Crowns Magazine May 2019 Issue

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Celebrati ng Pageantry & Fashi on Wi th You Crowns Magazine May 2019 Inside In The Spotlight Hayley Jordon-Dorsett pg 4 Miss Grand Florida 2019 pg 6 Beyond the Beauty Mary-Blake Haynes pg 8 Miss USA Cheslie Kryst pg 12 Miss North Carolina International Pageants pg 20



M RS. INDIANA-AM ERICA 2019 Hayley Jor dan Dor set t is t h e r eign in g M r s. In dian a-Am er ica 2019. Sh e is a pr ou d m ilit ar y w if e an d m ot h er of t h r ee ch ildr en . In addit ion t o spen din g t im e w it h h er f am ily, sh e loves t o sew , exer cise, an d volu n t eer in h er com m u n it y. Sh e is a beh avior al h ealt h specialist at t h e Wabash Valley Cor r ect ion al Facilit y in In dian a w h er e sh e leads classes an d gr ou p discu ssion s w it h of f en der s du r in g in car cer at ion . Sh e h elps of f en der s pr epar e f or an d cope w it h r e-en t r y back in t o t h eir com m u n it ies af t er bein g r eleased f r om pr ison . Addit ion ally, sh e is an In dian a Depar t m en t of Cor r ect ion s St af f Developm en t In st r u ct or , Cer t if ied Tr eat m en t Specialist , an d Cer t if ied Adu lt Cor r ect ion al Pr of ession al, w h ich allow s h er t o t r ain h er peer s an d co-w or ker s on t h e im por t an ce of u n der st an din g m en t al h ealt h an d addict ion . Hayley is a f ier ce advocat e f or m en t al h ealt h an d su bst an ce abu se aw ar en ess. Recen t ly, sh e par t n er ed w it h Ru n Fier ce, a n on -pr of it or gan izat ion t h at h ost s vir t u al 5K/ 10K r u n s t o f u n dr aise f or M r s. Am er ica?s plat f or m of ch oice, Vict or ia?s Voice, w h ich w or k s t o pr even t dr u g u se, addict ion , an d over dose an d pr ovides su ppor t t o f am ilies af f ect ed by su bst an ce abu se. Sh e ch ose t h e M r s. Am er ica Or gan izat ion becau se sh e iden t if ies so closely w it h it s n at ion al plat f or m , Vict or ia?s Voice.

I n the SPOTLI GHT Hayley Jor da n-Dor sett M r s. I ndia na -Amer ica

As a m ilit ar y w if e an d m en t al h ealt h pr of ession al, Hayley st at es ?seein g t h e per son you love st r u ggle w it h t h eir ow n dem on s du e t o t h eir dedicat ion t o h on or t h is cou n t r y can be dif f icu lt an d m an y st r u ggles com e w it h t h at .? Now h avin g w on t h e t it le, sh e w ill be able t o con t in u e t o spr ead h er m essage abou t t h e im por t an ce of u n der st an din g addict ion an d t h e m en t al h ealt h com m u n it y. In addit ion , Hayley ?s per son al plat f or m , M or e Th an Ju st an Ar m y Wif e, is also ver y im por t an t t o h er . Her ser vice is f ocu sed on st r en gt h en in g ph ysical an d m en t al h ealt h , st r en gt h en in g f am ilies, an d st r en gt h en in g m ar r iages. Alon g w it h h er devot ed m ilit ar y spou se, Hayley is t h e co-f ou n der an d co-dir ect or of t h e M ilit ar y Sw eet h ear t Pagean t Or gan izat ion . Th eir idea of cr eat in g a pagean t pr om ot in g self -con f iden ce an d posit ivit y, w h ile u lt im at ely h on or in g t h e m en an d w om en of t h e Un it ed St at es Ar m ed For ces, w as r ealized in Sept em ber 2018. Th e M ilit ar y Sw eet h ear t Pagean t Or gan izat ion h as alr eady expan ded t o sever al st at es. Th eir goal is t o h ave a pr esen ce in all f if t y st at es w it h in t h e n ext f ive year s. Accor din g t o Hayley, ?bein g able t o m ake a dif f er en ce in t h e -Quote Author lives of ot h er s w h ile allow in g t h em t o see t h eir t r u e pot en t ial is w h at bein g a qu een is abou t ; leadin g by exam ple.? As sh e alw ays says, ?you can do an yt h in g w it h a lit t le bit of lu ck , an d a lot of h ar d w or k .?


Beyond t he Beaut y Que Demery is a former Division 1 basketball player turned beauty queen. Originally from Oklahoma City, the scholar athlete moved to Miami in August 2018 to obtain her International Master of Business Administration degree. She has a passion for walking the runway, acting, and pursuing various entrepreneurial ventures. Her involvements include helping meet the needs of veterans and their families as a member of the Veterans of Foreign War Post 3559 and helping create inclusive events for the entire community to engage with social groups who are often secluded.


