Master Builder Magazine Victoria April May 2017

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Print Post Publication No. 100008007

STATE BUDGET IN THE CROSSHAIRS Is your builder a Master Builder? p.16 Challenging WorkSafe notices p.20 Lending tips to help you p.24

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Master Builder Victoria



What’s on the horizon?

If you want to get a good grasp of what we believe 2017 should be about for our members — the biggest challenges, the most pressing needs and the significant game-changers — then this is probably the issue for you. As you may know, Master Builders Association of Victoria doesn’t just approach the state government with specific budget requests—“x” number of dollars for this or that, for example. Instead, we make strong cases about where attention and funds should be directed for the greatest impact on the needs of our industry and, by association, the population of Victoria. CEO Radley de Silva and the Board of Directors have boiled down a long list of carefully considered ideas into a concentrated list of, for lack of a better term, priorities. And for what that word may lack in brawn it makes up for in focus, intent and determination. See page 12. At this writing, Treasurer of Victoria Tim Pallas has just made his presentation at the March Industry Breakfast, in which he outlined some of the key features of the government’s plan for tackling the serious (and seriously complex) housing affordability problem we face. Citing the lack of a ‘silverbullet’ solution, the state government has assembled a list of measures they feel will make inroads toward allowing more Victorians to purchase or rent a home (see ‘State government announces Homes for Victorians plan’ on page 9).

While we appreciate the action, we believe there is still a gap between a silver-bullet fix and this package of policies. The effects of what the government proposes are targeted at assisting people trying to buy or rent housing or access social housing options. While this is a step in the right direction, there are still some substantial issues that need to be addressed so that building houses can be better facilitatedlike the ever growing cost of planning and council delays. In other words, it’s something but not nearly enough if we’re really serious about fixing this problem. Are you familiar with the phrase “Is your builder a Master Builder?”? You should be, because it’s been around for 20 years and it’s also the crux of a new marketing campaign to refresh the Master Builders brand and help ensure you get more of the work you’re after. General Manager Marketing, Policy and Communications Leanne Edwards puts the phrase in context on page 16. Also in this issue Sustainability Adviser Dr Philip Alviano writes about the recent Modular and Prefabrication conference in Sydney (p. 22), Strategic Communications Adviser Laura Luvara profiles Geelongbased, multi-award-winning builders Larkin & Drought (p, 35) and solicitor Tom Tsirogiannis explains how to determine the right contract for a design and construct project (p. 14). I’ll leave the rest to you to discover. See you next issue.

Peter Sackett Editor


Master Builder Victoria














Gina Ralston, Resolution Officer for Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria













MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF VICTORIA 332 Albert Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Tel: (03) 9411 4555 Fax: (03) 9411 4591 Email: Master Builder is the official journal of the Master Builders Association of Victoria, which was established in 1875 and is one of the state’s oldest employer organisations. The organisation is part of the Australia-wide Master Builder movement. The keynote is service: and Master Builder is produced in line with this objective of keeping all members informed of all matters affecting them. Membership of the Master Builders is open to all qualified business operatives in the building and construction industry; the basis of membership is integrity and competence, based on training and experience. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: Melanie Fasham (President) Richard Hansen (Deputy President) Peter Picking (Immediate Past President) Jarrod Sanfilippo (Treasurer) Steve Peluso, Michael Clemenger, David Moyle, Neil Grenfell, Ian Hawkey Hedley Davis (Observer)



















Larkin and Drought Homes Tilling Timber

35 36










COUNCIL OF MANAGEMENT: Melanie Fasham (President) Richard Hansen (Deputy President) Peter Picking (Immediate Past President) Jarrod Sanfilippo (Treasurer) Michael Clemenger, Ashley Levin, Geoff Purcell, Claude Salvatore, Natalie King, David Moyle, Philip Robinson, Brendan Liddle, Ian Hawkey, Paul Gardiner, Joe Cumbo, Neil Grenfell, Adam Barron, Steven Peluso, Greg Zuccala (Observer), Hedley Davis (Observer) CEO: Radley de Silva, 9411 4501 General Manager, Commercial Services: Viviana Hood, 9411 4516 General Manager Member Services: Lawrie Cross, 9411 4582 General Manager , BLSC: Marc Lyons, 9411 8001 General Manager Marketing, Policy and Communications: Leanne Edwards, 9411 4515 MANAGERS: Head of Membership: Dom Butera, 9411 4598 Head of Legal: Angelo Simonetto, 9411 4593 Head of Industrial Relations: Daniel Hodges, 9411 4562 Head of OHS: John Darcy, 9411 4521 Head of Training: Corrie Williams, 9411 4544 State Manager Victoria/MBA Insurance Services: Joe Keiper, 9411 4504 Head of Sales, Events and Sponsorship: Tony Biffaro, 9411 4557 Head of Finance: Ron Joordens, 9411 4556 Head of Human Resources: Steven Hogan, 9411 4540 Sponsorship and Alliance Manager: Danielle Penna, 9411 4551 Head of Business Development and Strategic Projects: Julie-Anne Sheppard, 9411 8000 Magazine Editor: Peter Sackett, 9411 4534



Tel: 1800 222 757 Fax: 1800 063 151 Email: Advertising sales: Paul Baird, Rose Delosreyes, Scott Sharples, David Wood Email: Managing Editor: Trish Riley Production Manager: Lynda Keys Email: Advertising Coordinator: Yvonne Okseniuk Graphic Design Team: Andrew Crabb, Michelle Triana, Judith Terrill Print: Newstyle Printing Distribution: adelaide business bureaux Disclaimer: The Publisher and the Master Builders Association of Victoria, their employees and agents take no responsibility for any inaccuracies or omissions. The opinions are those of the contributors and not necessarily of the Publishers nor of the Association. No warranty is given and no liability is accepted. Products and Services appearing in Master Builder are not necessarily endorsed by the Publisher or the Association. While every care has been taken during production, the publisher(s) do not accept any liability for errors or omissions that may have occurred.

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Master Builder Victoria


Apprentices help take us where we need to go

Our industry faces interesting times: we constantly discuss shortages in key construction trades as the older generation of trades faces retirement and the younger generation joins the industry. Some critical trades in the residential sector are out of balance, where our demand exceeds the supply. The key to satisfying industry need is a constant regeneration of skills through apprenticeships, with a careful balance to ensure they are in the trades most needed. Did you know that our industry is the largest employer of trade apprentices in the Australian economy? At Master Builders, we are proud of the work our ALink team does to support young people to learn about apprenticeships and the career pathways they create. Their aim is to guide young people to career choices they find fulfilling, interesting and challenging throughout their working life. We have a comprehensive website which explains the trade apprenticeships available, along with frequently asked questions; we run road shows with experts to engage with both employers and apprentices and those looking to join the building and construction industry; we negotiate discounts for apprentices and we run our annual and very popular apprentice awards. As you read this issue we will be very close to our Apprentice of the Year Awards celebration where we recognise apprentices who have been nominated by their employer or their place of education. Leading up to this event, we have already completed the regional awards in seven regional areas of our state. I was thrilled to attend the Geelong regional Apprentice Awards event and was encouraged by the enthusiasm and commitment of all the apprentices nominated. It was a great night and wonderful to see so many recipients, their employers and family members in attendance.

In my effort to ascertain if the shortages we face today will be satisfied in the future, I looked more broadly at the statistics represented by nominees: • There are over 580 nominations across the state, the highest number coming from the Melbourne metropolitan area followed by Geelong, Ballarat and Bendigo. To me, it is not surprising but very encouraging to see so many nominations from the areas in Victoria where we see significant growth of our industry in the future. • Looking at the trades nominated, almost 50 per cent were in carpentry followed by 14 per cent in bricklaying and 11 per cent in painting and decorating. Again, this was very encouraging as these figures align with the feedback I receive with regard to shortages. • The highest percentage of nominations was in the third year of the apprenticeship which is a testament to those who have committed to their trade and have been recognised by their employer or place of education. • While the percentage of women nominated for awards is fairly low, I am pleased to say that there were nominations in the trade categories of carpentry, joinery, painting and decorating, diploma study and wall and floor tiling. Congratulations to all nominees, and a huge thank-you to the employers who sustain our industry through their support of apprentices. Good luck to all nominees and I look forward to seeing many of you at the Apprentice of the Year Awards on 12 May.

Melanie Fasham President


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Master Builder Victoria


Introducing the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria (DBDRV)

Most domestic building projects are completed to a high standard and satisfy home owners. However, from time to time, things do go wrong and it is not unusual for builders and home owners find themselves in dispute about a range of issues. Many of these disputes escalate over time and can result in stressful legal action for both parties. Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria (DBDRV) is a new dispute resolution service that will provide an effective, impartial service that is able to resolve building disputes for builders and homeowners, without the cost and time often associated with courts and tribunals. The DBDRV is a standalone independent government agency established by legislation, headed by the Chief Dispute Resolution Officer. DBDRV will provide a range of free dispute resolution services from more informal mediation through to conciliation and ability to issue binding dispute resolution orders. The aim is to provide a flexible dispute resolution process that is tailored to resolve specific disputes, while empowering the parties involved to take ownership of the solution. Where this is not possible the dispute can be resolved by the use of binding orders that will bring the dispute to a close. The legislation also reinforces procedural fairness and provides the ability for parties to review DBDRV decisions in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, keeping the service accountable. The opportunity to establish a new organisation is a challenging and exciting experience. Drawing on the expertise of key stakeholders in the building and dispute resolution service industries has been critical to the design of the service, within the legislative framework.Â

In addition to resolving domestic building disputes, we aim to establish a process where all parties involved in dispute resolution come away from the experience feeling positive, even if they don’t achieve their preferred outcome. The intent of the service is to ensure that the parties involved are satisfied with a fair and transparent process and will take away skills and ideas about managing future disputes. My previous leadership role as the Director of the Dispute Settlement of Victoria (DSCV) provided many opportunities to successfully explore, implement and evaluate alternative dispute resolution services. Dispute services are a brilliant alternative to legal or do nothing solutions. The DBDRV team is creating an action learning environment approach for the new service. We have created systems to support responsive service delivery and provide relevant performance metrics to facilitate data driven improvements. All aspects of our delivery, from our custom designed digital platform to bespoke client services approach, will be subject to quality assurance activities and evaluation. I am very much looking forward to commencing the work of DBDRV and providing this much needed service for Victorians.

Gina Ralston Chief Dispute Resolution Officer for Domestic Building Dispute Resolution Victoria

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Master Builder Victoria

Have you heard about Building Victoria? Visit for up

Everyone loves a cubby Whether it’s the romantic Rapunzel’s Tower or the colourful Chameleon, this year’s Kids Under Cover cubbies ignited the imagination of adults and children alike. Now in its ninth year, the Kids Under Cover Cubby House Challenge again featured at the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show from 29 March to 2 April. Inaugural judge Peter Maddison, host of Lifestyle Channel’s Grand Designs

Australia was joined by Joe Snell, architect and judge on Channel 7’s House Rules, interior designer Fiona Lynch, Lucy Feagins, editor of The Design Files, and Alice Stolz, National Managing Editor of Domain. Master Builders has supported youth homelessness charity Kids Under Cover for more than 25 years. During that time our board, executive team and members have supported events like

the Cubby House Challenge, made donations and volunteered time. Our contribution was publicly acknowledged in 2003 when Master Builders was named a patron of Kids Under Cover. Recognising the part we could play in effecting policy change for Kids Under Cover, Master Builders also lobbied for changes to the building planning regulations. In 2006 Kids Under Cover became exempt from building planning permits and in turn, benefited from a shorter construction lead-time. Master Builders hosted the 2009 pilot Cubby House Challenge at the Building and Home Improvement Expo, allowing the charity to test the concept and create what has become a signature event for Kids Under Cover. Our financial contribution has reached almost $50,000 but it is our lobbying, advice and advocacy that have been critical to the development of the charity. Without this, the team at Kids Under Cover say they would not have been able to deliver 450-plus studios, and supported more than 3000 young people since they began.

Is your builder a Master Builder? Have you seen the latest marketing campaign from Master Builders Association of Victoria? We are reinforcing the great reputation and brand of our Master Builders. We know from consumers and builders that for home owners, a build or a renovation can be one of the most difficult, costly and daunting activities a person will face. Often home owners have no past experience to draw upon to get them through the project. The reliance and trust home owners place in their builder is therefore significant. Importantly, making sure their builder is a Master Builder is of huge importance.


