Crotch Issue 6

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Are we out of the woods yet? New York Pride. Madonna bar-top dancing in a club. People on the streets of the city. Recently, these are the moments that have given us a rush of excitement and a sense that the world is coming back. That, and a little double vaccination (here’s hoping you got yours). In London, Pride is TBC and summer holidays are a little complicated, but soccer and sunshine are raising our spirits. Seeing 22 men running around in footy kit is something I can always personally get behind. I hope, in turn, you’ll get behind this sixth edition of Crotch. Even in restricted times, making this magazine gives me an escapist thrill, with all its beautiful men, on beaches and rooftops, enjoying the sun on their skin and the vitality of life. All the good stuff. This issue, we’ve finally nailed down Diego Barros after two years of trying. We persisted, and I’m very glad we did. The Crotch team spent a beautiful scorcher of a day in his company, during which he never let his playful raunchiness and big-dick energy drop. Suffice to say, Diego had the whole crew (and the neighbours) swooning. In other big-dick energy news, we’re upping our output to four issues a year. We are currently casting across the globe and have so many men to share with you. Our website and socials are still the best way to keep up to date with the world of Crotch, and even if Instagram is cockblocking men’s bodies at every turn, we can always depend on Twitter. There are some special things coming up in the next few months, which we are very excited to share with you. We are also increasing the range of our webstore, with t-shirts, hoodies, shorts and jocks. In the meantime, don’t be a stranger in this brave new world. Stay in touch, let us know who you want to see in Crotch, and what you think of this issue. See you on the beach. Frank.

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Editor-In-Chief Frank Strachan / Art Director Chris Williams / Editorial Director Colin Crummy / Editorial Consultant Jamie Hakim / Junior Fashion Editor: Jessica Johnston / Editorial Assistants: Tom Lawrence and Cameron Long. Contributing Photographers; Steeve Beckouet, Christian Vermaak, Ramon Christian, Torian Lewin, Nicolas Aristidou, Jonas Huckstorf, Antonio Eugenio, Scott Salinger, Tom Lawrence, Jack Alexander, Gato Rivero, JJ Geiger, Kevin Tachman, Andreas Constantinou. Socials: @crotchmagazine Crotch, Studio 51, Make Space Studios, Newnham Terrace, London SE1 7DR Advertising and wholesale enquiries:

Special thanks to: James Probert, Gregory Vaughan, Christopher Shannon, David Roberts, Kay Barron, Simon Lyne, Steven Moore, Fascination Management, A&P Management, Massive Management, Ben Furnival & David Skelton, Annabel Caley. Theresa, Angela, Linda, Brenda, George & Harold, Richard Wilbraham, Cesare Polini, Jamie Golunski, Zack Tate, Jonathan Wheatley, Lauren Jones, Johann Andersson, Gavin Myall, Shane Jenek, Francisco Vargas, Mollie, Louise, Kylie, Steps, Pull The Pin Out, Cindy and Wanda.

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THE WRESTLER Louis Barthélemy gets to grip with his work

The illustrator and textile designer Louis Barthélemy has spent the past year wrestling with several projects. A five-month residency in the oasis of Siwa in the Egyptian western desert saw him work with local artisans to create a range of products and artworks under






commissioned him to create an embroidered ceiling to adorn his flagship store in Paris. And he’s designed a line of swimwear and summery effects for the hotel brand Le Sirenuse in Positano. Then there is the French creative’s Wrestlers series, artworks inspired by the local sporting scene in Dakar. Here, he explains how the fascination with the man-on-man action led him to grapple with his own creativity. What drew you to Dakar? I was in Marrakech, where I partly live, and a friend kindly invited me to stay at her place in Dakar. I accepted the invitation and started doing research about the local culture. I read about the national passion for wrestling which caught my attention. I travelled to Dakar with the desire to attend a wrestling competition at the arena. How did you meet the Sakou Xam Xam wrestlers? I reached the hotel very early in the morning and as I was sipping my coffee a member of staff, Malik, asked me what I wished to see during my time in Dakar. I mentioned the wrestling arena. His face lit up. He was a former wrestler and promised to take me to the local stadium, Grand Yoff, that day. How was that experience? I was sitting on the edge of the fight track, on the sand, very close to the wrestlers getting ready. The battle was mind-blowing: the energy, the drums, the chorus of ladies singing, the whole thing steeped in sacred rituals. It was sublime and archaic at the same time. The next day Malik and I were on the beach and we recognised the champion of the night before, who was training with his peers. He invited us to attend a training session and from that moment, I haven’t left the Sakou Xam Xam team.

