F O l ':s;l) E I> J'EU. Sth. 1922 1:-- c 111< 1•ui-Al'l•: n M A H. 9. 1924
Printed b:r the
CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA b:r authority of the
Permanent are
records kep t at the office of the Secretary-Treasurer who will be g la d to see members a nd furnish information.
Secreto ry-T reaaurer
HENRY A. JACKSON Room 1103 I 3 5 W illiam St. New York Phone Bcckman-3 4 963- 4
Cable Address
The Crui s in g Club of menca ,vas launched in th e winter of 192 1-22 b y a g roup of y a chtsmen in te r es ted in cruis in g nnd the development of the crui s in g type of yncht. It was felt that this branch o f the s port nev e r had attained the. position it dec rve s in n country s o ri c h in sea-going trndition a nd whos e n a tu ra l advanta g es are so peculiarly favo rable to cruis ing, possibly because of the fact th a t there never hns b e n an y c oncerted action by c rui sin g enthus iasts. The ya c ht clubs of the country have made racinfl a la r g e p a rt of th e ir activities and there are several int e r-club associations devoted to the advancement of thi s branch of yachting, but there never has been in thi s country an organization comparable, for example, to the Royal Cruising Club, which, in the las t forty years, has done so much toward making cruis ing a national institution in Great Britain. And so the Cruising Club of America was la unched and it was but natural that its founders, familiar as they were with the work of the Royal C ruising Club, should have moulded it somewhat nlong the lines of the older organization.
ALFRED B. STANFORD Vic e -Commodore
WJLLI AM E. L U NDGREN Rear-Commodore
C. BURNHAM PORTER Secretary-Treasurer
W . P. STEPHENS Chairman Membership Committee
CA RLETON S. COOKE Governing Board ( Compo c.,:d of the <1bo,·c offict:rs an d the f oJl n wing- t en gover n ors)
---- ---- - - - -- - -
Fleet Captain
Fleet Surgeon
STANDING COMMITTEES 9 4 I Membership C a rleton S. Cooke, Chairman Anthony Anable Henry de Forest Baldwin Elihu Root, Jr. Edward Reynolds Design and Construction W . P. Stephens, Chairman Martin S. Kattenhorn Awards Franklin C. Sullivan, Chairman Elliot K. Service Herbert L. Stone William H. Taylor Ernest A. Ratsey Entertainment A. Frederick Bradley, Chairman Edward L. Crabbe Roderick Stephens, Jr. Edward R. Greef Alfred F . Loomis
Sailing W. H . deFontaine, Jr., Chairman Schuyler Dillon William H. Taylor Hugh Kilmer Herbert L. Stone 8. K. Sharp Year Book Henry A. Jackson, Chairman
C. Burnham Porter
Auditing George P. P. Bonnell Nominating Philip J. Roosevelt, Chairman Edward L. Crabbe Rufus G. Smith Everett Morss Butler Whiting Mea1urer1 8. K. Sharp Olin J. Stephens, II Charles D. Mower Dwight S. Simpson Measurement Rule George E. Roosevelt, Chairman Robert N. Bavier Herbert L. Stone Wells A Lippincott Philip J. Roosevelt (Technical Advisers)
John G. Alden Philip L. Rhodes
B. Karl Sharp Olin J. Stephens, Il
CONSTITUTION Adopted Novembe r 19, 1924. Amended to January 20, 1938.
I. N AME. The nam e of this ~ rganization shall be "The Cruising Club of America, I nc. II. OBJ ECT. The objec t s of this C lub a r c to promot e c ru1 s111g by amateurs, to encourage th e deve lopmc11t of suitable t ype s of cruising craft, to st imulate int eres t in sea man ship, navigation and handling of sma ll vesse ls, to gather and ke ep on file a ll informatio n which may be of assistance to m e mb ers in cruising.
I II. OFFICERS. The Officers of the C lub shall be the Commodore, the V ice Commodore, the Rear Commodore s, th e Sec retary- T r eas urer, the Historian, and ten Governors who shall be nominated a nd elected as is prescribed in Articles XI, X II I, and X I V; and they , together wi th the Chairman o f the Membership Committee, s hall constitute the Governing Board of the C lub . The offices of Commod ore a nd Vice-Commodore shall be filled by members w ho arc yacht owners.
IV. DUTIES OF OFFICERS The Commodore s ha ll b e the general exec utive officer and s hall pres ide a t a ll me e tings of th e Club and the Governing Boar d. He may appo int a Fleet Captain who s h a ll perform suc h duties as the Commodore sha ll designate and hold office at his pleasure. The Vice-Commodore sh a ll assist the Commodore in the discharge of his duties and in hi s absence a c t in his stead. The Rear-Commodores sha ll command their stations and perform such other duti es as may b e assigned to them by their superior officers or the Gove rning Board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall perfor m the duties pertaining to his office.
The Historian shall each year write a Log of the Club's activities during the past year and pr esent it to the Club at the Annual Meeting. The Governing Board shall generally administer the dfair«. of the Club and shall have the powers of Directora.
V. ME:\fBERSHIP: ELECTION: RESIGNATIONS A person eligible fer m embership in the Club must be a sailor and a gentleman of acceptable charact e r anti personality who has demonstrated his abi lity to handle or command and navigate or pilot a yacht or small vessel at sea and who has had sufficient cruising experience. Nominations fo!" membership in the Club shall be made upon the proposal of a member and seconded by two other members, none of whom shall be members of the Governing Board or the Membership Committee. Applications, proposals and secondings shall be on forms and pursuant to instructions or r egu lations approved by the Governing Board. When an application in complete form shall be received, the S ecretary-Treasurer shall send to all members of the Club the names of the applicant, propos er, s econders, and any other information directed by the Governing Board. Not less than thirty days thereafter, the M e mbership Committee may a ct upon such application and r epo rt its findings and recomm en dations to the Governing Board, which may then elect or rej ect the applicant. Favorable recommendations by the Membership Committee shall not exceed in any calendar year a number to be prescribed from time to time by th e Gov ernin g Board. Applications r ejected by the Gove rning Board shall be excluded from such annual number or quota. The Membership Committ ee may act upon applications without regard to seniority of receipt. All resignations must be in ·vr iting and shall take effect upon receipt by the Club; provided, however, that a r esignation may be withdrawn upon th e consent of the Governing Board and upon such terms and conditions as it may prescribe; and further provid ed, that no member who is indebted to the Club or who is under notice pursuant to Article XVIII shall have the right to r esign except by specific permission of the Governing Board.
8 VI. CLASSES OF MEMBERSHIP There shall be three classes of membership, regular. life and honorary. A memb er may become a life member by payment of the prescribed fee and thereafter is exempted from yearly dues. Hon o rary members shall pay no dues or initiation fee, and shall have no vote nor hold any office except that of Historian, but otherwise shall enjoy all the privil eges of regular m emb e rs . VII. INITIATION FEE The initiation fee shall be ten dollars. The lif e m e m • bership fee shall be two hundred dollars. Application ior life membership may be made only aft e r five successive years of memb er ship in th e Club. VllI. DUES: ARREARS Regular memb ers shall pay ten dollars yearly dues on election and th er eaft e r on January first of each year. Memb ers wh ose dues are unpaid by February first shall be notified by the Secretary-Treasurer and if such dues are still unpaid by March first. such m embers may be suspended or dropped from the roll by the Governing Board, but may be reinstat ed at its discretion and upon the payment of all arrears. IX. MEETINGS The Annual Meeting shall be held in January of each year. The Fall Meeting shall be held in October or November of each year on a date to be determined by the Govern· ing Board. Special Meetings of the Club may be called by the Governing Board and shall be called on the written request of fifteen members. The Governing Board shall meet as often as it may deem necessary, or at the call of the Commodore. X. QUORUM . Twenty-five members pr esent in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Club. Five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Governing Board.
9 XI. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: NOMINATION OF OFFICERS A t the Annual M eeting of the Club there shall be electt•d a Nominating Co mmittee of five memb ers of the Club, who sha ll be ne ither Office rs nor Governors of the Club. This Committee s hall no minate candidates for Commodore, ViceCom modo r e. S ec retary-Trea s urer, Historian, and for five Gove rn ors t o s ucceed thos e who se t erms of office expire at th e next A nnual M ee ting; and shall notify the SecretaryTreas ur er of s uch no minations no t later than December first preceding th e next Annual M eeting. Fi ve o r mo re members may put in nominat ie>n any other candidates they may unite on, provided such 'lomination, sig ned by at leas t five m emb ers, is filed with tlw SecretaryTreas ure r not less than fifteen days before the Annual Meeting. The Secretary-Treas urer shall send notice thereof to all memb ers no t less than five days before the Annual Meeting. XII. ELECTIONS: TERMS OF OFFICE: VACANCIES The Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Secretary -Treasurer and Historian shall be elected at the Annual Me:ting and shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting 01 until the el ectio n of the ir successors. Five members of the Governing Board shall he elected at the Annual Meeting and shall hold office for two years or until the election of their successors. Vacancies in any office (ex cept R ear-Commodore) or in the Governing Board shall be filled by the Governing Board. Those so appo inted shall hold office until the next Annual Meeting or until the election of their successors. XIII. COMMITTEES The Governing Board shall appoint a Member~hip Committee of five members to se rve for one year or until their successors are appointed. This Committee shall appoint its own chairman. The proceedings of the Mc-mbership Committee shall be confidential. The Governing Board may appoint and remove such other committees as it may deem necessary. The Commodo re, or in his absence the Vice-Commodore, shall be ~x-o_fficio a member of all committees, except the Nom• mating Committee.
10 XIV. STATIONS: REAR-COMMODORES . POST-CAPTAINS The ch ief stat io n of the Club s ha ll be in New York City, but wherever fo ur o r more members r es ide in any o ther local it y, th ey may, with the appr oval o f th e Go , e rning Board, found a stat ion. The Secretary -Treasu r er shall notify the mem bers of t he Club of the estab lishment of a new stati on. Stations es tablish ed o utsi de o f New York City composed of twenty-four or more m em bers s hal l be under the command of a R ear-Com modore to be elected by the m e mbers of such sta ti o n. If the station is composed of les s tha n twen ty-four memb ers, such stati on may be commanded by a Post-Captain, to be elec t ed by th e membe rs of s uch station. The Rear-Commodore or .l:'ost-Captain com mand in g a stat ion outs ide of New Yo rk City may appo int and remove such cc.mmit tces as th e s tati o n m em bers may approve. XV. FLAGS The Club Bu rgee sha ll be t ri angu lar in s hape, in the usual pruportions, with a white fie ld a nd a waved blu e s tripe 20% of th e ho ist in w idth r unning through th e center from hoist to point. . Th e Com modores Flag shall be r ectangul a r in s hap e with a blue fie ld, 111 th e usual proportions, in the cente r of whi c h shall be a white fo uled anchor enci rcl ed by 13 w hite liv e poin ted stars. Running horizonta lly through the center shal l be a waved white stripe 20% o f the hoist in w idth. The Vice Commodores F lag sha ll be sim ilar to the Commodo res Flag, exce pt that the field s hall b e re d . The R ear Commodo r es Flag sha ll be s im ila r to the Vice Commodores Flag, exce pt that the field shal l be white and the fouled anchor, the 13 stars, a nd the wave s ha ll be blue. Th e Post Captains Flag sha ll be s imilar t o the Rear Commodores Flag, except t hat the 13 s tar s s hall be omitted. The Fleet Captains Flag shall be similar to the Post Captains Flag except that the foule d anchor sha ll be om it ted. The Transocean ic Pennant of the Cruis in g Club o f America shall be a pen nant of a len gth approx im a tely 20% of the overall length o f the yacht entitled to Ay it, a nd onetwelfth of it s length on the hoi s t. It shall have a white field, with a waved blue str ipe 20% of the hoist in width, running
11 horizontally through the center from hoist to point. Upon the approval of the Committee on Awards of the Club it may be fl o wn at rendezvous of the Club Fleet, and on other approp r iate occasions, o nly by yachts enrolled in the Club Fleet which have crossed the Atlantic or Pacific Ocea n under sail. Fl;,gs he:·e in referred to shall only be displayed on yacr. ts under the air ect command of members and not displayed when under charter unless the yacht has her own e r on board. XVI. SEAL The sea l of the Club shall b e its Burgee surrounded by a double circular rop e border within which shall be inscribe d "The Cruising Club of Am erica, Inc." above; and l:elow shall be inscribed "1922", the date of the tounding of the C!u0. XVJI. EXPENDITURES No expenditures of funds nor contracts binding the Club sha ll b e made except by authorization of the Governing Board.
.>-. VIII. DISCIPLINE Every member on joining the Club thereby undertakes to comply with thi s Constitution and the By-Laws; and any r efusal or neglect to do so, or any conduct unworthy of a ge ntleman or sailor, or inimical to the welfare of the Club, shall render a member liable to s uspension or expulsion by a three-fourths vote of the members of the Governing Board present at a meeting duly called. Notice of such proposed action, with the r e~sons ther~f or, must be sent to the accused member by registered mail to hi s last kn own address at least thirty days prior to such meeting; and he shall have the right to be present at suc h m e eting with counsel. XIX. AMENDMENTS This constitution cannot be suspended under any circumstances, but may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Fall Meeting. Proposed amendments must be in writing signed by fibve. members and sent to the Secretary-Treasurer in time to e included in the notice of the meeting.
BY-LAWS Adopted November 19, 1924 A mend ed t o January 8, 1931
I. ORD ER OF BUSINESS The orde r of busin ess a t a ll Club m e etings shall be a9 fol lows: Roll Ca ll. .:VI i nu tes o f prcv io us t11 c t! ing. J{epo rt s of officers. Reports of committees. Unfin is hed business. E lecti ons. !\cw bu si ness. ln case of di sp ut e as to ord er or debate, Cushing's Manual shall gover n. II. N OTI CE S No tic e of th e A nn ua l and the Fall Meeting shall be sent to each lllcmber at leas t t we nty day s pr evio us th e reto. The nr, tic c ior th e Annual Me et in g must co ntain th e report of th e l\ c, m i na t ing Commit t ee. No t ice s of sp e cial me e tings shall be se nt t o each mem ber at leas t fifteen days prev ious th eret o, and s hall sta t e in de tail the subjects to be bro ught up for act io n and no o th e r matt ers may b e consid crul at such meetings. Il l. APPEA L A memb er shal l have th e right of appeal to the Club from a decision o f the Govern ing Board, which may be overruled at th e nex t regular mee t ing by a tw o -third s vote of tho se pres ent in person or by proxy. No tic e of s uch appeal must be stated fu lly in the ca ll for the m ee t ing.
IV. VOTING None but mem be rs sha ll be a ll o w ed in the meeting room duri ng a meeting of the Club. Eve ry member pr ese nt wh en a m o ti o n is under consid eration shall vo t e th er eo n unless excus e d by the presiding officer. Proxies must be in writing, signed, witnessed and filed with the Secr etary-Tr eas ur e r five days in advance of the meeting. V. AMENDMENTS These By-Laws cannot be suspended under any circumstances but may be amended by a two-thirds vote at the Annual or Fall Meeting. Proposed amendments must be in writing signed by five memb ers and sent to th e S ecr etary-Treasurer in time to be included in th e notice of the m ee ting.
1925 1926 1927
1928 1929-3 0 1931 -2 1933-4 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939-40
1922-1 1924-39 1939 1940
]n £@rmotl:! ot our .sl)ipmatr.!3' bll)o l)abr ~«ilrb on tl)etr 1LaS-t liJ0l:!«1!£,
William Wa s hburn Nutting Arthur S. Hildebrand Fr ed e rick S. Nock Fr ederick C. Hick s Karl ls bur gh O gd e n T . McC lur g Arthur H . Day Th omas Fle ming Day H. M. Williams Mance! T . C lark A rthur Perrin Wa llace L. Durant W al t e r C. Cr ey Willi a m J. C urti s, Jr . G il be rt D . l'vlaxw,, 11 G eor ge 0 . C linch Nat hani e l F. E mm o no Stuyv e•ant Wainwright Duncan Dana Jamea W. Alker J. Ru lon Miller, Jr . Dr . R. Heber Howe Alfred Gr e enough Edward W. Brown Clarenc e V. Kozlay Jamee B. Keogh Fred e ri c k L. Amea Cnpt. Howard Blackburn O!ivl!r H. Perry Charle• E . Eveleth Alfred F. M,uury Ge o rge W. Warren Ralph M. Munroe Thoma• M. Chance Daniel Bac on Carl L. Weagant
S eptember S ept e mb e r May 17, December Apri l I, A pril 20, April 23, Augu s t 19, February 24, April I, November 2, June 1 I, D e cember 7, J a nuary 6. F ebruary 17, Ma rch May 3, November 3, December 6, March 7, July 18, January 28, March I 3, April 12, June 26, Augunt 21, November 6, November 4, January 22, March 25,
1924 I 92 4 I 92 5 I 925 1926 1926
1926 1927 1928 1928 1928
1929 1929
1930 )930 1930
930 930
931 931
932 932 932 932
932 932
933 4, 933 24, 1933
August August 26, September I, May 11, July 17,
1933 1933 1934 1934
]n ~fntOt!! ot our §bipmatr~ b:Jbo bnue ~atleb on tgfir iln.St lf'Ol!tl!Jf.
T. M . Ru ssell R a lph G. Megargel Charles Hi ggi ns o n Karl Dodge C harl es W. Jaynes Frank B. Drape r \Va lter S. Sullivan Ledyard \V. Sargent Rob e rt B. Noyes F. Elliot Cabot S a muel C. Lov ela n d Na th an ie l G . l-lerreshoff G e orge A. Cormack William H. Judson Ge orge E. Rice Birkbcck C. Crabbe Harold Amory Edward P. Alker Henry A . Wis e Wood Edwin H . Tuck e r E. Earle Garlick George E. Evan s Dudley E . Wolf e Walter J . Sommers Frede rick L. R e id Austin Fox Rig gs Lowry B. Furst H. H . Morton Norm an R. Gooderham George McM. Godl ey F. E. Fried richs Edmund La ng Be nj a min W. Carll Aemilius Jarvie Charles Lang Charles F. Nield William B. Allen
July 30, 1935 Oct ob e r 6, 1935 F e brua ry 7, 1936 March 22, 1936 Octobe r 20, 1936 July 10, 1937 November 9, 193 7 December 20, 193 7 January I, 1938 January 7, 1938 May 27, 1938 June 2, 1938 Jun e 28, 1938 Septe mber 14, 19 38 October 8, 1938 Nove mber 7, 1938 November 12, 1938 Nove mb er 18, 1938 Ap ril 9, 1939 April 26, 1939 May 19, 1939 Jun e 23, 1939 July 30, 1939 Octob er I 0, 1939 Ja nu a ry 11, 1940 M a rch 5, 1940 April 2 I , 1940 Ma y 3, 1940 J un e 7. 1940 August I 0, I 940 October 19, 1940 Novemb er I, 1940 Dece mber I, I 940 Dece mb e r 19, 1940 January 1, 1941 January I 7, 1941 January 26, 1941
iHi,;wllaJIJ? rJ1nn/,JVuL
Alain J, Gerbault
1/ 8/24
Rear Ad m ira l Edward C. Kalbfus, U .S.N.
11 / 13 /2 4
President Naval War Col lege, Newport, Rhode lalnnd .
Capt. Robert A. Bartlett
Murray Hill Hot e l, N. Y.
I I / 13/24
Har ry Pidgeon
Loe Angeles, Cal.
4/ 14/26
Major Anthony Fiala
IO Wanen St., N. Y.
3 / I 0/ 27
Lt. Com. Donald B. MacMillan Robert Somerset
Provincetown, Mass.
Commodore, Royal Cruising Club
3 / IO / 2 7
9/29/32 England
Franklin D. Rooseve lt
5/ 4/33
Preeident of the United States
...,__,, .....__, zwa
- -
Abbott, Paul Ackerly, S. Lo Roy A da ms, Geor ge F. 2 Adorns, Kempton 106 Alden, John C. Allen, John Edward 20 Amory, Robert
40 Well St., N. Y. 5/2 8 / 36 Northport, L. I. 1/ 12/23 155 E. 49th St., N. Y. 10/ 8/ 35 Reddin g Rid ge, Conn. 5/ 8/ 37 13 I Stole St., Boston, Mass . Ch a rter 156 E. 52nd St., N. Y. 1/ 16/ 40 9 56 Brush Hill Rd ., Milton. Mass. 2/ 25/ 32 Anable, Anthony 570 Lexington Ave., N. Y. 2/19/35 20 Pine St., N. Y. 14 J Anderson, Henry Hill 2/ 2/ 33 Andrews, Charle• Lee 44-35 Kissena Bh•d., Flushing, N. Y. 4/ 24/3 I Appleton, Joseph \V. 5 4 North Main St., Essex, Conn. 4/ 7/ 32 Armstrong, Daniel W. 630 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 2/ 23/28 2 Perk Ave., N. Y. 9/26/24 Atwater, Charle• W. 15 0 South Mnin St., 97 Atwater, David H. Fell River, Mess. Life 12/ /23 4 Gateway Drive, _37 Atwater, John J. Grea t Neck, N. Y. 10/ / 23 247 Park Ave .. N. Y. 232 Baekeland , L. H. CharteT Gibson Island, Maryland I J 1 Baillie re, Lawrence M. 1/ 22 / 31 South Brooksville, Maine 2 48 Ba ke r, Clair L. 4/ 7/ 38 P. 0. Box I I 5, Essex, Conn. 7/ 20 / 27 J 15 Beker, Henry Martyn Eau Callie, Fla . & 225 -:!J I Baker, Stephen 0 . 234 W. 14th St., N. Y. Life 1/12/23 Porchuck Road, Baker, W. Edgar, Jr. Greenwich, Conn. 1/12/23 Baddeck, Nova Scotia 200 Baldwin, F. W. Charter Baldwin, H. De Forest 25 Broadway, N. Y. 1/12/23 Land Title Buildint; 59 Ballard, Frederick L. Philadelphia, Pa. 6 / 9 / 32 I i4 Bannerman, David B. 50 I Broadway, N. Y. 12 / 13 / 23 50 Vanderbilt Ave., N. Y. Barnum, Walter 21 2/33 165 Elizabeth St., Barstow, Robbins W. Hartford, Conn. 2/ 2/3 7 159 Bavier, Robert N. 122 Sutton Manor, New Rochelle, N. Y. 4/20/23 Bavier, William N., Jr. 38 Locust Ave. New Rochelle, N. Y. 4/ 7/32
18 80 Bened ict,
R. P.
420 I So . Ashland Ave.
4/ 14 /2 5 Chicago, Ill. 135 D erby Ave ., New Hav e n , Conn. 6/ 9/32 D e ep Ri ve r, Conn . 5/24/25 Betts, H e rb ert M. 12 9 1 Blue Hill Ave., Biddle, Nichola.,, 10/ 25 / 34 Milton . Mass. 20', Bi glo w. R. Graham No rfolk, Conn. 6/14/27 Blanchard, Fesse nden S. 4 Seeley Pl., Scarsdale, N . Y. 7/ 29/31 Bliss, Zenas Randall 75 Upton Ave., Providence , R. I. 11 /28/30 255 Bliss, Zcnas W. 238 Ar min g ton St., Edgewo od, R. I. 2/25/32 Boal, Ay res 122 S. M ichi ga n Ave. , Chicago, Ill. Life 6/ 5/ 22 I i 9 Bodman, H e rbert L. Glen H ead , Nassau Co ., New Yo rk 12/17/31 186 Bonnell. Geo. P . P . 30 R o ckefel le r Plaza, N. Y. Ch a rt er Boo kw a lter. C hnrl es F. 90 Bro a d St., N. Y. 9/ 29 / 38 31 Bowl es, Ch este r 444 Madison Ave., N. Y. 5/ 28/ 36 Boyd. Will iam , Jr. The Yal ,- C lu b, 50 Va nd e rbilt !\vc., N . Y . 5 / 11 / 39 205 Bradford, Edward S., Jr. Springfi e ld Wir e & Tinsel Co . W est Sp rin g field, Mass. 2/ 1/ 40 Bradley, A. Fred., Jr. 2 I Tun sta ll Ro a d, Scarsdale, N . Y. 5/29/30 25 2 Bray to n , Edward 3 88 Rock St., Fall Riv e r, Ma ss. 2/ I /25 Brett, Geo. P ., Jr. 60 Fifth Ave., N. Y . 4/24/36 Brown, B. H . Inness 120 Broadway, N . Y . I 2/ I 3 / 23 249 Brown , H o lco mb e J. 3 5 Doan e St., Boston, Ma ss. 1 2 / 2 I / 3 7 105 Bro w ne, Alan S. 60 Fifth Avenue, . Y . 2 / 1 / 40 Bru gle r, James K., Jr. Belle Haven, Greenwich, Conn. Charter Brus h, Abbott P . Gree nwi c h, Conn. 1 / I 4 / 28 Buck, Winthrop P. Oyster Bay, N . Y. 2/ 2/ 3 3 21 3 Buck elew, Chas. W . 44 \Va s hington Ave. Plainfi eld, N. J. 5/21/29 Butt e rfi eld, H. D., Jr. Hamilton, Bermuda 5/27/31 33 By e rly, Robert W. 225 Broadway, N. Y. 1/ 8/24 53 High St.. W es t e rly. R . I. 3 /2 5 / 2 9 114 Cabot, Edward Littl e Compton, R . I. Cabot, Nelson 3/25 / 29 Berg er, D. Spencer
19 52 Cabot, Thomas D. 240 C aesar, William F.
