CCA Yearbook 1934

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F O UNDED F E B. 8th , 1922 I N CO RPO RATE D MAR. 9, 1924


Printed by the YEAR BOOK COMMITTltlt of the CRUISING CI,UB OF AMERICA b7 authority of the GOVERNING BOARD


Permanent headquarters are maintained and all records kept at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer who will be glad to see members and furnish information at any time.

Secretary-T rea ■ urer

EDWIN H. TUCKER I 3 5 William St. New York Phone Beekman-3 4963-4


RfAA C oMH0001u3

Po~ r ( APT A 1N~



The Cruising Club of America was launched in the winter of 1921-22 by a group of yachtBmen interested in cruising and the development of the cruising type of yacht. It was felt that this branch of the sport never had attained the position it deserves in a country so rich in sea-going tradition and whose natural advantages are so peculiarly favorable to cruising, possibly because of the fact that there never has been any concerted action by cruising enthusiasts. The yacht clubs of the country have made racinll a large part of their activities and there are several inter-club associations devoted to the advancement of this branch of yachting, but there never ha.s been in this country an organization comparable, for example, to the Royal Cruising Club, which, in the last forty years, has done so much toward malting cruising a national institution in Great Britain. And so the Cruising Club of America was launched and it was but natural that its founders, familiar as they were with the work of the Royal Crui_sing Club, should have moulded it somewhat along the lines of the older organization.



HOBART FORD Vic:.e-Commodore


GEORGE A. CUTIER Secretary-Treuurer


W. P. STEPHENS Governine Board 1935





STANDING COMMITIEES 1934 Memberahip Carleton S. Cooke, Chairman Luke B. Lockwood Henry de Forest Baldwin Marshall Rawle N. S. Seeley Design and Construction W. P. Stephens, Chairman Robert N. Bavier M. S. Kattenhorn

Edmund Lang Everett Morss, Jr. Basse tt Jones

Awards Franklin C. Sullivan, Chairman Sa,muel Wetherill Eldon H. Trimmingham Henry Martyn Baker Herbert L. Stone Entertainment Carleton L. Marsh, Chairman George N. Wallace Carl L. Weagant Edward L. Crabbe W. H. de Fontaine, Jr. Race Herbert L. Stone, Chairman Eldon H. Trimmingham Louis £. Manley Everett Morss, Jr. Edwin H. Tucker

Hugh Kilmer

Year Book Henry A. Jackson, Chairman Edwin H. Tucker William H. Coolidge, Jr. Auditing George P. P. Bonnell Nominating Henry De Fcrest Baldwin

Stephen D. Baker Clifford D . Mallory Charles D. Mower

Butler Whiting William H. Coolidge, Jr.

Measurera Olin J. Stephens, J1 Dwight S. Simpson

B. K. Sharp


LOCAL STATIONS BOSTON STATION Rear Commodore George A. Cutter Address 161 Pleasant St., Lynn, Ma". Tel. Breakers 67 I 0 Flagabip Au.xiliary Schooner "BLACK SQUALL" of Chatham. Hiatorian Thorvald S. Ross Addreu Box H, Brighton, Mass. Regular Meeting.....Lunch at 12 :30 P.M. every Friday at Boston Yacht Club, 5 Rowes Wharf, Boston. Memberabip Committee Joseph Guild, Chairman Address I 20 Village Ave., Dedham, Mass. Tel. Dedham 0835 . Jeffrey's Ledge Race Committee J. Albert Cham'bers Address 20 Lee St., Marblehead, Mass. Tel. Marblehead 830. The Boston Station, on January I, I 9J4, numbered eighty-six. The Friday luncheons went on as usual at the Rowes Wharf Station of the Boston Yacht Clu·b, and were exceedingly well attended. The speaker at the Spring Dinner, Mareh thirty-first, was Mr. Sidney Shurcliff who showed moving pictures of the World Cruise of Mr. Crane's yacht, lllyria. At the Fall Dinner on December eighth Mr. H. Lambert Knight showed ,moving pictures of the 1932 Grain Race taken aboard the fourmasted bark, Parma. Two Rendezvous were held, both at Rocky Neck, Glouce,iter. The Spring RendezvO'Us was held on May twentyseventh and the Fall Rendezvou s on October eleventh. Although the attendance was double that of the year before, our fleet is still very reduced. An informal race on the twentieth of May replaced the usual Spring Jeffrey 's Ledge Race. Course was triangular from Manchester to a ·bell off the Curnet and then to a hell off Race Point and return. The wind was fresh during the day but before dark a heavy rain set in . Alternate squalls and Rat spots during the night made the time very slow. The regular Fall Jeffrey's Ledge Race was held on Saturday, September ninth. It was perfect schooner weather and the leaders of the twenty-seven entries made a new record for the course. The tail-enders, however, found an extre.mely stiff nor'wester against them on the last leg of forty-seven miles and made slow work of it.

1 As is our custom, the Cr.uising Club burgee will be flown Fr?m our mastheads night nnd day in the hope that members will seek us out in our ports, giving us an oppor~unity to be of service to them. BRANFORD STATION Po&t-Captain John Killam Murphy

Killam' s Point, Branford, Conn.; Tel. Branford

5 22.

Secretary Thomas F. Cooke, (in summer) Killam·s Point, Branford, Conn . ; Tel. Branford 291, ring 2. Branford outer ,harbor affords fair shelter in all but southwesterly winds; however, members are advised to enter Branford River, which is sheltered in any wind. Local boats moor bow and stern to stakes on the channel bank, as the river bottom is soft deep mud, and barges sometimes tow up the channel. Vacant stakes are usually available on application to Al. Jo,hnson, in charge of the Branford Yacht Club, located on Branford Point close to the pier. The Post-Captain and (in summer) the Secretary will gladly furnish local information as to supplies, repairs, and facilities in general. Earl Bradley of Branford is a first-class engine repairman. Groceries can be had of a store 1/4 mile from the pier. Latte_r is an excellent place to take on gasoline, wate.r or ice. Branford town is a few minutes by trolley o·r motor; good shops; New Haven is about 3 0 minutes by trolley. Except for small boats in good winds, auxiliary power is needed for maneuvering in the river. The entrance to Branford River is not as bad as it looks on Chart No. 21 7. From just easterly of Cow and Calf red bell and light buoy, steer North-East magnetic for the Mermaid Rocks. Only dangers are Blyn Rock (awash at high water, unmarked) and Bird Rock (submerged); -both avoided by keeping west of Bird Rock -buoy (Nun No. 2); all lie well east of course given. Pass between the Big Mermaid (single large rock) and Little Mermaid (several smaller rocks, low and broken), keeping close to the Big Mermaid, which is marked by a small -flashing green light privately maintained in summer; keeping the Big Mermaid to port. is plenty of water and no danger between the two. Thence steer E.N.E. magnetic along dredged channel, heading about I 00 feet off pier with small white building on it, marked by flashing red light privately maintained in summer. The channel 1s dredged ( 1933) to 8 ½ feet l.w. Enter river and tie to pier or anchor in channel between the lines of boats and ask Al. Johnson ab0'1lt using vacant stakes.

8 HUNTINGTON STATION Poat Cap~n: Robert H. Moore, P. 0. Box 14, Hale11ite, . L )., Phone, Huntington No, 4. Secretary: William A. Ruahmore, I 87 Parle Avenue, Huntington, L I., Phone, Huntington 2563. Member,hip Committee: Kenneth Stephen ■, 53 Beaver Street, New York City; William T. Haakell. Richard ■ Road, Port Washington, L. I.; W. E. Baker, P. 0. Box 97, Moriche ■, L. I. There are three yacht yarda in Huntington and two ga ■ engine repair men. Gas, water and amall supplies ma:, be gotten in the harbor, Other ■ upplie• in town reached by trolley or taxi.

MOORINGS Information ha, been received that mooring• for u ■ e of have been eatabliahed at the harbor, listed. Other than atated below no record is available of the character, condition or aize, and member• using aame do ao at th.cir OWll ri,k. member■

LOCATION Onset Bay, Mass, Smith's Cove, Glouceater, Mass, Portland Ha:ribor, Me. Small Point Harbor, Me. New Harbor, Me. Thomaston, Me. Crocketu'a Cove, Me. Cutler, Me,


H. S. Parkhurst Sherman Tarr Edward C. Lord

W. Riley McFarland Charles Morse Merle Mills Charles E. Smith

ONSET BAY. At the head of Buzzard's Bay mooring facilitie, are u ■ually available at the yard of H. S. Parkhurst on the ■ tarboard aide of the harbor. The anchorage is excellent and protected for email craft but should not be u■ ed by Ye1ael■ drawing more than 7 feet. Facilities for ,upplie, are inconvenient but reapon ■ ible cuatody for boata •• well aa excellent repair■ may be obtained,

9 GLOUCESTER. There i ■ a mooring with a cylinderical metal buoy painted Cruising Club color,, white with. a W&Yy blue line around it, located i.'11 Smith'• Cove, Glouce ■ ter Harbor. off the pier of the Rocky Neck Railway•, of which Sherman Tarr is the proprietor. A staff is located on hi ■ office which flies all summer a large Cruising Club pennant. He i■ alway• moat obliging, and will render any aaaiatance which a good •hip• yard ia capable of, including telephone facilitiea and handling mail for membera. Addreu, c/ o Rocky Neck Railway■, Eaat Gloucester, Mase. PORTLAND HARBOR, MAINE. A free berth may be had in the wet storage basin of the Portland Yacht Service, Inc,, of which Herbert Payson, Jr., and Clinton D. Randall are officers. Thia is located directly acroaa the main channel from the Portland Yacht Club. ' Cruising Club men will find the yard very friendly and ready to render any assistance which a good shipyard ia cap• able, including telephone facilities and handling mail for mem• bers. Reaponaible custody for boata may be had in their large wet storage baains between cruises. Address: c/ o Portland Yacht Service, Inc., South Portland, Maine, Tel. Preble 958, and Preble 2994. Cable: Portyacht. SMALL POINT HARBOR, MAINE. Edward C. Lord invites members of the Cruising C1ub to use his mooring ( 1500 lbs. of concre te; 3 fathoms ¾" chain: marked b y a cork or spar buoy painted blue and white :) in 3 fathoms north of Goos e Rock, which lies west of the hotel building marked on chart No. 3 15 '"Ancient Ft. Augusta'" at north entrance to Cape Small Harbor. There is bold water up to the beach which lies northeast of the moo-ring, NEW HARBOR, MAINE. Thi, harbor i■ a cove on the we,tern ahore of Muacongue Bay, about 2¾ mile, nortb.ea,t• ward of Pemaquid Point Lighthouse. It ie u,ed aa an anchorage by email craft only, and, though open eastward, ia well sheltered from the ■ ea, There ia about 12 feet of water at low tide at the anchorage. See Coast and Geodetic Survey Chart No. 313. The village on both aides of the harbor and on the hill to the we,tward doe• a considerable buaineu in fiah and lob ■ tcra. A schooner 50 feet in length can uaually lie with room to •pare at the Club mooring. The mooring, maintained from June I at to October 31 at, ia marked by a white keg with a blue •tripe around it located off the ateamboat wharf, which ia the firat on tlie atarboard aide on entering, The mooring

10 ia in charge of W. Riley McFarland, who owna a float two wharfa weat of the ateamboat wharf. Gaaoline, lobatera and local information may be obtained from Mr. McFarland. The Go■nold Arma, an attractive Inn, atanda on a hill behind the ■teamboat wharf and will extend a welcome to Club member■. Mail addreaaed in care of Mr. Robert Search, the Goanold Arma, New Harbor, Maine, will be held for members. Mail, t~lephone and telegraph aervice, board and lodging are availa ble at the Inn. Transportation to the Maine Central Railroad, 12 miles away at New Castle may also b e arranged. Supplies are available at a email store imme diately east of the Inn.

THOMASTON, Maine offers anchorage and wharf facilities at the yard of Charles Morse on the starboard aide of the harbor just below the bridge. Uaually one of the yard mooringa are available. There ia a strong acour of tide. All aupp)iea and repairs are available, aa well aa reapon ■ ible cuatody of boats. CROCKETT'S COVE on Vinal Haven laland, at the westerly entrance to the Fox !elands Thoroughfare ia excellent anchorage off the only float in the cove. A white wooden marker is on a 200 lb. mushroom anchor which is usually available for visiting veuela. In the absence of the owner, Alex. W. Moffat, ask for the boatman, M erle Milla, who ia instructed to offer all possible assistance or information to Cruising Club members. A launch makes a daily trip to the village of North Haven for auppliea. If under water repaira are needed there is an excellent place for laying out ove r a tide against a bulkhead near the pier. Instructions for entering: Stand for the end of Crockett's Point with North Haven Monume nt (square atone beacon off Crabtree Point) astern. Keep a distance of about I 00 feet off Crockett's Point and head for a small yellow houae on the opposite aide of the Cove until the center of the Cove is opened, then h ead straight up the center of the Cove until abeam of the float on the port hand. Pick up mooring or anchor. Least d epth entering: 18 feet at low water. CUTLER, MAINE. A la rge spar buoy, painted blue and white, marks a mooring in five fathoma, h eavy enough to hold a 75-foot schooner. Thia mooring offered by courtesy of Charles E. Smith lies west of the United States Customs office. Mail and telegrams will b e held for members care of Charlea E. Smith. Supplies may also be obtained there. (NOTE: Information furnished by the Boston Station, from reports of member■ believed to be accurate at time of furnisbjng.)


CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA, 1933 W. P. STEPHENS, Historian The annual meeting at the Yale Club, on J anuary 19th, resulted in the election of th e following office rs:-CommodoTe, Hobart Ford, yacht MOll-lE.R GOOSE; Vice Commodore, George E. Roosevelt, yacht MISTR0.5S ; Secrctary-T reasurer, Edwin H. Tucker; Historian, W. P. Stephens; Governing Board, Class of 1935, George .P. P. Bonnell, Alexander W. Moffat; Herbert L. Stone and George N. Wallace. The speaker sched. uled for the evening, Mr. Basse tt Jon es, was unable to be pres ent on account of illness and his place was taken· by Captain Warwick M. Tompkins, of the yacht WANDE.RBIRD, who spo ke on ocean cruising. The meeting of February 23rd , was held at the \Villiams Club, with an ex hibi t ion of moving pictures by Mr. Stanley C . Harris and a paper on ' "Yachts Boats" ' prepared by the Committee on Design and Construction and read by 11:r. W. P. Stephen s, with accompanying lantern slides of designs .