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Tell us about the process involved in creating

in bazin, going to the mosque. Each assigned with

the tapestries of the wrestlers.

a colour, cyan blue for one, another in lime green,

During my stay, I spent each day with the wrestlers,

one in lilac, the other in hot pink. The line-up was

attending their training sessions on the beach or

stunning. I wanted to translate that vibrant vision

in a space intended for fighting. I took a lot of

using local fabric into the Wrestlers series.

photographs which were translated later on into

The Wrestlers exhibition will be on later this

large-scale line drawings. I also spent time in local

year at the IFAN museum (l’Institut Fondamental

markets and bought a lot of fabric samples called

d’Afrique Noire). What’s the significance of

bazins, a waxed cotton brocade popular in West

holding the exhibition in this space?

Africa. Back in Cairo, Egypt, where I developed

The exhibition will bring together the Wrestlers

my tapestry work with local tent makers in the

series in conversation with some of the museum’s

Islamic area of Bab Zuweila, I brought the drawings

permanent pieces which caught my attention when

and materials to the artisans and launched the

I visited the museum. It houses some of the most


important collections of ancient artefacts from






placements to each design.

Francophone Africa, including fantastic tapestries

Was there significance for you in the use of bazin?

from Benin, which in technique are very similar


to the appliquéd tapestries I produce in Egypt.







and worn by men and women. In Dakar I was


mesmerised to see on Friday morning at Prayer

Wrestlers will be at the IFAN museum (l’Institut

Time a procession of men in traditional dress cut

Fondamental d’Afrique Noire), Dakar December 2021

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Crotch Heroes #1: RUFSKIN

When it comes to crotches, Rufskin has them covered.

the back of the swimsuit left open, and built with an

The Californian brand, founded in 2002 by partners

inner ‘t-back’, Ku SWIM creates what Hubert calls, "A

Hubert Pouches and Douglas Coats, has been a major

little optical illusion - the whole theme of our swim for

player in defining the concept of sexy for men through

the past few seasons has been based on real and fake

its range of underwear, swimwear, sports, leisure and

superpositions, Tromp-l’œil as we French say,” he laughs.

denim. In the underwear and swim departments, Rufskin has been bold in style, colour and cheek.

The revival of the thong in the men’s underwear and swim markets led Rufskin to this half-way house of a

Which brings us to Ku SWIM, Rufskin’s latest

swimsuit, a bridge for the man who wants to explore

swimsuit and an instant icon of beachwear. A fusion of

the 'less is more' territory without feeling like he’s

a thong and a brief, it may represent one of the brand’s

wearing nothing but flosser. “Ku SWIM is a perfect

cheekiest moves yet. That’s saying something from the

combo for the guy who wants, but doesn’t dare, to go

guys who brought us the Big D bikini brief. But with

cheeks out,” confirms Hubert.

Photography Christian Vermaak

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Colour has always been an inspiration at Rufskin and







since work began nearly 20 years ago. The brand


continues to innovate, taking its time to establish the

black, new colour-contrast options are on their way.

right fit for the Ku SWIM (“You practically need to

The inspiration goes back decades, says Hubert.

build two suits in one,” says Hubert). But at Rufskin,

“We always had a weakness for strong colours as a

some things remain a constant, like the faux fly. “It

statement and by taste, the early 80’s influence of

looks more masculine and it allows us to create some

California surf culture,” he explains. “And honestly a

unlined pieces,” says Hubert. “Even with a wet suit the

few porn stars from that same era like Leo Ford in his

faux fly will barely but efficiently cover enough where

bright tiny bikinis were at some point the start of this

it all matters.”

