Crosfields School Highlights Magazine - Spring 2013

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Spring Term 2013




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ELLIE WINS OUR HEARTS On Tuesday 26th February, we welcomed Ellie Simmonds OBE to Crosfields to open officially our new state-of-the-art swimming pool. The event had a dramatic opening with a sensational swimming display from Crosfields pupils. Ellie watched from the pool side, along with parents and other guests, whilst 800 pupils and visitors watched the event in the sports hall through a live video link. The display included children from across the ages. Demonstrating learning to swim, water polo and competitive relay swimming. Senior children representing 5 different countries performed a mini Olympic style relay over 200 metres. The swimmers were supported by cheerleaders with colourful costumes and flags. Excitement continued as the talented 18 year old joined the Headmaster Mr Jonathan Wansey on the stage in the sports hall for a ‘Question and Answer’ session with pupils. Children from 4 years up to 13 years old spoke with confidence asking Ellie a variety of questions. Joseph Ruffle from Year 7 asked Ellie, ‘What advice would you give to children about being successful in sports?’ Ellie replied, ‘Find something that you really enjoy doing and try your very best.’ Jonathan Wansey also took a moment to thank all those involved with the planning and creation of the new pool. He brought on to the stage Ex-Governor Graham Denton and presented him with a painting of the swimming pool. Ellie took time at the end of the event to be photographed with every child. She gave pupils the chance to hold her gold medal and to ask her questions. The children were thrilled to be able to talk to her. Ellie officially opened the pool by unveiling the new plaque which will be at the front of the new building. The new swimming pool was completed in summer 2012 and provides a superb facility for both the school and the wider community. Features include: 5 Lanes, 25 metres x 10 metres, variable depth floor - 0cm to 2metres, changing facilities for 60 swimmers and spectator seating for 180 guests. 2

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Over 150 children participated in theWoodley Festival this year, many of whom enjoyed the success of winning a medal or award. Children performed in many categories, including Choral speaking, Choir, individual speaking, mime and instrumental performances.

HITTING THE SLOPES 23 pupils from Years 6, 7 & 8 visited the Italian ski resort of San Sicario during February Half Term. As well as enjoying excellent snow conditions for the majority of the week, on day one they were greeted with blue skies and took a skidoo up to a mountain restaurant in Claviere for a hot chocolate and a crepe. Throughout the week each group gained in confidence with some completing the 2006 Olympic Mens downhill course (albeit a bit slower than they did it!). On the final day one group did an excellent job of tackling the black Olympic run. The fun continued into the evening with celebrations for skiing efforts and a birthday party for one Year 8 pupil. On the last day they all enjoyed the Crosfields Award Ceremony.

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FUNDRAISING FOR COMIC RELIEF There was a great deal of excitement on Friday 15th March as children arrived in nonuniform, in aid of Comic Relief. To kick-start the day’s activities, Nursery children got underway making funny face biscuits, and at morning break Year 6 arranged a fantastic cake sale which was enjoyed very much by the staff and children in years 5 to 8. The Juniors entertained the rest of the School throughout the day, with their ‘flash-mobbing’ adventure. In true Comic Relief “Do something funny for money” style, this involved impromptu dancing by the Juniors at random moments during the day. The infectious fun even stopped a group of Reception children in their tracks during a break-time football kick-about. They thought the ‘disco’ was great fun and joined in the dancing! Prior to Red Nose Day, the Juniors spent time crafting a puppet, which they could enter into a competition for the crown of the most creative masterpiece. Nursery also made a great effort dressing up in their favourite costumes for the day. Spiderman proved to be very popular, and the staff looked great including ‘Wally’ and a pirate too! The total raised for Comic Relief was an amazing £1,115.61.

CELEBRATING A LOVE FOR BOOKS The children throughout the school embraced National Book Week with a range of exciting activities. Along with 3 other schools, Year 8 pupils Edmund Westley and Simran Chakal participated in writing an e-Book - a challenge that was set by the Educational Library Services. The ebook was started by the Crosfields duo who were given the first sentence of “Alex had only been asked to join the team at the last moment to make up the numbers but…” To read the complete story, visit and click on 2013 ebook. In the nursery, children listened eagerly as tales were told with great expression fromYear 7 children. Books such as ‘Where the wild things are’ and ‘The scruffiest giant in town,’ were among their favourites. 4

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Leighton Park School invited Year 2 to celebrate the Gruffalo’s birthday! As the children arrived they were informed that the sunny day was perfect for Gruffalo spotting and sure enough within minutes they spotted the Gruffalo sitting on a rocking chair reading his own book. Leighton Park’s Year 7 children later guided our group around a circus of activities and completely brought the story to life with a stroll through the woods led by the mouse and his friend the squirrel.

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The faint sound of cheeping could be heard inside the egg long before they hatched, and the race to be the first to break free finally came early one morning in Reception. As each of the 10 chicks hatched, live footage was beamed to the whole school via a ‘chick-cam’. Reception children were delighted with their new friends and thoroughly enjoyed the experience of watching them hatch and being able to hold them.


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MATHS CHALLENGE WINNERS Four Year 6 children performed exceptionally well in the Annual Prep Schools’ Maths Challenge hosted at The Oratory School. The Crosfields team were awarded 1st place, scoring 297 points, with their closest rivals achieving 278 points. Five other schools attended (Caldicott, Ludgrove, Papplewick School, St. Andrew’s Pangbourne and Twyford School). They were tough competitors but no match for Jamie Frankel, James Norgate, James Rennie and Charles Yang. The event consisted of a number of challenges, some of which were GCSE level. Everyone was well prepared and with thanks to Mr Adams, they had a very stimulating and enjoyable day.

SUPERHEROES! Nursery children came to the rescue of teaching and support staff when they became Superheroes for the week. Making their own costumes which were complete with capes and masks in bright colours, they put their work into practice and dashed to those in need. First stop was the Bursary to help count the pennies. The next, delivering important post messages to Mrs. McDowell. Other missions followed, including helping to set up classrooms and returning missing books to other children. Wherever their work took them, the children were greeted with a warm welcome -They were especially excited when they stumbled across a sibling! This experience was a brilliant way to demonstrate the value of helping others.


INTERHOUSE CROSS-COUNTRY Each pupil braved the unusually cool weather to take part in our annual interhouse cross-country races. Spirits were high despite the soggy ground and everyone enjoyed cheering on their housemates through the finish line.

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Year 6 children put on an entertaining evening, showcasing choral verse based on the Seasons, and upbeat songs from the Chamber Choir and Senior Girls’ Choir. The highlight of the evening was the whole year performance of Robin Hood & Friends. Every child in Year 6 took part and the audience were treated to rousing songs and talented individual performances.



Congratulations to those pupils who have been awarded Scholarships to their senior schools for September 2013. We are very proud of the children and wish them great success. • Ben Wilson Academic Scholarship, Abingdon School • Edmund Westley Music Scholarship, Leighton Park • Rahul Patel Sports Scholarship, Bradfield College • Lily Harrison Drama Exhibition, Cranford House • James Milligan Academic Scholarship, Reading Blue Coat • Michi Aneez Music Scholarship, The Abbey

Year 2 children went to Moulsford to play in their first Tag Rugby tournament. The pupils joined in a games lesson at the school prior to the matches. A good effort was made by all and overall the ‘A’ team finished third in their group and the ‘B’ team finished second.

We regularly update our facebook page with news as it happens. Like our page at

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