JUNE - AUGUST 2016 2016年6月-8月
All the fun of the fair Front row seats to a world of inspiration and luxury
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欢迎光临 Travelling provides an enriching escape and an experience to remember for a lifetime. At each of our destinations in Melbourne, Perth, Macau, Manila, or London, we strive to create captivating memories for our guests. In every way and at every level, your time at Crown Resorts will reflect the excellence that you come to expect from us.
In this edition of Crystal, enjoy stories that provide insight into outstanding experiences to inspire you, with Australian wine trails, the luxurious new Rolls-Royce, private jets and the innovative cuisine of acclaimed chef Nobu Matsuhisa. Please enjoy. James Packer, Crown Resorts
我们位于墨尔本丶珀斯丶澳门丶马尼拉及伦敦的度假酒店及 设施,均致力在各方面及各个层次,为你提供皇冠享负盛名 的优质服务,让你欢度美好时光。 今期《Crystal》杂志内的专题故事,深入报导各种与别不同 的体验,如澳大利亚美酒之旅丶全新的劳斯莱斯汽车丶豪华 私人客机以及名厨松久信幸的创意佳肴,我们衷心希望你喜 欢这些富启发性的故事。 祝旅途愉快 。 詹姆斯.帕克,皇冠度假村
旅游可以让你远离烦嚣,尽情享受丰富的行程, 缔造终生难忘的体验。
59 22
16 AT HOME WITH THE JET-SET 翺翔奢华 Bespoke plane interiors with altitude 慷幓ㇻ忈䥩Ṣ梆㛢䘬⭌ℭ塭㼊
22 HATS OFF TO THE PANAMA 优雅冠冕 Dream weavers search for perfection 乯↢㡎⭸ẍ㯪䘬⬴伶勱ⷥ 28 THE RULE OF NOBU 名厨风范 The master chef on his kitchen kingdom 㜦ᷭᾉ⸠䘬伶梇䌳⚥ 32 THE ART OF SHARING 与众同享 Asia’s private gallery philanthropists Ṃ㳚㓞啷⭞䘬䥩Ṣ⌂䈑椮ġ 38 START YOUR ENGINES! 迎风飞驰! A new dawn for the luxury Rolls-Royce ≛㕗卙㕗尒⋶⹏樦䘬㕘ㆸ␀Ⱦ㚄⼙ȿ 42 BEAUTY & THE BEAT 天籁之音 Investing in rare musical instruments ㈽峬䍵峝䦨㚱䘬᷸☐
49 GENIES IN A BOTTLE 玉液琼浆 A VIP cellar with vintage appeal ⛐ŗŊő峝⭦惺䨾慴䘬旰⸜Ἓ愧 51 CURATED BY CROWN 皇冠推介 The latest from the Crown Resorts diaspora 䘯ⅈ⹎`㛹䱦徱䘬㕘Ṗ䁡ᷞ㳣≐⍲⯽奰
NATURE’S BOUNTY 自然的赞歌 Often the most sensational food is the simplest. Just ask Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa. The Japanese masterchef’s dance with raw perfection was born of fresh produce and observation. As he tells Pat Nourse, “In Japan, sashimi was only [served] with soy sauce and wasabi, but when I went to Peru they ate their fish with lemon and lime juice, so my experience there changed the way I thought about food.”
There is no other seafood that captures the imagination and polarises the palate as does the oyster. In this issue we celebrate Australia’s “three kings”: the Sydney rock, the Pacific and the Angassi oysters and learn how three of Crown’s chefs like to eat them. Commitment to making the best shines through several fields of endeavour in this month’s Crystal. There are the dream weavers who labour over Panama hats, jewellers who wave a magic wand over diamonds and pearls, and fit-out experts who make private planes feel like the ultimate status symbol they are. We do the wine tasting for you (tough job, but somebody has to do it), and arrive at the regional picks that should be in your cellar. Speaking of which, wait till you see what’s behind the doors of Crown’s VIP cellar…
59 DIALLING UP LUSTRE 棈致光芒 Talking diamonds with the gurus of Graff 鉴赏珠宝巨匠格拉夫的精巧设计
Susan Skelly, Editor
64 CAROUSEL PLAYDATE 旋绕的约会 Fashion with all the fun of the fair 散发愉悦氛围的高端时装
日本名厨松久信幸以行动告诉大家,最令人回味无穷的菜式 都是些最简单的食物。选用新鲜的食材及透过敏锐的观察 力,他能把原始风味提升至完美的境界。正如他告诉作者Pat Nourse:“在日本刺身只会配酱油及芥末一起吃,但在秘鲁 就会配以柠檬及青柠汁。这个经验改变我对食物的看法。”
74 LUST HAVES 耀目光华 Treasures with heirloom sparkle 散发璀璨光芒的传世珍藏
少有海鲜像生蚝般能勾起人们的遐想,为味蕾带来极致体 验。今期我们介绍澳大利亚的三大生蚝品种:悉尼岩蚝丶 太平洋生蚝及阿格斯生蚝,以及皇冠大厨们如何品尝这 些生蚝。
86 HAPPINESS ON A HALF SHELL 海中极品 How do you like your oysters? A gourmet guide 你爱如何品尝生蚝呢?
Cover: All the fun of the fair, the latest looks from couture’s carousel, p64.
Where to sleep, eat and play in Melbourne, Perth, London, Macau and Manila 为你搜罗墨尔本丶珀斯丶伦敦丶澳门和马尼拉一系列 住宿丶美食和玩乐的资讯
封面:在华丽的嘉 年华会旋转舞台 上,展示最新的高 端时装,详情请翻 阅64页
这种全力追求事物最美好一面的精神,也充分体现於其他几 篇不同內容的专题。例如全情投入地制作巴拿马草帽的帽 匠、以“魔法杖” 赋予珠宝玉石生命力的珠宝商,还有把私 人客机打造成达官贵人身份象征的航机制造专家。 我们又会为大家品尝醇厚的葡萄酒(这件“苦差”总得有人 去干吧),为你的私人酒窖推荐区内最佳之选。谈到酒窖, 当然少不了皇冠度假村格子钢门后的VIP贵宾酒窖 ...。 Susan Skelly,编辑⋯
78 LOVE AMONG THE VINES 爱在葡萄成熟时 Exploring the best of Australia’s wine trails 漫游澳大利亚知名产酒区
EDITORIAL EDITOR Susan Skelly ART DIRECTOR Soumali Chitdamrong PHOTO EDITOR Roxy Holder CHIEF SUBEDITOR Paul Robinson CONTRIBUTORS Joseph Catanzaro, Pat Nourse, Michael Stahl, Roff Smith, Virginia Van Heythuysen, Hannah Tattersall, Tyson Stelzer HONG KONG CHINESE EDITOR Vivian Mak TRANSLATORS Chen Mei Ling, Eva Mak, Wong Wai Ming, Alky Cheung CHINESE SUBEDITOR Justina Chan PRODUCTION PRODUCTION CONTROLLER Christopher Clear ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Sally Jefferys BAUERWORKS EXECUTIVE GENERAL MANAGER Niall Murphy GROUP ACCOUNT DIRECTOR Mark Scruby DIGITAL DIRECTOR Lisa Bjorksten GROUP DIGITAL STRATEGIST Bea Teehankee CREATIVE DIRECTOR Jacqui Triggs COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Richard Turner BUSINESS MANAGER Jasmin Dayes ENQUIRIES +61 2 9282 8521 Alyssa Lim BAUER MEDIA ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Andreas Schoo COMMERCIAL MANAGER Michelle Champ GROUP MANAGER BRAND ADVERTISING STRATEGY Simon Davies Crystal is published by Bauer Media Pty Ltd CROWN RESORTS 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank, Victoria, Australia 3006 Crystal is published quarterly and is complimentary to guests of Crown Resorts and its affiliates. Published for Crown Resorts Limited (ABN 39 125 709 953) by Bauer Media Pty Ltd (ABN 18 053 273 546) 54-58 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 (c) 2016. All rights reserved. Printed by EGO, 23 Lionel Road, Mt Waverley, Victoria 3149. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited material. Articles express the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of Crown Resorts or Bauer Media.
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Popular with heads of state, Hollywood movie stars, supermodels and royalty, a real Panama hat is a work of art. ROFF SMITH follows the process from the South American jungle to its finishing touches in Hawaii.
巴拿马草帽备受国家元首、好莱坞电影明星、超模以至皇室追捧。 一顶真正的巴拿马草帽,有如一件艺术杰作。本文作者 ROFF SMITH 追踪帽子的诞生过程,由南美洲丛林取材开始,经过多 重精细巧妙的工序,最后交由夏威夷工艺师完美修饰。
of prospectors picked up the nifty straw “Panama” hats that could be rolled up and tucked into a pocket as they passed through Panama on their way to ’Frisco. Alfaro had more luck on his side. At the Paris Exposition in 1855, a Frenchman who had been living in Panama presented Napoleon III with a hat. The Emperor loved it and Panama hats were suddenly the latest thing for the rich and famous. They remained so for the better part of a century. Banker JP Morgan and King Edward VII were aficionados. US President Teddy Roosevelt wore one when he inspected the Panama Canal. Al Capone loved them. So did Hollywood. From the antebellum South in Gone with the Wind to the cafés of Casablanca, Panamas were a mark of worldly distinction. But while all genuine Panama hats come from Ecuador, very few come from Montecristi. Cuenca, an old Spanish colonial town in the Andes, produces Panama hats for the masses. True Montecristi Panamas are generally found only in specialist hat dealers. Genuine super finos are much rarer.
ESPINAL’S HIKE INTO THE JUNGLE yields 14kg of cogollos, as the metre-long shoots of the toquilla palm are known. Once back in his village of Pile, he’ll spend the next few days preparing the toquilla straw: husking the cogollos, endlessly splitting the fibres into finer and finer strands, then dunking them briefly in boiling water, and drying the tallos – the bunches of straw – out of the direct sunlight. Next the straw is gently smoked – several times – in rough wooden homemade smokers made of old crates, and sulphur fumes are used to impart the desired antique ivory tone. Afterwards, the weaver will select, strand by strand, hundreds of straws needed for a hat, matching each for colour, tone and size. He’ll take eight of these threadlike strands and form a cross – the cruzado – at the centre of the crown, the first of the almost 500,000 weaves that will create a super fino. Over the coming weeks, the Panama will grow fractions of an inch at a time, until the crown is fully woven and placed on a hat-shaped block of caco wood. Then the freshly woven
In fine South American tradition, he’s in search of treasure – in this case, a particular species of rainforest palm, carludovica palmata. It’s an attractive plant, about four metres high with fan-shaped fronds. Locals call it the toquilla palm. It’s the immature shoots of the plant that Espinal is after. When broken open they reveal a mass of greenish-white fibres that, with the alchemy of human ingenuity and skill, can be fashioned into a work of art worth many times its weight in gold: a Panama hat. Espinal is a hat weaver, one of only a handful left capable of turning out a true Montecristi super fino; who can weave hats so fine it takes a magnifying glass to count the rows; silky fine masterpieces whose creamy-white fabric contains more than 2000 weaves per square inch. Espinal, 47, is considered the greatest living hat weaver. His finest hat, completed last year, averaged just over 4000 weaves per square inch. Seen through a magnifying glass they look like many rows of neat, tight, flawless diamonds, executed in the traditional liso (herringbone) weave favoured by the artisans of Montecristi. It can take him up to four months to weave a single hat. And each of them begins like this, with a long walk into the Ecuadorian jungle. Yes, Ecuador. “Panama” hats are not made in Panama. Never have been. They are Ecuadorian, originally from the steamy lowlands along the coast – near Montecristi, a small town about 144km up the coast from Guayaquil – where locals have been weaving fine straw hats for centuries – known as sombreros de paja toquilla or “hats made of toquilla straw”. The hats didn’t acquire their curious misnomer until the 1830s, thanks to the entrepreneurial Manuel Alfaro, a 39-yearold former Spanish military officer who arrived in Ecuador in 1835. He settled in Montecristi where he saw commercial potential for the fine straw hats the locals were weaving. He set up straw plantations and a network of weavers to ensure a regular supply of hats and shipped thousands to the busy seaports on the Isthmus of Panama. In 1848, gold was discovered in California and almost overnight, thousands
THE LOOK 型格兼备 Nothing signals casual chic quite like a Panama. Who wears it well? For starters, Viggo Mortensen (above), on the set of The Two Faces of January (2013); rock star Mick Jagger (below); model Miranda Kerr (left); and fashionistas taking it to the street. //
巴拿马草帽散发出独特的 高雅气质。谁戴得最好看?电影 《亡命地中海》(2013)主角维戈• 莫特森(上图);摇滚巨星米克•贾 格尔(下图);模特儿米兰达•可儿 (左图);时装周的时尚达人也戴起 它在街上留影。
fabric starts to spread down the side. It is painstaking work. The caco block is perched on a stand and the weavers work hunched over it, in an awkward position that ensures as little contact as possible with the delicate fabric. At the end of each session, a clean muslin cloth is wrapped around the work to protect it from spills or dust. More weeks pass and then another turn, outward this time, to start forming the brim. Espinal weaves five days a week, starting early in the morning when the humidity is highest and the straw easiest to work. Saturdays he spends selecting straw he’ll use during the coming week. What does he think about during the hundreds of hours of weaving? “Nothing,” he says. “I can’t allow my mind to wander for a second.” What does he feel when the hat is complete? He smiles. “Relief.”
THE NEXT PHASE of a Montecristi starts in Montecristi
itself, a two-hour ride from Espinal’s village. The hat will pass through the hands of artisans bearing grandiloquent titles – rematador, azocador, cortador, apaleador, planchador – lending the hat making something of the formality of the bullring. The rematador is the specialist weaver who performs the elaborate back weave to seal the edge of the brim. The azocador tightens the back weave. The cortador trims away the excess straw, and washes and bleaches the hat. Then it passes to the apaleador, who pounds the hat with a hardwood mallet to soften the straw, making it more flexible. Pound too hard and the hat will be ruined; too gently and the job won’t get done. The hat is returned to the cortador who gives it the closest of shaves with a razor. Finally it goes to the planchador who presses it with an old-fashioned iron to firm up the straw so that it will hold its shape when the blocker moulds it into the desired style.
Top right: Fibres from the toquilla palm are dunked in boiling water by mastercrafstman Simón Espinal. Left: A Panama being assessed by expert hat-blocker Brent Black. // 右上图:制帽大师西 蒙•埃斯皮纳尔将棕 榈科巴拿马草的纤维 放进沸水浸泡。 左图:巴拿马草帽定 形专家布莱克细心检 视手上的草帽。
FEW PEOPLE POSSESS THE SKILL to hand-block a fine Panama hat. One of those is Brent Black. A former creative director in a US advertising firm, Black gave away his career nearly 30 years ago after falling in love with the traditions of Montecristi Panama hats. He tracked down some old-timers who could teach him the art of hat-blocking, mastered it, and has been in the Panama hat trade ever since. Black has devoted a great deal of time and money to preserve this dying art, founding a weaving school in the village of Pile where master weavers such as Espinal can pass on their skills, and where weavers can receive fair compensation for their efforts. Black represents the weavers as an art dealer would an artist, giving them commissions based on the final sale price – which in Espinal’s case can be up to US$25,000 (A$36,000). Black’s own part in the process is the finale, the sculpting of the unformed hat body into the styles recognised as Panama hats: fedoras, optimos, Monte Carlos, plantations. Handblocking fine straw hats is a laborious, intricate task involving wooden blocks, quirky old-fashioned hatter’s implements, sweat, steam, a tailor’s tape and a discerning eye. No glues or stiffeners are used to help the hats hold their shape, just the architecture of the straw itself. Everything is done by hand. Like the weavers in Ecuador, Black works from home, in his case an old two-bedroom bungalow on a side-street on the outskirts of Kailua, in Hawaii. Once he has finished blocking a hat, he takes it to a Japanese seamstress who executes the final touch – sewing on a silk ribbon or leather hatband. Finally, it goes into a box and takes a short ride in the back of Black’s old Volvo Estate to the local FedEx depot where it sets off on its final journey, often to some of the world’s most glamorous addresses. ●
走入闷热潮湿的丛林,这一边传来猴子在林间叫嚣的声音,另一 边则有蚊子嗡嗡作响。昨晚下了一场雨使山路更湿滑,实在寸步 难行,感觉有如踏进满是泥泞的河床。但织帽工匠西蒙.埃斯皮 纳尔没有停下脚步,他把树根当阶梯,手持镰刀一步步往上走。 埃斯皮纳尔此行目的,是寻找南美洲一种传统瑰宝,那就是一 种生长于雨林的棕榈科植物,名为巴拿马草。它高约四米,叶子 如张开的折扇,当地人称之为托奎拉草。埃斯皮纳尔采集它的嫩 芽,把嫩芽撕开会看见带淡绿偏白色的纤维,经过重重精细的工 序,纤维就会变成一件价值连城的艺术精品─ ─巴拿马草帽。 埃斯皮纳尔是制帽匠,他是少数能够编出蒙特克里斯蒂“超级 精致”草帽的大师。他的手工极精巧细致,若想知道帽子上编织 的行数,必须使用放大镜才能细数。一顶柔滑如丝的奶白色草帽 每平方英寸的编织次数平均超过2,000次,名副其实巧夺天工。 技艺超凡的埃斯皮纳尔深得同业尊敬,今年47岁的他,被誉 为现今最伟大的制帽匠。去年他用蒙特克里斯蒂工匠锺爱的传统 人字编织法,编出一顶登峰造极之作。帽子上每平方英寸的编织 次数平均达到4,000多次,在放大镜下就像一行一行完美无瑕的钻 石整齐丶紧凑地排在一起。埃斯皮纳尔编织一顶草帽要耗上四个 月,而制帽的第一步就是深入厄瓜多尔丛林寻找巴拿马草。 其实,巴拿马草帽并非在巴拿马制造,它是厄瓜多尔的产品, 起源于邻近蒙特克里斯蒂沿岸的潮湿低地。蒙特克里斯蒂是一个 小镇,位于港口城市瓜亚基尔北面约144公里,当地人在数个世纪 之前已经开始编织草帽,称为“以托奎拉草编织的帽子”。 这种帽子被误称为巴拿马草帽的原因,与1830年代企业家曼努埃 尔.阿尔法罗有关。1835年,39岁的他从西班牙退伍来到厄瓜多尔 的蒙特克里斯蒂定居。他发现当地人织造的草帽极具商业价值,决 定大量生产。为确保供应稳定,他兴建草园并与织帽匠紧密联系, 然后把数以千计制成品运往巴拿马地峡的港口出售。1848年加州发 现黄金,大批涌往三藩市的淘金者途中经过巴拿马时,顺道买下这 顶可以卷起来放进口袋的草帽,因而被误称为巴拿马草帽。 阿尔法罗好像交上了好运。1855年巴黎世界博览会上,一位 曾经旅居巴拿马的法国人向拿破仑三世献上一顶巴拿马草帽。拿
Left: The real deal, a Panama from, yes, Ecuador – folded, boxed and earmarked for some of the world’s most glamorous heads. // 左图:在厄瓜多尔生 产的真正巴拿马草帽 造好後,摺起并放进 盒子,标签上写上世 界名人的名字。
破仑三世对它爱不释手,顿时在上流社会掀起一股潮流,富翁名 人都视它为时尚饰物。帽子热潮持续了大半个世纪,无论是银行 家约翰.皮尔庞特.摩根,以至英国国皇爱德华七世都爱上它。 美国总统西奥多.罗斯福甚至戴着这款帽子视察巴拿马运河建设 工程。它也是美国黑帮教父阿尔.卡彭的心头好。好莱坞电影中 也不时找到它的踪影,由《乱世佳人》的南方场景以至《北非谍 影》的咖啡馆,巴拿马草帽均以象徵财富的姿态亮相。 凡是在厄瓜多尔生产的,都算是巴拿马草帽,在安第斯地区前 西班牙殖民城市昆卡制造的草帽是大众化货色,相比之下蒙特克 里斯蒂的产量极稀少。若想拥有一顶蒙特克里斯蒂出产的巴拿马 草帽,就要向专门的帽商洽购,而“超级精致”的草帽更加难求。 埃斯皮纳尔这次深入丛林,收集了14公斤长度达到一米的托奎 拉嫩芽。回到村庄后,他就要花上几天时间准备制造草帽。首先 剥去托奎拉嫩芽的外层,将里面的纤维撕成一缕缕幼细的条子, 然后把它们捆起来,放进沸水泡一下,之后置于没有阳光直射的 地方风干。 下一步是把风干后的幼草放进用旧木箱制造的炉,微微烟熏数 次,含硫磺的烟使幼草沾上富古典风格的象牙色调。幼草的处理 程序完成后,帽匠逐一筛选,最后选出数百缕颜色和粗幼都最相 近的进行编织。 首先用八缕幼草织成“十字”纹的冠顶,然后往下编,“超级 精致”草帽约要编500,000次。接下来几周,编好的幅面一寸又一寸 的增加。当头冠编好之后,便置于用卡高木制造的模子上,并展 开另一个非常艰巨的步骤,就是编织头冠下面的帽身。 此时,帽匠向前弯下身子,双手伸到另一边开始编织帽身,避 免与已织好的幅面接触,因为幅面结构此时仍然脆弱。帽匠休息 时,会以干净的棉布包着未完成的帽子,避免被尘埃沾污。织了 数周之后,又进入另一个阶段,就是开始编织帽边。 从星期一至星期五,埃斯皮纳尔都是由大清早就开始工作, 因为此时湿度是全日最高,幼草比较容易处理。到了星期六他就 会挑选幼草,以备下一个星期使用。一顶帽子要花上数百小时编 织,这段时间他脑海里想什么?他说:“什么也不想,我不会容 许自己分散注意力,一秒钟也不会。”问他当帽子完成后感觉如 何,他微笑说:“如释重负。” 制作蒙特克里斯蒂“超级精致”草帽的下一个步骤,正正就在蒙 特克里斯蒂小镇进行。埃斯皮纳尔从他居住的派勒小村落出发, 经过约两小时的车程抵达该镇,将未加修饰的帽子雏型送交其他 工艺师跟进。他们的职称分别是rematador丶azocador丶cortador丶 apaleador及planchador,这些名称源自斗牛活动,反映制造草帽的 工序与斗牛场上的仪式一样严谨。 Rematador的工作是用复杂的背织法缝合帽边;azocador则负责 收紧帽边;接下来cortador除去多出来的幼草,并清洗及漂白帽 子;之后就交给apaleador用实木槌子敲打帽子,目的是令幼草更 柔软及富有弹性。这个工序不易掌握,若然敲打的力度过猛会损 坏帽子,太轻力却又无法达到目的;接下来帽子回到cortador手上 再修剪一次;最后交给planchador用旧式熨斗压熨幼草令幼草更结 实,好让定形师之後为帽子塑造的造型能够保持不变。 懂得巴拿马草帽人手定形技术的人十分少,布伦特.布莱克是 其中之一。他深深爱慕巴拿马草帽的传统制作技巧,约30年前毅 然辞去美国一家广告公司的创作总监职位,放弃高薪厚职,到蒙 特克里斯蒂寻师学艺,获一些老工匠传授帽子定形技巧,自此一 直从事制造及买卖巴拿马草帽。 为了保存这门面临失传的手艺,布莱克投放了许多时间及大量 资金,在派勒村成立了一间编织学校,聘请埃斯皮纳尔等大师向 学生传授织帽工艺,并保证帽匠会获得公平的待遇。此外布莱克 还代表帽匠们出售成品,就像艺术品商人代表艺术家一样,然后 按帽子售出的金额向他们分红。以埃斯皮纳尔的作品为例,他可 以获得高达25,000美元(36,000澳元)的报酬。 至于布莱克自己负责的是最后一个工序,就是用人手将未定形 的帽子塑造成不同风格的巴拿马草帽,当中包括fedora丶optimo丶 蒙地卡罗,以及阔边的农庄帽款式。以人手为草帽定形是一项劳 心劳力的艰苦工序,需要使用木制定形模丶旧式的制帽工具,此 外还要用上裁缝尺,除了汗水丶精力以外,也要有很好的眼力。 要令帽子不变形,无须使用胶水或任何加固材料,只是依靠幼草 本身的结构,一切都以人手整合。 布莱克和厄瓜多尔的帽匠一样在家工作,只是他的家远在美国 夏威夷凯卢阿市郊一间平房。当他完成定形工序后,便将帽子交 给一位日本裔女裁缝师,由她为帽子缝上丝带或皮制帽带。 最后帽子被放进盒子内,安放于布莱克的座驾上,驶过一小段 路程,来到当地的联邦快递收件处,展开它最后的旅程,而目的 地通常是世界各地名人富豪的住所。● JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
THE RULE OF NOBU 名厨风范 For Nobuyuki “Nobu” Matsuhisa, success on the international gastronomy stage is not so much about breaking rules, but understanding cultures, he tells PAT NOURSE.
