A vision A vision the future of Euro for thefor future of Europe
Five to promote Five steps to steps promote innovation, competitivenes innovation, competitiveness and sustainable productivi and sustainable productivity
Agricultural Innovation productivity
Agricultural productivity
SmarterScience regulation
Smarter regulation
Consistent policies
Consistent policies
vating we can meetwe can meet By today, innovating today, lenges tomorrowof tomorrow theof challenges
We look fo and partner The crop protection industry is ready to of society’s The crop protection industry is ready toon how to greatestOne challenges is greatest challenges is work with stakeholderswork and regulators implementing with stakeholders and regulators innovation a ustainable solutions to sustainable solutions to to realise innovative solutions that give feed a rapidly growing population while to realise innovative solutions that give rowing population while farmers the necessary tools for: To start the making farmers the necessary tools for: t efficient use ofthe most efficient use of ural resources. The natural resources. The ever-scarcer • securing agricultural productivity and has a responsibility to has a responsibility to European Union • enhancing agricultural productivity 1. Bu improving farmers’ competitiveness goal. Buthelp for Europe to meet this goal. But for Europe to and ensuring farmers’ competitiveness competitive, create jobscompetitive, create jobs remain globally • in agricultural and beinnovation, a leader in agricultural innovation, • improving efficiency in the use of • avoiding the wastage of water, energy ink our approach torethink our approach to we need to water, energy and land resources and land policy-making. 2. Im providing economic and social security • providing economic and•social stability latory environment that We need a regulatory environment thatthe world’s rising by creating by meeting food jobs today and for future • an discourages fosters rather than discourages generations demand • innovation. Pesticides improved our way of life Pesticides have improved our wayhave of life rotectionEurope’s industrycrop is protection industry is 3. En for several decades. However, the for several decades. However, the elping build a stronger ag committed to helping build a stronger compelling reasons for compelling their use in reasons for their use in ibuting to sustainable, • Europe by contributing to sustainable, agriculture rarely discussed and the agriculture are rarely discussed andare the nt, competitive and resource-efficient, competitive and benefits bring to the table – healthy, benefits they bring to the table they – healthy, culture. food; and affordable food; productive agriculture. high-quality and affordable high-quality economic stability; resource-efficiency; economic stability; resource-efficiency; 4. Fo oday, we can meet the improved are oftenbiodiversity – are often innovating today, we and can meet the biodiversity and–improved morrow.By But to achieve • granted. As a taken key component ofAs a key component of challenges of tomorrow. taken But tofor achieve for granted. ds to unlock its innovation • Integrated Pest Management, pesticides this Europeof needs to unlock its innovation Integrated Pest Management, pesticides better integration are essential system of to today’s system of potential with a better integration of to today’s are essential cy-making. 5. M sustainable and productive agriculture. science and policy-making. sustainable and productive agriculture. • t emphasis on European and National European institutions should The EU’s current emphasis on and National institutions should gislation has led to a consider public concerns with regard toconcerns with regard to hazard-based legislation has led to a consider public ne in Europe’s share of how the food our table significant decline in Europe’s share of we eat reaches how the food we eat reaches our table crop protection R&D and what it means to our lives and the total worldwide crop protection R&D and what it means to our lives and the miting the availability of environment. But we all also must work investment environment. But we all also must work ropean farmers and – limiting the availability of together to make sure people understand solutions for European farmers and together to make sure people understand s competitive. Instead we the benefits and risks of agricultural making them less competitive. Instead we the benefits and risks of agricultural olicy based on robust technologies and why they are so essenshould favour policy based on robust sk-benefit approach. technologies and why they are so essential. This will set the stage for a science and a risk-benefit approach. tial. This will set the stage for a reasonable and balanced debate on reasonable and balanced debate on these issues of utmost importance for our these issues of utmost importance for our sustainable future. sustainable future.
Source: ONU, FAO
Our together Network Let’s work We look forward to an enlightening, interactive discussion and partnership together with a wide range of stakeholders on how to ensure Europe’s place as a world leader in innovation and economic, social and environmental security.
To start the dialogue, we offer 5 policy recommendations: 1. Build a science-based policy framework that balances risks and benefits • Balance risks and benefits in policy-making • Reinforce a science-based approach to policy-making • Improve coordination between risk assessment and risk management 2. Implement smarter and better regulation • Run a regulatory fitness check of the crop protection sector • Improve impact assessments in policy-making • Implementing smarter and better regulation 3. Ensure value-added consistency between EU policies and international agreements • The EU should ensure consistency between regulation, policies and international agreements 4. Foster innovation • Adopt an Innovation Principle in EU decision-making • Reinforce protection of intellectual property rights 5. Mainstream agricultural productivity and competitiveness • The EU must boost agricultural competitiveness and productivity in a sustainable way
Source: ONU, FAO
Building a science-based policy framework that balances risks and benefits Balance risks and benefits in policy-making: EU policies and regulations should be built on a risk-based approach to provide a more suitable framework that balances risks and benefits of proposed policy decisions. We call for a change in pesticides legislation and policy-making to ensure that decisions are based on a full evaluation of the risks and benefits.
