The Advertiser 042023

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You have your ticket and boarded the trolley – the Troy and New England Railway – in Troy and are on your way to Sand Lake!

It’s a beautiful summer-like day.

Maybe you’re headed to the beach or to picnic at Crystal Lake or you plan a stay at one of the town’s many magnificent hotels. Hey, is that Hazel Drew in the fancy hat staring out the window in the seat ahead of you? You step off at Stop 22 in West Sand Lake at the Old Journey’s End Hotel… and arrive at the 2023 Sand Lake Historical Society Gala!

This year’s event will be held at the Arlington House (3532 Route 43, West Sand Lake) on Sunday afternoon, May 21st, from 1:00 to 5:00.

Our 2023 theme is Trolley’s Transportation, Hotels, and Recreation.

In addition to food, drink, and conversation, this year’s fundraising gala

TROY — A yearlong federal grand jury investigation that has focused on the handling of absentee ballot documents by numerous Rensselaer County officials is nearing an end and more charges could be filed soon, according to two people briefed on the matter.

The investigation is being led by the U.S. Justice Department and special agents with a white-collar crime and public corruption unit in Albany. It has already led to the guilty pleas of former Troy Councilwoman Kimberly Ashe-McPherson and Jason T. Schofield, the county’s former Republican elections commissioner.

Schofield pleaded guilty in January to 12 counts of unlawfully using the names and dates of birth of voters to fraudulently apply for absentee ballots for elections held in 2021. He resigned before pleading guilty and is scheduled to be sentenced in September.

Ashe-McPherson pleaded guilty 10 months ago to a single felony count in which she admitted to fraudulently submitting absentee ballots in the 2021 primary and general elections as she sought reelection to the city council. She is scheduled to be sentenced June 13.

It’s unclear who could face any additional charges.

The federal investigation has recently focused on campaign work by county employees who work under the direction of Richard W. Crist, the county’s operations director and a longtime GOP operative and political consultant. Investigators also have examined absentee ballot documents handled by Jim Gordon, the county’s director of purchasing.

The investigation has revealed numerous instances in which county employees were enlisted to do political campaign work — much of it related to securing absentee ballots. It’s unclear whether their

political work was on county time or if that topic is part of the investigation. FBI investigators also have interviewed individuals, including county employees, who may have had absentee ballots submitted without their knowledge.

Fourteen months ago, federal grand jury subpoenas seeking a trove of materials from the Rensselaer County Board of Elections were delivered to that office seeking documents from elections in 2020 and 2021. The subpoenas sought absentee ballot documents and communications of multiple county officials — and were delivered five days after FBI agents seized the mobile phones of Crist and Gordon.

Several months ago, as part of a separate investigation that’s at a much earlier stage than the federal probe, the state attorney general’s office served a grand jury subpoena on Rensselaer County seeking a trove of absentee ballot documents that were handled by Crist and Gordon.

That subpoena sought absentee documents that may have been handled by Leslie A. Wallace and Sara J. McDermott, who both work for Rensselaer County. McDermott has been described by county political insiders as a GOP operative.

Schofield’s second four-year term in the job, which pays an annual salary of $89,041, had been scheduled to begin Jan. 1. He was arrested in September outside his residence by the FBI on charges detailed in a nine-page indictment accusing him of fraudulently obtaining and filing absentee ballots using the personal information of at least eight voters without their permission.

Sources briefed on the matter said Schofield is among a number of county officials who have been asked to testify before the federal grand jury.

Honors history as former Carl’s Rip Van Winkle Motor Lodge

When revamping a property with history, there are always choices: gut it or nod to its past. For Camptown, a retreat in the Catskills originally built in the 1930s, Kim Bucci and Ray Pirkle of Ramshackle Studio decided to take the latter route.

“For the design, we wanted to honor the beauty of what already existed, so we ended up playing with different elements for every space. For us, it’s like having a conversation with a different personality and evolving

with that person,” Bucci said.

Camptown was formerly Carl’s Rip Van Winkle Motor Lodge, owned and operated by three generations of the Carl family in Leeds. The new hotel, which opened in March, maintains the 24-room motor lodge, as well as 26 log cabins on 22 acres.

Bucci and Pirkle, who opened Rivertown Lodge in Hudson in 2015, played mostly with color and space because there was already so much shape and texture in the log cabins and other materials that had been used throughout the decades.

“We did our best to renovate without removing the natural charm of the log cabins, original pine paneling, and stonework,” Pirkle said.

Bucci and Pirkle worked with regional artists and woodworkers for the project, including Jackrabbit Studio, Sawkille, Chad Silver, Rowland Butler, Tony

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Gorga of New York 2 Rensselaer County officials have pleaded guilty; more charges could be filed soon WILL WALDRON / TIMES UNION Richard W. Crist, Rensselaer County’s operations director, has been a focus of a federal grand jury investigation examining the handling of absentee ballots dating back two years. COURTESY LAWRENCE BRAUN / LWRNCBRN, LLC Camptown is a renovated motor lodge with onsite cabins, a Jaliscan restaurant and a swimming pool. It opened in Leeds in March. Camptown was formerly Carl’s Rip Van Winkle Motor Lodge. Please see CATSKI LLS 17

Town of North Greenbush News

Spring has sprung and that was evident by the record attendance at our Annual Town of North Greenbush Easter Egg Hunt.

Because of the rain, the event was moved indoors and Supervisor Bott would like to thank all of the children for attending and parents for being patient while the bunny took photos with each child.

We appreciate the work of the Youth and Recreation Committee including Councilwoman Jessica Merola, Deputy Supervisor Kelly Hoffman, Kyle Belokopitsky, Mike Miner and Raymond Hoffman.

Installation of our electric vehicle charging station at town hall is underway. We would like to welcome Teresa McGuire to the position of Assessor’s Clerk.

A public hearing is scheduled for May 11, 2023 at 6:45 pm to consider a variance for relief from Local Law #2 of 2022 (Moratorium) for property at 128-130 Main Ave in Wynantskill.

The board approved change orders for the Route 43 water improvement project. This is another planned infrastructure improvement project that Supervisor Bott and Deputy Supervisor Hoffman have worked on for several years to improve water quality and provide safe, affordable municipal water to residential and commercial properties. The town is in the planning stages to upgrade the town water billing software, improving yet another operating system to make town hall operations efficient.

We are submitting an application for a Hudson River Valley

Sand Lake Seniors Trip

Greenway Planning Grant to support the town’s Comprehensive Plan Update.

We will be working with Twin Town Little League to look at improvements to the park. Programming for Summer Camp is underway and camper registration forms will be available on the town website in May. We extend our appreciation to our Public Safety employees in recognition of National Telecommunicators Week. Your work does not go unnoticed. Our Summer Concert Series lineup will be announced soon. Stay tuned for some exciting events happening in and around the Town of North Greenbush!

Helpful Information from Ellen Pangburn, Town Clerk, and Michelle Eckler, Deputy Clerk

Town of East Greenbush curb side Spring Cleanup has begun, and will continue for the next 3 Mondays, through May 8th.

New DMV is open at Rensselaer County Office Building, 99 Troy Rd. (Rt. 4), Monday-Friday 8:30-4:00.

Any questions, please call 518.749.0120.

NOTE: EG Satellite Office is permanently closed.

NYSDEC Agent – Fishing licenses and new Fishing Regulations Guide available in our office.

Town Park Pond is now stocked with rainbow trout.

COURT questions? Please call Justice Court Office at 518.477.5412.

Dog licenses and annual dog park tags are available at

The Sand Lake Seniors have put together a 3 days/2nights trip to Niagara Falls, Canadian side for Oct 16th through the 18th.

A valid ENHANCED Driver’s License or a current PASSPORT is required. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Fallsview which is across the street from the Fallsview Casino (Bonus $35/pp). Two breakfasts and 2 dinners are included one of which is at the Skylon Tower. Enjoy the 20 minute Hornblower Cruise of the Falls!

There is a guided full day tour of historic Niagara on the Lake where you can lunch on your own followed by a wine tasting at a local vineyard. A ride on the Skywheel prior to departure for home as well as a Duty Free stop at the border. All taxes, meal and driver gratuities are included in the price: $509/pp/DBL, $639/pp/SNG, $499/pp/TPL. Contact Bette Bieg 518-663-8292 for reservations or questions.

our office any time. Any dog 4 months or older shall be licensed. Dog must be licensed in order to purchase a dog park tag. Dog Park is for residents only.

Getting married? You may obtain your marriage license by appointment only. Please email for Information Sheet, or call for further information.

Any other questions you may have, please contact our office as we’re here to help!

Town Clerk’s Office: Office hours: 8:30-4:30, 518.477.7145. and/ or Visit our website at: https://www. town-clerk.

Councilman Jack Rogers Reports to the Town of North Greenbush

The Town Board appointed Teresa McGuire to the position of Assessor’s clerk payment per budget. Mainstream, LLC filed an application for a variance from North Greenbush local law #2 (Multi Family Dwelling Moratorium Law) for a proposed mixed use/residential use building project at 128-130 Main Avenue Wynantskill. The application was reviewed by the North Greenbush Planning Board . The Planning Board is in support of the variance. The Town Board has scheduled a public hearing on May 11, 2023 @ 6:45 pm on this application.

A change order was reviewed and approved by the Town Board for the Route 43 Water Improvement Project. There will be an

Musicians Wanted

increase of cost by $23,990 and an extension of the completion date to October 2, 2023.

A resolution was approved authorizing the submission of an application to the Hudson River Valley Greenway Planning Grant Program to support the Town of North Greenbush Comprehensive Plan update. Phase one is for a community profile and housing assessment. The Laberge Group will complete the grant application. The Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 2009 and it is recommended it should be updated every ten years.

The adjustment of the construction contract with Carver Construction for the Route 43 Water transmission line project was approved. This adjustment was needed due to supply chain issues. This project will improve water quality and accessibility for town residents living in that area of town. The Town Board approved for an update to the water billing software system. This new software will increase efficiency. Implementation is planned for June 1, 2023.

Wednesday Food Truck Night to start May 24th and the Memorial Day Parade will be held on May 29th.

Next Town Meetings are scheduled for:

•Planning Board 4/24/23 at 6:30PM

•Zoning Board 5/10/23 at 6:30PM

•Town Board 5/11/23 at 7:00PM

Councilman Jack Rogers

Van Rensselaer Heights is hosting a “mini-Woodstock” for residents and we are looking for bands to volunteer to complete our line up.

