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How to Create More Privacy on Your Property
An inviting backyard can serve as a welcome retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life. After a long day at the office or an exhausting day spent transporting kids to and fro, it’s hard to resist the allure of a peaceful outdoor space in which to unwind.
Privacy is a key component of any backyard oasis. Some homes may be so remote that privacy isn’t an issue.
But many suburban homeowners recognize they might need to tweak their landscapes if they hope to create a private oasis outside.
Fencing or planting?
Most homeowners looking to create more privacy on their property will have to choose between fencing and planting. Fencing provides immediate privacy because, once it’s installed, no one can see into the yard. Fencing also doesn’t require watering or other immediate upkeep, which will be necessary when planting to ensure tree roots can establish themselves.
But planting has its benefits as well. Planting for privacy is essentially creating a living fence that can grow over time and provide even more privacy as trees reach maturity. Plants also tend to be less costly than fencing. The home renovation experts at BobVila.com estimate that fencing projects typically cost between $1,667 and $4,075. However, fencing projects can cost considerably more than $4,000, especially for homeowners with large properties they want to enclose. Large, mature trees can be expensive, though it’s unlikely they will cost as much as fencing. In addition, fencing requires more maintenance and will potentially need to be replaced, while native trees won’t require much upkeep and can last for generations.
Homeowners who choose to plant for privacy will next have to decide which type of plants to add to their properties. Evergreens provide year-round privacy because they don’t shed their leaves, so these are the ones most often chosen when creating a living fence. A number of varieties of evergreen trees can do the job, but it’s important that homeowners consult with a landscape architect prior to choosing trees so they can ensure the trees will thrive when faced with the growing conditions on their properties. During such a consultation, homeowners may discuss the following popular privacy trees.
• Leyland cypress: The Arbor Day Foundation® notes that the Leyland cypress is popular for hedges and boundaries, likely because a typical tree reaches a mature height of 60’-70’ and can spread as wide as 25’. The Leyland cypress grows fast, which may appeal to homeowners who don’t want to wait to establish privacy.
• Green Giant Arborvitae: There are different varieties of the arborvitae, but the Green Giant tends to be the go-to option for privacy. The ADF notes that Green Giants will grow up to three feet per year until they reach maturity, providing a fast-growing option for privacy planters. The Green Giant can spread as wide as 20 feet at maturity, which is another attribute that makes it so popular among homeowners desiring privacy.
• Eastern White Pine: The ADF notes that the eastern white pine, which can reach heights as high as 80 feet, is favored in spacious yards. That’s likely due to its height and its potential spread, which can reach 40 feet. Homeowners who choose the eastern white pine might like it for its resemblance to a Christmas tree, and in fact it is widely used for that purpose. The privacy provided by the eastern white pine is significant, but it might be best suited to especially large properties.
Whether it’s fencing or planting, homeowners have many options to consider as they seek to create more privacy on their properties.
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Siding Materials to Consider for Your Home
Exterior renovations consistently top the list of projects that offer maximum return on investment, according to Remodeling magazine’s annual “Cost vs. Value Report.” Siding replacement is a popular exterior renovation and one that can completely transform the look of a home.
Siding comes in a variety of materials, and homeowners can explore the pros, cons and affordability of each to make the most informed decision when replacing their existing siding. Factors to consider apart from price include durability, maintenance and aesthetics.
Vinyl siding is one the most popular siding materials in North America. That popularity is perhaps due to the relatively low cost of vinyl siding replacement, which Forbes Home estimates is between $6,150 and $15,900 to install for a 2,000-square-foot home. A wide array of color options as well as weatherproof protection makes vinyl siding worthy of consideration.
PVC, which is what vinyl siding is comprised of, also is quite fire-resistant. Potential pitfalls of vinyl are that it can fade more quickly than other siding materials and is sensitive to excess UV exposure.
Engineered materials cost more than vinyl but are considered very durable. They can be advantageous in damp climates or ones where insects are problematic. LP SmartSide™ is a type of engineered hardwood that is very durable, so much so that a 50-year warranty often is offered for the product, according to First American Roofing & Siding. This material can be painted if homeowners desire a change of color down the line. This siding costs around $2.50 to $4.50 per square foot for siding and all trim accessories with an additional installation cost of $5.50 to $12.00 per square foot. The product is made of wooden strands that have been coated with wax for moisture resistance. A special zinc-based solution is added to protect against rot and insect infestation.
A similar product, HardiePlank™, is engineered from a blend of cement, wood fibers, fine sand, and water. It is similar in price point to the SmartSide and offers resistance to rot and insects. HardiePlank also can be repainted.
Engineered products can be more expensive to install and generally are not DIY renovations, which may deter homeowners working on tight budgets.
Wood siding
Wood is one of the oldest siding materials. It can be stained or painted and comes in a variety of styles, from boards to shingles. It’s a popular choice in historical homes or ones with classic, architectural details.
It’s important to note that wood is a combustible material that can be susceptible to water and insect damage. It also needs to be maintained continuously to look its best. This makes wood siding a true commitment on the part of homeowners. The cost is midrange between vinyl and engineered sidings.
Those interested in one of the most energy efficient options in siding can look no further than metal siding.
Metal isn’t just for roofing. According to Colonial Contracting, Inc., metal siding creates a uniquely modern appearance and comes in a variety of styles that complement homes.
Unlike fiber, wood or vinyl products, metal siding reflects the sun’s rays and keeps interior temperatures cooler in the summer, a boon in hot climates but maybe not the most insulating option for cold climates. One po- tential pitfall is the possibility of rust, which would make metal siding a less ideal choice for those who live near the ocean. The cost of metal siding is comparable to other siding products, at around $10 per square foot.
These are a few of the siding options homeowners can investigate if they’re revamping the exteriors of their homes.
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“Step By Step” Springtime Event, Sponsored by Hope for a Woman’s Heart
LAKE GEORGE - All women are invited to attend an all day “Step by Step” springtime event, sponsored by Hope For A Woman’s Heart, at the Courtyard by Marriott in Lake George from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 29th. com/v3/__http://www. h4awh.com__;!!Ivohdkk!nNqe06551wLigoTp7fJcf_jq-INvxaG4BwXiXEQibs5Mr28ZdEQz3Ztcl0CgQyB2MJMsAGV3YbkqfMgdrg21a1wijg$ or call Debbie Geer, President of HFAWH, at 518-796-2895.
Participating activities will include: Dance numbers with husband and wife team Aaron & Christy Coulson; the Glorious Praise Dancers group; music by singer Danielle Hoag and a floral arrangement demonstration by Gina Whalen. Raffles and vendor shopping will also be available.
Featured speakers Jillian Pelkey and Christy Coulson will give inspirational messages of Hope. Ticket cost is $60.00 per person ($50 with group of 10 or more). A Continental breakfast and Buffet lunch is inclusive. Registration and shopping begins at 8:30 a.m.
For more information, visit the website at https://urldefense.
* Reservation deadline is Friday, April 21.
Hope For A Woman’s Heart is a non-profit organization.
Ballston Area
Monthly Dance
BALLSTON SPA - On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
The dance will be at the Milton Community Center 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa, NY 12020
The dance is open to the public and ample free parking. There will be an entrance fee of $ 5.00.
Snack and refreshment will be provided.
Dance to the music of the Peaceful Country Band. For more information call 518-430-7029
Al-anon Meetings
SARATOGA - Alanon meeting to support those living with an alcoholic, grew up with alcoholism