And we also know that if mistakes happen in the build or renovation, then this can cause a lot of heartache for consumers. So we are highlighting that consumers can avoid problems by asking for a Master Builder. Learn more about the campaign at pp 16 and 17. Leanne Edwards, General Manager, Marketing, Policy and Communications

IS YOUR BUILDER A MASTER BUILDER? Master Builders are supported by a respected association with over 140 years of experience. So save yourself the headaches and ask the question before someone asks you.

Master Builder Victoria


to the minute news and info from the building and construction industry, 24/7

State government announces Homes for Victorians plan

The government also announced plans to unlock an extra 100,000 lots of zoned land in Melbourne’s fringe by December 2018. The government identified improvements to the planning system to fast- track social housing redevelopments, and an extension to the Streamlining for Growth program to accelerate the planning and approvals process, which includes an investment to speed rezoning of strategic sites within existing suburbs. Additional applications have also been announced that will be assessable under the VicSmart 10-day online fast track process.

The Victorian Government has announced their Homes for Victorians plan, which includes a suite of policies focussed on addressing Victoria’s housing affordability crisis. The policies, announced over several days, include policies targeted at assisting people trying to buy or rent housing, or access social housing options.

only genuine homebuyers receive the subsidy. Under the amendment, only home buyers who intend to make the home their principal place of residence, or who qualify for the first-home buyer stamp duty concessions will be eligible for the off-the-plan stamp duty concession. This will apply to contracts entered into from 1 July 2017.

The government has also announced new social housing initiatives, including a new $1 billion Social Housing Growth Fund, the capital power of which will be used as leverage, and the investment returns used to underpin funding agreement for projects. Additionally, it announced $341 million for the renewal and expansion of public housing stock.

THE GOVERNMENT CATEGORISES THESE POLICIES UNDER THE FOLLOWING INITIATIVES: 1. Supporting people to buy their own home 2. Increasing the supply of housing through fast planning 3. Promoting stability and affordability for renters 4. Increasing and renewing social housing stock 5. Improving housing services for Victorians in need

Doubling the First-Home Owner Grant to $20,000 in regional Victoria was also announced. The government expects this to help up to 6,000 first-home buyers. The grant will be applicable to contracts signed from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2020, at which point it will be reviewed.

OTHER INITIATIVES INCLUDE (BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO): • Shared equity opportunities for first-home buyers, with the government offer to co-purchase properties with 400 first-home buyers who meet the criteria for a bank loan, but lack a deposit. • New rules for real estate agents, including new penalties of up to $31,000 for agents caught under-quoting. • An inclusionary housing pilot program aimed to deliver up to 100 new social housing dwellings. • Inclusionary housing in major developments which will allow a number of local councils to apply affordable housing provisions as part of rezoning and permit applications for major developments. • $109 million to support homeless Victorians to find stable housing, and • $9.8 million to support rough sleepers, which includes 30 new permanent modular and relocatable homes on public land by the end of 2017.

One of the major policy announcements is stamp duty relief for first-home buyers for purchases of new and existing homes. This reform is expected to help more than 25,000 first-home buyers by abolishing stamp duty for homes up to $600,000, and by providing a reduction in stamp duty for homes between $600,000 and $750,000. The government also announced an amendment to the off the plan stamp duty concessions that aims to ensure

The government will also set a target to prioritise at least 10 per cent of all properties in government-led developments for first-home buyers, and has flagged Melbourne’s Arden precinct as a good example of how this could work. The government will levy a Vacant Residential Property Tax on dwellings that are vacant for more than a total of six months in a calendar year. This means the applicable tax rate will be one per cent of the property’s capitalimproved value, and tax liabilities will be triggered on a calendar year basis, as with land tax. The tax will be triggered from 1 January 2018.

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Master Builder Victoria




That is the time when our elected leaders are soliciting requests and feedback, so we present them with a recipe for doing the greatest good for communities throughout Victoria by highlighting the ways our sector makes lives and livelihoods better — a set of guidelines on where to focus funds and attention for the greatest impact on the needs of the industry, and the people and businesses who rely on it. I see this as essentially a three-point matter: solving, not just ‘addressing’, the housing affordability crisis (which involves weighing changes to Plan Melbourne and the residential zone scheme), launching an effective skillsdevelopment campaign for the industry, and establishing an official ministerial portfolio for building and construction. Taking aim at housing affordabilityand-zoning entanglements, Minister for Planning Richard Wynne and the

Premier’s office very recently announced a series of measures they said would begin to ease the crisis. While, certainly, we welcome the action, it is, we feel, too small and spotty to get the results Victorians need. The measures are focussed on people trying to buy or rent housing, or access social housing options. That’s fine, but there is a huge need to solve the obstacles that keep housing of all types from getting built when and where they need to be, like outrageous planning and council delays, and the obstinacy of councils that refuse to densify under any circumstances. Linked closely to the shortage of housing is a shortage of people to build them. With Victoria now the fastest-growing state in the nation, the current number of skilled builders and craftspeople simply cannot meet the demand for the buildings and infrastructure they need now, let alone later. We are seeing an acute lack of awareness about the variety

and importance of careers in the rapidly expanding building and construction industry being translated into a shortage of workers. The apprenticeship non-completion rate for trades in Australia is very high, sitting close to 52.4 per cent in Victoria. That means Victorian builders experience increased difficulty finding tradespeople, with bricklayers and carpenters among the hardest to find. Linked to this is the fact that manufacturing employment in Victoria fell by 11.9 per cent (or 36,400 jobs) over the last five years to November 2015. Since then, the industry has experienced more loss: • In October 2016 Ford closed its Broadmeadows and Geelong plants, which meant 600 manufacturing workers lost their jobs; and • The Hazelwood power station closure in 2017 will leave 750 people without jobs.

Master Builder Victoria



Construction employment in Australia is expected to increase over the five years from November 2015 to November 2020 by 8.3 per cent or 87,000, with the vast majority of new jobs expected in construction services (65,500). Technology, like three-dimensional printing, prefabricated offsite construction and other applied science, offer remarkable solutions for helping to solve this problem. But it requires a training system to teach them, and the one we have isn’t up to the task. MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENT The scope and influence of our industry in Victoria is immense and far-reaching, but that is not reflected in ministerial portfolios. Aspects of building and construction are spread across ministerial portfolios such as planning, employment, skills, finance, housing affordability, local government,

suburban development and small business, but without a specific focus. They are spread so thin that getting traction for change is extremely difficult. Building and construction is the most important sector for the state in terms of what it delivers to the economy and the community. As we grow faster than any other state in the nation, our sector provides jobs and a huge amount of taxation revenue, but it also delivers the houses and social infrastructure, like roads, transport, parks, hospitals, schools and aged-care facilities, that Victorians need to maintain the high standard of living we come to expect. The time has come to establish a minister for building and construction, one who oversees the industry to drive strategy and change for the benefit of communities, individuals and businesses. People throughout the state feel the impact and influence of the work our

sector does. In Victoria, for example, the building and construction sector generates around 255,000 part- and full-time jobs, and the sector is the second-largest full-time employer in the state. Our industry has close to 91,000 businesses in the state giving it, proportionately, Victoria’s largest number of any sector. Without such a minister, we face major challenges in making progress at a time when change and fast action on critical projects are of the utmost importance to Victorians, like long-needed planning reforms and trades registration. But if we match the need for reform with the ability to execute those reforms to drive jobs, business viability and growth for the benefits of all Victorians, it is exciting to think of what could be achieved, and for the good of us all.


Master Builder Victoria


Is your Design & Construct or Preliminary Contract a Major Domestic Building Contract?

Thomas Tsirogiannis Solicitor

One of the most common questions asked by our domestic builder members is “What contract do I use for a design and construct domestic project?” For the majority of these members, the truth is that carrying out the design and then construction of a domestic building may be a breach of the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 (“the Act”), unless special precautions are taken. In particular, Section 31(1)(d) of the Act, provides that a contract for domestic building work must: “include the plans and specifications for the work and those plans and specifications contain enough information to enable the obtaining of a building permit”. Therefore, unless there are plans and specifications already prepared (which contains enough information to enable the obtaining of a building permit) and the builder under the proposed contract is, in effect, simply finalising those plans and specifications for construction, the builder may need to enter into two separate contracts – one contract for the design and another for the build of a domestic project. Typically a preliminary contract will require the builder to prepare the design and specification for a domestic project. In a decision in the Supreme

Court of Victoria in 2009, the Court determined that, amongst other things, a preliminary contract will be a building contract under the Act when: • the preparation of the design and specification for a domestic project is domestic building work (as defined in section 5(1)(g) of the Act); and • there is an agreement for the builder to carry out, or manage or arrange the carrying out of such work, as such an agreement is deemed to be a domestic building contract under the Act; and • if the contract price of the preliminary contract exceeds $5,000, such a contract is deemed to be an MDBC and so the wording of the contract must comply with the Act (especially Part 3). In circumstances where a builder is entitled to enter into a design and construct contract for a domestic project and the contract price exceeds $5,000, the contract will be deemed to be a Major Domestic Building Contract (MDBC) and accordingly the contract must comply with all the provisions of the Act, in particular, Part 3 which relate to what a Major Domestic Building Contract must and must not contain. Typically such a contract that could be used in these circumstances would be the Master Builders New Homes Contract. Where there are no plans and specifications or such plans and specifications do not contain enough information to enable the obtaining of a building permit, the builder must enter into two contracts for the design and construction of the domestic project, being:

• a preliminary contract for the preparation of the plans and specification for the domestic project; and • a building contract for the construction of the domestic project. Where the builder is in the business of preparing preliminary designs, that they intend to eventually build from, and the value of the design is over $5,000 then they must use a contract that is a MDBC. An example of such a contract is the Master Builders Minor Works Contract. Furthermore, as of 1 September 2016, if a MDBC is used as a preliminary contract or building contract (including a design and construct contract) the builder must give the owner a copy of the Domestic Building Consumer Guide before the owner can sign the contract. Finally, it is recommended that the builder considers taking out professional indemnity insurance in respect of the builder’s design obligations under the preliminary or design-and-construct contract. If you have any queries about obtaining a professional indemnity insurance policy, please contact MBA Insurance Services on 1800 150 888. For any legal inquiries on this issue including the form of contract to use for preliminary and/or building contracts, contact the Master Builders Legal Department.

Contact: Master Builders Legal Department Phone: (03) 9411 4555

Mitsubishi Fleet


Master Builder Victoria


The eternal question:

Is your builder a Master Builder?

Leanne Edwards General Manager Marketing, Policy and Communications

As Master Builders Association of Victoria reaches beyond its 140th anniversary, we are apt to reflect on our past and future. For nearly 20 years, we have been asking “Is your builder a Master Builder?” We believe this question resonates in the minds of homeowners, builders and the community at large, reflecting the tireless dedication and skill of our members. Over two decades, our communities have grown as have our members and their needs, and so it is time to re-examine this question and its relevance. We must ensure its continued credibility and currency if we are to deliver on the needs of the community into the future. Proud builders formed our association, with a vision to guide the industry and develop Victoria. This was at a time of great building activity on the back of the Victorian gold rush and saw the construction of historic buildings like Flinders Street Station, the Athenaeum Theatre and the Exhibition Building. Today, with our members continuing to build Victoria’s landscape, Master Builders’ footprint is bigger than ever, spanning across the state. Master Builders’ heritage and influence can be seen in suburbs like Mernda and Armstrong Creek, in sports stadiums like Margaret Court Arena and in hospitals like the $630 million Bendigo Hospital currently under construction. Just as we experienced a building and construction boom in the late 1800s when Master Builders was formed, we are undergoing unprecedented levels of population growth in Victoria,

with more than 2000 new people making their homes in the state every week. This delivers both an honour and a challenge to Master Builders to provide the Victorian community with houses, roads, sports stadiums, hospitals and schools. The investment in a house build or major renovation is likely the most expensive monetary outlay any of us will make in our lives. Understandably, we want to work with builders on whom we can rely — someone who can shepherd us through one of the biggest and most daunting projects we may ever encounter. As leaders of the industry, equipped with the skills and passion for building, Master Builders are well placed to meet those challenges. Recently I was talking with Darrell Orr, a member from Geelong who shared that his business has a 50-year membership with Master Builders. His father first joined Master Builders in 1967, and with three sons of his own set to take over the family business after him, of the relationship with Master Builders that is set to continue for a very long time. Darrell chairs the Master Builders Geelong section meetings, and his bond with the association is palpable. The enthusiasm for building, and his desire to meet his customer’s needs, sustained not only his conversation but the success of the business through the generations as well. Every year we host close to 700 people at the Master Builders Housing Awards, an event that recognises the considerable building expertise and skill of Master Builders. Not surprisingly, clients often accompany builders to the awards ceremony; they are excited and proud to own a skilfully made home, and happy to celebrate the outcome. It is these, and many other stories about successful collaborations between Master Builders and homeowners, that underpin the value our builders contribute to the community.