The tentative date is August 15th from 10 AM to 5 PM. This will be an awesome opportunity to practice your preforming skills and provide some joy to the residents.

If interested please contact Ashley by July 15th at (518)621-7585 or email:

Easy Soap Making

Saturday, May 6, 1:30-3:00. Presented by Karen DuJack of Promised Land Farm. Materials fee $10. Preregistration required - class size limited. Materials Fee payable at registration. email: or call 518-279-0580.


Jennifer orrell 518-454-5513


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Recognizing and Reporting Animal Cruelty

The Mohawk Hudson Humane Society will offer its next educational seminar, Recognizing and Reporting Animal Cruelty, on Wednesday, April 26 from 5:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m., at the Lisa Mitzen Animal Care Center, located at 3 Oakland Avenue in Menands. Use 193 Broadway, Menands for GPS.

Presented by MHHS Director of Humane Law Enforcement Andrew Fiumano, this program will help caring citizens understand what to look for, whether it be cruelty or neglect, and how to report suspected cases to the proper authorities in an effective and safe manner.

Registration is required to attend and space is limited. A $10 suggested contribution is payable at the door. Learn more and register at or call 518-434-8128, ext. 350. The facility is handicap accessible.

Brookside Cemetery of Poestenkill Annual Meeting

We will be holding our annual meeting on Friday, April 28th at 6:30PM at the Historical Society Mu-

seum in Poestenkill.

All members are encouraged to attend or any member of the community. For questions please contact Gail at 518 283-4890.

NG Kiwanis To Assist with Arbor Day Clean-up

Please join Kiwanis of North Greenbush on Saturday, April 22 , as we support community clean-up at Snyder’s Lake, Noon-2 pm. Wear comfortable shoes/clothes, and bring gloves if you have them. For more info, please see our website @ Kiwanis Club of North Greenbush –Kids Need Kiwanis.

Light refreshments to all who volunteer that day.

Rummage Sale and Food/Bake Sale at Pittstown Church Hall

Rummage Sale and Food/Bake Sale at the Pittstown United Methodist Church Hall (located just off NY Route 7 in village of Pittstown, NY) on Friday, May 19 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and on Saturday, May 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Bag Sale on Saturday only $2.00 per bag….buy 2 bags and get 1 free. For

information call Carolyn at 518-663-8253.

Sand Lake Garden Club

Join the Sand Lake Garden Club on Thursday, April 27, 6:30, at the Sand Lake Town Hall for an informative presentation.

Kathy Hartley, a Rensselaer County Master Gardener, will talk “ All About Greenhouses “.

Kathy will share with us her years of experience growing semi-tropical plants in a greenhouse. We will learn about managing heating, cooling, ventilation, and watering among other things. Meetings are free and open to all.

[ Refreshments at 6 PM, meeting at 6:30 ]

Greenbush Cemetery Association

Lot Owners Annual Meeting

The Greenbush Cemetery Association Annual Meeting will be held at the East Greenbush Library Meeting Room B on April 30th at 2:00pm. The financial status of the cemetery, new business and old business will be discussed. All lot owners and interested parties are welcome.

Woodside 56 Road Cemetery Association Annual Meeting

The Woodside 56 Road Cemetery Association of East Poestenkill will hold it’s Annual Lot Owners and their families meeting on May 2,2023 at the Union Gospel Church Hall at 7:00 p. m. Finances and care of the cemetery will be discussed. Election of officers will be held. The offices of President, Secretary and Superintendent will be open due to retirements. Please come out to this very important meeting. The association is very dependent on the tax deductible donations of concerned citizens send checks to Box 76 Poestenkill, NY 12140. Questions: PH: 518-283-5303.

Come Join the Best-Luther Fire Department!

Demonstrations, Events, Activities, and More!

When: April 23, 2023. Where: East Greenbush Town Park. Time: 10am2pm. All are welcome! Come meet your local firefighters and see the firetrucks! Fun for all ages!

Capital Area Flute Club 25th Anniversary Concert

The Capital Area Flute Club (CAFC) is celebrating their 25th anniversary season with a concert on May 21st at 3 PM at the Algonquin Middle School in Averill Park. This concert will include the World Premiere of Silver Jubilee by Ricky Lombardo.

Following the concert, there will be a flute “petting zoo” where audience members can explore the various types of flutes and ask questions. There is no charge to attend thanks to the generosity of donors.

For more information follow Capital Area Flute Club on FaceBook or email us at

Center Brunswick Fire Company–Spring Fling Vendor and Craft Fair

Join us Saturday, April 22nd at the Center Brunswick Fire House, 1045 Hoosick Road, Center Brunswick (across from the Town Hall), from 9AM2PM, for our Spring Fling Vendor & Craft Fair.

This event will feature many local crafters and vendors for your Mother’s Day shopping needs.

There will also be raffles, 50/50, free admission and parking.

Spring Market Day at Poestenkill Library

The Friends of Poestenkill Library will be holding our Spring Market Day on the library lawn on Saturday, May 6, from 9am to 12pm, with a rain date of Sunday, May 7.

Offerings include our book sale, bake sale, puzzles, games, themed gift baskets, hot food, and more. Hope to see you there!

Electronics Recycling

The Town of Sand Lake is hosting an Electronics Recycling Event, Saturday, April 22nd from 9:00 – 3:00 at the Sand Lake Town Hall.

All types of Electronics will be accepted with the exception of TVs. Please contact Capital Region Electronics Recycling at 518-948-4235 or to make a separate appointment for TV disposal.

Any questions, call Barbara Hansen, Sand Lake Town Clerk at 518-6742026 Ext. 122.

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Lutheran Church

2023 Garage Sale

On Friday and Saturday, May 19th and 20th, 2023, from 9 am to 2 pm both days, the Poestenkill

Evangelical Lutheran Church, 776 NY Rt. 351, Poestenkill, will hold our bi-annual Garage Sale


Aside from our own treasures, anyone may rent out a space to “sell your own stuff” in the parking lot for 1 or both days for a donation of $10 per day.

Also, because of the closing of the nursery school located here, we will have hundreds of pre-

school inventory materials, toys and educational items to choose from.

Items in very good condition may be donated for the church sale and are greatly appreciated. Please do not drop off items before May 8th.

We are not accepting TVs, electrical items, computer components or large appliances or furniture. Any questions, leave a message at (518) 283-6045. Thank you for your support.

Change The World 2023

The First United Methodist Church of East Greenbush, located at 1 Gilligan Road in East Greenbush has an exciting May planned.

This coming May marks the tenth anniversary of participation in Change the World. What started in 2014 with a one-day event has now grown into a month-long series of events, all designed to share God’s love with our neighbors.

Originally designed as an attempt to get church-goers out of their pews and into the community to demonstrate our faith, the interest and excitement continues.

Once again this year activities are being planned throughout the month of May including some favorites from past years as well as some new events. We are looking forward to hosting our first “Moonbee” on May 20. A “Moonbee” is a sewing-bee where volunteers create washable menstrual management kits for distribution to girls around the world living in poverty. (No sewing experience is necessary. There are jobs for everyone!) Here’s what the Change the World planning group has scheduled so far.

May 6 9 AM-1 PM Community-Wide Garage Sale

Church Garage

May 7 10:45 AM-11:30 AM Prayer Stations

Church Classrooms

May 9 10 AM-Noon Moonbee Fellowship Hall

Date, Time TBA Potting Plants & Delivery TBA

May 21 9 AM-Noon Food Drive Church Garage

May 21 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Card Making Fellowship Hall

May 21 10:00 Sunday

School Delivery of Donations to Joseph’s House Shelter

May 21 10:30-11:30 Get Together at Van Rensselaer Heights, Rensselaer

May 21 Noon-1 AM

Luncheon for Volunteers Fellowship Hall

We will once again participate in the Red Bird Shoebox Project all month long. Shoeboxes will be available beginning May 1. We will also have “Share the Love” May calendars available for those who are interested in sharing God’s love with others. Contact the church with questions or for more information at 518.894.2496 or visit our website at

Brunswick Church Wants to Pray for You!

On Thursday May 4th, Brunswick Church invites you to adjust your usual morning route and let a “prayer drive-thru” empower your day. This “Prayer-to-Go” event will run from 7 am to 7 pm at Brunswick Church on Route 351 in Brunswick.

Motorists are invited to stop briefly, receive a hot cup of coffee and a snack, and allow us to pray for their concerns on the spot. Whether it’s offering God praise for recent blessings or asking for a needed miracle, a friendly face will greet you and offer to pray for a few moments before bidding you a great day in the sure knowledge that you matter to God and to people in our community.

No prayer is too small or too big. In fact, no details are needed at all. So, drive right by your usual morning coffee run on May 4th and let your morning -- or evening—commute be blessed.

Church of the Redeemer

Sunday, April 23, service will be at 9 am followed by coffee hour in the Hearth Room.

On Wednesday, Hot Mess Crafters gets together at 10 am and Bible Study


meets later at 2 when we are studying where and how to find happiness.

Come to Thrift Shop to explore our assortment of prom and first communion attire. We also have spring and summer apparel and home décor. We are open Thursdays from 3-6.

The Church of the Redeemer is an Episcopal church located on at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets. There is handicap parking, a ramp in front, and a parking lot in the rear.

Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at rhaskell2@

Elmer A. Grogan Scholarship

Applications are being accepted for the scholarship award of $300.00 for the best essay on “What Freedom Means To Me” by a graduating senior from Brunswick Central School District or Berlin Central School District including home schooled or those going to private school who live in the two districts who is continuing on with his or her education.

The essay should not be less than 250 words or not more than 500 words. The scholarship is being given by the Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340 in memory of a former member Elmer A. Grogan.

The deadline for applications is June 2nd. Applications are available at the guidance counselor offices of both high schools or contact Commander Claus at LClaus@rensco. com and should be mailed to Carner, Etman, Smith V.F.W. Post 6340, PO Box 361, Grafton, NY 12082, Attn: Commander Len Claus

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When she was expectingher rstchildin1997, Jennifer Fegan-Szalay wantedto ensureshe wassupported throughoutherentirepregnancy.Shereceivedcare from midwives anda doulabeforeanda erdelivery. e experience eventually droveher tobecomeone herself.