对松久信幸而言,在国际美食 舞台上取得成功,关键并非打 破常规,而是了解不同文化。 这位饮食界大师与PAT NOURSE 畅谈心得
Left: Nobu discusses the evolution of his style on a recent visit to Crown Melbourne. Below: The chef’s signature black cod miso. 左图:松久信幸最近 到访 墨尔本皇冠度假 村 畅谈其烹饪风格 的演变。 下图:他的招牌菜式 味噌黑鳕鱼。
Always on, always fresh, always ambient: Nobu at Crown Melbourne. 朝气蓬勃丶创意洋 溢丶环境优雅:这 就是位於墨尔本皇 冠度假村的Nobu。
f I met the younger Nobu, setting out at the beginning of his career 40 years ago, I’d tell him to chase his dreams. I’d tell him not to give up, and I’d tell him that mistakes are okay – they’re how you learn in life. I’d say keep at it, don’t try to do things too fast, but instead take the time to master things one by one. Don’t skip any step of the process. Have patience. Whatever your profession, don’t look for the easy way, look for the more difficult way. I now have 32 Nobus, three Nobu hotels; and my flagship restaurant, Matsuhisa in Beverly Hills, now has seven other Matsuhisas. I have three more hotels coming this year: Saudi Arabia, Miami and London. My customers are international. We had 140 people in the restaurant here in Melbourne last night for a saké dinner, and when I was doing a book signing afterwards, almost everyone I spoke to brought up an experience they’d had eating with us at one of our other restaurants – in London, in New York, in LA. I have lived in Peru, Argentina then Alaska, then Los Angeles, where I’ve been for more than 35 years now. My family is there. But I was born in Japan, so I feel like I have two different countries. It’s very difficult for me to say which one is more me. But I dream in Japanese. I don’t consider myself a rule-breaker by nature; I just don’t want to waste anything. I’m 67, I’m experienced, and I know how to cook, so I like to try cooking in different ways. In Japan, sashimi was only [served] with soy sauce and wasabi, but when I went to Peru, they ate their fish with lemon and lime juice, so my experience there changed the way I thought about food. I had a tough time with my restaurants in Peru, but my cooking would be completely different if I had never been to South America. Peruvian food inspired me a lot – not to break the rules, but to understand different cultures. I opened my first restaurant in Japan in 1999, but we’d done promotional dinners before that, using cilantro [coriander], rocoto chillies and other Peruvian ingredients, and people told me ‘this isn’t Japanese food’. Japan is very traditional. But now flavours such as jalapeños and dishes including ceviche and tiradito have become fashionable. I don’t want to call what I do fusion; I like to call it the Nobu style. It’s personal. It’s the sum of my experiences. Peru, of course, was very important. Living in Anchorage in Alaska, however, exposed me to different fish such as the black cod and king crab. I like to use local product as much as possible. This is the Nobu style. Customers come to Nobu because they trust our quality. We buy our fish every morning and we always use it by the next day. I’m still cooking, still trying new things. The last thing I came up with was dried miso. In the past 10 or 15 years, chefs have been talking a lot about umami – the glutamate compounds that make a lot of food taste good. In Japanese cooking, the umami usually comes from seaweed, soy sauce and miso. I created dry miso – drying it concentrates the umami. I’ve been using it for the past six or seven years now, and I use it to season a lot of my food. I think it works beautifully on sashimi – the white fish, salmon. It’s also really good in a kohlrabi salad and on grilled meats. ●
Signature dishes 招牌料理 BLACK COD MISO 味噌黑鳕鱼 “The first dish on the Nobu menu that I created was grilled black cod marinated in miso, saké and mirin. It’s my take on a traditional Japanese dish. Marinating fish, curing it, was a way of extending its life a day or two longer before the invention of refrigeration. I’d discovered black cod in Alaska. It was cheap and very soft. When I was making sushi every day, I’d noticed American people liked their fish soft. Marinating it in miso then grilling it was a success.” 我为Nobu创作的首道菜式是先用味噌、清 酒和味醂腌泡的烤黑鳕鱼,我用个人风格 演绎了这道传统日本菜。在冰箱面世前, 人们会腌泡鱼类,因为可以多保存一至两 天。我在阿拉斯加看到便宜、肉质嫩滑的 黑鳕鱼。当我每天都要做寿司时,发现美 国人喜欢软滑的鱼,用味噌腌泡黑鳕鱼後 再烧烤的做法很成功。
TIRADITO 刺身配南美辣酱及日本柚子汁
如果让我回到40年前,遇上年纪轻经、刚 开展烹饪事业的信幸,我会鼓励他追逐自 己的梦想,不要放弃,即使犯错也没问 题,毕竟我们都是从错误中学习。我也会 勉励他要不断努力,但不能操之过急,应 慢慢把事情一件件做好,别跳过任何步 骤,要有耐性。无论从事任何职业,都应 舍易取难。 现在我有32家Nobu餐厅及三间Nobu酒 店,在比华利山的Matsuhisa旗舰店也开了 七家分店。今年我有三间新酒店开业,分 别位于沙特阿拉伯、迈阿密和伦敦。我的 顾客来自世界各地,昨晚有140位宾客出席 在墨尔本的清酒晚宴,晚宴后我为著作举 行签名会并与宾客聊天,当中几乎所有人 都曾经到我们的餐厅用膳,包括在伦敦、 纽约和洛杉矶,他们愉快地和我分享这些 用餐体验。 我先后在秘鲁、阿根廷和阿拉斯加生 活,然后在洛杉矶住 下来,至今住了超过 35年。我的家人全在洛 城,但因为我生于日 本,我的心连系著两个 国家,很难说我比较亲 哪一个,但梦里全是 日文。 我不觉得自己天生 就是个挑战常规的人, 只是不爱浪费而已。我 今年67岁,累积了丰富 经验,而且懂得烹饪之 道,因此喜欢尝试不同 的烹调技巧。在日本,
Above: Tiradito, sliced fish with lime juice, chilli and coriander, evolved from Peruvian ceviche. Below: Sipping on sake at Crown Melbourne’s Nobu restaurant. 上图:刺身配南美辣 酱及日本柚子汁这道 菜式,以青柠汁丶辣 椒和芫荽配搭生鱼 片,是由秘鲁的酸橘 汁腌鱼演变而成。 下图: 墨尔本皇冠度 假村Nobu餐厅供应的 清酒。
刺身只会沾上酱油及芥末一起吃,但当 我去到秘鲁,看到他们吃鱼是用柠檬和青 柠汁搭配,这些经验让我改变对食物的 看法。 我在秘鲁开餐厅的日子不好过,然而若 我从没去过南美,我的烹饪方法可能截然 不同。秘鲁的食物深深启发我,让我明白 到别去打破常规,而是要了解不同文化。 1999年我在日本的首间餐厅开业,之 前安排了许多场推广晚宴,用芫荽、番椒 和其他秘鲁食材制作佳肴,当时宾客的评 语是“这并非日本菜”,毕竟日本是非常 注重传统的国家。但时至今日,墨西哥辣 椒、酸橘汁腌鱼和刺身配南美辣酱及日本 柚子汁,都已经成为时尚美馔。 我不喜欢形容自己烹调的是融合菜,我 喜欢称它为Nobu菜式,是个人化的风格, 是从我所有的经验汇合而成。当中秘鲁的 影响固然重要,但阿拉斯加也扮演了重要 角色,在安克拉治生活时我认识了不同的 海产,例如黑鳕鱼和帝皇蟹。我尽可能使 用地道食材,这正是Nobu风格。顾客光顾 Nobu是因为信任我们的品质。我们每天早 上都会买新鲜鱼,通常第二天就用光。 我现在仍然有下厨,一如以往不断作 出新尝试。上一次的新尝试是制作干味 噌,在过去10至15年间,厨师们都在谈论 “鲜味”,这个名词是指提升食物味道 的谷氨酸盐复合物。在日本菜中,这种 “鲜味"是来自海藻丶酱油及味噌。我创 制了干味噌,因为把它变干更能凝聚“鲜 味”。我用干味噌调味已经有六、七年 了,它跟白鱼和三文鱼刺身是绝配,用于 球茎甘蓝沙律和烤肉也是美味无穷。
“One day [in Peru] a customer came into Matsuhisa and said “Nobu, can you make the ceviche without the onions?” So we gave it a try. And rather than dicing the fish, we cut it like usuzukuri – the thin slices we would normally use for fugu [blowfish]. We used the same sauce as the ceviche: the citrus, the chilli, the cilantro [coriander].” 有一天(在秘鲁)一位顾客到Matsuhisa餐厅 跟我说:“信幸,你做的酸橘汁腌鱼可否 不用洋葱?”我们于是试试看,不把鱼切 粒而是切成薄片,和制作河豚刺身一样, 然後用制作酸橘汁腌鱼时相同的酱汁包括 柚子汁丶辣椒及芫荽,就做成这道菜。
YELLOWTAIL SASHIMI WITH JALAPEÑO 油甘鱼刺身配墨西哥辣椒 “I was in Hawaii working as a guest chef. We were sitting around after making dinner for 180 and needed a bite. I went to the fridge and sliced up a piece of yellowtail. We had no wasabi left, but there were jalapeño chillies. I sliced the fish, topped it with the chillies and a tiny piece of garlic and lemon juice and soy sauce. I have served it ever since.” 有一次我应邀到夏威夷担任客席厨师,为 180位来宾准备晚餐。晚宴後工作人员聚在 一起需要吃点东西。于是我由冰箱取出一 块油甘鱼切成片,当时芥末已用光,但有 墨西哥辣椒。于是我把鱼切片后,把辣椒 和一小块蒜片放在上面,浇上柠檬汁及酱 油。至今我的餐厅仍有这道菜。●
AT HOME WITH THE JET-SET Stingray leather, mother-of-pearl inlays, gold marble – even palatial seating for those who can’t bear to be parted from their palace. MICHAEL STAHL on private aviation’s sweet spot. 由魟鱼皮革丶珍珠母贝镶饰丶金色大理石,以至专门为舍不得离开王宫 的贵客而设计的王座,MICHAEL STAHL为你介绍私人飞机 种种精彩的豪华装潢。
Bombardier’s Global Express at the ready for Crown Resorts’ VIP guests. // 庞巴迪环球快车整装 待发,为皇冠度假村 的VIP贵宾服务。
een in the 1980s as a symbol of flashy indulgence, the business jet is these days acknowledged for its efficiency, privacy, security and comfort. For VIP clients with time pressures and specific destinations in mind, it’s often literally the only way to travel. Australia’s market for business jets has doubled every 10 years. “In the mid-1990s there were about 40-50 aircraft, in the mid-2000s it was 100, and now there are almost 200,” says David Bell, the CEO of the Australian Business Aviation Association. Those aircraft may be as small as a six-seater, owner-flown Cessna Citation M2 retailing new at US$4.2 million to full “bizliners”, based on commercial airliners. The BBJ (Boeing Business Jet) and ACJ (Airbus Corporate Jet) model families tend to be favoured by heads of state and royals. Boeing launched its first 737-based BBJ in 1998, in response to the creeping size of market-leading business jets from Canadian builder Bombardier and the US Gulfstream. Of the more than 200 BBJ planes so far delivered, about twothirds are the US$80m, 737-derived model – but the tally also includes eight 747-8s, at around US$378m each. The sweet spot in private aviation, however, currently lies with Bombardier’s Global Express and Gulfstream’s G550 and G650. Worldwide, both manufacturers have each delivered more than 600 examples of their planes, with a price of US$55-$65m for a new plane. Waiting lists typically stand at three to five years. These prices, incidentally, are for “green” aircraft, before interior fit-out and exterior paint. The completion of a new aircraft or the refurbishment of a pre-owned one, will generally add a minimum of US$5m to the price. It’s the ultimate experience in bespoke tailoring. And imaginations have always soared as high as the planes. The grand-daddy of business jets, purpose-built in 1945 for
US President Franklin D Roosevelt, was a Douglas VC-54C Skymaster. The Sacred Cow sported regular USAF livery and featured a telephone, sleeping quarters and an elevator for the wheelchair-bound president. Saudi prince Alwaleed bin Talal probably takes the private jet crown with his Boeing 747-400. The opulent interior is awash with gold and marble, its bedrooms equipped with ensuites. The dining table seats 14 and the prince buckles up in a centrally mounted throne. The 747 is but one of a fleet that also includes an Airbus A321 and Hawker 800 runabout. US presidential hopeful Donald Trump keeps his hair tidy in a Boeing 757-200, nicknamed Trump Force One. With seating for 43 (commercial 757-200s seat about 240), the interior ambience is quite clubby, with dark timber panelling, leather seating and gold-plated seatbelt buckles. The master bedroom has an ensuite with shower. The jet-set has form. Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner spent US$5.5m in 1969 to transform a Douglas DC-9 airliner into a personal party plane. The Big Bunny boasted an on-board disco, cinema room, conference area, shower and private quarters that included an elliptical waterbed. Says Madelyn Pagano, modification sales and design manager at aircraft completion and refurbishment specialist Jet Aviation, in St Louis, Missouri, “We can design around, literally, anything small or large. One customer wanted to match his high-performance sports car to his jet interior with black carbon-fibre accents, satin pear wood, cognac leather seats and quilted stitching. Another was a huge Prince fan and loved the colour purple. We – tastefully – incorporated a deep regal purple. Another customer wanted a very masculine design with only shades of grey throughout. “We’ve had a customer send us a candy apple red metallic water bottle to match for their seat leather. Another customer sent a napkin ring that had a small detail they wanted to make the theme of their aircraft design.
Above: Crown’s customised Bombardier Global Express. Waiting time for the sleek $60m jet, which has a 6,000-mile range, is three to five years. // 上图:皇冠的庞巴迪 环球快车,机舱按照 宾客需要而设计。 订 造一架价值6,000万 美元、航程逾6,000 英里的庞巴迪环球快 车,一般须轮候三到 五年。
Right: Fine dining and attention to detail aboard a Gulfstream G550. Below right: Buckling up in Gulfstream gold. //
右图:在湾流航空的 G550型号客机上享受 美食和无微不至的服 务。右下图:在湾流 的客机上扣上金光闪 闪的安全带。
商务喷射客机在1980年代的时候,是穷奢 极侈的象征,时至今日则凭着高效率、隐 密性、安全和舒适得到认同。对于行色匆 匆以及有特定目的地的VIP贵宾级顾客来 说,私人商务喷射客机可说是他们外游的 唯一途径。 澳大利亚的商务喷射客机市场每10年便 翻一翻。澳大利亚商务航空协会行政总裁 大卫.贝尔说:“1990年代中期澳大利亚 约有40至50架商务客机,到了2000年代中 期增至100架,现在已经达到200架。” 商务客机的体积各有不同,例如Cessna 公司的Citation M2型号是一架六座位飞 机,由机主自驾,零售价为420万美元,市 场上当然还有其他大型机款。至於国家元 首和皇族最喜爱乘坐的,是波音商务喷射 机和空中客车企业喷射机这两个系列。 波音公司1998年推出旗下首架737系列 的波音商务喷射机,务求与主导市场的加 拿大庞巴迪公司和美国湾流公司看齐,因 为他们生产的飞机体积愈来愈大。波音至 今付运超过200架商务喷射机,约三分之二 是价值8,000万美元的737系列型号,另有 八架747-8型号,每架约3.78亿美元。 不过,目前私人航空业的宠儿是庞巴迪 公司的环球快车,以及湾流航空的G550和 G650型号。这两家飞机制造商至今分别向 全球各地付运了超过600架飞机,每架新造 客机售价为5,500万至6,500万美元,顾客轮 候时间一般为三至五年。 以上售价是未加上室内布置和外壳油漆 的“原装”价钱。要装潢一架全新客机或 者翻新一架“二手”客机,一般要另外付 出最少500万美元。 装潢私人飞机可说是度身定制产品的
终极体验,所使用的想像力可以一如飞机 般“冲上云霄”。商务喷射机的始祖是 1945年专为美国总统富兰克林.罗斯福而 设的Douglas VC-54C Skymaster。它的别号 是“神圣的牛",印有正规的美国空军徽 章,并设有电话、睡眠区及为需要坐轮椅 的罗斯福总统而设的升降机。” 沙特阿拉伯王子阿尔瓦利德.本.塔 拉尔的747-400客机,可谓商务喷射机中的 皇者。客机内部陈设豪华,以大理石装饰 而且金碧辉煌,寝室内设有浴室。餐桌可 坐14人,王子可以悠然扣上安全带,安坐 在中央位置的“王座”。这架747只是王子 私人客机机队其中一员,机队内还有一架 A321空中客车和一架豪客800轻型飞机。 美国总统参选人唐纳德.特朗普的波 音757-200私人飞机外号是“特朗普空军一 号”,他坐在机内毫发不动。客机可容纳 43人(商用的757-200大约设240个座位) ,室内设计颇奢华,例如采用深色木材作 镶板、皮革座椅和镀金安全带扣。主人套 房设有淋浴间。 富豪们对私人飞机各有喜好。《花花公 子》杂志创办人休.海夫纳於1969年豪掷 550万美元,把一架道格拉斯DC-9客机改 装成一架私人派对飞机。这架昵称“大白 兔”的专机上设有空中的士高、电影室、 会议区、浴室,还有摆放了一张圆形水床 的私人房间。 在密苏里州圣刘易斯市的Jet Aviation 公司专门从事飞机组装及翻新,该公司的 改装销售及设计经理玛德琳.帕加诺说: “我们的设计能够满足客人事无大小的要 求。例如一位顾客曾经要求客机内部要 与他那部马力强大的跑车配衬,所以使
“From the time the aircraft door is closed, we’re ready to taxi in about 10 minutes.” “机门关上之后约 10分钟,飞机已准 备好滑行出 跑道 。”
“When customers have a vision of what they want, it is our job to make it come to life. The best designs not only stem from our own ideas as designers, but reflect our customers and their unique personalities and lifestyles.” Some owners get quite creative. “A client recently designed a paint scheme that starts from the front as a solid colour, then breaks up into leaves towards the back,” says Nick Houseman, president of technical aviation services firm Zenith Jet in Montréal, Canada. “The same concept was carried to the interior: the carpet had to be specially designed with a combination of silk and wool.” Houseman says that 20 years ago, the ratio of corporate versus high net worth individual bizjet buyers was a clear three to one. However, the emergence of management agencies to oversee purchase, commissioning, operation and maintenance has evened the ratio today. A key consideration in choosing an aircraft is its range; the maximum distance between refuelling. “The options are fewer, the further you need to go,” Houseman explains. The 6000-plus mile range of the Global Express allows Australian owners to travel from Melbourne to Honolulu or Bangkok, non-stop. According to Mike Carney, manager of Crown Resorts’ aviation division, there are more than 20 Global Express aircraft in Australian ownership, including three operated by Crown for its VIP guests, having replaced a fleet of three Gulfstream jets in 2014. A business jet’s interior specification will be dictated by its intended use. The design process typically involves 3D design renderings, material samples and even prototype seats being dispatched to the customer, or discussed faceto-face. Nick Houseman tells of once flying 36 hours from Montréal to the Maldives for a one-hour client meeting. The Global Express can seat 19 passengers in “highdensity” configuration, but Crown’s priority is long-haul 20 CRYSTAL JUNE 2016
comfort and so they are configured for 15. Its aircraft are identically fitted-out, each at a cost of close to US$5m. With 23 full-time staff and CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) in-house maintenance accreditation, Crown Resorts is Australia’s largest private aircraft operator. It’s also one of the busiest, with each aircraft flying on average twice per week. Each plane’s annual tally of 600 flying hours is about three times the industry average. “Our guests love to travel through the night,” Carney explains. Interiors are warm and restrained, modelled on the award-winning themes of Crown’s international resort properties. “The Crown planes were unique as a group, because they were similar to each other and done consecutively here on site,” says Pagano. But it’s not all about restraint. “We are currently working on an interior [made] almost entirely of blue carbon fibre, which is trending right now. In the past, we’ve used stingray leather, granite, mother-of-pearl inlays and gold adornments.” Crown’s guests are always a single group, often a VIP guest and his executive team or family. While there’s often sleep on the agenda between Australia and the most-travelled Asian destinations, Carney says the journey can be much-needed time for catching up. “All of our destinations have great corporate aviation facilities,” he says. “Our guests relax while all the departure formalities are done for them. From the time the aircraft door is closed, we’re ready to taxi in about 10 minutes. Our guests have satellite wi-fi and iPads to watch movies and control cabin functions. Some will take advantage of the myriad dining options.” Crown’s Global Expresses are equipped for comfort, but also for speed and reliability. “We fly fast,” Carney says. “We go at Mach 0.85, or 85 per cent of the speed of sound. Our guests want to get to their destination quickly, and that’s what corporate jets do.” ●
Above: VIP guests prepare for departure. Crown Resorts is Australia’s largest private aircraft operator. // 上图: VIP贵宾们正 准备乘坐私人飞机离 开。皇冠度假村是澳 大利亚最大的私人客 机营运商。
用了黑色碳纤维装饰、缎花梨木、干邑色 皮革座椅和花纹织缝。另一位顾客是著名 艺人‘王子’的粉丝,钟情紫色,我们于 是在机上以极有品味的格调加进帝王深紫 红色。还有一位顾客喜欢非常雄纠纠的设 计,所以里里外外均只有几抹灰色。” “有位顾客把一个糖苹果红色的金属水 瓶送来,要求座椅皮革用這種颜色。另一 顾客则送来一个餐巾扣,要求用扣上的一 个细節成為客机设计主题。" “当顾客想出他们喜欢的设计,我们 的工作就是把这些意念变成事实。最出色 的客机设计不应单单源自我们这些设计师 的构思,还应该反映出顾客的独特个性和 生活品味。” 有些客机主人也很富创意。加拿大蒙特 利尔航空技术服务公司Zenith Jet的总裁尼 克.豪斯曼说:“最近有顾客自创了一个 色彩专案,机身前端采用一种实色,然后 向后方散开变成叶子般的细碎色彩。机舱 内也采用同一槪念,因此要特别设计混合 丝和羊毛的地毯。” 尼克.豪斯曼指出20年前,商务喷射机 的企业客户与富豪客户比例是三比一。然 而因为监督采购、授权丶营运和维修的管 理代理公司出现,令这个比例平均起来。 他又表示选购飞机其中一个重要的考虑要 素是它的航程,亦即每次加油之间能够飞 行的最远距离。他说:“若你要去的地方 愈远,选择便愈少。”以庞巴迪的环球快 车为例,航程超过6,000英里,从澳大利亚 墨尔本起飞,无论要将客机主人带去曼谷 或更远的檀香山,中途都不须停站。 据澳大利亚皇冠度假村航空部门经理迈 克.卡尼说,在澳大利亚的环球快车数量
合共超过20架,当中三架由皇冠度假村于 2014年为其VIP贵宾级客户购入,田取代之 前的三架湾流喷射机。 商务喷射机的内部规格视乎客机的用途 而定。设计程序一般包括提供3D立体设计 图样、用料样本,甚至把座椅的样板送交 顾客过目,或面对面商讨。尼克.豪斯曼 曾经由蒙特利尔乘搭36小时飞机到马尔代 夫,只为与客户开一个小时的会议。 若以“高密度”布置座位,环球快车 可载19位乘客。但皇冠一向以长途航班的 舒适度为前提,因此把客机布置成只供15 名乘客乘搭。公司每架客机的布置完全一 样,每架造价约500万美元。 皇冠度假村是澳大利亚最大的私人客 机营运商,有23位全职雇员,并且获得澳 大利亚民用航空安全管理局内部维修许可 证。皇冠度假村也是其中一家最繁忙的私 人客机营运商,每架客机平均每周飞行两 次。而每架飞机每年飞行600小时,大约是 业内平均数字的三倍。卡尼说:“我们的 宾客都喜爱在晚上乘坐飞机。” 皇冠度假村客机的机舱装潢风格温暖 而平实,是参照皇冠国际度假村物业的 得奖主题打造而成。帕加诺指出:“皇 冠客机机队的整体造型耀眼独特,因为 每架飞机都很相似,而且全部都是先后 在这儿制造。”但这类客机的设计风格 也并非完全保守。帕加诺说:“我们现 正投入一个几乎全部以蓝色碳纤维修饰 的机舱,是现今最流行的做法。过去我 们曾经使用魟鱼皮革、花岗石、珍珠母 贝镶饰和金色的装饰品。” 皇冠私人客机的乘客通常都是单一团 体,多数是一位VIP贵宾连同他的行政团
Above: The luxe interior of Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s private Boeing 747-400, with its centrally mounted throne and (inset) a table for 14 diners. // 上图:沙特阿拉伯王 子阿尔瓦利德.本. 塔拉尔的波音747-400 客机,设计豪华,在机 舱的中央是他的“王 座”,还有一张14人 的长餐桌(小图)。
队或家人乘搭。客机来往澳大利亚与一 些最受欢迎的亚洲目的地,一般都会安 排睡眠时间。卡尼说日理万机的行政人 员亦可以利用飞行的时间阅读文件,为 会议作准备。 卡尼指出:“我们所有目的地的企业 航空设施都很出色,可以为宾客办妥所有 出境手续,让他们尽情放松。机门关上后 约10分钟,飞机已准备好滑出跑道。机上 有接驳人造卫星的wi-fi和iPad,客人可用 来欣赏电影和遥控机舱设施。有些客人则 喜欢全程享用机上美味的餐饮,品尝数之 不尽的菜式及饮品。” 皇冠的环球快车为客人提供舒适,也兼 备速度和可靠性的服务。卡尼说:“我们 快捷地飞行。” “我们把速度定为0.85马赫,即是音 速的百分之85。客人希望迅速抵达目的 地,这也是企业喷射机的使命。”● JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
昔日,亚洲的艺术品收藏家会把典藏放在密封的贮物室内,如今有 些决定成立自己的私人艺术馆。作者RACHAEL VANCE逐一拜访。
Long Museum Pudong, Shanghai. // 上海龙美术馆 浦东馆。
Throughout Asia, collectors who might once have left their prized artworks safe but unseen in airtight storage are now setting up their own art museums. RACHAEL VANCE goes browsing.
