CCA Yearbook 1931

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FOUNDED FEB. S, 1922. I NCO RPORATED i\!AR. 9, 1924.




are maintained



records kept at the office

of the Secretary-Treasurer who will be glad to sec members and furnish information

at any



EDWIN H . TUCKER N ew York 13 5 William St. Phone Bcekman-3 4963 -4






The Cruising Club of A merica was launched in th e winter o f 192 1-22 by a g roup o f yachtsmen interested in cruising and the developme nt of the cruising type of yacht. It was felt tha t this branch of the sport never had attained the position it d eserves in a country s o rich in s ea-goin g tradition and w h ose natural advantages a r e so p eculia rly favo rable t o cruis ing, p ossibly because of the fact that there never h as been any concerted action b y cruising e nthusiasts. The yacht clubs of the country have m a de racing a larg e part of their activities and there are several inter-club associations d evoted t o the advancement of this branch of yachting, but th ere never h as bee n in this country an organization comparable, for example, t o the R oyal Crui5ing Club, which, in the last forty years, has done so much toward making cruising a national institution in Great Britain. And so the Cruising Club of America was launched and it was but natural that its founders, familia r as they were with the work of the Royal Cruising Club, should have moulded it s omewhat along the lines of the older organization.



ALEXANDER W. MOFFAT Yic:.e-Commodore

HOBART FORD Rear-Commodore

WILLIAM H. COOLIDGE, Jr. Secretary-Treaaurer


W. P. STEPHENS Governing Board



STANDING COMMITTEES 1931 Membership H obart Ford

Carleton S. Cooke, Chairman Henry de Forest Baldwin Robert N. Bavier N. S. S eeley D esig n and Construction

W. P. St e phe ns, Chairman Olin J. Stephens, Jr. Awards

John G. A ld e n

H e rbe rt L. Stone, Chairman Alfred Greenough Franklin C. Sullivan H enry Martyn Baker Eldon H. T rimin gham Entertainme nt

G . N . Wallace, Chairman F. E. Fried r ichs Willard 8. Cook H erbert L. Stone Gordon R aymond Edward D . Payne Race Edw in H. Tuc k er, C h a irman Robert N. Bavie r H erbert L. Ston e Alfred F. Masury Eldon H. Trimin g ham C. Sherman Hoyt Frederick L. Ames William H . Coolidge, J r. Egbert N. Moxham Henry A. J ack s on J ohn G. Alden Samuel Wetherill Year Book

H e nry A. Jac k son, Chairman W. P . Stephens Edwin H . Tuc ker William H . Coolidge, J r., Herbert L. Stone A lexander W. Moffat Auditing

George P . P . Bonnell Meaaurera

Charles D. Mowe r

Olin J. Stephens, Jr. Dwight S. Simps on

B. K . Sharp


LOCAL STATIONS BOSTON STATION Rear Commodore W. H . Coolidge, Jr. Address 50 Con gress Str eet, Boston, Maas. T elephone Hubbard 1493 Flag1hip Auxiliary Cutter "VAGRANT" of Manc hester. Hiatorian Thorvald S. Ross Add ress Box X. Brighton, Mass. T elephon e Stadium 4530 Reaular Meetings Lunch at 12 :3 0 P . M. every Friday at Boston Yacht Club, 5 Rowcs Wha rf, Boston. Th rough th e cou rtesy of Commodore Nichols, the dining privileges of the Rowes Wharf Station are e xtended to all Cruising C lub m embers. Memberahip Committee Joseph Guild, C hairman Address 120 Village Avenue, D edh am, M ass. T elephone Dedham 083 5 Jeffrey'1 Ledge Race Committee Ever e tt Morss, Jr., Chairman Address 20 I Devonshire Street T elephone Porte r 5800 The Boston Chapter on March I, 193 I, numbered sixtyeight members. Durin g th e past yea r the Chapter lost two of it• members by death, the first to be rec orded in Boston. Nathaniel Franklin Emmons ( 1883-1930)-Frederick Fenger writes of him: "He was upstandin i;; in fi gure and forthr ig ht in apirit; there was m u c h of the old schoo l in h im, and much of the warmth of fine friends hip that has passed out of the lives of us who knew him. H e love d the sea and s hips a nd models and th e men who h a d to do with them, and all their traditions , with a n underata nding w hich itself came from his own traditions. Most of a ll, p erhaps, he fo und a boy's delig ht in seeking out som e boatyard whe r e little s h ips we re wintered, a lways with a friend. Here's a s ilent toast ,lo you, Nat." W. B. Duncan Dana ( 1891- 1930 ( left his flo a t a t Marblehead singlehanded early in the morning o f D ecemb er 6 th to go coot sh ooting. His body was found o n Eagle Island b a r just before dusk that evening. Duncan' s place at our r e ndezvous can n ever be fill ed. We a lways s h a ll treasure the m e mory of the hospitable cabin of his little sloop "Nancy and Anstiss", the music of his piano accordion, and the friendly c haracte r of h is fine personality. "An Ame rican sportsman a nd a gallant

11 gentle m a n w h ose fa t e i t w as to m eet his d eath in clean struggl e w 1th the e le m e nt h e knew a nd love d but did not fea r". Th e F r ida y lunche ons a r e w ell attende d , the location of the Bos to n Y acht Club intow n s ta t ion loo kin g out o ver th e h arbo r, and th e a tmos phe r e o f the low s tudded old warehouse building b e ing espe c ia lly provo ca tive of offs hore discussions. A t the A nnua l Dinne r in D ecembe r the m e mbe r s el ect a R ea r C ommodore, M e mbe r ship Committee, a nd Historian. A s econd dinner is u s u a lly h e ld in the S pring . The C hap te r h o lds two r e ndezv o u s a flo a t e a c h y e ar-the first o n M a y 30th, a nd the se co nd on Octob er 12th. These are gen e r a lly h e ld a t Smith's C ove, Glo ucest er, a lthough r e ndezvo u s have b ee n h e ld at Manc h e st e r. H ing h am , R ock p ort , Ho g Isla nd a n d o th e r p o r t s. S ixteen boats joine d the Octob e r 12th R e nd e zvou s in 193 0 a t Gl o ucest er, includin g ""Ma la b a r x•• a nd ""Mala y", the w inne rs o f the Bermuda r ace . The J effr e y 's L e d ge R ace b ecom es inc r easin gly popula r each year . Run the week end a ft er L a b or D ay the r e h as developed a fee ling of fr ie ndly r iva lry w hich is m ost d elig htful for a ll c onte stants. Twe nty-four boa t s star ted a n d twen ty-two finish e d in 19 30, s urp r is ing ly little difficulty h avin g b een exp erie n ced b y any o f these c r ew s i n finding the w his tle on J e ffrey" s L e d g e, s ome times calle d t h e ""n eedle in the Gulf of M a ine ••. A n a dditio n a l race ov e r the sam e cou rse is p la nn e d for June 7 , 193 I . Th e m e mbe r s o f th e Bost on C h apt er would like to see m ore m e m b e rs of the C lub from Sou t h of the Cap e j o in u s in this s ome wha t novel gam e. The m e mbe r s o f the Boston Cha pte r are keenl y a ppr eciative o f t h e hono r done to the m by the Club in e lect in g a Boston m a n to serve as Commodore du r ing t he y ear 193 I . The C ruising Club burgee will b e flo wn fr om our m astheads n ight and d a y, a s is our c u stom, in the hope tha t members of othe r c hapters w ill seek u s out w h e n in our ports , g iving us a n opportunity to b e of ser vice to the m .

HUNTINGTON STA TION Poat Captain: Robe rt H. Moore , P . 0 . Box 74 , Halesite, L. I., Phone, Hunt ing to n No . 4 . Secre t a ry: Willia m Rus hmore, 187 Park A ve nue , Huntin g ton, L. I., Pho n e , H u ntin gton 1804 M e mbership Committee: Kenne th S t e phe ns, 53 Be a ve r St reet, N ew York City ; William T. Has k e ll. Ric hards Road, Port Was hing t o n, L. I.; W . E . Ba k e r , P . 0. Box 97, Mor ich e a,

L. I.

There a re three · y a cht yar d s in Hunting to n a nd t w o ga• engin e rep air men. Gas , water and s m a ll s upp lie s may be g otten in the harbor. Othe r s upplies in town reached by trolley or tax i.


MOORINGS Information has been received tha t moorin g s for u s e of members have been establishe d at the harbors lis ted. Other than stated below no record is available of the c h aract e r, condition or size, and members u s ing same do s o at t heir own risk. LOCATION


New Harbor, Me. Crockette s Cove, Me. Thomaston, Mc. Smith's Cove, Gloucester, Maas. Marble head, Maas. Onset Bay, Mass. Padanaram Harbor, So. Dartmouth, Maas.

W. Ril ey McFarla n d Donald Moffa t Charles Mo rse S h.c r man Tarr Chas. A. W elch, 2nd H . S . Parkhurs t G eorg e H. Si~Lare

I. NEW HARBOR, MA INE. This harbor is a c ove o n the western shore of Muscongus Bay, about 2 1/s mil es no r th eastward of P em aquid Point Lighthouse. It is use d as an an c h o ra ge by small craft only, and, though ope n eastward, is w e ll sheltered from the sea. There is about 12 feet of wa t e r a t low tide at the anchorage. See Coas t and G e ode tic Survey Chart No. 313 . The village on both sides of the h a rbo r a nd on the hill to the westward does a conside r a ble bus iness in fish and lobsters. A schooner 50 feet in length can u s ually lie with room to spare at the C lub mooring. The moorin g , m a intained from June I st to Octobe r 31st, is marked by a white k eg with a blue stripe around it located off the steamboa t wharf, which is the first on the starboard side on enterin g . The mooring is in charge of W. Riley McFa r land, who owns a Ro at two wharfs west of the steamboat wharf. Ga Holine , lobsters and local informa tion may be obtained from Mr. McFarland. The Gosnold Arms, an attractive inn just up the hill b e hind the steamboat wharf, has been a uthorized to Hy th e Club pennant and will extend a welcome to members. Mail addre ssed care of Mrs. C. N. Cisl er, the Gosnold Arms, New Harbor, Maine, will b e h eld for members. Mail, t elephone and telegraph service, board and lodging are available at the lnn. Transp~>rta-


13 tion to the Maine Central Railroad, 12 miles away at Newcastle, may also be a rran ged. Supplies are available at a nearby s tore. 2 . CROCKETT'S COVE on Vinni Haven Island, at the wes terly e ntrance to the Fox Is lands Thoroug hfare is excellent anchora ge off the only Roat in the cove. A white wooden marker is on a 200 lb. mush room a n c h o r which is usually available for visiting vessels. In the absence of the owner, Alex. \V. Moffat, ask for the boatma n, Merle Mills, who is ins tru cted to offer a ll possible assistance or information to Cruising Club members. A launch makes a daily t r ip to the village of North Haven for supplies. If under water r epairs are neede d th e r e is an excellent place for laying out over a tide against a bulkhead near the pier. Mail will b e held for members addressed c a re of A. \V. Moffat, North Haven, Maine. Instructions for entering: Stand for the end of Crockett's Point with North Haven Monument (square stone beacon off Crabtree Point) astern. Keep a distance of about I 00 feet off Crockett's' Point and head for a small yellow house on the opposite s ide of the Cove until the center of the Cove is opened, then h ead s traig ht up the enter of the Cove until abeam of the float on the port hand. Pick up mooring or anchor. L east d e pth e nte ring : 18 feet at low water. 3. THOMASTON, Main e offers anchorage and w harf facilities at the yard of Charles Morse on the s tarboar d s ide of the harbor just below the bridge. Usually one of the yard moorings are available. There is a s trong scour of tide. All •upplies and repairs are availa ble, as well as r esponsible custody of boats. 4 . GLOUCESTER. The re is a moo r ing with a c ylinde rical metal buoy painted Cruising Club colors, white with a wavy blue line around it, located in Smith's Cove, Gloucest er H a rbor. off the pier of the Rocky Neck Railways, of which She rman Tarr is the proprieto r . A staff is loca te d on his office whic h flies all s ummer a large Cruising C lub pennant. He is a lways most obliging, and will render any assistance which a g o od shipyard is capable of, including telephone facilities and handling

14 mail for members. Gloucester, Mau.

