FOU N DED F E D. SU,, 1922 INCORP ORAT ED MAR. 9, 1924
Printed by the
CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA by authority of the
are maintained and
records kept at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer who will be glad to see members and furnish information at any time.
EDWIN H. TUCKER 135 William St.
New York Phone Beekrnan-3 4963-4
C able Address
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V,ct (010,oocu
The Cruising Club of America was launched in the winter of 1921-22 by a group of yachtsmen interested in cruising and the development of the cruising type of yacht. It was felt that this branch of the sport never had attained the position it deserves in a country so rich in sea-going tradition and whose natural advantages are so peculiarly favorable to cruising, possibly because of the fact that there never has been any concerted action by cruising enthusiasts. The yacht clubs of the country have made racing' a large part of their activities and there are several inter-club associations devoted to the advancement of this branch of yachting, but there never has been in this country an organization comparable, for example, to the Royal Cruising Club, which, in the last forty years, has done so much toward making cruising a national institution in Great Britain. And so the Cruising Club of America was launched and it was but natural that its founders, familiar as they were with the work of the Royal Cruising Club, should have moulded it somewhat along the lines of the older organization.
R. GRAHAM BIGLOW Rear-Commodore
ALBERT T. GOULD Secretary-Treaaurer
W. P. STEPHENS Governing Board
STANDING COMMITTEES 1936 Membership Carleton S. Cooke , Chairman Luke B. Lockwood Henry de Forest Baldwin Mars hall Rawle N. S. Seeley Design and Construction W . P. Stephens, Chairman Robert N. Bavier M. S. Kattenhorn
Edmund Lang Everett Morss, Jr. Bassett Jones Awards
Franklin C . Sullivan, Chairman Samuel Wetherill Herbert L. Stone Henry Martyn Baker Ernes t A. Ratsey Entertainment Hu gh Kilmer, Chairman Edward L. rCrabbe Roderick Stephe ns, Jr. Georg e N. Wallace Carleton L. Mars h Race
Herbert L. Stone, Chairman Edwin H. Tucker \V/. H. DeFontaine, Jr. H. D. Butterfield, Jr. Everett Morss, Jr. Year Book Henry A. Jackson, Chairman Edwi,n H. Tucker C. Burnham Porter Hugh Kilmer
Auditing George P. P. Bonnell Nominating Robert N. Bavier, Chairman B. Karl Sharp Alfred F. Loomis Charles D. Mower
Edmund Lang C. Burnham Porter
Measurers Olin J. Stephens, II Dwight S. Simpson
B. K. Sharp
LOCAL STATIONS BOSTON STATION Rear Commodore Albert T. Gould Address: 80 Front St., Marblehead. Address I Federal St., Bos ton. Tel. Liberty 7 7 5 6. Flagship Auxiliary Schooner " SEGOCHET' of Thom a s ton , Me. Historian Thorvald S. Ross Address Box H, Brighton, Mass. Regular Meeting-Lunch at 12 :30 P.M. every Friday at B o s ton Yacht Clu·b, 5 Rowes Wharf, Boston. Membership Committee Joseph Guild, Chairman Address 120 Village Ave., Dedham, Mass. T e l. D edham
Jeffrey'• Ledge Race Committee J. Albert Chambers, Chairman Address 20 Lee St., Marblehead, Mass. Tel. Marblehe a d
The Boston Station Membership on January l, 193 6, numbered one hundre d and one. The Friday luncheons were continued through the winter and most of the summer and were well attended. The Spring Dinner was h eld o n March 7 at Rowe's Wharf. Dr. Harlan T. Stetson gave an interestin g illu s tra t ed talk on "T,des and Cunents." The Spring R endezvous was held on June l at Smith's Cov e , Gloucester, in the midst of a northeast s torm, which cut down the attendance to some five boats. Ten members of the Fleet gathere d in Scituate H arbor Saturday, June 15, to start for the Rendezvous of the whole Club at Block •Island and to continue on to New L ondon. Sunday an early st&Jrt was made for Pocasset. In, lieu of a Spring Race the Fleet raced from anchor in Scituate Harbor to the entrance of the Cape Cod Canal. As the current turned early in the afternoon, each vessel was allowed to run its engine for one ·hour during the race at any time it chose . The result was almost a d ead •heat between two or three of the boats-the KESTREL winning -by four seconds. That night, the Fleet anchored at Pocasset and durin g the evening the winner was presented, and shared with the ,l os ers, a consumable prize. The next day some of the yachts beat down the Bay against a strong southwest breeze and anchore d at Cuttyhunk. Others remaine d at anchor in Pocasset Ha,rbor. Tuesday was the istart of a northeast s torm. One or two of the yachts slid down the wind to Block Island with it, while others waited a day or two, By T-hu-rsday there were six of the Boston boats
7 at Block Island. Although the northeast s torm prevented many of the New Y ork boats attending who would have otherwise, there were some five which did ge t the r e, and the R e ndezvo us was most e njoyable . Saturday, Sept e mb e r 7, saw a large Flee t ga there d in Manchester Harbor for the Fourteenth J effrey s Ledge R ace the following day. The re was a large attendance a t the supper g ive n the contesta nts at the Manchester Yacht C lub Friday night. Th e race started early the next morning under lig ht weather conditions. The wind varied a ll over th e compass but r e m a ine d li g ht during the race , a g r ea t contrast from the c o nditio n s ex isting the previous year. There were eighteen entri e s and fourteen fini shed. The prize w in ne rs were as fo llows: 0
CLASS B\Vestern Way 2 nd-Crcnadie r 3rd-Bounty
I s t- Po le Star 2 nd-Ea gle t 3rd-Nancy Ann
The An nual Meeting and Dinn e r was h e ld on Dece mbe r 6 a t Rowe's \Vharf with an attendance of I OI members and guest s. Donald C. Starr gave a s h ort but v ery interesting illus trated talk coverin g some of the h igh spots of his world cruise in his schooner PILGRIM. Gordon Raymond kindly came over from New York and s howe d his pictures and d e liver ed his fam o us le cture on " A Land School for Ocean R a c ers. " In accordance with tradition, we will continue to Ay the Cruising Club burgee ni g ht as well as day as an indication of our desire to be h e lpful t o members cruising in New En g land ·waters.
BRANFORD STATION Post-Captain John Killam Murphy K illam' s Point, Branford, Conn. ; Tel. Branford 522. Secr etary Thomas F. Cooke, (in summer) Killam's Point, Branford, Conn.; T e l. Branfo r d 29 1, ring 2. The m e mbership of the Station on J an uary I , 193 6 , was I 0, of whom 8 are yacht owners. The sailing record of the membership is rather interes ting ; one circumnavigated the globe on h is own schooner yacht; two saile d on Transatlantic Races (one twice ); five sailed (not racing) across the Atlantic; two sailed on Fastnet Races (one twice); three sailed on Bermuda Races (one twjce), and one made a voyage before the mast on a ba,rq ue from En g land to Australia and r eturn. The Station arr anged and ,held, in conjunction with t he Branford C lu b , a Cruising Race under sail, from Branford to Port J efferson on Satur day, June 30, and th e return
8 race on Sunday, July 1. There were 15 s tarte r s in two cla sse s , ranging from a 20 ft. cat to a 56 ft. ketch. The wind w a s mostly light and ahead on Sa turday, and it was towa rd mid n ig ht when the last contestant finished. For the return ,race the winds , though light, were fair and a ll the fl e et was in by ni g htfall. The winners were: Class "A"-"Seven Bells" Class "B"-"Altair" Branford outer harbor affords fair s h e lter in all but s outh. westerly winds; however, members a re adv ised to e nte r Branford River, which is sheltered in any wind. Local boa ts m o or bow and ste rn to stakes on the channel bank, as the rive r bottom is soft deep mud, and barges som e times tow up the channel. Vacant stakes arc u s ually availabl e on applica tion to Al. J ohnson, in charge of the Branford Yacht C lub, loca t e d on Branford Point clos e to the pier. The Pos t -C a ptain a nd (in summer) the Secretary will gladly furnish local information as to supplies, repairs, and facilities in general. Earl Bradley of Branford is a first-cla ss engine repairman. Groceries can be had of a store 1/4 mile from the pier. L atte r is an excellent place to take on gasoline, water or ice. Bra n ford town is a few minutes by trolley or motor; good shops ; New Haven is about 30 minutes by trolley. Except for small boats in, good winds, power is n e eded for maneuvering in the river. The entrance to Branford River is not as bad a s it looks on Chart No. 217. From a position about 200 yards easterly from Cow and Calf Gas and Bell Buoy, steer NE1hN Mag. for the Big Mermaid, distant 1 ¼ miles. This cours e leads midway between Blyn Rock on the Starboard hand ( u•nmarked, awas h at high water) and Johnson Point ( with large res idence on it) on the Port h and. Course brings Bird Rock Nun Buoy No. 2 some 200 yards on Starboard hand. Pass between, the Big Mermaid (single large rock) and Little Mermaid (several smaller rocks, low and broken), keeping close ,to the Big Mermaid, which is marked by a small flashing green light privately maintained in s ummer; keeping Big Mermaid to port. There is 81h' of water and no danger between the two. Thence steer E.N.E. magnetic along dredged channel, heading about 100 feet South of pier with small white -building on it, marked by flashing ·red light pr,ivately maintained in summer. This channel is dredged (1934) to 81h' at low water. Enter river and tie to pier, or anchor in cha-n•nel between the lines of boats , and ask Al. Johns on about u sing vacant stakes.
9 \Vith South e rly or Westerly win ds or w ith power , it is feasibl e t o proceea a s iar a s B ra nford Point P ier at n ig h t b y the a id o f the lig hts me n tioned a b ove; the co u rses b e ing appr oximately as by day. S a il in g d i r ectio n s at n ight arc a s follows:- ¼ mile a fter passing Cow and C a lf Bu oy red flashing lig h t close aboard t o p ort, h e a di n g a b out NE, sw in g a fe w d e g r e e s t o th e le ft u ntil th is r e d lig ht is bro u g h t in rang e w ith the Ha s h in g w hite lig ht of T own sh e n d L ed ge Buo y . Hold on this s t e rn ran ge ¾ mile until J o hnso n Point is a b e am and you pick u p the ver y s mall g r een Ha shin g l ig h t o n Big Mermaid r ig h t a h ead ; th en ste er for th is g reen Ra s h u ntil it is close aboard, and L ittle M e r m a id is to starbo ard . T h en h ead E NE m ag. fo r t h e r e d Hash in g li gh t o n Bran ford Poin t Pier. D o n ot attempt to proce e d b e yond th is Pie r at night with o ut local k nowle d ge .
HUNTINGTON STA TION Poat Ca ptain: Robert H. Moor e, P. 0 . Box 74, Hale site , L. I., Phone, Huntin g ton No. 4. S e cre tary : Willia m A . Rus hmore, 187 P a rk Ave n ue, Huntington, L. I., Phone, Hun tin g ton 256 3. Membe r ship Committee : Kenn e th S t eph ens, 53 Beaver Stre et, New York City; Willia m T. H ask e ll. Richards Road, Port Washin g ton, L. I. ; W. E. Ba k e r, P. 0 . Box 97, Moriches,
L. I. C ruising Club m e mbe rs m ay leave their b oats a t the Hunting ton Yacht Club a nd th ey w ill b e t a k e n care i0f b y a C lub a tte ndant for a s mall fee. Wat e r, gas , oil, dee, milk and pro visions ca,n b e obta ine d fr om th e d ock att e nda nt. \Valter A b ram s op e r a tes a r epair yard w ith la r ge way s tha t c a n h a ul u p t o IO ½' dra ft. H e a lso h as a w ell eq uipped m a chine shop. C h a rle s Y o un g oper a t es a s ma ll yard a n d is availa bl e t o do all knids o f cabi net and riggin g work, while the b oat s a re a t their m oo rings. Ernest M ayw a ld l>as a mach ine s h op o n the Mill D a m a nd is comp e t e nt t o do a ll form s o f e n gi-ne work. Chute & Bix b y have a y ard on •the Mill D a m tha t c a n h aul vess els u p t o 71 a nd are w ell eq uipped to do genera l r ep ai r s . The r e is a bus ser v ice t o the t own a nd s ta tion from Rosell', S t ore at H a lesitc , a nd t axis m ay be calle d to the Y a cht Club. The r a te is s e ven t y-five c e nts from the Y acht Club to t own and $ 1.00 to the s t a tion.
CONSTITUTION Adopted November 19, 1924. Amended to January 25, 1934.
I. NAME. The name of this o rganization shall be "The Cruising Club of America, Inc." II. OBJECT. The objects of this Club arc to pro mote cruis ing by amateurs, to encourage the development of suitab)c t y p c_s of cruising craft, to stimulate interest in scamanslup. navigation and handling of small v essels, to gath er and k eep on file all information which may be of as sis tance to m e mbers in cruising. III. OFFICERS. The Officers of t he Club shall be the Commo do r e, the Vice-Commodore, the Rear-Commodores, the Sccrc taryTreasurer, the Historian and ten Governors who s hall b e nominated and elected as' is prescribed in A rticl es XI, X.11 I, and XIV; and they shall constitute the Governing Board of the Club. The offices of Commodore and Vice-Commodore s hall be filled by members who arc yacht owners. IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The ComD}odore shall be the general executive officer and shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Governing Board. The Vice-Commodore s hall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and in his absence act in his stead. The Rear-Commodores shall command their stations and perform such other duties as may be assigned to th em by their superior officers or the Governing Board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties pertaining to his office. The Historian shall each year write a Log of the Club's activities during the past year and present it to the Club at the Annual Meeting. The Governing Board shall generally administer the affairs of the Club and shall have the powers of Directors..
V. 1IBIBERSHIP: ELECTION: RESIGNATIO NS A person eligible for m e mbership in the Club must be a sailor and a gentleman of acceptable character and personality w h o -has de monstrate d hi s ability to hand le or command and navigat e or pilot a yacht or s mall vessel a t sea and who has ha d s uffic ie nt cruising expe rie nce. Nomina tions for membe r s hip in the C lub s hall b e made upon the proposa l of a m e mber and seconded by two other m e mbe rs, no ne of whom shall be members of the Govern ing Board o r th e Membership Committee. A pplicat ions, proposals a nd secondings sh all be on fo rms and p urs uant to instructions o r r egulations approved by t he Governing Board. \ i\T hen an application in complete form shall be r ece i ved , th e Secretary-Treasurer shall send t o all m e mbers of the Club the names of the applicant, proposer, seco nde r s, a nd any o th e r in fo rmation directe d by the Governing Board. Not less than thirty days the reafte r, t he Membership Commi ttee may act upon s uch app licatio n and r eport its findings and recom m e ndatio ns to the Gove rning Board, which may the n e le c t or rej ect the applicant. Favorable reco mm e ndat io ns by the Membe r s hip C o mmitt ee s ha ll not excee d in a ny calendar year a numb e r to b e presc rib ed from time to time by the Gov e rning Board. Applicat io ns r ej ected by t he Gove rning B oard s hall b e e xclud ed from s uch annual number or quota. Th e Membership Committee may act up on applications without r egar d to se niority o f r ece ipt. All resignations must be in writing a nd shall take effect upon r ece ipt by the Club; provided, h oweve r, that a r es ig na tion may b e withdrawn upon the consent of th e Gove rning Board and upon such t e rm s and conditions as it may prescrib e ; and furth e r provid ed , t hat no m e mb e r who is i nde bted to the Club or wh o is unde r notice purs u a nt to Article XVIII s hall have the ri ght t o re s ign exce pt by spe cific permission of the Governing Board.
· VI. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHI P The re sha ll be three classes of m embersh ip, regular, li fe and honorary. A membe r may become a life member by payment of the prescribed fee and thereafter is exempted from yearl y dues. Honorary m e mbers shall pay no dues or initia tion fee, and shall have no vot e nor hold a n y office exce pt that of Histor ian, but otherwise shall enjoy a ll the privi leges of regu lar memb ers.
12 VII. INITIATION FEE The initiation fee shall be t en dollars. The Ii f e m e mbership fee shall be two hundred dollars. Applicati~n for life membership may be made only after five successive yea rs of membership in the Club. VIII. DUES: ARREARS Regular members shall pay ten dollars yearly dues on election and thereafter on January first of each year. Members whose dues arc unpaid by February first s hall be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer and if suc h du es are still unpaid by March first. such members may be suspe nd e d or dropped from the roll by the Governing Board, but may be reinstated at its discretion and upo n th e payment of all arrears. IX. MEETINGS The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year. The Fall Meeting shall be held in October or N ovember of each year on a date to be determined by the Governing Board. Special Meetings of the Club may be called by the Governing Board and s hall be called on the written request of fifte en memb ers. The Governing Board shall meet as often as it may deem necessary, or at the call of the Commodore. X. QUORUM. T:,venty-five members present in person or by proxy sh_all constitute a quorum at any meeting of th e Club. Five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Governing Board. XI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: NOMINATION OF OFFICERS At the Annual Meeting of the Club there shall be elected a Nominating Committee of five members of the Club, who shall be neither Officers nor Governors of the Club. This Committee shall nominate candidates for Commodore, ViceCommodore, Secretary-Treasurer, Historian, and for five Governors to succeed those whose terms of office expire at the next Annual Meeting; and shall notify the SecretaryTreasurer of such nominations not later than December first preceding the next Annual Meeting.
Five or m o r e members may put in nomina tio n any o ther candida tes th ey may unit e o n, provided such nomination, signed by at least five memb ers, is filed with t he SecretaryTreas urer not less than fifte en days be fore the Annual Meeting. Th e Secretary-Treasurer s hall se nd notice thereof to all members not less than five days before the Annual Meeting. XII. ELECTIONS: TERMS OF OFFICE: VACANCIES The Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary-Treasurer and Historian s hall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until the election of the ir successors. Five members of the Governing Board shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office for two years or until the election of the ir successors. Vacanci es in any office (except R ear-Commodore) or in the Governing Board shall be fill ed by the Governing Board. Those so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until the election of their successors. XIII. COMMITTEES The Governing Board shall appoint a Membership Committee of five members to serve for one year or until their successors are appointed. This Committee shall appoint its own chairman. The proceedings of the Membership Committee shall be confidential. The Governing Board may appoint and remove such other committees as it may deem necessary. The Commodore, or in his absence the Vice-Commodore , shall be ex-officio a member of a ll committees, except the Nominating Committee. XIV. STATIONS: REAR-COMMODORES: POST-CAPTAINS The chief s tation of the Club shall be in New York City but wherever four or. more m embers r es ide in any othe; locality, they may, with the approval of the Governing Board, found a station. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify the m emb ers of the Club of the establishment of a new station. Stations established outside of New York City composed of twenty-four or more memb ers shall be under the command of a Rear-Commodore to be e lect ed by the members of such station. If the station is composed of less than twenty-four m embers, such station may be com mand ed by a Post-Captain, to be elected by the members of such station.