N Below: Tatsuo Miyajima’s vivid installation at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing.
下圖:北京尤伦斯当 代艺术中心展出艺术 家宫岛达男创作的 丶生动有趣的装置艺 术品。
New money and a growing interest in philanthropy from an up-and-coming generation of millionaires, combined with a recent push for “developing culture” in Asia, is behind a new cache of world-class art temples. Many employ celebrity architects to build innovative spaces dedicated to art and hire their own teams of expert curatorial staff to oversee annual exhibition programs. With a first-hand connection to galleries and artists, this new style of art museum responds directly to audiences beyond the traditional museum format, often transforming the experience of interacting with art. Certainly, there are the tax incentives and the odd boutique vanity project, but for most high-end collectors, the driving force behind establishing a private museum is the love of art, the prospect of sharing it and leaving a lasting legacy. Private art collections have a long tradition. First emerging during the Renaissance, wealthy arts patrons have been the lifeblood of the art world for centuries. Many museums were originally owned by noble families – from the Medicis, who emulated traditions set by religious institutions in the 14th century of commissioning artworks by artists, to a wave of tycoons in the 19th century, including American industrialists Henry Clay Frick, John D Rockefeller and Solomon Guggenheim, and British sugar magnate Henry Tate. From large-scale structures to small foundation gallery spaces and house museums, these private art collections offer insights into the passions of Asia’s wealthy collectors.
对慈善日益关注的年青富豪,在近年亚洲 兴起的 “发展文化”浪潮中,投入了新的 资金,打造了多家世界级的艺术殿堂。 这些创新的艺术馆请来著名建筑师设 计,还聘用业内专业人士构成管理团队, 监督全年的展览项目,而且更超越了传统 的做法︰这些艺术馆与艺廊和艺术家有直 接联系,跟参观者直接沟通,常能转化艺 术互动的经验。 当然,大部分显赫的收藏家开设私人艺 术馆,或多或少是因为有利税务安排和那 些古灵精怪又前衞的策展计划,但大部分 的动机还是在於对艺术的热爱、喜欢分享 和留下世代传承的瑰宝。 私人收藏艺术品,有着悠久的历史,由 文艺复兴时期开始,多个世纪以来,富裕 的艺术赞助人一直是艺术界的命脉。许多 博物馆皆由贵族和富豪拥有,包括在14世 纪时模仿宗教机构向艺术家订制作品的梅 迪西斯家族,以至19世纪涌现的大亨们, 如美国工业家亨利.克莱.弗里克、约 翰.D.洛克菲勒、古根汉,以及英国糖 业钜子亨利.泰特等。 无论是在大型建设、精品艺廊以至设在 住宅内的博物馆展示私人艺术藏品,都能 让我们进一步感受到亚洲富裕丶眼光独到 的艺术收藏家的激情。
The Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, founded by Belgian collectors Guy and Myriam Ullens in 2007, was one of the first comprehensive nonprofit art centres in China. Displaying artworks from the Ullens’ personal Chinese contemporary art collection, it features artists such as Huang Yong Ping, Zhang Huan and Yan Pei Ming. UCCA is housed in a former munitions factory in the 798 District of Beijing. The recent solo exhibition by Scandinavian duo Elmgreen & Dragset, transforming the main hall into a faux art fair, equally asserted the museum’s relevance globally. 当国际目光落在现代艺术家如艾未未身 上,中国迅速成为新博物馆和艺廊的摇 篮。尤伦斯当代艺术中心由比利时收藏家 尤伦斯夫妇於2007年创立,是中国首家非 牟利的综合艺术中心。它座落於北京798艺 术区内,原址在昔日是一座兵工厂,中心 展示尤伦斯个人收藏的中国当代艺术品, 包括黄永砯、张洹和严培明等的作品。 ucca.org.cn/en/
博物馆,已开始呈献一些本地活动和展览。 博物馆现时属於西九文化区管理局,拥有高 度自主权,馆藏以瑞士收藏家烏利.希克捐 赠的艺术品为主,那是现时世界上最全面的 中国当代艺术藏品系列之一。博物馆重点展 出20及21世纪的视觉艺术、设计、建筑及流 动影像,展示独特的香港视野,但又具国际 观。瑞士 Herzog & de Meuron赢得这座博物馆 大楼的设计比赛,并联同英国Farrells携手打 造倒“T” 字型的建筑。
Set to officially open in 2019, M+ museum in Hong Kong is already presenting a program of events and exhibitions. Presently administered by West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, the museum has a high level of independence and is shaped by the Swiss collector Uli Sigg’s donated collection – one of the world’s most comprehensive collections of Chinese contemporary art. Focusing on 20th- and 21st-century art, design, architecture and the moving image, the museum presents a unique Hong Kong perspective with a global vision. Swiss firm Herzog & de Meuron won the architecture prize to design the building and worked alongside UK firm Farrells to deliver the distinctive upside-down T-shape appearance. 预计在2019年正式揭幕的香港M+视觉文化
Above: Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul.
Nothingness Is Not Nothing At All, included ambitious multimedia installations and sculptures.
上图:首尔的Leeum 三星美术馆。
中国富豪刘益谦、王薇夫妇於2012开设以 花岗石为主体建材的龙美术浦东馆,由 中国建筑师仲松设计,而西岸馆则在2014 年落成。楼高四层的浦东馆,展出一系 列中国现代及当代艺术品,包括“红色 经典”。深广的画廊空间,展出书法卷 轴、玉石雕塑和陶器。还有画家张晓刚的 《血缘》系列,灵感来自文革时期的家庭 照。现时美术馆正举行艺术家奥拉维尔. 埃利亚松的个展“无相万象",兼具多媒 体装置和具标志性的雕塑。
Chinese billionaires Liu Yiqian and Wang Wei established Long Museum Pudong in 2012. The granite structure, designed by Chinese architect Zhong Song, was followed by Long Museum West Bund in 2014. Working across four levels, Long Museum Pudong features a collection of modern and contemporary Chinese art including “red classics”. The cavernous gallery spaces are adorned with calligraphy scrolls, jade sculptures and porcelain. Surrealist painter Zhang Xiaogang’s Bloodline series, inspired by family photos from the Cultural Revolution, is a standout. Danish-Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson’s recent exhibition,
SEOUL 首尔 LEEUM, SAMSUNG MUSEUM OF ART Leeum 三星美术馆 Established by the Korean electronics giant, this gallery consists of three architectural triumphs designed by Mario Botta, Jean Nouvel and Rem Koolhaas. The museum’s treasures are a touchstone for Korean culture – from 17th-century Joseon Dynasty inks on silk, gilt bronzes and ceramics to the contemporary monochromatic paintings of Kwon Young-Woo. Nam June Paik’s sculpture My Faust Autobiography – 25 TV monitors JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
installed like a Gothic altar – evokes debate on the power of technology. 由韩国电子巨擘创办的Leeum三星美术馆 是三位建筑界巨匠-马利奥.博塔、让. 努维尔及雷姆.库哈斯的精心设计。美术 馆藏有多件韩国国宝,成为了解韩国文化 的主要平台。馆内展出17世纪的朝鲜皇朝 水墨丝画作、镀金边铜器、陶瓷、韩国当 代艺术家权映宇的单色画作,还有白南准 的可爱雕塑 —《我的自传浮士德》,作品 用了25部电视萤幕,装置成一个歌德式圣 坛,唤起一陣对科技力量的讨论。 leeum.samsungfoundation.org
四方当代美术馆屹立在青葱的老山森林国 家公园内,展示中国艺术收藏家陆寻的私 人珍藏。美术馆由美国建筑师斯蒂文.霍 尔设计,半透明的架构凌空盘旋,外型突 出。自从2013年开幕以来,四方展示了不少 特别为艺术馆和园区委约的作品,比如一 匹倒卧在艺术馆混凝土地上的骏马,是由 意大利艺术家毛里齐奥卡特兰设计,十分 富戏剧效果;生於越南的丹麦艺术家Danh Vo 的装置艺术《We The People》,用铜复制 自由神像某些部分,同样引人入胜。 sifangartmuseum.org/en/
Top left: The futuristic Sifang Art Museum, Nanjing.
Left: Maurizio Cattelan’s stuffed horse at Sifang Art Museum.
左上图:南京四方当 代美术馆的建筑充满 未来感。
左图:毛里齐奥卡特 兰在四方当代美术馆 展出的作品。
The Sifang Art Museum in the lush forest of Laoshan National Park holds Chinese collector and property developer Lu Xun’s private collection. Designed by American architect Steven Holl, a translucent glass structure hovers above the ground offering various outlooks. Since opening in 2013, Sifang has featured many works specifically commissioned for the museum and grounds. Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan’s stuffed horse lying on a bare concrete gallery floor is a dramatic encounter. Vietnamese-born Danish artist Danh Vo’s sculptural installation We The People, comprising copper replicas of sections of the Statue of Liberty, is equally compelling.
Amid the flurry of museum fever in China, a push to cultivate culture has resulted in a range of new mega museums. In Shanghai, ChineseIndonesian art collector Budi Tek’s Yuz Museum is a bold statement across 9000sqm, aspiring to act as “a platform where East and West meet.” The museum, which opened in 2014, is in an adapted aircraft hangar in the riverside district of Xuhui. The collection includes contemporary art world heavyweights such as Xu Bing, whose Tobacco Project utilised more than 600,000 individual cigarettes to create an oversized tiger pelt in the inaugural show. The Yuz has been hosting the world’s largest Alberto Giacometti retrospective, with 250 masterpieces from 1917 to 1966. ● 中国掀起的博物馆热潮,不单推动文化教 育,并催生了好些大型艺术馆。在上海, 由印尼华人艺术收藏家余德耀创办的余德 耀美术馆,於2014年开幕,由座落於徐汇 滨江区的飞机仓库改建而成,面积约有 9,000平方米,标示了其“東西方交流平 台”的宏观和姿态。馆藏包括当代艺术界 重量级人物徐冰的作品,他的《烟草计 划》采用了600,000支香烟,创造了一幅 巨型老虎皮。美术馆亦曾举行阿尔伯特. 贾科梅蒂回顾展,展出他从1917到1966年 间,共250幅作品。 www.yuzmshanghai.org
Rain Room exhibition at Yuz Museum, Shanghai. 上海余德耀博物馆曾 举行名为《雨屋》的 展览。
The elegant, energetic Dawn convertible is just one step in the 112-year-old Rolls-Royce brand’s bid to attract younger motoring enthusiasts. MICHAEL STAHL was among the first to road-test it. 为了吸引年青一代的车迷,有112年历史的劳斯莱斯汽车也年轻化,包括推出气质 高雅丶充满动感的“曜影”敞篷车。作者MICHAEL STAHL详述试驾乐趣。
The Rolls-Royce Dawn’s interior is a masterful melding of traditional elegance and modern design. //
劳斯莱斯 “曜影"的 车厢设计,以精湛的 手法将传统高雅及时 尚装潢融为一 体。
here’s a point at which a machine transcends its engineering and manufacturing, and becomes as inspired and unique as a work of art. Similarly, there is a point at which a motor vehicle can “transport” you in ways beyond the merely physical. The Rolls-Royce Dawn, a A$749,000 handcrafted convertible, motors serenely beyond both those points. Its design is achingly elegant inside and out, and with only 1000 or so to be built each year, the likelihood is high that no two examples will be the same. Rolls-Royce launched the Dawn against the rough-hewn beauty and vast skies of South Africa’s Cape Winelands. Rolls-Royce launch HQ was the Delaire Graff Estate, 40 minutes’ drive west of Cape Town, the personal vineyard and resort of legendary British diamond jeweller Laurence Graff (Graff opened its first Australian store in January this year at Crown Melbourne, see story page 59). The Dawn effectively replaces the convertible (“drophead coupé”) version of the flagship Phantom limousine, which ceases production this year. Crown Melbourne’s VIP guests are also familiar with the Phantom, in its A$1m-plus, extended-wheelbase guise. Many guests have been chauffeured in the resort’s piano-black Phantom by its equally stately driver, “Rolls-Royce George” [Panos]. “The Phantom is my silent partner,” Panos says. “Our guests thoroughly enjoy the vehicle and many of them take pictures and videos from within its beautiful leather interior. The car impresses all who come into contact with it.” Imposingly large limousines, however, aren’t to everyone’s taste in the 21st century. The new Dawn, the forthcoming Phantom, a Black Badge performance line and, in late 2017, a Rolls-Royce SUV are all transformational steps in the 112 year-old brand’s plan to attract younger customers. That process began in 2010 with the introduction of the Ghost, a A$600,000 sedan that filled the niche between the A$850,000-plus Phantom and the top mainstream German limousines such as BMW’s 760Li, from whose platform and twin-turbocharged V12 engine the Ghost was derived (Rolls-Royce has been owned by BMW since 1998). In 2013, the face-lifted Ghost II was joined by the Wraith, a wholly unexpected, performance-tuned coupé that suddenly made the likes of Maserati, Aston Martin 40 CRYSTAL JUNE 2016
当一部机器的工程和制造不断升华的时候,去到某一个境界会成 为一件富啓发性又独特的艺术品。同样地,一部汽车去到某一个 境界,会超越简单的运输功能,以独特的方式“接载”你。 劳斯莱斯价值749,000澳元的“曜影”手工敞篷车,已静悄悄 地超越上述两个境界。它的设计无论内外都极之高雅,年产量仅 1,000架,因此每架“曜影”很可能都是独一无二的。 劳斯莱斯汽车在南非酿酒区开普酒乡举行“曜影”发布会,那 里山势峻峭、天空广阔。举行发布会的私人德莱尔格拉夫庄园, 距离南非开普敦40分钟车程,属于英国知名珠宝商劳伦斯.格拉 夫所有(格拉夫珠宝今年一月在墨尔本皇冠度假村开设在澳大 利亚的首间专卖店,请阅读第65页的故事。)。“曜影”将会取 代“幻影"系列中的软顶敞篷车,后者将于今年内停产。 墨尔本皇冠度假村的VIP贵宾,对价值100万澳元的“幻影"加 长版轿车一点也不陌生。大部分贵宾都曾经乘搭度假村车队旗下 的“幻影"钢琴漆黑色轿车。负责驾驶的司机帕诺斯外号“劳斯 莱斯乔治”,他说:“幻影是我的最佳伙伴。" “我们的宾客非常享受乘搭这架轿车,他们在漂亮的真皮车厢 内拍照及录像。只要接触过这架车的人,都留下难忘的体验。” 然而在21世纪,并非所有人都钟情大型轿车。全新“曜影”、 即将推出的“幻影"新车款、性能出众的Black Badge车系,以及 预计在2017年底推出的劳斯莱斯SUV,都标志这家有112年历史的 公司,正逐步蜕变以吸引更多年青顾客。其实,这个过程于2010 年推出价值600,000澳元的“古思特"小轿车时已经开始。该车款 的定位,是在850,000澳元的“幻影"与德国顶级轿车例如宝马的 760Li之间。“古思特"的平台和双涡轮增压V12发动机,就是由 760Li而来(1998年起,劳斯莱斯汽车已由宝马拥有)。 在2013年重新设计的“古思特"II,加上动力强劲、令人意想 不到的“魅影"轿跑车面世,使同侪如玛莎拉蒂、阿斯顿马丁以 及宾利等,突然间对劳斯莱斯的发展密切注视起来。“魅影"这 个名字带有阴暗的感觉,而“曜影”一如字面的意思,带有阳光 活力及从混沌中觉醒的气质。在风格高雅的“曜影”身上,可以 找到一个很时尚元素,就是设计巧妙的车标和水箱格栅,以及较 为向前倾的车姿。相反大部分劳斯莱斯小轿车的特色,是不断加 大的长沙发椅。 “曜影”搭载“古思特"小轿车采用的6.6升双涡轮增压V12发 动机,输出功率是“标准”的420kW,而不是"魅影"那个强百 分之10版本的引擎。尽管如此,按输出功率(420kW)和峰值扭 距(780牛米)计,它在汽车界的排名高踞三甲之内,位于主要竞 争对手、同样搭载了V12的宾利旗舰系列和梅赛德斯-奔驰的AMG 之下。“曜影”从0加速至100公里仅需4.9秒,符合双座位跑车的 规格。它还强调顺畅的表现,使用全位定位导航系统预测前方斜 坡和弯位,继而选择八速自动变速箱的最佳档位。 后铰链马车式车门已成为当代劳斯莱斯车系的特色,令进出汽 车后座的动作变得更优雅,这个特色配合“曜影”的加长版电动 车门尤其实用。劳斯莱斯更声称“曜影”是市场上最宁静的敞篷
The Dawn features a timber-panelled interior, boldly coloured leather upholstery and plenty of legroom. // “曜影"的车相采用 木材镶板丶色泽明亮 的皮革装饰,还有宽 敞的伸腿空间。
and, especially, Bentley pay attention. As the Dawn’s name implies, it’s a sunny and innocent awakening after the “darker”, Batman-esque Wraith. If there’s one edgy element to the Dawn’s elegance, it’s in the subtly toned haunches and more forward-leaning stance. Rolls-Royce sedans, in contrast, have the comportment of a vigorously-accelerating chesterfield sofa. The Dawn is powered by the “standard output” (420kW) twin-turbo, 6.6-litre V12 from the Ghost sedan, rather than the 10 per cent more powerful Wraith. Dawn’s power (420kW) and torque (780Nm) are nonetheless in the upper echelon of automotive outputs, bested only by similar V12 flagships from arch-rival Bentley and Mercedes-Benz AMG. Its 0-100km/h acceleration in 4.9 seconds is firmly in the realm of two-seater sports cars. Yet the Dawn’s emphasis is on seamless performance, as illustrated by the eight-speed automatic transmission that uses GPS guidance to anticipate hills and bends. Rear-hinged doors have become an identifying feature of contemporary RollsRoyces. They bring practical benefits in allowing graceful access, particularly so with the long, electrically assisted doors on the Dawn. The inherent strength of the central chassis contributes to Rolls-Royce’s claim that the Dawn is the quietest convertible on the market. It is also, truly, a four-seater. Housing a fullyautomated folding roof traditionally involves compromising rear occupants’ backrest comfort and legroom. No such compromise was allowed for the Dawn, whose six-layered, French-seamed roof – a fine piece of tailoring – albeit German, rather than English – can operate within 20 seconds at speeds of up to 50km/h. It is stowed beneath a timber-panelled cover redolent of traditional boatbuilding. The Dawn’s designers had the luxury of room to move. The car measures 5.4m from bumper to bumper and weighs a heady 2.56 tonnes. The interior shows a masterful melding of traditional elegance, modern design and pure functionality. Classic Rolls touches remain, such as the chrome-plated “eyeball” air vents operated by organ-stop controls, and mesmerisingly deep piano-black details. But there’s nothing staid about the catalogue of bold leather colours and exotic timbers. It all adds up to a unique driving experience; especially so in the wonderland of the Western Cape with its snaking coastal cruises, gentle vineyard foothills and generous mountain passes. The Dawn’s engine performance is majestic and utterly unflappable. On departing, one has the sense of prodding the accelerator and simply rolling most of the way to the destination. A quaint, characteristic instrument facing the driver is a “Power Reserve” gauge; it never seems to budge from “100 per cent remaining”. Like the Wraith, the Dawn begs to be driven. It scythes through corners with total confidence, its driving enjoyment enhanced by superlative seating comfort and light but communicative control of the steering and brakes. The experience in the rear is more mixed – promises of limousine seating and space are entirely true, but rear-passenger comfort and enjoyment of the open-air experience diminishes with speed, the wind bluster becoming tiresome beyond 80km/h. Strangely, though, that’s in keeping with the Dawn’s ambience. The rich, open-pore timber lining the interior has its own transcendental power: riding in the Dawn feels less like mere motoring, more like an outing in a classic wooden speedboat or vintage aircraft. Dawn is an experience. ●
车,全赖其坚固的中央底盘。“曜影”是真正的四座椅款式。一 般的敞篷款式由于要辟出位置安放自由开折的篷,所以要占用后 座乘客部分伸腿空间。但“曜影”不需要这样做,因为它的六层 软顶敞篷是采用法国精巧的接缝工艺,剪裁完美(事实上敞篷在 德国缝制,而非英国),可以在每小时50公里的速度以20秒完成 开合操作。合起来的敞篷,藏在以传统造船技术打造的木材镶板 下。车身全长约5.4米的曜影,仅重2.56吨。 “曜影”设计师有许多空间打造豪华的细节,车厢完美地糅合 传统高雅气质及现代元素,亦兼具实用功能。除了保持劳斯莱斯 一贯的风格,例如由圆形按钮控制的镀铬“眼球”形通风口,还 有迷人的钢琴漆黑色细节,可供选择的真皮颜色和木饰令人眼花 撩乱。这些细节带来无可比拟的驾驶乐趣,特别是驰骋在西开普 敦沿岸的蜿蜒车道;夹杂在葡萄园间、斜度温和的山坡,以及宽 阔的山道。“曜影”的整体表现稳定,满有王者风范。只要轻轻 踩下加速踏板,车子就可顺畅地抵达目的地,而且在驾驶者面前 的“动力储存”仪器,彷佛经常维持在“尚馀100%”的状态。 跟“魅影"一样,“曜影”令驾驶者无法抗拒。入弯动作明 快,而舒适的座椅、反应敏锐的操控及制动系统,进一步提升驾 驶乐趣。后座乘客可享受媲美轿车的舒适座椅及空间,只不过在 时速超过80公里後,迎面的强风削减了敞篷飞驰的乐趣。 为“曜影”不论内外都贯彻了豪华的氛围,就连车厢采用的 精致开孔木饰面板,也拥有一种令人感觉越脱的力量。坐在“曜 影"车厢内,感觉不像坐在汽车上,反而好像置身于一艘经典赛 艇扬帆出海,也彷佛身处怀旧式设计的机舱内。“曜影”确实让 你拥有难以形容的超凡体验。 ● JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
澳大利亚一批罕见的乐器不单为全球乐迷带来听觉 享受,它们本身也成了一种如蓝筹股票般的极佳投 资。作者HANNAH TATTERSALL为你详细报道。
Not only do Australia’s rarest instruments bring pleasure to music lovers the world over, they’re proving to be blue-chip investments in their own right, as HANNAH TATTERSALL reports.
BEAUTY & THE BEAT Richard Tognetti (above) plays a 1743 Guiseppe Guarneri del Gesù “Carrodus”. Opposite: “Tipi” Valve with his 1729 Guarneri cello.
