CR Washington Surveyor February 2012

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2205 Forest Drive SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403 Volume 55, Number 6 Friday, February 24, 2012

How to measure a snow day Alyssa Christian Editor-In-Chief There are few words that can incite more emotion among high school students than “Snow Day.” The emphasis placed on this concept and the infrequency in which “Closed” has scrolled along the bottom of the morning news this year has caused many to question what truly comes under consideration when decisions regarding school cancellations are made. The Surveyor had the chance to talk with the supreme authority in determining such days, Dr. David Benson, Superintendent of Schools. “Essentially, there are two major factors [in determining the necessity for a school cancellation]: one is the safety of our students as it pertains to the bussers and drivers; getting kids to and from school. And the second consideration is being able to, what I call, “staff up” the schools. We have staff, live literally, all over Eastern Iowa and if I can’t get staff to school because of road conditions that may exist around and the perimeter around the district, then that becomes problematic,” said Benson. Consideration of current road conditions and the future forecast along with consultation with other districts all play into Benson’s decisions. However, many students feel Benson has been too stringent in his callings of school cancellations and delays. “Everybody can make a best guess of what I should have done because they know exactly what happened because they’re making their judgment [regarding weather] after the fact- I’m trying to make a judgment at about 5 o’clock in the morning on what’s going to

happen,” responded Benson. “I do the best I can with the information that I have and I always understand that people can second guess that decision.” Regardless, Benson evaluates his past decisions. “I always look back and try and be self-reflective in my administrative practice just like I ask teachers to be self-reflective in their instructional practices. The day the snowstorm came in, sometime around 8 o’clock a.m., as it turned out that day was a questionable call. We were able to have an early dismissal and safely get all of our students home, but, you know, I try not to second guess myself; I make the best decision I can and reflect on it, but sure, yeah, I’ve had questionable calls,” said Benson. Ann Rosenthal, a 13-year Director At-Large for the Cedar Rapids Board of Education and mother of five graduated and current students in the Cedar Rapids Community School District took another perspective on the issue. “A previous superintendent told me- ‘we decide, you know, the administration and the school district decide whether or not to hold school, if we think it’s safe, but it’s really up to the parent to decide whether or not… [they think] it’s safe enough for their child to go to school. So I always look at it that way too; if I disagreed with the school [district] and whether or not they were holding school then it’s up to me to decide whether or not my child goes to school,” said Rosenthal. Nonetheless, Rosenthal believes “it’s been an easy winter” and has been satisfied with the district’s decisions this year regarding cancellations and delays.

“I just appreciate that [the district is] watching out for the safety of, and trying to do what’s in the best interest for all the teachers

and the staff and the students in the district,” said Rosenthal, “I think they take it seriously and I think they’ve done a good job this year.”

Photo Illustration by Katie Nunemaker

Inside this Issue n e w s

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2 | News

Sangamithra Sathian | February 24, 2012

The stand against cancer Kiran Misra Staff Writer

Coaches vs. Cancer is a nationwide fundraising event, held during late January in order to benefit the American Cancer Society. Schools all around the United States participate by trying to raise money for developments in cancer research and treatment. During basketball games and after school, t-shirts are sold for $10 to raise money and donations are accepted at all of the games. The concept was created by Norm Stewart, former head coach of the University of Missouri’s men’s basketball program and cancer survivor. He started the program by challenging fans to pledge a dollar amount for every three points made by his team during the season. This slowly evolved into a different kind of fundraising effort; similar to what we see at Washington High School basketball games. At Wash, the movement is led by Coach Bred Metzger, the basketball coach. “This is something that all the high school and college basketball coaches across the US participate in. The main event in coaches vs. cancer is at the end of January, we have a bug fundraiser game where all the players wear the organization t shirts and all the money from t shirt sales and ticket sales go towards the Cancer Society. Another thing we did was an alumni game,” recalled Metzger, “and one day, all the basketball coaches come wearing sneakers with their suits in an awareness effort called suits and sneakers.” “One cool event that we had this year was we had all of the basketball players sign a ball and then we auctioned it off at one of the games,” elaborated Erica Derrick, the student senate teacher. This year, the coaches vs. cancer game was against Jefferson. It typically raises $2,000- $4,000, but only the state and the American Cancer Society know how much money was raised exactly from year to year. Metzger notes that fundraising has been quite successful this year and the amount of funds raised will be in the aforementioned $2,000$4,000 range.

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Saturday Feb. 25, 2012 Show Choir @ Off Campus Speech @ Off Campud

Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2012 Men’s Basketvall @ State, TBD Wednesday, Feb. 29, 2012 Finals Women’s Basketball @ State, TBD Thursday, Mar. 1, 2012 Finals PPA Meeting @ Little Theatre, 7:30PM WPA @ Band Room Friday, March 2, 2012 No School (Potential Snow Make-Up Day) Slice of Jazz @ Kirkwood Women’s Basketball @ State, TBD Saturday, March 3, 2012 Jazz Band @ NEIBA Women’s Basketball @ State, TBD

Monday, Mar. 5, 2012 No School (Potential School Make-Up Day) Tuesday, Mar. 6, 2012 1st day of Trimester Speech @ Little Theater, 6:30PM Wednesday, Mar. 7, 2012 Men’s Basketball @ State, TBD Friday, Mar. 9, 2012 ACT Registration Men’s Basketball @ State, TBD Slice of Jazz @ Off Campus Saturday, Mar. 10, 2012 Men’s Basketball @ State, TBD MOShow @ Whole School SAT Test Speech @ Off Campus Monday, Mar. 12, 2012 1s5 day of New Sports Season Tuesday, Mar. 13, 2012 PTA Meeting @ Room 128, 9:40AM Salute to Excellence Assembly @ Main Gym, 4:00PM Women’s Track, JV AND V MVC Indoor @ Unidome Wednesday, Mar. 14, 2012 Early Dismissal @ 12:30PM Saturday, Mar. 17, 2012 Band @ Kennedy High School Orchestra @ Kennedy High School Monday, Mar. 19, 2012 Robin Hood Auditions @ Auditorium, 3:00PM Tuesday, Mar. 20, 2012 Robin Hood Auditions @ Auditorium, 3:00PM Wednesday, Mar. 21, 2012 Robin Hood Auditions @ Auditorium, 3:00PM Thursday, Mar. 22, 2012 State Mock Trial @ Off Campus Friday, Mar. 23, 2012 State Mock Trial @ Off Campus Saturday, Mar. 24, 2012 State Mock Trial @ Off Campus Monday, Mar. 26, 2012 No School Speech @ UNI Tuesday, Mar. 27, 2012 No School Slice of Jazz @ Best of Iowa Wednesday, Mar. 28, 2012 No School

Sangamithra Sathian | February 24, 2012

News | 3

WORLD IN REVIEW Briefs by Sangamithra Sathian News Section Editor

Titanic ideas stolen?----------------Titanic, being re-released in theaters April 4th, in 3-D, is currently the second largest grossing film in history, with more than $2 billion in revenue. Samantha Kennedy, a woman from San Digeo, California filed a 16-page lawsuit in federal court inclusive of how James Cameron and Parmount used her ideas as inspiration for many of the film’s famous scenes. “I have 480 pages of side-by-side comparisons between my copyrighted work and the motion picture,” said Kennedy.

