Putni časopis CROATIA jesen 2020 / Inflight Magazine CROATIA Autumn 2020

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Jesen _ Autumn 2020

Putni Ä?asopis _ Inflight magazine

A. Grubelić

Poštovani putnici!

Dear passengers!

Za nama je jedno neobično ljeto, a po svemu sudeći, i jesen će biti puna izazova. Naša kompanija dijeli sudbinu avioindustrije u cijelome svijetu, ali i zajedničku nadu da ćemo se što prije vratiti onome običnom, svakodnevnome letenju kakvo je bilo prije pojave koronavirusa. Zahvaljujem vam na razumijevanju koje ste pokazali u ovim zahtjevnim vremenima i na povjerenju koje nam darujete. Raduje me što je pred vama još jedan broj našega putnog časopisa. U njemu donosimo aktualne teme pa već na prvim stranicama možete pročitati što smo sve poduzeli kako biste se u našim zrakoplovima osjećali posve zaštićeno i ugodno. Nedvojbeno, vaša sigurnost i zdravlje za nas su na prvome mjestu. Zbog toga smo i uvodni intervju posvetili aktualnoj situaciji, o kojoj smo razgovarali s Gordanom Laucom, uglednim hrvatskim i svjetskim znanstvenikom. Kao uvijek, predstavljamo vam zanimljive hrvatske krajolike i mjesta u kojima ćete se u ovim jesenskim danima dobro provesti na otvorenome. Ovaj put vodimo vas u Brodsko-posavsku županiju, gdje možete uživati u prirodi, ali i u ukusnim slavonskim specijalitetima, a također i u Splitsko-dalmatinsku, na planinu Biokovo, gdje je nedavno izgrađena staklena nebeska šetnica, jedinstvena ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego i u Europi. Pročitajte i što vam sve nudi glavni grad Hrvatske i njegova okolica. Zagrebu nikada ne nedostaje kulturnih i umjetničkih sadržaja, a ujesen je i osobito lijep, obogaćen bojama i mirisima. A pravi jesenski ugođaj nude i brojna okolna izletišta u kojima možete uživati u berbi grožđa, jabuka, krušaka, dunja, mladome vinu... Dragi putnici, od srca vam zahvaljujem što letite s nama i želim ugodne, opuštene trenutke u zrakoplovu Croatia Airlinesa, s našom posadom koja brine o vama.

We’ve had an unusual summer and, by all accounts, autumn too will be challenging. Our company has suffered the fate of the aviation industry as a whole, but also shares the common hope that we’ll soon return to regular, everyday flights, the way they were before the coronavirus outbreak. I thank you for the understanding you’ve shown in these challenging times and for the trust you’ve placed in us. I’m glad that another issue of our inflight magazine is in your hands. We’re bringing you up-to-date information, so on the very first pages you can find out about what we’ve done to make you feel completely protected and comfortable in our aircraft. Clearly, your safety and health are our number one priority. That’s why we’ve dedicated our interview to the current situation, which we talked about with Gordan Lauc, a scientist famed in both Croatia and the world. As always, we’re also presenting Croatia’s interesting landscapes and places where you can have a great time outdoors during autumn. In this issue, we’re taking you to the Brod-Posavina County, where you can enjoy nature and delicious Slavonian delicacies, and to the Split-Dalmatia County, to Biokovo Mountain, to be precise, where a glass skywalk was recently built, unique not only in Croatia, but also in Europe. You’ll also find out about what the capital of Croatia and its surroundings have to offer. There’s no shortage of arts and cultural events in Zagreb, and in autumn it’s colour- and scent-infused, and particularly beautiful. Many surrounding places − where you’ll enjoy the picking of grapes, apples, pears, quinces, young wine − also offer a real autumn ambience. Dear passengers, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for flying with us. With our crew taking care of you, I wish you pleasant, relaxed moments on your Croatia Airlines flight.

Jasmin Bajić Predsjednik Uprave / President & CEO




12 Razgovor GORDAN LAUC, UVIJEK ISPRED GLAVNE STRUJE Profesor je biokemije i molekularne biologije te kao znanstvenik i istraživač surađuje s vodećim znanstvenim institucijama u svijetu. Interview GORDAN LAUC, ALWAYS AHEAD OF THE MAINSTREAM He’s a professor of biochemistry and molecular biology, and a scientist and researcher who collaborates with leading research institutes in the world.

22 Brodsko-posavska županija IZLET ZA PAMĆENJE Volite tradiciju i autentičnu ponudu, željni ste predaha u prirodi? Vrijeme je za putovanje u Brodsko-posavsku županiju. Brod-Posavina County A TRIP TO REMEMBER You’re into tradition and authentic experiences, or need a break in nature? It’s time to visit the Brod-Posavina County.

Jesen/Autumn 2020 www.croatiaairlines.com

Uredništvo ne odgovara za promjene u rasporedu događanja, za otkazivanje ili promjene datuma održavanja događanja nastale nakon objavljivanja časopisa. The editorial board cannot be held responsible for any changes that may occur in the scheduling of events or their cancellation after the magazine goes to press.


44 Kultura ZLATNI RUDNIK FILMSKE INDUSTRIJE U Hrvatskoj se sve češće snimaju serije i filmske uspješnice. Očigledno, filmska industrija pridonosi popularnosti Hrvatske, ali i njezinoj posjećenosti! Culture THE FILM INDUSTRY’S GOLDMINE Croatia’s been the set of many series and blockbuster films. Evidently, the film industry contributes both to the popularity of Croatia and to how well visited it is.

36 Gastro ZAGREB ZA STOLOM Želite li posjetitelju objasniti što je zagrebačka kuhinja, najbolje je da ga odvedete do središta grada. Tržnica Dolac nudi bogatstvo plodova iz okolice Zagreba. Gastro ZAGREB AT THE DINING TABLE To explain what Zagreb’s cuisine is to a visitor, it’s best to take them to the city centre. The Dolac Open Market offers a wealth of produce from Zagreb’s surroundings.

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Attractions BIOKOVO SKYWALK The Split-Dalmatia County boasts a new irresistible attraction − an adrenalinefuelled walk on a glass surface at high altitude.

P. Cvitić - Biokovo

Atrakcije NEBESKA ŠETNICA SKYWALK BIOKOVO Splitsko-dalmatinska županija ima novu neodoljivu atrakciju − adrenalinsku šetnicu staklenom plohom na velikoj visini.

Nakladnik/Publisher Croatia Airlines Hrvatska zrakoplovna tvrtka Bani 75b, Buzin 10 010 Zagreb, Croatia tel.: +385-1-616-00-66 e-mail: pr@croatiaairlines.hr


URL: www.croatiaairlines.com

Moda KOLEKCIJE KAO VIZUALNI ROMANI Već niz godina Loreta Gudelj stvara ženstvene forme inspirirane retro trendovima, a novu je priču posvetila kraju pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća.

Predsjednik Uprave/President & CEO Jasmin Bajić

Glavna urednica/Editor-in-chief Ksenija Ælof

Fashion COLLECTIONS AS VISUAL NOVELS Loreta Gudelj’s been creating feminine designs inspired by retro fashion trends for many years already. Her latest story is dedicated to the end of the 1950s.

Suradnici glavne urednice/ Editor-in-chief assistants Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić, Davor Janušić, Anamarija Jurinjak

Dizajn/Design Ivana IvankoviÊ, Miranda Herceg


74 Obljetnice DOSTIGNUĆA HRVATSKOG DIZAJNA Povodom 140. godišnjice osnivanja, zagrebački Muzej za umjetnost i obrt u cijelosti je izmijenio dionicu dizajna u svojem stalnom postavu.

Miranda Herceg

Anniversaries THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF CROATIAN DESIGN Marking its 140th anniversary, Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts completely changed the design section of its permanent exhibition setup.

Nevena Erak Camaj

Direktor Komercijalnih poslova/ Commercial Division Director Slaven Žabo


Prijevod na engleski/ English translation Ana Janković Oglaπavanje/Advertising Croatia Airlines Gabrijela Lochert


tel.: +385-1-616-00-17

Život grada BOJE I MIRISI ZAGREBAČKE JESENI Proljetno je buđenje inspirativno, ljetnu bezbrižnost svi volimo, no jesen u Zagrebu sasvim je posebna.

e-mail: advertising@croatiaarlines.hr

City Life ZAGREB’S AUTUMN COLOURS AND SCENTS Spring awakening is inspiring, we all love the laid-backness that summer brings, yet autumn in Zagreb is a very special season.


Promocija/Promotion Croatia Airlines tel.: +385-1-616-01-02

AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb Tisak/Press AKD d.o.o., Savska cesta 31, Zagreb

ISSN 1330-6278




CHECKPOINT Bluetag Bachvica Bachvica je imitacija jednog od najvažnijih proizvoda Međimurske županije ∑ bačve, koja se stoljećima koristi za skladištenje svih vrsta vina. S obzirom na to da prave bačve ipak nisu pogodne za moderne stanove i domove, Bachvica je idealna zamjena kojom ćete unijeti ugođaj podruma. Izrađena je od metalne konstrukcije plastificirane u boju Graphite Grey sa sjedalicom izrađenom od punog drva hrasta. Bachvica is a replica of one of the most important products of the Međimurje County ∑ the barrel ∑ which has been used for centuries to store wine. Since real barrels aren’t best suited for modern living spaces and homes, Bachvica is an ideal substitute infusing your home with the ambience of a cellar. It’s made of a metal construction plasticised in Graphite Grey with a seat made of solid oak wood. www.bluetagdesign.com

VAU VAU stvara minimalističke dodatke za uređenje doma i ureda koji unose ljepotu i smirenost u svakodnevni život. Svaki se proizvod izrađuje u vlastitoj, obiteljskoj radionici u Hrvatskoj. Dostupni su na webshopu i izabranim dućanima kao što su Luminaire (SAD) i Daikanyama Tsutaya (Japan). At VAU we make minimalist home décor, desktop items and accessories that infuse everyday life with beauty and calmness. Each product is made in our own, family-run workshop in Croatia, and is available via our webshop and in exclusive retail stores, such as Luminaire (US) and Daikanyama Tsutaya (Japan). vauproducts.com

NUNC Hrvatski dizajnerski brend Croatian design brand Zakrivljeno, udobno sjedalo potpomognuto je isprepletenom metalnom strukturom, objedinjenom u skladnoj geometriji. Prepoznatljiva po svojem bezvremenskom dizajnu i dinamičnoj silueti, Cot je stolica stvorena za dinamičan život, brze ideje i trenutke nadahnuća. Characterised by a timeless design and dynamic silhouette, Cot is a comfortable curved seat supported by an interwoven metal structure brought together in harmonious geometry. A stool made for dynamic living, quick ideas and moments of inspiration. nunc.design


Get ready for take off! Discover our European destinations! croatiaairlines.com




Croatia Airlines Krila hrvatskoga gospodarstva The wings of Croatia's economy

Š. Lugarov

Dragi naši putnici, drago nam je što ste kao partnera na ovome letu odabrali upravo Croatia Airlines. Svojim odabirom dali ste nam svoje povjerenje, a pred nas ste postavili odgovoran zadatak ispunjavanja svojih očekivanja, ali i očekivanja svih onih koji znaju da smo neizostavan sudionik hrvatskoga gospodarstva. Prema podacima FINE za 2019. ponosno smo zauzeli treće mjesto na ljestvici hrvatskih izvoznika, što potvrđuje da jesmo i ostajemo stvarnim krilima hrvatskog turizma i gospodarstva te boljeg sutra svih nas! Zahvalni smo jer i kod vas možemo potvrditi sve ono što smo dosljedno i uporno gradili tijekom dosadašnje 31 godine svojeg


poslovanja pa nam dopustite da na ovim stranicama svoju kompaniju predstavimo u nešto drukčijem tonu. Croatia Airlines danas je hrvatski, ali i europski avioprijevoznik koji putnici prepoznaju po sigurnosti letenja, profesionalnom osoblju i kvaliteti usluge, a svojim zrakoplovima do sad smo prevezli više od 40 milijuna putnika i obavili preko 600.000 letova. Stekli smo članstvo u najvažnijim zrakoplovnim udruženjima − Međunarodnoj udruzi za zračni promet (IATA) i Star Allianceu, vodećem svjetskom udruženju avioprijevoznika, za čije smo članstvo trebali ispuniti zahtjevne kriterije. Ulaskom u Star Alliance našli smo se uz bok kompanijama kao što su Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Avianca, Brussels Airlines, Copa Airlines, EgyptAir, Ethiopian Airlines, EVA Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, Swiss International Air Lines, TAP Air Portugal, Thai Airways, Turkish Airlines i United Airlines. Time smo unaprijedili svoju mrežu letova preko europskih čvorišta Star Alliancea te postali još značajniji subjekt sektora zračnog prometa u kojemu je u Hrvatskoj trenutno zaposleno čak 10.000 ljudi. Kupnjom roba i usluga od lokalnih dobavljača, Croatia Airlines, ali i sektor u cijelosti, podržava dodatne 3000 radnih mjesta, a procjenjuje se da sektor podržava još 3000 radnih mjesta kroz plaće svojih zaposlenika, od kojih će neke ili sve biti potrošene na robu široke potrošnje i usluge. Strani turisti koji dolaze zračnim prijevozom u Hrvatsku također svojom potrošnjom daju doprinos lokalnome gospodarstvu, a procjenjuje se da tako podržavaju dodatnih 19.000 radnih mjesta. Ukupno je, dakle, 35.000 radnih mjesta povezano sa sektorom zračnoga prometa i turistima koji u Republiku Hrvatsku dolaze zračnim prijevozom, čime je uloga svakog od sudionika ovoga sektora još veća. Industrija zračnog prometa, uključujući avioprijevoznike poput nas, ali i cijeli lanac opskrbe, prema procjenama podupire 456 milijuna dolara BDP-a u Hrvatskoj. Potrošnja stranih turista odnosi se na daljnjih 883 milijuna dolara BDP-a države, što daje ukupan iznos od 1,4 milijarde dolara, odnosno 2,2 posto državnoga BDP-a. Uloga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika, ali i naša odgovornost stoga je neosporna jer svakim svojim letom omogućujemo povezanost hrvatskih odredišta i Hrvatske sa svijetom, nedostupno činimo dostupnim te postavljamo nove standarde za sve nas. Osvrnemo li se na godinu iza nas jer ova, nažalost, zbog objektivnih epidemijskih razloga ne može biti mjerilo, s ponosom možemo reći da je kroz devet zračnih luka u Republici Hrvatskoj prošlo ukupno 11,4 milijuna putnika, dok je gotovo polovica putnika Zračne luke Zagreb, koja je glavno čvorište Croatia Airlinesa, letjela našim zrakoplovima. Tijekom protekle godine zrakoplovi Croatia Airlinesa letjeli su u 8 domaćih i čak 30 međunarodnih odredišta u redovitom prometu te izravno povezivali Hrvatsku sa 24 države svijeta. Dovozili su u Republiku Hrvatsku brojne turiste, rodbinu i prijatelje, ali i sve više poslovnih ljudi i kongresnih putnika, čemu u prilog svjedoče i posljednje brojke Međunarodne udruge za kongrese i stručne skupove (ICCA), prema kojima je Hrvatska u 2019. godini zabilježila najveći rast u broju održanih međunarodnih skupova te se kao destinacija našla na 34. mjestu po ukupno održanim skupovima u svijetu i svrstana je na ljestvicu vodećih kongresnih destinacija regije. Najznačajniji hrvatskih kongresni gradovi jesu Zagreb, Split, Opatija i Dubrovnik. Na europskoj razini Hrvatska

je također ostvarila dobru poziciju te trenutno zauzima 19. mjesto, a Zagreb 29. mjesto među europskim kongresnim gradovima. Svakodnevno pratimo trendove i osluškujemo potrebe zajednice u kojoj djelujemo, svojih putnika i poslovnih partnera jer znamo da kvalitetno upravljan i izgrađen zračni promet ne donosi korist samo putnicima nego i cijeloj zajednici i gospodarstvu Republike Hrvatske. Osiguravanjem kvalitetne i brze povezanosti između gradova, potiče se kolanje robe i usluga, stvaraju i unapređuju nove i postojeće investicije te spajaju ljude i ideje koje su osnovni pokretači svakoga gospodarskog rasta, a time i napretka pojedine zajednice. Jednako tako, štitimo i zdravlje svojih građana i putnika, a što smo i tijekom dosadašnjeg razdoblja epidemije koronavirusa mnogo puta potvrdili, dovozeći maske i zaštitnu opremu, no i prevozeći hrvatske državljane u njihove domove te vraćajući strane državljane njihovim kućama. Svoje prometovanje, dakle, nismo prekinuli ni u jednom trenutku iako su okolnosti s kojima smo se susretali to od nas zahtijevale, no za razliku od mnogih avioprijevoznika koji su u prvoj polovici ožujka obustavili sve letove u Hrvatsku, odlučili smo ostati dosljedni onomu što jesmo, biti vjerni onima za koje oduvijek letimo − svojim putnicima i Republici Hrvatskoj. Od početka epidemije koronavirusa na svojim smo krilima kućama vratili oko 23.000 hrvatskih građana, dok smo istodobno bili na raspolaganju Vladi Republike Hrvatske, s kojom smo zajedno organizirali i prevezli humanitarnu pomoć, vratili hrvatske vojnike iz Afganistana, proveli više repatrijacijskih letova iz različitih dijelova Europe kao i s uspjehom i ponosom ostvarili do sad najduži let u povijesti naše kompanije − onaj u Kinu i natrag.

Potvrdili smo i na taj način značaj Croatia Airlinesa kao strateškog dijela hrvatske prometne infrastrukture te dali doprinos osiguranju prometne povezanosti za svoje putnike i hrvatsko gospodarstvo u cijelosti. Uzmemo li u obzir iznimnu sezonalnost potražnje s visokim stupnjem konkurencije u ljetnim mjesecima, ali gotovo nepostojećom konkurencijom u onim zimskima, naša uloga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika doista je važna jer Croatia Airlines omogućuje hrvatskim zračnim lukama cjelogodišnju otvorenost, a svim putnicima izvrsnu povezanost 365 dana u godini. Vremena u kojima živimo pišu svoja poglavlja i potrebna je stalna prilagodba. Sukladno globalnim ali i lokalnim predviđanjima, zračni prijevoz u Republici Hrvatskoj trebao bi rasti za 66 posto u sljedećih 20 godina, što bi nam trebalo dovesti dodatnih 3,4 milijuna putnika do 2038. godine, a ako tomu bude tako, povećana potražnja dovest će do 2,2 milijarde dolara BDP-a i oko 37.340 radnih mjesta. Croatia Airlines je avioprijevoznik u najboljim godinama, sa svojom 31 godinom dovoljno iskusan za dane koji dolaze. Dovoljno svjestan zahtjeva koje sadašnji trenutak pred njega postavlja, dovoljno svjestan odgovornosti prema vama i svojih do sada više od 40 milijuna putnika te više od 1000 zaposlenih i članova njihovih obitelji! Hvala vam na odabiru nas kao vašeg avioprijevoznika, no jednako tako hvala i na dolasku u Republiku Hrvatsku i vašem osobnom doprinosu unapređenju hrvatskoga gospodarstva i turizma! Vaš Croatia Airlines

Procjenjuje se da je čak 35.000 radnih mjesta povezano sa sektorom zračnoga prometa i turistima koji u Hrvatsku dolaze zračnim prijevozom. Stoga je Croatia Airlines značajan subjekt hrvatskoga turizma i gospodarstva te sektora zračnog prometa. It’s estimated that as many as 35,000 jobs are connected with the air transport sector and tourists coming to Croatia by air. Accordingly, Croatia Airlines is an important entity in Croatia’s tourism and economy, and the air transport sector.

Izvor: IATA, Međunarodna udruga za zračni prijevoz / Tekst: Važnost zračnog prijevoza za Hrvatsku Source: IATA, International Air Transport Association / Text: The importance of air transport to Croatia www.iata.org/en/iata-repository/publications/ economic-reports/croatia-value-of-aviation/



Through the salaries of its employees, some or all of which are spent on consumer goods and services, it is estimated that the sector supports yet another 3,000 jobs. Foreign tourists arriving in Croatia by air also contribute to the local economy with their spending, which is estimated to support an additional 19,000 jobs. In total, 35,000 jobs are connected with the air transport sector and tourists coming to Croatia by air, making the role of each participant in this sector even greater. The air transport industry, including airlines like us and the entire supply chain, is estimated to contribute $ 456 million to Croatia’s GDP. Foreign tourist consumption contributes an additional $ 883 million to the country’s GDP, totalling $ 1.4 billion or 2.2 percent of Croatia’s GDP. The role of Croatia’s flag carrier airline and our responsibility is, in turn, indisputable because each of our flights connects Croatian destinations and Croatia with the world, makes the inaccessible accessible, and sets new standards for all of us. If we look back on last year − because, unfortunately, due to objective epidemic reasons, this year cannot be taken as a measure − we can proudly say that a total of 11.4 million passengers passed through Croatia’s nine airports, and that almost half of all passengers passing through Zagreb’s Franjo Tuđman Airport, which is the main hub of Croatia Airlines, flew on our flights. Directly connecting Croatia with 24 countries, last year Croatia Airlines operated scheduled flights to 8 national and as many as 30 international destinations. Croatia Airlines flew to Croatia countless tourists, family and friends, as well as an increasing number of business people and conference attendees, which is evidenced by the latest figures of the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA). In 2019, according to ICCA, Croatia recorded the strongest growth in the number of

A. Grubelić

Dear passengers, We are glad that you’ve chosen Croatia Airlines as a partner on this flight. With your choice, you’ve placed your trust in us, and you’ve set before us the task of fulfilling your expectations, as well as the expectations of all those who know that we’re a major participant in Croatia’s economy. According to Croatia’s Financial Agency and their data for 2019, we proudly took third place in the ranking of Croatian exporters, which confirms that we are and remain the wings of Croatia’s tourism and economy creating a better tomorrow for all of us. We are grateful because we can continue confirming all that we have consistently and persistently built over the past 31 years of our business operations, so allow us to present our company in a slightly different light. Having flown more than 40 million passengers and having operated over 600,000 flights, Croatia Airlines is today a Croatian and European airline that passengers recognise for our flight safety, professional staff and quality service. We became a member of the most important aviation organisations − the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Star Alliance, the world’s leading airline association, whose strict membership criteria we had to satisfy. By having joined Star Alliance, we are now in the company of airlines such as Aegean Airlines, Air Canada, Air China, Air India, Air New Zealand, ANA, Asiana Airlines, Austrian Airlines, Avianca, Brussels Airlines, Copa Airlines, EgyptAir, Ethiopian Airlines, EVA Air, LOT Polish Airlines, Lufthansa, Scandinavian Airlines, Shenzhen Airlines, Singapore Airlines, South African Airways, Swiss International Air Lines, TAP Air Portugal, Thai Airways, Turkish Airlines and United Airlines. As a result, we’ve expanded our network of flights through the European hubs of Star Alliance and become an even more important entity in the air transport sector, which currently employs as many as 10,000 people in Croatia. By purchasing goods and services from local suppliers, Croatia Airlines, as well as the entire sector, supports an additional 3,000 jobs.


Š. Lugarov

international conferences held, having been ranked 34th in the total number of conferences held in the world and amongst the leading congress destinations in the region. Croatia’s leading congress cities are Zagreb, Split, Opatija and Dubrovnik. At European level, Croatia’s also achieved a good position − currently, Croatia ranks 19th and Zagreb 29th. We follow trends and pay attention to the needs of the community in which we operate, our passengers and business partners because we are aware that well-managed and well-built air traffic benefits not only passengers, but also the entire community and Croatia’s economy. Ensuring that connections between cities are of high quality and quick promotes the circulation of goods and services, encourages and increases new and existing investments, and connects people and ideas that are the driving force behind any economic growth, and by extension the prosperity of the community. We also protect the health of our citizens and passengers. We’ve demonstrated this many times so far during the coronavirus epidemic by having transported face masks and personal protective equipment, by having flown Croatian citizens back home and by having repatriated foreign citizens. In other words, we did not suspend our traffic at any time, although the circumstances we’ve encountered required us to do so. Quite the opposite! Unlike many airlines that suspended all flights to Croatia in the first half of March, we decided to remain consistent with what we are, to be faithful to those we have always flown for − our passengers and Croatia. Since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, we have flown home some 23,000 Croatian citizens and remained at the disposal of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, together with which we organised and transported humanitarian aid, flew Croatian soldiers back home from Afghanistan, ran

a number of repatriation flights from different parts of Europe, and successfully and proudly operated the longest flight in our company’s history so far − the one to China and back. This has confirmed the importance of Croatia Airlines as a strategic factor in Croatia’s transport infrastructure and has contributed to ensuring transport networks and connections for its passengers and Croatia’s economy as a whole. If we take into account the exceptional seasonality of the demand for airline services with competition being fierce in the summer, yet almost non-existent in the winter, our role as Croatia’s flag carrier airline is truly important because Croatia Airlines enables Croatian airports to be open all year round and provides passengers with excellent connections 365 days a year. The times we live in have been writing their very own chapters and constant adjustment is needed. According to both global and local forecasts, air transport in Croatia is expected to grow by 66% in the next 20 years, which should translate into an additional 3.4 million passengers by 2038. If these forecasts are accurate, this increase in the demand for airline services will generate $ 2.2 billion in GDP and about 37,340 jobs. Croatia Airlines is an airline in its prime. Having recently had its 31st birthday, we’re experienced enough for what lies ahead, aware enough of the demands that the present moment places before us, mindful enough of our responsibility towards you, over 40 million passengers we’ve flown to date, and more than 1,000 employees and members of their families. Thank you for choosing us as your airline, for coming to Croatia and for your personal contribution to the betterment of Croatia’s economy and tourism. Your Croatia Airlines


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Piše/By _ Nada Mirković Fotografije/Photos _ Vjekoslav Skledar


Može li itko od nas točno znati kolika mu je biološka dob, koliko je istrošio ili sačuvao svoj organizam? Znanstvenik Gordan Lauc, osnivač uspješne hrvatske istraživačke ustanove koja surađuje s vodećim znanstvenim institucijama u svijetu, provodi istraživanja koja su jasno pokazala da postoje četiri ključna elementa za povišenu biološku dob − prehrana, vježbanje, stres i spavanje. Upravo je u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19 važno prepoznati svoju biološku dob i raditi na tome da je snizimo.