The meetin g of March 16th, at the Yale Club, ·had as a speaker, Mr. Bassett Jones, the subject, illustrated by moving films, being the geo logy and meteorology of t he fishing banks and banks fi shing. The spring meeting wa s held on May 6th at the Manhasset Bay Yacht Club, a cold N.E. rain interfering with the proposed dinghy races in the afternoon, but a good fleet manned by hungry yachtsme n made the -h arbor in time for the dinner in the Club grillroom, with Commodore Moxham to welcome all. The British cutter, ESCAPE, owned by D. W. Robertson , who had made the voyage from England with one companion, T . John Walther, was with the fleet. Moving films t aken from M ISTRESS on the Trans-Atlantic Race of 193 1 were shown by Vice Com. Roosevelt; the musical part of the entertainment being furnished by Lank Ford and his troubadours. Vice Cc:>m. Roos evelt proposed th.e adoption of a special pennant to be flown by all yachts of the Club which made a trans-ocean voyage, and offered to donate pennants for tholle yachts now entitled to Ry them. T he spring rendezvous , on J une 3rd and 4th, was again at Price Bend, and in spite o f the late season there was a good attendance of yachts around the 6agship, MOTHER GOOSE. The most notable event of the year was the representation of the C lub in European waters by three of its yachts; DOR ADE

12 under Captain Roderick Stephens, Jr., crossing firat to Norway and racing there and later winning, for the second time, the Fastnet Race; and the Blue Water Medal of the Cruising Club. The new schooner BRILLIANT, Captain Walter Ba,rnum, after a quick pauage from City Island to Cowes, also entered the Faatnet Race and took fourth place; while the schooner GREN ADIER, Captain Henry A. Mona, Jr., was second to DORADE. The presence 'Of three American yachts, as compared with but four British starters in this famous race, was most favora•hly commented on in Great Britain. The fall rendezvous at Price Bend, this time in good weather, October 14th and 15th, brought out an exceptional Reet of 85 yachts. The first winter mee ting of the Club, on Novemb e r 16th, at the Yale Club, took the form of a re ception to the captains and crews ,c,f OORADE, BRILLIANT and GRENADIER. moving films being shown with remarka by the captains of the yachta. The December meeting, on the 14th, at the William, Clu-b, had as a speaker Mr. Carl ·Weagant, with an account of hia personal adventures in connection with the ·attempt to salvage the steamer MffilDA off the Virginia capes; with moving lilma taken both above and 200 feet below water. O'll

T•he Special Committee on a rule for ocean racing presented a proposed rule early in the spring and a designing competition was announced, with prizes of $100, $50 and $25, for the purpose of ascertaining the opinions of designers as to the operation of the rule. .Designs to the number of 4 I were received from •both professional and amateur designers at h<>'f?le and abroad; the first prize going to W. F. McNary, of Boston ; the second to John C. Alden of Boston, and the third to George F. Woodman, Jr. of Westbrook, Me. T-he designs were judged by Clinton H. Crane, George Nichols, C. D. Mallory, Robert N. Bavier, Edmund Lang, Commodore Ford and Vice Commodore Roosevelt, with N. G. Herreshoff as consultant. The winning designs, selected on the basis of probable speed, showed very large hulls with some extreme and undesirable features and it was decided to make some radical changes in the proposed formula , the result being printed on another page. In spite of much bad weather, not only during the fittingout season, but ~hroughout the summer and fall, and the un favorable business conditions existing through the year, the C11uiaing Club of America has good cause for congratulation in a year which has been in many ways unfavorwble for yachting.


CONSTITUTION Adopted November 19, 1924. Amended to January 25, 1934. I. NAME. The name of this organization shall be "The Cruising Club of America, Inc." II. OBJECT. The objects of this Club are to promote cru1smg by amateurs, to encourage the development of suitable types of cruising craft, to stimulate interest in seamanship, navigation and handling of small vessels, to gather and keep on file all in formation which may be of assistance to members in cruising. III. OFFICERS. The Officers of the Club shall be the Commodore, the Vice-Commodore, the Rear-Commodores, the SecretaryTreasurer, the Historian, and ten Governors, who shall be nominated and elected as is prescribed in Articles XI, XIII, and XIV; and they shall constitute the Governing Board of the Club. The offices of Commodore and Vice-Commodore shall be filled by members who are yacht owners. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The Commodore shall be the general executive officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Governing Board. The Vice-Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and in his absence act in his . stead. The Rear-Commodores shall command their stations and perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by their superior officers -or the Governing Board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties pertaining to his office. The Historian shall each year write a Log of the Club's activities during the past year and present it to the Club at the Annual Meeting. _The Governing Board shall generally administer the affairs of the Club and shall have the powers of Directors.

14 V. MEMBERSHIP: ELECTION: RESIGNATIONS A person eligible for membership in the Club must be a sailor and a gentleman of acceptable character and personality who has demonstrated his ability to handle or command and navigate or pilot a yacht or small vessel at sea and who has had sufficient cruising experience. Nominations for membership in the Club shall be made upon the proposal of a member and seconded by two other members, none of whom shall be members of the Governing Board or the Membership Committee. Applications, proposals and secondings shall be on forms and persuant to instructions or .regulations approved by the Governing Board. When an application in complete form shall be received, the Secretary-Treasurer shall send to all members of the Club the names of the applicant, proposer, se conders, and any other information directed by the Governing Board. Not less than thirty days thereafter, the Membe rship Committee may act upon such application and repo rt its findings and recommendations to the Governing Board, which may then elect or reject the applicant. Favorable recommendations by the Membership Committee shall not exceed in any calendar year a number to be prescribed from time to time by the Governing Board. Applications r ejected by the Governing Board shall be excluded from such annual number or quota. The Membership Committee may act upon applications without regard to seniority of receipt. All resignations must be in writing and shall take effect upon receipt by the Club; provided, howev er, that a resignation may be withdrawn upon the consent o f the Governing Board and upon such term s and conditions as it may prescribe; and further provided, that no memb er w ho is indebted to the Club or who is under notice pursuant to Article XVIII shall have the right to resign except by specific permission of the Governing B oard. VI. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP There shall be three classes of membership, regular, life and honorary. A member may become a life member by payment of the prescribed fee and theY-eafter is exempted from yearly dues. Honorary members shall pay no dues ot initiation fee, and shall have no vote nor hold any office except that of Historian, but otherwise shall enjoy all the privileges of regular members.

IS VII. INITIATION FEE The initiation fee shall be ten dollars. The life membership fee shall be two hundred dollars. Application for life membership may be made only after five successive years of membership in the Club. VIII. DUES: ARREARS Regular members shall pay ten dollars yearly dues on ele ction and ther eafter on January first of each year. Members whose dues are unpaid by February first shall be notified by the Secretary-Treas urer and i£ such dues are still unpa id by March first. such members may be suspended or dropped from the roll by the Governing Board, but may be reinstated at its discr etion and upo n the payment of all arrears. IX. MEETINGS The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year. The Fall Meeting shall be held in October or November of each year on a date to be determined by the Governing Board. Special Me etings of the Club may be called by the Governing Board and shall be called on the written request of fifteen members. The Governing Board shall meet as often as it may deem necessary, or at the call of the Commodore. X. QUORUM. Twenty-five me mbers present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club. Five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Governing Board. XI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: NOMINATION OF OFFICERS At the Annual Meeting of the Club there shall be elected a Nominating Committee of five members of the Club, who shall be neither Officers nor Governors of the Club. This Committee shall nominate candidates for Commodore, ViccCommodor~. Secretary-Treasurer, Historian, and for five Governors to succeed those whose terms of office expire at the next Annual Meeting; and shall notify the SecretaryTreasurer of such nominatfons not later than December first preceding the next Annual Meeting.


J:ive or more members may put in nomination an;r ot.her C:ind1dates they may unite on, provided such nommahon. signed by at least five members, is filed with the Secretary:rreasurer not less than fifteen days before the Annual Meetmg. The Secretary-Treasurer shall send notice thereof to all members not -less than five days before the Annual Meeting. XII. ELECTIONS: TERMS OF OFFICE: VACANCIES The Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary-Treasurer and Historian shall be elected at the Annual Mectin~ and shall. hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until the electiim of their successors. Five members of the Governing Board shalt be elected at t!i,e Annual Meeting and shall hold office for two years or until the election of their successors. Vacancies in any cffice (except Rear-Commodore) or in the Governing Board shall be filled by the Governing Board. Those so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until the election of their successors. XIII . COMMITTEES . The Governing Board shall appoint a Membership Committee of five members to serve for one year or until their ~uccessors are appointed. This Committee shall appoint its own chairman. The proceedings of the Membership Committee shall be confidential. The Governing Board may appoint and remove such other committees as it may deem necessary. The Commodore, or in his absence the Vice-Commodore, shall be ex-officio a member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee. XIV. STATIONS: REAR-COMMODORES: POST-CAPTAINS The chief station of the Club shall be in New York City, but wherever four or more members reside in any other locality, they may, with the approval of the Governing Board, found a station. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the members of the Club of the establishment of a new station. Stations established outside of New York City composed of twenty-four or more members shall be under the command of a Rear-Commodore to be elected by the members of such station. If the station is composed of less than twenty-four members, such station may be commanded by a Post-Captain, to be elected by the members of such station.

17 .The Re~r-Commodore or Post-Captain commanding a :~~~on out~1de of New York City may appoint and remove committees as the station members may approve. XV. FLAGS The Club_ Burgee shall be triangular in shape, in the

proportions, with a white field and a waved blue stripe 20h !:,.al ~ of the hoi st in width running through the center from 0

01st to point. . The Commod(?r s Flag shall be rectangular in shape WJt_h a blue field, 111 the usual proportions in the center of fihich ~hall be a white fouled anchor enci~cled by 13 white hvc pomted stars. Running horizontally through the center s all be a "vaved white stripe 20% of the hoist in width. The Vice Commodores Flag shall be similar to the Commodores Flag, except that the field shall be red. The Rear Commodores Flag shall be similar to the Vice Commodores Flag, except that the field shall be white and the fouled anchor, the 13 stars, and the wave shall be blue. The Post Captains Flag shall be similar to the _Rear Commodores Flag, except that the 13 stars shall be on11 tted. The Transoceanic Pennant of the Cruising Club of America shall be a pennant of a length approxii:nately 20% of the overall len g th of the yacht entitled to fly it, a_nd onet,~e lfth of its length on the ,hoist. It sh~H ~ave _a white fi~ld, with a waved blue tripe 20% of the hoist in width, running horizontally through t he center from hoist to point. . Upon the approval of the Committe e on Awards of ·the Club it may be flown at rcndez, ous of the Club Fleet, and on other appropriate occasions only by yachts enrolled in th e Club Fleet which hav e crossed the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean unoder sail. Flags herein referred to shall only be displayed on yachts under the direct command of members and not displayed when under charter unless the yacht has her owner on board. XVI. SEAL

The seal of the Club shall be its Burgee surrounded by a double circular rope border within which shall be inscribed "The Cruising Club of America, Inc." above; and below shall be inscribed "1922", the date of the founding of . the Club.

18 XVII. EXPENDITURES No expenditures of funds nor contracts binding the Club shall be made except by authorization of the Governing Board. XVIII. DISCIPLINE Every member on joining the Club thereby undertakes to comply with this Constitution and the By-Laws; and any refusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct unworthy of a gentleman or sailor, or inimical to the welfare of the Club, shall render a member liable to suspension or expulsion by a three-fourths vote of the members of the Governing Board present at a meeting duly called. Notice of such proposed action, with the reasons therefor, must be sent to the accused member by registered mail to his last known address at least thirty days prior to such meeting; and he shall have the right to be present at such meeting with counsel. XIX. AMENDMENTS This constitution cannot be suspended under any circumstances, but may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Fall Meeting. • Proposed amendments must be in writing signed by five members and sent to the Secretary-Treasurer in time to be included in the notice of the meeting.


BY-LAWS Adopted November 19, 1924 Amended to January 8, 1931 I. ORDER OF BUSINESS The order of business at all Club meetings shall be as follows: Roll Call. Minutes of previous meeting. Reports of officers. Reports of committees. Unfinished business. Elections. New pusiness. In case of dispute as to order or debate, Cushing's Manual shall govern. II. NOTICES Notice of the Annual and the Fall Meeting shall be sent to each member at least twenty days previous thereto. The notice for the Annual Meeting must contain the report of the Nominating Committee. Notices of special meetings shall be sent to each member at least fifteen days previous thereto, and shall state in detail the subjects to be brought up for action and no other matters may be considered at such meetings. III. APPEAL A member shall have the right of appeal to the Club from a decision of the Governing Board, which may be overruled at the next regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present in person or by proxy. Notice of such appeal must be stated fully in the call for the meeting. IV. VOTING None but members shall be allowed in the meeting room during a meeting of the Club. Every member present when a motion is under consideration shall vote thereon unless excused by the presiding officer. Proxies must be in writing, signed, witnessed and tiled with the Secretary-Treasurer five days in advance of the meeting. V. AMENDMENTS These By-Laws cannot be suspended under any circumstances but may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Fall Meeting. Proposed amendments must be in writing signed by five members and sent to the Secretary-Treasurer in time to be included in the notice of the meeting.




1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933



1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933



1922 1923 1924-33


:Jin )lllltmorp of our ~bipmatts lDbo babe ~ailtb on tfJtir Iast ~opagt.

William Washburn Nutting Arthur S. Hildebrand Frederick S. Nock Frederick C. Hieks Karl lsburiih Ogden T. MeClurg Arthur H. Day Thom;,.s Fleming Day H. M. Williams Mance! T. Clark Arthur Per.rin Wallace L. Durant Walter C. Grey William J. Curtis, Jr. Gilbert D. Maxwell George 0. Clinch Nathaniel F. Emmons Stuyvesant Wainwright Duncan Dene

Jamea W. Alker

J. Rulon Miller, Jr.

Dr. R. Heber Howe Alfred Greenough Edward W. Brown Clarence V. Kozlay Jamea B. Keogh Frederick L. Amea Capt. Howard Blackburn Oliver H. Perry Charles E. Eveleth Alfred F. Maaury George W. Warren Ralph M. Munroe Thomas M. Chance

September 924 924 September May 17, 925 December 925 April I, 926 April 20, 926 April 23, 926 August 19, 927 February 24, 928 April I, 928 November 2, 928 June 11. 929 December 7, 929 Jan,uary 6, 930 February I 7, 930 March 930 May 3, 930 November 3, 1930 December 6, 1930 March 7, 1931 July 18, 1931 January 28, 1932 March 13, 1932 April 12, 1932 June 26, 1932 August 21, 1932 November 6, 1932 November 4, 1932 January 22, 1933 March 25, 1933 April 4, 1933 August 24, 1933 August 26, 1933 September I, 1933




Capt. Robert A. Bartlett


Racquette Club, Waahington, D. C.


Major Anthony Fiala

25 Warren St., N. Y.


Alain J. Gerbault


Nathaniel G. Herreeholf

Briatol, R. I.

I/ 8/24 4/11/28

Capt. Edward C. Kalbfua, U. S. N., San Diego, Cal. Com. Donald B. MacMillen Provincetown, Man. Harry Pidgeon

Loa Angele•, Cal.

Robert Someraet


Sir Arthur Underhill England Commodore, Royal Cruising Club Franklin D. Roosevelt President: of t he United Stat es

4/11/24 3/10/27 4/14/26 9/29/32 12/ 8/32

5/ 4/33





Northport, L. I. 148 State St., Boaton, Mau. Great Neck, L. 1. 11 60 Batterymarch St., Boston, Maea. 48 Franklin St., Amory, Robert Boston, Maea. 20 Pine St., N. Y. 116 Anderson, Henry Hill 15 Andrews, Charle• Lee 44-35 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, N. Y. Appleton, Joseph W. 3 3 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Armatrong, Daniel W. 1776 Broadway, N. Y. 2 Park Ave., N. Y. 121 Atwater, Charle• W. 172

Ackerly, S. Le Roy Alden, John G. Alker, Edward P. Amory, Harold


Atwater, David H.


Atwater, John J.