7 7 Franklin St., Boston, Mas s 5 / 8/ 37 48 West Tier St., City Island, N. Y 12/ 13/ 23 Ca rson, \Vrn. M., Jr. 25 Broad St., N. Y. 12/ 17/31 Cha mbe rs, John A lbert 24 2 Pleasant St. Marblehead, Mass. I / 18/2 7 89-156 Chance, Edwin M. 140 I A rch St., Philadelphia, Pa. 4 / 25 / 30 66 C hase, Philip Putnam 24 I Highland Street, Milt on, Mass. 7/ 13/3 9 13,1 Cha tman, Joseph T . Va n \Vagen en A ve., Milton Pt., Rye, N. Y. 2/ 2/ 33 11 / 15/2 8 27 Clifford, Randall Easton, Md. 138 Cobb, Charles K. IO Post Office Square, 3/ 22/ 22 Boston, Mass. 160 Cobb, Sta nley 334 Adams St., 12/2 9/ 38 Milton, Mass. 5/ 8/ 37 23-122 Cochra n, Drayton 15 7 East 63 rd St., N. Y. 12 So. 4th St., Hudson, N. Y. 1/12/ 23 39 Coffin, Sarni. Barlow 5125 / 28 Blue Hill, Maine ,"28 Co ggan, Linus C. I 3 6 Perkins Street, 77 Cole, John F. Somerville, Mass. 3 / 22 / 22 I / 2/31 242 E. 19th St., N. Y. 120 Connett, Frank S. 205 East 42nd St., N. Y. 1/ 16/ 40 196 Conover, Harvey IO Sutton Manor Cook. Willard B. New Rochelle, N. Y. 5/ 11 / 22 147 Cooke, A. Goodwin 142 East 18th St., N. Y. 4 / 25 / 30 1 I S Cook e, Ca rleton S. 2 Wall St., N. Y. 4/2 0/ 23 Killa rn•s Point, 118 Cooke, Thomas F. Branford, Conn. 4/2 5/ 30 176 Co oley, John C. 3 I Woodland Street, Hartford, Conn. 7/ I 3 / 3 9 9 Coolidge, Amory 160 State St., Boston, Maas. 7 / 29 / 31 Coolidge, Wm. H. 50 Sta te St., Boston, Mass. 3 / 17/ 27 Gastonia Combed Yarn Corp., Cooper, Gerald A. Gastonia, N. C. 9/ 24/ 31 Crabbe, Daniel McE. Toms River, N. J. 9 / 24/31 Toms River, N. J. 220 Crabbe, Edward 10/ 19/ 25 I 07 East 63rd St., N. Y. Crabbe, Edward L. 1/ 18/ 27 162 Crane, Clinton H . 250 Pork Ave., N. Y. 11 / 28/ 33 Cunningham, Alan I 00 Arlington St., Boston, Mass. 6 / 9 / 32 8 Cutter. Geo. A . 161 Pleasant St., Lynn, Mass. 9 / 27 / 29
20 Cutting, U lye1e1 D.
I 06 Harriaon St., Eoet Orange, N. J. 5/ 1/21, 14 Dale, F. Slade Bay H ead, N. J. 12/2 3 / 29 736 We st 17 3rd St., N. Y. Da nve r, James A. 5 / 27 / 35 Darrell, Alfred A. Hamilton, Bermuda 11 / 28 / 30 2 12-235 Dauchy, Samuel 4455 Hermosa Way , San Diego, Cal. 'i /25/28 Davidson, Ke nneth S. M. Castle Poin t, Hoboken, N. J . 3/ 7 / 40 Davie, Charlee G. 946 ½ Newton Ave., S. St. P ete rsbu r g, Fla . C ha rter Davis, Leverett Brainard Th e olo gical Semina ry . Alexand ria. Va . 5 / 11 / 39 222 de Fonta ine , W . H., Jr . 63 Wall St., N. Y. 9 /2 4 / 31 de Forcst, H enry L. 20 Exchan ge Pl., N. Y. 4/ 24 /36 Delafi eld, Fred'k Prime 63 Wa ll Street, N. Y. 2 / 1/ 40 50 DeMott , Raymond S. 65 Pondficld Rd ., Bronxville , N. Y. 1 1/ 18/ 40 1'13 de Pooch, Lionel 22 William St., N. Y. 5 /2 4 / 24 De rby, H asket 14 8 State St., Boston, Mass. 2/ 19/35 Derby, Jamee Lloyd I Ceda r St., N. Y. 9/2 1/28 i 2 Devere ux, H enry M. 18 1 Cit y Island Ave., Cit y Island. N. Y. 11 /2 8 /3 3 36 Di ck, Evan., Jr. 30 State St. , Boston. Mass. 11 / 23/36 Dicke rson, John S. IO IO Fifth Ave ., N. Y. 2/ 1/ 25 Dic kerson, John S . Jr. IO IO Fifth Ave ., N. Y. 11 / 28/ 30 4 5 Dillon, Sch uyler I 3 I State St., Boston, Maoa. 6 / 30/ 26 140 Doane, George B. 1805 Columbia Road, South Bosto n , Mass. Life 1/ 12/ 23 Dow, G. Lincoln, J r. 150 Fletcher Rd., Belmont. Ma ss. 2 / 2 / 37 Dow, Richard A. 123 Brattle St., Cambr id ge, Maes. 12/29/38 56 Downe, Charles B. I 6 I 5 Penn. Bldg. , Phila., Pa. 2/ 9 /23 13 5 Downe, W. Findlay 620 Packard Buildin g, Philadelphia, Pa. 6 / 30/26 34 Drake, George B. 151 -23 35th Ave., Flushing, N. Y. 5 / 24/24 I 7 Battery Place, N. Y. Drake, Geo. B., Jr. 5 / 27 / 31 208 Drisler, William A . 147 5 Wha lley Ave. , New H aven, Conn. 2 / 2 /33 Du gga n, George H. 3 63 6 McT avish St., Montreal, Can. 7/ 6/22 148 Duncan, Robert F. 150 Nauau St., N. Y. 5/29/30
21 Dunham, Wm. G.
flax Hill Rd .. So. Norwalk, Conn. ; ; 27 / 35 20 Dunn, Gano 80 Broa d St.. N. Y. 1/ 22/ 31 Durant, Donald 4 I Broad St., N. Y. 9 / 20/26 Duryee, Andrew Barr 3 9 Liberty Ave. , New Rochelle, N. Y. 2/ 9/ 23 168 Dyer, Leonard H. 1428 La ke Knowles Circle Winte r Park, Fla. 7 / 21/22 2-15 Dyer, William J. H. The Anchora ge, \Va rren, R. I. 1/ 22/ 31 2 1i Earle, Ralph 14 28 South Penn Squa re, Phila delphia, Pa. 7/ 19/3 4 233 Broa dwa y, N. Y. 12i Ellis, Ridsda le 11 / 18/ 40 Univ..,rsity Club, 10 Ely, Edward C. I W. 54th St., N. Y. 6 / 30/26 College of En gineering, NYUEmmons, Gardner University H eights, N. Y. 1/ 25 / 29 Endt, Everard C. Room I 630-80 Maid en La ne, N. Y. 2/ 2/ 3 7 41 Failey, Crawford F. 416 South Sixth St., Terre Haute, India na 2/ I / 40 14 Wall St., New York, N. Y. 7/19/34 30 Fales, D eCoursey Bay St., Nassau, B. W. I. 2/ 27 / 30 Ill Fales, Haliburton , Jr. 38 Farneworth, George B. 5470 Collins A ve., Miami Beach, Fla. & Christmas Cove, Me. 5 / 20/ 23 Rum Gagger Farm, 9 8 Fenger, Frederic A. Cohasset, Maas. Charter 24 Ferris, Raymond W. 464 N. Portage Path, Akron, Ohio 4/10/ 28 84 Finley, Wm. Copeland P.O. Box 820 Place D' A rmes, Montreal, Can. I I / 4/ 3 7 Floyd-Jones, T. L., Jr. Sche ring Corp., 86 Orange St .. Bloomfield, N. J. 9/ 24/ 31 6-1 21 Forbes, Alexa nde r 2 IO H a rland St., Milton, Mass. 4 / 3 / 24 Forbes, David C . Sherbourne, Mass. 1/ 31 / 36 Ford, Ellsworth 471 Park A ve., N. Y. I /2 4/ 2 3 21 Ford, Hobart c/o Green, Ellis & Andcnon I 00 Broadway, N. Y. 8/ 2/22 75 Union St., Ford, William A. New Rochelle, N. Y. 9 / 29 / 32 110 Foster, Charles H. W. 7 9 I Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Charter Foster, Edward P., Jr. Cedarwood Road, North Stamford, Conn. 4/ 19/ 34
22 10 / 25 / 34 Rive rside , Con n . 830 W. University Pkway. , Ba ltimore, Md . 5 / 1 1/ 39 Fowler, Lindsay Arth ur Denbi g h, Warw ic k County, Va. 7 / 13 / 39 65 Broa dway, N. Y. 3 / 7 / 40 Fraser, Geo rge C . Box 304, Frith, E. Vinc en t Hamilt on, Bermuda 10 / 25 / 34 376 Randolp h Ave., Fulle r, H orace W. Milton, Mass. 5 / 28/ 36 Rin gs End Road, 23, Gade , Frederick Noroton, Conn. 3 / 5 / 23 239 E. 48th St., N . Y. Gallowhu r, G eo rge 3 1 7 / 27 2765 O akdale St., i8 Gandy, Geo . 5. Jr. S t. P et e rsbu rg, Fla. 9/26/27 Gardiner, Frederic M. 3 804 Greyston e Ave., N. Y. 4 / 21 / 27 133 Gardiner, R obert H . P . 0. Box 1647, Boston, Ma ss. 12/29 / 3 8 16 Garcliner. Wm. Tudor Court S t. , Boston , Maso . 10/ 8/35 Gardner, H a rriso n 1~8 Sta te St., Bost on , Mass. 10 / 8 / 35 199 Garland, Robe rt L Syosct t, L. I. , N. Y . 2 / 27 / 30 Gilpin, Vinc en t , ,ppl e Hill, \Vest Ches t e r, Pa. 10 / 8 / 35 Goodhue , Nathaniel M. I O Morton Rd ., Mi lto n, Mass . 12 / 2 1/ 37 I 5 Lewis St. , 1-lartfo rd, Conn. 3/ 2 5/29 13i Goodwin, C hao. A . Goodwin, Francis, II I 5 Lewis S t r eet, Hanford, C onn. 2 / 25/ 32 P. 0 . Box I 56, l3ca chcroft 2;J Gordon, H e nry H . Hun tin g ton , N. Y. ' 2 / 9 / 23 18 O rn e St reel, 144 Gould, A lbe rt Palmer Marb le head, Mass. 7/ 13 / 39 I Fed e ral St., Boston, Maso. 1 1 / 1 5 / 2 8 Gou ld, /;ibert T . c/o Abbott, Proctor & Paine J 28 G ra nbe ry, George P . 120 Broadway, N. Y. 6/ 15/ 22 3 3 Silver St. , Ii i Gray, Alan Midd le ton , Conn. 2 / 19 / 35 Greeff, Edward R. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 2/2 5/32 Green, C. Douglass 49 Broad St., N. Y. 9 / 2 1 /33 Greening, Ha rry B. Hamilton , Can . Cha rt e r 21 ; Gree nough, Malcolm W. 50 C o n gress St. , Boston, M ass. 9 / 29 / 38 1;s Grinn ell, Lawren ce South Da r tmou t h, Mass. 5/2 4 / 25 Griswold, Roge r 73 Newb ury St. Boston, Mass. C h art e r t Groome, Joh n C. , Jr. 14 16 C h est nut St. , Phi la., Pa. 7 / 19 / 3 4 62 Grosvenor, G ilbert H. Nat'! Geog raph ic Society, Wash in gton, D. C. C harter
! 12
Foster , El on Foster, J ohn W. Smith
l3 152
Grosvenor, Melville B.
I 146 16th St., N.W., \Vas hin gton, D.C. 9 / 14/ 39 ? - J Berwyn, Pa . Guckes, P. Exton 7I 13/ 39 Guild, Joseph 28 Guild Roa d, D edham, Mass. Life 4/14/25 1900 Spanish Trail, Hall, J. Goodwin Fort \V orth, Texas 10/ 17/25 H a llow ell, J o hn W., Jr. Grot o n , Mass. 11 / 18/ 40 674 Brush Hill Road, Hallow ell , Roger H . Milton, Mass. 2/ 2/3 7 13 7 Wood land St., Hallo,vell, William L. Hartford, Conn. 4/ 24 / 36 i8 Ham, Arthur H. 346 Fourth A ve., N. Y. 4/24/36 Box 325, Dunedin, Fla. Hanna, John G. 5/ 11/22 I 15 W . Monroe St,, Harris, Stanley G. Chica go, Ill. 2/ 2/33 10 1 Hn~ke ll, William T. Richards Road Port Washington, N. Y. 4/ 1/24 3 2 I Summer St., H atc h, Parker C. Boston, Mass. I 0/25/34 c/ o Simpson, Spence &. Young Hayward, Wm. F. 8-10 Brid ge St., N. Y. 5/24/25 9 /29 / 38 109 H empstead, Gordon B. 6 10 Park Ave., N. Y. Lowell Rd., Concord, Mass. 5/ 8 /3 7 l,1 2 H ep burn, Andrew 229 Hinchman, C. Ru ssell 93 7 Haver ford Road, Bry n Mawr, Pa. 4/ 19/ 34 129 So. 16th St ., Ho gan, John R. Phila delphia, Pa . 2 / 2/3 7 2629 North Second St., Horrocks, Thomas S. Harrisburg, P a . 4/ 7/ 32 Eas t Rive r, Conn. Hotchkiss, Stuar t T. 2/19/3.S. 88 Howard, Henry Paradise Road, Newport, R. I. Charter Life 4i Howarth, Lesli e \V. Ma gnolia H a ll, Berm uda 4/ 7/38 14 6 Howland, Waldo c/o Concord ia Co., Inc., 5 0 State St., Boston, Mass. 5/ 4/33 Hoyt, C. Sherman 3 7 W. 44th St., N. Y. Life 2/ 9/23 Hubbard, Charl es J. 6 I Montvale Road, Newton Cen te r, Mass. 5/ 4 / 33 129 Hubbard, George F. 60 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 11/28/33 Huntington, L. D., Jr. Harbour Island, Bahamas, B.W.I. 9 / 24/24 Huntin gton , Prescott 8. 7 I Broadway, N. Y. 5/ 11/39
82 Dcvonohire St., Boston, Masa. 12 /29 / 38 25 1 Jackson, Henry A. 75 Harmon Ave., Pelham, N. Y. 6 / 5 / 22 Jacoby, Maclear P. 0. Box 172, Saugatuck, C onn. 12 / 29/38 48 Jencks, Chas. D. Bristol Highlands, R. I. 1/ 2 7/3 8 Jenne••• Peter, Jr. Cape Elizab eth, Me. 4 / 7 / 32 Jimeni•. Edwin A. 82 Beave r St., N. Y. 2/ 1/2 5 124 John son, C. Lowndes The Harbor, Easton, Md . 4/19/ 3 4 180 Johnson, John Seward New Brunswick, N. J . Life 107 Johnson, Peer P. 15 Washington St. , Be verly, Mass. 6 / 9 / 32 Johnson, Robert Wo od New Brunawick, N. J. 5/ / 23 18 .l -2 4 1 Jones, Bassett Nantucket Island, Mass. 11 / 19 / 3 1 3 Jo ne s, C. H . L. l .i vc r poo l, N ova Sco tia S/ 27 / 35 153 Joplin g, Mor gan W . 9 Rockefeller Plaza, N. Y. 11 / 18/ 40 43 Kattenhorn, Martin ~80 Wall St., N. Y. Charter Keep, Robert P. Farn1ington, C onn. 4 / 7 / 38 Kelly, Thomas A . c , o Johnson & 1 li gg ins, 6 3 Wal l St. , N. Y. 9 / 21/33 2~ Killam, G eo rge Ya r mouth, i':ova Sco tia 7/ 19/ 34 Kilmer, Hugh I I Broadway, N. Y. 1/22 / 31 Kin gsbury, Isaa c W. 125 Trumbull St., Hartford, Conn. 7 /29/ 31 46 Kna uth, O swald W . 27 West 67th St., N. Y. 3 ,' 7 / 40 19 4 Kni ght, Henry Lambe rt V ineyard Haven, Martha' s Vin eyard, Mass . 2 / 19/35 Knight, Thomas S. 140 Federal St., Boston, Maas. 10/ 17 / H 182 Lamont, Austin 710 North W a shington S t.. Baltimore, Md. 2/2 5 / 32 2 1c Larish , C lyde E. 608 South Dearborn St., C hi cago, Ill. I / 16/ 40 Larkin, Daniel F. Washington Trust Bldg., Westerly, R. I. 2/25/32 Larner, G. de F r ee•t Causein Manor, Bel A lton, Charles Co., Md. 1/ 18 / 27 Lawson, Fr ank B. 60 State St., Boston, Mass. 5/11 / 39 53 Hillman St., Lawton, Sanford Springfield, Mass. 11 / 18/ 40 South Man chester, Conn. Learned, John I I / 23/36 Leeson, Robert North St., Westwood, Mass. 5/28/36 254 Lewis, Dexter L. Box 393, Brunsw ic k, Ga. 1/ 16/ 40 42 Lippincott, Wells A. 2512 West 24th St., Chicago, Ill. 11/23/36 Jackson, Charles, Jr.
Z5 Littl efi e ld, M. B.
40 Lincoln St ., La rchmont, N. Y. 5/ 11 / 39 2 W a ll St., N. Y. 8 1 Lockwood, Luke B. 11 / 28/ 30 Lombard, Laurence M. I Federal St., Boston, MaH. 5/25/28 1;n Loomis, Alfred F. 122 East 76th St., N. Y. 3 / 22/22 Lord, Edward C . Sterlin g Junction, Mass. 11 / 28/ 33 11, Lord , John B. 63 Wall St., N. Y. 9/26/27 6 3 Lorin g, Au gustu s P .. Jr. 3 5 Con gress St. , Boston, Mase. 5/28/36 70 Loring, A u g ustu s P ., 111 Pride's Crossin g, Mass. 11 / 18 / 40 Lo veland, Sa mu el C ., Jr. Hammo nton, N. J. 2/ 19/ 35 Lov er in g, Willia m B. 140 Eve rit A venu e, Hewlett,N. Y. 3 / 7/ 40 Lundgren, Chas. J., Jr. 115 \V eyford T er ra ce, Ga rd en City, N. Y. 2/ 2/ 37 139 Lundgren, Wm. E. 79 John St., N. Y. 7 / 29/31 Lyman, Rich a rd W. 4 5 Ba tte ry ma r ch S t., Boston, Mass. I I / 4/ 3 7 149 Macomber, Donald 66 Cra btree Ro a d, Squa ntum, Mass. 11 / 4 / 3 7 37 Mad eira, Edward \V . School Hou se La n e, Germanto w n, Philade lphia, Pa . 4/ 14/ 25 Makaroff, Vadim S. 480 Lexin gton A ve., N. Y. 10 / 25 / 34 108 -243 Mallory, Philip R. I BOO West 25th St., Mia mi Beac h, Fla . 4 / 20 / 33 132 Manley, Louia E. 460 W. 34th St., N. Y. 5/24 / 25 136 Manny, Walter Roy 2 IO Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, N. Y. 9/ 2 1/ 33 Fi rs t Na tiona l Ba nk Bld g. , 150 Marsh, Carleton L. Greenwich , Conn. 11 / 19 / 31 Freela nd, nea r O x ford, Mason, Micha el H. England 5 / 11 / 39 Mather, Frank J., Jr. Washington Crossing, Pa. 9/21/28 23 4 Matheaon, Hu~h M. 418 S. W. Second Ave., Miami, Fla. 4/10/28 Ma theson, Hu gh M., Jr. 4205 Douglas Road, Mia mi, Fla. 3/ 7/40 Farmin gton , Conn . 22 1 Maxim, Hiram H. 2/2 5/H 90 State St., Boston, Mass. 173 Mayo , Kenn eth C . 5/11 / 39 200 Madison Ave. , N. Y. McCullou gh, W. G . 5 / 27/35 P . 0 . Box No. 104 Meneely, Cheater B. Morristown, N. J. 9/21/28 192 Meneely, Henry T. 545 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 10/19/25
26 71 Merrill, john Lee
Merrill, Owen Parker
136 State St., Augusta, Me. 204 City Isla nd Ave. ,
1/ 23/29
City laland, N. Y. I I I 4/ 37 1/ 12/23 St. Michaela , Md. 236 Merwin, Horace B. Brooklawn Park, Brid geport, Conn. 1/ 22/ 3 1 198-227 Metcalf, Rowe B. 10 / 17 / 25 45 E. 17th St., N. Y. 75 Millett, Kenneth B. Druid Lane, Riverside, Conn. 2/ I / 40 83 Milliken, Seth M. 95 I Madison Ave. , N. Y. 5/ 4/ 33 Milla, William N. 71 Columbine Road, 11 / 4/ 37 Milton, Mass. 44 Mixter, George W. 2/ 27/ 30 165 Broadway, N . Y. Moffat, Alexander W. 7 West Cedar Street, 6/ I / 22 Boston, Mass. Moore, Hartwell S. 1450 Broadway, N . Y. 6 / 9 / 32 191 Moore, Robert Hartwell 1450 Broadway, N . Y . 1/ 12/23 Moriaon, Samuel E. 44 Brimme r St., 12/2 1/ 28 Boston, M ass. Marriaon, Bruce Sea Beach Drive , Stamford, Conn. 11 / 23 / 36 94 Moraa, E,verett 79 Sidney St., Cambridge, Maas. 1/14 / 28 17 Morss, Henry A ., Jr. 24 Charlesgate East, Boston, Mass. 9/21 / 33 17 Moraa, Sherman 120 Willard Road, Brookline, Mass. 5/2 8/ 36 17 Moras, Wells 24 C harleagate East, Baston, Mass. 9 /2 9 /3 8 Moulton, Francia S. I Federal St., Bos ton, Maas . 5/25/ 28 Mower, Charlea D. 3 Pinckney St., Bos t on, Mass. 5 / 11 / 22 188 Moxham, Egbert, East Shore Road, 4/ 14/2 5 Great Neck, L. I. 210 Munroe, Wirth M. Box P , Coconut Grove, Fla. 10/20/26 130 Murphy, John Killam Killam'a Point, 9/24/24 Branford, Conn. Nazro, Arthur P. 7469 Santa Clara Drive, Dallas, T exas 11 / 4/3 7 Neilaon, Alexander S. 84 Spooner Road, Chestnut Hill, M ass. 4 / 20 /23 Nevin, E. Paul Darien, Conn. 5/24/25 164 Nichols, George 40 Worth St., N. Y. 2/23/28 249 Nichole, Lloyd 50 Congress Street, Boston, Mass. 9/2 1/ 28 32-233 Merriman, H. Morton
27 ichol son, Paul C.
Nicholson File Co .. Providence, R. I. Life I 0/ /23 91 Nickerson, Hoffman \Ves t Shore Drive, O ys ter Bay, L. I. 11/ 7/30 Northrop, Jam es T. 54 5 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 2/ 19/ 35 Ould, C. Raymo nd Room 1401-30 Church 3/ 7/ 40 St., N. Y. Outerbridge, Joseph W. "R ed Levels", Cold Sprin g Harbor, N. Y. 2/ 25 / 32 165 Paine, Frank C. 185 Devonshire St., 4/ 7/ 32 Boston, Mass. 218 Parkinson, John 50 Con gress Street, 11 / 13/23 Boston, Moss. Parkinson, John, Jr. U.S.S. A rkansas, PostmMter, 4/ 10/ 28 New York, N. Y. 5/ 28/ 36 Pa rkinson, Nathaniel E. 49 Brood St., N. Y. 20 Parkman, Henry, Jr. 82 Dcvomhire St., Room 80.5 6/14/27 Boston, Maas. 49 Patton, Geor ge S., Jr. Green Meadows, 9/ 29 / 38 South H a milton, Mass. Payne, Edward D. Shippnn Point, 6/16/22 Stamford, Conn. Percival, Lawrence F. 3 7 3 Washin gton St., 9/26/24 Bos ton, Ma ss. Perkins, John F., Jr. 2 721 East Drnchman St., Tucson, Arizona 5/ 4/ 33 242 Phelps, John J. R. D. I, H ac kensack, N. J. Charter Lifcs Pierce, Dewey L. Pierce Road, Riverside, Conn. 1/16/ 40 201 Pierce, S. S. I IO Ru ggles Lane, Charter Milton, Mass. Pitman, Harold Minot 88 Summit Ave., 12 / 21/37 Bronxville, N. Y. Plumb, Joseph H. 12/ 29/38 P. 0. Box 326, Ludlow, Vt. 12/29/38 15 Plumb, Joseph H ., Jr. 81 0 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 169 Pool, J. Lawrence 1/25/29 IO 7 East 60th St., N. Y. Pope, Albert L. I 6 Sycamore Rd., 7/29/31 West Hartford, Conn. 197 Porter, C. Burnham 2 5 I Beacon St., 4/19/34 Boston, Mass. Poet, Charles K. 9/29/38 Bayport, N. Y. Power, Charle■ Bellevue Halifax Hotel, Daytona Beach, Fin. 3/17/27 187
Powen, Frederic D.