14 The Rear-Commodore or .Post-Captain commanding a station outside of New York City may appoint and remove such committees as the station members may approve. XV. FLAGS The Club Burgee shall be triangular in shape, in the usual proportions, with a white field and a waved blue stripe 20% of the hoist in width running through the center from hoist to point. The Commodores Flag shall be rectangular in s hape with a blue field, in the usual proportions, in the center of which shall be a white fouled anchor encircled by 13 white five pointed stars. Running horizontally through the center shall be a waved white stripe 20% of the hoist in width. The Vice Commodores Flag shall be s imilar to the Commodores Flag, except that the field shall be red. The Rear Commodores Flag shall be similar to the Vice Commodores Flag, except that the field shall be white and the fouled anchor, the 13 stars, and the wave shall be blue. The Post Captains Flag shall be similar to the Rear Commodores Flag, except that the 13 stars shall be omitted. The Transoceanic Pennant of the Cruisi ng Club of America shall be a pennant of a length approximately 20% of the overall length of the yacht entitled to fly it, and onetwelfth of its length on the -h oist. It shall have a white field, with a waved blue stripe 20% of the hoist in w idth, runnin g horizontally through the center from hoi st to point. Upon the approval of the Committee on Awards of •the Club it may be flown at rendezvous of the Club Fleet, and on other appropriate occasions, only by yachts enrolled in the Club Fleet which have crossed the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean un,d·er sail. Flags herein referred to shall only be displayed on yachts under the direct command of members and not displayed when under charter unless the yacht has her owner on board. XVI. SEAL The seal of the Club shall be its Burgee surrounded by a double circular rope border within which shall be inscribed "The Cruising Club of America, Inc." above; and below shall be inscribed "1922", the date of the founding of the Club.
XV II. EXPEND ITUR ES No exp enditures of funds nor contracts binding: the Club s hall be made except by autho rizat ion of the Governing Board. XV III. DISCIPLINE Every m ember o n j oining the Club thereby undertakes t o comply with this Constitution a nd the By-Laws; and any r e fusal or n eglect t o do so, or any conduct unworthy of a gentleman or sailor, or inimical to the welfare of the Club, shall render a member liable to suspension or expuls ion by a three-fourths vote of the m emb ers of the Governing Board present at a meeting duly called. Notice of s uch proposed action, with the r easons ther e for, mus t be se nt to the accused m embe r by regis tered mail to his last known address at least thirty days prior to such me eting; and he shall have the right to be present at such meeting with counsel. XIX. AMENDMENTS This cons titutio n cannot be suspended under any circumstances, but may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Fall M eeting. Proposed amendm ent s must be in writing signed by five members and sent to the Secretary-Treasurer in time to be included in the no tice of the meeting.
BY-LAWS Adopted N ovember 19, 1924 Amende d to J a nua ry 8, 1931
I. ORDE R OF BUSI NESS The order o f business a t a ll Club m ee tings sh a ll b e as foll ows: Roll Call. Minutes of previous m eeting. R eports of officers. Reports of committe es. Unfinish ed business. Elections. New business. In case of dis pute a s t o order or de bate, Cushing's Manual shall govern. II. N O T ICES Notice of the Annua l a nd the Fall Mee ting sha ll be sent to each member at l east t we nty da ys previous the reto. The no tice for the Annual M ee ting mu st contain th e report of the Nominating Committee. N otices o f s p e cial m eetings shall be sent to each m ember at least fiftee n days previous thereto, and shall s tate in d et a il th e s ubj ects to be brought up for action and no other matte rs m a y be considered at such m eetings. III. A P P EAL A member shall have the r ig ht o f a p peal to the Club from a decis ion of the Gove rning Board, which may be overruled at the n ext r egula r m eeting by a t wo -thirds v ote of those pres ent in perso n or by proxy. Notice of s uch app eal must be sta t ed fully in the call fo r th e m eeting. IV. VOTING None but memb ers shall b e allo w ed in the m eeting r oom during a meeting of the Club. Every member prese nt w h en a m o tio n is unde r consideration shall vote ther eon unle ss excused by th e presiding o ffice r. Proxies must be in writing, sig ne d, witnesse d and filed with the Secre t ary-Treasure r fiv e days in a dva nce o f the meeting. V. AM END M E N TS These By-L aws canno t be s us p ende d und er any circumstances but may b e ame nded by a two-t hirds vot e a t the Annua l or F a ll Mee ting. P roposed ame ndme nts must b e in writing signed by five memb er s and se nt t o th e S ecr etary-Treasure r in tim e to be included in th e noti ce of the m ee ting.
1924 1925 1926 192 7 1928 1929 1930 193 1-2 1933 -4 1935
Vice . Commodore
1925 1926 1927 1928 1929-30 I 931-2 I 933 -4 193 5
1922-3 1n4-35
.ln )jlllemorp of our ~bipmatts tnbo babe ~aileb on tfJeir Jlast mopage.
William Washburn Nutting Arthur S. Hildebrand Frederick S. Nock Frederick C. Hicks Karl lsburgh Ogden T. McClurg Arthur H. Day Thomas Fleming Day H. M. Williams Maneel T. Clark Arthur Perrin Wallace L. Durant Walter C. Grey William J. Curtis, Jr. Gilbert D. Maxwell George 0. Clinch Nathaniel F. Emmons Stuyvesant Wainwright Duncan Dana James W. Alker J. Rulon Miller, Jr. Dr. R. Heber Howe Alfred Greenough Edward W. Brown Clarence V. Kozlay James B. Keogh Frederick L. Ames Capt. Howard Blackburn Oliver H . Perry Charlea E. Eveleth Alfrd F. Masury George W. Warren Ralph M. Munroe Thomas M. Chance Carl d... Weagant Da niel Bacon T . M. Russell Ralph G. Megargel Charles Higginson
1924 September Septemb e r 1924 May 17, 1925 D ecember 1925 April I, 1926 April 20, 1926 April 23, 1926 August 19, 1927 February 24, 1928 April I, 1928 November 2, 1928 June 11 , 1929 December 7, 1929 January 6 , 1930 F ebruary I 7, 1930 March 1930 May 3, 1930 November 3, 1930 D e cember 6, 1930 March 7, 1931 July 18, 1931 J anuary 28, 1932 March 13, 1932 April 12, 1932 June 26, 1932 Auguat 21, 1932 November 6, 1932 November 4, 1932 January 22, 1933 March 25, 1933 April 4, 1933 August 24, 1933 August 26, 1933 Septembe r I, 1933 May 11, 1934 July 17, 1934 July 30, 1935 October 6, 1935 February 7, 1936
Capt. Robe rt A. Bartlett
Racquette C lub, Washin g to n , D . C.
11 / 13/ 24
Major Antho ny Fiala
25 Warre n St., N. Y.
3 / 10/27
Alain J. Gerbault
I/ 8/24
Natha niel G. Herreshoff
Bristo l, R. I.
4/ 11 / 28
R ea r A d m ira l Edwa rd C. Kalbfu s, U. S. N. , Preside nt, Naval W a r College, Newpo rt, R. I. Lt. Com. D o n a ld B. MacMille n
P r ovincetown, Mass.
3/ I 0/ 2 7
Ha rry P id geon
Los Angeles, Cal.
4/ 14/ 26
Robert S omerset
9 / 29/ 32
Commod o r e, R oyal C ruising C lub Franklin D. Roosevelt President of the United States
En g la nd
12/ 8/ 32
5/ 4 / 33
MEMBERS ELECTED ADDRESS 1/ 12/23 Northport, L. I. 10/ 8/ 35 I Wall St., N. Y. Charte r 13 I State St., Boston, Mass. I/ 2 / 31 Gree.t Neck, L. I. R. R. No. I, Box 400 Louisville, Kentucky 10/ 25 / 34 Amory, Harold 60 Batterymarch St., Boston, Mass. 7/2 7 / 22 21 Amory, Robert 95 6 Brus h Hill Rd., 2 / 25 /3 2 Milton, Mass. Anable, Anthony 247 Park Ave., N. Y. 2/ 19 / 35 125 Anderson, Henry Hill 2/ 2 / 33 20 Pine St., N. Y. 12 Andrews, Charles Lee 44-3 S Kissena Blvd., Flushing, N. Y. 4 /24/3 1 Appleton, Joseph W. 33 Remsen St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 4/ 7 / 32 Armstrong, Daniel W. 1776 Broadway, N. Y. 2 /23 / 28 130 Atwater, Charles W. 9/26/24 2 Park Ave., N. Y. 91 Atwater, David H. I SO South Main St., Fall River, Mass. Life 12/ / 23 213 Atwater, John J. I Broadway, N. Y. 10/ / 23 210 Baekeland, Dr. L H. Charter 247 Park Ave., N. Y. 114 Bailliere, Lawrence M. I 00 University Parkway, Baltimore, Md. 1/ 22 / 3 1 102 Baker, Henry Martyn The Fifth Avenue Bank 530 • 5th Avenue, N. Y . 7/2 0 / 27 198-208 Baker, Stephen D. 23 4 W. 14th St., N. Y. Life 1/ 12/ 23 Baker, W. Edgar, Jr. Porchuck Road, Greenwich, Conn. 1/ 12 /2 3 176 Baldwin, F. W. Baddeck, Nova Scotia Charter Baldwin, H. De Forest 25 Broadway, N. Y. 1/ 12/23 163 Ballard, Frederick L. Land Title Building Philadelphia, Pa. 6/ 9 / 32 152 Bannerman, David B. I 5 Scotland Road Elizabeth, N. J. 12/13/23 214 Bannerman, Frank P. 0. Box I 52, Huntington, N. Y. 12 / 13/23 10 B::.rnum, Walter 35 East 76th St., N. Y. 2/ 2 / 33 NAME Ackerly, 5. Le Roy Adams, George F. Alden, John G. 201 Alker, Edward P. 138 Allen, William B.
21 122 Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, N. Y. 4 / 20/ 23 Bavier, William N., Jr. 120 A rgyle Ave., New Rochelle, N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 77 Ben edict, R. P. 4 20 I So. Ashland A ve. Chica go, 111. 4/ 14/ 25 70 Be rger, D. Spencer 13 5 Derby Ave. , New H aven, Conn. 6/ 9 / 32 227 Betts, He rbert M. Deep River, Conn. 5/ 24 / 25 Biddle, Nicholas 129 1 Blue Hill Ave., Milton•, Mass. 10/ 25/ 34 46 Biglow, R. Graham Norfolk, Conn. 6 / 14/ 27 Bixby, H enry D. Cove Road, Halesitc, L. I. 4 / 3/ 24 68 Blancha rd, Fessenden S. 4 Seeley Pl., Scarsdale, N. Y. 7/ 29 / 31 I 2 5 Summer St. 223 Bliss, Elmer J. Boston, Mass. 4 / 14 / 25 75 Upton Ave., Bliss, Zenaa Randall Providence, R. I. 11 / 28/ 30 238 Armington St., 98 Bliss, Zenas W. Edgewood, R. I. 2/ 25/32 122 S. Michi gan Ave., 231 Boal, Ayres Chicag o, Ill. Life 6 / 5/ 22 133 Bodman, Herbert L. Glen Head, Nassau Co., New York 12/ 17/ 31 72 Bonnell, Geo. P. P. 3 0 Rockefeller Plaza , N. Y. Charter 21 Tunstall Road, Bradley, A. Fred., Jr. Scars dale, N. Y. 5/29/30 Brayton, Edward 388 Rock St., Fall River, Mass. 2/ I /25 Brown, B. H. Inness 120 Broa dway, N. Y. 12/ 13 /23 Brugler, James K. , Jr. Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn. Charter Brush, Abbott P. Greenwich, Conn. I/ 14 /28 Buck, Winthrop P. Oyster Bay, N. Y. 2/ 2/ 33 53 Buckelew, Chas. W. 44 Washington Ave. Plainfield, N. J. 5/21/29 Hamilton, Bermuda 204 Butterfield, H. 0 ., Jr. 5/27/31 34 Byerly, Robert W. 225 Broadway, N. Y. I/ 8/24 81 Cabot, Edward 5 3 High St., Westerly, R. I. 3/25/ 29 22 1
Bavier, Robe rt N.
22 5 / 24 / 25 East Milton, Mass. 3 / 25 / 29 East Milton, Maas. 48 West Tier St., City Island, N. Y. I 2/ I 3 / 2 3 Carll, Benjamin W . Northport, L. I. I / I8 / 27 Carson, Wm. M., Jr. 25 Broad St., N. Y. 12/ I 7 / 3 I Chambers, John Albert 20 L ee St., Marble h ead, Mass. I / 18 / 2 7 85 Chance, Edwin M. 140 I Arch St., 4 /25/3 0 Philadelphia, Pa. 66 Chatman, Joseph T . Van Wagenen Ave., Milton 2/ 2 / 33 Pt., Rye, N. Y. 29 Clifford, Dr. Randall 215 Warren Street, 11 / 15 /2 8 Brookline, Maas. 120 Cobb, Charlea K., Jr. IO Po-s t Office Square, 3/ 22/22 Boston, Mass. 41 Coffin, Saml. Barlow I 2 So. 4th St., Hudson, N . Y . 1/12/ 23 44 Coggan, Linua C. 5/25 / 28 177 Milk St., Boston, Mass. 75 Cole, John F. 136 P e rkins Street , 3/22/22 Somerville, Maas. 105 Connett, Frank S. 1/ 2/31 224 W. I I th St., N. Y. C . 211 Cook, Willard B. IO Sutton Manor New Rochelle, N. Y. 5 / 11 / 22 Cooke, A. Goodwin 4/25/30 31 NaHau St., N. Y. C. 103 Cooke, Carleton S. I Wall St., N. Y. 4 / 20 / 23 103 Cooke, Thomas F. 618 Delaware Ave., 4/25/30 Buffalo, N. Y. 'l Coolidge, Amory 160 State St., Boston, MaH. 7 / 29 / 31 Coolidge, Wm. H., Jr. Manchester, Maas. 3 / 17 /2 7 Cooper, Gerald A. Piedmont Processing Co., Belmont, N. C. 9/24/31 Cox, Daniel T. 521 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y. 2/19/ 35 173 Crabbe, Birkbeck C. Magnolia, North Carolina 9/24/31 Crabbe, Daniel McE. Toma River, N. J. 9/24/31 207 Crabbe, Edward Toma River, N. J. 10/19/2' 201 Crabbe, Edward L. 1/18/27 1 14 East 40th St., N. Y. Crane, Clinton H. 250 Park Ave., N. Y. 11/28/3 3 100 Arlington St., 182 Cunningham, Alan Boston, Mass. 6/ 9/ 32 I 61 Pleasant St., Lynn, Mass. 9 /2 7 /2 9 6 Cutter, Geo, A. 36
Cabot, F. Elliot Cabot, Nelson Caesar, William F.
23 C utting, Ulysses D.
I 06 Harrison S t., Ea st O ran ge, N. J. 5 / 1/ 24 13 Da le, F. S lade Bay H ead, N. J. 12/ 23 / 29 Da n ver , James A. 9 1 H o lmes A ve., G le nbrook, Con n. 5/ 27/ 35 Dar re ll, A lfred A. H a milton, Be rmuda 11 / 28/ 30 18 4 Da uc h y, Samuel 4455 H ermosa \ Va y , S a n Diego, Cal. 5/ 25 / 28 Davis, C ha rles G. Cazenovia, N. Y. C h arter de Fonta ine, W . H., Jr. 63 W a ll St., N. Y. 9 / 24/ 31 169 d e P osch , Lio nel 22 William S t., N. Y. 5 / 24/ 24 D e rby, H a sket 148 Sta t e St., Bosto n, Mass. 2/ 19/ 35 De rby, James Lloyd I Ced ar S t. , N. Y. 9 / 21 / 28 166 Deve re u x, H enry M. 295 C ity Island A ve ., C ity Island , N. Y . 11/ 28/ 33 Dick erson, J o hn S., J r. 969 Pa rk Ave., N. Y. 11 / 28/ 30 ·so Dillon, Sc huyler I 3 I S ta t e S t., Boston, Maas. 6 / 30/ 26 124 Doane , Georg e B. 1805 Colu mbia R oad , S o uth Boston, Mass. Life 1/ 12/23 Dodge, Karl 180 W. Duncanno n St., P hila d elphia , P a . 9/ 21 / 33 60 Downs, Charles B. 16 I 5 P enn. Bldg., Phila., Pa. 2/ 9/ 23 177 Downs, W. Findlay 620 Pa ck a rd Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 6 / 30/ 26 49 Drake, G eorge B. I 7 Battery Place, N. Y. 5/ 24/ 24 Drake, Geo. B., Jr. I 7 Ba tte ry Pla ce, N. Y. 5 / 27/ 31 D rape r, Frank B. lvory to n, C onn. Cha rte r Drisle r, William A. 3 45 Ma dison A ve., N. Y. 2 / 2/ 33 96 Dug gan, George H . 3636 McTavis h St., Montrea l, Can. 7/ 6/ 22 128 Duncan, Robert F. 150 Nauau St., N. Y. 5 / 29/ 30 Flax Hill Rd., 150 Dunham, Wm. G. S o. No rwa lk, Conn. 5/ 27 / 35 80 Broad St., N. Y. 31 Dunn, Gano 1/ 22/ 3 1 40 W all St., N. Y. Dura nt, Donald 9/ 20/ 26 Duryee, Andrew Ba rr 39 Libe rty A ve., New Rochelle , N. Y. 2/ 9/ 23 158
Dyer, L eonard H.
Dyer, William J . H.
E a rle, Ralph
c/ o Central H a n over Bk. & Tr. Co., 70 B'way, N. Y. Hope Club, Providence, R. I. Finance Bldg., Phila ., Pa.
7/ 21 / 22 1/ 22 / 31 7/ 19/34
24 Univer sity Club, 6 / 30 / 26 I W. 54th St., N. Y. 9 I Beacon St., Boston, Mase. 1/ 25 / 29 Emmons, Gardner 76 Lyndhurst A v e., Evans, George E. 1/ 18 / 27 Toronto, Ca n. 32 Fales, DeCou rsey 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y . 7/ 19 / 34 100 Fales, Haliburton, Jr. 71 Broadwa y, N. Y. 2/2 7 / 30 40.93 Farnsworth, George B. 5470 Co lli ns A ve., Miami Bea ch, Fla . & Chris tmas Cove, Me. 5 / 20 / 23 Fenger, Frederic A. Rum Gagge r Fa rm, Charte r Cohasset, Mas s. 26 Ferris, Raymond W. 464 N. Portage P a th, 4 / 10/ 28 Akron, Ohio Floyd-Jones, T. L., Jr. c/ o E. R. Squibb & Sons, 745 - 5th Ave., N. Y. 9 / 24 / 31 5 Forbes, Dr. Alexander Milton, Mass. 4/ 3 / 24 Forbes, David C. 328 A da ms St., Milto n, Ma ss. 1/3 1/ 3 6 Ford, Ellsworth 471 Pa rk Ave. , N. Y. 1/ 24 / 23 22 Ford, Hobart c/ o Green, Ellis & Anderson I 00 Broadway, N. Y. 8/ 2/22 75 Union St. , Ford, William A. New Rochelle, N. Y. 2 / 29 / 32 99 Foster, Charles H. W . 791 Trem ont St., Bos ton, Mass. C h a rte r Foster, Edward P., Jr. 280 Whall ey A ve., New Haven, Con n. 4 / 19/ 34 122 Foster, Elon Rivers ide, Conn. 10/ 25 / 34 Friedrichs, F. E. 380 Rive rside Drive, N. Y. 3 / I 5 / 26 Frith, E. Vincent Box 304, Hamilton, Bermuda 10/25 / 34 Furst, Lowry B. 410 W. 24th St., N. Y. 5/ 4/33 186 Gade, Frederick Premium Point Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. 3/ 5/23 Gallowhur, George Braeloch, Mount Kisco, N. Y. 3/17/27 Gandy, Geo. S. Jr. 2 7 65 Oakdale St., St. Petersburg, Fla. 9/26/27 Gardiner, Frederic M. 521 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 4 / 21 / 27 18 Gardiner, Wm. Tudor 60 State St., Boston, Mass. 10/ 8/35 Gardner, Harrison 148 State St., Boston, Mass. 10/ 8/ 35 175 Garland, Robert L. 2 Ascot Ridge, Great Neck, L. I. 2/27 /30 159 Garlick, E. Earle 1843 Elm St. Stratford, Conn. 2/ 3/28 20
Ely, Edward C.