150 South Main St., Fall River, Mau. I Broadway, N. Y.

1/ 12/23 Charter

I/ 2/31 7/ 27/22 2/ 25 / 32 2/ 2/ 33

4/ 24/ 31 4/ 7/32 2/ 23 / 28


Life 12/ 10/

/ 23 / 23

Charter 26 Beaver St., N. Y. Charter 24 7 Park Ave., N. Y. 3908 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. 1/22/31 152 Baker, Henry Martyn 11 E. 44th St., New York 7/ 20/ 27 282 Manhattan Ave. 180-187 Baker, Stephen D. N. Y. Life 1/ 12/ 23 Baker, W. Edgar, Jr. Porchuck Road, Greenwich, Conn. 1/ 12/23 1S5 Baldwin, F. W. Baddeck, Nova Scotia Charter 147 Baldwin, H. De Foreat 25 Broadway, N. Y. 1/12/23 19 Ballard, Frederick L. Land Title Building Philadelphia, Pa. 6/ 9/ 32 135 Bannerman, David B. I 5 Scotland Road Elizabeth, N. J. 12/13/23 192 Bannerman, Frank P. 0. Box 152, Huntington, N. Y. 12/13/23 12 Barnum, Walter 290 Hudson St., N. Y. 2/ 2/33 Bacon, Daniel 189 Baekeland, Dr. L H. 110 Bailliere, Lawrence M. 1S1

Z4 200 Bavier, Robert N.

122 Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, N. Y. 4 / 20 / 23 Bavier, William N., Jr. 120 Argyle Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. 4/ 7/32 4 Benedict, R. P. 420 I So. Ashland Ave. Chicago, Ill. 4/14/25 30 Berger, D. Spencer 135 Derby Ave., New Haven, Conn. 6/ 9/32 205 Betts, Herbert M. Deep River, Conn. 5/24/25 48 Biglow, R. Graham Norfolk, Conn. 6/14/27 4/ 3/24 Bixby, Henry D. Cove Road, Halesite, L. I. 139 Blanchard, Fe11enden S. 4 Seeley Pl., Scarsdale, N. Y. 7/29/31 202 Bliu, Elmer J. 125 Summer St. 4/14/25 Boston, Maas. 75 Upton Ave., 87 Blia■, Zenas Randall 11 /28/30 Providence, R. I. 238 Armington St., Bliss, Zena, W. 2/25/32 Edgewood, R. I. 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. Life 6/ 5/ 22 Glen Head, Nauau Co., 123 Bodman, Herbert L. 12/17/ 31 New York Bonnell Island 71 Bonnell, Geo. P. P. Portchester, N. Y. Charter 21 Tunstall Road, Bradley, A. Fred., Jr. Scarsdale, N. Y. 5/29/30 Brayton, Edward 388 Rock St., Fall River, Maas. 2/ I /25 120 Broadway, N. Y. 12/13/23 Brown, B. H. lnneu Brugler, James K., Jr. Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn. Charter Greenwich, Conn. I / 14 / 2 8 Brush, Abbott P. 101 E. 72nd St., N. Y. 2/ 2/33 Buck, Winthrop P. 44 Washington Ave. 55 Buckelew, Chas. W. 5/21/29 Plainfield, N. J. 5/27/31 Hamilton, Bermuda Butterfield, H. D., Jr. I / 8/24 225 Broadway, N. Y. 3S Byerly, Robert W. 49 Westminster St., 76 Cabot, Edward 3/25/29 Providence, R. I. 5/24/25 East Milton, Maas. 36 Cabot, F. Elliot

208 Boal, Ayres

Z5 Cabot, Nelaon

Eaat Milton, Mau. 3/25/29 48 Weat Tier St., City laland, N. Y. 12/13 /23 Carll, Benjamin W. Northport, L. I. I/ I 8/27 Caraon, Wrn. M., Jr. 25 Broad St., N. Y. I 2/ I 7 /31 Chambere, John Albert 20 Lee St., Marblehead, Man . 1/18/ 27 179 Cha nce, Edwin M. I 40 I Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 4/2'!,/30 65 Chatman, Joseph T. Van Wngenen Ave., Milton Pt., Rye, N. Y. 2/ 2/ 33 31 Clifford, Dr. Randall 21 5 \Varren Street, Brookline, Maas. 11/15/28 Cobb, Charle• K., Jr. 268 Summer St., Boston, Maas. 3 /22/22 43 Coffin, Sarni. Barlow 12 So. 4th St., Hudson, N. Y. I/ I 2/23 46 Coggan, Linue C. 177 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 5/25 / 28 73 Cole, John F. 136 Perkins Street, Som erville, Maas. 3/22/22 100 Connett, Frank S. 224 W. I Ith St., N. Y. C. I/ 2/31 190 Cook, Willard B. IO Sutton Manor New Rochelle, N. Y. S/11/22 Cooke, A. Goodwin 3 I Nauau St., N. Y. C. 4/25/30 96 Cooke, Carleton S. I Wall St. , N. Y. 4/20/23 96 Cooke, Thoma• F. 618 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 4/25/30 8 Coolidge, Amory 160 State St., Boston, Mau. 7/29/31 Coolidge, Wm. H., Jr. Manchester, Maas. 3/17/27 Cooper, Gerald A. Piedmont Proceaaing Co., Belmont, N. C. 9/24/31 110 Crabbe, Birkbeck C. Toma River, N. J, 9/24/31 170 Crabbe, Daniel McE. Toma River, N. J. 9/24/31 4S Crabbe, Edward Toma River, N. J. 10/19/2'!, Crabbe, Edward L. I 14 Eaat 40th St., N. Y. 1/18/27 Crane, Clinton H. 250 Park Ave., N. Y. 11/28/33 160 Cunningham, Alan I 00 Arlington St., Boston; Maas. . 6/ 9/32 7 Cutter, Ceo. A. 16 I Pleasant St., Lynn, Mass. 9/27/29 Cutting, Ulyaae■ D. I 06 Harrison St., Ea1t Orange, N. J. '!,/ I /24 Caeaar, William F.

26 Bay Head, N. J. 12/23/29 Hamilton, Bermuda 11/28/30 223 W. lllinoie Street, Chicago, Ill. 5/25/28 15 Strickland Road, Davi■, Charle■ G. Coscob, Conn. Charter de Fontaine, W. H., Jr. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 9/24/31 149 de Poach, Lionel 22 William St., N. Y. 5/24/24 Derby, Jamee Lloyd I Cedar St., N. Y. 9/21/28 146 Devereux, Henry M. IO I For est Road, Douglaston, N. Y. 11/28/ 33 Dickenon, John S., Jr. Rohla Lomas Ranch, Woodlake, Tulare Co., Cal. I I /28/30 52 Dillon, Sch.uyler I 3 I State St. , Boeton, MaH. 6/30/26 Doane, George B. I 3 7 Beaconefield Rd., Brookline, Mase. Life I/ 12/23 Dodge, Karl I 80 W . Duncannon St., 9/21/33 Philadelphia, Pa. 60 Down■ , Charles 8. I 61 5 Penn. Bldg., Phila., Pa. 2/ 9/23 Downe, W. Findlay 620 Packard Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 6/30/26 51 Drake, George 8. I 7 Battery Place, N. Y. 5/24/24 Drake, Geo. B., Jr. I 7 Battery Place, N. Y. 5/27/31 Draper, Frank B. Charter lvoryton, Conn. 54 Drialer, William A. 345 Madieon Ave., N. Y. 2/ 2/33 68 Duggan, George H. 3636 McTavish St., 7/ 6/22 Montreal, Can. 120 Duncan, Robert F. 5/29/30 150 Naaaau St., N. Y. 33 Dunn, Gano 1/22/31 43 E:s:change Pl., N. Y. Durant, Donald 37 Broad St., N. Y. 9/20/26 Duryee, Andrew Barr 39 Liberty Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. 2/ 9/23 143 Dyer, Leonard H. c/ o Central Hanover Bk. & Tr. Co., 70 B"way, N. Y. 7/21/22 Hope Club, 126 Dyer, William J. H. Providence, R. I. 1/22/31

Dale, F. Slade Darrell, Alfred A. 167 Oaucby, Samuel 16


Ely, Edward C. Emmon■, Gardner Evan ■,

George E.

University Club, I W . 54th St., N. Y. 6/30/26 9 I Beacon St., Bo,ton, Ma11. 1/25/29 76 Lyndhurst Ave., Toronto, Can. 1/18/27

27 7 I Broadway, N. Y. 5470 Collins Ave., Miami Beach, Fla. Rum Gagger Farm, Fenger, Frederic A CohaHet, MaH, 28 Ferri ■, Raymond W. 464 N. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio Floyd•Jonea, T. L., Jr. c/o E. R. Squibb & Son,, 745 • 5th Ave., N. Y. 5-38 Forbea, Dr. Alexander Milton, Mass. Ford, Ellsworth Port Che,ter, N. Y. 91 Ford, Hobart c/ o Green, Ellis & Anderaon I 00 Broadway, N. Y. Ford, William A. 75 Union St., New Rochelle, N. Y. 93-118 Foeter, Charle. H. W. 24 Milk St. , Boston, Mess. Friedricha, F. E. 609 W. I 14th St., N. Y. F,urst, Lowry B. 4 IO W. 24th St .. N. Y. 94 42-83

Falea, Haliburton, Jr. Farnsworth, George B.

Gade, Frederick

2/27/30 5/ 20/23 Charter

4/10/28 9/24 / 31 4/ 3/24 1/24/23 8/ 2/22 2/29/32 Charter 3/15/26 5/ 4/33

Premium Point Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. 3/ 5/23 Gallowhur, George Braeloch, Mount Kiaco, N. Y. 3/17/27 2765 Oakdale St., Gandy, Jr., Geo. S. St. Petersburg, Fla. 9/26/27 17 Gardiner, Frederic M. 439 E. 58th St., N. Y. 4/ 21/27 154 Garland, Robert L. 2 Ridge, Great Neck, L. I. 2/ 2 7/ 3-0 144 Garlick, E. Earle 1843 Elm St. Stratford, Conn. 2/ 3/28 Godley, Ceo. McM. 420 Lexington Ave., N. Y. 12/17 /31 56 Gooderham, Norman R. 77-85 Avenue Road, Toronto, Can. 6/30/26 21 Goodwin, Cha ■. A 15 Lewia St., Hartford, Conn. 3/25/29 I 20 Scarborough St, 141 Goodwin, Francia, II Hartford, Conn. 2/25/32 Gordon, Henry H. I O72 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 2/ 9/23 44 Gould, Albert T. I Federal St., Boston, Mau. 11/15/28 108 Granbery, George P. c/o Abbott, Hoppin & Co., 120 Broadway, N. Y. 6/15/22 163 Greeff, Edward R. 25 W. 90th St., N. Y. 2/25/32 168

Z8 Green, C. Douglasa Greening, Harry B. Grinnell, Lawrence

44 Wall St., N. Y. 9/ 21 / 33 Hamilton, Can. Charter 3 79 County Street, New Bedford, Mau. 5/24/2S Griewold, Roger 73 Newbury St. Boston, Mass. Charter 63 Groevenor, Gilbert H. Nat'! Geographic Society, Washington, D. C . Charter 174 Guild, Joseph 120 Village Ave., Dedham, Maae. Life 4 I I 4 I 2 5 Hall, J. Goodwin Hammer, Thomae P. 81 Hanna, John G. 20 Harrie, Stanley G. 128-203

Haekell, William H. Haakell, William T. Hayward, Wm. F.


Hiegineon, Charlee Hinman, B. A.


Horrocks, Thomae S.


Howard, Henry Howe, Dr. Alex. C.


58 153

Howland, Waldo Hoyt, C. Sherman Hubbard, Charles J. Hubbard, George F. Huddy, Xenophon P. Huntington, L. D., Jr.

3 Beekman Place, N. Y. 1600 Walnut St., Phila., Pa.

I 0/ 17 / 2S I / 8/ 24

Box 325, Dunedin, Fla. 5 / 11 / 22 P. 0. Box I 5 I, Wall St. Station, N. Y. 2/ 2 / 33 Scarsdale, N. Y., Box 4◄ 6 3/21/23 Richards Road Port Washington, N. Y. 4/ 1/24 c/ o Simpeon, Spence & Young 8-10 Bridge St., N. Y. 5/24/25 IO Poet Office Square, Boston, Maas. 7 / 6/22 IO Roosevelt Ave., Larchmont, N. Y. 3/21/23 80 I 6 Roanoke St., Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. 4 / 7/ 3 2 Paradise Road, Newport, R. I. Charter Life 4 I Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, N. Y. 2/ 2 / 33 c/o Concordia Co., Inc., 50 State St., Boston, Mass. S/ 4/33 3 7 W. 44th St., N. Y. Life 2/ 9/23 IO State St., Boston, Mass. 5/ 4/ 33 60 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 11/28/33 Milford, Pike Co.,• Pa. 11 /28/30 Route 2, Homeatead, Fla. 9/24/24

29 204 Jackson, Henry A. 16 JenneH, Peter, Jr. 19 1 Jimcnie, Edwin A . 140 Johnson, John Seward 84 Johnson, Peer P.

309 E. 22nd St., N. Y. 6/ 5/22 Falmouth Forcaidc, Mc. 4/ 7/32 62 Beaver St., N. Y. 2/ 1/25 New Brunswick, N. J. Life 163 Cabot St., Beverly, MaH. 6/ 9/ 32 Johneon, Robert Wood New Brunswick, N. J. 5/ /23 11 / 19/ 31 45•196-197 Jones, Baaactt IO I Park Ave., N. Y. S/ 24/24 Judaon, William H. 25 Broad St., N. Y. Charter 82 Wall St., N. Y. 45 John St., N. Y. 9/ 21 / 33 165 Washington St., 5/ 20/ 27 Marblehead, Mau. I I Broadway, N. Y. 1/ 22 / 31 66 Kilmer, Hugh 199 Kingsbury, Dr. haac W. I 25 Trumbull St., 7/29/ 31 Hartford, Conn. Knight, Thomae S. 140 Federal St., 10/17/25 Boston, Maas. 39 Lamont, Auatin 53 7 No. Wolfe St., Baltimore, Md. 2/ 25 / 32 I Grace Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 178 Lang, Charles 6/ 14/2 7 30 Church St., N. Y. 113 Lan g, Edmund Washin gton Truat Bldg., 9 Larkin, Daniel F. W esterly, R. I. 2/25/32 Causein Manor, Bel Alton, Larner, G. de Freest 1/ 18/ 27 Charles Co., Md. 11 / 28/30 164 Lockwood, Luke B. 165 Broadway, N. Y. Lombard, Laurence M. I Federal St., Boston, Maa■. 5/25/28 131 Loomis, Alfred F. 122 East 76th St., N. Y. 3 / 22/ 22 11 /2 8/33 Ste rling Junction, Mass. 101 Lo rd, Edward C. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 9/26/27 Lord, John B. 104 Loveland, Samuel C . Hammonton, N. J. 10/ 19/25 Lundgren, Wm. E. 81 John St., N. Y. 7/ 29/ 31 47 2

Kattcnhorn, Martin S. Kelly, Thomas A. Kemble, Parker H .


Madeira, Edward W.

