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Aq u e sta re vi sta h a e sta t fe ta p e r: / Th i s m a g a zi n e h a s b e e n d o n e b y: - Ton i Molera Espelt

- M a l i n Wernholm

- Xa vi e r Simon Gorriz

- Ra sm u s Claesen

- N i l Safont Solé

- Cri sti n a Arnau

- M a rc Borrellas Sabrià

- M on tse rra t Santandreu

- Ka j sa Albinsson

- Ll u ïsa Herreras

- I d a Karlsson

- Víctor Esgueva

Í n de x / Í n di c e / I n de x I N F O R M T I O N S U R V Y S



· E d i tori a l / Publishing · Ca rte s a l d i re ctor / Letters to the editor · Artícl e críti c / Critical article · Com h e m d e re ci cl a r / How we have to recycle? · Re d u i r e l con su m e l e ctri c / Reduce the electric consum · E l re ci cl a tg e é s p a rl a t / The recycling is spoken · Re ci cl a r m òb i l s / Recycling mobiles · E n tre vi sta a m b Ca rm e Ca se s/ Interview with Carme Cases




10 ­ 11

12 ­ 13 14


16 ­ 17

· E n tre vi sta a m b An d e rs H e l d e ru d / Interview with Anders Helderud


· P e n se s q u e a B e rg a i a Vä ste rvi k e s re ci cl a i g u a l ? / Do you think that Berga and Västervik recycle in the same way?


· E n q u e sta Ca ta l a n a / Catalan Survey · E n q u e sta S u e ca / Swedish survey · Ag e n d a Cu l tu ra l / Cultural diary · J ocs/ Games

20 ­ 21

22 23

24 ­ 25

E vol u ci ó d e l s con te n i d ors i q u a n ti ta ts re ci cl a d e s e n e l B e rg u e d à 1 995 2000 2005 2009

PAP E R Cont. Kg. 1 34 261 .924 1 48 672.250 250 1 .1 30.400 264 1 .1 49.340

VI D R E Cont. Kg. 1 74 369.364 1 93 540.350 282 788.280 297 904.920

E N VAS O S Cont. Kg. 0 0 0 1 30 1 51 .430 21 9 628.530 242 838.1 40

M ATÈ RI A O RG ÀN I CA Cont. Kg. 0 0 0 0 482 657.742 1 .1 00 1 .486.330

O pi n i ó/ O pi n i ón / O pi n i on / Y t t r a n d e E d i tori a l / P u b l i sh i n g / Le d a re In this magazine, we have talked of the recycling in the Berguedà, and the recycling in Vastërvik. We have had the choice to compare how we recycle here and how Swedish people recycles in Vastervik. We have improved a lot our learnings about this topic, before this work, we didn’t know almost anything about the recycling and these work has given us the opportunity to learn these things. We have had to do interviews to some personalities knowledge in the recycling, we also have done survey to the students in our high school, opinion articles and information articles. We have used different languages and Swedish students have helped us in many things. After this work we know that the Berguedà’s recycling have suffered a very important improvement in the last ten years and now we can find containers of all the

types in almost all the region, and the people is recycling even more than in the past, but we must recycle more than now. We compare the recycling in Berga and in Västervik and we have observed that in Västervik started to recycle some years before than in Berga. To do this work we have had to organize the work very well and it has been a difficult job because we had to search a lot of things, but finally we have finished the magazine and we are proud of the work that we have done. This magazine have made us to know how to use new computer applications, new languages, and some information about the actuality topic of the recycling, a thing which all the people should do and know how we have to recycle if we want to find a clean planet some years ago.

O pi n i ó/ O pi n i ón / O pi n i on / Y t t r a n d e Ca rte s a l d i re ctor Ru b i sh i n th e stre e t I'm writing this letter because I want to complain about an event that I lived last week. The history is the next: Last weekend when I went to throw the rubbish I got very angry. I had to throw the paper and bottles because the previous day I did a dinner with my friends at home. When I arrived at the containers I found a lot of rubbish on the ground out of the container. This munt was of bottles and plastics. I supposed the guilty of this event was the owner of the bar situated in front of my home. I could throw the paper but not the bottles. Then I decided to go to the bar to speak to the owner about this problem. I told to them he must throw the rubbish in the containers and not put these next to them. His answer was: I can’t waste my time putting the rubbish into the containers. I’ve coustumers to Re fl e xi ón sob re q u i e n re ci cl a m á s b i e n Quien recicla más bien? Aquellos que viven en la abundáncia o aquellos que viven gracias a ella?En la mayoria de nuestras ciudades,a pesar de las campañas edcativas sobre la conveniéncia de reciclar,muchos contenidores estan llenos de cosas que no les pertenecen. Nadie recicla bien.Sabmos que lanzar la basura en lugares que no son los correctosm,nos puede terminar haciendo vivir en medio de basura. Pero el reciclaje lo dejamos para aquellos que sobreviven en medio de la miséria. Encuentran un móvil o una taza al contenedor orgánico o una bolsa de fruta en el contenedor verde,o una televisión en el contenedor azul.Por ahora,parece que reciclar o no reciclar bien no afecta a nuestra manera de vivir en el entorno, en la agua que bebemos, al aire que respiramos i hasta a lo que comemos.Tenemos que dejarlo a parte para que un grupo de personas necesitadas puedan senzillamente vivir? " Tal farás tal trobarás" dice siempre mi abuelo. N i l S a fon t S ol é .