Gil p in, Vincent Apple Hill, W est Chester, Pa. 10/ 8/ 35 Godl ey, Geo. McM. 420 Lexing ton Ave. , N. Y. 12/ 17 / 31 54 Gooderham, Norman R. 77-85 Avenue Road, T oronto, Can. 6 / 30/ 26 15 Lewis St., Hartford, Conn. 3 / 25 / 29 17 Goodwin, Chae. A. 120 Scarborou gh S t. 156 Goodwin, Francis, II 2 / 25 / 32 Har tfo rd, Conn. IO 7 2 Carroll St., 225 Gordon, Henry H . Brooklyn, N. Y. 2 / 9 / 23 1 Federal St., Boston, Mass. 11 / 15 /2 8 43 Gould, Alber t T. c/ o Abbott, Proctor & Paine 11 2 Granbery, George P. 120 Broadway, N. Y. 6/ 15 / 22 Gray, Alan 9 Murray St., 2/ 19/ 35 New York, N. Y. 2 / 25 / 32 25 W. 90th St., N. Y. Greeff, Edward R. 9/ 21 / 33 Green, C. Douglass 44 Wall St., N. Y. Charter Greening, Harry 8. Hamilton , Can. 3 79 County Street, Grinnell, Lawrence 5/ 24 / 25 New Bedfo rd, Mass. 73 Newb ury St. Griswold, Ro ger Charter Boston, Mass. 7/ 19/3 4 16 15 Spruce St., Phila., Pa. 1 Groome, John C., Jr. 63 Grosvenor, Gilbert H. Nat'! Geographic Society, Charter Washington, D. C. 120 Village Ave., Guild, Joseph Life 4 / 14/25 Dedham, Maes. 10/ 17/2 5 3 Beekman Place, N. Y. Hall, J . Goodwin 1600 Walnut St., Phila., Pa. 1/ 8/24 Hammer, Thomas P . 19~ Hanna, John G. Box 3 25, Dunedin, Fla. 5 / 11/22 115 W. Monroe St., 16 Harris, Stanley G. Chicago, Ill. 2/ 2/ 33 139-224 Haskell, William. H. Scarsdale, N. Y., Box 446 3/21/23 126 Haskell, William T. Richards R oad Port Washington, N. Y. 4 / 1/ 24 42 Hatch, Pa rker C. 3 2 1 Summer St., . Boston, Mass. 10/ 25 / 34 c/o Simpson, Spence & Young Hayward, Wm. F. 8-10 Bridge St., N. Y. 5/24/25
26 Hinchman, C. Russell Bryn Mawr Nat") B"k Bldg., Bry n Mawr, Pa.
4/ 19 / 34
Hinman, B. A.
IO Roosevelt Ave., Larchmont, N. Y.
Horrocks, Thomae S.
8016 Roanoke St .• Chestnut Hill, Phil a ., Pa.
Hotchkiss, Stuart T.
East River, Conn.
4/ 7/ 3 2 2/ 19 / 35
Howard, Henry
Paradise Road, Newport, R. I.
Charter Life
3 / 21 / 23
Howe, Dr. Alex. C.
41 Eastern Parkway 2 / 2 / 33 Brooklyn, N. Y. c/o Concordia Co., Inc., 134 Howland, Waldo 50 State St., Boston, Mass. 5 / 4 / 33 3 7 W. 44th St., N. Y. Life 2/ 9 / 23 Hoyt, C. Sherman 5 / 4 / 33 Buzzards Bay, Mass. 55 Hubbard, Charles J. 11 / 28/ 33 60 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 174 Hubbard, George F. 11 /28/30 Huddy, Xenophon P. Milford, Pike Co., Pa. 9/ 24/ 24 83 Huntington, L. D., Jr. Coconut Grove, Fla. 6/ 5/22 226 Jackson, Henry A. 309 E. 22nd St., N. Y. Cha rte r Jarvis, Aemilius Toronto, Canada Jenneee, Peter, Jr. Jimenie, Edwin A.
1 Goodwin Pl., Boston, Ma ss. 4 / 7 / 3 2 82 Beaver St., N. Y.
2/ 1/25
4/19/ 34 Johnson, C. Lowndes The Harbor, Easton, Md. Life 155 Johnson, John Seward New Brunswick, N. J. 94 Johnson, Peer P. 163 Cabot St., Beverly, Mass. 6/ 9/32 5/ /23 Johnson, Robert Wood New Brunswick, N. J.
16 1-217-218
IO 1 Park Ave., N. Y.
Jones, C. H . L.
Liverpool, Nova Scotia
5/27/ 35
25 Broad St., N. Y. 80 Wall St., N. Y. 116 John St., N. Y. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 11 Broadway, N. Y.
5/24/24 Charter
Judson, William H. 45 Kattenhorn, Martin S. 23
11 / 19/ 31
Jones, Baeeett
Kelly, Thomas A. Ki1lam, George Kilmer, Hugh
9/21 / 33 7/19/ 34 1/22/31
Kingsbury, Dr. Isaac W. 125 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. 7/ 29/ 31 170 Knight, Henry Lambert Vin eyard H aven, Ma rtha "s Vineyard, Mass. 2/ 19/ 35 Knight, Thomas S. 14 0 Federal St., 10/ 17/ 25 Boston, Mass. Lamont, Austin 525 No. Wolfe St., 2 / 25 / 32 Baltimore, Md. 197 Lang, Charles I Grace Ct., Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 6/ 14 /2 7 117 Lan g, Edmund 30 Church St., N. Y. 9 La rkin, Daniel F. \Vashington Trust Bldg., 2/25/32 \Vesterly, R. I. Causein Manor, Bel Alton, Larner, G. d e Freest 1/ 18/ 27 Charles Co., Md. 11 / 28/ 30 2 Wall St., N. Y. 78 Lockwood, Luke B. 5/25/28 Lombard, Laurence M. I Federal St., Boston, Mau. 3 / 22 / 22 122 East 76th St., N. Y. 146 Loomis, Alfred F. 11 / 28/ 33 Sterling Junction, Mass. 106 Lord, Edward C. 211 Lord, John B. 9/ 26 /2 7 63 Wall St., N. Y.
Loveland, Samuel C. Hammonton, N. J. Loveland, Samuel C., Jr. Hammon•ton, N. J. 121 Lundgren, Wm. E. 81 John St., N. Y. 2020 Packard Bldg., 39 Madeira, Edward W . Philadelphia, Pa. Mill River Road, 109 Makaroff, Vadim S. Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. 1 1 Broadway, N. Y. 89-145 Mallory, Clifford D. 4 3 IO N. Meridian St., Mallory, Philip R. Indianapolis, Indiana 460 W . 34th St., N. Y. 116 Manley, Louie E. 2 10 Van Brunt St., 119 Manny, Walter Roy Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., 129 Marsh, Carleton L. 165 Broadway, N. Y. 108
Mather, Frank J., Jr. 3 Matheson, Hugh M.
10/ 19/ 25 2/19/ 35 7/2 9/ 31
4/14/25 10/2 5/ 34 Charter 4/ 20/ 33 5/24/25 9/ 21/33
11 / 19/ 31
W ashin gton C rossing, Pn,
9/2 \/ 2~
418 S. W. Second Ave., Miami, Fla.
4 / 10/2 8
26 Hinchman, C. Russell Bryn Mawr Nat·I s·k Bldg., Bry n Mawr, Pa.
4 / 19 / 3 4
Hinman, B. A.
10 Roosevelt Ave., Larchmont, N. Y.
3 / 2 1 / 23
Horrocks, Thomas S.
8016 Roanoke St., Chestnut Hill, Phila., Pa.
4/ 7 / 32
Hotchkiss, Stuart T.
East River, Conn.
2 / 19 / 35
Howard, Henry
Paradise Road, Newport, R. I.
Charter Life
Howe, Dr. Alex, C.
41 Eastern Parkway 2/ 2 / 33 Brooklyn, N. Y. c/o Concordia Co., Inc., 134 Howland, Waldo 50 State St., Boston, Mass. 5/ 4 / 3 3 3 7 W . 44th St., N. Y. Life 2/ 9/23 Hoyt, C. Sherman 5/ 4 / 33 Buzzards Bay, Mass. SS Hubbard, Charles J. 11 /28/ 3 3 60 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 174 Hubbard, George F. 11 /28 / 30 Huddy, Xenophon P. Milford, Pike Co., Pa. 9/ 24/ 24 83 Huntington, L. D., Jr. Coconut Grove, Fla. 6/ 5/ 22 226 Jackson, Henry A. 309 E. 22nd St., N. Y. C h arter Jarvis, Aemilius Toronto, Canada I Goodwin Pl., Boston , Mass. 4 / 7/ 32 Jenneaa, Peter, Jr. Jimenis, Edwin A.
82 Beaver St., N. Y.
2/ 1/ 25
4/19/ 34 Johnson, C. Lowndes The Harbor, Easton, Md. Life 155 Johnson, John Seward New Brunswick, N. J. 94 Johnson, Peer P. 163 Cabot St., Beverly, Mau. 6/ 9/32
Johnson, Robert Wood New Brunswick, N. J. 161-217-218 2
Jones, Baaaett Jones, C. H. L.
Judson, William H. Kattenhorn, Martin S. Kelly, Thomas A. 23 Killam, George Kilmer, Hugh 45
101 Park Ave., N. Y.
/ 23
11 / 19/3 1
Liverpool, Nova Sco tia
5/27/ 35
25 Broad St., N. Y. 80 Wall St., N. Y. 116 John St., N. Y. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 11 Broadway, N. Y.
5 /24 /2 4 Charter 9/21 / 33 7/ 19/ 34 1/22/31
Kingsbury, Dr. Isaac W . 125 Trumbull St., Ha rtford, Conn. 7 / 29 / 3 I 170 Knight, H enry Lambert V ineya rd H aven, Mart ha' s V ineyard, Mass. 2/ 19/ 35 Knight, Thomas S. I 4 0 Fed eral St., Boston, Mass. 10/ 17/ 25 Lamont, Austin 525 No. W olfe S t., Baltimore, Md. 2/ 25 / 32 197 Lang, Cha rles I Grace C t., Brooklyn, N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 11 7 Lang, Edmund 30 C hurch S t., N. Y. 6 / 14 / 27 9 Larkin, Daniel F. \Vashin gton Trust Bldg., W esterly, R. I. 2 / 25 / 32 Larner, G. de Freest Ca usein Ma nor, Bel Alton, Charles Co., Md. 1/ 18/ 27 78 Lockwood, Luke B. 2 Wall St .. N . Y. 11 / 2 8/ 3 0 Lombard, Laurence M. I Fede ra l St., Boston, Mae■ . 5/25/28 146 Loomis, Alfred F. 122 East 76th St., N. Y. 3 / 22 / 22 106 Lord, Edward C. Sterling Junction, Mass. 11 / 28/ 33 2 11 Lord, John B. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 9 / 26/ 27 108 Loveland, Samuel C. Hammonton, N. J . 10/ 19/2S Loveland, Samuel C., Jr. Hammont on, N. J, 2/ 19/ 35 121 Lundgren, Wm. E. 81 John St., N. Y. 7/ 29/ 31 39 Madeira, Edward W. 2020 Packard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 4 / 14/25 Mill River Road, 109 Makaroff, V adim S. Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. 10/ 25 / 34 Charter I I Broadway, N. Y. 89-145 Mallory, Clifford D. 43 IO N. Meridia n St., I Mallory, Philip R. 4/ 20/3 3 Indianapolis, Indiana 460 W. 34th St., N. Y. 5/ 24 / 25 116 Manley, Louia E. 2 IO Van Brunt St., 119 Manny, Walter Roy 9/ 21 / 33 Brooklyn, N. Y. Chemical Bk. & Tr. Co., 129 Marsh, Carleton L. 11/19/31 165 Broadway, N. Y. 9/21 / 28 Mather, Frank J., Jr. Washington Crossing, Pa. 418 S. W. Second Ave., 3 Matheson, Hugh M. Miami, Fla. 4/10/28 220
28 191 179
Maxim, Hiram H. McCullough, W. G. Meneely, Cheater B. Meneely, Henry T.
2/ 25 / 32 5 / 27 / 3 5
Farmington , Conn. 200 Madison Ave. , N. Y. Mendham Road, Morristown, N. J . 220 Broadway, N. Y.
9/2 1/ 28 10/ 19/ 25
Merrill, John Lee
13 6 State St., Augusta, Me.
1/ 23 /29
Merriman, H. Morton
22 E. 40th St., N. Y.
1/ 12 / 23
Merwin, Horace B.
Metcalf, Rowe B. Milliken, Dr. Seth M. Mixter, George W. Moffat, Alexander W.
Bridgeport-City Trust Co. Bridgeport, Conn. 45 E. 17th St., N. Y. 95 I Madison Ave., N. Y. I W. 54th St., N. Y. 207 Fisher Ave., Brookline, Maas. 1450 Broadway, N. Y.
80 47
Moore, Hartwell S. 153
Moore, Robert Hartwell 1450 Broadway, N. Y. Morison, Samuel E. 44 Brimmer St., Boston, Mass. M ctras,
Everett, Jr.
19 Morss, Henry A., Jr. 92
Morton, Dr. H. H. Moulton, Francia S. Mower, Charle• D. Moxham, E gbert,
79 Sidney St., Cambridge, Maas .
1/ 22
6/ 9/32 1/ 12/23 12 /2 1/2 8 1/ 14 / 28
24 Charlesgate East, 9/21 / 33 Boston, Mass. 32 Scherme rhorn St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1/ 18/ 27 I 5 5 Adama St., Milton, Maas. 5/25/28
424 Madison Ave., N . Y. East Shore Road, Great Neck, L . 1. Box P, Coconut Grove, Fla. Munroe, Wirth 69 Murphy, John Killam Killam'a Point, Branford, Conn. 11 5 Neilson, Alexander S. 84 Spooner Road, Brookline, Maas, Da rien, Conn. 25 Nevin, E. Paul
1/22/3 1 10/ 17 / 25 5/ 4 / 33 2 /2 7 / 30
5/ 11 / 22 4/14 / 25 I 0/2 0/ 26 9/24/24 4 / 20 / 23 5/24/25
29 Nichols, George Nichols, Lloyd
40 Worth St., N. Y. 2 / 23 / 28 Furna m's Yacht Age ncy, New Bed ford, Mass. 9/ 21 / 28 203-209 Ni cholson, Paul C. Nicholson File Co., Life 10 / / 23 Providence, R. I. \Vest Shore Drive, 87 Nickerson, Hoffman 11/ 7/ 30 Oyster Bay, L. I. 14 Ovcrhill Rd., Nield, Charles F. C harter Scarsdale, N. Y. 2/ 23 / 28 Oran ge, Conn. 6-1 No rth, Herbert B. 2/ 19/ 35 152 W . 76 th St., N. Y. 165 Nor throp, J ames T. 27 W . 44 th St., N. Y. 57 Noyes, Rob ert B. 10/ 8/ 3 5 & Pomfr et, Conn. 2/ 25 /3 2 56 Outerbridge, Joseph \V. 33 Rector St., N. Y. 185 Devonshire St., 141 Paine, Frank C. 4/ 7/ 32 Boston , Mass. 53 Sta te St. , Boston, Mass. 11 / 13/ 23 171 Parkinson, John c/ o Blake Bros. & Co. Park inson, John, Jr. 4/ 10/ 28 40 Wall St., N. Y. 82 Devonshire St., Room 805 2 1 Pa rkma n, Henry, Jr. 6/ 14/ 27 Boston, Mass. Shippan Point, Payne, Edward D. 6/ 16/ 22 Stamford, Conn. Percival, Lawrence F. 3 7 3 \Vashi ngton St., 9/ 26/ 2 4 Boston, Mass. 2 15 Pe rkins, Freder ic W. 166 1 C rescent Pl., N. W ., Washington, D. C. 1/ 12/ 23 Bradlee Road, Milton, Mass. 5/ 4/ 3 3 Perkins, John F., Jr. R. D. I, Hackensack, N. J. Charter Life 219 Phelps, John J. 1 1 W,hitelawn Ave., Pierce, S. S. Cha rter Milton, Mass. 1/ 25 / 29 107 East 60th St., N. Y. 144 Pool, J. Lawrence 16 Sycamore Rd., 48 Pope, Albert L. West Hartford, Conn. 7 / 29 / 3 1 1 16 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 4 / 19/ 34 172 Porter, C. Burnham 5 5 Melrose Place, Power, Charles Montclair, N. J. 3/17/27 1804 Tulip St., Powers, Frederic D. Baton Rouge, La, 5/ 25 / 28 13 1 Pratt, Albert 13 7 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass, 2/ 19/35
Prince, Gordon C.
54 Devonshire St., Boston. Maes. 3 /2 2/ Zl Radulic, George 4641 S. A shla nd Ave Ch icago, Ill. 6/23 / 23 111 Rankin, Ralph S. 195 Broadway, N. Y. 5/ 4 / 3 3 140 Rataey, Ernest A. City Island, N. Y. 2/25/32 Ratsey, George Colin Cowes, I. W. England 1/ 31 / 36 189 Rataey, George E. City Island, N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 Raymond, Cordon Greenwich, Conn. 11/13 / 23 Raymond, Irving E. Charter Life Eagle Springs, N. C. Rawle, Marshall 1055 Madison Ave., N. Y. 4/2 5/ 30 229 Reid, Frederick L. 110 East 42nd St., N. Y. 4 / 7/ 3 2 190 Reid, Wm. T., 3rd Derby Academy, Hingham, Mass. 9/26/ 24 160 Remington, Franklin Room 2611, Empire State Bldg., N. Y . 1/ 3 1/ 36 21 Reynolds, Edward, Jr. 61 Broadway, N. Y. 2/25 / 32 157 Reynalda, Harriaon G. 199 Washington St. Boston , Mass. 2/25/32 228 Rice, Dr. George E. 2 E. 54th St., N. Y. 5 / 24 / 24 Rigg, Henry K. 40 Wall St., N. Y. 4/ 7/32 Rigg, Linton 40 Wall St., N. Y. 3/ 22/ 22 86 Rigga, Dr. Austin Fox Stockbridge, Maas. Life 1/ 12/23 51 Robina, Thomae, Jr. 175 Bryant St., Buffalo, N.Y. 4 / 24 / 31 76 Robinaon, John, Jr. 18 Summer St., Salem, Mass. 7/ 6/22 58 Rockwell, Chas. B., Jr. 2 High St., Bristol, R. I. 2/25/32 30 Rooaevelt, Geo. Emlen 30 Pin-e St., N: Y. Life 11 / 28/ 30 135 Roosevelt, John K. 67 Broad St., N. Y. 11 /28/33 18 1 Roosevelt, Philip J. 30 Pine St., N. Y. 9/29 / 32 216 Roas, Thorvald S. P. 0. Box H, Brighton Diet., Beaton, Maaa. 3/21 / 23 149 Root, Elihu, Jr. 3 1 Nassau St., N. Y. 4/19/3 4 Rowe, F. Walter, Jr. 75 Elizabeth Road, New Rochelle, N. Y. 4/ 19/34 Rugg, Daniel M. Maspeth & Varick Aves., Brooklyn , N. Y. 1/3 1/ 36 71
31 Rushmore, W. A. 154
Ruasell, Frank H.