“ esupporttheyprovidedtomeasanewmotherwas amazing, andIrealizedI wantedto do thatforother women,”Fegan-Szalaysaid.“Iworkedasa doulafora yearor two,butI wantedto do moreasa midwife.” Fegan-Szalayattendedhomebirthstoperform maternity careand deliveries assheworkedtowardsher midwife license.Shealsoworked in hospitalpractices providingwell-womanandgynecological (GYN) care.

Shortlya er receivinghermidwife license in2011, Fegan-SzalayopenedBlessingwayMidwiferyCare in 2012. A er10 yearsof“catchingbabies”sheopenedher o cein Castleton. epractice o ersannual GYN andbreast exams, familyplanningand contraceptionresources, sexual healthandSTD testing, andbreastfeeding counseling. Italsoprovides supportandmedication management forperinatalmood disorders,includingpostpartum depressionandanxiety

“Midwives are independently licensed mid-level practitioners, much likenursepractitioners, who handlematernity care, deliveries, andwell-woman/ GYN care,”Fegan-Szalay explained.“We’re concerned withsupportingwomen notjustwiththeir physical health, butalsotheir social-emotionalhealth.

Midwives o en “wearseveral hats dependingonwho their clients are,Fegan-Szalay added. eycanfunction asyour healthcareprovider,your socialworker,orjust afriendholdingyourhandthrougha hardtime.

Fegan-Szalay employs aholistic approachwhen providingcaretoher clients. is includes o ering herbal,homeopathic, andothernaturalremediesin additiontomodernmedicine,andmentalwellness services tohelpnewmothers navigate lifewitha newborn.

“Wespend extra timetalkingtomomsabouttheir home situationandprovide them withtheresources

thatapply,”she added.“WhatI wantwomen torealize isthatwewilltreatthem asawhole person, andthat includes their mentalwellness.

Blessingwayevenhasservices forclients whoaren’t newmoms,includingmenopauseandperimenopause supportandgender-a rmingcareformembersof theLGBTQIA+community.AccordingtotheMayo Clinic, itis importantfortransgender men who have not had gender-a rmingsurgeryto continue receiving GYN care.

“It’s incredibly importantformembersofthe LGBTQIA+community toknowtherearehealthcare providersouttherewhowillsupportthem andprovide services forthem regardlessofhowthey identify,” Fegan-Szalaysaid.“Mygoalisto let them knowthis careisavailable forthem.”

Ifyouorsomeoneyouknowis lookingtoworkwith a midwife,Fegan-Szalayrecommends doingyour research.

“Youshouldinterviewafew di erentpractices to nd outwho’sgoingto tyourfamilythebest,”shesaid “Midwives arepeople with di erentpersonalities and approaches tocare,soit’s importantto ndsomeone who makes youfeel completelysafeandheard.”

BlessingwayMidwiferyCareis locatedat 1676 ColumbiaTpke. in Castleton. Formore information, call (518)732-5150

BlessingwayMidwiferyCareoffersa holisticapproachtowomen’shealth, helpingwomenfeel‘safeandheard’ BlessingwayMidwiferyCare Shortlya er receivinghermidwife license in2011, Jennifer Fegan-SzalayopenedBlessingwayMidwiferyCare in Castleton. epractice o ers annualgynecologicalandbreast exams,familyplanningand contraceptionresources, sexualhealthandSTD testing, andbreastfeeding counseling. BlessingwayMidwiferyCare Jennifer Fegan-Szalay employs aholistic approachwhen providing caretoh lients. i includes o eringherbal,homeopathic, and othernaturalremediesinadditiontomodernmedicine,andmental wellnessservices tohelpnewmothers navigate lifewithanewborn. (518) 369-5947 NEWHOMESITEWORKPACKAGES GESACKAP Commercial•Residential •ullyInsured••reeEstimates • Inground/AboveGroundPoolRemoval • Excavating • Grading • Hydroseeding • Tree&StumpRemoval • LandClearing • Roadways • Hauling • Water • Sewer • Septic • StoneDriveways COLONIALEXCAVATING •FullyInsured•FreeEstimates Residential Commercial FreeEstimates FullyInsured Guaranteed Paving • Driveways • ParkingLots &More! IT’STIMEFORAMONSTERTREESPRINGCHECKUP
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Sand Lake Town Library Board Meeting and Events

SLTL Board Meeting, Thursday, April 20 at 6:45pm.

Agenda includes review of survey & focus group results for long-range planning, plus review of Policies 103

Circulation, 107 Charges for Overdue Materials, & 136

Reconsideration of Materials.

Artist Reception with Pat Carley, April 22, 12 – 2pm.

Meet & talk with the artist. Light refreshments available.

SLTL Friends Meeting, Tuesday, April 25, 6:30pm

LEGO Tuesdays, 3:30 – 6pm. Drop in, bring a friend, build! We have lots of LEGOs to design with.

Storytime, Wednesdays, at 11am. Stories, rhymes and a simple craft. April 26: Nursery Rhymes.

Saturday, April 29 stop by our table at the Town CleanUp Day in Butler Park.

Sunday, April 30 join our Spelling Bee winners as they compete in the Great Upper Hudson Spell-Off 2:30pm at Colonie Town Library. Congratulations to winners Mary Lynch & Rudy Stegemoeller; runners-up Mary Sapp & Wendy Scarce; Susanne Keller & Steven Keller; Tracy Dunn & Steve Dunn. Great job everyone!

Social Security Presentation on Tuesday, May 9, 6 –7pm.

Museum passes available for The Clark, MASS MoCA, Hancock Shaker Village, Norman Rockwell Museum, & the Albany Institute of History and Art.

Located at 8428 Miller Hill Road, Averill Park. Hours: M-TH 11 – 8; F 11 – 4; Sat 10 – 2. Call 518-674-5050 with questions.

North Greenbush Public Library Update

Put some spring into Spring with our Thursday Crafternoon spring-themed Crafternoon project this Thursday, April 20, anytime between 3-5 PM in the library’s children’s room.

Our Tween Book Club will discuss “The Secret Garden” a graphic novel version of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s book, adapted by Mariah Marsden, on Saturday, April 22 at 12:30. We’ll have snacks and craft time.

“The Dictionary of Lost Words” by Pip Williams, is the subject of this month’s Virtual Book Club discussion. Join the meeting on Zoom on Tuesday, April 25, at 6:30 PM. Call the library for the Zoom link.

Hold the date, Thursday, April 27. The library’s Board of Trustees will meet at 7 PM in the meeting room at Eastwyck Village, at 1 Eastwyck Circle, off Best Road. The public is welcome to attend.

Ready for an expedition? You’ll want to join the 2023 Upper Hudson Library Expedition, ongoing now through July. Find new eateries, libraries you’ve never seen, places you didn’t know existed. Go to to begin your road trip to fun and prizes!

Hours are Monday-Friday, 10 AM to 7 PM, and Saturday, 10 AM to 2 PM. Call 518-283-0303 for more information.

Events at Castleton Public Library, 4/23 - 4/29

CPL is located at 85 S. Main St., Castleton, NY. All events are free. Questions? Call 518-732-0879.

Events & Take-Home Kit:

Take & Make Craft: Earth Crafts - Pick up anytime now through Saturday, 4/29 - Celebrate Earth Day by

making the fun crafts and decorations in this kit!

Friends of CPL Bottle & Can Drive - Sat, 4/22 through Sat, 4/29 - Save us your empties! Bring your returnable bottles and cans to the library any time during our open hours through 4/29. All proceeds benefit the Friends of CPL.

Pajama Storytime - Tues., 4/25, 6:00pm - Feel free to wear your pajamas or bring a stuffed animal friend to this evening storytime! For ages birth to 8 years.

Build with Keva Planks - Weds., 4/26, 3:00-7:00pm

- Drop in and make a tower or other exciting structure using Keva Planks! All ages welcome!

Special Visitor Storytime: All About Owls - Thurs., 4/27, 10:30am - An environmental educator from Schodack Island State Park will join us for this special storytime all about owls. We’ll dissect mock owl pellets to discover how and what owls eat!

Bridge Club - Fri., 4/28, 10:30am - Come play bridge with us! Geared toward beginners and players who need a refresher.

Events at Troy Public Library, 4/23 – 4/29

Troy Public Library (Main) is located at 100 2nd Street, Troy, NY. The Lansingburgh Branch is located at 27 114th Street, Troy, NY. All events are free and open to the public. Registration may be required and is designated with an “RR.” Call (518) 274-7071 with any questions or to register.

Lansingburgh After Dark: Woolen Air Diffusers –Mon, Apr 24, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. (Lansingburgh) Join the library for an all natural woolen diffuser workshop. Participants will create adorable diffusers for home or car out of felt wool balls. The diffusers are finished with a decorative clothespin and a cute tassel and then infused with essential oils of choice. All materials will be provided. RR

Healthy Tasty Snacks! Tues, Apr 25, 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Lansingburgh) Participants will learn how to make quick meals and snacks. There will be recipe demonstrations using in-season produce, suggestions on ways to eat healthy on a budget, and tips for safe and healthy physical activities.

Teen Game Night – Tues, Apr 25, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Main) Come for some free games and snacks! Every fourth Tuesday of the month. For teens ages 13-18

Adult Contemporary Fiction Book Group – Wed, Apr 26, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Lansingburgh) This month we are reading Firekeepr’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley.

Crafty Kid’s Night – Wed, Apr 26, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. (Main) Join us at Main to create fun crafts based around

a unique monthly theme! For ages 4-10.

Storytime Learn and Play – Thur., Apr

– 11:15 a.m. (Main) & Fri., Apr 28, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. (Lansingburgh) We will share stories, songs, movements and more! For children ages 0-5 with a caregiver.

Understanding & Avoiding Phishing Scams – Fri, Apr 28, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. (Main) Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent emails to try and trick you into revealing your personal information or credit card details. In this presentation, you will learn to recognize phishing scams through email and learn valuable tips for identifying phish attempts.

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Colds might not be as common in summer as they are in winter, but anyone who has ever had a cold when the weather outside is warm and inviting knows just how unpleasant a runny nose, sore throat and lack of energy can be when everyone else seems to be outside soaking up the sun. Indeed, there’s no substitute for feeling fit and healthy in summer.

A healthy summer is one when individuals avoid

illness and make the most of a time of year when no one wants to battle colds or other issues that affect their well-being. The following are a handful of strategies that can help people enjoy a healthy summer.