Equally remarkable is the tireless voluntary contribution of individual members to the association. Master Builders Association of Victoria is governed by members. Five sector committees covering residential housing, commercial, specialist contractors, manufacturing and regional builders meet regularly to provide leadership for the industry. The Board and Council – drawn from committee members – are the ultimate decisionmakers for the association. The work of those Master Builders in particular demonstrates their desire to influence and create a positive industry for the next generation of builders. After more than 140 years, the members of Master Builders continue to be leaders, innovators and collaborators. And for consumers, those Master Builders offer the support and partnership to deliver a quality home that meets or exceeds their expectations. Investing in a build or renovation can be a daunting prospect for any individual or family. With any building project there is a likelihood of complex project management, physical upheaval and navigating the rules of a highly complex industry. Selecting a skilled and appropriately qualified Master Builder offers peace of mind and allows for a collaborative working relationship. Conversely, not asking the right question at the outset before choosing a builder can easily lead to a difficult and unexpected costly outcome. That’s why the question “Is your builder a Master Builder?” remains as relevant and important today as it did 20 years ago.

Contact: Master Builders Marketing Department Phone: (03) 9411 4555


IS YOUR BUILDER A MASTER BUILDER? Master Builders are among the most skilled in the business. So save yourself the disappointment and ask the question before someone asks you.


Master Builder Victoria


Get the right coverage, advice and support.

Joe Keiper State Manager Victoria, MBAIS

When speaking with Master Builders members throughout Victoria, we still encounter builders who advise us that they arrange their insurance through another broker, or directly with an insurer, and often aren’t aware of the benefits of placing cover through MBA Insurance Services (MBAIS). The differences in cover found in construction insurance are substantial, but not widely known within the general insurance industry. While most members are open to MBAIS reviewing their program and providing quotes, it’s when we get into the detail about what hasn’t been covered, including real-life claims examples, that the benefits of using a specialist construction insurance broker are obvious. Unfortunately for some builders, they discover they have the wrong policy after they have an uninsured loss. In simple terms, the role of an insurance broker is to negotiate the best insurance contract for their client at the most competitive price. The insurance contract offers protection for your business and ultimately protects your livelihood and lifestyle. With construction insurance contracts having such a high degree of variation and complexity, it’s worth using a specialist construction insurance broker, rather than a general broker who places insurance across a wide range of industries and occupations. Within the building industry you have specialist trades – plumbers, electricians, carpenters, tilers, etc. The insurance

industry is no different. Would you have an electrician tile a bathroom or a bricklayer plumb a kitchen? While a capable tradesman might be able to cross over into another trade and do a reasonable job, would you bet your business on it being done right? Entrusting your business with a specialist construction insurance broker ensures you have the best possible coverage, expertise to handle claims and provide risk management advice and, of course, deliver competitive premiums. With over 50 staff nationally, and over 30 in Victoria, at MBAIS we regularly see claims in areas only covered through having the right insurance policy. We have developed our own exclusive policy wording, and also have access to specialist construction insurers who provide flexibility with coverage solutions. With our size and buying power, we can typically provide you with broader cover at more competitive premiums. Once the appropriate level of cover has been arranged, in the event of a large or complex loss, we involve Richard Grounds, MBAIS National Technical Manager. Richard is a qualified engineer, and is widely regarded as an industry expert within construction insurance for claims management. Having an in-house 30-plus-year veteran of construction

insurance on hand, who has worked on hundreds of complex large construction losses, and who knows construction inside and out, helps to ensure builders are better off with MBAIS. In addition to our own technical expertise, in the event of a large claim, we frequently utilise relevant MBA services like legal, OHS, and industrial relations, which helps MBAIS deliver seamlessly the best possible claims outcomes for our builders. While service and relationships are important in business, when things go wrong, you need to be confident you are backed by the right insurance protection, risk management, and support. Otherwise you are putting your business at risk. MBAIS can review your current program free of charge, and provide you with specific detail on any gaps in coverage for you to consider. As a specialist construction insurance brokerage, with genuine claims expertise and access to MBA services, builders are better off with MBAIS. We’ve got you covered. Questions? Call us on 1800 150 888.

Contact: MBAIS Phone: 1800 150 888

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Master Builder Victoria


Members should challenge WorkSafe notices

John Darcy Head of OHS

The OHS Unit recently assisted a member with advice about an Improvement Notice issued by a WorkSafe inspector which, if complied with, potentially established a dangerous precedent for the member, which could have added tens of thousands of dollars to the cost of his current, and future, projects. Complying with the notice placed the member in a situation in which he would need to ensure that he applied the same safety measure on all of his future projects, when he could have argued convincingly that he already had in place a system of work that more than adequately addressed the risks. When WorkSafe inspectors issue Improvement Notices or Prohibition Notices they are obliged to inform the duty holder of their right to apply for a review of the notice by the Internal Review Unit of WorkSafe. Time and again we see members, when presented with the option to contest the notice (i.e. to have it reviewed), deciding to take the path of least resistance and choosing to simply comply. Some members make this decision based on an irrational fear of upsetting the inspector, or deciding that it is not worth the time and effort.

safety legislation and dangerous goods legislation and equipment (public safety) legislation, an eligible person can ask WorkSafe to review a range of decisions made by its inspectors. Internal review of such decisions is a pre-requisite to seeking an external review (i.e. through VCAT). Internal review is also intended to improve WorkSafe's decision making processes and provide stakeholders with greater confidence in its decisions.

itself but, in the event of an accident, or where WorkSafe decides to look at the safety history of an employer, the past history of notices can be used by WorkSafe as evidence of the employer’s past safety performance. In these instances, the question as to whether the past notices should have been issued to other duty holders will be irrelevant.

The Internal Review Officers (IROs) who deal with review applications are senior officers within WorkSafe, and while they will have regard to operational policies issued by WorkSafe, their decision making is not dictated by or confined to such policies.

Members should also give strong consideration to applying for internal review when notices are issued following an incident. Compliance with a notice may point to a tacit admission of failure to provide a safe workplace. In these instances, legal advice from a practitioner of OHS law is strongly recommended.

ON AN INTERNAL REVIEW, AN IRO MAY: • affirm the original decision; or • vary the original decision; or • set aside the original decision and substitute another decision that the IRO considers appropriate.

The Master Builders OHS Unit assists members with visits from WorkSafe inspectors and advice in relation to compliance with notices. The OHS Unit can also assist members with advice and preparation of their applications for internal review.

The most common application for internal review is for extensions of time to comply with inspectors’ notices.

Members with concerns about notices can contact the OHS Unit.

Master Builders strongly recommends that members should seek internal review on notices issued to them that rightfully should have been issued to another duty holder (e.g. to their subcontractor).

In taking this course of action these members not only cost themselves time and money but may also unwittingly be increasing the risk of OHS prosecution, particularly following a workplace accident.

The WorkSafe TV advertisements that send the message “if your workplace isn’t safe, you’re not either” unfortunately misrepresent the constructive approach that WorkSafe takes in helping employers to make their workplaces safer. WorkSafe prohibition notices and improvement notices are issued to address non-compliance with a duty under the OHS Act or Regulations.

Under Victorian workers compensation legislation, occupational health and

Receiving a WorkSafe improvement and prohibition notice is not a black mark in

Contact: OHS Unit Phone: (03) 9411 4569

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Master Builder Victoria


Dr. Phil Alviano takes the lectern at the 2nd Annual Modular Construction and Prefabrication Conference ANZ


Dr Philip Alviano Sustainability Advisor

Approximately 200 people attended, coming from a wide variety of industry backgrounds—designers, structural and mechanical engineers, government policy makers and builders big and small. Master Builders Association of Victoria was the industry knowledge collaborator for the conference and Dr Philip Alviano presented on ‘Upskilling a traditional workforce for prefabricated construction’. The conference opened with a keynote address by Amy Kulka-Marks, President and owner of XSite Modular and a member of the Modular Building Institute. Amy also acted as the conference chair. Her presentation discussed the various benefits of modular construction, a hallmark of which is increased productivity through decreased waste of materials and time.

This is achieved partly by making the process easier by using materials that reduce waste and time onsite, require less drying or curing time and less overall handling and management. Examples of these are the increased use of bathroom pods manufactured offsite, and of taking a systems-oriented approach that looks at a building as a series of repeatable elements, such as walls, mechanicals, rooms and bathrooms. Ms Kulka-Marks also presented evidence to show that projects built through modular construction were two-to-three times more likely to finish on time and within budget than nonmodular projects. Collaboration among stakeholders was also a key part of the process, requiring that they be brought together right from the beginning of

Master Builder Victoria



the project. Challenges to the uptake of modular construction included stakeholders’ “tunnel vision”(being unaccustomed to consideration of alternative processes), project-allocated resources, myopic decision-making criteria, short-sighted incentives and flawed ROI calculations. Current financial systems and insurance processes need to change, she stressed, as well as contracts. Materials suppliers also needed to step up to improve quality control and develop a supply chain to match that of the automotive industry. The conference highlights included several other presentations. Dr Tuan Ngo, from the University of Melbourne and the ARC Centre for Advanced Manufacturing of Prefabricated Housing, described research programs they were involved in that would improve the take-up of offsite manufacturing in Australia.

These included Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA), advanced building systems and assembly techniques, high-performance materials (lightweight, durable, fire resistant, affordable, sustainable), supply chain and financing innovation. Angus McFarlane, a structural engineer with Laing O’Rourke, discussed the increased productivity and quality deliverable through DfMA, with Laing O'Rourke targeting an overall 70 per cent onsite reduction time. He also discussed a current project developing a model code for modular construction which aims to formalise guidelines for designers and reduce risk for financiers. Nick Hewson, Technical Manager for XLam Australia, spoke about the latest developments using cross-laminated timber panels (CLT). The 18-storey Brock Commons building in Vancouver, BC will be the tallest mass-wood building

in the world when completed in JulyAugust 2017. While an 80-storey tower has been announced for London, he believes that CLT works best in buildings of 10 to 15 storeys, because they require no additional support mechanisms or structures. Strongbuild is constructing 101 units at MacArthur Gardens in Campbelltown, NSW and Lend Lease is using CLT to construct a feature building at Barangaroo. Mr Hewson discussed the growing evidence that timber buildings are cheaper to build and that they particularly suit five to 15-storey buildings, taller if hybrid, that have a consistent structural wall layout, are on poor soil or over rail lines.

Contact: Master Builders Green Living Phone: (03) 9411 4555


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Master Builder Victoria


Navigating through a complicated lending environment my business is very profitable and I need more money to facilitate growth and expansion?”

Harry Pontikis Manager, MBA Financial Services

This year seems to be rife with contradictions, changes and misinformation regarding the lending environment for businesses and the self-employed. I will attempt to clarify some of the pitfalls when dealing with banks, but will implore you never to deal directly with them due to the conflicting outcomes banks and borrowers have. That is, seldom does a good outcome for the bank also mean a good outcome for the consumer. A common question is: “Why did the bank reject my application when

Banks may change their perspective on your application according to factors that have little to do with you. For example, at the time of writing this article two major banks had reached their investment loan threshold so could not accept any more investment loans. They also introduced massive interest rate rises for their existing investment loan customers to motivate them to leave. Therefore, if you approached these banks and your application fit into this definition, you could pretty much be assured of a rejection. If your application fits into the ‘consumer’ field due to a multitude of factors, including the borrower being a person rather than a company, the assessment of the loan and the criteria it would need to meet would be

significantly more stringent than if a non-consumer were the borrower and the loan was for business purposes. This is due to the NCCP legislation that was enacted a few years ago to protect consumers against making silly lending decisions. Rather than going through all the factors beyond your control which may have contributed to your loan being declined, I will outline some things that are within your control to positively influence your application.

