November 2006, Rabat, Morocco, Volume 1, pp. 167-176, ISBN 9957860208. Website: http://www.csaar-center.org/conference/2006/index.htm (X) 50% CS - RAE 3 9. Codinachs, M; Katarina Mrkonjic & Suau, C. “University Network for Sustainable Architecture”. Project sponsored by ‘Asia Link’ (EU 2006). January 2006, International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 165-172, ISSN: 1832-2077. Website: http://onsustainability.com/journal (X) 80% CS - RAE 2 10. Suau, C. & Jacobsen, A. “Fabricating Eco-Dwellings with Elemental Junk-Frames”. The Annual Symposium of the Nordic Association for Architectural Research, April 2006, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, pp. 176-184, ISBN 13-978-87-7830-144-4. Website: http://www.arkitekturforskning.net (X) 100% CS - RAE 3 11. Suau, C. “Potential Public Spaces in the Modern Suburbia: Urban Reflections for the Regeneration of Free Spaces”, April 2005, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Gothenburg, pp. 31-41. ISSN 1102-5824. Website: http://www.arkitekturforskning.net
(X) 100% CS - RAE 2 12. Suau, C. “Colonization of the Urban Void in Arid Lands, Atacama Desert”. Study financed & published by UNAP (07/2002), Chile, pp. 01-130. Website: http://www.unap.cl/p4_investigacion/site/edic/base/port/proyectos_internos.html (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 13. Suau, C. “Alvar Aalto and the Wooden Pavilions: Towards the Tectonic Dissolution of the Matter” (Spanish/English), Doctoral thesis published by UPCnet, Spain (11/2001), pp. 01-260. Digital journal (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 14. Suau, C. “Critical Approach on Aalto’s Forest Pavilion” (Spanish); UPC editions, KHORA 4: Architecture and Culture. New Paradigms (1998), Spain, pp. 67-74 Website: http://www.edicionsupc.es/ftppublic/forum/FAR0100C.pdf
1.3. Conference Proceedings
X) 100% CS - RAE 2 1. Suau, C. ‘Border Cities: Instant Urbanism along the Pan-American Highway’. International conference called ‘The Production of the Space’ at UEL, London, 17-18 December 2012 Website: http://www.tpop2012.co.uk/welcome/ (paper/oral presentation). X) 100% CS - RAE 2 2. Suau, C. ‘The Art of Eco-frames: Lessons of Innovative Eco- Fabrication in Design Studio’. PLEA 2012 Conference, Nov. 2012. Lima. Topic: ‘Education’. Code: T09-20120123-0009. Website: http://www.plea2012.pe/fullpaper/ (paper/oral presentation). Note: PLEA 2012 Proceedings will be published digitally on this website: www.plea2012.pe and on the PLEA website (http://plea-arch.org/), as soon as the ISBN registration is completed. (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 3. Suau, C. ‘Fog_Hive©: 3D Fog Collection in the Coastal Atacama Desert’. PLEA 2012 Conference, Nov. 2012. Lima. Topic: ‘Climatic, Water and Biodiversity Context’. Code: T12-20120123-0007 (paper/oral presentation). Note: PLEA 2012 Proceedings will be published digitally on this website: www.plea2012.pe and on the PLEA website (http://plea-arch.org/), as soon as the ISBN registration is completed. (X) 50% CS - RAE 1 4. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “Fakescape: The Illusion of Placeness in Shopping Malls”, International Urban Design Conference ‘Designing Place’, Nottingham University, 5-6 April 2012. Website: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/engineering/departments/abe/conference/index.aspx (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS - RAE 1 5. Suau, C. “The Art of Less: Lesson for Innovative Eco-Design”, iJADE Conference on ‘The Centrality of Art, Design and the Performing Arts to Education’, Chester, 2011 (Dissemination of paper granted by CEBE, case study award). Website: http://www.nsead.org/Downloads/ijade_conference_2011_flyer.pdf (X) 100% CS - RAE 1 6. Suau, C. “The Panamerican Strip”, Economy Conference, Cardiff, July 2011. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/economy/ (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 7. Suau, C. “Fog Collection and Sustainable Architecture in the Atacama Coast”, 5th International Conference on ‘Fog, Dew and Fog Collection’, Muenster, July 2010, pp. 179-188. Website: http://www.fogconference.org (paper/oral presentation)
(X) 100% CS - RAE 2 8. Suau, C. “Visionary Prefab in the Modern Age: Deconstructing Keaton’s Films”, 11th International DOCOMOMO, conference proceedings, Mexico City, Sept. 2010 Website: http://www.esteticas.unam.mx/docomomo2010/index.html (paper/oral presentation) (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 9. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “The Mall in the Online Shopping Era”, 4th IFoU conference ‘The New Urban Question, 26-28 Nov – 2009. ISBN 9789078658139. pp. 151-160. Website: http://newurbanquestion.ifou.org (paper/oral presentation) (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 10. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “Reflections on Speed and Compactness in the Online Era”; Arquitectonics Network II, organized by Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), Barcelona, June 2009 (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 11. Suau, C., “Games as Potential Space-frames”, Communicating (by) Design’s Conference in Brussels, Belgium, organized by Sint Lukas & Chalmers University, April 2009, ISBN 9789081323802. pp. 205-213 Website: http://conf.bydesigning.info (paper/oral presentation) (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 12. MacVicar, M & Suau, C. “Neglectfulness in the Preservation and Continuity of Late-Modern Architecture: St Peter’s Seminary by Gillespie, Kidd and Coia”, 10th International DOCOMOMO conference, September 2010, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 81-86, ISBN 978-1-58603-917-2. Website: http://www.docomomo2008.nl (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 13. Suau, C. “Metsapaviljonski: Form follows Wood”, 10th International DOCOMOMO conference, September 2010, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 27-32, ISBN 978-1-58603-917-2. Website: http://www.docomomo2008.nl (paper/oral presentation) (X) 80% CS - RAE 2 14. Suau, C. & Tunka, S. “Reprogramming European Modern Suburbia: New Urban Design Strategies in Low-Dense Spaces”; Arquitectonics Network I: Mind, Land and Society Conference, June 2008, Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). Website: https://www.pa.upc.edu/Varis/altres/arqs/network-arquitectonics (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS - RAE 1 15. Suau, C. “RECICLARQ Design: Architectures for Emergency”, AGENCY, the 5th International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), November 2008, University of Sheffield. Websites: http://www.agency-conference.info , http://www.ahra-architecture.org/events_2008.php (paper/oral presentation) (X) 80% CS - RAE 1 16. Suau, C. & Lascelles, M. “One Week by Buster Keaton. Envisioning Prefab Architecture in Motion”, Cities in Film: Architecture, Urban Space and the Moving Image, March 2008, Liverpool University, pp237-243. Website: http://www.liv.ac.uk/lsa/cityinfilm/conf2008.html (paper/oral presentation) (X) 80% CS RAE 2 17. Suau, C. & Lascelles, M. “Redesigning European Suburbia for Rambling and Transit: Emerging concepts in Almere, Holland”, 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization (ISUU), 09/2007, TU Delft, Holland, pp. 122-124, ISBN 978-90-786558-04-7. Website: www.usuu.eu (paper/oral presentation)
(X) 80% CS RAE 2 18. Suau, C. & Ayala, F. “Tyrespace”, PLEA Conference, September 2006, Geneve, Switzerland, Volume 2, pp. 228-234, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS RAE 2 19. Suau, C. “Triangular Pallet House - TPH©: Elemental A-frame Design Applicable in Emergency and Recreational Environments”, November 2005, PLEA Conference, November 2005, Beirut, Lebanon (11/2005), Volume 1, pp. 343-348, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS RAE 2 20. Suau, C. “Pallet Housing System (PHS)”, PLEA Conference, September 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Volume 1, pp. 123-129, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org (paper/oral presentation) (X) 100% CS RAE 2 21. Suau, C. “The Pallet House”, PLEA Conference, November 2003, Santiago de Chile, Volume 2, pp. 230-236, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org (paper/oral presentation)
1.4. Professional Journals (X) 80% CS - RAE 2 1. Suau, C. & Tunka, S. “Modern Suburbia”; Arhitectura Journal 75 (issued by Union of Romanian Architects), ISSN-1220-3254, June 2009, pp 90-95, Bucharest. Professional journal (hardcopy) (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 2. Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N. “Railtown in Hamar, Norway”, 2006, ByggeKunst 02/0, Oslo, pp. 58-59 & 93, ISSN 0007-7518. Professional journal (hardcopy) Online publication: http://www.europan.no/E8/Hamar/winners (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 3. Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N., “Hamar Railtown, Norway”, 2006, EUROPAN Spain, Madrid, pp. 139-144, ISBN 84-934051-4-0. Professional journal (hardcopy) (X) 100% CS - RAE 2 4. Suau, C. “Sustainable Tourism: Temporal Architecture for Leisure and Rest”, October 2002, Ciudad & Arquitectura, CA 109, Chile, pp. 30-47. Professional journal (hardcopy) (X) 50% CS - RAE 2 5. Suau, C. & Savol, P. “Bratislava Transformation” (awarded project, international entry competition). Projekt, N° 3 (1999), Slovakia, pp. 38-39. Professional journal (hardcopy)
Conferences, meetings and scientific events: Oral presentations, publications and key lectures
Type of participation (x) i.e.: oral presentation, paper accepted, poster, main lecturer, key speaker, etc.