last collection.” Produced in California since day one, the brand maintains a close relationship with the same contractors Ashley wears trunks by Rufskin. @ChristianVermaak @A_C_Tamuno

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Strip Paris-born Gael Nicolas puts the ooh la la into his early morning routine

Photography Nicolas Aristidou

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Gael wears L-R: Briefs by Ron Dorff, shorts and briefs by Ron Dorff, briefs by Meus. @NicolasAristidou @GaelMaxime

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The Queer Sloganeer Philip Normal makes a statement in every size If there’s one thing having a moment in the current

top-wearing Bum Boy’ T-shirt.

milieu, it’s slogans. The smartest, funniest and most

This is an incredibly powerful statement, that should

incisive ones can be found at protest marches (some

forever embarrass Boris [Johnson – who used the

favs: ‘This is My Resisting Bitch Face’ and ‘You’ll Die

phrase to describe gay men in a Telegraph newspaper

of Old Age, I’ll Die of Climate Change’). Online, with

column in 1998] and hopefully reminds journalists the

only 140 characters to work with, everything – for

stuff they put out won’t be forgotten. I don’t think the

better or worse - is reduced to slogan status. One

political message that he said this goes deep enough.

man who’s turned sloganeering into a statement of

We make fun of it, but what it highlights is that this

fashion is Philip Normal, a London-based designer

country fundamentally thinks LGBTQ+ people are

whose quick-turnaround work captures the zeitgeist

a joke, and we’re not. We are your parents, your

as it happens, plants it on an XL tee and puts it out

teachers, your nurses, your doctors, need I go on?

into the world before Twitter has a chance to play

We are part of society and we need to change this

catch-up with the commentary.

attitude, but it’ll take time. We might have made

In part, no doubt, to its of-the-moment, as-it-happens

progress, but progress won can also be progress lost,

nature and also its sense of fun, Normal’s work has

and until we can hold each other’s hands without fear

proved enormously popular. His Brixton-based shop

of being beaten up, then we don’t have equality.

(and website, obvs) is the go-to place for ‘Protect

Do you get a wow moment when you see someone

Trans Lives’ socks and ‘Alexa, Free Britney’ tees and

wearing your work?

this year Normal raised £80,000 in one week for the

I always feel mind-blown when I bump into someone

Terrence Higgins Trust with his ‘La’ t-shirt, inspired

wearing my work. Sometimes I say “Hey,” and they

by the acclaimed Russell T Davies AIDS drama

look at me like a weirdo and move on.

It’s A Sin. The show was ground-breaking for the

What inspired you to do the ‘La’ t-shirt?

conversation it started around HIV and AIDS in the

Wow, ok, so that was an unexpected project. I thought

UK. Normal, who is also a councillor for the London

I’d sell five t-shirts. I loved It’s A Sin. What an amazing

borough of Lambeth, is a ground breaker himself, as

story about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s. I designed the

the country’s first HIV-positive mayor. Below, we talk

‘La’ t-shirt the day after watching episode three, and I

slogan t-shirts and politics with Philip, while our pal

cried on the bus to work. I had to do it for charity and

Harry models some of his greatest hits...

the Terrence Higgins Trust were so supportive, I can’t take credit; the success of the fundraising is down to

Philip, you turn around the T-shirts so fast, how

the show. I just did a T-shirt. I’m proud that the money

do you do that?

raised will go to fight HIV stigma, one of the main

I love being a reactive artist, it’s fun. Quite often these

reasons why people don’t test.

days it’s someone asking me to put something on a

You mention the day job. How is council life?

T-shirt because it’s relevant to them, and I can do it on

I naturally fell into politics with the community and

the spot in my studio. This isn’t 1995 where we have

LGBTQ+ work I was doing. I’m proud of the work I’ve

to do collections. We have the internet and I can get

done in my first term as a councillor. We successfully

it online in minutes. I only do it when it’s playful and

lobbied the government to make PrEP available on

people will find joy in it.

the NHS and now we are pressuring the government

The store looks like such a beautiful oasis of fun.

