E-Competencies: building human capital for the 21st and 22nd centuries A Creativity Perspective (Una Perspectiva desde la Creatividad)
World of Warcraft gathering
Business Meeting
Lead ership
Collab oration
E-Competencies? ...same competencies, a new medium.
...las mismas competencias, un nuevo medio.
Social Networking Collaboration Creativity
The digital medium facilitates the nurturing of certain skills over others.
El medio digital facilita el cultivo de ciertas habilidades por sobre otras.
X I M E R X I X I M M E R E A R H A S H S X I M E X I R M E R X I M Digital mediums offer unprecedented opportunities for creative expression
Los medios digitales ofrecen oportunidades sin precedentes para la expresi贸n creativa.
20th century education
As educators, we can not dismiss the opportunity to use digital technologies to nurture our children’s creative skills.
21st century education
Como educadores, no podemos permitir obviar el uso de las tecnologĂas digitales para cultivar las habilidades creativas de nuestros niĂąos.
E-Competencies: building human capital for the 21st and 22nd centuries Diego Uribe Larach duribel@gmail.com