1. Suau, C. ‘Border Cities: Instant Urbanism along the Pan-American Highway’. International conference called ‘The Production of the Space’ on 17-18 December 2012: UEL, London Website: http://www.tpop2012.co.uk/welcome/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 2. Suau, C. ‘The Art of Eco-frames: Lessons of Innovative Eco- Fabrication in Design Studio’. PLEA 2012 Conference, Nov. 2012. Lima. Topic: Education. Code: T09-20120123-0009. Website: http://www.plea2012.pe/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 3. Suau, C. ‘Fog_Hive©: 3D Fog Collection in the Coastal Atacama Desert’. PLEA 2012 Conference, Nov. 2012. Lima. Topic: Climatic, Water and Biodiversity Context. Code: T12-20120123-0007. Website: http://www.plea2012.pe/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and paper accepted 4. Suau, C. ‘The Power of Less’; International conference ‘Theory by Design’ on 29-31 October 2012. Faculty of Design Sciences/University of Antwerp, Belgium Website: http://www.theorybydesign.eu/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and paper accepted 5. Suau, C. “Folding as Design Process”, master class organized by IED, Barcelona, 31 May 2012. Website: http://www.ied.edu, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) main speaker and tutor in design workshop 6. Suau, C. ‘Barcelona: Maritime Urbanity’. Conference at AA Visiting Programme: Mittelmeerland III, Beirut, 21th of April 2012 Website: http://www.mittelmeerland.org/BEIRUT.html, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) keynote speaker and tutor in design workshop 7. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. ‘Fakescape: The Illusion of Placeness in Shopping Malls’, International Urban Design Conference ‘Designing Place’, Nottingham University, 5-6 April 2012. Website: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/engineering/departments/abe/conference/index.aspx, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 8. Suau, C. Research by Design Lecture on ‘Eco-Frames’ at AIADO Midday Musing Lecture (lunchtime). SAIC, Chicago, 28 February 2012. Website: http://www.saic.edu/degrees_resources/departments/aiado/index.html#news_events, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) keynote speaker and tutor in design workshop 9. Suau, C. Lecture on ‘The Power of Less’ organised by The Zagreb Society of Architects (ZSA/ DAZ), Zagreb, Croatia. 29 January 2012. Website: http://www.d-a-z.hr/hr/vijesti/predavanje-cristiana-suaue-eco-frames-_-the-power-ofless,1152.html, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) keynote speaker 10. Suau, C. “Fog_Hive: 3D Fog Collection in Arid and semi-Arid Coasts”, Smart City Expo, World Congress, 1 December 2011. Environment finalist (online publication) Website: http://www.smartcityexpo.com/web/19309/9, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) main speaker & poster presentation
11. Suau, C. “The Pan-American Strip: Infrastructure and Informal Cities”, ‘Economy’ Conference, Cardiff, July 2011. Conference proceedings (hardcopy of abstract) Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/economy/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, conference proceeding and chair panel 12. Suau, C. “Fog_Hive©: 3D Fog Collection in Arid and semi-Arid Coasts”, Smart City Expo, World Congress, 1 December 2012. Finalist of the Environmental section (online publication/award). Website: http://www.smartcityexpo.com/web/19309/9, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and online paper accepted 13. Suau, C. “The European Shopping Mall in the Online shopping Era”, ‘Birmingham Cityscapes’ Conference, Birmingham, June 2011 Website: http://interactivecultures.org/2010/11/call-for-papers-birmingham-cityscapes/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and abstract proceeding 14. Suau, C. Conference ‘The Dense Cities’, Graz, 26-28 May 2011 Website: http://www.densecities.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. 15. Suau, C. & Tunka, S. “Augmenting Urbanity in the Modern Suburbia: Design Strategies in Lowdense Areas”, Colloquium on ‘Crisis & Urban Resistance’, October 2010, TU Delft, Holland. Website: http://www.delftschoolofdesign.eu/workshops, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) colloquium chair w/ abstract proceeding and main speaker 16. Suau, C. “Fog Collection and Sustainable Architecture in the Atacama Coast”, 5th International Conference on Fog and Fog Collection, Muenster, July 2010, pp. 179-188. Website: http://www.fogconference.org/, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and hardcopy/online paper accepted 17. Suau, C. “Visionary Prefab in the Modern Age: Deconstructing Keaton’s films”, 11th International DOCOMOMO, Mexico City, Sept. 2010 Website: http://www.esteticas.unam.mx/docomomo2010/index.html, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 18. MacVicar, M & Suau, C. “Neglectfulness in the Preservation and Continuity of Late-Modern Architecture: St Peter’s Seminary by Gillespie, Kidd and Coia”, 10th International DOCOMOMO conference, September 2010, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 81-86, ISBN 978-1-58603-917-2. Website: http://www.docomomo2008.nl, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 19. Suau, C. “Metsapaviljonski: Form follows Wood”, 10th International DOCOMOMO conference, September 2010, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 27-32, ISBN 978-1-58603-917-2. Website: http://www.docomomo2008.nl, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 20. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “The Mall in the Online Shopping Era”, 4th IFoU conference ‘The New Urban Question, 26-28 November 2009. ISBN 9789078658139. pp. 151-160. Website: http://newurbanquestion.ifou.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 21. Suau, C. & Bauza, M. “Reflections on Speed and Compactness in the Online Era”; Arquitectonics Network II, organized by Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB), Barcelona, June 2009. Website: https://www.pa.upc.edu/Varis/altres/arqs/network-arquitectonics, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted
22. Suau, C., “Games as Potential Space-frames” at ‘Communicating (by) Design’, Conference in Brussels, Belgium, organized by Sint Lukas & Chalmers University, April 2009, ISBN 9789081323802. pp. 205-213 Website: http://conf.bydesigning.info, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 23. Suau, C. “The Power of Less”, Cycle of Conferences on The Collapse, organized by IED, Barcelona, 10-12 March 2009. Website: http://www.ied.edu/Portfolio/Events/IED/event, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) main speaker and online paper publication 24. Suau, C. “RECICLARQ Design: Architectures for Emergency”, AGENCY, the 5th International Conference of the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA), November 2008, University of Sheffield. Website: http://www.agency-conference.info , http://www.ahra-architecture.org/events_2008.php, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and abstract proceeding 25. Suau, C. & Tunka, S. “Reprogramming European Modern Suburbia: New Urban Design Strategies in Low-Dense Spaces”; Arquitectonics Network I: Mind, Land and Society Conference, June 2008, Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). Website: https://www.pa.upc.edu/Varis/altres/arqs/network-arquitectonics, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and paper accepted 26. Suau, C. & Lascelles, M. “One Week by Buster Keaton. Envisioning Prefab Architecture In Motion”, Cities in Film: Architecture, Urban Space and the Moving Image, March 2008, Liverpool University, pp237-243. Website: http://www.liv.ac.uk/lsa/cityinfilm/conf2008.html, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 27. Suau, C. & Lascelles, M. “Redesigning European Suburbia for Rambling and Transit: Emerging Concepts in Almere, Holland”, 4th International Seminar on Urbanism and Urbanization (ISUU), 11/2007, TU Deft, Holland, pp. 122-124, ISBN 978-90-786558-04-7. Website: www.usuu.eu, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation, poster and paper accepted 28. Codinachs, M; Katarina Mrkonjic & Suau, C. “Incubating Sustainable Architecture: Think-Tank Networks on Cooperation and Progressive Research’”, International Conference of the Centre for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region (CSAAR), November 2006, Rabat, Morocco, Volume 1, pp. 167-176, ISBN 9957860208. Website: http://www.csaar-center.org/conference/2006/index.htm, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 29. Suau, C. & Ayala, F. “Tyrespace”, PLEA Conference, September 2006, Geneve, Switzerland, Volume 2, pp. 228-234, ISBN 1902916166. Oral presentation - Conference proceeding: Website: http://www.plea-arch.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 30. Suau, C. & Jacobsen, A. “Fabricating Eco-Dwellings with Elemental Junk-Frames”. The Annual Symposium of the Nordic Association for Architectural Research, April 2006, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, pp. 176-184, ISBN 13-978-87-7830-144-4. Website: http://www.arkitekturforskning.net, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 31.Suau, C. “Potential Public Spaces in the Modern Suburbia: Urban Reflections for the Regeneration of Free Spaces”, April 2005, Nordic Journal of Architectural Research, Gothenburg, pp. 31-41. ISSN 1102-5824. Website: http://www.arkitekturforskning.net, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted
32. Suau, C. “Triangular Pallet House - TPH©: Elemental A-frame Design Applicable in Emergency and Recreational Environments”, November 2005, PLEA Conference, November 2005, Beirut, Lebanon (11/2005), Volume 1, pp. 343-348, ISBN 1902916166 Website: http://www.plea-arch.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 33. Suau, C. “Pallet Housing System (PHS)”, PLEA Conference, September 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Volume 1, pp. 123-129, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted 34. Suau, C. “The Pallet House”, PLEA Conference, November 2003, Santiago de Chile, Volume 2, pp. 230-236, ISBN 1902916166. Website: http://www.plea-arch.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (x) oral presentation and paper accepted Note: The contribution to the public understanding of research subject areas and my research outcomes are now available in ORCA Online Research: http://orca.cf.ac.uk/cgi/search/simple (Note: Please insert my surname 'Suau' in option 'Search'). They are also disseminated at: www.ecofab.org
