CROS Anual Report 2010-2011

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CROS Anual Report - 2010/2011 The birth of the alternative model of higher education

Thank you for inviting me to CROS Camp. Last week I understood the Alternative University concept and I believe it’s not a dream but a reality allready happening.

Diana Certan - Executive Director, New Horizons Foundation


Dear friend, Thank you for opening this document that represents an overview of an entire year for us and it could be a source of hope for its readers. We say this hoping that you too believe that, in the years to come, we have to put other values at the foundation of the educational system in Romania and the rest of the world: Autonomy and trust instead of control. Diversity and personalization instead of standardization. Connectivity and integration instead of isolation and fragmentation. This profound transformation is our mission for the next 20 years. We are now in the innovation stage. We need to invent and implement alternative models of learning based on a new set of values and these models must demonstrate both their educational efficacy and their power to become sustainable. For CROS, 2009/2010 was like an explosion: hundreds of hours of training, 8 projects started, 25 web-sites for youth NGOs and over 650 direct participants in our projects. In contrast with that year, in 2010/2011 we doubled the energy gathered by CROS but we focused 90% of it in 3 projects: HRemotion, New Media School and CROS Camp. These 3 projects represent the implementation of an alternative model of higher education based on autonomy, social learning in communities of practice and voluntary work. This year was a success for us because the alternative education model proved to be effective and sustainable. We implemented it for 120 students from 21 organizations in 2 communities of practice: HRemotion and New Media School. We managed 9 different educational processes in one year, of which 4 were new. We organized over 100 learning events, trained 26 counselors for self-directed learning, we engaged 20 mentors and 26 professional coaches, which had over 800 individual meetings with the members of our community. We accomplished all this in partnership with 40 organizations, of which 21 student organizations, 5 multinational companies, 2 prestigious training and consulting companies, an international institute dedicated to learning & development professionals and one public museum. At the end of this amazing year, we have decided that, in the autumn of 2013, we will launch the Alternative University we are dreaming of. We hope to have you by our side in the future. With friendship, trust, passion and responsibility, CROS Team


What does “alternative” mean? The alternative model of education offers a rich environment of people, resources and experiences made up of three integrated learning spaces: • an action space for real world experiences, offered by the student organizations; • an individual space in which every student leads his own development with the help of a counselor for self-directed learning, mentors and a professional coach. • the community that is a place for reflection, conversation and collaboration. In 2010/2011 we implemented this model managing 9 learning processes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The counseling for self-directed learning program The mentoring program The coaching program The experience sharing program Trainings and courses program Administration of the online platform and virtual interaction The community building program The “3 books / month” program (Knowledge management) CROS Camp Qu

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CROS Alterantive Model of Higher Education

Synthesizing last year’s results, we consider the following as being the most significant: 1. We tested the alternative model of education with all it’s 9 different components; 2. We created a social entrepreneurship business mode for the educational model; 3. We assembled the critical mass of supporters for the Alternative University; 4

1. Implementing the basic processes of the alternative education model The main accomplishment of this year is that of introducing 4 new programs which, added to the ones already mentioned, make the alternative educational model even stronger:


CROS Camp – a 7 day camp that represents the initiation in HRemotion and New Media School. CROS Camp has grown from 60 participants in 2010 to 120 participants in 2011;


The counseling for self-directed learning is an innovation for which we have yet to find an equivalent in other educational programs; This year we created a counseling methodology and we trained 26 counselors that, in one year, accompanied 36 teenagers and helped them set their own learning goals, identifying strategies and resources for learning, using the best suited methods and tools and self-evaluating their progress.


The mentoring program was created after consulting many case studies in the literature. What resulted is a mentoring program that promotes natural and autonomous relationships. After the opening event, in just 2 days, over 20 mentoring relationships were formed.