[on its] pledge to implement the independent HIV

I opened my first shop in Camden in 2008 during the

commission, which would mean no new diagnoses by

recession, and I’ve never looked back. I started sitting

2030 - bold, but scientifically possible.

in a tiny, freezing cold, exposed, stables market unit,

Does the current moment give you a lot of

just me and my sewing machine, and we weren’t

material to work with?

allowed heaters as they used too much electricity.

It’s these political times, there’s always a drama.

Since then things have changed a lot. I adore my

There’s always a news story in the morning and I’ll

south London Brixton shop and I sell online too.

have messages from people going ‘Philip, this needs

Can you talk us through the Boris-inspired ‘Tank

to be a t-shirt’. @PhilipNormal

Photography Tom Lawrence

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Harry wears tees and sweaters by Philip Normal. @TomL_98 @HarryJohnsonXL

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Strip Cape Town’s Gerhard Venter splashes around in his own-label swimwear, Ven_label

Photography Tom Lawrence

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Gerhard wears trunks by @Ven_Label. @TomL_98 @CallMe_Gerry

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Illustrator James Davison is turning heads wherever he goes

If you’ve ever used the loos at queer East London watering hole The Glory you may have seen some of James Davison’s work. The illustrator and designer is the man responsible for the lavatory wallpaper, a confection of muscle gogo boys, drag queens, poppers, and the lyrics to Erasure’s classic pop hit I Love to Hate You. Bathroom art may have a captive audience but James, who is Leeds born and East London based, has gathered a crowd of admirers wherever his work is shown. He became a fixture of London front-row fashion shows for a number of years, where he sketched the looks as they came down the runway. His archly stylised work – typified by big block head and shoulders portraiture – is so full of glamour, energy and a sexual charge that it’s little wonder it’s also caught the attention of Drag Race alumni, the guys at Bistrotheque (a dining stalwart of the queer East London scene) and a certain LGBTQ+ popstar he can’t talk about just yet. But it’s James’ Cock series that drew Crotch’s attention (surprise, surprise), a deliciously simple selection and celebration of the male member which we really couldn't not share. Your work harks back to certain vintage queer artists and illustrators while being its own thing. Which other artists inspire your work? Oh loads, illustrator wise: probably Eric Stanton, Tom of Finland, Pater Sato and Joe Madureira. I love Pierre et Gilles and I’ve been looking at them a lot recently. Loads of drag artists inspire me, I did a few commissions for a few Ru-gurls last year. My partner, George Henry Longly, motivates me in both his work ethic and studio practice. Any artist who takes their time and respects the process is an inspiration to me. Which men inspire your work? All of them! Sailors tend to pop up a lot though. What do you like to listen to when you draw? I’m going through a renaissance of Funky House at the moment, which is probably my northern past circa 2000 resurfacing. That’s good for when I need

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to paint and feel one’s oats. Very That with Delta and Raja is good to giggle to. Can you tell us about The Cock Series? It’s a bold, colour-blocked series that is available as prints, beach towels and other merchandise. It’s a continuing series with different versions available later in the year. Do you miss your fashion-week illustrations? I used to sketch backstage/front-row at shows, which was a fab experience. It was good practice to develop my drawing hand in that way; creating movement and energy very quickly. Drawing fashion live, at the time, seemed really fresh and new but I’m less involved with it now as I’m busy with other projects. I really love digital and analogue, but they are entirely different processes. I’ve always flipped

and fashion brands. I’m in the middle of a project

between the two depending on the project. For the

with Bistrotheque creating wall art for their new

past couple of years, I have been more graphic based

space, ‘The Cockatoo’. I’m having a lot of fun with

- exploring block colour and simple shapes. I like

it; working on a bigger scale is so much more

the idea of refining and simplifying. Recently, I’ve


experimented mixing them: highly rendered digital

Then there is SketchSesh, your take on life-

drawings which are then developed in analogue

drawing classes. How did that come about?

using an airbrush.