GORDAN LAUC ALWAYS AHEAD OF THE MAINSTREAM Can any of us know what our exact biological age is? Can we know the extent to which we have worn our bodies out and/or the extent to which we have kept our bodies biologically young? Researcher and founder of a successful Croatian private research institute that collaborates with leading research institutes in the world, Gordan Lauc has been conducting research that has clearly shown that there are four key elements that make you be biologically older. These are diet, exercise, stress and sleep. Given today’s COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to find out what our biological age is and to work on reducing it.


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svemu sam se žurio. Srednju školu skratio sam za jednu godinu, diplomirao sam u nešto više od tri i pol godine, a doktorirao niti tri godine nakon toga. Do 25. godine dobio sam troje djece, a imam već i dva unuka − kaže dr. Gordan Lauc (50), profesor biokemije i molekularne biologije na Farmaceutsko-biokemijskom fakultetu u Zagrebu te osnivač uspješne hrvatske privatne istraživačke ustanove Genos, koja surađuje s vodećim znanstvenim institucijama u svijetu. Tako nam je mirno objasnio zašto on misli da je biološki čak 20 godina stariji od svoje kalendarske dobi. Kako to može precizno znati? Može li itko od nas točno znati kolika mu je biološka dob, koliko



je istrošio ili sačuvao svoj organizam? Može. To je upravo jedna od stvari kojom se bavi Genos. − Genos je specijaliziran za provođenje velikih kliničkih studija kojima analiziramo glikanske biomarkere. Do sada smo u suradnji s istraživačkim institucijama u Europi, SAD-u, Australiji i Kini analizirali glikane u više od 150.000 osoba. Naš test GlycanAge prvi je komercijalni proizvod proizašao iz rezultata tih znanstvenih istraživanja. Analizom glikana na imunoglobulinima otkrili smo da se oni jako mijenjaju sa starenjem. Glikani koje nalazimo kod mladih ljudi imaju strukturu koja suprimira upalu, a glikani kod starijih ljudi upravo je potiču i na taj način pridonose procesu postupnog propadanja organiz-

ma povezanoga sa starenjem. Međutim, mi smo pokazali da se glikani kod svih ljudi ne mijenjaju jednakom brzinom te da postoji razlika između biološke dobi i stvarne, kalendarske dobi. Ta razlika u velikoj mjeri ovisi o stilu života. Pomoću testa GlycanAge možemo objektivno izmjeriti stanje svojeg organizma na molekularnoj razini, što nam daje uvid u naše opće zdravstveno stanje. GlycanAge nije dijagnostički test za konkretne bolesti, no otkriva nam je li nam homeostaza već narušena i jesmo li na putu prema bolesti. Naime, kompleksne bolesti počinju puno prije prvih simptoma. Primjerice, analizom glikana možemo vidjeti procese koji vode u artritis, Chronovu bolest, dijabetes ili srčani udar čak pet do deset godina prije pojave bolesti. Jesu li vas uplašili rezultati vašeg testa GlycanAge? − Ne. Naša istraživanja pokazala su jasno da postoje četiri ključna elementa za povišenu biološku dob − prehrana, vježbanje, stres i spavanje. Shvatio sam da moram smršaviti, da je to nažalost jedini način da popravim svoju biološku dob. A jako volim jesti pa mi to teško uspijeva. U nekoliko navrata skinuo sam po 10 kilograma i GlycanAge se počeo snižavati, no te sam kilograme relativno brzo vratio i GlycanAge se opet počeo povećavati. Također, živim iznimno ubrzanim životom koji sigurno dovodi do moje povećane glikanske dobi. Je li upravo u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19 važno prepoznati svoju biološku dob i raditi na tome da je snizimo jer se pokazalo koliko su stariji ljudi ranjivi? − Najveća misterija vezana uz infekciju COVID-19 jest činjenica da će većina ljudi ovu bolest preboljeti kao malo jaču prehladu. Najsnažniji prediktor za teški oblik bolesti jest dob. Stari ljudi imaju i do sto puta veću vjerojatnost za razvoj teškog oblika bolesti. Pa ipak, većina jako starih ljudi neće razviti teški oblik bolesti, a neki mladi ljudi hoće. Očito postoje i neki drugi faktori rizika koje još uvijek nismo otkrili. Test GlycanAge, odnosno različiti biomarkeri biološke dobi, možda mogu bolje predvidjeti mogućnost teškog oblika bolesti od kalendarske dobi pacijenata i to je jedna od pretpostavki koju mi danas intenzivno istražujemo. Neovisno o tome koji će se biomarker biološke dobi pokazati kao najbolji prediktor teškog oblika

bolesti COVID-19, ova pandemija podsjetila nas je koliko je važno osobno brinuti o svojem zdravlju. U tom slučaju test GlycanAge može biti od velike koristi jer nam omogućuje da rano otkrijemo koje promjene životnih navika imaju najbolje učinke na naše zdravlje. Uključili ste se i u istraživanja koronavirusa, trenutno najvećeg izazova za znanstvenike. − Kad je virus SARS-CoV-2 praktično zaustavio svijet, velik broj znanstvenika svoja je istraživanja preusmjerio u nadi da će otkriti način kako život vratiti u normalu. Genos je kao vodeći svjetski laboratorij za istraživanje glikanskih biomarkera u vrlo ranoj fazi pandemije organizirao veliki međunarodni konzorcij koji prikuplja uzorke pacijenata s teškim i blagim oblikom bolesti i šalje ih u naš laboratorij na analizu. Do sada smo analizirali glikane u velikom broju pacijenata iz Bergama i Barcelone i upravo o tome pišemo znanstveni rad. Očekujemo još nekoliko velikih skupina ispitanika, a na kraju ćemo analizirati nekoliko tisuća pacijenata. Nadamo se da će znanje o glikanima pomoći u razvoju personaliziranog pristupa liječenju bolesti COVID-19. Usporedno s organizacijom skupine pacijenata za analizu glikana, prikupljali smo i kliničke podatke, što nam je omogućilo da prvi u svijetu pokažemo da COVID-19 ima jako sezonalnu prirodu te da je za pojedinog pacijenta bolest značajno blaža ljeti nego zimi. To objašnjava zašto je na cijeloj sjevernoj hemisferi smrtnost značajno pala s dolaskom proljeća, no istodobno nas upozorava da bismo s dolaskom zime ponovno mogli imati više teških oblika bolesti. U podlozi tih sezonalnih razlika ponovno bi mogli biti uključeni i glikani. Svi su organizmi u stalnom ratu s virusima i bakterijama pa smo tijekom evolucije razvili brojne mehanizme aktivne zaštite koja funkcionira na razini pojedinca. Na osjetljivim mjestima poput unutrašnjosti usta ili nosa razvili smo mukozne barijere koje su zaštićene posebno debelim glikanskim štitom. Preko tih štitova stalno cirkulira gusta mukozna tekućina − sluz − u kojoj se nalaze posebni mamci koji love viruse i bakterije. Ti su mamci molekule − nazivamo ih mucini − koje u svojoj strukturi sadrže dijelove koji nalikuju glikanima na površini naših stanica. Mucini viruse vežu na sebe i tako ih sprečavaju da se vežu na naše stanice. Posebne

trepetljike u našim dišnim putevima pomiču taj mukozni sloj prema van i na taj način viruse sprečavaju da uđu u pluća te ih preusmjeravaju u jednjak i konačno u želudac, gdje će ih želučana kiselina ubiti. Mukozna barijera vrlo je učinkovita zaštita, no osjetljiva je na isušivanje. Ako udišemo zrak čija je relativna vlažnost manja od 40 do 50 posto, on isušuje našu mukoznu barijeru i na taj način je inaktivira. Štetnost suhog zraka nedvojbeno je potvrđena pokusima na životinjama, a indikativno je da i sezonske pojave gripe i prehlada koincidiraju sa sezonom grijanja, kada je zrak u grijanim prostorijama suh. Hladan zrak sadržava vrlo malo vlage, no velik broj ljudi još uvijek nije toga svjestan i čestim zračenjem stana previše isušuju zrak koji dišu. Stan moramo prozračiti, no to treba raditi tako da na kratko vrijeme otvorimo više prozora i vrata, zamijenimo

serije testova prije određivanja terapije utvrdimo kako će svaki pojedinac odgovoriti na određenu terapiju. Tako pomažemo da svaki pacijent dobije pravu terapiju u pravo vrijeme. Taj pristup naziva se personalizirana medicina i strateški je prioritet istraživanja u cijelom svijetu. Je li vam žao što nakon poslijedoktorskog studija na Sveučilištu Johns Hopkins niste ostali u SAD-u? − Nisam potpuno siguran zašto znanstvene radove šaljem sa zagrebačkom adresom, a kao gostujući i počasni profesor uglednih svjetskih sveučilišta imam se pravo koristiti njihovim adresama, kao što nisam siguran ni zašto sam se vratio iz SAD-a. Teško je znati je li povratak iz SAD-a bio dobra odluka ili nije, ne postoje dvije stvarnosti koje ćemo nakon nekog vremena analizom usporediti kao u znanstvenim eksperimentima − eksperi-

zrak i nakon toga mu vratimo vlažnost posebnim ovlaživačima ili jednostavno kuhanjem vode, čak i vlažnim ručnicima na radijatorima. Bavite se i personaliziranom medicinom, koje ona novosti donosi? − Da, mi radimo i testove iz područja forenzične genetike i molekularne dijagnostike. U tome surađujemo sa Specijalnom bolnicom Sveta Katarina s kojom pokrećemo velik projekt uvođenja farmakogenetičkog testiranja u rutinsku praksu. Nažalost, još se uvijek pri određivanju terapije ne posvećuje dovoljno pažnje činjenici da su ljudi različiti i da različito reagiraju na pojedine lijekove. Suvremene metode molekularne dijagnostike omogućuju da provođenjem

01-02 Gordan Lauc u svojem je laboratoriju kreirao test GlycanAge koji nam može otkriti jesmo li na putu prema bolesti te nam omogućuje da rano otkrijemo koje promjene životnih navika imaju najbolje učinke na naše zdravlje Gordan Lauc created the GlycanAge test in his laboratory. Enabling us to discover early on which changes in lifestyle habits have the best effect on our health, GlycanAge can reveal whether we’re on the way to getting sick


ment i njegova negativna kontrola. No da je test GlycanAge rezultat istraživanja koja su provedena na Hopkinsu ili Harvardu, sigurno bih bio puno popularniji i ulagači bi se otimali tko će u njega uložiti. S druge strane, u tako velikim sustavima čovjek je uvijek vrlo malen kotačić, a u tome ja nikada nisam bio dobar. Ja sam uvijek probijao brane i bio nekoliko koraka ispred glavne struje, želio sam


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samostalno stvoriti nešto veće. Vjerojatno je riječ o želji da iza sebe ostavim trag, da svijet zbog onoga što radim bude nešto drugačiji nego što je bio prije te želji da pokažem da se i u maloj državi mogu učiniti značajne stvari. Kada danas pogledam Genos, kojemu i naši izravni konkurenti priznaju da je vodeći u svijetu u svojem području usprkos činjenici da se nalazi u Zagrebu, i vidim 50 vrhunskih mladih ljudi koji u Zagrebu rade istraživanja na svjetskoj razini, to me silno ispunjava zadovoljstvom i siguran sam da nisam pogriješio što sam se vratio. Što za vas znači suživot s ovim virusom? Jeste li promijenili svoj način života? − Mislim da smo se sredinom ožujka svi jako zabrinuli kad smo vidjeli da na sjeveru Italije umire više od 500 ljudi na dan. Tada nitko nije znao hoće li to za koji

ima potencijal da uzrokuje raspad naše civilizacije i za mene je to bila prekretnica u pristupu pandemiji. SARS-CoV-2 ozbiljan je virus koji zahtijeva da se ponašamo odgovorno i pokušamo ograničiti širenje pandemije, no vjerojatno za to više neće biti potrebne drastične mjere, nego ćemo pandemiju držati pod kontrolom odgovornim ponašanjem svakog pojedinca, održavanjem razmaka i korištenjem maski kada to nije moguće. Obična kirurška maska na kratkim letovima, recimo, vjerojatno može spriječiti isušivanje sluznice, a neke kompanije već razmišljaju o posebnim maskama za ovlaživanje zraka na dugim putovanjima. I zračni promet će se prilagoditi mjerama koje zahtijeva situacija. Kako pomiriti život znanstvenika radoholičara s obiteljskim životom? Pomaže li što je i vaša supruga,

redovito uzmemo koji dan više da razgledamo različite dijelove svijeta. Mislim da upravo zato što se tako dobro razumijemo i poslovno i privatno naša veza ima posebnu kvalitetu. Jeste li zahtjevan roditelj? Očekujete li i od djece izvrsnost i posvećenost znanosti? − Kad je riječ o djeci, mislim da je školovanje njihova osnovna obveza koju su obavili ako imaju sve petice ili ako mogu dokazati da su se doista trudili naučiti. Imam dvoje iznimno pametne male djece, zbog čega smatram da bi lošije ocjene značile da se nisu dovoljno trudili i to mi ne bi bilo prihvatljivo. S druge strane, mislim da je funkcija roditelja djeci dati podršku da mogu ostvariti sve što žele, no izbor toga što žele jest njihov i ja im ga ne želim nametati, nisam autoritativan roditelj.


Znanstvenik Gordan Lauc surađuje s vodećim znanstvenim institucijama u svijetu Scientist Gordan Lauc collaborates with leading research institutes in the world

tjedan narasti na 2500 ili čak 10.000 mrtvih dnevno. Srećom, to se nije dogodilo. Na primjeru New Yorka naučili smo da SARS-CoV-2 vjerojatno ne može ubiti više od oko 0,5 posto ukupne populacije jedne regije. To jesu potencijalno ogromni brojevi, no nisu kataklizmički jer svake godine zbog različitih drugih razloga umre znatno veći broj ljudi. Kada su objavljeni rezultati istraživanja u New Yorku, objavio sam na svojem profilu na Facebooku da je vrijeme da otvorimo šampanjac. Mnogi to nisu razumjeli, no to je bio trenutak u kojem sam shvatio da ovo nije virus koji


prof. dr. sc. Vlatka Zoldoš, priznata znanstvenica koja se bavi molekularnom biologijom i epigenetikom? − Znanstvenici nemaju radno vrijeme i to može biti velik problem u obitelji. No Vlatka i ja se u tome dobro razumijemo, tolerantni smo jedno prema drugome i razumijemo potrebe onoga drugog, dajemo jedno drugome prostor. Oboje smo jaki karakteri, što može biti zahtjevno, no ljubav i razumijevanje osnovica su našeg odnosa. I područja naših istraživanja bliska su tako da puno surađujemo i na poslovnom planu. Njezina se grupa bavi epigenetikom, moja glikozilacijom, a surađujemo na području epigenetičke regulacije glikozilacije. To nam omogućuje da i zajedno putujemo na kongrese pa

sped up everything I could in life. I finished my secondary education in three rather than four years, I graduated from university in just over three and a half years, and received my doctorate less than three years after that. I had three children by the age of 25, and I already have two grandchildren − says Gordan Lauc (50), PhD, professor of biochemistry and molecular biology at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb and founder of Genos, a successful Croatian private research institute, which collaborates with leading research institutes in the world. This is how he explained to us why he thinks that he’s biologically as many as 20 years older than his chronological age. How can his knowledge of this be as precise as this? Can any of us know what our exact biological age is? Can we know the extent to which we have worn our bodies out and/or the extent to which we have kept our bodies biologically young? Yes, we can. That’s exactly one of the things that Genos does. − Genos specialises in conducting large-scale clinical research that analyse glycan biomarkers. So far, we’ve analysed glycan samples of over 150,000 people in collaboration with research institutes in Europe, the US, Australia and China. Our GlycanAge test is the first commercial product resulting from this research. By analysing glycans on immunoglobulins, we found that they change with age. The glycans found in young people have a


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structure that suppresses inflammation, while those found in older people promote inflammatory processes and so contribute to the process of gradual organism decay associated with aging. However, we’ve shown that glycans in all humans do not change at the same rate and that there’s a difference between our biological age and our actual, chronological age. This difference largely depends on our lifestyle. The GlycanAge test can objectively measure the state of our body on the molecular level, which gives us insight into our general state of health. GlycanAge is not a diagnostic test for a specific disease. It rather reveals whether our homeostasis has already been disturbed and whether we’re on the way to getting sick. More specifically, complex diseases begin long before we start experiencing their first symptoms. For instance, by analysing glycans, we can

food, which makes losing weight difficult for me. I lost as many as 10 kilograms on several occasions and my GlycanAge started to decrease. But in the end I regained those kilograms relatively quickly, and so my GlycanAge started to increase again. On top of it all, I live an extremely fast-paced life which certainly contributes to my increased glycan age. Given today’s COVID-19 pandemic, is it important to find out what our biological age is and to work on reducing it because it’s been shown that older people are much more vulnerable? − The greatest mystery of the COVID-19 disease is the fact that most people will get over it as they would over a slightly heavier cold. Age is the strongest predictor of a person developing a severe form of the disease. Older people are up to a hundred times more likely to develop a severe form

Ova pandemija podsjetila nas je kako je važno osobno brinuti o svojem zdravlju This pandemic has reminded us just how important it is to take care of our health

of it. And yet, most very old people won’t develop a severe form of the disease, while some young people will. There are obviously some other risk factors that we haven’t yet discovered. The GlycanAge test, or different biomarkers of biological age, may be able to better predict the chance of someone developing a severe form of the disease than the chronological age of patients and this is one of the hypotheses that we’ve been extensively exploring today. Regardless of which biomarker of biological age proves to be the best predictor of someone developing a severe form of the COVID-19 disease, this pandemic has reminded us just how important it is to take care of our health. The GlycanAge test can be of great help in this respect because

see the processes that lead to arthritis, Crohn’s disease, diabetes or a heart attack as many as five to ten years prior to the onset of the actual disease. Did the results of your GlycanAge test scare you? − No. Our research has clearly shown that there are four key elements that make you be biologically older. These are diet, exercise, stress and sleep. By performing multiple GlycanAge tests over the period of 5 years, I realised that losing weight is unfortunately the only way to mend, so to speak, my biological age. And I really love


it allows us to discover early on which changes in lifestyle habits have the best effect on our health. You’ve also gotten involved with research on coronavirus, currently the biggest challenge for scientists. − When the world virtually stopped dead in its tracks because of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, a large number of scientists redirected their research in the hope of discovering a way of getting life back on track. As the world’s leading laboratory for the research of glycan biomarkers, Genos set up, at a very early stage of the pandemic, a large international consortium to collect samples of patients suffering from severe and mild forms of the disease and to have them sent to our laboratory for analysis. To date, we’ve analysed a large number of glycan samples of patients from Bergamo and Barcelona, and we’ve been writing a research paper about it. We’re expecting several more large groups of subjects, which means that we’ll have analysed several thousand patients. We hope that our knowledge of glycans will contribute to developing a personalised approach to treating the COVID-19 disease. In parallel with organising groups of patients for glycan analysis, we’ve also collected clinical data, which enabled us to be the first in the world to show that the nature of COVID-19 is very seasonal, and that for patients the disease is significantly milder in summer than in winter. This explains why mortality rates dropped significantly across the northern hemisphere with the arrival of spring. But this also warns us that, with the arrival of winter, we could again have an increase in the number of severe forms of the disease. Glycans may again be underlying these seasonal differences. All organisms are in a constant battle against viruses and bacteria, so during the course of evolution we’ve developed numerous active protection mechanisms that function on the level of individual organisms. In sensitive areas, such as the inside of the mouth or nose, we’ve developed mucosal barriers which are protected by a particularly thick glycan shield. Containing special baits that catch viruses and bacteria, thick mucus is constantly circulating over this shield. These baits are molecules − we call them mucins − that contain in their structure glycan-like parts on the surface of our cells. Mucins bind viruses and, by doing so, they prevent viruses from binding to our

cells. Special cilia in our airways move this mucous layer outwards and so prevent viruses from entering the lungs, and redirect them to the oesophagus and the stomach in the end, where stomach acid kills them. Mucosal barrier is very effective protection, but is sensitive to getting dried out. If the relative humidity of the air we inhale is less than 40 to 50 percent, it’ll dry our mucous barrier out and inactivate it. That dry air is harmful has been unequivocally confirmed by animal experiments. It’s also indicative that the seasonal outbreaks of flu and common colds coincide with the heating season when the air in heated rooms is dry. Relative humidity levels of cold air are also very low, but a large number of people are still unaware of this, as well as of the fact that, by airing their living spaces frequently, they dry out the air they breathe too much. We do need to ventilate our living spaces, but we should do so by opening more windows and doors all at once for a short time, replace the air and then restore its humidity level with special humidifiers or by simply boiling water on the cooker or by placing damp towels on radiators. You’re also involved with personalised medicine. What novelty does it bring? − Yes, we also do tests in the field of forensic genetics and molecular diagnostics, and in this, we’ve been collaborating with St. Catherine Specialty Hospital, together with which we’re launching a large-scale project the goal of which is the introduction of pharmacogenetic testing into routine practice. Unfortunately, when deciding on therapy, not enough attention is paid to the fact that people are different and that they react differently to certain drugs. Cutting-edge molecular diagnostic tests allow us to determine how each individual will respond to a particular therapy by conducting a series of tests prior to deciding on therapy. This is how we help every patient get the right therapy at the right time. This approach is called personalised medicine and has been a strategic research priority worldwide. Are you sorry you didn’t stay in the US after your postdoctoral fellowship at Johns Hopkins University? − Considering that I’m entitled to use the addresses of world-renowned universities where I’ve been a visiting and honorary professor, I’m not entirely sure why I’ve been sending my research papers with my Zagreb address on them, nor am I sure why I returned from the US. It’s difficult to tell whether returning from the US was a good decision or not. There are no two realities, an experimental reality and its negative control, that I can compare analytically after some time as in science experiments. But, had the GlycanAge test been the result of research conducted at Hopkins or Harvard, I’d certainly be much more popular and investors would be fighting over who’s going to invest in it. On the other hand, in such large systems, an individual is nothing but a cog in the wheel, and that I’ve never been good at. I have always been pushing back the boundaries and have always been a few steps ahead of the mainstream. I’ve always wanted to create something big on my own. It’s probably a desire of mine to leave my mark, to make the world a little different because of what I do, and the desire to show that significant things can also be done in a small country. When I look at Genos today − which has been recognised as a world leader in the field even by our direct competitors despite the fact that it’s headquartered in Zagreb − and I see 50 top young people doing research in Zagreb at world level, it gives me immense satisfaction, and I’m sure that returning to Zagreb wasn’t a mistake.

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What does coexistence with this virus mean to you? Did you change your lifestyle as a result? − I think that, in mid-March, we all became very worried when we saw that more than 500 people were dying every day in northern Italy. At the time, no one knew whether this figure would increase to 2,500 or even 10,000 deaths a day in as little as a few weeks. Fortunately, that did not happen. What happened in New York taught us that SARS-CoV-2 probably can’t kill more than about 0.5 percent of the total population of a region. These are potentially huge numbers, but they’re not cataclysmic because every year a much larger number of people die due to various other reasons. When the results of research from New York were published, I posted on my Facebook profile that it was time to open a bottle of champagne. Many didn’t understand this, but it was a moment when I realised that this isn’t a virus that has the potential to cause the collapse of our civilisation and, for me, that was a turning point in my approach to the pandemic. SARS-CoV-2 is a serious virus that requires us to act responsibly and to try to reduce the spread of the pandemic. However,

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abis-croatia.com this will probably no longer require drastic measures. We’ll keep the pandemic under control by each individual acting responsibly, by maintaining social distancing and by wearing face masks when social distancing is not possible. For instance, wearing a plain surgical face mask on short flights can probably prevent the drying out of mucosa, and some airlines have already been considering the introduction of special face masks that would humidify the air on long flights. I’m sure that air traffic will adapt to the measures that today’s circumstances require us all to adhere to. Given that you’re a workaholic, how do you maintain a work-life balance? Does it help that your wife, Professor Vlatka Zoldoš, PhD, is also a renowned scientist, an expert in the fields of molecular biology and epigenetics, to be precise? − Scientists do not have working hours, which can be a big problem for your family life. But Vlatka and I understand each other well. We’re tolerant of each other, and understand each other’s needs, we give each other space. We’re both strong characters which can be a challenge, but our relationship is founded on love and understanding.