• Protect your skin from the sun. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends individuals apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher before going outside.


1HOUREvaluations & 30–45MINUTE (oneonone) Treatmentswithyour PhysicalTherapist YouwillNOTbesharedbetween twoormorePT’s.

AtBPTweusemanydifferent treatmenttechniquestorestore mobility&qualityoflife. Weusemanualtherapyandexercise formaximumtherapybenefit.

Sunscreen should then be reapplied as necessary and especially after swimming or excessive sweating. The American Cancer Society notes that sunburn that blisters can increase risk for skin cancer, but sunburns affect short-term health as well. Studies have shown that sunburn adversely affects immune system response, which could make people more vulnerable to viruses like COVID-19 or the common cold.

• Limit alcohol consumption. Social schedules tend to fill up in summer, as seemingly everyone wants to host a backyard barbecue. The party vibe synonymous with summer leads to increased opportunities to drink alcohol, but excessive amounts of alcohol and summer sun are a bad combination. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, hot summer days increase fluid loss through perspiration, while alcohol contributes to fluid loss through an increased need to urinate. Significant fluid loss can lead to dehydration and heat stroke.

• Eat the right foods. Summer is not typically as hectic a time of year as other seasons, particularly for parents accustomed to driving kids from one activity to another during the school year. But come summer, weekends filled with social engagements and a greater desire to be active outdoors can prove exhausting. The CDC notes that a diet filled with colorful fruits and vegetables supports muscles, strengthens bones and boosts immunity. That can make it easier to handle a physically active summer regimen and ensure that the immune system is in better position to fight off anything that may want to get in the way of summer fun.

• Get adequate sleep. What’s better than a midday summertime nap? The answer to that is better sleep overnight. Adults should aspire to get between seven and eight hours of sleep each night, which can fortify their immune system and ensure they don’t miss out on any summertime fun. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep deprivation can lead to decreased production of proteins known as cytokines, which are vital to fighting infection and inflammation.


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How to Enjoy a Healthy Summer DeborahA.Ciprioni,PT/Owner TaylorLanoue-Angley,DPT,PT ErinnSanford,MS,PT 81MILLERROAD•SUITE400 CASTLETON,NY12033(SCHODACK) 518.915.1452
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5K Run/Walk to Promote Literacy in Albany County and Rensselaer County

The Literacy 5K Run/Walk will be held on Sunday, May 7 at the Corning Preserve in Albany. Runners and walkers of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate. Registration and packet pick-up opens at 8:30 a.m., the Youth Mile begins at 9:30 a.m., and the 5K Run/Walk starts at 10:00 a.m. Awards will be given to the fastest runners. For full details and to register, visit Zippyreg. com. Proceeds will make it possible for Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County to offer literacy programs and services at no cost to adults in Albany County and Rensselaer County.

Nancy Benz, Executive Director of Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County, says “We’re excited to continue this family-friendly event, which LVORC has offered every year since 2002. This is our first time at the Corning Preserve, and we hope to see a good turnout from our supporters in Albany, as well as our longtime participants from all over Rensselaer County.” This year’s event sponsors include Cohoes Savings Foundation, Stewart’s Shops, Blasch Precision Ceramics, HMS Agency, Inc., Aflac, BBL Companies, Hannaford and The Record/The Saratogian.

Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County trains volunteers to help learners improve their ability to read, write, speak and understand English; empowers learners to be advocates for themselves; and educates the community about literacy issues. LVORC also offers math, computer, and financial literacy; English Literacy Civics and citizenship prep; and Everybody WINS! Power Lunch reading and mentoring for children. New volunteers are always welcome. For more information, visit www.lvorc. org or call 518 244-4650.

North Greenbush Author Jim Flanigan Has Released a New Book, “People, Places and Politics”

The book is divided into three sections. Under the topic “people”, Flanigan introduces readers to a government professor, who had a profound influence on his 24 years as an elected official, as well as other local characters and a former United States Senator.

The “places” section finds readers traveling to Florida,

the Canadian Maritimes, rural Albany County and a long-gone baseball stadium, where Flanigan spent a memorable part of his youth.

Finally, the section on “politics” provides insights into the shifting balance of power in Albany and Washington as well as a strategy to counter the NRA on gun control.

The new book, as well as Flanigan’s earlier memoirs “Up From Second Street” and “The Great 2020 Paper Chase” are available at Market Block Books in Troy and The Book House in Stuyvesant Plaza or can be ordered directly from the author at Health and Wellness Fair in Schaghticoke

Community Life Support is hosting the first annual health and wellness fair; “Living Our Best Life”, on April 22 at the Hoosic Valley High School.

The fair is free and will feature a cross section of organizations and groups whose focus is providing education and instruction to address issues we all have. We will have yoga and Tai Chi demonstrations, Gardening information, legal guests to speak to life planning activities, and Rensselaer County Departments will be present to provide resources.

LaPosta’s will be on sight with healthy snacks and food as well as a Taco truck and other lunch offerings. The fair runs from 11am to 3 pm on Saturday, April 22nd. If you are interested in being a presenter or vendor of information, please contact Liz Baker at

For further information on the list of vendors see our Facebook page for Community Life Support.

Sand Lake Historical Society Schedule

SLHS will be presenting the following public programs, from January to June 2023:

May 9th, Annual Meeting. Elections, annual report to the membership – and more!

June 3rd, (tentative) Annual Gala. Final date and location to be announced. Don’t miss this highlight of our year!

June 13th, The Pretty Fantastic Mr. Fox. Albert Rodmond Fox, industrialist, glassworks owner, State Senator, mover-and-shaker, and the Fox who gave us Fox Mansion. Learn about one of Sand Lake’s early leaders and speculate on why we live in Averill Park and not “Foxboro.”

All SLHS programs (unless otherwise noted) are held at the Sand Lake Town Hall Courtroom, 8428 NY Rte. 66, Averill Park, beginning at 7:00 pm. More information at Like us on Facebook.

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Festival of Music

Do you like music? if the answer is yes, then you should plan to visit Gilead Lutheran Church on April 29th

They are having a Festival of Music at 6:30 PM. There will be various types of music not just religious. A dessert reception will follow the program. There is no admission, but a monetary or non-perishable food would be appreciated. These donations will do to our food pantries.

Hope to see you at the Church, 308 Brick Church Road, rte 278, in Center Brunswick.

For more information, please contact John at 518-2799552 or

Broadway Nights

Capital Community Voices, directed by Julie Panke, will present “Broadway Nights” on Saturday, May 6th at 7:30 pm at Genet Elementary School, Route 4, East Greenbush, NY.

The concert will include songs from the Broadway shows Kiss Me Kate, Annie Get Your Gun, Les Misérables, and Phantom of the Opera. Songs by Cole Porter, Johnny Mercer, and Irving Berlin will also be presented.

The chorus will be accompanied by pianist Malcolm Kogut, bassist Randy Jennings, and percussionist James Iacketta.

Ticket prices are $15 general admission and $12 for seniors and students.

“History of the Rensselaer Glassworks” at Sand Lake Historical Society

Phil Bernnard of the National Bottle Museum will present “The History (and People) of the Rensselaer Glassworks”, for the Sand Lake Historical Society, on Tuesday, May 9th at 7PM at the Sand Lake Town Hall Courtroom, 8428 NY 66, Averill Park. This program was originally scheduled for March 14th but was postponed due to the snowstorm.

The Rensselaer Glassworks was one of Sand Lake’s early industries (and gave us “Glass Lake”). Come hear the history of the works, the workers who made the glass, succession of owners, and the technology of glassmaking in the 18th and 19th Centuries. Phil is asking attendees to bring any “Glass Lake glass” specimens they have and wishes that any descendants of glassworkers (and those who might be living in their former houses!) come and share.

Phil Bernnard has a background in both anthropology and archeology. He has been with the National Bottle Museum for over a decade, as both a board member and researcher, and a collector of bottles and glass for fifty years. SLHS monthly programs are open to the public and are live-streamed on the SLHS website -- (archived video also will be posted there). A $5 donation is suggested for non-members. New members are always welcomed. Like us on Facebook. SLHS turns Fifty in 2024! The May 9th meeting will also serve as the Society’s Annual Meeting for 2022-23.

New Lebanon Hosts a Repair Cafe with Tech Section and Student Apprentices

Spring cleaning? Have an old clock you’ve been meaning to have repaired? Trouble with our computer or mobile device? The ColumbiaNE Repair Cafe can help. 25 skilled “fixers,” or repair coaches, will volunteer their time at the New Lebanon Firehouse on Sunday, April 30, from 12-4 to diagnose, consult and in many cases, fix your broken but cherished item. For free! The landfills are piling up and most of us no longer know how to fix things ourselves, or even where to turn to find someone who will. It was from this quandary that the idea of the repair cafe was born. Arriving in the Hudson Valley in 2013, there are now well over 30 and new ones pop up every month.

The ColumbiaNE Repair Cafe committee is a loosely affiliated group of volunteers from the Climate Smart

Toss It Out? No Way! Bring It To Repair Cafe

Does your child had a favorite stuffed toy with a ripped ear? Have a lamp that looks great but the switch won’t work? Got some yarn knotted up from the cat? Or a new smartphone with apps

Community task forces of East Nassau, Chatham, Austerlitz, and New Lebanon, who recruit skilled and generous community members. New volunteers are always welcome!

Skilled fixers and student apprentices are ready for you, whether you have a lawnmower, a lamp, a bike, a broken chair, a hole in your jeans sweater, or bedding, a clock or a small appliance that doesn’t work. Knife and tool sharpening, glueing, darning, and knitting, as well as advice on gardening and architecture will all be available. We will have an expanded computer and tech troubleshooting section, with an IT professional and student apprentices on hand. Past successes include a 1938 toaster, a horse blanket, a 19th century clock, and a 3D printer!

Organizers, fixers and visitors alike thrive on the possibility of adding a little bit of sustainability to the community by keeping a few more objects out of the landfill. And we delight on being together Every volunteer and every visitor has a different story, and so does every object that comes in to be fixed.

Sunday, April 30, 12-4 pm at the New Lebanon Fire House (Lebanon Valley Protective Association). 523 Route 20, New Lebanon, 12125.

Attention Veterans

The Castleton/Schodack Memorial Day Parade steps off at 10:00 AM on Monday, May 29th at the corner of Seaman and Boltwood Avenues in Castleton, NY.