The 2.0 Courses substitute the classic university courses combining the learning from projects and training courses, counseling and academic study; This year we implemented 4 such courses on the topics of “Learning and development in organizations” and “Creating and developing a team”;

Along with these new programs, we continued the sharing experience workshops (22), training events (6), the coaching program (30 one-on-one programs), the “3 books / month” program, we redesigned and simplified the online platform and organized 14 sessions of training for it’s further use and we extended the community building activities experimenting for the first time 2 social games.

• 800 one-on-one meetings (coaching, mentoring, conseling) • 100+ learning events (trainings, sharing workshops, courses, etc) • 20 mentors • 30 accredited coaches • 26 conselors and 36 counseling for selfdirected learning relationships • 120 participants at CROS Camp 2011

On a global scale, the result of implementing all the 9 learning processes is that of being able to apply the alternative CROS model with 120 of participants from 21 student organizations. The feedback from both the participants and other stakeholders encourages us to believe that the CROS model is the beginning of a strong alternative to the classic higher education system.



2. Sustainability and social entrepreneurship business model From the beginning of the HRemotion program (2009) participating was free of charge in both communities. This year has offered us the arguments to ask for a contribution of 200 euro per participant, representing 10% of the programs actual value. The fact that, starting this year the 116 participants in HRemotion will contribute 200 euro has 3 meanings: (1) it is a proof that both Hremotion and New Media School programs are considered a valuable learning experience, (2) it is an important element of our business model and (3) it is a way in wich the participants become

more responsable for managing their own learning. The companies interested in the alternative model have had the chance to be convinced that the model we are proposing is valuable for them and so we have the first partnerships with companies that contribute financially to our learning comunities. Therefore, the second remarkable result of 2010-2011 is the financial sustainability of the model and that the educational model has gained a social entrepreneurship business model.

3. The critical mass of supporters The third remarkable result of 2010-2011 is the trust which the Alternative University project earned. At the end of this year in which we succeeded to implement all the components of the model, the general feedback of the participants, mentors, coaches and partners is that they now understand and have confidence in the learning model. We developed educational partnerships with Human Invest, ITOL, Achieve Global. They invested in the development and implementation of the educational model, along with companies like Unilever, Apa Nova, Coca-Cola HBC, JTI,


Omnicom. We benefit from the trust and help of a large number of professionals in the human resource and communication fields. Besides this, the ideas of the alternative CROS model and of the education revolution have started to take shape in public space through articles in Forbes or Cariere or through participation in conferences such as TEDxYouth . Therefore, this year’s third significant result is the formation of a critical mass of supporters of the Alternative University project.

IMPACT IN ROMANIAN EDUCATION By developing “the first prototype” of the alternative model and demonstrating that it is viable and that it can become sustainable, the alternative university project evolved from concept to reality. The Alternative University will be a relatively small, educational university (less than 1000 students) having a strong personal development component. Although relatively small, the Alternative University will be significant by being a benchmark regarding: • student centered learning, autonomy, flexibility and personalization ; • integrating real life, practical experiences and the connection with the socialeconomical environment; • integrating personal and professional development

much more innovative regarding the teaching methods and much more flexible, more student centered and focused on a holistic aproach to development, and more open to practical experiences and the outside world. At the same time, other social entrepreneurs will be inspired by the Alternative University model to create similar projects. The Alternative University has the potential to become a laboratory of innovation in education and o source of inspiration and good practice for the higher educational system in Romania and for other social entrepreneurs in education.

Secondly, the alternative model and the Alternative University offers amazing learning experiences for hundreads of high potential individuals from the young generation that chose to learn in Romania, forming the core of powerful network of people that have experienced a different model of education. In an optimistic scenario, other universities, They can develop or support transformational convinced by the attractiveness of the projects in education to the point where a large alternative model and by the fact that it was scale movement will have been triggered . already implemented in Romania, will become


The Components of the Alternative Model 1. Counseling for self-directed learning

• I learned to give and receive feedback; • I realized what are my favorite learning strategies and started improving them; • I have tested new learning strategies;