理查德.托涅蒂(上 图)与1743吉赛贝.瓜 尔内里.德尔.杰苏 “Corrodus”小提琴。 对页:“蒂比” .维尔 与他的1729年瓜尔内 里大提琴。
t’s every violinist’s dream to draw his or her bow across the strings of an 18th-century Stradivarius or Guarneri violin – deemed the best in the world. But the days of musicians buying such rare instruments, valued in the millions, are long-gone. Enter the arts patron. Unlike an aged bottle of Château Lafite that is too far turned to be enjoyed, or a Picasso masterpiece that can be admired but not touched, in the hands of the right musician a well-made antique instrument can thrive. A fine instrument gets better with time. Upon acquiring one and loaning it to a musician, the proprietor at once becomes part of a special triumvirate bond between owner, player and listener. Here are some of Australia’s most coveted instruments and the performers who bring them to life.
由18世纪斯特拉迪瓦里和瓜尔内里家族制造的小提琴,被誉为全球最好的小提琴,弹奏它们是每位小提琴手的梦想。 不过,这些乐器的价钱往往以百万澳元计,如今的乐手已很难负担得起。幸好艺术界有不少赞助人。一件手工精巧的 古董乐器,不像法国拉菲酒庄红酒般要经过陈酿才能品尝,也不像毕加索的名画般可望而不可触,相反,只要落在适 当的音乐家手上就能大放异彩。优质的乐器还会随岁月流逝而变得更出色。而买到优质古董乐器的人,如果将乐器借 给出色的音乐家,那乐器的主人、乐手和听众之间,就构成一种特殊的三方关系。以下介绍澳大利亚一些最令人梦寐 以求的乐器,还有多位为这些乐器注入生命的音乐家。
Satu Vänskä & 1728-29 Stradivarius
Rare instruments can be hard to come by – a Stradivarius might be discovered every 50 years or so. Once acquired, however, they are a sound investment. Four years after the gifting, to violinist Richard Tognetti, of a 1743 Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù, the Australian Chamber 萨图.万斯卡与她的 珍贵的乐器难求。一个斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴可能每 Orchestra established an instrument fund that 50年才一遇。但若有幸找得到它,的确是一项很好 allowed benefactors to invest and participate 1728-29斯特拉迪瓦里 的投资。澳大利亚室内乐团在买下一个德尔.杰苏 in the ownership of historic instruments. The 小提琴 小提琴给理查德.托涅蒂后四年成立了“乐器基 first violin acquired by the fund was Australia’s 金”,让捐助人有机会作出投资并拥有富历史价值 only Stradivarius, protected and played by the 的乐器。这个基金首个购下的小提琴是澳大利亚唯 orchestra’s lead violin and soloist Satu Vänskä. 一一个斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴,由乐团的首席小提琴 Bought for A$1.8 million, after a donation 手兼独奏家萨图.万斯卡保管及演奏 。 from the Australian philanthropist, Peter Weiss, 这个珍贵的1728-29小提琴是在获得艺术界慈善家 the magnificent 1728-29 violin is now insured 彼得.魏斯捐助一笔巨款后购入,价值180万澳元, for A$3.8m. It is a composite Stradivarius (the 现时的保险额达380万澳元。它是一只合成的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴 belly and bridge come from one violin, the top from another): (琴腹及琴马来自一个小提琴,琴头则来自另一个琴),这种情 in the 18th century, it was common to repair instruments by 况其实很平常。在18世纪,为了修理小提琴经常都会将琴的不同 replacing sections. However, it makes the price paid substantially 部分换掉。不过,这样做却会令它的价值比一只完全原装的斯特 less than one would pay for a “complete” Stradivarius. 拉迪瓦里小提琴低得多。 “In a way, you get two for the price of a quarter,” the 这位芬兰籍的音乐家说:“从某个角度看,你只须付四分之一 Finnish musician says, adding that the story behind the 的价钱却得到两个琴。”她指出,关于琴架背后的故事至今仍是 instrument’s frame remains a mystery. It would be really 个谜。“真想知道当年这个琴的琴头为什么会损毁?又在何时换 interesting to know what happened to the top of it and when 掉琴头?莫非18世纪时曾经有人坐在琴的上面﹖” it was replaced. Did someone sit on it in the 18th century?” 无论如何,如今万斯卡已成为有关这小提琴故事的一部分,而 Nevertheless, Vänskä is now part of the story, ingrained in 这段故事也会成为这乐器的其中一段历史。“你能否想象每天都 this instrument’s history. “Can you imagine being in touch 与历史这么悠久、经历过无数岁月及战火洗礼的事物接触﹖这个 every day with something that goes back so far, the wars it 琴将会比我更长寿。能遇上这个琴不是理所当然的事。这一点是 has survived? It’s going to survive me. It’s something you 可以肯定的。” don’t take for granted, that’s for sure.”
Richard Tognetti & del Gesù violin 理查德.托涅蒂与他的德尔.杰苏小提琴
The classical music world was agog when the Australian Chamber Orchestra’s lead violinist and artistic director Richard Tognetti was gifted an 18th-century Italian violin in 2007. The 1743 Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù “Carrodus” was purchased by an anonymous benefactor and is insured for A$16 million. However, Tognetti may be the instrument’s true beneficiary, chosen to play it and, in doing so, enabling audiences around the world to enjoy the rich, velvety sounds intended by its maker. Guarneri sits alongside Antonio Stradivari in reputation: both made violins in the 1700s in Cremona, Northern Italy. While the sound produced by the better-known Stradivarius violins is piercing, a del Gesù (it means “of Jesus”) is more mysterious: “powerful in its lower notes and richer in tone,” explains Tognetti. This particular violin has an interesting provenance: it survived a car crash in 1953 in which its owner, Ossy Renardy, was tragically killed. Prior to that, it allegedly belonged to violin legend Niccolò Paganini. Holding it is “at first daunting, but then it really becomes part of you – your baby”, Tognetti says. As such, it is kept under close guard. “It’s stored in a safe. When it’s not chained to my arm, it’s under lock and key, passcodes and security guards. You’d have to chop off my limbs to steal it.” 2007年,当澳大利亚室内乐团首席小提琴手兼艺术总监理查德. 托涅蒂获赠一个18世纪的意大利小提琴时,整个古典音乐界都十 分雀跃。这个1743吉赛贝.瓜尔内里.德尔.杰苏“Carrodus”小 提琴由一位匿名的捐助人买下,并已购买了多达1,600万澳元的保 险。不过,若说托涅蒂才是这乐器的真正受惠者也绝不为过,他 获赠这乐器,让全球观众能够欣赏到造琴者赋予此琴丰富和柔软 如丝的琴音。 小提琴制作家瓜尔内里的知名度,与安东尼奥.斯特拉迪瓦里 不相伯仲,二人均于1700年代在意大利北部的克雷莫纳制造小提 琴。斯特拉迪瓦里的作品,以琴音触动人心闻名于世,而德尔. 杰苏(意大利语意思是「耶稣」)则有一股不可思议的魅力,托 涅蒂解释:“它的低音强而有力,音色丰厚。”这个小提琴的 来历颇耐人寻味:它在1953年的一场车祸中完好无缺,其主人奥 斯.雷纳迪则身亡。在此之前,据说此琴属于小提琴界传奇人物 尼可罗.帕格尼尼。托涅蒂说拿起这琴时“最初有些害怕,但慢 慢地它会成为你的一部分,有如你的孩子”。因此,托涅蒂一直 严密保管此琴。“我把它放在保险箱。当它不在我手臂上的时 候,就会被锁上,再加上锁匙丶密码锁和保安员重重保护。想偷 走它,除非把我的手脚砍掉吧。”
Kirsty McCahon & 1760 Bella Basso bass 基丝蒂.麦卡宏与她的1760Bella Basso 低音提琴
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra’s principal double bass player Kirsty McCahon feels much the same way about her (slightly larger) instrument of choice. “We communicate with each other,” she says. “We say of musicians that we have found our instrument: you might play dozens or hundreds of instruments, and then one speaks to you for whatever reason. That’s the magic of it.” McCahon carries around a 260-year-old bass as costly as it is cumbersome. Made by Giuseppe Abbati in Modena, Italy, circa 1760, she knows it was brought to Van Diemen’s land by an Italian in 1899, and has been played in the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. “Its rich, voluptuous, dark wine tones, I like to think, are directly influenced by the area in which it was built. Sadly, I don’t know who played it before it came to Australia.” In order to protect its legacy, when people ask she usually lies about its value (hundreds of thousands of dollars). “For instance, every time I hop in a cab and they ask, ‘Oh, how much is that worth?’ I don’t give them that figure. I might just say a couple of thousand bucks.” She says the real value lies in the hours the instrument has spent “making glorious music in the hands of many”. “I own it in so far as I have paid hard cash for it, but I see myself as [only] the custodian of this very fine instrument. [Just] as I have had the good fortune of it coming into my life, it will go on to be in the lives of others. “I think that’s a very special place to be.” 澳大利亚勃兰登堡室内乐团首席低音提琴手基丝蒂.麦卡宏,对 她所选择的(体积稍大的)乐器,有一种很特殊的亲切感。她 说:“我和它之间能够互相沟通。这就是音乐家常常说,终于找 到属于自己的乐器的感觉。你可能已弹奏过数以十计甚至百计的 乐器,但因为某种原因才终于找到一件能够与你沟通的乐器,这 就是当中的奇妙之处。” 麥卡宏这个低音提琴已有260年历史,除了价值不菲,体积 也很庞大。这琴约于1760年在意大利摩德纳由朱塞佩.阿巴蒂制 造,据她所知在1899年由一位意大利人带往澳大利亚的塔斯曼尼亚 (当时被称为范迪门斯地),并曾经由墨尔本交响乐团和悉尼交 响乐团演奏。“它的音色十分丰厚、诱人,我觉得它那恍如深红 酒般醇厚的音色,是直接受到制造它的地方影响。可惜我不知道 它来到澳大利亚之前,谁曾经拉奏它。” 为了保护这件富有历史价值的乐器,当有人问起它的价值时, 麥卡宏总会迫不得已说谎:“我每次坐计程车时,司机都会问 ‘这个琴值多少钱﹖’但我从不直接说出价钱,只会声称约数千 元吧。”其实这低音提琴价值数十万澳元。 她认为一件乐器的真正价值,在于它有多少时间“在乐手手上 奏出美妙的音乐”。 “我因为付了钱而拥有这件优秀乐器,然而,我认为自己只是 它的保管者。能够在人生中遇到这件乐器是我的幸运,但它往後 会继续进入其他人的生命,我觉得这是件很美的事。”
“Tipi” Valve & 1929 Guarneri cello "蒂比".维尔与他的瓜尔内里 大提琴
The tale of Jane Rutter’s Louis Lot flute is just as remarkable as Satu Vänskä’s. Following an international tribute concert for her renowned French flute teacher, Alain Marion, at the National Flute Association Convention in Atlanta, USA, in 1999, the classical flautist received a phone call. It was the son of well-known American flute player Albert Tipton, who had purchased a Louis Lot in Paris in the 1950s. “He said, ‘I’ve got my dad’s French flute for sale. Do you want to buy it?’” The seller wanted to be sure its next owner would look after the flute, handmade in Paris in the late 1880s. He needn’t have worried. Considered a world expert in French-style flute playing, Rutter’s dynamic performances bring the instrument to life. “Fine music is so wonderful because you’re melding your personality with that of the composer,” she says. “A good instrument will enhance the possibilities of expression.” The Louis Lot’s elegant sound lends itself both to Baroque music and the refined French style Rutter is famous for. The flute is made of sterling silver with gold detail and has an alternative ebony head-joint. (In concert, Rutter also plays a handmade contemporary 14ct gold flute.) Although not valued in the millions like Golden Age violins, the flute is viewed much like a voice in France, and Louis Lots are highly sought-after. Rutter paid US$10,000 for it and says she wouldn’t sell it for less than three times that – although it’s not for sale. “The flute is so refined it responds beautifully to my requests for different tone colours,” she says. “The mechanism is superb, it is so light, an absolute dream to play.”
简.鲁特与她的刘易斯.罗特长笛的故事也十分精彩。1999年,鲁特在美国阿特兰大的国立 长笛协会大会,为其著名的法籍长笛老师阿兰.马利翁举行国际致敬演奏会后,这位活泼开 朗的古典长笛演奏家接到一通电话。来电者是著名的美籍长笛演奏家阿尔贝.提普顿的儿 子,他于1950年代在巴黎买到一枝刘易斯.罗特长笛。鲁特回忆说:“他说:‘你是否就是 那位法式长笛演奏家﹖我想把父亲的法国长笛出售,你有兴趣买吗﹖’” 这枝长笛于1880年代在巴黎以人手制造。卖家希望它的新主人会好好保管它。他实在毋须 担忧。鲁特获公认为法式长笛的国际级专家,她的演奏极具动感,为这长笛注入了生命。她 说:“出色的乐曲能让你把自己和作曲家的心灵融合,实在很奇妙,而一件好的乐器,能令 你演绎乐曲时更能表达丰富的感情。” 这枝刘易斯.罗特长笛的优雅声音,演绎巴洛克时期音乐以及鲁特闻名于世的精妙法式音 乐风格,最适合不过。这枝长笛以纯银制造并有镀金组件,配以可更换的黑檀木笛头。(在演 奏时,鲁特也会使用一枝手制的新款14ct金长笛。) 长笛虽然不如黄金年代的小提琴般价值以百万元计,但却被视为代表法国的音乐,而刘易 斯.罗特长笛更是人人趋之若鹜。鲁特以一万美元将它买下,并说除非三倍以上价钱否则不 会转售 — 当然,她根本无意出售。她说:“这枝长笛十分精巧,无论我想吹奏出任何音色, 它都能够优美演绎。它的手工超卓,非常轻巧,能够用它来演奏就像梦境成真。”
澳大利亚室内乐团的芬兰籍首席大提琴手 蒂姆-维科“蒂比”维尔仍然忘不了这件 事情。有一天,维尔在伦敦的街上闲逛, 无意中在 J & A B e a r e 乐器服务公司发现了 这个瓜尔内里大提琴。这琴据说是于1729 年由瓜尔内里家的吉赛贝.瓜尔内里(别 名 filius Andreæ)及其子巴托罗密欧.吉赛 贝.瓜尔内里(德尔.杰苏)制造。价值 为200万澳元。这琴在1940年代之前的历史 仍然是个谜。不过,它之前的主人是刚于 去年逝世、享年79岁的著名英籍大提琴手 詹妮弗.沃德.克拉克。 这位音乐人忆述:“虽然这个琴并非 最昂贵,然而我与它之间却像一段关系一 样,它某种特质让我感到‘就是它了’。 我们拥有共同语言。” 这个瓜尔内里大提琴,是澳大利亚室 内乐团的前任大提琴手兼“乐器基金”的 创办人及捐助人彼得.魏斯购买给维尔专 用。事有凑巧,维尔与魏斯的住处十分接 近。维尔笑道:“我们可以算得上是邻 居。有时候如果我在家练琴的话,说不定 他会听得见。” ●
Jane Rutter & Louis Lot flute
Timo-Veikko “Tipi” Valve, the Finnish principal cello of the Australian Chamber Orchestra, found his prized Guarneri at J&A Beare, when he went “window-shopping” in London. Attributed to both Giuseppe Guarneri (filius Andreæ) and his son Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri (del Gesù), the cello was made in 1729. Valued at A$2 million, its provenance prior to the 1940s remains a mystery. More recently, it was played by prominent British cellist Jennifer Ward Clarke, who died last year, aged 79. “Even though it wasn’t the most expensive one [I saw], it had something special; something clicked, like a relationship. We spoke the same language,” the musician recounts. The Guarneri cello was purchased exclusively for Valve’s use by Australian philanthropist Peter Weiss, a former cellist and founding patron of the ACO’s Instrument Fund. Coincidentally, Valve and Weiss live near each other. “If I practise loud enough, he can probably hear me,” says Valve. ●
A discerning clientele expects the best wines money can buy. And many of these are in Crown Melbourne’s secret cellars, reports SUSAN SKELLY.
热爱美酒的贵宾会不惜一掷千金购买佳酿,而墨尔 本皇冠度假村的秘密酒窖,正藏有许多令人梦寐以 求的顶级佳酿,SUSAN SKELLY报道。
Crown’s last four bottles of Hennessey Ellipse cognac; the only release of Comtes de Champagne magnums; the limited-edition Yamazaki 25-year-old single malt whisky, aged in sherry casks, and its Suntory stablemate, the 21-year-old Hibiki blend. In stock are 38 vintages of Grange from 1951 to 2011 (the ’51 will set you back A$50,000) including those from the “hidden vintages” – 1957 to 1959, when legendary winemaker Max Schubert hid the older oak barrels behind cost-saving new oak. Crawford says one complete set recently sold overseas for $A285,000. “Not everything is listed [on wine menus], but they’re just a phone call away,” he says. Those calls often bring out the detective in Crawford. Many requests are driven by numbers: lucky numbers, anniversaries, birthdates, birth years. He was recently asked to source 40 bottles of 40-year-old Grange for a 40th birthday celebration. Rare red Burgundy also beds down here – coveted pinot noirs such as the
Above: Behind a latticed steel door at Crown Towers are vintage riches. Previous page: Vintage Macallan and a collector’s bottle of Grange. 上图:在皇冠度假酒 店的一道格子钢门后 是藏量丰富的酒窖。 前页:陈年的麦卡伦 威士忌和葛兰许年份 葡萄酒。
“Being able to guarantee where something has come from is important.” “我们对酒的来源 很小心。”
Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Romanée-Conti. “A tiny production and highly sought,” says Crawford. “Maybe 300 [cases], compared to, say, a Bordeaux such as Château Lafite, of which 25,000 to 30,000 [cases] might be produced [from one vintage].” While rarity is a hallmark of Crown cellars, Crawford isn’t precious about letting his charges go. “There is no point buying it if you can’t sell it. We are careful about provenance. Being able to guarantee where something has come from is important ... like farm to table in the kitchen, people like to know the stories and the history.” This cellar is one of three VIP caches at Crown Melbourne, housing between 8,500 and 10,000 bottles all up. Sorted by variety, the cellars are kept at 16°C and high humidity so cork maintains its elasticity, preventing oxidisation. Light, too, is detrimental, and movement is kept to a minimum. “We tuck them up and put them to bed until somebody drinks them!” Crawford says. ●
kid in a lolly shop has nothing on Chris Crawford, Crown Melbourne’s General Manager Beverage, in his wine vault. Hidden behind a door of latticed steel, this is an Aladdin’s Cave of treasure and drinking pleasure. A 1911 Moët & Chandon was disgorged only in 2011. It’s been held on lees for 100 years, plenty of time to develop complexity. It’s listed on Crown Melbourne’s No. 8 restaurant wine bucket list for a chilled A$18,500. There’s a 1907 Heidsieck Monopole Goût Américain Champagne recovered from the Swedish freighter Jönköping, torpedoed off Finland in 1916 by a German submarine. It was salvaged in 1997 and one of the bottles found its way to auction, fetching US$275,000. Crown came into possession of six of about 200 bottles salvaged, and has sold four. More or less a dark, still wine these days, it is listed at A$13,200 a bottle. Then there’s a 50-year-old Macallan whisky with a price tag of A$70,000;
墨尔本皇冠度假村餐饮总经理克里斯.克 劳福的葡萄酒窖在一道格子钢门的背后。 那里有一瓶1911年酩悦香槟,在2011 年出窖,足有百年时间发展复杂的特质, 在度假村No.8餐厅的酒单上标价18,500 澳元。两瓶1907年份 Heidsieck Monopole Goût Américain Champagne,这些香槟是在 1997年一次打捞行动中找到,共有200瓶, 其中一瓶在拍卖行中以275,000美元拍出, 皇冠的售价为13,200澳元。还有一瓶麦卡 伦50威士忌,售70,000澳元;最後四瓶轩 尼诗Ellipse干邑;刚推出的大瓶装“香槟 伯爵”;在雪利酒桶陈酿的限量版山崎25年 单一麦芽威士忌及同是三得利酒厂的响21年 调和威士忌;葛兰许1951至2011年的38款年 份葡萄酒(51年售50,000澳元),包括那些“隐 藏的年份葡萄酒”,克劳福表示,最近一 套以285,000澳元成交,新主人是亚洲买家。 克劳福又说:“不是所有酒库内的酒都 列在酒单上,我们欢迎顾客来电查询。” 这些来电许多是与数字有关,最近就有人 请克劳福找40瓶40年葛兰许葡萄酒,以庆 祝40岁生辰。 这里还存有稀有的勃艮第黑皮诺葡萄 酒,例如罗曼尼康帝酒庄的出品。克劳福 指岀︰“这款葡萄酒甚受欢迎,但年产量 只有300箱。而波尔多拉菲酒庄,每一年份 佳酿产量可达25,000至30,000箱。” 克劳福在窖内都找到喜欢的佳酿:拉塔 希葡萄园的Romanée-Conti,那是世上最昂贵 的葡萄酒之一。他说:“我最爱黑皮诺。” 皇冠酒窖以珍稀的藏酒为卖点。克劳福 说:“不能卖的,我不会买。幸运地,我 们能找到货源和客源。我们对酒的来源很 小心,有点像餐馆的‘由农场到餐桌’的 概念,人们喜欢知道故事和历史。” 这是皇冠三个葡萄酒和烈酒酒窖之一, 存量达8,500至10,000瓶。依品种分类,室 温保持在16度,并保持湿润,以维持软木 塞的弹性,防止氧化。还有,光线要弱, 最好不要移动酒瓶。克劳福说:“我们让 瓶子好好地躺着,直至有人享用!”
A new addition to Melbourne’s skyline, One Queensbridge hotel and residences, will take luxury and personalised service to new heights. In an enviable location, set by the Yarra River with uninterrupted city views and directly connected to all of the dining and entertainment at Crown Melbourne, this landmark tower will feature a 388 room luxury hotel. One Queensbridge is located in the heart of Melbourne’s sophisticated Southbank and is set to become the first choice for discerning travellers seeking to experience Melbourne’s culture of food, art and entertainment. www.onequeensbridge.com.au
One Queensbridge 酒店及住宅项目将会令墨尔 本的天际线焕然一新,把豪华及个性化的服 务升华到另一境界。 大楼是墨尔本的新地标,拥有一家388个 房间的酒店,地理位置优越,位于亚拉河畔, 俯瞰一望无垠的城市景观,毗连荟萃美食及 娱乐於一身的墨尔本皇冠度假村。 One Queensbridge 矗立在墨尔本南岸的时 尚核心地带,是品味出众的旅客体验墨尔本 美食丶艺术及娱乐文化的首选居停。 www.onequeensbridge.com.au
Making a mark on Melbourne’s skyline is the proposed One Queensbridge hotel and residences. 美轮美奂的 One Queensbridge 酒店及住宅项目将会在 墨尔本天际线占一席位。
ULURU ELECTRIC 乌鲁鲁之光 How do you illuminate a desert? British light artist Bruce Munro has been pondering this question since he first saw the majestic landscape of Uluru 24 years ago. In April this year, his extraordinary Field of Light – a luminous “garden” of more than 50,000 stems and spheres spanning an area larger than four football fields – finally arrived. The installation, the latest iteration of Munro’s radiant suite of work, required more than 3,900 working hours across six weeks on-site. It uses almost enough optical fibre cable to span from the Rock itself all the way back to Alice Springs (more than 380km) and is lit by a series of 144 projectors run by 36 solar-powered units. Fifteen tonnes of components were designed and built in the UK and flown 19,000km to the heart of Australia in a freight operation that lasted six weeks and utilised more than 30 flights. A delicately glowing bouquet set carefully against one of the world’s most iconic backdrops, Munro describes it as “an expression of how the land made me feel back in 1992: it was electrifying”. ASHLEY HAY On show until March 31, 2017. 如果要你燃亮一个浩瀚的沙漠,你会用什么 方法?英国灯光艺术家布鲁斯.蒙罗在24 年前首次欣赏到乌鲁鲁壮丽的地貌之後, 脑海里一直思考这个问题。直到今年四 月,他终於实现梦想,在乌鲁鲁创作了一 个大型装置《原野星光》,用超过50,000 颗灯泡组成一个发亮的“花园”,面积比 四个足球场更大。 这是蒙罗的最新装置艺术杰作,在展览 现场花了六个星期合共逾3,900小时完成设 置。所采用的光纤电缆加起来,几乎足够 由乌鲁鲁巨石一直延伸到爱丽丝泉(距离 超过380公里)。这个装置是由144部投影 仪照亮,能源来自36个太阳能板。其15公 吨重的组件在英国设计及制作,然後空运 至19,000公里外的澳大利亚中心地带,整 个运送过程花了六星期以及30多班航班。 这个艺术装置犹如一束发亮的鲜花, 优雅地在全球其中一个最具代表性的景观 前盛放, 蒙罗形容它“表达出这片土地在 1992年给他的感觉:充满激情。” 展期至2017年3月3月31日。
A visit to Uluru in the 1990s inspired Bruce Munro’s 21st-century light spectacular. 布鲁斯.蒙罗1990年 代的乌鲁鲁之旅,启 发他制作这个21世纪 大型灯光艺术品。
Untitled, Mio Pang Fei 1992. Mixed media.