Evidence of appropriate external funding
International Collaboration Award 2010, Cardiff University (awarded) Researcher: Dr Cristian Suau Sponsor: CEBE Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/plann/researchinitiative Contact: Richard Palmer, Planning Division, Cardiff University Research project: FogHive - 3D Fog Collectors along the Coastal Desert, Chile. The purpose of this research was twofold: Firstly, I established new academic links between the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) and Chilean scientific centres/universities and delivered the research dissemination through visiting lecturers, conferences/seminars and joint collaborative research projects. Secondly, I focused on the development of fog collectors in the coastal desert by using lightweight modular frames and hydrophobic screens). It included on-site visits to climatic stations and fog oases. FogHive consists of a large water-repellent skin facing prevailing winds with a shading device facing the Equator. The water collection, filtering and irrigation network can employ local structural materials and techniques. In comparison with existing conventional two-dimensional fog collectors, FogHive will upgrade the following design: 1. Increased yield from advection fog by taking into account harvesting rate and climatic parameters in fog oases; 2. Structural reinforcement of fog collectors through lightweight and deployable space-frames; 3. Reduced installation and maintenance costs; 4. Lowered physical impacts on surroundings. This research fieldwork provided access to key climatic data, which culminated in the development of the following publications: Suau, C. ‘Fog_Hive: 3D Fog Collection in the Coastal Atacama Desert’. PLEA 2012 Conference, Nov. 2012. Lima. Topic: Climatic, water and biodiversity context, visit http://www.plea2012.pe/fullpaper/ (paper/oral presentation accepted). Suau, C. “Fog_Hive: 3D Fog Collection in Arid and semi-Arid Coasts”, Smart City Expo, World Congress, 1 December 2012. Environment finalist (online publication): http://www.smartcityexpo.com/web/19309/9 Suau, C. “FogHive: Sustainable Architecture in the Atacama Coast”, MADE journal, Issue 6, Cardiff, 2011. ISSN 1742-416X, pp. 31-40. Suau, C. “Fog Collection and Sustainable Architecture in the Atacama Coast”, 5th International Conference on ‘Fog, Dew and Fog Collection’, Muenster, July 2010, pp. 179-188. Oral presentation & conference proceeding: http://www.fogconference.org
Colloquium on ‘Crisis & Urban Resistance’, TU Delft, (2010) Organisers/chairs: Dr Cristian Suau (WSA) and Dr Tahl Kaminer (TU Delft) Sponsor: British Council and the Partnership Programme in Science UK- NOW Website: http://www.britishcouncil.org/netherlands-pps-netherlands.htm This international event was supported by British Council and the Partnership Programme in Science United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Dr Tahl Kaminer (TU Delft) and Dr Cristian Suau (WSA) to lead and develop a colloquium called ’Urban Crisis and Resistance’ at TU Delft, which took place at TU Delft, October 2010. It presented theoretical papers and design-based works as well as urban case studies of, for instance, the manner in which urban morphology is itself a social and economic product, or the effects of neoliberal policies on the urban environment. This platform of debate facilitated the understanding of various urban dynamics and often unmediated interactions among numerous global actors that are creating new levels of complexity for the relationships between planning, research and design practice. Websites (dissemination outcomes): http://www.delftschoolofdesign.eu/workshops/20/urbancrisisandresistance.pdf http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_workshop_colloquium.php CEBE Teaching Exchange Scheme between WSA & UWE (2010) WSA academics: Dr Cristian Suau & Marga Munar UWE academics: Louis Rice and Dr Sara Rachel Sponsor: CEBE Website: http://www.cebe.heacademy.ac.uk/news/events/exchange/index.php This academic exchange scheme was coordinated and implemented between the School of Architecture, University of West England (UWE) and the Welsh School of Architecture (2010). I participated and executed several academic activities, such as lectures (2); tutorials and reviews; and research links.
CEBE Case Study Grant 2011 (awarded) Researcher: Dr Cristian Suau Sponsor: CEBE Website: http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/cebe/publications/casestudies It was a small grant to develop a pedagogic study called ‘The Power of Less: Lessons of Innovative Eco-fabrication in the Design Studio’ (December 2011). It is based on a comparison of 4 eco-design workshops, which highlighted a range of innovative teaching methods, assessments and student feedback which characterises eco-fabrication in the design studio. Journal CEBE Transactions: http://www.cebe.heacademy.ac.uk/transactions Marie Curie IEF Project; FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF, Proposal nr. 331084; Project Acronym: EMUVE (EU 2012) WSA scientist in charge and coordinator: Dr Cristian Suau Sponsor: Marie Curie IEF Website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/page/people&state=open During summer recess 2012, I invited Dr Wulff to apply for the Marie Curie IEF Project; FP7PEOPLE-2012-IEF, Proposal n° 331084; Project Acronym: EMUVE. The total amount for this research project is €221.606, 40 for a period of 24 months, which will bring more support to the Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG) in the area called ‘Cultures of the City, Landscape and Environment’. We are in the phase called “The Grant Agreement Stage”, where all the financial and work conditions of this fellowship will be defined and negotiated with the Marie Curie Commission and Cardiff University.
Supervision of researchers/research students (MArch/MSc/MPhil/PhD)
A. National supervision of researchers/research students (2007 onwards) Supervision 2007-2008 3 MArch dissertation (successfully completed): - Potential title: ‘Malaysian Traditional Houses’ by Syazwani Shaharir - Potential title: ‘Brandism & Architecture’ by Chris Radley - Potential title: ‘Eco-dwelling’ by Rebecca Bedford 1 MPhil dissertation: - Title: ‘‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw 1 MAUD dissertation: - Title: ‘Eco-polis, Newport’ by Abu Shahjahan Supervision 2008-2009 3 MArch dissertations (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Photography in Architecture’ by Melissa Robinson - Title: ‘Architectural Branding’ by James Morgan1 MSc examination (first marker): - Title: ‘Reducing Energy Use in Ireland’ by Mark Mulville 1 MPhil: - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw 1 MAUD dissertation (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Eco-polis in Newport’ by Abu Taib Mohammed Shahjahan Supervision 2009-2010 2 MArch dissertations (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Ideology and Architecture’ by Matthew Grandfield - Title: ‘Transformable Architecture’ by David Mc Gahon 1 MAUD supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Intermodality in Urban Design’ by Fang Zhou 1 MSc supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Sustainable Water Management in Santo Domingo’ by Yaminet Matos 2 MPhil dissertation supervision - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw - Title: ‘Sustainable Design’ by Sabry A. Hmadat (co-guided by Julie Gwilliam) Supervision 2010-2011 4 MArch supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘How Can Participation and Self-building Contribute to the Implementation of Suitable Housing Solutions for Dharavi?’ by Carolyn Goodfellow - Title: ‘Post-Petroleum Societies?’ by John Crowley - Title: ‘(Dis)Locating English Urbanity’ by Mark Ratke - Title: ‘Learning From Siza – A Comparative Study of His Work’ by Thomas McAviney 1 MPhil supervision - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw (extended to end of 2011) 1 PhD supervision - Title: called ‘Promoting and Delivering Sustainable Interior Design in Cyprus’ by Kika Ioannou (thesis co-supervised by Dr Julie Gwilliam and I) Supervision 2011-2012 3 MArch dissertations (in process) 3 PhD supervisions: - Title 1: ‘Promoting and Delivering Sustainable Interior Design in Cyprus’ by Kika Ioannou (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau and co-supervisor: Dr Julie Gwilliam and Andrew Roberts) - Title 2: ‘Sustainable Flexible Housing Scheme’ by Talal Elmasuri (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau). It starts on 5th of December 2012 - Title 3: ‘Smellscape: Towards an Aromatic City’ by Jieling Xiao (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau). It will start on January 2013
B. International supervision of researchers/research students Ph.D. Jury Member, July 2012 (Barcelona School of Architecture, Spain) Link: http://www.pa.upc.edu/docencia-1/doctorado/tesis-doctorales-leidas Dr Suau has been supervisor, jury member and external examiner of the Ph.D. thesis dissertation titled: ‘Arquitectura, Ciencia-ficción y Cómic-books: Vanguardias, Evolución y Lenguaje’ (Architecture, Science-Fiction and Comic Books: Vanguards, Evolution and Language’) defended by (Dr) Fernando Ayala, which took place on the 10th July 2012. Venue: Doctorat de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB). Doctorate Programme’s panel: Dr Xavier Monteys, responsible of Academic Commission; Dr Alfred Linares, responsible of Postgraduate Commission; and Dr Aquiles González, secretary of Jury.
Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area
Since 2007 I have contributed in the dissemination of research outcomes in several international academic events in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas: UK, Croatia, Spain, China, Morocco, USA, Argentina and Chile. The key research fields are Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism and Eco-Design. The main themes are: Eco-Design, Reuse & Experimental Compact Dwellings (Cero-Architecture); EcoUrbanism and Urban Renewal; Transformation and Re-activation of Suburbia; Theory by Design and Theory of Modern Architecture; and Fog Collection in Coastal Arid Lands. Type of contribution (o) i.e.: lecturer, main speaker, etc. A. Architectural Association (AA):
AA Visiting School, 2011-2012 - ‘AA Visiting School’, Programme: ‘Mittelmeerland III’. It was organised by AA on April 2012, Beirut, Lebanon. Website: http://www.mittelmeerland.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (o) principal tutor (design studio), moderator and main speaker - ‘AA Visiting School’, Programme: ‘Mittelmeerland II’. It was organised by AA on September 2011, Tangier, Morocco. Website: http://www.mittelmeerland.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (o) principal tutor (design studio), moderator and main speaker - ‘AA Visiting School’, Programme: ‘Mittelmeerland I’. It was organised by AA on January 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia. Website: http://www.mittelmeerland.org, accessed in 28/10/2012. (o) principal tutor (design studio), moderator and main speaker - AA International Visiting Teaching Programme, 2012 London, May-June 2012 AA offered a research by teaching programme to give selected academics of architecture an opportunity to engage with the teaching and research of the AA school and to develop a debate about the aims and strategies of architecture nowadays. The programme offered meetings with students and teachers; involvement in the review and assessment activities throughout the school; and the opportunity for detailed discussion of research and methods of education. I presented my research works throughout a programme of lectures, seminars and round tables. The programme was open to a selected group of 12 European academics. The programme began at the end of May 2013. Applicants were selected based on their innovative vision about architectural research and education methods. My role was external crit and lecturer. Website: http://www.aaschool.ac.uk/STUDY/VISITING/visitingteachers.php
B. International Joint Academic Exchange between Tianjin University and Cardiff University - International Joint Workshop Tianjin - Cardiff called ‘The Art Box 2’ sponsored by WSA, May 2012, Tianjin, China. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/v-studio-2011-studio_4.php, accessed in 28/10/2012. (o) principal tutor (design studio) and key lecturer - International Joint Workshop Tianjin - Cardiff called ‘The Art Box 1’, sponsored by WSA, May 2011, Tianjin, China. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/vertical-studio-2012.php, accessed in 28/10/2012. (o) principal tutor (design studio) and key lecturer C. British Council Teaching Mobility PMI-2 UK-US New Partnership Fund Project sponsored by British Council On 22nd and 23rd November 2011, WSA hosted the 'Post-Industrial Landscape Symposium'. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/images/News/nov_2011/Post-Industrial-Transformations-handout.pdf http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news-post-industrial_nov-2011.php After the event, the core themes identified ‘common research interests’. I visited Chicago from 25 February to 03 March 2012. I organised academic round-tables with School of Art Institute Chicago (SAIC) and Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) and participate in research meetings with SAIC and CTBUH research centres; design studio tutorials and peer-reviews and preparing the next MADE issue on ‘Post-Industrial Landscapes’. One key lecture was titled ‘The Power of Less’, which took place at AIADO Midday Musing Lecture, SAIC on 28 February 2012. Website: http://www.saic.edu/degrees_resources/departments/aiado/index.html#news_events (o) principal tutor (design studio) and key lecturer D. International Lectures, Seminars and Workshops - Suau, C. Lecture on ‘Arquitectura de lo Mínimo y Medioambiente’ organised Universidad Mayor, Santiago de Chile, 7 September 2012. Website: http://www.diariomayor.cl/v2/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1927&sede=santiago (o) keynote speaker - Suau, C. Lecture on ‘El Poder del Mínimo’ organised Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 3 September 2012. Websites: http://arqa.com/esev/conferencias/el-poder-del-minimo-lajugabilidad-latente-y-potencial-del-diseno-transformando-el-sentido-clasico-de-la-exploracionarquitectonica.html & http://www.palermo.edu/arquitectura/eventos/power-less.html (o) keynote speaker Suau, C. ‘Folding as Design Process’, master class organized by IED, Barcelona, 31 May 2012. Website: http://www.ied.edu (o) main speaker & tutor (design studio) - Suau, C. Lecture on ‘The Power of Less’ organised by The Zagreb Society of Architects (ZSA/ DAZ), Zagreb, Croatia. 29 January 2012. Website: http://www.d-a-z.hr/hr/vijesti/predavanje-cristianasuaue-eco-frames-_-the-power-of-less,1152.html (o) keynote speaker - Suau, C. Lectures on ‘Retail and Online Shopping’ and ‘Design Processes of Prada Fondazione in Milan and Prada’s Pavilion in Seoul’, organised by the Master on Interior Design, Instituto Europeo di Diseno (IED), February 2010, Barcelona, Spain. Website: http://www.iedbarcelona.es (o) main speaker and tutor (design studio)
- Lecture titled ‘Arquitectura Compacta (Compact Architecture)’, 60 min, main lecture room, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad de Chile, 17/08/09, Santiago, Chile. Website: http://arquitectura.uchilefau.cl/ (o) main speaker - Lecture titled ‘Densidad y Ecologia’ (Eco-Density), 60 min, main lecture room, School of Architecture, Universidad del Bio-Bio, 13/08/09, Concepcion, Chile. Website: http://www.ubiobio.cl/mhsee/ (o) keynote speaker - Lecture titled ‘Diseño y Reuso’ (Design and Reuse), 45 min, main lecture room, School of Architecture, Universidad Arturo Prat, 03/08/09, Iquique, Chile. Website: http://www.unap.cl/p4_unap/site/artic/20031106/pags/20031106114239.html (o) keynote speaker and tutor (design studio) - Lecture titled ‘Arquitectura Compacta (Compact Architecture)’, 60 min, main lecture room, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad de Chile, 17/08/09, Santiago, Chile. Website: http://arquitectura.uchilefau.cl/ (o) main speaker - International Seminar on ‘Collapse’, organised by Instituto Europeo di Diseno (IED), March 2009, Barcelona, Spain. Key Speaker, conference titled ‘The Power of Less’, 60 min. Website: http://www.iedbarcelona.es/iedbcn_files/pdf/collapses.pdf (o) keynote speaker and tutor (design studio) - International Workshop titled ‘A Game in a Place’ organised by UIC, School of Architecture, September 2008, Barcelona, Spain. Role: Main workshop tutor. Website: http://www.uic.es/es/tallervetical-2008 (o) tutor and lecturer (design studio)
Status within the subject area/profession Expert member of a specified field/profession
COST Research Programme (EU 2012) Expert at COST Action; TU1002, State Secretariat for Education and Research SER, Multilateral Research Cooperation, Berne, Switzerland. Website: www.sbf.admin.ch
Professional activity Membership of academic/professional committees
- Architectural Association (AA) CS is member since 2012. Link: http://www.aaschool.ac.uk - The Centre for Interdisciplinary Film and Visual Culture Research (IFVCR) CS is founder member since 2011. The Centre for Interdisciplinary Film & Visual Culture Research (IFVCR) at Cardiff University brings together the whole range of scholars whose work focuses on any of the many aspects of film and visual culture research at Cardiff University and beyond. Links: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/jomec/research/interdisciplinaryfilmvisualcultureresearch/ http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/jomec/research/interdisciplinaryfilmvisualcultureresearch/members/index - The European Architectural History Network (EAHN) CS is member since 2011. The European Architectural History Network (EAHN) supports research and education by providing a public forum for the exchange and dissemination of knowledge on the history of architecture in Europe amongst scholars throughout the world. Link: http://www.eahn.org/
- DOCOMOMO CS is member since 2010. Founded in 1988, DOCOMOMO International is the major actor not only in the realm of conservation, but also in the broader field of architectural culture. Link: http://www.docomomo.com/ - PLEA (Passive Low-Energy Architecture) CS is member since 2006. PLEA serves as an open, international, interdisciplinary forum to promote high quality research, practice and education in environmentally sustainable design. Link: http://pleaarch.org/ - Sveriges Arkitekter (The Swedish Association of Architects) CS is member since 2006. The Swedish Association of Architects is a professional organization for architects, interior architects, landscape architects and spatial planners with 11500 members. Link: http://www.arkitekt.se/english
Membership of editorial board
MADE Journal: Editorial Board Member Member of the MADE editorial board since March 2012. Role: Preparation, revisions and coordination of the forthcoming MADE Journal 8 on 'Industrial Landscapes' in coordination with Mhairi McVicar (long and short papers). Refer to folder S:\STAFF INFORMATION\MADE\MADE Issue 8\MADE 8
Refereeing of articles for peer-reviewed academic journals
Refer to ORCA Online Research: http://orca.cf.ac.uk/cgi/search/simple (Note: Please insert my surname 'Suau' in option 'Search').
