Remote Learning Brochure | Summer Term 2020

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Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •



What is Remote Learning and How Will It Be Delivered? 2 Nursery and Reception Lesson Layout


Year 1 and 2 Lesson Layout


Remote Learning for Years 3 to 8


Year 3 Lesson Layout


Year 4 Lesson Layout


Year 5 Lesson Layout


Year 6 Lesson Layout


Year 7 Lesson Layout


Year 8 School Lesson Layout


Pupil’s Expectations: Guidance for Children


Registration, Form Time and Collect


Academic Curriculum


Pastoral Provision 16 The Enrichment Programme


Music Tuition


HUB Lessons



Access to Different Platforms


Further Information


Dear Parent, The end of last term saw a cataclysmic change in the way Crosfields educates children. As the girls, boys and staff left for their homes, with very little warning we switched to a remote form of learning. Our approach garnered very many generous emails of support. However, we appreciate that with such little preparation we were in delivery mode. What was missing was the richness of education we strive for as a school. While it might not be possible to capture fully the school’s vibrancy when at home, a great deal of work has happened to create a fuller Crosfields education and to build on our experience of last term. This prospectus, which is for parents, communicates our approach, as we open our virtual gates on the summer term. It is our aim that the children make progress through our online provision and that they are happy. This provision has to be balanced with a sense of reality and of pragmatism. The children do benefit from structure. The timetables published here guide the children through each day, but we all accept that there has to be flexibility which takes into account what is going on in the home or how a child is feeling. I have a great deal of confidence in our children as learners. Inevitably, things do not always go to plan, though. What I ask of parents is that you let us know if your child is unhappy or struggling with an aspect of learning from home. You will see that this document is just as much about the child’s welfare as it is about the academic work. I have no doubt that with parents and staff working together we can help the boys and girls of Crosfields enjoy this unusual experience while navigating any issues. The key to this is good communication. With best wishes, Craig Watson 18th April 2020


What Is Remote Learning and How Will It Be Delivered? The home learning programme at Crosfields has two aims: To provide engaging, accessible remote teaching to enable children to make progress, learn and flourish in a variety of curriculum areas. To provide excellent pastoral care, to ensure the safety and positive wellbeing of pupils, staff and parents.

The Academic Curriculum and Pastoral Provision  As far as is practical, online lessons will be provided in all areas of the curriculum. The curriculum will be in line with the normal schemes of work adapted for home learning. Lessons will be provided via Seesaw or MS Teams, using a variety of pre-recorded teaching, written instructions and live lessons. The week will begin with a broadcast of a whole school assembly and throughout the week the children will be in contact with their form tutors online and in live tutor groups. School councils, pupil surveys and wellbeing forums will also continue to encourage interaction and pupils’ voices to be heard.

The Enrichment Programme   Supporting the academic and pastoral provision the programme provides co-curricular and wellbeing activities to engage children and create an online Crosfields community. Amongst other things there will be inter-house competitions and social media challenges, not forgetting #3GoodThings updates from both children and staff.

There is a high degree of flexibility within our provision as we appreciate that parents are having to manage their own work while supporting their children . The timetables suggested in this brochure give a suggested structure and can be adapted for your family.


Nursery and Reception Lesson Layout Children very much enjoy structure in their day. We hope this suggested timetable will help you as parents to manage the days ahead. As you would expect, the length of sessions for younger children is shorter than for the older pupils. Our Nursery and Reception children learn best through talking, playing and following their own interests. Teachers will provide 3 daily core activities that the children should try to complete; these will cover key skills we are developing in the children at school. There will also be a selection of optional activities posted across of the week from their class teachers as well as specialist teachers. We encourage the children to choose their activities each day on Seesaw. There is also a slot for quiet time each day to promote the children’s wellbeing. If you would prefer to start the day with some activity such as Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga or Oti’s dance, they are all available online and you can adjust these timings to suit your family.




Reading activities - practise reading sight words and sound cards. Read an ebook from Oxford Owl/Big Cat or Bug Club


Collect - Monday


Core Activity - Phonics

Collect - Monday Maths activity - Seesaw


Calm Activity – e.g. colouring, jigsaw puzzle, cutting activity (child’s choice)


Core Activity - Maths


Morning Message from class teacher or sharing a story.

Calm Activity – e.g. colouring, jigsaw puzzle, cutting activity (child’s choice) Literacy - Phonics, Seesaw

Snack time - break from learning


Core Activity - varied focus

Core activity - Seesaw


Optional activity - from across the curriculum

Physical activity - PE/Dance/Forest School set on Seesaw


Lunch and break time


Specialist activity: Monday - Forest School, Tuesday/Friday - Games, Wednesday - Music, Thursday - French


Choose an activity from the wellbeing programme or enjoy free play inside or out.