The Peter Andrews Castleton Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 7337 is again inviting all veterans with any kind of connection to Castleton/Schodack to help us honor those that gave their lives for our country, by marching with us. Guests marching with us should dress appropriately for the day (no politics). If you are unable to march, but still want to be in the parade with us, please contact me as soon as possible so I can reserve a seat in a car for you.

Ricardo E. “Rik” Cosgrave, Commander, Peter Andrews Castleton Memorial VFW Post 7337, 105 Scott Ave Castleton, NY 12033 Email: Facebook: My Cell Phone: 518-694-2070.

Andrea Day with Patsy Cline

Thursday, May 11th

Join The Rensselaer County Senior Center as we honor Andrea Siek who is gone but not forgotten. Andrea and Richard were Longtime Members of our Center and enjoyed many afternoons with us.

In Memory of Andrea, Richard Siek is hosting Andrea’s favorite luncheon of meatloaf and sponsoring the music of Patsy Cline performed by Courtney Shane. Although Andrea will not be with us in person she will be with us in spirit. We thank Richard for his thoughtfulness and generosity.

Lunch served at noon, you must dine with us to enjoy the show Sponsored by Richard Siek. The Meal is $3 suggested contribution.

Call for reservations (518) 463-2166. We are located on East and Herrick streets in Rensselaer.

that are hard to figure out? Don’t toss it or give up – come out to the Wynantskill Repair Café!

A Repair Cafe is a fun, no-charge community event where people bring their cranky, futzy, wonky, or torn household items to the volunteer repair coaches who are glad to try to fix ‘em up. You can

bring all kinds of household things to a Repair Cafe: bikes, chairs, toys, small kitchen appliances, lamps, stuffed animals, jackets, skateboards, and similar. This month we have sewing, mechanical, and electronic specialists available for you to visit with your favorite-but-broken things. We also have a specialist who can untangle any gnarly yarn or string, and a couple of smart techy-types ready to help figure out how to use apps or programs in your Android or Apple device. The motto behind Repair Café is “most items can be fixed…but even if they don’t, we have a good time trying!”

Got something at home that needs fixing? Visit the Repair Café Saturday April 22 , 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at First Reformed Church of Wynantskill, 413 Main Avenue (across from the firehouse). Coffee, hot drinks, goodies, and restrooms available to all guests. Items need to be small enough to hand carry, and not powered by any combustible fuel. Email questions about items to bring are welcomed and encouraged – just send a note to

Lunch With Our Mayor

Join The Rensselaer County Senior Center on the first Tuesday of every month to have lunch with our Mayor.

Mike Stammel is a servant of the people and on this day he may be litterly serving you lunch and inform you of what’s happening in the City of Rensselaer and County. This is a great opportunity for a round table discussion on issues that could be of interest to you. Call to make a reservation (518) 463-2166.

PAGE 8 | APRIL 20, 2023 THE ADVERTISER THE WORLD’S SMALLEST HEARING AID with BrainHearingTM technology. custo hearin solution stheworld s s allesthearin aidwith rain earin technolo y,Oticon Ownallowsyoutoprocesssoundswithlesseffort,soyoucan hear orenaturally • GreatHearingCareStartsatAudiologicSolutions aren e oy, u yndsay unnin ha , u te an osco, u rin al orn, u Stamped Concrete Sealing&Restoration •ConcretePressureWashing •Sealing •ColorEnhancement •Stripping • PoolDeckCleaning &Protectant • NewProjectInstallations COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL FREEESTIMATES INSURED 518-577-1577 Call/Text

May & June Lacrosse Programs for Boys


Capitalland lacrosse will be running a boy’s MAY & JUNE lacrosse programs. Players can chose to play on Tuesdays night, Sunday afternoons or BOTH. Programs will start on May 16 and end on June 25. Each group will play for an hour and a half each day/night.

Levels include: a co-ed K – 5th learn to play program; boys instructional programs for beginner & novice players grades 2nd – 5th & 6th- 10th; an advanced instruction program for players in graders 3 – 6 & 7 – 9 who want to refine their game while being introduced to more advanced techniques. All age level will be separated and a scrimmage will be held each night. For more information on all of these programs go to www. or e-mail us at

Mendelssohn Club of Albany Annual Spring Concert

The Mendelssohn Club of Albany will perform its traditional spring concert at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 19th in the New York State Education Building’s historic Chancellor’s Hall.

“The club is thrilled to continue our long tradition of performing at Chancellor’s Hall, singing a program that blends old favorites with several fresh compositions and arrangements,” said Mendelssohn Club President Claiborne Walthall. “Folk music speaks to a wide range of experiences and cultures, and we’re excited to share this music with some great folks-our audience.”

“Folk Music – Songs of the People” will feature a wide range of traditional

folk songs and other familiar pieces. To help celebrate the arrival of spring, The Kennedys will join the club as special guests.

Pete and Maura Kennedy are wonderful writers, musicians, and performers. Recognized for their harmonies and instrumental prowess, the Kennedys blend elements of country music, bluegrass, Western swing and janglepop. Tickets for the concert are available in advance for $22, or $20 per ticket for groups of ten or more.

To purchase tickets in advance, please contact tickets@mendelssohn. org for more information. Walk-in tickets may also be available.

Chevrolet Club Annual Car, Street Rod and Truck Show 2023

The Capital District Chevrolet Club announces its 40th Annual Car, Street Rod and Truck Show 2023 - June 25th, 2023 (Sunday) including all makes, model and years of vehicles.

It will be held at Cook’s Park in the Village of Colonie from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM with registration from 9:00 thru 12:30 PM. Reg is $20 per show vehicle and free to walk-ins as is their parking. Vendors $20 prior to 6/24 -day of show $25.

Food available all day, DJ music, door prizes, 50/50 drawings, goody bags and dash plaques to first 150 vehicle owners.

Two (2) Best of Show trophies and 35 plus trophies from participant judging will be awarded. Show is on the Grassed area.

Information: Phil (518) 429-0203, Vendors: Karen (518) 281-8333. We are also looking for any kind of vendors except food type.

Location: Lincoln Ave off of NY Rte. 5 (Central Ave.)

1/4 mile from Exit 2W on I87(Northway)

Spring Used Book Sale




Thousands of used books, DVDs, audiobooks, and puzzles for adults and children. Huge selection, low prices! Cash, check, or credit card accepted.

Friday, April 21 - Noon5:30 PM; Saturday, April 22 - 10 AM - 4:00 PM; Sunday, April 23 - BAG SALE - Noon - 3 PM. Proceeds to benefit the East Greenbush Community Library.

Highlight Acting Troupe Presents

Moon Over Buffalo

Highlight Acting

Troupe presents Moon

Over Buffalo by Ken Ludwig. This hilarious farce introduces George and Charlotte Hay, performing “Cyrano” and “Private Lives” in repertoire with a down on their luck theater company in Buffalo, NY in the 1950’s.

The comic mishaps and absurd antics of their cast and crew will keep you laughing as the Hay’s attempt to achieve their dream of Hollywood stardom. The show will open at the Brunswick Grange on Rt. 7 and Rt. 142 in Brunswick, NY on May 5th (8pm) 6th (8pm) and 7th (2pm). For Reservations please call 518-237-6936.

Ken Ludwig’s Moon Over Buffalo is presented by Arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc. www.

Questar III Scholarship Benefit Cruise-In

Date: Friday, May 12, 5- 8 pm

Columbia Greene Educational Center, 131 Union Turnpike (Route 66), Hudson.

Entry Donation: $10 per vehicle. Open to all specialty vehicles, any year. Free spectator admission.

Take Out Chicken BBQ Available (Limited Quantity)

Pre-purchase tickets available. Call 518-6531865.

May & June Lacrosse Programs for Girls

CAPITAL DISTRICTCapitalland lacrosse will be running a girls MAY & JUNE lacrosse program. Players can chose to play on Tuesdays night, Sunday afternoons or BOTH. All programs will start on May 16 and end on June 25. Each group will play for an hour and a half each day/night. Levels include: a co-ed K – 5th learn to play program; girls instructional programs for beginner & novice players grades 3rd - 10th, an advanced program for

players in graders 6th –8th and one for 9 - 10 who want to refine their game while being introduced to more advanced techniques. All age level will be separated and a scrimmage will be held each night. For more information go to www. or e-mail us at

Wool Dryer Balls

Saturday, April 22, 1:30-3:00. Presented by Karen DuJack of Promised Land Farm. Materials fee $10. Preregistration requiredclass size limited. Materials Fee payable at registration. email: director@ graftoncommunitylibrary. org or call 518-279-0580.

THE ADVERTISER APRIL 20, 2023 | PAGE 9 REGISTERNOW! Athletic Camps Circus Theatricks Summer Academy Technology enrichment Theater Workshops 2023 SUMMERPROGRAMS KIDSON
Mechanicville 664-5453 Saratoga 584-1320 GlensFalls 743-0804 Spring Special 10’x50’ $1750 J * Damp, W etBasement * NastyCrawlSpace * CrackedFoundation W alls * SettlingFoundations * BouncyFloors CONTACTUSTODAYFORAFREEESTIMATE 518-371-9621
PAGE 10 | APRIL 20, 2023 THE ADVERTISER HOME SOLUTIONS (518) 733-0146 Office (518) 487-9424 Cell • LandscapeInstallation &Renovation • Trees,Shrubs &FlowerInstalls • HedgeTrimming&Mulching • PaverWalks,Patios&Walls • GravelDrivewayRepair • NewLawns(seed/sod) • SiteWork&Drainage Professional&ReliableServices LAWNCARE•LANDSCAPING HARDSCAPING NowBooking forSpringof2023 WALKWAYS, RESETTINGPOOL AREAS STONE•BRICK PAVERS•TIES BLOCK EDBEGIN 518-265-6286 FoundationLeaks,Cracks StructuralRepair Excavating RestoreValue&Safety Steps StoneWalls Outbuilding Restoration WetBasementProblems? DrainageProblems? Insured•ProvenSolutionsforEveryProject•Since1970 BEGIN’S PATIOS RETAINING WALLS MASON W ORK Free Estimates ec n ene ati n ne a in any ~OFFERING~ Quality~Efficiency ne ty nte ity t ai ice JustCallJEFF 518-653-8783 •HEATING•PLUMBING•WATERHEATER •ELECTRICAL•A/C•KITCHENS•BATHS SALES,SERVICE&INSTALLATIONS HANDYMAN-HOMEREPAIRS Concrete-Patios&Walks Drywall•Taping•Tile 20Years Experience! FreeEstimates 15YearsExperience FullyInsured 518-764-8493 •Seamless GuttersInstalled •Gutter Cleaning •Covers •Screens •Repairs FreeFlow GUTTERS Contracting&Remodeling, LLC Bathrooms•Kitchens•Windows Doors•Flooring•Masonry REMODELINGSPECIAL! 10%OFF upto$10,000 OnlyforaLimitedTime. DON’TMOVE,IMPROVE! CallJimGray 518-253-7140 Professional, QualityService... ...witha PersonalTouch! 30+YearsinBusiness QUALITYWORKMANSHIPATECONOMYPRICING! 13YearA+Rating Upstate PressureCleaning “ThePressure’sOnUs!” -HomeSiding-RoofSoftWashing -Decks,Fences&Patios-GutterServices -GraffitiRemoval-MasonrySurfaceCleaning -SurfaceRustRemoval-OxidationRemoval Callusforafreeestimate! 518-229-0129 $25OFF aFullHomeWash NotCombinable $25OFF aFullRoofSoftWash NotCombinable

Iron Works BBQ at West Sand Lake Fire Co

The West Sand Lake Fire Company is hosting another Iron Works drive through BBQ Chicken & Ribs dinner Thursday, April 27th . Dinners choices are: Chicken dinner for $15.00, Rib dinner for $20.00.

