8 minute read


etc… please join us at our weekly meeting:

Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church 175 5th Ave., Saratoga Springs, NY 12866


Every Tuesday: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Q.U.I.L.T., Inc.

Monthly Guild

Meeting – April 14th


Q.U.I.L.T., Inc. is a not-forprofit guild of quilters interested in learning about the art of making quilts. For the April meeting, members and guests join on Zoom at 9:30 to greet fellow quilters. A brief business meeting begins at 9:45 which will be followed by a lecture entitled “Batting: What’s Inside Matters” from Stephanie Hackney, Director of Sales & Marketing, Craft and Retail Hobbs Bonded Fibers. This lecture offers quilters and other creatives a chance to learn all about fibers and batting.

Preregistration is required on the Q.U.I.L.T., Inc. website https://www. quiltinc.org/ to receive the Zoom link. Please join us!

The Briggs Cemetery Annual Meeting

BALLSTON - The annual meeting of the Briggs Cemetery will be held at 11 a.m. on April 29, 2023, at the cemetery located on Brookline Road, Town of Ballston. A business meeting and election of officers and trustees will be held. All lot owners and interested persons are invited to attend. The spring cleanup will start at 9 a.m. prior to the meeting. For more information email briggscemetery@yahoo. com.

New Style and Old Tyme Fiddling with the Adirondack Fiddlers

SCHUYLERVILLESunday April 16th 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. American Legion Hall, Clancy St. Schuylerville, NY

All fiddlers and musicians young and old and Public welcome. Round and square dancing. Food Available. For more information call (518) 274-6817

Schene Ctad Y

CI TY SCHOOLDISTRIC T 108EducationDrive, Schenectady,NY 12303 schenectadyschools.org


TheAssistantSuperintendentofStudentSupportServices,Ms.Andrea Tote-Freeman,seeksapplicationsfromquali edcandidatesforthepositionof:



Candidatesinterestedinapplyingmustcompleteanonlineapplication: https://schenectady.recruitfront.com/JobPosting?JID=30380 Ifyouhavealreadycompleteda RecruitFrontapplication,pleaseselect JobOpportunities,select the jobyouwishtoapplyfor andclick Apply Now Followtheinstructionstologin andapply. Ifyouhavenotyetcompleteda RecruitFrontapplication,pleaseselectRegister createanaccountandthengotoMyApplicationtocomplete Onceyourapplicationis complete selectJobOpportunities,select the jobyouwishtoapplyfor andclick

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DISTINGUISHINGFEATURES OF THE CLASS:Thispositionexistsin a schooldistrict andinvolves the responsibilityforproviding support totheNurse Managerandstaf ng coordinationofalldistrictmanagedbuildings toensurethatthere isdaily coverage Whencoverageofnecessary openingscannotbesecured throughoutsidenursingor substitutes, the Assistant Nurse Managerwillsupport withthiscoverage..Theworkis performed underthe supervisionof the Nurse Managerwithleewaygiven forcarrying out the detailsof the work Supervision may beexercised overRegisteredProfessional Nurses(School) Doesrelated workasrequired FULLPERFORMANCEKNOWLEDGE,SKILLS,ABILITIES ANDPERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS: Thoroughknowledge ofnursingprinciplesandtechniquesandtheir relationtomedicalpractices andskil intheir application;ability tounderstandandfollow technica oralandwritten instructionsand the abilitytodisseminatethe

John Curtis

Revolutionary Patriot Grave Marking

MILTON - The Saratoga Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the John Curtis Ancestors announce the grave marking of the John Curtis on Sunday, April 30th at 2:00 pm at the South Milton Cemetery, 926 Goode Road, Milton, NY.

John Curtis joined his patriotic service in 1776 in Fairfield, CT as part of the 4th Continental Regiment under the command of Lt. Col Icabod Crane and served as a private at the Battle of Brooklyn Heights. He moved to New York in 1795 and purchased a farm.

The Saratoga Chapters Daughters of the American Revolution and the Town of Milton are honored to recognize this Revolutionary War Patriot.

The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is a women’s service organization whose members can trace their lineage to an individual who contributed to securing American independence during the Revolutionary War. Today’s DAR is dynamic and diverse, with over

185,000 members in 3,000 chapters in the United States and abroad. DAR members annually provide millions of hours of volunteer service to their local communities across the country and world. DAR chapters participate in projects to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Over one million members have joined the organization since its founding in 1890.