Mallory, Clifford D. Mallory, Philip R. 111 Manley, Loui■ E. 161 Manny, Walter Roy

115-166 169

2020 Packard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 4 / 14 /25 I 1 Broadway, N. Y. Charter Barlow Lane, Rye, N. Y. 4/20/ 33 705-717 Whitlock Ave., N. Y. 5/24/25 210 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 9/21/33

30 97 Marah, Carleton L

Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., 165 Broadway, N. Y. 11/19/31 Mather, Frank J., Jr. Washington Crossing. Pa. 9/ 21/ 28 3 Matheaon, Hugh M. 418 S. W. Second Ave., Miami, Fla. 4/ 10/28 171 Maxim, Hiram H . 276 No. Whitney St., Hartford, Conn. 2/ 25/ 32 Megargel, Ralph G. 11 W. 42nd St., N. Y. 4 / 14/ 25 Meneely, Cheater B. Mendham Road, Mo rrist own, N. J. 9/21 / 28 Meneely, Henry T. R. D. No. 4. Troy, N. Y. 10/ 19/25 207 Merrill, John Lee 13 6 S tate St., Augusta, Me. 1/ 23/29 34 Merriman, H. Morton 22 E. 40th St., N. Y. 1/ 12/ 23 129 Merwin, Horace B. Bridgeport-City Truat Co. Bridgeport, Conn. 1/22/31 40 Metcalf, Rowe B. 45 E. 17th St., N. Y. 10/ 17/ 25 Milliken, Dr. Seth M. 95 I Madison Ave., N. Y. 5/ 4/ 33 49 Mixter, George W. I W. 54th St., N. Y . 2/ 27/ 30 27 Moffat, Alexander W. 207 Fisher Ave., Brookline, Man. 6/ 1/ 22 1450 Broadway, N. Y. Moore, Hartwell S. 6/ 9/ 32 136 Moore, Robert Hartwell 1450 Broadway, N. Y. 1/ 12/23 67 Moriaon, Samuel E. 44 Brimmer St., Boston, Maas. 12/ 21 / 28 6 Meraa, Everett, Jr. • 66 Sidney St., Cambridge, Mau. 1/ 14/ 28 24 Charlesgate East, 22 Moras, Henry A., Jr. Boston, Ma ss. 9/2 1/ 33 3 2 Schermerhorn St., 102 Morton, Dr. H. H . Brooklyn, N. Y. 1/18/27 Moulton, Francia S. I 5 5 Adama St., Milton, Ma... S/25/26 Mower, Charle, D. I 045 Grant Ave., Pelham Manor, N. Y. 5/11/22 East Sho re Road, 133-186 Moxham, Egbert, Great Neck, L. 1. 4/ 14/ 25 P. 0 . Box I 16, 90 Munroe, Wirth Coconut Grove, Fla 10/20/26 69 Murphy, John Killam Killam•• P oint, Branford, C(?nn. 9/24/24 112 Neilaon, Alexander S. 84 Spooner Road, Brookline, Mau. 4/20/23

31 26

Nevin, E. Paul Nichola, George Nichola, Lloyd

25 W. 43rd St., N. Y. 40 Worth St., N. Y. Beverly Farms, Mau.

184-188 Nicholson, Paul C. 80 Nickeraon, Hoffman 64

Nield, Charle• F. North, Herbert B.

Nicholson File Co., Providence, R. I. 4 7 E. 68th St., N. Y. I 03 Pork Ave., N. Y. Orange, Conn.

Outerbridge, Joseph W. 90 John St., N. Y. 1S6 Paine, Frank C. 150 Parkinson, John

Parkinson, John, Jr. 24

Parkman, Henry, Jr.

109 Payne, Edward


Percival, Lawrence F. 193 Perkins, Frederic W. 89 Perkins, John F., Jr. 198 Phelps, John J.

Pierce, S, S. Pool, J. Lawrence SO Pope, Albert L. 119 Power, Charle•

Powers, Frederic D. 92 Prince, Gordon C.

Radulic, George 106 Rankin, Ralph S.

Rataey, Emeat A

5/2./25 2/23/28 9/21/28 Life I 0/ /23 11/ 7/30 Charter

2/23/28 2/25/32

I I Beacon St., Boston, Maia. 4/ 7/32 53 State St., Boston, Ma11. 11/13/23 c/ o Blake Bros. & Co. 40 Wall St., N. Y. 4/ 10/ 28 82 Devonshire St., Room 805 Boston, Mass. 6/14/27 Shippen Point, Stamford, Conn. 6/16/ 22 3 7 3 Washington St., Boston, Mase. 9/26/ 24 1661 C rescent Pl., N. W., Washington, D. C. I/ 12/23 Bradle,e Road, Milton, Mass. 5/ 4/ 33 R. D. I, Hackensack, N. J. Chart,er Life 63 Foster St., Cambridge, Mass. Charter I 07 East 60th St., N. Y. I /25/29 I 6 Sycamore Rd., West Hartford, Conn. 7/29/31 55 Melrose Place, Montclair, N. J. 3/17/27 143 Ridgewood Ave., Glen Ridge, N. J. S/25/28 5 4 Devonshire St., Boston. Mau. 3 /22/22 4641 S. Ashland Ave Chicago, Ill. 6/23/23 195 Broadway, N. Y. 5/ 4/33 City Island, N.' Y. 2/25/32

.32 57 Rataey, Georie E.

City leland, N. Y. 4 / 7 /32 Greenwich, Conn. I I / 13 / 23 Eagle Springe, N. C. Charter Life 1055 Madison Ave., N. Y. 4/25/ 30 6 E. 45th St., N. Y. 4/ 7 /32 Derby Academy, Hingham, Mass. 9/26/2 4 24 Reynold,, Edward, Jr. 61 Broadway, N. Y. 2/25/32 Reynold,, Harri1on G. 160 State St., 801ton, Mau. 2/25/32 206 Rice, Dr. George E. 2 E. 54th St., N. Y. 5/24/24 98 Rigg, Henry K. 40 Wall St., N. Y. 4/ 7/32 98 Rigg, Linton 40 Wall St., N. Y. 3/22/22 195 Riggs, Dr. Austin Fox Stockbridge, Maas. Life 1/12/23 53 Robina, Thoma■, Jr. 175 Bryant St., Buffalo, N.Y. 4/24/31 74 Robinson, John, Jr. 18 Summer St., Salem, Mau. 7/ 6/22 Rockwell, Cha■. 8., Jr. 2 High St., Bri1tol, R. J. 2/25/32 32 Roo■evelt, -Geo. Emlen 30 Pine St., N. Y. I I /28/30 127 Roosevelt, John K. 67 Broad St., N. Y. 11/28/ 33 159 Roosevelt, Philip J. 30 Pine St., N. Y. 9/29/32 194 Roaa, Thorvald S. P. 0 . Box H, Brighton Di■t., Boston, Mau. 3/21/23 Rushmore, W. A. 18 7 Park Ave., Huntington, N. Y. 6/30/26 137 Ruuell, Frank H. 30 West Bell"s Mill Road, Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa. 1/ 19/24 82 Ruuell, T. M. 350 High St., Middletown, Conn. 5/20/27 181 Rutherford, John M. 325 Sea Spray Ave., Palm Beach, Fla. 3/22/22 18 Saltonstall, Leverett Chestnut Hill, Maes. 7/ 6/22 95 Sargent, Ledyard W. Wayland, Ma88, 5/27/31 85 Schoenwerk, Otto C. 2440 Lake View Ave., Chicago, Ill. 10/20/27 86 Seeley, N. S. 71 Broadway, N. Y. 3/25/29 41 Maple Ave., 14 Se"ice, Elliot K. Glen Cove, N. Y. I0/li'/2S Seymour, A. D., Jr. Sun1et Drive, Ithaca, N. Y. Charter 175 Sharp, 8. Karl 49 W. Caetle Pl., New Rochelle, N. Y. 3/22/22 Raymond, Gordon Raymond, Irving E. Rawle, Manhall 101 Reid, Frederick L 142 Reid, Wm. T., 3rd

33 203 Commonwealth Ave., Beaton, Mau. 12/ 23 / 29 148 State St., Beaton, Mau. 10/ 17/ 25 Simpaon, Dwight S. 474 Park St., 122 Siatare, George H. New Bedford, Maaa. 10/ 17/25 Smillie, Charle• V. V. Commodity Exch., Inc., 81 Broad St., N. Y. 2/ 9/ 23 Shrewsbury, Mau 4/25/30 Smith, Earle 5/ 24 / 24 So. Hingham, Maas. 138 Smith, Frank Vining 13 2 0 Packa rd Bldg., 79 Smith, Geoffrey ~Philadelphia, Pa. 9/ 21/ 33 5 Ruby Ave., 1 Smith, Herbert M. Marblehead, Mau. 3 / 15/ 26 135 W. 3 6th St., N. Y. 1/ 12/ 23 114 Smith, Melville R. 4/25/30 Pullia Ave., Bayaide, L I. Smith, Rufua C. 11/28/ 33 3 40 E. 72nd St., N. Y. 185 Sommera, Walter J . c/ o Fiduciary T rust Co., Spencer, Duncan M. 4/ 21 / 27 I Wall St., N. Y. Stanford, C. M. 37 Lime St., 5/ 27/ 31 London E. C. 3, Eng. 2/ 9/23 Stephens, Kenneth 44 Beaver St., N. Y. 62 Stephens, Olin J., JI. Cragswold, Garth Road, 3/25/29 Sca rsdale, N. Y. 3 / 15/2 6 Stephens, Roderick 220 E. 13 8th St., N. Y. 62 Stephens, Roderick, Jr. I 1 Brayton Rd., 4/ 7/ 32 Scarsdale, N. Y. 3 716 223rd St., Bayside, L. I. Charter 99 Stephens, W. P . 2 Divinity Ave., 182 Stetaon, H a rlan T. 5/20/ 27 Ca mbridge, Mass. II/ 7/30 Easton, Md. Stewart, Glenn 4/ 21/27 45 Wall St., N. Y. 132 Stewart, Wm. A. W. Ston e, F rancia H., Jr. 15 Euclid Ave., ·Providence, R. I. 3/ 4/ 24 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. Charter Stone, Herbert L. McKesso·n -Churchill -Drug Co.. 103 Strong, Dr. Arth.u r C. Burlington, Iowa 9/ 29 / 32 77 Sullivan, Franklin C. Harlem Yacht Club, City !eland, N. Y. 4/21/27 Charter Sullivan, Walter S. 4143 Park Ave., N. Y. 176 Taylor, William H . 230 W. 41st St., N. Y. 5/29/30 Telander, N. L. 2712 E. Hartford Ave., 2/27/30 Milwaukee, Wia. Simonds, Da niel II.

34 Waldo Ave., Bayside, L. I. 9/24/ 31 122 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 4/25/30 c/o Pouch & Co., Thompson, Jame• D. I Wall St., N. Y. 3/24/31 Thurber, Frederick B. Tilden-Thurber Corp. Charter Providence, R. I. 15 Westminster St., 162 Tillinghast, Jame• A. Providence, R. I. 7/ 5 / 2 9 37 Torrey, Morris W. I Madison Ave., N. Y. 3/21/23 I 00 Boylston St., Boston, Mau. Charter 75 Tousey, Dr. Coleman I/ 9 /21t 117 Trimingham, Eldon H. Hamilton, Bermuda 135 William St., N. Y. 12/ /23 Tucker, Edwin H. 42 W. Castle Pl., 165 Wallace, George N. New Rochelle, N. Y. 12/18/24 I Federal St., 173 Wambaugh, Mile• Boston, Mau. 1/22/31 Fore■t Road, 13 Weagant, Carl L Douglaaton, L. ]. 1/22/31 8 Winter St., 88 Weeks, Allen T. South Dartmouth, Mau. 4/ 3/24 105 Welch, Chas. A., 2nd 73 Tremont St., Boston, Maaa. Life 5/24/25 Atlantic Nat'! Bank 59 Weston, Charle• Boston, Maaa. 7/ 6/22 246 Market St., 59 Weaton, Melville Lowell, Mass. 7/ 6/22 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. Charter Wetherill, Samuel 285 Madison Ave., N. Y. 1/20/25 Weyand, Cha,. L. 9/ 21/33 10 White, Alex. M., Jr. ·40 Wall St., N. Y. 112 State St., Boston, Mau. 6/14/27 25 White, Wilfrid 0. IOI Park Ave., N. Y. 1/ 9/24 125 Whiting, Butler 137 E. 66th St., N. Y. 5/20/27 Whitney, Alfred R. I Federal St., Boston, Mass. I/ 2/31 William,, Ralph B. 40 Wall St., N. Y. 7/ 5/29 61 Williama, Roger H. Charter 201 Wi■e Wood, Henry A. 50 I Fifth Ave., N. Y. 31 Nassau St., Room 1504, 130-134 Wolfe, Dudley F. 12/17/31 New York c/o Machinery Club, Wolfe, Nel■ on B. 50 Church St., N. Y. I/ 9/24 I I Raymond Blvd., 29 Young, Roger 4/14/25 Newark, N. J. 72 Teller, Robert D. Thoma•, Dr. Wm. A.

FLEET SCHOONERS Name Home Port Owner 1 Alice (Aux.) Marblehead, Mau. Herbert M. Smith 2 Aporose (Aux.) Huntington, L. I. Thomas A. Kelly 3 Azara (Aux.) Miami, Fla. Hu gh M. Matheson 4 Bagheera (Aux.) Chicago, Ill. R. P. Benedict 5 Black Duck Alex. F orbea Nauehon, Maaa. 6 Black Gooae (Aux.) Manchester, Man. Everett Moras, Jr. 7 Black Squall (Aux.) Chatham, Mass. Geo. A Cutter 8 Blue Dolphin (Aux.) Shelburne, N. S. Amory Coolidge 9 Blue Sea (Awi:.) D. F. Larkin Watch Hill, R. I. 10 Blue Water (Aux.) Oyster Bay, L. I. Alex. M. White, Jr. 11 Boreae (Aux.) Edward P. Alker Great Neck, N. Y. 12 Brilliant (Aux.) Walter Barnum La rchmont, N. Y. 13 Carlsark (Aux.) Carl L Weagant Bayside, L. I. 14 Chantey (Aux.) Glen Cove, L. I. Elliot K. Service JS Curlew (Aux. ) Pt. Wa,hington, N. Y. Chae. Lee Andrew• 16 Emma C. Berry F. Slade Dale & -Bay Head, N. J. Peter Jenneu, Jr. 17 Evanthia II (Aux.) Portsmouth, N. H. F. M. Gardiner 18 Fish Hawk II (Aux.) North Haven, Me. L. Saltonetall 19 Four Brothen (Aux.) Great Chebeague, Me. Frederick L. Ballard 20 Four Wind• (Aux. ) San Franciaco, Cal. Stanley G. Harri•

Length W.L . 62 . 40. 36. 47. 112.8 85 . 42.5 55.6 65. 46. 52.3 38. 33.3 43. 99. 10 77. 43. 33.3 55.6 42.6 79.10 60. 61.6½ 49. 72. 62 . 38. 30.3 65.3 48.2

Beam I I. 12. 21.4 .14.2 15. 12.2 12.6 22.6 12.6 14. 18. 14.8 17. 11.3 14.8

Draft 7. 6. 5.11 7.8 6. 7.4 4.2 12. 4.2 7.6 10. 8. 10

47. 47.6 S6.4 4S. 98.

14.7 11.8 14.9 12.6 20.