Addreaa, c / o Rocky Neck Railways, Ea,t

5. MARBLEHEAD, MASS. A large spar buoy, painte d blue and white, marks a atone mooring heavy enough to h o ld a 75 foot s chooner. Thia mooring, offered the Cruising Club through the courtesy of Charles A. Welch, 2nd, lies just off Frazie r's Yacht Yard on the west aide of Marble h ead Harbor, between the Boston Yacht Club Station and the Rockmere Hote l. J. A. Chambers, a member of the Cruising C lub, has an office nearby at 20 Lee Street, Marblehead, where c h arts may be secured and telephone se rvice. 6. ONSET BAY. At the head of Buzzard's Bay moorin g facilities are usually available at the yard o f H . S. Parkhurst on the starboard side of the harbor. The anchorag e i1 excellent and protected for small craft but s hould not be used by vessels drawing more than 7 feet. F acilities for supplies are inconvenient but responsible custody for boats as well as excellent repairs may be obtained. 7. PADANARAM HARBOR. M r. Earle S mith has donated the use of his mooring for the season of 193 I . It will have a can marked on top with white and blu e s trip e a nd wi ll b e foun d bearing NE x N 200 yards from the second red c hanne l buoy after leaving the breakwate r.

(NOTE: l nformation furnished by the l3oston Statio n, from reports of member s believed to be accurate a t time of fu rn is hing .)


THE CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA, Inc. CONSTITUTION Adopted November 19, 1924. Ame nd ed to Janua ry 8, 1931.

I. NAME. The name of this o rganiza ti o n s hall b e " The Cruis ing Club of Amer ica, Inc." II. OBJECT. The o bjects of t hi s C lub are to promote cru1smg by amateurs, to e ncourage the d eve lo pm e nt of s ui ta bl e typ es of cruis ing c raft , to st imul a t e inte r est in seamans hip, nav igation and handling of small v esse ls, t o gath er and k eep on fil e all inform at ion which may b e of ass is tan ce to m e mb e rs in cruising. III. OFFICERS. The Office r s of t h e C lu b s hall be t h e Commodo re. t h e V ice-Commodo r e. the R ear-Commodores, the Sccrt:taryTrcas ur er , t h e Hi s torian, a nd t en Gov erno r s , who s hall be nom inated a nd elected a s is prescrib ed in Articles X I , XI II, a nd X I V ; a nd they s ha ll cons titut e t h e GoYe rning Board of th e Club. Th e oflices of Commodore c1 nd V ice -Co mmod ore s ha ll b e filled by memb e r s who ar c yach t O\\'ners. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS Th e Commodore s h a ll b e the general ex ecuti ve oAicc r and s ha ll p r es id e at a ll me eti ngs of the Club and t h e Gove rning B oard. Th e Vice- Commodore s hall assist the Commodore in the di scharge of hi s duti es a nd in hi s abse nce act in his stead. The R ear - Commo d ores s h a ll command the ir sta ti o n s and perform s uch ot h er duti es as may b e ass igned to them by th eir s upe ri o r office r s or the Governing Board. •

16 The Secretary-Treas ure r s ha ll perfo rm the duti e s p e rtaining t o his office. The Historian s hall each year w rit e a Log of th e C lu b's activities du r in g the pas t year a nd present it to t h e C lub at the Annual M ee ting. The Governing Board s ha ll ge ne ra ll y adm in is t e r th e affair s of th e Club and shall have th e powers o f D ir ec tors. V. MEMBERS HI P: ELECTIO N: RES I G N ATI O . S A p erson e li g ible fo r me mbe rship in th c C lub mu s t b e a sailor and a gentle man of acceptable c harac t er a nd p e r s o n ality who has de monstrated hi s ab ilit y to hand!,; o r co mma nd and navigate o r p ilot a yach t or sma ll vesst:I at s ca a nd w h o b as had sufficient cruising expe ri e nce. Nom inat ions £or memb ership in t he C lub s ha ll h c m ade up on th e proposa l of a memb e r and scco nckd by tw o o t h e r m emb er s, no ne of w hom sha ll b e membe r s of t he GoY e r ning Board o r the M embership Co mmittee. App l icat ions . pro posals ~nd second ings ~ha ll be o n fo rm s and p e ; s ua nt. to instructio n s o r r egula ti o ns appr oYecl by the Go \· c r n111g Board. When an applicatio n in co mpl ete fo rm s h a ll b e received, the Secretary -Treasur er sha ll se nd to a ll m c mb e r s of the Clu b the nam es o f the app lica nt, pro po s er, sc cond e r s, and a ny other infor matio n d ir ected by th e Gover nin!-{ Board. Not Jess t ha n thirty days t he r eaf t e r, t h e Membership Committee shall act upon s u ch applicat io n a n d r e po rt it s fi ndi ngs and r ecomm endatio ns t o the Gove r ning Boar d, w hi ch may th en elect o r rej e ct the app li ca nt. A ll res ig nat io ns m ust be in w r iting a nd se nt t o t h e S ecretary-Treasurer. VI. CLASSES OF MEMBERSH I P There s hall b e three c la sse s of m emb e r s hip. regul a r , life and hon orary. A m emb e r may beco m e a li fe m e mb e r by payme nt of the prescribed fee a nd t h er e aft e r is e xempte d from yearly du es. H onorary m emb er s s ha ll pay no dues o r initiat ion fee , and shall have no vote nor ho ld any office except that of His t o rian, but o the r w ise s hall e nj oy a ll the privileges of r egular m embe r s. V II. I N ITIATION FEE The initiation £.~e s ha ll b e fift ee n d ollars. The l ife m e mb ership fee shall b e two hundr ed do llars. Applicat io n for life membershi p may be mad e o nly aft e r five s uccessive yea rs of memb e rshi p in the Club.

17 Vl 11. DUE::-: :\RR EARS Reg ular 111embcrs s hall pa y t t.: n do llars year ly d ues o n e lectio n an d tlll'rea itn o n Januar y first of each y ear. M emb ers w hose du c.:s arc.: unpaid by Febr ua r y firs t s ha ll be no t ified by tht· St'C.:rl'tary -Trl'a:-urer and i f s uc h cl ues arc s till unpaid by ~!a rc.:h fi r ~t. ,- u1:h m embers may b e s u spe nded o r d ro pped iro m t hl' roll by tlw CO\·l'rning B oa rd. b ut may be n :ins tat t·c! a t its d i,-cr t·tion and upo n t he pa yme nt of a ll ar r t·ar s. 1:--. ~IEET I >!GS 'J' hc :\ nnua l ~l l'L'ling ,ha l l ht· held o n th e second Thurs da\' in January o i t"ach yt·ar. Tht• F a ll ~lcc ting s ha ll b e hc id in Oct ober o r :'\ ,1\'1•mhl'r oi t·ac h \'Car on a elat e to be dc t t" r mincd hy th ,· (;m·, ru ing Btiard. ·spec ia l ~[ cct ings o f th e C lu b may h,· c.:a lkd h y th,· (; o n ·r ning Board a nd s hall be ca lkd o n th,· \\'r itt l' n rt·qtll·~t oi fifteen m e111ber s. T he Co\'t"r nin g Bt1a rd :'hall m t·t· t as oit en as it 111a y dc t·m m·cc ~sary. n r at t ill' .:all o i the Commodore.

X. QU O R - ~l. Twe nty- fi \' C nn ·mh ,·rs p n !'c·nt in perso n o r by proxy s ha ll co ns titu t e a qu o r um at an \' m n ·ting o i the C lu b. F ive J11 Cll1b crs s ha ll co nst it 11t t• a ·q 1H>r11111 at a ny me c.:ti ng of the Go \· e rn ing Boa rd. X I. NO~! I l\A'lT, C C01DlI TTEE:

NOM l l\ :\ ' l' [ Ot'\ O F O FrI CE R S At the F a ll ~l ect ing of t ht· C lu b th e re s ha ll be elected a No minat ing Co mmi t tel' oi fi n· mem ber s of th e C lub, who s hall be ne ithe r O fficn:- no r Go n rno rs of t he Club. This Com mittee s ha ll no mi na t e candida t es for Co111mo do re, ViceCommo do r e. Secrctar y-T r ca s ur ,-r. His tori a n. and fo r five Gove rno rs t o s ucceed th ose \\' hose terms of o ffice expi re at th e nex t A n nu a l Mel't in g : and s hall noti fy th e Secr et aryTreasure r of s u ch no min,itio ns not la t e r t han D ece mber fi r st next preced ing th e 1\111111;;1 '.\l t·d in ~. Five or 111o r c mc mh n s may put in no mina ti o n a ny o th er ca ndidates th ey ma y unit e 0 11 . pro \·ickcl s uch no111 inatio 11, s ig ned by a t least fi ve 1nc111be r s. is file d w ith t he t'crc t a r yTreasurer no t less t ha n fif t t"c n clays befo re th e A nnua l M eeting. T he Secreta ry-Tr cas ur n s ha ll se nd notice t he r eof t o a ll me mber s no t less t ha n fi ve da ys b efo re th e A nnua l M ee ting. X ll. E L E CT I ONS : T E RMS O F O F F ICE: VAC ANCIES T he Comm o do r e . V ice -Co1n111o do r e. Secr eta r y -T r easure r

18 and H ist oria n s hall be e lect ed at the Annua l M ee ting and shall ho ld o ffice unti l t h e n ext A nnual Me e ti n g or unti l t h e elect ion of their s uccessor s. F ive members of t he Gov erni ng B oard s hall be c.: le ctt.:d at th e A nnual Meet ing and s ha ll h o ld o ffice for two year s or u nt il the elect io n of t h e ir s uccessor s. Vacanc ies in any cfficc (exce pt R ea r -Commod o r e ) or in the Governi ng B oard s ha ll be fi lled by t h e Gove rnin g B o ard. Those so appo inted sh a ll h o ld office u nt il th e n ex t An nua l Meet ing or unti l t h e elect io n of t he ir s u ccess o r s. X III. COMM I TT E E S T he Gove rni ng Board sha ll appoi n t a M e m b e r s hip Committee of five me mber s to serve for o n e year o r u n t il th e ir s uccessors arc appo int ed . This Co mm itt ee s h a ll appo int it s own chairman. T he proceed ing s of th e 1\le111be 1·s hi p Comm ittee s ha ll be confid e ntial. T he Governing B oa r d may appoint and rcm o v e s u c h other commi ttees as it may dee m n ecessary. T h e C o mmodore, or in h is abse nce th e V ice-Commodor e . sha ll b e ex -officio a m ember of a ll co mm itt ees, exce pt th e No m inating Commit tee. X I V. STATIONS: RE AR -COMi\•l ODORl•: S : POST-CAPTAINS T he chief s tat ion of the C lub s ha ll b e in New York C ity, but wher eve r four or m o r e m e m b e r s r es id e in a n y o t h e r lo ca lity, th ey may, w ith t he a p pr o val of the G o v e rn in g Board, fo und a statio n. T h e Secretary-Treasu r e r s h a ll not ify the memb er s of the Club of t h e esta b lis h men t of a new s tat ion. S tat ions establish ed o utside of N c w York City co m p osed of twenty-fou r o r more m em ber s s h a ll be u nd e r th e co mmand of a R ear-Comm od ore to b e e lected b y t h e m e mb e r s of such station. If th e station is co m p ose d o f less tha n t we nty-fou r mem bers, su ch stat io n m a y be c o mma n d e d b y a P_ost-Cap t ain, to b e e lec ted by the me m bers of s u c h statio n. T he R ear-Commo do r e o r Post- Ca p ta in com m a nding a stat ion outs ide o f New Yor k C ity m a y appo int a nd 1·cm ove su ch comm ittees as th e stat io n m em bers m ay appro v e . XV. FLAGS T h e C lub B urgee s ha ll be tr ia n gular in s h ape, in th e us ual propo rtio ns, w ith a whit e fi e ld a nd a waved blue strip e 20 % of t he h o ist in w id t h running t h rou g h the ce n t e r fro m hoist t o point.

19 The Co mm o do r e's flag s ha ll b e r ectang ul a r in s ha pe, in the u sua l p r o po rti o ns, and s ha ll co ns is t of t h e C lub Burgee wi t h th e o u t e r tri a ng ular co rners i n b lue,, wi t h th rce fi,· epo i nt e<l w hi t e s tars p la ced lat er a lly in t h c upp e r o u t e r b lue trian g le. Th e V ice -Co mm odo r e's flag s ha ll be s im ila r t o the Co mm od o r e's, e xce pt t hat th e o ut e r triang les s ha ll b e in r ed a nd ha\·c two fin.'-po in te cl w h ite sta rs in t he uppe r o ut e r r ed trian g le. T ht• R ear-Com mod o re·~ fl ag s ha ll be s imi lar t o the V iceCo mm oclo r e·_s fl a g . t·xc ,·pt that th e o ut e r tr ia ng lcs s ha ll b e i n wh i te a nd s ha ll ha,-c o ne fin.:-po int ed b lue star iu the uppe r o ut t· r w hi t \' trianglt-. Th:: l'ost -Cap:ain's fl ag s ha ll be s im ilar t o th e Rea rComm o do r e's fla g . t'XCt' JH t hat the r e s ha ll b e 110 s ta r in t h e out er t ri ang l<-.