Contact: Master Builders Financial Services Phone: 1300 137 539

Master Builder Victoria



KNOW YOUR CREDIT SCORE Many borrowers may not realise the importance of a credit score. Not only is it taken as a reflection of your ability to make repayments, it also highlights your financial history, which is why understanding what it is and how it can be improved can be vital. Your Master Builders Finance Broker can bring any blemishes to your attention and work with you to mitigate any perceived risks to the lender before the application is submitted. Otherwise, once the bank picks up the blemish, the loan will be declined.

LACK OF PLANNING Understanding the assessment criteria and having a well-prepared application increases your chance of approval. The key things to be aware of when it comes to your application are a healthy debt to income ratio, existing business assets and a justified cash flow position. This ensures that the lender has a full picture of what has happened and what the future forecasts are. Aside from providing these financial statements and forecasts, be prepared to discuss the purpose of the finance and how the business will service the loan. Business owners need to articulate how they are going to use the capital and demonstrate how this will benefit the growth and long term viability of the business.

BAD STRATEGY Longevity in a business is what lenders want to see and, in order to showcase that, a good strategy supported by financial statements must be in place, and those statements should be geared towards demonstrating strong earnings. Many businesses are focused on minimising taxes and not maximising earnings which may bring tax advantages but can have a negative impact when it comes to applying for a loan.

NOT HAVING THE RIGHT ADVICE Surrounding yourself with industry experts can provide you with a solid understanding of what needs to be included in your application, and a good equipment and commercial finance broker can match you with the right loan product. This can be instead of struggling to secure a line of credit, overdraft or another less appropriate loan.

Please note: The information in this article is general in nature and not to be considered specific advice. Chocolate Money t/a Master Builders Financial Services Australian Credit License 387277 P: 1300 137 539



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Master Builder Victoria



Start your SWMS training with Master Builders

Katie Tunnah Logistics Team Manager

Did you know that you can receive training in the preparation of Safe Work Method Statements from Master Builders? We have published many articles stressing the importance of Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) as a central part of a worksite’s occupational health and safety system. “It’s imperative for builders and contractors to request SWMS from their subtrades to demonstrate how they will provide a safe system of work on site,” Master Builders Head of Health and Safety John Darcy said. “Furthermore, they can be a critical piece of evidence for builders and contractors in the case of an accident.”

SAFE WORK METHOD STATEMENT (SWMS) WORKSHOPS A Safe Work Method Statement is critical for high-risk construction work. If you don’t have one, you may be lacking an important piece of paperwork the absence of which could potentially be putting your worksite and employees at risk. Employers have a duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007 to prepare a SWMS for any high-risk construction work. A SWMS is a form of risk assessment used in the construction industry to identify hazards and control them. To help you prepare these necessary documents, Master Builders runs a fourhour SWMS workshop in which you will learn how to: • Break down your activities into sequential steps • Identify hazards associated with each step • Assess the level of risk associated with these hazards

• Apply the risk control hierarchy to nominate control measures • Monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures. Don’t risk it – book into a SWMS Workshop by calling (03) 9411 4555 or email Master Builders also makes available a number of sample Safe Work Method Statement available to download from the Master Builders website.

Contact: Master Builders Training Department Phone: (03) 9411 4555








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Master Builder Victoria



Chris knows that every visit counts

Chris from Case Study Construction

Chris from Case Study Construction had been a member of Master Builders for more than fifteen years and regularly visited the head office at East Melbourne to replenish his supply of contracts and OHS resources. Chris could remember walking into the building when he first became a member. The offices had a 1970’s décor and there was a building display centre located on the ground floor. The main reception area was, oddly, located on the fourth floor. The building had since gone through some changes with a major refurbishment in 2006. On his most recent visit, Chris reflected on the one constant across his many visits to East Melbourne. There was one person who was almost always the first port of call when he visited the association; a person who had not only had a strong knowledge the services and offerings of Master Builders, but also knew which person to call upon from upstairs to help Chris with his legal, OHS, industrial relations, membership or training inquiries. He knew her as Heather and, given her station at the front desk, and with more than fifteen years of service, it would be hard to argue that anyone else had said hello to more members than she, and always with a smile. Over the years, Heather had come to recognise many of the faces, and knew many members not only by their first name but also by their membership number. On this particular visit, Chris wanted to kill two birds with one stone and hoped to get some OHS advice about traffic

management on one of his upcoming projects whilst getting some contracts at the same time.

he came to the East Melbourne office, and that always started the moment he set foot inside the door.

While Chris selected the contracts he needed, Heather asked an OHS team member to come down to assist Chris with his safety inquiry, and then helped Chris to collect his contracts and process his payment.

As he reached for his car keys, he reflected that there weren’t many places he’d ever visited where he felt so taken care of, and that he was glad Master Builders recognised that their members deserved every bit of attention they received. It made him feel good about keeping his membership status up to date.

Chris was always impressed with the service and support he received when

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Master Builder Victoria



WARRNAMBOOL It’s been a very busy start to the new year here in Warrnambool, with many clients continuing through the traditional summer lull (perhaps catching up after our record breaking wet winter!). Unfortunately, the new year also saw the departure of our building inspector, Steve Board. Steve found that juggling his work/life commitments was becoming too hectic (Steve is also a registered builder who runs his own business), and unfortunately he wasn’t able to commit to his regular two days a week. He will, however, still be available for contract inspections, but just not for next few months. In the meantime, Ian Welch will be carrying out all building inspections that had been scheduled for Steve. We are pleased to introduce Nick Hollingsworth as a new staff member in Warrnambool. Nick commenced with Building Services in late February and works three half-days a week, Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Nick’s role will be predominantly in the office, where he will assist Ian with the day-to-day running of the office and building permit processing. He will also be mentored and trained into the role of a cadet building surveyor, with the intention of furthering his studies and completing his building surveying qualifications. Nick Hollingsworth

BENDIGO The Bendigo office continues to develop as the Master Builders brand grows through our region. The office is attracting new clients monthly, which is crucial for our ongoing development. The Bendigo Hospital has now opened and continues to support the local industries, including building and construction. Last September, the Bendigo section held its annual Charity Golf Day. Again, the day was a wonderful success with proceeds going to HALT, SOAR and the Becky Johns Foundation. All three

charities support the local building industry, particularly in the area of mental health, and is provided for those in need from the apprentice level all the way through to experienced tradies. We presented a total of $14,000 to the three organisations at our February section meeting. A huge thank you to the organising committee for the hours of work required to ensure this event is successful. We offer special thanks also to Brendan Westley, who gives generously of his time to support our event.

Bendigo golf teams

Brendan Westley and Tony Johnson present a cheque to Jeremy Forbes on behalf of HALT

Brendan Westley and Tony Johnson present a cheque to Amanda Parker on behalf of SOAR


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Master Builder Victoria



2017 Strategy Workshop and Apprentice of the Year Awards

2017 Strategy Workshop guest speaker, Sean Morley, CEO, Impresa House

Victorian Skills Commissioner, Neil Coulson, addresses guests at the 2017 Strategy Workshop

Dylan Alcott OAM, paralympian and wheelchair tennis player

Apprentice Xavier Pearce and David Healy, Assistant Sales Manager , Steel Blue, at the Bendigo Apprentice of the Year Awards

Paralympian and wheelchair tennis player Dylan Alcott chats with guests at the 2017 Strategy Workshop

Apprentices with friends at the Ballarat Apprentice of the Year Awards

Nick Sterritt, Business Development Manager, FXD and Dom Butera, Head of Membership, Master Builders at the Ballarat Apprentice of the Year Awards

Burgers all round at the Bendigo Apprentice of the Year Awards

Jim Johnstone, Incolink, Industry Relationship Representative, and Cody Graske, apprentice at the Gippsland Apprentice of the Year Awards






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Master Builder Victoria



Larkin and Drought Homes • HOUSING MEMBER SINCE 2005 • SPECIALISING IN CUSTOM HOMES AND RENOVATIONS IN THE GEELONG REGION • MULTIPLE AWARD WINNERS Geelong-based home builders Drew Larkin and Craig Drought are a successful and increasingly powerful package. When the pair first teamed up in 2006 to form Larkin and Drought Homes they had a vision to build quality custom homes. In ten short years not only have they garnered numerous awards, including Young Master Builder of the Year in 2013 (Drew Larkin) and most recently National Master Builder of the Year (Best Custom Home $500-$1M), they have also appeared on a season of television’s ‘The Block’ and worked on some of Geelong’s most beautiful homes and renovations. Much of their success comes from staying true to the mantra ‘quality, reliability and passion’. These words appear on the homepage of their website, along with the promise “whether it’s a new custom architecturally designed home, an extension or renovation, our promise is that we will bring your dream to life, and make the whole process as easy and rewarding as it should be.” Despite now employing four full time staff and eight contractors, the duo is still ‘on tools’ and say that their Master Builders membership is an important part of their success. They credit winning the awards and the reputation of the Master Builders brand with the positive exposure and subsequent business they have received. “Winning the awards is the best advertising that you can do because you’re recognised, and you’ve put yourself out there to be scrutinised by a professional,” Drew said. “We haven’t won everything that we’ve put in,” adds Drew, “but we’ve always got good feedback even on the ones we haven’t won, and then been able to improve and better ourselves.”

The team first entered the awards in 2010, and have entered most years since. Besides Drew Larkin being named Young Builder of the Year in 2013, and the company winning this year’s Best Custom Home category ($500-$1M) at both the state and national level, they also won the Best Sustainable Home category in 2016 for their Fairhaven project. They agree that this is the project they are most proud of. Larkin and Drought make full use of the marketing opportunities that come along with winning awards and say it is a core part of their business strategy. Their website is adorned with Master Builders and Green Living branding and mentions of their awards, something that Drew’s wife Emily, has contributed to designing and composing. “One of the main things is the marketing that Master Builders does that comes back around for us,” Drew explains. “Radio advertising, having the logo on our website and then having the awards that we’ve won. If it comes down to two or three builders quoting for a job, and there’s not much in it at the end, that could be the difference for why we get it,” he said. “We use the Master Builders logo on all of our clothing and signage. It’s a very powerful brand,” says Craig Drought.

The business partners also try to make it to as many Master Builders Trade Nights as possible, saying that they always walk away having learned something. “If we walk away knowing a couple of things that we didn’t know previously, whether it be OHS updates or legislation updates, then that’s worth it. And to talk to other builders about how they’re going, and to do a bit of networking,” adds Craig. Along with using Master Builders logos on their signage, website and clothing, the pair also use Master Builders contracts. “We log on and buy whatever we need online and then we’ve got them to use whenever we want,” Drew says. “It’s good to use them because they are Master Builders contracts and clients feel comfortable seeing the name, it just comes with a reliable reputation.” Outside of their busy work schedule, both men enjoy surfing to wind down and watching their beloved Geelong Cats.

Contact: Larkin and Drought Homes Drew Larkin Phone: 0409 543 439 Craig Drought Phone: 0414 532 378


Master Builder Victoria


Tilling Timber • MM&S MEMBER • TILLING TIMBER IS AUSTRALIA’S LEADING ENGINEERED WOOD PRODUCTS WHOLESALER. Our focus is developing and providing cost effective framing and sub-floor solutions for the residential, multi-site and light commercial construction industries. Each of the sales and distribution centres across Australia are manned by a team of experienced professionals, with extensive experience across all aspects of building, frame and truss. The head office and design centre is located in Melbourne, with sales and distribution facilities in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. Established over 50 years ago, Tilling Timber is a long-term business, and we intend to continue delivering value for the next 50 years and beyond. Our range of proprietary engineered wood products (EWP) includes Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL), I-Joist and glue-laminated beams. Only Tilling’s SmartLVL is rated to E15, and provides equivalent-or-better span ratings than F17 hardwood material. Tilling’s SmartJoist has the best single span capability of all I-joist offerings in the Australian market, and we operate a fully automated cutting system to provide pre-cut penetrations. We are also the licensee of TecBeam® - a unique, patent protected, innovative lightweight steel and timber composite structural beam. Our floor systems have all the benefits of other leading systems – including holes for services and plumbing – at lower cost. Tilling also manufactures a range of architecturally inspired solid timber cladding and lining boards. Our exterior range uses the highly durable western red cedar species exclusively, and includes cladding profiles, weatherboard, shingles, shakes and dressed all round boards. Our internal lining board range includes contemporary profiles in western red cedar and Tasmanian oak species. We even offer prefinished end-matched lining boards, to provide no-mess, no-fuss installation.