Refereeing of grant applications by UK research councils and other major funding bodies
COST Research Programme (EU 2012) External reviewer at COST; Action TU1002. Research theme: ‚Accessibility Instruments for Planning Practice in Europe‘.Research title: ‘Measuring Accessibility in Architectural and Social Context’, proposal C12.0069, which was financed by the State Secretariat for Education and Research SER, Multilateral Research Cooperation, Berne, Switzerland. August, 2012. Website: www.sbf.admin.ch
Organisation of major academic conferences/meetings
Colloquium on ‘Crisis & Urban Resistance’, TU Delft, (2010) Organisers/chairs: Dr Cristian Suau (WSA) and Dr Tahl Kaminer (TU Delft) Sponsor: British Council and the Partnership Programme in Science UK- NOW Website: http://www.britishcouncil.org/netherlands-pps-netherlands.htm This international event was supported by British Council and the Partnership Programme in Science United Kingdom and the Netherlands. Dr Tahl Kaminer (TU Delft) and Dr Cristian Suau (WSA) to lead and develop a colloquium called ’Urban Crisis and Resistance’ at TU Delft, which took place at TU Delft, October 2010. It presented theoretical papers and design-based works as well as urban case studies of, for instance, the manner in which urban morphology is itself a social and economic product, or the effects of neoliberal policies on the urban environment. This platform of debate facilitated the understanding of various urban dynamics and often unmediated interactions among numerous global actors that are creating new levels of complexity for the relationships between planning, research and design practice.
Award of medals, prizes or other academic distinctions
Honorific Mention at the International Design Competition ‘Urban Regeneration of the Bulnes Boulevard’, Santiago de Chile, Dec. 2012 (awarded/displayed work) Team leader: Dr Cristian Suau Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Dr Federico Wulff, Stephanie Tunka and Melina Guirnaldos Prize: Honorific Mention Website: http://www.concursoejebulnes.cl/convocatoria/ As part of the National Urban Programme of Chile called ‘Bicentennial Legacy’, the aim of this entry was to commemorate the ‘200-year Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Chile’, which included the creation, revitalization and consolidation of public spaces and buildings of great urban and heritage importance to Chile. We obtained an ‘Honorific Mention’ in a ceremony directed by the president of the republic and the architectural Pritzer prize, Prof Rafael Moneo on December 2012. Finalist ‘Smart City Expo’, Barcelona, 2011 (awarded/displayed work) Author: Dr Cristian Suau Finalist project titled ‘FogHive: 3D Fog Collection in Arid and Semi-arid Coasts’, selected and displayed at the ‘Smart City Expo’, World Congress in Barcelona, December 2011. Environment finalist (online publication): http://www.smartcityexpo.com/web/19309/9 London Festival Architecture - Nomadic Allotments, 2010 (awarded/built work) Principal leader: Dr Cristian Suau Prize: Best Reuse Project Nomadic Allotments© was part of a major applied research on ‘Potential Eco-frames’ carried out by Dr Cristian Suau since 2004 and its linked with PHS© (reuse-based design research). London Festival of Architecture and Borough Market contacted me to explore the possibilities to build up lowtech agro-devices by responding to the theme of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle at Borough Market (June, 2010). Nomadic Allotments was widely published by Architects’ Journal (AJ), The Guardian, BBC, Domus and our University. It was awarded as the best ‘Reuse Project’ by ISAF 2010. Websites: http://nomadicallotments.wordpress.com, www.lfa2010.org, or http://caerdydd.ac.uk/news/mediacentre/mediareleases/y2010/4586.html BSc2 Student Design Competition Award, 2010 (awarded/displayed work) Year tutors: Mahiri McVicar and Dr Cristian Suau Our studio ‘Architectural Design 2’ (2009) obtained two awards in the student design competition called ‘Nationwide Sustainable Housing Competition’ sponsored by RIBA and Nationwide. WSA year 2 student Alice Harwood received a joint second prize award and Andra Antone received a special mention in the section called ‘New Build Category’. The WSA also received a special mention and award for its overall entries to the competition. Websites: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_sus_housing_awards.php or http://www.architecture.com/NewsAndPress/News/CompetitionNews/Press/Results/2010/Nationwide SustainableHousingAwards.aspx
Welsh Design Exhibit: Reflecting Wales, 2008 (selected/displayed work) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau and Stephanie Tunka Exhibition of Contemporary Welsh Architecture called: ‘Reflecting Wales’, October 2008, Cardiff. Event organised by WSA, Design Circle and RSAW. Website: http://www.designcirclersawsouth.co.uk/reflectingwales/credits.php We developed an experimental housing scheme called ‘WALLET’, which was selected and published in this exhibit. Websites: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_reflecting_wales.php & http://www.designcirclersawsouth.co.uk/articles.php
Runner-up prize at Europan 8 Authors: Cristian Suau, Carmelo Zappulla and Nicolas Markuekiaga. Prize: Runner up Design entry competition organized by Europan 8 in Hamar, Norway.The outcomes are the following international media: 1. Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N. ‘Railtown: Dealing with Infrastructure in Norway’, 2007, EUROPAN 8, Norway, pp. 107-108, ISBN 2-914296-07-X. Website: http://www.europaneurope.com/pages_eng/publication/publication.php 2. Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N. ‘Railtown in Hamar, Norway’, 2006, ByggeKunst 02/0, Oslo, pp. 58-59 & 93, ISSN 0007-7518. Website: http://www.europan.no/E8/Hamar/winners 3. Suau, C., Zappulla, C. & Markuekiaga, N., ‘Hamar Railtown, Norway’, 2006, EUROPAN Spain, Madrid, pp. 139-144, ISBN 84-934051-4-0
TEACHING PROFILE TEACHING PROFILE: Summary of teaching experiences at WSA from 2007 onwards My teaching involvement is closely connected with my current architectural research and design, which allows me to explore new areas in, eco-urbanism; eco-design and appropriate technologies and compact buildings.
ANNEXED DOCUMENTATION: Evidences of Teaching Modules/Support Regarding evidences that support my teaching abilities please refer to the ‘Annexed Documentation’, which have a selection of ten cases. Each case contains a succinct description supported by illustrations.