attend. If my rubbish disturbs you, you can put it into the containers. Logically I left the bar really angry but I went to throw the bar’s rubbish into the containers because another person didn't have the same problem as me when he wanted to throw the rubbish. I think that the council should have an employer who looks after that people throw the rubbish into the containers. If he catches someone leaving the rubbish in the street this person would have to pay a fine. Perhaps it would be a solution because people to throw the rubbish into the containers and not leaving it near them. It’s really disgusting to find rubbish in the street and it makes stinks horrible. M a rc B orre l l a s S a b ri à B e rg a l i m p i a Sirva esta carta para agradecer al ayuntamiento de Berga y al consejo comarcal del Berguedà, la lobor muy constante i satisfactoria por el que se refiere al reciclaje en nuestra comarca. A los vecinos se nos ha facilitado el reciclaje, pues disponemos del equipamiento adecuado y muy a mano y los encargados pasan a recoger la basura con frecuencia lo que es de agradecer. Por otro lado, también me gustaría decir que entre todos deberíamos mantener el nivel de limpieza durante todo el año, porque hay momentos concretos en que la calle y todo en general parece que esta un poco más sucio. Aprovechando la ocasión me gustaría asimismo dar las gracias a quienes se ocupan de limpiar las calles después de la fiesta de la Patum, porque es mucho el trabajo que hacen para que el lunes por la mañana toda Berga ya esté, otra vez, limpia. Ton i M ol e ra E sp e l t.

O pi n i ó/ O pi n i ón / O pi n i on / Y t t r a n d e Th e re cycl i n g i n th e B e rg u e d à Hello, I am writing this letter to express my thoughts about the recycling in the Berguedà. I think that in these years, the recycling in the Berguedà has evolved a lot. It's true that it could be better but it's organized well. In the small villages of the Berguedà, we can find containers of the principal types and in the principal towns: Berga, Puig-reig and Bagà we can find all the different types of containers. In all the towns we can find the containers of these fractions: paper, glass, packaging and rejection and now the organicmatter container it is almost everywhere. I am very happy with the manage of the recycling these last years because some years ago there were only containers of all the principal fractions in the principal towns of the

Berguedà and now we can find them in all the region. I think that the recycling in our region is improving a lot and in a near future the recycling in this region will be excellent and the people will recycle more than now. Xa v i e r S i m o n

O pi n ó/ O pi n i ón / O pi n i on / Y t t r a n d e ¿ D e m a si a d o d i n e ro? Para realizar esta revista, hemos salido varias veces a las calles de Berga y hemos preguntado a mucha gente cuestiones diversas sobre el tema del reciclaje. La gente de nuestra ciudad, muy amablemente, nos ha respondido a todas y cada una de nuestras preguntas con mucho entusiasmo. Los resultados de nuestras encuestas han sido muy favorables y satisfactorios, y hemos podido comprobar que nuestros conciudadanos reciclan y se preocupan por el medio ambiente.

Cuando les hacíamos la pregunta, referente a si el hecho de reciclar era para ellos, difícil o molesto, muchos nos contestaron, que no les importaba participar en acciones a favor del medio ambiente pero que tenían una queja al respecto: El ayuntamiento de nuestra ciudad cobraba una cantidad excesiva por la recogida de la basura. De este tema es del que hablaremos en el siguiente artículo.

Casi a todos los encuestados, nos decían que el dinero que habían de pagar por la recogida de la basura era excesivo y que hiciéramos un artículo denunciando esto, y nosotros como redactores, así lo hemos hecho. La gente es consciente de que para que nuestra ciudad esté limpia y podamos reciclar y respetar el medio ambiente tenemos que pagar, pero contestan que lo encuentran demasiado caro pues si se compara la cantidad que figura en el recibo que el ayuntamiento manda a todas las casas de nuestra ciudad, semestralmente, con las de otras poblaciones cercanas, la tasa a pagar es más elevada en Berga. La gente está de acuerdo y no les importa molestarse en separar la basura y colocar cada cosa en su contenedor, pero sí que agradecerían que el recibo de la basura fuera algo más barato.