Award winning journalist dies at age 43------------------------------- Anthony Shadid, a two-time winner died on the job in eastern Syria, by an asthma attack, accoring to The New York Times., at the age of 43. A Times photographer who happened to be with him carried his body into Turkey. “Anthony died as he lived — determined to bear witness to the transformation sweeping the Middle East and to testify to the suffering of people caught between government oppression and opposition forces,” said Jill Abramson, executive editor of the Times.

South Korea shows no fear-------------------------- South Korea fired live artillery in a military drill near North Korea recently. The capital city of South Korea, Seoul notified North Korea, its neighbor of the drill. “This is a very dangerous play with fire to ignite a war against the North as it is a clear declaration of war against it,” said Pyongyang’s staterun Korean Central News Agency. This news came at a time when relations have been testy along the border between North and South Korea. The death of Kim Jong Il, and his chosen successor Kim Jong Un has created uncertainty about the state of the future regime in Pyongyang. Future drills have been scheduled involving the U.S.A. and South Korean forces.

Mistah Warshington : a short history Mikayla Frye Staff Writer

Mr. Washington, the annual talent showcase for Washington High School senior boys, has been widely seen as a comic relief for students and teachers alike for the past six years. “Mr. Washington is a showcase for boys who won’t be performing in our talent show, MUDACO. This allows us to showcase boys who don’t necessarily have exceptional musical or artistic talents,” said Erika Derrick, Wash’s Student Senate teacher. Apart from showcasing the unique talents of Washington boys, Mr. Washington also provides comic relief during the stressful pre-finals time. The boys who participate compete by coming up with a talent, performing whatever that talent may be, and then participating in a unique challenge at the end of the pageant. The winner of these will be deemed the next Mr. Washington. Over the last six years, Mr. Washington has crowned many memorable winners. Kyle Rouse won the 2010 Mr. Washington pageant with his talent of dancing. Just last year, Charlie Hammond won a close race. “All of the candidates were very interesting. The talent part is hilarious and by far the best part,” said Derrick. Isaac Halyard and David Yepez performed a hilarious act in the 2010 showcase that gave Kyle Rouse a run for his money. The talent acts were especially entertaining that year and ranged from interpretive dance to satirical skits. “Mr. Washington is a fun way to relax during the middle of winter when there’s two feet of snow on the ground. It brings comic relief to Wash,” said Derrick.

Check out videos of Mr. Washington 2010 on

Funny moments, including an appearance from Dr. Ralph Plagman occured during Trevor Polk, Fillipe Camarotti and Jack Shey’s performance, all ’10.

4 | News

Sangamithra Sathian | February 24, 2012

ACT / ITEDs Controversy Any high school student is likely to be familiar with the Iowa Tests of Educational Development, known more commonly as the ITEDs, or if not, at least with the similar ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) tests, from elementary and middle school. But what if instead of ITEDs, you took the ACT (American College Testing)? It’s possible that future juniors in Iowa may find themselves taking the ACT instead of ITEDs, or possibly even taking both tests. Last year, approximately 61% of graduating students in Iowa took the ACT test. There is a plan to change things dramatically by making the ACT mandatory, but this is still under discussion in state legislature. Paul Hayes, a student services facilitator for the Cedar Rapids Community School District, believes a potential benefit lies in showing students their true potential; this could make them much more likely to pursue a postsecondary education. “Too many students and families hold the belief that they are not college material based on the educational history of the family,” said Hayes. Hayes says this is the same reason for the institution of the PLAN test, a preliminary ACT test, for all sophomores. At the same time, there are potential drawbacks to making the ACT a required test. Washington High School counselor Jennifer Byers believes the issue

is “Controversial because we don’t know where funding would come from. [The ACT exam] for one student costs $34 without the writing section.” Byers also said that there is the problem of students that have chosen a profession that does not require any time at a four year college. “The ACT is a college applicant test, and some students don’t want to go [to college],” said Byers. Some Wash students do not seem particularly opposed to the idea of taking the ACT instead of ITEDs. “Yes, [I would prefer

“Too many students and families hold the belief that they are not college material based on the educational history of the family.”


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Michael Andersland Staff Writer


Jeremy Lin, a rising NBA star for the New York Knicks, recently applied to trademark “Linsanity”; the patent has brought him thousands of dollars already. cc by DvYang

Paul Hayes the ACT] because I freaking hate ITEDs,” said Evan Hataway, ’13. Even if a law is eventually enacted requiring students to take the ACT, it would not come into effect until at least next year, as ITED tests have already been ordered for this year. Iowa junior Megan Black made Iowa history by becoming the first female wrestler to place and win a contested match at the Iowa High School state wrestling tournament.

The smart board theory at Washington : is it smart or not? Ian Schweiger Staff Writer

It is hard not to see teachers or students using a large piece of technology centered on the front wall of classrooms throughout Washington High School. It has been known to be colored, smacked, and scribbled on in an effort to teach students new concepts through an intuitive way. This piece of interactive technology, known to many as the Smart Board, is used by many schools throughout the state. Mr. Scott McWherter, Washington’s Technology Facilitator, estimates that there are approximately 230 Smart Boards installed in high schools throughout the district.”There are about 73 Smart Boards installed in Wash, as well.” said McWherter. McWherter was part of a team that helped with the installation of Smart Board technology in the school district. His job was to oversee and verify that all Smart Boards were in place. McWherter also sent a survey to all teachers at Wash asking about usage and audio quality in the Smart Board installed in their room. Among those instructors was Mr. Matt Miller, one of Washington’s math teachers and an avid Smart Board user. “[In my classroom], we use it for Geometer’s Sketchpad, to interact with mathematics, and many other applications.” said Miller. Miller also said about 75 to 80 percent of his instructional time involves the Smart Board. Although Miller is one of the teachers that uses his Smart Board frequently, there are others that don’t use them at all. “I have some teachers that use them, some not at all.” said Jasmin Ripoll, ‘14. Ripoll is one of many students who believes Smart Board technology is the way of the future and will be one of the ways her education continues. “It’s quicker than the whiteboards and you can put more [information] on Smart Boards.” said Ripoll. Even though this technology is used primarily for education purposes, teachers still use them for review games and other activities. “In Spanish, my favorite is Flyswatter.” said Ripoll.