If you are interested in learning more about DAR membership, contact saratogadaughters1143@ gmail.com.

The Gansevoort

Vol. Fire Department Monthly Breakfast

GANSEVOORT - The Gansevoort Vol. Fire Dept. will be hosting its monthly (ALL YOU CAN EAT) breakfast on Sunday April 16,2023 during the hours of 8am to 11am.

Menu includes: Eggs cooked to order, omelets, Pancakes, Hash, French Toast, Homes Fries, Biscuits and Sauage Gravy, Orange Juice, Milk and Coffee.

Donations: Adults $12.00, Seniors 55+ $10.00, Firat Responders and Military Veterans $11.00, Children (6 to 12) $8.00, Kids under 6 free.

Week Of April 15, 2023

ARIES Mar 21 /Apr 20

You don’t want to have mundane tasks hanging over your head, Aries. Try to check as many of them off your to-do list this week as you can. This will free up a lot of free time.

TAURUS Apr 21 /May 21

Taurus, you may be planning a much-needed vacation at the present time. Figure out a place you’ve never been and then ll your itinerary with plenty of fun things.

GEMI NI May 22/J un 21

You likely will have to devote a lot of attention to practical matters in the days to come, Gemini. This includes taking a hard look at your spending and making cuts.

CANCER Jun 22/J ul 22

Cancer, the coming week will be a busy time for social opportunities. Other people will want to be around you as you can be the life of the party when you come out of your shell.

LEO Jul 23 /Aug 23

Don’t be surprised if your energy level is high this week, Leo. This leads to you feeling restless at home and even at work. This could be a ne time to take up a hobby.

VI RGO Aug 24 /Sept 22

Virgo, you may be looking forward to an evening out with a romantic partner or close friends. Try to narrow down a day this week or next. Have a few restaurants at the ready.

LIBRA Sept 23 /Oct 23

Take advantage of some free time to get things done around the house, Libra. Cleaning or other home improvements should be a priority.

SCORPIO Oct 24 /Nov 22

There’s a lot of activity expected close to home,

Scorpio. A new business may open or there could be a movie star who is spotted in town. Maybe you’ll get new neighbors.

SAGI TTARIUS Nov 23 /Dec 21

The thought of nancial prosperity has you scouring the recruitment sites this week, Sagittarius. Speak to others about the pros and cons of leaving your current job.

CAPRIC ORN Dec 22/J an 20

Capricorn, you are surrounded by positive energy and eager to be out and about with friends this week. Start exploring all of the possibilities around you.


Jan 21 /Feb 18

This may be a good week to devote a large chunk of time to being alone Some time with just your thoughts and a little silence could be everything you need.

PISCES Feb 19/Ma r 20

Pisces, discussions at work could get a bit heated. It’s best to distance yourself from these situations as best as you can.



Akon, Singer (50)

APRIL 17 Jennifer Garner, Actress (51)

APRIL 18 Chloe Bennet, Actress (31)

APRIL 19 Hayden Christensen, Actor (42)

APRIL 20 Miranda Kerr, Model (40)

APRIL 21 James McAvoy, Actor (44)

APRIL 22 Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Actor (57)

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Saratoga County History Center

Presents Akum Norder on Researching a Community

BALLSTON SPA - The Saratoga County History Center and Heritage Hunters of Saratoga County are thrilled to announce a talk by Akum Norder, senior editor for opinion at the Albany Times Union, on April 15 at 1 pm

The event will take place in-person at Brookside Museum, 21 Fairground Avenue, Ballston Spa, NY 12020.

Norder’s book, The History of Here: a House, the Pine Hills Neighborhood, and the City of Albany, tells the story of her 1912 house and the people who have lived in it over the years. As an experienced writer and editorial board member, Norder is well-versed in the history and development of the city of Albany, and her book provides valuable insight into how every house changes over time, as well as the impact of the people and neighborhoods surrounding it.

Norder’s work has been recognized by the Journalists’ Association of New York, which awarded her second place in opinion writing in October. Her talk promises to be an engaging and informative event, exploring the history and heritage of the Albany area.

The event is open to the public, and all those interested in local history and heritage are invited to attend. For more information and program updates, interested individuals are encouraged to visit www.brooksidemuseum.org or follow the Center on Facebook or Twitter @ SaratogaCoHistory.