On top of it all, the areas of our research are closely related, so we collaborate a lot in our work as well. Her group researches epigenetics, mine glycosylation, and we work together in the area of epigenetic regulation of glycosylation. This allows us to attend science conferences together, so we regularly take a few more days off to see different parts of the world. I think that, precisely because we understand each other so well both work-wise and privately, our relationship has a special quality. Are you a demanding parent? Do you expect excellence from your children and that they be dedicated to science? − When it comes to children, I think that getting an education is their basic responsibility which they’ve fulfilled if they get all A’s or if they can prove that they’ve given their very best. I’ve got two very smart young children, and if their grades aren’t good, it means they haven’t tried hard enough and that would be unacceptable to me. On the other hand, I think that the role of parents is to support their children so that they can fulfil their full potential and their dreams, but the choice of what they want is theirs and I do not want to impose it on them. I’m not an authoritative parent.


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01 Ladanjska sjenica uz jezero na ranču Ramarin u selu Garčin nedaleko od Slavonskog Broda A countryside gazebo by the lake at Ramarin Ranch in the village of Garčin not far from Slavonski Brod 02 Restoran Đeram, Velika Kopanica Đeram Restaurant, Velika Kopanica



Tekst/Text: Turistička zajednica Brodsko-posavske županije/Brod-Posavina County Tourist Board

Vole je bikeri, otkrivaju je ljubitelji pivske craft scene, u njoj živi najpoznatiji hrvatski ljubavni par, atraktivno je odredište ruralnog turizma, poznata je slavonska gastronomska destinacija, a u njezinim gradovima nema gužvi i stresa − Brodsko-posavska županija izvrstan je izbor za sjajan jesenski predah. It’s loved by bikers. It’s being discovered by fans of craft beer. It’s where Croatia’s most famous lovers live. It’s an attractive countryside and culinary destination. Its towns are peaceful and quiet without any crowds or stress. The Brod-Posavina County is a great choice for a great autumn break.




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01 Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela The Stara Kapela Eco-Ethno Village 02 Turističko obiteljsko gospodarstvo Kereković, selo Živike kraj Lužana The Kereković Family Farm and Guest House, village of Živike near Lužan



03 Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela The Stara Kapela Eco-Ethno Village



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01 Gajna, tipični slavonski prisavski pašnjak koji ima status zaštićenog krajolika. Stado slavonskog podolskog goveda Gajna, a typical Slavonian pasture near the Sava River that has the status of a protected landscape. A herd of Slavonia’s Podolian cattle 02 Replika čardaka, pogranične promatračnice Slavonske vojne krajine, na pašnjaku Gajna A replica of a čardak, a border observation post of the Slavonian Military Frontier, on the Gajna pasture




03 Crna slavonska svinja u slobodnom uzgoju na paĹĄnjaku Gajna A free-range black Slavonian pig grazing on the Gajna pasture 03


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01 Tucina kuća, Eko-etno selo Stara Kapela The Tucić Family Holiday House, the Stara Kapela Eco-Ethno Village 02 Etno soba na Turističkom obiteljskom gospodarstvu Kereković u selu Živike kraj Lužana An ethno room at the Kereković Family Farm and Guest House in the village of Živike near Lužan 02



03 Oslikani šokački štagalj, tipičan za sela Brodske Posavine, u Poljancima kod Oprisavaca A painted barn, typical of the villages of Brodska Posavina, in Poljanci near Oprisavci


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01 Zdenac sa đermom, napravom za vađenje vode pomoću poluge, na pašnjaku Gajna zaštitni je znak Slavonije, ali i cijele Panonske nizine A well with a đeram or a well pole, a crane-like tool for the drawing of water with a lever mechanism, on the Gajna pasture is the hallmark of Slavonia and the entire Pannonian Plain 02 Ranč Ramarin, Garčin Ramarin Ranch, Garčin 03 Terensko jahanje na Ranču Ramarin, Garčin (na fotografiji: Rea i Davor Lipovac) Off-road horseback riding at Ramarin Ranch, Garčin (on the photo: Rea and Davor Lipovac)




ovaj dio Slavonije doći ćete brzo i jednostavno. Kroz cijelu županiju prolazi autocesta, od koje su sve atraktivne lokacije udaljene desetak kilometara. Automobilom ili motociklom ovdje ste od Zagreba za nekoliko sati. Bilo da ste ljubitelj asfalta i adrenalina ili želite miran obiteljski odmor, volite tradiciju i autentičnu ponudu, gurman ste i pivoljubac, vrijeme je za putovanje u Brodsko-posavsku županiju. U gradu U Slavonskom Brodu najdulji je korzo i najveća crkva u Slavoniji, obala uz rijeku Savu atraktivna je promenada, a impresivna Tvrđava Brod iz 18. stoljeća, spomenik nulte kategorije, jedan je od najjačih turističkih aduta ovoga kraja… U ovom su gradu živjeli poznati hrvatski pjesnik Dragutin Tadijanović i književnica Ivana Brlić Mažuranić. Njezin Potjeh, izmišljeni lik iz bajke koji sjedi na klupici uz Savu, glavni je brodski pozer na selfijima, a šetalištem uz rijeku, popularnim Kejom, doći ćete do Poloja, jedne od najljepših pješčanih plaža. Na ovom kupalištu proplivale su brojne generacije Brođana. Odbojka na pijesku, mali nogomet, sunčanje i kupanje do mile volje, debeli hlad na travici, roštiljanje dok se piće hladi u osvježavajućoj rijeci... Ako ste ljubitelj umjetnosti, posjetite izložbene salone Vladimir Becić u Galeriji umjetnina u prizemlju obiteljske kuće Brlićevih (u njoj je nakon udaje živjela Ivana Brlić Mažuranić), a u Tvrđavi Brod galeriju poznatog kipara moderne Branka Ružića i prvi svjetski Muzej tambure u

obnovljenom kazamatu zapadne kurtine. U Slavonskom Brodu živi i najpoznatiji par roda s najljepšom ljubavnom pričom. Svakog proljeća s nestrpljenjem se očekuje povratak Klepetana njegovoj Malenoj koja zbog ozlijeđenog krila nikada nije mogla letjeti pa se o njoj brine vlasnik kuće na čijem su krovu slavne rode savile gnijezdo. Uz Slavonski Brod, Brodsko-posavska županija ima još jedan grad − Novu Gradišku, s iznimno lijepim središtem kasnog baroka. Tu su crkva sv. Terezije Avilske iz sredine 18. stoljeća, župna crkva Bezgrešnog Začeća Blažene Djevice Marije iz 19. stoljeća, zgrada Glavne straže sa starim sudom i zatvorom ukrašena boltama, gimnazija, gradski park u engleskom stilu s vodoskokom Tri gracije, secesijska zgrada tiskare i knjižare Bauer u kojoj se danas nalazi turistički ured, poznata gradiška zgrada Paun… Kad ste u Novoj Gradiški, ne propustite izlet na jedan od vrhova Psunja i uživajte u pogled na Slavoniju iz posve nove perspektive. Na selu Etno-eko selo Stara Kapela na obroncima Požeške gore, Ranč Ramarin u Garčinu, Kuća dida Tunje u Oprisavcima, Eko-etno Salaš Savus u Bukovlju, Matin i Anin stan u Gornjim Crnogorcima, Seoski turizam Kereković u Živikama, Seljačko domaćinstvo Opođe u Cerniku, Gospodarstvo Paljevine na diljskoj visoravni Jezerac − ova mjesta prava su otkrića za ljubitelje ruralnog turizma i tradicijske baštine.



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01 Hotel Stupnički dvori u Brodskom Stupniku, kušaonica vina The wine tasting room of the Stupnički Dvori Hotel in Brodski Stupnik 02 Restoran hotela Stupnički dvori s terasom uz Stupničko vinogorje

The restaurant of the Stupnički Dvori Hotel with a terrace overlooking the vineyards of Stupnik


Autentično, ležerno, zdravo, u suglasju s prirodom... Osjetite ljepotu slavonskog sela, u miru i tišini prirode oslobodite se stresa i ponovo pronađite sebe. Na običaje se lako priviknuti, hrana je za prste polizati, sve domaće, iz vrta, pripremljeno onako kako su to radile slavonske snaše. Savršen odabir za sve koji vole prirodu, druženje s lokalnim stanovništvom, rekreaciju i sport na zelenim prostranstvima. Brodsko-posavska županija premrežena je stazama pa se gotovo svaki kutak može istražiti biciklom. Slavonski Brod, Nova Gradiška, pitoreskna sela, šume, obala uz rijeku, birajte što volite i krenite u pustolovinu. Ovo je prilika da posjetite umjetno jezero Petnju na južnim obroncima Dilja, erozivni kanjon Pljuskaru s nekoliko slapova i špilja, ornitološki rezervat Baru Dvorinu, pašnjak Gajnu s močvarnom florom i faunom na kojem pasu podolska goveda, posavski konji i crne slavonske svinje… Okusi graničarskog Posavlja Čuli ste za slavonsku gostoljubivost? Tu je svaki gost kralj, a tek hrana… Neodoljivi kulen, slanina i kobasice, fine, krepke

juhe (legirana juha od graševine topla je preporuka), sočna sarma, vrhunski čobanac, nadaleko poznat fiš ili šaran u rašljama, odlična divljač slavonskih šuma i za kraj domaće tačke i štrudl od jabuka. Tu je sve pripremljeno s puno pažnje i ljubavi, a potvrdu tradicijske kuhinje, prestižnu oznaku Okusi graničarskog Posavlja, nosi petnaestak restorana. Za početak nazdravite mirisnom šljivovicom ili pravim slavonskim džinom, ne propustite čašu izvrsnog craft piva ili vrhunske graševine iz stupničkih brda. Gurmanski raj!


ou’ll reach this part of Slavonia quickly and easily. A motorway runs through the entire county, with all its attractive locations within an approximately ten-kilometre range from the motorway. You’re there from Zagreb in a couple of hours either by car or motorcycle. Regardless of whether you’re a fan of hitting the road by bike and of adrenaline or are looking for a peaceful family vacation, whether you love tradition and authentic experiences or are a foodie and beer lover, it’s time to visit the Brod-Posavina County.


In town The town of Slavonski Brod boasts the longest promenade and the largest church in Slavonia, the bank along the Sava River is a fabulous promenade, and the impressive 18th-century Brod Fortress − a heritage site of the highest category − is one of the region’s strongest cards attracting tourists like a magnet... The famous Croatian poet Dragutin Tadijanović and writer Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić lived in Slavonski Brod. Sitting on a bench by the Sava River, Potjeh − Ivana BrlićMažuranić’s fictional fairy-tale character − poses in pretty much all selfies, and if you take a walk along the river promenade, the popular Kej (quay in English), you’ll reach Poloj, one of the most beautiful sandy beaches. Countless generations of Brodians, people born or living in Slavonski Brod, learnt how to swim at this beach. Beach volleyball, five-a-side football, sunbathing and swimming to your heart’s content, chilling in the deep shade on the grass of the riverside, barbecuing while drinks are cooled in the refreshing river... If you’re an art lover, you should visit the Vladimir Becić exhibition halls of the Art Gallery on the ground floor of the Brlić

family house, which is where Ivana BrlićMažuranić lived after she got married. Also, the Brod Fortress houses the Ružić Gallery exhibiting the works of Croatia’s famous modernist sculptor Branko Ružić, and the world’s first Tamburitza Museum located in the restored western curtain casemate. Telling a most beautiful love story year after year, Slavonski Brod is also where the most famous stark couple lives. Each


03-04 Turističko obiteljsko gospodarstvo Kereković, selo Živike kraj Lužana The Kereković Family Farm and Guest House, village of Živike near Lužan


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spring, Malena eagerly awaits the return of her Klepetan − Malena could never take flight because one of her wings got injured, so she’s taken care of by the owner of the house on whose rooftop the famous stork lovers built their nest. Besides Slavonski Brod, the Brod-Posavina County has another town, namely Nova Gradiška, boasting a stunning late Baroque town centre. The sights of Nova Gradiška include the Church of St. Teresa of Ávila from the mid-18th century, the parish Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary from the 19th century, the vaulted Main Guard building housing the old courthouse and prison, a grammar school, an English landscape garden style park featuring The Three Graces fountain, the Art Nouveau building of the Bauer printing office and bookstore (today housing the tourist office), Nova Gradiška’s famous Paun (peacock in translation) building, etc. When in Nova Gradiška, make sure you visit one of the peaks of Psunj Mountain to enjoy a view of Slavonia from a completely new perspective. In the countryside The Stara Kapela Eco-Ethno Village on the slopes of Požeška Gora (Požega Mountain in translation), Ramarin Ranch in Garčin, Grandpa Tunje’s House family restaurant in Oprisavci, Savus Eco-Ethno Farm in Bukovlje, Mate and Ana’s Farm in Gornji Crnogorci, the Kereković Family Farm and Guest House in Živike, the Opođe Family Farm and Guest House in Cernik, the Paljevine Family Farm and Estate on Jezerac

Plateau of Dilj Mountain − are all proper countryside destinations and traditional heritage gems. Authentic, casual, healthy, in harmony with nature... Experience the charms of a Slavonian village, relieve your stress and rediscover yourself in the peace and quiet of nature. Slavonian customs are easy to get used to, Slavonian food is mouth-watering, all home-made, home-grown and prepared the way Slavonian women of old (called snaše in Croatian) used to. The countryside of the Brod-Posavina County is perfect for all nature lovers, for all who’re into socialising with the locals, recreation and sports in the great outdoors. The Brod-Posavina County is networked with trails, so almost every corner of the county can be explored by bicycle. Slavonski Brod, Nova Gradiška, picturesque villages, forests, the riverside − take your pick and set out on an adventure. Seize the chance to visit the artificial Petnja Lake on the southern slopes of Dilj Mountain, the erosive Pljuskara Canyon with several waterfalls and caves, the Dvorina Pond bird reserve, Gajna pasture and its wetland plant and animal life where Podolian cattle, the Posavac breed of horses and black Slavonian pigs graze...

wine soup’s heartily recommended), juicy sarma (meat-stuffed sauerkraut leaves), fantastic shepherd’s stew called čobanac, Slavonia’s widely known freshwater fish stew simply called fiš or carp skewered on a fork and baked over an open fire (šaran u rašljama in Croatian), tasty game of Slavonia’s forests, all rounded off with homemade jam-filled ravioli called tačke and Slavonia’s traditional apple strudel. In Slavonia, much love and attention is invested in food preparation. As a result, some fifteen restaurants boast the prestigious Tastes of Posavina’s Frontier label confirming that what they offer is traditional cuisine. For starters, make sure you toast with fragrant plum brandy called šljivovica or real Slavonian gin, don’t miss out on a glass of excellent craft beer or top-quality Graševina wine from the hills of Stupnik. A true paradise for foodies!

01 Slavonski čobanac, restoran Đeram u Velikoj Kopanici Slavonia’s shepherd’s stew called čobanac, Đeram Restaurant in Velika Kopanica 02 Razni specijaliteti od slatkovodne ribe iznenađenje su slavonske gastronomske ponude. Smuđ na žaru, restoran Đeram, Velika Kopanica Various freshwater fish specialities are a great surprise of Slavonian cuisine. Grilled perch, Đeram Restaurant, Velika Kopanica


The tastes of Posavina’s frontier Have you heard of Slavonian hospitality? In Slavonia, all guests are treated as kings, and Slavonian food is scrumptious. You’ll find it hard to resist Slavonia’s traditional kulen sausage, bacon and other sausages, fine, hearty soups (thickened Graševina 02


! l a c o l k c Pi


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M. D. Pečanić/Hrvatska turistička zajednica/Croatian National Tourist Board


Povoljan zemljopisni položaj na sjecištu različitih kultura ostavio je ukusan trag na zagrebačkoj gastronomskoj karti. Želite li posjetitelju objasniti što je zagrebačka kuhinja, najbolje je da ga odvedete do središta grada. The city’s favourable geographical position at the crossroads to different cultures left a delicious mark on Zagreb’s culinary map. To explain what Zagreb’s cuisine is to a visitor, it’s best to take them to the city centre. 36 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2020

01 Plodovi jeseni Autumn fruits 02 Štrukli Cheese-filled pasta-like pastry called štrukli

Tekst/Text: Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba / Zagreb Tourist Board


M. D. Pečanić/Hrvatska turistička zajednica/Croatian National Tourist Board


legantne zagrebačke donjogradske građevine evociraju davne dane Austro-Ugarske Monarhije, dok boje, mirisi i okusi na tržnici Dolac predstavljaju bogatstvo plodova i proizvoda iz ruralne okolice Zagreba. A upravo to dvoje okosnica je svega. Stara zagrebačka građanska kuhinja uzor je pronašla u Beču pa su tako mnoga udomaćena jela samo varijacija na teme koje nalazimo na prostoru cijele srednje Europe. S druge strane, grad se prirodno oslanjao na domaće namirnice sa sela, a s njima su dolazile i recepture skromne seljačke kuhinje. No ipak nije sve tako jednostavno. Kroz stoljeća povijesti i okruženosti stranim silama, stigli su na zagrebačke stolove i drugi utjecaji − mediteranski (najviše talijanski, a posebno venecijanski), orijentalni (konkretnije, turski), mađarski... Povoljan zemljopisni položaj na sjecištu različitih kultura ostavio je ukusan trag na zagrebačkoj gastronomskoj karti. Zagrepčani su otvorena duha, ali kad je riječ o hrani, ipak najviše vole prokušano i poznato. Na cijeni je domaći kruh, pogotovo kukuruzni, jede se mnogo mesa i suhomesnatih proizvoda, krumpira, jaja i domaćih verzija tjestenine, ali i obilje sezonskoga povrća i voća, pa i gljiva. Veoma su važni mliječni proizvodi, posebno domaći sir i vrhnje. Osim što ih pomiješane služimo kao hladno predjelo, ova je kombinacija i temelj za punjenje drugih jela. Pravi obrok mora se odigrati bez žurbe, po ustaljenu scenariju od predjela, glavnog jela sa salatom pa do deserta, a krepka bistra juha prava je svetinja. I gablec, topli obrok radnog čovjeka, najbolji je kad je na žlicu. Već sam pogled na svakodnevne izraze iz zagrebačkog kulinarskog žargona otkriva povezanost s austrijskim nasljeđem: čušpajz, kifl, grincajg, šnicl, štrudl, šnenokli, knedli... Neka od omiljenih jela koja predstavljaju lokalnu tradiciju jesu ajngemahtec, štrukli, purica ili patka s mlincima, zagrebački odrezak, restani krumpir, krvavice sa zeljem, špek fileki, faširanci s varivom, bučnica, knedli sa šljivama ili marelicama, palačinke sa sirom itd. U široj ćemo okolici pak naći autohtone specijalitete kao što su rudarska greblica, vrbovečka pera, kremšnita, muštarda ili copanjek. Opća mjesta zagrebačkog jelovnika najbolje je kušati u nizu gostionica i zalogajnica staroga kova, a fina domaća jela pripremaju se i u planinarskim domovima


po Sljemenu. Moderniji pristup njeguju bistroi kojih ne manjka u širem centru Zagreba. Zajedničko im je da će se rado poigrati s tradicijom i interpretirati je na svoj način, ubacujući dašak svjetskih trendova. Visoka kuhinja u Zagrebu trenutačno je u visokoj formi. Autorska jela vrhunskih restorana zadovoljit će i najistančanija nepca, što su prepoznali renomirani svjetski vodiči kao što su Michelin i Gault&Millau. Za širenje gastronomskih vidika tu je sve veći broj

etničkih restorana, a posebna restoranska podvrsta vječno je popularni roštilj, čija ponuda varira od uličnih kioska do otmjenih lokala, od balkanske škole do američkog stila. Kao glavni grad stare vinske zemlje, Zagreb voli i prepoznaje dobra vina. Blažen je u neposrednom okruženju nekoliko iznimnih vinskih regija s pripadajućim vinskim cestama. Najpoznatija je ona plešivička, odakle dolaze ponajbolji


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Esplanade Zagreb Hotel 01


01-03 Moderna kuhinja Modern cuisine

S. Kaštelan

agreb’s Lower Town’s elegant buildings are reminiscent of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, while the colours, smells and tastes of the Dolac Open Market are a display of a wealth of

produce and products from Zagreb’s rural surroundings. And it’s precisely these two that are the very backbone of Zagreb’s cuisine. Zagreb’s old cuisine followed in the footsteps of Vienna, so many of the dishes that Zagreb accepted as its own are, in reality, a variation on the themes found throughout Central Europe. On the other hand, the city naturally relied on home-grown foods and produce coming from the surrounding countryside, and with them came recipes for simple peasant dishes. Yet, not everything is that simple. Over the centuries and owing to having been surrounded by foreign powers, other culinary influences found their way to Zagreb’s dining tables − Mediterranean (mostly Italian and especially Venetian), Oriental (more specifically, Turkish), Hungarian, etc. The city’s favourable geographical position at the crossroads to different cultures left a delicious mark on Zagreb’s culinary map. The inhabitants of Zagreb, Zagrebians, are open-minded, but when it comes to food, they prefer the tried and trusted. What we value most are homemade breads, cornbread in particular, different meats and cured meat products, potatoes, eggs and different homemade pastas, as well as

Esplanade Zagreb Hotel

hrvatski pjenušci, izvrstan rizling, sivi i crni pinot, ali i mlado jesensko vino portugizac. Zelina gradi svoju priču na autohtonoj bijeloj sorti zvanoj kraljevina, dok je samoborska vinska cesta jedinstvena po bermetu, aromatičnom aperitivu na temelju crnog vina. Iako je pivo itekako popularno i prisutno gotovo dva i pol stoljeća, pivska je ponuda procvala posljednjih godina s pojavom zanatskih pivovara. Njihov je entuzijazam dao poticaj i mikrodestilerijama pa se Zagreb sad može pohvaliti i rastućom scenom craft džinova. No oni skloniji tradiciji u području žestokih pića uvijek na izbor imaju mnoštvo kvalitetnih voćnih rakija i likera, a vrlo je tražen gorki biljni liker pelinkovac. Ipak, najomiljenije piće bez premca jest kava, kojom većina Zagrepčana započinje svoj dan. Uz to, kava služi i kao poziv na druženje, predah od užurbanog ritma svakodnevice. Zastati da se uživa u malim radostima ključan je element zagrebačkog stila života, a to se najbolje vidi upravo za stolom.