XVI. SEAL Th e ,;eal o i t he C lub s ha ll be it s Burgee s urro und ed by a cl o nb le c ir cu la r r o pc bord er \\·it h in \Yh ich s ha il b e insc ri b ed "Th l· Cruis ing C lub o f A me r ica, I nc." ab o\·e ; a nd b clo \\' s ha ll b ~ ii1sc r ibt· d "1922". t he da t e o f th e found ing- of t h e C lub. X VJJ. EXPEN DIT U RES X o cxJ)L' nd itur es o f fu nd s nor cont rac ts b inding t h e C lub s h a ll bc mad e exec- pt by a u tho ri za ti o n o i t lw Gove rning Board.

X VIJl. D I SClPLl N E Ev e ry me m be r o n joini ng t h e C lu b t he r e by u nd e rta kes to co m pl y w ith thi s Co ns ti t uti on a nd t he B y -Laws ; a nd a ny r efus a l o r neg le c t t o do so, or a ny co nd uct unw orthy of a ge n t le ma n o r sa il o r. o r inimi cal t o th e we l fa r e o f th e C lub. s ha ll r e nde r a me mbe r lia ble to s us pe ns io n o r expul s io n b y a three-fo urth s vo t e o f the m e mbe rs of the Gove r ning B oa rd p r ese nt a t a m eet ing du ly cal led. N o ti ce o f s u ch propose d actio n. w ith t he r easons t he refor , m us t be se nt t o t h e a ccused m e mbc r by r egis t e r ed m a il to hi s las t kno w n address a t leas t thirty days prio r t o s uch m e e ting ; a nd h e s hall have t h e right t o be pr ese nt at s uc h m ee t i ng wi th co unse l. XIX. A M EN DM EN T S This co ns titutio n canno t be s us p e nd ed unde r any circu ms tances, b ut may b e a m e nd ed by a t wo-th ir ds v o t e at t h e An nua l o r Fall Meeting. Pro posed a me ndme nts mus t b e in w riting s igne d by five m e mb e r s and se nt to the Secr e tary-Tr eas ur e r in time to be i nclu ded in the n otice o•i the m ee ting.


BY-J .AWS A<lopte<l Nov e mb e r 19, 1924 Am e n<led t o January 8. 193 1 I. ORDER OF B US [ !\ £SS The o r<le r of bus iness at a ll C l u b m ee tings shall b e as fo llo w s: Roll Ca ll. Minutes of pre viou s m eetin g. Repo rts of officers. Report s of committees. U nfinis hed business. E lections. N ew bus iness. In case of <lis pute as t o o r<l e r or d c b a t L. Cus h i11g 's Manual sha ll govern. II. NOTICES Notice of th e Annua l an<l th e F a li .\l c.:1.:t i11g s ha ll b e se nt to each mem be r at least twe nt y d a y:; prc\' io u ~ th cr<.:to . T h e notice fo r the A nnua l M ee tin g must c o ntain th e.: n :po1·t of th e Nominat ing Committee. l\ot iccs c,i s p c.:c ia l m c..:tings sha ll be s e nt to each m e mb e r at lc.:as t fift c.:c 11 d ays previous ther et o, a nd s ha ll state in <l (: tail th ,: s ub j c ct,; t o b e brought up for act ion a nd no ot h er malt ns ma,· be co nsid e red at such m eetin gs. -

III. APPEAL A membe r s hal l have th e ri g h t of app eal t o th t· C lub from a d ec is ion o f the Gove rning Board , whi c h may b c ove rrule d at the next r egu lar me et in g by a two -thirds v v t c of those prese nt in p erson or by proxy. Not i<.:c of :, uch app e a l must b e s lat ed full y in th e ca ll fo r the m ee tin g . IV. VOTING None but members s ha ll b e allowed in t h c m ee ting r oo m during a m ee ting of the C lub. Eve r y member present when a m o tion is und er c o n s id e ration s hall vote ther eo n u nle ss exc u sed h y the pr e s iding offi cer. Proxies must be in writing, s ig ned, w itne ssed and fi le d with th e Secr etary-Tr eas ur e r fiv e clays in advance o f t h e m eet ing. V. AMENDMENTS These By-Laws cannot be s u s p e nde d und e r a n y c ircums tances bu t may be am e nded by a two-third s vote at t h e Annual or Fall M eet ing . Proposed ame ndme nts m u s t b e in w riting s ig n e d by fiv e memb er s and sent t o th e Secretary-Treasure 1· in tim e t o b e included in the not ice of the m eeting.





1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 I 92 7 1928 1929 193 0


1925 1926 192 7 1928 1929 1930


1922 1923 1924

192 5 1926 1927 1928 1929 193 0


.3ln )!laemorp of our ~bipmates 1:nlJo babe ~aileb on tfJeir mopag;e.

William Washburn Nutting

S e pt e mbe r


Arthur S. Hildebrand

S e ptemb e r

192 4

Frede rick S. Nock


Frederick C. Hicks

Dece mbe r,

Karl lsburgh


I. 1926

Ogden T . McClurg


20, 1926

Arthur H. Day


23 , 192 6

Thomas Fleming Day

Aug u s t

19, 1927

H. M. Williams

F e bruary 24 , 19 28

17, 19 2 5 19 25

Arthur Perrin

Nove mber

2, 1928

Mance) T. Clark


I, 1928

Wallace L. Durant


II, 1929

Walter C. Grey

D e c e mbe r

7, 192 9

William J. Curtis, J r.


6, 1930

I 7, 1930

Gilbert D. Max w elJ

F ebruary

George 0. Clinch


Nathaniel F. Emmons


3, 1930

Stuyvesant Wainwright

Novemb e r

3 , 19 30

Duncan Dana

Dece mber 6,

Jamee W . Alker


193 0


7, I 93 I




Capt. Robert A . Bartlett



Racquette Club, Washington, D. C.

11 / 13/ 24

Capt. Howard Blackburn

289 Main Street, Gloucester, Maaa.

II / 8/ 28

Major Anthony Fiala

25 W a rren St., N. Y.

3 / 10/ 27

Alain J. Gerbault


I / 8/ 24

Nathaniel G. Herreshoff

Bristol, R. I.

4/ 11 / 28

Capt. Edward C. Kalbfus, U. S. N., San. Francisco, Cal.

4 / 11 / 24

Com. Donald B. MacMillen F reeport, Me.

3 / 10/ 27

Ralph M. Munroe

Coconut Grove, Fla.

4 / 11 / 28

Harry Pidgeon

Loe A n geles, Cal.

4 / 14/ 26




152 Ackerly, S. Le R oy 23 Alden, John G.

6 Alker, Edward P . 33 Ames, F rede rick L. 66 Amory, H arold

Archer, T. P. 34 Armstrong, Daniel W. 114 Atwater, Charles W. 164 Atwater, David H .

157 Atwater, John J. Auatin, Harry

136 Bacon, Doniel 169 Baekeland, Dr. L. H .



1/ 12/ 23 Nort h port, L. I. Charte r 148 State St., Boston, Mass. I / 2/ 3 1 Great Neck, L. I. 6 / 20 / 26 North Easton, Maas. IO Gloucester St., 7/ 27 / 22 Boston, Maas. I 700 Lincolns hire Drive , 7/ 5 / 29 De troit, Mich. c / o j . R . Willis ton 2/ 23 / 28 I I Wall S t ree t, N. Y. 9/26 / 24 2 Park Ave., N. Y. 3 I I Pocass e t St., L ife 121 / 23 Fall Rive r, Mass. / 23 I Broadway, N. Y. 10/ 183 5 David Whitney Bldg. 12/ 18/ 24 D et roit, Mich.

26 Beaver S t ., N. Y.

189 Baker, Clair L.

24 7 Park Ave., N. Y. 55 Han cock St. ,

138 Baker, Henry Martyn

89 Mackey Ave.,

C h arter C ho rte r

I 2 / 23 / 2 5

Lex ingt on , Mass. Port Washing ton, N. Y. UiO & 167 Baker, Stephen D.

7/ 20 / 27

28 2 Man hat ta n Ave.

N. Y.


I/ I 2/ 23

98 Baker, W . Edgar, Jr.

P orchu ck R oad, Greenwi ch, Conn. 141 Baldwin, F. W. Baddeck, Nova Scotia 133 Baldwin, H . D e Forest 25 Broa d way , N. Y. IS Bz.illiere, Lawrence M. I I East Cha se St. , Baltimore, Md. 1B & 123 Bannerman, David B. I 5 Scotla nd Road Elizabeth, N. j. 177 Bannerman , F rank 2 E lmdo rf Driv e Scarsdale, N. Y.

1/ 12/ 23 C h art e r

1/ 12/ 23 1/ 22 / 3 1 12/ 13/ 23 12/ 13/ 23

25 125 & 182 Bavier,

Robert N.

122 Sutton Manor, New Roch elle, N. Y. 4/ 20/ 23 2 Benedict, R. P. 420 I So. Ashland Ave. Chicago, Ill. 4 / 14/ 25 Deep River, Co nn . !Si Betts, H erbert M. 5 / 24 / 25 6 / 14 / 2 7 43 Biglow, R. Gra ham Norfolk, Conn. Cove Road, Halesite, L. I. 134 Bixby, H e nry D. 4/ 3 / 24 125 Summer St. 48 & 184 Bliss, Elmer J. Boston, Mass. 4 / 14 / l 5 75 Upton Ave. , Bliss. Z e nas Randall Providence, R. I. I I / 28/ 30 I 22 5 . Michi!_?a n Blvd. 192 Boal, Ay res Chica go, Iii. Life 6 / 5 /2 2 Bonnell Island 132 Bonnell, Geo. P. P. Chartar Po rtchester, N. Y. Bradley. A. Fred., Jr. 2 1 Sunstall Road, 5 / 29 / 30 Scarsdale, N. Y. 5J Brayton, Edwnrd 388 Rock St., 2 / 1/ 25 Fnll River, Ma•• 12 / 13/ 23 I 20 Broadway. N. Y. 47 Bro wn. B. H. Innes• 12/ 2 1/ 28 40 W. 40th St., N. Y. 36 Brown, Edward \V. Brugler, James K., Jr. Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn. Charter Greenwic h, Conn. I / 14 /2 8 175 Brush, A bbott P. 44 \V/a3hinbton Ave. 4'1 Buckelew, Chas. \VJ. 5/ 2 1 1 29 Plai nfield, 1 . j. 7 '. 0 12 7 175 5th Ave., N. Y. Burnham. Rufus 8 . 1/ 8 / 24 225 Broadway, N. Y. 31 Bye rly. Robert W.