2730 Edward Ave., I 00 Oaka, Baton Rou ge, La. 5/25 /2 8 151 Pratt, Albert c/o F. S. Pratt & Son, 200 Devonshire St. Boston, Mass. 2/ 19 / 3 5 123 Prince, Gordon C. 54 Devonshire St .. Boston. Maaa . 3/22 / 2i. Puleaton, Dennis Meadow Lane, Brookhave n, N. Y. 5/ 28 / 36 Radulic, George 5100 S. Aahland Ave. Chicago, Ill. 6/23/23 73 Rand, William M. Trapelo Road, Lincoln, Mass. 3/ 7 / 40 Rankin, Ralph S. 195 Broadway, N. Y. 5/ 4/33 163 Rataey, Ernest A. City Island, N. Y. 2/25/32 Ratsey, George Colin Cowee, I. W. En gland 1/3 t/ 36 87 Rat,ey, George E. City Island, N. Y. 4/ 7/32 Rawle, Mar1hall 4 Wood St., Bristol, R. I. 4/25/30 Raymond, Gordon 521 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 11/13/23 Raymond, Irving E. Eagle Springs, N. C. Charter Life160 Redfield, Alfred C. 2 I Berkeley St., Cambridge, Maas. 11 /1 8 / 40 219 Reid, Wm. T., 3rd 14 Hawthorn Rd., Brookline, Mase. 9/26/24 190 Remington, Franklin 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N. Y. 1/31 / 36 20 Reynold,, Edward 61 Broadway, N. Y. 2/25/32 181 Reynold,, Harrison G. 1900 Que St., Washington, D. C. 2/25 /32 61 Reynolds, Richard J. 1206 Reynolds Building, Winston-Salem, N. C. I /16 / 40 184 Rhodes, Philip L. I I Broadway, N. Y. 4/ 7/38 102 Richards, George H. 68 William St., N. Y. 11/4/3 7 \ 89 Ritchey, Norton V. 1270 Sixth Ave., N. Y. 2/ 1/ 40 Robina, Thomaa, Jr. 240 Kensington Ave., Buffalo, N. Y. 4/24/31 Oy,ter Bay, L. I., N. Y. 175 Robinson, Francie 4/24/36 I 8 Summer St., Salem, Maas. 7/ 6/22 79 Robineon, John 2/25/32 54 Rockwell, Cha■. B., Jr. 2 High St., Bri,tol, R. I. Life 11/28/30 z,a Roo ■ evelt, Geo. Emlen 30 Pin~ St., N. Y. 11/28/33 Roosevelt, John K. 67 Broad St., N. Y. 9/29/32 76 Roo1evelt, Philip J. 30 Pine St., N. Y. 3 1 NaS11au St., N. Y. 90 Root, Elihu, Jr. 4/19/34 P. 0. Box 7, Brighton Dist., 104 Ro11, Thorvald S. Boston, MaH. 3/21/23
29 Rowe, F. Walter, Jr.
Elco Nava l Works, Bayonne, N. J. 4/ 19/34 Rugg, Da niel M. Maspeth & Varick Aves., Brooklyn, N. Y. 1/ 31/36 Ruahmore, W . A. 187 Park Ave., 6/30/26 Huntington, N. Y. 1/ 19/34 178 Russell, Frank H. Newtown, Bucks Co., Pa. North Lake Way, 244 Rutherfurd, John M. 3/22/22 Palm Beach, Fla. 5/27/35 Casilla 1825, Lima, Peru Saito, A. Benedict 7/ 6/22 64 Saltonstall, Leverett Chestnut Hill, Maaa. 25 Ocean Ave., 60 Schaefer, Rudolph J. Larchmont, N. Y. 2/ 2/37 59 Gottorpstrnsse Othmarachen, Schlimbach, Ludwig Hamburg, Germany 11 / 1/ 37 3 240 Lake Shore Drive, 172 Schoenwerk, Otto C. 10/ 20/ 27 Chicago, Ill. 209 Church St., Scranton, Wm. D . 12/21 / 37 New Haven, Conn. 3/ 7/ 40 383 Madison Ave., N. Y. 125 Sears, Henry Seeley, N. S. I 15 Van Rens Ave., Shippan, Stamford, Conn. 3/ 25/ 29 167 Semler, Ralph B. 60 Elm St., 11 / 18/ 40 New Canaan, Conn. 12 Service, Elliot K. 41 Maple Ave., 10/17/25 Glen Cove, N. Y. 185 Sewall, John Ives 3 Clarendon Place, 4/19/34 Buffalo, N. Y. Charter 126-230 Seymour, A. D., Jr. Sunset Drive, Ithaca, N. Y. 224 Sharp, B. Karl I I 7 Sutton Ma nor, 3/22/22 New Rochelle, N. Y. 11 6 Sheldon, Paul B. 5/ 11 /3 9 I 09 E . 67th St., N. Y. Simp,on, Dwight S. 13 I State St., Boston, Maas 10/ 17/25 99 Siatare, George H. 4 74 Park St., New Bedford, Man. 10/ 17/25 93 Smith, Arthur C. 26 Hubbard Park, 11 / 4/ 37 Cambridge, Mass. Smith, D. Allen 60 Batterymarch St., Boston, Mass. 12/29/38 204 Smith, Frank Vining 64 High St., South Hingham, Mass, 5/24/24 57 Smith, Geoffrey S. 13 2 0 Packard Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 9/21/33
30 103 Smith, Harold S.
115 Broadway, Ro om 1200, New York, N. Y. I 0 / 2 5/ 3 4 Smith, Herbert M. 5 Ruby Ave., 3 / 15 / 2 6 Marblehead. Mass. Smith, Melville R. 98 So. Bergen P l., 1/ 12/23 Freeport, N. Y. Smith, Rufu, G. 6 Lowell Roa d, Port Washin gton, N. Y. 4 / 25 / 3 0 Spencer, Duncan M. c/ o Fiduciary Trust Co., 4 /2 1/ 27 I Wall St., N. Y. 203 Sperry, Paul A. I 4 75 Whalley Ave., 4 / 7/ 3 8 New Haven, Conn. 246 Sprague, Eben C. 65 Oakland Pla ce, 3 / 7 / 40 Buffalo, N. Y. 214 Stanford, Alfred B. 5 / 2 7 / 35 630 Fifth A ve., N . Y. Stanford, C. M. Mount Marion, N. Y. S/ 27 / 3 1 69 Starr, Donald C. 2/19/ 35 30 State St., Boston, M aas. Stephen,, Kenneth 2/ 9/2 3 99 John St., N. Y. Stephen,, Olin J., II. 11 East 44 th St., N. Y. 3/2 5/ 29 Stephens, Roderick 2 15 E. 149th St., N. Y. 3 / 15/ 26 Stephens, Roderick, Jr. 11 East 44th St., N. Y. 4 / 7/ 32 119 Stephens, W. P. 3 71 6 223 rd St., Bay side , L. I. Cha rter 157 Sterling, Duncan, Jr. 50 Broad St., N. Y. 2/ 19/ 35 226 Stetson, Harlan T. 3 I Bird St., Needha m , M ass. 5/20/ 27 250 Stewart, Gienn Cape Centa ur House, Easton, Ma ryland 11 / 7/ 30 Stewart, Wm. A. 45 Wall St., N. Y. 4/21/27 58 Stewart, Wm. L., Jr, Room 12 18, 617 W . 7th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 12/ 29/ 38 Stiger, William N. H ewlett, L. I., N. Y. 3/ 7/ 4 0 Stone, Francis H., Jr. 9 Benevolent St., Providence, R . I. 3 / 4 / 24 155 Stone, Herbert L. Chart er 205 E. 42nd St., N. Y. Stoneleigh, Duane Rice Old Bedford Roa d, P ort Chester, N. Y. 9 / 29 / 38 11 Strong, Arth ur C. McKesson-Churchill Drug Co., Burlington, Iowa 9 / 29/32 86 Sullivan, Franklin C. Harlem Yacht Club, City Island, N. Y. 4/2 1/27 4 Talbot, Fritz B. 270 Commonwealth Ave. , Boston, Maas . 10/25 / 34
55 Worth St., N. Y.
5/ 11 / 39 230 W . 41atSt., N. Y. 5/ 29/ 30 4 I I East Mason St., 2 / 27/30 Milwaukee, \Vis. 9/ 24/ 3 1 3 1 I West 4 3rd St., N. Y. Teller, Robert D. I 22 So. Michigl!ln Ave., Thomas, Wm. A . 4/ 25 / 30 Chicago, Ill. 9 / 24/ 31 52 Wall St., N. Y. Thompson, James D. Thurbe~ Frederick B. 292 Westminster St., Charter P r ovidence, R. I. U. S. Patrol Boa t Gypsy, Tiffany, Geor ge S. 12/ 21 / 37 Yorktown, Va. 41 East Hartsdale Ave., 92 Tilden, Walter C., 10/ 8 / 35 Hartsdale, N. Y. 7/ 5/29 Box 483, Wakefield, R. I. 195 Tillinghast, James A. 1846 Margaret St., Torrey, Morris W. 3 / 21/23 Jacksonville, Fla . Charter 80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. 82 Tousey, Coleman 227 Everit St., !16 Townse nd, Geo. H. 1/ 31 / 36 New H aven, Conn. T aylor H enry C. Tl!lylor, William H . 171 Telande r, N. L. 53
1/ 9/2◄ Hamilton, Bermuda I 05 Gla des Rd., Minot, Mass. 3/ 7/ 40 2/ 19/ 35 P aoli, Pa. 12/21 / 37 230 Park Ave., N. Y. 12/ 29 / 38 50 East 77th St., N. Y. 5 Windsor St., 1/ 31 / 36 Haverhill , Mass. 5/ 27/ 35 1 Beekma n Place, N. Y. Vetlesen, George U . 223 Vilas, Charles H. National Folding Box Co., James & Alton St., 4/ 7/3 8 New Haven , Conn, 68 Salem St., 26 Walen, Ernest D . Andover, ' Mass. 10/ 8/ 35 205 E ast 42nd St., N. Y. 12/ 18/2 4 211 Wallace, George N. I Federal St., Boston, Mau. I /22/31 74 Wambaugh, Miles 2/ I 9 / 3 5 100 W a tkins, William Bell Berryville, Clarke Co., Va. 66th St. & York Ave., N. Y. 5/ 27 / 35 51 Webster, Leslie T. Lowell Rd., Concord, Mass. 12/ 29 /38 35 Weed, Roger H. Captiva Island, Fla. 4/ 3/24 Weeks, Allen T. 61 Broadway, N. Y. 11 / 23/ 36 We eks, Percy S. .Welch, Chas. A., 2nd 73 Tremont St., Life 5 / 24 / 25 Boston, Maas. Trimingham, Eldon H . Turner, Luther W. 161 Van Bibber, Arthur E . Vanderbilt, Harold S. Va n Husan, Harold M. 67 Veasey, Arthur H. 145
Wells, H. Pre•cott
White, Wilfrid 0. Whiting , Butler
15 E xchan ge Pla ce , 12/21 / 37 J eraey City, N. J. I 7 Co urt St., Bos ton, Mau. 7/ 6 / 22 12 I Great Pond Road, No. Andove r , Mass . 7/ 6 / 22 Essex, Conn. Charte r Hutchin s & Wheeler, 49 F ederal St., Bos to n, M ass. 7/ 13/ 39 Stamford, Con n . I I / 23 / 36 40 Wall St. , N. Y. 9/2 1/ 33 Marlborou g h-Ble nh eim, A tlanti c C ity, N . J. 2/ 2/ 37 90 State St. , Boston, Ma•s. 6 / 14/ 27 597 Madiaon Ave., N. Y. I / 9/24
Whitney, Alfred R. Williama, Ralph B.
137 E. 66 th St., N. Y. 3 5 Congrcaa St. ,
Williama, Roderick 0. Williams, Roger H.
213 E. 5 7th St. , N. Y.
;5 Weston, Cha rice o5-16l
Weston, Melville Wetherill, Samuel Wheeler, Alexander
143 Whe ele r, W. H ., Jr.
Whit e, Alex. M., Jr. 20(, White, John J., Jr. 202
I ' •I
Bosto n,
113 W illiams, Thomas 8 .
ss Willis, Harold B. Wolfe, Ndaon B. 239 Young, Roger
40 Wall St., N. Y. D o ve r , Mass. \Vc ston, Mass. 342 Madison A ve., N . Y. 7 44 Br o ad St., Newa rk, N. J,
5 / 20 / 27
I/ 2/ 31 5/ 8 / 37 7 / 5/29 1/ 3 1/ 36 4/ 24/36 I / 9/ 24 4/14/ 25
FLEET 1,cngth SCHOONERS Name Home Port W.L. Beam Owner 0. A.. I Agnes (Aux.) Cutler, Me. 13. 53.5 J ohn C. Groome, Jr. 55. 2 Altair (Aux,) Southport, Conn. Kempton Adams 43. 33.6 12.6 3 Awenishe (Aux.) 17 .6 Live·rpool, Nova Scotia C. H. L. Jones 60. 75. 4 Beatrice B. (Aux,) Boston, Mass. 46.5 14.4 Fritz B. Talbot 52. 57.8 53.2 14. 5 Be llatrix Oyster Bay, N. Y. George C. Fraser 15. 65. 46. 6 Black Duck Alex. Forbes Naushon, Mass. 52. 42. 13.8 7 Blackfish (Aux.) Mamaroneck, N. Y. M. B. Littlefield 33.3 12.6 43. B Black Squall (Aux.) Chatham, Mass. Geo. A. Cutter 99. 10 77. 22.6 Amory Coolidge 9 Blue Dolphin (Aux.) Gloucester, Mass. 21. 87.11 67. Donald B. MacMillan Boston, Mass. 10 Bowdoin (Aux.) 55. 47. 14. Arthur C. Strong St. Augustine, Fla. 11 Centurion (Aux.) 38. 30.6 Elliot K. Service II . 12 Chantey (Aux.) Glen Cove, N. Y. 93.6 23.8 13 Effie M. Morrissey (Aux.) New York, N. Y. Robe rt A . Bartlett 39.7 F. Slade Dal e 4 7. 14. 7 14 Emma C. Berry Bay Head, N. J. Joseph H. Plumb, Jr. 36. 27. 8.9 15 Clad T idings (Aux.) New Bedford, Mass. Wm. Tud or Gardiner 41.6 34. 11.6 16 Golden R ose (Aux. ) Woolwich, Me. Henry A. Moras, Jr. and Wells Moras and Marblehead, Mass. 17 Grenadier (Aux.) She r man Morss 59.4 43.1 13.9 St. Petersburg, Fla. Ceo. S. Gandy, Jr. 12. 11 .6 18 Gulf Dust (Aux.) 4.2 Edward C. Ely 43. Rye, N. Y. 32.6 11 .6 19 Hajada (Aux.) Henry Pa rkman, Jr. & Robe rt Amory 20 H earts Desire (Aux.) Marblehead, Mau. &. Edw. Reynolds 43.3 32.6 11.8
6. 4.6 I 0.
5.9 7.9 6. 7.1 0 4.2 12. 9.6 6.6 6. I 0.8 6. 5.8 6.8 8.3 1.9 6. 6.4
c,; (.a
Home Port
21 Ja n e Dore (Aux.) Sout h Norwalk, Conn . Hobart Ford Yarmouth, Nova Scotia George Killum 22 Kabob ( Aux.) Drayton Cochra n 23 Mabel T aylor (Aux.)Shelburne, N. 5. R. w. Ferris Ma rblehead, l\fa s,a. 24 Malay (Aux.) P. Exton Guck es Phi ladelphia, Pa. 25 Malabar lJ (Aux.) Ern e s t D. \Va l,·n Mass. Gloucester, 26 Marietta (Aux.) Rundall C lifford Ea ston, Md. 27 Maui Geo. E. Roo•evelt Oyster Bay, L. I. 28 Mistress Gano Dunn Cranberry Isles, Me. 29 Niliraga (Aux.) De Cou rse y Fal es New York. N. Y. 30 Nina (Aux.) Cheste r Bowles Essex, Conn. 31 Nordlys (Aux.) 1-1. Morton Merriman Campobello, N. B. Can. 32 Norseman (Aux.) Robe rt W. Byerly New York, N. Y. 33 Owl II George B. Drake New York, N. Y. 34 Radiant ( A ux.) Roge r H. W e ed Boston, Mass. 35 Rega rdless (Aux.) Evans Dick, Jr. Manchester, Mass. 36 Rescue ( Aux.) Northeast Harbor, Me. Edward W. Madeira 37 Sagamore (Aux.) Geo. B. Farnsworth Christmas Cove, Me. 38 Sally II (Aux. ) B. Coffin Hudson, N. Y. 39 Seafarer Albert T . Gould Thomaston, Me. 40 Segochet (Aux.) Crawford F . Failey New York, N. Y. 41 So Fong (Aux.) Lippinco tt A. Chicago, Ill. 42 Sovereign (Aux.)
.... \,;J
l ength
W. L.
B eam
8 1. 45. I 0 3. 45.3 41.6 ·12.
6 1. 3 4. 80. 34.5 3 2.
I 0.3 6.6 13. 6.6 6.2 6.2 5.7 9.8 4.2 9. 10 I 0. 8.3 8.9
6.6 6. 4 8.9 9. 6. 9.9 8.
60. 43. 58.8 7 7 1.05 62.7 45. 48.6 48.
30.9 50. 33.3 5 0. 56 .93 46.8 3 3. 3 7. 9 3 7.6
20.5 11.9 22. I I. 9 I 1.2 I I. l 2. I 5. 7 12.6 15. 3 16.10 14.7 1 I. 12. 11.6
38. 43. 9 70.4 65. 4 I. 7 70.4 5 7.6
32. 32.9 49.6 45. 34 . 50. 4 5.6
11.6 1 1.3 16.9 15.6 I 0.8 16.2 14.6
3 -1 .
7. 5.6
Home Port
New Rochelle, N. Y . Teragram (Aux.) New York, N. Y. Cohasse t, Mass. Tortuga (Aux.) Beaufo r t, So. Car. Venturer (Aux . ) Hamilton, Ber muda Wanderer (Aux.) Bri s tol, R. I. Werdna (Aux.) When and If (Aux . ) Manchester , Mass, N ew Rochelle, N. Y. Xanadu (Aux.)
43 Surprise H
45 46 47
48 49
Owner M. s. Ka tten horn Geo. W. Mixte r Schuyler Dillon Oswald W. Knauth Leslie W. Howarth Charles D. J encks G. S. Patton, Jr. Raymond S. De Mott
O. A, 44. 58.5 36.2 50.8 45 .6 50. 63 .5 49 . 1
W.L. 36. 43 .2 32 .2 39.6 35 .6 40. 47.3 36.6
12. 14.83 1 1.2 14.6 12. 14. 15. 11 .8
8. 5. 7.10 6.9 7.3 8.6 7. 5
YAWLS Length Name 51 Aries
Home Port
Cold Sprin g Harbor,
L. T. Webster
I 0. 7
Thos. D. Cabot H enry C . Taylor
48.4 72.
36, 50.
13.6 14.6
Chas. B. Ro ckwell Melville and Charles Weston C. B. Downs Geoffrey 5. Smith
5. 7
36. 45 . 10
'l.7.6 34.
12. 11.3
5.2 3.6 6.6
N. Y. 52 A velind a {Aux. ) 53 Baruna (Aux.)
Cohasset, Mass. Cold Sprin g Harbor,
N. Y. 54
Belisari u s (A u x. ) 55 Beteinde (Aux.)
Bristol, R. I. Marblehead , Mau.
56 Blue W ing (Au x . ) 57 Cherry Blosso m
Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia, Pa .
YAWLS Name 58 Ch ubasco (Aux . ) 59 Depa rtu re (Aux . )
Otoncr Home Port William L. St<'wnrt, Jr . Termin a l Isla nd , Co l. Great Che beague , Me. F. L. Bn llard 60 Ed lu II (Aux.) Rudolph j. Schn for Larc hmont, N. Y. 61 Eliz. McCaw (Au x.) Sape loe, Ga . Ri c ha rd J, Reynold, 62 Elsie (A ux.) Gilb e-rt Grosv e nor Badd cc k. N. S. 63 Fiesta (Aux .) Au gustu s P . Lorin ~. Jr. Beverly. Mass. 64 Fis hawk (Aux . ) Le ,·e r ett Sa lt on stall North H ave n, Me. 65 Golden -Eye (Aux . ) Larch mont, N. Y. H. Pr esco tt \Ve il s 66 Hostess Ill (Au x .) Ma rb lehead, Mass. Phil ip P. C hase 61 Kwoneshe ( A ux . ) Ma rbleh ead, Mass. A rthur H . Veas,•y 69 Milky Way (Aux .) Hin s ham, Mass. Dona ld C. Starr 10 Minerva Be ,·erly, Mass. Ausustus P. Lorin g Ill 71 Morning Sta r (Aux . ) lsleford, Me. John Lee Me rrill 72 Nedumo Cit y Islan d. N. Y. H e nry M. Devere ux William M. Rand C un dy ' s Harbo r , Me . 73 Pan dion (Aux.) 74 P eggy St ewart (Aux.) Hin gha m, Ma ss. Miles Wombaugh 75 Pemaquid {Aux.) Riversi de , Conn . Kennet h B. Millett 76 Persepho ne (Aux.) Oyster Bay, N. Y. P hilip J . Rooseve lt 77 Ouill II Marblehea d, Mass. J o hn F. Cole East Harpswell, Maine Arthur H. Ham 78 Saracen (Aux.) Salem, Mau. John Robinson 79 Shag (Aux.)
Lenoth 0 . A. W.L.
6 7.3 4 1.8 67.8 62 . 10 5 4. 35. 9 62 .8 4 I. 43. 38. 3 6.5 3 I. I I 42.2 46. 40. 3 5. I 34.4
55. 38. 50. 3 4.
46 .6 30.6 48 . 4 5. 40 . 26 .3 45. 30. 32. 2 7. I I 28 .2 23.6 29 .3 34 . 3 1.6 25 . 5 25.5 40 . 26. 10 32. 25.4
..,., Beam 13. 10 10.6 14 .9 12. 1 2. 9. 10 14.9
I I. I I. I 0. 5 I 0.6 8.6 I 0.6 I I.I I 0. 10 I 0. 2 9.9 12 .8 9. 10 11.6
9.2 5.8 9 .3 8. 2 6.4 5. 2 8. 6. 6.3 5.3 6.1 5.3 5. I 0 6.10 6.8 5. 5 5.2 8. 6.2 8.6 5.
YAWL.S Name Homo Port 80 South· n Cross (Aux.) Chicago, Ill. 81 Squaw (Aux.) Riverside, Conn. 82 Thialfi (Aux. ) South Brooksville, Me. 83 Thistle (Aux.) New York, N. Y. 84 Thorella IV (Aux.) Dorval, Canada 85 Vieux Corbeau (Aux.) Brookline, Me. 86 Witchcraft II {Aux.) New York, N. Y. 87 Zaida Larchmont, N. Y.
Ownor R. P. Benedict Luke B. Lockwood Coleman Tousey Seth M. Milliken Wm. Copeland Finley Harold B. Willis Franklin C. Sullivan Ceo. E. Ratsey
Length 0.A. IV.l,.
54.10 59.10 37. 102. 44. 41. 59. 59.
39. 40. 3 I. 74.2 31. 3 I.
37.4 41.
B eam 12. 7 14.6 I 1.10 21.6 11.4 9.6 12.1 1 14.
Draft 7.6 8.3 5.10 13. 3.10 4.8 6.5 7.8
B eam 13. 7 22. 12.
Draft 4. 11.6 5.8 4. 5.8 6. 5. 5.3 5.6 5.6
KETCHES 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 96
97 98
Home Port Name Newport, R. I. Alice (Aux.) Antares (Aux,) Phila., Pa. Oyster Bay, L. I. Arabella (Aux.) Oyster Bay, N. Y. Billy II (Aux.) Mamaroneck, N. Y. Bluefish (Aux.) Southwest Harbor, Me. Blue Moon (Aux.) Bombardier (Aux.) Manchester, Mass. Cheerio Tree {Aux.) Gree nwich, Conn. Damaris IV (Aux.) Tiverton, R. l. Cohasset, Mass. Diablesse (Aux. )
Owner H. Howard Edwin M. Chance Elihu Root, Jr. Hoffman Nickerson Wa lter C. Tilden Arthur C. Smith Everett Morss Geo. H. Townsend David H. Atwater Frede ric A. Fenger
Length 0.A. W.L.
52. I 05. 47. 51. 10 60.2 38. 47.5 55. 60. 38.
44. 95. 35. 42. 55. 30.6 41. 46.6 59. 2 33.4
13.7 13.8 11 .3 13.3 13.8 14.1 11.
Own er Bame Port G eoq; c 1-1. Si~tare New Bedford, Mass. JOO Felisi (Aux.) North Ea s t H arb or, Me. Wm . Be ll \Va tkin s IOI Flood Tide (Aux.) Port \Vashin gton, N. Y. William T. Haskell 102 Freya (Aux.) orwalk , Conn. Geo . H . Rich ard s 103 Gitana (Aux.) Port Wa shington, N. Y. Ha rold S. Smith 104 Limmershin (Aux . ) H in g ham, Ma ss . Th o rva ld S. Ro ss 105 L itt le Tramp (Aux . ) New York, N. Y. Al a n S. Browne 106 Mala bar XII ( A ux . ) Sa konn e t, R. I. John G . A id n Pee r P . John so n 107 Mo bjack (Aux.) Be ve rly, !\•la ss. IOS Mysti c ( , ux .) Ph ilip R. Mallory Miam i, Fla. 109 Nellie Brush (Aux. ) New York, N. Y. G o rdon B. H empst ea d 110 Onda (Aux. ) Chas. H. W. Fos ter Marble head, Mass. 111 Orithia (Aux.) Haliburton Fal es New York, Y 112 Penguin (Aux . ) n na po li s, Md . John \V. S . Foster l 13 Pole Star (Aux.) Cohasse t, Mass . Thos . B. Williams 114 Ptiloris (Aux.) A vond a le, R. J. Edward Cabo t 115 Ran ger (Aux.) Essex, Conn. H. Ma rt yn Ba ke r 116 Seacrest (Aux.) New York, N. Y. Paul B. Sheldon New York, N. Y. 117 Seal (Aux.) John B. Lord 118 Seven Belle (Aux.) Branford, Conn. C. S. Cooke and 99 Elvira (Aux.)
119 Snikersnee
Bayside , L. I.
T. F. Cooke W. P. Stephens
..... 0:,
l ,e11gth
6 1.5 1/z 50. 52.7 40 . 33.9 29.7 32. 2 7. 45 . 38 . 46.3 38 .4 48 . 44 .6
14. 13. 4 9.9 II. I 0.6
7.6 7.6 4.8 5. 7.3
4 7.
45 .3 91.8 36.8
3 8.9 88 .6 30. 31.6 46.10
so. S7 . 70 .
34. 3 7.3
30.6 28 .6 32.
I I .5
5. 2
13.6 12.
12. I 0. 3
5. 6.9 5. 9.6 4.8 7.3
I 6.
6.4 5.3
12 .6
2 1.4
10 . 11 I 0.6 10 .8
3 7.
3 0.
I I. 6
14.1 1
4.6 4. 5.8
21. 9
18 .
12.2 5.9
7. 3.