02 Kušanje vina Wine tasting

seasonal fruits and vegetables, including mushrooms. Dairy products are very important, especially homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. Besides mixing them to be served as a cold appetiser, the combination of fresh cottage cheese and sour cream is also the filling in other dishes. A proper meal takes time and cannot be had in a hurry, in the established order starting with an appetiser, followed by a

Esplanade Zagreb Hotel


01 Craft pivo Craft beer

main dish with a salad on the side to a dessert, with a hearty clear soup considered an absolute must. A working man’s meal of the day called gablec is best had with a spoon. Just a quick look at everyday expressions from Zagreb’s culinary jargon reveals its close ties with its Austrian legacy: čušpajz (a one-pot vegetable stew; from the German word Zuspeise), kifl (a type of savoury roll; from the German word Kipferl), grincajg (a vegetable bundle consisting of carrots, celery, parsley and kohlrabi unavoidable when making clear soup; from the German word Grünzeug), šnicl (escalope and/or schnitzel; from the German word Schnitzel), štrudl (from the German word Strudel), šnenokle (egg white dumplings with cream of milk and egg yolks; from the German word Schneenockerl), knedli (plum- or apricotfilled potato dumplings; from the German word Knödel), etc. Some of the favourite, local traditional dishes are ajngemahtec (chicken ragù soup; from the German word Eingemachtes), štrukli (cheese-filled pasta-like pastry), roast turkey or duck with mlinci (boiled thin-dried flatbread), Zagreb schnitzel (breaded ham-and-cheese filled veal), boiled potatoes sautéed with onions, paprika and sometimes diced bacon



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Turistička zajednica Zagrebačke županije/Zagreb County Tourist board Zagrebačka županija/Zagreb County


Noćni prizor Crnog dijamanta, Kraljevske knjižnice A night view of the Black Diamond, the Royal Danish Library


01-02 Plešivička vinska cesta The Plešivica Hills wine route 03-04 Moderna kuhinja Modern cuisine


called restani krumpir, blood sausage with sautéed sauerkraut, špek fileki (Croatian style tripe with pancetta), faširanci (breaded and deep fried minced meat patties) with a vegetable stew on the side, bučnica (squash and cottage cheese strudel), plumor apricot-filled potato dumplings, ovenbaked cheese-filled pancakes, etc. In the wider surroundings of Zagreb, you’ll come across local specialities, such as rudarska greblica (a thin savoury cottage cheese pie

originating from the village of Rude near the town of Samobor after which it was named), vrbovečka pera (a savoury cottage cheese and sour cream pie typical of the town of Vrbovec and its surroundings), samoborska kremšnita (vanilla custard cream cake that the town of Samobor is well-known for), samoborska muštarda (a tangy red-wineflavoured ground mustard spread originating from the town of Samobor) or copanjek (a thin savoury cottage cheese and seasonal greens pie typical of the region of Plešivica Hills). The bulk of dishes typical of Zagreb’s menu are best tried in any of its many traditional inns and luncheonettes, although fine local dishes are also prepared in mountain lodges on Medvednica Mountain. A more modern approach is nurtured by bistros, which Zagreb’s wider city centre area doesn’t seem to be lacking in. What they all have in common is that they’re happy to play with tradition and interpret it in their own and individual way, and add a touch of world trends. Zagreb’s haute cuisine scene is currently in excellent shape. Dishes signed by top restaurant chefs will satisfy even the most refined palates, which has been recognised by world-renowned guides, such as Michelin and Gault&Millau. Expanding its culinary horizons, Zagreb

S. Kaštelan S. Kaštelan

alsoIf boasts a growing number while the what you’re looking for is of anethnic activerestaurants, holiday, then you’re ever-popular offered boasts at both afood andofposh in the rightbarbecue place as −Vukovar widestalls range restaurants, rangingThe fromEuroVelo good old6 Balkan to American sports facilities. international cyclingstyle barbecue − is a special restaurant subtype. Being capital of route from the Atlantic Ocean to the Black Seathe passes an old wine Vukovar. country, Zagreb lovesofand recognises good wines. through True lovers adventure cycling know It isthat blessed withgoes beingthrough in the immediate vicinity ofpasses, several this trail various mountain exceptional and theirbecause wine routes. The most famous and that wine it’s a regions great challenge of the differenis the of Plešivica Hills,less where some of the best Croatian ce region in altitude. Somewhat adventurous cyclists will sparkling excellent Riesling, Grisleg and surely wines enjoy acome morefrom, peaceful ride along thePinot Danube Pinot as well as autumn’s red wine calledfields, portugizac. of Noir, the route passing throughyoung populated places, Theforests town of Sveti Ivan Zelina has been its own wine story and vineyards, absorbing thetelling beauty of pictuwhose central characterwhile is thegetting native to white grape varietyand called resque landscapes know the locals Kraljevina; bermet,Whether an aromatic herb-and-dried-fruit-infused their customs. by bike or on foot, you can also redreach wine aperitif, uniquepark to Samobor’s wine route. Although Adica, aisforest in the city centre, a perfect beer has been very popular and around almost anda a place to take in the freshness of the for forest, andtwo enjoy halfbit centuries, offer of beer hasparadise! been flourishing in recent of peacethe and quiet. A true years with the advent of craft breweries. Their along enthusiasm If you’re a fan of sport fishing, in Vukovar, the gave fresh impetus to micro-distilleries as well, so Zagreb now Danube and the Vuka River, and its surroundingscan you’ll pride itselfindulge on a growing craft ginLovers scene of as horses well. Should surely your passion. and you, by contrast, be more into tradition farthe as Danube spirits areParaconcerned, horseback riding should lookasfor youdise haveEquestrian a selectionClub, of quality fruit brandies and liqueurs just above Vučedol, offering to to choose with pelinkovac, a bitter herb-infused take from, you horseback riding through nature, whileliqueur, you in great demand. Zagrebians’ absolute of favourite drink discover theStill, picturesque landscapes Vukovar andis coffee − they start their day During with a cup of coffee, is what you its surroundings. summer, therecoffee are many spots invite friends for when to swimming, socialise and it’sthose a break onyour the Danube and Vukawanting ideal for and from the hectic pace life. Stopping to enjoy the little who’re looking forofa everyday place to swim throughout the year joyscan in life is key to in Zagreb’s and this is best seen right now do so a newlylifestyle, built indoor Olympic-size at the dining table. swimming pool, as well as in two outdoor swimming pools with a vast array of fun and recreational facilities. If you’re passionate about water sports, you can always opt for rowing, or take a more leisurely boat ride along the Danube and Vuka, or go kayaking. Those of you who’re looking for something even more laid-back can take a ride on a tourist boat, the Vukovar Waterbus as the locals call it. Add a bit of mystique to this enjoyable voyage by sending a message in a bottle along the Danube hoping to some day get an answer ∑ who knows where and who from. Both the town and the Vukovar Tourist Board strive to attract visitors and tourists throughout the year by organising a variety of events and programmes. The Vukovar Ethno Fair is held in September, and on 18th November the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Vukovar in 03 1991 is marked. December is, of course, reserved for the Advent, and the festive season. There’s also the Vukovar Puppet Spring, the Flower Fair, the Festival of Actors, the Intangible Cultural Heritage Festival, the All for One, One for Best Croatia festival, the International Danube and DanubeArt Day, the Chamber Music Festival and the already traditional Vukovar Film Festival. A message from the local tourist board states that a visit to Vukovar is an experience of all that life is: Vukovar is pride... Vukovar is defiance... It’s a tear in your eye, sadness in your heart... a smile on your lips. Vukovar is the past and the future. You’ll also experience its present thanks to many interesting facilities and programmes, and meet the most open, sincere, friendly, honest and kind hosts. 04


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Piše/By _ Marija Pajić

Stanovnici Lijepe Naše već su naviknuti da se u Hrvatskoj u posljednje vrijeme sve češće snimaju holivudske uspješnice. Štoviše, na brojnim hrvatskim lokacijama snimljeno je nekoliko desetaka visokobudžetnih serija i filmova. Na njima su radili i mnogi domaći filmski stručnjaci.

Z. Jelača, Arhiva HTZ / CNTB archives

Croatians have already grown accustomed to the fact that, in recent years, Croatia has served as a set for many Hollywood blockbusters. More specifically, in the last few years, tens of series and movies have been shot in numerous locations around Croatia, whose productions have been worked on by a myriad of local film industry professionals as well.


T. Plazibat / CROPIX

01-02 Megapopularna serija Igra prijestolja ucrtala je Dubrovnik velikim slovima kao idealnu filmsku kulisu, zbog čega je taj grad posjetio i glumac Kit Harington The mega popular Game of Thrones series has put Dubrovnik on the map as an ideal film set, which is why actor Kit Harington also visited the city



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N. Duper / CROPIX


a to da Pierce Brosnan ispija piće na Visu dok likovi iz Igre prijestolja šeću Stradunom, a da pritom Salma Hayek maše revolverom po rovinjskim ulicama stanovnici Lijepe Naše već su naviknuti. I zahvaljujući uspjehu serije Igra prijestolja Dubrovnik je u očima mnogih postao i ostao King’s Landing, odnosno Kraljev Grudobran. Da, Stradun osvaja na prvu, to znaju i svi koji rade na spomenutome setu jer samo je prva sezona snimljena drugdje. Od 2012. godine HBOova je uspješnica snimana u Hrvatskoj, a pojedine statistike kažu da je Dubrovnik zbog ove serije u tri godine posjetilo dodatnih četvrt milijuna turista. Takve brojke uopće ne čude kada uzmemo u obzir da je pojam Game of Thrones Croatia na najpoznatijoj internetskoj tražilici pretražen


01 Jedan od najpoznatijih glumaca današnjice Jamie Foxx zbog filma Robin Hood: Origins boravio je u Dubrovniku Jamie Foxx, one of today’s most famous actors, also stayed in Dubrovnik because of the filming of Robin Hood: Origins 02 Istarski gradić Rovinj dokazao se više puta kao idealna filmska kulisa Istria’s town of Rovinj has proved to be an ideal film set time and time again



M. Djanjesic / CROPIX

više od milijardu puta, a nevjerojatan je i podatak da su seriju pogledali deseci milijuna gledatelja. Očigledno, filmska industrija pridonosi popularnosti Hrvatske, ali i njezinoj posjećenosti! Posljednja epizoda cjelokupnog serijala premijerno je emitirana baš u Dubrovniku, na glavnoj lokaciji Igre prijestolja. Tvrđava Revelin s velikim projekcijskim platnom poslužila je kao odlična kulisa za nezaboravan doživljaj koji će brojni inozemni novinari, blogeri i obožavatelji serije pamtiti čitav život! Osim popularne serije, Dubrovnik je ugostio i znanstveno-fantastični film Ratovi zvijezda, i to u ožujku 2016. godine. U filmu Ratovi zvijezda: Posljednji Jedi hrvatski biser glumio je glamurozni galaktički grad Canto Bight. Glumio je Dubrovnik i legendarni Notthin-

G. Sebelic / CROPIX


L. Esenko, Arhiva HTZ / CNTB archives


gham, srednjovjekovni grad Robina Hooda, zbog kojeg je i Jamie Foxx ispijao kavu uz dubrovačke zidine. - Pozitivan utjecaj svjetski popularnih filmova i serija na globalnu promociju naše zemlje neupitan je. Osim mnogih posjetitelja koji su obišli hrvatske lokacije na kojima su se snimale serije i filmovi, iznimno nas veseli što i one same prepoznaju mnoge prednosti kada je u pitanju filmska industrija. Upravo kvalitetne destinacijske ponude koje se sastoje od turističkih tura, tematiziranih brošura i ostalih sadržaja povezanih s određenom tematikom privlače brojne obožavatelje diljem svijeta da posjete upravo našu zemlju, rekao nam je direktor Hrvatske turističke zajednice Kristjan Staničić, dodavši kako snagu filma i televizije potvr-

03-04 Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek i Ryan Reynolds u Rovinju su snimali nastavak akcijskog filma Čuvaj me s leđa. Salma Hayek redovito je na društvenim mrežama objavljivala fotografije iz naše zemlje, ne krijući koliko joj se svidjela Hrvatska Samuel L. Jackson, Salma Hayek and Ryan Reynolds shot the sequel to the action film The Hitman’s Bodyguard in Rovinj. Not hiding how much she liked Croatia, Salma Hayek regularly posted photos from Croatia on social media

đuju i korejske produkcije The Romantic i Noona over Flowers, koje su snimane u Hrvatskoj i koje su u našu zemlju privukle velik broj turista iz Južne Koreje. Turisti ne posjećuju samo Dubrovnik zbog Igre prijestolja. Tu su i Šibenik, Split i Trogir, koji su svojim prekrasnim lokacijama također poslužili kao inspiracija kreatorima serije. Da je Hrvatska uistinu postala meka za vrhunske strane


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što možemo biti itekako ponosni. No povijest stranih produkcija na našim prostorima seže još u dvadesete godine prošlog stoljeća, a kulminacija je započela šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Proces Orsona Wellesa, oskarovski Guslač na krovu Normana Jewisona ili pak Sofijin izbor Alana J. Pakule samo su neki od istaknutijih primjera strane produkcije koja je hrvatski pejzaž pretočila na veliko platno ili male ekrane. Filmski turizam na svjetskoj karti proslavio se davne 1953. godine, kada je na rimsko tlo kročila Audrey Hepburn. Zahvaljujući filmu Praznik u Rimu popularnost talijanske prijestolnice strahovito je porasla. Ali Hrvatska nije bila daleko. U šezdesetima je u Hrvatskoj sniman u ono vrijeme iznimno popularan serijal filmova o indijanskom poglavici Winnetouu prema romanima Karla Maya. U razdoblju između 1962. i 1968. u području oko Starigrada-Paklenice snimljeno je čak 11 filmova. Divlji zapad glumili su Velebit, 01 Oko Starigrada-Paklenice snimljeno je čak 11 filmova o indijanskom poglavici Winnetouu Around Starigrad-Paklenica, as many as 11 films were shot about the Indian chief Winnetou 02 Muzej Winnetoua čuva mnoge originalne filmske rekvizite The Winnetou Museum has many of the original film props exhibited 03 Tradicionalni susret fanova Winnetoua uz kanjon Zrmanje A traditional meeting of Winnetou fans near the Zrmanja Canyon

filmska kulisa jer se i glavni grad Zagreb ima čime pohvaliti. Primjerice, 2018. u Zagrebu je snimljeno 150 projekata. Osim Zagreba svjetskim producentima i glumcima najprivlačniji su Split, Rijeka i otok Pag te, dakako, već spomenuti Dubrovnik. Ni lanjska jesen nije stagnirala jer to je godišnje doba bilo rezervirano za snimanje film Murina u suradnji s producentskom kućom Martina Scorsesea, na


D. Kovačić


filmske produkcije, potvrđuje i činjenica da su Netflix, Amazon, HBO te holivudski studiji česti gosti na hrvatskim lokacijama. Za Netflix je snimana serija Medical Police, a prvi se put u našoj zemlji snimila i čitava sezona jedne serije. Riječ je o britansko-američkoj ratnoj seriji Strike Back nastaloj prema bestseleru Chrisa Ryana. No nemojte misliti da su samo hrvatsko more i planine odlična

D. Kovačić

Z. Jelača, Arhiva HTZ / CNTB archives

04 Winnetou i Old Shatterhand, scena iz filma Winnetou and Old Shatterhand, a still from the film



i Jackie Chan zahvaljujući filmu Božji oklop, a 2015. godine Hvar, Vis i Biševo ugostili su podmornicu slavnog Jacquesa Cousteaua u sklopu filma Odiseja o životu legendarnog istraživača. Velika glumačka zvijezda Salma Hayek zahvaljujući snimanjima u posljednje vrijeme dobro je upoznala Hrvatsku. Na ulicama Rovinja, Rijeke i Zagreba snimala je visokobudžetni film The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard sa svojim filmskim partnerom Ryanom Reynoldsom, a u Splitu film Bliss s Owenom Wilsonom. Salma Hayek u Hrvatskoj je boravila u pratnji supruga, francuskog milijardera François-Henrija Pinaulta. A na set je stigla i supruga Ryana Reynoldsa. Prelijepa Blake Lively nije mogla odoljeti čarima Hrvatske pa je svoj boravak u ovim krajevima iskoristila i za snimanje reklame za brend džina svojeg supruga. Obožavatelji popularnog holivudskog para danima su im pokušavali ući u trag! Hollywood ili Crollywood? Hrvatska je svoje mjesto na svjetskoj karti itekako zaslužila jer u posljednjih nekoliko godina našim ulicama − zahvaljujući upravo ovom holivudskom desantu na našu prekrasnu zemlju − osim partijanera, gastroblogera ili pak ljubitelja adrenalina šeću i zaljubljenici u sedmu umjetnost. Nije li čarobno buditi se na filmskome setu?

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kanjon rijeke Zrmanje, Omiš i rijeka Cetina, Grobničko polje, Platak, Vransko jezero... Za brojne turiste koji i danas žele posjetiti ta mjesta prije deset godina otvoren je i Muzej Winnetoua u Starigradu-Paklenici koji čuva mnoge originalne filmske rekvizite, a tragovima Karla Maya organiziraju se i ture te izletnički programi. Ista stvar dogodila se i Barceloni kada ju je u svoju filmsku uspješnicu uvrstio Woody Allen zahvaljujući Vicky i Christini. Nakon filma Jedi, moli, voli i otok Bali doživio je turističku renesansu. Naime, na otok su mahom pohrlile žene kojima je trebao hrabar životni preokret baš poput lika koji je u tom filmu utjelovila Julia Roberts. No možda je ipak najpoznatija filmska lokacija na svijetu novozelandski Hobbiton, koji u špici sezone dnevno posjeti i do 2000 turista. Jednak preokret dogodio se i na Visu kada je otok ugostio čitavu produkciju filma Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. Neodoljiva Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan i Colin Firth ostali su opijeni ljepotom ovog otoka, iako je u filmu glumio grčki otok s obzirom na to da se prvi nastavak globalnog kinohita snimao upravo ondje. Neodoljivi Vis, koji je gotovo pola stoljeća bio izoliran kao vojni otok, svojom je netaknutom prirodom holivudske producente jednostavno ostavio bez teksta. No ne samo njih! To je potvrdio i predlanjski izbor za najbolju europsku filmsku lokaciju u organizaciji European Film Commissions Networka (EUFCN), gdje se među kandidatima našao upravo naše gore list − Vis. Zagrebom je svojedobno jurio


H. Serdar, Arhiva HTZ / CNTB archives


P. Paunovic / CROPIX

01 Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, nastavak filmske uspješnice, snimljen je na Visu The blockbuster sequel Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again was filmed on the Island of Vis

T. Dubravec / CROPIX




02-03 Dok glavna glumica Meryl Streep glumi staru Donnu, njezinu mlađu verziju igra šarmantna Lily James, koja je i privatno posjetila Vis While lead actress Meryl Streep plays old Donna, her younger version is played by the charming Lily James, who also visited Vis privately

Thrones are strolling along Dubrovnik’s main street, Stradun, and Salma Hayek’s waving a revolver around in the streets of Rovinj. Thanks to the success of the Game of Thrones series, Dubrovnik has become and remains in the eyes of many − King’s Landing. Yes, Stradun wins you over instantly. Everyone who worked on the set of the Game of Thrones knows it, given that only the first season was filmed elsewhere. The filming of this HBO blockbuster series moved to Croatia in 2012, and some statistics say that, in three years, a quarter million tourists visited Dubrovnik only because the series was shot there. Such figures are not at all surprising if we bear in mind that a search for the term Game of Thrones Croatia using the most famous in-

ternet search engine hits millions of search results, and the fact that tens of millions of viewers have watched the series. The film industry has evidently been contributing not only to the popularity of Croatia, but also to how well visited it actually is. It was also in Dubrovnik, the main set of the Game of Thrones, where the final episode of the entire series was premiered. Revelin Fortress − where a projection screen was installed for the premiere − made a splendid backdrop to an unforgettable experience that many foreign reporters, bloggers and Game of Thrones fans will remember for the rest of their lives! Besides the popular Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik also hosted the sci-fi movie Star Wars in March 2016. In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the Croatian pearl acted as the galaxy’s glamorous city of Canto Bight. Dubrovnik also acted as legendary Nottingham, the medieval town in which Robin Hood is set, because of which Jamie Foxx too drank coffee somewhere along Dubrovnik’s city walls. − Globally famous films and series impact the global promotion of our country

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positively, there’s no question about it. In addition to many visitors visiting the Croatian locations of these movie sets, we’re extremely pleased that these Croatian locations have themselves, as destinations, recognised the many benefits that they’ve been gaining from the film industry. Quality destination-specific package holidays comprising guided tours, set-related brochures and other themed content have been attracting many fans from around the world − said Kristjan Staničić, managing director of the Croatian National Tourist Board. Just how powerful film and television is has been confirmed, he added, by two Korean productions. Namely, The Romantic and Noonas over Flowers, both of which were shot in Croatia attracting large numbers of tourists from South Korea. Dubrovnik isn’t the only place visited by tourists because of the Game of Thrones. Stunning locations in Šibenik, Split and Trogir also served as inspiration for the creators of the series. That Croatia has indeed become a magnet for top international film productions is also confirmed by the fact that Croatian locations often host production companies, such as Netflix, Amazon, HBO and Hollywood studios, with last year having been remarkably successful in this regard. Last year’s first location filming project that was to be shot in Croatia was the Medical

T. Dubravec / CROPIX

Irski glumac Pierce Brosnan također se zaljubio u hrvatski otok Vis, a u stopu ga je pratila i njegova supruga Accompanied by his wife, Irish actor Pierce Brosnan also fell in love with the Croatian island of Vis

Police series filmed for Netflix. Also, Croatia saw the shooting of an entire season of a television series on location in Croatia. Namely, Strike Back, a British-American war series based on Chris Ryan’s bestseller. But, thinking that only Croatia’s coastline and mountains are great film sets is wrong, because Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, has much to boast about as well. 2018, for example, saw the filming of 150 projects in Zagreb alone. Besides Zagreb, foreign producers and actors are most attracted by Split, Rijeka, the Island of Pag and, of course, Dubrovnik. Last year’s autumn didn’t bring filming to a halt, given that it was reserved for the filming of Murina, a film backed by Martin Scorsese’s production company, which Croatia can pride itself on. The history of foreign productions filmed in the region began in the 1920s, and started

gathering momentum in the 1960s. Orson Welles’s The Trial, Norman Jewison’s Oscar-winning Fiddler on the Roof or Alan J. Pakula’s Sophie’s Choice are just some of the more prominent foreign productions filmed in Croatia, thanks to which Croatia’s landscape found itself on the big or small screen. Film-induced tourism was put on the map back in 1953, when Audrey Hepburn made an appearance in Rome. Thanks to the Roman Holiday, the popularity of the Italian capital as a destination skyrocketed. And Croatia wasn’t lagging behind very much. In the 1960s, Croatia was the set where the Winnetou film series about an extremely popular Indian chief of the same name based on Karl May’s novels was filmed. Between 1962 and 1968, as many as 11 films were shot in the surroundings of Starigrad-Paklenica. The Velebit Mountain Range, the canyon

I. Biočina, Arhiva HTZ / CNTB archives

01 Modra špilja, Otok Biševo The Blue Cave, the Island of Biševo 02-04 Film o Jacquesu Cousteauu, legendarnom istraživaču podmorja, snimao se na Hvaru, Visu i Biševu. Režiju i scenarij Odiseje potpisuje Jérôme Salle, a glavne uloge nose Lambert Wilson, Audrey Tautou i Pierre Niney The Odyssey, a film about the legendary underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, was shot on the islands of Hvar, Vis and Biševo. Directed and written by Jérôme Salle, the main roles are played by Lambert Wilson, Audrey Tautou and Pierre Niney

T. Dubravec / CROPIX


T. Dubravec / CROPIX


T. Dubravec / CROPIX




of the Zrmanja River, the town of Omiš and the Cetina River, Grobnik Field (Grobničko Polje in Croatian), Platak Mountain, Vrana Lake, etc., were all Wild West movie sets. For those interested in Winnetou today, in Starigrad-Paklenica the Winnetou Museum was opened ten years ago. It exhibits many of the original film props and offers Winnetou filming location tours. The same thing happened to Barcelona when Woody Allen decided to set his movie blockbuster Vicky Cristina Barcelona in − Barcelona. After Eat Pray Love premiered, Bali has enjoyed a renaissance in tourism. More specifically, following in the footsteps of the main character played by Julia Roberts, women wanting to make a bold decision that would change their lives radically started flocking to Bali. But, the world’s most famous filming location is New Zealand’s Hobbiton, visited by up to 2000 tourists daily during peak season. The same thing happened to the Island of Vis after it hosted the entire production team of Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again. The irresistible Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth were intoxicated by the beauty of the island, although it stood in for a Greek island given that the first movie was filmed in Greece. Having been isolated as a military stronghold for almost half a century, the captivating Island of Vis and its pristine nature left Hollywood producers speechless. And not just them. The European Film Commissions Network’s 2018 selection for best European filming location confirms this, given that

the Island of Vis was one of the candidates running for the award. Even Jackie Chan once chased around Zagreb thanks to his Armour of God, and in 2015 the islands of Hvar, Vis and Biševo played host to Jacques Cousteau’s submarine during the filming of The Odyssey, a film about the life of the legendary explorer. The great film star Salma Hayek too has gotten to know Croatia very well, and this thanks to her starring in films shot in Croatia. She acted on the streets of Rovinj, Rijeka and Zagreb together with her on-screen partners Samuel L. Jackson and Ryan Reynolds during the making of the big-budget film The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard, and in Split together with Owen Wilson during the shooting of Bliss. During her stays in Croatia, Salma Hayek was accompanied by her husband, French billionaire François-Henri Pinault. While in Croatia, Ryan Reynolds was also in the company of his wife − the beautiful Blake Lively couldn’t resist the magic of Croatia, so she used her time in this part of the world to shoot an advertisement for her husband’s brand of gin. Fans of the famous Hollywood couple were trying to track them down for days! Hollywood or Crollywood? Croatia’s earned its place on the world map because, in recent years, its streets have been packed not just with partygoers, food bloggers and adrenaline junkies, but also with devotees of the art of film, and this thanks to Hollywood having landed in Croatia. Isn’t it magical to wake up on a film set?