37 Davis St., Wollasl on , Mass. 3/ 25 / 29 East i\li:ton, Mass. 5/ 24 /2 5 East Milton, Mass. 3 /1 5 / 2 9 Cabot, Nelson 48 West Tier St., 75 Cnesar, William F. City Island, N. Y. 12/ 13 / 23 Northport. L. I. 1/ 18 /2 7 Carll, Benjamin \V. 40 Wall Street, N. Y. 4 / 10 / 28 Carney, Frank D. 1/ 18/ 2 7 Chambers, John A lbert 70 Essex St., Salem . Mass. l l 2 North Broad St., 159 Chance, Edwin M. Philadelphia, Pa. 4/ 25 / 30 Cobol, Edward

35 Cabot, F. Elliot

26 2 1 5 Warren St reet, Brooklin e, Mass. 11 / 15 / 28 Cobb, Charle• K., J r. 268 Summer St., Boston, Maaa. 3 / 22/ 2 2 39 Coffin, Sarni. Barlow 12 So. 4th St., Hudson, N. Y. I / 12 / 2 3 52 Coggan, Linus C . 941 Tremont Building Boston, Mass. 5 / 25 / 28 71 Cole, John F. 136 Perkins St reet, 3 / 22 / 22 Somerville, Mass. 94 Connett, Frank S. 224 W. I Ith St., N. Y. C. I/ 2/ 3 1 110 Cook, Willard B. I O Sutton Manor New Rochelle, N. Y. 5/ 11 / 22 Cooke, A. Goodwin 3 I Nassau St., N. Y. C. 4 / 25 / 30 93 Cooke, Carleton S. 2 Wall St., N. Y. 4 / 20 / 23 93 Cooke, Thomae F. 618 Delaware Ave., 4 / 25 / 30 Buffalo, N. Y. 1'49 Coolidge, Wm. H., Jr. Manchester, Moss. 3 / 17 / 2 7 Cox, Stanley M. "Combsberry", Oxford, Md. 5 / 24 / 2 5 41 Crabbe, Edward T oma River, N. J. 10/ 19/ H Crabbe, Edward L. I 14 East 40th St., N. Y. 1/ 18/ 27 28 Cronkhite, Minton 1130 Virginia Road 4 / 2 1/ 27 San Marino, Cal. Curtis, S. P. Hilltop House, Devon, Pa. 2 / 3 / 28 5 Cutter, Geo. A. 9/ 27 /29 I Federal St. Boston, Mass. Cutting, Ulyuea D. 5/ 1/ 24 35 Wall St., N. Y. 25 Clifford, Dr. Randall

155 Dale, F. Slade

12 / 23 /2 9 3 I W. I 2th S t., N. Y. I 1/ 2 8 / 30 Hamilton, Bermuda 223 W . lllinois Street, Chicago, Ill. 5 / 25 / 2 8 Davia, Charles G. 52 Park A ve .. Port Washington, N. Y. C ha rter 135 De Posch, Lionel 22 William St., N. Y. 5 / 2 4 / 24 Derby, James Lloyd 15 William St., N. Y. 9 / 21 / 28 Dickerson, John S. 560 5th Ave., N. Y. 2/ I / 25 11 / 28 / 30 50 Dickerson, John S.. , Jr. 30 E. 71 st St., N. Y. 46 Dillon, Schuyler I 3 I Stoic St., Boston, Mass. 6 / 3 0 / 2 6 40 Doane, George B. Box 5253, Boston, Maas. Life 1/ 12/ 23 Darrell, Alfred A. 150 Dauchy, Samuel

,,_, Mantolokin g, N. J. 1 I / 13 / 29 I 6 I 5 Penn. Bldg., Phila., Pa. 2/ 9 / 23 I I 2 No. Broad S t., Philadelphia, Pa. 6 / 30/ 26 4S Drake, George B. I 7 Battery Place, N. Y. 5 /2 ◄ / 2 ◄ 119 Draper, Frank B. 42 1 King Ave. , C ity ls., N. Y. Chart er 84 Du ggan, George H . 3576 McT avish St. Montreal, Can. 7/ 6 / 22 113 Duncan, Robert F. 150 Nassau St., N. Y. 5 / 29 / 30 27 Dunn, Gano 1/ 22 / 31 43 Exchange Pl., .N. Y. 72 Durant, Donald 3 7 Broad St., N. Y. 9 / 20 / 26 Du ryee , Andrew Barr 39 Libe rty Ave. , New Rochell e, N. Y. 2/ 9/ 23 129 Oyer, L eonard H. Wilson's Beach, N. B., Can. 7/ 2 1/ 22 118 Dyer, William J . H . H ope Club, 1/ 22 / 3 1 P rovidence, R. I. 85 Downer, Lo uis DeF. C harles B. 22 Downs, W . Findlay

58 Downs,

156 Ely,

Edward C.

Emmons, Ga rdner Evans, George E. 60 Eveleth,

C has. E .

Fales, Haliburton, Jr. Farnsworth, George B.

University Club, I W. 54th St., N. Y. 9 I Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 76 Lyndhurst Ave., T ol'onto , Can. I 13 I P a rkwood Blvd., Sch e n ectady, N. Y.

71 Broadway, N. Y. 2540 Arlin gt on Rd., C leveland, Ohio Fe nger, Fred eric A. Rum Gagge r Farm, Cohasset, Mass. 24 Fe rris, Raymond W. 4 64 N. Portage Pa th, Akron Ohio. 3 Forbes, Dr. A lexander Milton, Mass. Ford, Ellsworth P ort C h ester, N. Y . 176 Ford, Hobart c/o Green, Ellis & Anderson I 00 Broadway, N. Y. 137 F oater, Char les H . W. 15 State St., Boston, Mass. 609 W. I 14th St., N. Y. 181 Friedrichs, F. E.

6 / 30/ 26 1/ 25/29 1/ 18/ 27 6 / 30/ 26 2 / 27 / 30 5/ 20 / 23 C harter 4 / 10/ 28 4 / 3 /24 1/24 /23 8 / 2 / 22 Charter 3 / 15 / 26

28 Pre mium Point P a rk, New R och elle, N. Y. 3 5/ 23 Braeloch, Mount K isco, N. Y. 3 / 17 / 27 Callowhur, George Ft. of Oakdale St., Big Bayou, 81 Candy, J r., Ceo. 5. St. Petersburg, Fla. 9 /2 6 / 2 7 JO Gardiner, Frederic M. I 717 T w entieth St., Washington, D. C. 4 / 2 1/ 2 7 Garland, Robert L. Bay Ave. , Douglaston, N. Y. 2 /2 7 /30 130 Garlick, E. Earle 1843 Elm St. St ratforJ, Co n n. 2 / 3 / 28 143 Geary, L. E. 1-2 P ier One, Seattle , Wash. 3 / 22/ 22 55 Gooderham, Norman R. 77-85 Aven ue R oad, Toronto, Can. 6 / 30/ 26 15 Le wis S t., Hartfo rd . Con n . 3 / 25 / 29 14 Goodwin, Chae. A . 107 2 Carroll St .. Gordon, Henry H. Brook lyn. N. Y. 2/ 9 / 23 Gould, Albert T. I Fed e ral St., Bost on, Mass. 1 1/ 15/2 8 102 Cranberry, George P . 5 Naosau St., N. Y. 6 / 15/2 2 Greening, H arry B. Hamilton, Ca n. Charter 90 Greenou gh, Alfred P. 0. Box 572, D arie n, Con n. 5 / 2 4 / 25 13 Grinnell, Lawrence 3 79 C ounty Street. New Bedford, Mass. 5 /2 4 / 25 Griswold, Roger 65 Goddard Ave., Brookl ine, Mass. C ha rter 62 Grosveno r, Gilbert H. Nat' l Geograp hic Society, Washin g ton, D. C. C ha rter 153 Guild, Joseph I 20 V illage Ave. , Dedham, Mass. Life 4 / I 4 / 2 5

171 Gade, Frederick

Hall, J. Goodwin Hammer, Thomas P . 92 Hanna, John G. Haskell, William T . 185 Haskell, William H .

Haywa rd, Wm. F. 51 H enwood, David D. 95 H igginson, Charles

330 E. 43rd St. , N. Y. 10 / 17 / 2 5 G04 ALbo tt Bld g., Ph i!a. , Pa. 1/ 8 /2 4 Dunedin, Fla. 5/ 11 / 22 Richards Road Port Washing ton, N. Y. 4 / 1/ 2 4 Scarsdale, N. Y., Box 4 46 3 / 2 1/ 23 c/ o Simpson, Sp ence & Young 8 - 10 Br id ge S t .. N. Y. 5 / 2 4 / 25 70 So uth. St., Boston , Mass. 2 / 9/23 IO Post O ffi ce Squa r e, Bost on, Mass. 7 / 6/ 22

29 Hinman, B. A. i8 Ho wa rd, Henry Hoy t, C. Sh erman Huddy, Xen oph on P . Hunt in gton, L. 0 ., J r.

I 2 Roosevelt Ave.. Larchmont. N. Y. 3 / 2 1/ 2 3 Paradise Rood, Newport. R. I. Charter Life 3 7 W . 44th St., N. Y. Life 2/ 9/ 2 3 Milfo rd, Pike Co., Pa. I I/ 28/ 3 0 Rou te 2. Homestead , F la. 9 / 2 4 /24

186 Jackso n , H e nry A.

3 09 E. 22 nd St. , N. Y. 34 P r ince Arthu r Ave. , T oronto, Can. li3 Jimenis , Edwin A. G2 Beave r St., N. Y. 6 & 127 J ohnson, J ohn Seward New Brunswic k, N. J. 56 John3on, Robert \Vood New Brunswick, N. J . 91 Judson. W illiam H . 2 5 Brood St .. N. Y.

6/ 5 / 22

Jarvis, Aemilius

42 Katte nh orn, Martin S.

158 Ke mble , Parker H.

K"o'.;h, Jnm es B. 67 Kilmer, Hug h Knig h t, Thomas S. 65

Kozlay. C . V.

82 W a ll S t., N. Y. I o; Washin gto n St., Mn, blehead, Mass. 2 25 Fift h Ave. , N. Y. I I Broadway, N. Y. I 4 0 F edcral St., Boslon. Mass. 3 7 H ig h St., \Vest O cang c, N. J.

Lan r;, Edmund 30 C hu rc h ~ t., N. Y. Larner, G . de Freest 1230 Park Ave., N. Y. Loc kwood, A lfr ed \ V. 360 Madison Ave., N. Y. 146 Lock wood , Luke B. 40 Wa ll St., N. Y . Lombard, Lau ren c e M. 9 2 C hurch Street, Win c hester. Mass. 120 Loomis , A lfred F. 122 East i6th S t., N. Y. 172 Lord, John B. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 99 Lovela nd, Samue l C. H ammonton, N. J. 105

Charter 2/ 1/ 2 5 Life 5/ / 23 5 / 24 / 24

C harte r 5 / 20 / 27 6/ / 2 3 1/ 22 / 3 1 10 / 17 / 2 5 4 / 10 / 28

6 / 14 /7. 7 1/ 18 / 27 1/ 2 2/3 1 11 / 28 / 30 5 / 25 / 2 8 3 / 22 / 22 9 / 26 / 27 10 / 19 / 25

JO 44 Woodland Aven ue, New Rochelle, N. Y. 6/ I 5/ 2 2 I 3 3 0 Land Title Bldg. , Madeira, Edward W. Phi ladelphia, Pa. 4 / 14 / 2 5 11 Br oadway, N. Y. C h arter 107 & 148 Mallory, Clifford D. 1s1 & 193 Mallory, P hilip R. 350 Madison Ave., N. Y. 4 / 20 / 23 705-717 Whitlock Ave., N. Y. 5 / 24 / 2 5 104 Manley, Louis E. Charte r 103 Marsland, Charles A . 200 Fifth Ave. , N. Y. 18 W. 70th St., N. Y. 3 / 15 / 24 174 Masury, Alfred F. 3 Evelyn Pl., Princeton, N. J. 9 /2 1 / 28 S3 Mather, Frank J., Jr. 418 5. W. Second Ave., 87 Matheson, Hugh M. Miami, Fla. 4 / 10 / 28 Covewood, Mayers, Warren T. So. Norwalk, Conn. 7/ 5/29 Megargel, Ra lph G. 3 7 W. 44th St., N. Y. 4/ 14/ 25 220 Broadway, N. Y. Meneely, Chester 8. 9 /2 1/ 28 Meneely, Henry T. R. D. No. 4. Troy, N. Y. 10 / 19/2 5 136 State St., Augusta, Mc. 190 Merrill, John Lee 1/ 23 / 29 29 Me,riman, H. Morton 180 Madison Ave., N. Y. 1/ 12/ 23 9 Merwin, Horaee B. Bridgeport-City Trust Co. Bridgeport, Conn. 1/ 22 / 31 38 Metcalf, Rowe 8. 45 E. 17th St., N. Y. 10 / 17 / 2 5 17 Miller, J. Rulon, Jr. 3 l S. Calvert Street, Baltimore, Md. 2/23/28 44 Mixter, George W. I W. 54th St., N. Y. 2/2 7/ 30 21 Moffat, A lexander W. 207 Fisher Ave., Brookline, Mass. 6/ 1/ 22 110 Moore, Robert Hartwell Room 2402, 1440 Broadway, N. Y. 1/ 12/23 68 Morison, Samuel E. 44 Brimmer St., Boston, Mass. 12 / 2 1/ 28 4 Morss, Everett, Jr. 20 I De vonshire Street, Boston, Mass. 1/ 14 /2 8 32 Schermerhorn St., 96 Morton, Dr. H. H. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1/ 18 / 2 7 Moulton , F rancis S. 155 Adams St., Milton, Mass. 5 / 25 / 28 70 McCormick, H. E.

Mower, Charles D.

204 City Island Ave. , City Island, N. Y.

5 / 11 / 22

31 122 & l (J(i

Moxham, Egbert,

89 Munroe, \Virth

J ohn K. Myric k, Eugene C.

1 Murp hy,


Neilson, Alexander S.