In honor of celebrated pop singer Whitney Houston’s death, New Jersey governor Chris Christie ordered flags to be flown at half-mast around the state. cc by asterix611

President Obama asked Congress for to change the mix of metals that goes ito producing pennies and nickels, in order to lower production costs; the penny could disasppear as a part of our currency in the future. cc by fireflythegreat

Opinions | 5

Grant Kamin | February 24, 2012


The glorification of ignorance

I successfully managed to blow the bass on my car speakers and so recently I’ve been passing the time in traffic jams listening to National Public Radio (NPR). The other day on my way home from school they had a piece over the Republican Presidential Primary in Florida and Lewis Blake were interviewing attendees at an Orlando Staff Writer monster truck race over their opinions of the candidates. One man, described as wearing a Budweiser baseball cap and a wife beater exclaimed something along the lines of “I don’t know much about politics, but Barack Obama can kiss my ass!” Then it hit me. His opinions counted just as much as mine, his vote counted just as much as mine, and he could probably walk into a Wal-Mart, buy a gun, and leave free of having to pass any mental health exams. It shocked me. Ignorance exists in all forms. For example, I would be ignorant in arguing that all Florida Primary voters are as illinformed as the man happened to be. It would also be ignorant of me to claim that NPR was an objective new source and that I should grant everything they report as fact and look no further into anything I am told. Sadly, though, this speculation of news reporters appears not to be consistent throughout our nation. Masses are readily misled through false Kitty’s attitude statements, quotes taken out of context, and the Facebook memes like in an effort to have the opinions of the viewers Little sisters swayed by the media. It’s near impossible to find Paleness a truly objective new source so the responsibility 2012 of becoming informed members of society falls Studying for finals upon each of us. Becoming educated on the world Missing cameras around you as objectively as possible is crucial to Writing roses & thorns not only as American citizens but as global citizens. Bus drivers Rarely is it seen today that people are willing Haterz to listen and learn from people of differing opinLinsanity ions. The idea that other people’s perspectives may Breaking cars hold any truths at all seems to have disappeared Couple fights Not having an iPhone completely and ruins any possibility of honest, intellectual debate. Make up snow days It is also important to mention that in order Dirty roads to become more informed we must implore the use Happiness= 0 thorns of a little tool we seem to have forgotten completeShakespeare ly about: logic. Logic prevents those within its aptiSitting in gum 1/4 freshmen FAILING tude from being wrong on the most mind-numbingly dull of life’s questions. Is because “it’s written in Quitters Grammar and spelling the Bible” a logical reason to impose one’s beliefs on another? No. Is it really within your best interSchool photos est to deny global climate change in the interest of

Mr. Washington “New”cars Men’s bowling Last finals for seniors Sunshine O.H. 29 million Spring break Star Wars 3D Womens b-ball New Orange Leaf Jeremy Lin Car washes Puddles Orchestra ski trip All state speech #YOLO Secret brothers 8 guys with mics Spring sports VaLINtines Long hair Wood that is locked Running 5 at the Y

increasing one’s own temporary economic prosperity? Clearly, not. Should Rick Santorum be condemned to a room with a wild grizzly bear for reinforcing the anti-intellectualist movement so prevalent in conservative politics through his claims of a presidential war on religion? I am not to say on such matters. But I’m curious as what his God would say about his plans to freeze federal aid to the poor and lower tax rates for the rich. It is truly sad that as one of the few nations that within its constitution puts such emphasis on antidisestablishmentarianism that it such an under utilized right. Times are tough, though. We live in an era in which I’m relatively sure most rappers in music industry haven’t formulated a grammatically cohesive sentence since age six. It fits along with my personal belief that the general public should read more often. Picking up a book won’t kill you nor will steering your eyes away from the main-stream media. So, please, in the interest of becoming not only a better individual but a better society, educate yourself and become an active part of the world around you. Otherwise, it’s looking like we’re pretty screwed.

From the mind of Luke


Graphic by Luke Godlewski

The war on the Internet

Last month we reached the breaking point between the Internet and Hollywood and the music industry. The day of Internet protest which resulted in Wikipedia and Reddit shutting down, and many sites like Google featuring an anti SOPA and PIPA banner on their home page. The huge increase in negative publicity the bills received after the

The banner currently found on

A staff editorial

protest was astounding and almost immediately were removed from the floors of congress. The very next day Megaupload, a site that hosted quite a lot of legitimate traffic, as well as being notoriously know for the file sharing of music was shut down by the U.S. government. This not only irked us because it proved that SOPA and PIPA weren’t really needed, but also because of what was probably the underlying cause of the shutdown and arresting of the sites owner. You see, they were about to release a service that would revolutionize the way musicians signed onto labels and distributed their music, called Megabox. The musicians would receive 90% of all the revenue made by Megabox and here’s the kicker, would be paid for music that people downloaded for free. This would have revolutionized the music industry. We’re talking about a completely new way of attacking the problem of file sharing straight on, and developing a solution that makes sense

for both sides. But, in the eyes of the major music labels and Hollywood, it’s much easier to instead cling on to the old way of doing things, and spend absurd amounts of money lobbying, in order to make sure they don’t have to adapt in any way. And in some ways they have succeeded. After Megaupload got shut down many sites switched over to a system where you would only be able to retrieve your own files. Also, The Pirate Bay, the world’s most popular website for file sharing announced that they would be forced to remove their website from the Internet in the coming future. With this announcement came an even larger one, that there would be no need for a website to file share anymore, and that in the simplest terms imaginable: the files would float around for anyone to take. There is only one thing that will be able to stop file sharing after this switch is made, a complete shutdown of the entire Internet. As ridiculous as that might sound, we wouldn’t put it past the entertainment industry to attempt such a thing, and that one day of protest we had would become exceptionally ironic as we would never be able to access those websites again.

