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COMMUNITY: Coronado School Foundation’s inaugural springtime Art & Wine Festival
1st Annual Coronado Art and
Wine Festival
Fundraiser for Coronado Schools Foundation was a blast, and will repeat in Spring 2023
By Tracy Real and Roberta Lenert Photos Courtesy of Coronado Schools Foundation

Coronado Middle School Art

Cameron Lenert, EmilioReal and Tracy Real, working in the Kidtopia area.
he inaugural Coronado Art and Wine
Festival, held on Saturday, May 22, was a smashing success. The crowds made their way through the art-filled the 900 block of C Avenue, while a lively DJ made the festival the place to be. Guests sipped fine wine under the majestic shade trees in the VIP Wine Area while listening to relaxing live jazz music. They chatted with friends old and new while enjoying light bites and delicious appetizers provided by local Coronado restaurants.
The Wine Village was also a hip and happening spot conveniently located in front of the rocking main stage. Residents as well as visitors enjoyed the entertaining lineup, wine tastings and appetizer samples. This fun family-friendly festival allowed Coronado to welcome spring, and locals appreciated the much-anticipated celebration. The true highlight was that the entire event was for a charitable cause that gave back to all of our Coronado schools. The Art and Wine Festival donated funds to CSF for the STEM and Arts pathways in CUSD and provided a venue for our talented art students to share their incredible creations. All four Coronado schools participated and were highlighted throughout the day, while both CHS and CMS art students hosted booths showcasing their artistic talents.
A special shoutout goes to the leadership of Coronado Schools Foundation and the Coronado Chamber of Commerce. This exciting event was made possible with an amazing vision and

collaboration of Michelle Gilmore, CSF president and CEO, along with Rena Clancy, Coronado Chamber executive director. Their kind, driven and welcoming leadership styles attracted enthusiastic people to rally, encouraging many to step up quickly to help. The Coronado community’s generosity and supportive volunteers collectively contributed to making the Coronado Art & Wine Festival a HUGE success!
Thank you for sharing your time and talents, Nado! We appreciate you! We are delighted that many came out to celebrate, purchase art, bid on items in the silent auction and enjoy fi ne wines! We look forward to seeing you all for the second annual event next spring. Cheers!

Lexie Hammond adding to the surfboard art in the Kidtopia area (L-R) Rachel Parr, Ginalyn Brock, Brian King, Rebecca King, Elsie Hammond, Tugce Varol, Lisa Brenden, Shirley Brenden and Kevin Brenden

• Roberta Lenert lives in the Coronado Cays with her husband Ron and their two children Kailani (15) and Cameron (13). • Tracy Real is a Coronado resident and mother of two boys Sebastian (14) and Emilio (12). She has worked in education for over 20 years and promotes all things that make people Live, Love, Laugh and Learn.

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