KETCHES Otoner Sou-wester (Aux.) Port Washington, N. Y. Frank S. Connett Stormsvala (Aux .) Na u sh on, Mass. Alex. Forbes Vi gilant (Aux.) New York, N. Y. Dra yton Cochran W est Wind (Aux. ) Manch es ter, Mass. Gordon C . Prince White Cap ll (Aux.) Miles R ive r, Md. C. Lowndes Johnson Name
120 121 122 123 124
Home Port
O.A. 40.4 48.6 100. 46.3 26.6
W.L. 32.6 39 . 2 93. 33. 23.8
1 1.6 1 1.8 22 . 11.3 8.2
7. 6.3 9. 6.6 2.7
11.7 12. 8.9 8.9 8.9 9.9 12. 9.9 9.3 3.6 10.5 7.9 9.8
9.3 5.3 4.6
125 Actaea 126 Alarm (Aux.) 127 Allonby (Aux.)
128 Anita 129 Aria 130 Armorel (Aux.) 131 Aweigh (Aux.) 132 Bambino (Aux.) 133 Bloodstone (Aux. ) 134 Bobbin 135 Bosunbird (Aux.) 136 Bozo 137 Brendan (Aux.)
Home Port Green w ich, Conn. Ithaca, N. Y. Port Washington, N. Y. New Rochelle, N. Y. St a mford, Conn. Branford, Conn. Gibrnn Island, Md. New Rochelle, N. Y. Gardine r, Me. Rye, N. Y . Philadelphia, Pa. Larchmont , N. Y. Hartford, Conn.
0u.'11er Henry Sca rs A. D. Seymour, Jr. Ridsdale Ellis Geo. P. Granbery Geo. F. Hubbard
0.A. 62. 11 41.8 30. 32 .3 32.3
John K. Murphy Lawrence M. Baillicre L. E. Manley Rob e rt H . Gardine r Joseph T. Chatman W. Findlay Downs Walter Roy Manny Charles A. Goodwin
36.5 47. 41. 9 35.6 24.6 36. 28.9 39.
W.L. 44.9 3 7.7 25.1 25. 25 .4 26. 38. 31. 30. 24.4
28. 19. 27.
3. 3. 1 5.3 6. 6.8 5.3 2.6 5.3 4.6 5. I 0
.... ,4)
138 Bunny (Aux . ) 139 Butterfly {Aux. ) 140 Cinque (Aux.) 14) Clotho (Aux.) 142 Corin e us (Aux . ) 143 Cottonblossom Ill 144 Curlew 145 146 l47 148 149 150 151 152 153
Cyric Demonstrator Dormouse Dorothy {Aux.)
Dovekie (Aux . ) Duchess Eaglet (Aux.) Escape Evelyn L. (Aux. ) 154 Exit (Aux.) 155 Fair Wind (Aux.) 156 Far Cry (Aux. ) 157 Felicity 158 Flying Cloud IV
Home Port
0 ,1cner
L eng th TV. L. 0 . A.
B eam
23.3 36.15 20. 32. 25 . 4 2. 1 I
9.8 12.10 7.6 I 0.7 8.6 12.8
5.2 7.5 4.7 6.6 5.3 8.5
18 . 7 20.2 24 . I 8.
7. 6. 7 4.2 4.6 9. I 0.6 I 0. 8.2½ S.8 ¼ 9 .9 I 0.2 7.4
4. 4. I 0 2.9 3.3 4.6 3.9 6.6 3.6 3.4 5.
30. North H a ve n, Me. Chas . K. C o bb, Jr. 47.05 Port \Vas hi ngt on, N. Y. \Vm . E. Lundgren 22 . George B. Doan e Bos ton, Masa. 45.4 H e nry Hill And e rson Oys t e r Be y, N. Y. 28. A ndre w I lepburn Bos ton. Mass. \ al te r H . \Vhc ele r, J r. 69.2 Stamford, Conn. Alb e rt T. G o uld a nd Ma rbl e hea d, Mass. A lbe rt P . Go u ld 21.2 32.6 E. H . Trimin gha m Hamilton, Bermuda Wa ldo H o wl a nd 24. P a da nara m. Ma ss. ,-\ . Goo dw in C oo ke 22.9 Bra nford, C o nn . Robert F. Duncan New H,ubor, Me. 28. Dona ld Mac omber Qu incy, Mass. 3 0. R iverside, Conn. Ca rl eton L. Ma rsh 42. Duxbury, Mass. Albert Pratt 29 .2 G ibs on Is la nd, Md. Me lville B. Grosve no r 22 .8 ½ Port Jefferson , N. Y. Mor gan W , Joplin g 3 5. I 0 Larchmont, N. Y. Butler Whiting 26 .6 Stamford, Conn. H e rbert L. Ston e 23. Philadelphia, Pa. Edwin M. Cha nce 47 .6 27 .6 Oyster Bay, L. I. Duncan Sterling, Jr. 43. La wr ence Grinn e ll New Bedford, Mass.
25. 3 I. 20 .8 15 .6 24 .8 23.4 18. 42 .6 20 .6 41.6
A 0
I 3.
3.3 5.
13 .
Name 159 Frolic 160 Fulmar {Aux.) 161 Gadget II (Aux.) 162 Gleam (Aux.) 163 Golliwogg 164 Goose !65 Gypsy (Aux.) 166 Handy {Aux.) 167 Hi-Ho (Aux.) 16i! Hope 169 Horne t 170 Hotapur (Aux.) 171 Islander (Aux.) 1:12 Katinka (Aux.)
173 174 175 176 177 178 179
K cnmar (Aux.) Laaeie (Aux.) Lillemor (Au x.) Linnet (Aux.) Little Gull (Aux.) Lorna (Aux.) Maramashea
SLOOPS & CUTTERS Home Port Owner New Rochelle, N. Y. Robe rt N. Bavier Stanley Cobb and Woods Hole, Mass. A lfred C. Redfield Southport, Conn. A. E. Van Bibber Cold Spring Harbor, L. I.Clinton H . Crane Ernest A . Ratsey New York, N. Y. Cold Spr'g Harb., N.Y. George Nichols F rank C. Paine Nahant, Mass. Melville Weston Marblehead, Mass. Ralph B. Semler Blue Hill, Mc. Leonard H. Oyer Pinecastle, Fla. Oyster Bay, N. Y. J. L. Pool Cold Spr' g Harb., N. Y. A lfred F. Loomis N. L. Telander Milwaukee, Wis. 0. C. Schocnwerk Chicago, Ill. Kenneth C. Mayo Scituate, Mass. D. B. Bannerman Blue Point, N. Y. Oyste r Bay, L. I. Fra ncia R obinson John C . Cooley Hartford, Conn. Alan Gray Essex, Conn. Frank H. Russell Galesville, Md. H e rbert L. Bodman Cold Spring H a rbor,
N. Y.
Length 0 .A. W.L. 33.2 21.5
Beum 6.9
30.3 37. 68. 32. 3 7. 53. 35. 1 38. 15.6 38. 32.4 3 5. 7 35½ 25. 29.6 35. 39. 20. 26.6
I 0.9 9. 10 12. 10. 6. I I. 10 9.5 10.11 5. 6.4 8. 10 11.2 9.6 7.9 10. 9.5 9.8 6.9 6.6
28.8 28. 45 . 29. 23.6 36. 27. 27.5 22. 26. 32. 27. 21.6 24. 27. 28. 17.2 22.
5.4 4.9
5. 9. 5.9 5.5 7. 5.6 3.8 5.3 5.3 5. 5.7 4.
3. 5.6 5. 10 4. 6. ,A
SLOOPS & CUTTERS /J o m e l'ort 180 Mary Lea (Aux.) 181 Mira (Aux .)
!3ay Head, N. J. Manc h est e r, Ma ss . 182 Nancy Lloyd (Aux.) Pulpit Harbor, Me. 183 Nashayte (Aux.) Nantu c ket, Mass. 184 Nixie Rye , N. Y. 185 Norn (Aux.) C hri s tmas CoYc, Me. 1so O ld G lory (Aux.) E ssex, Conn. 187 Onza (Aux.) Providence, R. I. 188 Orient (Aux.) Grea t Neck, N. Y. 189 Outlaw (Aux.) Da ri en, Conn. 190 Peg-Leg Nassau, Bahamas 191 P e rroqu et (Aux.) Huntin g ton, L. I. 192 Piper II (Aux.) Port \Vashin gton, L. I.
J. Seward Johnson Harrison G. Rey n o lds Austin Lan1o nt Basse tt Jones
Philip L. Rhodes John h·cs Sewall Geo. P. P. Bonnell Paul C. Nicholson Egbert Moxham No r ton V. Ritchey Franklin R emin gton R obert H. l\'loore H en ry T. Meneely
L ang th 0.A. W. L.
2 5. J I .J 4 7. 26.6
20. 23. 34. 23.
22. 25.4
31.7 58.6
63.5 34.6 20.6 47.
44. 32.6 18. 32. I
27. 28.
194 Pompano
2 I.
195 196 197 198
5 S.6 45.6 30. 3
32. 28. 7
30. 40. 27.3
2 1.6 27. 26.1
193 Pollyanna
Port Washington, N. Y.L. de Posch
Vineyard Have n, Mass. H. Lambert Kni gh t Psyche (Aux.) Wickfo rd, R. I. James A. Tillin g hast Han·ey Conover Revonoc (Aux.) Larchmont. N. Y. C. Burnham Port e r Roarin Bessie(AuL) Manchester, Mass. Rowe B. Metcalf Sachem Greenwich, Conn. Robe rt L. Garland 199 Sayonara F. W. Baldwin 200 Scrapper III Baddeck, N. S. Sam uel S . Pierce 201 Sequel (Aux.) Boston, Mass.
Ream 5. 8.5 I 1.8 7.6 7.6 7.2 12.6
15.8¾ 14.
2. 4.10 4.6 4. 4. 5. 4. 8.9 4.
4. 6.9
9.6 7.6 I I. 8.6
I I. I 0.6 I 0. 9
7.2 6.S
4.9 6. 4.10
9. 9.
SLOOPS & CUTTERS 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
215 216 21 7 218 219
Home Port
Sheila (Aux.) Sirocco (Aux .) Skip Jac k (Aux.) Spooki e (Aux.) Souvenir (Aux.) Teaser Tideover (Aux.) Tiny Tea l (Aux. ) Tobi (Aux.) Trivia (Aux.) Va rya (Aux.) Virwin (Aux.) Vision (Aux.) Wh ite Lady (Aux.) Wind Song (Aux.) Windward (Aux.) Zaidee (Aux.) Zigeuner (Aux.)
Oyste r Bay, L. I. Pine Orchard , Conn. Hingham, Mass. Essex, Conn. Atla ntic City, N. J. Hamilton, Bermuda Pine Orchard, Conn. Greenwich, Con n. Co conut Grove, Fla. New Rochelle, N. Y. San Die go, Cal. Sewaren, N. J. Essex, Conn. Marblehead, Mass, Chicago, Ill. Phila., Pa. Bou rne, Moss. Coh asset, Mass.
0.A. W.L. Alex. M. Whit e, Jr. 49. 10 40. Paul A. Sperry 43 .5 30.2 Frank Vining Sm ith 33.8 28 .5 Edward S. Bra dford, Jr. 45.4 32. John J. White, Jr. 47 .6 34. Edwar d Vincent Frith 30. 20. William A. Drisler 31.4 22. l R. Gra ham Biglow 39.2 27. Wirth M. Munroe 25.6 20.6 George N. Wal!ace 47. 35. Sa muel Dauchy 39.2 27. Chas. W. Buckelew 38. 3 7. Alfred B. Stanford 42.6 41. Malcolm W. Gree nou gh 50.6 36. C. E. Larish 36. 32. Ra lph Earl e 45.4 32. John Pa rkin gso n 35. 27. Wm. T. Reid, 3rd 23.6 20. CAT BOATS
Nam e
Own er
l-lomc Port Toms River, N, J. 220 Bat 221 Black Duck (Aux.) Hamburg Cove, Conn.
Own er
Edward Crabbe Hiram H. Maxim
Length 0.A. W.L. 28. 23.3 24. 24.
12. l 0 l 0.1 10.4 I 0.3 11.3 6. 8.6 9.8 7.6 12.3 9.8 I 1. 12 .6 l 1.5 11.3 10.7 9.5 7.3
8. 10 6.3 1 5.3 6.6 6.2 5.2 4.8 5.10 2.2 7.9 5. 10 4. 6. 6 7.5 5.2 6.6 5.6 4.6
Draft 2.6 2.6
10.3 12.
CAT 13OATS 1\Tamc
222 Eight Ball 223 Nancy Lee (Aux.) 224 Sakuntala
llo rne Port
Stamford, Conn. Rye, N. Y. Nantucket, Man.
225 226 227 228 229 230 231
Bamboo Calypso Cudacatcher Curlew Diana Dobejo Gulf Stream
232 Ion 233 Kemah 234 Lihu
235 Marionette 236 Mirage 237 Mo·ngoose 238 Night Wind 239 Pinafore 240 • Rollin' Home
Home Port
o . .-1.
W. 1-1. deFo ntuin ,•, Jr. C harle s 1-1. V ilas
I I. 5 20.
B. K. Sharp
Vw·ne r
L,·11 [t i I, If'.!. .
/J rn m
11 . 19.6 26.
8.6 11.6
3.6 2.
Beam 13.4
L ength 0 .A. W.L.
Eau Callie, Fla. Stephen D. Baker 55. 50. Boston, Mass. Harlan T. Stetson 40.4 35. I 0 Greenwich, Conn. Rowe B. Metcalf 58. 55. Blue Hill, Me. Li nus C. Co ggan 46. 45.6 Essington, Pa. C. Russell Hinc hmnn 32.4 32. Ithaca, N. Y. A. D. Seymour, Jr. 38. I 0 38. New York, N. Y. S. D. Baker 49.11 46. Coconut Grove, Fla. L. H. Baekeland 48. 47.3 Campobello, N.B., Can. H. M. Merriman 36.3 35. Miami, Fla. Hu gh M. Matheson 38. l 0 San Diego, Cal. Samuel Da uchy 26. 26. Southport, Conn. Horace B. Merwin 34. 33. Port Washington, L. I. John J. Atwater 34. 33.9 Noroton, Conn. Frederick Gade 28. 28. Roger Young 54. 53. Rumson, N. J. Wm. F. Caesar 35.6 34.6 City Island, N. Y.
3.4 3. 4. 3.6 2.6 3. 4.4 3. 2.9 3. 2.6 2.9 2.2 2.6 4.6
I 0.
9.6 13. I I. 9.6 I I. 12. l 0 14. 6.11 I I. 7. 8.6 7.9
241 Rose and Crown 24 2 Rosebud 243 Sangamo 24 4 Sea Dream 24 5 Silver Linin g 24 6 Sinbad 247 Stowaway 248 Su Casa 249 Vaeringer 250 Vagamundo 251 Victory III 252 Wahoo 253 Woof II 254 Yankee Doodle 255 Zera
l/ omc Port Nantucket, Mass. Stony Creek, Conn. Miami, Fla . Palm Beach, Fla . Warren, R. I. Oxford, Md. Booth Bay Harbor, Me. South Brooksville, Me. Manchester, Mass. Miami Beach, Fla. Travers Island, N. Y. Sakonnet Point, R. I. City Island, N. Y. Providence, R. I. Providence, R. I.
f .r11r;1/i
0 '1.L'llcr
0 . . 1.
II' . I..
1/rn m
Basse tt Jon es ]. J. Phelps Philip R. Ma llory John M. Ruth erfurd W illi am J. 1-1. Dy er Ebe n C. Sp rag ue Holcomb e J. Brown Clair L. Baker Lloyd Nichols Glenn Stewart Henry A. Jackson Edward Brayton Henry H. Gordon Dexter L. Lewis Zenaa W. Blias
26 . 35 .2 80 . I 00 . 50.4 3 5. 38. 42 . 33 . 50. 45. 36. 43. 50. 26.10
24 .6 35 . 77 . 9 7.6 50 . 34 . 36.6 42.
7. 7. 19 . 12 . 7 I I. 6 I 0. 1 I I.
33 .
42 .6 35 . 42 .6 48. 24.
I 1.4
I 7.6
10. 11. 12 .
Draft 3. 2.6 4. 5.6 3. 3.3 5. 3.4 4. 4. 3.6 3.
4. 2.6 3.6
Feeling that there were many noteworthy voyages made in •mall boats, and frequent examples or meritorious aeaman• ■hip di.played by amateur aailora of all nationalities that went unrecognized, it aeemed to the members of the Cruising Club of America that this organization was the fitting one to properly record and reward such adventure upon the aea. Therefore, at the annual meeting on F e bruary 27, 1923 , the following resolution was passed, founding a medal that, it Was hoped, might prove an incentive for carrying on the ■pirit of adventure and upholding the beat traditions of seafaring that are our heritage from the past. "Moved and seconded that the Club found, out of fu.nda to be sought for the purpose, a medal to be known aa The Blue Wate r Medal of the Cruising Club of America, to be awarded annually, in the discretion of the Board of Governors, for the year' a moat meritorious example of seamanship, the recipient to be selected from among the amat~ura of all the nation,." In purauance of this resolution a suitable medal, five inche, in diameter, was made, the design being by the late Arthur Sturgis Hildebrand, a member of this club and one of the crew of the yacht Leiv Eirikaaon, lost in the Arctic with all hands in September 1924. At the Annual Meeting h eld January 8, 193 I, the following resolution waa unanimously carried: RESOLVED : That the Governing Board be and hereby ia authorized to approve of the awarding of the Blue Water Medal, without date, on the recommendation of the Committee on Awards.
BLUE WATER MEDAL AWARD, 1940 This is not a tale of one voyage, but of many men and a nondescript Ree t acting in a great emergency to perform a patriotic service. In the month of May, the allied armies in the North of France were cut off from the m ain army of the French by the powerful mechanize d troops of the G e rmans. The only possibility of escape was by sea, a nd the only available port was Dunkerque. Du ring May 27th and the following days, numbers of craft, la rge and small, over 600 in all, were collected at Sheerness, R a msga t e and Dove r. They arrived without charts, without fuel and without food. All had to be supplied and given instructions. In the end they proceeded to the b eaches of Dunkerque where their crews acted mos tly on their own initiative. There were open boats and motor cruisers, auxiliaries and ships life boats, barges with brailed sails, river launches, pinnaces and picket boats , drifters and dinghies, beach boats, tenders and tugs, yachts and fishing boats. They acted under almost incessant attack by bombs, machine guns a nd shell fire, in areas that were mined, in shallow waters, narrow channels and strong tidal currents. Naval forces, fishermen, yachtsmen, ship yard workers, men of all callings left their shops or their desks, some without change of clothing and joined in this gallant effort to eva cuate the apparently doomed army. To the British yachtsmen who took part in this rescue, both those who survived the hazardous undertaking and those who gave their lives in the attempt, The Cruising Club of America awards its Blue Water Medal for 1940. FRANKLIN C. SULLIVAN, Chairman Committee on Awards
BLUE WATER MEDAL .AWARDS 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940
TRANS-OCEANIC PENNANT AWARDS Alain Gerbault Grenadier Islander Mistress Seven Bells
-~~ .
- .J J
I ft; -l;
:-:---.. ~ ..........
; -~ ~
I ;:;!,
-. \
\~ . ~
I ,
<t, ~·
613lue 'Water cOrredal
[3LLJE WATER .\\ ED..\L 1923
A lain f. (', er/Ja11/t
(Yarn of voyage in 1927 Year Book)
BLuE \\ ATE R i\ \ ED.-\ L 192-1
Sba11iba i
.4xel I 11gwerse 11
l Ya rn of voyage 1n 1927 Year Book)
BLUE WA TER 1\l ED:\!.
I slander
Harry Pidg eon
l lJ2:,
L os 11?1geles. Cal
(Yarn of voyage 111 1927 Year Book)
( \\'ith out dat e) 193 2
T:. <,, ;\ / arfn1
/ nlie Brise
l.011dn 11. /:11 glr111d
( Y :1rn of \·oy:ige in lfJ2S Ye:n Book)
R obert S o merse t
(Yarn of rescue in 1933 Y ear Rook)
13LUE WAT ER tv\ EDAL 1927
Primrose IV
Frederick ! .. A m es
R n st n 11 .
( Yarn o f voyage 10 1929 Ye;ir Book)
A! nss .
BLLE \\.ATER .\\ ED.-\L 192S
Se-i·c 11
Bra11/ord. Co1111 .
( Yarn of my age in 1931 Yea r Book)
BL UE WAT E R . 1E D.-\ 1. 1929
n a r l l l'lul . ."\" . .I.
(Yarn of voyage in 1931 Yea r Book )
l~I LE \\·:\T Ek .\\ ED.-\ L 1930
Carl ! .. II ·t! 11 g a11/
Ba_rsidc. X . Y.
( 1 ;1 rn o l n,y;ige in 103 1 Y e:1r Rook)
\Villia1H ;\ . f<o!Ji11s011 SvtHlfl
13L ' E \V:-\TER :\l ED.-\L 1933
Rndrrid· St r f>hrns . .fr.
\ 'r1 ;· ) orl· . N . Y.
(Y a rn of voyage m 1934 Year Book)
BLUE \V \TEI, \IFD .\L 193-1
L. W. B . Recs
(Yarn of voyage in 1935 Year Book)
Bl.LE \V.-\TLR \IEIHL 1936
.l/ ari11 .l/ari,·
(Yarn of Yoyagc in 1937 Y ear Book)
Chrtrlcs ff/ . .·/ t u-n ln
(Yarn of voyage in 1938 Y ear Book)
U.S .. -/.
BLGJ.:: WATER :\l EDAL ( \Vithout Date)
-=--::::- -
- ---·- -· f 1/tlrasil
Ro9,-r S. Stru11/
( Yarn of voyage 10 \938 Year Book)
cs ..-1.
R,,brrl D. Crrt!w111
(Yarn of voyage in 1939 Year Book)
BL U L:: \\._-\T l~R :\l t::lJ.-\L 1939
1, is
.f,, l,11 .1/a r/11, ,-;
(Yarn of ,·oyag-e in 19-t0 Year Book )
i •. S . .I .
LEIV EIRIKSSON Lost in the Arctic September I 924 With
our shipmates
The loss of th e LEIV EIRIKSSON and the e ff orts m ade to find trace of h e r will be found on p ages 40- 48 of the 1926 Y e ar Bo(lk .
THE FLEET S 1.u o l' • .-\1" D Cu T T EKS
TH E r =1.Acs 1-111' Sc1-1 00 NER S Y ,\ \ \' L
:\ :-.iD
C \T
r ·isirm
13 0 .-\T S
.\ I oToR Bo.n s U :---- Drn Co :--: sTRL" CTio :--:
).._: ET CII ES
,h ve11ishe
C. II. L. Jon es
C e<,rge C. Fras er
C. Brrry
/Uach Duch
F. S lrulr D air
Hla rk/is/1
.ll. n. Li11fr[il' ld
lJ /acl: Squall
G eorge A. Cutter
~f),,11 rild ,,->. '1/r1rillil!a11
Cr II I II ri ,, 11
. / . G . .\'trr,111;
l:lliol !<. Service
E/JiP 1/. ,l/ or r i sf'J'
N.r,h t . . -/. /Jn rtl Pl t
Gul f D ust
Cc,,rgc S. CnndJ·
H cart's Desire
E. C. Lly
Henry Par!nna11. Jr. Er/u'{[rd Rl'y,,,,/tfs and Nob,.,-/ A 111o ry
// ubu r/ }-·n rd
111a/abar I I
!'. Fxtr,11 (,' ,u·/..·,·s
l?a_\'11/0Jld 11 •. P/'J"ris
.\" iliruga
C:11110 /Ju1111
.l/ istr, ·H
N £i rd/ys
~-..,.;;:--.,--~ - _,;.~~ .;,t~
C lies/er 1/ow!t-s
N ma
D e Co11rs1·y Faffs
Owl fl
f?n/Jerl II . n yerly
,\ 'nn,•111 r111
I/ . \I . \lari 111n11
R lllli11 11/
Sally II
Lrlicnrrl 11 •. .1/a,frirr1
C . fl. F r1 r11 s1co rtlt
Sea f arer
Sa11111t!I 11. Co/J 111
S o F ong
C rrm•i,,n/ F. Fr,i fr _r
Surp rise
Tortu ga
Sclm y la
/) ,I/ ,11
'I l
.•I lie" ,'
1 !! t'l1r_\' ll o,v11nl
/( S. !), , \I 1111
CD -.D
.I , ·t li11 rl 11
J'l, ,, 111(1S
JJ . Cr1/J ol
L. 'J'. II eh f er
II Ill' ////(/
If l'l1r r (,', 'f'11r/1,r
!1t'l si1ula
, I I
Blue /lllr,011
.-lrt/111,- C. S111itli
13 111c 11 111 g
..a O'
Ch erry Blosso m
Geoff rey S . S 111ith
Chcaiu Free
(,' t ' U .
I I. ·r u, ,•11 so1cl
Damari.,· I I·
II ·;/!ia111 L. St,·,:·arl, Jr.
Da·i 'id H. A l 11·a t 1·r
r. t1. Ft•111,,,,.
J),.p 11r/11r1·
F. L. /J al/arr/
Gi/he,-t Grosverrnr
l~rl/11 !!
R. J. Srlrr1l'/er
./ 111/IISIII S / 1 • Lriri11g,
II 'illicrlll /J. I /1ai/,irrs
10 I
C t'o n 11· / -/. R irlw rrl.<
I I. l 'r l'sr fJII II rlls
(; iI u 11a
I lar old S . Smith
\ ]( w r,11 rs /i ,,
A rthur/-/. /leas er
H ostcss I II
Pl,i{if, JJ. Chase
0 \,J
Li111111r'r sl,i11
' /'l,,,ri'tiltl S. N. ,,s.,-
i\ l't l ll 111 f)
ff e n r y 11-1. D 1·1u.,-1·11x
il1,,r 11i11g S t or
J 1J h11 L N· /llf prri/1
10 6
f/ alilmrto11 F a! t1s
t t ·i!li,1111 .l/ . N1111d
P ersep hr,11 e
l'liilip .I. N.,,,, sevelt
JIii ifrs I// r1111br111gh
Cl Q)
'l 'li,,m11s II. // illi11111.,
10 9
.·lrt/111r II. //n,11
110 :::
:::::: --. "'
S eal
J .! olin Ii. Lord
S 11ikr r s 11 1·1·
,\'eve 11
C. S. &· T . F. Cool,e
Sou' W ester
,:rr111'1 S. Co1111 ell
S ,,111/irru Crr, ss
d le.w,nrler Fr,rbes
I 15
Vieux Corbeau
Harold B. Willis
.·I. If hn•l a
I ...:; .
f,V fiit e Cap I I
C. J_n,,·11d, ·.,· J 0 l111 so11
11 7
c; rnr!fr C. Ratsr_,,
A. l). S ay111ou r, Jr.
H enry Srnrs
G. P. Gra11b er:y
, / r 111r,rc/
,- / ria
c;coryc F. !! 11hburd
Jfo s1111hirrl
IF . Fintila.v D1,w11 s
l.nuis I:. Ma11/e31
8111111 y
Clwrles K. Cobb, Jr.