Photos by Alicia Jeva Photography


M s Sou t h Car olin a Pr em ier Wor ld

Cher yl McDer mott 8

Ashley Vict or ian by



Beyond The Beauty Mary-Blake Haynes is currently representing South Carolina as Miss Palmetto USA Ambassador Jr. Preteen. She is so excited to be competing in her first national pageant at the USA Ambassador Nationals in July 2019. ?The pageant was founded on the ideal of S.L.I.C.C: Promoting Success by instilling the values of Leadership, Integrity, Character and Confidence". At age seven, Mary-Blake is already working in her community to help others. "Charity is my favorite part of pageants?, says Mary-Blake - ?I love to help others". She has been involved in projects benefiting Hope for Children, Palmetto Health Children?s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House, Hands on Greenville Day at Harvest Hope Food Bank and other charity organizations. Mary-Blake has collected hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpastes, soaps and deodorants) packaged together for individual need and delivered to Miracle Hill Rescue Mission for the homeless. Mary-Blake loves dancing and has been dancing since the age of three. She is currently taking jazz, ballet, tap and acro at The Centre & Co. in Easley, SC. She has already auditioned and been selected for the 2019/2020 Centre & Co. Company competition jazz team. During the 2018/2019 dance season, Mary-Blake was the youngest soloist and youngest Company competition jazz dancer at her studio. In February of this year, Mary-Blake completed in the Nexstar Dance competition held in Spartanburg, SC and won the ?Born to Perform Award?; as well as receiving first place gold for her solo dance. She will be competing as a solo dancer at the Encore Nationals in July 2019 in Savannah, GA. Mary-Blake has also won multiple titles including Wee Miss Anderson County and Wee Miss Clemson Sweetheart, earning top 10 at the 2018 Little Miss South Carolina pageant. She has been with Cyrus Frakes, Gowns & Crowns in Columbia, SC for the last two years for pageant coaching. Earlier this year, she attended Millie Lewis Modeling school in Greenville, SC and modeled in her first fashion show. Mary-Blake will be walking in our Crowns Magazine?s Beauty and Fashion Expo in Concord, NC in June 2019. The future is looking bright for this seven-year-old. 11

PhotoAskinas by Benjamin Askinas Cover and Photo by Benjamin


Cheslie Kryst 13

Photo by Patrick Prather

5 THINGS ABOUT Ch eslie Kr yst M ISS USA Sh e Received Th r ee Degr ees f r om Tw o Un iver sit ies Cheslie graduated with a Juris Doctor degree (JD) and Master of Business Administration degree (MBA) from Wake Forest University. And also earned her Bachelor of Science degree (BS) in Business Administration from the Honors College at the University of South Carolina..

Sh e is a Fu ll-Tim e At t or n ey Cheslie is practicing complex civil litigation for a private law firm and is licensed to practice law in two states. She also does pro bono (free legal) work to get reduced sentences for people who were sentenced unjustly.


Sh e Ru n s a Fash ion Blog Cheslie currently runs her own fashion blog, White Collar Glam, that focuses on work wear fashion for women. She was inspired to begin ?White Collar Glam?after struggling to find appropriate, affordable, and professional clothing .

Sh e is an Aspir in g Clot h in g Design er Cheslie plans to start a successful Sh e Volu n t eer s an d Advocat es f or Dr ess

clothing line for work wear fashion,

f or Su ccess

solving problems businesswomen face. To date, she has designed a line of

She volunteers for Dress for Success, an

evening wear out of clothes from

international organization focused on

Goodwill and a ballgown out of

improving economic mobility for women

newspaper and glitter for Rock the

through work placement and suiting



Photos courtesy of Miss USA





This multimedia event presents high-end runway shows, interactive entertainment, chic after-parties, and press events. This year is very special, Charlotte Fashion Week decided to go back in history and will host the Fashion Week at the Ivey's Hotel Lobby (formerly the lobby of the Ivey's Department Store). The First Ivey's Department Store was opened in Uptown Charlotte on February 18, 1900 . Ivey's located at North Tryon and Fifth Street opened in1924. We are going to step back into time, show and tell the history and where fashion is today. The fashion runways will show over 400 models, over 40 Designers, Boutiques and Retailers, and 10 competing Emerging Designers and the Runway SEEN Model Competition.

CHARLOTTE FASHION WEEK August 27-31, 2019 - 5 days of Fashion And Style August 27 - Tuesday - VIP Kick- Off Event Tuesday / The Vue 50th Floor or 6th floor (depends on weather) August 28 - Wednesday - Public Kick- Off Event Wednesday / Providence Row August 29- Thursday - Boutique Runway Evening - 6:30 doors open - 8:00 show /The Ivey's August 30 - Friday - Emerging and Recyclable Designer Runway - 6:30 doors open 8:00 show / The Ivey's August 31 - Saturday DAY - Kids and Teenager Show, 11:30 Doors open / SHOW 12 NOON The Ivey's August 31 - Saturday EVENING - Party of the Century / The 100th Show - An Evening of Art, Live Entertainment, Dancers, Fashion Runway and Style - 6:30 doors open - 8:00 show. Finale Fashion Designer Runway Show during Charlotte Fashion Week. The Ivey's people of business and the community. Each of these events creates an experience that attendees can indulge in through upscale venues, elegant decor and a one of a kind production.

Charlotte Seen is responsible for producing Charlotte?s premier high-end fashion shows, galas and charity events. Charlotte Seen has been a driving force in the Charlotte Hospitality and Tourism arena with over 100,000 attendees to their shows over an 9 year span. Their site is or


The North Carolina International Pageants has established itself as an organization with integrity, high ethical standards, and consistent application of it's rules and regulations. It is our goal to provide ladies the opportunity to compete in a pageant system that maintains the highest of moral values. We are excited to have a new division added, the PreTeen Division.

Ou r cu r r en t qu een s r epr esen t in g Nor t h Car olin a: Pr e Teen Nor t h Car olin a In t er n at ion al 2019, Addyson Papu ch is Pr e Teen Tar Heel St at e In t er n at ion al 2019, M ak ayla Alst on M iss Teen Nor t h Car olin a In t er n at ion al 2019, Cailyn Con n elly M iss Nor t h Car olin a In t er n at ion al 2019, Lexi Sch af r an M r s. Nor t h Car olin a In t er n at ion al 2019, Ber it Her r ick






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