6. S.11 7.2 4.3 9.6

0 . A.

39.7 34.6 40.6 33.1 I 80.

7. 6, 7.



SCHOONERS Length 0 -u,-nor W.L. O.A. 21 Chas. A. Goodwin 46.1 33.6 22 Henry A. Morss, Jr. 59 .4 43 . 1 23 Edward C. Ely 43. 32.6 24 Henry Parkman, Jr. & Edw. Reynolds, Jr. 43.3 32.6 25 Lady Kelvin (Aux.) Boston, Maae. Wilfrid 0. White 41. 35. 26 Lord Jim (Aux.) Bluehill, Me. E. Paul Nevin 62.8 . 46. 27 Mahdee (Aux.) Boston, Masa. Ale.x W. Moffat 53 .2 45. 11 Marblehead, Maas. 28 Malay (Aux.) R. W.. Ferris 45.3 34.5 29 Maiiana (Aux.) Newark, N. J. Ro ger Young 92.2 68. 30 Mandoo (Aux. ) Sachem's Head, Conn. D. Spencer Berger 62. 44.3 31 Maui Padanaram, Maaa. Randall Clifford 43. 30.9 32 Mistreaa (Aux.) Oyster Bay, L. I. 50. Geo, E. Rooae'!'elt 60. Cranberry lalea, Me, 33.3 33 Niliraga (Aux.) Cano Dunn 43. 46.8 Campobello, N. B. Can, H. Morton Merriman 62.7 34 Noneman (Aux.) Robert W. Byerly 45. 33. New York, N. Y. 35 Owl II 43.7 32.3 Boston, Maas, F. E. Cabot 36 Ptarmigan (Aux,) 37.9 48.6 Port Washington, N. Y. M. W. Torrey 37 Radiant (Aux.) 80. Alex. Forbes 97. Boston, Maaa, 38 Ramah (Aux.) 39 Roae of Sharon 42. 51.9 (Aux. ) Austin Lamont Pulpit Harbor, Me. 132. 109. R. B. Metcalf Greenwich, Conn. 40 Sachem (Aux.) 32.9 43.9 Northeast Harbor, Me, E. W. Madeira 41 Sagamore (Aux.) Name Home Port Golden Hind Hartford, Conn. Grenadier (Aux.) Marblehead, MaH, Hajada (Aux.) Rye, N. Y. Hearts Desire (Aux.)Marblehead, Maas.


Beam 11.3 13.9 11.6


11.8 12. 15. 15. 11. 9 20. 14.8 12. 15.7 12.6 14.7 11. 11.7 12. 21.

6.4 5.10


6.6 8.3 6.

8.6 6.6

6.6 12. 8.3 5.7 9.8 4.2 8.3 8.9 6.4

7. 11.6


25 .




SCHOONERS Name 42 Sally II (Aux. ) 43 Seafarer 44

Segochet (Aux.)

45 Shellback (Aux.) 46 Sunbeam 47 S urprise 48 Teal (Aux.) 49 Teragram (Aux.) 50 Tern (Aux.) 51 Tigreas (Aux,) 52 Tortuga (Aux. ) 53 Typhoon (Aux.) 54 Vagabond (Aux. ) 55 Virwin (Aux.) 56 Yolanda (Aux.) 57


Zaida (Aux. ) Zavorah (Aux.)

Home Port

Christmas Cove, Me. Hudson, N. Y. Thomaston, Me. Tom's River, N. J. Blue Hill, Me. New Rochelle, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. New York, N. Y. Scituate, Maas. Stamford, Conn. Rye, N. Y. Sewaren, N. J. Toronto, Can. New York, N. Y. Boston, Mass.

Length O.A. W.L. Dr. Geo. B. Farnsworth 70.4 49.6 S. B. Co ffin 63. 45. Albert T . Gould 34. 41.7 Edward Crabbe 61. 45. Linus C. Co ggan M. S. Kattenhorn 44. 36. R. Graham Biglow 53 . 7 38. Geo. W. Mixter 58.5 43.2 Albert L. Pope 36.3 49. Geo. B. Drake 56.6 42.6 Schuyler Dillon 36.2 32. 2 Thomas Robina, Jr. 47.6 36.6 Wm. A. Drialer 49.13 38.23 Chae. W . Buckelew 32.3 41.9 Norman R. Gooderham 66. 45. Geo. E. Rat.eey 52. 40. Charles J. Hubbard 57. 40.9 Oioner



16.9 15.6 10.8 15.3

8.9 8.10 6.

12. 11.5 14.2 14. 14.2 I I.I 12. 12.73 11.2 14.3 14. 13.6

7. 7.4 7.10


5. 7.2 4.6 6.10 6. 6.3 8. 7. 6.6 c.,




Home Port

59 Betainda (Aux.)

Marblehead, Maaa.

60 Blue Wing (Aux.)

Philadelphia, Pa. Saugatuck, Conn. Larchmont, N, Y.

61 Daphne (Aux.) 62


(Aux.) 64 F riendahip Ill (Aux.) 65 Ginjack (Aux.) 63 Elsie

Idler (AUL) 67 Idler (Aux) 68 Kingarvie (Aux.) 69 Little Gull (Aux.) 71 Old Glory (Aux.) 7! Playmate (Aux.)


73 Quill II

Baddeck, C. B.

Owner Melville and Charles Weston C. B. Downs Roger H. Williama Olin J, Stephen• II and R. Stephens, Jr. Gilbert Grosvenor


Length W.L. O.A.



34.6 36. 55.

25.5 "/.7.6 38.

9.9 12. 15.

5.2 3.6 3.

52.2¾ 37.6 54. 40.

10.3 12.

7.8 6.4

New Haven, Conn. Milton Harbor, Rye, N. Y. Larchmont, N, Y, Seal Cove, Me. Toronto, Ont. Branford, Conn. Greenwich, Conn.

Herbert B. North





Joseph T. Chatman Hugh Kilmer S. E. Morison G. Herrick Duggan John Killam Murphy Geo. P. P. Bonnell

34 .3 45.2 30.

Robert D. Tell er

So. Brookeville, Me,

John F. Cole

9.8 11.8 10. 14.8 9.8 15. 8.10 9.10

5.1 6.

Bayside, N. Y.

25.4 36.7 22. 49. 23.4 40. 32.

28.5 48. 43.6 38.


◄ .S

7.5 4.7 6. 6.3 5. 10



Home Port

Shag (Aux.}

Salem, Man. Boston, Meas. 76 Whiffenpuff (Aux,) Barrington, R I. 77 Witchcraft II (Aux.) New York. N. Y. 74

75 Thialfi (Aux.)

Length W.L.


0. A,

John Robinson, Jr, Colemen T ouaey Edward Cabot Franklin C. Sullivan




25. 31. 22.6 37.4

9.9 I 1.10 9.8 12.11


Length W.L.




37. 26. 59.

5.10 4. 6.S



79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88


Home Port

Alice (Aux.) Aunt Abby (Aux.) Billy II {Aux.) Esperanza (Aux.) Feliai (Aux.) Holly (Aux.) Joloma Katinka (Aux.) Lady Lou (Aux.} Lydia V {Aux.) Maya (Aux.)

Newport, R. I. Philadelphia, Pa. Oyster Bay, N. Y. Land O' D.reama Middletown. Conn. Miami Beach, Fla. Beverly, Mass. Chicago, IIJ. Stamford, Conn. Providence, R. I. New Bedford, Mas ■•

Owner H. Howard· Geoffrey S. Smith Hoffman Nickerson John G. Hanna T. M. Russell Dr. G. 6. Farnsworth Peer P. Johnson Otto C. Schoenwerlt N. S. Seeley Zenaa W. Bliaa Allen T. W eelta


52. 35. S 1.10 30.4 52.7 55.6


28.7 42. 25.3 40. 47.7

13.7 10.10 13.7 9. 13.4 14.


29.3 46.9 41. 30.

11.11 13.4 13.10 10.

SS.2 52.


3.9 4.

4. 7.6 4.6 4.6 S.2 4.6




89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96

Mary C . (Aux.) Melody (Aux.) Mother Gooae Northern Light Oceana (Aux.) Orithia (Aux.) Panchara illl Seven Bella {Aux.)

Home Port

Portsmouth, N. H. Coconut Grove Rye, N. Y. Beverly, Mass. Marblehead, Masa, New York, N. Y.


John F. Perkins, Jr. Wirth Munroe Ho-hart Ford Gordon C. Prince C. H. W. Foster Haliburton Falea Ledyard S. Sargent Branford, Conn. C. S. Cooke end T. F. Cooke 97 Sindbad (Aux.) Riveraide, Conn. C. L. Marsh 98 Smith, Brown, Jones City Island, N. Y. Linton Rigg and H.K. Rigg 99 Snikersnee Bayside, L. I. W. P. Stephens 100 Sou-wester (AUL) Port Waahington, N. Y. Frank S. Connett 101 Spindrift (Aux.) Gloucester, Mass. Edward C. Lord Port Washington, N. Y.Henry H. Morton 102 Spindrift Dr. A C. Strong 103 Temptreee (Aux.) Miami, Fla. S. C. Loveland 104 Vagabond (Aux.) Philadelphia, Pa. 105 Walrus (Aux.) Chas. A Welch II Marblehead, Maae.


Length O.A. W.L.



36.6 35.8 65. 39. 52. 57.

28.6 28.6 60. 30. 43. 46.10

12.6 10.4 20. 12. 14. 16.

3.6 2.4 3.5 7.6 4.2

56. 25.

38. 25.6

12.2 9.

7. 5.6

70. 21. 9 40.4 49.4 47. 45.

60. 18. 32.6 36.6 35. 32. 43.

18. 5.9 11.6 12.9 12. 13.5 14. 14.6

so. so.



5. 3. 6.8 6.8 6.


3.6 6.

Name 106 Amoret 107 Amrita (Aux.} 108 Anita 109 Auk 110 Aweigh (Aux.)

111 112 113 114 115

Bambino (Aux.) Bantam (Aux.) Banzai 8lue Water II Bonnie Dundee

116 117 ll8 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128

Clotho Cyric Decima Delta Dorothy (Aux.) Duckling Edna Egress Escape Exit (Aux.) Filalou Gay Dawn Geisha II


SLOOPS .& CUTTERS Home Port Owner New York Ralph S. Rankin Stamford, Conn . Frede rick L. Reid New Rochelle, N. Y. Geo. P. Granbery Stamford, Conn. Edward D. Payne Gibson Island, Md. Lawre nce M. Bailliere New Rochelle, N. Y. L. E . Manley Boston, Maas. Alex. S. Neilson Port Wa ■ hington, N. Y. Edmund Lan g Port Washington, N. Y. M. R. Smith

Length 0.A. W.L. 52.4 34.4 32. 28. 32.3 25. 21.7 18. 47.2 35.8 41.9 30. 32. 1 26.6 43.6 30. 45.65 35.1

Greenwich, Conn. Clifford D. Mallory Henry Hill Anderson Oyster Bay, N. Y. Hamilton, Bermuda E. H. Trimingham Marblehead, Mass. Chas. H. W . Foster Digby, N. S. Chas. Power Robert F. Duncan New Harbor, Me. Port Washington, N. Y. C. W . Atwater C. H. Sistare New Bedford, Mau. Herbert L. Bodman Cold Spring Harbor, So . Dartmouth, Mau . Waldo Howland Butler Whiting Larchmont, N. Y. W. J. H. Dyer Providence, R. I. John K. Roosevelt New York, N. Y. South Brooksville, Me. Wm. H. Haskell

43.5 48. 27.6 20.6 32.6 20.2 47.25 32.52 29.6 19.6 28. 37.6 29.6 33.6 39.1 21. 34. 39. 26.6 23.4 38.8 28.3 59. 10 38.8 31. 19.



10. 10.6 8.9 7. 11.9 9.9 9.7 8. 10 12.


13.6 7.


3. 3.4 6. 6.6 4.95 6.2







6.40 3.9

7.6 9. 10.6 10.3 I 5. 12. 10.2 13.6 12.


◄ .6

6. 6.5 2. 6. 5. 2. ◄

7. 10



SLOOPS & CUlTERS Na,me 129 Hard Tack (Aux.) 130 Highland Light

(Aux.) 131 Hotspur (Aux.) 132 lria 1'33 Jester 134

135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 14S 146 147 148

Kestrel (Aux.) Lassie (Aux.) Lilu (Aux.) Lorna (Aux.) Mandalay Mariana (Aux.) Mary Lea (Aux.) Mermerua Monhegan (Aux.) Murre (Aux.) Naaman (Aux.) Naahayte (Aux.) Pendower (Aux.) Penekeae Phantom

Home Port Black Rock, Bridgeport, Conn.


Horace B. Merwin

Dudley F. Wolfe Marblehead, MaH. Alfred F. Loomis Cold Spring, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Wm. A. W. Stewart E. Moxham Great Neck, N. Y. Dudley F. Wolfe Marblehead, Maas. D. B. Bannerman Blue Point, N. Y. RH. Moore Huntington, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y. F. H. RuHell Frank Vining Smith Pocass~tt, Mau. F. S. Blanchard Rye, N. Y. J. Seward Johnson Bay Head, N. J. Francia Goodwin II Essex, Conn. Wm. T. Reid, III Cohasset, Mass. L. H. Dyer Campobello Bridgeport, Conn. E. Earl Garlick Nantucket, Mau. Baeaett Jones Henry M. Devereux New York, N. Y. H. de F. Baldwin Padanaram, Mau. Thoe. S. Horrocks Island Height., N. J.



Length O. A. W.L.







61.8 32.4 69.5 29.9 43. 29.6 58. 26.6 38.6 26.2 25. 35.10 31.6 38. 32. 26.3 46.3 29.11 28.

50. 24. 43. 19. 31.8 24. 36. 22. 30.11 22.8 20. 25. 24.8 35.6 28. 2 I. 37.6 27.

15.4 8.10 12.6 7.9 10.7 10. 10.6 6.6 10.8 9. 5. 7.8 10.3 10. 10.3 8.6 10.3 10.8

9.6 5.3 8.5 4.6 6. 3. 7.6 6. 6. 2.8 2. 5.10 5.3 3. 6.6 3.6 7. ◄ .6




Home Port


Pollyanna Port Washington, N. Y. L. de Posch Praxilla (Aux.) Bourne, Mass. John Parkinson Querida (Aux.) New York, N. Y. D. Bacon Ranger (Aux.) Poot Washington, N. Y. H. M. Baker Sally IX Stamford, Conn. George F. Hubbard Sayonara Robert L. Garland Scrapper Ill Baddeck, N. S. F. W. Baldwin Nahant, Mass. Frank C. Paine Shimna Spindrift (Aux.) Cohasset, Maas. Chas. Higginson Oyster Bay, N. Y. P. J. Roosevelt Surinam Sweet Honey (Aux.) Manchester, Mass. Alan Cunningham Synthetic Larchmont, N. Y. W. Roy Manny Providence, R. I. J. A. Tillingh111t Taieoon Quogue, N. Y. Edward R. Greeff 163 Tern Luke B. Lockwood Rivereide, Conn. 164 Tinavire (Aux.) G. N. Wallace 165 Tien Hoa (Aux,) New Rochelle, N. Y. C. D. Mallory Greenwich, Conn. 166 Tycoon Samuel Daucby Chicago, Ill. 167 Varya Frederick Gade (Aux.) New Rochelle. N. Y. Whippe_ t ~ 168 P. R. Mallory Milton Point, N. Y. 169 Whoopee 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 158 159 160 161 162





28. 43. 49. 29.6 39.10 30. 40. 74. 54.10 27.6 32.1 58.10

24. 31.8 38.3 25. 26.6 21.6 27. 52. 37.11 20.6 26.5½ 36.