Decisions should be based on risk assessment and management supported by scientific evidence and expertise
Improve coordination between risk assessment and management: We need to ensure a more predictable, science-based regulatory process. This requires greater coordination between risk assessment (EFSA) and risk management (Commission and Member States). The European Parliament and the Council should also reflect this approach in their decision-making.
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“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom� (Isaac Asimov)
Reinforce a science-based approach to policy-making: Europe needs to enhance the interaction between science and policy-making by: • Providing a formal role to the Chief Scientific Adviser (CSA) for the EU institutions to review the use of scientific evidence in risk management legislation, regulation or administrative decisions, and require further scientific assessment where appropriate • Supporting the EU CSA with a network of Scientific Advisers in all Commission Services and in all Member States • Creating a more inclusive model for scientific assessment that relies on full use of scientific evidence and expertise in risk evaluation and decision-making, including input from academia, the public and the private sector (industry scientists) • Enhancing public understanding of science through improved education and communication
R&D intensity2
R&D investment is shifting out of Europe3
Source: R&D investment in relation to turnover. Phillips McDougall (2012), European Innovation Scoreboard (2013) Source: “R&D trends for chemical crop protection products and the position of the European Market”, Phillips McDougall (2013)
2 3
Smarter regulation
Regulations should be proportionate, efficient, costeffective and innovationfriendly
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Implementing smarter and better regulation Run a regulatory fitness check of the crop protection sector: The EU would benefit from a regulatory fitness check for the crop protection sector, carried out by examining the ever-increasing regulatory burdens for their practicability, efficiency, and impact on innovation, and taking into account both primary and secondary legislation and their interaction. The lessons learned should form the basis of a proportional, efficient, cost-effective and innovation-friendly regulatory framework. Improve impact assessment in policy-making: Policy-makers should consider the potential impact of their political, legislative and regulatory decisions in social, economic and environmental terms, including innovation. The impact assessment should be carried out independently in a participatory and transparent way to better inform decision-makers for all policy and legislative initiatives. Achieve an institutional common understanding of the precautionary principle: Europe needs a clearer and common interpretation and use by all institutions of this essential principle of the EU Treaties, which aims for a high level of protection for health and the environment, thereby enabling decision-makers to better balance the benefits, risks and uncertainties of policy decisions. Considering precaution in a broader framework with proportionality and innovation will provide a basis for balanced decision-making.
Consistent policies
The EU should ensure that policies and legislation are internally and internationally consistent
Ensuring value-added consistency between EU policies and international agreements The EU should ensure consistency between regulation, policies and international agreements: Trade negotiations are an important aspect of Europe’s economic and social welfare. The EU should ensure that policies and legislation are internally and internationally consistent, allowing fair trade and ensuring competitiveness of European agriculture and industry.
The EU says “The Union shall in particular ensure the consistency of its external activities as a whole in the context of its external relations, security, economic and development policies� (Article C of Maastricht Treaty)
Innovation should be at the heart of EU policy-making
Fostering innovation Adopt an Innovation Principle in EU decision-making: The EU should formally adopt an Innovation Principle in European risk management and regulatory practice. Whenever legislation is under consideration, its impact on innovation should also be taken fully into account in the policy and legislative process, including in the Commission Impact Assessment Guidelines. The Innovation Principle will contribute to a balanced European regulatory policy, allowing continued investment in European innovation – the foundation of job and wealth creation within Europe, and vital to tackling the on-going financial crisis.
Innovation improves our life
By 2050 Agricultural Innovation can deliver4
more food
lower prices
Source: “Food Security in a World of Natural Resource Scarcity: The Role of Agricultural Technologies”, IFPRI (2014)
Agricultural productivity
The EU must boost agricultural competitiveness and productivity in a sustainable way
Mainstreaming agricultural productivity and competitiveness The EU must boost agricultural competitiveness and productivity in a sustainable way: We should fulfill our responsibility to address the challenge of feeding a growing global population. The European Commission should establish a specific Unit on agricultural competitiveness and productivity, to ensure that policy measures with an impact on European agriculture, such as legislation on agricultural inputs, are properly shaped to support productivity and resource-efficiency. Finally, the European Innovation Partnership on Sustainable and Productive Agriculture should continue to be reinforced enabling all actors to provide a better innovation landscape for agriculture.