TEACHING PROFILE 2007-2008 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I led the following undergraduate modules: - BSc1 Architectural Design 1 (78 students), year tutor, 3 days per week, terms 1-2. - BSc1 World Architecture 1 (78 students), module leader, 12 lectures (inclusive fieldwork in St. Fagans), term 1. - Vertical Studio, BSc1 and BSc2 coordinator of 14 workshops, term 3: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/studioproposal.php - Vertical Studio (12 students), leader of ‘Folding Architecture’, term 3: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/studioproposal-folding_architecture.php Y1 Design Studio The studio was co-led with Allison Dutoit. It focused on the fundaments of design: drawingscomposition-dwellings (term 1) and a worship centre (term 2). The studio covered basic design principles of functionality and technology. It was weekly structured as follows: Mondays were set up with lectures and workshop group tutorials; Wednesdays were set up for pastoral care and planning and Thursdays were allocated for individual tutorials/reviews. I spent full time mentoring/reviewing students’ final work. Additionally, I prepared lectures; tutoring students weekly; organising and leading the year study tour to Barcelona-Girona (inclusive planning walking tours, workshop, lectures and on-site visits); and mentoring students individually. Student feedbacks were highly positive. World Architecture I offered 12 thematic lectures; field trip to Saint Fagans; interim reviews and exhibition. This module introduced a representative range of outstanding worldwide traditional buildings, materials and techniques, and performance of elementary buildings. The module was divided in 2 phases: A. Traditional Welsh Architecture (40% year mark, individual work), based on St. Fagans fieldwork. B. World Vernacular Architecture (60% year mark, group/individual work), based on spatial, constructional and climatic concepts. Student feedbacks were highly positive. Vertical Studio Coordination and Workshop leader During the opening year, 14 workshops were selected and led by internal and external contributors. The aim was to integrate design and research. Student feedbacks were highly positive. Refer to: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/vertical-studio-2009.php I led ‘Folding Architecture’. It focused in paper folding and potential scalability and applications as transformable spaces. Student feedbacks were highly encouraging. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/studioproposal-folding_architecture.php
POSTGRADUATE ROLES MASTER SUPERVISION 3 MArch dissertation (successfully completed): - Potential title: ‘Malaysian Traditional Houses’ by Syazwani Shaharir - Potential title: ‘Brandism & Architecture’ by Chris Radley - Potential title: ‘Eco-dwelling’ by Rebecca Bedford 1 MPhil dissertation: - Title: ‘‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw 1 MAUD dissertation: - Title: ‘Eco-polis, Newport’ by Abu Shahjahan Note: I was internal examiner and thesis supervisor of MAUD Programme 2007-08. EXAMINATIONS (INTERNAL REVIEWS) Internal and final reviews for BSc3 and BSc2 Design Studios 3 WSA internships (office visits) TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
TEACHING PROFILE 2008-2009 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I led the following undergraduate modules: - BSc1 Architectural Design 1 (82 students): year tutor, 3 days per week, terms 1-2. - BSc1 Architectural Technology 1 (82 students): module leader, 12 lectures, term 2. - Vertical Studio: BSc1 and BSc2, coordinator of 16 workshops, term 3. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/studioproposal.php - Vertical Studio (23 students): module leader 2 workshops: ‘Junk-Frame’ and ‘Urban Corners’ Y1 Design Studio The studio was co-led with Allison Dutoit. It focused on the fundaments of design: drawingscomposition-dwellings (term 1) and a rural primary school in the Ronddha Valley (term 2). It was weekly structured as the previous year. The learning method was on the architectural exploration through physical models, material and building systems and sensorial/factual spatial analysis. . I spent full time preparing lectures; tutelage; co-leading the study tour to Copenhagen; and mentoring students individually. I also led several digital teaching sessions. Students learnt to design spatial forms; enhance illustrations and edit them properly by employing various programmes such as Sketch-Up, Photoshop and Illustrator. Student feedbacks were highly encouraging. Architectural Technology 1 This module was upgraded to facilitate the understating of key technological principles (structural, constructional and climatic) applied into design studio. Each lecture was coordinated with the key themes of AD1.
Vertical Studio Coordination and Workshops VS was invigorated with a wider offer of 16 workshops. Marga Bauza and I co-led VS term. I also led two workshops: ‘Junk-Frame’ and ‘Urban Corners’. ‘Junk-Frame’ was focused in the notion of costfree fabrication and the construction of an elementary shed made with reclaimed pallet boards. The method offered analogical and digital techniques. The learning method encouraged 100% teamwork through the surveying, playing and modelling mock-ups. Digital and physical models were reviewed and then constructed at scale 1:1: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/vertical-studio-2009.php ‘Urban Corners’ reflected on the reuse and reactivation of small vacant lots in Cardiff city through the implementation of a network of cycling stations. Student feedbacks were highly positive: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/vertical-studio-2009.php POSTGRADUATE ROLES MASTER SUPERVISION 3 MArch dissertations (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Photography in Architecture’ by Melissa Robinson - Title: ‘Architectural Branding’ by James Morgan1 MSc examination (first marker): - Title: ‘Reducing Energy Use in Ireland’ by Mark Mulville 1 MPhil: - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw 1 MAUD dissertation (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Eco-polis in Newport’ by Abu Taib Mohammed Shahjahan Note: I was internal examiner and thesis supervisor of MAUD Programme 2008-09. POSTGRADUATE SUPPORT IN CPLAN I led a one-week course called ‘Digital Representation in Planning’. It was part of the ‘Site Planning, Design and Development’ module (CPT805), Master of International Planning and Development, led by Alison Brown (April, 2009). EXAMINATIONS (INTERNAL EXAMINERS) Internal Examiner for BSc3 Design Studio and BSc2 Design Studio 3 WSA internships (office visits) TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
TEACHING PROFILE 2009-2010 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I led the following undergraduate modules: - BSc2 Architectural Design 2 (85 students): year tutor, 3 days per week, terms 1- 2. - BSc1 World Architecture: module leader, 12 lectures (inclusive fieldwork in St. Fagans), term 1. - Vertical Studio: workshop tutor: ‘Nomadic Allotments’, term 3.
Y2 Design Studio The studio was co-led with Mhairi McVicar. The main theme was sustainable housing (term 1) and cultural buildings (term 2) with emphasis in placeness, inhabitation, day-lighting, tectonics and detailing by accentuating physical models, graphic representation, materials and building systems. It was weekly structured as follows: Mondays were set up with lectures/charettes; Wednesdays were set up for pastoral care and planning (half day); Thursdays (studio support, half day) were allocated for individual/group and Fridays for regular tutorials/reviews. I also spent 100% of my teaching time mentoring students and reviewing/examining final work. Additionally, I delivered lectures; weekly tutorials; organising the study tour to Barcelona-Girona (inclusive walking tours, workshops, lectures, translations, and on-site building visits with local architects) and to cultural buildings in London. Student feedbacks were highly robust. World Architecture I offered 12 thematic lectures; field trip to Saint Fagans; interim reviews and exhibition. This module introduced a representative range of outstanding worldwide traditional buildings, materials and techniques, and performance of elementary buildings. The module was divided in 3 phases: A. Traditional Welsh Architecture (30% year mark), individual work where students completed a series of fieldworks in St. Fagans with lecture related exercises and observations. B. World Vernacular Architecture (60% year mark), group work where students integrated concepts by analysing, presenting and modelling the design factors applied in selected dwelling cases. C. WA short writing (10% year mark), individual work where students wrote a succinct essay on vernacular dwellings. Student feedbacks were highly positive. Vertical Studio: Workshop I led a prototype-based workshop called ‘Nomadic Allotments’, which integrated eco-design and lowtech. It was focused on the reuse of waste as potential structural frames to fabricate mobile allotments. 10 WSA students and I were invited to build several mobile allotments at Borough Market in London (2010). The outcomes were widely published by Architects’ Journal (AJ), The Guardian, BBC, Domus and Cardiff University. Student feedbacks were highly positive as well. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/v-studio-2010-studio_4.php, http://nomadicallotments.wordpress.com POSTGRADUATE ROLE MASTER SUPERVISION 2 MArch dissertations (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Ideology and Architecture’ by Matthew Grandfield - Title: ‘Transformable Architecture’ by David Mc Gahon 1 MAUD supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Intermodality in Urban Design’ by Fang Zhou Note: This year I performed as supervisor and internal examiner of the MAUD programme. 1 MSc supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Sustainable Water Management in Santo Domingo’ by Yaminet Matos 2 MPhil dissertation supervision - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw - Title: ‘Sustainable Design’ by Sabry A. Hmadat (co-guided by Julie Gwilliam) EXAMINATIONS (INTERNAL EXAMINERS) Internal Examiner for BSc3 Design Studio and BSc2 Design Studio 3 WSA internships (office visits) TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee
Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
