Dear Staff, Take a look at what you can and come back for seconds later. Here is my schedule for the week: Monday - OHE; Tuesday TCE; Wednesday - LPE; Thursday - OHE ; Friday - TCE Math Resource: • Math and Logic Problems • Graphing Website • Graphing Apps: Easy Chart and Quick Charts Apps in Education Resources: • Apps in Education Blog - See if this website helps you locate apps you are looking to use with teachers. • Apple Configurator Video Tutorial - I created this video to demonstrate how to use load free apps onto the iPads. • iPad Apps Organized by Learning Objective - Check out this post on the EdTechTeacher website. The apps are all organized by what you want students to accomplish on the iPad. Timelines: April Rather asked for timeline resources; therefore, I wanted to share with everyone else: • Time Toast - Time Toast is a superb online timeline creator and publisher. Make timelines collaboratively with your class and embed onto your site. • Dipity - Make quick, easy, shareable image-based, and collaborative online timelines on any topic with Dipity. • WhenInTime - This is a nice timeline creator where you can add text and images. • ChronoZoom - A stunning project from Microsoft Research. See the 13.7 billion year history of the cosmos as an interactive and zooming timeline, including our modern times. It doesn't allow for timeline creation, but it puts a perspective on how we are a speck of dust in a 13.7 billion year timeline. This is more scholarly work but cool nonetheless. • xTimeline - Never used it but looks interesting. You can create, save, share, and discuss your timelines. Of course you could create timelines with any number of tools like Pages, Word, Google Docs/ Drawing, or other web-based tools not specifically setup for timelines. The resources listed above are specifically for creating timelines. Classroom Connections: I really wanted to commend several teachers for booking me to create projects. These projects are using technology to transform and enhance their teaching practices. Linsey Waterstraat and I have been working on creating book reviews with her class. It has been slow going but the students have created video book reviews with iMovie. Audrey Retzlaf, Wendy Wright, Evan Berkey, and Erica Lembcke have all booked me to teach the students how to use Google Docs. Jennifer Pugh (Mrs. Willmann's substitute) wanted to do something with Flat Stanley; so, we are going to have Mrs. Pugh’s and Mrs. Haskin's class use the Flat Stanley app to chart
his location with Google Maps. Nina Oliver-Cocott is planning on attending a training session and wanted to create a video lesson with an online task associated. So, we are creating a video lesson tomorrow to upload to Edmodo with a collaborative Google Doc located in her Edmodo group. I'm excited about these projects, and I look forward to working on something with your class. I am interested in creating a radio show or podcast to highlight classroom projects. If you have an idea for recording students or a project, please let me know. We can highlight classroom happenings with this podcast. As always, please book me for assistance when integrating technology. -- Dan Gibson