Schenectady County
Bulletin Board NYS Free & Low-Cost Health Insurance SARATOGA REGION – New York State offers free and low-cost health insurance for children, teens and adults through: Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicaid. Free screening and enrollment services are available by calling toll free 1-888-242-1418. Please call our caring, professional staff for more information! We have 27 enrollment sites throughout the following counties: Fulton, Hamilton, Montgomery, Saratoga and Washington Counties. (P)
Friends of Library Candidates Elected at Annual Dinner SCHENECTADY – The Friends of Schenectady County Public Library elected a new slate of officers at their recent Annual Dinner. They are: John Karl, President; Fred Eddy, First Vice President, Ellie Rowland, Second Vice President; Mary Beth Barbagelata, Secretary and Nancy Virkler, Treasurer. This is the second time Karl has served as president, having headed up the organization from 2003-07. He also served as trustee on the Schenectady County Public Library Board from 2008-2011. (P)
STEP Open Registration 2013 CAPITAL REGION – STEP the Saratoga Therapeutic Equestrian Program, a 501 (c) 3 not for profit and totally volunteer organization, is open for registration for the 2013 season. Children and adults ages 2 and up with special needs may apply. There are limited open spots in the program as STEP fills up quickly. For registration information please call 518 374.5116 or email or visit our website www. (P)
Sung Vespers in the Spirit of Taize NISKAYUNA – May 2, 7-8pm, “Sung Vespers in the Spirit of Taize.” Presenters: The Dominican Sisters. Free will offering. Info/reservations, call Dominican Retreat & Conference Center, 518-393-4169 Mon.-Fri., 8:30am4:30pm, e-mail or visit www. (P)
SSRTA to Meet SARATOGA COUNTY – The Saratoga Springs Retired Teachers Association will meet on Monday, May 6, at
noon at Longfellows Restaurant, 500 Union Avenue (Route 9P), Saratoga Springs. Membership is open to retired educators who taught and/or live in Saratoga County. For membership information, call 587-5356. (P)
May Interfaith Dialogue Dinner NISKAYUNA – The May gathering of the Schenectady Interfaith Community will be held on Thursday, May 9, at the Dominican Retreat and Conference Center, 1945 Union Street, Niskayuna. The dinner will be held at 6:30pm. The free program begins at 7:30pm. Michael Saccocia, Executive Director of the City Mission of Schenectady will be the speaker. The James Stamper Community Service Award will be presented to the City Mission of Schenectady. Make reservations by Tuesday, May 7 by calling 370-2150 or emailing For a kosher or vegetarian meal please indicate so when making your reservation. (P)
Monday Noon Program SCHENECTADY – The Friends of the Schenectady County Public Library will offer a series of Monday Noon programs at the Central Library, 99 Clinton Street in Schenectady. On April 29 Bill Valakovic will review Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. The programs are held in the McChesney Room beginning at 12pm. All are open to the public. Attendees are encouraged to bring a lunch; beverages are available for a nominal fee. (P)
“Aging Begins the Day You Were Born BURNT HILLS – The United Methodist Women, of the Burnt Hills United Methodist Church, 816 Saratoga Road, Rt. 50, Burnt Hills, will host a program for the public on Wednesday, May 8, beginning at 7pm in Knight Hall. The Health and Wellness Ministry of the Church will present the program, entitled, “Aging Begins the Day You Were Born.” Light refreshments will be served. (P)
Roast Pork Dinner CHARLTON – Charlton Freehold Presbyterian Church in Charlton will host a Roast Pork Dinner on Sat., May 11 from 4-6:30pm. Cost for the meal is $11 for adults, $5 for children ages 5-10 (Free for children under age