TEACHING PROFILE 2010-2011 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I led the following undergraduate modules: - BSc2 Architectural Design 2 (52 students): BSc2 year chair (term 1 and term 2), 3 days per week. - BSc1 World Architecture: module leader, 12 lectures (inclusive fieldwork in St. Fagans), term 1. - Vertical Studio: joint workshop tutor of ‘The Art Box 1’ between Tianjin University and WSA, term 3. Y2 Design Studio - Term 1 It was co-led with Mhairi McVicar. It focused on sustainable housing in Cardiff city, with emphasis in placeness, functional adaptability, spatial flexibility and climatic design. We encouraged both model making and digital representation skills throughout additional digital support. It was weekly structured as the previous AD2 year. Additionally, I provided lectures; weekly tutorials; the montage of ‘Urban Conditions’ exhibit’ in Pontyprydd and mentoring. Student feedbacks were highly robust. Y2 Design Studio - Term 2 During term 2, I was the chair of this term. The studio focused cultural buildings in Wales, with emphasis in placeness, functional adaptability, spatial flexibility, climatic design, inhabitation, daylighting and detailing. The accent was on physical models, graphic representation, materials and building systems. It was similarly structured as term one. I also spent 100% of my teaching time mentoring students and reviewing/examining final work. Additionally, duties consisted of preparing lectures; weekly tutorials; study tour to Barcelona-Girona (inclusive walking tours, workshops, lectures, and on-site building visits) and key cultural buildings in mid-England; and mentoring. Student feedbacks were highly positive. World Architecture It consisted of 13 lectures on weekly basis inclusive fieldworks in St Fagans, reviews and exhibition (term 1). This module introduced a representative range of outstanding worldwide traditional buildings, materials and techniques, and performance of elementary buildings. The module was divided in 3 stages: A. Traditional Welsh Architecture (30% year mark), individual work where students completed a series of fieldworks in St. Fagans with lecture related exercises and observations. B. World Vernacular Architecture (60% year mark), group work where students integrated concepts by analysing, presenting and modelling the design factors applied in selected dwelling cases. C. WA short writing (10% year mark), individual work where students wrote a succinct essay on vernacular dwellings. Student feedbacks were highly positive. Vertical Studio: Workshop ‘The Art Box 1’ I was the principal co-ordinator/leader of this international joint workshop called ‘The Art Box 1’. This studio was conceived as part of a strategic collaboration between Cardiff University and Tianjin University (China). UG students from Cardiff travelled to Tianjin first and returned to Cardiff along with the Tianjin student delegation to finalise the studio review. Group: 18 WSA and 16 Chinese students plus 3 tutors. This pioneering studio reflected on the conceptualisation of transformable structures that store and display contemporary art in Tianjin city. All these experiences were expressed in affirmative student feedbacks. See more here: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/v-studio2011-studio_4.php POSTGRADUATE ROLE
MASTER/PhD SUPERVISION 4 MArch supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘How Can Participation and Self-building Contribute to the Implementation of Suitable Housing Solutions for Dharavi?’ by Carolyn Goodfellow - Title: ‘Post-Petroleum Societies?’ by John Crowley - Title: ‘(Dis)Locating English Urbanity’ by Mark Ratke - Title: ‘Learning From Siza – A Comparative Study of His Work’ by Thomas McAviney 1 MPhil supervision - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw (extended to end of 2011) 1 PhD supervision - Title: called ‘Promoting and Delivering Sustainable Interior Design in Cyprus’ by Kika Ioannou (thesis co-supervised by Dr Julie Gwilliam and I) EXAMINATIONS (INTERNAL EXAMINERS) Internal Examiner for BSc1 Design Studio 3 WSA internships (office visits) TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
TEACHING PROFILE 2011-2012 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I led the following undergraduate modules: - BSc2 Architectural Design 1 (74 students): BSc1 year chair (term 2) and year tutor (term 1), 3 days per week. - Vertical Studio: Joint workshop tutor, ‘The Art Box’ between Tianjin University -WSA, term 3. - Erasmus Coordinator WSA Y2 Design Studio - Term 1-2 The studio was co-led with Sam Clark, Juliet Odgers plus 7 external tutors. It explored the fundaments of architecture, with emphasis in sensorial and humane architecture. The initial terms students explored the general principles of compactness and placeness, functional adaptability, spatial flexibility and climatic design. In term 2, the brief was focused on ‘Cinema Architecture’ and all students and tutors spent a fieldwork in Dubrovnik (Croatia). The aim was to reinforced conceptualisation, model making and digital representation throughout intense studio support. It was weekly structured as follows: Mondays were set up with lectures/charrettes; Wednesdays were set up for mentoring students and planning (half day); Tuesdays and Thursdays (studio support, half day) were allocated for individual/group and Fridays for regular tutorials/reviews. Additionally, I prepared lectures, organising an international fieldwork in Croatia (inclusive walking tours, workshops, lectures, and on-site building visits) and provided regular tutorials. Student feedbacks were highly positive. Vertical Studio: Workshop the Art Box 2 I was the principal co-ordinator/leader of this international joint workshop called ‘The Art Box 1’. This studio was conceived as part of a strategic collaboration between Cardiff University and Tianjin
University (China). UG students from Cardiff travelled to Tianjin first and returned to Cardiff along with the Tianjin student delegation to finalise the studio review. Group: 14 WSA and 14 Chinese students plus 3 tutors. This pioneering studio reflected on the conceptualisation of transformable structures that store and display contemporary art in an abandoned quarry situated in Jixian. All these experiences were expressed in affirmative student feedbacks. See more here: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/v-studio2012 POSTGRADUATE ROLE MASTER/PhD SUPERVISION 4 MArch dissertations (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Ger District’ by Stefan Thomas - Title: ‘Faking It’ by Tomos Owen - Title: ‘Exploiting Impermanence: The Potential for Temporary Use of Vacant Land within European Cities’ by Gareth Reading - Title: ‘The Boutique in the Online Shopping Era’ by Mark Cooney 1 MPhil supervision (successfully completed): - Title: ‘Temporary Urbanism in Rhondda Valley’ by Phil Henshaw 1 PhD supervision: - Title: ‘Promoting and Delivering Sustainable Interior Design in Cyprus’ by Kika Ioannou (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau and co-supervisor: Dr Julie Gwilliam and Andrew Roberts) EXAMINATIONS (INTERNAL EXAMINERS) Internal Examiner for BSc2 Design Studio 3 WSA internships (office visits) TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission MADE editorial board Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
TEACHING PROFILE 2012-2013 UNDERGRADUATE ROLES I am leading the following undergraduate modules: - BSc2 Architectural Design 1 (79 students): BSc1 year chair (term 2) and year tutor (term 1), 3 days per week. - Vertical Studio: TBC - Erasmus Coordinator WSA Y2 Design Studio - Term 1 and 2 During term 1 students are exploring the general principles of compactness, placeness, functionality and materiality in Cardiff city (Taff river) and Severn Estuary. During term 2, AD1 will be led by me with the support of Dr Juliet Davies and Juliet Odgers plus 6 external tutors. It will explore the same fundaments of architecture that were implemented the previous year. In term 2, the brief was focused on ‘Cinema Architecture’ and all students and tutors spent a fieldwork in Dubrovnik (Croatia).
The aim and studio structure is similar to the previous year. Additionally, I am preparing new lectures, organising the fieldwork to Rotterdam (inclusive walking tours, workshops, lectures, and on-site building visits) and tutorials. POSTGRADUATE ROLE MASTER/PhD SUPERVISION 3 MArch dissertations (in process) 3 PhD supervisions: - Title 1: ‘Promoting and Delivering Sustainable Interior Design in Cyprus’ by Kika Ioannou (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau and co-supervisor: Dr Julie Gwilliam and Andrew Roberts) - Title 2: ‘Sustainable Flexible Housing Scheme’ by Talal Elmasuri (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau). It will start on December 2012 - Title 3: ‘Smellscape: Towards an Aromatic City’ by Jieling Xiao (thesis supervisor: Dr Cristian Suau). It will start on January 2013 EXAMINATIONS Not yet TEACHING COMMITTEES BSc Scheme Review Committee Learning and Teaching Committee Board of Studies Board of Examiners PG/UG Staff/Student Panel BSc Admission MADE editorial board Architectural History and Theory Group (AHTG)
INNOVATION AND ENGAGEMENT Statement Regarding the involvement in innovation and engagement agenda at WSA, Cardiff University and internationally, I underline my participation and promotion -nationally and internationally- of my School in various academic activities such as design workshops, lectures and seminars in scientific events; ERASMUS teaching exchanges; national and regional exhibitions; advanced academic training; School journal (editorial board); and design entry competitions. Therefore I highlight the following achievements: 1. International Workshops, Lectures and Seminars - AA International Visiting School: Mittelmeerland, 2001- 2012 Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section, 1.3.5. Point A: ‘Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem’. - AA International Visiting Teaching Programme, London, June 2012 Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section, 1.3.5. Point A: ‘Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem’. - International Joint Workshop Cardiff University - Tianjin University, May 2011 & 2012 Principal coordinator: Dr Cristian Suau (WSA) Workshop leaders: Dr Cristian Suau; Dr Gong Xiao-lei and Dr Wei Yang Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/v-studio-2011-studio_4.php Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section, 1.3.5. Point B: ‘Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem’. - British Council Teaching Mobility, February 2012 PMI-2 UK-US New Partnership Fund Project sponsored by British Council Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section, 1.3.5. Point C: ‘Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem’. - International Lectures, Seminars and Workshops Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section, 1.3.5. Point D: ‘Evidence of contribution at a UK or international level to the subject area, professional bodies and /or external esteem’. 2. ERASMUS Exchange Agreements - ERASMUS Exchange Agreement between WSA and Stuttgart University (ongoing) WSA ERASMUS coordinator: Dr Cristian Suau Link: http://issuu.com/cristiansuau/docs/university_of_stuttgart Apart from the administration of the current ERASMUS Exchange Agreements with Germany and Switzerland, my role also covers the coordination of with Erasmus Placement Work, through the internship of WSA students in European architectural firms in Spain, Germany and Austria. I am currently preparing new agreements with Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB) in Spain; Sint Lukas School of Architecture in Brussels and Zagreb Faculty of Architecture in Croatia to be approved by the School. - ERASMUS Exchange Agreement between WSA and Girona University (2009-2011) Academics: Dr Cristian Suau and Dr Nadia Fava (UdG) Internationally I established a unique mobility linkage with Catalonia, through a bilateral ERASMUS Exchange Agreement between WSA and Girona University (UdG), which has allowed a fruitful and strategic exchange of tutors and students, and enriched the way of understand the WSA study trips, through on-site workshops and seminars with students and teachers of both parts. This agreement was subscribed in January 2009 as personal initiative.