O pi n ó/ O pi n i ón / O pi n i on / Y t t r a n d e

Igualmente hemos hablado con propietarios de pequeñas empresas y comercios, y opinan lo mismo que los demás ciudadanos que sólo reciclan en casa: el dinero que se tiene que pagar por la recogida de basura es excesivo. Las recibos a pagar por la recogida en Berga sube a nivel doméstico hasta 1 00 euros y a nivel de tiendas y pequeños comercios unos 200 euros. Son unas cifras que las encontramos demasiado elevadas y creemos que se podrían invertir o dedicar en otros campos que sí que haría más falta, cuando la economía de hoy en día, está como está. Para concluir, quisiéramos añadir que a nosotros y también a nuestros conciudadanos, nos gustaría que este artículo llegara al ayuntamiento o al consejo comarcal del Berguedà para que se dieran cuenta de que deberían intervenir.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on H ow we h a ve to re cycl e ( wh a t g oe s to e a ch con ta i n e r? ) There are many reasons for the reason that many people don’t recycle yet. Some reasons are for example the laziness that makes people don’t recycle because for the people it is more convenient to put all the rubbish in the same container because they don’t have to do the effort of looking what goes to each container, another reason is that there are small towns where there aren’t containers of all fractions and the people which live in these places can’t recycle everything, and another reason is that that people do not know exactly how to recycle. This problem has long lasting, people have an awareness about the issue of recycling, but much of the population does not know how to recycle and knows that each container and this entails more complications the time to select the Selective why it is important to know what goes to each container: -B l u e Con ta i n e r: There's overall paper and cardboard: newspapers, magazines, leaflets, envelopes, folded cardboard boxes, cardboard envelopes... - Ye l l ow Con ta i n e r: There were plastic containers (water, soap, yogurt ...), plastic bags, metal packaging (beverage cans, canned ...), foil, Tetra Pak... - G re e n Con ta i n e r: You must throw the glass bottles, jars, bottles without cap or plate. - O rg a n i c con ta i n e r: the containers of organic matter collects all types of waste can be composted through a rapid degradation, such as leftover fruit and vegetables, meat and fish or bread, bad eating solid state, shells of nuts, eggs and seafood, coffee grounds and tea remains, remnants of plants, withered branches and dried flowers, cork, paper towels and paper napkins used. Also been collected in these containers of private gardens and the grass

tree leaves (in any case have been pouring esporgues trunks). -Re j e cti on con ta i n e r: rejection of the container, we can throw the other waste, such as diapers and understood, leather goods, pottery, remains of sweeping the land of cats, ash, cigarette butts, etc.. -Cl oth e s con ta i n e r: It throws the old clothes that can be reused by people with a lack of resources which clothes them desperately need. -Con ta i n e r of m e d i ci n e s: They are almost all pharmacies Catalan to deposit drugs used, outdated or in poor condition to be taken home. In any case, these drugs have been thrown in the garbage or mixing with other wastes, which are very polluting to persons, animals and the environment in general. - B a tte ri e s con ta i n e r: As the name suggests, are stored all kinds of batteries because the batteries are very dangerous and polluting the environment. The containers can be found mainly in all types of commercial establishments, public buildings, ... -D u m p : First we can take directly reusable items such as furniture, appliances, textiles, shoes, bottles and all kinds of junk. We can also bring materials that might be recycled as metal, wood, scrap metal, paper, vegetable oil, ... x-rays will also be supported containers such as PVC bottles, Tetra Pak, cans, iron, aluminum cans, polystyrene, glass ... The tip also lead waste may be toxic and harmful to the environment, such as aerosols, batteries, pesticides, photographic liquids, cleaning products, tires and paint solvents, among others.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on H u r vi m å ste å te rvi n n a (Wh a t G oe s p å va rj e b e h å l l a re ? ) Det finns många skäl på grund av att många människor inte återvinna än. Några anledningar är till exempel lättja som gör att människor inte återvinna eftersom för de människor som är mer praktiskt att lägga alla sopor i samma behållare eftersom de inte behöver göra den ansträngning för att titta vad som går till varje container, en annan Anledningen är att det finns små städer där det inte finns behållare med alla fraktioner och människorna som bor i dessa orter kan inte återvinna allt, och en annan anledning är att att människor inte vet exakt hur du återvinner. Detta problem har lång livslängd, människor har en medvetenhet om frågan om återvinning, men en stor del av befolkningen inte vet hur man återvinner och vet att varje behållare och detta medför fler komplikationer tid att välja Selektiv varför det är viktigt att veta vad går till varje container: - B l å Con ta i n e r: Det övergripande papper och kartong: tidningar, tidskrifter, broschyrer, kuvert, vikta kartonger, papp kuvert ... - G u l Con ta i n e r: Det fanns plastförpackningar (vatten, tvål, yoghurt ...) , plastpåsar, metallförpackningar (dryckesburkar, konserverad ...), folie, Tet - G rön Con ta i n e r: Du måste kasta glasflaskor, burkar, utan mössa eller plåt. - O rg a n i ska b e h å l l a re : behållare av organiskt material samlar flaskor alla typer av avfall kan komposteras genom en snabb nedbrytning, såsom överblivna frukt och grönsaker, kött och fisk eller bröd, dålig äta fast tillstånd, skal av nötter, ägg och skaldjur, kaffesump och te kvar, rester av växter, vissna grenar och torkade blommor, kork, pappershanddukar och servetter papper som används. Också samlats in i dessa behållare av privata trädgårdar och gräset träd blad (i alla fall ha varit att hälla esporgues