20 Nevin,

E. Paul Nichols, G eo rge 145 Nichols, Lloyd 165 & 16S Nicholson, Poul C. 103

79 Nickerso n, Hoffman 6-1

Nield, Charles F. No rth, H e rbert B.

Parkinson, John Parkinson, Jo hn, Jr. 16 Parkman, H enry, Jr.

East Shore Road, Great Neck, L. I., N. Y. P. 0. Box I I 6, Coconut Grove, Fla Uranford, Conn. 320 Broadway, N. Y.

4/ 14/ 25 10/ 20/ 26 9/ 24/ 24 5/ 24 / 24

84 Spoon er Road, Brooklin e, Moss. ◄/2 0/23 25 W. 43rd St., N. Y. 5/ 24 / 25 I I Thomas St., N. Y. 2/ 23 / 28 Beverly Farms, Mass. 9/ 2 1/ 28 Nicho lson File Co., P rovidence, R. I. Life I 0/ / 23 3 7 W. 52 nd St., N. Y. II / 7/ 30 I 03 Pork A,·e., N. Y. Charier Orange, Conn. 2/ 23 / 28

53 Sta te St., Boston, Mass. 11 / 13/ 23 565 Park Ave., N. Y. 4 / 10/ 28 82 Devonshire St., Room 805 6 / 14/ 2 7 Boston, Moss. Shippon Point, Payne, Edward D. Stamford, Conn. 6/ 16/ 22 9/26/24 19 1 Percival, Lawren ce F. Marble head, Mass. 178 Perkins, Frederic W. 166 1 Crescent Pl., N. W., Washjngton, D. C. I / 12/ 23 86 Pork Ave., N. Y. 4/ 20/ 23 Perry, Oliver H. R. D. I, H acke nsack, N. J. C harter Life 140 Phelps, John J. 34 4 Newberry Street, Pierce, S. S. Charter I3o3ton, Mass. 1/ 25 / 29 I O 7 East 60th St., N. Y. Pool, J. Lawrence 139 North Clark St., 144 Porter, F red D. 9/ 20/ 26 Chicago, Ill. 14 Roosevelt Ave., 69 Poucher, Timothy D. 4/ 20/ 23 Larchmont, N. Y. 55 Mel rose Place, 112 Power, C harles 3 / 17/ 27 Montclair, N. J. 65 N. Fullerton Ave., Powers, Frederic D. 5/ 25 / 28 Montclair, N. J.

32 Prince, Gordon C.

54 D e vons hire S t .. Boston. Mass.

3 / 22 / 22

4 70 I S. Ashland Ave., 6 / 23 / 23 Chi cav,o, Ill. 11 / 13 / 23 Raymond, Gordo n Greenwic h, Conn. C h arter Life Raymond, Irving E. Ea gle Sp r in gs, N. C. 1430 Le xing ton Ave, N. Y. 4 / 25 / 30 Rawle, Marshall 14 Hawthorn Road 128 Reid, Wm. T., 3rd 9/ 26/ 2◄ Brookline, Mass. 5 / 24 / 2 4 188 Rice, Dr. George E. 2 E . 54th S t. , N. Y . 3 /2 2 / 22 Rigg, Linton I I E . 4 4th St., N. Y . 180 Ri ggs. Dr. Austin Fox S tockbridge, Mass. Life 1/ 12 / 23 18 Summe r St. , Sale m , Mass. 7 / 6 / 22 73 Robinson. John. J r. 11 / 28 / 30 26 Roosevelt, Geo. Emlen 30 Pin e St., N. Y. 139 & l i9 Ross, Tho rvald S. P. 0 . Bo x H, B r ig ht o n Dist. , 3 / 2 1/ 23 Bos ton, Mass. 142 Rowland, John T. 53 Prospect S treet 9 /2 6 / 2 4 Sta mford, Conn. IOI Rushmore, W. A. 3 Lafaye tte Avenue , 6 / 3 0 / 26 Brooklyn, N. Y. 124 Russell, Frank H . I 5 2 Prospect St., 1/ 19/ 24 Hempstead, N. Y. 82 Russell, T. M. 323 Hi gh St., 5 /2 0 / 27 Middl etow n, C onn. 161 Rutherford, John M. P. 0 . Box 492, 3 /22/ l.2 Po rt Washin ~ton . L. I. 11 Radulic,


63 Saltonstall, Leverett

Schocnwerk, Otto C. 86 Seeley, N. S.

8 Service, Elliot K.

Seymour, A. D., Jr. 154 Sharp, B. Karl Sheehan , W Gerard

C h estnut Hill, Ma ss. 1436 Scott A v e., Winnetka, Ill. 71 Broadway, N. Y. 41 Ma pl e Ave., Gle n Cove, N. Y . Sunse t D rive, lthi ca, N. Y. 49 W. C astle Pl., New Ro c helle, N. Y. A pt. 24, 7567 Hanover S t., D etroit, Mi ch.

7 I 6/22 10 /2 0 / 2 7 3 / 2 5 / 29 10/ 17/ 25 C ha rter 3 / 22 / 22 1/ 12/ 23

33 Simonds, Da niel II. 131 116

Simpson, D wight S. Sistare, George H. Smilli e, C harles V. V.


Smith, Ea rle F rank Vining Smith, H e rbert M.

126 Smith,

1116 Smith,

Melville R. Smith, Rufus G. Spe ncer, Duncan M. Ste ph ens, K e nneth 61 Stephens, Olin J., II.

Ste phens, Rode rick Stephens, W. P. 162 Ste tson, Ha rla n T . 61



Stewart, Glenn Stewart, Wm. A. W. Stone, F rancis H., Jr.

Stone, Herbert L. 17 Sullivan, Franklin C. Sullivan, Walter S.

T aylor, Willia m H. 30 T elande r, N. L.

Thomas, D r. Wm. A. T hurber, F rede rick B.

203 Commonwealth Ave. , Boston, Mass. 12/ 23 / 29 14 8 State St., Boston, Mass. 10 / 17/ 25 474 Pa rk St., New Bedford, Mase. 10/ 17/ 25 I O Oa k Lane, Sca rsdale , N. Y. 2/ 9 / 23 Sh rewsbury, Mass 4/ 2 5 / 30 So. Hingham, Mass. 5 / 24 / 24 5 Ruby A ve., Marble head, Mass. 3 / 15 / 26 33 E. 33rd St., N. Y. 1/ 12/ 23 Pullis Ave., Bayside, L. I. 4/ 25 / 30 I I O E. 5 7t h St .. N. Y. 4 / 2 1/ 27 44 Bea ver St., N. Y. 2 / 9 / 23 I I Brayton Road, Scarsdale, N. Y. 3 / 25 / 29 220 E. 138th St., N. Y. 3 / 15 / 26 3 7 I 6 223 rd St., Bayside, L. I. Charter Perkins Observato1y. Oh io W esleya n Un iversity, De laware, Ohio 5 /J. 0 / 2 7 Easton, Md. 1 1/ 7 / 30 45 Wa ll St., N. Y. 4 /2 1 /'!. 7 15 Euclid Ave., Providence, R. I. 3 / 4 124 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. Charter H arle m Yac ht C lub, City Island, N. Y. 4/2 1/2 7 22 1 E. 58th St., N. Y. Charte1

225 W. 40th St., N. Y. 560 H artford A ve nue , Milwaukee, \Vig_ 122 So. Michigan Ave., C hicago, Ill. Tilden-Thu rber Corp. Providen ce, R. I.

5 / 29 / 30 2/ 2 7/ 30 4 /2 5 / 3 0 Charter

34 Tillinghast, James A.

I 030 Hospita l Trust Bldg . Providenc e, R. I. 7 / 5 / 29 37 Torrey, Morris W . I Ma dison Ave., N. Y. 3 / 2 I / 23 76 Tousey, Dr. Coleman I 00 Boylston St., Bos ton, Mass. C harter 111 T rimingham, Eldon H . Hamilton, Be rmuda I / 9 / 24 Tucker, Edwin H , 135 William St., N . Y. I 2/ / 23 147 Wallace,

George N.

42 W. Cas tle Pl., New R och elle, N . Y. 12/ 18/ 24 100 Wa mbaugh, Milee I F ede ral St., Boston, Mass. 1/2 2 / 31 54 Warren, Dr. Geo. W. I I 7 E. 6 2nd S t., N . Y. 6 / 30/26 Warren, Paul C. 403 Commercia l Nat' ! Ba nk Bld g., S h rev e p o r t, L a. 4 / 10 / 2 6 80 Weagant, Carl L. Forest Road, Dou glaston, L. I. 1/ 2 2/31 88 Weeks, Allen T. 8 W inte r S t. , South Da rtmouth, Mass . 4 / 3/ 2 4 100 Welch, Chae. A. , 2nd 73 T remont St., Boston, Mase. Life 5/ 24 / 25 57 Weston, Charles Atlantic Nat'! Ba nk Boston, Ma es. 7/ 6/ 22 57 Wceton, Melville 87 Milk St ., Bos ton, Mass. 7/ 6 / 2 2 Wetherill, Samu el 20 5 E. 42nd St., N. Y. C h arte r Weyand, Chas. L. 285 Mad is on A ve ., N. Y. 1/ 20 / 25 19 & 115 White, Wilfrid 0 . 1 12 Sta te St ., Bos ton, Mass. 6/ 14 / 27 117 Whitin g, Butle r IO 1 P ark Ave., N . Y. 1/ 9 / 24 Whitney, Alfred R., Jr. 165 E. 60 th S t ., N. Y. 5/20 /2 7 12 Williams, Ralph 8 . 320 Marlbo ro u gh St ., D ove r, Ma ss. I / 2/31 59 W illia ms, Roger H . 4 0 Wall St., N. Y. 7/ 5 / 29 Wilson, Dr. Wm. A. 5 24 Professional Bldg ., Detroit, Mich. I/ 9/ 24 183 Wisc W ood, Henry A. 50 I Fifth Ave., N. Y. Chartor Wolfe, Nelson B. c/o Machinery Club, 50 Churc h St ., N. Y. I/ 9/24 163 W or k, John Clinton 133 E. 61 st St., N. Y. 3 / 25/29 7 Yo un g, Roge r

I 1 Raymond Blvd., Newark, N . J.,

4 / 14 / 25


llom e Port 1 Antares (Aux.) Branford, Conn. 2 Baghee ra (Aux.) C h icago , 111. 3 Black Duck Naushon, Mass. 4 Dlack Goose (A ux.) Manches te r, Mass. 5 Black Squall (Aux.) Chatham, Mass. 6 Boreas (Aux.) Great Neck, N. Y. 7 Carolin e (Aux.) Newark, N. J. 8 Chantey (Aux.) G len Cove , L. I. 9 Dauntl.,ss (Aux.) Bridgeport, Conn. JO Evanthia II (Aux.) Ports mo u th, N. H. 11 Fairma id (Aux.) Chicago, Ill. 12 Fearless (Aux.) C ohasset, Mass. 13 Flyin g Cloud III (Aux.) New Bed ford , Mass. 14 Golden Hind Ha rtfo rd, Conn. 15 Harpoon (Aux.) Gibson Isla nd, Md. 16 Hearts Desire (Aux.) Marblehcad , Mass. Xaine

17 High Tide (Aux.) 18

Hispaniola (Aux.)

Gibson Island, Md. Blue Po int, L. l.

Ouaicr John K. Murphy R. !-'. 13,..n ,:d ict Alt:x. Forbes Evere tt Mo rns, Jr. Geo. A. Cutt e r Edward P. Alk er Roge r You n g Elliot K. Service Horace B. Mc , win F. M. Gardine r Geo. R adulic Ralph B. Williams Lawren ce Grinnell C h as. A . Goodw in Lawre n ce M. Baillicrc A . S . Neilson Henry Pa,k ma n, J r. J. Ru lon Miller, J r. D. B. Ban n erman

/,c ngth 0. A. II'. L.


D raf t

33.6 42.5 46. 38. 33.3 60. 46. 30.3 42.4 34.6 32.6 3 7. I l

12. 14.2 15. 12.2 12.6 18. 15. I I. 3 13.4 I 1. 8

4.6 7.8 6.


48. 33.6 33. 32.6

I 5.9 I I. 3 11.6 I 1. 8

70.8 3 7.4

50. 30.

14.3 12.