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P. Cvitić/Arhiva Parka prirode Biokovo/Biokovo Nature Park archives

Piše/By _ Nataša Batošić Joskić


plitsko-dalmatinska županija, ali i cijela Hrvatska, odnedavno ima novu neodoljivu atrakciju − nebesku šetnicu Skywalk Biokovo. Nalazi se u jugozapadnom dijelu Parka prirode Biokovo, na 13. kilometru biokovske ceste, neposredno uz info-centar Ravna Vlaška, na visini od 1228 metara nad morem. Impozantan je to primjer povećanja atraktivnosti prirodne lokacije zahvaljujući ekstremnoj komponenti, odnosno adrenalinskoj šetnji staklenom plohom na velikoj visini s koje se pruža fascinantan pogled na Makarsku rivijeru i otoke. Slavo Jakša, ravnatelj Parka prirode Biokovo, otkrio je kako je kao inspiracija za ovu impresivnu atrakciju poslužila nebeska šetnica u obliku potkove u Grand Canyonu u SAD-u. No cilj biokovske

Šetnica sa staklenom plohom za hodanje u obliku potkove izlazi 11 metara izvan litice i može se reći da je jedinstvena ne samo u Hrvatskoj nego i u Europi.

rim of a cliff and can be said to be unique not only in Croatia, but also the whole of Europe. 58 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2019

M. Jelušić

This horseshoe-shaped glass bridge extends 11 metres out over the

K. Protrka/Arhiva Parka prirode Biokovo/Biokovo Nature Park archives

K. Protrka/Arhiva Parka prirode Biokovo/Biokovo Nature Park archives

šetnice nije bio samo impresionirati posjetitelje kojih će nesumnjivo s vremenom biti sve više, nego njihovim dolaskom osigurati i dodatni prihod za zaštitu prelijepe i dragocjene prirode Parka prirode Biokovo, a zajedno s ostalim projektnim aktivnostima unaprijediti obrazovni kapacitet posjetitelja razvojem novih edukacijskih programa i sadržaja te povećati atraktivnost prirodne baštine parka i broj posjetitelja ulaganjem u infrastrukturu i sadržaje. Vidikovac može primiti do 30 posjetitelja u isto vrijeme, a do njega se može doći tzv. biokovskom cestom, koja vodi od glavnog ulaza u Park prirode Biokovo na državnoj cesti D512 (Makarska−Vrgorac) prema najvišem vrhu, Svetom Juri (1762 m). Pristup platformi omogućen je sa sjeveroistočne strane s pomoću

dvaju stubišta koja su smještena s istočne i zapadne strane od info-centra, što omogućuje učinkovit kružni promet posjetitelja bez stvaranja gužve. Na platformi se posjetitelji mogu zadržati najviše pet minuta. Park je službeno otvoren od travnja do studenoga jer u zimskim mjesecima pristup posjetiteljima iz sigurnosnih razloga nije dopušten, između ostaloga i zbog zimskih uvjeta na cestama. Radno

vrijeme PP Biokovo jest od 6 do 20 sati, a Nebeske šetnice od 8 do 20 h, ovisno o vremenskim uvjetima. Uređenje Skywalka − Nebeske šetnice jedna je od ukupno 12 aktivnosti projekta naziva Novi Adrion − Promicanje održivog korištenja prirodne baštine koje Javna ustanova Park prirode Biokovo već duže vrijeme provodi, a financira se sredstvima Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj u okviru Operativnog programa Konkurent-

nost i kohezija 2014. − 2020., sredstvima Fonda za zaštitu okoliša i energetsku učinkovitost te vlastitim sredstvima korisnika i partnera − Makarske razvojne agencije (MARA) i Hrvatske gorske službe spašavanja (HGSS). Cijeli projekt umnogome će obogatiti ponudu Parka prirode Biokovo, dok samoj Nebeskoj šetnici mnogi uza sve to predviđaju i romantičnu budućnost. Naime, mnogi parovi ne skrivaju želju da


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I. Pervan/Arhiva Parka prirode Biokovo/Biokovo Nature Park archives

Masiv Biokova i najviši vrh Sv. Jure (1762 m) Mt. Biokovo and its highest peak, St. George (Sv. Jure, 1762 m)

upravo ovdje, u adrenalinskim uvjetima, okruženi neopisivom ljepotom prirode, među oblacima, izgovore svoje sudbonosno − da.


oth the Split-Dalmatia County and the whole of Croatia have recently become richer for a new irresistible attraction − the Biokovo Skywalk lookout point. It’s located in the south-western part of the Biokovo Nature Park, at the 13th kilometre point of the Biokovo Road, adjacent to the Ravna Vlaška Info Centre, at an altitude of 1228 metres above sea level. It’s an impressive example of how the attraction of a natural location can be increased thanks to its extreme component − an adrenaline-fuelled walk on a glass surface at high altitude, offering a fascinating view of the Makarska Riviera and the surrounding islands. Director of the Biokovo Nature Park, Slavo Jakša, revealed that Biokovo’s impressive attraction was inspired by the horseshoeshaped Grand Canyon Skywalk in the US.


Yet, the Biokovo Skywalk aims not only to impress visitors, whose numbers will unquestionably increase over time, but also to provide additional income for the protection of the stunningly beautiful and priceless natural environment of the Biokovo Nature Park, and ultimately to educate visitors by developing new informative programmes and facilities, and increase the attraction of the park’s natural heritage and the number of visitors by investing in infrastructure and facilities. The lookout point can be reached by the so-called Biokovo Road − which leads from the main entrance to the Biokovo Nature Park on D512 State Road (MakarskaVrgorac) to the highest peak of Biokovo, Sv. Jure (1762 m) − and can accommodate up to 30 visitors at a time. You can reach the platform from the northeast via two staircases located on the east and west side of the Ravna Vlaška Info Centre. This facilitates an efficient flow of visitor without any crowding. Visitors can stay on the platform for a maximum of five minutes. The park is officially open from April to November because, in the winter months, access is not allowed for safety reasons (i.e., due to, amongst other things, winter

road conditions). The Biokovo Nature Park opens every day at 6 am and closes at 8 pm, while the Biokovo Skywalk opens every day at 8 am and closes at 8 pm depending on the weather conditions. The development of the Biokovo Skywalk is one of a total of 12 activities of the New Adrion − Promoting the Sustainable Use of Natural Heritage project, which has been implemented by the Biokovo Nature Park for quite some time now, and which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the framework of the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020, by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund of the Republic of Croatia, by the Makarska Development Agency (MARA) and the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service (HGSS) as project partners, and is self-financed. The whole project will greatly enrich the offer of the Biokovo Nature Park, while the Biokovo Skywalk itself is foretold a bright romantic future. More specifically, many couples have already said that they’d like to say their I do’s right here, in this adrenaline-fuelled environment, surrounded by the indescribable beauty of nature, amongst the clouds.


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Loreta Gudelj hrvatska je modna dizajnerica koja djeluje u sferi retro romantike, s naglaskom na kvalitetan tekstil i kolekciju koja se temelji na detaljnom istraživanju teme koju odabere. Basing her collections on detailed research of a theme she chooses, Loreta Gudelj is a Croatian retro romance fashion designer who places emphasis on quality textiles.


eć niz godina Loreta Gudelj, koja je modne gene vjerojatno naslijedila od majke, također poznate dizajnerice Grete Gudelj, stvara ženstvene forme inspirirane retro trendovima, a novu je priču posvetila kraju pedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Njezin brend Loré omiljen je među ženama i djevojkama koje žele nešto fino, skladno i romantično.


− Svaku kolekciju radim studiozno, ovisno o temi koju izaberem. U slučaju kolekcije La violetera početna je točka bio istoimeni kultni film koji je obilježio moje djetinjstvo kao najdraži film moje majke, a zajedno smo ga pogledale nemali broj puta. Izabrale smo scene iz filma koje smo htjele reproducirati, kostimografiju koju smo htjele evocirati s novim krojevima te boje

Piše/By _ Dubravka Prpić Znaor Fotografije/Photos _ Doris Fatur

s kojima ćemo raditi − komentira Loreta kolekciju inspiriranu likom Sarite Montiel i mjestom radnje filma, Madridom. Naručuje samo vrhunske materijale iz Italije i to prema definiranoj temi, a dio procesa isključivo je ručni rad. Također, prema planu i priči radi krojeve, a kako je ovdje riječ o retro filmu, kroz forme se referirala na siluete s polovice prošloga stoljeća.

Tamna crvena vrhunski je simbol elegancije Dark red is the ultimate symbol of elegance


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Bolero i suknja u ulozi su Ĺženstvenosti A bolero and a skirt in the role of femininity


Igra Ä?ipke i samozatajne zelene donosi sklad The interplay of lace and demure green bringing harmony


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Raskošna ramena definiraju stilsku moć Gorgeous shoulders define the power of style


Dama s maramom voli boju crnog vina The lady with a scarf loves the colour of red wine


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Autorica predlaĹže maksi haljine u fluidnoj varijanti The designer recommends fluid maxi dresses


Večernja kombinacija donosi eterične teksture An evening-wear combination of ethereal textures


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Bijela koĹĄulja inspirirana je balskim haljinama A white shirt inspired by ball gowns


Samozatajna crna osmišljena je na elegantan i romantičan način Demure black designed elegantly and romantically


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− Nakon krojenja, bitan dio procesa jest i izrada, a sve mora biti iznimno kvalitetno kako bi to bilo očito i na svakoj kampanjskoj fotografiji. Kolekcije su za mene nešto poput vizualnog romana − tumači Loreta. Kolekcija je napravljena od materijala kao što su premium vuna, kašmir, viskoza, svila, taft svila te makrame čipka. Ono što se provlači kroz sve njezine kolekcije jest isticanje ručnoga rada, kojim Loreta podiže kvalitetu konačnog proizvoda na višu razinu. − Odjevni predmeti Loré uvijek su izvedeni od prirodnih materijala bez dodatka sintetskih vlakana s naglaskom na ručnu i etičnu proizvodnju, a specifičnost ove kolekcije jesu i ručno izrađeni remeni od istih materijala − otkriva dizajnerica. Kreacije su snimljene u jednoj od najvažnijih umjetničkih institucija u Hrvatskoj, Hrvatskome glazbenom zavodu. Autentična građevina s kraja devetnaestog stoljeća jedan je od simbola Zagreba te se odlično uklopila u priču o Loretinim kreacijama koje donose pročišćenu retro ženstvenost. Uz ručnu izradu, rad dizajnerice posvećen je i etno referencama, stoga se do sada inspirirala raznim tradicionalnim tehnikama i izradama koje su očite na tekstilu i detaljima. Njezin istančan ukus donosi i sklad boja, stoga ako nisu jednobojne, kreacije Loré otkrivaju raskoš sočnih nijansi. Posvećuje se i detaljima pa se kod nje mogu vidjeti i brojne konstrukcijske intervencije koje silueti daju dinamiku. Loreti Gudelj bitnija je kvaliteta nego kvantiteta jer je odjeća za nju mnogo više od forme

i tekstila. Naime, svaka jakna, haljina, bluza i hlače elementi su priče koju ona donosi s mnogo pažnje i posvećenosti tradiciji izrade i oblikovanja tekstila.


aving probably inherited the gene for fashion from her mother, who is also a famous designer herself, namely Greta Gudelj, Loreta Gudelj has been creating feminine designs inspired by retro fashion trends for many years already. Her latest story is dedicated to the end of the 1950s. Her brand Loré is liked by women and girls who’re looking for something fine, balanced and romantic. − My approach to each collection is thorough and depends on the theme I choose. The starting point for my La Violetera collection was the cult film of the same name because it marked my childhood given that it was my mother’s favourite film. We watched it many times together. We chose scenes from the film that we wanted to reproduce, the costumes from the film that we wanted to evoke with our new cuts and the colours that we wanted to work with − Loreta comments on the collection inspired by the character of Sarita Montiel and the city that the film is set in, Madrid. Making sure that they fit in with a theme defined in advance, she orders only top-quality fabrics from Italy. Also, she does some segments of her designs only by hand. In her latest collection, she made sure that her designs and cuts refer to silhouettes from the 1950s given that La Violetera is a retro film. − After tailoring, an important part of the process is production. Everything has to be of exceptional quality, campaign photos

have to show it. For me, collections are like visual novels − Loreta explains. Loreta’s latest collection is made of fine fabrics, such as premium quality wool, cashmere, viscose, silk, taffeta silk and macramé lace. Raising the quality of Loreta’s final product, work done by hand is a common thread running through all of her collections. − Loré garments are always made of natural fabrics without any synthetic fibres added, and emphasis is always put on manual and ethical production. The specificity of this collection are handmade belts made of the same materials as the garments − the designer reveals. The creations were shot in one of Croatia’s leading art institutions, the Croatian Music Institute. Being one of the symbols of Zagreb, the institute’s historical building from the end of the nineteenth century fit in perfectly with the story of Loreta’s creations exuding refined retro femininity. Besides being handmade, Loreta’s designs also have ethno references − she has been inspired by different traditional techniques and methods, which can be seen on her textiles and in the details. Her refined taste manifests itself in a harmony of colours − if they’re not monochromatic, Loré creations feature a splendour of juicy shades. She also pays much attention to details, so she intervenes in the cuts, which gives the silhouettes dynamics. Quality is more important than quantity to Loreta Gudelj because clothes are much more than just form and textiles. More specifically, every jacket, dress, blouse and pants are elements of a story that she tells with a lot of attention and dedication to the tradition of dressmaking and design.

Haljina s krilima nadahnuta je pedesetima A wing sleeve dress inspired by the 1950s



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Pogled na izmijenjenu dionicu stalnog postava MUO Dizajn u Hrvatskoj: dizajn od 1980. do danas A view of the changed Design in Croatia: Design from 1980 to Date section of the permanent exhibition setup of the Museum of Arts and Crafts


Piše/By _ Koraljka Vlajo

Fotografije/Photos _ Srećko Budek i/and Vedran Benović


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Povodom 140. godišnjice osnivanja, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt u cijelosti je izmijenio dionicu dizajna u svojem stalnom postavu i predstavio je javnosti na rođendan muzeja. Nažalost, zagrebački potres zatvorio je muzej već mjesec dana nakon otvaranja novog postava. Iako je 8. rujna muzej ponovo otvoren za povremene izložbe, stalni postav dostupan je tek putem fotografija koje objavljujemo u ovom članku. Marking the 140th anniversary of its founding and having presented it to the public on the museum’s anniversary, the Museum of Arts and Crafts completely changed the design section of its permanent exhibition setup. Sadly, the earthquake that recently struck Zagreb closed the museum a month after the opening of the new setup. Although the museum reopened for temporary exhibitions on 8th September, its permanent exhibition setup can at present be viewed only through the photos we’re bringing in this article.


ovodom 140. godišnjice osnivanja, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt u cijelosti je izmijenio dionicu dizajna u svojem stalnom postavu i predstavio je javnosti na rođendan muzeja, 17. veljače 2020. Namjera novog postava, promijenjenoga prvi put nakon što je predstavljen prije 25 godina, bila je uputiti javnost u dostignuća hrvatskog dizajna u posljednjih 70 godina. Novi postav dionice dizajna u kronološkom nizu predstavlja 125 ključnih predmeta iz područja domaćeg industrijskog i grafičkog dizajna nastalih u razdoblju od Drugoga svjetskog rata do danas: najstariji predmet u postavu plakat je Ivana Picelja salon54 iz 1954., a najmlađi

rad, nastao prije četiri godine, zajednička je akcija hrvatskih dizajnera osmišljena u svrhu podrške kurikularnoj reformi. U kružnom toku (preciznije, spiralnom jer postav dizajna završava na odmorištu stubišta prema trećem katu muzeja), u svojevrsnom dijalogu suprotstavljaju se, uspoređuju i nadograđuju različiti pristupi dizajnu, proizvodnji i korištenju. Dizajneri i dizajnerski objekti ne postoje u vakuumu, već ih vežu vidljive i manje vidljive spone, linije suradnji i utjecaja. Stoga je, unatoč pretpostavljenoj linearnosti kronološkog pristupa, bilo važno postići nesmetanu komunikaciju među pojedinim dionicama (dekadama) i dočarati prožimanje utjecaja, svjesnih i nesvjesnih inspiracija


01 Pogled na izmijenjenu dionicu stalnog postava MUO-a Dizajn u Hrvatskoj: suvremeni dizajn A view of the changed Design in Croatia: Contemporary Design section of the permanent exhibition setup of the Museum of Arts and Crafts 02 Plakat Dodo / Dodo poster, dizajn / design: Zlatko Zrnec & Slavo Simončić, Zagreb, 1958. 03 Pogled na izmijenjenu dionicu stalnog postava MUO-a Dizajn u Hrvatskoj: dizajn 1960-ih i 1970-ih A view of the changed Design in Croatia: Design of the 1960s and the 1970s section of the permanent exhibition setup of the Museum of Arts and Crafts



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01 Naslonjač / Armchair, dizajn / design: Bernardo Bernardi, Zagreb, 1961. 02 Mehanički kalkulator Calcorex 403 / Calcorex 403 mechanical calculator, Tvornica računskih strojeva TRS / TRS computational machine factory, dizajn / design: Davor Grünwald, Zagreb, 1969. 03 Stolac Modres / Modres chair, Tvornica Jadran / Jadran Factory, dizajn / design: Mladen & Marijan Orešić, 1969. 04 Servis za jelo i kavu BRAZIL / BRAZIL dinner and coffee set, Tvornica Jugokeramika / Jugokeramika Factory, dizajn / design: Dragica Perkač, 1962.−1963.








prethodnim razdobljima i radovima. Tako je, da spomenemo samo neke, poznati motiv Chromosova ličioca (Milan Vulpe, 1954.) reinterpretiran pedeset godina kasnije na naslovnici novina Galerije Nova (Dejan Kršić, 2006.), odjeci namještaja od kovanog željeza (Vjenceslav Richter, Ferdo Rosić, Slava Antoljak, 1957. − 1959.) jasno se prepoznaju u suvremenim radovima Prostorije (naslonjač Polygon, Numen, 2017.; naslonjač Strain, Simon Morasi Piperčić, 2017.) i Grupe (podna svjetiljka Model 1, 2010.), a Bućanova fantazmagorija s plakata Žar ptica/ Petruška (1983.) u plakatu Hrvoja Živčića i Darija Devića za tipografiju Nikole Đureka iz 2011. godine. Kada se ponovo otvori stalni postav, Muzej za umjetnost i obrt bit će jedino mjesto (na svijetu!) gdje će publika imati

priliku pobliže se upoznati s poviješću hrvatskog dizajna u ovom opsegu. Jedan od najvažnijih ciljeva novoga postava stoga je bio predstaviti javnosti koliko je širok raspon dizajnerskih zadataka i interesa te koliko je snažan utjecaj dizajna na oblikovanje svakodnevice prosječnoga hrvatskog građanina. Predmeti izloženi u dionici dizajna često su još uvijek prisutni u našim domovima. Za razliku od uobičajenog muzejskog izloška, glavna vrijednost takvih masovno proizvedenih predmeta ne leži u njihovoj nedostupnosti. Dapače, jedan od razloga za njihovo uključivanje u postav upravo je njihova sveprisutnost (bilo stvarna, bilo memorijska). Stoga se u postavu ravnopravno nalaze drvena složiva igračka (Ante Jakić, prva polovica 1960-ih), primjerak nedavno ugašenog dvotjednika Zarez (Ira Payer,

01 Igračka Oblo / Oblo puzzle toy, Great Circle Works, dizajn / design: Marko Pavlović, suradnik / associate: Mladen Orešić, Kanada / Canada, 2010. 02 Bojice BOYA / BOYA crayons, dizajn / design: Maja Mesić, Zagreb 2010. 03 Igračka TO-TAK / TO-TAK toy, dizajn / design: Ante Jakić, 1960.−1965. 03


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Tina Ivezić, 2012.), mehanički kalkulator (Davor Grunwald, 1969.), Jadranove stolice iz studentskih menzi (Mladen i Marijan Orešić, 1984.) i električna grijalica Aerotherm (Božidar Lapaine, 1986.). U suvremenom svijetu dizajn je svuda oko nas. Upravo je zato važno razumjeti kako i zašto nastaju predmeti koju oblikuju naše živote. Ovaj je postav korak prema razumijevanju discipline koja ima snažan utjecaj na našu svakodnevicu, koja utječe na društvo i na koju društvo utječe.


01 Plakat DANTONOVA SMRT / DANTON’S DEATH poster, dizajn / design: Boris Bućan, Zagreb, 1969. 02 Plakat Chromos / Chromos poster, dizajn / design: Milan Vulpe, Zagreb, oko / circa 1954. 03 Plakat Graničarska pravda / Border Justice western poster, dizajn / design: Mihajlo Arsovski, Zagreb, 1966. 04 Plakat salon54 / salon54 poster, dizajn / design: Ivan Picelj, Hrvatska / Croatia, 1954.

arking the 140th anniversary of its founding and having presented it to the public on the museum’s anniversary, 17th February 2020, the Museum of Arts and Crafts completely changed the design section of its permanent exhibi02





tion setup. Changed for the first time after it was first presented 25 years ago, the new exhibition setup of the design section intended to present the achievements of Croatian design in the last 70 years. The new setup of the design section displays in chronological order 125 key Croatian industrial and graphic design items created in the period between World War II and the present day: the oldest item displayed is Ivan Picelj’s salon54 poster from 1954, and the youngest item is, created four years ago, a joint action by Croatian designers designed to support Croatia’s curriculum reform. Flowing circularly (more precisely, spirally because the design section setup ends at the stairway landing leading towards the third floor of the museum) and engaging in a



05 Časopis POP EXPRESS / POP EXPRESS magazine, dizajn / design: Mihajlo Arsovski, Zagreb, 1969. 06 Plakat Krvatska / Krvatska poster, dizajn / design: Boris Ljubičić, Zagreb, 1991. 07 Časopis ZAREZ / ZAREZ magazine, dizajn / design: Ira Payer & Tina Ivezić, ilustracija / illustration: Bojan Krištofić, Zagreb, 2012. 07


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When its permanent exhibition setup reopens, the Museum of Arts and Crafts will be the only place (in the world!) where the public will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of Croatian design in such a wide scope. One of the most important goals of the new exhibition setup was to present to the public just how wide the range of design tasks and interests is and just how strong the influence of design is on shaping the everyday life of an average Croatian citizen. The items displayed in the design section often still have a place in our homes. Unlike standard museum exhibits, the primary value of such mass-produced objects does not lie in their unavailability. Indeed, one of the reasons why the Museum of Arts and Crafts included them in its setup

is precisely their omnipresence (either real or in memory). The exhibition, accordingly, gives equal attention to a folding wooden toy (Ante Jakić, first half of the 1960s), a copy of the recently closed biweekly Zarez (Ira Payer, Tina Ivezić, 2012), a mechanical calculator (Davor Grünwald, 1969), Jadran chairs from the student canteen (Mladen and Marijan Orešić, 1984) and the Aerotherm electric heater (Božidar Lapaine, 1986). In today’s world, design is all around us. This is exactly why it’s important to understand how and why the items and objects that shape our lives are created. This setup is a step towards understanding a discipline that has a strong impact on our daily lives, that affects society and that is affected by society.


01 Plakat ANIMAFEST ZAGREB / ANIMAFEST ZAGREB poster, dizajn / design: Damir Gamulin & Tina Ivezić, Zagreb, 2012. 02 Plakat Kvetch / Kvetch poster, dizajn / design: Vanja Cuculić, Zagreb, 2006.

dialogue of sorts, different approaches to design, production and use are contrasted, compared and superseded. Designers and design items do not exist in a vacuum, but are bound by visible and less visible ties, collaborations and influences. In turn and despite the assumed linearity of the chronological approach to the setup, it was important to achieve an unhindered communication flow between individual sections (decades) and to evoke the interlacement of influences and inspirations drawn consciously and unconsciously from previous periods and works. Accordingly, to name just a few, the famous motif of the Chromos painter (Milan Vulpe, 1954) was reinterpreted fifty years later on the cover of the Nova Gallery newspaper (Dejan Kršić, 2006), echoes of wrought iron furniture (Vjenceslav Richter, Ferdo Rosić, Slava Antoljak, 1957-1959) are clearly recognisable in the contemporary works of Prostoria (the Polygon chair by Numen, 2017; the Strain chair by Simon Morasi Piperčić, 2017) and Grupa (the Model 1 floor lamp, 2010), and Bućan’s phantasmagoria from the Žar ptica/Petruška (1983) poster in a poster by Hrvoje Živčić and Dario Dević for Nikola Đurek’s typeface from 2011. 02


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Boje i mirisi zagrebačke jeseni ZAGREB’S AUTUMN COLOURS AND SCENTS


Proljetno je buđenje inspirativno, ljetnu bezbrižnost svi volimo, no jesen u Zagrebu sasvim je posebna. Teško je reći je li za to više zaslužna ljepota jesenskog ruha ili nevidljiva energija koja struji gradom.



Tekst/Text: Turistička zajednica grada Zagreba / Zagreb Tourist Board

Spring awakening is inspiring, we all love the laid-backness that summer brings, yet autumn in Zagreb is a very special season. It’s difficult to say which is more responsible for this − the charm of the colours of autumn draping the city or an invisible energy flowing across the city.


rošećite perivojima Donjega grada i gledajte kako jarko ljetno zelenilo postupno prepušta mjesto diskretnim nijansama žute, narančaste i crvene. Sunce se i dalje probija kroz krošnje, grije gradski asfalt i travnjake, ali osjetno blaže. Dočekajte zalazak na Strossmayerovu šetalištu i vidjet ćete divan prizor, no manje razmetljiv nego prije samo mjesec ili dva. Zagrepčani su se


vratili s odmora, opušteni, poletni i željni druženja. Ulice i trgovi ponovno oživljavaju, pune se pozitivnim vibracijama − u zraku se osjeća kolektivna želja da se preostalo vrijeme prije zimske stanke što bolje iskoristi. Društveni život prostire se na svježem zraku, od sjedenja po terasama, ležernih večernjih šetnji, pa do izleta i sportskih aktivnosti. Razna kulturna događanja na

otvorenome s razlogom biraju upravo dane u rujnu i listopadu. Toplo jesensko vrijeme kao stvoreno je za planinarenje po Sljemenu, otkrivanje gradskih park-šuma kao što su Grmoščica ili Dotrščina, bicikliranje po Jarunu i nasipu, ribolov na jezerima uz rijeku Savu. U šumama po Medvednici i okolnim gorjima uvijek je otvoren poziv na berbu gljiva i kestena, a tu su i festivali posvećeni jesenskim plodovima u slikovitim mjestima zagrebačke okolice. Posebnost nekih krajeva jesu

01 Leustekova planinarska staza koja vodi na vrh Medvednice The Leustek hiking trail leading to the top of Medvednica Mountain

I. Vinković/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives

02 Prva zagrebačka fontana iz 1878. na Zrinjevcu Zagreb’s first fountain from 1878 in Zrinjevac Park 03 Park Maksimir, glavna aleja The main alley of Maksimir Park 04 Jedan od mnogih zagrebačkih parkova One of Zagreb’s many parks 04


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01 Televizijski toranj na Sljemenu The television tower on Sljeme


best of the remaining time before the winter break. Zagreb’s social life unfolds in the open, people sitting on cafe and restaurant terraces, taking leisurely evening walks, going on short trips and doing sports activities. Various open-air culture-related events choose the days of September and October, and with good reason. Autumn’s warm weather is perfect for hiking on Sljeme Mountain, discovering city forest parks, such as Grmoščica or Dotrščina, cycling around Jarun Lake and the Sava River embankment, or fishing on the lakes spread along the Sava River. You’re always welcome to go mushroom and chestnut

bučijade, koje predstavljaju cijeli spektar proizvoda i specijaliteta od ove zdrave namirnice. U ruralnim predjelima većina radova u polju ionako je gotova, a to treba prikladno proslaviti. Možda još nije kasno ni za sudjelovanje u berbi grožđa u brojnim vinogradima na trima vinskim cestama oko Zagreba. A nakon toga slijede tradicionalne vinske svečanosti, koje će kulminirati na Martinje. Mlado vino, uz jabuke, kruške, dunje i vlažno lišće pod nogama, nezaobilazni je dio jesenske mirisne palete, siguran znak smjene godišnjih doba. U gradu je na prvome mjestu ipak miris prvih pečenih kestena s uličnih štandova. Pustite da vas izmami van, pogledom ispratite ptice koje u daljini lete prema jugu i prepustite se romantici zagrebačke jeseni.