stammar). - Avsl a g con ta i n e r: avslag på behållaren kan vi kasta annat avfall, såsom blöjor och förstådda, lädervaror, keramik, rester av svepande land katter, aska, cigarettfimpar, osv. - Kl ä d e r con ta i n e r: Det kastar gamla kläder som kan återanvändas av personer med brist på resurser vilka kläder dem väl behöver - Con ta i n e r a v l ä ke m e d e l : De är nästan alla apotek Katalanska att deponera använt droger, inaktuell eller i dåligt skick för att tas med hem. I vilket fall, droger har dessa kastats i soporna eller blandning med annat avfall, som är mycket förorenande för personer, djur och miljön i allmänhet. B a tte ri e r con ta i n e r: Precis som namnet antyder, sparas alla typer av batterier, eftersom batterierna är mycket farliga och förorenande för miljön. Behållarna finns främst i alla typer av kommersiella anläggningar, offentliga byggnader, ... - D u m p : Först kan vi ta direkt återanvändbara föremål såsom möbler, bruksföremål, textilier, skor, flaskor och allehanda skräp. Vi kan också medföra material som kan återvinnas som metall, trä, skrot, papper, vegetabilisk olja, ... röntgen kommer också att stödjas behållare såsom PVC-flaskor, Tetra Pak, burkar, järn, aluminium burkar, frigolit, glas ... Spetsen också leda avfall kan vara giftiga och skadliga för miljön, såsom aerosoler, batterier, bekämpningsmedel, fotografiska vätskor, rengöringsmedel, däck och lösningsmedel färg, bland annat.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on Re d u i r e l con su m e n e rg è ti c P e r q u è h e m d e re d u i r e l con su m e n e rg è ti c? A escala històrica fa pocs anys que consumim de forma massiva, però el creixement ha estat tan ràpid que sembla raonable començar a pensar que hem arribat a un límit. Hem de reduir el nostre consum energètic o intentar explotar molt més les fonts de energia no renovables, ja que actualment gairebé el 85% de la energia que consumim prové de les fonts d’energia no renovables. Per altra banda, las emissions contaminants que provoquen aquests combustibles estan afectant greument a la atmosfera i al clima del planeta. Davant de aquesta situació, és necessari un canvi en aquest model energètic que passa per reduir el consum, millorar l’eficiència dels aparells i substituir les fonts d’energia convencionals per les fonts renovables.

Qu è h e m d e fe r p e r re d u i r e l con su m e n l e s n ostre s l l a rs? Hi ha moltes maneres de reduir el consum energètic, però la majoria de la gent no hi dona importància. Algunes de les coses que podem fer en la nostre llar per reduir el consum energètic són les següents: • Pensar sobre la disposició de la llar,sobre l’ús que fem dels diferents espais,els serveis que demanem a cada lloc i com satisfer-los. • No deixar mai encès un llum, connectat un electrodomèstic o engegat un aparell que no es fa servir i tampoc deixar connectat un carregador al corrent encara que no estiguem carregant cap aparell. • No deixar connectats els «permanents» (el pilot vermell o verd) d’un aparell electrònic si

no es fa servir durant un període de temps llarg (poden arribar a gastar el 25 % del consum de l’aparell en ple funcionament). El pilot vermell o verd d’un aparell indica consum sense cap servei a canvi. • No deixar oberta una aixeta d’aigua que no s’utilitza (el consum d’aigua va sempre molt relacionat amb el consum d’energia). • No comprar només seguint la publicitat. Reflexionar abans de comprar un aparell elèctric que només estalvia un petit esforç ocasional (el raspall de dents elèctric seria l’exemple més clar). • Pensar com podem aïllar la llar per evitar pèrdues de calor al hivern (aïllament tèrmic en parets i sostre, doble vidre, cortines) i evitar l’entrada de sol a l’estiu (persianes,ombrel•les, tendals), per així estalviar en calefacció i en aire condicionat.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on Re d u ce th e e n e rg e ti c con su m e Wh y we h a ve to re d u ce th e e n e rg e ti c con su m e ? In the historic scale, we are recycling in a massive form since little years ago, but the increase has been so fast that we have to start to think that we have reached a limit. We have to reduce our energetic consume o try to use a lot more than now the energetic sources, because in the actuality, almost of the 85 % of the energy that we consume comes from the energetic sources nonrenewable. On another hand, the polluting emissions that produce these combustibles are affecting hardly the atmosphere and the climate of the planet.

Wh a t we h a ve to d o to re d u ce th e e n e rg e ti c co n s u m e i n o u r h o m e s ? There are a lot of things that we can do to reduce the energetic consume in our homes, but the majority of the people don’t give importance to them. Many of the things that we can do in our homes to reduce the energetic consume are: • Think about the arrangement of the house. • Think about the use that we do of the different places. • We never have to leave a light on, an opened appliance that we are not using and no leave the charger of the mobile, for example, connected although we aren’t charging it.