A few years ago, I started a collaborative drawing

Let’s talk more recent developments then. What

project with an old friend, Simon Gray. SketchSesh

large-scale projects you been involved in?

produced elevated life-drawing sessions, art films

I’ve created murals and installations for restaurants

and workshops. I tend to do more of my analogue/ sketching work at these sessions. We began in the basement at The Glory and have worked with some incredible people and brands. We did a run of sessions with Gigi Goode, Bimini, A’Whora and Naomi Smalls earlier this year. Last year we were in the Versace campaign. We are launching our first summer school for 14-19 year olds this summer. What’s the most exciting commission you’ve had? I did an animation for a music video earlier this year for an amazing queer artist - but it’s not out yet! That was a really fun project that really pushed me. And the fantasy commission? A Netflix animated original of my graphic novel that I’m still yet to finish writing. @JamesDavisonStudio

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Strip Footballer turned adult performer Oscar Marin scores a ten from us

Photography Scott Salinger

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Oscar wears trunks model's own. @ScottSalingerPhoto @Varonfoto @OscarMarin_official

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Silk & Steel Photography Jack Alexander Styling Ellis Ranson

38 Crotch Previous page: Miguel wears satin boxer shorts by ASOS, earring worn throughout Models own. This page: Sunflower shirt and shorts by ASOS Design. Opposite: Cow print briefs and Hard Times socks, both Bang and Strike.

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Opposite: Vest and briefs by Bang and Strike. This page: Striped pants by Ron Dorff with cap model's own.

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44 Crotch This page: Orange trousers by Collusion with beret by Bershka. Opposite: Red satin pants by ASOS with chain by Zara. @JackAlexanderUK @StyledEllisRanson @Miguel_Harichi @NevsModels Grooming by Jason Goh @JasonGohHair @Gary_ Represents Set Design by Josie Hunter @JosieHunter_Sets

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Le BALCON Photography Nicolas Aristidou

Styling Nicolas Klam

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Previous page L-R: Maxime wears tank top and silk shirt by Frnkow, with boxer shorts by Petrone. Maxime wears t-shirt and briefs by Meus Paris. Maxime wears swimsuit by Villebrequin.

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Opposite: T-shirt, briefs and socks all by Petron. This page: Boxer shorts by Meus Paris, with bracelet by Marc Deloche. Pants by Li-Ning with bracelet by Marc Deloche.

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Opposite: Shirt and brief by Meus Paris. Shirt by Frnkow. This page: Hoodie by Li-Ning with swimsuit by Villbrequin and sunglasses by Izipizi. Shorts by Ron Dorff and bracelet by Marc Deloche. @NicolasAristidou @NicoKlam @IAmMaximeSamo

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The swimming pool has always drawn us into the water. The space offers an escape into luxury, leisure and desire. Little wonder pools have proved inspirational to artists and storytellers through the ages. Pools are often the site of drama, whether delicate dances of sexual desire or the place to go if you have murder on your mind. David Hockney’s most recognisable works centre on the swimming pool, like A Bigger Splash, which sees the pool as pure decadence, and Portrait of an Artist (Pool with two Figures), a scene of liberation and bodily freedom. In literature, the swimming pool has proved to be a similarly exploratory place. An early novel from Booker winner Alan Hollinghurst, The Swimming Pool Library, sets its sexually charged and wholly erotic scene around the Corinthian, a London bath club for men. The Corry has a homoerotic charge and is a place of discovery, both of others and the self. And while we are not saying these photographs of Cambridge-based student Lewis have the depth of a Hollinghurst novel, they do explore the swimming pool as place for contemplation and a certain sexual confidence. Photography Steeve Beckouet

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Previous page: Lewis wears shorts by Curbwear. Opposite & this page: Lewis wears trunks by Addicted

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This page & opposite: Lewis wears trunks by Addicted.

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Photography Gato Rivero

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Previous page: Maor wears briefs by Abel Pirela. Opposite: Maor wears briefs by Abel Pirela, with a vintage shirt.

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Opposite & this page: Maor wears briefs by Abel Pirela.

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This page: Maor wears briefs by Abel Pirela, with a vintage shirt.

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@GatoRiveroPh @MaorLuz

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Photography Antonio Eugenio Styling Oliver Volquardsen

DIEGO says RELAX ...

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A memorable encounter with the OnlyFans superstar...