6 | Opinions

Grant Kamin | February 24, 2012

The ACT mandate

ITEDS SUCK. No question about that, and the ACT sucks a little less, but still sucks nonetheGrant Gregory less. I remember Staff Writer my six hours of time spent in the dank halls of Coe…. as if I were in Dante’s hell, except with math and science instead of fire and brimstone. And now, the government is trying to mandate a test that WASTES our time to see how we compare among other students in an effectively designed test, which was created by wizards of education- a college aptitude test? Such an absurdity! I took this conundrum to the

ACT wizard himself, Mr. Duer “the good do-er” (as they call him). He said (and I’m paraphrasing here) the board of education mandating the ACT is a step in the right direction of encouraging students to get a higher level of education. It doesn’t necessarily have to be four year. He also made such absurd statements such as, a society with more emphasis on a higher level of education would be “nice” and “practical”. We’ll see how practical this really is, I’m not sure if the system can afford to lose one WHOLE day to allow kids an opportunity to see how they’d fare in college. Not to mention that taking the test may inspire some kids who didn’t plan on going to college, to realize that the material wasn’t so hard! And that college isn’t impossible!

This revelation will never happen to anyone because of the ACT. Some make the point, however, that requiring every student to take the ACT would be very expensive, typically a student pays 40 dollars a pop to get into the ACT and that results in a lot of money being spent. Washington has 342 seniors this year, assuming that we took it this year that would be 40x342 which would equal 13,680 dollars more to the budget. Now obviously the ACT would cut a deal for the state but still that’s a big expense and the real issue at hand is if those 13,680 dollars translate into 13,680 dollars of growth that would be returned to the community. Would putting more pressure on students to attend college, at 13,000 dollars per

school be worth it? Would society benefit from it? Probably. My next step in cracking this mystery was to ask fellow Washington students what they think of the mandating the ACT. A student I spoke to after school in the computer lab said, “I’m not interested in college, I don’t want to take the ACT.” I commend him, he’s a true patriot, he knows what he wants out of life, a real go-getter, and honestly, no one needs to go to college necessarily. It’s just something that statistically is awesome, people who attend college make 1,000,000 times more in their life time, that “education connection” commercial wasn’t lying to you! So for the sake of making a million dollars, embrace this ACT mandate with open arms.

High school has finally just hit me over these last couple of weeks. I know everyone has their own Sofie Lenzen different experiGuest Columnist ences/choices/ paths they take during these trying four-years, but we all have one thing in common: Washington. With this in mind, what have you done during your high school experience to make it memorable? What have you done to think, “Wow, I really contributed to this amazing school that I am so fortunate to be apart of,” I know nobody really thinks those words, or might even think that at all, but what if you were to? Wouldn’t that make Washington an even better place than it is now? Before I hit you with these “philosophical questions from Sofie”

I need to give you some background in why I decided to write this. It hit me one night after I had talked to Grant that I wanted to write an editorial, but I didn’t want it to be incredibly controversial, and receive emails complaining about my certain political views or opinions, or the ranting of classmates whose opinions already put me over the edge at 7 a.m. I was texting my best friend about our awkward freshman ways and if we regretted anything of the past two and a half years. It then hit me: I am a junior in high school, an upperclassman. Freshman year I would have given anything to be where I am today: older, more mature, more respected. Here’s the reality: I still feel like I’m a freshman. Sure, I am much more comfortable around my peers and other students of different classes, but I feel like I will always be either an awkward freshman or apart of “Team Sophomore.” When

I was little, a junior in high school seemed SO OLD. Now, I am over halfway finished with my junior year, registering for my senior classes, approaching college, and seriously thinking about my future. Although I’m ready for the next steps in my life, and I am really excited to see what the future holds, I have realized that this whole time, I have been wanting time to pass quickly, but now all I want it to do is freeze. Besides it being weird that my time here has flown, it’s hard not to say that I haven’t had regrets over the past couple years. I wouldn’t exactly call them regrets, because they are simply things I never pursued and I have turned out fine without them, but I tend to frequently ask myself, “What if?” Suddenly, you return home from a Madrigals performance on a Sunday night in December and you realize that you wish you made stronger connections with the people you were closest to,

and met new people that you never noticed before. You suddenly realize, we are almost half way through the year and I feel like I’m still dipping my toes in, trying out the water, instead of taking the dive I should have taken months before. Washington has an incredible reputation from co-curricular activities, to sports, to the fine arts, and to academics, but I challenge you fellow warriors. Step outside of your comfort zone, meet new people you thought you would never know, take the risk and text that person you’ve always had a secret crush on, make a difference in your community, make a difference at your school, excel in all that you do. I know this is a big challenge, but even doing one of these things or neither, and choosing your own path to make your high school experience one to remember, one you will look back on and say, “I wouldn’t take anything back.” Time flies you guys, we are living proof.

High school reflections

The Surveyor is established as a school-sponsored open forum dedicated to informing and entertaining its readers. It is published nine times each school year by students enrolled in the Journalism News class at Washington High School. The staff will report as fairly and well-balanced as possible. All activities and news will be covered to the best of the staff’s ability. The Surveyor accepts the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics as the basis for good journalism. Editorials and the reviews that appear under a byline are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily the staff. Unsigned editorials represent the majority of the Editorial Board. The opinions section is designed to provide a forum for the opinions of The Surveyor staff and the Washington High School Community. Readers are encouraged to express their viewpoints through guest editorials. The Surveyor also welcomes letters to the editor, with these guidelines: 1. It is not libelous or obscene. 2. It explains the material clearly. 3. It is not longer than 500 words. 4. It is signed.

Alyssa Christian

Emily Wicke

Katharine Goodwin

Sangamithra Sathian

Grant Kamin

Kitty McGurk

CJ Cooper

Francesca Hidalgo-Wohlleben


Opinions editor

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Oliver Hammond Hannah Jonasson Nick Hansen Mikayla Frye Ian Schweiger Photographers Jessica Erb

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Profiles | 7

CJ Cooper | February 24, 2012

Wash student makes impact at Rockwell

MJ Kamin Staff Writer

Graphic by Luke Godlewski

Most students at Washington High School are just starting to think about their future ambitions and goals. That isn’t the case for Tom Werner, ’13. Werner has been a High School Technical Intern at Rockwell Collins since September and is content with attending Iowa State to receive his major in software engineering. Werner applied in March of 2011 before having a phone and person to person interview about the job. He then attended a six week class over the summer with about fifty people taken from the ninety five applicants. After taking this summer course, roughly half of the students were selected for internships. “Right now I’m writing tests for messages between airplane parts. It’s a lot of fun,” said Werner. He specializes in software, helping with his aspirations of becoming a software engineer. Werner works with engineers of all ages, not just other interns. He works about ten hours a week, usually going after school to program with the other Rockwell engineers. “It seems like a fun job. Also, it seems like something that [Tom] really enjoys doing,” said Sam Werner, ’15, Tom’s younger brother.