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Ballston Area Seniors

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Windows,doors,remodeling,roof repair,smalljobs.Qualityworkfor qualityprice.Ins. (518)527-3067

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HIGGINSBUILDERS-New installations&oldrestorations. CallJohn(518)269-6804

MASONRYSERVICES Foundationrepairs.Concrete work/repair.Porchsteps& refurbishing.(518)892-1476

BALLSTON SPA - The Ballston Area Seniors will be meeting at theTown of Milton Community Center, 310 Northline Rd. Ballston Spa, NY. Every Thursday at 10:00am

To play cards, use the craft room & play pool or just socialize. Lunch is at 12:00 noon.

At lunch the BASC Members may participate in Congregate Meals OR bring your own lunch, your choice. Pizza every 3rd Thursdays. On the fourth Thursday it is Pot Lunch, to participate bring something to share or pay $ 3.00 at the door. Coffee and hot water for tea will be available.


9:00 ---12:00---Table Pool 0:00---11:00am---Chorus


Tuesdays 10:00am---12:00---Crafts 1:00---4:00pm---Mahjong

Wednesdays 9:00am---12:00—Senior Craft Room 12:30pm--3:00pm---Quiltin

1st Session of Pickin’s is the First Wednesday of each month, time 6:30 pm to9:30 pm

2nd Session of Pickin’s afternoon jam, third Wednesday of each month, time-1:00pm to 3:00pm


Concert Not To Be Missed - Andrius Zlabys for “The Quintessential

Quintet and More”

SARATOGA - Saratoga Chamber Players under Artistic Direction of Jill Levy welcomes back grammy-nominated pianist Andrius Zlabys for “The Quintessential Quintet and More” Sunday May 21, 3PM, at the Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church, 5th Avenue and Henning Road. Joining Zlabys and violinist Jill Levy are violinist Lily Holgate, violist Lila Brown, and cellist Scott Kluksdahl. Concert program includes Haydn’s Piano Trio in D major, Brahms Piano Quintet in F minor, Andante Piano Trio by Ukrainian composer Dimitri Levkovich, and violin duos of Bartok and Ligeti. Žlabys has enjoyed collaborations with several esteemed musicians, including violist Yuri Bashmet, violinist Hilary Hahn, and an enduring collaboration with violinist Gidon Kremer and the Kremerata Baltica with whom he has toured extensively in Europe, Japan, South America, and the U.S.

Tickets are available at https://www.eventbrite. com.e/the-quintesential-quintet-more-tickets-394360842897

Saratoga – Wilton Elks Lodge 161 Hosts a Prime Rib Dinner for Curbside Pick Up

SARATOGA - Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 4:30-6:00 pm

Call Monday Or Tuesday Between 10am-Noon To Place An Order • 518-584-2585

Queen Cut Prime Rib (10 to 12 0z), Twice Baked Potatoe, Vegetable, Salad, Roll $15 Per Dinner (Cash Only)

1st Thursday—Bring a lunch, Play games, Card sales start 9:40am10:00am Bingo

2nd Thursday—Bring a lunch, Speaker, General meeting and Bingo

3rd Thursday—Board meeting, Pizza, Card sales start 9:40am-10:00am Bingo, and play games

4th Thursday—General meeting Pot lunch bring something to share, Bingo

5th Thursday— Gameday, pizza for lunch, Card sales start 9:4010:00am Bingo

1:00 pm---4:00 pm--Table Pool


1:00 pm-3:00 pm--First Friday of the month Special Activities--TBA

2:00---2:45pm--Exercise 6:30---9:00pm---Table Pool

We will be keeping you update in the newspapers & meeting and our newsletters.

If the school are closed for inclement weather or two hours delay, Seniors is closed for the day.

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Looking For Unique Vendors & Artisans for the Ballston Area Senior Citizens

Annual Bazaar

BALLSTON SPA - At the Milton Community Center 310 Northline Road Ballston Spa, NY 12020 on Saturday, October 7, 2023

What is your specialty? Pickles & relishes, jams & jellies, or any handmade crafts are appreciated and welcome. We are looking for you to join us.

Vendors of all kinds will be accepted on first come bases, for indoor spaces, until closing date October 2, 2023. Indoor spaces-- 8’W x 7’D are $30.00 indoor only are (first come, first serve basis and electrical outlets indoor are limited).

Outdoor spaces-- 12’W x 10’D are $25.00

To receive an Exhibit Contract and the Hold Harmless agreement and pay to reserve your space.

Please contact Sue Heimburg with your Name & mailing address or e-mail sheim381@aol.com 0r call Sue @518-885-8037 / text message

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