Each additional percentage point in agricultural productivity results in5
social welfare for
Source: “The social, economic and environmental value of agricultural productivity in the European Union�, Noleppa, von Witzke and Cartsburg (2013)
Our Network Corporate Member Companies
Bayer CropScience
Dow AgroSciences
DuPont de Nemours
Makhteshim Agan
Monsanto Europe
Associate & SME Member Companies
Our commitment to the future of sustainable agriculture Arysta LifeScience
Certis Europe
Chemtura Europe
Gowan Company
ISK Biosciences Europe
Since 2011, Europe’s crop protection industry has been reaching out to major food chain and environmental stakeholders in an inclusive effort to promote sustainable and productive agriculture. With this wide-ranging initiative, the industry has taken an uncompromising lookFull at itself and affirmed a new Member Associations commitment to openness and transparency in closing the gap between industry and society. Janssen Pharmaceutica
Belgium Phytofar - Belgische Vereniging voor de Industrie van phytosanitaire producten Association Belge de l’Industrie des Produits Phytosanitaires
Denmark DCPA - Danish Crop Protection Association
Ireland APHA - Animal and Plant Healt Association
Italy Agrofarma - Associazione nazionale imprese agrofarmaci
Sumitomo Chemical
United Phosphorous Ltd
The initiative delivers projects to ensure safe and affordable food, safeguard water, enhance biodiversity, and protect the health of farmers and the public. The goal is to empower the agricultural sector to meet the demands of a growing population while at the same time protecting our environment. The list of projects includes: Austria FCIO - Fachverband der Chemischen Industrie Oesterreichs
France UIPP - Union des Industries de la Protection des Plantes
Germany IVA- Industrierverband Agrar eV
Greece HCPA - Hellenic Crop Protection Association
Netherlands Nefyto - Dutch Crop Protection Association
Spain aepla - Asociación Empresarial para la Protección de la Plantas
United Kingdom CPA - Crop Protection Association
Group Nordic Country Associations, Constituting One Only Food:ofThe industry’s Residues Management project aims toMember foster consumers’ trust in food safety by implementing concrete measures and actions to minimise pesticide residues.
Bulgaria BgCPA - Bulgarian Crop Protection Association NA
Portugal ANIPLA - Associação National da Indústria para a Proteçção das Plantas
Water: Our industry-launched project encourages farmers and operators to use best practices that help to reduce run off from pesticides by 50-75%. National Associations as Associate Members Biodiversity: The InSPiA (European Index for Sustainable Productive Agriculture) project creates a farm network to enable the validation, demonstration and communication of best management practices for the promotion of biodiversity and sustainable productive agriculture in Europe.
Croatia CROCPA - Croatian Crop Protection Association
Cyprus CCPA - Cyprus Crop Protection Association
Czech Republic CCPA - Czech Crop Protection Association
Hungary HuCPA - Hungarian Crop Protection Association
Kazakhstan The Kazakhstan Plant Protection Association
Finland KASTE Kasvinsuojeluteollisuus ry
Norway NPF - Norsk Plantevern Forening
Sweden Svenskt Växtskydd
Latvia LAARUTA - Latvian Crop Protection Association
Lithuania LCPA - Lithuanian Crop Protection Association
Poland PSOR - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Róslin
Health: The Safe and Sustainable Use Initiative has a 10-year proven track record of success in 15 European countries of ensuring the safe and sustainable use of crop protection products.