• We don’t have to leave the red or green light of an appliance (TV) if we can turn off it and can’t see the light (if it’s not turned off well it wastes as the 25 % of the consume if it’s turned on). • We don’t have to leave an opened tap if we aren’t using in the same moment that we have opened. • Not to buy only following the publicity. We don’t have to buy an appliance that only saves a little effort. One example is the electric toothbrush. • Think about we can do to isolate the house to avoid heat lost in the winter and avoid the sun entrance in the summer to don’t have to use a lot of energy.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on Th e re cycl i n g i s sp oke n Last April, we went out in the streets of Berga and we talked about the recycling with the population of our region. We ask them some questions like, if they recycle, if the recycling is difficult or it’s a problem for them and if they have got some containers close to their houses. Everybody who were asked, answered the questions in a kind way, and we enjoyed a lot to interview the people of our city.

But we have paid our attention in one thing, the people of Berga do not recycle the organic waste. A reason for the fact, is that the organic waste is a very new recyclable waste and our neighbours are not used to recycle it. It is such a new recyclable waste that in some towns of the region of the Berguedà they still can not recycle it get. It is a bit difficult and hard to recycle, many people complain about it, because you have to collect much garbage that you are used to pour it in the general waste. About the question of if the recycling is difficult or is a problem for them, a lot of people have answered that if you have some space at your home it is not difficult. They say that without space, you can not recycle each waste in different boxes or small containers. To bring it to the container, people said that for them it is not a problem, they are already use to do it.

Although, in the region of the Berguedà, we only recycle since 1 990, the population of our region is very aware of the recycling. They are in favour of respecting and making sure everything about the environment. In general, the people of our city always recycle paper, plastic, glass and batteries. A lot of people recycle the clothes or they give them to an ONG There are some people who bring the oils to the tips. And the others rubbish waste they pour them in the container of the general rubbish.

About the third question and the last one, if they have different container close to their houses, most people say that the container of general waste is near their houses. In fact, in Berga in most of the streets there are containers of the general waste. The other four type of waste, organic, glass, plastic and paper, are different. The container of the organic waste is sometimes next to the general container and, there are more than the other three. There are lots of the other three, and these three are usually together. The people that we have askes, have them between 50 and 1 00 meters far from their houses. But nobody complains about the distance. To sum up, the people of our region recycle everyday more, and they are prouder about the improvement that our town hall has imposed. One of them said that a lot of the people of the region of Berguedà are working together to do of our region, a cleaner and more beautiful region.

I n f or m a c i ó/ I n f or m a c i ón / I n f or m a t i on R e ci cl a r l o s m ó v i l e s Hoy en día, no llevar el teléfono móvil encima, es como dejarse el DNI en casa. El móvil se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable para nuestra vida diaria. También es verdad que cada vez duran menos: hay gente que los toman como signo de moda, como la ropa. Se calcula que la vida media de un móvil es de 1 6 meses y que cada persona ha poseído, como mínimo, un total de cuatro teléfonos distintos (seguramente si hacen el mismo estudio de aquí un tiempo, la cifra habrá aumentado considerablemente). Mucha gente no se le ha pasado por la cabeza que los móviles se pueden reciclar. En realidad es mucho más importante reciclarlos de lo que parece, porque tienen substancias muy peligrosas para el medio ambiente. Está comprobado que sólo uno de cada cinco móviles es reciclado, lo que supuso el año pasado, en nuestro país, se seis millones de móviles. Se puede pensar que es una cifra elevada ¡pero es que se vendieron veinte! Los teléfonos móviles están formados principalmente por plástico (58%); metales como hierro, plata, en algún caso oroa (25%); vidrio (1 7%)a Lo más contaminante de los móviles son sus baterías, formadas por diferentes metales. De estos el más preciado es el coltan, que tiene las propiedades adecuadas para soportar altos voltajes, cosa que proporciona que las baterías puedan aguantar más tiempo en funcionamiento. Este metal no sólo se usa para los teléfonos móviles, sino que también se usa en la mayoría de otros aparatos electrónicos, para no decir todos, como televisores, ordenadoresa Hay muchas formas de reciclar tu teléfono móvil viejo en desuso. Aquí os proponemos algunas interesantes: • Puedes depositarlo en los containers especiales para móviles que hay en algunas

tiendas, por ejemplo en las farmacias. • Seguramente, si quieres cambiarte de móvil, si llevas tu teléfono viejo a la tienda donde vas a comprar el nuevo, conseguirás algún tipo de descuento. Por supuesto que también lo puedes llevar a la tienda aunque no vayas a comprar otro teléfono. Desde la tienda se van a encargar de que el teléfono sea reciclado juntamente con otros chismes electrónicos que tienen ellos guardados para reciclar. • Puedes dárselo a otra persona para que lo use. • Si quieres venderlo como producto de segunda mano, hay muchas tiendas especializadas. También hay la opción de ponerlo a la venta mediante una página web de Internet. En resumen: lo importante no son las distintas opciones que hay para poder reciclar los teléfonos móviles. Lo que realmente importa es que la gente entienda que los teléfonos, juntamente con todo tipo de aparatos electrónicos, hay que reciclarlos como reciclamos el papel, el plástico, los envasesa