Both are served with baked potato and cole slaw. Pick up time is from 4 to 6pm in the hall parking lot (3695 NY 43). This will be a first come, first served event. We are not taking reservations so I suggest you get there early. We sold out last time.

Community Spaghetti Dinner

Center Brunswick United Methodist Church, 990 Hoosick Road, Troy will hold a Community Spaghetti and Sausage Dinner on Sunday, May 7 from 4-6 pm. Meal also includes salad, bread and beverage. The Youth Group of the church will be preparing and serving the dinner.

Our Cares Closet will be available from 3pm and during the dinner. It is a take or give what you need hosted by the youth to provide household goods, clothes etc. Free Will Offering. Call Jill with any questions (518) 258-2164.

Averill Park Fire Department Breakfast

Sandwich Fundraiser

Relax and let the fire company prepare made-to-order breakfast sandwiches for you and the family. Please support our Breakfast Sandwich Fundraiser being held Sunday, April 23, 2023 from 8:00 am until 11:30 am at the Averill Park Fire Station located at 35 Eastern Union Turnpike.

Drive up and order your choice of ham, bacon or sausage on this 2-egg delicious sandwich prepared on Bella Napoli hard rolls, served with a hash brown for just $6 each!! In addition, fresh donuts will also be available for

Pork Roast Dinner

Returning to Schaghticoke

Presbyterian Church

The Presbyterian United Church in partnership with Diver Library will hold a Pork Roast Dinner on Saturday, April 29

Tickets are $15 for adults and $7 for kids under 10. Takeouts will be available starting at 4:30 pm and dinner seating will begin at 5:00 pm and close at 6:15 pm. For more information see Schaghticoke

Presbyterian Church

Facebook page or Diver Library Facebook page. To purchase your tickets or make reservations contact Lynne Hardy

Gilead’s Body & Soul

Pantry April 27

Hope you enjoyed the beautiful summer weather we had right after Easter. The hours will be the usual 3:00-6:00 pm. This will be our last dinner for this season. Pantry hours will be 3-5 pm last Thursday of the month starting in May.

This month’s dinner will be chicken and biscuit, tossed salad and of course dessert. Feel free to eat in and enjoy some fellowship or take-out will be available. Please call 518-279-3576 to make your reservations.


Vegeterian Club

Google says that according to Wikipedia “Veganism is the practice of abstaining from the use of animal products, especially in diet, and the associated philosophy of seeing animals as a commodity.” An individual who follows this diet and philosophy is known as a vegan.

What started you in veganism, Glendora? The answer is “when I saw the cruelty to animals. Then I realized the health benefits. Then I lived to 94 tears old without hospitals, doctors or medicine.”


1. I’m so happy to be here tonight after satisfying the 2 requirements of your program chairman: He believes in free speech and free speeches.

2. Expressing your opinion without controversy is the difference between democracy and marriage.

3. A good speech to be immortal does not have to be eternal.

4. He’s a forthright speaker. Every 4th word is right.

5. The athlete making

your purchase.

We really appreciate your support and invite you to stop in and see what we do. This is a very rewarding activity for someone who would like to volunteer to help others in their community as both firematic and non-firematic members. We would love to talk to you more about the opportunity.

Spring 2023 Chicken Bar-B-Q

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Poestenkill, 772 Route 351,Poestenkill, NY 12140 will hold our Spring 2023 Chicken Bar-B-Q on Saturday, May 6th at the church with a Drive-Thru, Take-Out Only dinner.

The meal consists of: 1/2 chicken, baked potato, green beans, Cole slaw, cranberry sauce, roll and choice of Cherry or Lemon Meringue pie for dessert for a donation of $17 per meal.

Pick-up time begins at 4:30 pm and ends at 6 pm. We strongly encourage you to pre-order your meals early by calling (518) 283-1447. Reservations are suggested as our last dinner sold out. Thank you for your support.

Chicken BBQ

Pawling Avenue United Methodist Church invites you to a Chicken BBQ on Saturday, April 22 , 2023. Take Out from 4 to 5:30 pm. Menu 1/2 chicken, baked potato, baked beans, cole slaw, roll, brownies; Child portion 1/4 chicken.

Reservations limited to first 100 - call Melanie 518779-6004. Price $13 Adults; $6 child 5-10; under 5 free. Proceeds to benefit mission dinners and church capital campaign.

First Reformed Church Community Dinners

The First Reformed Church (corner of NYS Route 66 and Church St in Wynantskill) will be providing free

pasta dinners once again.

The dinners will be available every Wednesday evening from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm and will be drive-thru take out only event No reservations are needed.

Troy Kiwanis Annual Chicken BBQ

The Kiwanis Club of Troy is again holding their annual Chicken BBQ. It will again be at St. Michael’s Church at 175 Williams Road next to HVCC, on Friday, May 12th from 4-6pm.

All dinners are freshly barbequed on site, that day, & packaged for take-out.

They include a half chicken, baked potato, coleslaw and cornbread. All dinners are $15.00

All monies go to fund Troy area children’s projects!!


Call to reserve your dinners, because we will sell out that day!! Call Dean at 518-322-0826

Thanks for assisting us to make an impact in our community!!

Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus

Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner

On Saturday, April 22nd 2023, the Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus along with Steve and Jude Chiera are hosting a Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner at the Latham-Colonie Knights of Columbus Council, 328 Troy Schenectady Road.

Serving from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Dine In and Take Out options are available!

Menu; Tossed Salad, Italian Bread, Spaghetti and Meatballs and Dessert.

Reservations 518 892 3750 or 518 783 0572, $15 per person.

out an application had to fill in the blank Name of Bank. He wrote “Piggy.”

6. The new skis that Louis bought came with a valuable pamphlet: How to turn them into splints.

Google Glendora Folsom

Wednesday Night Food Truck Event In North Greenbush!

We hope that everyone had a great off-season time the past couple of months. We are contacting you to let you know that we will be having Food Truck Night again here in North Greenbush!!! The Town of North Greenbush is looking for food trucks to participate in the WEDNESDAY Night Food Truck Event for the 2023 season.

We will again be having Food Trucks @ town hall between 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. We are planning on the start date of Wednesday, May 24th.

This year’s event will go all the way to August

9, 2023. We are asking anyone interested in participating again to contact the Town Clerk, Janice Hannigan Kerwin, @ 518-283-4306 or feel free to email anytime at if you have any additional questions.

“Don’t Miss The Best Deal In Town”

Are you 60 years or older? Have you had the pleasure of dining at one of our Rensselaer County Senior Centers? If you have you know what a wonderful experience it is. If you haven’t you are really missing out!

Monday thru Friday you have an opportunity to dine at Senior Centers throughout the County. We have great menus available to you for the month and the suggested contribution for lunch is $3.

A few samples of our menu are Veal Pattie W/ Marsala Gravy, Chicken Parm W/Pasta and Sauce, Sliced Turkey W/ Gravy,

Sloppy Joes, Lemon Garlic Cod, and I can go on and on!

Call the Center closest to you and make a reservation today. Dave and Joshua do a great job and the Center Directors are there to serve you - remember we work for you!

To reserve a seat for a great time call the Rensselaer Senior Center 518-463-2166 or any of the other centers near you. Suggested Contribution is $3 per meal, guests under 60 must pay $5. No one is denied a meal due to the inability to contribute.