Three Top Tips for OnlyFans success: 1) Keep experimenting with the content to see what the fans love. 2) D o only what you feel comfortable with and don’t get pressured into doing more. 3) M ake sure you enjoy it. I love creating

underwear soaked in cum which is pretty wild!

nude beaches. People love to buy my used

I try to fulfil such as videos in cruising spots,

A lot of fans have crazy fetishes, a lot of them

The wildest thing a fan has asked of me:

my content and you can tell.

The biggest gift I’ve received: I’ve had some very generous tips from my fans, I once got a tip of five thousand pounds from a superfan, which was insane and very generous.

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Previous page: Diego wears tank top by Bianca Saunders, trousers by AlphaTauri. This page: Diego wears shorts and towel both by More Joy by Christopher Kane

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This page: Diego wears trunks by Calvin Klein, trousers by Pronounce.

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My favourite social media platform:

Other than OnlyFans, it has to be Twitter.

They allow you to post adult content and are

very responsive when taking down catfish.

My favourite performance: For my first couple of shows I was very nervous, and you could tell, but when I toured in Mexico I was super confident and put on a really hot show and could tell people were really turned on.

The best underwear for incredibly well-hung men: Calvin Klein is the most comfortable.

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This page: Diego wears overalls from The Vintage Showroom.

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First class or economy? On holiday I like to treat myself to Business Class if I get a good deal, but I’m also happy in economy.

What I’d tell you on a first date: I’m a top only!

love to visit, but London is my home.

Rio is an amazing and fun city that I

Rio or London?

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The most common misconception people have of me: That I’m super confident with my work. I can be quite shy in real life.

What to expect from my OnlyFans: My content is really hot, and it gets great feedback. I try and mix it up as much as possible with costumes, toys, role play and outdoor content. People also like that I don’t ask for anything extra: once signed up you get all my content.

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Diego wears necklace by Alighieri.

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Diego wears shorts and towel both by More Joy by Christopher Kane.

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This page: Diego wears top by Charles Jeffrey Loverboy with briefs by Tom Ford.

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Diego wears shirt, trousers and loafers from The Vintage Showroom, socks from Adidas and rings by Conor Joseph.

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The best advice for anyone wanting to hook up with an incredibly well-hung man: I like ass and a hungry mouth; someone that knows how to serve a hung lad.

The best thing about being an incredibly well-hung man: Being able to make a career on showing it off :)

My favourite body part:

I’m really proud of my chest which

I work hard on. But like most XXL

men, my cock of course!

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This page: Diego wears jumper by Charles Jeffrey Loverboy with vintage shorts from Rellik and socks from Adidas.

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Diego wears briefs by Charlie by Matthew Zink.

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Opposite: Diego wears suit from the Vintage Showroom with top by Calvin Klein. @MrAntonioEugenio @Oliver_Volquardsen @Diego_Barros on twitter, and Grooming by Pia Maria @PiaMaria

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Photography Torian Lewin

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Previous page: Rayly and Alexis both wear briefs by CDLP. Opposite: Alexis wears briefs by Balmain. This page: Rayly wears trousers by Phlemuns.

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Opposite: Rayly wears trousers by Phlemuns, Alexis wears briefs by CDLP. This page: Alexis wears vest by Calvin Klein with trousers by Phlemuns.

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Opposite: Alexis wears tie by Vivienne Westwood, Rayly wears tie by Vivienne Westwood, with sunglasses by Retrosuperfuture. This page: Alexis wears bodysuit by J.J.Malibu.

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This page: Alexis wears briefs by Balmain. Opposite: Alexis draped in bags by Telfar.

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This page: Alexis and Rayly wear tights by CDLP.

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Rayly’s Hair by Milciades Manuel Rolon for My Darling Ivy Alexis De La Rosa @DeLaBae_ represented by New Pandemics, Rayly Aquino @RaylyAquino represented by 114 Agency.

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Photography Jonas Huckstorf Styling Ingo Nahrwold


112 Crotch Previous page: Nico wears original 60s trunks from Vintage and Rags. Hamidiu wears g string by Gucci S/S 1997. This page: Hamidiu wears posing string by Dirk Zilken. Opposite: Nico wears original 60s trunks from Vintage and Rags.