Rutherford, John M. Saito, A . Benedict
14 Saltonstall, Leverett 95
Sargent, Ledyard W. Schoenwerk, Otto C.
Seeley, N. S.
Service, Elliot K.
Sewall, John Ives
202 195
Seymnur, A. D., Jr. Sharp, 8. Karl
Simonds, Daniel II. Simpson, Dwight S. Sistare, George H. Smith, Earle
15 Smith, Frank Vining 113
Smith, Geoffrey S. Smith, Harold S. Smith, Herbert M.
Smith, Melville R.
Smith, Rufus G. Sommers, Walter J .
187 Pa rk Ave., Huntington, N. Y. c/ o Frank F. Russell, 5 2 Broadway, N. Y. 3 25 Sea Spray Ave., Palm Beach, Fla. 8 Second Ave., Pt. Washington, N. Y.
6/ 30/26 1/ 19/ 24
3/22/22 5/ 27 / 35
7/ 6/22
Chestnut Hill, Mass. W ayland, Maas. Cascad.ian Hotel, Everett, Wash. 7 I Broadway, N. Y.
10/ 20/ 27 3 / 25 / 29
41 Maple Ave., Glen Cove, N. Y.
614 Lee St., Columbia, Mo. Sunset Drive, Ithaca, N. Y. 4 9 W. Castle Pl., New Rochelle, N. Y.
5/ 27/ 31
4/ 19/34 Charter 3/22/22
69 Broad St., Boston, Mass. 12/ 23 / 29 148 State St., Boston, Mass. I 0 / 17 /25 474 Park St., 10/ 17/ 25 New Bedford, Maee. 926 Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 4/2 5/3 0 So. Hingham, Mass. 5/2 4/24 1320 Packard Bldg., 9/21/33 Philadelphia, Pa. I 15 Broadway, Room 1200, New York, N. Y. 10/ 25 /3 4 5 Ruby Ave., Marblehead, Mass. 3 / 15/26 135 W. 36th St., N. Y. 1/ 12/2 3 Pullis Ave., Bayside, L. I. 4/25/30 340 E. 72nd St,. N. Y. I 1/28/33
32 Spencer, Duncan M.
c/o Fiduciary Trust Co., 4 / 21 / 27 I Wall St., N. Y. 123 Stanford, Alfred 630 Fifth A ve., N . Y. 5/ 2 7/ 3 5 Stanford, C. M. 37 Lime St., 5 / 27 / 31 London E. C. 3, Eng. 35 Starr, Donald C. 323 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 2 / 19/ 35 Stephens, Kenneth 2/ 9 / 23 44 Beaver St., N. Y. 6 2 Stephens, Olin J., II. 5 8 Brook by Rd., 3/ 25 / 29 Sca rsda le, N. Y. Stephens, Roderick 3 / 15 / 26 220 E. 138th St.• N. Y. 62 Stephens, Roderick, Jr. I I Brayton Rd., 4/ 7 / 32 Scarsdale, N. Y. 104 Stephens, W. P. 3 7 I 6 223 rd St., Bayside, L. I. Charte r 2 / 19/ 35 Sterling, Duncan, Jr. 30 Broad St., N. Y. 2 00 Stetson, Harlan T. I 98 Collins Rd., 5/ 2 0/ 2 7 \Vaban, Mass. Stewart, Gienn 11/ 7 / 30 Easton, Md. 147 Stewart, Wm. A. W. 4/21 / 27 45 Wall St., N. Y. Stone, Francis H., Jr. 9 Benevole nt St ., 3/ 4 / 24 Providenc e, R. I. Stone, Herbert L. Cha r ter 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. l 07 Strong, Dr. Arthur C. McKesson-Churchill Drug Co., 9 / 29 / 32 Burlington, Iowa 82 Sullivan, Franklin C. Harlem Yacht Club, 4/21 / 27 City Island, N. Y. Sullivan, Walter S. Charter 4143 Park Ave., N. Y. 4 Talbot, Dr. Fritz B. 270 Commonwealth Ave., 10/ 25 / 34 Boston, Mass. 196 Taylor, William H. 5/29/ 30 230 W. 41st St., N. Y. Telander, N. L. 3 12 East Wisconsin Ave., 2/27 / 30 Milwaukee, Wis. 74 Teller, Robert D. 9/24 / 31 Waldo Ave., Bayside, L. I. Thomas, Dr. Wm. A. 122 So. Michigan Ave., 4/25/30 Chicago, Ill. Thompson, James D. c/ o Pouch & Co., ,/24/31 I Wall St., N. Y. Thurber, Frederick B. Tilden-Thurber Corp. Charter Providence, R. I. 88 Tilden, Walter C., M.D. 4 I Hartsdale Ave., 10/ 8/ 35 Hartsda le, N. Y.
33 183
Tillin ghast, Ja m es A.
I 0 3 0 H ospita l T ru s t Bld g. Providence, R. I. ' 7/ 5 / 2 9 37 Tor rey, Morris W. I Ma d ison A ve., N. Y. 3 / 2 1/ 2 3 79 Tousey, Dr. Coleman I 00 Boylston St., Bos ton, Mass. C harte r 9 0 T own se nd , Ceo. H. 5 1 East 42nd S t .. N. Y. 1/ 3 1/ 36 127 Trimingham, Eldon H. Hamilton , Bermuda I / 9 / 24 135 W illia m S t. , N. Y. 12 / / 23 Tucker, Edwin H. 65 Va n Bibber, Arthur E. 6 P la teau Circle, 2 / 19/ 35 Bronxville, N. Y. 8 Veasey, A rth ur H . 5 Windsor St., 1/ 3 1/ 36 H ave rhill, Mass. 52 · 18 5 V ctlescn, Geor ge U. 5/ 2 7/ 3 5 3 East 84 th St., N. Y . 2 8 Walen, Ernest D. 68 Salem St. , 10/ 8/ 35 Andove r, Mass. 16 2 Wallace, George N. 4 2 W. Castle Pl. , 12/ 18/ 24 New Roch elle, N. Y. 19 3 Wambaugh, Mile• 1 Federal St., 1/22/ 31 Boston, Maas. 2/ 19/ 3 5 18 0 Watkins, W illia m Bell Berryville, Clarke Co., Y.a. 73 Webster, Leslie T ., M.D. 66th St. & Yo rk A ve., N. Y. 5/ 27 / 35 4/ 3 / 24 Weeks, A llen T . Captiva Island, Fla. 110 Welch, Chas. A., 2nd 73 Tremont St., Life 5 / 24 / 25 Boston, Mase. 59 Weston, Cha rle• A tlantic Na t' I Ba nk 7/ 6/ 22 Boston, Mass. 246 Market St., 59 Weston, Melville 7 / 6/ 22 Lowell, Mass. I 7 A ddison St. Wetherill, Samuel Charter Larchmont, N. Y. 9/ 21 / 33 4 0 Wall St., N. Y. 178 W hite, Alex. M., Jr. I I 2 S ta te St., Boston, Maas. 6/ 14 / 27 24 White, W ilfrid 0. Su tton Mano r, 136 Whiting, Butler 1/ 9/ 24 New Rochelle, N. Y. 5 / 2 0 / 27 13 7 E. 66 th St., N. Y. Whitney, A lfred R. I/ 2/ 3 1 I Federal St., Boston, Mass. Williama, Ralph B. 7/ 5/29 40 W a ll St., N. Y. 6 1 Williama, Roger H. 1/ 3 1/ 3 6 Dove r, Mass. Williams, Thomas B. C harter 50 I Fifth A ve., N. Y. 222 Wise Wood, Henry A. 3 I Nassau St., Roo m 17 14, 143-151 Wolfe, Dudley F. New Yo rk Wolfe, Nelson B. 5 11 Fifth /\vll,, N. Y, 27 Young, Roger
I I R11y01ond Blvd., Newnrlc, N, J.
4 / 14/ 2 5
32 c/o Fiduciary Trust Co., I Wall St., N. Y. 4 / 21 / 27 5 / 27 / 35 123 Stanford, Alfred 630 Fifth Av e., N . Y. Stanford, C. M. 37 Lime St., London E. C. 3, Eng. 5 / 27 / 31 35 Starr, Donald C. 323 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. 2 / 19/ 3 5 Stephens, Kenneth 2/ 9 / 23 44 Beaver St., N. Y . 62 Stephens, Olin J., 11. 58 Brookby Rd., 3/ 25 / 29 Sca rsda le, N. Y. 3 / 15 / 26 Stephens, Roderick 220 E. 138th St., N. Y. 62 Stephens, Roderick, Jr. I I Brayton Rd., 4 / 7 / 32 Scarsdale, N. Y. 104 Stephens, W. P. 3 716 2 23rd St., Bayside , L. I. Charte r 2 / 19/ 35 Sterling, Duncan, Jr. 30 Broad St., N. Y. 200 Stetson, Harlan T. 198 Coll in s Rd., 5/ 2 0 / 2 7 \Vab an , Mass. Stewart, Gienn II/ 7 / 30 Easton, Md. 147 Stewart, Wm. A. W. 4/21 / 27 45 Wall St., N. Y. Stone, Francis H., Jr. 9 13e nevol ent S t., 3/ 4 / 2 4 P rovide nce , R. I. Stone, Herbert L. Charte r 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 107 Strong, Dr. Arthur C. McKesson -Churchill Drug Co .. 9 / 29 / 32 Burlington, Iowa 82 Sullivan, Franklin C. Ha rlem Yacht Club, 4/21 / 27 City Island, N. Y. Sullivan. Walter S. Charter 4143 Park Ave., N. Y. 4 Talbot, Dr. Fritz B. 270 Commonwealth Ave., 10/ 25 / 34 Boston, Mass. 196 Taylor, William H. 230 W. 41st St., N. Y. 5 / 29 / 30 Telander, N. L. 3 12 East Wisconsin Ave., 2/27/30 Milwaukee, Wis. 74 Teller, Robert D. Waldo Ave., Bayside , L. I. 9/24/31 Thomas, Dr. Wm. A. 122 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Ill. 4/25/30 Thompson, James D. c/o Pouch & Co., ~/24/31 I Wall St., N. Y. Thurber, Frederick B. Tilden-Thurber Corp. Providence, R. I. Charter 88 Tilden, Walter C., M.D. 4 I Hartsdale Ave., Hartsdale, N. Y. 10/ 8 / 35 Spencer, Duncan M.
Tillinghast, J ames A.
1030 Hospital Trust Bldg., Providence, R. I. 7/ 5/29 37 Torrey, Morris W. I Madison Ave., N. Y. 3 / 21 / 23 79 Tousey, Dr. Coleman I 00 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Charter 90 T own send, Geo. H. 51 East 42nd St., N. Y. 1/ 3 1/ 36 127 T rimingham, Eldon H. Hamilton, Bermuda I / 9 / 24 Tucker, Edwin H. 135 William St., N. Y. 12/ /23 65 Van Bibber, Arthur E . 6 Plateau Circle, Bronxville, N. Y. 2/ 19/ 35 8 Veasey, A rrhu r H. 5 Windsor St., Haverhill, Mass. 1/ 3 1/ 3 6 52-1 85 V etl esen, George U. 3 East 84 th St., N. Y. 5/ 27/ 35 28 Walen, Ernest D. 68 Salem St., Andover, Mass. 10/ 8/35 162 Wallace, Georg e N. 4 2 W. Castle Pl., New Rochelle, N. Y. 12/ 18/24 193 Wambaugh, Miles I Federal St., 1/22/31 Boston, Maas. 180 Watkins, William Bell Berryville, Clarke Co., V-a. 2/19/ 35 73 Webster, Leslie T ., M.D.66th St. & York Ave. , N. Y. 5/2 7/ 35 Weeks, Allen T. Captiva Island, Fla. 4/ 3/ 24 110 Welch, Chas. A ., 2nd 73 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Life 5/ 24 / 25 59 Weston, Charlea Atlantic Nat'! Bank Boston, Mass. 7/ 6/ 22 59 West on, Melville 246 Market St., Lowell, Mass. 7/ 6/22 Wetherill, Samuel I 7 Addison St. Charter Larchmont, N. Y. 9/ 21/33 40 Wall St., N. Y. 178 White, Alex. M., Jr. I I 2 State St., Boston, Maas. 6/14/27 24 White, Wilfrid 0. 136 _Whiting, Butler Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, N. Y. I/ 9/24 Whitney, Alfred R. 137 E. 66th St., N. Y. 5/20 / 27 I Federal St., Boston, Mass. I / 2/3 I Williama, Ralph B. 61 Williama, Roger H. 40 Wall St., N. Y. 7/ 5/29 Williams, Thomas B. Dove·r, Mass. 1/ 3 1/ 36 222 Wise Wood, Henry A. 50 I Fifth Ave., N. Y. Charter 143-151 Wolfe, Dudley F. 3 I Nassau St., Room 1714, New York 12/ 17 / 31 Wolfe, Nelson B. 511 Fifth Ave., N. Y. I/ 9/ 24 27 Young, Roger I I Raymond Blvd., Newark, N. J. 4 / 14/25 183
FLEET Length
Homs Port
Agnes (Aux.) Philadelphia, Pa. J ohn C. Groome, Jr. 2 Awenishe (Aux.) Liverpool, Nova Scotia C. H. L. Jones 3 Azara (A ux.) Hu gh M. Matheson Miami, Fla. 4 Beatrice B. (Aux.) Boston, Maas. Fritz B. Talbot s BlackDuck Nauehon, Mass. Alex. F orbee Geo. A. Cutter 6 Black Squall (Aux.) Chatham, Mass. 7 Blue Dolphin (Aux.) Shelburne, N. S. Amory Coolidge s Blue Jacket (Aux.) Marblehead, Mass. Arthur H. Veasey 9 Blue Sea (Aux,) Watch Hill, R. I. D. F. Larkin 10 Brilliant {Aux.) Larchmont, N. Y. Walter Barnum 11 Chantey {Aux.) Glen Cove, L. I. Elliot K. Service 1
Curlew (Aux.)
Pt. Washington, N. Y. Bay Head, N. J.
Emma C. Berry
Fish Hawk II (Aux.) North Haven, Me.
Flying Fish (Aux.)
Four Winds (Aux.) San Francisco, Cal.
Boston, Mass.
Chas. Lee Andrews F. Slade Dale
L. Saltonstall
53.6 55. 75 . 60. 85 . 112.8 46.5 52. 65. ◄ 6. 33.3 43. 99. 10 77. 49. 38.8 33.3 43. 61.6½ 49. 38. 30.3 48.2 65.3 4 7. 39.7
13 .6 17 .6 21.4 14.4
5. 10. 5. II 5.9 6. 4.2 12. 6.10 4.2 8.10 6. 7. 6.
O. A.
Frank Vining Smith
56.4 43.5
Stanley G. Harrie
IS. 12.6 22.6 13 .3 12.6 14.8 11 .3 14.8 14.7
14.9 12.4
Home Port
L ength 0. A.
TV. L .
Cha s. A. Goodwin 46. 1 33 .6 11.3 Wm. T udor Gardine r 4 1.6 3 4. I 1.4 H en ry A. Mo rss, Jr. 5 9.4 43. 1 13.9 Edward C. Ely 43. 32.6 11 .6 H enry Parkma n, Jr. & Robert A mory & Edw. Reynolds, Jr. 43 .3 3 2.6 11 .8 22 Jane Dor; (Aux.) Rye, N. Y. H obart Ford 8 I. 6 I. 20.5 23 Ka-bob (Aux.) Ya rmouth, Nova Scotia George Killam 45. 34. 11 .9 24 Lady Kelvin (Aux.) Boston, Mau . Wilfrid 0 . White 4 I. 3 5. 12. 25 Lord Jim (Aux.) Bluehill, Me. E. Paul Nevin 62.8 46. 15. 26 Malay (Aux.) Marblehead, Mass. R. W. Ferris 45.3 34.5 1 1.9 27 Mafiana (Aux.) Newark, N. J. Roger Young 92.2 68. 20. 28 Marietta (Aux.) Gloucester, Mass. Ernes t D. Wa len 42. 34. II . 29 Maui Padanaram, Maas. Randall Clifford 43. 30.9 12. 30 Mistress Oyster Bay, L I. Geo. E. Roosevelt 60. 50. 15.7 31 Niliraga (Aux.) Cranberry Isles, Me. Gano Dunn 43. 33.3 12.6 New York, N. Y. 32 Nin•a (Aux.) De Cou rsey Fales 59. 4 9.6 15 .3 33 Norseman (Aux.) Campobello, N. B. Can. H. Morton Merriman 62.7 46.8 14. 7 34 Owl II New York, N. Y. Robert W. Byerly 45. 33. II. Boston , Ma ss. 35 Pilgrim (Aux.) Donald C. Starr 85. 70. 20.8 36 Ptarmigan (Aux.) Boston, Mau. F. E. Cabot 43.7 32.3 11.7 Port Washington, N. Y. M. W. Torrey 37 Radiant (Aux.) 48.6 37.9 12.
6.6 6.6 8.3 6.
Golden Hind Hartford, Conn. Colden Rose ( Aux.) Woolwich, Me. Grenadier (Aux.) Marblehead, Mass. 20 Hajada (Aux.) Rye, N. Y. 21 Hearts D eaire (Aux. ) Marblehead, Mau. 11
18 19
6.4 10. 6.6 5. 10 8.6 6.6 12. 6.2
5.7 9.8 4.2 9. I 0 8.3 8.9 11 .6 6.4 w 7. V,
c., 0\
Sachem (Ame.) 39 Sagamore (Aux.) 40 Sally II (Aux.) 41 Seafarer 42 Seaward (Aux.) 43 Segochet (Aux.) 44 Sunbeam 45 Surprise 46 T eal (Aux.) 47 T eragram (Aux.) 48 Tern (Aux.) 49 Tigress (Aux.) SO Tortuga (Aux.) 51 Typhoon (Aux.) 52 Verna (Aux.) 53 Virwin (Aux.) 54 Yolanda (Aux.) 55 Zavorah (Aux.) 38
Homo Port
Length W.L,
R. B. Metcalf 132. Greenwich, Conn. 43.9 Northeast Harbor, Me. E. W. Madeira Dr. Geo. B. Farnsworth 70.4 Christmas Cove, Me. S. B. Coffin 63. H udson, N. Y. Parker C. Hatch 37.3 Hingham, Mass. Albert T. Gould 41.7 Thomaston, Me. Linus C. Coggan Blue Hill, Me. M. S. Kattenhorn New Rochelle, N. Y. 44. 53.7 New York, N. Y. R. Graham Biglow Geo. W . Mixter 58.5 New York, N. Y. Hartford, Conn. A lbert L. Pope 49. New York, N. Y. Geo. 8. Drake 56.6 Schuyler Dillon 36.2 Scituate, Maaa. Cold Spring Harbor, L. I.T homas Robins, Jr. 47.6 New York, N. Y. Sewaren, N. J. Toronto, Can. Boston, Mass.
