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LOCAL BUZZ: Things to do in Coronado for locals and visitors alike
ings to DoOn-Island

Online Event Calendar

The Coronado Cultural Arts Commission makes it easy to fi nd local activities with an online calendar. Explore social and arts-related events and a live music calendar at

Other Local Art, Theater & Entertainment
Sunday Promenade Concerts in Spreckels Park are every Sunday through Labor Day weekend beginning at 6:00 pm. For more information, visit CoronadoConcert.com.

• Hotel Del Coronado Tours & Events
HotelDel.com/events/legendary-tour and
• Art in the Park local art sale on the fi rst and third
Sundays of each month, from 10:00 am-4:00 pm at
Spreckels Park CoronadoArtAssn.com • Emerald C Gallery Wine and Paint Studio EmeraldC.com • Art and Frames Gallery ArtCoronado.com • Coronado Historical Association Wine & Lecture
• Coronado Museum
• Historic Walking Tour
• Old Town Trolley Tours TrolleyTours.com/san-diego • Coronado Playhouse CoronadoPlayhouse.com • Lamb’s Players Theatre LambsPlayhouse.com • Vintage Movie Theatre VintageCinemas.com • Coronado Ferry Landing CoronadoFerryLanding.com

Smartphone Apps
to explore Coronado’s Art & History
The Coronado Public Art App serves as a guide to more than 75 works of public art.
NEW! Coronado’s Historical Gems App has an extensive gallery and map to learn about local historical sites.

Other Activities & Information
The City of Coronado website is a wonderful resource to fi nd out about things happening in town, featuring: • A Community Calendar at
• The City Manager's video with weekly updates at Coronado.
ca.us/195/city-managers- weekly-updates
• Recreation and Golf Services information at
https://www.coronado.ca.us/161/ Recreation-Golf-Services

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