10.7 14. 10. 6.2 6.6 9. 15. 12.2 7. 9.7 10.6

6. 4. 3.3 6. 4.9

6. 10.

7.3 4.9 4.91/z 7.6

Atlantic ClaH

22. 41.6 32. 69.42 40. 48.6 30.6

16. 32. 22. 43.

27. 30. 21.6


9. 6.6 12.5 6.6 8.9 6.6

1.6 6. 5. 9. 6. 6.5 6.9



H om e Port

0 1011er

L engt h W.L,

0. A..

~ B eam


10.3 12.

2.3 2.6


.6 2.6 2.

Toms River, N. J,

170 Bat

Birkbeck C. Crabbe and D. McE. Crabbe 28. 23.3 171 Black Duck (Aux. ) Hamburg Cove, Conn. H iram H. Maxim 24. 24. 172 Captain Bunaby Lloyds Neck Lagoon, N. Y. s. Le R. Ackerly 17. 173 Icicle Hingham, Mass. Miles Wambaugh 11.5½ 10.10 174 Idalia Boston, Mase. Joa. Guild 22. 175 Sakuntala Nantucket, Ma11. B. K. Sharp 26.3 26.

to. 11.6


176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187

Abby Alborac Altair Antares Bamboo Barracuda Calypso Damaris Ill Doubloon Francclia Glencairn II Gulf Stream

Home Port

Otoner Port Waahington, N. Y. Wm. H. Taylor New York, N. Y. John J. Atwater Port Washington, N. Y. Charles Lang Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin M. Chance Eau Gallic, Fla. Stephen D. Baker Palm Beach, Fla. John M. Rutherford Boston, Maas. Harlan T. Stetson Tiverton, R. I. David H. Atwater Providence, R. I. P. C. Nicholson New York, N. Y. W. J. Sommers E. Moxham Great Neck, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y. S. D. Baker

Length W.L. 0.A.

30. 50. 57.4 105. 55.


40.4 36. 42. 60.

48. 49.11

29. 47. 57. 95.


49.8 35. 10 34. 41.5 53.6 47.2 46.

Beam 8.6 10.5 13. 22. 13.4 10.6 9.6 10.6 10. 10 12.4 I 1.10 12.8


2.4 3.6 3. 11.6 3.4 3.6

3. 4. 2.8 4. 3.4



Name 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196

Harpoon II Ion lvirna

Kemah II Navette Norvega

Padda Penguin Pocomo . 197 Rose and Crown 198 Ro,ebud 199 Seater 200 Seafarer II 201 Sea Lady 202 Shawna 1H 203 Squid 204 Victory III 205 Virginia 206 Wah-ne-ta Ill 207 Wild Cooae 208 Winnetka Ill

Home Port Providence, R. I. Coconut Grove, Fla. New Rochelle, N. Y. Travers Island, N. Y. Huntington, N. Y. So. Brooksville, Me, Hingham, Maas. Islesboro, Me. Gloucester, Mau. Nantucket, Maas. St ony Creek, Conn. Perry, Me. New Rochelle, N. Y. Gloucester, Mass. Edgartown, Ma1■ . So. Brooksville, Me, Travers ),land, N. Y. E.uex, Conn. Bayport, L. I. lelesford, Me. Winnetka, 111.

Owner P. C . Nicholson Dr. L H. Baekeland Willard B. Cook E. A. Jimenia F. Bannerm1mn F. W. Perkin• Thorvald S, Roa ■ Austin Fox Riggs Bassett Jone• Bassett Jones J. J, Phelps Isaac W. King,bury Robert N. Bavier H. A. Wise Wood Elmer J, Bliaa W . H. H ask ell H enry A. Jaclcaon H. M. Bette George E. Rice John Lee Merrill Ayre. Boal

Length W.L. 67.7 47.3 58.6 37.6

0 . .d., 68. 48. 60. 38. 34. 37. 25. 70. 63 . 26. 35.2 51. 58.9 58.

3-1. 40. 45. 30.7 45. 43. 64.

31. 24. 68.4

55.4 25. 35. 47.8 55. 55. 1 38. 42.6 28.7 42.6 42.6 64.

Beam 12.6 14. 13. 9.6 8.

8.5 7. 15.3 15.9 7.6 7. 12.6 12. 12. 9.3 9. 11.4

8. 11.4

9.6 14.


3.& 3. 3.6

3. 2.6 3. 2.9 5.2 6.6 3. 2.6 5. . 4. 3. 2.6

4. 3.6 2.9 3.6 3. 3.4

.I>. VI


TRANS-OCEANIC .PENNANT AW ARDS Brilliant Carlsark (.Pendower) Dorade Grenadier Highland Light Islander Mistress Seven Bells

RECAPITULATION Honorary Members Active Members ( 4/1 /34)

10 324 334


Schooners Yawls and Ketches Sloops and Cutters Cat Boats Motor Boats Blue Water Medal Under Construction



58 46 63 6 33

51 33 40 2

25 10

2 206



THE BLUE WATER MEDAL Feeling that there were many noteworthy voyage• made in boate, and frequent examples or meritorious ■ eaman• ship displayed by amateur sailors of all nationalities that went unrecognized, it seemed to the members of the Cruieing Club of America that this organization was the fitting one to properly record and reward such adventure upon the ■ ea. Therefore, at the annual meeting on February 27, 1923, the following resolution was paaaed, founding a medal that, it was hoped, might prove an incentive for carrying on the apirit of adventure and upholding the beat traditions of ■ ea• faring that are our heritage from the past. .. Moved and seconded that the Club found, out of funds to be sought for the purpose, a medal to be known as The Blue Water Medal of the Cruising Club of America, to be awarded annually, in the discretion of the Board of Governors, for the year' ■ most meritorious example of seamanship, the re• cipient to be selected from among the amateurs of all the nation ■." In pursuance of this resolution a suitable medal, five inche ■ in diameter, was made, the design being by the late Arthur Sturgis Hildebrand, a member of this club and one of the crew of the yacht Leiv Eirikason, lost in the Arctic with all hands in September 1924. At the Annual Meeting held January 8, 1931, the following resolution was unanimously carried: RESOLVED: That the Governing Board be and hereby i■ authorized to approve of the awarding of the Blue Water Medal, without date, on the recommendation of the Com• mittee on Awards. ■ mall


1923 I 924 1925 1926 192 7 1928 1929 1930 1931


BLUE WATER MEDAL AWARD 1933 The Committee -on Awards recommends that the Blue Water Medal for 1933 be awarded to Roderick Stephens, Jr., for the voyage of the yawl DORADE to Norway, to England, and back to New York. · This eastward and westward crossing of the Atlantic, the latter being in what is probably record time for a yacht of this size, constitutes an example of a carefully planned and well executed voyage that makes it, in the opinion of your committee, .the most outstanding achievement of the year. Leaving City Island with an entirely amateur crew in May, DORADE sailed a northerly route to the north o.f the Britis.b. Isles and arrived in Norway after a voyage of 25 days. From Norway the little yawl proceeded down the North Sea to Cowes, where she sailed in and won the Fastnet Race, and at its conclusion she made the wes tward voyage home in remarkable time of 26 days. In spite of continued head winds her time from land to land was only 22 days , 15 hours, a remarkable pauage for a boat only 3 7 feet on the water. In only a few days over three months, this ro,und voyage of over 8,000 miles was completed without serious accident of 1!1.ny kind, or loss of gear, an achievement which -bespeaks the highest seamanship on the part of h e r skipper and crew. 5igned, FRANKLIN C. SULLIVAN C. L. WEAGANT HERBERT L. STONE, Chairman Committee -on Award•




':13 lue 'ToJater ctinedal

so BLUE WATER .1 ED.'\L 1923

Firec rest

ll lain / . Ce rba11lt

( Yarn of voyage in 1927 Year Book )



13LLE \\'ATER .\l ED ..\L 192-1


Axel I 11gwerse11

Cope11l>111;1m. D e11/llark

(Yarn of rnyage in 1927 Year Book)



l sla11der

Harry Pidgeon

Los A 11{!,eles. Cal.

(Yarn of voyage in 1927 Year Book)


BL UE WATER i\\ED.-\L 1926 AND

(w ith out date) 193 2

Jolie Brise

E. C. Martiu

/ .011i/0J1, F 11gland

( Yarn of \"Oyage in 1928 Year Book) Robert Som erset


(Yarn of rescue in 1933 Year Book)




Primrose I V

Frederick / .. .-l111es

( Yarn of rnyage in 1929 Year Book)

Nos / 0 11. 1l1a ss .

BLUE \\ ._-\ T ER \\ ED.-\L 1928

Se7,·e11 /3 ells

Thomas F. Coolie

l3ra11ford, Con 11 .

Yarn of \·oyage in 1931 Yea r Book )




F. Slade Dale

f3aruegat , N. f.

(Yarn of voyage in 193 1 Year Book)


131-L'E W:\TER fl ! EDAL 1930


Baysit!c, N. Y.

(Ya rn of voyage in 1931 Year Book)




William A. R obinson

(Yarn of voyage in 1932 Year Book)

U.S. A.

l3LLT \VATER :7\IEDAL 1933


Rodnid.· Stephens, Jr.

(Ya rn of voyage on Page -1-8)



LEIV EIRIKSSON Lost in the Arctic September 1924 With our shipmates


The loss of the LEIV EIRIKSSON and the efforts made to find trace of her will be found on pages 40-48 of the 1926 Year Book.



Sc1100NERS Y .-\\\"LS .-\1'0 l( ETC l·I ES S LOOPS :\l'\D Cl.iTTERS

C\T B OATS .\ \ OTOR 11 0ATS


Co:--:snn:cn o:--:


Mother Goose

Co111 111odon• flobnrt Ford


A porosr


A. Kelly



I frrli t rl 11!. Smith



Emma C. Berry

l/11g h J I. Jf nth eson

F. Slade Da le & Peter Je1111ess, Jr .



,... I

Black Squall

Ct!orge A. Cutter

Hagh eera

R. P. Benedict


/3/ach Duch

:1/e.rnuder Forbes

/Jlach Goose

Everett J\lorse, Jr.


/3/ue Dolphin

A 1110r_1· Coolidge -« ..._ -..;





,l!l'x . il l. Jrhit e, Jr.


IV alter Barnum



F.lliot I<. Service


Cborlcs Lee ; I 1//lrews




Evmithia fl

F. M. Gardiner




Four Wi11ds

Stanley G. Harris

C. A. Goodwin

Goldw fliu d f-/ eury 11. 11forss, Jr.






Heart's Desire

E. C. Ely

/-! nzry Par/.:111a11, Jr. rmd Ed·w ard R ey nolds, .Tr.


II ii/red 0. JII/Jite

LadJ' I{ elvi 11


Lord Jim

E. Paul Nevin




..~ Mabdee

:1/cxa11dcr IV . Moffat


Ray mond W. Ferris



D Spe 11ce r /J erger



Ga 110 !) 111111

ti! isI rt'.i.l



Rohert W . Ryerl·y


If. M . Merrin1 a11




F. E r.ah ot

Morris W . Torrey



Alexander Forb es



F.d1;:a rt! W . Madeira

Sally 11

C. l3. Farns w orth



Samuel !3. Coff i11


M. S. l·( atte 11born

ex, N




I( C. Rigl'iow

Sbe/1 /Jarh




-~ ~

~ ..., ....::,; ...,-::





Albert L. Pope



George B. Drahe

Tortu ga

Scl.111 y ler f)i/l ou



IV. A. /)ri s!er


C. J. Ilu bbard


:\ or111a11 R. Coodcrbam




Gt?nr~e E. Ratsey


Henry Howa rd




/vl elvil/e & Charles We ston

- -


IJ/11e Win g

Cbnr!t's 13. Dm,·11s





-- -

R oger fl. ll 'illinm s








0 '°


Roderich Step/Jens, Jr.

& Olin J. Stephens, 211d.


'\ /-I. B. 1>.Jo rtb


Joseph T. C hatm an

'° N

I Idler /{atinha

n110 C. Schoeuwerh


S. E . J\!oriso11


I Xin garvie

G . [-[. Duggan


Lady Lou

N. S . Seeley

Lydia V.

Z. W . Bliss

111/a,-y C.

Jol,11 F. Prr1'i11s. Jr.


1l lle11 T. W celts


O ceana

r;. 11. ff/. F,,strr

Old Glory

Ceo. P. P. 801111,:/l




Halilmrf o11 Fales


Robert D. T eller




S111ith Broi1"11 .Tones

C arte/0 11 ! . . Iv! nrsh

L. & f-1. !{. Rigg

Spinrlrif I

Edward C. Lord

Seven fJ ells

C. S. & r. F. Conhe






T bialfi

H. H. Morton

Co l e111a11



II . c.. St rong


Frr111h S. 1.01111ett 0





Samuel C. Lovela11d

Cbarles A. W elc b. 2nd


W itcbc raf t



Fra11/di11 C. Sullivan

R. S. Rrml.:in



C. P. Gra11bery

t.:..: ....,



Fdm11.1ul l .a11g


A . S . N eilso11

C, V,

10 6




Cbarles Power


C. W. ;1 twa ter


Robert F. Du11ca11 0


,0 a,


I Esrapr

c;. fl . Sistari:







:::t: ~ .__,




Butler Whiting








1/ot sf)//r

!I /fret! F. /,oomis

II igbla 11d l.ic. hl

n. S. Wolfe


l?nbert H. Moore

I( est rel

D. S. Wolfe



~ Lassie

D. 13. /3a1111 erma11


r:. S. !31a11cl>ard


Fran cis Goodwin 2nd

Mandala y


1:rc111h Vining Smith


/ .. II . Ova

1\/ 011bega11

11 '. '/". Heit! Jrt!


nassel/. j 011es

Nam11m1 '-''



J 1Jh11 Par/.:i11s011


I lcnry ,ll. D cvt'rr ux

11 7


Henry de F. /3aldi,:in

Qu erida

Daniel Baco n



Scrapper I II

I I. Jlf. Brd-er

F . W . Baldwin


Chas. Higginson

Sally IX

G eorge F. 11 ubbard


N 0




1l/a11 C11 1111i11gha111


l 'h ilip

J. Noosl'velt


Taiw o11

/ . 11 . Tillin/!./Jast

Syn th i:tir.

/;f/a/li'r R. Jlll1111 11y




/_uke /3 . Lockwood


FJward R. Gree//



Clifford /) .. Mal.lory Tycoon

/3. C. & /) . M el: - Crabbe Bat

12 4

Blach Duch


Hiram /-!am iltu11 Maxi111

Jaim J. A t1~·ater


. --_Jj@lj


A 11tares

t Charles La11g



Stepbeu /)_ Baher




D o 11h/0011

Paul C. N irholson

Frrm a I ia

,r . ]. S0 111/1/ frS


Gle11cairn I I

l:gbert Moxba111

Gulf Stream

Stephen n. Daher



.i , ..