Clt r1rfrs . I . ( ,',,or/wi n
Ci11qu c
C eo. B. Doane
/1/111 . f.. L 111ul gren
,-J11tlr£'1t ' I I <' J,b11r11
JI t' lll'J' fl ill .-I 1uf,.,-so 11
Cu rlr,,•
Col/011/, /osso111 I I/
II . I I . I f'/u·clcr, Jr .
V D,,,lfilrl ,l/ aco111 hn
Nof1ert F. D1111ca11
N O>
Fu/11111r Stu11l.·y Cobb •~· JI/red C. 1-.:.cdfic/d
Butler IV/Jiti11 g
Lrn!'s/ II. Ratsey
Gr11/9rl I I
.-I . J,:_ /Inn liihbn
...., 0
.1/ ,·h ·illc 111 cs /011
!l of sJmr
Alfred P. /,oomis
1/ i-llo
N11l/1h B . Se mler
i\' . L. Tcla1,r/ er
1s/autl,·r Q. C. J{ a1 i11k11
David n.
TJr11rn er111rm
!-'rnn cis Robi11s011
Jol,11 C. Cooley
Fran!.: H. Russell
?"- --- _\Taney Lee
Charles H. Vilas
.I 11/, 11 /n·.i S1 "i L'o ll
N,,,.,,, ,, fl . Ri1r h1·.r
t:.yhl'l"I .\I o.r!rall!
N. c·uu ,wc
l' crroqut'I
R r.,ht'l"I
l/ or.,ri•
Scrapper II I
F . W . Baldw m
Sh eila
Alex \!. White, Jr.
llf/ll t l
(I/JI /It' /
P if'rr1•
Ed. S . Brad[ ord, Jr.
Paul A . S /l a ry
l//111. ,-/. Drisler
./1,/r11 ./. fflfrilt' , Jr.
g . Gral1t1111 flig /ow Tin}' Trnl
V u r _\'(t
Gt1Jrq c N. If rdInce
J,/, i11rl S o11 !J
C. J<:. Larish
f,f/ hite L adr
11 air,,/ 111 Crer11 011ylr
II ·i11dm ml
N.fll pl, 1-:nrlr
F,t!w ard L. Crahhe
7..iqc u 11 cr
W. 'J'. Neid 3rd
14 8
/Jlack Duck
l! i ra m l/ a111i/t o i1
1\ la \ ·1111
Agn es
j ,, l,11
r:. c : rr,oJ/1/", J r .
Sti:pbc11 D. Daher
l-Iarla11 T. Stetson
C11dr1r11t r lr l'r
!<. 111 l't ' /1 ..ll ,·1,·11/f
C. /.?.. Hi11cl1111 r111
l-:dwi11 .11. C/11111n'
C11lf Strram
15 2
L. I I. !Jaeldaml
.l / r,11gofJse
.f fJ ///1
J. ,-f 1"7, 'tl l n
Old C:/rirr
Sil;,,,,. Li11i11 r;
C,,or r11· P. P. IJ 0 1111 e ll
!f",11 . J.
l-J . Dr ,,,-
Fln ·11 C(lr/1'11,11 Sf>rr1r; 111•
II . .I. /Jr,, w n
l' ir:lory Ill
V in.wn
F-l e11r_r A. Jnclrn,11
If. JI. ( ,' r,r ·,/r,11 . .fr.
r J
--------- - - - -
RADIO PHONE CALL LETTERS OF OUR FLEET Ba rtl e tt, Rob e rt A. Coffin, Samue l B. Dunn, G a no Ear le. Ralph Foste r, J o hn \ Valter Smit h Groom e. Jr., John C . H e mp s tea d, G o rdon B. Mallory, Philip H. Math •so n , Hu g h M . Moxham. Egbert R ey nolds, Ri c h a rd J . Roo seve lt, G eo r ge E. Schaefer, R. J . Scars, Henry S er vic e , Elliot K. Stewart, Jr. , \Villiam L. Ti ld en, Wultcr C la rk Whit e , Jr .. John J.
Effie M. Morrissey Sea fa r er Nilira ga \X indwa rd Pcnquin . g n cs Ne lli e Bru sh Mystic Lihu Orient Elizab e th McCaw Mistress Ed lu II Ac tacil Chantey C hubasc o Blu e fi sh Souve nir
wcx w \\TUG WEPZ WN KB
RECAPITULATION Honorary Members Active Members ( 4 1 / 41)
9 448
45 7 Fle e t
Schooners Yawls and Ketches Sloops a nd Cutters Cat Boats Motor Boats Blue Water Medal Under Construc tion
Li sted
Ill ustrated
50 74 95
43 60
16 16
CRUISING CLUB OF AMERICA, 1940 W. P. STEPHENS, Historian The C ruis in g C lub of A m e rica h as mu c h t o b e tha nkful fo r in that a l the end of s u c h a y ea r a s the world n eve r ha s witn essed in the pa s t. it is s till a fl oat. o n a n eve n k eel. a nd with its course a h ead cl ea r of min es and s ubm a ri nes. In c om mon with a ll s imila r o r ga nizatio n s it has b ee n fa ced by diffi c ulties but, thanks to good lead e rs hip a nd gen e ral co-ope rati o n. it h as o ve rco m e th e m. \Vhile c on diti o n s on th e sea m a d e the B e rmuda ra c e impossibl e , a n ade qua t e s ub s titut e ,vas f o und. The a nnua l m e etin g o n J a nua ry 25th bro u g ht a s li g ht c han ge in th e a dminis tra tion. C. Bu r nham Port e r b ein g d ect e d R ea r Commo dore , w ith M essrs. Luke B. Loc kwood, A lfre d B. S tanfo r d a nd H. Prescott W e ll s on th e Boa rd of Gove rnors. Th e vaca n cy in the o ffi ce of S ecr e tary- Treas ure r c au sed b y th e d ea th o f Edw in H . Tuc k e r was fill ed b y th e e lecti o n o f o n e of th e ea rly membe r s, Henry A. J ack s on. The e nt e rt a inm e nt of the e v e ning w as in th e form o f a nautical quiz b e twee n t w o t ea m s , th e qu es tio n s b e in g pro pounde d by Vi ce C ommodore R oss, w ith H e rbe rt L. Stone , R o b e r t N. Bavier a nd G eor ge N. \Va ll ace as jud ges. The m eetin g of F e bru a ry 1 5 th w as h e ld a t the N e w Y o rk Yacht Clu b , the main topic of th e evenin g b e in g a t a lk o n firs t aid afloa t b y Dr. \Valte r C. Tild e n; hi s r e m a rks , o f v a lu e l o all aboa rd s m a ll c raft, b e in g pu b lis hed in p a m p hl e t form b y th e C lub a nd dis tribu ted to m e m b ers . Follow ing thi s th e n e w mea s ure m e nt rule wa s d esc rib ed by Phi li p J. Roosevelt. On M a r c h 7th th e work of t he C oast Gua rd w as d escribe d a nd illu s t ra t e d b y ta lkin g-movin g pic tures. The m ee tin g on A pril 4th w a s a nn o unced as " S tump the C ommod ores ,·· the ex -Comm o d o r e s of the C lub b e in g ca lle d on the a n s w e r qu estion s s ubmitt e d in adva n ce by m e mbers w ith Commodo re Lord as umpire . The pre va iling bad w e athe r o f 1940, w ors e even th a n 1939, cut down the a tte nda n ce a t the May r e ndezvous at the M a nha sset Bay Y a cht C lub; but a fl ee t of 63 ya c hts turn e d out for the three-day Decora tion D a y m eet a t Price Bend .
159 In p lac -· o f th e so uthwar d r ace t o Be rmud a a north e rn c ourse w as chose n . th e s t a rt m a d e off Gr e at S a lt Pond , Blo c k Is la nd , a nd th e fini s h li n e off th e e ntra nc e to Glou ces t e r H a rbor, roundmg
a ntu c k c t Li g ht s hip a n d Mount D ese rt R o ck , a di s t a n ce of
455 n au ti ca l mil es.
In a yea r whi c h h as b ee n not a bl e for low
t e mp e r a tur es a nd eas t e rl y wind s th e w ea th e r go d s save d the wor s t in th e ir loc k e r for th e
fin a l w ee k in Jun e.
Th e 24th
op e n e d w ith a dri z zl e o f ra in a nd a li g ht fa v o rin g wind , but a s hift t o th e eas t wa rd brou g ht hea d wind s wh ic h h e ld throu g h mu c h of th e r ace . A n a n a lys is o f th e w ea th e r a board on e of th e y ac ht s s h owe d th a t o ut of h , r 87 h o ur s e la p se d tim e r a in a nd fo g pr eva il ed for 5 6 hours , wind a h ea d for 14 hours , n nd onl y 15 hour s of cl ea r s un .
Th e y a wl Ba run a, H. C . T ay lor, won
th e Be rmud a trophy for c orr ec t e d tim e in a ll classes, th e Com m o d o r e·s pr ize fo r fir s t t o fini s h, a nd th e fir s t pri ze in Cl ass A . Th e seco nd pri ze in C la ss A w e nt to Blit ze n, th e fir s t a nd se cond pri zes in C la ss B to C oqu e tt e a nd Perroqu e t r es p e cti ve ly , and th e C rui s in g C a nv as pri ze t o Mi s tr ess. Of the seve nt ee n s ta rt e r s t w o w e r e di sa bl e d a nd thr ee withdr e w.
As th e pl eas ur e outin g
of th e yea r th e r ace ca nnot be classe d as n s u cc e ss . but it s p ea k s w e ll fo r th e qu a lit y o f th e Aee t a nd th e p lu c k a nd s t a mina of th e c r ews . Th e fa ll r e nd e zvou s on O c tob e r 12 th a t Pri ce Be nd brou g ht o ut a Acc t of 67 y ac ht s. Th e m ee tin g of Nov e mber 7th h a d as s p ea k e r a la d y , C a pt a in D 'A r cy Gra nt , w ho r e count e d h e r e xp e ri e n ces as m as t e r of a workin g sc h o on e r in Ch esa p ea k e Bay . Th e D ece mb e r m ee tin g h a d as s p ea k e r Gil es 5 . M. Tod, with d esc ription a nd m o vin g pi c tur es o f a
v o yage
A u s tra li a
aboa rd th e Finnis h b a rk
H e r zog in Ce cil e , r e turnin g b y wa y of C a pe Horn . Throu g hout th e y ea r th e N e w York m e mb e r s h a v e met for lun c h eo n s on W e dn e sda y s a t th e Willia m s Club, 24 E as t 39 th Str ee t , a nd on Frid a y s at Block H a ll, 23 South \ V illi a m Stre et. In Bo s ton s imila r m ee tin gs hav e be e n h e ld on Frida y s a t th e Bos ton Y a cht Club, 5 Rowe 's Wharf.
S tart, June 24 , 1940 Cl ass A -
Ya c ht Baruna Blitzen Edlu JI Avanti Mandoo JI Nina M istress Barlovento Persep h one
El apsed T ime
A ll owance
81-24 -40 89 -49 -32 86-57 - 13 93- 10-26 88-38- 10 90-26 -02 94-03-46
0 -00-00 4 -3 8 -2 8 0-05-3 7 5-50-48 0-37-41 1- 42-45 4 - 17-32
Class B Coquette Perroqu e t Serna Nicor D epar tur e Blac kfi s h Souvenir T ioga Too
10:00 A.M. Corrcec t ed Time
8 1-24-40 85- 11 -04 86-5 1- 36 87 - 19 - 3 8 88- 00 - 29 88 - 43- 17 89-46- 14 \ Vithdrew \Vithdr ew
10 : 10 A.M.
IO 1-30-20 I 00 -23-55 I 17-48 -52 1 1 1-15-00 114 - 5 1- 00
12-37 -35 9 -2 0-20 18-48 - 56 1 1-33-22 I 1-4 8 -3 5
88-52 - 45 9 1-03 -35 98-59-56 99- 4 3 -38 I 03 -03-2 5 Withd r ew Di sab l e d, W ithd rew Disabl e d, Withdrew
Bermuda Trop h y (firs t on cor r ected tim e a II classes ) Commodore· s T rophy ( first boat to finish) Firs t Class A Second C las. A Fir st C lass B Secon d C lass B Fi n le y Trop hy C ruising Canvas Trophy
Ba run a Baruna Baruna B litzen Coquette Perroq uet N ina Mistress
LOCAL STATIONS BOSTON STA TION Rear Commodore C. Burnham Porter Address: Office, 5 Arlington St., Boston. Tel. Com. 4430. Home, 251 Beacon St., Boston. Tel. Com. 5214. Flagship Auxiliary Cutter "'ROARIN' BESSIE" of Manchester, Mass. Historian Thorvald S. Ross Address: Box H, Brighton, Mass. Regular Meetings-Friday, 12:30 P.M. Lunch at Boston Yacht Club, 5 Rowes Wharf, Boston, throughout the year. Membership Committee Joseph Guild, Chairman Address: 28 Guild Road, Dedham, Mass. Tel. Dedham 0835. Jeffrey's Ledge Sailing Committee Everett Morss, Chairman. Address: 79 Sidney St., Cambridge, Mass. Tel. Kir. 9000 or Manchester, Mass. Tel. Man. 136. The Boston Station membership on January I, I 941, numbered I 26. On February 9th a well attended and informal dinner was held at the Boston Yacht Club and on April 12th, the Spring Dinner occurred at the same stand with Captain Louis L. Smith lecturing and illustrating salvage work. The talk set well on top of the lubricated smorgasbord which had proceeded. June I st saw the Spring Rendezvous at Manchester, - but saw very few vessels because the cold and rainy weather had estopped painting processes. Insofar as it is this Station's duty to mention the Block Island Party and the start of the Mt. Desert Rock Race, we would rather next time trust each others' galley slaves than take chances on taxis ashore. One hundred and ten hosts and guests thawed out quickly and happily in The Tent at Gloucester at the end of the Rock Race. Patter of rain on the canvas and speakers under it was only an accompaniment to the chanting of friendship which always rings out true and strong when Manhattan comes to Massachusetts - or we to it. Twelve boats started in the Jeffrey's Ledge Race August 31st, of which "AVELINDA," minus her owner, was skippered and crewed by his issue and contemporaries of very tender age and tough performance. Let the rest of us pray that when the test
162 comes we shall be found as courageous as that father I "PIROUETTE" and "GRENADIER'' were first and second in Class B. "TIPLER IX" won Class C closely pressed by "'ROARIN' BESSIE'' and less closely for third p lace by "GAZELLE". The going was very li g ht and the visibi lity was nil or less on the leg from Peaked Hill to J effrey's itself, but there was quite a thrill in the event especially for those ashore, b ecau se a hurricane was r epo rted as coming up the coast. Fourteen boats and quite a lot of ladies made up the Rendezvous October 12-1 3 at Mancheste r . George Sis ta ire· s "ELVIRA .. was among the gentler sex' s m ost admi r ed. Our Navy Dinner was December 6th, and Cap tain D. V. Herbste r, U.S.N., Rt., was principal speaker, but w h a t Al Gould said about Dun can Dana and Dudley \Volfe who left us ten years apart was not speakin g - it was a good deal more. When and where o ur Fleets will next m eet is, for th e near future only, unknown, but we shall meet.
HUNTINGTON STA TION Poat Captain: Robert H. Moore, P. 0. Box 74, L. I., Phone, Huntington No. 4.
Secretary: William A. Rushmore, 187 Park Avenue, Huntington, L. I., Phone, Huntington 2563 .
Membership Committee: Kenneth Stephens, 99 John Street, New York City; William T. H askell. Richards Road, Port Washington, L. I. Cruising Club members may leave the ir boats at the Hunting ton Yacht Club and they will he taken care .of by a Club attendant for a s mall fee. Water, gas, oil, ,ice, milk and provisions can be obtained a t the Club. Several guest moorings are maintained and assigned to visiting yachts by Tom Jones the club attendant. The harbor has lighte d buoys from the lighthouse into the inlet with a port hand gas buoy located so as to clear the middle ground. However, there is a lump with only six feet at deadlow water that bears West-Southwest from the first black can after turnin g the inner gas buoy so that boats drawing over six feet should steer at least I 00 feet to the southward of the can . Since the hurric ane the re is a lump of gravel about 3 00 yards north of the inlet. There is 7 feet over this lump at low water.
Th er e is a bus service to th e to w n and s tation from Rosell' s Stor e a t H a l esite , a nd t axis may be called to the Yacht Club. The r a te is sev e nty-fiv e c e n t s from the Yacht Club to tow n and $ I .00 to th e sta tion . Knu t s on op e r a t e s the y a rd formerly run by Walter Abrams, h as w e ll eq u ipp e d shop , m a chinis ts, carpenters and a ways that ca n h a ul up to 8 ½ ' draft. Cha rles Young operate s a small yard and is ava il a ble to do a ll kinds of ca binet and rigging work, while the boa t s a re a t their moorings. Ernest Maywald has a machine shop on th e Mill D a m a nd is compete nt to do all forms of en gine work. Chute & Bix by h a v e a yard on the Mill Oam that can haul ve s s els up to 7' and are well equipped to do general r e p a irs. Yacht Anchorage: At th e h ead of th e harbor a basin 1300 fe e t lon g a nd 750 fee t w ide h a s been dred ged to a depth of 7 1h fe e t a t low w ater. The dr e d g ed ar ea e x t e nds north north ea sterly from th e Mill D a m bulkhead on the west side of the old channel to a point dir e ctly west of Abrams Shipyard where it converges with th e wes t northwes terly sweep of the channel. Anchorage will b e buoye d a nd a public dock is to b e built directly south of the K e ttewomoke Yacht Club, where an attendant will be sta tion e d to serve visitin g yachts.
BRANFORD STATION Po&t-Captain John Killam Murphy Killam" s Point, Branford, Conn.; Tel. Branford 522 . Secretary Thomas F . Cooke, Killa m's Point, Branford, Conn.; Tel. Branford 291, ring 2 . The membership in this Station is twelve, ten of whom are boa t owne rs. Winter meetings are held in New Haven, and summer activity m a inly c e nters in the Branford River where vessels of moat of the members are moored. The Post-Captain or the Secretary will gla dly furnish information in regard to activities of the Station, anchorages and mooring conditions in this and near by harbors. Also in regard to supplies, repairs of hull, motor and rigging and be of every possible assistance to club members. Branford Yacht Club pie r , at entrance to River, affords good facilities for taking on gas, ice and water. Groceries about a qu a rter mile distant. Branford town is a few minutes by motor
164 or trolley, has good shops and New Haven is about 30 minutes by trolley. Branford outer harbor affords fair s h elter in all but southwesterly winds; however, members are advis e d to enter Branford River, which is sheltered in any wind. Local boats moor bow and stern to stakes on the channel b a nk, as the river bottom is soft deep mud, and barges s ometimes tow up the channel. Vacant s takes are usually available on application to Al. Johnson, in charge of the Branford Y a cht Club, located on Branford Point close to the pier. Except for small boats in good winds, power is needed for maneuvering in the river. SAILING DIRECTIONS
The entrance to Branford River is not as bad as it looks on Chart No. 217. From a position about 200 yards easterly from Cow and Calf Gas and Bell Buoy, steer NE½N Mag. for the Big Mermaid, distant I ¼ miles. Thia course leads midway between Blyn Rock on the Starboard hand (buoyed, awash at high water) and Johnson Point ( with large residence on it) on the Port hand. Course brings Bird Rock Nun Buoy No. 2 some 200 yards on Starboard hand. Pass between, the Big Mermaid (single large rock) and Little Mermaid (several smaller rocks, low and broken), keeping close ,t o the Big Mermaid, which is marked by a 11mall flashing green light privately maintained in summer; keeping Big Mermaid to port. There is 8 ½' of water and no danger between the two. Thence 8teer £.N.E. magnetic along dredged channel, heading about I 00 feet South of pier with small white building on it, marked by flashing red light privately maintained in summer. Thia channel was dredged (1938) to 8½' at low water. Enter river and tie to pier, or anchor in channel between the lines of boats, and ask Al. Johnson about using vacant 11takea. With Southerly or Westerly winds or with power, it is feasible to proceed as far as Branford Point Pier at night by the aid of the lights mentioned above; the courses being approximately as by day. Sailing directions at night are as follows:-¼ mile after passing Cow and Calf Buoy red flashing light close aboard to port, h eading about NE, swing a few degrees to the left until this red light is brought in range with the flashing white light of Townshend Ledge Buoy. Hold ono this stern range ¾. mile until Johnson Point is abeam and you pick up the very small
165 green flashing light on Big Mermaid right ahead; then steer for this green flash until it is close aboard, and Little Mermaid is to starboard. T ,hen head ENE mag. for the red Rashin~ light on Branford Point Pier. Do not attempt to proceed beyond this Pier at night without local knowledge.
EAU CALLIE STATION Florida Post-Captain Stephen D. Baker Eau Callie, Florida. Established February 9, 1939, with four membera, this Station offers a port of call for members in southern waters. Ample dock apace and anchorage. Water, gas, boat supplies, ice and groceries. First class hotel facilities adjacent.
SAILING DIRECTIONS Passing south through the Eau Callie bridge (chart #845) steer S.S.E.. for 7 / I O miles till abeam first light beacon. Thence a W x N course for 3 /5 miles {leaving beacon close to port and black finger markers on same hand) leads to entrance of El~ow Creek-a landlocked harbor. Lighthouse with flashing red light on slatted white tower to starboard on point and black finger markers ( off low island) to port keep in center of fairway for about 500 yards until abreast of the docks. Anchorage about 3 00 ft. by 65 0 ft. and 8 ft. depth. On north shore is Eau Callie Cruising Club Station sign on white building. Dock Master will assign berth at docks. Ways in this yacht basin can haul vessels up to 6 ft. draft and 7 5 ft. long.
ESSEX STATION Post-Captain George P. P. Bonnell 3 0 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. Secretary Samuel Wetherill Essex, Conn . The Essex Station of the Cruising Club of America was formed in the spring of 1940, and is located at Essex, Connecticut, on the Connecticut River, about six miles from Saybrook Light, with headquarters at the Essex Yacht Club. At present, the Station is composed of approximately 20 members of the Club. There is an excellent anchorage for yachts up to 12 feet draft off the Essex Yacht Club, the most southerly waterfront building and dock of the town. Moorings may almost always be arranged for by applying to Harbor Master Dyke Wetmore, whose office adjoins the Essex Yacht Club property. There is excellent dockage, both in front of the Club, and to the north-
166 ward, where all supplies - fuel, water, ice, food, marine hardware, etc. - are conveniently available. Three yacht yards are located in Essex, capable of full s ervice to all types of yachts. Yachts may b e left at E ssex from week end to week end, and supervision a nd care arra n g ed for. Many yachtsmen are taking advantage of the Essex anchorage a s a point of departure for many and varied cruisin g g rounds easily reached in a short time - Long Island Sound, Block Is land Sound, Gardiner's Bay, Peconic Bay, Fishe r's Is land Sound, etc. The quaint and picturesque town of Essex h as many attractions which must be seen to be appreciated . A modern motion picture theatre, and summer stock theatre, are nea rby. A ttra ctive taverns and inns serve excellent meals at mode rate prices. Ship' s larders may be replenished in any of several up-to-date stores. Yachts going to Essex should not fail to vis it a ttractive and landlocked Hamburg Cove, about a mile above the town. There is beautiful scenery, absolute quiet, and perfect protection in all weather. Essex may be reached by motor car in three hours by using Merritt Parkway and Route I to New Haven, Route 80 to Essex. Air-conditioned trains from Boston and New York to Saybrook Junction, and I 0-minute taxi ride put Essex within commuting distance of our large Eastern cities. Mail may be sent in care of the Essex Yacht Club, where a steward will welcome visitors. Telephone and shower baths are available at the Club. Launch service goes into action upon blowing of the usual three toots on the ship's horn. The Essex Yacht Club and the Town of Essex extends a cordial welcome to all visiting yachtsmen.
COCONUT GROVE STA TION Florida Poat Captain: Wirth M. Munroe Coconut Grove Sta. Miami, Florida. Tel. 4-6396 Established 1940 with nine members and headquarters at the Biscayne Bay Yacht Club locate d in the Coconut Grove area, five miles S.W. of the center of Miami. Nine foot draft can be carried to the Coconut Grove Boat Works docks, which adjoins the Club on the south, and six feet to the Club dock. Gasoline, water and supplies can be obtained through the club steward. A mooring has been kindly donated by Commodore Hugh M. Matheson in Hurricane Harbor located behind South West Point on Key Biscayne. This is a private harbor owned by Commodore Matheson, and six feet can be carried through the entrance.
Shipmates here is the "New Cargo'" - it has your book down to the Plimsol Mark. So many have answered "Page Two" that it hardly s eems necessary to give any sailing directions but for those recently si g ning the crew list and those who don't read the Year Book Questionnaire (if they do they never indicate it by answering) here is the aid that loyal and generous members si g ning on below offer to members cruising in their waters. They will help when you are up against it - need repairs, haulin g , le a k stopped, sail patched, engine conked out or a tow. They are willin g to stick their necks out when a shipmate needs a friend. They will not have sailing directions for the popular night clubs (though if we could print all the offers of hospi· tality sent in you would think they wanted you to come aboard forever no matter what the reason). We are astounded at the number and character of replies in answ e r to our hail but the idea is too good to be abused. Midnight, or after, invitations to come aboard for a gam may not be the best way to further this boon to the £,e,llow member in distress. USE THE GOOD SAMARITANS IN A WAY AND ALL WILL BE WELL.