“[The internship] helps me see other people who have the same job as what I want to do in the workplace. It also gives me a taste about what it is like to do the work,” said Tom. Although it seems like interning at Rockwell requires lots of out of school work, many classes at Wash prepared Tom for this internship. “I took AP Computer Science and that was really, really, useful. Also, math classes [were helpful,]” said Tom. Programming software isn’t all that Tom does; he is an avid contributor in the Wash marching band, a trumpet player in The Revolutionists, a member of the Academic Decathlon, the Science Olympiad team, and the Science Bowl team. On top of that, this coming spring Tom will be completing his ninth AP test while at Wash. “I won’t continue band as a major or minor, but maybe as an intramural,” said Tom. Tom doesn’t currently have any ideas of majoring in anything other than programming or software. If he doesn’t get his software engineering degree, he would be interested in working in any other computer field.

Scott McWherter: the man behind the camera Nick Hansen Staff Writer

Q: What do you like to do in your free time? A: I write poetry, play music, the piano, and play golf and several other sports. Q: Do you prefer Apple or Microsoft? A: Microsoft, I don’t have an Apple so it’s more of a lifestyle then a preference.

McWherter taping during Channel One.

Photo by Lauren Johnson

Q: Who’s the most technology challenged teacher in the building? A: I don’t look at people as technologically challenged; some are just hesitant to dive into something new and unknown, instead they’re simply happy with what they currently have. Q: How do you see technology changing education? A: Technology is allowing for new outlets of information processing that wasn’t accessible in the past. The amount of resources and the ways to reach those is constantly improving. Q: What’s your favorite part about working at Washington? A: The people, here you have the ability to work with and communicate with any student or staff and know we’re all a part of Wash. Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job? A: Usually the biggest difficulty is being able to communicate the different aspects of things to people. Q: What’s your official title at Washington? A: I’m the Technology Facilitator. Q: What education or experience do you have? A: It doesn’t have much to do with what I currently do but I have a bachelor’s degree in Parks and Recreation from Ohio State.

8 | Focus

the truth ab

what girls want... T

By Amy Parker

hroughout history, it’s been said that women are drawn toward the “tall, dark, and handsome” flock of men, a stereotype that has become a jesting term toward the ultimate guy. But is that stereotype true at Washington High School? What makes the “perfect” guy or type of relationship in the opinion of ladies at Wash? Though characteristics that girls look for in their partner varies, certain desirable traits seem to be necessary. Wash girls can agree that kindness is a characteristic that a guy must have in order to fulfill their ‘wants’ of a relationship. A good sense of humor is another must-have for many girls who attend Wash. “Most importantly, he has to be funny,” said Anna Noreuil ’12, when asked about her ideal guy. In general, girls look for a friendship and more importantly, a mature, loyal, and carefree relationship. However, girls also tend to search for a variety of looks, personalities, and varying amount of excitement in a relationship to form that special bond. “The ideal date would be to go hiking and watch the sunrise,” said Megan Kelly, ’13. That sort of adventure in a relationship sparks the interest of many Wash ladies, adding excitement to any relationship. “The ideal date would be driving around and going wherever the driving can take us,” said Adehle Daley, ’14. Regardless of what a girl’s looking for, the most important part of finding someone is the happiness that is brought with. “Everyone offers something unique and its part of the game to find them and create your own happiness,” said Noreuil.

Featuring: Couples of W

David & Andie

Madie & Ryan

By Hannah Jonas

Q: Any advice for future couples?

Q: What qualities do you value in a relationship?

A: “Give each other a healthy amount of space and time.” D: “Respect one another.”

M: “Honesty, trust, and stability.” R: “Yeah, all of that.”

David Rosenthal, ’13, and Andie Toledo, ’13, have been dating for almost two years.

Madie Kramer, ’13, and Ryan Cain, ’13, have been dating for a little over a year.

Francesca Hidalgo-Wohlleben | February 24, 2012

bout l v e what guys want...

Stereotypes tell that a guy looks for a girl with bleach blonde hair, a perfect



By Madeline Berg

figure, and a bright smile. However, guys look beyond such a stereotype, leaving the question, what are guys looking for at Washington High School? “I think that a complementary balance between personality and attractiveness is good, but attractiveness is definitely a selling point,” said Austin Bergstrom, ’13. Other answers to the same question vary from guy to guy. “What makes a girl attractive would definitely be their personality and their smile,” said Dominic Rodriguez, ’14. “I look for an upbeat personality that’s open to conversation and trying new things.” “I look for a girl who gets me old fashion lemon heads, rubs my head, buys Cheez-It Snack Mix, does my homework, has a tall, beautiful mom that cooks for me, and is vegetarian. I like vegetarians. Oh and I’m also looking for a prom date...” said Michael Daughtery, ’12. In this month of love, many have been struggling to come up with exciting ways to woo their dates. Daughtery describes his dream date as being “a trip to the moon.” Others tend to go for a more realistic style. Jeffrey Chambers, ’13, describes the perfect Valentine’s Day date as “cuddling under the stars eating Pringles.” “Just give me alone time, that’s all I need... and maybe dinner. Dinner’s nice too,” said Joe Kenney, ’12. While many guys are looking for a girl to be with, others prefer to go the solo-route and to keep their options open. “I like being single because I can flirt with a lot of girls and not feel guilty,” said Christian Nassif, ’15. As such a report shows, the desired traits for which guys are searching vary on an individual basis. So ladies, be yourself and you’ll be sure to find a match!

Heath & Ellie

Q: How did you guys get together? E: “Well we didn’t like each other in seventh grade...” H: “She threw a carrot at me!” E: “But in eighth grade we started texting after a football game and later he asked me out at a football game too.” Heath Clark, ’13, and Ellie Carver, ’13, have been dating for three years.

Lily & Will

Q: What things do you guys do to mantain a healthy relationship? L:“Oh gosh, we make chocolate chip pancakes a lot... Do things we both find interesting. Have dinner with each other’s familes on week nights. All of these things work well for us!” W: “And watch documentaries!” Lily Gasway, ’12, and Will Roberts, ’12, have been dating for almost one year.


10 | Profiles

CJ Cooper | February 24, 2012

Chambers dedicated to beating the odds

Evan Fisher Staff Writer

The Boys and Girls Club of America is a national organization that provides kids with a safe learning environment, opportunities to build new skills, and ongoing relationships with caring adults. This organization has helped many kids beat the odds to become successful, and Washington High School student Jeffrey Chambers has won the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year award doing just that. Jeffrey Chambers, ’13, joined Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids in 2007, but his story doesn’t start there. Chambers lived in an abusive home environment, the abuse coming from his alcholic father. Over time, not only was his mother in danger, but Jeffrey and his siblings were as well. “When I was six or seven, my father held a knife to my mother’s neck, and I was forced to intervene,” said Chambers.