This program has the biggest innovation factor, being one without an equivalent that we know of in other educational programs. In it’s implementation we have engaged 26 members of the community during a period of 2 months. They learned about self-directed learning and how to accompany somebody on his road to autonomy. The program started on 13 November and the meetings for counseling took place from November 2010 to July 2011. 36 participants decided to sign in and entered a 1 year program. Self-directed learning means: • the capacity to set your own learning goals; • the ability to choose your own learning strategies to make the most of the learning resources available, the context and your learning style; • using different learning methods and tools in an effective way; • Self-evaluating your progress and setting new goals; Examples of results: • I learned to evaluate myself; • I identified my objectives; I was able to manage them and attach deadlines to them; • I am much more open towards learning and I have a desire to learn something new everytime; • I have more courage and trust in my own strenghts; • I’ve become more balanced; • I’ve become much more “tidy” in my working process and I can focus even more now • I’ve gained the reflex of asking myself questions about me and about the things that I learn from every experience; • now I see the learning process as an integrated part of my life; • I am much more open towards speaking in public; • I learned to listen, in order to understand;


During a contest organized by TechSoup we created a video clip dedicated to self-directed learning and it won the popularity prize all over the globe.

2. The Coaching Program The coaching program was implemented this year in its second edition. It’s a non-directive method to support people in reaching their personal and professional objectives, to be able to take on challenges and to perform. The registration took place at the end of February and 30 participants started the program accompanied by accredited professional coaches. We received support from the best coaching schools in Bucharest : Noble Manhattan, Competent Consulting, MetaSysteme and The Romanian Society for Coaching. Because we wanted every coach to understand better the background and context of the coachees, their profile and the overall goals of the programe

we had individual meetings with each coach. Also, • To spot in him the talent and the passion through these meetings we decided to learn about • To push the mentee so that he goes beyond each and every coach in order to evaluate correctly what he percieves as his limits; if he is a good fit for our needs. 26 coaches accepted our invitation in the program. On 15-16 of March an event was organized in order to match coaches and coachees. Among the guests we had Gerard O’’Donovan, founder of Noble Manhattan and Horea Murgu – president of the Romanian Association of coaching, their presence showing the support that the alternative model has from the professional coaching community in Romania.

3. The Mentoring Program For us, mentoring is a relationship in which an experienced professional supports a person with less experience and helps him to develop his abilities and his character. The purpose of this program is to bring back the mentoring practice at the core of the learning and development process, encouraging our students in the habit of having mentors throughout their life.

In the mentorship program we had 13 mentors from the human resources/training/ learning field and 10 mentors from the communication fiel.

On 18 and 19 February we organized a two-day event for the acquaintance between the mentors and the mentee. First day we had short presentations of the mentors and 3 sessions of “Living Library”. During these sessions the mentors and the mentees had the possibility to find out more things about The roles a mentor can have in a relationship with each other. The next day there had been 16 onehis mentee are: hour sessions held by the mentors. The majority • to facilitate the mentee’s search for his element, of the sessions had been focused on life stories, offering advice , techniques , letting him fail but on discussions about the professional path of the helping him to learn from his mistakes; mentors until present. After the launching event • to encourage his mentee and to give him the 20 mentorship relations were formed. To make confidence that he can realize things that he sure that the mentors are as present and visible as believes are impossible to achieve

““If I were to attach a tag-line to the coaching experience, I would most certainly write : “it gives you wings”. It gave me wings to grow, to discover myself and my human values, the purpose for which I do everything in my life, to assign myself objectives and event to achieve them.” Andreea Ciobotaru - coachee ““It helped in the way I look at others and now I can start without any judgments and expectations” Ioana Cepoi - coachee “ For me it was a most pleasant experience ; I had the possibility to work with 2 coachees who took this process seriously and obtained remarkable results in their lives. At the end I gained enthusiasm from this project and the desire to create new projects for youth. “ Ramona Lăcătuș - coach “ The fact that you offer to young persons such a space for them to ask themselves the fundamental questions in this step of evolution regarding the road that they choose in life , brings me even closer to you. I am very excited about your openness and your energy . It was a marvelous challenge that brought me back in touch with my passion of working with young people” 9 Gabriela Bujor - coach