ARRANGEMENT States are listed from the "north and east". state alphabetically.
Ports in each
NOTES I. Cruising to the eastward read Radio Station Announcement listed under Salem, Massachusetts. 2. Cruising south of New York read Intracoastal Waterway Announcement listed between New York and New Jersey.
ENGLAND COWES, ISLE OF WIGHT Colin Ratsey, Island Sailing Club.
Phone Cowes 317.
George Killam, c/o Killam Bros. own dock.
Phone Yarmouth 7.
S . M. Milliken, M . D., East Bluehill. Phone Bluehill 129, ring 2.
BOOTHBAY HARBOR Arthur H. Veasey, Squirrel Island.
BRUNSWICK Donald Macomber, M.D., Princes Point at head of Harpswell Sound, Casco Bay.
BUCKS HARBOR John F. Cole, South Brooksville. Coleman Tousey, South Brooksville.
P . Exton Guckes, Bayview St. Phone Camden 7 I 2 or on board Malabar II moo red at entrance to harbor. Man aboard at all times to assist members.
CAPE PORPOISE Joseph T . Chatman, Dock Square, Kennebunkport. Kennebunkport 20.
CHANDLER COVE Frederic L. Ballard, Great Chebeague Island. mouth 6264-R II.
Phone Yar-
CHRISTMAS COVE John Ives Sewall, Christmas Cove. G. B. Farnsworth, M.D., Christmas Cove. Bristol 2 12.
Phone South
CUNDYS HARBOR William M. Rand, Hopkins Island.
CUTLER John C. Groome, Jr., at extreme head of harbor. Yacht "Agnes" moored off house. Phone Machias 189-R-2 I. Call letters wireless phone for "Agnes" W I FY.
DARK HARBOR Clinton H. Crane. Phone Dark Harbor 4.
FALMOUTH FORESIDE Peter Jenness, Jr. R. F. D. 4. Phone 4-3603. Hasket Derby. Phone (Portland Exchange) 4-3641.
GARDINER R. H. Gardiner.
Phone Gardiner 255. Head of navigation Kennebec River. ISLE au HAUT Kenneth S. M. Davidson, Isle au Haut.
ISLESFORD John Lee Merrill, lalesford, Little Cranberry Island. Phone Southwest Harbor 6229, ring 4.
MORGANS BAY See Bluehill.
NEW HARBOR Robert F. Duncan. Phone New Harbor 176.
NORTHEAST HARBOR Edward W. Madeira, Northeast Harbor. Fritz B. Talbot, M.D., The Ancestral. William Bell Watkins, on road from N. E. Harbor Fleet Slip to Episcopal Church. Phone Northeast Harbor 344.
NORTH HAVEN Alexander W. Moffat. Phone North Haven 71, ring 3. Edward Reynolds, North Haven. Phone North Haven 74, ring I I. Leverett Saltonstall. Phone North Haven 70.
PHIPS POINT Wm. Tudor Gardiner, Wiscasset. Phone Bath 1000.
PORTLAND See also Falmouth Foreside. Hasket Derby, Falmouth Foreside (Bartlett Point, Casco Bay). Phone (Portland Exchange) 4-3641.
QUOHOG BAY Arthur H . Ham, East Harpswell.
170 SEAL HARBOR Herbert L. Bodman. Up hill from Seal Harbor Y. C. from Y. C . or the fish wharf.
SOUTH BROOKSVILLE C. L. Baker, on shore of Bucks Harbor, care of Ray C . Gray. Coleman T oueey, So. Brooksville.
SOUTHPORT Harlan T. Stetson, Isle of Sprin gs or on "Calypso ," wes t shore of Sweet Island, opposite Goose Rock passa ge, Sh eep• scot t Bay.
WOOLWICH See Phips Point.
NEW HAMPSHIRE LITTLE HARBOR Alexander S. Neilaen, Little Harbor Rd . Phone Portsm outh 447.
PORTSMOUTH See Little Harbor.
Coleman Tousey, Annisquam
BEVERLY Augustus P. Loring, Jr., Thissell St ., Prides Crossin g. Phone Beverly Farms 180.
BOSTON George B. Doane, Boston Y. C. Phone South Boston 9389. Samuel C. Pierce, Boston Y. C. Phone Sou-9389.
COHASSET Thomas D. Cabot, J erusalem Road. Phone Cohasset OI 03-M or Cohasset Y. C . Frederic A. Fenger, Summer St., Norwell. Phone Scituate81-W I. William T. Reid, 3rd. Cohasset Y. C. Schuyler Dillon, Norwell. Phone Norwell 88 . Luther W . Turner. Phone Scituate I 7 7-R.
COTUJT Stanley Cobb, Cotuit Narrows. Phone Ostervi!le 2144 .
DUXBURY F. Benson Lawson, Washington St. Phone Duxbury 166.
171 EDGARTOWN W a lter Bar num, on the water. Cha rl e s A . W e lch. Phone Edgartown 418
FALMOUTH Paul Sh eldon, Waquoit.
Phone Falmouth 305-W-3.
GLOUCESTER Ern e st D . \ V h a len, 68 Salem St., Andover. Phone Andover 282 .
HADLEYS HARBOR Alexander For bes, \Voods Hole. Phone Naushon Island 1310.
HINGHAM Joseph Guild, 28 Guild Road, Dedham. Phone Dedham 0835. P a rk e r C . H a tch. Phone Hin g ham 15 5 5-W. Thorva ld S . Ross, Whiton Ave., Crow Point. Home phone Hin g ham 045 2 . Business phone Stadium 4530. Donald C. Starr, Turkey Hill Lane. Phone Hingham O114. Mil e s W a mba ugh, 25 Ship St. Phone Hingham 0350. Hingham Y. C. offers every courtesy to Cruising Club members.
MANCHESTER W. H . Coolidge, Jr. Phone Manchester 788-W. Evans Dick, Jr. , Beve rly Farms. Phone Beverly Farms 54. Andrew H e pburn, Concord. Phone 744. Everett Morss, Harbor St., West Manchester. Phone Mancheste r 13 6. C . Burnham Porter, 5 Arlington St., Boston. Phone Commonwealth 4430 . Alexander Wheeler. Phone Manchester 330.
MARBLEHEAD Georg e A . Cutter, 161 Pleasant St. Lynn. Phone Lynn 2-7 7 IO or on schooner "Black Squall'•' moored in Stage Harbor or at .. Little Riding Lights" ( up Oyster River from Stage Harbor). Harrison Gardner, Cherry St., Wenham. Phone Hamilton 19. Albert T. Gould, 18 Orne St. Phone Marblehead 707 . Nalcolm W. Greenough, Prides Crossing. Phone Beverly Farms 44. Henry A. Morss, Jr., Marblehead Neck. Phone Marblehead 265. Sherman Morss, Marblehead Neck. Phone 0265. Wells Morss, Marblehead Neck. Phone 0265. John Albert Cha~bers. Marblehead 1891 .
MARION Joseph H . Plumb, Jr., Great Point Road . Phon e Marion 182.
MONUMENT BEACH John Parkinson, Bourne. Phone Buzzards Ba y 159.
NAHANT Frank C . P!'ine, Swallows Cave Ro a d. Phone Na h a nt I 03.
NANTUCKET Bassett Jones, Polpi s Harbor. Phone Na ntuck e t 17 8 -MI. In absence, care taker C a pt . Chas . H . Bloun t or s on, M e rwin Blout, will render any auistance on land or wat e r . Skipper Jones "Rose & Crown" will be gl a d to tow memb e rs boats. Home ope n all year. In off seaaon land at Old North Wharf and ask for "' Commodore " Herb Coffin. B. Karl Sharp, Orange St.
NEW BEDFORD George H . Sista.re, 474 Park St. Phone 2-4635.
PANDANARAM Walter Rowland. Ask Steward New Bedford Y. C. POCASSET Roger H . Hallowell, care of Mrs. John W. Hallowell, Win gs Neck. Phone Buzzards Bay 144-3.
QUINCY Donald Macombe r, M .D., 66 Crabtree Road. dent 5737.
Phone Presi-
SALEM John Albert Chambers, Radio Station WESX. Phone Salem 5670. Has a Yachtin g Program at 8 bells every morning and weather reports, high and low tide , e tc., at 7. IO and 11 :55 a.m., 5.55, 9.55 and 11 . 55 p .m. daily. I 200kc. on your dial. '"Shipmates tune in when up this way. ··
SCITUATE Kenneth C . Mayo, 3 8 First Parish Rd. Phone Scituate 68 7W.
VINEYARD HA VEN Lambert Knight. Phone 721. Wilfrid 0. White, on shore front mile west of West Chop (set back in woods). If absent get Capt . Frank Vincent.
WOODS HOLE See Hadleys Harbor. Alfred C. Redfield, Oceanographic Institution. mouth 987.
Phone Fal -
RHODE ISLAND BARRINGTON W. J. H. Oyer, The Anchorage, Warren. Phone Warren 333. BRISTOL Charles D. Jencks, Bristol Highlands. Phone Bristol 715. Charle s B. Rockwell, c / o Steward Bristol Y. C. or home phone 388. Marshall R a wle, 4 Wood St . Phone 131. NEWPORT Henry Howa rd, Paradise Road. Phone Newport 275 . PROVIDENCE Fred B. Thurber, 518 Cole Ave. Phone Gaspee 8715. SAKONNET POINT Edward Brayton, Little Compton. Phone Little Compton 300. Nelson Cabot, West Road, Little Compton. Phone Little Compton 13 I. WATCH HILL Edward Cabot, 53 High St., Westerly. Phone (day) 2821, (nig ht) 2428 . Daniel F. La rkin, Meadow Lane. Phone 85220 or call Steward Watch Hill Y. C .
CONNECTICUT BRANFORD John Killam Murphy, Killams Point. Phone Branford 522, or on board "Armorel", moored in River, or at Pine Orchard. William D . Scranton, Short Beach. Phone 1232. A . G . Cooke, Killams Point. Phone 291-R-5 . COS COB HARBOR Elon Foster, Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7-0073 . Luke B. Lockwood, Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7-0648. Carleton L. Marsh, Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7-0813. Kenneth B. Millet, Druid Lane, Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7-1506. Dewey L. Pierce, Pierce Rd., Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7-13 70. Gordon R a ymond, Gilliam Lane. Riverside. Phone Old Greenwich 7- 1 I 15. DARIEN Frederick Gade, Noroton. Phone Darien 5-1225. John B. Lord, Five Mile River. Phone Darien 5-13 66. Norton V . Ritchie, Sunswyck Rd. Phone Darien 5-0680.
174 ESSEX H. Martyn Baker, Blue Flag Cotta ge on Middle Cove, or ask Y. C. Geo. P. P. Bonnell. South Main & Middle sex Turnpike. Walter Rowe, Saybrook Road. Phone Saybrook 194 -2. Alfred Stanford. Phone Saybrook 7766 or Essex Y. C. J. W. Appleton, 54 N. Main St. Phone Saybrook 7435. Chester Bowl es, Haydens Point. Phon e Saybr ook 723 7.
FIVE MILE RIVER See Darien GREENWICH R . Graham Biglow. Indian H a rbor Yacht Club, or phone 2484. Rowe 8. Metcalf, Vineyard Road. Phone Gre e nwich 3919. Henry Sears, Greenwich. Ship to Shore phone WPY2 . Duane R. Stoneleigh, I Sound View Terrace . Phone Greenwich 3079. MIDDLETOWN Alan Gray, 234 So. Main St. Phone Middl e town 1420. NEW HAVEN Charles H. Vilas, 86 Linden St. New H a ven 5-5884 . NOROTON HARBOR See Darien NORWALK Gilbert Dunham, Norwalk Y. C., or phone home, Norwalk 798. George H. Richards, Drum Hill, Wilton. Phone Wilton 174. PINE ORCHARD Paul A . Sperry on Board Sirocco or Pine Orchard Club. Phone Branford 463 or 560. W . A. Drisler, Linden St. Phone--ask information o r call New Haven 7-0127 or C apt. Waylett, Pine Orchard Y. C . RIVERSIDE See Cos Cobb Harbor. SACHEMS HEAD D. Spencer Berger, Sachems head. Phone Guilford 80. Stuart T. Hotchkiss, East River. Phone Madison I I 0. SAUGATUCK RIVER Roger H. Williams, east bank of River, white hous e second below R. R. bridge. Phone Westport 3 155. See Westport.
175 SAYBROOK Leve r ett B. Davis, Saybrook Point. Phone 546. SOUTHPORT George P. Brett, Jr., Sport Hill Road, Easton. Phone Bridge· port 3-7232. Maintains two moorings (1,000 lb. Mushrooms) large navy type yellow buoys with "C C" for Cruising Club members just inside breakwater. Pete Kehler will g ive a n y help. Lives near and can be gotten by asking attendants at Pequot Y. C. Kempton Adams, R e dding Ridge. Phone Redding 30, or on board '"A lta ir" off P equot Y. C. Hobart Ford, on board schooner "Jane Dore," first moor• ing inside breakwa t e r. Phone Pequot Y. C. or Norwalk 5696.
STAMFORD W. H. deFontaine, Gle nbrook. Phone Stamford 4-0687. Bruce Morrison, Sea Beach Drive. Phone 4-5225. Usually on board "Tongaloa" off Stamford Y. C. N. S. Seeley, Stamford Y . C. or home, 115 Van Rens Ave. Phone Stamford 4-5264. Walter H. Wheeler, Jr., Stamford, Y. C. Home phone 4-5329, Office 4-2183 . H e rbert L. Stone, Barnegat Road, New Canaan. Phone 11 , ring 2 .
STONINGTON H. Minot Pitman, Pequot Trail. Phone-ask Mystic lnforma· tion. Member Wadawanuck Y. C.
WESTPORT Maclear Jacoby, 12 Appletree Trail. Phone Westport 3677.
NEW YORK BAYPORT Charles K. Post, Bayport. Phone Bayport 314.
BAYSIDE W. P. Stephens, 37-16 223rd St. Phone Bayside 9-3770-W. Robert D. Teller, Bayside Y. C. Phone BA 9-1030 or BA 9-5215.
BOLTON LANDING See Diamond Point.
CEDARHURST William M . Stiger, Hewlett, L. I., N. Y. Phone Franklyn 5 71.
CITY ISLAND Owen P. Merrill, Nevins Yard. Phone City Island 8-1423. At night, yard watchman will give home phone.
176 Henry M. Devereux, City Island Y. C. Phones, Home, City Island 8-1195; Olfice, 8-1423; Club, 8-1027. Franklin C. Sullivan, Harlem Y. C. Phone City Isla nd 8-1 009. COLD SPRING HARBOR Alfred F. Loomis, iWeat Hills Road, Huntington. Phone Huntington 1755. Henry C. Taylor. Phone Cold Spring Harbor 988. Business, Walker 5-2360. Joseph W. Outerbridge. Phone Cold Spring Harbor 3226. Henry L. de Forest, West Neck Road. Phone Cold Spring Harbor 1689. CORN.WALL Donald Durant, Mountain Road . Phone Cornwall 233. DEVON See Sag Harbor. DJAMOND POINT Roderick Stephens, Diamond Point. Phone Lake George 875. ECHO BAiY WilJiam N. Bavier, Jr. Phone New Rochelle 866. Andrew B. Duryee, 39 Liberty Avenue. Phone New Rochelle 4069. Martin S. Kattenhorn, Davenport Neck. Phone New Rochelle 1347. George N. Wallace, 77 Valley Road. Phone New Rochelle 8990. Butler Whiting, 128 Sutton Manor. Phone New Rochelle 3697. Louis E. Manley, on board Bambino. Raymond S. DeMott, Westbourne, Bronxville, N. Y. Phone, home Bronxville 283 6, office Bronxville 4008. FREEPORT Melville R. Smith, 98 So. Bergen Place. Phone Freeport 4019.
FORT POND See Sag Harbor. GLEN COVE Charles J. Lundgren, North Shore Acres, Glen Head. Phone Glen Cove 3263. Elliot K. Service, Hempstead Harbor Y. C. or 41 Maple Ave. Phone Glen Cove 88. Herbert L. Bodman, Glen Head. Phone Glen Cove 1507.
177 GREAT NECK E gb e rt M oxh a m, E ast Sho re Roa d . Phone Grea t Neck I 045. John J . A t wat e r, 4 G a t eway Drive , Great Neck. Phone Great Neck 4 32. GREAT SOUTH BAY S e e Bayport.
HARLEM RIVER Roderick S t e phe ns, Jr., H a v e n 9 - 1057.
12 5 E a st 146th St.
Phone Mott
HASTINGS-ON-HUDSON G eo r ge C . Fraser , Old Broa dw ay. c a ll Towe r Rid g e Y. C .
Phone H astings 880 or
HUDSON Samu el B. Coffin. Phone office 107, home 1287.
HUNTINGTON H e nry H. Gordon, Jr., P . 0 . Box 156. Phone Huntington 2942M. Robert Hartwell Moore, Bay Ave. Phone Huntingto1_1 ~(Fa milia r with a ll tow in g, salva ge outfits and yards within r a dius of I 5 0 miles.) W illia m A . Rushmore, 187 Park Ave. Phone 2563 Hunting t o n. Hartwe ll S . Moore, Beattie Court. Phone Huntington 1369 W.
JONES INLET See Bayshore .
LARCHMONT Harve y C o n o v e r , Edgewater Point, Ma m a roneck. Phone M a m a ronec k 2285. W . R oy Manny, s e cond dock from western s h o r e side in e nterin g harbor. Phone Larchmont 232. R. J. Schaefer, 25 O cean A ve. (On shore, 3 doors from Larchmont Y. C.) Phone Larchmont 677. H . Press cott W e lls, Larchmo nt Y . C. Phone La rchmont 2440. Home, 199 Chestnut St., Englewood, N. J. Phone Englewood 3-3547. G eor g e E. R a tsey, C ity Island, N. Y. Phone City Island 8-1012. J o hn S . Dickerson, Jr., La rchmont Y. C. Phone Larchmont 2440.
LLOYD NECK LAGOON S. LeRoy Ackerly, Lloyd Lane, Lloyd Neck. Phon e Hunting· ton 312-R.
LLOYDS HARBOR See Huntington.
MAMARONECK M. B. Littlefield, 40 Lincoln St., L archmont. Phone Larchmont 176. Walter Clark Tilden, M.D., Orienta Y. C., or h ome, 41 H artadale Ave., Hartsdale, N. Y. Phone White Plains 4 7 I .
MANHASSET BAY See Port Washington. William T . Haskell, 60 Richards Road, Port W ashington. Phone Port Washington I 065.,
MONTAUK See Sag H a rbor.
NEW YORK Paul Abbott, 40 Wall St. Phone Whitehall 3-9020. Drayton Cochran, 157 E. 63rd St. Phone Regent 4-7518.
OYSTER BAY Henry Hill Anderson, Cove Neck-first dock west of Coopers Bluff. Phone Oyster Bay IO I I. W . Porter Buck, waterfront near village. Phone Oyster Bay 796. Franklin R emington, C entre Isla nd. Phone Oyster Bay 340. George E. Roosevelt. Phone Oyster Bay 7 I. Philip J. Roosevelt, Cove Neck. Phone Oyster Bay I I 06. Elihu Root, Jr., Seawanhaka Corinthian Y. C. Francis Robinson, 76 Melbourne St. Phone Oyster Bay I 092. Duncan Sterling, Jr., Bayville. Phone Oyster Bay 1565.
PATCHOGUE David B. Bannerman, Blue Point. Phone Blue Point 1547.
PORT JEFFERSON Prescott B. Huntington, Long Beac h Roa d, St. J a mes . Phone St. James 484. Morga n W. Jopling, Pt. J efferson Y. C. or River Road, Smithtown Bran ch . Phone Smithtown 1385 .
PORT WASHINGTON George F. Adams, on board Ketch "Vanora••, off Town Dock.
179 Alan B. Browne. On board Norseman or phone Manhaaaet Bay Y. C. Wi lliam E. Lundg r en, on board "Butterfly" off Manhauet Bay Y. C. Phone Port Washington 2150 or call Garden City 4207. William T. H askell, 60 Richards Road. Phone Port Washington I 065. F. S. Connett, Manhasset Bay Y. C. Phone Port Washington 2150 or on board So u·'Wester. Ala n S. Browne, on board Little Tramp off Manhasset Bay Y. C. Phon e Pt. W a shington 2150. H en ry T. Meneely, 126 Reid Ave. Phone Port Washington 1155. Dan M. Rugg, 9 Hampton Road. Phone Port Washington 1458. H. S . Smith, Longview Road. Phone Port Washington 614. Or Port Washington Y. C., Phone Port \Vashington 306. Or on boa rd k e tch " Gitana". Rufus G. Smith, 6 Lowell Road. Phone Port Washington, 2713-J. William H. T aylor, 54 Mackey Ave. or Manhasset Bay Y. C. Phone Port Washin gton 118 1. Morgan W. Joplin g, Pt. Jefferson Y. C. or home River Road, Smithtown Branch, N. Y. Phone Smithtown 1385.
RIVERDALE Frederic M. G a rdiner, 3804 Greystone Ave., Riverdale. Phone Kingsbridge 6-0496.
ROSLYN Herbert L. Bodman, Simonsons Lene, Glen Head. Phone Glen Cove 1507.
RYE Fessenden S. Blanchard, 4 Seely Place, Scarsdale. Phone Scarsdale 3 948. Frederick Bradley, Jr., 21 Tunstall Road, Scarsdale. Phone Scarsdale 99 5.
SAG HARBOR Thomas A. Kelly, Jeffreys Lene, Easthampton. Phone Eas th ampton 5 3 I .
SEAWANHAKA CORINTHIAN Y. C. Hoffman Nickerson, West Shore Drive, Oyster Bay. Phone Oyster Bey 249.
TRAVERS ISLAND Henry A. Jackson, Yachting Department, New York Athletic Club. Home phone P elham 1919.
WESTHAMPTON BEACH John J. Atwater. Phone Westhampton 1514.
YONKERS See Riverdale.
INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY Samuel C. Loveland, Jr., Hammonton, N. J. Phone Hammonton 115, writes: I am in the marine transportation business a nd h ave tug boats using the Inland Waterway between Philadelphia and Jacksonville-principally Chesapeake Bay a nd the Delaware & Chespeake Canal. Our tugs have white pilot houses a nd if any member is in distress do not hesitate to call. S. C. Loveland, Inc. , 151 South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phone Lombard 3925. We have an office a t Chesapeake City and friends or Agents at mos t any spot on the coast. Will gladly advise anyone in trouble if they will ca ll us. Hail our tugs "Active," "Cyrene," "W. H . Hoodless, " "W. H. Scott" and motorvessel "Solarina". We promise not to claim salvage I
NEW JERSEY ATLANTIC CITY See lntracoastal Waterway. John J . White, Jr., Marlborough-Blenheim Hotel. Phone 5-1211, or on board •·souvenir" in Gardiners Basin. Phone 5-4512.
ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Robert W. Byerly, Highlands. Phone Highlands 1246.
BAY HEAD Edwin M. Chance yacht "Far Cry·• moored at Slade Dales dock-see also Mantoloking. F. Slade Dale, on waterfront. Phone Point Pleasant 13. (Three miles south of Manasquan Inlet).
MANTOLOKING Edward M. Chance, Ocean Ave. Phone Point Pleasant 1286. "Far Cry" moored at Slade Dales Dock Bay Head.
RED BANK Roger Young, River Road, Rumson. Phone Rumson I 19 2.
SEAWAREN Charles \V. Buckelew, Plainfield. TOMS RIVER
Phone Plainfield 6-1626 .
Daniel MaE. Crabbe. Home phone, 85: office, 84. Edward Crabbe, 250 Washington St. Phone Toma River 63 and 84. Edward L. Crabbe. Phone 63 Toms River.
PENNSYLVANIA ESSINGTON C . R. Hinchman, Corinthian Y. C . Phone Tinicum 2111. Charles B. Downs, Essington Yacht Yard. Phone Tinicum 20-28.
PHILADELPHIA See lntracoastal Waterway. Vincent Gilpin, West Cheater, Pa. Phone 1840.
DELAWARE BAY See lntracoastal Waterway.
DELA WARE RIVER See lntracoastal Waterway.
WILMINGTON See lntracoastal Waterway. Vincent Gilpin, West Chester, Pa. Phone I 840.
MARYLAND See lntracoastal Waterway.
ANNAPOLIS John Walter Smith Foster, on board Penguin, Annapolis Y. C . Basin.
BALTIMORE John Walter Smith Foster (see Gibson Island), at Maryland Club . Phone Vernon I 060.
CHESAPEAKE CITY See lntracoastal \Vaterway.
GEORGETOWN Ralph Earl, Sassafras River. Has dock to accommodate veaael1 of 80 o.a. with 7 ft. draft, at high tide.
GIBSON ISLAND Melville B. Groavenor, Gibson Island. Phone Gibson Island I I I. Or aak for Captain Marks Yacht Squadron Boat House. ST. MICHAELS Randall Clifford, Easton. Phone Easton 735-R. C. Lowndes Johnson . Phone Eaaton 20 F 21. Home "'The Harbor," up Milea River 5 ½ miles. H. Morton Merriman, on Miles River. St. Michae ls.
Lealie W. Howarth, Magnolia Hall, Smiths Paris h. Phone 7256. Sailing directions for a good la nd fall (from bike) ask Steward, Roya) Bermuda Y. C.
VIRGINIA See lntracoasta) Waterway.
JAMES RIVER NEWPORT NEWS WARWICK RIVER Lindsay A. Fowler, Denbigh, W a rwick Co. Phone - call Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Home liea 37-08-10 N. 76-34-50 W.
NORTH CAROLINA See lntracoastal Waterway.
SOUTH CAROLINA See lntracoastal Waterway.
BEAUFORT Oswald Knauth, Beaufort.
GEORGIA See Intracoastal Waterway.
BRUNSWICK Dexter L. Lewis, Freemans Boat Yard. Phone 1590.