J. Duval/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives

02 Užitak bicikliranja u prirodi The joys of cycling in nature

picking in the forests of Medvednica and the surrounding mountains, with many picturesque townlets in the immediate vicinity of Zagreb holding festivals dedicated to autumn fruits. Presenting a wide range of products and specialities made from this healthy food, squash and pumpkin festivals called bučijade are particularly interesting in some regions. In rural areas, most of the work in the fields is already done by autumn anyway, and that’s to be properly celebrated. It may not be too late to partake in grape harvesting in the many vineyards along the three wine routes around Zagreb. Harvesting is followed by traditional wine festivities, which culminate on the Feast of St. Martin (when new wine is traditionally and ritually christened given that St. Martin is worshiped around Europe as the patron saint of winemakers). New wine − coupled with apples, pears, quinces and moist leaves underfoot − is an unavoidable part of autumn’s fragrant palette, a sure sign of the changing of the seasons. Zagreb’s city streets are, on the other hand, filled with the smell of autumn’s first roasted chestnuts coming from street stalls. Let it lure you out as you watch the birds fly south in the distance and indulge in the romance of Zagreb’s autumn.

M. Gašparović/Arhiva TZGZ/ZTB archives


f you stroll through the parks of Zagreb’s Lower Town, you’ll notice the summer’s bright greenery gradually give way to discreet shades of yellow, orange and red. Although noticeably milder, the sun’s still breaking through the canopy heating the asphalt and lawns. Should you greet the sunset on the Upper Town’s Strossmayer Promenade, you’ll be welcomed by a sight which is beautiful yet less ostentatious than just a month or two ago. Zagrebians, the residents of Zagreb, have just returned from their summer holidays, relaxed, energetic and eager to socialise. The streets and squares come to life again, filled with positive vibes − the air seems to be filled with the people’s collective desire to make the



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Novo izdanje Touch Me Festivala

M. Castellanos

Touch Me Festival’s new edition

Piše/By _ Luja Šimunović

T. Bowditch



01 uh513 − María Castellanos & Alberto Valverde, Onkraj ljudske percepcije / Beyond Human Perception, 2020. 02 Thomas Thwaites, Goatman, 2015.


Od 17. rujna do 3. listopada u Zagrebu se održava međunarodni trijenale KONTEJNERA koji istražuje veze umjetnosti i znanosti: Touch Me Festival. U posljednjih pet izdanja od 2005. bavio se temama tamne materije, vremena, užitka, zlouporabe inteligencije i energije. Okupljajući poznate umjetnike, filozofe, kustose i teoretičare, ove je godine Touch Me veći nego ikad! Uz program koji istražuje nove oblike suživota između živih bića, prirode i tehnologije, dio festivala čine i programi EMAP − European Media Art Platform i Re-Imagine Europe. Na grupnoj izložbi Touch Me koju autorski potpisuju kustosi Jurij Krpan (SI), Klara Petrović (HR) i Luja Šimunović (HR) predstavljaju se renomirani međunarodni umjetnici koji djeluju na razmeđi umjetnosti, znanosti i tehnologije. U razmišljanju o onome što se događa kad se istinski riješimo opozicija priroda − kultura, živo − neživo, čovjek − nečovjek, ističu se Koen Vanmechelen (BE), Maja Smrekar (SI), Ionat Zurr i Oron Catts (AU), Thomas Thwaites (UK) i Ai Hasegawa (JP) kao umjetnici koji upravo to istražuju. Tereza Teklić (HR) i Olga Majcen Linn (HR) kustosice su grupne izložbe EMAP-a − mreže europskih kulturnih institucija i medijskih umjetničkih organizacija koje godišnje dodjeljuju potpore za produk-

ciju europskim medijskim umjetnicima. Ova izložba pruža izbor produkcija od 2018. do danas, a riječ je o radovima progresivnih, interdisciplinarnih umjetnika poput Robertine Šebjanič (SI) i Gjina Šutića (HR), Quimere Rose (ES/AR/FR) i umjetničkog dvojca uh513 koji čine María Castellanos i Alberto Valverde (ES). Re-Imagine Europe, međunarodni projekt i mreža kulturnih institucija iz cijele Europe koja se bavi društvenim i političkim izazovima s kojima se danas suočavamo, donosi bogat program performansa čija je kustosica Davorka Begović (HR). Kali Malone (SAD), Marco Donnarumma (IT), Anthea Caddy (AU) i drugi umjetnici su koji djeluju u sferi eksperimentalne glazbe i srodnih umjetničkih oblika, istraživanja zvuka, performansa i pokreta. Program izložbi, performansa, predavanja, razgovora s umjetnicima, filma i radionica Touch Me Festivala održava se u centru Zagreba. Smješten iza Tehničkog muzeja Nikole Tesle, veliki industrijski prostor muzeja HALA V pretvoren je u mjesto koje okuplja umjetničke i znanstvene stručnjake, kao i ljubitelje kulture i poklonike znanosti svih uzrasta. Za detaljan program i raspored brojnih aktivnosti posjetite kontejner.org/touchme ili pratite KONTEJNER na društvenim mrežama.

I. Slipčević

give annual production grants to emerging European media artists. It’s presenting a selection of productions from 2018 to date, showcasing works by progressive and interdisciplinary artists, such as Robertina Šebjanič (Slovenia), Gjino Šutić (Croatia), Quimera Rosa (Spain/Argentina/France) and uh513, an artist duo comprising María Castellanos and Alberto Valverde (Spain). Reimagine Europe − an international project and network of cultural institutions from across Europe addressing today’s social and political issues and challenges − is bringing a rich performance programme curated by Davorka Begović (Croatia). The artists that stand out with their work in the sphere of experimental music and related art forms, sound exploration and research, performance and movement are Kali Malone (US), Marco Donnarumma (Italy), Anthea Caddy (Australia) and others. Packed with exhibitions, performances, lectures, talks and discussions, film screenings and workshops, Touch Me Festival’s programme is taking place in Zagreb’s city centre. Adjacent to the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum, the museum’s large industrial Hall V is transformed into a hotspot bringing together experts in art and science, culture lovers and science enthusiasts of all ages. For a detailed programme and timetable, please visit www.kontejner.org/touch-me or follow KONTEJNER on social media.

V. Graf



03 Kali Malone, Bez naziva / Untitled 04 E.A. 1/1 S.V., Silvio Vujičić, The Lilies Series, 2020.

J. Snyder

From the 17th of September to the 3rd of October, Zagreb will be home to KONTEJNER’s international triennial centring on the interconnections between art and science − Touch Me Festival. In its past five editions since 2005, it explored the themes of dark matter, time, pleasure, abuse of intelligence and energy. Bringing together renowned artists, philosophers, curators and theorists, this year’s Touch Me Festival’s bigger than ever! This year’s programme is not only exploring new forms of co-existence between living creatures, nature and technology, but is also home to EMAP, the European Media Art Platform, and Reimagine Europe. Curated by Jurij Krpan (Slovenia), Klara Petrović (Croatia) and Luja Šimunović (Croatia), Touch Me Festival’s group exhibition is presenting renowned international artists who’ve been interconnecting art, science and technology. The artists that stand out with their explorations of what happens when we truly break free from our nature−culture, living−non-living and human−non-human oppositions are Koen Vanmechelen (Belgium), Maja Smrekar (Slovenia), Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts (Australia), Thomas Thwaites (UK) and Ai Hasegawa (Japan). Tereza Teklić (Croatia) and Olga Majcen Linn (Croatia) are curating EMAP’s group show − a network of European cultural institutions and media art organisations that

05 Anna Dumitriu & Alex May, ArchaeaBot: Oblik života nakon singularnosti i klimatske promjene (instalacija u sklopu festivala Ars Electronica 2018., Linz, Austrija) / ArchaeaBot: A Post Singularity and Post Climate Change Life-form (an installation at Ars Electronica Festival 2018, Linz, Austria), 2018.



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Festival Taste the Mediterranean 7. − 10. listopada Taste the Mediterranean Festival 7-10 October Piše/By _ Dubravka Tomeković Aralica 02

prehrane na UNESCO-ov popis nematerijalne kulturne baštine. Between 7th and 11th October, the seventh edition of Taste the Mediterranean, an international festival of Mediterranean food, gastronomy, products, cultural heritage and lifestyle, is bringing together in Split some of the best chefs of Spain, Greece, France, Morocco, Japan, Mexico , Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. The festival’s rich programme is featuring cooking demos by top chefs, training workshops for catering school students, panel discussions with distinguished speakers, guided wine tastings, exclusive four-course dinners and local product presentations. The festival’s also presenting the Mediterranean Women Chefs initiative which promotes increased representation of women on the culinary scene, and the special Day of Spain presenting Spain’s products, wines and



delicacies. The opening of the festival’s dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the inclusion of Mediterranean diet in UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. www.tastethemediterranean.eu

01 Chefovi svijeta na festivalu održanome 2019. Chefs from around the world at the 2019 festival 02 Srdele u sauru chefa Hrvoja Zirojevića Marinated sardines by chef Hrvoje Zirojević 03 Tartar od lista s tikvicama chefa Fabricija Vežnavera Common sole tartare with zucchini by chef Fabricio Vežnaver 04 Degustacije vina su pod stručnim vodstvom Wine tastings are under expert guidance 01


Fotografije/Photos: Taste the Mediterranean arhiva/archives

Taste the Mediterranean, sedmi međunarodni festival mediteranske prehrane, gastronomije, proizvoda, kulturne baštine i načina života, od 7. do 11. 10. 2020. u Splitu okuplja neke od najboljih chefova i chefica Španjolske, Grčke, Francuske, Maroka, Japana, Meksika, Italije, Slovenije i Hrvatske. Bogat program festivala sastoji se od kulinarskih demonstracija vrhunskih chefova, edukativnih radionica za polaznike ugostiteljskih škola, panel diskusija uglednih govornika, vođenih vinskih degustacija, ekskluzivnih četveroručnih večera te prezentacija lokalnih proizvoda. Festival predstavlja i inicijativu Mediterranean Women Chefs koja promiče veću zastupljenost žena u gastronomiji, a na posebnom Španjolskom danu predstavljaju se proizvodi, vina i delicije ove zemlje. Otvorenje festivala posvećeno je 10. godišnjici uvrštenja mediteranske


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11. Međunarodni festival fotografije Organ Vida − Neodlučne slike The Organ Vida International Photography Festival − Hesitant Images 01

2. rujna − 4. studenog 2020. Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Galerija Miroslav Kraljević, Galerija Karas, Galerija Zvonimir Organ Vida međunarodni je bijenalni festival fotografije koji se etablirao kao najznačajniji festival ove vrste u jugoistočnoj Europi. Organ Vida jedanaesti put okuplja međunarodne vizualne umjetnike u prostoru Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti u Zagrebu. Jedanaesto izdanje festivala pod naslovom Neodlučne slike stavlja naglasak na radove koji problematiziraju i proširuju poimanje vizualne reprezentacije. Neodlučnost iz naslova proizlazi iz specifičnog vida presijecanja fikcije i fak-

cije. Takve su slike istodobno eksplicitno lažne, nestvarne, falsificirane i autentične, a zapravo pokazuju napetosti i kontradikcije suvremene digitalne kulture. U prostoru Muzeja suvremene umjetnosti predstavit će se deset međunarodnih umjetnika odabranih putem javnog poziva: Liza Ambrossio, Martha Frieda Friedel, Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Zhao Qian, Oskar Schmidt, Samar Al Summary, Indre Urbonaite, Emilio Vavarella, Shelli Weiler i Alba Zari. Festivalski program uključuje i tri izložbe/ instalacije specifične za mjesto izlaganja pozvanih međunarodnih umjetnika, Meriem Bennani, Filipa Custica i Victorije Sin. Uz navedene izložbe festivalski program

nadopunjuje niz manjih izložbi u Galeriji Miroslav Kraljević (Deni Horvatić), Galeriji Karas (Katarina Juričić) i Galeriji Zvonimir (Verena Blok, Stefanie Zofia Schulz i Marvin Bonheur). 2nd September − 4th November 2020 Museum of Contemporary Art, Miroslav Kraljević Gallery, Karas Gallery, Zvonimir Gallery Bringing together international visual artists at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, the Organ Vida is an international bennial photography festival that has established itself as a leading festival of its kind in Southeast Europe. This year’s, 01 Organ Vida − Neodlučne slike, otvorenje festivala Organ Vida − Hesitant Images, the opening of the festival 02 Martha Frieda Friedel, éclat / éclat

Tekst/Text: Organ Vida tim/team

03 Filip Custic, Cariatyde nº7: recreando el mito de leda y el cisne / Karijatida nº7: ponovno stvaranje mita o Ledi i labudu / Caryatid No. 7: Recreating the Myth of Leda and the Swan




eleventh edition of the festival called Hesitant Images centres on works that deal with and expand the notion of visual representation. The idea of hesitancy in the title arises from a specific overlap between fiction and fact. Presenting the tensions and contradictions of today’s digital culture, such images are explicitly false, unreal, falsified yet authentic all at the same time. Ten international artists selected through a public call are presenting their work at the Museum of Contemporary Art − namely, Liza Ambrossio, Martha Frieda Friedel, Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Zhao Qian, Oskar Schmidt, Samar Al Summary, Indrè Urbonaitè, Emilio Vavarella, Shelli Weiler and Alba Zari. The festival’s programme also includes three site-specific exhibitions/installations by three invited international artists − namely, Meriem Bennani, Filip Custic and Victoria Sin − and is complemented by a series of smaller exhibitions held at the Miroslav Kraljević Gallery (Deni Horvatić), the Karas Gallery (Katarina Juričić) and the Zvonimir Gallery (Verena Blok, Stefanie Zofia Schulz and Marvin Bonheur).

04 Liza Ambrossio, Krvava naranča / Blood Orange 05 Deni Horvatić, Sken / Scan 06 Katarina Juričić, Narančasto i plavo / Orange and Blue





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TZGZ / ZTB - S. Kaštelan

Internacionalni festival eksperimentalnog filma i videa International Experimental Film and Video Festival 24. − 27. 9., Zagreb Na festivalu koji prati najnoviju produkciju avangardnoga i eksperimentalnog filma pogledajte filmove koje će vam predstaviti autori u zagrebačkome Studentskom centru. With films presented by their authors at the Student Centre in Zagreb, this festival screens the latest production of avant-garde and experimental films. www.25fps.hr

Varaždin i okolica Varaždin and surroundings Varaždinske barokne večeri Varaždin Baroque Evenings 18. − 27. 9., Varaždin Riječ je o specijaliziranom festivalu rane glazbe i jednome od

Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings Regata Fiumanka Fiumanka Regatta 24. − 27. 9., Rijeka I ove godine u riječkoj luci zabijelit će se jedra jedrilica i okupiti mnogo jedriličara. Različite regate, svaka s posebnim ciljem i pričom, udružit će se u 21. Fiumanki. Gathering many sailors, the Port of Rijeka will again be spotted with countless white sails. Different regatta groups, each with a specific goal and story, are sailing together in this year’s, 21st Fiumanka Regatta. fiumanka.com

TZGZ / ZTB - M. Mihaljević

Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings

najeminentnijih festivala ove vrste u svijetu. Varaždinske barokne večeri održavaju se u baroknim crkvama i palačama u Varaždinu i izvan grada. With music performances held in baroque churches and palaces in both Varaždin and its surroundings, this specialised early music festival is one of the most eminent festivals of this kind in the world. vbv.hr

Listopad October Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Festival svjetla Zagreb Zagreb Festival of Lights 1. − 4. 10. U povijesnoj jezgri grada Zagreba ujedinit će se najmodernija svjetlosna rješenja na temelju vrlo recentnih rasvjetnih tehnologija. Svjetlosne predstave održavaju se od 18 do 23 sata. With the help of cutting-edge lighting technologies, stunning lighting installations are displayed in Zagreb’s historic city centre. Light shows are held from 6 to 11 pm. www.festivalsvjetlazagreb.hr

TZ Malog Lošnja / Mali Lošinj Tourist Board / I. Brčić

Dani Orisa Days of Oris 12. − 13. 12., Zagreb Riječ je o međunarodnom arhitektonskom simpoziju koji organiziraju časopis Oris i Oris Kuća arhitekture. Dvodnevno događanje, koje se održava u dvorani Lisinski od 2001. godine, predstavlja najznačajnija imena svjetske arhitektonske scene.


Organised by the Oris magazine and the Oris House of Architecture, and held at the Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall (since 2001), this two-day international architecture symposium is hosting some of the biggest names in architecture. www.oris.hr Gospić i okolica Gospić and surroundings Jesen u Lici Autumn in Lika 2. − 4. 10., Gospić Na ovoj manifestaciji prezentiraju se tradicijske vrijednosti Like. Već tradicionalno ocjenjuju se med i rakija, u autentičnoj atmosferi posjetitelji imaju prigodu čuti izvornu narodnu pjesmu, ples ličkog kraja, ali i vidjeti izradu proizvoda od gline, bukara, tamburica itd. This festival’s presenting the traditions of the region of Lika, with TZ Gospića / Gospić Tourist Board

Rujan September

www.panorama-zagreb.com www.hupzagreb.com


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honey and rakija brandy rated and ranked every year. In an authentic atmosphere, you have the chance to listen to original folk songs, and to see Lika’s folk dances and the manufacturing of products made of clay, wooden ewers, tamburitzas, etc. www.plitvickedoline.hr Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings Kup Lošinja − regata Optimista The Lošinj Cup −The Optimists Regatta 30. 10. − 1. 11., Mali Lošinj U kriterijskoj regati najvišeg ranga za klasu Optimist natječu se djeca do 15 godina, a regatno polje smješteno je ispred malološinjske uvale Čikat. Kao i svake godine, očekuje se mnoštvo natjecatelja. A multitude of competitors are competing outside Čikat Bay in Mali Lošinj every year in this qualifying regatta of the highest rank in the Optimist Class for children up to the age of 15. www.visitlosinj.hr Pula i okolica Pula and surroundings 11. Festival terana i tartufa 11th Teran and Truffle Festival 10. 10., Motovun Ova jednodnevna izložba i degustacija terana okuplja istarske vinare. U ponudi su i jela od tartufa koja se najbolje sljubljuju s tom starom istarskom sortom. With truffle dishes that pair best with this old Istrian variety of grape also on offer, this one-day Teran-tasting festival is presenting Istrian winemakers. www.istra.hr Split i okolica Split and surroundings Dalmacija Ultra Trail 16. − 18. 10., Omiš Središnje mjesto događanja jest grad Omiš. Ovogodišnja utrka


povezat će pet planina − Biokovo, Mosor, Omišku Dinaru, Primorsku kosu i Kozjak, tri rijeke − Cetinu, Žrnovnicu i Jadro te poznate povijesne i kulturne lokacije poput Fortice, Kliške tvrđave i antičke Salone. With the town of Omiš being the central venue of the trail, this year’s race is interconnecting five mountains (Biokovo, Mosor, Omiš’s Dinara Mountain, Primorska Kosa and Kozjak), three rivers (Cetina, Žrnovnica and Jadro), and famous historical and cultural sites, such as the Starigrad Fortress or Fortica, the Fortress of Klis and the ancient town of Salona. dalmacijaultratrail.com

Studeni November Zagreb i okolica Zagreb and surroundings Zagreb Film Festival 8. − 15. 11., Zagreb Festival će se održati na uobičajenim gradskim lokacijama u kinu Europa, kinu Tuškanac i MSU-u. Od samog početka programski je usmjeren predstavljanju i promociji debitantskih filmova i novih autora. Taking place at regular cinemagoing locations − the Europa Cinema, the Tuškanac Cinema and the Museum of Contemporary Art − the festival’s main aim is to present and promote debut films and new authors. zff.hr 43. Interliber 43rd Interliber 10. − 15. 11., Zagreb Na Zagrebačkom velesajmu posjetite ovaj vodeći sajam knjiga. Izlagači predstavljaju svoja najnovija izdanja. Možete sudjelovati u panel raspravama poznatih pisaca i zanimljivim radionicama. At this leading book fair held at the Zagreb Fair, exhibitors present

their latest publications, famous writers partake in panel discussions and interesting workshops are held. www.zv.hr/interliber Reboot InfoGamer 12. − 17. 11., Zagreb Posjetite jedan od najvećih gaming sajmova i festivala u Europi koji se održava na Zagrebačkom velesajmu. I ove godine fokus je na predstavljanju najnovijih igara, hardvera itd. This year’s edition of Reboot InfoGamer, one of the biggest gaming fairs and festivals in Europe held at the Zagreb Fair, is focusing on presenting the latest games, hardware, etc. www.rebootinfogamer.hr Osijek i okolica Osijek and surroundings Martinje u Kutjevu The Feast of St. Martin in Kutjevo 7. 11., Kutjevo Ovo je tradicionalna manifestacija koja u proslavi dana sv. Martina okuplja velik broj planinara i izletnika. Na Trgu graševine odvija se obred krštenja mošta, zabavni program i degustacija mladih vina kutjevačkog vinogorja, a u ponudi je i bogat izbor slavonskih delicija. Drawing a large number of hikers and excursionists, this traditional event marks the Feast Day of St. Martin (worshiped around Europe as the patron saint of winemakers). The Graševina Square in Kutjevo is hosting the ritual of the christening of young wine, an entertainment programme and tastings of young wines from vineyards in the Kutjevo region, all of which is complemented by a rich offer of Slavonian delicacies. www.tzkutjevo.hr

Rijeka i okolica Rijeka and surroundings WineRi − Međunarodni eno-gastro festival WineRi − Wine and Gastro Festival 13. − 14. 11., Rijeka Ove godine festival se održava uz more, u velikom šatoru na Gatu Karoline Riječke, u kojemu će izlagati više proizvođača. Na festivalu izlažu ponajprije vinari, ali i proizvođači rakija i likera, pršuta, suhomesnatih proizvoda, sira, maslinova ulja i čokolade s područja Kvarnera, cijele zemlje i susjednih zemalja. This year’s festival is held by the sea, in a marquee on the Quay of Caroline of Rijeka, where different producers are exhibiting their products. The festival features winemakers, producers of brandy and liqueur, prosciutto, cured meat products, cheese, olive oil and chocolate from the Kvarner region, the rest of Croatia and neighbouring countries. wineri.aha.hr Dubrovnik i okolica Dubrovnik and surroundings Dubrovački zimski festival Dubrovnik Winter Festival 30. 11. Otvaranje festivala obilježit će i paljenje prve adventske svijeće te blagdanske rasvjete koja će obasjati zimsko ruho gradske povijesne jezgre. Uz niz koncerata na Stradunu, najljepšoj otvorenoj pozornici, Dubrovački simfonijski orkestar održat će tradicionalni Božićni koncert. The festival traditionally opens with the lighting of the first of the four Advent wreath candles and Christmas lights that will be illuminating the winter attire of Dubrovnik’s historic town centre. In addition to a series of concerts held on Stradun − Dubrovnik’s main street and a most beautiful open-air stage − the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra is holding a traditional Christmas concert. www.dubrovackizimskifestival.com

Color the experience!