Share a story – in addition to the books you have at home, there will be links on Seesaw to follow and also some videos of the teachers reading stories. 3

Day finishes for Nursery children

Year 1 and 2 Lesson Layout We will be providing structured teaching activities across all subjects. These will be delivered by the class teacher and/or specialist teachers; the activities will be set on Seesaw. The activities will vary in length and guidance. The teacher will indicate how long to spend on each lesson. At the start of each week, the class teachers will e-mail the overview planning for the week, giving parents information on topics on Seesaw. We will also be introducing Microsoft Teams so that teachers can hold live sessions with their classes. We also aim to hold at least one session each week with smaller groups of children and their class teacher. These will enable teachers to support children pastorally and replicate conversations that would happen ordinarily in the classroom. We will e-mail parents with details of these. If you would prefer to start the day with some activity such as Joe Wicks, Cosmic Yoga or Oti’s dance, they are all available online and you can adjust these timings accordingly.

Year 2

Year 1


Morning registration Seesaw


Collect - Monday, Wednesday


Maths activity - Seesaw


Literacy activity - Seesaw

10.30am 11.00am 11.45am


Literacy activity - Seesaw

Snack time - break from learning

Phonics activity - Seesaw

Phonics activity - Seesaw Mindful Activity – colouring / reading / storytime

Mindful Activity – colouring / reading

Lunch and break time

12.00pm 1.00pm

Maths activity - Seesaw

Topic activity - set on Seesaw

Topic activity - set on Seesaw

Specialist activity: Monday - PE, Tuesday Specialist activity: Monday - French, Music, Wednesday - Forest School, Tuesday - Forest School, Wednesday - PE, Thursday - Games, Friday - French Thursday - Music, Friday - Games


Choose an activity from the wellbeing programme.

Choose an activity from the wellbeing programme.


School day finishes

School day finishes

Tuesday @ 3.30pm: Remote learning co-curricular programme 4

Remote Learning for Years 3 to 8 Suggested timetables for these year groups can be found in the accompanying document. An editable version will be available to parents and children.

Key Points for Pupils: If you have problems accessing Microsoft Teams or completing any of the tasks, remember: you can contact your subject teacher or form teacher to ask questions and they will be happy to support you.

Aim to complete all five sessions in a day. Times are suggested – from 8.30am to 5pm, however, please adapt the day to work for you and your family. Daily tutor check in sessions will take place every morning at 8.30am

If you are not able to be on Microsoft Teams during the teacher’s live timeslot - subject teachers will respond to your queries via Teams or email within 24 hours.

Sessions can be completed in any order you choose, but remember: subject teachers will be available ‘live’ at set times (which will be stated in the assignments).

Progress Tests/ Assessments will take place after half term. More information about these will follow during the first half of the term. 5

Year 3 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 45-50 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Year 4 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 45-50 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Year 5 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 50-55 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Year 6 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 50-55 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Year 7 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 50-55 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Year 8 Lesson Layout The times indicate the start of each lesson, children should be working for around 50-55 minutes. An editable version will be available to parents and children.


Pupils’ Expectations: Guidance for children Online learning is a significant change to your usual school routine. We will continue to find ways to provide an inspiring education and to support each other.

If you have any questions you can ask your

Each morning you should look through your suggested timetable for the day and plan the activities you will complete. You may choose to change the order of the lessons to suit you and your family as you may be sharing IT resources.

As Remote Learning is completed online, the

form teacher at ‘Check-in’ or email the subject teacher.

School’s Acceptable Use policy in the front of your school book must be followed! Your form tutor will explain these expectations to you at the start of the term.

Before a lesson: You must check the following:

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You have all the equipment and books you will need. You are in a quiet, public space with room to work. You are dressed suitably (eg not in pyjamas!); there is no need to wear uniform. Check when the teacher clinic is happening for the subjects you are completing so that you can access further help if needed. You have signed into Seesaw or Teams.

During a lesson: You follow the usual expectations for your behaviour in a classroom. If you would like to ask a question, type the question into the conversation stream and wait for a response. You must interact patiently and respectfully with teachers and your peers. You should follow the instructions given by your teacher. Work could be completed online or in your


You must not record any part of the lesson, communication with teachers or any video links. The teacher

will record any live lessons or clinics, this will be posted to the Team once the lesson is completed.

In Microsoft Teams you need to use the Posts to ask questions about work, not for a conversation with


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During Live lessons, you will mute your microphone and only unmute if instructed by your teacher. You will not stream videos of yourself.

After a lesson: Complete any prep set by the teacher. Submit your work for feedback. If you have worked hard throughout the lesson there is no need complete work unless it is set as prep. If you feel you are being set too much work, contact your subject teacher or form teacher.