14. 6.4 8.9
25. 11.3 16.9 15.6 10.6 10.8
36. 38. 43.2 36.3 42.6 3 2.2 36.6 167. 32.3 45. 40.9
12. 11.5 14.2 14. 14.2 I I.I 12. 33. 11. 2 14.3 13 .6
7. 7.4 7. 10 5. 7.2 4.6 6. 10 16. 6.3 8. 6.6
O• .tl..
Geo. U. Vetlesen 202.6 Chas. W . Buckelew 41. 9 No rman R. Gooderham 66. 57. Charles J. Hubbard
109. 32.9 49.6 45. 28.6
8. 10
6. 6.
YAWLS Name 56 Alibi (Aux.) 57 Ayesha (Aux. ) 58 Belisarius (Aux.) 59 Bctsinda (Aux.)
Home Port Oyster Bay, N. Y. Wickford, R. I. Bristol, R. I. Marblehead, Maas.
Blue Wing (Aux.) 61 Daphne (Aux.) 62 Doradc
Philadelphia, Pa. Saugatuck, Conn. Larchmont, N. Y.
Elsie (Aux.) 64 F riendahip III (Aux.) 65 Gadget (Aux.) 66 Ginjack (Aux.)
Baddeck, N. S.
67 Idler (Aux)
Keewaydin (Aiux.) Little Gull (Aux.) 70 Mandoo II (Aux.) 71 Northern Light 72 Old Glory (Aux.) 73 Owa:hgena (Aux.) 68 69
New Haven, Conn.
Rye, N. Y. Milton Harbor, Rye, N. Y. Seal Cove, Mc. Rye, N. Y. Branford, Conn. Sachems Head, Conn. Beverly, Mass. Greenwich, Conn. Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.
Length Own er 0.A. W . L. Jos. W . Outcrbridge 19.10 19. Robert B. Noyes 46. 33.8 Chas. B. Rockwell 56.2 40. Melville and Charles Wes ton 34.6 25.5 C. B. Downs 36. '1.7.6 :;5_ Roger H. Williams 55. Olin J. Stephens II and R. Stephens, Jr. 52.2¾ 37.6 Gilbert Grosvenor 54. 40.
B eam
11.6 14.
Draft 3.6 4.2 5.7
9.9 12. 15.
5.2 3.6 3.
10.3 12.
7.8 6.4
Herbert B. North 50. Arthur E. Van Bibber 35 .
35. 27.6
13.9 9.6
6. 5.2
Joseph T. Chatman 34.3 S. E. Morison 30. F esscnden S. Blanchard 3 7. John Killam Murphy 28.5 D. Spence-r Berger 71.3 Gordon C. Prince 39. Geo. P. P. Bonnell 48. Leslie T. Webster 39.
25.4 22. 28.4 23.4 50.9 30. 40. 28.
9.8 10. 11. 9.8 15.3 12.3 15. 10.2
5.1 4.5 4.4 4.7 9.
5. 6. 6.
Length Name
Home Port
74 Playmate (Aux.) Bayside, N. Y. 7S Quill 11 So. Brooksville, Me. 76 Shag (Aux,) Salem, Maa■• 77 South'n Cross (Aux.)Chicago, lll. 78 Squaw (Aux.) River-side, Con'tl, 79 Thialfi (Aux,) Boston, Maae. 80 Thistle (Aux.) East Blue Hill, Me. 81 Whifenpuff (Aux.) Barrington, R. I. 82 Witchcraft 11 (Awe. ) New York, N. Y.
Robert D. Teller John F. Cole John Robinaon, Jr. R. P. Benedict Luke B. Lockwood Coleman T ouaey Seth M. Milliken Edward Cabot Franklin C. Sullivan
0 . .A.
43.6 38. 34. 54.10 59.6 37. 102. 26. 59.
W,L, 32. 25. 25.6 37.1 1 40. 3 1. 74. 22.6 37. 4
8. 10 9.10 9.9 12.5 14.6 I 1.1 0 21. 9.8 12. 11
6.3 6. 5. 7.5 8.3 5.10 13 . 4. 6.5
Beam 10. 13.7 22. 7. 1
Draft 3.10 4. 11.6 2.7 4. 5.6 5. 5. 6.6 9. 4.6
Home Port
Length W.L. 0 . .A.
L. D. Huntington, Jr. 31.10 Miami, Fla. 83 Alibi (Aux.) 52. Newport, R. I. H. Howard 84 Alice (Aux.) 105. Edwin M. Chance Phila., Pa. 85 Antares (Aux.) Dr. A usten Fox Riggs 27.3 New Bedford, Mass. 86 Aries (Aux.) 51. l 0 Hoffman Nickeraon 87 Billy II (Aux.) Oyster Bay, N. Y. 60.2 Mamaroneck, N. Y. Walter C. Tilden 88 Blue Fish (Aux.) 66.9 C . D. Mallory 89 Bonnie Dundee (Aux.)Greenwich, Conn. 48.6 Greenwich, Conn. Geo. H . Townsend 90 Cherrio 11 (Aux.) 60. David H. Atwater 91 Dama·ris IV (Aux.) Fall River, Mass. 44.7 Port Washington, N. Y. Henry H. Morton 92 Gitana (Aux.) Miami Beach, Fla. Dr. G. B. Farnsworth 55.6 93 Holly (Aux.)
25.6 44. 95. 25.9 42. 55.2 56.6 43. 59. 32.1 1 47 .7
13 .7 16. 12.6 14.1 11 .7 14.
Home Port
94 Joloma
Beverly, Mass.
Pee r P. Johnson
Katinka (Aux.) 96 Ki-rugarvie (Aux.)
Chicago, Ill. Toronto, Ont.
O tto C. Schoenwerk C. Herrick Duggan
Lady Lou (Aux.) Lydia V (Aux.) 99 Oceana (Aux.) 100 Orithia (Aux.) 101 Panchara JII 102 R anger (Aux.) 103 Seven Belle (Aux.)
Stamford, Conn. Providence, R. I. Marblehead, Mass.
97 98
Snikersn ee 105 Sou-wester (Aux.) 106 Spindrift (Aux.) 107 Temptreae (Aux, ) 108 Vagabond (Aux. ) 109 Vamarie 110 Walrus (Aux. } 104
N. S. Seeley Zenas W. Blies C. H . W . Foste r New York, N. Y. Haliburton Fales Ledyard W. Sargent Huntington, L. I. H. Ma rtyn Baker Branford, Conn. C. S. Cooke and T . F. Cooke Bayside, L. I. W . P. Stephens Port Washington, N. Y. Frank S. Connett Gloucester, Mass. Edward C . Lord Annapolis, Md. Dr. A C. Strong Philadelphia, Pa. S. C. Loveland Oyster Bay, N. Y. Vadim S. Mak aroff Cha, . A Welch 11 Marbleh ead, Mau.
Length O.A. W.L.
36. 5 63. 55.2 52. 52. 57.
29.3 49. 46.9 41. 43 . 46. 10
11. 11 14.8 13.4 13. 10 14. 16.
4.6 7.5 5.2 4.6 7.6 4.2
56. 2 1. 9 40.4 49.4 45. 50. 72 . 50.
38. 18. 32.6 36.6 32. 43. 54.3 45.
12.2 5.9 11.6 12.9 13.5 14. 15 . 14.6
7. 3. 6.8 6.8 5.5 3.6 10.5 6.
Home Port
111 Amor et New York 112 Anita New Rochelle, N. Y. 113 Aunt Abby (Aux.) Philadelphia, Pa.
Aweigh (Aux . ) 116 Bambino (Aux.) 115 Bantam (Aux.) 117 Banzai 118 Blue Water II 119 Bozo 120 Bunny (Aux.) 121 Butterfly ( aux) 122 Chances 123 Chickadee (Aux.) 124 Ci,n,q ue (Aux. ) 12s Clot ho 126 Crusoe III (Aux.) 127 Cyric 128 Dorothy (Aux.) 129 Duchess 130 Duckling 131 Eaglet (Aux.) 132 Ed na 133 Egress 114
0 11me,r
Ralph S. Rankin Geo. P. Granbery Geoffrey S. Smith Gibson Island, Md. Lawrence M. Bailliere New Rochelle, N. Y. L. E. Manley Alex. S. Neilson Boston, Mass. Port Washington, N. Y. Edmund Lang Port Washin gton, N. Y. M. R. Smith Walter Roy Manny Larchmont, N. Y. Chas. K . Cobb, Jr. Marblehead, Mass. Port Washington, N. Y. Wm. E. Lundgren Riverside, Conn. Elon Foster Westport, Conn. Alfred Stanford George B. Doan·e Boston, Mass. H enry Hill A nderson Oyster Bay, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y. Wm. T. Haskell E. H . Trimingham Hamilton, Bermuda Robert F. Duncan New Harbor, Me. Carleton L. Marsh Riverside, Conn. Port Washington, N. Y. C. W . Atwate r Duxbury, Mass. Albert Pratt New Bedford, Mass. G. H. Sistare Cold Spring Harbor, Herbert L. Bodman
Le11gtl1 W,L.
0. A..
52.4 32.3 35. 47.2 4 1.9 32. I 43.6 45.65 26.9 30. 46. 11 39.10 3 7.4 22. 27.6 30. 32.6 28. 42. 37.6 29.2 39. 1 2 I.
34.4 25. 26.7 35.6 30. 26.6 30. 35.1 19. 23.3 34.9 25. 27.4 20. 20.6 23.3 20.2
31.8 29.6 20.8 33.6
"'" 0
10. 6.9 I 0.9 11.9 9.9 9.7 6. 10 12. 7.9 9.6 12.9 7.6 I 0.3 7.6 7. 9.8 6.7 9. I 0. 10.6 8,2½ I 0.3 15.
3.9 6. 6.6 4.95 6.2 7.65 4.6 5.2 7.6 6. 5.9 4.7 4.9 4. 10 4. 10 4.6 6.6 6. 3.6 6.5
Name 134 Escape 135 Esmeralda (Aux.) 136 Exit (Aux.) 137 Filalou 138 Gamecock ( Aux.) 139 Geisha II 140 Golliwogg 141 Gypsy (Aux.) 142 Hard Tack (Aux.)
SLOOPS & CUTTERS Owner Home Port So. Dartmouth, Mass. Waldo Howland John K. Roosevelt Oyster Bay, N. Y. Butler Whiting Larchmont, N. Y. Providence, R. I. W. J. H. Dyer Wm. B. Allen Miami, Fla. South Brooksville, Me. Wm. H. Haskell New York, N. Y. ETnest A. Ratsey Frank C. Paine Nahant, Mass. Black Rock, Hora ce B. Merwin Bridgeport, Conn.
Length W.L. 0.A. 34. 39. 32. 45.4 26.6 23.4 38.8 28.3 24. 30. 31. 19. 28.6 32. 36. 50.
B eam 12. I 0.7 10.2 13.6 8.9 7.6 10. 11 .8
Draft 6. 6.6 5. 2.4 4.6 5.
5. 7.3
61.8 38. 30. 32.4 69. 5 29.9 32. 43 .10 43. 29.6 58. 26.6
50. 22. 21.6 24. 43 . 19. 24 . 34. 31.8 24. 36. 22.
15.4 6.4 6.6 8. 10 12.6 7.9 8.5 11.9 10.7 10. 10.6 6.6
9.6 5.3 4.9 5.3
143 Highland Light
Dudley F. Wolfe Marblehead, Mau, J. L. Pool Oyster Bay, N. Y. C. D. Mallory Greenwich, Co nn. 145 Hound Alfred F. Loomis 146 Hotspur (Aux.) Cold Spring, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Wm. A. W . Stewart 147 Iris E. Moxham Great Neck, N. Y. 148 Jester Elihu Root, Jr. 149 Jingle Shell (Aux.) Oyster Bay, N. Y. South Norwalk, Conn. W. Gilbert Dunham 150 Jubilee (Aux.) Dudley F. Wolfe Marblehead, Mau, 151 Kestrel (Aux.) Blue Point, N. Y. D. B. Bannerman 152 Laaaie (Aux.) R. H. Moore Huntington, N. Y. 153 Lilu (Aux.) Port Washington, N. Y. F. H. RuSBell 154 Lorna (Aux. ) (Aux.)
144 Hornet
8.5 4.6 3. I 0 7. 6. 3. 7.6 6. ""
SLOOPS & CUTTERS Name Home Port Owner 155 Mary Lea (Aux.) Bay Head, N. J. J. Seward Johnson 156 Mermeru• Essex, Conn. F ranci• Goodwin II 157 Mollie (Aux.) Manchester, Maas. Harrison G. Reyinolds 158 Murre (Aux.) Campobello L. H. Dyer 1S9 Naaman (Aux.) Bridgeport, Conn. E. Earl Garlick 160 Negus (Aux.) Oyster Bay, N. Y. Franklin Remington 161 Naahayte (Aux.) Nantucket, Maaa. Bassett Jone• 162 Orza New Rochelle, N. Y. Geo. N. Wallace 163 Padda {Aux.) Great Chebeague, Me. Frederick L. Ballard 164 Paddy lslesfo rd, Me. John Lee Merrill 16S Pellegrina Larchmont, N. Y. James T. Northrop 166 Pendragon (Aux.) City Island, N. Y. Henry M. Uevereux 167 Penguin Pemaquid Harbor, Me. John I. Sewall 168 Phantom Island Heights, N. J. Thoa. S. Horrocka 169 Pollyanna Port Washington, N. Y.L. de Poach 170 Pompano Vineyard Haven, Mass. H. Lambert Knight 171 Praxilla (Aux.) Bourne, Mass. John Parkinson 172 Roarin Bessie (Aux.) Marblehead, Mass. C. Burnham Porter 173 Ruth (Aux.) Toms River, N. J. Birkbeck C. Crabbe 174 Sally IX Stamford, Conn. George F. Hubbard Robert L. Garland 175 Sayonara F. W. Baldwin 176 Scrapper Ill Baddeck, N. S. Phila., Pa. W. Findlay Downs 177 Seth Bozman
Lmglh W.L. O.A.
25. 35.10 33.6 38. 32. 30. 9 26.3 30. 35.10 3 7. 57.2 40.9 27. 28. 28. 21. 43 . 30.3 33. 39. 10 30. 40. 42.
20. 25. 28. 35.6 28. 23. 2 I. 21.6 27. 10 29.6 38.6 30. 25 .
Beam 5. 7.8 9.6 10. 10.3 9.8 ½ 8.6 6.6 I 0.5 10.3 13.2 10. 9.
24. 17. 31.8 28.7 29. 28.6 21.6 27. 38.
9. 7. I 0.7 10.9 13. 8.2 6.6 9. 14.
5. 3.6 6. 4.9 4. 6. 4.9 6. 3.6
2. 5.10 5.5 3. 6.6 5. 3.6 4.9 5.3 5.6 8. 6.3 3.
Home Port
Oyster Bay, L. I. Alex. M. White, Jr. 178 Sheila W. G. McCullough 179 Sextet (Aux.) Stamford, Conn. North East Harbor, Me. Wm. Bell Watkins 180 Stornoway (Aux.) 181 Surinam Oyster Bay, N. Y. P. J. Roosevelt 182 Sweet Honey (Aux.) Manchester, Masa, Alan Cunningham 183 Taicoon Providence, R. I. J. A. Tillinghast 184 Varya San Diego, Cal. Samuel Dauchy 185 Verna Ill New York, N. Y. Geo. U. Vetleaen 186 Whippet (Aux.) New Rochelle., N. Y. Frederick Gade 187 Whitecap 188 Windward (Aux.) 189 Zaida 11 (Aux.) 190 Zigeuner (Aux.)
Miles River, Md.
Phila., Pa. New York, N. Y. Cohasset, Maas.
C. Lowndes Johnson Ralph Earle Geo. E. Ratsey Wm. T . Reid, 3rd
Lct1gtll O. A. W . L.
49. 10 40. 12.7 8.10 28. 26. 10. 4.8 33. 11. 6. 27.6 20.6 7. 4.9 32.1 26.5½ 9.7 4,9½ 30. 21.6 6.6 4.9 40. 27. 6.6 6. 69.10 45.9 I I.I I 48.6 30. 8.9 6.5 5,8¼ 3.5 22.7½ 17. 48.5 30. 8.9 6.5 5 1.11 39.10 14.3 7.2 23.7 20. 7.3 3.8
Home Port
Owner Hiram H. Maxim
Black Duck (Aux.) Hamburg Cove, Conn. Captain Bunaby Lloyd• Neck Lagoon, N. Y. S. Le R. Ackerly Hingham, Maaa, Milea Wambaugh 193 Icicle 194 Nraphooy (Aux.) Dunedin, Fla. John G. Hanna Nantucket, Mau. B. K. Sharp 195 Sakuntala
191 192
Length 0.A. W.L. 24. 24. 17. 11.5½ 10.10 18. 16.6
.6 1.6
11 .6
..., .I>,
Adrian 197 Altair 198 Bamboo 199 Barracuda 200 Calypso 201 Cirrus 202 Dobejo 203 Doubloon 204 Duress 205 F rancelia 206 Glencairn II 207 Grebe 196
Gulf Stream 209 Harpoon II 210 Ion 211 lvirna 212 Kappy 213 Mongoose 214 Navette 215 Norvega 208
Home Port
Length 0. A. W.L.
Port Washington, N. Y. Wm. H. Taylor 40. 39. Port Washington, N. Y. Charles Lang 57.4 57. Eau Callie, Fla. Stephen D. Baker 55 . 50. Palm Beach, Fla. John M. Rutherford 50. 49.8 Boston, Mau. Harlan T. Stetson 40.4 35. 10 Great Neck, L. I. Edward P. A lker 36. 36. Ithaca, N. Y. A. D. Seymour, Jr. 38. 10 38. Providence, R. I. P. C. Nicholson 42. 41.5 Hamilton, Bermuda H. D. Butterfield, Jr. 27.8 26.6 New York, N. Y. W. J. Sommers 60. 53.6 Great Neck, N. Y. E. Moxham 48. 47.2 Toms River, N. J. Edward L. Crabbe and Edward Crabbe 50. 49. Port Washington, N. Y. S. D. Baker 49. 11 46. Providence, R. I. P. C. Nicholson 68. 67.7 Coconut Grove, Fla. Dr. L. H. Baekeland 48. 47.3 New Rochelle, N. Y. 58.6 Willard B. Cook 60. 40.6 Darien, Conn. John B. Lord 42. 33 .9 West Hampton, L. I. John J. Atwate r 34. F. Bannermann 34. Huntington, N. Y. So. Brooksville, Me. 31. F. W. Perkins 37.
""' ""' Beam
10.6 13. 13.4 10.6 9.6 10. l I. 10.10 8.6 12.4 11.10
3. 3. 3.4 3.6 3. 3.6 3. 2.8 1.10 4. 3.4
13. 12.8 12.6
3.6 4.2
3. 3.6 3. 10 2.2 2.(: 3.
13. 13.2 7.9 8.
