Displaced People Cristie Blandford
The result is in relation to your health Health Measure
Doctor/Nurse conducts a full health-check to assess individuals health Generally BMI (body mass index) is used to calculate the whether the weight of a person is healthy. This system may not be suitable for some ethnic minorities, the elderly, or those of a muscular build. In these cases other calculations will be made
Ceylan UĹ&#x;akierali D.o.B 11/09/1984 Valid 11/2009- 11/2010
Disc prescribed
IDENTITY Name to identify user within a household. Name, Date-of-Birth and NHS Patient No. Are used to clearly identify patient and related information.
VALIDITY Depending upon the health of the patient the doctor/ nurse will review the dial prescription. Standard check up every 6 months.
Mr Alan Smith D.o.B 01/09/1987 NHS Patient No. 456 245909 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Printed upon the dial is a segment. This segment indicates the diagnosed weight the user should target/maintain in order to be healthy. The segment is prescribed through analysis of body build, lifestyle and other health factors.
The dial also functions a CD (compact disc). Containing information discussed with the doctor of interest to the patient. Patient confidentiality is taken into account with the material upon the disc.
Health Measure scales are a NHS (national health service) product for patients use at home.
Placing personal dial upon scales Mr Alan Smith
It is important to aline the disc with the black line upon the scales.
D.o.B 01/09/1987 NHS Patient No. 456 245909 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Mr Alan Smith D.o.B 01/09/1987 NHS Patient No. 456 245909 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Fine tuning dial left-right
A result outside the green area would indicate that the user that a lifestyle change may be necessary this should be consulted with your doctor/ nurse but generally involves a change of diet or exercise routine.
D.o.B 01/09 NHS Patient N /1987 o . 45 6 2 4 5 9 0 9
Mr Alan Smith
The standing position with legs shoulders with apart affords greater stability
The green section indicates that the user is a healthy weight.
Valid until/Ren ewal date MM/YYYY
Stand with legs either side of the dial.
Interpreting the result upon your health disc
Standing Position
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
M rs
NHS D.o.B 0 Weigh 1/ P t a t i e nt N 03/1967 o. 4 5 6 2459 09
1 20
unti l / R MM/ enewal date YYY Y
r a M
De c 20
Dec 2009
D.o.B 01/03/1967 NHS Patient No. 456 245909
Example- when weight lose is necessary
Mrs O Weight
0 Mar 2
When weigh change is recommended by the doctor/ nurse obtainable targets may be placed upon the graph.
Alan Smith MrMrSunny Grewal
Mr Jeet Grewal
D.o.B 01/08/1980 01/09/1987 D.o.B
D.o.B 01/07/1977
NHS Patient Patient No. No. 456 456 245899 245909 NHS
NHS Patient No. 456 245919
Mrs Shay Grewal
Mr Tindy Grewal
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
D.o.B 01/04/1982
D.o.B 01/09/1979
NHS Patient No. 456 245604
NHS Patient No. 456 245959
Valid until/Renewal until/Renewal date date Valid MM/YYYY MM/YYYY
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Mrs Khaki Grewal D.o.B 01/09/1978
NHS Patient No. 456 245906 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
MrMr Arvinder Alan Smith Grewal D.o.B 01/06/1954 01/09/1987
NHS Patient No. 456 245909
9 00 0 c 2 01 De ar 2 M
Mrs Grewal MrSarbjit Alan Smith
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
D.o.B 01/07/1957 01/09/1987
NHS Patient No. 456 245305 245909 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Dec 20 Miss Bhavi Grewal D.o.B 01/11/2002
NHS Patient No. 456 245909
r2 Ma
Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
Household disc storage Mr Alan Smith
A total of 8 discs can be stored inside. Storage allows household members to share the device and keep their personal dials together with the scales
D.o.B 01/09/1987 NHS Patient No. 456 245909 Valid until/Renewal date MM/YYYY
How the scales work Mechanism within the Health Measure is the same as standard mechanical scales.