43. 55.6 65. 52.3 43. 79.10 64. 38. 6 1. 47.6

41.6 53 .9 67.6 46. 1


I 1.3



4.2 I 0. 8.6 6. 8.6 5. 1 I 6.2 7.3

9. 6.6

7. 6.4

8.6 3.6





Home Port Uumer 19 Lady Kelvin (Aux.) Boston, Mass. Wilfrid 0 . White 20 Lord Jim (A ux. ) Bluehill, Me. E. Paul Nevin 21 Mnhdee (Aux.) Boston, Mass. A lex W. Moffat 22 Malabar VIII (Aux.) Phjladelphia, Pa. W. Findlay Dow n$ 23 Mala::ir X (Aux.) Boston, Mass. Jo hn G. A lden 24 Malay (Aux.) R. W. Ferris Marblehead, Mass. Randall Clifford 25 Maui Pndanaram, Mass. Geo. E. Roosevelt 26 Mistress (Aux.) Oyster Bay, L. I. Gano Dunn Cranberry Isles, Me. 27 Niliraga (Aux.) Min ton Cronkhite New York, N. Y. 28 Nomad (Aux. ) Campobello, N. B. Can. 1-1. Morton Merriman 29 Norseman (Aux.) N. L. T elander Miiwauk ec, W ia. 30 Nor'wester (Aux.) Robert W . Byerly New York, N. Y. 31 Owl II 32 Pennesseewassee

Ea r le Smith Salem, Mass. (Aux.) F rederick L. Ames Boston, Mass. 33 Primrose IV (Aux.) Dani el W. A rm stron g Rye, N. Y. 34 P rivateer (Au x.) r-. E. Cabot Boston , Mas~. 35 Pt a rmigan (Aux.) Fd wa· d W. Brown Oyster Bay, N. Y. 36 P uritan ( Aux.) W. T o ~re)' Y. M. Po rt Washington, N. 37 Radiant (Aux.) R. B. Metcalf Gree nwich, Conn. 38 Sach em (Aux. ) S. B. Coffi n Hudson, N. Y. 39 Seafarer

Leny th O.A. W .L.

4 I. 62.8 53.2 54. 58.3 45.3 43. 60. 43. 88. 62.7

3 i. S 45.

41. 6 50. 62.6

43. 7 93. 48.6 79.6 63.



Bccu» 2. 5. 5. 2.9 4.3 I. 9 2. 5.7 2.6 8. 4.7 0.5 I.

34. 40. 4s. 32. 3 68. 3 7. 9 65. 45.

I 1. 4 13.3 14. 9 I 1.7 I9. 7 12. 20. 15.6

35. 46. 45. 11 39. 44.2 34.5 3 0.9 50. 33 .3 66. 46.8 ~3.3


5. 10 8.6 6. 7.8 7. II 6.6 5.7 9.8 4.2 I I. 8. 3 6. 8.9 6.6 7. 8. 6.4 12. 7. 10. 8.10

SCHOONERS L ength N ame 40 Sea Lure (Aux.) 41 S hellback (Aux. ) 42 S urprise 43

Teal (Aux.)

44 Teragram (Aux.)

45 Tigress (Aux.) 46 Tortuga


47 Vangua rd (Aux.) 48 Venona II (Aux.) 49 Virwin (Aux.)

50 Volador (Aux.) 51 Wanderer ( Aux.) 52 Westward (Aux.) 53

Whistler (Aux.)

Rome Port Boston, Mass.


0 . .-1.


Tom's Rive r, N. J. New Rochelle, N. Y. Greenwich, Conn. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Scituate, Mass. New York, N. Y. Edgartown, Mass. Sewar en, N. J. Red Bank, N. J. Marbleh.ead, Mass. Boston, Mass. Fall River, Mass.

40. 6 1. 44. 53 . 7 58.5 56.6 36. 2 55.4 SJ. 9 4 I. 9 5 I. 3 7. 6 1. 9 60.

Tl". ,.,. 3 1. 6 45. 36. 38. 43.2 42.6 32.2 42.6 3 7.11 32.3 38.6 32. 48.3 47.


G. B. Doan e EJwa rd Crabbe M. S. Katlc nhorn R. Graham Biglow Geo. w. Mixte r Geo. B. Drake Schuyle r Dillon B. H. Inn ess Brown E. J. Bliss Ch~s. W. Buckelew J ohn S. Dicke rson David D. Henwood Linus C. Coggan Edw. Brayton

I 1.6 15.3 12. 11.5 14.2 14.2 I I. I 14. 12. 5 I I. 2 14. 2 12. 15. 7 I 5.

5.6 5. 7. 7.4 7. I 0 7.2 4.6 7. 7. 3 6.3 5.6 6.6 8.6 8.

New Yo rk, N. Y. Toronto, Can. New Brunswick, N. J.

Geo. w. Warren 66.4 Norman R. Gooderham 66. J . S . & R . W . J o hnson 127.

4 9 .1 0 45. 98.

15. 7 14.3 26.

ll.8 8. 15.

54 Yankee Girl II

(Aux.) 55 Yolanda (Aux.) 56 Zodiac (Aux.)

YA WLS Name 57 Betsinda (Aux.)

Home Port

Marblehead, Mass.

i e,1g th






M elville and C ha rles Weston







YAWLS Name 58 Blue Wing (Aux.)

Length 0. LI.. TV. L. 36. 27.6

Home Port Philadelphia, Pa. Saugatuck, Conn. Sargentville, Me. Larchmont, N. Y. Bacldeck, C. B. North Haven, Me. New Haven, Conn. Larchmont, N. Y. Na hant, Mass. Larchmont, N. Y. Seal Cove, Me. New Rochelle, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. So. Brooksville, Me. Larchmont, N. Y. Salem, Mass. Bayside, L. I.

C. B. Downs Ro ger H. Williams 55. Chas. E. Eveleth 40. Olin J. Stephens II and Roderick Stephens 52.2 ¾ Gilbert Grosvenor 54 . L. Saltonstall 33.6 Herbert B. North 50. C. V. Kozlay 47. I H. Amory 38.7 Hugh Kilmer 45.2 S. t::. Morison 30. T. D. Poucher 34. H. E. McCormick 38. 38. John F. Cole 45.~ Donald Durant 34. John Robinson, Jr. 21. 9 W. P. Step hens

75 Stormalong (Aux. )

New York, N. Y.

Wm. F. Caesar

76 Thialfi (Aux.)

Boston, Mass.

C oleman T ouscy

3 5. 3 7.

Franklin C. Sullivan


59 Daphne

(Aux.) 60 Dolphin (Aux.) 61 Dorade

62 Elsie

(Aux.) 63 Fishhawk (Aux.) 64 Friendship (Aux.) 65 Gleam (Aux.) 66 Gringo (Aux.) 67 Idler (Aux.) 68 Idler (Aux) 69 Minstrel (Aux.) 70 Nimbus 71 Quill II 72 Sequoia (Aux.) 73 Shag (Aux.) 74 Snikersnee

ii Witchcraft II (Aux.) New York, N. Y.

38. 34.6 37.6

40. 33.6





3.6 3. 6.

15. 12. 10.3 12. 12. 13.9



28.9 36.7

10.8 11.8

22. 23.


10. 9. 8.7 9. 10




26. 6

7.8 6.4

7. 6. 6.6 5.9 6. 4.5 5. .t:

5.8 5. 10 6.6



9.9 5.9


I 0.

3 I. 3 7.4

I I. 10

5.6 5. 10





Length ·N ame

Home Po,-1

Owner 78 Alice (Aux.) Newport, R. I. H. Howard 79 Billy II (Aux.) New Yark, N. Y. Hoffman Nickerson 80 Carlsark (Aux.) Bayside, L. I. Carl L. Weagant 81 Cynosure (Aux.) St. Petersburg, Fla. Geo. S. Gandy, Jr. 82 Felisi (Aux.) Middletown. Conn. T. M. Russell 83 Four Winds (Aux.) Quisiett, Mass. F. J. Mather, Jr. B4 Glencairn (Aux.) Montreal G. H. Duggan 85 Good Luck (Aux.) Mantoloking Louis De F. Downe r 86 Lady Low (Aux.) Stamford, Conn. N. S. Seeley 87 Marmion (Aux.) Miami, Fla. H. M. Matheson 88 Maya (Aux.) New Bedford, Mass. Allen T. Weeks 89 Melody (Aux.) Coconut Grove Wirth Munroe 90 Puffin II (Aux.) Darien, Conn. Alfred Gree nou g h 91 Rival III (Aux.) Port Washington, N. Y. Wm. H. Judson 92 Seaward (Aux.) Dunedin, Fla. J. G. Hanna 93 Seven Bells (Aux.) Branford, Conn. C. S. Cooke and Thos. F. Cooke 94 Sou-wester (Aux.) Port Washington, N. Y. Frank S. Connett 95 Spindrift (Aux. ) Cohasset, Mass. Chas. Higginson 96 Spindrift Port Washington, N. Y.He nry H. Morton 97 Sunset (Aux.) Coco nut Grove, Fla. Ralph M. Munroe 98 Tide Rip (Aux.) Huntingto n, L. I. Wm. E . Baker, Jr.

0 . .11 .

W. L.



52. 51.10 46. 36.6

42. 42. 36. 31.6

13.7 13 .7 10.6 10.2 12. 13. 7 16.5 11.4 13.4 15. 10. 10.4 11.6 12. 7


3.8 8.11 3.10 5.2 4.8 5.3 2.4 3.10 7.9



12.2 11.6 12. 12. 7.6 I 0.2

7. 6.8 5. 6. 2.8

4 7.

3 5.

47.I 75. 41. 55.2 55.8 35.8 35.8 38. 56. 28.2

35.11 56. 41. 46.9 45.6 30. 28.6 36.6 40. 25.8

56. 40.4 54. 47. 26. 30.8

38. 32.6 3 7.

35. 21.6 27.1

4. 6.6 5.2 7.


e,, \C)

.IS, 0

KET CHES l\Tame 99 Vagabond (Aux.) 100

Walrus (Aux.)

Home Port

Philadelphia, Pa. Marblehead, Mass.


S. C. Loveland Chas. A. Welch II

L01tgth TV. L. 50. 43. 50. 45.

0 . .1.



14. 14.6

3.6 6.

Beam 9. 6.9 12.3 9.9 6. 10 12.


3. 5. 10 6.6 6.2 7.6½

13.6 14.8 9.6 8.6 6. 7 7.6 9. 10.6 9.6

5. 9.9 5.6 5.7 4.10 3.9 4.6 6. 5.4


Alluna (Aux.) 102 Anita 103 Azor (Aux.) 104 Bambino (Aux.) 105 Banzai 106 Blue Water II 107 Bonnie Dundee (Aux.) 108 Carolina lO'J Coot (Aux.) 110 Cynara (Aux.) Ill Cyric 112 Delta 113 Dorothy (Aux.) !14 Duckling 11s Edith (Aux. ) IOI

Home Port


Huntington, L. I. New Rochelle, N. Y. Greenwich, Conn. New Rochelle, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y.

Wm. A. Rushmore Geo. P. Granbery Chas. A. Marsland L. E. Manley Edmu nd Lang M. R. Smith

Greenwich, Conn. Clifford D. Mallory New York, N. Y. Geo. Nichols Hingham, Miles Wambaugh Huntington, N. Y. Rober t H. Moore Hamilton, Bermuda E. H. T rim in gham Digby, N. S. C has. Power Robert F. Duncan New Harbo r, Me. Port Washin gton, N. Y. C. W. Atwater Boston, Mass. W ilfrid 0. White

Length O.A. lV.L.

34. 32.3 4 7. 41. 9 43.6 45.6 ½

22. 25. 35. 30. 30. 3 5. I

48. 72.1 32. 3 7.6 32.6 29.6 28. 3 7.6 30.

43.5 50.6 28. 25.6 20.2 19.6 29.6 23.



~ame 116 Edna 117 Exit (Aux. ) 118 Fila lou 119 Fly in g Cloud 120 Hotspur (Aux. ) 121 Iris 122 Jester 123 L aasie (Aux.) 124 Lorna (Aux.) 125 Mab 126 Mandala y 127 Mary Lea (Aux.) 128 Monh egan (Au x.) 129 Murre (Aux. ) 130 Naaman (Aux. ) 131 Nameless (Aux. ) 132 O ld Glory ( Aux. ) 133 P e n eke ae 134 P ha n tom ( A u x. ) 135 P ollyanna 136

Que rida (A ux .)

tJomc Port Uumer New Bedford, Mass. G. 1-1. S is ta re L archmont, N. Y. Butle r W hitin g Providen ce, R. I. W . J. 1-1. Dye r New Yo rk, N. Y. F. B. D rape r Cold Spring, N. Y. A lf red F. Loomis N ew York, N. Y. w'm . A. W. Stewarl G reat Neck, N. Y. E. Mo x ham New York, N. Y. D. B. Banne rm a n Port Was hing ton, N. Y. F . 1-1. Russell New Roc helle, N. Y. R. N. Bavier F rank V ining Smith Pocassett, Mass. Bay H ead, N. J . J. S ewa rd Johnso n Cohasse t, Mass. Wm. T . Re id , Ill L. H. Dye r Campobello Bridgepo r t, Conn. E. Earl G a rlick Boothbay Harbor, Mc. D. S. S impson G re enwic h, Conn. Geo . P . P. Bonnell Pad a naram , Mase. H. d e F . Ba ldwin H e nry D. Bixby H un tin gton, N. Y. Port Wash ing ton, N. Y. L. d e Posch D. i3acon New York, N. Y.