MOTOR CRUISERS Name Padda Pocomo 218 Rose and Crown 219 Rosebud 220 Scoter 221 Seafarer II 222 Sea Lady 223 Shawna 1H 224 Squid 225 Uarda Ill 226 Victory III 227 Virginia 228 Wah-ne-ta III 229 Wjdgeon 230 Wild Goose 231 Winnetka III 216
Home Port
Hingham, Mass. Gloucester, Masi. Nantucket, Mass. Stony Creek, Conn. Per ry, Me. New Rochelle, N. Y. Gloucester, Maas. Edgartown, Maae. So. Brooksville, Me. City Island, N. Y. Travers Island, N. Y. Eaaex, Conn. Bayport, L. I. Stamford, Conn. Isleaford, Me. Winnetka, Ill.
Thorvald S. Roes Baaaett Jon es Bauett Jones J. J. Phelps Isaac W . Kingsbury Robert N. Bavier H. A. W ise Wood Elmer J. Blias W. H. Haskell Henry H. Gordon, Jr. Henry A. Jackson H. M. Betta George E. Rice Frederick L. Reid John Lee Merrill Ayres Boal
Length O.A. W.L.
25. 63. 26. 35.2 5 I. 58.9 58. 34. 40. 36. 45. 30.7 45. 32. 43. 64.
7. 15.9 7.6 7. 12.6 12. 12. 9.3 9. 10. I 1.4 8. 11 .4 9.6 9.6 14.
2.9 6.6 3. 2.6 5. 4. 3. 2.8 4. 4. 3.6 2.9 3.6 3. 3. 3.4
24. 55.4 25. 35. 47.8 55. 55.1
38. 35 . 42.6 28.7 42.6 31. 42. 6 64.
TRANS-OCEANIC PENNANT AWARDS Brilliant Dorade Grenadier Highland Light Islander Mandoo Mistress Ramah Seven Bells Typhoon Vamarie
Feeling that there were many noteworthy voyages made in email boats, and frequent examples or meritorious seaman• ahip displayed by amateur sailors of all nationalities that went unrecognized, it seemed to the members of the Cruising Club of America that this organization was the fitting one to properly record and reward such adventure upon the sea. Therefore, at the annual meeting on February 27, I 92~, the following resolution was passed, founding a medal that, it was hoped, might prove an incentive for carrying on the spirit of adventure and upholding the best traditions of sea· faring that arc our heritage from the past. ""Moved and seconded that the Club found, out of funds to be sought for the purpose, a medal to be known as The Blue Water Medal of the Cruising Club of America, to be awarded annually, in the discretion of the Board of Governors, for the year's most meritorious example of seamanship, the re· cipient to be selected from among the amateurs of all the nations." In pursuance of this resolution a suitable medal, five inchea in diameter, was made, the design being by the late Arthur Sturgis Hildebrand, a member of this club and one of the crew of the yacht Leiv Eiriksson, lost in the Arctic with all hands in September 1924. At the Annual Meeting held January 8, 193 I, the following resolution was unanimously carried: RESOLVED: That the Governing Board he and hereby ia authorized to approve of the awarding of the Blue Water Medal, without date, on the recommendation of the Com• mittee on Awards.
BLUE WATER MEDAL AWARD, 1935 The Committee on Awards r e comm e nds tha t the Blu e Wat e r Medal for 1935 be awarded to Chari ~ F. Tillin g h a s t , Jr. fo r his seamanship in the effort to save three m e mbe rs o f t h e c r ew of the Hamrah who w e re overboard in the North Atlantic, and in bringing the disahled and short hande d v es sel safe ly into port. The Hamrah, Rob e rt Ames owner and mas t e r, w ith a crew of five young men s ailed from Newport in the tra n satla ntic race to Bergen. On June 19th in a gale in mid-Atlantic a large -sea bro ke over the yacht, and Mr. Amee, the captain was -swept o ve rboard. Mr. Tillinghast, now alone on d e ck was a t the whee l, c a ll e d all hands and Richard Ames t he eldest son of th e o w n e r, fir s t up from below, seized a safety line and jumped into the w a ter to aid •his father. Those who remained made every effort to brin g th e yacht into position to save the two in the water, but in the s torm a nd heavy sea the main boom was broken. Henry Ames, th e s econd son managed to launch the dinghy and rowed to •his brother, whom he got into .the small boat. While the now disabled yacht was struggling to g et b a ck to them, the dinghy was caps ized and the men soon lost t o s i g ht. The courage and devotion of thes e two boys will long be one of the heroic annals of the sea. Upon Charles Tillinghast, only twe nty-one years o f a ge, now fell the duty of bringing the yacht ,safely into port with the remainder -0f the crew. This was s uccessfully accomplis h e d and the Hamrah entered the harbor at Sydney, Nova Scotia , on t he evening of June 30th, having sighted n,o ves s el to report them. SAMUEL WETHERILL ERNEST RATSEY HERBERT L. STONE FRAN KLIN C. SULLIVAN, Chairman Committee on Awa rds
<:Blue water cOnedal --::::::._ ~
~ • ► !Hl!f. ..
~·--u 1/'l
-I- , •
,. .:._,I , -~
AWARDS 1923 1924 1925 19 26 19 2 7 1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935
!llai11 J. Cerba11/t
(Ya rn of voyage in 1927 Year Book)
13LUE WATE R ~I ED.-\L 192·1
Axel /11g1;;erse11
Copenhagen, De11111arh
(Yarn of voyage m 1927 Year Book)
I sla11der
Harry Pidgeon Angeles, Cal.
(Yarn of voyage in 1927 Year l3ookJ
53 BLL'I : \\ '_.\T[ R 1\ l ED:\L 1926 ,\1'D
( \\'ith o ut elate) 1932
/; . G. J\larti11 Lo 11do11. F11gla11d ( Yarn o f \'O)'age in 1928 Yea r 13ook) R obert S omerset F11gla11d
Jolie Rrise
(Ya rn of rescue in 1933 Year Book)
~ ~·:.~
~- - .-=--- --.
-=-- -
Primrose IV
r-rederick /.. !Imes
l?os /011. :\lass.
(Yarn of voyage in 1929 Year Book)
BL LJE \\"A TER i\\ EDAL 1928
Seve11 /J ells
Fbomas F. Coohe
!3ra11ford. Co 11 11 .
(Ya rn of rnyage in 1931 Year 13ook)
13LUE \V.-\TER i\l EDAL 1929
F. S!arlc Dalt-
!Jay I 1£-,ul. X. 1.
(Ya rn of voyage in 1931 Year 13ook)
nl.LT: \\'.-\TER .\\ ED.-\L 1~30
Baysidr, N. Y.
( Yarn of rnyage in 1931 Year l3ook)
rlLUE WATER J\ l ED:\l.
193 1
William A . !<obiuso11
(Ya rn of voyage in 1932 Year Book)
U. :-;_ .-1.
BL UE \ \TAT ER :\I EO_--\L 1933
D or(l{l f'
R orftorid· S1,,ph('JJS. J r .
(Ya rn o f v o yage m 19 34 Yea r Boo k)
BLCE \\.:\T E R .\I l~U:\ L 193-1-
L. II ' . IJ. l< CL'S
(Yarn of voyage in 1935 Year Book)
~ s5
LEIV EIRIKSSON Lost in the Arctic September 1924
The loss of the LEIV EIRIKSSON and the efforts m a d e to find trace of her will be found on pages 40-48 of the 1926 Year Book.
Co111111od orc Gcoryc Ii, _ Ho os,·,,,·/t
.., <.,
.....,<> _,
,·l u1ra
1luyh ill. 1l/ath cso 11
E111111a C. B erry
F . Slade Dale
.-l lexa11d,·r r or/;es
G eorge A . Cu fl l'r
IJ!ue Dolphi11
Bluejad-f t
1I 111or_r Coolit!.~e
, /rthur II.
1 ·1' rlSl'JI
IF(l//rr Bar1111111
,~q·.. l '
§ .... "' ~
"' "' ....,
;3 ~
1~ 0
/-I oharl Ford
Four 1Vi11ds
Stanley G. f-forris
,.r ...:;
.·.,·~ .,,..,-::::; I
v~,,, t ~
·~1 ~
•. l
,._ s.,
- - . ~ ~--
,«s::wr: U
i: t' !
,, :::
,~- i
1::-:, W
E. C. Ely
Heart's Desire
H c11 n· l'u r/, 111a11. J /'.
J·:·,h('(ll'rl R.1',1'110/rls, Jr. c111d N ub,.,./ .·I 111or_\'
IVi!frcd 0. W hile?
Lord Jim
E. Paul Nevi11
l<aynu111d IV. Ferris
R oqcr }· 01111.r,
l:'rn rsl D. lf"afrn
F. F. Cabot
, i
·1 ~
r I
.I !orris 11 ·. T orr,·y
Rmc·,, B. 1ll rtailf
Sally II
G. B. Farn.nco rth
Srn, (·rirrl
Parfrr r:. I / ol(/i
Albert L. Pope
M. S. /{att e11/.>or11
I .
George B. /)ralw
Tortu ga
Srh11yl,!r Oillo11
---:~~~;:-..• j .
..-_ .
:L'l10111as Robins. Jr.
G r ,,rg1' l l . !'l' l fr.ff n
C/1{/rles If' . Bu,·krfrw
/ 1/ici:
A 11/ares
I I <' Ji r_1· I I n,~·a rd
.. .- : _-=--
A ries
. ~--
- ~ -:-.._ . . ~·
.·lu.,li11 F ux l<iygs
Melville & Charles 1Vesta11
I \
1//(l/trr r:. Tilt/1·11
l3l11e Wing
C barlcs 13. IJ m ~·ns
Ro,t:er /-/. Wil/ia111s
f-'rieudship !I [
}oSf'jih 'J'. C hatma n
/-! . B. North
~ ;;;
K cc,,•aydin
F. _,;_ l:Jlc,11chard
I G. //. Duggan
Lad-y Lou
N. S. 5,..,:Jey
Lydia V.
\ I,_ IV ,, , . .
' I .IS
10 I
O anna
C. l-1. TV. Fosler
Old Glory
Geo. P. P. Bo1111e/l
Haliburt o n Fales
...:--.- , - - ·-==- - ......- !
---~ ~
Robert /)_ 'felle r
~ ..... ~ (__;
10 7
Col.:111a11 Tousey
Sa111u.:I C. Lcn:c/1111d
Charlt1s .·I. 11',·lrh. :!II/I
11/itcbcraft II
1:ra11hli11 C. S11lli1,·a11
R. S. Ra11ki11
.4 111ta
G. P. Gra11ber y
11 4
I ,
L ..-~',...~ . ~
Robert F. Du11ca11
Crusoe III
W. T. Haskell
11 6
:::-- -Dutchess
Carfc /011 L. _1/ars h
I 17
11 8
., ,. I
,, I
·ti I' . • I,' I I
1 ·:. ,
I 1t ,
l t' /, t •,( I ' , (, \ '
IV. /. H. O,ra
Fran/.: J--1. Russr/1
~,.._ l?..i
N ,._
....., "'
-- . ' i
Roarin' Bessie
C. Burn!t,1111 l 'ortcr 7
Scrapper ! II
F . W. /3alch.Ji11
13 1 -'=:
~ _, :::::
;:: ~
G ~
II'. B. /l'al/,i11s
c .... SJ
"' 13 C/:
e::: :::::::i
'1. e::: V")
..._ ..._
13 7
. .~ =----=--. -
- . -..--== --
II i w 111 II aIII iiI 011 illaxi 111
13/ach /Jurli
~ ,.. . .. . . -
, /dria11
- ..
1/"il!iam I-I. Taylor
J ,,//JI (,', ( ,' rfJt,111 /' . .Ir.
t : I/lair
Charles l.a11g
Stepb,m D. Baher
£. P. ,llkl'r
:~ -
7 '-.
,. ;;,,r-;., - - ~ - -- -::----_:,,. -- --__:: ::":::1 .
Pr111I C. N icho/so11
rr. .r.
14 I
Clrnr.aim I I
l:gbal ilfoxhnm
Edward n11d Edward L. Crabbe
Gulf Stream
Stephen D. Baher ......
I lorace B. ilil'ncin
Harpoon II
Paul -C. Nicbo/s011
-~ -.::.,
-_J. ~ lliMtMst • · 1·
G. B. Famsworth
Thorvald 5 . R oss
/. 11'. /(iw•sbu ry
Sea l.ady
Henry ; I. Wisc! Wood
Sba'w110 I I I
l:f111 er /. /1,'i.i S
U arda IJI
------ ::~-
H . H . (; o nlo11. Jr.
l 'icl,JTJ Ill
f-/ e11ry A. facl: s011
H. J\I. Bet.ts
W ah-11e-ta II I
George E. I< ice
Wild Goose
job11 Lee M errill
ll'i1111ctlw Ill
F!Jing Fish
Ayres Boal
Frr111l· l i11i11g Smith
Fr(//dlin R <·///ingt,,11
Fffdcric L. Bal/rm/
15 3
MEASUREMENT RULE FOR OCEAN RACING (Adopted by t h e Governing Bonrd, D ec. 27, 193 4)
If, in connection w ith th e app lication of this Rule, the Race Commi t te e o r Meas urer decides that a yach t, due to any p ecu liarity o f form, const ru c ti on or fittin g . is not rated fairly by it. th e matter s hall b e r e ferred to the Specia l Comm ittee on D es ig n and Con s truction of th e Cruising C lub which s h a ll award s uch c e rtificat e of ratin g as it may consid er equitable. RATING.6 \
S A x Ri g A ll owa n ce + .4 L ± B± D ± P ± F + A + C
SAIL AREATo be m e a s ured as by the N. A . Y. R. U. with the followin g c hanges: In yachts of a ll ratin gs, if th e spinnaker pole is lon ger than th e base o f the fore-triangle, s uch excess s hall b e added to such base in computin g the sale area of the fore-triangle. Arca of the m izzen sai l of a yawl. as measured, to be not less than I 0 % of the total sail a r ea, as m easured. That of a k etch to be not less than 18% . In th e event th a t the area of the mizzen sail is less than the percentages above me ntioned, an a dditi onal amount of sail are a shall b e added in the formula so as to brin g the area up to tho se perc e ntages.
MAST HEIGHT-LIMITS T o the hi g h est point of measurement, as follows: Sloops & Cutters- I. 7
\ I~
K e tc hes & Yawl s- 1 . 7
5 ft .
S A-Mizze n S A +
5 ft.
S A -.85 Fore Trian g le +
5 ft.
Any excess of h e i g ht above th ese limits to b e multiplied b y 3 and added to the perpendicular P in computing the sail area . Any defi c iency below these limits to be div ide d b y 2 and subtract e d fr o m the perpendicular P in computing th e sail area of jib h eaded mainsails.
No. 1 If ab exceeds 2 b the excess to be
multiplied by 3 for A in the formula.
l.'f rl. I. .
thia di!ltc.ncc o.a C in
f orr:u lo.
Should the 4 % plane inte rsec t the s tern transom , one- half of the distance from the edge of the transom, at the point of intersection to the centerline, shall be entered in the formula as a p l us quantity.
RIG ALLOWANCES Values for rig allowances to be varied, depending on course to b e s ailed and the type of weather anticipated.
L---Thc length of a W. L. plane, 4 % of the L. W. L. above the L. W . L., corre cted for jogs , notch es or h o llows in the profil e , and for a transom stern or its equ ival e nt, as follows: The p o ints of intersection of this plane and the orofile must e xtend b e yond th e L. W. L. e ndings. Any local concave jo g or notch (curved or angular) at t h e plan e of meas urement at either end shall be bridg e d by a straight line and L taken to the intersecti ons of s uch li nes with the establ is hed 4'/o W. L. plane. Except that a concave bow profile, producing what is common ly known as a "clipper bow," shall be permitted without bridging , provid ed that a ll the li nes of s uch bow cl ea rly indicate that it is a tru e clipper b o w and not hollowed in profile for the purpose of unfairly r e ducin g the L meas urement. At the tim e of m easurement food and water n eed not be on board.
A-If th e h o ri zon tal dis tance betw een th e foreward end of Land th e forcward e nd of L. \V. L. e xceed 8 % of the L. \V. L. le n g th (twice th e h e i g ht of L p lane a b ove L. W. L. plane) th e excess is l o be multipli ed by 3 and entered in th e formula as a plu s quantity. ( Sec dia g ram) C -s h o uld th e -I'/,- plane inte r sec t w ith the s te rn transom, one half o f th e di s tanc e from the e d ge of the tra n so m, at th e point of int ersec ti on t o th e cen te rli n e, sh all be entered i n thP fo rmul a a s a plu s quantity. (Sec dia g ram) B-lf the maximum b ea m o n th e 4 7,, \V. L. plane b e less than .23 L !- 2 ft.. th e difference is to b e multiplied b y 2 and inse rt e d in th e fo rmul a a s a p lu s quantity. If s uch beam b e m o re than .2 3 L 2 ft., the di fference is to b e divided by 2
a nd in se rt ed i n the fonnu la a s a n1inus quantity.
D-lf the draft be g reater th an . 14 L 1.5 ft., the difference to b e multiplie d b y 2 and i n serted in the formula a s a plus quantit y . If the dra ft b e less than .14 L 1.5 ft., the diffe rence in th e c ase of ke e l boats to be d ivided by 2 and inse rted in th e fo rmula as a minus qua ntit y , a nd in the case of cente rboard b oa ts, s uch diffe r e nce t o be divided b y 3 and inse rted in th e form ula as a minus quantity.
F-To be th e averaNe of th e fre e board at th e bow ano s «:. " endin gs o f th e L. \XI. L. p lu s one half the ave ra ge of th.rail h e i g ht, includinN th e rail cap, at these points. The av e rage o f rail h e i g h~s n ot to e xceed 8 in ches for credit. Jr the freeb o ard, as m e asure d above, b e less than .06L I It . . the diffe r e nce t o be multipli e d b y 3 and inse rte d 111 W <; formula as a plus quantity . If the freeb oard, as meas un;". above, be g reater, the wh ole of the diffe r ence s hall be inse rted in the fo rinula a s a minu s quantity.
P-lf the di sp lace m e nt in c ubic feet b e less t han either I.I (.2 L.W. L. -1- . 5 ) 3 or ( . 18 L. -j- .52)3, th e g reater differe nce b e twee n the cube roo t of the actual displacement and the cube root of the displace m en t arrived at b y e ither of---t!n, above s h all b e multiplied b y 3 and added i n the form ula as a p l u s quantit y . If the actual d isplacement in cubic feet e xceed s th e g r ea ter of th e abov e calculate d dis placem e n ts, th e diffe r ence shall b e inserte d in th e fo rmula a s a minus quant ity . Un t il a su itabl e table of scantlin gs h as bee n d e cided upon, it is th e inte ntion to r es trict the e ntries in races under this rule t o boat s ha v in g a ratio of b a llas t to disp lace ment of 46 </r o r less. Propeller allowance to b e decided separatel y in th e case of any particular race.