E n t r e v i s t a / I n t e r v i e w / I n t e r v ju I n te rvi e w wi th Ca rm e Ca se s Th e l a st th e 2 5 of M a rch , th e m a n a g e r of th e l oca l Cou n ci l of B e rg u e d à , Ca rm e Ca se s wa s i n te rvi e we d for som e stu d e n ts of th e l oca l h i g h sch ool . We sp oke a b ou t th e p a st, p re se n t a n d fu tu re of th e re cycl i n g i n ou r town . N ow, h e re , we wi l l b e a b l e to se e th e q u e sti on s form u l a te d b y th e s tu d e n ts an d th e a n swe rs of Ca rm e Cases.

• Wh e n d i d ou r re g i on b e g i n to re cycl e ? In the region of Berguedà, we have recycled since 1 990.

Appliances and oils in the dump. Medicines in the chemist’s, and mobiles and batteries in some shops where people buy them.

• Wh i ch we re th e fi rst wa ste s on re cycl i n g ? The first waste on recycling in the region of Berguedà was glass in 1 990. In 1 993 we started to recycle paper, and in 1 999 we began to recycle plastic.

• I n a l l th e town s of B e rg u e d à , d o we re cycl e th e sa m e wa y? All the towns of Berguedà recycle paper, glass and plastic. But the organic waste is different. Organic waste isn’t still recycled in all the towns. We began to recycle the organic waste in Berga. Then it was recycled in Gironella i Puig-Reig too. In 2009, the towns of Guardiola, Bagà, Olvan, Avià, Cercs and Casserres joined to recycle organic waste.

• Wh i ch h a s b e e n th e e vol u ti on of re cycl i n g i n ou r town ? The evolution of the recycling in our region has been that more waste has been recycled, like paper, glass and plastic in the 90s. Eventually, since 2004, in our region, we can also recycle the organic waste. • N ow, wh i ch th e re cycl a b l e wa ste i s? Nowadays in the region of Berguedà, we can recycle everything. Glass, paper, plastic, organic waste and clothes with containers in the streets.

• H ow d oe s B e rg u e d à re cycl e a t i n d u stri a l l e ve l ? Wh i ch p rotocol i s fol l owe d ? Wh a t i s m a d e wi th th e b y-p rod u cts u se d i n th e i n d u stri e s? We recycle at industrial level the same like at the domestic level. The waste are stored correctly, business agent and a

E n t r e v i s t a / I n t e r v i e w / I n t e r v ju carrier are searched by the factory. The business agent has to follow the correct protocol working with permissions and paperwork. The by-products are classified by fractions and then they are brought into the market to reuse. The waste that they can’t recycle then, they takes them to tanks. • Wh e re d oe s th e wa ste of th e d om e sti c a n d i n d u stri a l re cycl i n g e n d u p ? The paper, the glass and the plastic are brought to a company called “Containers al Berguedà” and then, they manage them. The organic waste is brought to a compost plant of Manresa and there, they convert it into fertilizers. • H ow i s th e col l e cti on of th e wa ste (fre q u e n cy, p oi n ts of col l e cti on , a n d p l a n ts of tre a tm e n t) org a n i ze d ? The collection is different depending of the wastes. The general waste is

collected twice or three times a week. The organic waste is collected three times a week too. The plastic, glass and paper are picked up taking into account the people in the town. For example, in Berga they are picked up once a week. Nowadays, in our region, we have got three plants of treatment. They are in Berga, Guardiola and Puig-Reig. • Wh i ch p rop osa l s of fu tu re a re th e re a b ou t th e re cycl i n g i n th e B e rg u e d à ? The proposals are to finish imposing the organic waste recycling in all the towns of our region. As we ca n se e , th e re g i on of th e B e rg u e d à h a s a d va n ce d a l ot i n a l i ttl e ti m e a b ou t re cycl i n g a n d th e con se rva ti on s of th e e n vi ron m e n t a n d i t i s g oi n g to con ti n u e b e i n g ca rri e d th e se ob j e cti ve s o u t.

E n t r e v i s t a / I n t e r v i e w / I n t e r v ju E n tre vi sta con An d e rs H e l d e ru d . E n tre vi sta e n e l e n ca rg a d o d e m e d i o a m b i e n te y re ci cl a j e e n e l a yu n ta m i e n to d e Vä te rvi k ( S u é ci a ) An d e rs H e l d e ru d . Qu a tro e stu d i a n te s d e e l i n sti tu to l oca l E l l e n Ke y S kol a n l e h i ci e ron u n a s p re g u n ta s sob re e l re ci cl a j e e n su ci u d a d .