Thanks to this agreement, BSc2 students have travelled to Girona and participated in joint design charrettes (2), consisting in fieldwork, master lectures (2) followed by workshops (2) with Catalan students. 3. National and Regional Exhibitions - Pontypridd Exhibition, Pontypridd Museum, Rhondda Valleys, Wales, 2011 BSc2 Year Chair: Dr Cristian Suau BSc2 studio exhibition on ‘Urban Conditions’ at Pontypridd Museum. It took place from 14 to 21 January 2011 with the support of Mike Bessell and Lisa Davies, Regeneration and Planning Division, Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council and Pontypridd Museum. Websites: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_jan_2011_pontypridd_exh.php or http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/south-wales-news/pontypridd-llantrisant/2011/01/20/pontypridd-shistory-revealed-through-its-built-up-landscape-91466-28008231/ - London Festival Architecture, the International Architecture Student Festival, 2010 Project leader: Dr Cristian Suau Nomadic Allotments was part of a major applied research on ‘Potential Eco-frames’ carried out by Dr Cristian Suau since 2004 and its linked with PHS© (reuse-based design research). London Festival of Architecture and Borough Market asked me to build up various low-tech agro-devices by responding to the theme of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The launch was on 3-4 July 2010. Nomadic Allotments was widely published by Architects’ Journal (AJ), The Guardian, BBC, Domus and our University. It was awarded as the ‘Best Reuse Project’. Websites: http://nomadicallotments.wordpress.com, www.lfa2010.org, or http://caerdydd.ac.uk/news/mediacentre/mediareleases/y2010/4586.html BSc2 Student Design Competition Award, 2010 Tutors: Mahiri McVicar and Dr Cristian Suau Architecture Design 2, term 1 (2009); two awards in the student design competition called ‘Nationwide Sustainable Housing Competition’ sponsored by RIBA and Nationwide. WSA year 2 student Alice Harwood received a joint second prize award and Andra Antone received a special mention in the section called ‘New Build Category’. The Welsh School of Architecture also received a special mention and award for its overall entries to the competition. Websites: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_sus_housing_awards.php or http://www.architecture.com/NewsAndPress/News/CompetitionNews/Press/Results/2010/Nationwide SustainableHousingAwards.aspx Welsh Design Exhibit: Reflecting Wales, autumn 2008 Collaborator with the preliminary design and montage of the Exhibition of Contemporary Welsh Architecture called: ‘Reflecting Wales’, October 2008, Cardiff, organised by Design Circle and RSAW. Websites: http://www.designcirclersawsouth.co.uk/reflectingwales/credits.php http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/archi/news_reflecting_wales.php & http://www.designcirclersawsouth.co.uk/articles.php 4. Advanced Academic Training - Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (PCUTL), 2009 I obtained the Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (PCUTL), led by HR Division, Cardiff University. The final report was submitted on 15 October 2009. My probation review manager was Dr Kite and mentor was Dr Knight. Website: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/humrs/training/pcutl/index.html. - CEBE: Teaching Seminar & Workshop, 2007 I have participated in CEBE programme called ‘New Teachers in the UK’, organised by CEBE (Centre for Education in the Built Environment) and University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, December 2007.
The aim was to reflect upon their own experiences in design studio teaching and compare this to that of other new teachers of architecture, as well as considering other good teaching and learning practices. The topics covered in the workshop included: Structuring the design project; assessment (critiques, marking design work, giving feedback and responding to student diversity) and integrating design studio teaching with other areas of the curriculum. See link: http://www.cebe.heacademy.ac.uk/news/events/new_teachers/index.php 5. MADE Journal: Editorial Board Refer to ‘Research and Scholarship’ section. 6. International Design Competitions Design-based research has always constituted a strong vehicle to stimulate my thoughts. Research is always interconnected with relevant entry competitions mainly on eco-urbanism and sustainable buildings. They have been developed in a collaborative way with the support of researchers, designers, architects and landscapers. Visit ECOFABRICA, section design: www.ecofab.org - Urban Regeneration of the Bulnes Boulevard, Santiago de Chile (2012) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Dr Federico Wulff, Stephanie Tunka and Melina Guirnaldos Organiser: Ministry of Housing and Urbanism, Chile Prize: Honorific Mention Websites: http://www.concursoejebulnes.cl/convocatoria/ or http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/2013/01/15/mencion-concurso-plan-maestro-eje-bulnes-cristiansuau-federico-wulff-melina-guirnaldos-stephanietunka/?utm_source=%23construccion&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PlataformaAr quitectura+(Plataforma+Arquitectura) - Pan-American Highway: ‘Tambos’ as Mile Markers (2012) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Sarah Manning and Rudabeh Pakravan. Organiser: Pamphlet Architecture 33, Princeton Architectural Press Website: http://spaceagency-design.com/2012/pamphlet-architecture-33/ - Badel Housing in Zagreb (2012) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau & Joris de Baes Organiser: DAZ Website: http://www.d-a-z.hr/en/competition/badel - Walkscape, Supreme Court, Brussels (2011) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau and Joris de Baes Organiser: Brussels City Hall Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ - Nordhaven Waterfront, Copenhagen (2010) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Stephanie Tunka and Kevin Hong Organiser: Europan 10 (2010) Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/project/project--3/ - Urban Corners, Barcelona (2009) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau Organiser: FAD Barcelona Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/horta-barcelona-spain/ - Thyssenkruppen Tower in Dubai, UEA (2009) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau and Abu Taib Mohammed Shahjahan Organiser: Thyssenkruppen Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/cactus-tower-dubai/ - Benetton Headquarter in Tehran, Iran (2008)
Design team: Dr Cristian Suau and Abu Taib Mohammed Shahjahan Organiser: Benetton Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/benetton-tehran-iran/ - Magok Master Plan, Seoul, South Korea (2008) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, External Reference, Kevin Hong, Esther Rovira, Tudor Vlasceanu Organiser: Seoul City Hall - Magok Development Corporation Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/magok-waterfront-seoul-korea/ - Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum, Cheltenham, UK (2007) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Mhairi McVicar and Kevin Hong Organiser: RIBA Website: http://www.ecofab.org/index.php?/projects/cheltenham-art-space-uk/ - Hamar, Norway - Europan 8 (2006) Design team: Dr Cristian Suau, Carmelo Zappulla and Nicolas Markuekiaga Organiser: Europan Norway Prize: Runner up Website: http://www.europan.no/E8/Hamar/winners
UNIVERSITY CITIZENSHIP Statement Democracy is an every-day construction. As a way of seeing, interpreting and ordering the world, democracy is a ‘worldview’. Worldviews are unique in that they retain everything, arranged everything differently. Hence the University constitutes the genuine ‘Place of Citizenship’. It offers an equitable access to construct active citizens who will shape this changing world. Nowadays it can be debated that our built environment is experiencing pressures as never before, and is shifting due to complex factors. What role should we playing beyond aesthetics? In promoting the active participation of all individuals in democratic life at all levels, the importance of learning about democracy in our school and university life, including participation in the decision-making process and the associated structures of students and teachers seems essential. I would like to highlight some key points which govern my mind by underpinning progressive research, teaching and learning, mainly through the design studio and research outputs. The foundations of a ‘Democratic Design’ are: 1. Empowered Diversity 2. Adaptable Living Systems: What Should We Play Instead? 3. Construction of Innovative Environments and Plural Design 4. Playability 5. Social Accessibility In terms of making recommendations and dissemination of citizenship values, I achieve them by every-day actions such as: Supporting student delegates and activities; fostering the critical debate in lectures and forums; actively contributing to an inclusive community through promoting equality and diversity by participating in the student/staff panel, BSc admission board, board of studies, BSc scheme review committee, learning and teaching committee; empowering the internationalisation (through workshops, seminars, new academic links, etc.); mentoring, supporting and appraising colleagues; encouraging agency; and supporting local communities. School Roles and Responsibilities School/University Committees - Period 2007-2011 Member of: • BSc Scheme Review Committee • Learning and Teaching Committee • Board of Studies • Board of Examiners • PG/UG Staff/Student Panel • BSc Admission School/University Committees - Period 2011-2013 Member of: • BSc Scheme Review Committee • Learning and Teaching Committee • Board of Studies • MADE editor member • Erasmus coordinator • Board of Examiners • PG/UG Staff/Student Panel • BSc Admission