Romania AIPROM - Romanian Crop Protection Association
Russia AEB - Russian Federation
Serbia SECPA - Serbian Crop Protection Association
Slovak Republic SCPA - Slovak Crop Protection Association
Slovenia SLOCPA - Slovenian Crop Protection Association
Switzerland scienceindustries Business Association Chemistry Pharma Biotech
Turkey ZIMID - Zirai Mücadele Ilaclari Üreticeleri Dernegi
Ukraine EBA - European Business Assoc. Agrochemical Committee
Member Companies This is only the beginningGAPEG of our commitment to provide (non-agriculture) transparent and meaningful information on these important issues. It’s clear that the time for this change is now. The world around us and our way of life depend on it. BASF
Bayer Environmental Science
Monsanto Europe
Scotts France
GAPEG Member Associations (non-agriculture)
Spain aepla Asociación Empresarial para la Protección de la Plantas
Belgium Phytofar - Belgische Vereniging voor de Industrie van Phytosanitaire Producten Association Belge de l’Industrie des Produits Phytosanitaire
Italy Agrofarma Associazione nazionale imprese agrofarmaci
France UPJ - Union des entreprises pour la Protection des Jardins et Espaces Verts
Let’s work together together
W knifnogrw ee nliglohote , ainrdtertaoctiavne ednislicguhstseionning, interactive discussion neidrsehirpantgoegeotfhesrtaw ranwdithpaartw keithholadew rside range of stakeholders o n how t o ensure Europe’s pla ope’s place as a w orld l eader ince a s a w or l d l eader in and economic,security. social and environmental security. ,innovation social and environmental
Our commitment to the future of 1. Build a science-based policy agriculture framework that balances risks and benefits based policy framework that balances risks and benefits sustainable To start the dialogue, we offer 5 policy recommendations: offer 5 policy recommendations:
• Reinforce atoscience-based approach to policy-making cience-based approach policy-making Since 2011, Europe’s crop protection industry has been reaching out to • Improve coordination between risk assessment and management rdination between riskfood assessment and management major chain and environmental stakeholders in an inclusive effort to promote sustainable and productive agriculture. With this wide-ranging 2.better Implement smarter and better regulation rter and regulation initiative, the industry has taken an uncompromising look at itself and affirmed a new commitment to openness and transparency in closing the • Improve impactindustry assessment in policy-making act assessment in policy-making gap between and society. • Implementing smarter and better regulation g smarter and better regulation The initiative delivers projects to ensure safe and affordable food, safeguard water, and theand health of farmers 3. Ensure value-added consistency EUprotect policies nternational dded consistency between EUenhance policies biodiversity, and between nternational and the public. The goal is to empower the agricultural sector to meet the agreements demands of a ensure growing population while same time protecting ld ensure consistency between regulation, policies and at the • The EU should consistency between regulation, policies and our environment.agreements. The list of projects includes: agreements. international
Food: The industry’s Residue Management project aims to support on 4. Foster theinnovation reduction of residues through the promotion of integrated pest ovation Principle in EU management principles and good practices. • Adopt an decision-making Innovation Principle in EUagricultural decision-making otection of intellectual rights • Reinforceproperty protection of intellectual property rights Water: Our industry-launched project encourages farmers and operators to thatproductivity help to reduce run off from pesticides by 50-75%. use best and practices ricultural competitiveness 5. productivity Mainstream agricultural and competitiveness boost agricultural competitive ness and productivity in a • The EU must boost agricultural competitive ness and productivity in a Biodiversity: The InSPiA (European Index for Sustainable Productive ay sustainable way Agriculture) project creates a farm network to enable the validation, demonstration and communication of best management practices for the promotion of biodiversity and sustainably productive agriculture in Europe.
ce: ONU, FAO
Health: The Safe and Sustainable Use Initiative has a 10-year proven track record of success in 15 European countries of ensuring the safe and sustainable use of crop protection products. This is only the beginning of our commitment to provide transparent and meaningful information on these important issues. It’s clear that the time for this change is now. The world around us and our way of life depend on it.
commitment to the future of ainable agriculture
11, Europe’s crop protection industry has been reaching out to major in and environmental stakeholders in an inclusive effort to promote ble and productive agriculture. With this wide-ranging initiative, stry has taken an uncompromising look at itself and affirmed a new ment to openness and transparency in closing the gap between industry ety.
ative delivers projects to ensure safe and affordable food, safeguard nhance biodiversity, and protect the health of farmers and the public. The o empower the agricultural sector to meet the demands of a growing on while at the same time protecting our environment. of projects includes:
he industry’s Residues Management project aims to foster consumers’ ood safety by implementing concrete measures and actions to minimise residues.
Our industry-launched project encourages farmers and operators to use ctices that help to reduce run off from pesticides by 50-75%.
sity: The InSPiA (European Index for Sustainable Productive Agriculture) reates a farm network to enable the validation, demonstration and ication of best management practices for the promotion of biodiversity ainable productive agriculture in Europe.
The Safe and Sustainable Use Initiative has a 10-year proven track record ss in 15 European countries of ensuring the safe and sustainable use of tection products.
For more information, please nly the beginning of our commitment to contact: provide transparent and ful information on these important issues. It’s clear that the time for this ECPA aisbl s now. The world around us and our way of life depend on it. 6 Avenue E Van Nieuwenhuyse 1160 Brussels - Belgium Tel: +32 2 663 15 50 Fax: +32 2 663 15 60 E-mail: ecpa@ecpa.eu www.ecpa.eu www.twitter.com/cropprotection www.facebook.com/cropprotection
May 2014
For ECP 6 Av 1160 Tel: Fax: E-m
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