DUPLIN RIVER See Sapeloe Island.
SAPELOE ISLAND Richard J. Reynolds, Sapeloe, Ga. Dock on Duplin River.
Phone Sapeloe Island.
HARBOUR ISLAND L. D. Huntington. NASSAU Franklin Remington, West Hill St. Phone 271 I. Henry Howard, East Bay St. and Fox Hill Rd. Phone 6021.
FLORIDA CAPTIVA Allen T. Weeks, Captiva. No phone. COCONUT GROVE Wirth M. Munroe, 3485 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. Phone Miami 4-6396. See Miami. DAYTONA BEACH Charles Power, Bellevue Halifax Hotel. DUNEDIN John G. H a nna, o n water 2 blocks north City Yacht Dock. 963 Bayshore Drive. EAU CALLIE S. D. Baker, on board "Gulf Stream" in Yacht Basin. L eonard H. Dyer, 1428 Lake Knowles Circle Winter Park. Phone 253-W Winter Park. Eben C. Sprague, Barbours Yacht Basin. JACKSONVILLE Morris W. Torrey, 1846 Margaret St. Phone 7-5 143. MIAMI See Coconut Grove. Hu g h M . M a theson, 4205 Douglas Road, Coconut Grove Station, M iami.. Phone 4-4198. Gordon B. Hemstead, 190 I N.W. 14th St. on Mia mi River at South Fork. MIAMI BEACH Glenn Stewart, Biscayne Bay Y. C. PALM BEACH Lt. Commander John M. Ruthe rford, U .S.N.R., on board yacht "'Sea Dream"' at dock, or phone 7227 P a lm Beach. ST. PETERSBURG Charles G. Davis, 946½ Newton Ave. S. George S. Gandy, Jr., 2765 Oakdale St. Phone 4713 or 87-273.
LOUISIANA BATON ROUGE Frederic D. Powera, Lighte ra ge Dept., Stan. Oil of La. Phone 1800 Baton Rouge, Ext. 92. Home 3489-W Baton Rou ge.
TEXAS GALVESTON Arthur P. Nazro, 7469 Santa Clara Drive, Dallas. 87-5917.
QUEBEC DORVAL LAKE ST. LOUIS William Copeland Finley, P . 0. Box 820, Place D."Armes, Montreal. Phone 2506 Lachine.
MILWAUKEE N. L. Telander, 2839 N. Hackett Ave. Phone Lakeside 4003. Milwaukee Y. C. extends all facilities.
ILLINOIS CHICAGO (Jackson Park) Robert P . Benedict, 6720 Bennett Ave. Phone Ya rds 3 000, Home Midway 6307. CHICAGO C. L. Larish, 608 South Dearborn St. Phone H a rrison 5384. 0 . C. Schue nwerk, 3240 Lake Shore Drive. Phone Bittersweet 5840. W. A. Lippincott, 1207 Ridge Roa d, Wilmette, Ill. Phone (business) Lawnsda le 19 95, (home) Wilmette 1388 or Phone Chicago Y. C.
MICHIGAN CHARLEVOIX Ayres Boal, Box 33, Route 3 , Charlevoix. On north side of Lake 6 miles east of port.
CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES W. L. Stewart, Jr., Los Angeles Y. C., Wilmington. SAN DIEGO Samuel Dauchy, 4455 Hermosa Way. Phone Jackson 3911. WILMINGTON See Los Angeles.
1940 Measurement Rule Cruising Club of America PART I
GENERAL EuGIDILITY OF YACHTS-To be eligible, yachts must be of thoroughly seaworthy type, strongly built and rigged, properly ballasted, and with enclosed cabins and watertight coclquts. The . eligibility of a yacht to enter any cruising race shall be determined by the Race Committee of the Cruising Club or other organization sponsoring sucli race. Personal Disabilities of Measurers measure:
Measurers shall not
(I) Yachts which they have themselves designed or built,
or in the construction or alteration of which they have in any respect t;,.ken part. (2) Yachts which have been built by firms in which they have a business interest. ( 3) Yachts of which they are themselves the owners or part owners. POWERS OF MEASUREMENT RULES COMMITTEE-Inasmuch as it is impossible at the time of drawing any measurement rule to foresee all of the peculiarities of design or constructi~n which ';Ilight affect speed or fairness of rating, it is hereby proy1ded that !f beca;1se of any peculiarity of form, construction or rig a yacht 1.s ~ot fairly rated by this Rule, the measurer shal! report such peculiarity to the Measurement Rules Committee which shall award such certificate of ·rating as it may consider suitable. Any type of construction or rig which accomplishes the essential purposes or provides the essential advantages of any construction or rig which is prohibited or for which penaities are provided in the Rule, will be prohibited or take the same penalties as though the actual construction or rig referred to in the Rule were used. RATING FORMULA-.95 (L plus or minus B, plus or minus D, plus or minus P, plus or minus S, plus or minus F, minus I, plus C) x "R" x Propeller Factor. •
PART II HULL MEASUREMENT AND DETERMINATION OF HULL RA TING FACTORS L-For the purpose ~{ this rule a yacht's length shall be the sum of 30% of the length of the Load Water Line Plane and 70% of the length of the 4% Water Line Plane. L
= .3 L.W.L. + .7 of the 4% Water Line
LENGTH AT 4% WATER LINE-The length of a water line in a plane 4 per cent of the L.W.L. above the L.W.L., corrected for jogs, notches or hollows in the profile, as follows: The points of intersection of this plane and the profile must extend beyond the L.W.L. endin!!s. Any local concave jog or notch (curved or angular) at the plane of measurement at eith~r end, shall be bridged by a straight line and the 4 per cent length taken to the intersection of such lines with the established 4 per cent W.L. plane. Except that a concave bow profile, producing what is commonly known as a clipper bow, shall be permitted without bridging, provided that all the lines of such bow clearly indicate that it is a true clipper bow, and not hollowed in profile for the purpose of unfairly reducing the 4 per cent length measuremt nt. L.O.A.-Length over all shall be the length from the aftermost part of the counter or taffrail to the fotersection of the forwa rd side o~ the stem and the top of the covering board, or the extension of either, or both, if necessary. L.W.L.-Load Water Line Length shall be the leng th of the load water line determined by subtracting from the overall length the forward and after overhangs. When L.W.L. is measured, all ballast and movable gear which is to be carried below the cabin floor while racing shall be so placed, and any ballast or movable gear not so placed at the time of measurement may not be carried below the floor boards during any race, nor may any i11.side ballast or movable gear stored below the floor boards at the time of measurement, bl! carrieg. other than in its location at the time of measurement. Yachts must be in normal trim at the time of measurement, i.e., the L.W.L. at time of measurement must be closely parallel to the L.W.L. in normal racing trimno crew being aboard. It is not necessary that food, ice, water and other cn,iising stores be aboard at the time of measurement. "B"-For the purpose of this Rule, a :vacht's beam shall be the average of her beams at the load water line and the 4 per cent
187 water line, taken at the point of maximum beam at the load water line. A yacht's base beam shall be .187 L plus 32 below which limit a penalty shall be assessed, and above which a credit shall be given as follows: (a) If a yacht's beam, as defined, is less than the base beam, multiply the difference by 1.5 and insert in the formula as a plus quantity. (b) If a yacht's beam, as defined, exceeds the base beam, but is less than .21 L plus 3.8. multiply the excess by 1.4 and insert in the formula as a minus quantity. (c) If a yacht's beam, as defined, exceeds .21 L plus 3.8, add this e..'ccess to 1.4 times the difference between .21 L plus 3.8 and the base beam and insert in the formula as a minus quantity. "D''-The base draft of a keel yacht shall be .147 L plus 1.5 feet and a yacht with a centerboard .113 L plus 1.15 feet, above which limits penalties shall be assessed and below which credits shall be given as follows: (a) If a yacht's draft exceeds t11e base draft, the difference
shall be multiplied by .85 and inser_ted in the formula as a plus quantitv. (b) If a yacht's draft be less than base, the difference shall be multiplied by .75 and inserted in the formula as a minus quantity. Centerboards must not be ballasted more than enough to sink them. Metal centerboards must not weigh more than 33 _pounds per square foot of the area of one side. Any_ excess weight of centerboard and centerboard ballast shall be multiplied by 2 and added to the ballast weight of the yacht. "P"-The cube root of a yacht's Base Displacement (referred to in the following as "cube root B.D.") shall be .179 L plus ,8, below which limit a penalty shall -be assessed, and above which credit shall be given as follows: (a) If the cube root of a yacht's displacement (in cubic feet) is less than cube root B.D., th~ difference between the cube root of her measured displacement and cube root B.D. shall be multiplied by 4 ang inserted in the formula as a plus quantity.
(b) If the cube root of a yacht's displacement (in cubic feet) exceeds cube root B.D. by not more than 11.5%, the difference between the cube root of her displacement and c1,,1be root B.D. shall be multiplied by 3.5 and inserted in the formula as a minus quantity. (c) If the cube root of a yacht's displacement (in cubic feet) exceeds cube root B.D. by more. t,han 11.5%, the value of P is a minus quantity equal to .4 cube root of B.D. plus twice the difference between 1.115 cube root B.D. and cube root of yacht's dis-placement. "F"-For the purposes of this rule, a yacht's freeboard shall be the average of the freeboard taken to the top of the covering board at the bow and stern endings of the L.W.L. Pll!S one-half the average of the rail height, including the rail cao at these points. The average of rail ):teights not to exceed 8" for credit. A yacht's base freeboard shall be .0566 L plus l.1 feet, below which limit a penalty shalt be assessed and above which credit shall be given as fo llows: (a) If a yacht's freeboard, as defined, is less than the base freeboard, multiply the; difference by 2 and insert in the formula as a pl!l,s quantity. (b) If a yacht's freeboard, as defined, exceeds the base freeboard but is less tban .069 L plus 1.2, multiply the excess by 1.5 and insert in the formula as a minus quantity. (c) If a yacht's freeboard, as defined, exceeds .069 L plus 1.2, add .75 times this excess to 1.5 times the d ifference between .069 L plus f.2 and the base freeboard and insert in the formula as a minus quantity. In the case of raised-deck yachts the freeboard shall be measured to the fair line o1 the main or lower deck at the ends of the water line and to these measurements shall be added that proportion of the height of the raised portion o f the deck as is represented by the percentage of the over all length of the yacht that is covered by the raised-deck portion. To the average of these figures is added the allowance for rail heights determined in the usual way. "I"-Yachts h~ving iron keels shall receive an additional credit of .0185 L. "C"-Should the 4% plane intersect with the stern transom, one-quarter of the distance from the edge of the transom, at the point of intersectipn, to the center line, shall be entered in the formula as a plus quantity.
•~R''-B ALLAST/ D1sPLACEMENT RATto-The Ballast/Displacement ratio shall be the ratio of the weight of total ballast to the weight of the displacement. In computing the total ballast, its weig ht shall be the sum of the weights of the fixed, or outside ball_i!~t, plus the inside ballast, plus the weight of the centerboard, plus the weight of any movaQle gear stored below the cabin floor. Ballast/Displacement ratio will hereafter be referred to as BI D. The base Ballast/Displacement ratio (Base B/ D) shall be determined as follows: Where a yacht's beam (as determined under Paragraph 11B") is less than base beam: Beam Difference (a) Base B I D= .44 + . 5 - - - - - BaseBeam Wbere measured beam exceeds base beam: Beam Difference (b) Base BID .44 - .5 - - - - Base Beam
In the foregoing formula, "Beam Difference" equals difference between the measgred beam and the base beam of any_yacht. "R" Factor shall be determined as follows: For yachts having a B/D in excess of Base BID: "R" 1 + .7 (BID - Bas~ BID)
= For yachts having a B/D less than Base BID: "R" = 1 - .35 (Base B/D - B/ D)
PROPELLER FACTOR, "Pf" in the formula, shall be computed to the nearest ¼ of 1 per cent in accordance with the formula below, where "Submersion" is the depth below the waterline of the hub divided by the "base draft" as figured by the formula for keel yachts.
Type of Propeller
Propeller Factor Percent
Folding on center, not in aperture
Feathering on center, not in aperture
Feathering, 2 blades, on center in aperture, also Folding, on center, in aperture 100 -
1 x
ubmersion .4
1.5 x Submersion .4 2 x Submersion Folding, off center 100.4 Feathering, 2 blades, off center and Solid, 3 x Suhmersion 2 blades, on center 100 .4 4 x Submersion Feathering, 3 blades, off center 100 .4 4.5 x Submersion Solid, 3 blades, on center 100 .4 5.25 x Submersion Solid, 2 blades, off center 100 .4
Feathering, 3 blades, on center
100 -
Solid, 3 blades, off center
6 x Submersion .4
For the purpose of sail area rating under this rule, yachts shall be considered as divided into two classes; first, those carrying overlapping headsails, limit parachute spinnakers and other similar canvas, which class shall be rated as carrying "racing canvas", and, as a second _class, and taking a lower sail ar_ea rating, those yachts which elect to carry no overlapping foretriangle canvas and spinnakers sheeted inside of the foremost stay and inside the lee shrouds, and which shall be rated as carrying "cruising canvas".
A yacht may carry the following sails only:
!'-, sloop: 1vfainsa_il, topsail, spinnaker, and any sails in the fore-
triangle except double-clewed jibs;
(\. yawl ?r ketch: The same as a sloop with mizzen, mizzen topsail and mizzen staysail; A s~hooner: Mainsail*, main topsail*, spinnaker, any sails in the foretriangle except double-clewed jibs and any sails between the masts except any lower sail the leach of which extends abaft the forw~rd side of the next after mast. (*Also mizzen and mizzen topsail in the case of a three-masted schooner.) !'-, yacht may set light or storm sails over or in place of working sails and may carry square sails instead of the spinnaker. Sails may be changed at will and the replacing sail may be fully set and. tri1~med before the sail it replaces is taken in, except that two ma111sa1ls shall not be hoisted at any one time, and except that at an~ one. time not more than one spinnaker shall be broken out or hoisted 1£ set without stop~. The head . sheets and spinnaker sheets may be trim~ed .t~ any boom on which the sail is set, provided also that the mamsail is ~et b~t. e..xcept during the operation of jibing, may not be otherwise trimmed to any outrigger or spar. A spinnaker boom when in use must be carried on the mast ot sloops, the mainmast of ketches and yawls, and the foremast of schooners except during the operation of jibing. A spinnaker shall not be set without a boom, to the outboard end of which the tack of the sail shall be so attached its effc~tive area may not be increased• but this shall not prevent slacking away the tack or detaching the sail from the boom during the operation of jibing. A spinnaker boom, after the spinnaker has been set and broken out, or if set flying, has been hoisted and attache1 to the boom, mu~t be carried only on the side opposite to the_ mam boom except tlurmg the operation of jibing. When two spmnake_r booms are used in jibing-(a) if outhauls are not used, the spinnaker must not be attached to both booms simultaneously; (b) if outhauls are used, one must be slacked away before the other is set up and, after jibing, the spinnaker must be compl~tely detac~ed from the boom on the lee side as promptly as reasonably possible. Double-clewed jibs, loose-footed and light weight mainsails, permanently and mechanically bent spars are prohibited.
Yachts rated for cru1smg canvas shall be subj ect to the same limitations as those for racing canvas and shall be further restricted as follows : Greatest breadth of spinnaker 1.3 J. Spinnaker to be trimmed inside at for emost heads tay and inside of lee shrouds. No headsail may overlap the forward s ide of the mast. SECTION 2-SAIL AREA RATI NG For the purpose of this ru)e, a yacht's sail area ( S.A. ) is to be measured by the sail area measurement rul~s which follow. RIG FACTORS Jib-headed single masted yachts ......................................................... 1.00 Jib-headed yawls .................................................................................................. . .98 Gaff-headed single masted yachts, staysail ketches ....... .. .97 Jib-headed staysail schooners ............................................................. .. .96 Gaff-headed yawls, schooners with jib-headed main .93 Jib~h!d~~ff k~~~hset 1 ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:::.·.~::::·.·.·.·.·.·.·.::·.·::::.·.·.·::::.·.·.·:.::·.·:.·.::·.::·.:·:.··.·. .92 Gaff-headed schooners and gaff-headed ketches ............. .. .90 "S"-The square root of a yacht's Base Sail Area shall be 4.3 times the cube root of the base displacement ( 4.3 \o/ BD), below which limit a credit shall be given and above which a penalty shall be assessed as follows : (a) If the square root of a _yacht's sail area times rig allowance is more than 4.3 times the cube root of B.D., multiply the difference by 1.15 and fosert in the formula as a plus quantity. (b) If the square root of a yacht's sail area times rig allowance is less than 4.3 times the cube root of B.D., insert the diffe_rence in the formula as a minus quantity. SECTION 3-Jrn HEADED, SINGLE-MASTED YACHTS, YAWLS AND KETCHES, POINTS OF MEASUREMENT OF MAIN AND MIZZEN SAILS. BASE (B)-Length of boom measured from the after side of the mast (or from track, if used) tq extreme outb~ard end, inc!uding fittings, or to a black band. In case of any device or extension by means of which the sail may be extended beyoryd the end of the boom, the measurement shall be taken to the extreme possible point of extension.
193 PERPENDICULAR (P) to be measured along the after side of the mast from the top of the highest l!heave in ~e mast used for sails aft of the mast, to the upper side of the boom when touching the lowest point of the gooseneck, or to black bands, providing the lowest point of measurement shall not be taken at more than .OSP plus 2.25 feet aT:iove the _geek for mainsails, and .OSP plus 2.75 feet above the deck for mizzens. If the lowest point of measurement is higher than this limit, the difference shall be added to the perpendicular measurement. The upper point of measurement for the mizzen to be taken from th_e higher of the following points: the top of the highest sheave m the mast, or the highest juncture of the mast with the eye bolt (center of eye) or J!!!nnant of a halyard block, whether such sheave, block or pennant be used for sails forward or aft of the mizzen mast. The "upper side of the boom" shall be taken to mean the fair line. of the boom, or track, when horizontal, as determined by a straight batten at least five feet in length. BLACK BANDS At the option of owner the outboard point of measurement on the boom or gaff may be a bl~ck band. Also, the upper and lower points of measurement on the mast may be determined and shown by black bands. Black bands at least one inch in width shall be painted on and extend entirely around the spars; past the inner edges of which the sail shall not be extended. If black bands are used permanent stQps shall be fitted to prevent the sail from being extended past the inner edges of the black bands. Exception-A removable stop may be used at the gooseneck so that the boom may be lowered when not in use. This stop must be in place at all times when the sail is in use. A stop is not required at the throat band of gaff rigged sails. POINTS OF MEASUREMENT OF HEADSAILS (Foretriangle) BASE (J) to be measured from the forward side of the mast to the intersection of the foremost headstay on w~ich sails ar-e carried, and the bowsprit, or under side of rail cap, if no bowsprit is carried, or, in case a yacht carries a headsail set forward of such headstay, the base shall be measured to where ~he line of the luff, extended, intersects the bowsprit, or under side of rail cap. PERPENDICULAR (P,) to be measured along the forward side of the mast from the higher of the following points : The top of the highest sheave in the mast or topmast used for headsails or spin-
naker, or the highest juncture of the for\vard side of the mast or topmast with the eyebolt (center of eye) or pennant of a halyard block used for headsails or spinnaker, or the intersection of the line of the hcadstay used for the forcmos_t hcadsail and the mast, to the deck. The length of the spinnaker boom shall be limited, without penalty, to the base (J) . Any excess in the length of the spinnaker boom shall be added to the J measurement, thus providing an increased J which shall be used in computing the area of the foretriangle and determining the maximum bre.;i.dth of spinnakers. The spinnaker boom shall pc measured when in position and at right angles to the center line of the boat from its outboard end, including fittings, to the center of the mast. MEASURED SAIL AREA (M.S.A.)
Base x Perpendicular Formula: - - - - - - - - - 2 RATED SAIL AREA
Fore triangles
J x P2 J (P2 - 2]) Racing Canvas Rating= 1 . 2 - - - + - - - - - 2 4 JxP2 Cruising Canvas Rating = - - - 2 In the event P2 does not exceed 2J, J x P2 Racing Canvas Rating = 1.2 - - - 2 Mafo and Mizzm Sails Racing and Cruising Canvas BxP B (P-2B) Rating= - - - + - - - - - 2 4 In the event P does not exceed 2B, Racing and Cruising Canvas BxP Rating = - - - 2 Yawls must have not less than 9.2 per cent of their total measured sail area, as measured without credits or penalties, in their mizzen to rate without penalty.
195 K.et ches must have not less than 16.6 per cent of their total measured sail area, as measured without credits or penalties, in their mi zzen to rate without penalty, and in order to benefit by the rig fa ctor fo r ketches must have at least 15 per cent of this total sail area present in the mizzen and have the after side of the mizzen mast at the deck forward of the after side of the rudder post, extended if necessary to the load water line. In the event that the measured area of the mizzen of a yawl be less than 9.2 per cent or that of a ketch less than 16.6 per cent of the total measured sail area, the difference shall be added to the rated sa il ar~a of the mizzen. TOTAL SAIL AREA
The Total Sail Area shall be the sum of the Rated Sail Areas. SECTION 4 GAFF-RIGGED, SINGLE-MASTED YACHTS, YAWLS AND KETCHES
BASE ( B). See Section 3.
(G)-Length of gaff, when lying on top of the boom, measured from the after-side of mast to qut.!;!oard p9int of measurement as specifi ed for B. See Section 3. (H)-A perpendicular to be measured along the after-side of the mast from the lower edge of a black band, at least one inch in width around the mast above wluch mark the upper inner edge of the throat cringle of the mainsail shall not be hoisted; to the upper side of the boom or black band, the location of each to be governed by the regulations applying under (P), Section 3. PERPENDICULAR (P).
(D)-The diagonal shall be calculated as follows:
D 0.96 B~ + H2 The area of a gaff-rigged sail shall be obtained from th~ above measurements by multiplying B by H, and G by D, addmg the two pi:_oducts together, and c!ividing the result by 2. (BX H)
(G X D)
2 The length of the leach of a topsail shall be measured from the sail when dry and stretched hand taut. The area of the topsail shall be calculated from a triangle whose three sides are G, P - H, and T. In case a yacht carries a sprit top-
sail, the length from the l1ighest point of the sprit. when set,_to the upper point of H shall be used instead of P - H, in computing the area of the topsail. In case a yacht shall carry a club topsail, the area of which is in excess of the working topsail, such excess shall be added in computing the total sail area. The area of a club topsail shall be calculated from a triangle, whose three sides are T; the highest point of the sprit, when set, to the upper point of H; and the outer end of the club, when set, to the upper point of H . Points of Measurement of Headsails (Foretriangle)-See Sec. 3. RATED SAIL ARE.A OF GAFF- HEADED SAILS
The rated sail area of gaff-headed sails shall be the measured sail area. The rated sail area of headsails shall be as defined in Section 3. TOTAL SAIL AREA
The Total Sail Area shall be the sum of the Rated Sail Areas. SECTION 5-SCBOONERS
Jib-Headed Mains-Sec Section 3. Gaff-Headed Mains and Topsails-See Section 4. Headsails (Foretriangle)-See Section 3. Sails between the Masts. Bi-The distance to be measured at the deck between the foreside of mainmast and after side of foremast. P1-A perpendicular to be measured along the after side of the f~remast from the higher of the following points: the top of the h1~hest sheave in the mast, or the highest juncture of the mast with the eyebolt (center of eye) or pennant of a halyard block, used for sails aft of the mast; to the upper side of the boom, when resting against the lower part of the gooseneck, or when resting on the saddle: or to a black band if no boom is carried, such lower points to be no higher above the deck than the corresponding point on the mainmast. Exception: Peak Halyard Blocks are to be dis regarded in taking this measurement. Pa-A perpendicular to be measured along the fore-side o f the mainmast from the higher of the followfog points : the top of the highest sheave in the mast, or the highest juncture of the mast with the eyebolt (center of eye) or pennant of a halyard block, used for sails forward of the mast: to the upper side of the boom of the foresail, or the lower main staysail, when resting parallel to the
197 deck against the lower part of the gooseneck, or when resting on the saddle: or to a point the same height above the deck as the tack of the foresail or lower main staysail if no boom is carried. In the event no boom is carried between the masts a stop must be fitted for the tack of the foresail or the lower main staysail. RATED SAIL AREA. The rated area of sails between the masts of schooners shall be determined as follows:
Racing and Cruising Canvas Rating=.75 - - - - x B1 2 The rated area for schooners using a gaff foresail as the only sail between masts shall be the measured area as found by Section 4. Schooners (two masted) must have not less than 41 per cent of the toral measured sail area exclusive of the foretriangle, as measured without penalties or credits, in the area between the masts and not less than 46 per cent aft of the mainmast. Any deficiencies in these areas will be added in computing the Rated Sail Area. TOTAL SAIL AREA The Total Sail Area shall be the sum of the Rated Sail Areas. SECTION 6-MISCELLANEOUS RIGS Any yacht except a schooner having a gaff rig on one mast and a jib-headed rig on the other, use SECTION 4 for measuring the gaff-rigged sail, and SECTION 3 for measuring the jib-headed sail, and SECTION 3 for the foretriangle. A yacht whose main or mizzen has no boom, or has a sprit in lieu of a boom, the lower point of the tack, when attached to the mast or to the deck, shall be the lower point of "P". This point shall be marked by the upper edge of a biack band, one inch in width, and a stop fitted to prevent the sail being extended below the upper edge of the band. The maximum height of this band to be governed as in Sectio_n 3. Base B shall be the horizontal dhtance that the sail may be extended from the mast, and the measurement shall be figured as in SECTIONS 3 or 4, as the case may ,be, and shall be classified as loose-footed sails except for mainsails of a staysail ketch. SECTION 7-SPINNAKERS SPINNAKER MEASUREMENT-The luff and leach of all spinnakers must have a permanent fixed wire cable runnin~ from top of
198 headboard or top of bottom eye of swivel or top of cringle if a headboard is not used, to bottom of hole in clew or tack. This length of luff or leach, whichever is the longer, shall not exceed .95 P22 + J2
Spinnakers made after January 1, 1937, which have been stamped with approval and date by an offici_al Cruising Club measurer, and with the yacht's name in large block letters, a lso spinnakers approved for a yacht under the 1936 Cruising Club Rui c s hall be allowed as long as neither the sail nor the yacht's for ctriangle is altered. The foot and/or widest part of the sa il measured between points on luff and leach equidistant from head shall not exceed without penalty 180 per cent of J, for racing canvas and 130 per cent of J for cruising can_yas. Any excess, expressed in feet, shall be multiplied by the height of the foretriangle (P,). The amount by which the square root of the sum of this area plus the measured sail area exceeds the square root of the measured sail area, shall be added to the rating. viz.: Penalty v - P- 2-x-ex-·-ce_S_S_\_V_ id_t_h_+_ S_A - ~
All measurements to be taken with such tension on the sail as will produce as nearly as possible an approximation of the siu of the sail when in use.