THE ADVERTISER APRIL 20, 2023 | PAGE 11 DINING & ENTERTAINMENT Rt.43•AverillPark 518-674-3363 Tues.-Thurs.12:00-8:00pm; Fri.&Sat.12:00-9:00pm; Sun.12:00-8:00pm;CLOSEDMON. RestaurantWeek April16 th –April23 rd EntreesforOnly$20.23 (InHouseSpecial)LunchforTwo andDinnerSpecials SeeOurWebs-siteforDetails CheckOutOurSpecialtyDrinkMenu HomemadeSangria•Martini’s•FunCocktails DECKISOPEN–“WeatherPermitting” 2339Rt43,AverillPark,NY12018•518-674-3132 MARKYOURCALENDARS FOR UPCOMINGEVENTS! ThankYou foraGreatWinterSeason, andEasterBrunch! SUMMERDINING ONTHELAKE EveryWednesdayandThursdayNight StartinginJune! Friday,May12th COMEDYNIGHT! Sunday,May14th MOTHER’SDAYBRUNCH Friday,May5th CINCODEMAYOFIESTANIGHT! DashOut~DineIn! SignUpforPaolo’sPreferredClubToday! 518-283-0202 April25 Tuesday April26 Wednesday April27 Thursday CHICKENAND SHRIMPWITH VODKASAUCE OVERPASTA CHICKENPARM WITHPASTA STUFFEDPORK CHOPWITH MASHEDPOTATOES Good Food,Good Time, GoodFriends DECKNOWOPEN! Enjoyyourmealonourshadeddeck CateringMenuAvailable SmokedBBQ,SaladsandSides Call518-674-3040oremail thetownetavern2850@yahoo.comtorequestyourorder• Rt.43&66,A.P. LIVEMUSIC 4/21MAURIZIO 4/28SCHOOLBUSYELLOW 518-283-4425• NOW SHOWING! Drive-in Theatre SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE PG CHAMPIONS PG13 ShowtimeApprox.9:45PM ShowtimeApprox.8:00PM OpenFriday,April21st Saturday,April22nd &Sunday,April23rd
PAGE 12 | APRIL 20, 2023 THE ADVERTISER Companion’s Providing Assistance Companionship LightHousekeeping•MealPrep MedicalTransportServiceAvailable Office:77TroyRd#BEastGreenbushNY12061 Mailing:1843CentralAve.#229ColonieNY12205 Tel:(518)833-3852•(516)406-4679 HIGGINS BUILDERS Masonry&Landscape Construction FullyInsured•FreeEstimates CERTIFIED INSTALLER Concrete •Brick,BlockStone ChimneyWork•FoundationWork Waterproofing•DrainageSolutions Pavers•Walkways•Patios FirePits/ OutdoorKitchens •RetainingWalls 518-269-6804 NewInstallations &OldRestorations BookingforSpring2023! SpecializingIn Additions,Kitchens,Bathrooms,AllSiteWorkand LandClearing,SepticSystemsandPublicUtilities FullyInsured• 518-858-9831 Free Estimates Fully Insured •Residential and Commercial AsphaltPaving •Retaining Walls •Emergency SewerRepair/ Replacement •MuchMore Proudly Celebrating 50+Years! Remington’sisthebestchoiceforquality craftsmanshipandquality,lastingjobs. We’reafamilyrunbusiness,servicingfromthe CapitalRegiontotheAdirondackssince1971. CallRemingtonBlacktopforallyour constructionneeds! Ryan’sEpoxy LLC EPOXYFLOORS MOBILE (518)527-0351 TimRyan RYAN’SEPOXYLLC FamilyOwnedandOperated Specializingin: • GarageFloors • PolyasparticCoatings WeCanInstallanEpoxyFloorinJust1Day! Flake•Quartz Anti-SlipCoatings DustFreeGrinding ConcreteRepair WEDELIVER... DarkMulch,RedMulch,Topsoil, StoneDust,RoundStone,CrusherRun L&W LawnMowerSpecial MOWINGLAWN Residential&Commerical CleanAirFilter,NewPlug, ChangeOilandSharpenBlade plustax LandscapeEstimate•Versa-LokRetainingWall&Paver Paver,Sidewalk&Patio 206Troy-SchenectadyRd•Latham•518-783-8928 Mon.-Fri.7:30am-5pm;Sat.7:30am-4:00pm; ClosedSundaysJune,July&August•InsuranceEstimate:$75 WESELLPROPANEYEARROUND! LANDSCAPING andSUPPLYSTORE $ 7995 Pickup Charge$50.00 • Extra Charge forRidingMowers andTractors
THE ADVERTISER APRIL 20, 2023 | PAGE 13 $100OFF NewAirConditioner $250OFF AirSourceHeatPumpSystem DuctlessSplit Residential/Commercial Furnaces•Boilers•Sales•Service Rensselaer 518-465-7524 CliftonPark 518-371-8280 Voorheesville 518-768-2488 GooduntilJuly31,2023 FamilyOwnedandOperatedSince1986 GrandPremier Tires&CustomWheels • • GrandPremier Tires&CustomWheels • • 591ColumbiaTpk•EastGreenbush•518-477-4753 m-f8-7•sat8-3 3361SouthThompsonSt(BehindBellevueBuilders)•Schenectady•518-630-5055 m-f9-5•sat9-3 FastestTireServiceInTown! FamilyOwned&Operated NoAppointment Necessary OldSchoolService WeNowOffer Brake&Suspension Services $35OFF AnyBrakeService $10OFF AnyRepairorRotation 518-605-4801 1604Route9•Halfmoon,NY12065 Schedule YourMaintenanceandShowroom Appointment Today! WeServiceAllBrandsofSumpPumps andDehumidi ers BasementWaterproo ng•CrawlSpaceSolutions SumpPumps/BatteryBackups•MoistureControl/Dehumidi ers FoundationCrackRepair•BilcoDoorReplacement EgressWindows•WindowWells/GutterLinesBuried NewCustomersGet FirstMaintenance for$59 Restrictionsmayapply Buried Sealedsumpsystemwithamodularapproach•Radoncompatible•Easytoservice PeaceofMindForAnyone’sBudget! •Cleaner-Burning,SaferHeatingFuel •FullyCompatiblewithExistingOilHeatSystems •ReducesGreenhouseGasEmissionsinourCommunities ThoroughlyTested&ResearchedbyIndustryProfessionals •WeSupply&DeliverBioHeatFuelatNOEXTRACOST -Burning, atible reenhous oughl •W omp sG Thor educe • MillionsofHomesAlreadyUseBioHeat,DoYourPart&JoinThemToday! Formoreinformation, UpgradeYourHeatingFuelToday! Call1-800-542-5552 BioDieselConventionalOilBioHeat EarnIncomeTaxCreditonyour NYSTaxReturnwithBioHeat! Needanotherreasonto switchto? NYSCLEANHEATINGFUELCREDIT $ WhatIsBioHeatHomeHeatingFuel? Low-Carbon+Renewable+Sustainable CERTIFIEDMASTERGARDENERS WORRYLESSABOUT YOURLANDSCAPE, Enjoy LifeMore! •Garden/LandscapeRestoration, Installation&Maintenance •ExpertOrnamentalTree&ShrubPruning •SeasonalBedCleanups&Fertilization THEPLANTKEEPER,LLC 100% organic 1-855-404-2733 FREE 15min.consult YourPlantsWill ThankYou! SERVINGTHECAPITALDISTRICTFOR23YEARS!

EGCL Community Forum: Help Shape Future Library Programs & Services

Join us on Sunday, April 23rd at 2 pm at the Greenbush YMCA location for the East Greenbush Community Library public forum.

It’s our time to listen –and we want to hear your thoughts! Our Strategic Planning initiative will create a road map toward a future vision for the library. We want all voices and perspectives, whether you use the library or not!

We hope to get as many community members as possible to participate in our community forum. This is your opportunity to share with our consultants what you want your community to be, the challenges faced, and the changes

needed to overcome them.

All voices are needed!

YOUR voice is needed!

Feedback from this forum, survey results, and other focus groups will help guide our Community Advisory Council as they develop a community vision and help recommend future library service priorities to include in our next strategic plan.

Library service priorities are what the library does or offers to the public in an effort to meet specific community needs.

When: Sunday, April 23, 2023, from 2-3 pm. Location: Community Room at the Greenbush YMCA, 20 Community Way, East Greenbush.

This forum is open to the public. We thank the Greenbush YMCA for use of their space while our Spring book sale winds down at the library. We look forward to meeting


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ForeverGratefultobeyourchildren, Tammy,Tina, RichardJr.,Brett

you at this important event.

If you are unable to attend but would like your question(s) addressed or ideas/suggestions voiced on your behalf, please send an email to the Library Director, Jill Dugas Hughes at We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities or language barriers, to engage fully. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Jill Dugas Hughes,

Senior Citizens’ Law Day

The Elder & Disability Law Pro Bono Society at Albany Law School presents Senior Citizens’ Law Day, to be held on Saturday, April 29, from 8:30

a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Senior Citizens’ Law Day is a free event for seniors, soon-to-be seniors, their loved ones, and caregivers presented each year by Albany Law School’s Pro Bono Program. Participants can receive a free one-on-one counseling session with an attorney; attend workshops on pressing legal, financial, and health issues facing older adults; and hear from local advocates and attorneys. Free parking will be available on campus. Light refreshments will be provided.

RSVP: https://alumni.

Support Kiwanis of North Greenbush

Kiwanis of North Greenbush has been selected as a beneficiary of

the Hannaford Community Bag Program for the month of April 2023. The Hannaford Community Bag Program is a reusable bag program that facilitates community support with the goal of making a difference in the communities where shoppers live and work.

Please support Kiwanis by purchasing a reusable bag at the Wynantskill Hannaford during the month of April

Kiwanis of North Greenbush will receive a $1 donation every time the $2.50 Hannaford Community Bag is purchased at this location during April, unless otherwise directed by the customer through the Giving Tag attached to the bag.

Also please join Kiwanis on April 20, as we support community clean-up at Snyder’s Lake, Noon-2 pm.


Wear comfortable shoes/ clothes, and bring gloves if you have them. For more info, please see our website @ Kiwanis Club of North Greenbush – Kids Need Kiwanis. Light refreshments to all who volunteer that day.

A Day Of Remembrance

Tuesday, May 2nd

Join The Rensselaer County Senior Center as we reminisce about our dear friend Nick Morrison. For many years Nick Morrison and Tim Mercier hosted senior parties at their beautiful estate on the falls. The Rensselaer Senior Rocketts, The Yankee Doodle Entertainers and After Parade Parties. We were planning Nick’s 90th Birthday Party but he sadly passed away suddenly on Wednesday March 29th in one of his favorite rooms The Music Room in his comfy chair after an active morning.

Nick was one of a kind and always left people with smiles on their faces. A great dancer with a gigantic heart! Everything he had was shared with all the people he loved. We are so thankful to Nick and Tim for their years of friendship and we hope to always carry a bit of the love, generosity and thoughtfulness they implanted in us.

We will be dining on Prime Rib Burgers, Vegetables, Potatoes and Special dessert. Music will be by one of Nick’s favorite bands The Gone Grey Band. There will be an empty seat at our table but on this day we’ll fill it with love for two great friends, one with us in body and one with us in spirit. Lunch is served at noon. Please join us in this Celebration of Life.

Call today to make reservations (518) 463-2166.

Employment Applications Available: Schodack Summer Recreation Program

Applications for employment with the Town of Schodack Day Camp are now available for download at under Youth Recreation.