T +385 20 773 100 F +385 20 773 322 E headoffice@airport-dubrovnik.hr www.airport-dubrovnik.hr CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2020

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To je Hrvatska Republika Hrvatska smjeπtena je uz istoËnu obalu Jadranskog mora i u njegovu zaleu. Proteæe se od obronaka Alpa na sjeverozapadu do panonske ravnice na istoku. Povrπina je njezina kopna 56.542 Ëetvorna kilometra, a povrπina teritorijalnog mora 31.067 Ëetvornih kilometara. U Hrvatskoj æivi, prema popisu iz 2011. godine, 4,284.889 stanovnika. Duæina je morske obale 5835 km zajedno s otocima, otoËiÊima i grebenima. Otoka, otoËiÊa i grebena ima 1185, a naseljeno je 47 otoka. Sluæbeni jezik jest hrvatski, a pismo latiniËno. NovËana jedinica − kuna. Glavni je grad Zagreb (790.017 stanovnika), koji je ujedno administrativno, kulturno, akademsko i trgovaËko srediπte zemlje. Hrvatska je međunarodno priznata 15. siječnja 1992. godine, a od 1. srpnja 2013. g. Ëlanica je Europske unije. This is Croatia The Republic of Croatia lies along the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and its hinterland. It stretches from the slopes of the Alps in the north-west to the Pannonian Plain in the east. Its land area is 56,542 km2 and the area of its territorial sea is 31,067 km2. According to the 2011 census, Croatia’s population was 4,284,889. The length of its sea coast is 5835 km, including islands, islets and reefs. There are 1185 islands, islets and reefs, of which 47 islands are inhabited. The official language is Croatian, and the official script is Latin. The currency is the Kuna. The capital is Zagreb (790,017 inhabitants), which is also the country’s administrative, cultural, academic and economic center. The Constitution of the Republic of Croatia was adopted on 22 December 1990, and the country received international recognition on 15 January 1992. Croatia became an EU member state on 1st July 2013. Nacionalni parkovi Hrvatska ima osam nacionalnih parkova, od kojih su Ëetiri u planinskom podruËju (Paklenica, PlitviËka jezera, Risnjak i Sjeverni Velebit), a Ëetiri na obalnom podruËju (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka i Mljet). Njima, kao prostor osobito vrijedne prirodne baπtine,


treba pridodati i podruËja pod strogom zaπtitom prirode, rezervate, spomenike prirode, parkove prirode. Zbog svih njih Hrvatsku mnogi smatraju jednim od najljepπih europskih vrtova. National parks Croatia has eight national parks, four of which are located in the mountain region (Paklenica, Plitvice Lakes, Risnjak and Northern Velebit), and four in the coastal region (Brijuni, Kornati, Krka and Mljet). Besides these, certain areas under strict nature protection ∑ reserves, natural monuments and natural parks ∑ should be mentioned as a natural heritage of special value. They have all contributed to Croatia’s being considered one of the most beautiful gardens of Europe. Proπlost za sadaπnjost Hrvatska obiluje kulturno-povijesnim spomenicima iz svih razdoblja zbog burnih povijesnih zbivanja i prepletanja utjecaja razliËitih kultura. Njezinu obalu karakteriziraju utjecaji mediteranske kulture, mnogi antiËki spomenici, spomenici iz rimskog razdoblja i ranoga srednjeg vijeka, romaniËko-sakralna baπtina te niz oËuvanih karakteristiËnih mediteranskih urbanih cjelina. Kontinentalna Hrvatska dio je srednjoeuropskoga kulturnog kruga i istiËe se mnogim prapovijesnim nalazima svjetske vaænosti, starim gradovima, utvrdama i dvorcima kasnoga srednjeg vijeka, kulturnim spomenicima i arhitekturom iz razdoblja baroka. Tri hrvatske urbane cjeline i dva spomeniËka kompleksa imaju status spomenika svjetske kulturne baπtine, koji dodjeljuje Unesco. To su kasnoantiËka Dioklecijanova palaËa, pregraena tijekom stoljeÊa u srednjovjekovni Split, gradovi Dubrovnik i Trogir te Eufrazijeva bazilika u PoreËu i katedrala sv. Jakova u ©ibeniku. Nacionalni park PlitviËka jezera, najljepπi i najpoznatiji hrvatski nacionalni park, takoer je dio Unescove Svjetske baπtine. A past for the present Croatia is rich in cultural and historical monuments from all eras, due to the turbulent events of history and the interlacing of influences of different cultures. Its coast is cha-

racterized by the influences of Mediterranean culture, numerous ancient remains, monuments of the Roman era and early Middle Ages, a Romanesque church heritage and a number of distinctive Mediterranean urban entities that have been preserved. Inland Croatia is a part of the Central European cultural circle and is distinguished by numerous prehistoric findings of world significance, by old towns, fortresses and castles dating from the late Middle Ages, and cultural monuments and architecture from the Baroque era. Three Croatian cities and two monumental com-plexes have the status of monuments of world cultural heritage accorded by UNESCO. These are the Late Antique Palace of Diocletian, remodeled through the centuries into the medieval city of Split, the cities of Dubrovnik and Trogir, the Basilica of Euphrasius in PoreË and the Cathedral of St. Jacob in ©ibenik. The national park of the Plitvice Lakes, Croatia’s most beautiful and celebrated national park, is also a part of UNESCO’s world heritage. Hrvatska - turistiËki hit na Sredozemlju Hrvatska je posljednjih godina − ocjenjuju meunarodni turistiËki znalci i statistiËari − hit-odrediπte na Sredozemlju. Hrvatska je blizu ne samo zbog svoga geografskog smještaja nego i zbog mreæe zraËnih luka i kvalitetnih usluga nacionalnog avioprijevoznika Croatia Airlinesa te drugih zraËnih prijevoznika. I zbog svoje mreæe autocesta i poluautocesta Hrvatska je bliæa nego ikad. Ako ste pak odabrali odmor na jednome od mnogih hrvatskih otoka, prijevoz trajektom ili hidrogliserom s kopna trajat Êe − i kad su posrijedi oni najudaljeniji − kraÊe od 2 sata. Croatia - a Mediterranean tourism success Croatia has been a hit destination in the Mediterranean in the past few years, say statisticians and international experts in tourism. Croatia is close not only because of its geographic position, but also because of its network of airports and the top quality services provided by Croatia Airlines, its

national carrier, as well as other airliners. Also, due to its network of highways and semi-motorways, Croatia is closer than ever. If you have decided to spend your vacation on any one of the numerous islands in Croatia, even the most distant ones, it will take less than 2 hours by ferry or hydrofoil from the mainland. Novac i naËin plaÊanja Kuna je na ziv novËane je dinice Republike Hrvatske. U optje caju su novËanice kuna (kn) i kovani novac kuna i lipa (lp), (100 lipa = 1 kuna). Mogu Êe je plaÊanje

kre ditnim kar ticama (Diners, Visa, American Express, Eurocard i Mastercard) i euro Ëekovima. Novac se moæe podizati i na bankomatima. Currency and payment methods The currency of the Republic of Croatia is called the Kuna (kn). In circulation are banknotes in Kuna and coins in Kuna and Lipa (lp) ∑ one hundredth. Payments can be made by credit card (Diners, Visa, American Expre ss, Eurocard and Mastercard), as well as euro-checks. Cash can be withdrawn from ATMs.

ZEMLJOVID HRVATSKE MAP OF CROATIA Odrediπta Croatia Airlinesa Croatia Airlines destinations stalna / regular sezonska ljetna / seasonal in summer

motorway, fast roads toll station tunnel, bridge other main roads national parks nature parks international border crossing petrol stations (0-24) airports ferry routes UNESCO World Heritage


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PROMET SE VRAĆA TRAFFIC’S BACK Zračna luka Split cijelo je vrijeme, pa i tijekom vrhunca pandemije, bila u kontaktu s ključnim korisnicima usluga. Split Airport has been in contact with key service users throughout the epidemic, including its peak. 100 _ CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2020


rhunac turističke sezone u Zračnoj luci Split nadmašuje skromna predviđanja nakon pojave pandemije. Tako je u srpnju ostvaren promet od nešto više od 170 tisuća putnika, dok se u kolovozu očekuje približno 270 tisuća. U prvom tjednu kolovoza ostvareno je 430 letova, od čega tri četvrtine čine komercijalni letovi, a jednu četvrtinu letovi poslovne i generalne avijacije. Zračna luka Split u ovoj je sezoni ponudila tržištu povezanost s približno 60 destinacija koju ostvaruje 35 avioprijevoznika. Provedbom svih epidemioloških mjera koje propisuju nacionalni i europski regulatori te posljedično ponovnim stjeca-


his year’s peak tourist season at Split Airport has exceeded the modest expectations following the pandemic. Accordingly, in July slightly more than 170 thousand passengers passed through the airport, while in August approximately 270 thousand passengers are expected. In the first week of August, 430 flights were operated, three quarters of which were commercial flights and one quarter were business and general aviation flights. This season, Split Airport has offered flights to approximately 60 destinations operated by 35 airlines. The implementation of all epidemiological measures taken by both national and

European regulators and the consequent regaining of passenger trust in air transport have resulted in aircraft occupancy rates improving significantly in the second part of the season. This extremely specific season has shown that a coexistence with pandemics is sustainable if all stakeholders in the transport system adhere to appropriate epidemiological measures. Also, although a vulnerable economic activity, tourism has in these challenging times shown resilience and endurance, confirming that Croatia is indeed a desirable destination. All these circumstances are reason enough for optimism and have laid the groundwork for the tourist seasons ahead.

njem povjerenja putnika u zračni prijevoz znatno se poboljšao faktor popunjenosti zrakoplova u drugom dijelu sezone. Ova iznimno specifična sezona pokazala je da je suživot s pandemijom itekako održiv ako se svi dionici u prometnom sustavu pridržavaju odgovarajućih epidemioloških mjera. Jednako tako, turizam kao osjetljiva gospodarska djelatnost pokazao je svojevrsnu otpornost i izdržljivost u ovim izazovnim vremenima te je ponovno potvrđena činjenica da je Republika Hrvatska itekako poželjna destinacija. Sve ove okolnosti razlog su za optimizam i čine dobar zalog za turističke sezone koje su pred nama.


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Catch your happiness! Fly Croatia Airlines to magnificent Croatian cities of Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Pula, Split and Zadar.




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Visa Gold Croatia Airlines kartica - 4 kune = 1 nagradna milja − za svake 4 kune potrošene preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja - 2000 milja dobrodošlice na Miles & More računu za nove korisnike - 1000 milja dobrodošlice za dodatnog člana - Putno osiguranje - Milje ne zastarijevaju - Dvostruke nagradne milje − za plaćanje u poslovnicama Croatia Airlinesa i PBZ Card Travela



EN >

Visa Gold Croatia Airlines card - 4 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 4 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile - 2000 welcome miles on Miles & More account for new basic and 1000 welcome miles for new additional card users - Travel insurance - Miles do not expire - Earn double award miles − using the card to pay at Croatia Airlines and PBZ Card Travel

Diners Club Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica - 5 kuna = 1 nagradna milja − za svakih 5 kuna potrošenih preko ove kartice, bilježi se 1 nagradna milja. - Prikupljajte nagradne milje svuda − jednostavno plaćajte svojom Diners Club karticom na bilo kojemu od 12,000.000 DC prodajnih mjesta u zemlji i inozemstvu. - 2 kartice − 1 račun Miles & More − koristite li se istodobno privatnom i poslovnom karticom Diners Cluba i Croatia Airlinesa, prikupljene nagradne milje zbrajaju se na istom računu Miles & More.

Diners Club Croatia Airlines credit card - 5 HRK = 1 award mile − for every 5 HRK spent via this card, you collect 1 mile

VISA Croatia Airlines kreditna kartica Croatia Airlines i Erste Card Club nude i VISA Croatia Airlines samostalnu karticu, poslovnu i privatnu. Potrošnja od 14 kuna u Hrvatskoj na samostalnim karticama donosi 1 nagradnu Miles & More milju, a za potrošenih 7 kuna u inozemstvu dobiva se preko kartica u paketu 1 nagradna Miles & More milja.

VISA Croatia Airlines credit card Croatia Airlines and Erste Card Club offer a VISA Croatia Airlines standalone credit card, both business and private. You will get 1 Miles & More award mile for every 14 HRK spent via standalone credit card whereas for every 7 HRK spent abroad via companion credit cards 1 Miles & More award mile will be credited to your account.

Više informacija možete pronaći na:

Please find detailed info at:



- Collect award miles everywhere − simply pay with your Diners Club Card in any of 12 million DC offices in Croatia or abroad - 2 credit cards − 1 Miles & More membership account − use your private and business card to collect award miles on the same membership account


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Naši putnici za nas su uvijek bili i ostat će prioritet! Our passengers have always been and remain a priority for us! Fotografije/Photos _ Šime Lugarov Piše/By _ Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić

Putnici su za nas uvijek na prvome mjestu, a osobito u ovo zahtjevno vrijeme koronavirusa, kad im nastojimo pružiti i dodatnu brigu i pažnju. Pomoć koju im pružamo odnosi se na različite oblike naših poslova i različite dijelove naše kompanije. Pritom poštujemo sve procedure kako bismo ih maksimalno zaštitili, o čemu svjedoče naši zaposlenici. Passengers always come first with us, particularly in today’s challenging times caused by the coronavirus pandemic, when we look to provide our passengers with extra care and attention. The help we provide to our passengers relates to different aspects of our business operations and different parts of our company. In doing so, we respect all procedures, and this with a view to protecting our passengers as much as possible, as witnessed below by our employees.

ROBERT KRULJAC Voditelj zemaljskih usluga i voditelj Kriznog stožera Ground Handling Manager and Crisis Manager U avioindustriji, u svakom trenutku, trebamo biti spremni na krize. No ipak, o situaciji poput ove s koronavirusom nismo mogli ni sanjati. Ova kriza za sve nas predstavlja veliki ispit znanja, a mi se doista trudimo sve svoje zadatke obaviti s najvišim ocjenama. S jednakom brigom prema našim putnicima, zaposlenicima i ostalim ciljnim skupinama donosimo potrebne odluke, spremno dočekujući svaki novi dan. Croatia Airlines dijeli sudbinu cjelokupne zrakoplovne industrije koja se zbog pandemije koronavirusa suočila s najdubljom krizom u svojoj povijesti. U cilju zaštite zdravlja putnika i osoblja kompanija nastavlja s provođenjem mnogih već implementiranih mjera. Članovi kabinske posade koji dolaze u izravan kontakt s putnicima i zemaljskim osobljem opremljeni su odgovarajućim zaštitnim sredstvima, zrakoplovi se svakodnevno dezinficiraju, prilikom redovitog čišćenja putničke kabine provode se pojačane higijenske mjere, a osoblju su na raspolaganju dezinfekcijska sredstva. Naši su zrakoplovi opremljeni visokokvalitetnim filterima za pročišćavanje zraka u putničkoj kabini, koji se uz konstantan protok dovodi iz atmosfere, a zrak u putničkom prostoru cirkulira vertikalno tako da je kvaliteta zraka sukladno provedenim istraživanjima i analizama međunarodnih zdravstvenih tijela jednaka kvaliteti zraka u operacijskim salama u bolnicama. Vjerujem kako vaša putovanja zrakoplovima Croatia Airlinesa mogu biti sigurna i ugodna i u vrijeme krize. In the aviation industry, we must be prepared for crises at all times. Yet, never in our wildest dreams could we have come up with a situation such as this one. This crisis has put our knowledge to the test, and we always give all our tasks our best shot. Ready for everything every single day, we make the necessary decisions with equal care for our passengers, employees and other target groups. Croatia Airlines has suffered the fate of the aviation industry as a whole, which has had to face the deepest crisis in its history due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Looking to protect the health of our passengers and staff, the company continues to implement the many measures already implemented. Cabin crew members who come into direct contact with passengers and ground crew are outfitted with appropriate personal protective equipment, our aircraft are disinfected daily, enhanced hygiene measures are taken during the routine cleaning of cabins, with various disinfectants available to cabin crew members. Our aircraft are equipped with high-quality cabin air purifier filters − fresh air is continuously introduced from the atmosphere, with the air in the passenger cabin circulating vertically. This means that the air quality in our passenger cabins equals the air quality in hospital operating theatres, which is the conclusion of research and analysis conducted by international health authorities. I believe that your flights aboard Croatia Airlines aircraft can be safe and comfortable even in times of crises such as this one.

PETRA NUELATI Djelatnica Kontakt centra A Contact Centre employee U ovom vrlo zahtjevnom razdoblju svim našim putnicima nastojimo izaći ususret i ponuditi im odgovore na njihova pitanja vezana uz letove te im osigurati sve potrebne informacije. Otvorili smo i dodatne telefonske linije i angažirali dodatno osoblje kako bismo na vrijeme odgovorili našim dragim putnicima. In these challenging times we strive to meet the needs of all our passengers, offer them answers to their questions concerning their flights and provide them with all the necessary information. We’ve also had additional phone lines installed and hired additional staff to be able to respond in time to our dear passengers.

TOMISLAV DOLOVSKI Kapetan / A captain Danas s još više entuzijazma letimo i povezujemo Hrvatsku s ostatkom svijeta. Poseban izazov bili su nam humanitarni letovi u kojima smo kao nacionalni avioprijevoznik rado sudjelovali. Bila je to najvažnija utakmica 21. stoljeća. Podsjetio bih kako je u ovom iznimno zahtjevnom razdoblju epidemiološke krize naša kompanija u smanjenom opsegu nastavila s radom. I tijekom ove jeseni Croatia Airlines planira povezivati Zagreb, Split i Dubrovnik s mnogim europskim odredištima te povezivati hrvatske gradove, pridržavajući se dosljedno svih preporučenih mjera zaštite putnika i posade. Naša je kompanija i u ovim kriznim vremenima potvrdila svoju stratešku ulogu u hrvatskoj prometnoj infrastrukturi jer konstantno pridonosi održavanju prometne povezanosti odnosno hrvatskom turizmu i gospodarstvu u cijelosti. Today, we fly and connect Croatia with the rest of the world with even greater enthusiasm. Crisis-related flights have been a special challenge, which we, as Croatia’s flag carrier airline, have gladly participated in. It was the most important game of the 21st century. I’d like to remind you all that, in these extremely challenging times of the epidemic, our company has continued to operate a reduced number of flights. During this autumn, Croatia Airlines is planning to continue connecting Zagreb, Split and Dubrovnik with many European destinations, and to continue interconnecting Croatian cities, while consistently adhering to all the recommended passenger and crew health protection measures. Even during these times of crisis, our company has confirmed its strategic role in Croatia’s transport infrastructure given that it continually contributes to maintaining transport connectivity, i.e. Croatia’s tourism and economy as a whole.


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JELENA PECIKOZIĆ Domaćica zrakoplova A flight attendant Naša kompanija prati i implementira sve preporuke Europske agencije za sigurnost zračnog prometa (EASA), koje uključuju primjenu zaštitne opreme za djelatnike, putnike, dezinfekciju zrakoplova i socijalnu distancu u kabini zrakoplova. Također od svibnja ove godine na svim našim letovima obavezno je korištenje zaštitnih maski ili pokrivala za lice. Nama je neobično imati manje letova i putnika, no odgovornim ponašanjem svih nas vjerujemo da ćemo vrlo brzo opet raširiti krila Croatia Airlinesa. Our company’s been monitoring and implementing all the recommendations made by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), including the use of protective face masks or face covers by both our employees and passengers − which is mandatory on all our flights as of May this year − aircraft disinfection and social distancing measures in the cabin. Having fewer flights and passengers is very unusual for us, but if we all behave responsibly, we believe that we’ll soon spread the wings of Croatia Airlines again.

VJEKOSLAV PINJUŠIĆ Aviomehaničar An aeromechanic U Croatia Airlinesu na prvom je mjestu sigurnost u svim dijelovima poslovanja i sa sigurnošću nema kompromisa. Dezinfekcija, provjera filtera, dodatne mjere zaštite za naše putnike i zaposlenike danas su aktivnosti koje s mnogo odgovornosti svakodnevno obavljamo. Štitimo tako naše i zdravlje naših putnika, stavljajući javnozdravstveni interes na prvo mjesto. At Croatia Airlines, safety comes first in all parts of our business operations. There’s no compromise with safety. Disinfection, filter checks, implementing additional protective measures for our passengers and employees are tasks that we’ve been performing very responsibly every day. This is how we’ve protected our health and that of our passengers, and this is how public health interest has come first.



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S nama putujete sigurno You travel safely with us Piše/By _ Ana Ćulumović Šoštarić

Zahvaćeni globalnom krizom prouzročenom virusom COVID-19 proteklih smo mjeseci uveli brojne mjere kako bismo zaštitili svoje putnike i osoblje jer naš je prioritet sigurnost putnika. Affected by the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus, we’ve introduced a number of measures in recent months to protect our passengers and employees because safety is our priority.


zaposlenika tvrtke zadržala na najvišoj razini. I u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima prioritet su nam putnici, a posebno oni koji su već kupili karte za domaće i međunarodne letove. Zbog velikog broja telefonskih poziva u našem Kontakt centru otvorili smo dodatnu liniju kako bismo svim putnicima u najkraćem roku izašli u susret te kako bi se regulirala njihova prava. Podsjećamo, od 4. svibnja ove godine na svim našim letovima obvezno je korištenje zaštitnih maski ili pokrivala za lice. Slijedeći odluke i upute

Š. Lugarov

skladu s novonastalom situacijom vezanom uz pandemiju koronavirusa, Croatia Airlines kao nacionalni avioprijevoznik kontinuirano prilagođuje poslovne aktivnosti aktualnom epidemiološkom stanju u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu te preporukama hrvatskih i svjetskih javnozdravstvenih vlasti. Važno je naglasiti kako naš Ured za upravljanje kriznim situacijama i izvanrednim događajima također aktivno prati razvoj situacije te kontinuirano planira i poduzima sve potrebne mjere kako bi se zdravstvena sigurnost putnika, članova posade zrakoplova i svih drugih

112 _ CROATIA AIRLINE3 3/2020

javnozdravstvenih i civilnih zrakoplovnih vlasti, ovu zaštitnu mjeru kompanija je preventivno donijela kako bi se smanjio potencijalni rizik prenošenja koronavirusa tijekom leta. U skladu s novom mjerom, putnici na let trebaju doći sa zaštitnim maskama ili pokrivalima za lice te ih koristiti tijekom cijelog boravka u putničkoj kabini zrakoplova. U cilju zaštite zdravlja putnika i osoblja kompanija nastavlja i s provođenjem mnogih drugih već implementiranih mjera. Članovi kabinske posade koji dolaze u izravan kontakt s putnicima i zemaljskim osobljem opremljeni su odgovarajućim zaštitnim sredstvima, zrakoplovi se svakodnevno dezinficiraju, prilikom redovitog čišćenja putničke kabine provode se pojačane higijenske mjere, a osoblju su na raspolaganju različita dezinfekcijska sredstva. Naši su zrakoplovi opremljeni visokokvalitetnim filterima za pročišćavanje zraka u putničkoj kabini, koji se uz konstantan protok dovodi iz atmosfere, a zrak u putničkom prostoru cirkulira vertikalno tako da je kvaliteta zraka sukladno provedenim istraživanjima i analizama međunarodnih zdravstvenih tijela jednaka kvaliteti zraka u operacijskim salama u bolnicama. Ovisno o popunjenosti zrakoplova kabinsko osoblje razmjestit će putnike na način da među njima postoji najveći mogući razmak, osim za članove obitelji kod kojih se neće inzistirati na održavanju razmaka. Zadnji red u zrakoplovu ostaje prazan kako bi se na taj način osiguralo mjesto za slučaj da se kod nekog od putnika za vrijeme trajanja leta pojave simptomi koji bi mogli upućivati na COVID-19.

U svim segmentima našeg poslovanja naglasak je stavljen na sigurnost.

A. Grubelić

Emphasis is placed on safety in all segments of our business operations.

Putnicima preporučujemo da zbog trenutnih ograničenja u zračnim lukama i u zrakoplovu kad god je to moguće putuju bez dodatne ručne prtljage te da prtljagu predaju na šalterima za registraciju putnika. Croatia Airlines kao društveno odgovorna kompanija u ovim izvanrednim okolnostima uzrokovanim višom silom putnicima nudi fleksibilne uvjete putovanja, a sve se informacije transparentno i ažurno objavljuju na našim internetskim stranicama www.croatiaairlines.hr. Dragi putnici, pridržavajući se svih navedenih mjera, zajedno možemo raširiti krila i osigurati da naša putovanja ostanu sigurna i ugodna čak i u vrijeme krize.


roatia Airlines, Croatia’s flag carrier airline, has continuously been adapting its business activities to the current epidemiological situation in Croatia and abroad, and implementing the recommendations made by the competent Croatian public health and world health authorities. It’s important to highlight that our Crisis and Emergency Management Office has also actively been monitoring the development of the situation, and has continuously been planning and taking all necessary measures to ensure the health and safety

of passengers, cabin crew members and all other company employees. Even in these extraordinary circumstances, our passengers are our priority, especially those who’ve already bought air tickets for domestic and international flights. Due to an increase in the number of telephone calls and inquiries that our Contact Centre has to handle, we’ve had an additional phone line installed to be able to deal with passenger inquiries as quickly as possible, and to help them regulate and exercise their rights. We remind you that, as of 4th May this year, the use of protective masks or face covers is mandatory on all our flights. Following the decisions and recommendations made by public health and civil aviation authorities, this protective and preventive measure was taken by the company to minimise the potential risk of in-flight coronavirus transmission. This new measure requires that passengers board their flight wearing a protective mask or face cover, and that they have them on throughout their entire stay in the cabin of the aircraft. Aiming to protect the health of our passengers and employees, the company continues to implement measures already implemented at an earlier date. Cabin crew

members who come into direct contact with passengers and ground crew are outfitted with appropriate protection, our aircraft are disinfected daily, enhanced hygiene measures are taken during the routine cleaning of cabins, with various disinfectants available to cabin crew members. Our aircraft are equipped with high-quality cabin air purifier filters ∑ fresh air is continuously introduced from the atmosphere, with the air in the passenger cabin circulating vertically. This means that the air quality in our passenger cabins equals the air quality in hospital operating theatres, which is the conclusion of research and analysis conducted by international health authorities. Depending on aircraft occupancy, our cabin crew makes sure that as great a distance as possible is maintained between passengers during seating allocation, except for family members who aren’t required to maintain a distance between themselves. The back row of our aircraft remains empty ∑ back-row seats are kept empty for passengers who may develop COVID-19 symptoms during flights. Due to current restrictions at airports and on board aircraft, passengers are advised to travel without additional hand luggage whenever possible and to check in their luggage at check-in counters. Even in these extraordinary circumstances that we couldn’t have any influence over, as a socially responsible company, Croatia Airlines is offering its passengers flexible travel arrangements, with all relevant information available at and regularly updated on our website www.croatiaairlines.com. Dear passengers, by adhering to all of the above measures, together we can spread our wings and ensure that our flights remain safe and comfortable even in times of crises such as this one. Elegantni kontrast bež i crne u colour-block formuli An elegant contrast between Latest info: beige and black in colour www.croatiaairlines.com block formula


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Dopuštena ručna prtljaga za putnike ekonomskog razreda je 1 komad, a za putnike poslovnog razreda 2 komada (težine do 8 kg i zbroja dimenzija do 115 cm) Veće komade ručne prtljage spremite u pretince, a manje torbe označene privjeskom Prtljaga za avion stavite ispod sjedala ispred vas, osim u redovima kod izlaza za slučaj opasnosti. Dodatno, svaki putnik može ponijeti u kabinu: - 1 komad osobne prtljage najveće dopuštene veličine 40x30x10 cm - putuje li s djetetom do 2 g. - 1 dječja kolica ili autosjedalicu ili nosiljku te hranu za bebe - bolesne i invalidne osobe mogu ponijeti ortopedska pomagala ili protetske naprave

The hand baggage allowance for economy class passengers is 1 piece and for business class passengers 2 pieces (weighing up to 8 kg, whose total sum of dimensions does not exceed 115 cm). Your hand baggage must be stowed in overhead compartments. All smaller bags with a Carry-on Baggage tag must be placed under the seat in front of you, except in emergency exit rows. Each passenger may additionally take into the passenger cabin the following: - 1 personal item whose maximum size does not exceed 40x30x10 cm (16x12x4 in); - each passenger travelling with a child under 2 years of age is also allowed to take aboard 1 infant's carrying basket or a fully collapsible stroller/pushchair or a car seat and baby food; - disabled passengers may also take 1 pair of crutches and/or braces or any other prosthetic device.