I -


\ '~ , (


•tl,#-.~' - """ -- ~ - , .

G. B. Farnsworth





WillarJ f). Cook


/( e111 a/J If

Edw i n ll . Ji111 e11is


!'add a

Th orvald S. Ross



1l11 sli11 F ox Riggs

"-' ..., <::)





Sea Lady


Henry A. Wi se Wood


S/Jaw11a Ill

/:"/111 cr J. /3/iss


Victory Ill

Henry A. Jachso11


1-1. M. IJetts

W ah-ne-ta I I I

George E. Rice


Wild Goose

John Lee Merrill

Winnetka I I I

A yres Boal



Albert T. Gould

Little Gull

John K. Mu.rphy

138 MEASUREMENT RULE FOR OCEAN RACING (Adopted by the Covernlng B=rd, Dec.



In connection with the application of this Rule the Cruising Club will appoint a Special Committee. If, from ·a ny peculiarity of form, e<>nstrruction or ,fittings, the Committee decides that a yacht is not fairly rated by the Rule, the Committee will award such certificate of rating as they may consider equitable.


.6 v SA x Rig Allowance+ .4 L-t-'B+D+P +F+A+C SAIL AREATo be measured as by the N. A. Y. R. U. with the following changes:

In yachts of all ratings, if the spinnaker ,pole is longer than the base of the foretriangle, such excess shall be added to such base in computing the sale area of the foretriangle. Area of the mizzen, sail of a yawl, -as measured, to be not leas than 10% -of the total sail area, as measured. That of a ketch to be not leas than 18%. In the event that the area o.f the mizzen sail is less than the percentages above mentioned, an -additional amount of sail area shall be added in the formula so as to bring the area up to those percentages.

MAST HEIGHT-LIMITS To the highest point of measurement, as follows: Sloops & Cutters-1.7

vSA +

Ketches & Yawls-1.7

V S A-Mizzen S A +


5 Et.

V S A-.85 Fore Triangle +

5 Et.

5 ft.

Any exceas of height above these limits to be multiplied by 3 and added -t o the perpendicular P in c·o m-puting the sail area. Any deficiency below these limits to be divided -b y 2 and subtracted from the per-p endi-ouJar P in computinir the eail area of jib headed mainaaila.


No. 1 ~-.,-----~.---,.--It ab exceeds 2 b o the excess to be multiplied by 3 tor A

No. 2

a c the ditterenoe is c in the tormula.

Noe 3


RIG ALLOWA.NCF.s Jib headed sloops and cutters..........................


Gaff headed sl oops and cutters, jib headed yawls and jib headed atayaail achooners........................


Gaff headed yawls and schooners with jib headed main and gaff foresail ............................. .. ...........

0. 9 5

Jib headed ketches and gaff headed schooners... .....


Gaff headed ketches..................................................


Rig allowances should be varied depending on the couue to be sailed and the type of weather anticipated. L--The length of a W. L. plane, 4% -of the L. W. L. above the L. W. L., corrected for jogs, notches or hollows in the e_rolile, and for a transom stern or its equivalent, as follows: The points of intersection of this plane and the profile must extend beyond the L. W. L. ending,. Any local concave jog or notch {curved or angular) at the plane of measurement at either end sh·all ·b e bridged by a straight line and L taken to the intersections of such lines with the established 4 % W. L. plane. Except that a concave bow profile, producing what is commonly known as a "clipper bow" , shall ibe permitted without bridging, provided that all the lines of such bow clearly indicate that it is a true clipper bow and not hollowed in profile ,f or the purpose of unfairly reducing the L m easurement. At the time of measurement food ·a nd water need not be on board.

A-If the horizontal distance between the foreward end of Land the foreward end of L. W. L. exceed 8% of the L. W. L. length (twice the height of L plane above L. W. L. plane) the excess is to be multiplied by 3 and entered in the formula as a plus quantity.

C-If the horizontal distance between the after end .of L. W. L. and after end of L be LE.5S t han one-half the beam on the 4 % W. L., at the after end of the L. W. L., or outside to outside of planking at the after end of 4% W. L. plane, such difference be entered in the formula as a plus quantity.

~If the maximum beam on the 4 % W. L. plane be Iese than


.23 L 2 ft ., the difference is to ·b e multiplied by 2 and inserted in the formula as a plus quantity. If such beam be more than- .23 L 2 ft., the difference is to be divided by 2 and inserted in the formula as a minus quantity.


141 D-lf the draft be greater than . I 4 L


1.5 ft., the difference to be multiplied -by 2 and inserted in the formula aa a plu1 quantity. If the draft be less than . I 4 L I .5 ft., the differ• ence in the case of keel boats to be d ivided by 2 and insertea in the formula as a minus quantity, and in the case of centerboard boats, s uch difference to be divided <by 4 and inserted in the fo•rmula a s a minus quantity.


F-To he the average of the freeboard at the bow and stern endings of the L. W. L. plus one-half the ,average of the rail height including the rail cap at these points. T.he average of rail heights not to exceed 8 inches for credit. If the freeboard, as mea s ured above, be less than .06 L I ft., the difference to be multiplied by 3 and inserted in the formula a s a plus quantity.


P-lf the di splacement in oubic feet -be less than either I . I (.2 L. W . L. + .5):i or (.18 L .52)a, the greatest difference


between t-he cube root of the actual displacement and the cuibe root of the di s placement arrived at by either of the above shall be multiplied by 3 and added in the formula as a plus quantity. Scantlings have not been decided on. Propellor allowance to be decided separa tely in the case of any pa.rticular race. It is the intention to restrict the entries in races under this Rule to boats having a ratio of ballast to displacement of 46% or .less until scantlings are agreed on.


Cruising Club of America official measurers named

on .page 5.


YACHT CLUBS SIGN AL CODE (Uniform with other Yacht Clubs)

The Signals in the Club Code consist chiefly of signals for intercommunication between vessels of the squadron. They ~omprise: Special, Racing and Erner-{ One flag gency Signals Two flags General Signals: " Designation: Days of the Week: " Hours of the Day: Names of Places: Compass Signals: Threo"



. . . .

Yachts using this Code shall hoist Club Burgee over Code flags. The absence of the ·B urgee indicates the International Code is used. When more hoists than one are shown, the foremost hoist is to be read first. All ships to which signals are addressed are to hoist the answering pennant as soon as they see each hoist. To call a pilot, hoist the Union Jack at the foreyard, or in the fore r-igging. To call a tow boat, hoist the ensign in the main rigging, a little above the rail. The signal of execution for all signals is the hauling clown of the signal. When additional signals are needed, they will be author-ized by general orders, and should be entered m club books.



A-The course will be-B-Protest. C-Yes-affirrnative-(lnternational Code). D-Do you assent to postponing the race until later in the day? E-Do you assent to calling the race off for the day? F-1 am disabled- communicate with me--(Int'l Code). G-Race postponed until later in the day. H- " postponed for the day. J- " will be sailed in reverse direction. J - " is off. K- " will be called at ..... . L- " will finish off ..... . M-Course will be shortened. N-No-negative-(International Code). 0-Man overboard-(International Code). P-Preparatory. Q-Come within hail. R-Mark has shifted-This vessel is the mark. S -Course to be sailed twice around. T -Send Club launch. U-You are standing into danger-(International Code). V-1 require ass-istance-(International Code). W-Permission to leave Squadron is requested. X-Permission to proceed at will is reque-sted. Y-Leave all marks to starboard. Z-Leave all marks to port.



A -Course will beAlA2A3i\4ASA6A H-Finish hereA I- " -This yacht will take time at finish. A J- " -Will you take time at finish? A K- " -Yacht-s will take their own time at finish. AL-

AM-Accident has occurred-I require a doctor-(Int'l C-Ode) . AN-Race Committee-Is Committee on board Committee boat? AO- " -Report is ready. AP- " -Report on board this vessel " at ..... . AQ- " -Do you agree to race tomorrow? " ASAT-I am aground and require immediate assistance(International Code). A U-Start,-Follow Committee to new starting line. AV- " -Race will be sailed on-. AW- " -Race will ,be sailed today at-. A X- " -Race will be sailed tomorrow at-. A Y- " -When will race be started?




A ri

J i=

B .

K ii







D ~

M [~

E r•

N ~

F [~

0 ~

G ~r m


Hl=J o p I[!] ~ I




V ~


xffl y ~

z ~ 1

2 p. 3 ,I



5lf =6~

7 ~

~P9 9

~-~ I O ~



(International Code)

C -Yes-affirmative. F - I am disabled,-communicate with me. N - No-negative. 0 -Man overboard. U -You are standing into danger. AM-Accident has occurred; I require a doctor. A T-1 am aground and require immediate assistance. D Q-I am on fire and require immediate assistance. D V-1 have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance. • L T-1 am dragging; can veer no more cable, and have no more anchors to let go. V - I require assistance. V B--:-Signal is not understood though flags are distinguished. X V-1 require towing. For 1111 oth,r communication, with NalJd, Coat Guard, or M,rch•nt V111111l,, Yacht, mm~ uu th, lntnnational Codt Boo/t.



B A-Anchor-Are you going to anchor at-. B C-- " -at-. B D- " - at will. B E- " clear of the channel. B F- " for night at-. B G- " -intend to anchor during fog. B H- " near me. B I-Anchorage should be shifted; you wm go aground. BJB K-

B L---Assistance-Do not require further assistance? " - Do you require assistance? B N" -Do you require a tow? BOB PDQ- " -required-am afire-( Int'l Code). AT" -am aground-(Int'l Code). " L T" " -am dragging-(Int'l Code). DV" " -have sprung a ]eak-(Int'l Code) . XV" - I require towing ( Int'! Code). " B M-



" " "

-send anchor. -send hawser. -send tow boat.



C A-Boat (s) adrift-please pick up. C B-Boat (s) from all yachts report to Flagship for instructions. C D-Boat (s) from it:his yacht return immediately. C E-Boat (s) cannot be sent. C F-Send boat alongside. C G-Send boat ashore. C H-Send boat to Flagship. -Send club launch (See Special Signal T). C I-Boat will be sent for you. C J-\IVill you send a boat for me? CKC ~ CMCN-

COC P-Captains and guests are invited on board Flagship at-. C Q-Captains and guests are invited on board this yacht at-. C R-Captains' meeting will be held on Flagship at-. C S-Captains report on board Flagship on coming to anchor. CTC U-Code-Have no International Code book. C V-Will ( or will you) use the International Code Signal?


e X-Colors-Morning colors. C Y- " -Evening colors. C Z-Congratulations, well done.



D A-Engagement-Previous engagement prevents . DBD C-Mail for you ashore at-. D D- " -Is there mail for me? D E- " -Please bring or send mail. D FD G-Power yachts will take sailing yachts in tow. D H- " " will tow sailing yachts after finish. DI-

D ]-Signal annulled. D K- " cannot be complied with. D L-- " -Do you understand my signal? D M- " from me should be repeated. V B- " not understood, though flags are distinguished-(International Code) . D N- " should be shifted to more conspicuous hoist. DODPD Q-1 am on fire and require immediate assistance( International Code) . DRD SDTDUD V-1 have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance-( International Code). DWDXDYD Z-



E A-Squadron-Anchor at-. E B" -divine service will be held on Flagship on Sunday at-. E C-Squadron-disbanded. E D" -disbands at-. E F" -disbands on-. E G" -dress ship at-. E H" -dress ship at colors on-. E I" -get underway. E ]" -get underway at-. E K" - get underway for-. E L" -get underway tomorrow at-. E M" -illuminate on night of-. EN" E 0" -not to get underway at present. E P" -not to get underway today. " -Permission to leave squadron is requested (Special Sjgnal W) . -Squadron-Permission to proceed at will is requested (Special Signal X). E Q-Squadron- Proceed at will. E R" -Pr9ceed at will to-. E S" - Will join the squadron at-? E T" -Will you join the squadron at-? EUEV-





F A-Supplies-Coal is needed. F B- " -Food is needed. F C- " -Fuel oil is needed. F D- " -Garbage boat is needed. F E-- " -Gasoline is needed. F G- " -Water is needed. FHF I-Taxi-order one taxicab for me. F J- " -order two taxicabs for me. F K-Thank you. F L-Weather is calm. FM-



F N" -foggy. F 0" -heavy wind. F P" -moderate sea. F Q" -rough sea. F R-Weather prediction--'Good weather. F S" " -Small yachts should make harbor. FT" " -Stormy weather (from-). F U" " -Watch ground tackle. F V-What is the weather outside? F W-What is the weather prediction ? F X-When did you leave-(or pass-?). F Y-Where are you bound? F Z--Where are you from?

15 I


G A-When do you go ashore? G B-Will be aboard at-. G C-Will not go ashore. G D-Wjll send a reply. G E-Will you and guests come aboard at-? G F-Will you and guests breakfast wit h me at-? G H-Will you and guests dine with me at-? G I-Will you and guests lunch with me at-? G }-Will you come aboard at-? G K-Will you breakfast wi-th me at-? G ~ Will you dine with me at-? G M-Will you lunch with me at-? . G NG 0-Wm you meet me ashore at-? G P-Will you meet me at club at-? G QG RG SG T-Wish you a pleasant voyage. GUGV-





H A-Commodore. H B-Vice-Commodore. H C-Rear-Commodore. H D-Junior Flag Officers. H E--Secretary. H F-Fleet Captain. H G--Fleet Surgeon H I-Measurer. H J-Race Committee. H K-Club Station. H L-Astor Cup Race. H M-King's Cup Race. H N-Single Masted Vessels and Yawls. H 0-Schooners. H P-Sloops. HQ-Ketches. HR-Yawls. H S-Cruising Class Yachts. H T-Steam Yachts. H U-Auxiliaries. H V-Power Boats. HWH XHYH Z-


DAYS OF THE WEEK IQ-Sunday. I R-Monday. I S-Tuesday. I T-Wedncsday. I U-Thirrsday.

IV-Friday. I W-Saturday. I X-ffo-day. I Y-To-morrow. I Z-Yesterday.

HOURS OF THE DAY J A-.Midnight. J B-12.30 A.M. J C- 1.00 " J D- 1.30 " J E- 2.00 J F- 2.30 " J G- 3.00 J H- 3.30 " J I - 4.00 " J K- 4.30 " J L- 5.00 " J M- 5.30 " J N- 6.00 " J 0 - 6.30 J P- 7.00 " J Q- 7.30 "

JR- 8.00 J S- 8.30 J T- 9.00 JU- 9.30 J V-10.00 J W-10.30 J X-11.00 J Y-11 .30

" "

" " " " "

KA-Noon. K B-12.30 P.M. KC- 1.00 " K D- 1.30 " KE- 2.00 " K F- 2.30 " KG- 3.00 " K H- 3.30 " K I- 4.00 " K J- 4.30 " K L-- 5.00 11 KM- 5.30 11 KN- 6.00 " K 0- 6.30 11 KP- 7.00 " K Q- 7.30 " KR- 8.00 " K S- 8.30 " KT- 9.00 " KU- 9.30 " K V-10.00 " KW-10.30 " K X-11.00 " K Y-11.30 "


COMPASS SIGNALS A Q D-North. A Q ·E-N. ½E. A Q ,F -N. ,b y E. A Q G-N . byE.½ E. A Q H-N. N.E. A Q 1-N. N. E . ½ E. A Q J-N. E. byN. A Q K-N. E.½N. A Q L-N.E. A Q M-N. E. ½ E. A Q N-N. E. byE. A Q 0-N. E. byE, ½ E. A Q P-E. N. E. A Q R-E. N. E. ½E. A Q S-E. byN. A Q T-E. ½N. A Q U-East. A Q V-E. ½S. A QW-E. byS. A Q X-E. S. E. ½ E.. A Q Y-E. S. E . A Q Z-S. E. ,by E. ½ E. A R B-S. E. by E. A R C--S. E. ½ E. AR D-S.E. A R E-S. E. ½ S. AR F-S. E. byS. AR G-S. S. E. ½ E. AR H-S.S. E. A R I-S . .by E. ½ E. A R J-,S. by E. AR K-S. ½E.