The flood of 2008 in Cedar Rapids also proved an immense obstacle for Chambers. Not only did it destroy his home, but his home away from home as well: his Boys and Girls Club. “I was devastated, the place that was developing me into a young man, the place where I had met all of my friends, the place that helped me forget about my life’s problems and just be a kid, was gone,” said Chambers in a speech he presented at a United Way event. The flood allowed Chambers to realize how important the Boys and Girls Club was to him. He immersed himself in the junior staff at the Club, which allowed him to give back what was once given to him as a member. Jeffrey’s problems were not over, however, his problems at home continued. Chambers’ home life was drastically affecting his grades, so

he looked to the Boys and Girls Club for help. After consulting with members of the club, he had decided to go to the police. Chambers’ problems at home were then taken care of. Now, Jeffrey lives with his aunt, and his grades have changed for the better. The award that was given to Chambers is given to a member of the Boys and Girls club that shows growth; a member that shows good leadership, and is academically achieving their best grades. “The competition showcases how members of the Club have given back to the Club and the community with the opportunities they have been given,” said Chambers. Chambers speaks publicly around Cedar Rapids for practice, and in doing so has won competitions at both the city and state levels. He plans to keep competing because the winners are rewarded

with academic scholarships. “Jeffrey brings hope to the club, because he never gives up when things aren’t going well. He holds other members accountable, because if Jeffrey can become successful through his hardships, then so can they,” said Iris Strong, the South East Unit director of the Club. Jeffrey is interested in teaching in the future, because he loves being a role model for members of the club, as well as to his siblings. “If you’re dedicated, and you’re willing to commit to it, you can do anything. Look for the better things in life, because it has helped me through everything I’ve been through,” said Chambers.

All Below Photos Courtesy of Jeffrey Chambers

Chambers with Ainsley Hogan, Boys and Girls Club Director of Annual Giving.

Favorite Food: Ribs Favorite Hobby: Football Favorite Color: Red Favorite Artist: Mac Miller Favorite Class: Math

Chambers with the Boys and Girls Club at Games-ORama in 2009.

ch r a e S d r Wo s e rit o v Favorite Movie: Remember Fa n a the Titans m h s Favorite Pro Athlete: Aaron Fre Rogers Favorite Season: Fall













Chambers giving his speech for United Way of East Central Iowa.

Be mine, Bachelor MJ Kamin Staff Writer

Photo Illustration by Lauren Johnson

Tyler Erb, ’15, is looking for a tall, athletic, cute, and kind girl to fit his mellow attitude. Erb loves sports and is involved in basketball, baseball, and football at Washington High School. He also enjoys playing video games as well as reading – something that he thinks makes him different from other guys. “He’s easygoing, laid-back, and funny at times,” said Jess Erb, ’12, Tyler’s older sister. His dream date would involve anything on the beach preferably with his celebrity crush, Minka Kelly. Tyler said he is looking for a relationship, which coincided with a big nod and a large smile.

A&E | 11

Kitty McGurk | February 24, 2012

Harry Potter isn’t Harry Potter...?

Shanay Gonder Staff Writer If you have ever had the utter delight of reading, “Great Expectations” at some point in your educational career, you’re familiar with gloomy British topography and eerie mansions detached from society both by location and lore. Not unlike this, “The Woman in Black” showcases a mansion, once a grand estate and home to a young affluent family, as now a dwelling place for a disheveled aunt-apparition out for revenge; the woman in black. “The Woman in Black” is your typical ghost story, gussied up with a little Daniel Radcliffe. Subsequently, the star appearance allows the creepy noises,

haunted attics, nowyou-seethem-nowyou don’t apparitions and shadowy “dead” children not to appear so monotonous. Even those who exhibit an unhealthy tolerance to scary films will admit that it is nearly impossible not to jump at the ridiculous amount of suspenseful aroundthe-corner screen shots and disturbing glass-eyed trinkets.

recently deceased member of “The Eel Marsh House.” To put it simply, children drop like flies in this village, and scarcely by accident. Common sense might tell anyone else to stay away from the mansion, but, no, Kipps has to be where the action is; a place that needs to be dimly lit by candles to look just right.The straight up creepy qualities of the film are striking; one is forced to wonder how much white face powder they went through during the movie’s creation. The film’s director, James Watkins, steers clear of modern horror types both in setting and in terms of gore and vulgarity.

Daniel Radcliffe plays a young lawyer in London,

Arthur Kipps, who, after the loss of his wife in childbirth, is constantly haunted with visions of his beautiful bride in ghost form. This

Scars and Stories

Oliver Hammond Staff Writer

After making exceptional music for ten years, there is no doubt that the widely popular band, The Fray, has made a name for themselves. In acknowledgement of such accomplishments, the band released their new album “Scars and Stories” on their anniversary. From the more aggressive tone of “Turn Me On” to the calming melody of “Be Still” this album has a great variety of music that has a little something for everyone. The album might have more rock than previous albums because of a

new producer, Brendan O’Brien, known for producer for harder rock bands. “We didn’t necessarily say, ‘Let’s have more guitars.’ It’s just; we wanted the sound ‘big,’” said Joe King. “Heartbeat”, one of the most popular songs on the album, has a great chorus and is guaranteed to be stuck in your head all day. In this particular song, you can just feel the emotion in the lead vocalists voice due to lyrics that are so relatable, even for high schoolers.

The Fray has stuck to its true roots with music similar to where they started. The group has not tried to go mainstream like so many other bands, making music that people like, but also making music that their closest fans will enjoy. This album release was another step in the right direction for the band with great songs that can be played on repeat, regardless of your mood. Although not every track is as popular as “heartbeat”, the album does a sufficient job at meeting previous standards as well as the standards of the fans. A four out of five in my book, definitely worth the time to listen and enjoy.

proves to be the least of his supernatural worries however when he takes on a job in the British countryside sorting out the estate of the

In his first appearance since Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe bids adieu to his magical persona, while his character, Arthur Kipps wonders whether he’s bidding farewell to his senses. Proving to hold his own with both roles, the film is proof that frock coats and lace dresses really can be horrifying.