Cu a n d o e m p e zó Vä ste rvi k a re ci cl a r? Västervik empezó el reciclaje hace 34 años, en el 1 976. ¿ Con q u é se e m p e zó re ci cl a n d o? Empezamos con las cosas usuales como, papel, vidrio, plástico y metal. ¿ Cu á l h a si d o l a con se cu e n ci a d e l re ci cl a j e ? Västervik, ahora, tiene un medio ambiente mucho mejor que antes y gracias a esto, la economía, ha funcionado mucho mejor. Cóm o re ci cl a n l a s i n d u stri a s e n Vä ste rvi k? ¿ H a y u n h ora ri o q u e se g u i r? Las industrias de Västervik tienen un protocolo

que seguir, un documento creado por el Consejo. Ellos no tienen su propio horario. ¿ C ó m o e s tá to d o c o n s ti tu i d o ? Esa es responsabilidad de los productores, que tiran los productos y entonces interviene como un ciclo. Todo lo que se tira, se utilizan los materiales para hacer nuevos productos. ¿ Qu é p roye ctos d e fu tu ro ti e n e l a ci u d a d d e Vä ste rvi k? Sí, tenemos proyectos que vamos a comenzar pronto. Queremos hacer un nuevo combustible para los vehículos que se crea con la basura que se recicla en nuestros hogares. Y lo nombramos reciclado orgánico.

E n t r e v i s t a / I n t e r v i e w / I n t e r v ju

D o you th i n k th a t B e rg a a n d Vä ste rvi k re cycl e i n th e sa m e wa y?

Nowadays, recycling is the priority of most of the cities around the world. Years ago, it wasn’t such an important thing for the government, but now people want to preserve their surrounding and want to keep the planet clean. For this reason, we have done two interviews asking questions about the recycling. Our proposal is comparing how similar is the recycling method in Berguedà and in Västervik. We have asked to the town hall of Västervik and then we asked the same questions in the local council of Berga. The city of Västervik has been reclicling since 1 976, sixteen years before Berga’s city, which started recycling in 1 990. Both of them began to recycle the same waste: paper, glass en plastic. However, Västervik was recycling metal too. Berga will start recycling these kinds of products later. In the two cities, the industries and factories have to follow a protocol for the recycling. Most of recycled products are selected and

turned into new products that they do not contaminate and they do not harm the environment. So we can say that there is a cycle that helps to reduce and reuse. Now, Berga and Västervik are cities cleaner than in the past and that’s really important to preserve the environment. Like the Swedish city, the Catalan has got many future plans that will be applied in a few years. The proposal of this projects is preserving the world and reduce as much as we can, the rubbish. Furthermore, government wants people to use products that can be recycled easily. We want these projects to get successful results and we have to work all together to achieve a cleaner and beautiful world.

E n q u e s t a / E n c u e s t a / Su r v e y / U n d e r s ö k n i n g D o we re cycl e ? During these two weeks of March, journalists of our magazine, have done a report. The aim of this report is to know who recycles and what. The report has been done in the high school of Berga, IES Guillem de Berguedà, to pupils of the same school. In the end, 238 people have been interviewed. These people were born between 1 994 and 1 997. They have decided to do the questions to these people because they are the fathers and mothers of the future and they will have a really important paper to save the planet.

The results of the report have been good. Nearly 70%, of people who we have asked to, recycle. It is interesting to say that the people who recycle more are the youngest of these four different ages. The negative side of the report is formed by the pupils one year older, the people who were born in 1 998. Only 53% of them recycle. The other two levels, 3rd and 4th of ESO, recycle a 62% and 75% respectively. The troubles appear when we ask them what they recycle. Almost all the people, of this 70%, recycle paper, plastic, bottles, organica

to sum up, the things they can throw in the containers that we can find in the street. Against these good results, the percentages go down when we can’t throw the things in the containers of the street if they are not in specific locals or shops or we must go to the waste tip. For instance clothes, batteries, medicinesa The most negative result of the report has been the recycling of medicines: only 30% of people recycle medicines. Some people of the other 70% didn’t know where they could recycle their medicines! From the magazine we want to say to all our readers they must recycle their old medicines. You must take the medicines you don’t use and bring them to the chemist’s. There, you find a special container to throw them into it. Recycling a medicine is maybe the most important because there are a lot of people who need medicines and they can’t have them. Perhaps one day you will need a special medicine and if you don’t find it because someone has it at home you’ll get really angry but if you find it because someone has recycled it you will be very grateful to him/her. Another negative result is that not many people go to the waste tip. Only 43% of the people we have interviewed have gone to the waste tip at least once to recycle something. We remember that the waste tip of Berga is in the industrial polygon in La Valldan. There are another two waste tips, one in Guardiola de Berguedà and the other one in Puig-Reig. To finish we want to remember all of you that the clothes’ containers are orange and bigger than the normal. They are in some places near the other containers. They are property of “Grup Horitzó”. If you don’t have a container near your home you can bring the clothes to the office of this group. It is situated next to the local library.