YACHT CLUBS SIGNAL CODE (Uniform with other Yacht Clubs)
The Signals in the Club Code consist chiefly of signals for intercommunication between vessels of the squadron. They comprise: Special, Racing and gency Signals General Signals: Designation: Days of the Week: Hours of the Day: Na mes of Places: Compass Signal s:
" "
Yachts using this Code shall hoist Club Burgee over Code flags. The absence of the Burgee indicates the International Code is used.
When more hoists than one are shown, the foremost hoist is to be read first. All ships to which signals are addressed are to hoist the answering pennant as soon as they see each hoist. . To call a pilot, hoist the Union Jack at the foreyard, or m the fore rigging. ,
ro call a tow boat, hoist the ensign in the main rigging, a httle above the rail. The signal of execution for all signals is the hauling clown of the signal. \i\:hen additional signals are needed, they will be author-ized by general orders, and should be entered in club books.
A-The course will beB-Protest. C-Yes-affirmative-(International Code). D-Do you assent to postponing the race until later in the day? E--Do you assent to calling the race off for the day? F-1 am disabled-communicate with me-(Int'l Code). G-Race postponed until later in the day. H- " postponed for the day. I - " will be sailed in reverse direction. J - " is off. K- " will be called at . .. . . . L- " will finish off . .... . M-Course will be shortened. N-No-negative-(International Code). O-Man overboard-( International Code). P-Preparatory. Q-Come within hail. R-Mark has shifted-This vessel is the mark. S -Course to be sailed twice around. T -Send Club launch. U-You are standing into danger-(International Code). V-I require assistance-(International Code) . W-Permission to leave Squadron is requested. X-Permission to proceed at will is requested. Y-Leave all marks to starboard. Z-Leave all marks to port.
A -Course will beAlA2A.3A4ASA6-
AH-Finish hereA I - " -This yacht will take time at finish. A J- " -Will you take time at finish? A K - " -Yachts will take their own time at finish. ALA M-Accident has occurred-I require a doctor-(Int'l Code). A N-Race Committee-Is Committee on board Committee boat? -Report is ready. AO- " " -Report on board this vessel AP-" " at ..... . -Do you agree to race tomorrow? AQ- " " ASAT-I am aground and require immediate assistance(International Code). AU-Start-Follow Committee to new starting line. AV- " -Race will be sailed on-. AW- " -Race will ,b e sailed today at-. A X- " -Race will be sailed tomorrow at-. A Y" -When will race be started?
EMERGENCY SIGNALS (International Code)
- I am disabled,-communicate with me.
N -No-negative. 0
-Man overboard.
U -You are standing into danger. AM-Accident has occurred; I require a doctor. AT-I am aground and require immediate assistance. D Q-I am on fire and require immediate assistance. D V-I have sprung a leak and require immediate assistance. L T-I am dragging; can veer no more cable, and have no more anchors to let go. V - I require assistance. V B-Signal is not understood though flags are distinguished. XV-I require towing. For all other communication• with Naval, Coa•t Guard, or Merchant Ve11el1, Yachts mu,t u,e the International Corle Book.
A ~
J i=
K r.
r- -
D ~
M ~
N :-
V ~
5 t=-
6 ~
9 u~
~!tl I, x la3 7 ;~ G]ITTJ P,:11 v s [£9
H\[JJ op I
~0 (
203 GE ER/\L SIG
B A-Anchor-Are you going to anchor at-. B C- " -at-. B D- " -at will. B E- " cl ear of the channel. B F- " for night at-. B G- " -intend to anchor during fog. B H- " near me. B I-Anchorage should be shif ted ; you will go aground
BJB KB ~Assistance-Do not require further assistance? B M" - Do you require assistance? B N" -Do you require a tow? BO-
B P-
required-am afire-(Int'l Code). " -am aground-(Int'l Code). " -am dragging-( lnt'l Code). II - h ave sprung a leak-(Int'l Code). " - I require towing (lnt'l Code) .
" " "
-send anchor. -send hawser. -send tow boat.
" ,, " "
C A-Boat (s) adrift-please pick up. C B-Boat ( s) from all yachts report to Flagship for instructions. C D-Boat (s) from 1:his yacht return immediately. C E-Boat (s) cannot be sent. C F-Send boat alongside. C G-Send boat ashore. C H-Send boat to Flagship. -Send club launch (See Special Signal T). C I-Boat will be sent for you. C J-Will you send a boat for me? CKC LCMCN-
COC P-Captains and guests are invited on board Flagship at-. C Q-Captains and guests are invited on board this yacht at-. C R-Captains' meeting will be held on Flagship at-. C S-Captains report on board Flagship on coming to anchor. CTC U-Code-Have no International Code book. C V-Wi11 (or will you) use the International Code Signal? CWC X-Colors-Morning colors. C Y- " -Evening colors. C Z-Congratulations, we11 cone.
D A-Engagement-Previous engagement prevents. DBD C-Mail for you ashore at-. D D- " -Is there mail for me? D E- " -Please bring or send mail. D FD G-Power yachts will take sailing yachts in tow. D H- " " will tow sailing yachts after finish DID J-Signal annulled. DK- " cannot be complied with. D L-- " -Do you understand my signal? DM- " from me should be repeated. not understood, though flags are distin• VB- " guished-( International Code). . should be shifted to more conspicuous hoist. D N- " DOD PD Q-I am on fire and require immediate assistance( International Code). DRD SD TDUD V-I have sprung a leak and require immediate as11istance-( International Code).
E A-Squadron-Anchor at-. E B" -divine service will be held on Flagship on Sunday at-. E C-Squadron-disbanded. E D" -disbands at-. E F-disbands on-. " EG-dress ship at-. " EH" -dress ship at colors on-. E I-get underway. " E J-get underway at-. EK" -get underway for-. E L" -get underway tomorrow at-. EM" -illuminate on night of-. E N" E 0" -not to get underway at present. E P" -not to get underway today. " -Permission to leave squadron is requested ( Special S.ignal W). -Squadron-Permission to proceed at will is requested ( Special Signal X). E Q-Squadron-Proceed at will. E R" -Proceed at will to-. E S" -Will join the squadron at-? E T" -Will you join the squadron at-? EUEV-
F A-Supplies-Coal is needed. F B-
-Food is needed. -Fuel oil is needed. -Garbage boat is needed. -Gasoline is needed. -Water is needed.
F C" FD" F E" FG" F HF I-Taxi---order one taxicab for me. F J- " --order two taxicabs for me. F K-Thank you. F L-W eather is calm. F M" -clear. F N-foggy. " F 0-heavy wind. F P" -moderate sea. F Q" -rough sea. F R-Vveather prediction-Good weather. F S-· " " -Small yachts should make harbor. -Stormy weather . (from-). FT" " -Watch ground tackle. FU" " F V-What is the weather outside? F W-What is the weather prediction? F X-When did you leave-(or pass-?). F Y-Where are you bound? F Z-Where are you from?
G A-When do you go ashore? G B-Will be aboard at-. G C-Will not go ashore. G D-Wm send a reply. G E-Will you and guests come aboard at-? G F-Will you and guests breakfast with me at-? G H-Will you and guests dine with me at-? G I-Will you and guests lunch with me at-? G ]-Will you come aboard at-? G K-Will you breakfast with me at-? G L-Will you dine with me at-? GM-Will you lunch with me at-? G NG O-Will you meet me ashore at-? G P-Will you meet me at club at-? G QGR-
G SG T-Wish you a pleasant voyage. GUGVGWG XGY-
H A- Commodore. H B-Vice-Commodore. H C-Rear-Commodore. H D-Junior Flag Officers. H E-Secretary. H F-Fleet Captain. H G-Fleet Surgeon H I-Measurer. H J-Race Committee. H K-Club Station. H L-Astor Cup Race. H M-King's Cup Race. H N-Single Masted Vessels and Yawls. H 0-Schooners. H P-Sloops. H Q-Ketches. HR-Yawls. H S-Cruising Class Yachts. H T-Steam Yachts. H U-Auxiliaries. H V-Power Boats. HWH XHY-· H 2-
DAYS OF THE WEEK IQ-Sunday. IR-Monday. I S-Tuesday. I T-Wednesday. · I U-Thursday.
I V-Friday. I W-Saturday. I X- To-day. I Y-To-morrow. I Z-Yes terday.
J A-Midnight. J B-12.30 A.M. J C- 1.00 "
J D- 1.30 J E- 2.00 J F- 2.30 J G- 3.00 J H- 3.30
J I - 4.00 J K- 4.30 J L- 5.00 J M- 5.30 J N- 6.00 J 0- 6.30 J P- 7.00 J Q- 7.30 JR- 8.00 J S- 8.30 J T- 9.00 JU- 9.30 J V-10.00 JW-10.30 J X-11.00 J Y- 11.30
" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " '' "
KA- Noon. K B-12.30 P .M. KC- 1.00 " K D- 1.30 " KE- 2.00 " K F- 2.30 " I< G- 3.00 " I< H - 3.30 " K I - 4.00 " I< J- 4.30 " K L- 5.00 " KM- 5.30 " KN- 6.00 " K 0 - 6.30 " K P- 7.00 " K Q- 7.30 " KR- 8.00 " K S- 8.30 " KT- 9.00 " KU- 9.30 " K V- 10.00 " K W-10.30 " K X-11.00 " K Y-11.30 "
A Q F-N. byE. A Q G-N. by E. ½ E. A Q H-N. N.E. A Q I-N. N. E. ½ E. AQ J-N.E.byN. A Q K-N.E.½N. A Q L-N.E. A QM-N. E.½E. A Q N-N. E. by E. A Q 0-N. E. by E. ½ E. A Q P-E.N. E. A Q R-E. N. E. ½ E. A Q S-E. byN. A Q T-E.½N. A Q U-East. A Q V-E. ½S. A Q W-E. byS. A Q X-E. S. E. ½ E. A Q Y-E.S. E . A Q Z-S. E. by E. ½ E . A R B-S. E. by E. A R C--S. E. ½ E. AR D-S.E.
A R E-S. E. ½ S. AR F-S. E. byS. A R G-S. S. E. ½ E. AR H-S.S. E . A R I-S. .by E. ½ E A R J-S. by E . AR K-S. ½ E.
AR L-South. A RM-S.½W. AR N-S. byW. AR O- S. byW. ½ W. AR P-S.S. W. A R Q-S. S. W. ½ W. A R S-S. W. by S. AR T-S.W.½S. AR U-S.W. AR V-S. W.½W. A RW-S. W. byW. AR X-S. W. byW. ½ W. AR Y-W.S. W. AR Z-W.S. W. ½ W. AS B-W.byS. AS C-W.½S. AS D-West. AS E-W. ½N. AS F-W. byN. A S G-W. N. W. ½ W. AS H-W.N. W. AS I-N. W. byW. ½ W. A S J-N. W. byW. A S K-N. W. ½ W. A S ·L.-N. W. A SM-N.W.½N. A S N-N . W. by N. AS 0 -N. N.W.½W. AS P-N.N.W. A S Q-N. by W. ½ W. AS R-N. byW. AS T-N. ½W.
3rd Leo S.E.byE,½ E. S.E.½E. S.E.½S. S.S.E.½E. S.byE.½E. S.½E. S.½W. S.byW:½W. S.S.W,½W. S.W.½S. S.W.½W. S.W.byW,½ W. W.S.W.½W. W.½S. W.½N, W.N.W,½W. N.W.byW.½ W. N.W.½W, N.W.½N. N.N.W.½W. N.byW.½W. N.½W. N.½E. N.byE.½E. N.N.E.½E. N.E.½ N. N.E.½E. N.E.byE.½E. E.N.E.½E. E.1/,N. E.!4S. E.S.i:.)-',E.
Points 11, 10½, 10½. STARD0ARD TURN TURN 3rd L eo 211d L,o 1st L,o 2nd Leo S.W.byW.½W S.E.byE. S.W.byW. N. \V.S.W.½W. S.E w.s.w. N.byE. W.½S. S.E.byS. N.N.E. W.byS. W.½N. S.S.E. N.E.byN. w. W.N.W.½W. W.byN. N.E. S.byE. N.W.byW.½W W.N.W . N.E.byE. s. N.W.½W. N.W.byW. E.N.E. S.by\V. N.W.½N. N.W. E.byN. s.s.w. N.N.W .½W. N.W.byN. E. S.W.byS. N.byW,½W. N.N.W. E.byS, s.w. N.½W, N.byW. E.S.E. S.W .byW. N.½E. N. S.E.byE. w.s.w. N.byE.½E. S.E. N.byE. W .byS. N.N.E,½E. S.E.byS. N.N.E. w. N.E.½N. N.E.byN. S.S.E. W.byN. N.E.½E. S.byE. W.N.W. N.E. N.E.byE.½ E. N.W.byW. N.E.byE. s. E.N.E.½E. N.W. S.byW. E.N.E. N.W .byN. E.½N. E.byN. s.s.w. E.½S. N.N.W . S.W .byS. E. E.S.E.½E. N.byW. E.byS. s.w. S.E .byE.½ E. E. 5,.E. N. S.W.byW. N.byE. S.E.½E. S.E :byE. w.s.w. S.E.½S. N.N.E. S.E. W.byS. S.S.E.½E. N.E .byN. S.E.byS. w. S.byE.½E. N.E. S.S.E. W.byN. N.E.byE. S.½E. S.byE. W.N.W . S.½W. E.N .E. N.W.byW. s. S.byW. 1/,W. E.byN. S.byW. N.W. S.S.W .½W. E. N.W.byN. s.s.w. S.W.½S. E.byS. S.W .byS. N.N.W. S.W.½W. E.S.E. s.w. N.byW.
Only fir1t cour,e will be ,ignalled with Y or Z to indicate thl 2 subsequent cour,~,.
N A-Absecon, N. J. N B-Ambrose Channel Lightship. N C-Annapolis, Md. N D-Atlantic Highlands, N. J. N E-Bakers Island Light, Me. N F-Baltimore, Md. N G-Bangor, Me. NH-Bar Harbor, Me. N I--Bar Island , North side of Bar Harbor, Me. N ]-Barnegat Light, N. J. N K-Bath, Me. N 1--Bass Harbor, Me. NM-Bay Ridge, N. Y. Bay. N 0-Beaver Tail, R. I. N P-Belfast, Me. N Q-Beverly, Mass. N R-Black Rock Harbor, Conn. N S-Block Island, R. I., East Harbor. N T-Block Island, West Harbor, Great Pond. N U-Brenton Reef Lightship. N V-Bristol, R. I. NW-Boon Island, Me. N X-Boothbay, Me. N Y-Boston, Mass. N Z-Boston Lightship, Mass.
0 A-Camden, Me. 0 B-Campobello, N. B. 0 C-Cape Ann, Mass. 0 D-Cape Charles, Va. 0 E-Cape Cod Canal (East Entrance), Mass. 0 F-Cape Cod Canal (West Entrance), Mass. 0 G-Cape Elizabeth, Me. 0 H-Cape Hatteras, N. C. 0 I-Cape Henlopen, Del. 0 J-Cape Henry, Va. 0 K-Cape May, N. J. 0 L-Cape Poge, Mass. 0 M-Cape Porpoise Harbor, Me. 0 N-Cape Sable, N. S. 0 P-Captains Island Light House, Conn 0 Q-Casco Bay, Me. 0 R-Casco Passage, Me. 0 S-Castine, Me. 0 T-Chatham Lights, Mass. 0 U-Chatham Roads, Mass. 0 V-City Island, N. Y. 0 W-Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., N. Y. 0 X-Oarks Point, Buzzards Bay, Mass. 0 Y-Coney Island Point, N. Y. 0 Z-Cornfield Point Lightship.
P A-Cranberry Island, Mc. P B-Cross Rip Lightship. P C-Cutler, Little River, Me. P D-Cutty Hunk, Mass. P E-Deer Island Thorofare, Me. P F-Delaware Break\vater, Del. P G-Duck Island Breakwater, Conn. P H-Dutch Island Harbor, R. I. P I-East Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. P }-Eastern Point Breakwater, Mass. P K-Eastport, Me. P L-Eaton's Neck, N. Y. P M-Edgartown, Mass. P N-Eggemoggin Reach, Me. P O-Egg Rock, Frenchman's Bay, Me. P Q-Falkner Island, Conn. P R-Fire Island Lightship. P S-Fisher's Island Sound. P T-Five-Fathom Bank Lightship. P U-Franklin Island Light House, Me. P V-Fort Pond Bay, N. Y. P ·w-Fortress Monroe. Va. P X-Fox Island Thorofare, Me. P Y-Gardiners Island, N. Y. P Z-Garcliners Bay, N. Y.
Q A-Gay Head, Mass. Q B-Gilkey Harbor, Isl ~sboro, Me Q C-Glen Cove, N. Y Q D-Gloucester, Mass . Q ~loucester, Eastern Point. Q F-Goat Island, Me. Q G-Grand Manan, N. B. Q H-Grand Manan Channel, N. B. Q I-Graves, The, Mass. Q }-Gravesend Bay, N. Y. Q K-Greenport, N. Y. Q L-Greenwich, Conn. Q M-Greenes Ledge Light, Norwalk, Conn. Q N-Half Way Rock, Mass. Q 0-Half Way Rock, Me. Q P-Halifax, N. S. Q R-Hampton Roads, Va. Q S-Hankerchief Lightship, Mass . Q T-Hardings Ledge, Mass. Q U-Harpswell Sound, Me. Q V-Head Harbor, N. B. Q W-Hen and Chickens Lightship, Mass. Q X-Highland Light, Mass. Q Y-Horseshoe, N. J. Q Z-Horton Point, N. Y.
NAMES OF PLACES J{ A-Hudson River.
R B-Hull, Mass. R C-Huntington Bay, N. Y. R D-Hyannis Port, Mass. R E-Isleboro, Me. R F-Kittery, Me. R G-Larchmont Harbor, N. Y. R H-Lloyd Harbor, N. Y. R I-Manhasset, L. I. R ]-Marblehead, Mass. R K-Manchester, Mass. R L--Mattapoisett, Mass. R M-Mattinicock Point, N. Y. R N-Monhegan, Me. R O-Monomoy, Mass. R P-Montauk Point, N. Y. R Q-Morris Cove, Conn. R S-Mount Desert Rock, Me. R T-Muscle Ridge Channel, Me. R U-Nahant, Mass. R V-National Harbor of Refuge, Del. R W-Nantasket Roads, Mass. R X-Nantucket, Mass. R Y-Nantucket Shoals Lightship. R Z-Narragansett Pier, R. I.
S A-Nauset Beacon, Mass. S B- ew Bedford, Mass. S C-N ewburyport, Mass. S D-N ew Haven, Conn. S E--New London (town), Conn. S F-New London Light House, Conn . S G-Newport, R. I. SH-New Rochelle, N. Y. S I-New York, N. Y. S }-Norfolk, Va. S K-North Haven, Me. S ~North East Harbor, Me. SM-Northport, N. Y. S N-Old Field Point Light, N. Y. S" O-Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y. S P-Orient Point Light, N. Y. S Q-Peaks Island, Portland, Me. S R- Penfield Reef Light, Conn. S T-Plum Gut, N. Y. S U-Point Judith, R. I. S V-Point Judith Breakwater, R. I. SW-Pollock Rip Lightship, Mass. S X-Port Clyde, Me. S Y-Port Jefferson, N. Y. S Z- Portland, Me.
T A-Portland Lightship, Me. T B-Portsmouth, N. H. T C-Portsmouth, Little Harbor, N. H. T D-Potts Harbor, Me. T E--Provincetown, Mass. T F-Providence, R. I. . T G-Quick's Hole, Mass. TH-Race Rock Light, N. Y. T I-Race, The, N. Y. T ]-Riverside, Conn. T K-Rockland, Me. T ~Rockport, Me. TM-Sag Harbor, N. Y. T N-Salem, Mass. T O-Sandy Hook, N. J. T P-Saybrook Breakwater, Conn. T Q-Seagirt Light, N. J. T R-Seal Island Light, N. S. T S-Segum Island, Me. T U-Scotland Lightship. T V-Sheffield Island Light House, Conn. T W-Shelter Island, N. Y. T X-Shinnecock Light, N. Y. T Y-Shrewsbury Rocks, N. J. T Z-Small Point Harbor, Me.
U A-Somes Sound, Me. U B-South West Harbor, Me. U C--South West Ledge, New Haven, Conn. U D-St. John, N. B. U E--Stamford, Conn. U F-Stone Horse Shoal Lightship, Mass. U G-Stonington, Conn. U H-Stratford Point Light, Conn. U I-Stratford Shoal Light, Conn. U J-Swans Island, Me. U K-Tarpaulin Cove, Mass. U L-Tenants Harbor, Me. U M-Thimble Islands, Conn. U N-Tompkinsville, S. I., N. Y. U- O-Twenty-sixth Street, E. R., N. Y. U P-Vineyard Haven, Mass. U Q-Vineyard Sound Lightship, Mass. U R-Watchhill, R. I. U S-West Chop, Vineyard Haven, Mass. U T-West Island, R. I. U V-Whitehead Island Light, Me. U W-Wings Neck, Mass. (Wenaurnet Neck). U X-Winter Harbor, Me. UY-Woods Hole, Mass. U Z-Wood Island, Me.
- -- - ~
PORTS ON THE LAKES V A...:...Alexandria Bay. V B-( See Emergency Signal.) V C-Buffalo. V D-Charlotte. V E-Chicago. V F-Oeveland. VG-Coburg. V H-Country Club. V I-Detroit. V ]-Duluth. V K-Dunkirk. V L-Erie. V M-Georgian Bay. V N-Goodrich. V 0-Green Bay. V P-Hamilton. V Q-Harbor Beach.
W D-Sackets Harbor. W E-Sandusky. W F-Sault Ste. Marie. W G-Toledo. W H-Toronto. W I-Welland Canal. V X-Milwaukee. V Y-Nipegon. V Z-0swego. W A-Port Huron. vV B-Presque Isle. W C-Put-in-Bay. V R-Harbor Point. V S-Houghton. V T-Lake St. Clair Club. V U-Mackinaw Island. V W-Marquette.
G Q -Will You Come Aboard for a Drink G N -Will You Tie Alongside Z 1
With First and Last Initials-Is Mr .... , . , , Aboard?
F K 2-Thanks for Your Hospitality C N -CaII to Song G W -Will You Lend Me One Quart B J -Stag Party B K -Mixed Party
INDEX Awards Page B lue \Vatcr Medal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 48 B lue W ater Medal, 1940 47 Trans-Oceanic Pennant 48 Blue \,\ ater Medal Awards ·- - - - - 48 Conditions ······-·················· · · - - - -- - - - - - - - - 46 Illustration fedal ·-········- - - - - - - - - - - - 49 Illu stration Winners ·····-··- - - - - - - - - - -50-65 1940 A ward ....................... 47 Bo ton Station ....................................... 161 Branford Station 163 B)•Laws ...... 12 Coconut Grove Station ................... 166 Committees ........ 5 Constitution .............................................................. 6-11 Eau Gallie Station ......................................... 165 E ssex Station ........................................ 165 Flagship ·····················- -- - ····························· 67 Fleet Illustrations ........................................................... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,67-156 List ...................... 33-45 Flags Officers ..................................................._ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ facing 2 Int. Code .......................................................................... facing 202 Good Samaritans ............................................................... 167-184 Hi storians Report ......................................................... 158•159 Historical ·······························································································-··.. 3 Honorary Members .................................................... .. 16 Huntington Station ............................... .......................... _.. 162 In Memoriam ................................................................... ... 14-15 Illustrations Blue Water Medal ............................ _ _ _ ----···-····· 49 Blue Water Medal Winners ......................,......... - - - -···········50-65 Flags of Officers ....................................................,...................................... facing 2
224 Illustrations (Cout.) Page Flags of Int. Code ·················--··········....-.................... _....................... fac ing 202 Flagship _____ ...................................................................................................- 67 Li ev Eiriksson ..............-......... ......................................... _................... 66 Member Vessels .........._..-..............................................-.......................................... 67-156 Seal -...... ..................................................................................................................... 1 Local Stations Boston ................_.......................................................................................................................... 161 Branfo rd ......................... _._................ .. ....................................................... l 63 Coconut Grove ...................................................................................................................... 166 Essex ..... _ ............ _............................. ................................................. 165 Eau Gallie .................................................................................................................. 165 H untington .............................................................................................................................. 162 Measurement Rule _ ...................................................................... .................................... 185 .. 198 . Measurers ..... -..................................................................................................................................... 5 Members ........................................................ _...................................................................................17.. 32 Honorary .................................................................................................................................... 16 In Memoriam .................................................................................................................... 14-15 Mt. Desert Race ............................................................................................................................. 160 Officers 1941 ............................................................................................................................·......................... 4 Flags ................................................................................................................................. facing 2 P ast ................................................................................................................................................... 13 Past Officers ....................................................................................................................................... 13 P hone call letters .............................................................................................................................. 157 Radio phone call letters............................................................................................................ 157 Recapitulation .................................................................................................................................... 157 Samaritans, Good .................................................................................................................. 167-184 Sea I .................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Sec'y-Treas. .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Signals In t. Code Flags ................................................................................................... facing 202 Emergency ................................................................................................................................. 202 Cru ising Club (special) ............................................................................................. 222 Yach t Clubs ..................................................................................................................... 199..222 Stations ............................................................................................................................................. 161.. 166 Trans-Oceanic Pennant Awards .................................................................................... 48