12 | A&E

Kitty McGurk | February 24, 2012

I’ll bow to The Vow If a movie is Kitty McGurk capable of gaining A&E Editor my approval in the situation of a Valentine’s Day couples night at the theatre, it is worthy of being recognized. As I sat in my seat amidst disturbing amounts of lovecrazed couples, I was skeptical of whether or not I would truly be able to enjoy the personally anticipated romantic comedy, The Vow. However, such things were accomplished as I cried, laughed, and suspended every upcoming scene. The Vow, released February 10th, is largely distinct from your typical romantic comedy and or “chick flick.” With a unique story line displaying the struggles a young couple has to face after a car crash strips away all memories the wife previously possessed from the last few years. As the wife, played by Rachel McAdams, fails to regain all memory of her recent life and marriage, she is forced to return to her

prior life; a life clearly not suited for her most recent self and or husband. As the confused and altering wife tries to find herself, her husband Leo, played by Channing Tatum, becomes frustrated with her lack of acceptance of her previous life with him. Put in such an odd situation, the husband is forced to make his wife fall in love with him again although to her, he is a complete stranger. Although I found myself irritated with the lack of Channing Tatum’s normally sculpted body, I still reached contentment with a greatly needed bare butt shot. Regardless of Channing Tatum’s body, my only real other complaint is with the directors choice of hair color for Rachel McAdams once she begins to adjust back into her old life (really though, what did the box say- dirty urine water?) With my only complaints lying purely within appearance, I can’t do anything but proclaim that The Vow was an overly decent movie and I shockingly uplifting love story on a horrible day for a single gal.

The very popular frozen yogurt bar, Orange Leaf, has recently opened a new location on 4866 Northeast 1st Ave, right next to Bed Bath and Beyond. This new location will elimate the hassel of wasting your limited gasoline and precious time when in need for frozen yogurt for the students that live on this side of town.

The Battle Of The Burritos Not far down from Panchero’s Mexican Grill, El Perico has been John Kopec the new Staff Writer sensational restaurant visited by many Washington students. El Perico offers something different, unlike many other Mexican Restaurants that lack a variety in town. El Perico is truly Mexican, the food is authentic and everything is made from scratch. The salsa alone makes it well worth your time to go there and has just the right kick to keep you coming back. “It’s a great family owned authentic Mexican restaurant. The atmosphere is surreal and makes you feel like you are in Mexico”, said Sami Scheetz, ’14. Walking into El Perico, you are greeted by a family-like atmosphere with a small Mexican

meats as well. “The[ El Perico] burritos are El Perico gives customer twice the size of Panchero’s and each the perfect to twice as good for about the same opportunity branch out with the extensive price. Plus you get chips and salsa.” menu ranging

Graphic by John Kopec

traditional Quincy McGee, ’13 from Mexicans

produce/goods shop with plenty of character. Don’t let the size fool you; this joint has some of the best Mexican food in the area. While visiting the shop, you can find all kinds imported items from Mexico that you wouldn’t be able to find at your local Hy-Vee or Walmart. “The burritos are twice the size of Panchero’s and twice as good for about the same price. Plus you get chips and salsa”, says Quincy McGee, ’13. Rice, meat, cheese, beans; these forearm-sized burritos offer the same ingredients but a variety of other

dishes to more specialized entrees. For vegetarian customers, there are also a variety of fresh veggie entrees that possess the same Mexican taste. The entertainment doesn’t just end with the interesting people hanging around the shop, for it is also fun watching the Mexican soap operas on the televisions as you wait for your food. With just the two owners, a cook, and sometimes their two daughters helping out, the service is sometimes a little slow, but they have a lot to handle; be patient with them, it’s definitely worth it.

835 7th. Ave. Marion, I.A. (El Perico)

A&E | 13

Kitty McGurk | February 24, 2012

Album Of The Year Kitty McGurk Although it may be apparent A&E Editor

that Adele took the show at the recently aired 2012 Grammys, many other talented artists were awarded as well. Skrillex, a band that many Washington High School students have been familiar with, won a surprising two Grammys for Best Dance Recording and Best Dance/Electronica

Best New Artist Bon Iver

Song Of The Year

Record Of The Year

grammy run-down

Best Pop Solo Performance while Bon Iver impressed his fans with Best Alternative Music Album and the very prestigious award of Best New Artist. Many other winners included Foo Fighters, Corrine Rae Bailey, Kanye West, and Cee Lo Green. Apart from the usual winners, the controversial issue arose of Chris Brown receiving Best R&B Album and being offered the opportunity to perform

Best Pop Vocal Album

during the show. Although Brown still has many loyal fans that were pleased with this, many people were upset that he was granted these opportunities and recognitions after his domestic abuse charges towards Rhianna less than a year ago this time. Apart from this, The Grammys also presented their viewers with Adele’s first live performance since her tragic

Best Dance Recording Skrillex

surgery. Many also argued that although her voice was still astoundingly beautiful that the surgery took away some of her uniqueness out of her vocals. Due to all of these controversies and premieres, many viewers tuned in. According to CNN, the 2012 Grammys were watched by the biggest audience since 1984.

Best Rock Album Foo Fighters

14 | Sports

Joe Berry | February 24, 2012

Men’s basketball, less than desirable season The Mississippi Valley men’s basketball conference seems to have one every Gavin Jones year, a team Staff Writer that other teams see on their schedule and laugh, an unlucky team. The team whose total points per game represents only a quarter of the effort they put on the court. Sadly, this year that team was us. Although we had a rough season, with the success we’ve had in recent years, I was personally OK with it. I mean what did we expect? We lost two players who made up 75 percent of our team’s points the previous year to Division I basketball? When your team goes 0-21 people tend to blame the coach and his staff, but what people need to realize is that a coach has limited control over what his players actually do while on the court, and by the lack of designed plays we ran this year my guess is that his level of control is next to zero. Now, despite my respect for Coach Metzger, I think I speak for everyone else when I say we would have liked to see more risk taking and trust out of the coach and his staff this year. Like when we’re down 25 coming out of half and only

eight players have their warm-ups off, why not give someone else a chance? Last year when I played sophomore basketball, it was a month or less into the season that the coaching staff split us up. The varsity team was lacking in numbers so the coaches split the sophomore team into the top seven and then the others. The top seven practiced with varsity, leaving the others to run three-man weaves and layup lines all practice. Now us other folks didn’t really mind, we probably had some of our best memories last winter, whether it was on the bench, in the locker room, or on the court. That’s how scrub squad was created, but that’s a whole different story. Due to the progression last year of the other players the Warrior men’s team lacked the depth needed to be a legitimate state contender, or a legitimate contender for anything, at that. While I was disappointed in how our season turned out, the thing that surprised me the most about the basketball season was the lack of support and school spirit we had. This year I found myself leaving my house and going to the basketball game to do my homework, knowing that the basketball game would be more peaceful and quiet than my own room. People were going to the games just to see our nationally