E n q u e s t a / E n c u e s t a / Su r v e y / U n d e r s Ăś k n i n g

We also want to remind that we must recycle batteries in the small containers that we find in many shops. They have a triangular shape. We hope that after reading this report everyone who recycles continues doing it and those who don’t do it, start to do it. If you want to know more things or activities related to recycling and the protection of the environment we recommend you the following websites.

E n q u e s t a / E n c u e s t a / Su r v e y / U n d e r s ö k n i n g E n c u e s ta s u e c a Los alumnos suecos han realizado una enquesta a su país, Suécia. En esta han preguntado varias preguntas sobre el reciclaje. La primera pregunta que les preguntaron, fue haber si reciclaban o no, y los resultados de esta, fueron:

Grácias, a esta preguntas, hemos podido averiguar que el 56% de los suecos encuestados reciclan, y el 44% no lo hacen.

De este 56% de los suecos que reciclan, todos reciclan papel, vidrio, plásticos, la ropa y han ido más de una vez en el vertedero. Pensamos que los suecos están tan concienciados para el reciclaje, por què ya hace tiempo que estas fracciones de reciclaje se pueden reciclar y se han ido acostumbrando. El 87% reciclan las pilas y baterias correctamente. Este resultado del reciclaje de las pilas y baterias, es mucho más elevado que este resultado en Berga. Los resultados empiezan a bajar, cuando se les pregunta sobre el reciclaje de las medicinas. Un 53% de toda la gente que recicla, reciclan medicinas ya caducada o que no usan. El tan por ciento más bajo que hemos encontrado ha sido el reciclaje de la matéria orgánica, ahí llamado el reciclaje de la comida. Soel 7% de los suecos que reciclan, reciclan la matéria orgánica. Podemos comprobar que este resultado es muy inferior al de nuestra ciudad. Esperamos que la población de Suécia, en los próximos años, aumente el reciclaje en alguna de estas fracciones.

A g e n d a c u l t u r a l / Cu l t u r a l d i a r y / K ultur e lla a g e n da n Ca ta l a n ce l e b ra ti on s Re ve tl l a d e S a n t J oa n - 24th of june In this day we throw fireworks in the street with the family or with the friends. All people is in the street and the night is the shorter of all the year. P a tu m - D i j ou s d e Corp u s ( on l y i n B e rg a ) Patum is a celebration only fo Berga. This celebrate begun make many time. In this dates we go to the Sant Pere's square and we jump and sing at the ritm of the drum and the music. All the Berguedans are so excited and they love this celebration! Somebody is drunk and the boys and girls can go to the attractions. This celebration is in june but never is in a concret day.

S we d i sh ce l e b ra ti on s S ve ri g e s n a ti on a l d a g -6th of June Is a national holiday observed in Sweden on June 6 every year. The day was made into a national day by Riksdagen the Swedish parliament in 1 983. Previously it was commemorated as svenska flaggans dag Swedish flag day. M i d s o m m a r - 2 4 th o f J u n e May simply refer to the period of time centered upon the summer solstice but more often refers to specific European celebrations that accompany the actual solstice or that take place around the 24th of June and the preceding evening. The exact dates vary between cultures.

J o c s / J u e g o s / G a m e s / Sp e l M ots e n cre u a ts Ve rti ca l 1. Reciclar és a favor del __________________________. 4. Què es recicla en el contenidor Blau? ____________________. 5. De quin color és el contenidor on s’hi tira el vidre ? ______________. 9. Els medicaments es reciclen a la _______________. 11 . On van a parar les fraccions reciclades després del contenidor? A la ___________________________________. H ori tzon ta l 2. Què es recicla al contenidor groc? Els ______________________. 3. Acció de classificar les escombraries i llençar-les allà on toqui. _________________. 6. Què es recicla en el contenidor taronja? ___________________. 7. Què es recicla en el contenidor marró? _____________________________. 8. Per reciclar els electrodomèstics els hem d’anar a portar a la _________________________. 1 0. On va el plàstic? Al contenidor _______________________. ( els espais on hi ha els números, també s’hi ha de posar lletres)

J o c s / J u e g o s / G a m e s / Sp e l S ou p of l e te rs A V T R K R E C Y C L I N G K














In this word search puzzle you can find these words: ALUMINIUM PLASTIC RECYCLE WORMS


S u d o ku En aquesta edició de la revista, us volem oferir un nou tipus de passatemps. Us proposem un sudoku, però no de la forma tradicional. Encomptes d’utilitzar números, utilitzarem fraccions de reciclatge per omplir les caselles. Les regles per poder completar un sudoku, són les següents: Has d’aconseguir completar els quadrats de 3x3 utilitzant les 9 fraccions sense que cap es repeteixi. Al mateix temps has de completar una fila, que és de 3 quadrats diferents, sense que cap lletra es repeteixi. També has de fer el mateix procediment amb les columnas. Aquestes són les fraccions i les lletres que utilitzarem per poder completar el sudoku.



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