缪鹏飞 作品《无题》,1992年 混合媒材
DRIVEN TO ABSTRACTION 抽象印象 Since the establishment of the Macao Museum of Art in 1999 the collection of abstract works by Macau painters such as Luís Luciano Demée and Kwok Woon, from the 1980s to the present, has been accumulated through acquisition, donation and on loan. Visit Abstract Paintings from the MAM Collection to see 30 of the genre’s most representative in a feast of shape, colour technique and composition. Until December 31, 2016. mam.gov.mo/e/
澳门艺术博物馆自1999年成立以来,透过购藏丶接受捐赠 及借入收集作品,令澳门抽象画的馆藏不断扩大,当中包 括路易士·迪美和郭恒由1980年代至今的作品。现时博物 馆正举办《艺博馆藏抽象绘画展》,展出无论形状丶色彩 技巧和构图均具代表性的30 幅作品。展期至2016年12月31 日。mam.gov.mo
Ballet (L’Étoile), 187677, by Edgar Degas, pastel on paper. 埃德加.德加的粉彩 作品《Ballet (L’ Étoile) ,1876-77。
DANCE OF DEGAS 德加的舞者 Ballerinas, portraits, nudes, horseracing and Parisian nightlife are just some of the many subjects that captivated French painter Edgar Degas. His artworks are showcased in Degas: A New Vision, an exhibition of more than 200 works at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). From June 24 to September 18. ngv.vic.gov.au 法国著名画家埃德加•德加的创作主题包括芭蕾舞蹈员、 人物肖像、人体写真,以至赛马和巴黎夜生活等。他的 200多件作品在维多利亚国家美术馆举行的《德加:新视 野》展览展出。展期由6月24日至9月18日。 ngv.vic.gov.au
TASTE SENSATIONS 品味之旅 City of Dreams’ contemporary French restaurant, The Tasting Room, and the Chinese culinary magnet, Jade Dragon, were in March named among Hong Kong and Macau’s best 100 dining establishments by the independent editorial panel of the South China Morning Post. The tributes are the latest additions to Melco Crown Entertainment’s growing tally of accolades, building on other 2016 awards: five Michelin stars, eight five-stars from Forbes and one Forbes four-star.
新濠天地的新派法国餐厅御膳房和中式尊尚食府誉珑轩,在 三月份荣获《南华早报》独立编辑评审团选为港澳地区100家 最佳餐厅的其中两间。新濠博亚娱乐不断获得表扬,2016年 的荣誉包括米其林五颗星、《福布斯》八个五星及一个四星 大奖。这次荣耀实在是锦上添花。 JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
A walk in the park, London, 1967: Charlie Watts, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman, Keith Richards, Brian Jones.
滚石乐队的查理.沃茨、 米克.贾格尔、比尔.怀曼、 基思.理查兹及比尔.琼斯 1967年在伦敦的公园漫步。
Taking over two floors of the Saatchi Gallery (the King’s Road, Chelsea) with nine thematic galleries, Exhibitionism combines more than 550 original Rolling Stones’ artefacts, with cinematic and interactive technologies offering the most comprehensive and immersive insight into the band’s 54-year history. Rock aficionados can revel in everything from dressing room and backstage paraphernalia to rare instruments, original stage designs, iconic costumes, rare audio tracks and video footage, personal diaries, poster and album cover artwork and unique wraparound cinematic experiences celebrating every aspect of the Stones’ hellfire journey. Until September 4, 2016. stonesexhibitionism.com
BESPOKE GAMESMANSHIP 巧夺天工 Louis Vuitton’s craftsmen have long catered to the idiosyncrasies of obsession, whether a guitar case for Keith Richards, an iPod case for Karl Lagerfeld or the Maison’s ultra-functional explorer’s trunk. One of the newest special orders from LV’s Asnières atelier is the “Malle Casino Monogram”, a trunk that opens to reveal red microfibre compartments for roulette, poker, blackjack and bridge. It has a card distributor that can hold six decks of recharge cards, a dealer button for poker games, 500 roulette chips, 800 poker chips and a President briefcase for forays into the outside world. It is compact, measuring 109cm high, 56cm wide and 56cm deep. A cool A$153,000 will start the ball rolling. For a viewing at Crown Melbourne: adam.morozoff@louisvuitton.com
路易威登的工艺一向精细 无瑕,不论凯斯.理查德 兹的吉他箱、卡尔.拉 格斐的iPod套,或以功能 见称的Maison探索家行李 箱,设计特色让人着迷。 在阿涅勒的工作坊刚制成 名为Malle Casino Monogram 的箱子,箱内是一个个红 色微纤维储物格,摆放轮 盘、扑克牌、21点纸牌及 桥牌。还有可容纳六副纸 牌的分发器、扑克牌的 装家按钮、500块轮盘筹 码、800块扑克筹码及可随 身擕带的President公事包。 这小巧的箱子高109厘米、 阔56厘米、深56厘米。售 价由153,000澳元起。 如欲在墨尔本皇冠度假 村检视这款产品,请发 电邮到:adam.morozoff@ louisvuitton.com。
萨奇美术馆(切尔西 国王路)举办名为 《Exhibitionism》的展 览,在占地两层共九个 展厅展出逾550件与滚 石乐队相关物品,并透 过电影和互动科技,让 参观者在虚拟实景中深 入认识乐队54年历史。 摇滚乐迷可看到乐 队化妆间和後台、珍贵 乐器、舞台设计原稿、 代表性服饰、罕见的音 乐档案和录像片段、个 人日记、海报、大碟封 面设计,以及独一无二 的电影,记录了滚石 乐队精彩旅程中的每一 步。展期至2016年 9月4日。 stonesexhibitionism.com
Top right: Pop superstar Mariah Carey sang in the New Year before James Packer (below right), with Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop and partner David Panton. Above left: Hosting Crown Resorts’ Ladies Lunch, Francesca Packer and (left) Roslyn Packer & daughter Gretel with trainer Gai Waterhouse and jockey Michelle Payne. Far left: Chefs Guillaume Brahimi and Neil Perry. Above right: At Tennis Live Site, players Feliciano López and Rafael Nadal, and (top left) Victoria Azarenka.
The Annual Crown Resorts’ Ladies Lunch, held at Inglis Newmarket Stables to celebrate Sydney’s Autumn Racing Carnival, raised A$160,000 for Youth Off The Streets and the Bill Crews Charitable Trust. Guests included 160 racing, media, entertainment, business and fashion indentities. Among the guests: Melbourne Cup-winning jockey Michelle Payne and trainer Gai Waterhouse. Chefs Neil Perry and Guillaume Brahimi kept the food coming.
Centrecourt wasn’t the only place to eyeball the 2016 Australian Open. The IMG Tennis Party was hosted at the new home of this international event, Crown’s Tennis Live Site on the pretty Riverwalk. Guests included tennis luminaries Stan Wawrinka, Kei Nishikori, Li Na, Feliciano Lopez, Maria Sharapova, Eugenie Bouchard, Victoria Azarenka, Rafael Nadal, and John Isner. VIP Club members and their guests enjoyed a New Year’s Eve gala
右上角图: 流行巨星玛 丽亚.凯莉除夕的演出精 彩动人,皇冠度假村的詹 姆斯.帕克(右下角图) 与澳大利亚外相毕晓普和 她的伴侣潘顿一起欣赏。 左上图:主办皇冠度假村 周年妇女午宴的弗朗西丝 卡.帕克,以及罗塞莉. 帕克和女儿格雷特尔(左 图)与练马师沃特豪丝及 骑师佩恩一起出席。最左 中间图:名厨贝拉希米和 佩里。右上图:在Tennis Live Site亮相的洛佩斯及 纳达尔,以及尤金妮. 布沙尔(左上角图)。
dinner in the Crown Palladium, entertained by global pop superstar Mariah Carey, who was introduced to the audience by Crown Resorts’ James Packer, watching the show in the company of highflyers including Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Julie Bishop, and her partner, David Panton.
为庆祝悉尼秋季赛马嘉年 华,皇冠度假村周年妇女午 宴于英格利斯新市场马厩 举行,并为慈善组织Youth Off The Streets和比尔.克鲁 斯慈善信托筹得160,000澳 元善款。出席的160位嘉宾 都是来自澳大利亚赛马、 传媒、娱乐、商界及时装 界的名人,当中包括墨尔 本杯冠军骑师米歇尔.佩恩 及练马师盖.沃特豪丝。名 厨尼尔.佩里和贝拉希米. 吉约姆为宾客带来源源不绝 的美食。 观看2016澳大利亚网球公开 赛的地方,并非只有中心球 场。皇冠在风景如画的河畔 区Riverwalk设立名为Tennis Live Site的网球直播区,并
举行IMG网球派对,一起观 赏这项国际体育盛事。出席 嘉宾包括斯坦.瓦林卡、锦 织圭、李娜、费里西安诺. 洛佩斯、玛丽亚.莎拉波 娃、尤金妮.布沙尔、拉斐 尔.纳达尔和约翰.伊斯内 尔,气氛热闹。 VIP贵宾会的会员和他们邀 请的嘉宾,在除夕夜齐集皇 冠Palladium宴会大厅参加送 旧迎新晚宴,由流行乐超级 巨星玛丽亚.凯莉献上精彩 的演出。皇冠度假村的詹姆 斯.帕克与澳大利亚外相毕 晓普,以及她的伴侣大卫. 潘顿,一同欣赏凯莉绕梁三 日的歌艺,度过一个美妙 的晚上。
DELUXE DATES 豪华约会 Celebrating the truffle season is Truffle Kerfuffle (June 24-26) at Fonty’s Pool, in Manjimup. This hands-on winter festival gives foodies the chance to join the search for these nuggety treasures, get to know the truffle-seeking dogs, visit the marketplace for tastings and take part in exclusive dining events. 为庆祝松露当造的季节,松露盛会Truffle Kerfuffle(6月24至26日)在满吉姆小镇的芳地水 潭举行。美食爱好者可以趁这个冬季庆节亲自搜 寻这些珍贵的食材,与此同时认识松露搜索犬的 工作、参观市集并品尝美食,及参加与别不同的 松露盛宴。 CinéfestOZ 2016 runs from August 24-28. Set in the seaside towns of Busselton, Bunbury, Dunsborough and the Margaret River wine region, CinéfestOZ premieres feature films and events in cinemas, wineries, small bars and galleries. Last year’s festival saw the launch of the China Australia Film Collaboration. 著名的西澳电影节CinéfestOZ 2016,定于8月24至28日在海滨城 市巴瑟尔顿、班伯利、戴士柏以及玛格丽特河酿酒区举行。在 CinéfestOZ除了有多部新片首映,还会在区内多家影院、酒庄、小 酒吧和艺术馆举行不同活动。去年电影节举行期间,见证了中澳 电影合作计划正式展开。
Clockwise from above: Perth Fashion Festival colour; digging for truffles; front row at CinéfestOz.
September 20-25 brings the Telstra Perth Fashion Festival and September 17, the International Rugby Test Match between Australia’s Qantas Wallabies and Argentina at the nib Stadium.
顺时针方向上图起: 色彩夺目的珀斯时尚 节;寻找松露;西澳 将举行CinéfestOz。
汇集时尚潮流的Telstra珀斯时尚节,将于9月20至25日举行。而国 际橄榄球测试赛(9月17日)将会在尼布体育场隆重上演,澳大利 亚的Qantas Wallabies与阿根廷队将会一较高下。
魔术大师法兰兹.哈拉瑞以逃生魔术表演蜚声国际,由现在至11月 份他于澳门新濠影汇的“魔幻间”为观众献上精彩绝伦的表演。哈 拉瑞善於打造大型、布景华丽的魔术秀,他於1984年在米高积逊世 界巡回演唱会“Jackson’ s Victory Tour”上献技後,再跟珍纳积逊丶 Usher、贾斯汀比伯及滨崎步等巨星合作,呈献令人惊叹的魔术。 哈拉瑞为自己的表演设计及制作道具,其创举包括用魔术令印度的 泰姬陵消失,并在新加坡动物园把汽车变成大象。独一无二的“魔 幻间”还有其他国际级顶尖魔术大师轮流献技。
In residence (or maybe not!) at Studio City in Macau until November is Franz Harary, an escape artist and a pioneer of magic on a grand scale. Since his collaboration with Michael Jackson in 1984’s Jackson’s Victory Tour, Harary has worked with superstars such as Janet Jackson, Usher, Justin Bieber, and Ayumi Hamasaki. Harary designs and engineers the illusions he creates. Watch him make the Taj Mahal vanish or transform a car into an elephant at the Singapore Zoo. Harary's House of Magic is a one-of-a-kind multi-theatre attraction that includes a rotating roster of talented magicians.
请教礼宾司 Melbourne’s best-kept secret? Those bars and restaurants you walk past every day without knowing it. One of my favourite bars, Hihou, is probably the most hidden of them all. Located at the end of Flinders Lane, right before you arrive at Treasury Gardens, is an unmarked black door with a doorbell. Ring it and be warmly welcomed by a polite Japanese host. The journey begins in a private sake cellar before proceeding upstairs to an intimate and charismatic bar, complete with a premium selection of sake and cocktails, and a Japanese-inspired menu with great sharing options. This is a one-ofa-kind experience. 墨尔本最鲜为人知的好去处在 哪里?就在你每天都经过却没有留意的酒 吧和餐厅。Hihou是我最喜爱的酒吧之一, 而且可能是最隐密的。它坐落于弗林德斯 街街尾,在国库花园前面。你会看到一道 没有门牌的黑色门,按按上面的门铃,礼 貌周周的日本东主就会走出来热情欢迎 你,彷佛一早就知道你会到临。进去之后 先经过一个私人清酒酒库,然后走到上层 就是气氛亲切而且魅力四射的酒吧,为顾 客提供优质的清酒和鸡尾酒,以及带有日 式口味的菜谱。菜式可与好友一同分享, 是个独一无二的体验。
Above: Lifting the lid on the hidden Hihou. Top: See the Twelve Apostles and the Great Ocean Road by helicopter (right). 上图:在Hihou酒吧品 尝美味的日式佳肴。 最上图:乘坐直升机 (右图)欣赏十二门 徒石及俯瞰知名的大 洋路。
Ashleigh Macdonald, a member of Les Clefs d’Or Australia, is the chief concierge at Crown Towers. The Crystal entourage approached the desk … 皇冠度假酒店首席礼宾司艾什利‧麦当劳,是澳大利亚金钥 匙组织的会员。《Crystal》杂志请她分享心得…
If you had one free day in Melbourne what would you do? I recommend taking a Microflite helicopter tour of Victoria’s famous Great Ocean Road and its remote and captivating Twelve Apostles (Crown has a bespoke helicopter in Crown livery). The Melbourne City Helipad, kick-off point for the journey, is located within minutes of Crown Melbourne. About an hour later, you’ll be in Port Campbell for a private tour of the Visitors’ Centre and to explore the clifftop boardwalks and dramatic views of the Apostle limestone stacks. The return flight can include an additional stop for lunch at a local winery. It's a standout way to experience Victoria’s picturesque coastline. 如果你有一天假期,你会在墨尔本做什 麽? 我建议参加Microflite主办的直升机旅 游行程,在半空俯瞰维多利亚州著名的大 洋路,以及位处偏僻丶型态迷人的十二门 徒石(皇冠现在备有专 门定制的直升机)。墨 尔本皇冠度假村距离墨 尔本市直升机场仅数分 钟路程。登上直升机之 后,经过一个多小时的 飞行旅程就会抵达坎贝 尔港,可参加由访客中 心主办的私人导赏团, 在崖顶的木板小道漫
步,欣赏气势磅礴的门徒石。这些石灰石 由海洋升起,恍如鬼斧神工。回程途中可 以在当地酒庄享受一顿美味的午餐,最后 返回到繁闹的市中心商业区。这是一个很 出色和美妙的旅程,让你细心欣赏维多利 亚州风光如画的海岸线。 Best memento of Melbourne? Everyone needs to take some local wine home! I recommend a bottle of Coldstream Hills Pinot Noir or Yabby Lake Chardonnay. There’s a store in The Block Arcade called Australian By Design (Shop 20, 282 Collins Street; +61 3 9663 9883) which offers high-end Australian items such as cast bronze kangaroo figurines, leather products and pieces by Indigenous artists. 墨尔本最佳纪念品是什麽? 我认为所有 旅客都应该买一些澳大利亚葡萄酒回家 好好品尝!在众多美酒佳酿当中,我建 议购买一瓶Coldstream Hills酒庄出品的黑 皮诺葡萄酒,或Yabby Lake酒庄的霞多丽 佳酿,两者都十分出色。除了美酒此之 外,在街区拱廊有一间名 为Australian By Design的店 铺(地址:柯林斯街282 号店铺20号;电话:+61 3 9663 9883),出售高档次 产品例如袋鼠铜像丶皮鞋 制品以及原住民艺术家的 作品。
Right: Heston Blumenthal’s signature Meat Fruit (circa 1500) is a chicken liver mousse inside a “peel” of mandarin jelly. 右图:布鲁曼索招牌菜式“肉果" (可追溯至1500年),外层是橘子果 冻,里面是鸡肝慕斯。
位于墨尔本皇冠度假酒店的得奖餐厅Dinner by Heston Blumenthal,是名厨赫斯顿在英国以外唯一一间餐 厅。Dinner每一款摆盘精致的美馔,其灵感都是来自 具历史意义的食谱和烹饪书籍,有些还可追溯至13世
纪。值得一试的菜式包括肉果丶小麦粥丶微醺蛋糕丶 羊奶奶酪蛋糕。我们诚意推荐五道菜式的尝味菜单, 现时 Dinner逢星期日会供应午餐。如欲订座,请浏览 crownmelbourne.com.au, 电话查询: +61 3 9292 5779 。
How three Crown chefs like their oysters ...
NEIL PERRY 尼尔.佩里 Rockpool Bar & Grill, Spice Temple, Rosetta Rockpool酒吧烤肉店丶 Spice Temple中餐厅丶Rosetta意大利餐厅
How do you like your oysters? “Natural with lemon and a little pepper so you can best experience the natural briny sea flavour.” Where from? “Tathra oysters from the South Coast of NSW.” 你喜欢如何进食生蚝?“加点柠檬汁和少许 胡椒粉,让你可尽量享受那自然的海洋咸 味。” 你喜欢吃哪里来的生蚝?“来自新南 威尔士南岸的Tathra生蚝。”
The Atlantic 墨尔本皇冠度假村The Alantic餐厅 How do you like your oysters? “Freshly shucked to order, unadorned, in their own juices, or on ice with lemon and red wine vinaigrette.” Where from? “Coffin Bay in South Australia – a robust [Pacific] oyster with a great salty flavour produced by strong tidal movements; followed by those from Duck Bay on Tasmania’s stormy north-west coast – sweet with a firm white flesh.” 你喜欢如何进食生蚝?“新鲜的、没加任何调味料、 原汁原味的生蚝,或是在冰冻的生蚝上加点柠檬汁及 红葡萄酒醋。” 你喜欢吃哪里来的生蚝?“南澳大利 亚科芬湾的太平洋大生蚝,由於潮水涨退力度强,带 有浓烈咸味;还有自塔斯马尼亚波涛汹涌的鸭湾的生 蚝,白色的蚝肉很鲜甜。"
GUILLAUME BRAHIMI 吉约姆.贝拉希米 Bistro Guillaume 墨尔本皇冠度假村Bistro Guillaume法式餐厅
How do you like your oysters? “Freshly shucked with shallot and red wine vinegar.” Where from? “Sydney rock oysters from just about anywhere, but especially Bateman's Bay.” 你喜欢如何进食生蚝?“以青葱和红葡萄酒 醋伴以新鲜的生蚝。”你喜欢吃哪里来的生 蚝?“任何地方出产的悉尼岩蚝,特别是来 自巴特曼斯湾的。”
See our story on oysters, page 86. 请阅读第86页《海中极品》。
Discover the award-winning Dinner by Heston Blumenthal in its permanent Melbourne home at Crown Towers, the only Heston restaurant outside the UK. Dinner’s modern day dishes each have a unique story of inspiration taken from historic recipes and cookery books dating back to the early 13th century. Try the unique flavours of Meat Fruit, Frumenty, Tipsy Cake and Sambocade. We recommend the five-course lunch tasting menu, and now Dinner is open for Sunday lunch, too. Reservations: crownmelbourne.com.au or call +61 3 9292 5779.
Said to be the world’s most expensive watch, the US$55m “Hallucination”, 110 carats of big, rare, coloured diamonds. // 据说Hallucination是历来 最昂贵的腕表,镶有重 110克拉的珍稀彩钻, 价值5,500万 美元。
If Anne-Eva Geffroy has one goal in life it is to make her statement pieces of jewellery dance. SUSAN SKELLY asks the Graff design director just how she works her gemstone magic. 假如格拉夫设计总监Anne-Eva Geffroy的人生只有一个目标,那就是让富代表性的珠宝散 发璀璨迷人的亮光。SUSAN SKELLY与她畅谈点石成金的创作过程。
Above: “Fascination” is bracelet, watch and ring all in one. Left: Graff design director Anne-Eva Geffroy. 上图:集手镯丶腕表及戒 指于一身的Fascination。 左图:格拉夫设计总监 Anne-Eva Geffroy。
WHEN IT COMES TO A ROLL CALL OF RADIANCE, GRAFF DIAMONDS POSITIVELY DAZZLE. THE GOLDEN EMPRESS, THE PARAGON, THE GRAFF PINK, THE STAR OF BOMBAY, THE IMPERIAL, THE LESOTHO PROMISE … WHETHER VIVID YELLOWS, FANCY BLUES, ROSE PINKS OR FLAWLESS WHITES, THEY ARE THE STUFF OF LEGEND. The diamond company founded by Laurence Graff in 1960 (he is now its chairman), and whose son Francois Graff is the current CEO, is involved in every stage of the process of creating one-off statement pieces from sourcing the stones, to cutting, polishing, setting and selling. It’s the blend of ancient and high tech, tradition and daring that results in some of the world’s most desirable pieces – rich, luxurious, unique. In recent times, Graff has created two of the most astonishing watches: the multicoloured “Hallucination”, at $US55m said to be the most valuable watch ever created (introduced in 2014 at Baselworld); and last year’s unveiling, the US$40m “Fascination”, a celebration of white diamonds that is bracelet, ring and watch in one, and as much architecture as art. With more than 50 stores worldwide – including a glamorous new boutique at Melbourne’s Crown Towers and another at Macau’s Studio City – Graff’s clientele are discerning lovers of jewellery. No one knows that better than the atelier’s design director, Anne-Eva Geffroy, who has been with the company since 2010. Here, she shares with Crystal some insights into what is clearly a labour of love. 60 CRYSTAL JUNE 2016
Talk us through some of your recent inspirations. Organic forms are a powerful source. I often draw on the sense of proportion and shape from artists and sculptors and the abundance of beauty, colour and pattern in nature (for example, the Peony and Carissa collections), while our Luna and Sunburst designs are more abstract and reference movement and formations from the world around us. What do you most love about precious gems? Which hold a special appeal for you? Gemstones are a true pleasure to work with – we have styles incorporating rubies, emeralds and sapphires. I particularly enjoy combining them with diamonds. Playfully positioning the layout of the gemstones alongside the finest white diamonds allows the depth of colour in the gems to ignite the fire within the diamonds. What steered you towards high jewellery? When I studied at the École Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, my design teacher taught me how to adapt and develop my creativity and ideas to any kind of universe and
therefore any type of product. Designing jewellery was the logical progression into the world of luxury for me. The beauty and poetry that emanate from high jewellery have an irresistible a raction. What role does technology play? At Graff we work very closely with the head of technology, accessing the limits to which we can push the design to innovate and improve the se ings, refinement and flexibility of each jewellery piece. But however much 3D printers and computer-aided design tools are able to advance the technology of jewellery design, they will never be able to replace the emotion of the design process and the innate knowledge of how understanding a diamond or gemstone creates stone-led jewellery design. “Fascination” is a masterpiece. Challenges? “Fascination” is not only an incredible one-of-a-kind jewelled bracelet, it is also a timepiece. At the heart of the piece lies an interchangeable element – an exceptionally rare, 38.13ct D flawless pear-shaped diamond, cut and polished by Graff, which can be placed into a bespoke shank and worn as a ring. Our master craftsmen are highly skilled in creating intricate jewels. Nevertheless, it is imperative a jewellery piece transforms effortlessly, while ensuring any clasps or catches that secure individual elements are concealed, protecting the beauty and fluidity of the piece. A Graff jewel must be exquisite from every angle and we worked hard to ensure that the bracelet element of this piece was not only well-articulated and wearable, but also very beautiful. The skills and technical expertise required to enable the “Fascination” to transform are highly specialised and provided the opportunity for our craftsmen to demonstrate their ingenuity and intuition. You did an internship designing accessories at Louis Vuitton. What did you take away from that? During my time at Louis Vui on, I learned that true luxury requires you to study every facet, that every detail must be
considered and finished impeccably, even the small details that are almost invisible to the naked eye. I was taught how to translate the concept of a luxury item into a commercial product, all the while incorporating the instrumental foundations of perfection – the finest materials, innovation with classicism, and functionality with elegance. What is your definition of luxury? Luxury is a test of your liberty. It is the very best of the best, pushing the boundaries of innovation and not conforming to any previous notion of what is possible. What would you say is the Graff philosophy? Graff is highly unique in its use of minimal se ings, which allow the beauty and brilliance of each diamond and gemstone to shine through. When viewing fine jewellery, the eye should move around on a fluid visual journey. We make sure there are no interruptions to this, thus ensuring the design is perfectly proportioned and elegant. Movement is always very important, and the wearability of the jewels, how they sit on the skin and interact with the body is a constant consideration. We work closely with the master craftsmen to ensure that the jewels are brought to life and dance when worn.