they can be, we involved them in other programs from the community as teachers of the course 2.0. (Roxana Mocanu- the founder of ITOL and Radu Margarit- trainer Achieve Global) or by inviting them to present case studies in the workshops for experience sharing (Luminita Keles - Employer Branding Manager JTI, Madalina Uceanu- Senior HR Advisor at Career Advisor, Marilena Barbulescu- HR Business Partner Unilever). The presentations of the mentorship program can be accessed here: • •

Dintre mentori:

Adela Jansen

Tudor Totolici

Roxana Mocanu

Bogdana Butnar

Director Human Resources BRD

Online Marketing Consultant

4. Experience sharing workshops During the entire year - from September till Maythere had been sharing workshops on topics like: • The role of the HR department in a student organization • Integrating new recruits • Assessing the learning needs • Mentorship systems and informal learning • Accountability of the members in a student organization • Tools for performance management • Feedback - how do you create an organizational culture based on feedback? • Web design • Branding • Social media strategies • Communicating between the departments • Management of a promotion campaign

Director ITOL

Christian Scholtes Bogdan T. Olteanu Consultant HR

Managing Director Borţun-Olteanu

Diana Rosetka

Cristi Lupşa

Director Achieve Global


Industry Manager Google

Founder - Decât o Revistă

On average, 15-20 members of the HRemotion or New Media School have participated in these meetings. They shared good practices related to a certain topic but also developed together new systems or instruments.

The teachers of the courses are practicioners and trainers in the respective domain: • Roxana Mocanu and Alexandra Popa for the development of the members • Radu Margarit and Christian Sholtes for the formation and the development of the team.

5. Trainings and courses

Examples of results:

After analyzing the learning needs with the members of the communities, we have identified the training and courses topics that could be useful for the participants. We have organized 4 courses; 2 of them on “The formation and the development of the team” and the other 2 on “The development of the members of the organization”. For each course, we formed groups of maximum 7 persons that wished to improve one of the processes approached at the meeting in their organization. During four months they held 6-7 meetings and about 4-5 meetings outside the course hours. Each participant implemented in his organization the things learned during the course.

• “I replaced my aproach to leadership centered on results with a close attention given to the members of the team, to their strong points”; • In VIP Romania and ASER they have designed and introduced programs for the development of the department coordinators and project managers; • Two manuals for students’ organizations have been written. • A dissertation presented at the master” The formation of the trainers at Bucharest University, with the topic “The conceptualization and the impact evaluation of a new learning system - the courses 2.0.” Beside the courses 2.0 we have organized the next trainings: • Motivating members in students’ organizations; • Time Management • Public speaking • Situational leadership II • Photojournalism • Online Marketing

HRemotion is definitely the place where young people from HR are gathered, taught and raised like none of them would have ever though. After one year I understood, in the full sense of the word, what HR means. Personally I believe that those from CROS took a blurred vision and made it clear by projecting it where it can develop by itself, beyond its limits.” Alexandru Popescu, President ASAFF 11 Polytechnic University of Bucharest

6. “Three books/month” Program

Compared with last year, this year has doubled the number of those who have read at least a book from The new version of the program “Three books/ CROS library. month” benefits from 3 Amazon Kindle ebook The book “Five dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick readers. They represent an opportunity for making Lencioni has been the most read book of the library. the reading more attractive and the program “Three books / month” a successful one. 7. Online Platform Among the books acquired in kindle format:

For the year 2010-2011, the wiki platform has been redesigned, simplified and it has a more • 1001 Ways to Reward Employees – Bob Nelson attractive graphic design. In order to ensure that • Five Minds for the Future – Howard Gardner we have the premises that all the HRemotion and • Mobilizing Minds – Creating Welth from Talent in New Media School students are using the online 21-Century Organization – Lowell L. Bryan instruments of the platform we organized 14 • First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest training sessions on the topic “The use of web tools Managers Do Differently – Marcus Buckingham, for organization, communication and collaboration.” Curt Coffman • Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? - Seth Godin On the wiki platform all the minutes from our • Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates meetings, workshops and trainings are archived. Us - Daniel Pink Many participants upgraded their personal management by using gmail, google calendar The goal of the “Three books / month” program and google docs. Some student organizations has been to promote reading and especially to implemented a new management system, using generate interesting debates and conversations the online collaboration tools they learned in our between the members of the community. In order communities. to increase the interest and the time dedicated by each participant to reading we organized 3 events especially dedicated to books and reading. As we 8. Community Building have lots of books in CROS’s library, we created a database with all the books and we made them In order to make all the learning experiences from HRemotion and New Media School as efficient as they can be, one of the basic things is that the members of the community know each other, feel comfortable with one another and develop reliable relationships and even friendships. This is the core condition for the comunity to realy be a community. To facilitate the interaction between the participants we organize different social events, during the entire year. This year we also experimented two social games named “53+” and “The game”, which although they available to all participants of HRemotion and New did not had the expected effect, they had taught us Media School. In all other meetings we promoted a lot of things that we can succesfuly implement in these books and we generated discussions about 2011-2012. the things that we can learn from a book or another.


Feedback In May, towards the end of the academic year we announced the fact that the participation to HRemotion and New Media School communities will require a contribution of 200 euro/year and we asked the members if they want to continue and why. Below there are some of the answers that we received: You know how much I grew here, how many things I applied in the Club from what I’ve learned from you. I transformed myself just like that, beautifully and fast, I skipped the classes to get there, I did the homework from Popic before the ones for school and I miss you when there are longer breaks - like the one with the baccalaureate. I like you very much and I strongly believe that there will be many changes in Romania, through your effort. I tell everyone about the Alternative University and about the fact that there will be more and more beautiful and smart children. I want to learn more and I want to take part in building the Alternative University. Irina Moldoveanu, HR Manager Club LMT I like so much the way things happen in CROS, the atmosphere, the people, the cause, the mission, the great goals that you have, that I can’t imagine myself not being part in this revolution. Irina Musteata, Talent Manager AIESEC I have been absolutely fascinated about all that happened this year in the community! It has been a year in which I’ve learned many things about the people around me and especially about me. Because it has been the most beautiful year for me and this is also due to the experience of being part of CROS, because I grew very much and I want to help the future generation to have amazing experiences, because I like very much to help others grow, because I will grow, because the people from CROS are the best and they represent a constant source of knowledge. In other words I feel that it’s time to start offering because I received so much. Ioana Cepoi, Vicepreşedinte ASER “I like very much the people from the community and I had so many new things to learn from them and from the trainers or mentors; the coaching program helped me a lot (see feedback) and I believe I still have a lot to offer”. Oana Pascu, VP Communication AIESEC

“I can’t see myself without HRemotion. Why? Because it helps me to be connected with all that it’s new in the HR, because every meeting gives me the energy to continue on this road that I choose and helps me remember why I like HR and why I want to do this.” Vancea Dorina, HR Manager ASPSE “It has been a relevant experience for me. It helped me to find the answers of many questions and offered me all the necessary resources. It helped me to know myself better, I did not failed to absorb all that I can and I still have many things to do in ASER- and HRemotion can help me in this way. Moreover I feel that I could bring also my contribution and give forward all the things I’ve learned this year in the program. Ana Secrieru , HR Manager ASER

