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Extra-curricular Clubs, Activities, Trips & Visits


Clubs and Activities

In an increasingly competitive world, the College recognises the importance of offering students the chance to enhance their CVs with activities outside their academic studies.

Universities and employers are attracted to students who have additional skills and qualities, rather than just good grades.

The College aims to offer a wide range of cultural, community and sporting activities to help develop these skills and qualities, whilst providing enjoyment along the way!

Enrichment Programme

Students are encouraged to take part in the College Enrichment Programme.

This is a fantastic programme offering students the chance to get involved in a huge variety of extracurricular clubs and activities that take place during timetabled ‘enrichment periods’ during or after the College day throughout the week.

The list of activities changes each term, but usually includes a mix of skill-based activities, recreational sports and career orientated clubs.

Involvement in the programme can help students become more attractive to higher education institutions, apprenticeships and employers, but above all, taking part is a great way of meeting new people, learning some new skills and having fun!

Trips and visits

The College is keen to enhance students’ classroom learning via a variety of trips and visits, covering most subject areas.

These have recently included a:

Visual Arts trip to Brooklands Museum Travel & Tourism Trip to Drusillas Park Cabin Crew trip to British Airways Global Learning Academy Fine Art trip to the Tate Modern Sports Science trip to St Mary’s University Art and Design trip to the London Transport Museum Graphics trip to Nike Performing Arts trip to Piccadilly Theatre Photography trip to the Croydon Clocktower Café for the annual Rotary Club awards ceremony and so much more.

Students’ Union

A nationally recognised organisation, the SU allows students to become involved in activities and events in and outside of the College throughout the academic year.

The SU organises a range of social events, fund-raising, student-led enrichment activities, along with the trips and visits programme, the annual Art exhibition, concerts and drama productions. Students are also expected to act as Student Ambassadors for open events at the College.


Why did you decide to study at Coulsdon College?

I had a friend who’d applied and told me I should join her. I attended the open event where I spoke to many of the friendly teachers who made me feel so welcome and got an insight into all the fantastic facilities the College has. From then, I knew it was the College for me.

How did you find the course you studied at Coulsdon?

I already had an idea of what I wanted to study - Maths because I thoroughly enjoyed it at GCSE, French as a result of my Moroccan background, Hospitality for my love of food and communication with people, and Spanish as I wanted to expand my knowledge of other languages.

You were selected for a Trip to America - What was it like?

I discovered the trip a year earlier and heard it was a great opportunity. From then, I applied and I got accepted. The trip was in July 2019, and spread over two parts. For one week, we stayed at a summer camp in Virginia with people from various backgrounds. Whilst we were there, we took part in a range of workshops, trips and often spoke about world issues. For two weeks, we stayed in Chicago where people kindly opened up their homes for us to stay. When we were there, we visited various grassroots & refugee organisations, and visited the charity After School Matters, which provides high school teens opportunities to explore and develop their talents, while gaining critical skills for work, college and beyond.

What did you learn over there?

The America trip taught me a lot. One of those things is that integration is important to society as we are all social creatures. It also allowed me to open my eyes to the issues of the world and that everyone should have access to a safe environment where we can talk about these issues. We also learnt how to act independently.

What are your plans after College?

I’m currently looking at Apprenticeships or internships in food journalism or other areas of hospitality.

Sarah Msouhli

Previous school: Norbury Manor Subjects: Maths, French,

Have you been involved in extra-curricular activities?

Yes, I took part in the Network for Teaching and Entrepreneurship business camp. This was an intense workshop learning about how businesses work and how to pitch. We had the chance to go to London to show what we had learnt, where we won the local programme against other groups from London. As a result, we got to go to Budapest to compete internationally. This opportunity built my interest in business and enhanced my public speaking skills. I also volunteered as a mentor for the next year group.

Do you have any advice for students coming to study here?

Don’t be afraid to take opportunities and have a positive outlook on as much as you can. Have confidence and be kind to yourself. If you know your personal values and morals, no pressure in society will get to you, everyone has something to offer.

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