Both Crown Melbourne and Macau’s Studio City boast dazzling Graff diamond stores. ⡐⮼㛔䘯ⅈ⹎`惺⸿ 㽛斐㕘㾈⼙㯯⛯㚱 㟤㉱⣓ᶻ⋾⸿炻↢ⓖ 䱦农斒Ṗ䘬摣椘ˤ
Describe a typical day for you in the design studio. As a designer, each and every day provides an exciting challenge and the opportunity to create a new idea or concept. Diamonds and precious gemstones aren’t made to order, they’re gifts from Mother Nature, each with its own character. Designing jewels for large or rare stones is always the start of a new journey, in which the stone itself provides the inspiration and direction. In the creation of every design we incorporate cu ingedge technology with skills and techniques unchanged for centuries. An important part of the process is the development of prototypes, from plastiline or resin. This enables us to test the piece and also ensure the design is accurately translated by our master craftsmen, who ensure that each magnificent jewel is flawlessly set and that the final jewel is exceptionally fluid and feels beautiful when worn. ●
红宝石、祖母绿和蓝宝石。我特别喜欢把这些宝石和钻石结合起 来。以有趣的设计编排宝石与上等白钻的镶嵌位置,可让深藏于 宝石内的颜色点燃钻石的火花。 是什么引领你踏入高级珠宝行业? 我在巴黎国家高等装饰艺术学院读书的时候,设计老师教导我如 何在所有领域中,都能应用及发展自己的创意和想法,从而能够 创作出任何类型的产品。设计珠宝让我走进奢华世界。高级珠宝 散发的美态和诗意,都具有令人无法抗拒的吸引力。 在珠宝世界中,技术扮演什么角色? 在格拉夫,我们与技术部门主管紧密合作,在设计上不断尝试触 碰极限,从而创新和改善每款珠宝的镶工、精致度和灵活度。然 而,即使3D打印机和电脑辅助工具有助提升珠宝设计技术,也永 远无法取代设计过程中的情感,以及上天赋与我们创作宝石珠宝 设计时所需的学问与理解。
在种种光芒之中,格拉夫珠宝散发夺目的华彩。品牌 的名钻如GOLDEN EMPRESS、PARAGON、GRAFF PINK、STAR OF BOMBAY、IMPERIAL、LESOTHO PROMISE,无论是鲜艳的黄钻、别致的蓝钻、玫瑰 粉红钻或无瑕的白钻,都成为了传奇故事。 格拉夫珠宝在1960年由劳伦斯.格拉夫(现任主席)创办,他的儿 子方施华.格拉夫是现任首席执行官。在创造独一无二的作品时, 劳伦斯全程参与,从采购、切割、打磨、镶嵌到销售。品牌将年代 久远的瑰宝、高科技、传统和冒险精神融于一炉,缔造出世上最令 人梦寐以求的钻饰,尽显富丽、奢华及举世无双的特质。 格拉夫近年创造了两枚让世界惊艳的腕表,当中包括色彩斑斓 的Hallucination彩钻腕表,价值5,500万美元,据说是历来最昂贵的 腕表(于2014年巴塞尔钟表展面世);另一枚是去年推出、身价 4,000万美元的Fascination白钻腕表,它既是腕表也是手镯,亦可配 上环圈当作戒指,兼具建筑与艺术的精髓。 格拉夫在全球拥有超过50间专卖店,其中一间位于墨尔本 皇冠度假酒店,另一间在澳门的新濠影汇,格拉夫的客户都是 对珠宝独具鉴赏力的成功人士。其设计总监Anne-Eva Geffroy于 2010年加入公司,成为塑造格拉夫高级珠宝的幕后推手。她与 《Crystal》分享创作过程。 ⋯⋯ 请为我们介绍最近的灵感来源。 有机形态带来澎湃的灵感。我经常会采用艺术家和雕塑家对于比 例和形状的感觉,以及大自然中数之不尽的美感、色彩和图案作 为创作灵感(Peony和Carissa系列就是例子);而Luna和Sunburst系 列的设计则比较抽象,是参考我们周遭世界的活动与构造。 贵重宝石让你神往的地方是什么?哪些宝石特别吸引你? 从事与宝石有关的工作,实在令人愉悦。我们以不同风格搭配
Above: The “Nuage” statement pieces: take your pick – rubies and diamonds, or sapphires and diamonds? Below: “Rhythm” necklace. 上图:Nuage系列主 要款式:红宝石配钻 石,或蓝宝石配钻 石,你喜欢那一款? 下图:Rhythm项炼。
Fascination是非常杰出的作品,创作时遇上什么挑战? Fascination是美妙至极、独一无二的珠宝手镯,它也是一枚腕表, 中间有一个活动元素,是一颗很罕见的38.13克拉D色无瑕梨形钻 石,由格拉夫切割及打磨,配上订制的环圈即成为一枚戒指。 我们的工艺大师拥有创造复杂珠宝的高超技术。尽管如此,为 了完美呈现整个设计的美感和流畅性,我们采用更精细的,确保 肉眼不会看到镶嵌用的搭扣或嵌爪。格拉夫珠宝必须从所有角度 看起来都很精致,使人们一看到这枚腕表就知道它可变为手镯, 而且适合佩戴,也美得一见难忘。打造Fascination所需要的技巧和 技术非常专业,让我们的工匠得以展示他们的独创性和天份。 你曾经在路易威登实习设计配件,得到什么经验? 在路易威登实习让我学会真正的奢华须面面俱到,要考虑每个细 节,手工完美无瑕,连肉眼几乎看不到的小细节也要留意。我学 习到如何将奢侈品的概念变成商品,将达致完美的重要基础丶最 顶级材质以至创新与古典丶功能与优雅,全部融为一体。 你如何定义奢华? 奢华是考验你的自主性。奢华是最好之中的最好,将创新推至极 限,不顺从于前人认为任何可行的概念。 你认为格拉夫的哲学是什么? 格拉夫有一点非常独特,就是使用极少的镶座,让每颗钻石和宝 石都能彻底展现美态和光芒。当我们欣赏高级珠宝的时候,眼睛 仿佛在进行一场流动的视觉之旅,我们要确保视觉不被打断,因 此在设计上必须比例完美而优雅。 如何表现动感很重要,还须顾及珠宝的可佩戴性、它们在皮肤 上的形态、如何与身体互动,这些都是考虑的重点。我们与工匠 大师密切合作,确保戴在身上的珠宝栩栩如生、生动灵活。 请描述你在格拉夫设计工作室最平常的一天。 作为设计师,每天都有一些让人兴奋的挑战,以及创造新意念或 概念的机会。钻石和宝石是大自然的礼物,是无法定制的,每一 颗都独具特色。当设计以大颗或稀有宝石制作的珠宝首饰,有如 展开一趟新旅程,我们会从宝石本身寻找灵感和方向。 从事每一款设计时,我们都会运用最先进的科技,同时结合数 百年来累积的技巧和技术。其中一个重要过程是以橡皮泥或树脂 制作原型,我们可以藉此测试这款设计的效果,以及确保工匠大 师能否准确无误地根据设计制作作品,而工匠则须确保每一款华 丽珠宝都是无瑕地镶嵌,佩戴起来流畅自然,感觉美丽绝伦。●
The Art of Tailoring
HUGO BOSS AUSTRALIA Phone +61 3 9474 6310
C STYLE 时尚风格
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She wears: Toni Maticevski ‘Matriarch’ cocktail dress; Gucci gold sandals; Paspaley South Sea pearl strand bracelet with ‘Maximia’ mother-of-pearl and diamond clasp. 女装: Toni Maticevski 的Matriarch鸡尾酒裙; Gucci金色凉鞋; Paspaley南洋珍珠手链饰 以Maximia珍珠母及钻 石扣环。
Eclectic, and just a little bit forward ... on the style merry-go-round, high-end design is whirling and twirling with all the fun of the fair.
He wears: Bally wool jacket and trousers; Brioni crew neck knit from Harrolds; Prada brogues and socks; IWC ‘Carnet’ Pilot watch. 男装:Bally羊毛外套 及西裤;Harrolds百 货的Brioni圆领针织 衫;Prada粗革皮鞋及 袜子;IWC的Carnet飞 行员腕表。
She wears: Miu Miu lace coat, sequinned blouse and wool shorts; Gucci handbag; Kenneth Jay Lane ring from Pierre Winter Fine Jewels. 女装:Miu Miu蕾丝 大衣丶缀以闪烁珠 片的衬衫及羊毛短 裤;Gucci手袋;Pierre Winter Fine Jewels的 Kenneth Jay Lane戒指。
He wears: Prada cotton shirt, wool and velvet trousers. She wears: Toni Maticevski ‘Conqueror’ gown; sequinned bolero from The Vintage Clothing Shop; ‘Byzantine’ bracelet from Pierre Winter Fine Jewels. 男装:Prada棉质衬衫丶 羊毛及丝绒西裤。 女装:Toni Maticevski 的Conqueror长裙;The Vintage Clothing Shop缀 以闪烁珠片的波蕾若 外套;Pierre Winter Fine Jewels的Byzantine手链。
He wears: Burberry knit top; Paul Smith short-sleeved polo shirt; Thom Browne trousers from Harrolds. 男装: Burberry针织上衣; Paul Smith短袖polo裇; Harrolds百货的Thom Browne西裤。
She wears (left): Zimmermann ‘Karmic Stamp’ embroidered dress; ‘Panthère de Cartier’ ring in yellow gold with garnet and onyx; Cartier ‘Paris Nouvelle Vague’ ring with chrysoprase stone set in yellow gold.
女装:Zimmermann的 Karmic Stamp綉花裙; Panthère de Cartier系列 黄金戒指饰以石榴石及 缟玛瑙;Paris Nouvelle Vague系列绿玉髓石黄 金戒指。
She wears: Gucci ‘Almond Flower’ cotton top and Lurex-pleated skirt; Christian Louboutin ‘Piloutin’ bag; Edouard Rambaud vintage earrings from Harlequin Market. He wears: Paul Smith lightweight wool jacket; Hugo Boss cotton shirt; Burberry pants; Prada brogues and socks. 女装:Gucci的Almond Flower棉质上衣及 卢勒克丝金银纱织 百褶裙;Christian Louboutin的Piloutin手 袋;Harlequin Market 珠宝配饰店的Edouard Rambaud怀旧耳环。 男装:Paul Smith轻羊 毛外套;Hugo Boss棉 质衬衫;Burberry西 裤;Prada粗革皮鞋及 袜子。
STOCKISTS 品牌名单及官网地址 Bally bally.com Burberry burberry.com Cartier cartier.com Christian Louboutin asia.christianlouboutin.com/au_en Gucci gucci.com/au/en_au Harlequin Market harlequinmarket.com Harrolds harrolds.com.au Hugo Boss hugoboss.com/au IWC iwc.com Miu Miu miumiu.com Paspaley paspaley.com Paul Smith paulsmith.co.uk Pierre Winter Fine Jewels pierrewinterfinejewels.com Prada prada.com The Vintage Clothing Shop +61 2 9238 0090 Toni Maticevski tonimaticevski.com Zimmermann zimmermann.com JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
QLD Aspley, Bundall, Fortitude Valley, Jindalee, Macgregor, Maroochydore, Townsville, Cairns. NSW Alexandria, Auburn, Bankstown, Belrose, Campbelltown, Caringbah, Castle Hill, Casula, Chatswood, Kotara, Moore Park, Penrith, Rutherford, Tuggerah, Warrawong, West Gosford. ACT Fyshwick. VIC Chirnside, Essendon, Frankston, Moorabbin, Nunawading, Richmond, South Wharf, Springvale, Taylors Lakes. SA Gepps Cross, Glynde, Marion, Mile End. WA Joondalup, Midland, O’Connor, Osborne Park.
耀目光华 Sparkling pieces for the here and now – and for future generations to treasure. 那些散发璀璨华彩的珍品,就是永垂不朽的典藏。
Facing page, clockwise from left: Bensimon 18ct white gold necklace set with diamonds, $125,000; Bulgari ‘Diva’ watch in white gold set with 230 diamonds, $104,000; Valentino ‘Valentina Myrrh Assoluto’, 80ml eau de parfum, $165. 对页,左起顺时针方向︰Bensimon 18ct白金镶钻 颈链,售价为125,000元;宝格丽“DIVA”白金腕 表,镶上230颗美钻,售价为104,000元;华伦 天奴“华伦蒂娜Myrrh绝色佳人”80毫升 香水,售价为165元。 This page, from top: Paspaley ‘Harmony Cosmos’ brooch in platinum with baroque Australian South Sea pearl, garnet, white and pink diamonds, blue and pink sapphires, $46,800; Graff ‘Rhythm’ bracelet, POA; Kailis ‘Adored’ pearl ring in white gold with diamonds, $14,490; Cartier ‘Paris Nouvelle Vague’ ring in pink gold with morganite, spinels and cultured freshwater pearls, $33,200; Waterford ‘Lismore’ Champagne saucer, $249 a pair. 本页,上起:Paspaley“Harmony Cosmos”铂金胸 针,缀以巴罗克风格的澳大利亚南洋珍珠、石榴 石、白和粉红色美钻,还有蓝色及粉红色宝石, 售价为46,800元;格拉夫“Rhythm”手链,售价待 定; Kailis“Adored”白金珍珠戒指,缀以美钻, 售价为14,490元;卡地亚“Paris Nouvelle Vague” 玫瑰金戒指,缀以摩根石、尖晶石和养殖淡水 珍珠,售价为33,200元;Waterford “Lismore” 香槟杯,一对售价为249元。
Vacheron Constantin Toledo 1951 watch, $54,600; Rolex ‘Oyster Perpetual Milgauss’, $9,700; Waterford ‘Lismore’ brandy balloon, $125. 江诗丹顿Toledo 1951腕 表,售价为54,600元;劳力 士“Milgauss”蚝式腕表, 售价为9,700元;Waterford “Lismore”白兰地杯,售价 为125元。
Bulgari ‘Serpenti’ watch in white gold with diamonds, $126,000; Paspaley ‘Ribbon Bow’ necklace in platinum set with Australian South Sea pearls and white diamonds, $89,800; Classic Kailis strand of pearls, $41,700; Waterford ‘Lismore’ Champagne saucer, $249 a pair. 宝格丽“Serpenti”系列白金镶美钻腕表,售价 为126,000元;Paspaley“Ribbon Bow”系列铂金 颈链,镶以澳大利亚南洋珍珠及美钻,售价 为89,800元;Kailis经典珍珠颈链,售价 为41,700元;Waterford “Lismore”香槟杯, 一对售价为249元。 STOCKISTS 品牌名单及官网地址 Bensimon bensimon.com.au Bulgari bulgari.com Cartier au.cartier.com Graff graffdiamonds.com Kailis kailisjewellery.com.au Rolex rolex.com Paspaley paspaley.com Waterford waterfordcrystal.com.au Vacheron Constantin vacheron-constantin.com Valentino cosmax.com.au All prices are in Australian dollars. 所有价钱以澳元为单位
THE VINES 爱在葡萄成熟时
New varieties, new techniques and new labels … innovation is the hallmark of modern Australian wine. TYSON STELZER looks at what each region does best. 新品种、新技术和新品牌……简直可以用“创新”来形容现今澳大利亚的 葡萄酒业。TYSON STELZER为你介绍当地每个葡萄酒区的特色
A bird’s-eye view of the Hunter Valley’s prestige vineyards from a hot-air balloon. 乘坐热气球,在高空 俯瞰猎人谷知名的葡 萄园。
Australia’s warm and inviting hospitality is legendary. More estates are open to visitors, and winemakers are responding with opportunities to meet them in person, to show off their vineyards, to help them experience the soil, sky, techniques and personalities that go into making a bottle of vintage wine. Wine lovers are taking note. Our wines are fetching higher prices and winning the hearts of the aficionados. Now is a great time to hit the road and explore Australian wine. Here’s where to start.
要欣赏澳大利亚迷人的风景,其中一个最 好方法是进行葡萄酒之旅。不论是在气候 寒冷或温暖的地区,由农村至海滨,甚至 在城市的周边范围都遍布葡萄园和酒庄。 由于澳大利亚幅员广大,所以它的65个酒 区每个都可自成一国,而且能为旅客带来 不同体验。 在葡萄酒区可感受到澳大利亚人热情 好客的传统。愈来愈多酒庄开放给旅客游 览,酿酒商也把握商机,亲自与客人会 面、带客人参观葡萄园,解释种植葡萄和 酿制陈年葡萄酒所需的土壤、气候、技术 和人手。 葡萄酒爱好者当然乐在其中。因此,澳 大利亚葡萄酒的价格得以颷升,亦深得爱 酒人士的欢心。那么,何不坐言起行,起 程往澳大利亚开展探索葡萄酒之旅﹖
A favourite playground for Melburnians, just an hour’s drive south-east of the city, the Mornington Peninsula has an abundance of wine and food. Sea breezes and a balmy maritime climate moderate the extremes that global warming has unleashed on other parts of Victoria. This makes the region particularly kind to the sensitive pinot noir grape, while its chardonnay produces styles that balance elegance with depth. Yabby Lake vineyard, Main Ridge Estate and Ocean Eight are standout destinations; the single vineyard wines of Kooyong particularly distinctive.
位于墨尔本东南方仅一个 小时车程的摩宁顿半岛, 有极丰富的美酒和美食选 择。摩宁顿半岛拥有温和 的海洋气候,与维多利亚 其他地区不同,气候没有 受全球暖化影响而变得太 极端,令这里特别适合种 植矜贵的黑皮诺,而这儿 出产的霞多丽则在优雅与 醇厚之间取得恰到好处的 平衡。最出色的葡萄园包 括雅碧湖、主山脊酒庄和 Ocean Eight。当中又以库 扬的单一葡萄园出品特别 出众。
Collector’s item: 2013 Kooyong Single Vineyard Selection Faultline Chardonnay
珍藏之选:2013 库扬单一 葡萄园精选Faultline 霞多丽
YARRA VALLEY 亚拉河谷 Nestled on Melbourne’s northern doorstep, the Yarra Valley is a wine lover’s haven. The Yarra is Australia’s most dynamic wine region, fast moving to a place of daring winemaking innovation and newfound refinement. Thanks to a great diversity of sites, from the warmer valley floor to the cool heights of the Upper Yarra, no other region can claim to have mastered all four of the world’s most important varieties – cabernet, shiraz, pinot noir and chardonnay – as confidently as the Yarra. The region boasts such legendary estates as Yeringberg, Wantirna and De Bortoli; and the Mount Mary Quintet is proof that a Bordeaux blend can define the pinnacle of the Yarra. Collector’s item: 2013 Mount Mary Quintet Bordeaux Blend
位于墨尔本北部的亚拉河 谷,堪称葡萄酒爱好者的 乐土。亚拉河谷近年发展 迅速,是澳大利亚最具朝 气的葡萄酒区,旣能创新 酿酒技术,又不断精益求 精,全赖这里拥有不同地 貌,例如气候较和暖的谷 底,而上亚拉河高地则较 清凉,相信只有这区方可 同时出产全球四大葡萄品 种:解百纳、西拉子、黑 皮诺和霞多丽。区内著名 葡萄酒酒庄包括:雅伦堡 庄园、Wantirna 和德波尔 托利。而玛丽山庄园的五 重奏红葡萄酒是典型的波 尔多混酿酒,是亚拉河谷 山区的的巅峰之作。 珍藏之选:2013玛丽山庄 园五重奏
GREAT WESTERN & THE GRAMPIANS 大西部与格兰平 A three-hour drive north-west of Melbourne, with a vine-growing history dating back to the 1850s gold rush, Great Western and the Grampians have a rich heritage of winemaking. Shiraz is the modern hero of the region, producing medium-bodied, spice-driven styles of grand longevity. Midway between Melbourne and the South Australian border, this is an ideal visit en route
在墨尔本西北面约三小时 车程﹐便是大西部与格兰 平,这区的酿酒业历史悠 久,可追溯至1850年代的 寻金热时期。西拉子是近 年冒起的焦点,酒体中度 而芳香,余韵悠长。大西 部与格兰平位于墨尔本和 南澳的中间,是从墨尔本 前往阿得莱德中途的景 点。你可游览贝斯特和达
Clockwise from top: The Henschke hub, South Australia; Barossa by the bunch (and bucolic vineyards, below left); signpost to Tasmania’s fertile Tamar Valley; what lies beneath in Margaret River. 最上图起顺时针方 向:南澳的翰斯科; 工人在芭萝莎谷采收 葡萄(左下图:位於 乡间的葡萄园);塔 斯马尼亚的塔玛河谷 土地肥沃,前往河谷 的路上树立了不少指 示牌;风景优美的玛 格丽特河。
One of the best ways to be enveloped by Australia’s myriad landscapes is via its wine trails. From the rural to the coastal to the almost urban, from the cold-climate wineries to the temperate, the size of the continent means that each of Australia’s 65 wine regions is like a discrete country. And so what those areas offer visitors is blissfully unique – from biodynamic wines, to award-winning shiraz and unique dry semillons.
from Melbourne to Adelaide. Take your time to explore Best’s and Dalwhinnie, and be sure to taste the legendary Langi Shiraz at Mount Langi Ghiran. Visit Seppelt Great Western and its unique drawcard: 3km of heritage-listed tunnels, hand-dug during the gold rush era.