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This page: Hamidiu wears vintage 1970’s Lee Jeans. Opposite: Hamidiu wears trunks by dsquared S/S 1998 reinterpreted for Crotch Magazine by Dirk Zilken Design.

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This page: Nico wears shorts by Bang! Miami.

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Opposite: Nico wears shirt by CK Jeans S/S 1997 with shorts from Vintage and Rags. This page: Hamidiu wears bathing trunks D&G S/S 1996.

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Opposite: Hamidiu wears trunks by D&G S/S 1998. This page: Nico wears original 60s trousers from Vintage and Rags.

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Opposite: Hamidiu wears posing string by Shirtology. This page: Nico wears shorts by Kilian Kerner.

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Opposite: Nico wears bathing trunks by Vivienne Westwood Man S/S 1996. This page: Hamidiu wears trunks by Rufskin.

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Opposite: Hamidiu wears trousers by Rufskin. This page: Nico wears trunks by Charlie by Matthew Zink.

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This page: Nico wears original 60s trunks from Vintage and Rags. @JonasHuckstorf represented by @Klaus_Stiegemeyer @Ingo_Nahrwold represented by @Agency_Bigoudi Grooming Dennis Brandt @Dennis_Brandt @Agency_Bigoudi @NicoLehmann @VIVAModelsBerlin @Hamidiu_Boanor @TwoManagementBerlin

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Photography JJ Geiger

Styling Thomas Rodehuth-Harrison

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Previous page: Thomas wears jockstrap by Ruxwood. This page: Thomas wears jockstrap by Ruxwood. Opposite: Thomas wears swim brief by Sean&Val.

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This page & opposite: Thomas wears silk boxers by Personal Parade.

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This page & opposite: Thomas wears mesh top by ASOS; jockstrap by Bike

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Opposite & this page: Thomas wears briefs by Charlie by Matthew Zink. @JGeigs Model: Thomas Rodehuth-Harrison @Rodehuth

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In the 1992 Levi’s commercial, Swimmer, a mere sprinkling of water from a garden hose is enough for an attractive young man to whip off his classic white t-shirt and go swimming through a series of suburban swimming pools. The advert, in which the settings become more lavish, decorative and ultracamp, concludes with the man whisking a glamorous young woman away from a society event to the highest springboard (presumably still in the neighbourhood) to dive off of. And all this because some kid got handy with the garden hose. The advertising world is smart to a trick that many have played, though the actual liquid involved changes according to circumstance or commercial imperative. Levi’s soaked their guy in water to illustrate how repeat washes made their jeans even more wearable. Thirst plays a part in a 2013 Diet Coke advert, where model Andrew Cooper is the hunky gardener not-so accidentally doused in a sugar-free fizzy drink so that he can reveal his physique to the local First Wives in Waiting Club. We’d like to pretend that when our model David turned up on the roof terrace for his Crotch shoot, it was the combination of the incredibly hot weather and his dedication to the work in hand that merited a quick cool down with the garden hose. But that would be false advertising on our part. Plus, you know us better than that. We aim to deliver on our promise of Crotch, and this story does not sell you short, wet look included. Photography Steeve Beckouet

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David wears trunks by CDLP.

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144 Crotch This page: David wears trunks by Bang! Opposite: David wears briefs by Tom Ford.

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David wears thong by Rufskin.

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This page: David wears wrap around trunks by Rufskin. Opposite: David wears briefs by Modus Vivendi.

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David wears trunks by Rufskin.

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This page: David wears trunks by Charlie by Matthew Zink. Opposite: Shorts by Frank Strachan.

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David wears trunks by Rufskin.

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156 Crotch Opposite: David wears trunks by Rufskin. Thankyou to Mac for his beautiful roof garden. @Steeve_Beckouet, @DavidM_H

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Photography Ramon Christian

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Opposite: Chris wears hat by Dior. This page: David wears trunks by Rufskin.

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Opposite: David wears trunks by Rufskin, with trainers by Converse, Chris wears trunks by Rufskin, hat by Dior. This page: David wears trunks by Rufskin.

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Previous page: David wears trunks by Rufskin, with trainers by Converse, Chris wears trunks by Rufskin, hat by Dior, and trainers by Converse.