“Because it has been a unique experience that transformed me. I’ve learned a lot of things and I want to continue to learn but also to give back what I’ve learned.” Raluca Vasile, PR Manager DaAfaceri “There are two simple reasons: because here I’ve met the most amazing people and because here I’ve had the most relevant learning experiences”. Andrei Pascale, Preşedinte Club LMT “Because I’ve learned a lot of things this year and I have much more to learn from now on in New Media School, being an authentic learning experience, through all the processes involved. And for the people, the resources and for all what that means- I really believe that it can replace any other “formal “university. Floriana Boldojar, Vicepreşedinte ASER “I feel that HRemotion makes 100% part of my life. Here the programs helped me to open my eyes and see what I want today, what I want now. Here I set the foundation for my future business that I want to manage; here I’ve learned to make my first steps toward the autonomy in learning. I feel I have the moral duty to give back what I’ve learned and to offer my best to the community in gratidude for what I received. ” Dragomir Alexandra - HR Manager ASCIG 1.“Because if CROS Camp, CROS, New Media School and all the activities during the year hadn’t took place, I wouldn’t have succeeded to make such a good job in my organization, in the PR department 2. Because Counseling came right on time. Because Alexa got me out of the dizziness in which I lived and because she encouraged me to act, to search, to read, to discover, to discover myself, to interact, to express myself freely, not to censure myself, to be brave. 3. Because the short-meetings of coaching that I did during the CROS CAMP time had an extremely powerful impact on me. Because only here I can interact with wonderful people like miss Elisabeta Stanciulescu and Feo. Till miss Stanciulescu(that succeeded to climb on the mountain side by side with us, the 20 year old kids) I have never seen people so brave. 4. Because the people from CROS inspire me… 5. Because, although next year I will be the fourth year, I do not intent to give up the volunteering and PR. This is why my involvement in New Media School combines perfectly with the other activities of mine.” 6. Because I wish to learn many more. I feel that I am only at the beginning.


Lavinia Tanase, PR Manager ELSA

I flew kites, I rode the flying fox across the river, I wrote stories, I played the famous and long expected night game in the woods, we related on the way to the treasure, I listened life stories, I took lessons, I recycled, I flew with my thoughts so high and we realized once again that the world is ours.

9. CROS Camp This year CROS Camp 2011 took place at the beginning of August. It has been a week in which we proposed to the 120 participants to experiment 5 attitudes: Relating, Learning, Playing, Sharing, Dreaming. We dedicated a special day for each attitude.

Raluca Vasile - anul II, New Media School

At the CROS Camp participated the new recruits and the second and third level participants from HRemotion and New Media School. Along with them participated a significant number of mentors, coaches, trainers or partners of the CROS Communities of Practice. The atmosphere was set so that they interact with each other, share their experiences, projects and create authentic relationships. At CROS Camp, the mentors, coaches, trainers or members of the team have the same role that of participants and members. They have the same interaction level, they participated to all the activities and they took active roles in the conversations of the community in the following academic year. CROS Camp has been about attitudes, inspiration in HR and in communication fields and in a larger sense, about a conscious and balanced life. Its goal - the one of sharing attitudes, atmosphere and the energy of the alternative CROS model has been achieved, according to the participants feedback: Alis Anagnostakis - A trip to Wonderland:

Raluca Vasile - CROS Camp 2011

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Back from CROS Camp. It has been a life changing experience. I feel like a new man - a happier one, more optimistic, a man prepared to face every day with a big smile on his face. Thank you CROS” Adriana Anchidin - anul I, New Media School “Amazing is the right word for CROS Camp. It has been indeed an extraordinary experience, which filled me up with joy, energy and new ideas! I’ve met beautiful people that inspired me, in a place with a special charm”. Alis Anagnostakis - fondator Mind Learners “It has been and it’s still Amazing again. I haven’t truly lived the experience of a camp for 8 years. I thought it was too late for me for that, but CROS Camp 2011 proved that it’s never too late for this kind of experiences and I still can’t erase the image of the opening of the Playing day. It still haunts me beautifully”. Tedy Necula - fondator “I’m still amazed by the experience CROS Camp and very enthusiastic about what’s next. It has been a magic week, full of beautiful people and of little things that made me smile constantly”. Ancuța Corcodel - anul I, New Media School