Length IV. L.

O. A.

39. 1 26.6 38.8 58. 3 2.4 69.5 29.9 29.6 26.6 -l 7.8 38.6 25. 31.7 38. 32. 25.4 48. 29. 11 28. 28. 49.

33 .6 23 .4 28.3 44. 24. 43. I 9. 2 4. 22. 29. 30.1 1 20. 24. 1 I 3 5.6 28. 2 1. 40. 27. 25. 24. 38.3



I 0.3 I 0. 2 13.6 14. 8. 10 12.6 7.9 I 0. 6.6 8.3 I 0.8 5. I 0.3 I 0. I 0.3 8.3 15. 10.8 8.6 9. 14.

6.5 5. 2.4 8. 5.3 8.5 4.6 3. 6. 6.3 6. 2. 5.2 3. 6.6 5. 6. ◄ .6

5. 6 5. 4.



137 Questa

138 Ranger II (Aux.) 139 Rikki Tikki 140 Rosebud 141 Scrapper Ill 142 Sea Catch 143 SirTom

144 Sparkler 145 Stornoway (Aux.) 146 Tina vi re (Aux.) 147 Trio 148 Tycoon 149 Vagrant (Aux.) 150 Varya 151 Whoopee

SLOOPS & CUTTERS Owner Marblehead, Mass. Chas. H. W. Foster Port Washington, N. Y. H. M. Baker Hingham, Mass. T. S. Ross Stony Creek, Conn. John J. Phelps F. W. Baldwin Baddeck, N. S. John T. Rowland Darien, Conn. L. E. Geary Seattle, Wash. F. D. Porter Chicago, Ill. L. Nichols Manchester, Mass. Luke B. Lockwood Riverside, Conn. G. N. Wallace New Rochelle, N. Y. C. D. Mallory G reenwich, Conn. W. H. Coolidge, Jr. Manchester, Mass. Samuel Dauchy C hicago, Ill. P. R. Mallory Milton Point, N. Y. F/01110 Port

L o11gth O.A.. W .L .

50. 26. 23. 35. 40. 30. 40. 22.75 33. 41.6 29.6 69.42 47. 40. 30.6


Name 152 Captain Bunsby

153 Idalia 154 Sakuntala 155 Sheldrake

Home Port Lloyds Neck Lagoon,

N. Y. Boston, Mass. Nantucket, Mau. Bay Head, N. J.

32. 22. 15 . 35. 27. 24. 22.9 15.6 28. 32. 20. 43. 32. 27. 21.6



6. 6.6

7. 5.9

6.6 9. 10. 8. 5.625 I I. 9. 9. 12.5 12. 6.6 6.6

3. 6. 3.6 5.-4 3.4 6. 6. 4.6 9. 6. 6. 6.9



I 0.

2.6 2. .9

Leng th

0 U,"11Cf

O. A.

S. Le R. Ackerly Jos. Guild 8. K. Sharp F. Slade Dale

22. 26.3

W. L.



26. I 0.6

11 .6


HOUSEBOAT Length Name 156 Helen Louise

Rome Port

Rye, N. Y.

Q ll/llCT

Edward C. Ely

O. A . 52.

IV. L.







I 0.5 12.8 22. 13.4 10.6 9.6 16. 10.6 10. 10 I I. 10 12.8 12.6 1-4. 13. 10.8 10.6 9.6

3.6 3.9 11.6 3.4 3.6 3. 3.8 4. 2.8 3.4 4.2 3.8 3. 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.

MOTOR CRUISERS Length Name 157 Alborac 158 Ambra V I 159 Antares 160 Bamboo 161 Barracuda 162 Calypso 163 China Girl 164 Damaris llI 165 Doubloon 166 Glencairn II 167 Gulf Stream 168 Harpoon II 169 Ion 170 lvirna 171 J ane II 172 Kathryn 173 Kemah II

Home Purt


New York, N. Y. John J. Atwater Parker H . Kemble Marblehead, Mass. Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin M. Chance S tephen D. Baker Eau Callie, Fla. P a lm Beach, Fla. J ohn M. Ruth erford H arlan T . Stetson Boston, Mass. Oyster Bay, L. I. John C. Work David H. Atwater Fall River, Mass. P. C. Nicholson Providence, R. I. E. Moxham Great Neck, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y . S. D . Baker P. C. Nicholson Providence, R. I. Dr. L. H. Bnekeland Coconut Grove, F la. Willard B. Cook New Rochelle, N. Y. Frederick Gade New Roch elle, N. Y. John B. Lord Da ri en, Conn. Travers Island, N. Y. E. A. J imenis

0 ..1. 50. 50. I 05.

55. 50. 40.4 43.1 36. 42. 48. 49. 11 68. 48. 60. 42. 43. 38.

W.L. 4 7. 50. 95. 50. 4?.8 35. I 0 41. 34. 41. 5 47. 2 46. 67. 7 47.3 58.6 40.6 41.6 37.6




Bome Port


L' Apache 175 Loon 176 Mother Goose 177 Navette 178 Norvega 179 Padda 180 Penguin 181 Sabrina II 182 Seafarer II 183 Sea Lady 184 Shawna IIi 185 Squid 186 Victory Ill 187 Virginia

Port Washington, N. Y. Alfred F. Masury Greenwich, Conn. Abbott P. Brush Rye, N. Y. Hobart Fo rd Patchogue, N. Y. F. Bannermann So. Brooksville, Me. F. W. P e rkins Hingham, Mass. Thorvald S. Ross lsesboro, Me. Austin Fox Riggs New York, N. Y. F. E. Friedrichs New Rochelle, N. Y. Robert N. Bavier Gloucester, Mass. Ii. A. Wise Wood Edgartown, Mass. Elmer J. Bliss So. Brooksville, Me. W. 1-l.. Haskell Travers Island, N. Y. Henry A. Jackson Essex, Con n. H. M. Be tts

188 Wah-ne-ta Ill

Bayport, L. I.

George E. Rice

189 Wennevah

So. Brooksville, Me.

C. L. Baker






72. 32. 10




12. 9.6 20.

34. 3 7.

3 I.

8. 8.5

3.8 3.6 4. 2.6 3.

7. 15.3










58.9 58.

55. 55. I

12. 12.

40. 45.


9.3 9.








11 .4

3 5.

3 5.


2.9 3.6 2.6

42.6 50. 64.



12.9 14. 12.9



190 Wild Goose

lslesford, Me.

Johr. Lee Merrill

191 Whistler

Marblehead, Mass.

L. F. Percival

192 Winnetka III

Chicago, Ill.

Ayres Boal

43. 56. 64.

193 Yola

Milton Point, N. Y.

P. R. Mallory


2.4 4.

3. 2.8

4. 3.6

4. 3.


THE BLUE WATER MEDAL F ecling that there were many noteworthy voyages made in small boats , a nd frequ ent exa mples or meritorious seaman• s hip displayed by a mate ur sailo rs of a ll nationalities that went unreco g nized, it seemed to th e m e mbe rs of the Cruising Club of America that this organization was the fittin g one to properly reco rd a nd r ewa rd such adventure u pon the s ea. Therefo r e, at the annual m eetin g on F e bruary 27, 1923, the following resolution was passed, founding a m edal that, i t was hoped, mig h t p rove a n incentive for carrying on the spirit o f adve nture and uphold in g the b est tra ditions of seafarin g that are our h e ritage from th e past. .. Moved and seconded t h at the C lub found, out of fund s to b e sought for the purpose, a medal to b e known as The Blue \Vale r Medal of t h e Cruisin g Club of A merica, t o be awarded annually, in the discre tion of the Board of Governors, for the year's most m e ritorious exampl e of seaman s hip, the rec ip ie nt to be selected fro m a mong the amateurs of a ll the nations." In pursuance of thi s r esolution a suitable medal, five inch es in diameter, w as m ade, the design being by t h e late Arthu r Sturgis Hild eb rand, a member of this club and one of t he crew of the yacht L e iv Eiriksson, los t m the Arcti c with a ll hands in S e ptember 1924. At the Annual Meetin g h e ld J a nuary 8 , 193 1, the fo llowing resolution was unanimously carried: RES OLVED: That t h e Governing Board b e a nd hereby is a uthorized to approve of the awarding of the Blue Water M e dal, without date, on th e r ecomme nda tion of the C ommittee on Awards. BLUE W A TER MEDAL A W A RDS I 923 1924 1925 1926 192 7 192 8 1929 I93 0


F ranee De nma rk U. S . A. Engla nd U. S. A. U. S . A. U. S. A. U. S. A.


1928 AWARD TRANSATLANTiC PASSAGE IN "SEVEN BELLS" The 5 6-foot over a ll ketch Seven B e lls mad e a 2 5-day Transatlantic passage from Branford, Conn., to F a lmouth, England, the summer of 1928, in charge o f her owner, Thomas F. Cooke, and with an a ll amat eur c r ew mad e up of his two sons, Crispin and Goodwin, and Mars hall Rawl e, Issac Hart er and Ben Brewster. Seve n Bella is from the board of William J. Rou e, and was built in Nova Scotia. Into h er dimensions, 56' o . a. , 39' I. w. I., 12' 2" beam and 7' draft, h er sk ipp er a nd members of t he crew p ut their ide a s , accumulated durin g six years of sketching and planning , of the .. ideal" auxiliary cruise r. On July 5, 1928, aft er a mont h of thorou g h f ittin g -out, and with h e r crew of s ix, S even Bells s lippe d down the Branford River bound for Eng land. Sailin g east throug h Lon g Is la nd Sound, they encountered a hard and dirty northeast e r off Mo ntauk and la y hove-t o u nder reefe d mizzi n an d sea ar. c hor for 3 5 hours. W hen the northe a ster abate d the three tan-colored lo wers of Seven Bells were set and she s tood into the Gulf Stre a m. The westerlies drove her s wiftly eastward toward the Liza rd, m aking the passage a quick on e, marke d only by u sual s hip routin e, and the occasional s ig h t of a s teamer. As the black k e tch drcw o u t of the Gulf S tr <:a rn wa l crs and into the g rey seas off the Scillies, the landfall wa s mad e on Bis hop's Rock L ight. Howe ver, the y were force d t o s ta nd off this dangerous shore, due to a h eavy fo g drive n in on a southwester of gale forc e. Neve rth e less, the n ex t day, July 3 I s t, Seven Bell s d ropped anchor astern of the s hip C u tty Sark in Falmouth harbor. Thus ended a passage of som e 3000 mil es mad e in 25 days and 14 hours at an average daily rate o f 1 3 3 miles , w ith the b est day's run 190 mil es. Th e remainder of the summer was spent cruising English waters .