Remember: Your teachers are here to help; get in touch if you need anything. 12

Registration, Form Time and Collect Online Form Time/Tutor Groups Each morning there will be a Tutor ‘Check-in’ at 8:30am; form tutors will complete an online register and check all pupils are ready for the day. Children in Pre-Prep will be greeted each morning with an online message or task from their teacher as they develop their online confidence they will have a morning registration on Teams.

There will be weekly tutor groups with their tutor – these may be via video or audio but they should be done ‘live’ to enable interaction and a chance to discuss any concerns/triumphs. All children will have a small group form time with their tutor each week.

If your child is unwell please e-mail:

Online Collect There will be a weekly Collect recorded and sent to the pupils for them to watch. They will include the normal range of important messages being delivered, including mental health tips to celebrating achievements from home.


Academic Curriculum Teacher clinics - Year 3 to 8 During this one hour slot, a teacher will be available to discuss the assignment set that week in their subject. The clinics should be used if the children have a question that has not been answered on the Team posts or they need further support. It is not compulsory; some children may not need to use it. The available daily clinics are listed on the timetables. At the start of each week, teachers will put an announcement on the Teams posts page to set the time of the clinic. A meeting will be set on Teams with access given to relevant classes. If the children want to, they can join the meeting. This is for support for children rather than parents. This will be an audio call, the teacher can share their screen and use a whiteboard to demonstrate if needed. If parents have any concerns they can e-mail the subject teacher or Deputy Head Academic.

Reading – Pre-Prep Parents have access to Oxford Owl and Collins Big Cat reading books online. Form teachers will suggest books for children according to their child’s book band. Parents can email teachers for further guidance and can also upload a video of their child reading to their Seesaw profile for feedback from the teacher.

Accelerated Reader Weekly Updates and Awards – Year 3 to Year 8 Pupils can continue to take a quiz online once they have finished reading their book using Accelerated Reader. Pupils can access the quizzes online from home. We will be monitoring this and adding awards and word counts to the AR team along with mentions in form time and Collects.

11+ Preparation Pupils in Year 5 will continue to have access to BOFA to continue their 11+ preparation at home. This online learning platform is designed to assess, teach and test pupils with tests available in Maths, English, Verbal and NonVerbal reasoning. Please go to www.bofaks2. and login using your child’s school e-mail address. If you have any problems please contact Mrs O’Leary via email

Online Parents’ Evening Following the cancellation of in-school parents’ evenings, parents will receive an invite to a remote session with form teachers. Year 5 and Year 7 were due to have Parents’ Evenings in the summer term and these will be rescheduled remotely in the summer term.


Prep Children will continue to be set prep as per their normal homework timetable. This can be submitted online following the instructions given by their teacher.

Attitude to Learning reports. Children in Years 3 to 8 will continue to be given Attitude to Learning grades at three points over the summer term. These will be shared with them via their form tutors in the usual way and pupils will then discuss them with their parents. Children in Years 1 and 2 will have their ATL grades sent to parents at the end of the half term.

Assessments In the week after half term we will have an assessment week . Children in Year 8 will sit their Common Entrance exams in English, Maths, Science and French. Children in Years 2 to Year 7 will complete assessments online. They will do Progress Tests in English, Maths, Science (from y3). They will also have an online reading and spelling test. The children have sat tests like this previously and teachers are aware of their expected achievements. This will help staff monitor progress and make adaptions if needed when children return to school.


Pastoral Provision Monitoring Wellbeing

Worry Button Pupils will have online access to the ‘worry button’ via a tab in their tutor groups on Microsoft Teams. It provides an easy and quick way for pupils to write a concern about themselves or someone else . This is accessed each day by the Pastoral Team who then deal with the issues according to their areas i.e. Head of Juniors will deal with Years 3 and 4.

Tutor times, wellbeing forums and school councils will allow for regular interactions between staff and pupils. We are also looking to roll out a pupil wellbeing app on Microsoft Teams that will give us a picture of how pupils are feeling day by day; pupils in Nursery to Year 2 who are not on Teams, can access the app on their parents’ devices. MyConcern, an internal software package, continues to allow staff to report, monitor and respond to any concerns. The staff and the Pastoral Leads are still here if you need us, so please keep communicating by email or by calling the school office.

Positive Wellbeing Wellbeing is very much part of the timetable. Suggestions on how to effectively stay healthy and well are a large part of what we do for the children. We will be running wellbeing and mental health Collects and webinars for the whole community. School Counsellor The School Counsellor is still available for remote sessions, if needed. For further information, please contact Adam Mallins (Deputy Head Pastoral) by email or by calling the school office number.