威尼酒庄,一定要到蓝脊 山酒庄品尝传奇的蓝脊山 西拉子。到访泽佩尔大西 区时,千万别错过参覌于 寻金热时期由人手挖掘、 全长三千米,並已列入世 遗名录的隧道。
Collector’s item: 2013 Mount Langi Ghiran Langi Shiraz
珍藏之选:2013 蓝脊山酒 庄西拉子
KING VALLEY 国王谷 In the alpine foothills of north-eastern Victoria, the King Valley is a region notable for cool-climate winegrowing. The local Italian community has had great success with Italian varieties, white and red, and the region has emerged as the national capital of the sparkling prosecco style. It’s an ideal stop on the way to the ski fields, or three hours out of Melbourne, on the road to Canberra. Look for such renowned names as Pizzini and Brown Brothers, with their Patricia Pinot Noir Chardonnay Brut sourced from the fabled Whitlands vineyard. Collector’s item: 2010 Brown Brothers Patricia sparkling
国王谷位于维多利亚东北 部的高山山麓,以适合酿 酒的清凉气候而驰名。 当地意大利人酿制的意大 利白酒和红酒都曾大行其 道,近年更成了普罗赛 柯起泡酒的生产之都。这 儿距离墨尔本约三小时车 程,是前往堪培拉滑雪场 的中途站。著名庄园包括 Pizzini酒庄及布朗兄弟酒 庄,后者出产的Patricia 黑 皮诺霞多丽起泡酒,葡萄 品种源自著名的Whitlands 葡萄园。 珍藏之选:2010布朗兄弟 酒庄Patricia 起泡酒
Soil, sunsets and savoir faire ... hallmarks of both the Hunter Valley (above) and the Barossa (right). 土壤丶美丽的黄昏和 出色的栽种技术⋯⋯ 都是猎人谷(上图) 和芭萝莎谷(右图) 的特色。
Above: Margaret River, in Western Australia, home to the country’s most refined cabernet sauvignon. 上图:西澳玛格丽特 河旅人庄园出产全澳 大利亚味道最细致的 赤霞珠。
As fears of climate change consume the wine world, Margaret River finds itself in an enviable position. With the calming influence of the Indian Ocean on three sides, this relaxed seaside community, three hours south of Perth, is unique in having enjoyed 10 idyllic vintages in succession. This is the home of Australia’s most refined and age-worthy cabernet sauvignon, powerful yet well-defined chardonnay and crunchy blends of sauvignon blanc and semillon. Vasse Felix, Xanadu, Leeuwin and Voyager Estate should be assessed, along with Cullen’s Diana Madeline cabernet blend.
当酿酒业受到全球气候变 化威胁之际,玛格丽特河 却仍处于得天独厚位置。 在印度洋的温和气候下, 这个位于珀斯以南三小时 车程的海边小区,连续10 次获得理想的葡萄收成, 出产最优质和值得陈年的 赤霞珠,浓烈而味美的霞 多丽,味道清爽的长相思 和赛美蓉。顶级酒庄包括 Vasse Felix、仙乐度、鲁 文庄园和旅人庄园。此 外还有库伦酒庄的Diana Madeline 解百纳混酿酒。
Collector’s item: 2013 Cullen Diana Madeline Cabernet Blend
珍藏之选:2013 库伦酒庄 Diana Madeline解百纳混酿酒
Above: Kangaroo overseeing the vines of the Adelaide Hills. Left: Just as iconic, a drop of Penfold’s. Below: the fruits of the Yarra Valley.
The Barossa is Australia’s most famous and revered wine land. Shiraz vineyards have graced the idyllic hillsides since the 1850s, while the sweeping high country of Eden Valley is home to refreshing riesling. Not to mention that it has one of the most historic and distinctive food cultures in the land. No surprise, then, that Australia’s biggest wine brands and many of its tiniest, most-celebrated boutiques have also found their home here. Henschke Hill of Grace hails from the Barossa, as does the majority of Penfolds Grange. Just an hour’s drive from Adelaide are the historic cellar doors of Seppeltsfield, Yalumba and Peter Lehmann.
芭萝莎谷是澳大利亚最著 名及备受推崇的葡萄酒 区。自1850年代起,已在 优美的山坡上种植西拉 子,而位处高山的伊顿谷 则种植清新的雷司令。在 这儿还可体验世界其中一 个历史最悠久和最具特色 的饮食文化。难怪不论大 小的澳大利亚葡萄酒品牌 也选择在这里生产。例如 来自芭萝莎谷的翰斯科神 恩山,以及奔富大部分的 格兰许。从阿得莱德驾车 仅一小时便可到达历史悠 久的诗宝特菲尔德、御兰 堡和彼得利蒙等酒窖。
Collector’s item: 2010 Henschke Hill of Grace
珍藏之选:2010翰斯科 神恩山
上图:在阿得莱德 山的葡萄园,可见 到袋鼠踪影。左 图:奔富的佳酿甚 富代表性。下图: 亚拉河谷的葡萄。
Left: The Hunter Valley is famous for its zesty, bone-dry semillon. 左图:猎人谷以出产干 爽芬芳的赛美蓉而享负 盛名。
ADELAIDE HILLS 阿得莱德山 阿得莱德山距首府阿得莱 德仅20分钟车程,是一片 空旷辽阔、风光如画的土 地,到处都是葡萄园, 景色优美动人。过去十 年,阿得莱德山區蓬勃 发展,酒窖、旅馆和餐厅 如雨后春笋。芳香的长相 思一直是这区的主要品 种,但时至今日霞多丽已 迎头赶上。西拉子和解百 纳近年也迅速冒起成为焦 点,若遇到合适的庄园, 即使是黑皮诺的质素也 不俗。The Lane、Shaw + Smith 和 Deviation Road 是 最值得一游的酒窖,而艾 士藤山的黑皮诺可谓是全 区的代表作。 珍藏之选:2014艾士藤山 酒庄黑皮诺
Collector’s item: 2014 Ashton Hills Estate Pinot Noir
CLARE VALLEY 克莱尔谷 Just two hours north of Adelaide, the Clare Valley boasts a rural country feel, perfect for a relaxed wine escape. This elevated plateau thrusts its vineyards to cool altitudes, making for riesling of crunchy acidity and structured spine. Red wines thrive here, too, with deep, full-bodied shiraz vying with varietally distinctive and longageing cabernet as the region’s flagship red. Jeffrey Grosset’s Polish Hill Riesling and Gaia Cabernet are the Clare’s modern benchmarks, but make time to enjoy tastings at Mount Horrocks Wines, Wines by KT, Tim Adams Wines and Skillogalee Wines (and stay for lunch).
克莱尔谷位于阿得莱德以 北,车程仅两小时,极富 农村风味,适合在这儿享 受一趟悠闲的葡萄酒假 期。这个高地平原气候较 清凉,出产的雷司令具清 爽的酸味和层次。这里的 红酒也极出色,酒体适中 的西拉子可媲美味道醇厚 的陈酿解百纳,两者堪称 这区最具代表性的红酒。 近年,杰弗里格.罗斯的 Polish Hill 雷司令和 Gaia 解百纳是克莱尔谷的优质 出品,但也不要错过前 往曼豪洛酒庄、Wines by KT、Tim Adams Wines 和 Skillogalee Wines (记着在 该处午膳) 等酒庄。
NEW SOUTH WALES 新南威尔士 ORANGE 奥兰芝 Orange defines itself by its proximity to the heavens, with all of its vineyards above 600m in altitude. It’s this elevation that charges the region’s thriving food culture and a wine industry that’s beginning to come of age. With many of its vineyards dating from the early 1990s, this is a region where vines and winemakers are maturing into a comfortable and confident sense of regional identity. Bitterly cold nights make for zesty sauvignon blanc and tangy yet rich chardonnay, while shiraz displays its hallmark pepper and spice notes. A three-hour drive from Sydney, Orange is the ideal long weekend escape. Seek out Printhie Wines and Philip Shaw Wines.
奥兰芝的特色是所有葡 萄园均位于600米以上 的高地,它的地理环境 是推动此地美食文化 和葡萄酒业渐趋成熟的 主因。区内不少葡萄园 均始于1990年代初,无 论是葡萄的质素或酿酒 技术都日渐成熟,并且 越发能代表这区域的个 性。区内苦寒的晚上造 就出芳香的长相思和浓 烈醇厚的霞多丽,而西 拉子则带点点辛香。奥 兰芝距悉尼约三小时 车程,是欢渡长周末 的好去处。建议前往 Printhie Wines 和 Philip Shaw Wines。
Collector’s item: 2011 Swift Vintage Chardonnay Pinot Noir Brut
珍藏之选:2011 Swift Vintage霞多丽黑皮诺起 泡酒
Tyson Stelzer is the author of The Champagne Guide 2016-2017. He was the International Wine & Spirit Communicator of the Year 2015.
Australia’s most-visited wine region has in recent years stepped up to a new level of sophistication in its cellar door and dining experiences, while embracing the classic and elegant wine styles that have defined its identity as one of the country’s most historic regions. Hunter semillon is unique in the wine world, bone-dry and zesty in its youth, charged with remarkable endurance for great longevity. The region’s shiraz is likewise restrained; the perfect foil to the more powerful reds of warmer regions. Keith Tulloch Wine, Lake’s Folly, Brokenwood Wines and Tyrrell’s Wines are cellar doors not to miss, and the set of McWilliam’s Mount Pleasant single vineyard shirazes represents the epitome of old meets new in the Hunter.
Tyson Stelzer 是《2016-2017香槟指南》的作者。他曾担任 2015年国际葡萄酒及烈酒推广大使。
Collector’s item: 2014 McWilliam’s Mount Pleasant 1965 Vines Rosehill Vineyard Shiraz
Collector’s item: 2015 Grosset Polish Hill Riesling
珍藏之选:2015 Grosset Polish Hill 雷司令
猎人谷是澳大利亚最多 访客的葡萄酒区,近年 其酒庄和美食体验均进 一步提升至另一层次, 但作为区内其中一个历 史最悠久的酿酒区,猎 人谷同时仍保留其经典 和优雅的葡萄酒风格。 当地出产的赛美蓉在葡 萄酒界独当一面,年份 较短的干爽芳香,陈 酿後余韵悠长,而西 拉子味道内敛。Keith Tulloch Wine、Lake's Folly、Brokenwood Wines 和 Tyrrell's Wines 是必定要到访的酒 窖。McWilliam's Mount Pleasant 单一葡萄园的西 拉子则是猎人谷糅合新 旧口味之作。 珍藏之选: 2014 M c W i l l i a m ' s M o u n t Pleasant 1965 Vines Rosehill 庄园西拉子
A mere 20 minutes from the state capital, the Adelaide Hills is a fairytale landscape of open spaces, sprawling vineyards and inviting vistas. A buzz of progress in the Hills has seen an explosion of cellar doors, accommodation and restaurants in the past decade, placing it high on the list of must-visit Australian wine regions. Zesty sauvignon blanc has long been the regional hero, but chardonnay is arguably its topperforming variety today. Shiraz and cabernet are increasingly emerging as highlights, and in the right vineyard, even pinot noir can shine. The Lane, Shaw + Smith and Deviation Road are the most worthy cellar doors, while Ashton Hills Estate Pinot Noir sets a benchmark for the region.
TASMANIA 塔斯马尼亚 TAMAR VALLEY/PIPERS RIVER 塔玛河谷/ 笛手河 Above: The Tamar Valley in Tasmania (and left) is, with the Piper’s River region, at the frontier of the country’s cool-climate wines. 上图:位於塔斯马尼亚 的塔玛河谷(左图)和笛 手河区都是属於气候清 凉的产酒区。
Just an hour’s flight from Melbourne, Tasmania is Australia’s most exciting frontier of cool-climate winemaking. The Tamar Valley surrounding Launceston and Pipers River in the state’s north-east are particularly cool and wet, making these areas especially well-suited to sparkling wine production. Four of the country’s top fizz labels have found their home here: House of Arras, Jansz, Kreglinger and Clover Hill. All are worthy destinations, as is the cellar door of Josef Chromy for both its restaurant and still wines. Pinot noir and chardonnay shine as still wines in Tasmania, as do aromatic whites, with riesling showing particular promise in sweet wine styles. ●
由墨尔本乘坐飞机到塔斯 马尼亚,航程仅一小时。那 里是气候清凉的酿酒区。 位于东北部、围绕着朗赛 斯顿的塔玛河谷和笛手河 尤其凉快和潮湿,特别适 合生产起泡酒。澳大利亚 四大顶级起泡酒品牌都是 源自这里:House of Arras、 Jansz 、Kreglinger 和Clover Hill,还有Josef Chromy 酒庄 的餐厅和其静态葡萄酒。以 塔斯马尼亚的黑皮诺和霞多 丽制作的静态葡萄酒,效果 甚佳;白酒方面,以雷司令 制成的甜酒,风味独特。
Collector’s item: 2002 Arras EJ Carr Late Disgorged
珍藏之选:2002 Arras EJ Carr Late Disgorged JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
HAPPINESS ON A HALF SHELL 海中极品 The oyster has always been the king of molluscs, highly regarded, and mythologised for its aphrodisiac qualities. But do you know a rock oyster from an Angassi? In the first of a series on Australia’s natural bounty, JOHN SUSMAN presses the flesh. 生蚝一直被视为贝类之王,世人相信它具有催情作用,因而受到高度重视。你说得出岩蚝与阿格斯 生蚝的分别吗?在这首辑有关澳大利亚天然资源的专题中,JOHN SUSMAN为你细说生蚝一二。
Few seafoods capture the imagination and polarise the palate as much as the oyster. In Australia, these are the three kings.
少有海鲜像生蚝般能勾起人遐想,并为味蕾带来极 致体验。以下是澳大利亚出口的三大生蚝品种。
Sydney Rock Oyster 悉尼岩蚝 A native east coast oyster, the Sydney or rock oyster grows in the intertidal waterways along 1500km of coastline from Moreton Bay in south-east Queensland to Lakes Entrance in eastern Victoria. It is one of the world’s great eating oysters. Rock oysters from the north coast of New South Wales are best in the summer months and those from the NSW south coast are best in winter.
悉尼生蚝或岩蚝来自澳大利亚东海岸,沿 着昆士兰东南岸的莫莱顿湾,至维多利亚 东部的莱克斯恩特伦斯湖口区的涨退潮交 界海岸线生长,全长约1,500公里。它是 世上公认最美味的食用生蚝之一。一般来 说,来自新南威尔士北海岸的岩蚝夏季最 肥美,而来自新南威尔士南岸的生蚝,则 在冬季时食用最佳。 SHAPE Shape can vary from a medium-deep to shallow cup, reflecting where the oyster grows, whether estuary, lake or inlet. TASTE Characterised by its deep, rich and sweet flavour, it has a lasting mineral taste. Depending on its growing region, the rock oyster can exhibit notes of iodine, seaweed or smooth tannins. BEST WITH? The robust flavor of the rock oyster is perfect with a tight, crisp white wine such as a semillon or Champagne. 形状 从中等深度到浅杯状不等,反映了生 蚝的生长环境─河口、湖泊或入海口。味 道 肉厚而嫰滑,味道鲜甜,进食後口腔留 下一股淡淡的矿物味。根据生长的地区, 岩蚝会带有碘、海藻或顺滑的单宁味道。 搭配佳酿 岩蚝味道浓郁,与紧实清新的白 葡萄酒,如赛来雄或香槟都是绝配。
Pacific Oyster
Opposite page: Rock oysters on the bucket list. Above: Pacific and Angassi oysters, freshly shucked. 对页:肥美的岩蚝; 上图:味道鲜美的 太平洋生蚝和阿格 斯生蚝
太平洋生蚝是澳大利亚产量最丰富的品 种,生长在塔斯马尼亚、南澳大利亚和新 南威尔士的部分地区。太平洋生蚝在较冷 的月份生长,于夏季产卵。根据生长地 区,太平洋生蚝通常在3月至12月初收成。
southern Australia: across southern NSW, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia. Honeymoon Bay (NSW), St Helens (Tas), and Coffin Bay (SA) all have notable crops.
SHAPE Typically, the Pacific oyster is large with a spiky shell and clean white interior. TASTE It is characterised by a fresh, clean and salty flavour – just like being rolled in the surf. Texture is smooth. BEST WITH? The Pacific oysters’ simple brininess works well with riesling, pinot gris and even chablis.
这是澳大利亚的原生品种,又称为平生 蚝,产量十分稀少。阿格斯生蚝有时会被 误称为“澳大利亚贝隆”,据说早在6,000 年前已由当地的土著养殖。阿格斯生蚝生 长于澳大利亚南部,横跨新南威尔士南 部、维多利亚、塔斯马尼亚和南澳大利亚 等地。新南威尔士的蜜月湾、塔斯马尼亚 的圣海伦,以及南澳的科芬湾都是以出产 阿格斯生蚝而享负盛名。
形状 典型的太平洋生蚝体型较大、外壳有 一尖端、内壳色泽洁白。 味道 清鲜而带 有海水咸味— 感觉就像正在冲浪,口感爽 滑。 搭配佳酿 带有单纯海水味的太平洋生 蚝与雷司令、灰皮诺,甚至夏布利等白葡 萄酒是完美配搭。
SHAPE A flat shell and dense, full meat. TASTE If the Pacific oyster is the sauvignon blanc of oysters and the rock is the chardonnay, the Angassi is the shiraz. It is big, rich and flavourful with an almost meaty taste and texture. BEST WITH? Can be enjoyed with a fuller-bodied chardonnay or a light pinot noir.
Angassi 阿格斯生蚝
The most prolifically farmed variety in Australia, the Pacific oyster is grown in Tasmania, South Australia and some areas of NSW. The Pacific oyster prefers cooler months, spawning in summer. It is generally available from March to early December.
The highly prized and quite scarce Angassi, or flat oyster, is a native to Australia. Sometimes mistakenly referred to as the “Australian belon”, it is said to have been farmed by Indigenous communities up to 6,000 years ago. The Angassi grows in
形状 阿格斯生蚝的外型平坦,肉质结实 肥美。 味道 如果把太平洋生蚝比作长 相思白葡萄酒、岩蚝是霞多丽,而阿格 斯生蚝应该就是西拉子。阿格斯生蚝肉 厚、味道浓郁,肉质富有口感及嚼劲。 搭配佳酿 阿格斯生蚝适合搭配酒体饱满 的霞多丽白葡萄酒,或是较为轻盈的黑皮 诺红葡萄酒。
Left: Oyster farm at Coffin Bay, South Australia. Below: Nothing beats a freshly shucked oyster.
rench dramatist Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac once said that “a large nose is the mark of a witty, courteous, affable, generous and oyster-loving man”. Clearly being an oyster-loving man was a mark of distinction. Certainly, there is no other seafood that captures the imagination, polarises the palate and causes as much consternation among buyers, consumers and critics as the oyster. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation, worldwide production of oysters is some 45,000 million dozen, a market value of around A$3.5 billion. The popularity of oysters has fluctuated over time, but they have never gone out of fashion among seafood aficionados who recognise that the oyster is a true reflection of not only the variety and season of its marine terroir, but of the grower’s husbandry skills. There is no greater influence on the final eating quality of an oyster than the farmer’s skills. An oyster is nowhere near as robust as it appears. Susceptible to water temperature changes, rain and tides, the oyster will eat or spawn depending on the conditions in which it lives. It demands constant attention. A good farmer has an intimate relationship with his crop from the very beginning. The condition of the oysters and their water must be constantly monitored, making sure they are kept in the best condition, growing constantly without spawning. The average oyster is handled up to 10 times during its lifespan, which lasts from 18 months (Pacific) to four years 90 CRYSTAL JUNE 2016
(Angassi) depending on the species. They are handled to ensure consistent grading in the crop. Thinning out those not performing allows each oyster more access to the available food in the water. Storage, too, affects the final eating quality of an oyster. The fragile oyster consumes glycogen or body fat to survive from the moment it is removed from its watery home. The more oysters stress, the more they consume. And the more glycogen they consume, the quicker they lose condition, which affects the sweetness and mouth-feel of the oyster. Rock oysters should be stored in a humid environment between 12˚ and 14˚C; Pacifics and Angassis at a cooler 3-5˚C. They should be scrubbed, cleaned and chilled before opening. For the ultimate experience, buy an oyster knife and learn to open your own. An oyster opened for longer than 20 minutes loses its freshness – those lively defining flavours that reflect the waters from which it comes. Pre-opened oysters are generally washed in tap water, which further removes flavour and flattens texture. For me, serving oysters as they are, perhaps with an acidic accompaniment such as lime, eschallot and red wine vinegar or verjuice, is the ultimate experience. ● Seafood consultant John Susman is head judge of the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW’s Sydney Royal Oyster Competition. How do Crown chefs like their oysters? See page 58.
法国知名剧作家西哈诺.德.贝尔热拉克曾经说过:“大鼻子是 幽默、有礼、和蔼、慷慨,以及热爱生蚝者的标志。” 显然,爱吃生蚝的人非泛泛之辈。没有其他海鲜能像生蚝般勾 起人的遐想、为味蕾带来极致的体验,还会为采购商、消费者和 食评家带来惊喜。根据联合国粮食及农业组织的数据显示,全球 生蚝年产量约450亿打,市值约35亿澳元。 多年来,生蚝的受欢迎程度几经起跌,但始终受到海鲜爱好者 的青睐,他们认为生蚝不单反映品种及生长海域的季节变化,还 可看出养殖者的技巧。 其实,生蚝的味道和质量主要来自养殖的方法。生蚝远不及外 表那样强壮,极易受水温变化、雨水和潮汐影响,生活环境足以 左右其进食和繁殖。生蚝需要无时无刻的细心呵护,好的养殖者 与自己的生蚝关系密切,从捕捉幼苗那一刻起,到孵化、出售, 全部亲力亲为。养殖者必须随时监测生蚝和水的状况,确保两者 都保持在最佳状态。 每颗生蚝寿命从18个月(太平洋生蚝)到四年(阿格斯生蚝) 不等,因品种而异,但平均会经过筛选和处理十次之多。重点 在保持质量一致,去除长得不好的生蚝,让健壮的生蚝吸收更 多食物。 储存也是影响生蚝质量的重要因素。生蚝非常脆弱,从水里采 收之后,必须消耗本身的糖原质或脂肪才能生存。压力越大,消耗 越多,消耗的糖原质越多,就会越快失去清甜度和口感。 岩蚝应储存在摄氏12度至14度的潮湿环境中;太平洋生蚝和阿 格斯生蚝则需储存在摄氏3至5度之间。开生蚝前应先擦掉污泥,然 后冷藏。若想尝到极致的鲜味,最好学会自己开。生蚝打开超过 20分钟就会失去原有的鲜度。还有预先打开的生蚝通常会用自来 水冲洗,会削弱了生蚝原有的味道和口感。 我喜欢生蚝的原汁原味,或许配点青柠汁、红葱、红葡萄酒醋 或带有酸味的果汁,这样就能体验极致的滋味。 ● John Susman 是新南威尔士皇家农业协会举办的悉尼皇家生蚝竞赛 的裁判长。 皇冠的大厨爱如何品尝生蚝?请翻阅58页
左图:位於南澳的科 芬湾养殖场。下图: 新鲜的生蚝最可口
The Worl d ’ s Most Myst eri o u s Spirit w w w. mout ai. c om . au AVA I L A B L E NOW AT C R OW N M E L B OU R N E & PE RT H 岛ⷅ勬⏗愹䏥ⷙ✏䙮ↇ愹憸ↇ斊⎱䙮ↇ忴恀Ḳ惤⏫⤎棖㛰┕Ə婚ガ媲⎪斘䶙✧ Moutai encourages responsible dr inking
Crown Melbourne, Australia’s leading integrated resort features award-winning restaurants, premium shopping and entertainment facilities. 墨尔本皇冠度假村是澳大利亚顶级综合度假设施,拥有多家得奖餐厅和尊贵 的购物和娱乐设施。
Situated in Melbourne’s Southbank, Crown offers some 1,600 guest rooms which present our local and international guests with various levels of quality and luxury. There’s Crown Towers Melbourne, with its unsurpassed opulence; Crown Metropol Melbourne, home to the ISIKA Day Spa; and the relaxed, affordable style of the Crown Promenade Melbourne. The 449 luxurious, oversized guest rooms at Crown Towers and 32 villas have spectacular views to the city or to Port Phillip Bay, and feature a superior level of comfort and finish.
With their exquisite design, masterful chefs and renowned service, Crown’s restaurants offer an enviable variety of world-class and award-winning food and wine. Along the Crown Riverside are restaurants serving some of the best modern cuisine and fresh produce, including Neil Perry’s Rockpool, Rosetta and Spice Temple, Guillaume Brahimi’s Bistro Guillaume, the innovative Nobu, the simple but stylish No. 8, an exciting seafood restaurant, The Atlantic, and the celebrated newcomer, Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. Crown Melbourne has more than 70 restaurants, cafes and bars.