1929 AWARD FOUR THOUSAND MILES IN A 23-FOOT CUTTER In May, 1929, the 23-foot over all cutter Postscript dropped anchor in Barn ega t Bay, New Jersey, h er home wat ers, afte r a s ix-months cruise around Cuba, during which she touche d Florida, the Bahamas, Jamaica and Cuba. She had c rossed 4000 mile s of blue wat er e ntire ly under sail. F. S lade D ale, only a few years out of college, was not only her skipper, but her d e signer and supervisor of c onstruc• tion as well. His sole s h.ipmate was P e ter J enne ss, Jr. Togeth er they s tood out into the Atlantic from Barnegat, in November 1928 , a b oa rd the sturdy little packet w hi c h D a le h ad designed to take whatever might come her way- e ve n g rounding. A fter the first five days at sea, most of the time hove-to, they clos ed w ith the coast to find that Barnegat was still no more than thirty miles to the north of them. Heading for H ampton Roads , Postscript passed in the V i rginia Capes aft e r th ree days of variable winds. Continuing from Norfolk to Be aufort, N. C. , v ia the inside passag e, h e r y outhful c r ew set sail o n ce m ore and fo!lov, e d th e coast to Palm B each, F lorida. L eavin g P a lm Be a c h, Post script was h eaded a c ross t he Gulf St re am to t he Bahamas. Makin g t h e ir way e ve r s outhw ard th roug h t he Bahama Cays the y w e nt throug h the Windw ard P assage , and, driven ha rd by the fres h Nort heast Trades, Postscrip~ made a fas t run to Por t A ntonio, J a maica. It was du r in g this p assage t h a t the b est day's run of I SO miles was r eco rd e d . Th e north c o ast of J a maica was followed to Montego Bay whe re the lit tle c utte r turne d north wes tward for Cape San Antonio, Cuba's w e s tern e xtre mity. Afte r rounding the C npc, a nd callin g at Espe ranza, Postscript continu e d on to H avana , the r e to make r e ady fo r the homeward p a ssage. The 23 -fo ot cutte r s aile d from Havana in A pril, s wung n o rthwar d through t he Florida Straits and follow ed the G ulf Stre am u p the coast to J ersey. Two wee ks out of Havana, on the 13th of May, after a 1200-mile non-s top run a nd after w e athe r in g a hard no r theast ga!e off Hatte ras, Postscript t urned into Barneg at Bay. Four thousand miles of blue water h ad passed under her keel, and her crew had o n ce again proved that a s m a ll boat, ably handled, can go almost a nywhere


1930 AWARD A THIRTEEN THOUSAND MILE VOYAGE IN A 46-FOOT KETCH On May 30, 1930, the 46-foot k e tch Carlsark sa ile d into h er home port and dropped h er hook off Bayside, N e w York, successfully completing a voyage of n early a year, w hich look h e r from Ithaca, New Y ork, t o Ithaca, Greec e , a n d back to New York, in c h arge of h e r owner, Carl Wea g a nt, and w ith a crew made up du r ing most o f the voya uc o f C o r n e ll st u de nts or graduates. Carlsa ck, it will b e re m e mbered , f, r ,i t a r r iv ed in this country from Germany in 1923, whe n s h e was saile d ac ross the Atlantic b y four Aust r ia n s , who had bu il t h er o n t h e s h o r e s of L ake Constance , after the war, and s hippe d h e r t o Hamburg, whence they sailed for the Unite d States. S he wa s th e n name d Sowitasgoth, which, translate d, m e a n s "'As far a s s h e "ll g o" And s h e has since follow~d the destiny written in h e r name. S h e is 4 6 feet over all, 3 6 fe e t on the w a t e r , with I O fee t 3 i nche s beam, 6 feet 6 inc he s d ra ft and c arrie d 7 3 5 f eet o f sail. On June 20, 1929, Carlsark s a iled from Ithaca, on Lake Cayuga, a nd p r oceede d by canal und e r powe r, with her s mall e n g ine, to L ake Ontario, the n down the St. Lawre n ce Ri ver, across the Gulf of that nam e to Sydney, Cape Breton Is land. It took a month to comple t e th is por tion of the voyage . L e av ing Sydney, June 22nd, the run to the A z o res w as mad e in the fast time of twelve days. Bet wee n the Azo res and th e c oast ?f Spain_ strong h ead w inds made the passa ge a s low on e , a nd it took sixteen days for C a l'isark to m ak e Cad iz . A f t e r passing t h roug h t h e Straits o f Gibral tar sev e r a l month s were sp e nt in the Mediterranean, touchin g at many o f the Fre n c h a nd Ital ia n ports a n d g oing as far eas t a s Ithaca , Greece, th e obj ective. On t h e r e turn voyage, made durin g th e winter and ea r l y spring, Carlsark 's skipp e r took th e s ou the rn route. From Gibraltar h e h e ade d s outheast for T e n e r iffc , C a nary Is la nds, and from there s e t a c ourse th r oug h t h e northe ast Trad e s fo r San Salvador, in th e Bahamas , wh ere Columbu s is suppo sed to have made his landfall on his fir s t voya ge. This w as the lon gest s in g le leg of th e voyage, the passa ge to Na ssau t a king fifty-one days, t h oug h th e landfall a t Sa n S alvado r was mad e on the fort y-ninth day. F r o m Nassau, Carlsarlc saile d for B e aufort, N. C . , came throu g h O cracoke Inle t into P amlic o Sound a nd p roceed e d ins ide to N o rfolk. F rom h ere, w ith a fi n e n or' wes t e r , ,.,:,., m a d e a fa s t run n orth to r each New York, arrivin g in tim e for the op e nin g day c e r e monie s a t the Bayside Yacht C lub, w h ich had b e e n h e r skippe r ' s o bje ctive , and hope , s ince the b eginning of h er voyage , thus c ompl e ting a n oteworth y voyage whic h was n ot on ly well planne d but e xceedin g ly well exe c ute d by h er 2 I -ye ar-old owner a n d youthful cre w.

<i/3/ue vVater cA!Jedal

BLUE WATER t\ 1[D.-\L 1023


Alai11 J. Gerba11/t

(Yarn of voyage in 1927 Year 13ook )

131.LiE \\",-\T E!1 :.I ED.·\l. 192-1



Axel Ingwersen

Cvpc:11bag,m , De11mark

(Ya rn of voyage 111 1927 Year Book)

13LUE WATER 1\ \ ED.-\L IIJ2;

I sla11der

/-t arry l'idgeo11

(Yarn o f voyage 111 1927 Year Book)

131. UE \Vr-\T [R i\l E0 .-\1. 1026


Jolie ffris e

/:. C. Marlin

l .0111/011, E 11p./1111d

(Yarn o f voyage in 1928 Year Book)


Primrose I V

Fred erick L. 11 m es

nos/ 0 11 . 1\1/ass.

(Ya rn of voyage 111 1929 Year Book )


Seveu Bells

Thomas F. Cooh

(Yarn of voyage on page 46)

Branford, Conn.



F. Slade !)ale

( Ya rn of voy age on page 47 )

narnt:_!!_ al. N.


13 L L E \\.:\ T E R ?ll ED.-\L 1930

Carlsa rh

Carl / .. W ea~a11l

( Y arn o f Yoyage on p age -IS)

/larside. N. r.




.... i


' . II

LEIV EIRIKSSON Lost in the Arctic. September 1924 With

our shipmates


The loss of the LEIV EIRIKSSON and the efforts made to find trace of her wiJJ be found on pages 40-48 of the 1926 Y car Book.

THE FLEET .-\IxR.-\ :\G D I E:-JT

'\" \\\' I.~ \:S:D l< ETC II ES

Su1up::; ":-.:n Cur rrns

C,T 130ATS .\ \ OT< m 13oATS VESSELS

U:--:nrn Co:--1::iTRUCTI ON


Jolm /{ . .\ lurpby

Black Duck

11 lex a 11d er Forbes




IJ/ach S11uall

Ceurge /l . Cutter

/Ja gbeera

I<.. e. /Je11edict

Black Goose

l :"1: erc/1 M orse. J r .



- ~·. -~..;; Boreas

Edward P. Alker

fairmai d

George R.adttlic

Cba ule)'

J.:1/iul /(. Service

f·i;a11t/Jia I I

F. M. Cardiuer

Fly i11g Cloud Ill

La'w re11ce Cri1111 ell

Fearfess ? :,,._-_



Id '11 r Co~


\ Coodw i11

I .

Heart's Desire

A. S. Neilso11, Henry Parlwwu, Jr.

I &,W'".

H ispaniola

/)m:id /3. /3n1111.:rma11



Lord Jim

. '::>-.., ---e-:----,,::-,..----,-- . , , - -~-' .,

E. P{l/1/ Ne,:in

Malabar .\"

/VI a lay

H. a_,·11101/ll 11 •. 1-'l'l'ris

. I


Randall Clifjord

Malabar Iii/I

W. Findla y Do'W11s



George f. /?oosevell

Owl II

Robert W. Byerly


J-1. M. M errinian

Pe1111essee"" u.. assee

Priv ateer

F ar/ S m itl>


11 '. : I r 111 slro 11C,o


Rowe B. Metcalf


N. L. Telander


Al/orris IV. T o rrey



Sa11111c! R . Coffi11


J::dward Crabbe

Sea lure

George 13. Doane



1\ I. S. I<att,!11/.>nrn


C corgc n nraht!



George IV ML,:ter /( G. iligiow



::; ._ ._





'f ,-

11' \)



rfll 'l.

lt1~tW1~ f~ r:-:







B. H. Inness Brown








\ Vulador

j ohn S. Dicherson


Cbarles W. Buchelew

l fla11dt!rt!r

David D. //enwuod

!.. C. Co.~ga11 N

;:: <::s





C) C)









H obert W. &

J. Se,:·ard foh11 son

,... Alice

f-/ e11ry H oward


M elt-ille & Cbarles Weston

Blue Wi11.~

Charles /3. /)o,rns

J1 • • \







!<o,!!,er A. ll' il!io 111s





Oli11 f Step/Jens, f r. & Roderich Stepheus


C. E. L:veletb


Frieudsbip If I

!-1. n. North


\ \


G. H. Duggan




C. V. J<ozlay


/-lu g/; Kilmer


Ha rold Amory

I dler

S. E. tifnriso11

I .ad)'

N. S. Seeley


Allen T. W eehs


Hugh J\11. Matbeson

H. I: ..\lcCormich



F ra11/i S. Co1111ell

St!ve11 Bells

C. S. S~ Fbus. ,.-_Cou/.c


C l.1arlcs /-I iggiuso11


II . /-/. J\l or/ 0 11

T hial(i


Cole111a11 '/'ousey

Sa111 11el C. Lovelaud


IV. :I. l?.11sb111ore


C. P. Cranbery

B a11 ai


Lt!muud Lang


/, 011 is !:·.



,.,.. Cool

--=--.- -



;::. l ,\/il,·s ll"n111ba11g J



·~r .I '



~ Q ,.




c:, ~

J fditb

Wilfred 0 . Wbite


C. W. Atwater


Butler IV biting


C. H. Sistare

11 •. /. H. Dyer

a_ -




'c;. ~ ~~ ---


Frank Viuing Sniitb


Robert N. Bavier


E. Earl Carlich



L. /-/. Dyer

O/cl Glory

G,•o. />. /J. Ro1111ell

....&! !l !

P e11ekese


ll,·11ry d,· F. Hal,h:;i11



-~ Cl:) Q ::t;




O a11ic! Raco 11

Rmrgcr I I

Scrapper I I I

H. J\larty11 Baher

F. W. Baldwin


---= Stomm,,·a:y

U n rd N ichnls



Cli{1ord D. MaUory Tycoon

WiLtima 1·/. Cootidge, Jr.

l ,..,.


i • m ,.rm,a J:-..-- 1 r , : ~ .... r.j ----=-=-~:-=--...-. ~~:-,-~--:~ --- ...- .....-:~~

Albo rac


.·I 111/Jra I ·1



!'arher H. Kemble

. .


Edwin M. Cba11ce


Stepbcll D . Baher








..s ~


::::i ~


' ii


~ --.


,_, ,_,

1 ::5





C hi11a Girl

Good I .Heh

Jolm C. ll'orh

Gulf Strem11

St epbe11 !)_ !3aher

Harpoon 1/

!'au / C. N i cbo/s0·11

/ 011

L. H. Baekela11d

! 1·int11

ll'illard H. Cooh


Jane II

P rederir.h Cade

/(atb ry11

/. n. l.ord


!:'thl'i11 ,I. Ji111e11is




E' - -



Alfred F. Mamry


M other Goose

:l h/Jott P. Hrus/J

H o /Ja r / F o rd



T bon.:ald S. !?ass

:lusti11 Fox Riggs



Pullin !I

,llf red

Cree11 011gh


Sea Lady

H emy A. Wise Wood

+ l

Sba,,·110 I I I

Elllw }. Bliss

Virlory Ill

f-/ e11 ry rl. Jachson


H. M . Betts

Wa h-ue-ta Ill

C eorge I:. Rice



W e1111eva/J

Cbarlr!s A. ll'e/cb 2nd

C. L. Baher


Ii Wild Goose

Jnh11 M crrill


Wi1111 elka Ill

Ayres Boal


Tide Rip

11/cxaiul er IV. M offa t t


f:d gnr Baher


William T . Reid 3rd

RECA P IT ULATIO\: I lonor;1 ry .\\embers :\ ct i\'e 1\ lcmher~ (; / 1/ 3 1)

9 279


Schooner~ Yawb an d h:etche~ Sloops and Cutters

Cat Boa ts Hou~e Boats Power 13oats


lllust ra tcd



-1-1 ;I


I 37


31 I 0 29


Blue Water .v\ed al 193


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