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ART: Coronado Cultural Arts Commission invites local artists to a special Artist’s Reception
Local Artists! By Heidi Wilson
In the desert out by Palm Springs, there is a type of fl owering verbena which only emerges from its bed of sand when certain conditions are right. If it doesn’t rain a lot in November, – there will be no fl owering purple verbena the following spring. As it turns out, those conditions are just right only about once every seven years, so when you see the sand covered with a blanket of gorgeous purple fl owers you know it is a rare and special happening. Many artists can be a bit like the vverbena: – encased in their own world of creativity, and only emerging when they want to show their work or when the “conditions are just right.”
With that in mind, the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission hopes to create the right conditions with an event for all artists who live or work in Coronado. This free event welcomes all visual artists practicing in all mediums. From mosaic artists, fi ber/fabric artists, photographers, painters, sculptures, jewelry and mixed media to name a few. Oh my Gouache! will be a fun, informative Artists Reception at 10:00 a.m. on July 23rd in the Grand Room at the John D. Spreckels Center (1019 7th Street in Coronado).
Topics on the Agenda include: • Sharing opportunities available through the
Commission’s Visual Arts program area: o Membership on the working team which guides the visual arts work of the
Commission o How to participate in exhibitions at the two City-owned galleries: C3 Gallery at the Coronado Community Center and the
Spreckels Gallery at the John D. Spreckels
Center. How to have their work featured as part of the Banners on Orange Avenue program which features the work of local artists on large lightpole banners along
Orange Avenue. o Find out about a new program for artists to have their work considered for local and regional exhibitions, shows and other events. o How to use the new CoronadoARTS.com website to create an artist’s profi le and a free landing page which will allows the upload of images and/or videos of their work. • New opportunities available through the
Coronado Arts Association.
• Meet the owners/managers of Arts and
Frames and Emerald C Gallery and fi nd out what they look for in the artists they represent and feature in their galleries. • A survey to determine how the Commission might best serve the needs of local artists in the future. • An opportunity to meet other artists in our community and enjoy some great nibbles!
And as it is with the desert’s fl owering purple verbena, the Cultural Arts Commission believes that having a room full of positive energy emanating from visual artists is also a rare and special happening. If you’re a visual artist, come see if it’s true, and if you know a visual artist, please let them know about this upcoming event. For more information, please see the announcement on page ___ of this issue or visit the website, CoronadoARTS. com and look under “Visual Events” for OH MY

• Heidi Wilson is a local resident and the new Chair of the Cultural Arts Commission, who helped found the arts commission in 2011 and chaired it for fi ve years. Heidi returns with a fountain of creative ideas and a commitment to reinvigorating our local arts scene.