ranked dance team… or at least I think they’re nationally ranked. Our student sections of the past were loud, exciting, and unpredictable, now we have downgraded to simply just a sitting section. “I won 2 out of 15 games of solitaire, still better than our basketball team,” said Jack Lindstrom, ’12, when asked about his thoughts on the team this year, this is only a small fraction of the negative publicity this year’s team has gotten. Our team this year (up until before substate) averaged 42.2 points per game, Shot 34 percent from the field, and had a total of 801 points. In almost every stat imaginable we fall dead last for the conference. Despite our teams poor stats, please stop saying you could do better (i.e. Ryan Cain, Morris Williams) because I doubt you really could. I’d like to see a little more support, especially for out seniors who stuck it out for the whole season, without even winning a game. I mean if seven seniors lose every game and play for the worst team in their conference, and still don’t quit, you should at least have enough respect to show up on senior night… before the fourth quarter. Besides everything about us being last in the rankings and not winning a game, there are positives from this year. Three of the seven

seniors leaving are going on to play sports at colleges all across the mid-west (in something other than basketball). The future is bright for the basketball team though. Next year, many current juniors who, due to the lack of depth, didn’t get much PT this year will be making it onto the court. A prime example is Heath Clark, ’13. Clark shot an outstanding seven for seven at the free throw line this year. Another rising hot-shot is the perfect Lucas Pint, ’13. Pint, or “Pookie”, displayed his amazing shooting talent, knocking down 100 percent of his shots from the field (He is one for one). 6’5 junior Zach Gothard, ’13, didn’t play at all this year but definitely averages AT LEAST 89 percent from the field when he plays at “The Y” three days a week. It’s not all juniors though, our current sophomore basketball team has an abundance of pure talent coming up. And two of them can dunk! Cool, I know. At the end of the day this painful experience has brought us all together, it has been a wild ride. Throughout the last three months we have experienced some highs and some lows, but mostly just lows. All we can really do now is put this year’s basketball teams record behind us, and get ready for next year, when we should settle for nothing less than taking state.

Warrior’s men’s swim team wins its 49th consecutive On Feb 4th, the Washington High School men’s swim team won their 49th consecutive district title. The Warriors came into the meet not as the favorite, based off of previous meets, but they managed to pull off another victory. Already one of the greatest high school records in history, the Warriors hope to make it to the big Five-O next year, when the team will be looking for it’s 50th title. The Warriors placed 7th as a team at state.

Photos by Katie Nunemaker

Sports | 15

Joe Berry | February 24, 2012

Washington athletes sign with colleges

Washington High school is an elite school. In Reid Rossberger addition to the rigorous AP courses, we are known Staff Writer

for our numerous sports programs. Athletes from Washington have gone on to have extremely successful post-high school careers in the NCAA with athletes competing in nearly every sport. We also have athletes who were/are members of the NFL, and members of the United States Olympic Team. Wash prepares athletes for grueling competition in college. Along with

Ryan Cain

1. University of North Dakota. 2. Football. 3. Safety and kick returner. 4. Playing at a bigger level and trying to win a national championship. 5. The team, coaches, and memories of some big upsets. 6. Mother and brothers for pushing me to become great.

intense practices and the dedication present on our sports teams, early bird weightlifting is open to the especially dedicated. National Signing Day, a date specified by the NCAA for athletes to commit to the school of their choice, was held earlier this month. Below, we highlight some of the athletes from Wash who have signed with schools this year. From Football to Track, all of these athletes will, without a doubt, make Wash proud.

Wash Athletics

Q&A 1. Where are you going? 2. What sport did you sign for? 3. Which position did you sign for? (if applicable) 4. What are you looking forward to the most in ? 5. What will you miss the most about playing in high school?

6. Who are you most inspired by?

Brooke Foreman

1. Drake University. 2. Track and field. 4. Traveling and being on the same team as my cousin. 5. Definitely the state meet. I have so many amazing memories from those three days. Also Coach Scherrman. 6. My grandpa, and the hard workers that came before me.

William Griffin

Flynn Heald

Maddison Hines

Paul Nash

1. Winona State University. 2. Football. 3. Running Back. 4. Seeing the students in the end zone and the 6:1 girl to guy ratio! 5. 7 on 7, Camp Dodge, and the crazy upset games. 6. My mom. She raises three kids, watches her sick father, works three jobs, and is going to school for a master’s degree in buisness.

1. College of William and Mary 2. Football. 3. Wide receiver and return specialist. 4. Getting to go back to Virginia and the East Coast. 5. I will miss all of the guys on the team and how close we are. 6. My dad, he never got an opportunity like I have now and I want to make him proud

1. University of Missouri at St. Louis 2. Soccer. 3. Forward and possibly center midfielder. 4. College life. 5. My whole team. I love them all. I will miss team bonding and staying thick. 6. My sisters, Tayler and Tasha.

1. Iowa Western Community College. 2. Football. 3. Defensive end and tight end. 4. Getting on the field and working hard to get to the next level. 5. Friday night lights and playing with this year’s team. 6. James Harrison, an NFL linebacker.

Michael Peterson David Tann

McCauley Todd

Sean Bredl

1. Drake University. 2. Football. 3. Tight end and punter. 4. College football and the college experience. 5. Playing under the lights, the crazy student body at every game, and all of my teammates. 6. I am most inspired by my father for being the biggest influence and role model in my life.

1. University of Montana. 2. Football. 3. Offensive line. 4. Playing under the lights in front of packed house. 5. Getting to beat Linn-Mar. I will also miss the coaches. 6. I’m most inspired how we came together as a team to have the “greatest win in Wash history,” according to Dr. Plagman.

1. University of South Dakota 2. Football. 3. Defensive end. 4. Meeting teammates and playing in big games. 5. The coaching staff along with all of my teammates 6. Parents.

1. University of Iowa. 2. Football. 3. Safety and special teams. 4. Playing in Kinnick Stadium. 5. My teammates, Camp Dodge, and the crazy comebacks we had this year. 6. I’m most inspired by my grandpa Jerry because of his passion and everything he did for me.

16 | Back Page

Katie Nunemaker | February 24, 2012

Winter Photo Contest t s 1

Honorable Mention: Mikayla Frye -Due to the fact she serves as a writer on the Surveyor staff, her photo could not be judged or counted towards the prize.

Congratulations to this year’s winner: Julie Schoettmer! -Photo from the Glacier National Park

d n 2

Second Place: Shannon Dochterman -Photo from the Rocky Mountain National Park

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