As a wholesale supplier, we have enduring relationships with a wide range of timber merchants across mainland Australia and Tasmania. Builders can secure Tilling Timber products through their preferred timber trade merchant. Although we are a wholesaler, the heart of what we offer is service. Anyone can use our comprehensive smart phone application to locate stores and quickly access span tables, even when offline. The app also includes a SmartFrame Calculator which allows users to input structural requirements, view models and generate a documented result anywhere and anytime. Our SmartFrame Design Centre team is made up of engineers, building designers and administrative support staff, all working together to provide an integrated solution for your project requirements. This dedicated team provides crucial services including design and take off solutions from building plans, certification of engineering designs to relevant state building acts and regulations, and structured training programs on our SmartFrame software (Approved Vic Building Commission CPD provider). The Design Centre also operates a dedicated toll free engineering support line for customers to access full engineering support on all SmartFrame

EWP. We have the people, capabilities and resources to supply value for money solutions to your building requirements. Tilling recently participated in a Master Builders Trade Night, and we were so impressed we have signed up for another two in 2017! We found these events to be very professionally organised and well attended, with excellent keynote speakers on topics relevant to builders. The response to our three-minute presentation to audience members during the structured walk around of stands was very positive, and we enjoyed a lot of feedback after the end of official proceedings. The event allowed us to talk directly with builders, and answer any questions they had there and then. For support and services, builders can ring our dedicated toll-free engineering support line on 1300 668 690. For free floor system designs, builders can send their plans and engineering through to

Contact: Head office Melbourne: (03) 9725 0222 Sydney: (02) 9677 2600 Brisbane: (07) 3440 5400 Perth: (08) 9399 1609 Adelaide: (08) 8345 1966

Master Builder Victoria



Master Builders tools help manage project milestones to complete your contracts electronically and print them, ready for signing. Our team will talk you through the process to get started, and once you’ve used eContracts we are certain you won’t miss the old way of doing things.

These resources help clients put together their own maintenance plan for their home and demonstrate to clients that they now have a responsibility for keeping their home (and your work) in the best possible condition.

Once your project is at the handover stage, our Handover Kit will help you with several useful resources, including: • Notes to explain the handover stage and pre-handover inspection – invaluable for your clients and a handy refresher for you; • A pre-handover checklist – simple format, with defined spaces for you and your client to sign; and Reference materials: – A guide to maintaining your new building project; – Timber Floors: Five tips you need to know; – Foundation Maintenance and Footing Performance: A Homeowner’s Guide; and – What you need to know about Termite Management.

The box file included in the kit allows you to customise your inclusions and add information specific to the project. It’s also a perfect opportunity for you to include marketing flyers about your business for your clients to share with friends.

Ingrid Mountford Membership Manager

Contract preparation and handover are two critical components of any project, and your successful management of these can contribute to a positive relationship with your client. Master Builders has developed tools to help you manage these stages in a professional and straightforward way. You no longer need to spend time filling in copies of contracts for yourself and your client by hand. There’s a much easier way that saves time, removes the risk of accidentally copying something incorrectly and delivers a professional image for your business. Master Builders eContracts allow you

Let Master Builders’ resources help you build a strong professional relationship with your client during these important project stages, and make the most of your Master Builders membership with great member savings.

Contact: Master Builders Phone: (03) 9411 4555 Website:


Master Builder Victoria



We appreciate that many members have continuous years of service that fall between these milestones and hope that you understand that we award certificates and plaques only for the milestones mentioned. If you are a long term member we thank you for your commitment and look forward to recognising your loyalty when you receive your next milestone certificate or plaque.



HC & RP Babarikas Pomeroy Pacific Pty Ltd

Auskon Pty Ltd C & S Mega Constructions Pty Ltd Farnham Developments Pty Ltd Hartley Building Co Jason Wescott Builder Pty Ltd Jenin Developments Pty Ltd M G Developers Pty Ltd Majestik Kitchens Peter Smith Primoconstruct Pro Pin Shustin Developments Pty Ltd Silverline Homes Pty Ltd Star Ceilings & Partitions Pty Ltd Sunshine Joinery (Vic) Pty Ltd Team Building Residential Pty Ltd Thompson Ceilings Pty Ltd

30 YEAR PLAQUE Gazelle Construction Pty Ltd Kinvale Gardens Investments Pty Ltd Mike Smith-Building Consultant Roscon Group of Companies Staff Building & Contracting Pty Ltd Stylecraft Builders

25 YEAR CERTIFICATE A R & B J Burrowes Bill Jacobs Pty Ltd Charlie Hartup Easton.Co European Window Co Pty Ltd Executive Maintenance Pty Ltd Fairbrother Pty Ltd Frasers Property Limited Hedger Constructions Pty Ltd Macrobuild Pty Ltd Matthew Eyton Farnsworth P Stasinowsky & P J Darling Pannell Constructions Pty Ltd Probuild Constructions (Aust) Pty Ltd Sam Saad Vallianatos Nominees Pty Ltd Vincent Colosimo

20 YEAR CERTIFICATE Carron Concrete Services Pty Ltd Chick Constructions Pty Ltd Croce Builders Pty Ltd Enviroline Galligan Builders GMA Design & Construct Pty Ltd Hille's Home Extensions Justzo Enterprises Pty Ltd Lynford Pty Ltd M G S Constructions Modern Roof Restoration (Vic) Pty Ltd Paul L Wade Precise Constructions & Designs Robert Pringle SRG Limited

10 YEAR CERTIFICATE A D M Structures Pty Ltd AAW Pty Ltd Adricon Projects Pty Ltd Andrew McIntosh Burke Homes Cardo Constructions Pty Ltd Carlan Homes Pty Ltd Catanese Constructions CDLS Industries Pty Ltd CFC Enterprises Pty Ltd Corplex Pty Ltd Cosatt Homes Pty Ltd D & D Milne Dean Raymond Designline Builders Destin Constructions Pty Ltd DRC Concrete & Commercial Builders Pty Ltd Drocon Construction Eaglehawk Homes Edgebuild Pty Ltd Elegant Living Projects Pty Ltd Entice Builders Erma Group Pty Ltd Footprint Builders Pty Ltd GTN Constructions Pty Ltd H & J C Weimann Pty Ltd IB Homes

Kingcraft Architectural Builders Lentini & Sons Pty Ltd Linsey Creative Constructions Pty Ltd Modify The Manor Morgan Development Group Norton Homes Pty Ltd Oldham Naidoo Lawyers Pty Ltd Paragon Commercial Interiors Pty Ltd Paul Smith Riotto Developments Pty Ltd Robert Campana Rock Bar Pty Ltd Sapphire Sky Homes Simon Homes Corporation Pty Ltd Stanislaw Posmyk Stewart Thomson Sunbury Roofing Pty Ltd Tatura Building & Renovations Pty Ltd The Makeover Group Australia Pty Ltd Van Zanten & Sons Masterbuilt Homes

Master Builder Victoria




ASSOCIATE ArchiFlavor Zonne Developments Pty Ltd

GENERAL CONTRACTOR Bamman Building Pty Ltd DPS Enterprises Pty Ltd Kingdom Constructions Group Pty Ltd Kypros Enterprises Pty Ltd Pirotta Services Commercial Pty Ltd

GENERAL CONTRACTOR PROVISIONAL Milne Construction Australia Pty Ltd Studio MK Pty Ltd

HOUSING A1A Homes Broden Contractors Element Five Pty Ltd Haven Homes & Garden Villas Pty Ltd Kagecorp Pty Ltd Mattador Building & Construction Pty Ltd Matthew Johnson Carpentry Mayrom Holding Pty Ltd MD & VM Carter Builders Michael Bolt New Directions Building Group Pty Ltd Paragon Building Group Pty Ltd Shiny Building Group Pty Ltd Vina Construction

HOUSING PROVISIONAL Alkemade Building & Construction Pty Ltd Ange Sarrazin Tiling Services APS Building Co. Arie Daniels Barefoot Construction Baz Rahimi BM Built BRW Building Solutions Bryan Elliott Bucknall Constructions Danricht Construction Gamma Constructions Pty Ltd Guangning Zhang Morshead Carpentry MPR Building & Carpentry Pty Ltd

Nathan Murfett Nick Dunn Carpentry PJack Constructions Robert Gilson Robert Smith Royal Builders Scott Muir Carpentry Thorne Home Renovations Timber Impression Timothy Heinz Trave Newman Carpentry WR Building Services

HOUSING SUB-CONTRACTOR AMD Constructions Pty Ltd Andrew Schilg Architectural Pools Melbourne Boccer Australia Brenton Lawrence Jaycon Carpentry Leatherwood Building Company Lena Bruno Patrick Wilson Procat Kitchens Revamp Carpentry SJM Installations Timber Decking Now Group Pty Ltd Y & L Professional Painting Pty Ltd

MATERIALS, MANUFACTURING & SUPPLY JTA Health, Safety & Noise Specialists Pty Ltd MCS Corporation Australia Pty Ltd Override Photo

SPECIALIST CONTRACTOR Beton (Vic) Pty Ltd BLD Panels Designer Coolrooms Pty Ltd ECG Constructions Pty Ltd MPR Specialists Notion Building Group Radius Steel Construction Pty Ltd S & R Formwork Pty Ltd Stanmor Ceramics Contracting Pty Ltd Trident Concrete Construction Pty Ltd Valley Group Construction Services Pty Ltd Visara Bandara

STUDENT Arpit Sethi Matthew Maguire Nicholas Karalis Sarah Furniss Simon Do Thomas Kiesewetter

A UTE IS A UTE, RIGHT? Wheels, motor, seats, they’re all the same, aren’t they? If you walk into two dealerships and ask for a ‘ute’ would you take the cheapest one? Or would you compare the tray, fuel type, transmission, air-conditioning, warranty, capped priced servicing, build quality? Without all the specifications, you aren’t able to make an informed decision about which ute represents the best value.

Construction insurance is no different. It has conditions, exclusions, clauses and definitions and these can be significantly different from one insurer to the next. We can help you get the best value for money because we are the construction insurance specialists.

Our business is built on advice.

Joe Keiper

Victorian State Manager MBA Insurance Services

profits nce broker delivering ra su in ly on e th is IS MBA dustry. ilding & construction in bu e th to ck ba y tl ec dir


Line up great savings with your Gold Fleet Discount Being a member of Master Builders Association unlocks Gold Fleet pricing on the Toyota range.1 You can save thousands on tough workhorses like the unbreakable HiLux or the indestructible LandCruiser 70 series. All HiLux models and LandCruiser 70 single cab variants come with the maximum 5-Star ANCAP Safety Rating and an impressive towing capacity of up to 3.5 tonnes.2 So you will have all the muscle you need to safely tackle any job.

To find out more visit your local Fleet Specialist Dealer or call 1800 444 847

TFM1960 MBA-VIC/WA 01/17

1. Excluding Special Edition models. 2. Towing capacity is subject to regulatory requirements, towbar and vehicle design, and towing equipment limitations.eet


Master Builders Association membership details required to redeem Gold Fleet Discounts.


Master Builder Victoria



EOFY STUFF YOU SHOULD BE THINKING ABOUT NOW The end of the day, the end of the week, the end of the month, the end of the quarter, or even the end of the year. All are among the prime times to get a deal on your next new vehicle, though one of the greatest opportunities for an automotive bargain continues to present itself in the months of May and June. As the End of Financial Year (EOFY) approaches, whether you’re a small-business owner or an employee, now is the time to be thinking about your vehicle, and how to make the most of it at tax-time. FOR INDIVIDUALS Claiming business use of your vehicle: If you’re an individual lodging a tax return (as opposed to a business), the EOFY is the time to look at your motoring expenses from the year, and what can be claimed as deductions in your tax return. For any motoring expense to be eligible to be claimed, the vehicle must be used, at least partially, for business or work-related activity. So how do you claim a deduction for the business-use of your vehicle? You have a choice of two methods to calculate work-related car expenses.