Pastoral Provision #3 Good Things We have already relaunched #3GoodThings, a positive thinking technique that encourages you to reflect on 3 good things that have happened in your day and sharing them with the community via the school’s social media channels. Email these to

Staying Connected The virtual timetable will give opportunities for all to connect: Collects, house assemblies, tutor groups, whole school challenges and competitions, as well as interactive/live lessons. There are also plans for virtual social events for pupils, parents and staff such as quizzes, karaoke or bingo. The CPA will be involved in the organisation of these.

Staying Safe Online and Safeguarding at Home Guidance for parents and pupils on how to stay safe online and useful safeguarding information will be sent out in a separate document via email to all parents. Online safety videos will also be posted to all pupils using Microsoft Teams.


The Enrichment Programme 50 Positive Things to do this Summer Pupils can will be encouraged to challenge themselves by completing a list of 50 things before the summer term finishes, including learning to juggle, building a den or writing a letter. Pupils will tick as many things off the list as they can and will be asked to share their achievements with their tutors. Pupils can of course suggest their own activities and can they share these ideas too.

Specialist Subject Crosfields Talk Lecture Series We have a highly skilled range of teachers at Crosfields all with different interests and passions. Once a week we will be inviting one of them to offer a lecture to inspire interests outside of our normal curriculum areas. If any parents would like to be involved, please contact either or

Free Access Webinars We will be offering webinars for both parents and pupils as to how to deal with mental health and wellbeing over the extended closure.

Online Co-Curricular A selection of co-curricular activities will be offered remotely, with sessions that can be completed at home, for example: chess, cross country and maths challenges. These will be set up on Teams and joining details will be sent to you by Fiona Cook at the start of term. Online Choirs All Crosfields choirs will continue to meet online. Crosfields Quiz Night A once a week quiz night to bring the week to a close and have some fun with the family! 18

Online School Council, Eco Council and Food Council We will continue to run School Councils and Eco Councils to ensure we are still hearing the pupil voice. The Food Council will look at advising about healthy eating at home.

Theme Days Theme days will offer something slightly different during the week to break up the learning and have some fun! It may be an academic theme for the day or dressing up! Details to follow.

Charity Initiatives Working with our Houses, the pupils will engage with their Head of House to raise money remotely for the inspiring work that the NHS is doing to support the country.

Online Inter House Competitions Talent shows, sporting challenges and art competitions to name but a few, we will be creating online challenges for houses. All points from the competitions will contributed to the coveted end of term cups for all children.

Online House Meetings Children in Years 3 to 8 will be invited to join a house team; we will have regular house meetings to inspire children and review the triumphs in inter house competitions.


Music Tuition Individual music lessons will continue to be offered through Microsoft Teams. All peripatetic staff will follow the guidelines as per the ‘E-Safety Policy Addendum Teacher Guidance: Remote Learning for One-on-One Music Lessons’ Policy’. Pupils will be able to interact with their teacher on a one-to-one basis via a video link in Teams. While instrumental and vocals lessons delivered in this way will be different, we are fortunate to have innovative peripatetic staff who are already thinking creatively about the possibilities with remote learning. Music lessons would be scheduled in the same way as if pupils were at school and regular practice would, of course, be expected between lessons. If there are any issues with accessing lessons due to differences in time zones for families not in the UK, then please do contact Mr Adams:

HUB Lessons: Parental Guidance Pupils with specific educational needs will continue to be supported by Mrs Turner and her team in the HUB using the Teams platform as part of our remote learning package. This will involve: • Teams face-to-face lessons as a ‘pair’ of pupils with a LET teacher once a week • Small group lessons such as SPAG using Microsoft Teams • HUB contact and check ins with specific pupils • Access to resources The purpose of these sessions will be to continue to support identified needs across a range of subject areas to enable children/you to benefit fully from remote learning and to lead to a smooth transition back to school. For further information please contact Catherine Turner:


Further Information Weekly Question and Answer Sessions A service for parents to answer their general questions about remote learning. Parents will email their questions to the following people: Academic: Pastoral: Questions will be collected by the end of day on Wednesdays, then a set of frequently asked questions will be set up with the answers from each member of staff. These will be put together as one document and sent to parents via e-mail on the Friday. On rotation, staff may also answer their questions by video message. Parental Survey We greatly value parents’ feedback at this time. On Friday 24th April, you will be sent a link to complete a short survey. We would be really grateful if you could take the time to complete this by Tuesday 28th April. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as we seek to make this the best possible experience for everyone associated with the School. We will continue to review our provision and plan to send out further surveys to gather valuable feedback.

Policies We have updated relevant policies with relevance to Home Learning; these are available on the school website.

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E-Safety Policy Addendum Teacher Guidance: Remote Learning for One-on-One Music Lessons (available on school website) Home Learning Policy Pupil & Parent (available on school website) Safeguarding

Access to The Different Platforms Microsoft Teams Access via the following address: Seesaw Access via the following address:


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