MOORINGS Information has been r e ceived that moorings for use of members have been established at the harbors listed. Other than stated below no record is available of the character, condition or s ize, and members using same do so at their own risk. LOCATION IN CHARGE OF E ssex, Conn. E. V. D. Wetmore Onset Bay, Mass . H. S . Parkhurs t Smith's Cove , Glouces ter, Mass. Sherman Tarr Portland Harbor, Mc. Small Point Harbor, Mc. Edward C. Lord New Harbor, Me. W. Ril e y McFarland Thomaston, Me. Charles Morse Crocketts • Cove, Me. Merle Mills Cutler, Me . Charl es E. Smith Biddeford P o ol. Me. Biddeford P o o l Y. C. Head Harbo r, New Brunswick L e onard H. D ye r ESSEX, CONN . On the westerly s ide of the Connecticut Rive r som e s ix miles above Saybrook off th e d o ck of the E ss ex Paint & Marine C o . (most so uth e rly dock o f the Town) ls a 500 lb. mu shroom moo rin g fo r m e mbers use, plac e d and naintain ed by Harbor Mast e r E .V .D. Wetmore . Buoy is ,>ainted in Cruis in g Club col o rs o f whit e with b l ue band. Mr. Wetmore will be g lad to a ss is t m e mbe r s in e v e ry w ay and can b e found a shore at the E ssex Paint & Ma rine ·C o . where vessels may lie at wharf and wh e re s uppli es of practically e very nature may b e obtain ed. There arc als o se veral yacht yards ,ituated here capable of handlin g vessel s up to one hundr ed feet deck m e asurement. ONSET BAY. At the head of Buzzard's Bay mooring ,acilitics are usually available at the yard of H. S . Parkhurst on the starboard side of the harbor. The anchorage ia excellent and protected for small craft but s h ould not be used by vessels drawing more than 7 feet. Facilities for supplies are inconvenient but responsible custody for boats as well as excellent repairs may be obtained. GLOUCESTER. There is a mooring with a cylinderical metal buoy painted Cruising Club colors, white with a wavy blue line around it, located in Smith's Cove, Gloucester H arbor. off the pier of the Rocky Neck Railways, of which Sherman Tarr is the proprietor. A staff is located on his office which Aies all summer a larg e Cruising C lub pennant. He is always most obligin g , and will render any assistance which a good shipyard is capable of, including telephone facilities and handling ,,ail for members. Address, c/o Rocky Neck Railways, East Gloucester, Mass.
I5 7 PORTLAND H A RBOR, MA INE. A free b erth may be had in th e wet storage ba si n of the Portland Yacht Service, Inc., of which Herbert Payson, J r., and Clinton D. Randall are officers. This is located directly across the main c hann e l from the Portland Yacht C l ub. Cruisin g Club m e n will find the yard very friend ly and ready to render any assist ance which a good sh ipyard is capable, including telephone faciliti es and handlin g mail for members. R espons ib le custody for boats may b e had in the ir large wet storage bas in s between cruises. Address: c / o Portla nd Yacht Service , In c. , South Portland, Maine. T e l. Preble 9 58, and Preble 2994. Ca bl e : Portyac ht. SMALL PO if\T H ARBOR. MAINE. Edward C. Lord invites members of the Cruisin g C l ub to use his mooring ( 1500 lbs . of concrete; 3 fath oms ¾ " c h ain; marked by a cork or spar buoy painted blu e and w h ite;) in 3 fa thoms nort h o f Goose R oc k, which li es west of the hote l building marked on chart No. 315 "Ancient Ft. A u gusta" at north entrance to Cape Sma ll Harb or. There is bold water up to the beach which lies northeast of the mooring. NEW HARBOR, M A I NE. T h is harbor is a cove on the western shore of Muscongus Bay, about 2 ¾ miles northeastward of Pcmaquid Point Lighth ouse. It is u sed as an anchorage by small craft only, and, though open eastward, is well sheltered fr om the sea. There is about 12 feet of water al low tide at the a nchora ge. Sec Coast and Geodetic Su rvey Chart No. 3 13. The village on both s ides of the har~or a~d on the hill to the westward does a considerable b usiness m fis h and lobst ers. A schooner 50 feet in length can usually lie with room l o spare at the C lub moorin g. The mooring, maintained from Jun- I st to Octobe r 3 I st, is marked by a white keg w it~ a blue strine around it located off the steamboat wharf, whic !-i is the fi rst on the s!arboard s ide on ent e•ing. The mooring is i n charge of W. Riley McFarland, who owns a Roat two wharfs west of the steamboat w h arf. G a.oline, lobsters and local info rma tio n may be obtained from Mr. McFarland. Mail a ddresse d in care of Mr. Rob e rt Search, the Gosnold Arms, New H arbor, Maine , will be held for members. Mail, telephone a n d t e legraph service, board and lo d g ing are available at t h e Inn. Transportation to the Maine Cen tral R ailroad , I 2 miles away at New Castl e may a lso b e arranged. Supplies are ava ilable a t a s mall s tore imm ediately east of the Inn. THOMASTON, Maine offers anchorage and wharf facilit ies at th e yard of Charles Morse on the starboard side of the harbor just below the bridge. Usually one of the yard moorings are available. There is a strong scour of tide. A ll supplies and repairs are available, as well as responsible custody of boats.
CROCKETT'S COVE on Vinal Haven Is la nd, at the westerly entrance to the Fox Islands Thoroughfare is excell ent a n c horage off the only Aoat in the c o ve. A white wooden marker is on a 2 00 lb. mushroom anchor w hic h is u sually ava ilable for visiting vessels. In the absence o f the own e r, A lex. W. Moffat, ask for t h e boatman, Merle Mills, w ho is instructed to offer a ll possible assistance or information to Cruising C lub membe rs. A laun c h makes a daily trip to the village of No rth H aven for supplie s. If under wat er repairs are n eeded there is an exce llent place for laying o ut over a tide a g ains t a bulkhead near th e pie r. Instru c tions for ente ring : Stand fo r th e e nd of Crock ett's Point with North Haven Monument (squa r e s tone beacon off Crabtree Point) astern. K eep a distance of about 1 00 feet off Crockett's' Point and h ead for a small yellow house on the opposite side of the Cove until the cen ter of the Cove is opene d, the n h ead s trai g h t up th e center of th e Cove until abeam of the float on the port hand. Pick up moorin g or anchor. Least depth entering: 18 feet at low water. CUTLER, MAINE. A lar ge spar buoy, painted blue and white, marks a m ooring in five fathoms, h eavy enou g h to hold a 75-foot schoon er. This moorin g offe red by court e sy of Charle s E. Smi th lies west o f t h e United S tates C u sto ms office. Mai l and telegrams will be held for members care of Cha rles E. Smith. Supplies may a lso be obta in ed there. BIDDEFORD POOL . ME. The Bidd eford P o o l Yacht C l ub in vites the memb e rs o f th e Cruisin g C l ub o f Am e rica to mak e u se of its fa cilities . A s p e c ia l moorin g con s istin g of a 4 00 lb. mus hroom, four fath c ms of ¾ inch chain. and s uitabl e bridle is located approximat e ly 150 fe e t N W of the inn e r h arbor s pindle a nd is mark e d b y a b l u e and white can. Ave ra g e d epth of the harbor is two fathoms a t m e an lo w w a te r. Entrance from th e West; pass b e twee n spa r and s p in d le headin g for W o od Is land. Then st e e r for monum e nt on Sta g e Island pass ing b e tween Gooseb e rry Is land and Wood Is land until inne r spindl e b e ars SW, the n s tee r to le ave spindl e to port . Entrance f rom th e East; s te er t o leave W o od Is lan d to port and make bell buo y which m a rks th e d eep wate r chann e l. From b e ll s te er SW passin g Sta g e Is land to anch o ra g e. Sand bar e xtendin g acr oss m o uth of harb o r g ives minimum of 8 fe e t d e pth at dea d lo w wate r. Yacht Club li es SW o f anchora ge in what is call e d th e "Cut". Tide stro n g a t t i mes in g ut. C l ub o ff e rs fa cilities fo r g a s , wate r, m a il. ic e a n d ship' s s t o res. Th e r e are te nni s cou rts, a nin e h o le g o lf course , and fine bathi n g b each. A cordial welco m e awaits you. Frederick W. Wak e lin, Commodore.
I 59
HEA D H.L\RBOR. N EW BRU. 1SWICK. H ead Harbo r. on the northerly end of Campobello Island, New Brunswick, is ?nc of the b es t harbors in the Bay of Fundy ; although small it has d ee p water and is protected from all winds. In summer th ere arc a number of moorin g buoys that arc not u s ed, except for a few boats, so th e re are a lways enough for visiting yacht s m e n . There is about eight feet of water over th e bar, at ordinary low wat e r. Tides run from sevent een to twenty-five reet. The Canadian Government in placing buoys, a ssume d that the passa ge so uth of H ead Harbo r Isla n d is th e front entrance , so that one s h o uld leave th e one r ed buoy on the starboard hand. and a ll the black buoys o n the port hand, wh e n e nterin g from the south. Strangers who come into the ha rbor. by way of the H ead. Harbor lig ht-house, from the north, frequ e ntly g o on the wrong side of the r ed buoy, on th e assump tion that they arc go in g in throu g h the front entrance.
A good rule to follow is: in enterin g from th e so uth, favor the is land, k eep in a to th e e ast of spar buoys (black) "91 c·· and "93c··. a nd p;ss in g b e tween b lack buoy "95c"' and r ed buoy "94c", th en s t ee r about S.S.W. leaving buoys "97c'" and "99c" and th e fi s h weir to port, then keepin g about the middl e o f the inn e r harbor to the mooring buoys. In enterin g from the no rth (by way of the li g ht-house) favor th e Campob e ll o s hore, keeping th e r e d buoy, and t~c thr ee black buoys "95c", "97c·· and "99c" and th e fi sh weir to p o rt. U s e charts 300 and 30 I. For a tempo r a r y anchora ge, anchor between the small brid ge on Campobell o, and th e wharf on H ead Harbor lsla11d, about three-ei g hths of a mile from the light-h o u se , favorin g th e Campobell o shore. Do not anchor inside of the thre e black buoys, "95c", "97c'· a nd "99c", as it is open to the south-east, the bottom is poor, and th ere is a submarine cable at this place. \:ote, tha~ in entering fr om the so uth, that h o rizon tal st ri ped s par bu oy, "402c", at th e e ntrance to Mill Cove, marks a rock with three feet of water over it. Many of the U. S. charts show e i g hteen feet, which is an e rror. Fresh water can be obtained at H ead Harbor, just before r eachin g the second fi s h-we i r, on the north side of the h a rb or. There is a t e lephone at this place. Mail comes t o \Vil son's Beach, about o ne and a h alf miles b y road. Th e mail-boat runs w ee k days from Wilson ·s Beach, to Wclshpool. Eastport (Main e ) and Saint Andrews. L eo nard 1-1. D yer, a member of th e Cruisin g Club, lives on H ead Harbor Island durin g the summer, and will be g lad to a ssist yachts men in every way possible.
RECAPITULATION H o norary Members . Active Members (4 / 1/ 36)
I0 370
380 Fl eet
Sch ooners . Yawls and Ketches Sloops a nd Cutters Cat Boats . Motor Boats . Blue Water Medal Under Construction
Lis ted
55 55 80
5I 54 54
29 11
23 1
CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA, 1935 W. P. STEPHENS, Historian The annual meeting of January 24th brought to the quarterdeck new officers:--George E. Roosevelt -as Commodore; E verett Morss, Jr. , as Vice Commodore; George A. Cutter as Rear Commodore. Secretary Edwin H . Tucke r and Historian W. P. Stephens were as usua l r eelected. The evening's entertainm en t included a talk by Captain Shea, Commandant of the U. S. Coast Gua,rd for the New York D istrict, in which he described, with the aid of moving pictures, the details of Coast Guard work. The second meeting, on February 28th, was devot ed to the I 934 match for the America's ICup ; described by Roderick Stephens and Zenas \V. Bliss. On April I st the speaker was Warwick M. Tompkins, •his ,s ubject being the cruises of the Wander Bird. During the winter a very inst ructive coul\Se in ele m en t ary sai l-ma kin g was conducted by Ernest Ratsey. The Spring M eeting was h e ld at the L archmont Yacht Club on May I I th, the usual dinner followed by a sing-song in the evening and dinghy races next d ay. The Decoration Day rendezv-ous was h e ld at Prices Bend on June 1s t and 2nd, the fla gship, Mis tress, supplemented by -a chartered yacht, serving for the Commodore's r eception. The ocean race of I 93 5 had as its destina tion ,the port of Oslo, Norway, s tartin g from Newport on June 8th. Seven yachts entered, but one, Sandefjord, Captain Erling T amb s, reached Newport four days after the others had started. The race was won by Stormy Weather after a very fine passage which reflected g reat credit on her captain-, Roderick Stephens. Successful in every other way, the race was marred by a fatal accident costing the lives of the owner of -the schooner Hamra h and his two sons (see Blue Medal Award, page 48).
T ·he official times were:Yacht & Owner
Stormy Weather P. L eBoutellier R. Stephens Vamarie Vadim S. Makaroff Owne r Mistress Com. G. E. Roosevelt Owner Vagabond Roger Robinson Owne r Stoertebecker L. Schlimbach Owner Hamrah Robert R. Ames Owner
I 9- 5-32-21
I 7- 6- 9-15
19- 0 - 16- 18
19- 0-16-18
24- 2-49-02
Not timed Withdrew
Following this triumph for yacht and s kipper, Stormy Weather started in ~he Fastnet Race in Augus t and scored ,a second victo·ry in a Heet of I 7 yachts, including several designed to the new rule of the Royal Ocean Racing Club; later making a successful passage home. The Fall meeting, on November 7th, was d evoted to the Trans-Atlantic Race, the speakers bein g Commodore Roosevelt, Rode rick Stephens and Vadim S. M akaroff. Th e fin a l meeting of the year, on December 12th, had as speakers C. Sherman Hoyt and Alfred Loomis, the s ubject bein g the ocean passage and racing of Yankee and the 76-Ft . <Class in British waters. The Cruising Club of America has good grounds for satisfaction in the result of its labors for the establishment of a rule for ocean racin g. The rule produced by the Club has given to the American yacht Hect not only s uch yachts a s Vamarie and Stormy Weather, but many others which are recognized as both seaworthy and fast, with a promise of greater improvement as designers go further in the study of the r.ule. In the fifteen years of its existence the Club has ,to its credit not only the many ocean races, coastwise, Bermuda and T •r,a ns-Atlantic, conducted by it but a material improvement in the design and construction of ocean-going yachts.
YACHT CLUBS SIGNAL CODE (Uniform with other Yacht Oubs)
The Signals in the Club Code consist chiefly of signals for intercommunication between vessels of the squadron. They compris e: Special, Racing a nd Emer-S One flag g ency S ig nal s 1 Two flags G e n e r a l S ig nals : ,, ,, D es ig nat io n: Day s of th e We ek: Hours of the D a y: N a mes of Places : Tlueo" Co mpa ss Sig n a ls :
.. ..
A to Z
Yachts using this Code shall hoist Club Burgee over Code flags. The absence of the Burgee indicates the International Code is used. When more hoists than one are shown, the foremost hoist is to be read first. All ships t o which signals are addressed are to hoist the answering pennant as soon as they see each hoist. To call a pilot, hoist the Union Jack at the foreyard, or in the fore rigging. To call a tow boat, hoist the ensign in the main rigging, a little above the rail. The signal of execution for all signals is the hauling down of the signal. When additional signals are needed, they will be authorized by general orders, and should be entered in club books.
A-The course will beB-Protest. C--Yes-affirmative-(International Code). D-Do you assent to postponing the race until later in the day? E--Do you assent to calling the race off for the day? F-I am disabled-communicate with me-(Int'l Code). G-Race postponed until later in the day. H- " postponed for the day. I - " will -be sailed in reverse direction. J- " is off. K- " will be called at .... . . L- " will finish off .. ... . M-Course will be shortened. N-No--negative-(International Code). O-Man overboard-( International Code). P-Preparatory. Q-Come within hail. R-Mark has shifted-This vessel is the mark. S -Course to be sailed twice around. T -Send Club launch. U-You are standing into danger-(International Code). V-I require assistance-(International Code). W-Permission to leave Squadron is requested. X-Permission to proceed at will is requested. Y-Leave all marks to starboard. Z-Leave all marks to port.
A -Course will beA 1A2A3A4-
ASA6AH-Finish hereA I - " -This yacht will take time at finish. A J- " -Will you take time at finish? A K- " -Yachts will take their own time at finish. ALAM-Accident has occurred-I require a doctor-(Int'I Code). AN-Race Committee-Is Committee on board Committee boat? AO- " -Report is ready. " AP- " -Report on board this vessel " at .. ... . AQ- " -Do you agree to race tomorrow? " ASAT-I am aground and require immediate assistance(International Code) . AU-Start-Follow Committee to new starting line. AV- " -Race will be sailed on-. AW- " -Race will ,be sailed today at-. A X- " -Race will be sailed tomorrow at-. A Y- " -When will race be started?
EMERGEN·CY SIGNALS (International Code)
C -Yes-affirmative. F - I am disabled,--communicate with me. N -No-negative. 0 -Man overboard. U -You are standing into danger. AM-Accident has occurred; I require a doctor. AT-I am aground and require immediate assistance. D Q-I am on fire and require immediate assistance. D V-I have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance. LT-I am dragging; can veer no more cable, and have no more anchors to let go. V - I require assistance. V B-Signal is not understood though flags are distinguished. XV-I require towing. For all othtt communication, with Naval, Coast Guard, or Merchant Ve11el1, Yacht, mwt uu th~ International Code Boole.
A1=r B.
J1= s j~ K -~
c ~
M ~
N ~
wJ:] Ii~ oj~ x~ 1j i[ffl
1=I [~
p ..
y ~
8 ~
op z1 9\C=P 11-~ Q1 R
B A-Anchor-Are you going to anchor at-. " - a t -. B D- " -at will. B E- " clear of the channel. B F- " for night at-. B G- " -intend to anchor during fog. B H- " near me. B I-Anchorage should be shifted; you wm go aground. B C-
B L-Assistance-Do not require further assistance? B M" -Do you require assistance? B N" -Do you require a tow? BOB PDQrequired-am afire-(Int'l Code). " AT" -am aground-(Int'l Code). " L T" -am dragging-(Int'l Code) . " DV" -have sprung a leak-(Int'l " Code) . XV" - I require towing (Int'l Code). " BQB RBS-send anchor. " B T-send hawser. " BU-send tow boat. " B V-
C A-Boat (s) adrift-please pick up. C B-Boat (s) from all yachts report to Flagship for instructions. C D-Boat (s) from this yacht return immediately. C E-Boat (s) cannot be sent. C F-Send boat alongside. C G-Send boat ashore. CH-Send boat to Flagship. -Send club launch (See Special Signal T). C I-Boat will be sent for you. C J-Will you send a boat for me? CKC LCMCN-
COC P-Captains and guests are invited on board Flagship at-. C Q-Captains and guests are invited on board this yacht at-. C R-Captains' meeting will be held on Flagship at-. C S-Captains report on board Flagship on coming to anchor.
CTC U-Code-Have no International Code book. CV-Will (or will you) use the International Code Signal?
e X-Colors-Morning colors. C Y- " -Evening colors. C Z-Congratulations, well done.
D A-Engagement-Previous engagement prevents. DBD C-Mail for you ashore at-. D D- " -Is there mail for me? D E- " -Please bring or send mail. D FD G-Power yachts will take sailing yacht,s in tow. D H- " " will tow sailing yachts after finish. DID ]-Signal annulled. D K- " cannot be complied with. D L- " -Do you understand my signal? D M- " from me should ·be repeated. V B- " not understood, though flags are distinguished-( International Code). D N- " should be shifted to more conspicuous hoist. DOD PD Q-I am on fire and require immediate assistance(International Code). DR-
D SD TDUD V-I have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance-( International Code).