1. Cents per kilometre method Multiplying the number of work-related kilometres per annum by an allowance of 66 cents per kilometre up to a distance of 5,000km. 2. Logbook method Keeping a detailed travel logbook for 12 weeks (of both business and non-business usage) including car odometer readings, travel times, kilometres travelled and the reason for each journey. From this logbook, you will nominate what percentage of car use is for work purposes. From this percentage you can then claim your total car expenses as a deduction to reduce your taxable income. Make sure you keep all records and receipts of your motoring expenses throughout the year. FOR BUSINESSES Take advantage of the $20k Instant Asset Write-Off: It’s been two years now since the government announced its short-term increase to the instant asset write-off threshold, up from $1,000 to $20,000. What can be included? Work vehicles, machinery, tools and any other asset that has a limited effective life.

Master Builder Victoria



So what does this mean for your business? The $20k write-off is available to all small businesses with an annual turnover of less than $10 million. Set to end on July 1, 2017, every asset purchased only needs to be ‘in use’ for one day of the financial year in order to be claimed. Any asset you buy and use before June 30 this year will be eligible to be claimed. The accelerated depreciation measure applies to all asset purchases up to the value of $20,000 for businesses that have annual revenue of up to $10 million. The scheme, which allows businesses to immediately write-off the full value of the asset, can be used multiple times and effectively reduces the amount of tax a business will pay on an asset faster. The write-off is also uncapped, meaning that there is no limit on the number of items you can claim, provided each individual item falls under the $20k limit and fits the criteria of an eligible asset. The purchase of Tools of Trade and other FBT exempt items for business owners and employees can be an effective way to buy equipment with a tax benefit. Items include handheld/ portable tools of trade, computer software, notebook computers, personal electronic organisers, digital cameras, briefcases, protective clothing, and mobile phones. Obviously, the items you claim must be directly related to how your business produces income (it’s unlikely a bakery could claim equipment such as power tools that would be used by a tradesman). If the asset is worth more than $20k, you will need to use the standard depreciation method appropriate for that asset per the ATO’s guidelines. This means that you can still claim the deduction, but over a number of years, as opposed to being able to claim it all back in the one financial year, and have that money on hand to help the business grow.

l a S

FOR BOTH INDIVIDUALS & BUSINESSES Take advantage of the End of Financial Year sales The weeks leading up to the EOFY are a great time to buy a new car. Dealers are keen to move their stock to meet annual sales targets and clear old stock before the new financial year begins. There will be a lot of promotions and discounts in the EOFY sales, so go prepared with pre-approved finance so you can take advantage of them. You can make a good deal great by taking into account your future plans for the car and save on the overall cost of your loan. Whether you choose to add in a balloon payment to pay at the end of your lease or loan, or avoid charges like early-exit fees – to ensure you get the best overall deal in the long-run, look at more than just the lowest rate per month. By making the most of dealer sales and government initiatives, the EOFY can be a good time to get a great deal on buying a new or used vehicle. For further information contact a stratton consultant to find out how they can help you make the most of tax time, but hurry June 30 will be here before you know it!

HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR TAX BILL With the $20k write-off, small businesses have more money in their pocket to expand and grow.

In the example outlined in the table, right, with the tax rate now at 28.5% for small businesses, our plumber will get back $5,697 from the $19,990 spent. Without the write-off he would only get back $854 this year, and have to depreciate the asset again next year.

$20k Asset Write-Off Cash Back Amount

For example: A plumber runs his own business, and purchases a second-hand Toyota Hilux for $19,990 for the company. With the $20k write-off now in effect, the plumber can claim the full purchase price of the car as a deduction in this year’s tax return, rather than just the amount the car can be depreciated in the first year


$6000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $5000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $4000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $3000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $5,697 $2000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $1000 �������������������������������������������������������������� $854 $0 �������������������������������������������������������������� With write-off year one

Without write-off year one

Disclaimer: Please note that you should always refer to your accountant or a registered tax agent before taking out finance; this advice is general advice only as we are not aware of your personal circumstances. While we make every attempt to give you the best possible product information, stratton, its agents, employees and accredited lenders will accept no responsibility for any loss that may arise.

Building Australia Conference 2017


Hobart, Tasmania

November 2017



Invitation You’re invited to join Master Builders from around Australia to be part of the most exciting and rewarding building Industry Event in 2017! The Master Builders National Conference will be held at the recently restored heritage Princes Wharf I – a first class multi-purpose function venue in the centre of the Salamanca district in Hobart. The conference will deliver a rewarding experience for members and an opportunity to explore the iconic tourist destination of Tasmania. I look forward to welcoming members and their partners from across Australia. Dan Perkins National President Master Builders Australia

it’s serious business... The National Conference ‘Building Australia’ focuses on leadership, innovation and visionaries, assisting members in making informed decisions on future trends, business growth and innovation whilst developing and maintaining strong leadership attributes within their business ethos.

it’s rewarding... The program has been designed to provide learning and networking opportunities which will give your business the edge in an ever-changing industry. An interactive exhibition will showcase the latest building products and services.







it’s fun... You will enjoy the exciting social program for delegates and their partners which includes a special conference dinner at the world famous MONA and the 2017 National Excellence in Building and Construction Awards.

the possibilities are endless! Discover Tasmania, Master Builders has negotiated special rates for pre and post-conference tours. Extend your stay and enjoy the scenic and culinary delights of Tasmania.

For more information and to register your interest go to:

Images courtesy: MONA, Kathryn Leahy and Alastair Bett


Master Builder Victoria



Trafic’s six-pack is a builder’s delight BUILDERS WHO RUN THEIR OWN BUSINESS KNOW HOW TO DO TWO THINGS AT ONCE, JUST LIKE THE NEW TRAFIC CREW. The Renault Trafic van range has added a new 6-seater sibling in the form of the Trafic Crew. It adds a factory-fitted second row of three seats, complete with generous head, shoulder and legroom, so the boys in the back don’t get too close for comfort on the drive to the job. Behind the fully enclosed bulkhead with integrated window – which keeps the noise down and the cabin easy to cool, or heat – is a 4m3 load bay that’s almost square, and of course easily swallows an Aussie pallet between the wheel arches. Down the back the Trafic Crew will tote 1118kg of payload, tow 2-tonnes and cop plenty of gear or stock through the wideopening barn doors. In the passenger compartment there’s plenty of light from the two glazed sliding doors, with hardwearing, yet fashionable dark seat fabric on the seats. In the front row, you can choose between a two-person bench and driver’s seat or splash out on individual captain’s chairs for maximum comfort. The Crew is built on the long wheelbase van chassis with the twin turbo diesel engine that delivers a chunky 340Nm of torque and uses exactly the same small amount of fuel, 6.2-Litres per 100km on the combined cycle test as the van. So it’s cheap to run, and with an 80-litre tank you could easily get more than 1000km on a fill. Renault is offering three Crew versions; the standard Crew, that’s idea for tool-of-trade types, standard Crew with Premium Pack, which adds several nice to have features such as a heated driver’s seat, while Crew Lifestyle adds even more ‘Lux Living’ to Trafic driving, including automatic climate control, reclining rear seats, opening rear side windows, LED

interior lighting and large stereo speakers set into the rear roof lining. “Trafic Crew’s second row of seats is a fully engineered solution, with thoughtful touches designed to enhance the passenger experience,” says Lyndon Healey, Senior Model Line Manager for Renault LCV. “The rear row is spacious, quiet, smooth and more comfortable than a 4x4 Ute or any other half-baked crew van solution,” he says. “When you add Trafic’s inherent fun-to-drive characteristics, fuel efficiency and reduced running costs to the extra row of seats and features, plus the standard Renault Reassurance benefits common across the range, of long service intervals of up to 30,000km and our $349 capped price servicing offer for the first three scheduled services, it quickly becomes obvious that nothing measures up to Trafic Crew. “And don’t forget our standard threeyear/200,000km factory warranty, Renault Financial Services finance and insurance offers, and the extensive dealer network we have built over the past six years that make it so easy to take a test drive,” Lyndon says. Renault Trafic Crew adds just $3,500 to the price of a LWB van and so is offered from $42,990, with the Premium Pack at $45,480, and the Trafic Crew Lifestyle at $46,780 (all prices are Manufacturer’s List Price and do not include statutory charges or dealer delivery). “Trafic Crew really does give you the best of both worlds. It’s deal for people who combine being builders and business people, all at the same time,” Lyndon says. To find out more, or to locate your closest dealer for a test drive, visit


Master Builder Victoria



AUSTRALIA’S HIGH RISERS DRIVE AIR CONDITIONING INNOVATION TRENDS IN THE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY MARKET CONTINUE TO DRIVE INNOVATIONS IN THE AIR CONDITIONING INDUSTRY. A prime example is the increasing demand for more lightweight, compact and well-designed units that are better suited to high rise apartment living in Australia’s capital cities. Apartment living is a lifestyle choice for those who prefer the bigcity vibe and proximity to work, social and entertainment activities, not to mention the benefits of communal on-site facilities such as a gym, pool and concierge. Two thirds of Australians already live in capital cities, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and this ratio is set to trend towards urban as future generations flock to the main centres. ABS figures also show that by 2030 the most common dwelling units will be childless couples and single person households. This lifestyle shift has been accompanied by a preference for homes with high-end design that optimise limited space. “When it comes to apartments, bigger doesn’t always mean better,” according to Asher Judah, former Victorian acting executive director of the Property Council of Australia. “Good quality is all about how the space is used,” he said, adding that the majority of apartments built over the last decade have, for the most part, been of high quality. For suppliers this means ensuring products for this segment of the market are well designed. One company that has a distinct advantage over competitors when it comes to design for highdensity living is Daikin. The leading air conditioning manufacturer is one of the few businesses that has managed to stay ahead of the pack by releasing products specifically to meet the new residential dynamics.

Daikin’s national VRV manager Simon Langstaff said the company foresaw the growing preference for apartment living in Australia, and created products to suit out of its $550 million per year global research and development program. Its’ newest VRV IV S series is compact, lightweight and aesthetically pleasing, yet powerful - making it ideal for high-end apartments. In addition, the Daikin FXDQ compact series can actually fit in the bulkheads above built-in wardrobes and cupboards. “These bulkhead indoor units have a depth of just 450mm and height of only 200mm, which is ideal for drop ceilings and wardrobes,” Langstaff said. “They are compact enough to fit above the wardrobe and still allow for plenty of air flow behind the units.” Just last year Daikin released its entire VRV IV S series, offering an extended range of outdoor units from 9kW through to 24kW and the FXDQ compact bulkhead series specifically for high rise apartments, offering a range from 2.2kW to 7.1kW. An advantage that Daikin has over competitors is that the company can design and manufacture its residential ducted range right here in Sydney. “Another key differentiator that sets Daikin apart is that we can design each product range to meet the specific requirements of the market, and we can do it locally,” he said. “Most VRV units can now be connected to our residential range, so we can meet the demand for larger multi type product to be used in high end housing.”

For more information on Daikin products


THE NEXT GENERATION VRV IV-S SYSTEM FIRST LAUNCHED IN JAPAN IN 1982, THE DAIKIN VRV SYSTEM HAS BEEN EMBRACED BY WORLD MARKETS FOR OVER 30 YEARS. The slim compact design offers improved energy savings, comfort and can be connected to a range of domestic indoor units, with outdoor units measuring as low as 990mm in height* for ease of installation. VRV IV-S capacity ranges from 9kW to 24kW to meet an even wider variety of needs.

Find out more today. Visit or call us on 1300 368 300

*Applies to 9, 11.2 and 14kW models


Master Builder Victoria


Smart home automation trends Over the last decade there has been a lot of chatter about home automation, but only recently has smart home technology begun to gain momentum and mass appeal with Australian homeowners. While smart home technology used to be about big screens and flashy sound systems, it’s now all about convenience. Some of the most popular home automation solutions are small and easy to use, and whether you’re controlling your home, or streamlining your lifestyle, home automation can make day-to-day tasks more straight forward – so you can spend more time on things that really matter.

Master Builder Victoria



So what big trends can we expect for home automation in 2017 and where to next for the year to come?

Six trends 1.

for smart home technology for today and the future:

Smart appliances.

Smart appliances include lights, audio, entertainment, climate and more. With smart appliances you can dramatically alter the look and feel of any room with the push of a button. But control should be intuitive. With a friendly interface, touch screens are likely to solve this problem. They are becoming even more popular this year and include more options to customise your control. The rise of automated smart dishwashers, fridges and floor cleaners is also on the cards for 2017 with each of these products boasting additional control features, such as the ability to monitor and collect data as well as making automated decisions based on past experiences and programs.