AR L-South. A RM-S. ½W. A R N1-S. by W. AR 0-S. byW. ½ W . AR P-S. S. W. AR Q-S. S. W . ½W. AR S-S. W.byS. AR T-S. W.½S. AR U-S.W. AR V-S. W.½W. A R W-S. W. ,b y W. AR X-S. W . byW. ½ W. AR Y-W. S.W. AR Z-W. S. W . ½ W. AS B-W. byS. AS C-W. ½S. AS D-West. AS E-W. ½N. AS F-W. byN. AS G-W.N. W . ½W. AS H-W. N . W. AS 1-N. W . byW. ½ W . AS J-N. W . byW. AS K-N. W .½ W . AS 'L-N. W . · A SM-N. W . ½ N . A S N-N. W. by N. AS 0-N.N. W. ½. W . AS P-N. N . W . AS Q-N. byW. ½ W . AS R-N. ~yW. AS T-N. ½W.




Jrd L,g

2nd Ufl

S.E .byE.½E.\V, S .E ,½E. w.s.w. S. E .!1,S. W.byS. S .S .E.½ E. w. S .byEc½E. W.byN. S.½ E. W.N.W. S ,½ W . N.W.byW. S.byW.-½W. N.W . S.S .W.½W. N.W.byN. S .W :½S. N.N .W. S.W.!1,W. N.byW. S.W.byW.,½W. N. W .S .W .½ W . N.byE. W.!/2S. N. N.E. W .½N, N.E.byN. W .N .W .½W. N.E. N.W.byW. ½ W. N.E.byE. N.W.-½W. E.N. E. N.W.!l,N. E.byN . . N.N .W .½ W . E. N.byW.½ W . E.byS. N .½W. E.S.E. N ,½ E . S.E.byE. E.½E, S.E. N.N .E.½E. S.E.byS. N.E.½N. S.S.E. N.E.!1,E. S.byE. N.E.byE.½E. s. E.N.E,½E. S.byW. E.½N. s.s.w. E .½ S. S.W.byS. E .S.E..½ E. s.w.

STAllllOilD TUalf 3rd up 2nd Ltg

l.rt L,fl N. N.byE. N.N.E. N.E.byN. N.E. N.E.byE. E.N.E. E.byN. E. E.byS. E.S.E. S.E.byE. S.E. S.E.byS. S.S.E. S.byE.

s. s.s.w. S.byW.


s.w. S.W.byW. w.s.w. W.byS. w. W.byN. W.N.W.\V. N.W. N.W .byN. N.N.W.\V,

S.E.byE. S.E I S.E.byS. S. S.E. S.byE.

s. s.s.w. S.W.byS. s.w. S.byW.





W.byN. W.N.W. N.W.byW. N.W. N.W.byN. N.N.W. N.byW. N. N.byE. N.N.E. N.E.byN. N.E. N.E.byE. E.N.E. E.byN. E. E.byS. E.S.E.

S.\V.byW.½W. W.S.W.l,iW. W.½S. W.½N. W.N.W.-½W. N.W.byW.½ W. N.W.l,iW. N.W.½N. N.N.W.,½ W. N.byW.½W. N.½W. N.½E. N.byE.½E. N.N.E.½E. N.E.½N. N.E.½E. N. E.byE.½E. E.N.E.½E. E.½N. E.½S. E.S.E.½E. S.E.byE.½ E. S.E;½ E. S.E.½ S. S.S.E.½E. S.byE.½E. S.½E. S.½W. S.byW,½W. 5.5.W½W. S.W½S, S.W.½W.

Onlv firrt count will be rigmdled with Y or Z to indic«te th• 2 wbreq,unt co urur.



N A-Absecon, N. J. N B-Ambrose Channel Lightship. N C-Annapolis, Md. N D-Atlantic Highlands, N. J. N E-Bakers Island Light, Me. N F-Baltimore, Md. N G-Bangor, Me. NH-Bar Harbor, Me. N I-Bar Island, North side of Bar Haribor, Me. N }-Barnegat Light, N. J. N K-Bath, Me. N L-Bass Harbor, Me. NM-Bay Ridge, N. Y. Bay. N 0-Beaver Tail, R. I. N P-Belfast, Me. N Q-Beverly, Mass. N R-Black Rock Harbor, Conn. N S-Block Island, R. I., East Harbor. N T-Block Island, West Harbor, Great Pond. N U- Brenton Reef Light ship. N V-Bristol, R. I. NW-Boon Island, Me. N X-Boothbay, Me. N Y-Boston, Mass. N Z-Boston Lightship, Mass.



0 A-Camden, Me. 0 B-Campobello, N. B. 0 C-Cape Ann, Mass. 0 D-Cape Charles, Va. 0 E-Cape Cod Canal (East Entrance), Mass. 0 F-Cape Cod Canal (West Entrance), Mass. 0 G-Cape Elizabeth, Me. 0 H-Cape Hatteras, N. C. 0 I-Cape Henlopen, Del. 0 J-Cape Henry, Va. 0 K-Cape May, N. J. 0 L--Cape Poge, Mass. 0 M-Cape Porpoise Harbor, Me. 0 N-Cape Sable, N. S. 0 P-Captains Island Light House, Conn. 0 Q-Casco Bay, Me. 0 R-Casco Passage, Me. 0 S-Castine, Me. 0 T-Chatham Lights, Ma•ss. 0 U-Chatham Roads, Mass. 0 V-City Island, N. Y. 0 W-Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y. 0 X-Clarks Point, Buzzards Bay, Mass. 0 Y-Coney Island Point, N. Y. 0 Z-Cornfield Point Lightship.



P A-Cranberry Island, Me. P B-Cross Rip Lightship. P C-Cutler, Little River, Me. P D-Cutty Hunk, Mass. P E-Deer Island Thorofare, Me. P F-Delaware Breakwater, Del. P G-Duck Island Breakwater, Conn. PH-Dutch Island Harbor, R. I. P I-East Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. P ]-Eastern Point Breakwater, Mass. P K-Eastport, Me. P L-Eaton's Neck, N. Y. P M-Edgartown, Mass. P N-Eggemoggin Reaoh, Me. P 0-Egg Rock, Frenchman's Bay, Me. P Q-Falkner Island, Conn. P R-Fire Island Lightship. P S-Fisher's Island Sound. P T-Five-Fathom Bank Lightship. P U-Franklin Island Light House, Me. P V-Fort Pond Bay, N. Y. PW-Fortress ll4onroe, Va. P X-Fox Island Thorofare, Me. P Y-Gardiners Island, N. Y. P Z-Gardjners Bay, N. Y.



Q A-Gay Head, Mass. Q B-Gilkey Harbor, Islesboro, Me. Q C-Glen Cove, N. Y. Q D-Gloucester, Mass. Q E--Gloucester, Eastern Point. Q F-Goat Island, Me. Q G-Grand Manan, N. B. Q H-Grand Manan Channel, N. B. Q I-Graves, The, Mass. Q ]-Gravesend Bay, N. Y. Q K-Greenport, N. Y. Q L--Greenwich, Conn. Q M-Greenes Ledge Light, Nor.walk, Conn. Q N-Half Way Rock, Mass. Q O-Half Way Rock, Me. Q P-Halifax, N. S. Q R-Hampton Roads, Va. Q S-Hankerchief Lightship, Mass. Q T-Hardings Ledge, Mass. Q U-Harpswell Sound, Me. Q V-Head Harbor, N. B. Q W-Hen and Chickens Lightship, Mass. Q X-Highland Light, Mass. Q Y-Horseshoe, N. J. Q Z-Horton Point, N. Y.



R A-Hudson River. R B-Hull, Mass. R C-Huntington Bay, N. Y. R D-Hyannis Port, Mass. R E-Isleboro, Me. R F-Kittery, Me. R G-Larchmont Harbor, N. Y. RH-Lloyd Harbor, N. Y. R I-Manhasset, L. I. R J-Marblehead, Mass. R K-Marblehead Rock, Mass. R L-Mattapoisett, Mass. R M-Mattinicock Point, N. Y. R N-Monhegan, Me. R O-Monomoy, Mass. R P-Montauk Point, N. Y. R Q-Morris Cove, Conn. R S-Mount Desert Rock, Me. R T-Muscle Ridge Channel, Me. R U-Nahant, Mass. R V-National Harbor of Refuge, Del. R W-Nantasket Roads, Mass. R X-Nantucket, Mass. R Y-Nantucket Shoals Lightship. R Z-Narragansett Pier, R. I.



S A-N auset Beacon, Mass. S B-New Bedford, Mass. S C-New.buryport, Mass. S D-New Haven, Conn. S E-New London (town), Conn. S F-New London Light House, Conn. S G-Newport, R. I. SH-New Rochelle, N. Y. S I-New York, N. Y. S }-Norfolk, Va. S K-North Haven, Me. S L-North East Harbor, Me. S M-Nort-hport, N. Y. S N-Old Field Point Light, N. Y. S O-Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. S P-Orient Point Light, N. Y. S Q-Peaks Island, Portland, Me. S R-Penfield Reef Light, Conn. S T-Plum Gut, N. Y. S U-Point Judith, R. I. S V-Point Judith Breakwater, R. I. S W-Pollock Rip Light-ship, Mass. S X-Port Clyde, Me. S Y-Port Jefferson, N. Y. S Z-Portland, Me.



T A-Portland Lightship, Me. T B-Portsmouth, N. H. T C-Portsmouth, Little Harbor, N. H. T D-Potts Harbor, Me. T E--Provjncetown, Mass. T F-Providence, R. I. T G-Quick's Hole, Mass. TH-Race Rock Light, N. Y. T I-Race, The, N. Y. T }-Riverside, Conn. T K-Rockland, Me. T L--Rockport, Me. TM-Sag Harbor, N. Y. T N-Salem, Mass. T O-Sandy Hook, N. J. T P-Saybt:ook Breakwater, Conn. T Q-Seagjrt Light, N. J. T R-Seal Island Light, N. S. T S-Seguin Island, Me. T U-Scotland Lightship. T V-Sheffield Island Light House, Conn. T W-Shelter Island, N. Y. T X-Shinnecock Light, N. Y. T Y-Shrewsbury Rocks, N. J. T Z-Small Point Harbor, Me.



U A-Somes Sound, Me. U B-South West Harbor, Me. U C-South W est Ledge, New Haven, Conn. U D-St. John, N. B. U E-Stamford, Conn. U F-Stone Horse Shoal Lightship, Mass. U G-Stonington, Conn. U H-Stratford Point Light, Conn. U I-Stratford Shoal Light, Conn. U }-Swans Island, Me. U K-Tarpaulin Cove, Mass. U L--Tenants Harbor, Me. UM-Thimble Islands, Conn. U N-Tompkinsville, S. I., N. Y. U O-Twenty-sixth Street, E. R., N. Y. U P-Vineyard Haven, Mass. U Q-Vineyard Sound Lightship, Mass. U R-Watchhill, R. I. U S-West Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. U T-West Island, R. I. U V-Whitehead Island Light, Me. U W-Wings Neck, Mass. (Wenaumet Neck). U X-Winter Harbor, Me. U Y-Woods Hole, Mass. U Z-Wood Island, Me.



PORTS ON THE LAKES V A-Alexandria Bay. V B-( See · Emergency Signal.) V C-Buffalo. V D-Charlotte. V E-Chicago. V F-Oeveland. VG-Coburg. V H-Country Club. V 1-Detr-oit. V ]-Duluth. V K-Dunkirk. V L-Erie. V M-Georgian Bay. V N-Goodrich. V 0-Green Bay. V P-Hamilton. V Q-Harbor Beach.

V R-Harbor Point. V S-Houghton. V T-Lake St. Clair Club. V U-Mackinaw Island. V W-Marquette. V X-Milwaukee. V Y-Nipegon. V Z-0swego. W A-Port Huron. W B-Presque Isle. W C-Put-in-Bay. W D-Sackets Har·bor. W E-Sandusky. W F-Sault Ste. Marie. W G-Toledo. W H-Toronto. W I-Welland Canal.


SPECIAL SIGNALS Cruising Club of America will be malled later and should be inserted here.


SPECIAL SIGNALS Cruising Club of America will be mailed later and 3hould be inserte d here.


INDEX A wards . Page Blue W atcr Medal ........................................................................ 47 Blue Water Medal, 1933 ............................................................ 48 Trans-Oceanic Pennant ................................................................ 46 Blue Water Medal Awards ............................................................................................ 47 Conditions ..........................................._............................................. 47 Illustration Medal .......................................................................... 49 Illustration Winners .................................................................. 50-59 1933 Award .................................................................................... 48 Boston Station .......................................... ,........................................... 6 Branford Station ......................................................................~........... 7 By-Laws .................................................................................................. 19 Committees, 1934 .................................................................................. 5 Constitution .............................................................. - ............................ 13-18 Flagship ..................................................................................................... 61 Fleet Illustrations .............................................................. ....................60-137 List .................................................................................................. 35-45 Flags Officers ..................................................................................facing 2 Int. Code .............................................................................. facing 145 Historians Report ................................................................................ .11-12 Historical ........................................... -................................................... 3 Honorary Menibers .............................................................................. 22 Huntington Station .............................................................................. 8 In Memoriam ................. :......................................................................... 21

168 Illustrations Blue Water Medal ........................................................................ 49 Blue Water Medal Winners .................................................... 50-59 Flags of Officers ................................................................facing 2 Flags of Int. Cod.e .............................................................. .facing 145 Flagship ..................................................... -...................................... 61 Liev Eiriksson .............................................................................. 60 M.etnbers Vess.els ......................................................................62-137 Racing Rule .................................................................................... 139

Seal ................................... ............................................................


Local Stations Boston .............................................................................................. Branford ................................................................... :...................... Huntington ......................................................................................

6 7 8

Measurers ................................................................................................


Members ................................................................................................23-34 Honorary .......................................................................................... 22 In Memoriam ................................................................................ 21 Moorings ........................................................................ ..........................8-10 Officers

1934 ..................................................................................................


Flags ...................................................................................... facing 2 Past .................................................................................................. 20 Past Officers ......... .......... ........... .......... .................... ............ .................. 20 Racing Rule ............................................................................ .......... 138-141 Recapitulation ........................................................................................ 46

Seal .......................................................................................................... Sec'y-Treas. .............................................................................................



Signals Int. Code Flags ................................................................. .facing 145 Emergency ............. :........................................................................... 145 Cruising Club (special) ........................................................ 165-166 Yacht Clubs .............................................................................. 142-164

Stations ..................................··............................. ··· ·................. •... .......... 6-8 Trans-Oceanic Pennant Awards ......................................................... 46


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