PARTENERI The CROS alternative model of higher education has been put into practice together with 21 of the most active students’ organizations from Romania and 5 multinational companies. The model is designed and implemented with the support of the Institute for Training and Occupational Learning - Central and Eastern Europe and 2 prestigious training companies: Achieve Global and Human Invest. The main sponsors for the CROS model are Dinu Patriciu Foundation, that offered a grant to pilot the model in 2010-2011 in HRemotion and the Youth in Action Program that financed CROS Camp 2011. We also enjoyed the partnership of the National Museum for Contemporary Art, which hosts our Media Lab for the New Media School community. We receive the help of some important representatives of

the professional coaching, human resources and communication communities. In our vision the CROS model must be placed at the intersection of the three environments represented below, permanently in contact with them:



Educație al

Permanent education

Non-formal Education


Organizații participante:

Stundent NGOs partners:

Be a part of the Team Work for the future



Main sponsors:


Educational partners and friends:


Financial Report In the academic year 2010-2011 the most important part of our income came from private sponsors: from Dinu Patriciu Foundation but also from companies like: Unilever, Apa Nova, JTI, Omnicom. The table below refers only to the funds received until August 2011. The public grants that were in the past year the main income source are now in the second place. This year we recieved a grant from the European Commission through Youth in Action program. In the same period we collected approximately 40% of the total fees for the academic year 2011-2012 and we estimate that we received approximately 30% of the total income we expecte from the individual donations through the 2% provision. Also we received income by providing services through the pilot program “Rent a team”. The project that required the most expenses has been CROS Camp, because it included costs for food and accommodation for 120 persons for a period of 7 days and other transport and material expenses. During the entire 2010-2011 academic year, CROS has offered 3 full-time salaries and 2 part-time salaries that represented a second important expense category. Also in our partnership with Unilever, we intermediated the sponsoring of three student organizations. The rest of the expenses correspond mainly to the organization of approximately 100 meetings during the year and administrative expenses.


Income (September 2010 - August 2011) Income category Sponsorship European funding Donations - 2% Fees for 2011-2012 Services Total

Amount (RON) 117.217 46.706 2.211 16.538 8.678 191.352

Spending / Projects (September 2010 - August 2011) Project HRemotion New Media School CROS Camp

Estimated spending (RON) 65.000 15.000 60.000

Cheltuieli / Categorii (September 2010 - August 2011) Expence category Materials Protocol Transport Telecommunication Banking fees Salaries Communication CROS Camp Administrative expences Sponsorizări către organizaţii studenţeşti Total

Amount (RON) 12.000 12.000 2.000 2.000 500 40.000 5.000 60.000 8.000 25.000 166.500

Communication In a global competition organized by TechSoup and dedicated to NGOs, CROS won the popularity price and an iPad tablet. The fact that we mobilized a great number of votes with a relatively small effort shows that we are an organization with many supporters, that developed efficient communication channels On, and newmediaschool. with them. ro we have written 107 articles and on facebook and twitter we posted every few days. Some articles about CROS appeared in Forbes, Cariers, Business magazines, RomaniaLibera, Adevarul, Evenimentul Zilei but also in student magazines or other on-line publications. During 15 August 2010 - 15 August 2011 registered 23.221 visits and 13.786 visitors while registered 10.026 visits and 5.749 visits. CROS’s facebook page reached 3700 fans and Twitter count 487 followers.

The representatives of CROS have been invited in radio broadcasts and TV channels The Money Channel and Radio Romania Actualitati and as speakers at conferences like: • TEDxYouth @Bucharest • Learning & Development Summit - ITOL • Summer School - Romania of the XXI century • Drum in Drept - ELSA Bucureşti • Se poate - Lumebuna • Branding Romania - Club LMT • Romania 2020 - GRSP • Higher Education Days - AEGEE Bucharest


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