e-competencias (L.Lach)

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Intel and the education in the 21st. century

Luis Lach

Moore´s Law The number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since the integrated circuit was invented. Moore predicted that this trend would continue for the foreseeable future 2 26

Trends in education in

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Trends in education in

Why this is important if we are talking about education? •

Is this law, really a law?

• Moore´s law is the explanation for the outastanding performance in the technology industry • But hide under Moore´s law we have the seed to digital gap • Increasing poverty worlwide especially in emerging markets • Public Policies in United States towards education, technology and digital inclusion: • President Clinton 1996: 4 pillars: - Access, Connectivity, Education and Contents

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Trends in education in

Intel´s “World Ahead Program”

• 1 to 1 computing

Connectivity • Wired

• 1 to many • CMPC

•WiMax •WiFi


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• Student center learning • Education Programs • 21st. Century Skills • Skoool

Trends in education in

Education for the Knowledge Economy 21st Century Skills

Technology and Media Literacy

• • • •

Effective Communication Critical Thinking Problem Solving Collaboration

www.21st.centuryskills.org www.eduteka.org

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Trends in education in

Spectrum of Learning Path to developing 21st century skills

• • •

Knowledge acquisition Knowledge deepening Knowledge creation

Depends upon systemic change

• • • • •

Education policies Curriculum and assessment Teaching and learning Technology applications Social infrastructure

Framework created by Robert Kozma in paper prepared for Intel® Innovation in Education, “ICT, Education Reform, and Economic Growth.”

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Trends in education in

Challenges for Mexico • Invention rate

Mexico 0.05 Japan 31.0 • We must switch Mexico from a services based society into a knowledge based society • Investment in Science and Technology in Mexico .36% to . 36% GDP (1% target world wide) • Competitiveness rate; from place 38 to 55 since 2000

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Trends in education in

Programa Intel® Educar : Impactando la Base del Sistema Educativo

Intel® Educar • Principiantes • Curso Esencial • Curso en línea

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Capacitación presencial de 40 horas dirigido a maestros de Primaria y Secundaria

Los docentes aprenden el uso efectivo de la tecnología en la Educación

Foco en el desarrollo de las habilidades del Siglo XXI

Programa implementado en los cinco continentes –

Primer Programa ofrecido por una multinacional en integrarse oficialmente el Sistema de Desarrollo Profesional para Docentes en China

Corea del Sur firma convenio para capacitar al 100% de sus docentes

Trends in education in

Intel® Learn Program Community program for rural and urban environments •

After school program that aims to develop 21st. Century skills for young people between 8-16 years old with limited or no access to technology

50,000 students in 222 community centers in 19 states since its inception in 2004

Overall evaluation shows 90% of attendance

Program implemented by SERAJ and AITYC with the collaboration of SEDESOL, CONACULTA, SEP Chiapas, ONG´s, etc. • Study case in Mazahua community

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Trends in education in

Community development at the Intel Computer Clubhouse

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State of the art technology labs, designed under a pedagogical model that encourage young people to build creative projects with technology

Designed by MIT Media Lab and the Boston Museum of Sciences. Sponsored by Intel.

In Mexico the program operates with the collaboration of culture authorities in Mexico City and Guadalajara

Trends in education in

Intel® ISEF: Science Fair for young students

•Intel® ISEF is the most important scientific contest in the world for precollege students • Each year, 1500 participants from 51 countries • Objective in Mexico: To create a National science fair competition • Where we are: We got 4 regional fairs to be conducted this year: Atlacomulco, Guadalajara, Puebla and Los Mochis

• The NGO in charge is Ciencia Joven,

a.c. in collaboration with councils of science and technology in states, ITESM, BUAP, IMCA

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Trends in education in

Higher Education Programs •Premio Intel® 2006 – México Innovando – Impulse to innovation – Focus on college and after college students – Prices=800 mil pesos – Program designed by Intel+UC Berkeley Entrepreneurship

Close collaboration with mexican universities in order to share current multicore curricula


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Trends in education in



40 aniversario Intel

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