20 cm 100ml

30 cm


20 cm TEKUĆINE U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI U zrakoplov se smiju unositi: - tekućine kupljene u duty free prodavaonicama ili u zrakoplovu, pod uvjetom da su spremljene u prozirne plastične vrećice, zapečaćene prilikom kupnje (STEB) i ne smiju se otvarati do krajnjeg odredišta - tekućine pakirane u pojedinačnim pakiranjima do 100 ml ili 100 g u prozirnoj plastičnoj vrećici sa zatvaračem do 1 litre - tekućine koje se tijekom leta koriste u medicinske svrhe ili zbog posebnih prehrambenih potreba (dječja hrana). Ostale tekućine mogu se prevoziti u predanoj prtljazi. LIQUIDS IN YOUR HAND BAGGAGE

Carry-on baggage

10 cm

Please place this bag under the seat in front of you.

The following can be taken aboard our aircraft:

Not for exit rows.

40 cm

55 cm

20 cm

40 cm


- liquids purchased in airside duty free shops past the airport security check, provided they are stored in transparent plastic bags, sealed when purchased (STEB) and remain unopened until your final destination; - liquids packed in individual packaging up to 100 ml or 100 gr and stored in a transparent plastic bag with a zipper (up to maximally 1 litre); - liquids that are to be used during flights for medical purposes or for special nutritional needs (baby food). Other liquids can be transported in your checked baggage.


o ŽIVOTINJE U PUTNIČKOJ KABINI U kabini se istodobno mogu prevoziti samo dvije životinje - dva psa ili dvije mačke. Prijevoz psa i mačke na istome letu nije dozvoljen. Životinje mogu putovati isključivo u torbi za nošenje i prijevoz kućnih ljubimaca, a tijekom cijeloga leta moraju biti u torbi ispod prednjeg sjedala. Životinje koje se zbog veličine ne mogu prevoziti u putničkoj kabini prevoze se u prtljažniku zrakoplova. Putnik je dužan pribaviti potrebnu dokumentaciju. Prijevoz životinja treba unaprijed rezervirati i dodatno se plaća u poslovnicama. ANIMALS IN THE PASSENGER CABIN On the same flight, only two animals can be transported at the same time either two dogs or two cats. The transportation of dogs and cats on the same flight is not permitted. A passenger can carry only one pet bag to be held under the seat in front of the passenger throughout the entire flight. Animals that cannot be transported in the passenger cabin due to their size are transported in the aircraft hold if they meet certain conditions. Passengers are required to obtain all the necessary documentation. Animal transportation must be booked in advance at an additional charge to be paid in any branch office.

ELEKTRONIČKI UREĐAJI U RUČNOJ PRTLJAZI Upotreba elektroničkih uređaja dopuštena je isključivo u zrakoplovnom radu, a teže i veće uređaje potrebno je pospremiti dok je upaljen znak obaveznoga vezanja.

Dopuštene elektroničke naprave: - mobilni / pametni telefoni - tablet računala - slušalice za suzbijanje buke - digitalni audio / MP3 uređaji - elektroničke igre - e-čitači - prijenosna / notebook računala - prijenosni DVD / CD uređaji - Bluetooth uređaji - kamere - medicinski uređaji - električni brijaći aparati Zabranjene elektroničke naprave: - elektronički uređaji za simuliranje pušenja - samobalansirajući uređaji koji sadrže litijeve baterije nisu dozvoljeni u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi




The use of electronic devices is allowed only in airplane mode. Heavy and large devices must be stored away while the seat belt sign is on. Electronic devices allowed aboard our aircraft: - mobile/smart telephones - tablet computers - noise-cancelling headphones - digital audio/MP3 players - electronic games - e-book readers - laptop/notebook computers - portable DVD/CD players - Bluetooth devices - cameras - medical devices - electric shavers Electronic devices not allowed aboard our aircraft: - electric smoking simulation devices - self-balancing devices that run on lithium batteries are not allowed in either your hand baggage or checked baggage

Zakonom je zabranjeno nošenje opasnoga materijala u ručnoj i predanoj prtljazi. To su eksplozivi, lako zapaljive tekućine i čvrste tvari, radioaktivni materijali, infektivne tvari i otrovi, oružje, stlačeni plinovi, korozivna i oksidirajuća sredstva itd. ITEMS NOT ALLOWED The carrying of hazardous items and materials in either your hand baggage or checked baggage is prohibited by law. These are explosives, flammable liquids and solids, radioactive materials, infectious substances and poisons, weapons, compressed gases, corrosive and oxidising agents, etc.

USLUGA TIJEKOM LETA Svi su obroci i pića u našim zrakoplovima besplatni, a usluga ovisi o razredu prijevoza, duljini leta i dobu dana. Nudimo vam mogućnost kupnje na letu u našem Sky shopu. Za posebne prigode postoji mogućnost kupnje torte i pjenušca koje poslužujemo na letu. Dopuštena je konzumacija samo onih alkoholnih pića koja su poslužena u zrakoplovu. SERVICE DURING FLIGHTS All meals and drinks aboard our aircraft are free of charge, and the service offered depends on the travel class, the length of flight and the part of day of the flight. During your flight, you can shop in our Sky Shop. For special occasions, a cake and sparkling wine can be purchased to be served during the flight. The consumption of only those alcoholic beverages that are served aboard our aircraft is allowed. CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2020

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WE’RE INVESTING IN TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE TRAVEL MORE REWARDING. At Star Alliance, we are working with our member airlines to make earning and spending miles/points more exciting. You may not see it but you will feel it. Watch the full story here:



Dublin Copenhagen



Berlin Dusseldorf

Brussels Paris




Zurich Lyon




Sarajevo Zadar Split Bol Rome Dubrovnik



Code Share Partners

Star Alliance Members

Air Canada


Eva Air

Air France

Air Canada

LOT Polish Airlines

Air India

Air China



Air India

Scandinavian Airlines


Air New Zealand

Shenzhen Airlines

Austrian Airlines

ANA - All Nippon Airways

Singapore Airlines

Brussels Airlines

Asiana Airlines

South African Airways


Austrian Airlines


LOT Polish Airlines


TAP Air Portugal


Brussels Airlines

Thai Airways International


Copa Airlines

Turkish Airlines

Singapore Airlines

Croatia Airlines

United Airlines

Swiss International Air Lines



TAP Portugal

Ethiopian Airlines


Turkish Airlines

Napomena: Sve navedene informacije podloĹžne su promjenama ovisno o trenutnoj situaciji s pandemijom izazvanom virusom COVID-19. Note: All the information provided is subject to change based on the current situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

United Airlines


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Zrakoplovi Airbus A320-200, Airbus A319-100 i Dash8 - Q400 tvore naπu flotu. Our fleet consists of A320-200, Airbus A319-100 and Dash8 - Q400 aircraft. Specifikacije / Specifications

Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400

Raspon krila / Wing span (m/ft)

35,8 / 117

35,8 / 117

28,42 / 93,24

Duljina trupa / Fuselage length (m/ft)

37,6 / 123

33,84 / 111

32,83 / 107,71

NajveÊa dopuπtena teæina u polijetanju / Maximum take off weight (kg) 73 500

64 000

29 257

NajveÊa visina leta / Maximum cruising altitude (m/ft)

11 920 / 39 100

11 900 / 39 000

7620 / 25 000

Povrπina krila / Wing area (m²/ft²)

122,40 / 1318

122,40 / 1318

63,08 / 679

NajveÊa letna brzina / Maximum cruising speed (km/h)

834 (450 KTS)

834 (450 KTS)

667 (360 KTS)

Pogonska grupa / Power-plants

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 CFM 56

motori / engines x 2 PW 150A

Broj zrakoplova u floti / Number of aircraft in fleet




Broj sjedala / Number of seats




Airbus A320-200

Airbus A319-100

Dash8 - Q400


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Prije svakog leta provjeriti da dron radi ispravno i da je sva oprema odgovarajuće pričvršćena Before each flight, make sure that the unmanned aircraft is operating properly, and that all equipment is properly and securely attached Nije dopušteno letenje na visini većoj od 120 metara iznad razine tla Flying an unmanned aircraft is allowed up to 120 meters above the surface

LETENJE DRONOM flying a drone

Nije dopušteno letenje na manjoj horizontalnoj udaljenosti od 30 metara od ljudi Make sure to keep a horizontal distance of at least 30 meters from people during the flight Letenje iznad skupine ljudi nije dopušteno i nije dopušteno letenje na manjoj horizontalnoj udaljenosti od 50 metara od skupine ljudi Flying over assemblies of people is not allowed and the horizontal distance from an assembly of people must be at least 50 meters

Nije dopušteno letenje izvan vidnog polja pilota na daljinu Flying beyond the pilot’s visual line of sight is not allowed

Nije dopušteno letenje u kontroliranom zračnom prostoru i na udaljenosti manjoj od 5 kilometara od referentne točke aerodroma Flying an unmanned aircraft in controlled airspace or within the radius of 5 kilometers from the aerodrome reference point is not allowed

Ova pravila letenja vrijede u Republici Hrvatskoj do 31.12.2020. godine. Od 31.12.2020. godine u primjenu stupa Uredba (EU) 2019/947 koja će uređivati pravila letenja dronovima na području Europske unije.

These rules of flight are valid in the Republic of Croatia until 31st December 2020. On 31st December 2020 Regulation (EU) 2019/947 will come into force, which regulates the operation of unmanned aircraft in the airspace of the European Union.

Nije dopušteno letenje bespilotnim zrakoplovom operativne mase veće od 900 g bez prethodne prijave ili odobrenja nadležne kontrole zračnog prometa Flying an unmanned aircraft of an operating mass greater than 900 grams is not allowed without prior notification or approval from the competent air traffic control

Pilot na daljinu odgovoran je za sigurno izvođenje svakog leta The remote pilot is responsible for the safe conduct of each flight

Hrvatska agencija za civilno zrakoplovstvo Ul. grada Vukovara 284, Zagreb T +385 1 2369 300 / F +385 1 2369 301 uas@ccaa.hr / www.ccaa.hr



Mobilna aplikacija Croatia Airlinesa vaš najbolji suputnik!

S. Jungić

Croatia Airlines mobile app your best travel companion!

Dolazni terminali / Arrival terminals

Preuzmite našu mobilnu aplikaciju i imat ćete sve što vam je potrebno prije i za vrijeme leta nadohvat ruke: kupnja aviokarata, red letenja, status leta, check-in, ponude i još mnogo toga... Aplikacija je dostupna na hrvatskom, engleskom, njemačkom i francuskom jeziku. Download it and have everything you need before and during your flight with us in the palm of your hand: flight booking, timetable, flight status, check-in, offers and more... Our app is available in Croatian, English, German and French.





Schiphol Amsterdam Airport Athens International Airport Barcelona El Prat Airport Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport Brussels Airport Zaventem Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport Copenhagen Airport Düsseldorf Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino Airport Frankfurt Airport St Petersburg Pulkovo Airport Gatwick Airport Heathrow Airport Lisbon International Airport Lyon Saint-Exupery International Airport Malpensa Airport Munich Airport Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport Vaclav Havel Airport Prague Sarajevo International Airport Skopje Alexander the Great Airport Ben Gurion International Airport Berlin Tegel Airport Venice Marco Polo Airport Vienna Airport Zurich Airport

terminal 3 main terminal terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal B terminal 2D terminal 2 terminal A terminal 3 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal S terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 1 terminal 2 terminal 2 terminal 1 terminal B main terminal terminal 3 terminal A, C main terminal terminal 3 terminal 2

Informacije o polascima autobusa / Bus departure information




Polasci svakog dana s gradskog terminala (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) prema Zračnoj luci Zagreb Departures daily from the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb) to the Zagreb International Airport: 5.00 - 5.30 - 6.00 - 6.30 - 7.00 - 7.30 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 10.00 - 10.30 - 11.00 - 11.30 - 12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 13.30- 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 - 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Polasci svakog dana iz Zračne luke Zagreb prema gradskom terminalu (Autobusni kolodvor, Držićeva bb) Departures daily from the Zagreb International Airport to the Town Terminal (Main Bus Station, Držićeva bb): 7.00 - 8.00 - 8.30 - 9.00 - 9.30 - 10.30 - 11.30 -12.00 - 12.30 - 13.00 - 13.30 - 14.00 - 14.30 - 15.00 - 15.30 16.00 - 16.30 - 17.00 - 17.30 - 18.00 - 18.30 - 19.00 - 19.30 - 20.00 Za više informacija, molimo nazovite / For more information, please call: ZAGREB (01) 6331-982, 6331-999 SPLIT (021) 203-508 DUBROVNIK (020) 773-377 ZADAR (020) 250-094

RIJEKA (051) 330-207, 336-757 CROATIA AIRLINES 3/2020

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Ana Katušić Bojanac


Gledaj očima djece i vidjet ćeš da more može biti i zlatne boje. See the world through children’s eyes and you’ll find that the sea can also be the colour of gold.

Dragi putnici! Hvala svima koji su nam poslali fotografije tijekom ovog neuobičajenog proljeća i ljeta i upoznali nas s novim krajevima i doživljajima. Nadamo se da ćete tijekom ove jeseni moći otputovati na željenu destinaciju i letjeti s nama te vas pozivamo da zabilježite posebne trenutke i sudjelujete u našem novome nagradnom natječaju. Uz jednu rečenicu u kojoj objašnjavate zašto volite putovati, pošaljite nam kvalitetnu fotografiju. Autora najkreativnije fotografije nagradit ćemo s jednom povratnom aviokartom po izboru za neko od odredišta Croatia Airlinesa, a druga dva dobitnika primit će naš promotivni paket. U ovom broju putnoga časopisa jednom povratnom aviokartom Croatia Airlinesa za najbolju fotografiju nagrađujemo Martinu Kobaš. Promotivnim paketom nagradit ćemo Anu Katušić Bojanac i Camillu Egeborg Møller. Posjetite našu web stranicu www.croatiaairlines.hr (Ponude/Nagradne igre i natječaji), pogledajte uvjete i sudjelujte. Sretno!

Camilla Egeborg Møller

Dear passengers! We thank all of you who’ve sent us photos during this extraordinary spring and summer, and introduced us to new places and experiences. We hope that, during autumn, you’ll be able to travel to the destinations of your choice and fly with us. We invite you to record special moments on camera and enter our latest competition. Explain to us why you like travelling in a single sentence and send us a quality photograph. The first prize winner and author of the most creative photograph will be awarded one return air ticket to one of Croatia Airlines’ destinations of her/his choice, and two consolation prize winners will each receive a gift package. In this issue of our inflight magazine, Martina Kobaš has been awarded one Croatia Airlines return air ticket for best photograph. Ana Katušić Bojanac and Camilla Egeborg Møller have each won a promotional gift package. For the details of the competition and how to enter, please visit our website at www.croatiaairlines.com (Offers/Prize contest). Good luck!

Imala ja 20 ili 80 godina, nikada nije ni prerano ni prekasno da spakiram kovčeg i krenem u novu avanturu. Zato volim putovati. Regardless of whether you’re 20 or 80, it’s never too early or too late to pack your suitcase and embark on a new adventure. That’s why I love travelling.


Martina Kobaš

Putovanje mi omogućuje da se zapitam kako jezero oblikom može nalikovati na vuka. Zbog putovanja se osjećam živa. Travelling makes me wonder how a lake can be shaped like a wolf. It makes me feel alive.


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Direkcija / Head office Bani 75b, 10 010 Buzin, Zagreb, Tel. (+385-1) 616-00-66 Fax (+385-1) 6160 153 E-mail adrese / E-mail addresses President’s Office/uprava@croatiaairlines.hr Public Relations/pr@croatiaairlines.hr Marketing/advertising@croatiaairlines.hr Sales/sales@croatiaairlines.hr Cargo/cargo@croatiaairlines.hr Kontakt centar / Contact Center 072-500 505 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Tel. (+385-1) 66 76 555 pon - pet/Mon - Fri 08:00 - 20:00 sub, ned, praznik / Sat, Sun, Holiday 09:00 - 15:00 contact@croatiaairlines.hr Odnosi s korisnicima / Customer Relations Dept. Fax (+385-1) 616-01-52 http://www.croatiaairlines.com/hr/Zahtjev http://www.croatiaairlines.com/Claim Miles & More kontakt centar / Miles & More Service Team 072 220 220 samo za pozive iz Hrvatske / only for calls from Croatia Informacije o prijevozu robe / Cargo information office Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-573

Dubrovnik 20 213 »ilipi, Dubrovnik ZraËna luka/Airport Dubrovnik Tel. (+385-20) 773-232 dbvap@croatiaairlines.hr Frankfurt Kaiserstrasse 7 60311 Frankfurt Tel. (+49-69) 92-00-520 frato@croatiaairlines.hr Paris 95731 ROISSY CDG CEDEX Roissypôle Le Dôme, Rue de la Haye BP 18913 Tremblay en France Tel. (+33-1) 48-16-40-00 parto@croatiaairlines.hr Podgorica Oki Air Montenegro d.o.o. Ivana Vujoševića 46 81000 Podgorica tel: + 382 20 201201 montenegro@croatiaairlines.hr Pula ZraËna luka/Airport Pula Valtursko polje 210, 52 100 Ližnjan Tel. (+385-52) 218-909, 218-943 puyap@croatiaairlines.hr Rijeka 51 000 Rijeka JelaËiÊev trg br. 5 Tel. (+385-51) 330-207, 336-757 rjkto@croatiaairlines.hr Rim / Rome 00054 Fiumicino Aeroporto/Airport Leonardo da Vinci Torre Uffici 2, room 518 Tel. (+39-06) 5421-0021 romto@croatiaairlines.hr


1000 Skopje ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+389-2) 3148-390, 3296-967, 3296-969 skpap@croatiaairlines.hr

Srbija / Serbia Travel Centar d.o.o. Topličin Venac 19-21 11000 Beograd Tel. +381 11 202 80 46 gsa.srbija@croatiaairlines.hr

APG Bulgaria Ltd. 3 William Gladstone str. 1000 Sofia tel: +35924940096 bulgaria@croatiaairlines.hr

Španjolska / Spain Global Representacion Turistica / GRT Rambla de Catalunya, 61 5º 3ª, 08007 Barcelona Tel. +34 934 875 775 spain@croatiaairlines.hr


Split 21 000 Split ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-21) 203-305, 895-298 spuap@croatiaairlines.hr Zadar 23 000 Zadar ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+385-23) 250-101 zadap@croatiaairlines.hr Zagreb 10 000 Zagreb Trg Nikole Š, Zrinskog 17 Tel. (+385-1) 61-60-215 posl.zrinjevac@croatiaairlines.hr

Poslovnice / Town and airport offices Identifikacijski kod poslovnica u Hrvatskoj je/ Identification code for offices in Croatia is: HR-B-01-080037012 1930 Zaventem/Brussels Airport Box 31 Tel. (+32-2) 753-5132 bruap@croatiaairlines.hr

SlovaËka / Slovakia CK Blue Sky Travel Poštová 1, 811 06 Bratislava Tel. +421 2 5262 2375 slovakia@croatiaairlines.hr


Obzor putovanja / Obzor Holidays Ltd Tel. (+385-1) 487 31 68, 616 02 46


71 000 Sarajevo ZraËna luka/Airport Tel. (+387-33) 789-600 sjjto@croatiaairlines.hr


Meunarodna zraËna luka Zagreb/ Zagreb International Airport Tel. (+385-1) 61-64-581 Fax (+385-1) 62-65-930 Zürich Letzigraben 154, 8047 Zürich Tel. (+41-44) 2610-840 zrhto@croatiaairlines.hr Prodajni zastupnici / Sales agents Europa / Europe »eπka / the Czech Republic CK Blue Sky Travel Opletalova 57, 11 000 Praha 1 Tel. +420 222 222 235 czech@croatiaairlines.hr GrËka / Greece Intermodal Air 25, Filellinon Str., 105 57 Athens Tel. +30 210 32 17 679, 32 17 750 greece@croatiaairlines.hr Portugal APG - Portugal Rua Tenente Espanca, nº3 − 3º A, 1050 - 220 Lisboa Tel. +351 219 100 054 portugal@croatiaairlines.hr info@apg-portugal.com Rumunjska/Romania Specialised Aviation Services srl. 17d Emil Garleanu Str, Voluntari, Ilfov County Tel. +40 21 599 0108 romania@croatiaairlines.hr Rusija/Russia GRM (Global Russia Marketing) Bolshaya Sadovaya street 10, office 20, 123001 Moscow, Russia Tel. +7 495 981 14 00 ou.mow@grm-russia.com Zhukovskogo str. 63, office 101 Business center Senator 191036 ST.-Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (812) 332-20-27 ou.led@grm-russia.com

Bliski istok / Middle East Izrael / Israel Biaf Aviation Services Ltd 1 Ben Yehuda Street, Migdalor blgd. 12th floor, Tel Aviv 63802 Tel. +972 3 516 7181, 516 7140 israel@croatiaairlines.hr Indija / India STIC Travel Group 2nd Floor, Tower C, Cyber Greens, DLF Phase - III Gurgaon - 122002, New Delhi Ph: +91 (124) 4595300 croatia@sticgroup.com Contact person: Gurpreet Sangar Australija / Australia Sky Air Services 7/24 Albert Road, Sth. Melbourne Vic. 3205, Tel. +61 3 9699-9355 lidia@skyair.biz Novi Zeland / New Zealand CTtravel Limited NZ PO Box 104-056, Lincoln North, Suite, 1/182 Lincoln Rd. Henderson, Auckland, NZ Tel. +64 9 837 9897 croatiaairlines@cttravel.co.nz Japan Air System Inc. Shimbashi Frontier Building, 7F 3-4-5 Shimbashi Minato-ku Tokyo, 105-0004 Japan Tel. +81 3 3593 6740 asipaxtyo@airsystem.jp Koreja / Korea Bohram Air Services 7F, Donghwa Bldg, 58-7 Seosomun-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 754 6336 croatiaairlines@bohramair.co.kr Tajvan / Taiwan Pacific Express Company Limited 8F, No 137, Nanking E. Road Sec. 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886 2 2515 2371 sales-service@pacificexpress.com.tw Kina / China Pacific Aviation Marketing 12H, Zaofong Universe Building 1800 West Zhong Shan Road Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel. +862164400032 Jenniferhuo@pam.com.hk Hong Kong Pacific Aviation Marketing Ltd. Unit 2503, Island Place Tower, 510 Kingís Road, North Point, Hong Kong. Tel. +852 2926 2030 pamoperation@pam.com.hk

Zagreb Card24 98 kn

It also includes discounts at more than 55 locations such as museums, galleries, restaurants, shops, and others. From now on, Zagreb Card can be purchased online, at the Visitor Centre on Zagreb`s main square and at Franjo Tuđman Airport.

Zagreb Card72 135 kn

Photo: Davor Rostuhar

Advantages of Zagreb Card: —  Unlimited access to public transportation —Free admission to city attractions

Free admission to the Zagreb City Museum, the Museum of Arts and Crafts, the Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Broken Relationships, Zagreb 360° – observation deck, and the Zagreb ZOO. For more information, visit our website at www.zagrebcard.com

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