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@RamonChristianPhoto @Chris_Damned13 @PresidentOfUnitedStatesOfLove

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LOOKING Photography Kevin Tachman

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Previous page & this page: Dominic wears trunks by Cariocawear.

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This page: Dominic wears trunks by Versace.

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This page & previous: Dominic wears trunks by Cariocawear.

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Opposite: Dominic wears briefs by Emporia Armani. This page: Trunks by Cariocawear.

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Opposite: Dominic wears briefs by Emporia Armani. Production by Erick Ruales. @Dom.Calvani

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Free as my hair

Photography Christian Vermaak

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Previous page: Jay wears singlet by Kvrt Stvff. Opposite & this page: Jay wears briefs by Calvin Klein with joggers by Crotch.

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Opposite & this page: Jay wears briefs by Tom Ford.

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Opposite & this page: Jay wears briefs by Calvin Klein with crop top by New Look.

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This page: Jay wears football shorts and socks by Nike. Opposite: Jay wears vintage Adidas soccer shorts.

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This page: Jay wears vest from ASOS with boxers by Calvin Klein. Opposite: Jay wears track-pants by Nike available from Urban Outfitters. @ChristianVermaak @JayBirmingham_ Lighting by @OscarMay_

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The most famous shower scene in cinema is also the most harrowing. Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) is the director’s most iconic moment, a horror sequence so unprecedented in its time, techniques and storytelling, that it has had a huge influence on cinema since. The shower scene was the reason Hitchcock made the film; it also famously took the director’s voyeuristic streak to a new level, with several participants in a watching game (the director, crew, actress, audience and – surprise – shower-scene killer). Cinema has pulled back the shower curtain on many occasions since, and not always for bloody effect. There was always sex to be had in the shower, as often as the Fifty Shades franchise allowed. There was fun too, in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. In American Psycho, the shower was the site of satire, as the character Patrick







cosmetic treatments to help him secure his impressively sculpted, perfectly maintained commodity: his body. Our relationship with shower scenes is admittedly less complex than a Bret Easton Ellis novel (from which the film was adapted) but as this final episode in our water series illustrates, we appreciate every moment of it. Photography Andreas Constantinou

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THE SLIGHTEST TOUCH Photography Nicolas Aristidou Styling Nicolas Klam

216 Crotch Previous page: Edward wears silk shorts by Frnkow, with ring by Persta; Baptiste wears shorts by Adidas. This page top: Baptiste and Edward wear union suits by Valette. Bottom: Baptiste wears briefs by CDLP and shirt by Surfing Estate, Edward wears briefs by Hanro with bracelet by Marc Deloche. Opposite: Baptiste wears briefs by CDLP.

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This page & opposite: Baptiste wears viscose top by GMBH, Edward wears cotton zipped pants and belt by GMBH, ring and bracelet by Philippe Audibert, earring by Marie Beltrami.

220 Crotch This page: Baptiste wears ribbed brief by Louis Gabriel Nouchi. Opposite: Edward wears bracelet by Marc Deloche.

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222 Crotch This page: Edward wears silk shorts by Frnkow with necklace by Samuel Francois.

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Edward wears top by Mansour Martin, with neoprene swim brief by Villebrequin and sandals by Kenzo

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Opposite top left: Edward wears trunks by Dan Ward; Baptiste wears running leggings by Mansour Martin, with sunglasses by Izipizi. Top right: Baptiste wears vintage boxers shorts from Barneys NY, Edward wears vintage boxer shorts from Barneys NY, with sneakers by Li-Ning. This page: Edward wears necklace Marie Beltrami.

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Edward wears printed dress by Marta Marino

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Opposite & this page: Baptiste wears sport jacket by Li-Ning, with cotton tank top by Frnkow and swim shorts by Ron Dorff; Edward wears tank top by Louis Gabriel Nouchi and sweatpants by Li-Ning.

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This page & opposite: All clothing by Frnkow. @nicolasaristidou @NicoKlam @Baptiste.Giannesini @__Napoleonn__ Shot at la Villa Noailles and la Villa Romaine, in Hyères. Special thanks to @VillaNoailles

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