坐落于南岸地区的墨尔本皇冠度假村提供 约1,600间不同种类的优质及豪华客房。 度假村包括富丽堂皇的墨尔本皇冠度 假酒店、设有豪华日间水疗中心—伊思卡 的墨尔本皇冠大都市酒店,以及提供休闲 住宿体验的墨尔本皇冠江滨酒店。 墨尔本皇冠度假酒店,拥有449间豪华 客房及32间别墅,每间客房及别墅均可欣 赏到市内或菲利普港湾的美景,房间的装 潢也非常舒适华丽。
度假村的餐厅设计优雅,由多位名厨坐 阵,并以服务出色见称。餐牌上备有众多 世界级的得奖美馔和佳酿供选择,让人难 以取舍。 在皇冠度假村河畔的一系列餐厅, 是品尝新派佳肴和新鲜食材的最佳 地点,计有著名厨师 Neil Perry主理的 Rockpool、Rosetta及川湘粤餐厅;和知名 烹饪奇才 Guillaume Brahimi开设的Bistro Guillaume、菜式别具创意的Nobu、风格
简 约 时 尚 的 N o . 8 、刺 激 味 蕾 的 海 鲜 餐 厅 The Atlantic,以及新开的Dinner by Heston Blumenthal。墨尔本皇冠度假村内共有70多 间餐厅、咖啡馆和酒吧。
ENTERTAINMENT 娱乐 Crown has myriad entertainment options. Guests can immerse themselves in the sparkling atmosphere of a Las Vegas-style showroom, The Palms, a 900-seat cabaret venue where live music, theatre and comedy prevail. Crown is also home to some of the best nightspots in Melbourne with more than 14 bars and four premier nightclubs, including the glamorous Club 23, famous for its cocktails and views. Alternatively, enjoy the latest blockbuster movie at Village cinemas. The Palladium, a 1,500-seat ballroom, provides a unique and flexible event facility. Crown Melbourne hosts the TV Week Logie Awards, the Cricket Australia Allan Border Medal, and the AFL Brownlow Medal. 墨尔本皇冠度假村的娱乐节目多不胜数, 旅客必然能够找到喜欢的活动。例如设有 900个座位、散发拉斯维加斯式氛围的歌舞
Above: Metropol Pool. Opposite page: Crown Towers Lobby and a Crown Promenade Suite. 上图:墨尔本皇冠大 都市酒店泳池。 对页:墨尔本皇冠度 假酒店大堂和皇冠江 滨酒店的套房。
表演场地 The Palms,不时上演让人叹为观 止的音乐会、戏剧及喜剧等表演。此外, 墨尔本市最五光十色的夜生活场所,也集 中在度假村内。这里有超过14间酒吧及4间 顶级夜总会,当中夜总会 Club 23以鸡尾酒 和慑人景观驰名。除了观赏表演和品尝美 酒,宾客也可以到Village电影院与亲友一 起观赏最新上映的大制作。度假村内另一 个重要场地是设有1,500个座位的Palladium 宴会大厅,它具有可灵活调配的空间, 适合举行不同性质的活动。近年在墨尔 本皇冠度假村举行的盛事一项接一项, 包括TV Week Logie Awards颁奖礼、Cricket Australia Allan Border Medal板球颁奖礼及 AFL Brownlow Medal澳式足球颁奖礼等。
SHOPPING 购物 With over 40 retail outfits, Crown gathers the world’s luxury brands and designers under the one roof, among them Bensimon, Bulgari, Burberry, Graff, Harrolds, Hugo Boss, IM Lingerie, LK Boutique, Louis Vuitton, Monards, Omega, Paspaley, Prada, Rolex, and Salvatore Ferragamo. With its elegant public spaces, Crown Melbourne delivers a premium shopping experience. 度假村内云集超过40家奢华品牌和著名 设计师的专卖店,当中包括Bensimon、 Hugo Boss、IM Lingerie、LK Boutique、Louis Vuitton、Monards、Omega、Paspaley、 Prada、Rolex及 Salvatore Ferragamo。皇冠 的购物空间宽敞舒适、设计典雅,让你 享受无可比拟的购物体验。 LEISURE ACTIVITIES 休闲活动 With a lively and cosmopolitan lifestyle, Melbourne is consistently ranked one of the most liveable cities, hosting significant cultural and sports events such as the Formula 1 Grand Prix, the Australian Open tennis, and the Spring Racing Carnival. Visitors can see Australian wildlife at the Melbourne Zoo, penguins on Phillip Island, or the city’s heady mix of parks, gardens, and Victorian and contemporary architecture. 生气勃勃的墨尔本每个角落都洋溢著大都 会气息,而且经常获选为全球最宜居住城 市之一,多项大型文化及体育盛事都在这 个漂亮的城市举行,包括一级方程式格兰 披治大奖赛、澳大利亚网球公开赛和春季 赛马嘉年华。旅客也可以到墨尔本动物园 观赏澳大利亚野生动物,又或者前往菲利 浦岛观看可爱的企鹅,或畅游市内多个公 园和花园,享受宁静的气氛。墨尔本的维 多利亚式及现代建筑,各有不同韵味,也 很值得游客探访。 ● 8 Whiteman Street, Southbank, Victoria 3006, Australia. www.crownmelbourne.com.au For accommodation inquiries, please contact +61 (3) 9292 8888; Toll free: 1800 808 878 (Australia only). 地址:8 Whiteman Street, Southbank, Vic. 3006 网址:www.crownmelbourne.com.au 住宿查询:请致电 +61 (3) 9292 8888 免费电话:1800 808 878 (只限澳大利亚境内)。 JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
Situated on the banks of Perth’s Swan River on the western coast of Australia, Crown Perth is a fully-integrated resort, with world-class offerings and luxury suites.
珀斯皇冠度假村位于澳大利亚西岸,坐落在天鹅河畔,是一家拥有世界级设 施和奢华套房的综合旅游度假村。
店Linneys,罗列了澳大利亚西部的珍 宝。Linneys最著名的产品是以澳大利亚南 海珍珠制作的饰物,以及采用阿盖尔钻石 和卡尔古利黄金制造的优质珠宝。
Crown Perth offers guests the choice of two hotels: the luxurious Crown Metropol, with its superb amenities and services and the contemporary Crown Promenade. Recent renovations at Crown Promenade bring vibrant contemporary guest rooms, spacious suites and magnificent views. 珀斯皇冠度假村有两间酒店供旅客选择: 珀斯皇冠大都市酒店设施奢华而且服务超 卓;珀斯皇冠江滨酒店格调时尚。近期完 成翻新工程的珀斯皇冠江滨酒店,提供风 格活泼的客房,和景观动人、面积宽敞的 套房。
DINING 餐饮 Crown Perth has an impressive range of restaurants and bars. Flagship restaurants Bistro Guillaume, Silks, Nobu and Rockpool Bar & Grill take centrestage, but there are many more. 度假村内餐厅和酒吧种类众多,选 择多不胜数。旗舰餐厅包括Bistro Guillaume、Silks、Nobu及 Rockpool Bar & Grill等等,还有许多不同风味的餐饮选择。
ENTERTAINMENT 娱乐 Featuring the state-of-the-art Crown Theatre Perth, the opulent Astral and the Grand Ballroom, Crown Perth
offers live theatre, long-running stage shows, concerts and comedy. 珀斯皇冠度假村拥有设备先进的珀斯皇冠 剧院和设计豪华的Astral and Grand Ballroom 宴会厅,经常举行现场表演、长寿的舞台表 演、音乐会及喜剧。
SHOPPING 购物 Discover Western Australia’s rare treasures at Linneys, whose boutique is located in the lobby of Crown Metropol. Renowned for its Australian South Sea pearls, Linneys is also home to fine jewellery that is made from the best of Argyle diamonds and Kalgoorlie gold. 设于珀斯皇冠大都市酒店大堂的珠宝
Take a cruise on the multimilliondollar Infinity Yacht (above); glamorous Crown Metropol Pool (top). 在珀斯皇冠度假村可 乘搭豪华游艇Infinity Yacht出海畅游(上 图) ; 珀斯皇冠大都 市酒店的泳池区别具 吸引力(最上图)。
Perth boasts wineries, restaurants, golf courses, parklands, walking and cycling trails, and the Swan River. Crown Metropol guests can use the many leisure amenities and services on offer at Crown Perth. The pool area covers 6,200sqm and offers a Vegas-style main pool, a children’s pool with water slides, a relaxation pool and lavish private cabanas. There are bikes for hire, ISIKA Fitness, a private gymnasium, and ISIKA Day Spa Perth for massage, salon or beauty treatments. 珀斯引以为傲的休闲设施不胜枚举,计有 饶富趣味的酒庄、餐厅、高尔夫球场和绿 意盎然的公园,还有景致优美的步道、单 车径 和天鹅河。珀斯皇冠大都市酒店的 住客可享用度假村内众多的休闲设施和服 务。游泳池区面积达6,200平方米,有拉斯 维加斯式主池、附设滑水梯的儿童池、宁 静的休闲池和设有豪华池畔私人小屋的泳 池。宾客可以向酒店租用单车,享受骑自 行车的乐趣,或到伊思卡健身中心,又或 伊思卡日间水疗中心享用按摩、美发或美 容疗程。●
Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, Western Australia 6100. www.crownperth.com.au For accommodation enquiries, please contact +61 (8) 9362 8888 Toll Free: 1800 999 667 (Australia only); 地址:Great Eastern Highway, Burswood, Western Australia 6100 网址:www.crownperth.com.au 住宿查询:请致电 +61 (8) 9362 8888 免费电话:1800 999 667 (只限澳大利亚境内)。
Aspinalls Club, in the heart of Mayfair, is London’s premier boutique establishment. Stylish interiors with touches of contemporary elegance give the club its distinctive, inviting ambience.
阿斯皮诺会所位于伦敦梅菲尔区的心脏地带,是城中最尊贵的精品会所。 时尚的室内设计和典雅的现代气息,赋予会所非凡魅力,让人感觉宾至如归。
ACCOMMODATION 住宿 Aspinalls recommends guests stay in the Mayfair/Knightsbridge district, at first-class hotels such as The Dorchester, 45 Park Lane, Metropolitan, InterContinental, Four Seasons and Mandarin Oriental. All are close to Buckingham Palace, Knightsbridge, Bond Street, Oxford Street and Hyde Park. 阿斯皮诺会所建议宾客入住梅菲尔或 武士桥区一带的酒店,该区有多间一 流的酒店,包括 The Dorchester、 45 Park Lane、Metropolitan、洲际酒店、四季酒店及 文华东方酒店等,这些酒店均邻近白金汉 宫、武士桥、庞德街、牛津街及海德公园。
DINING 餐饮 Aspinalls’ refurbished restaurant features trellis-covered walls and a detailed, coloured-glass conservatory ceiling. Nicola Ducceschi’s menu is a fusion of Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. Restaurants within the area include Nobu, Coya, Hakassan, Novokov and private members’ clubs such as The Art Club. 阿斯皮诺会所餐厅经过翻新,墙身是精致 的格子装饰,天花饰以彩色玻璃。行政主 厨Nicola Ducceschi创作的佳肴汇合亚洲及 地中海风味。会所附近更有多家著名餐 厅,包括Nobu、Coya、Hakassan、Novokov 和多间私人会所例如The Art Club。
at Harrods, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges. A unique timepiece concierge service can be arranged whereby top designer watch brands such as Rolex and Cartier are viewed in-room. 阿斯皮诺会所邻近伦敦购物区,多 家著名百货公司如Harrods、 Harvey Nichols及Selfridges均设有贵宾预约选 购服务。会所也可以安排预约腕表 选购服务,让贵客于私人房间内挑选 Rolex、Cartier 等尊贵品牌的腕表。
With venues such as The O2 arena, Wembley Stadium and Her Majesty’s Theatre, London is one of the world’s most exciting destinations. Bespoke events are also available for members celebrating birthdays or festivities. 伦敦被誉为全球娱乐消闲活动选择最丰富 的旅游城市之一,拥有众多相关设施包括 O2体育馆、温布莱球场和女王陛下剧院。 阿斯皮诺会所可为会员度身打造庆生会或 节庆活动。
SHOPPING 购物 Aspinalls is within easy reach of some of London’s best shopping. Special VIP viewings are available
Reception (above); Crown Aspinalls exterior (top). 会所内布置典雅舒适 的接待处(上图); 阿斯皮诺会所的礼宾 服务,无微不至 (最上图)。
Admire fine Victorian architecture, explore art galleries, or experience the pageantry and style of Royal Ascot. Aspinalls also has a number of exclusive corporate boxes and suites that cater to guests who are Chelsea, Arsenal or Manchester United fans; as well as a corporate box for sporting events held at Wembley Stadium. 漫步伦敦欣赏优雅的维多利亚式建 筑,或到美术馆和当代艺术画廊参观 展览乃是一件赏心乐事。如果想感受 盛事氛围及气派,可前往皇家雅士谷 马场欣赏赛事。会所还设有高级商务 厢房和贵宾房,专门招待切尔西、阿 森纳和曼联足球队的球迷,另有一个 专为温布莱球场体育盛事而设的商务 厢房。●
27–28 Curzon Street, London W1J7TJ, England. www.crownaspinalls.com Accommodation inquiries, +44 (0) 207 499 4599. 地址:27–28 Curzon Street, London W1J7TJ, England 网址: www.crownaspinalls.com 住宿查询:请致电 +44 (0) 207 499 4599。 JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
Home to the House of Dancing Water, the world’s largest water-based extravaganza, City of Dreams has established itself as Macau’s premier leisure and entertainment destination. 新濠天地设有令人叹为观止的全球最大型水上汇演《水舞间》,是澳门的高级 综合娱乐休闲度假胜地。
以斑斓多变的万花筒比喻新濠天地的娱乐 选择,最贴切不过。这里有全球最大型 水上汇演“水舞间” ,还有澳门最大及最豪 华的夜游热点“娇比” 。丰姿绰约的新濠天 地,源源不绝地送上精彩节目,为旅客带 来心满意足的旅游体验。
From the contemporary style of Crown Towers (300 guest rooms), to the international luxury of Grand Hyatt Macau (800 guest rooms), to the rock-star experience of Hard Rock Hotel (300 guest rooms), these accommodation options have distinct personalities, making City of Dreams a unique leisure destination. 新濠天地设有三家各具特色的酒店,因而 成为独树一帜的休闲娱乐胜地。皇冠度假 酒店(有300间客房)洋溢时尚风格,澳 门君悦酒店(有800间客房)散发国际级的 奢华气派,澳门Hard Rock酒店(有300间客 房)让宾客体验摇滚风格。
DINING 餐饮 City of Dreams offers a diverse range of restaurants, cafés and a number of relaxed bars and lounges. More than 20 food and beverage venues are located throughout the resort including French contemporary restaurant The Tasting Room and Chinese culinary masterpiece Jade Dragon – both of which have been elevated to two Michelin stars in 2016 – as well as the one Michelin-starred sushi restaurant, Shinji by Kanesaka. From fine-dining experiences to casual meals, City of Dreams offers cuisine for every taste and occasion.
在新濠天地可以找到一系列不同风味的餐 厅、咖啡店、休闲酒吧和酒廊。度假区内 有20多个餐饮场所,包括当代法式料理餐 厅御膳房,以及殿堂级中菜食府誉珑轩, 这两间餐厅于2016年一同晋升为米其林二 星餐厅;此外,金坂极上寿司也摘下米其 林一星荣耀。无论高级餐膳以至家常小 菜,来到新濠天地必定可找到适合所有人 口味和不同场合的佳肴美馔。
ENTERTAINMENT 娱乐 City of Dreams has a kaleidoscope of entertainment options. The House of Dancing Water is the world’s largest water-based extravaganza; and Club Cubic is the largest and most prestigious club in Macau. The City of Dreams is the place to see, and be seen.
City of Dreams in Cotai, Macau (above); the world’s largest water-based extravaganza at City of Dreams (top). 坐落于澳门路氹的 新濠天地(上图); 在新濠天地上演的 全球最大型水上汇演 “水舞间”,幕幕动人 心弦(最上图)。
The Shops at The Boulevard are home to some of the world’s most sought-after brands, with more than 100,000 square feet of retail space featuring high-end fashion labels, premium beauty brands, exquisite jewellery and timepieces. This contemporary destination cleverly links dining, entertainment and accommodation, offering shoppers a convenient and user-friendly experience against an engaging and dramatic backdrop. 占地超过100,000平方呎的新濠大道, 是新濠天地的购物中心,汇聚全球最热 门品牌的专卖店,包括高级名牌时装、 顶尖美容化妆品牌、奢华珠宝及钟表店 铺等等,方便一次过尽情选购心头好。 这个购物天堂处处散发著时尚气息,在 设计上也巧妙地连接餐饮、娱乐及住宿 设施,让宾客享受方便又轻松的购物乐 趣,尽情体验新濠天地的魅力,发掘各 式各样的趣味和惊喜。 ●
Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau. www.cityofdreamsmacau.com For accommodation inquiries, please contact +853 8868 6688. 地址:澳门路氹连贯公路 网址:www.cityofdreamsmacau.com 住宿查询:请致电 +853 8868 6688。
Studio City, a cinematically-themed leisure destination in the heart of Cotai, Macau, combines electrifying entertainment with exciting dining, accommodation, shopping, and a contemporary venue. 以电影为主题的新濠影汇位于澳门路氹城心脏地段,设有精彩的 娱乐项目和餐饮、住宿、购物设施,还有设计时尚的场地。
ACCOMMODATION 住宿 The art deco-inspired Studio City Hotel is the epitome of red-carpet hotel service, offering a range of luxury accommodation. The 1,600room hotel features Star Tower, which delivers the ultimate in lavish facilities and service to more discerning guests, and Celebrity Tower, providing a deluxe hotel experience for group travel. 洋溢装饰艺术风格的新濠影汇酒店,是贵 宾式酒店服务的典范,为宾客提供一系列 奢华的住宿选择。酒店1,600个房间设于两 幢大楼内, “巨星汇”为品味高尚的住客提 供极致奢华的设施及尊贵服务, “明星汇” 则让团体旅客体验豪华的酒店住宿。
DINING 餐饮 Studio City offers a diverse range of restaurants, cafes, relaxed bars and lounges. There are more than 30 food and beverage outlets, from authentic Cantonese, Shanghainese, and northern Chinese to SouthEast Asian, Japanese, international and Italian cuisine, to local Macau delicacies. Celebrity chefs, signature restaurants and themed dining experiences are a looked-for feature of Studio City. 新濠影汇餐饮场所超过30个,除了咖啡 室、休闲酒吧和酒廊,更有提供各地菜式
崭新有趣的娱乐设施云集新濠影汇,包括 全球最高的8字型摩天轮 “影汇之星” 、全球 首个以蝙蝠侠为主题的4D多媒体模拟飞行 体验 “蝙蝠侠夜神飞驰” 和占地40,000平方呎 的室内游乐中心“华纳满FUN童乐园”。此 外还有由多间魔法剧院组成的“魔幻间”、 设有5,000个座位的娱乐中心、设备齐全的 电视制作及广播工作室,以及闻名全球的 派驰夜总会,娱乐活动琳琅满目。
的餐厅,由传统粤菜、上海菜、北方菜、 东南亚佳肴以至日本、意大利、环球及澳 门美食应有尽有。世界知名厨师和餐厅以 及澳门地道美食餐饮体验,凸显新濠影汇 的缤纷风格。
ENTERTAINMENT 娱乐 Studio City boasts Golden Reel, the world’s highest figure-eight Ferris wheel; Batman Dark Flight, the world’s first flight simulation based on Batman; Warner Bros. Fun Zone, a 40,000 sq ft indoor play centre; the multi-theatre House of Magic; a 5,000-seat entertainment centre; a TV recording and broadcast studio; and Pacha Macau, one of the world’s biggest names in nightclubs.
Star Executive Suite (above); a warm welcome to Studio City (top). 巨星钻汇套房(上 图)气派不凡; 新濠 影汇(最上图)华丽 璀璨。
A star-studded mix of luxury brands include Balmain, Belstaff and Tom Ford. Expect themed precincts, futuristic technologies, art installations and music. 时尚品牌和国际奢华品牌在这里济济一 堂,争妍斗丽,包括Balmain、Belstaff及 Tom Ford 等等。购物大道有不同的主题 区,旅客可一边购物,一边在悠扬的音 乐下欣赏艺术装置。
CONFERENCES 会议 From opulent banquets to international events, Studio City welcomes meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions, offering more than 40,000 sq ft of flexible indoor event space. 新濠影汇提供逾40,000平方呎、配置灵活 的室内活动空间,适合举行大型宴会、国 际盛事,还有会议、奖励旅游活动、大型 企业会议及展览等。●
Estrada do Istmo, Cotai, Macau. studiocity-macau.com For accommodation inquiries, please contact +853 8865 8888. 地址:澳门路氹连贯公路 网址:studiocity-macau.com 住宿查询:请致电 +853 8865 8888。 JUNE 2016 CRYSTAL
At the gateway to Entertainment City, this 6.2 hectare integrated resort combines spectacular entertainment, an array of accommodation, regional and international dining, and designer-brand shopping.
这个占地6.2公顷的综合度假村,位于马尼拉娱乐城入口,有精彩刺激的 娱乐设施,住宿选择众多,更有亚洲及国际佳肴以及众多名店。
于Nobu Hotel Manila的Nobu Manila餐厅,招 牌菜式令人垂涎三尺;在Tasting Room可品 尝欧洲高级餐膳;Crystal Dragon 呈献粤菜 及其他中国地方菜;Hyatt酒店的The Café 供应选择丰富的自助餐,度假村还有咖啡 店丶酒廊丶提供简食的食肆及酒吧。
ACCOMMODATION 住宿 Offerings include Crown Towers Manila, with 254 lavish, contemporary rooms, suites and villas; Nobu Hotel Manila, a 321-room hotel with a modern Japanese ambience, delivering a celebrity-inspired “fun-luxury” experience; and Hyatt City of Dreams Manila, a modern, approachable hotel with 362 spacious rooms. 度假村三家酒店各有特色,皇冠度假酒店 设有254间格调时尚的豪华客房、套房及别 墅;Nobu Hotel Manila拥有321间客房,散 发当代日本风格,为住客提供明星级的奢 华体验;马尼拉新濠天地Hyatt酒店富现代 感、舒适及亲切,提供362个宽敞房间。
ENTERTAINMENT 娱乐 The resort features four distinctive entertainment venues including a DreamWorks-inspired interactive play space called DreamPlay; CenterPlay, an entertainment bar with live performances by local and international artists; and, incorporated under the unique dome-like “Fortune Egg” structure, the luxurious “ultra” lounge, Pangaea, and Chaos, a trend-setting nightclub. 村内有四个特色娱乐场地,包括互动表 演空间DreamPlay,它的设计灵感源自好 莱坞动画工作室DreamWorks;娱乐酒吧
CenterPlay有当地及国际艺人作现场表 演;在有“幸运蛋”称号的建筑内设有娱 乐节目丰富的超级酒廊Pangaea和领导潮流 的Chaos夜总会。
DINING 餐饮 Specialty restaurants include Nobu Manila and its signature dishes at Nobu Hotel Manila; European haute cuisine at The Tasting Room and Cantonese and regional Chinese specialties at Crystal Dragon, both in Crown Towers Manila; and an extensive buffet selection at The Cafe at Hyatt. There is an array of cafés, lounges and casual eateries, as well as several bars.
Black Cod Den Miso at Nobu Manila (above); City of Dreams Manila exterior (top). Nobu Manila餐厅著名招 牌菜味噌黑鳕鱼(上 图) ; 新濠天地(马 尼拉)(最上图)的设 施 十分 丰富。
Crown Spa at Crown Towers Manila and Nobu Spa at Nobu Hotel Manila provide signature treatments that relax, rejuvenate and revitalise. There are fitness centres in all our hotels. A beauty salon next to Hyatt’s gym is open to all guests. 若想松弛身心同时恢复活力,不能错过 皇冠度假酒店皇冠水疗的项目,以及 Nobu Hotel Manila的Nobu Spa水疗中心招 牌疗程。度假村内各家酒店均设健身中 心;Hyatt酒店的健身室毗连美容中心,欢 迎新濠天地(马尼拉)的宾客光临。
SHOPPING 购物 Find trusted brands at The Shops at the Boulevard, among them Rolex, Roberto Cavalli, BCBG Max Azria, Rimowa, Hugo Boss, Qeelin, Art of Scent, and Linda Farrow. 新濠购物大道汇集最深受全球消费者爱戴 的品牌,包括Rolex、Roberto Cavalli、BCBG Max Azria、Rimowa、Hugo Boss、Qeelin、Art of Scent和Linda Farrow。 ●
Asean Avenue, corner Roxas Boulevard, Entertainment City, Parañaque, 1701, Manila, Philippines. www.cityofdreams.com.ph For accommodation inquiries, please contact +63 2 800 8080. 地址: Asean Avenue, corner Roxas Boulevard, Entertainment City, Parañaque, 1701, Manila, Philippines 网址:www.cityofdreams.com.ph 住宿查询:请致电 +63 2 800 8080
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