Entertainment systems.

Home is about sharing experiences friends and family and thanks to automation it’s never been so easy to connect and entertain. Over the past 12 months we said goodbye to wiring and cables and hello to portable fun by ridding ourselves of cumbersome CDs and DVDs once and for all. Instead of wasting precious down time trying to find a favourite song or movie, entertainment collections where you can store your whole database of CDs and DVDs online have became widely available. One can now stream media from online libraries, letting you watch or listen to what you want, whenever you want. Thanks to automation you are also able to program the entertainment system (including the Blu-ray, video game console etc.) to go on mute or pause if the doorbell rings and even if loud music starts playing from another area of the house.



This is the year of ‘right here, right now’. Instead of waiting to control a system or product when you’re right in front of it, apps can be adopted that give you control at your convenience. Smart lighting means you can use an app on your smartphone or tablet to adjust lighting to suit your specific needs, even when you’re on the go. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on conditions such as occupancy or daylight availability. From outside the traditional lighting industry, the future success of lighting will require involvement of a number of stakeholders and stakeholder communities. The concept of smart lighting also involves utilising natural light from the sun to reduce the use of man-made lighting, and the simple concept of people turning off lighting when they leave a room. Smart applications also means it’s easier than ever to reduce your carbon footprint whether you’re at home or on holiday. By providing information about how much energy you’re using, smart technology makes it easy to make real time changes to your consumption. For example, the WiserLink energy monitoring system acts like a home energy coach, highlighting which family member is using the most energy. It also has the ability to send notifications and alerts when you’ve reached or exceeded your monthly energy targets, or suffered a power loss – so you can say goodbye to nasty power bill surprises.


Motion sensors and switwches.

Having a smart home doesn’t necessarily mean a complete revamp of your home electrical. Most homeowners don’t realise that it can be as easy as installing motion sensors, sunset switches, timers or dimmers. These automated products provide precise control over every day electrical items, without any additional input from homeowners. Over the next year we will see huge uptake in automatic sensors and switches, especially in outdoor areas where it can be difficult to find a physical switch.


Integration and scalability.

With more and more connected devices within the home, many of which are likely to be competing products and systems, integration and scalability will be a big focus during 2017. Bringing all these devices into the one interface will make life a lot easier, so look for systems that can offer connections between individual devices, or that offer an all-in-one solution. One example is PushControls that can be used as a single interface to control climate, blinds and energy management, plus much more. The integration of all home automation systems means that the control system can become your living room lifestyle partner that can synchronise and simplify home living with one button!


Weatherproof everything.

Technology is not only getting smarter but more resistant too. Ever wanted to listen to music in the shower or watch TV from the pool? Well now you will be able to with a more accessible range of outdoor, waterproof technology that offers a solution for every lifestyle and space. Materials like aluminium grilles will also be worth considering in the year to come as they provide greater resistance from steam and moisture, meaning you can have access to your favourite tunes even when entertaining outdoors. If you’re considering a new build, or renovating the outdoor area, consider access to power too. Having an outdoor power outlet can be a lifesaver when you’re planning outdoor entertainment. We can expect to see a huge uptake of bigger and better smart home automation in the year to come, with user-friendly integrated systems and convenience the major selling points.

Author bio:

Ben Green is the General Manager of PUSH by Schneider Electric. Specialising in smart device automation and developing easy to use technology, Ben has founded two Australian tech start-ups over the past 10 years. PUSH’s core focus is to enable end users the ability to control their home through a phone or tablet. Over the past five years PUSH has risen to become a market leader in Smart Home technology.



Master Builder Victoria




uilding site crime is already a major problem, but the bad news is that it is steadily increasing. Direct losses are costing the building trade tens of millions of dollars each year, while the hidden costs include the delays that theft can cause; having to wait for reordered materials to arrive can put a project back by many months, and this is far costlier than the replacement of stolen or vandalized equipment. Insurance companies don’t want to pay for these losses either. So they have to be covered by the main contractor. Traditional methods of securing building sites, like patrols and guards can be prohibitively expensive and they are only effective while there is a presence on site. Patrols in particular, are on site for very short periods of time each night, leaving sites mostly unprotected. Site crime obviously takes many forms; theft is only part of the problem. Short deliveries, contractors arriving late or leaving early, can also add substantial costs to a project.

Workday Security The Spectur system is a 24/7 solution. During the day the high-definition cameras record all activity, effectively providing a verifiable record of what has happened on site. If there is a dispute regarding a delivery or with a contractors hours, the recordings offer a “no quibble” record of events. In addition to the daytime recordings, one can use Spectur’s ‘Live Viewing’ capabilities to see what is happening on site in real time. Multiple cameras, on multiple sites can be linked to a single secure login so that the viewer can easily switch between cameras to see what is happening in real time. A quick browse through multiple cameras at the start of a workday will let you know immediately if key personal are on site without having the considerable expense of having to drive between sites to check physically.

Night Time Security

Time Lapse Recording

At night the system automatically switches to ‘Alarm’ mode. This is done from an automated schedule that Spectur will set up. Once the cameras are armed, it’s like having a full time security guard on site, but at the fraction of the cost.

In addition to the Spectur systems security features, there is also a powerful ‘Time Lapse’ function. This allows you to take HD images at a set interval that can be stored on secure Spectur servers for retrieval at any time. There is no storage limit and years’ worth of images can be stored safely.

Spectur cameras use their own sophisticated algorithms running through powerful internal computers to detect specific types of motion. Extraneous triggers can be excluded so that only genuine activity is picked up. When activity is detected a loud, verbal warning a played, warning the intruder that they are being watched, filmed and reported to security and the police who are about to attend. A large 50w LED light is triggered at the same time. The combination of the audio and bright white light is a very powerful deterrent. In most cases this gets the unwanted visitors offsite immediately. The recorded footage is immediately sent to Specturs secure cloud servers and alerts are sent directly to the client or to n AA Grade monitoring station. Spectur have an enviable record at completely preventing crime on the majority of sites they cover.

Powerful Management Features The Spectur systems run on their powerful cloud architecture. This gives Spectur the power to manage all aspects of their systems remotely. Everything from battery usage, 3G strength, camera parameters and reliability reports are looked at as part of the package. These management systems offer a very high degree of reliability and control.

Australian designed and built The Spectur system is 100 per cent Australian designed and built, and close to 1000 cameras are already active in the field around Australia. This has given Spectur millions of hours of camera time that equates to a thoroughly tried and tested, reliable technology. Spectur are the acknowledged experts in the solar security sector.

Prevention is the Best Option Spectur believe that deterring crime is a far better tactic than just recording it. ‘After the event’ recordings still leave the operator with the problem of replacing stolen materials, and given the fact that the police are spread very thinly in most areas, the likelihood of them investigating site crime is very low.

If you would like more information about Specturs technology visit: or call them on 1300 802 960

A GROUND BREAKING SOLUTION THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY Site crime can happen during the working day or night. Our systems are working to protect your site 24/7.

Solar Powered 3G/4G Security

Live Surveillance & Intruder Warnings

Because we have designed our system to

The combination of live cameras,

be a completely stand alone solution, you

reporting immediately an intruder is

don't have to worry about wiring, laying

detected, powerful LED lights and a

power or digging trenches. Just mount the

spoken warning, gets criminals off site

system and plug in the systems battery.

BEFORE they commit crimes that can

Simple to install and just as simple to move

cause costly delays and losses to your





Time Lapse

Daytime Recording

Access your time lapsed video remotely or

You see what's happening through the day

choose Live View to get updates as they

when you log in to your cameras, but we are

happen safely stored to Spectur's secure

also recording all activity as well. So if you

servers. You can alter how you view back

need to see what time your contractors leave

your video, changing the image quality,

the site, or when a delivery was made, it's all

frame rate, or the capture schedule where

there. Stored on our secure cloud servers.

you see fit.



Master Builder Victoria


What you really need to know about Polystyrene EIFS – Lightweight Cladding Systems... At Dulux® AcraTex® we’ve been designing specialist finishing systems for over three decades protecting some of Australia‘s landmark architecture and infrastructure projects. External Insulating and Finishing Systems (EIFS), long established in Europe and America are now being recognised in Australia for their benefits. WHAT EXPERIENCE TELLS US... 1. Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) requires specialist “Base Coats” to provide long term adhesion and durability. Beware of suppliers/installers using Cement Renders or even their labelled “Acrylic Renders”. Expanded foam requires a high polymer base coat for adhesion - much higher than most “Acrylic Renders”. 2. Cavity Drainage is critical in ensuring stability of the facade. This is Best Practice Design for traditional construction and is equally applicable in any Lightweight Cladding System. 3. Integration of Design, Components and Installation is required to ensure “as built” meets design specification. Lightweight Cladding Systems are able to be installed by a broader installer base (vs traditional masonry). In the BCA their use is classified as an Alternate Solution requiring validation. CodeMark™ certification is an acceptable approach, however it is important that Certification covers the full aspects of the relevant BCA requirements and that Installation is controlled to ensure full compliance.

4. Rigid, cement based renders and paint systems are unsuitable to maintain a weather-proofing envelope. Lightweight Cladding Systems (EIFS or FC) require Flexible Acrylic Texture and Elastomeric Topcoats to accommodate normal expansion and contraction. Over recent years the use of Lightweight Cladding Systems, as Alternate Solutions in the BCA, has grown but proper system design and installation has not always followed. The BCA requires appropriate design and installation controls to qualify any Alternate Solution and ultimate success

requires a total systems approach integrating Design, Componentry and Installation. The Exsulite® Thermal Facade system protects Builders from the risks of mixed componentry and uncontrolled installation. Exsulite by Dulux AcraTex offers a Single Supply Source - and critically, Installation of the CodeMark Certified System by registered and Trained Exsulite Installers.

Learn more at the new Exsulite website:


Master Builder Victoria



OR ALMOST NATURAL … Having been somewhat cast aside as dowdy and outdated a few years back, stone cladding is now firmly making its come back.

Master Builder Victoria




s one of the very earliest materials to be used for construction purposes alongside timber and clay, natural stone can provide modern buildings with aesthetic and timeless appeal as well as sustainable and resilient exteriors when employed as external cladding. We're not talking old fashioned crazy-paving-type stone cladding of course, but rather modern day strip stacking or rectangular thin stone tiles and veneers; these types of tile are increasingly being used to bring a touch of natural stone beauty to our buildings. While it's generally not feasible to create entire buildings from natural stone today, the use of stone materials as external cladding enables new buildings to have a refined and timeless appearance while also significantly enhancing their ability to withstand the rigours of time. Natural stone possesses a number of key advantages when used for external cladding purposes, particularly compared to modern materials that are more commonly attached to building exteriors.

APPEARANCE: As with any type of natural stone, the beauty of the material is in its appearance. Each stone tile is unique, with the colour and imperfections varying from tile to tile but adding to its beauty. Natural stone cladding presents a natural open cut and irregular surface texture that provides a profound link between architecture and the surrounding landscape design. Natural Stone can improve the value of a property; people love that it is a natural product from nature and hence its’ higher perceived value than other products on the market. DURABILITY: Apart from the aforementioned aspect of the stone being a feature of the building or within the interior, remember that natural stone is a very durable material that is more resistant to chipping and breaking. This resilience can dramatically reduce the repair and maintenance requirements for the exteriors of new buildings in the modern era, and owners can depend upon the material to endure throughout the full life cycle of their properties. The inherent durability of many forms


Master Builder Victoria


of stone also means that it does not require the addition of any further finishes or coatings. Natural stone wall cladding can also play a part in protection from fire damage, is resistant to sun radiation and strong weather conditions so the property can continue looking good as the years go on. DIVERSITY: Just as with normal stone tiles, one of the great aspects of natural stone cladding is the diversity of stone available. This means that you can pick a finish and style to suit the look you're trying to achieve. For example, travertine stone cladding is a versatile type of natural stone, which can be used both within the interior and exterior of a building to bring a natural, rustic appearance. Marble cladding, by contrast, is generally used to give a more polished and upmarket appearance. Another advantage, and one which stone shares in common with other natural building materials that have been widely used since pre-antiquity such as timber and clay, is its low environmental impact. The manufacture of natural stone products entails little more than excavation of material from the earth and a modest amount of processing in the form of slabbing and cutting for conversion into a usable form. This means that natural stone has significantly lower levels of embodied energy - which is a proxy measure for the carbon emissions involved in the creation of a product – compared to artificial building materials such as concrete or polymers, whose manufacturing processes are far more energy intensive.