E A-Squadron-Anchor at-. E B" -divine service will be held on Flagship on Sunday at-. E C-Squadron-disbanded. E D" -disbands at-. E F" -disbands on-. E G-" -dress ship at-. E H" -dress ship at colors on-. E I" -get underway. E J" -get underway at-. E K" -get underway for-. E L" -get underway tomorrow at-. E M" -illuminate on night of- . EN" E 0" -not to get underway at present. E P" -not to get underway today. " -Permission to leave squadron is requested (Special Signal W). -Squadron-Permission to proceed at will is requested ( Special Signal X). E Q-Squadron-Proceed at will. E R" -Proceed at will to-. E S" -Will join the squadron at-? E T" -Will you join the squadron at-? EUEV-
F A-Supplies-Coal is needed. F B" -Food is needed. F C" -Fuel oil is needed. F D" -Garbage boat is needed. F E" -Gasoline is needed. F G" -Water is needed. FHF I-Taxi--order one taxicab for me. F J- " --order two taxicabs for me. F K-Thank you. F L-Weather is calm. F M" -clear. F N" -foggy. F 0'' -heavy wind. F P" -moderate sea. F Q" -rough sea. F R-Weather prediction-Good weather. F S" " -Small yachts should make harbor. F T" " -Stormy weather (from-). F U" " -Watch ground tackle. F V-What is the weather outside? F W-What is the weather prediction? F X-When did you leave-(or pass-?) . F Y-Where are you bound? F Z-Where are you from?
G A-When do you go ashore? G B-Will be aboard at-. G C-Will not go ashore. G D-W.ill send a reply. G E-Will you and guests come aboard at-? G F-Will you and guests breakfast with me at-? G H-Will you and guests dine with me at-? G I-Will you and guests lunch with me at-? G J-Will you come aboard at-? G K-Will you breakfast with me at-? G L--Will you dine with me at-? GM-Will you lunch with me at-? GNG 0-Wm you meet me ashore at-? G P-Will you meet me at club at-?
G SG T-Wish you a pleasant voyage. GUGVGWGXGYG Z-
H A-Commodore. H B-Vice-Commodore. H C-Rear-Commodore. H D-Junior Flag Officers. H E--Secretary. H F-Fleet Captain. H G-Fleet Surgeon H I-Measurer. H J-Race Committee. H K-Club Station. H L-Astor Cup Race. H M-King's Cup Race. H N-Single Masted Vessels and Yawls. H 0-Schooners. H P-Sloops. H Q-Ketches. HR-Yawls. H S-Cruising Class Yachts. H T-Steam Yachts. H U-Auxiliaries. H V-Power Boats. HWH XHYH Z-
DAYS OF THE WEEK IQ-Sunday. IR-Monday. I S-Tuesday. I T-Wednesday. I U-Thursday.
IV-Friday. I W-Saturday. I X-'To-day. I Y-To-morrow. I Z-Yesterday.
J A-Midnight. J B-12.30 A.M.
JC- 1.00
J D- 1.30 J E- 2.00 J F- 2.30 J G-- 3.00 J H- 3.30 J I- 4.00
J K- 4.30 J L- 5.00
J M- 5.30 J N- 6.00 J 0- 6.30 J P- 7.00 J Q- 7.30
" " " " " " " "
" " " " " JR- 8.00 " J S- 8.30 " J T- 9.00 " JU- 9.30 " J V-10.00 " J W-10.30 " J X-11.00 " J Y-11.30 "
KA-Noon. K B-12.30 P.M. KC- 1.00 " K D- 1.30 " K E- 2.00 " K F- 2.30 " KG- 3.00 " K H- 3.30 " K I - 4.00 " K J- 4.30 " K L- 5.00 " KM- 5.30 " K N- 6.-00 " K 0- 6.30 " K P- 7.00 " K Q- 7.30 " KR- 8.00 " K S- 8.30 " KT- 9.00 " KU- 9.30 " K V-10.00 " K W -10.30 " K X-11.00 " K Y-11.30 "
COMPASS SIGNALS A Q D-North. A Q -E-N. ½ E. A Q F-N. byE. A Q G-N. by E. ½ E. A Q H - N. N.E. A Q I-N. N. E. ½ E. A Q J-N. E. byN. A Q K-N. E. ½ N.
A Q L-N. E. A Q M-N. E . ½ E . A Q N-N. E . by E. A Q 0-N.E.byE.½E. A Q P-E.N.E. A Q R-E.N.E.½E. A Q S- E. by N. A Q T-E. ½N. A Q U-East. A Q V-E. ½S. A QW-E.byS. A Q X-E. S. E. ½ E . A Q Y-E. S. E. A Q Z-S. E. by E. ½ E.
A R B-S. E . by E. A R C-S. E. ½ E. AR D-S.E. A R E-S. E. 1/2 S. A R F-S. E. by S. AR G-S. S.E.½E. AR H-S.S. E. AR I-S . .by E. ½ E. AR J-S. by E. AR K-S. ½ E.
A R L---South.
A RM-S. ½ W. AR N-S.byW. AR 0-S. byW. 1/2 W. AR P-S.S. W. A R Q-S. S. W. ½ W. AR S-S.W.byS. A R T-S. W. ½ S.
AR U-S.W. A R V- S. W . ½ W. A R W-S. W . ,by W. A R X-S. W. by W.1/2 W. AR Y-W.S.W. A R Z-W. S. W . 1/2 W. AS B-W. byS. AS C-W.½S. A S D-Wcst. AS E-W. ½N. AS F-W.byN. AS G-W.N.W.½W. AS H-W.N. W . AS I-N. W. byW. ½ W. AS J-N. W . byW. A S K-N. W. ½ W.
A S ·L---N. W. A SM-N.W.½N. A S N-N. W. by N. AS 0-N.N.W.½W. AS P-N.N.W. AS Q-N. byW. ½ W. AS R-N. byW. AS T-N.½ W.
3rd LID
2nd Ltg
S.E.byE.!l,E. S.E.½E, S.E.½S. S.S.E.½ E. S.byE.½ E.
S.½ E.
S.½ W.
w.s.w. W.byS.
W.byN. W.N.W. N.W.byW. N.W. N.W.byN. N.N.W. N.byW.
S.byW.•½ W. S.S.W.½ W. S.W.½ S. S.W,½W. S.W.byW..½ W. N. W.S.W.½ W. N.byE. W.½ S. N.N.E. W.½N. N.E.byN. W.N.W.½W. N.E. N.W.byW.½ W. N.E.byE. N.W.½W. E.N.E. N.W.½N. E.byN. N.N.W.½W. E. N.byW.½ W. E.byS. N.½W. E.S.E. N.½E. S.E.byE. N.byE.½ E. S.E. N.N.E.½ E. S.E.byS. N.E.½N. S.S.E. N.E.½E. S.byE. N.E.byE.½ E. s. E.N.E.½E. S.byW. E.½N. s.s.w. E.½S. S.W.byS. E.S.E.½E. s.w.
N. N.byE. N.N.E. N.E.byN. N.E. N.E.byE. E.N.E. E.byN. E. E.byS. E.S.E. S.E.byE. S.E. S.E.byS. S.S.E. S.byE.
2nd L,u
S.E.byE. S .E S.E.byS. S.S.E.
w.s.w. W.byS.
W.byN. W.N.W. N.W.byW. N.W. N.W.byN. N.N.W. N.byW.
w.s.w. W.byS.
W.byN. W.N.W. N.W.byW. N.W. N.W.byN. N.N.W. N.byW.
N.byE. N.N.E. N.E.byN. N.E. N.E.byE. E.N.E. E.byN. E. E.byS. E.S.E.
3rd Ltu
S.W.byW.!I, W. W.S.W.½ W. W.½ S. W.½N. W.N.W.½ W. N.W.byW.½ W. N.W.½W. N.W.½N. N.N.W.½W. N.byW.½ W . N.½W. N.½ E. N.byE.½E. N.N.E.½ E. N.E.½N. N.E.½E. N.E.byE.½E. E.N.E.½ E. E.½N. E.½S. E.S.E.½E. S.E.byE.½E. S.E.½E. S.E.½S. S.S.E,½E. S.byE.½E. S.½ E. S.½ W. S.byW.½ W. S.S.W, ½W. S.W..½ S. S.W.½W.
Only lint coune will be signalled with Y or Z to indicate the 2 iub,equent cour,ea.
N A-Absecon, N. J. N B-Ambrose Channel Lightship. N C-Annapolis, Md. N D-Atlantic Highlands, N. J. N E-Bakers Island Light, Me. N F-Baltimore, Md. N G-Bangor, Me. N H.:._Bar Harbor, Me. N I-Bar Island, North side of Bar Har,bor, Me. N J-Barnegat Light, N. J. N K-Ba1h, Me. N L--Bass Harbor, Me. NM-Bay Ridge, N. Y. Bay. N 0-Beaver Tail, R. I. N P-Belfast, Me. N Q-Beverly, Mass. N R-Black Rock Harbor, Conn. N S-Block Island, R. I., East Harbor. N T-Block Island, West Harbor, Great Pond. N U-Brenton Reef Lightship. N V-Bristol, R. I. NW-Boon Island, Me. N X-Boothbay, Me. N Y-Boston, Mass. N Z-Boston Lightship, Mass.
0 A-Camden, Me. 0 B-Campobello, N. B. 0 ~Cape Ann, Mass. 0 D-Cape Charles, Va. 0 E-Cape Cod Canal (East Entrance), Mass. 0 F-Cape Cod Canal (West Entrance), Mass. 0 G-Cape Elizabeth, Me. 0 H-Cape Hatteras, N. C. 0 I-Cape Henlopen, Del. 0 J-Cape Henry, Va. 0 K-Cape May, N. J . 0 L-Cape Poge, Mass. 0 M-Cape Porpoise Harbor, Me. 0 N-Cape Sable, N. S. 0 P-Captains Island Light House, Conn. 0 Q-Casco Bay, Me. 0 R-Casco Passage, Me. 0 S-Castine, Me. 0 T-Chatham Lights, Mass. 0 U-Chatham Roads, Mass. 0 V-City Island, N. Y. 0 W-Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y . 0 X-Clarks Point, Buzzards Bay, Mass. 0 Y-Coney Island Point, N. Y. 0 Z-Cornfield Point Lightship.
P A-Cranberry Island, Me. P B-Cross Rip Lightship. P C-Cutler, Little River, Me. P D-Cutty Hunk, Mass. P E-Deer Island Thorofare, Me. P F-Delaware Breakwater, Del. P G-Duck Island Breakwater, Conn. P H-Dutch Island Harbor, R. I. P I-East Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. P }-Eastern Point Breakwater, Mass. P K-Eastport, Me. P L-Eaton's Neck, N. Y. P M-Edgartown, Mass. P N-Eggemoggin Reach, Me. P O-Egg Rock, Frenchman's Bay, Me. P Q-Falkner Island, Conn. P R-Fire 1-sland Lightship. P S-Fisher's Island Sound. P T-Five-Fathom Bank Lightship. P U-Franklin Island Light House, Me. P V-Fort Pond Bay, N. Y. PW-Fortress Monroe, Va. P X-Fox Island Thorofare, Me. P Y-Gardiners Island, N. Y. P Z-Gardiners Bay, N. Y.
Q A-Gay Head, Mass. Q B-Gilkey Harbor, Islesboro, Me. Q C-Glen Cove, N. Y. Q D-Gloucester, Mass. Q E---Gloucester, Eastern Point. Q F-Goat Island, Me. Q G-Grand Manan, N. B. Q H-Grand Manan Channel, N. B. Q I-Graves, The, Mass. Q ]-Gravesend Bay, N. Y. Q K-Greenport, N. Y. Q L-Greenwich, Conn. Q M-Greenes Ledge Light, Norwalk, Conn. Q N-Half Way Rock, Mass. Q O-Half Way Rock, Me. Q P-Halifax, N. S. Q R-Hampton Roads, Va. Q S-Hankerchlef Lightship, Mass. Q T-Hardings Ledge, Mass. Q U-Harpswell Sound, Me. Q V-Head Harbor, N. B. Q W-Hen and Chickens Lightship, Mass. Q X-Highland Light, Mass. Q Y-Horseshoe, N. J. Q Z--Horton Point, N. Y.
R A-Hudson River. R B-Hull, Mass. R C-Huntington Bay, N. Y. R D-Hyannis Port, Mass. R E-Isleboro, Me. R F-Kittery, Me. R G-Larchmont Harbor, N. Y. R H-Lloyd Harbor, N. Y. R I -Manhasset, L. I. R J -Marblehead, Mass. R K-Marblehead Rock, Mass. R L-Mattapoisett, Mass. R M-Mattinicock Point, N. Y. R N-Monhegan, Me. R O-Monomoy, Mass. R P-Montauk Point, N. Y. -R Q-Morris Cove, Conn. R S-Mount Desert Rock, Me. R T-Muscle Ridge Channel, Me. R U-Nahant, Mass. R V-National H arbor of Refuge, Del. R W-Nantasket Roads, Mass. R X-Nantucket, Mass. R Y-Nantucket Shoals Lightship. R Z-Narragansett Pier, R. I.
S A-Nauset Beacon, Mass. S B-N ew Bedford, Mass. S C-Newburyport, Mass. S D-New Haven, Conn. S E-New London (town), Conn. S F-New London Light House, Conn. S G-Newport, R. I. SH-New Rochelle, N. Y. S I-New York, N. Y. S J-Norfolk, Va. S K-North Haven, Me. S L-North East Harbor, Mc. S M-Nort.hport, N. Y. S N-Old Field Point Light, N. Y. S 0-0yster Bay, L. I., N. Y. S P-Orient Point Light, N. Y. S Q-Peaks Island, Portland, Me. S R-Penfield Reef Light, Conn. S T-Plum Gut, N. Y. S U-Point Judith, R. I. S V-Point Judith Breakwater, R. I. SW-Pollock Rip Lightship, Mass. S X-Port Clyde, Me. S Y-Por•t Jefferson, N. Y. S Z-Portland, Me.
T A-Portland Lightship, Me. T B-Portsmouth, N. H. T C-Portsmouth, Little Harbor, N. H. T D-Potts Harbor, Me. T E-Provincetown, Mass. T F-Providence, R. I. T G-Quick's Hole, Mass. TH-Race Rock Light, N. Y. T I-Race, The, N. Y. T J-Riverside, Conn. T K-Rockland, Me. T 1--Rockport, Me. TM-Sag Harbor, N. Y. T N-Salem, Mass. T O-Sandy Hook, N. J. T P-Saybrook Breakwater, Conn. T Q-Seagjrt Light, N . J. T R-Seal Island Light, N. S. T S-Seguin Island, Me. T U-Scotland Lightship. T V-Sheffield Island Light House, Conn. T W-Shelter Island, N. Y. T X-Shinnecock Light, N. Y. T Y-Shrewsbury Rocks, N. J. T Z-Small Point Harbor, Me.
U A-Somes Sound, Me. U B-South West Harbor, Me. U C-South West Ledge, New Haven, Conn. U D-St. John, N . B. U E-Stamford, Conn. U F-Stone Horse Shoal Lightship, Mass. U G-Stonington, Conn. U H-Stratford Point Light, Conn. U I-Stratford Shoal Light, Conn. U J-Swans Island, Me. U K-Tarpaulin Cove, Mass. U L-Tenants Harbor, Me. UM-Thimble Islands, Conn. U N-Tompkinsville, S. I., N. Y. U O-Twenty-sixth Street, E . R., N. Y. U P-Vineyard Haven, Mass. U Q-Vineyard Sound Lightship, Mass. U R-Watchhill, R. I. U S-West Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. U T-West Island, R. I. U V-Whitehead Island Light, Me. U W-Wings Neck, Mass. (Wenaumet Neck). U X-Winter Harbor, Me. UY-Woods Hole, Mass. U Z-Wood Island, Me.
PORTS ON THE LAKES V A-Alexandria Bay. V B-(See Emergency
Signal.) V C-Buffalo. V D-Charlotte. V E-Chicago. V F-Cleveland. VG-Coburg. V H-Country Club. V I-Detroit. V }-Duluth. V K-Dunkirk. V L--Erie. V M-Georgian Bay. V N-Goodrich. V O-Green Bay. V P-Hamilton. V Q-Harbor Beach.
V R-Harbor Point. V S-Houg-hton. V T-Lake St. Clair Club. VU-Mackinaw Island. V W-Marquette. V X-Milwaukee. V Y-Nipegon. V Z-Oswego. W A-Port Huron. W B-Presque Isle. W C-Put-in-Bay. W D-Sackets Har•bor. W E-Sandusky. W F-Sault Ste. Marie. W G-Toledo. W H-Toronto. W I-Welland Canal.
G Q -Will You Come Aboard for a Drink G N -Will You Tie Alongside Z 1
With First and Last Initials-Is Mr. ...... . Aboard?
F K 2-Thanks for Your Hospitality C N -Call to Song G W -Will You Lend Me One Quart B J -Stag Party B K -Mixed Party
INDEX Awards
Blue Water Medal ···-··························································· 49 Blue Water Medal, 1935 .................................................... 48 Trans-Oceanic Pennant ...................................................... 46 Blue \ "later M edal Awards ...................................................................................... 49 Conditions ................................................................................ 47 Illu stratio n 11:edal .................................................................. 49 Illu stration Winners ............................................................ 50-60 1935 Award .............................................................................. 48 B o sto n Station ................................................................................ 6 Branford Station ·············---··························································· 7 By-Laws ............................................................................................ 16 Commit tees, 1936 ·································-··--····································· 5 Con stitution ....................................................................................10-15 Flagship ............................................................................................ 62 Fleet Illustrations ..........................................................................62-152 List ............................................................................................34-45 Flags Officers .......................................................................... facing 2 Int. Code ...................................................................... facing 166 Histo rians Repo rt ........................................................................ 161-2 Historical .......................................................................................... 3 Honorary Members ...................................................................... 19 Huntington Station ...................................................................... 9 In Memoriam .................................................................................. 18
Illustrations Page Blue Water Medal ................................................................ 49 Blue Water Medal Winners ............................................ 50-60 Flags of Officers ........................................................ facing 2 Flags of Int. Code .................................................... faci n g 166 Flagship ·································-················································· 62 Liev Eiriksson ........................................................................ 61 Members Vessels ................................................................ 62-152 Racing Rule ............................................................................ 153-5 Seal ............................................................................................ 1 Local Stations Boston ···-··················································································· 6 Branford .................................................................................... 7 Huntington .............................................................................. 9 Measurers ·································-······················································· 5 Members .......................................................................................... 20·33 Hono rary ···························-····················································· 19 I n Memoriam .......................................................................... 18 Moorings ........................................................................................ 156-9 Officers 1936 ······························································································ 4 Flags .............................................................................. facing 2 Past ·············-············································································· 17 Past Officers .................................................................................... 17 Racing Rule ....................................................................................153-5 Recapitulation .................................................................................. 160 Seal .................................................................................................... 1 Sec'y-Treas. ...................................................................................... 2 Sig nals Int. Code Flags .......................................................... facing 166 Emergency ................................................................................ 166 Cruising Club (special) ........................................................ 186 Yacht Clubs ........................................................................163-185 Stations ............................................................................................ 6-9 Trans-Oceanic Pennant Awards .............................................. 46