For all the benefits however, designers and builders must still exercise caution when opting to use stone as an exterior cladding, and need to give significant thought to a number of factors that can affect its performance. Given the weight of stone, builders should ensure that the anchorage system can independently bear the weight of each unit. Responsiveness to environmental factors is another consideration; different stones are suited to different climate conditions as they react differently to factors such as pollution levels, exposure to seawater and extremes of cold or hot temperatures. Fortunately, there are now a range of innovative ‘natural stone’ cladding products that offer all of the attributes of traditional solid (dimensional)

Master Builder Victoria



stone while overcoming the inherent challenges. Vitrastone is a revolutionary natural stone cladding system from Fairview. Vitrastone’s exceptional composition sets it apart from traditional stone. While still being natural stone, Vitrastone is lighter in weight and allows for a streamlined wall framing system. It utilises a vitracore honeycomb substrate with aviation grade epoxies, and is then finished with a natural stone laminate layer. The product is then pre-fabricated and attached to the wall using a series of aluminium extrusions. The major advantages of using this product over traditional dimensional stone are that it is a costeffective solution, and has a simple, warranted installation system and full 10-year product warranty. The solid stone anchoring system exposes the weakest properties of the stone, whereas the fixing systems offered with Vitrastone are rapid and align with common systems already used in Australia. Vitrastone is more flexible than dimensional stone and as a result the panels are much less prone to fracturing and cracking and better able to withstand building movement and extreme weather events.

Fairview offer a wide range of igneous and nonigneous stone in the Vitrastone panels. When used for exterior applications, the stone can accommodate custom finishes and patterns, taking advantage of the different textures that can present. There are various combinations of three-dimensional patterns and carvings available, as well as traditional polished, honed, sandblasted, and other custom textures to make a custom facade feature. It features a large range of natural stone finishes, including granite, marble, limestone and sandstone. The natural stone composite panels are suitable for interior and exterior use, being highly weatherproof and suitable for high impact areas. In comparison to natural stone cladding such as Sandstone, Bluestone, etc, it is important to note that the weight of Vitrastone is only a quarter the weight of solid dimensional stone. This reduces the weight and thickness of the overall wall build-up and cladding zone, allowing for further significant costsavings with framing, installation and any material shipping and handling and is much easier to handle and to ship, lessening damages, and improving onsite efficiency and safety.

Why Vitrastone scores strongly over traditional stone effects:  Lightweight  Simple Installation  Flexibility  Stability Fairview provides aesthetically pleasing and safe façade products to the construction industry, including the innovative Vitrastone natural stone cladding system.

Fairview P. 02 6352 2355 | E. W. Note: Samples available on request



Master Builder Victoria


Cemintel Prefinished Products are an Ideal External Lightweight System


veryone wants things more quickly these days, and in fact, they expect it! And building is not immune to these tough demands. More pressure is applied to builders to finish homes and projects more quickly but without increasing cost or comprising quality. While not a silver bullet, prefinished products can help provide some relief to this pressure, and deliver benefits to the builder via the install process. They are flexible in their application and can be used externally and internally in both residential and commercial projects. Prefinished materials are defined as materials with factory applied properties such as colour, texture and other performance attributes. Finishes of higher quality can be achieved in a factory environment as opposed to a job site.

Builders constantly work under the constraints of a client’s budget and there is a perception that prefinished products are more costly than traditional Territory // Woodlands // Smoked material options. This is where more discussion and thought needs to be attributed to prefinished materials as they deliver several benefits, one of the most attractive benefits is reduced install costs.

call backs and ongoing rectification costs if it has not been done well for things like patching up and repainting. For multi-storey buildings, there is the added cost of scaffolding which is required throughout this entire process. A prefinished product, like Cemintel’s Territory™ range with Designer Series® fixing system, can be installed by a carpenter generally in a matter of a few days. It is a unique clip fixing system that enables fast and easy installation of the lightweight panels. This fast and easy installation, along with its low maintenance and ventilated cavity system, seems to be realised more in the industry and is fuelling the growing portfolio of work where prefinished products have been used. There is now a more sophisticated range of textures and finishes available, and manufacturers are honing the production process so that tolerances for quality surfaces are improved and response times for new products are faster to meet market demands.

fire, however, legal action is now being taken against the builder by owners for multi-million dollar compensation. For an overview of this situation, download a copy of Cemintel’s White Paper – “The Real Costs of Using Non-Conforming and Non-Compliant Building Products”. Cemintel, part of the iconic CSR Building Products group, is a trusted supplier of external cladding products with several prefinished ranges available for any project. In addition to the Territory™ range which is ideal for residential and low-rise apartments, there is the new Cemintel Surround™ range. Surround is a sophisticated palette of colours and textures suitable for high end residential and commercial projects looking for something special. Barestone™ continues to be a favourite in commercial projects, and is increasing its presence in residential building. All Cemintel products are tested to ensure compliance with relevant Australian Standards, and to maintain quality standards builders’ peace of mind.

A lot of the technology for prefinished materials currently exists outside of Australia, and companies continue to grapple with competition that comes with an open market. While products imported from other countries, like China, may seem appealing initially because of promised material cost FOR MORE INFORMATION savings, caution needs to bemore takenthey require virtually With a striking range of contemporary colours What’s no ongoing when exploring products as there may PREFINISHED PRODUCTS to choose from, Cemintel maintenance. Beautiful andON simple! As an example, a rendered façade high performance, be significant costs later on. panels simulate stone, requires prefinished, bricklayers tolightweight lay the substrate, visit our website or contact in the worst caseconcrete, a brick cleaner timber, metal,totiles and smooth render. prepare the surface for the next trade us on 1300 236 468 The industry is keenly observing the who applies the texture coat, and Lacrosse Docklands apartment fire Prefinished solutions enhancing aesthetics and building performance. finally a painter to finish the job. Time is scenario where non-compliant external required for the render to cure properly lightweight cladding materials were before it can be painted, and this can used and caused fire to spread at an take 4-6 weeks. There is variability in alarming rate – 16 floors in 15 minutes. the quality of work which can lead to Fortunately, no one lost their life in the

Never Needs Painting

Territory // Woodlands // Smoked

Never Needs Painting With a striking range of contemporary colours to choose from, Cemintel high performance, prefinished, lightweight panels simulate stone, timber, concrete, metal, tiles and smooth render.

What’s more they require virtually no ongoing maintenance. Beautiful and simple!

Prefinished solutions enhancing aesthetics and building performance.


Master Builder Victoria



Australian Building Products Predicament The recent Senate Economics Committee inquiry into nonconforming building products noted a serious breakdown in the regulation and oversight of both non-conforming and non-compliant building products in the Australian building and construction industry. Australian Building Products have long been the cornerstone of a respected service to support our vibrant national building industry. Unfortunately, of recent times, the balance of community interests and commercial endeavour has become clouded and replaced by a concentration on volume and low product cost rather than undiminished value to the ultimate building owner and the community. This predicament applies not only to building products in general but more particularly to galvanised steel lintels which have seen an influx of imported steel product that lacks compliance and conformity to Australian Standards and the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Principle matters of concern include: • Widespread disregard for the Building Code and its referenced engineering practice and standards. • Neglect of the use of standards first noted in private buildings is now increasingly in public works. • Premature in-service failures of non-conforming products. • Reported reluctance on the part of insurers to pay-out on claims. • Failure to find a responsible Authority for enforcement and final certification. • Inconsistencies in product quality relating to the grade of steel used and coating thickness on galvanised steel lintels.

Galintel® from NEPEAN Building and Infrastructure, a local manufacturer of galvanised steel lintels, shares these concerns on non-compliance of building products and more particularly on galvanised steel lintels. “Our complete Galintel® range is manufactured and tested to meet Australian Standards and is compliant with the Building Code of Australia,” said Robert Watters, General Manager of Galintel®. “As a result, we warrant our products for 25-years. Others may claim similar performance but, as the only local manufacturer of galvanised steel lintels, we know the necessary testing has been done to enable us to present load tables that meet standards and compliance.” “Following the recent Senate Economics Committee inquiry into non-conforming building products, Nepean Building and Infrastructure joins the local building materials manufacturers in calling on all parties to take action on non-conforming building products,” said Mr Watters.

It is important to bear in mind that steel built into masonry, such as lintels, serves several purposes but in particular provides reinforcing which is self-evidently necessary to ensure the integrity of the entire building structure. The most common deficiencies of non-compliant galvanised steel lintels include: • Failure to meet those suppliers’ published engineering load tables. • Lack of the required manufacturer’s compliance information for verification purposes. • Availability of the required manufacturing data, either minimum sampling and testing records or a product certification scheme as a record of Acceptable Quality Level (AQL) production. This certification is required by the relevant Australian Standards.


not all galvanised steel lintels are galintel


there’s only one Galintel® brand galvanised steel lintel and that’s the range that has been made here in Australia by nepean for over 40 years.




Many suppliers call their products galintels but there’s only one genuine GALINTEL® brand galvanised steel lintel available in Australia. GALINTEL® brand lintels are only manufactured by NEPEAN Building & Infrastructure and are fully tested to meet Australian standards. Made using 100% Australian made steel from BlueScope, the GALINTEL® range is competitively priced and comes with a 25 year warranty backed by NEPEAN.

build with confidence. look for the genuine Galintel® range. 1800 lintel (1800 546 835)





Master Builder Victoria


Let’s support our female tradies While still the minority in the building industry the number of women donning a tool belt and hard hat is definitely on the rise. Let’s support our female tradies with site amenities of their own. Residential building is booming in Victoria and with it comes a shortage of trades. Women are in a good position to enter the industry and prove to their male peers that they are just as capable of getting the job done. The female tradie, however, still faces a number of hurdles when it comes to participation in this male dominated occupation. According to the National Association of Women in Construction, females represent approximately 11 per cent of the construction industry workforce. To grow this number we really need to support women in the industry. Women in construction deserve the same respect, consideration and mutual regard as they are offered in any other industry.

It’s odd then that building is one of the only industries that doesn’t offer a male and female toilet on site as standard. In most cases, female tradies are expected to use the same facility as their male counterparts which can lead to concerns about privacy, security and sanitation. According to the WorkSafe Compliance Code, Workplace Amenities and Work Environment 2008, unisex toilets may be provided where the total number of people who normally work at the workplace is 10 or fewer, or there are two or fewer employees of one gender. There is little evidence, however, to show that even this minimum standard is adhered to. In the worst case scenario, with only one unisex

toilet on site, female tradies may avoid using onsite facilities. Evidence shows that when workers are unable to access a toilet or don’t want to use a toilet facility for whatever reason, they are less likely to drink fluids. Fluid intake is extremely important to the human condition and a lack of fluid or dehydration can lead to all sorts of health problems including bladder and kidney disease, incontinence and heat stroke in the warmer months. Isn’t it time the industry lifted its standards and provided separate toilet facilities for all female trades? For further information contact Aim Site Hire Pty Ltd


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VITRASTONE - AUSTRALIA’S ANSWER TO NATURAL STONE CLADDING Fairview has announced the launch of their latest product, Vitrastone, a natural stone cladding system that is ideal for exterior applications. This leading facade cladding manufacturer’s latest offering will enable architects to feature a natural stone veneer on their projects that is lightweight, easy to install, weatherproof and stable. Vitrastone is available in a wide range of natural stone finishes such as travertine, granite, bluestone, marble, limestone and sandstone and can be used for interior and exterior use. The stone wall panels are also suitable for use where non-combustible materials are required as well as in high impact areas. The natural stone cladding system is composed of an aluminium honeycomb substrate, with an exterior stone cladding layer composed of a natural stone laminate. Fairview is dedicated to consistently facilitating the successful delivery of innovative façades that meet the requirements and vision of each project. The company also manufactures Australia’s leading deemed to satisfy aluminium composite panel, Vitracore G2. T: +61 2 6352 2355 E: W:

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your customers from our extensive range of systems. A residential circuit protection system in one complete solution. Reduce installation time on site. You’re fully covered without the worry of missing components. Add Wiser Link to connect your customers to their electricity, gas, solar, and water use anywhere, anytime. Achieve points for multi-unit residential green building accreditations. Perfect for multi-dwelling projects.

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For more information: Website: Master Builder Victoria






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