All applicants must be 16 years of age by the start of camp on July 10, 2023, and have a current working card, if applicable. Applicants must be available to work the duration of the camp which runs from July 10, 2023 through August 4, 2023. Completed applications must be returned to the Schodack Town Clerk’s Office no later than April 28, 2023. Please direct further questions to the Recreation Director Sheila Golden at youthdirector@

When it comes to window replacement, there are too many myths floating around and not nearly enough facts. Window replacement is difficult.” It depends on who you call. Renewal by Andersen is the full service window replacement division of Andersen Corporation, the most trusted family of “All warranties are the same.” Renewal by Andersen offers one warranty that covers both manufacturing and installation. Vinyl windows are the best solution.” Fibrex® composite material is two times stronger than vinyl and makes for stunningly beautiful windows with a durable finish that, unlike vinyl, won’t peel, crack or fade. MYTH #1: MYTH #2: MYTH #3: BUY ONE, GET ONE 40%off WINDOWS AND DOORS PLUS NO MONEY DOWN NO INEREST NO PAYMENTS * Void where prohibited by law. Promotions may not be combined or used with prior purchases. Customer will receive 1 window at 40% off list price for every 1 window purchased at list price. The least expensive windows are the windows that are 40% off. Promotion to be applied by sales representative at time of contract execution with 8 window minimum purchase. Available at time of initial visit only. Expires 4/30/23. (t) No Money Down, No Interest, No Payments applies if the balance is paid in full within 12 months. Renewal by Andersen of Eastern NY [RBA] neither a broker nor lender. Financing is provided by 3rd party lenders unaffiliated with RBA, under terms and conditions arranged directly between the customer and such lender, all subject to credit requirements, approval and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Finance terms advertised are estimates only. RBA does not assist with, counsel or negotiate financing other than providing customers an introduction to lenders interested in financing RBA customers. ***APG25 (AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08) pressure differential applied to the windows (48”x48” size) in the lab on structural test only. Most Renewal by Andersen double-hung, picture and casement windows meet this structural performance. Temperature performance tested in different chamber. (x) RBA is not responsible for typos. Some Renewal by Andersen locations are independently owned and operated. “Renewal by Andersen” and the Renewal by Andersen logo are registered trademarks of Andersen Corporation. All other marks where denoted are marks of Andersen Corporation. © 2023 Andersen Corporation. for  months CALL BY APRIL 30 TH to schedule your FREE in-home consultation 518-881-1773 Offer Ends April 30 window brands in America. Installation Always Included! KeepingOurCommunity Safe,Healthy,andCLEAN! •Residential&CommercialTrashBinCleaning •DisinfectingServices•InteriorDetailingServices •FleetWashing•PowerWashingServices ScheduleYourFirstCleaningTODAY! 518-934-1316 ProudlyservingSaratoga,Schenectady&AlbanyCounties. LocallyOwned&Operated


The SummitatEastwyck,anindependentlivingcommunitylocated inNorthGreenbush,NYhasanopeningforamaintenanceperson. Dutieswillincludeallphasesofbuildingmaintenanceincluding lightelectricalandplumbing,janitorial,painting,somecarpentry andgroundswork.Scheduledon-calldutyisrequired.Applicants musthaveexperiencewhichexhibitstheskillsofworkingin building maintenanceorconstruction.Adriver’slicenseandclean driving recordisrequiredforoperationofpropertyvehicles.The candidate mustbewellorganized,enjoyworkingwiththepublic, and beabletoworkaloneoraspartofateam.Thisisafull-time position. In additiontocompetitivesalary,weoffergreatbenefitsandan outstanding workingenvironment.Pleaserespondandapplyby sending yourresumetokhotaling@summitseniorlife.comorcalling 518-874-1638 formoreinformation.

Job Type:Full-time

The EastGreenbushDepartmentofPublicWorksiscurrentlyseeking candidatesforthefollowingpositions:


• AutoMechanic;

• Two(2)LightEquipmentOperatorswithClassBNYS

Driver’s License; One(1)HeavyEquipmentOperatorwithClassANYS

Driver’s License.

Competitive ratesofpayforallpositionsperthependingCSEA Union Contract.InterestedapplicantsshouldsubmittheirRensselaer CountyCivilServiceApplicationandresumetotheHumanResources ManagerKateKnightatkknight@eastgreenbush.orgby April 28,2023.

DanielFiacco CommissionerofPublicWorks



PartTimeBartender.Mustbeavailablenights&weekends. Minimum2yearsexperiencerequired.Applywithinoremail


The TownofSandLakeisacceptingapplicationsforLifeguardand Beach Aidepositions.ApplicationscanbefoundontheTown’s,attheTownClerk’sOfficeat8428 Miller HillRoad,AverillPark,NYorcontactDeputySupervisor Clemens atsclemens@sand-lake.usformoreinformation


4/21 &4/22,10AMto3PM,at 480 WestSandLakeRd, Wynantskill. Manyhousehold items, furniture,dishes,toys, lots ofmancavetools,skis. House isalsoforsale.

Multi FamilySale!Ridgewood Dr., Wynantskill.4/29,8am2pm. Cleanout.Hseholditems, tools, fishing,coins,toys,etc.


4/21, 4/22&4/23,9am-4pmat 186 WhiteChurchRd,Brunswick. Elephantcollection, tools, householditems,etc.

Family ArchiveEstateSale-

4/22 &4/23,Sat&Sun,9am2pm, at36TayerRd,EastNassau. Itemsavail:antique funiture &tools,housewares, artwork, rarebooks&unique collectibles, gardendecor& much more!

Multi FamilySale,4/29&4/30, 10am-4pm at2234E.Schodack Rd, E.Schodack.Antiques, Electronics, Collectibles,Furn., Arts/Crafts,MusicCD’s,misc.


Novena- DearHeartofJesus InthepastIhaveaskedformany favors.ThistimeIaskforthisspecialone.Takeit,DearHeartOfJesus,andplaceitwithinYourown brokenheartwhereYourFather willseeit.Theninhismercifuleyes itwillbecomeYourfavor,notmine. Sayfor3daysandpromisepublication. M.Z.


MaytheSacredHeartofJesusbe adored,glorified,lovedandpreservedthroughouttheworldnow andforever.SacredHeartofJesus prayforus,St.Jude,worker ofmiracles,prayforusSt.Jude, helpofthehopeless,prayforus. Saythisprayer9timesaday.By the8thday,yourprayerwillbe answered.Sayitfor9days.Ithas neverbeenknowntofail.Publicationmustbepromised.Thankyou St.Jude. D.F.

ACCOUNTING&PAYROLL SienaGrad.25+yrs.exp.No jobtoosmall.(518)475-8782.

ALWAYSBESTPAINTING Int/ext.painting.Plaster& sheet-rock,wallpaper,wood stainingandrefinishing.25yrs exp.freeest.Ins.HireaCraftsman.(518)424-5812

APPLIANCEREPAIR Washers,dryers,fridge,ranges, etc.Prompt-guaranteedrepairs. MikeHorowitz(518)477-8378


CARS-WEBUYJUNKCARS Top$paid.Cashonthespot! Freeremoval.Callortextfora freequote!(518)779-5497

CASHFORMETAL/CARS Webuyfarmequip.,metal,cars. Wehavetheequip.totakecareof bigjobs.Highestpricespaid.Demolition.Towing&transportavail. Partoftheproceedsgototheveterans. (518)339-8710

CUSTOMSTONEWORK Patios,firepits,retainingwalls, newsidewalks,sidewalkrepair.Anykindofmasonry/ concretework.(518)423-0946

DIVORCE $389.00-Uncontested MakeDivorceEasy–only1 Signature,Inc.poorperson app.Info:(518)274-0380

DUMPSTERRENTALS Allsizesavailable.Also,dump trailerforthetrickyspots.Laboravailablefordemo&loading.Partoftheproceedsgoto theveterans.(518)339-8710

DUMPSTERS Lowestratespossible6,8,10,12,15, 20,25,30yardsizes. EdLaplacaW.S.L.Cell(518)378-1080

EXCAVATION,TRUCKING, STONE&TOPSOIL Waterdiversion,driveways,brush hog,landclearing,oiltankremovals,septics,grading,digging, lawns,poolfill-ins,siteprep.Partof theproceedsgototheveterans. (518)339-8710


Kayode OdutayoMDPLLC, Arts ofOrg.filedwithSec. of StateofNY(SSNY)8/ 2/2019. Cty:Rensselaer. SSNY desig.asagentupon whom processagainstmay be served&shallmailprocess to3602NewburyDr., Troy, NY12180.Purpose: Medicine



Sage LaneProperties,LLC. Articles ofOrganizationwere filed withtheSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY)on 3/13/23.Officelocation:Rensselaer County.SSNYhas beendesignatedasagentof the LLCuponwhomprocess against itmaybeserved. SSNY shallmailacopyof processtoZenbusiness Inc. 41StateSt.,Suite112, Albany, NY12207.Purpose: For anylawfulpurpose.


COMPANY.NAME:JRT OPTICALLLC.ArticlesofOrganizationwerefiledwiththe SecretaryofStateofNew York(SSNY)onJanuary31, 2023.Officelocation:RensselaerCounty.SSNYhas beendesignatedasagentof theLLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailacopyof processtoJustinTenczar,10 PlanteLane,Troy,NY12180. Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.


COMPANY.NAME: Christine’sChicSipsLLC.ArticlesofOrganizationwere filedwiththeSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY)on February15,2023.Officelocation:RensselaerCounty. SSNYhasbeendesignated asagentoftheLLCupon whomprocessagainstitmay beserved.SSNYshallmaila copyofprocessto20WashingtonSt,Rensselaer,NY 12144.Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.

EmailYour LegalNoticeto: lassi

May & June Field Hockey

CAPITAL DISTRICT - Capitalland Field Hockey will be running a MAY & JUNE field hockey program for players in graders K – 12 grades.

Players can chose to play on Tuesdays night, Sunday afternoons or BOTH.

All programs will start on May 16 and end on June 25. Each group will play for an hour and a half each day/ night.

Levels include: a K-3 learn to play program; girls instructional programs for beginner & novice players grades 3 - 10, an advanced program for players in graders 6 –9 and one for 10 - 12 who want to refine their game

FASTFIXHEATING andPLUMBINGLLC 24hr.service,fullyins.32yrs. exp.Installs/replacements,tuneups,troubleshooting.Fixing allyourheating&plumbing needs.(518)256-1346

FASTFIXHEATING andPLUMBINGLLC 24hr.service,fullyins.32yrs. exp.Installs/replacements,tuneups,troubleshooting.Fixing allyourheating&plumbing needs.(518)256-1346


I.C.E.Contracting.Alltypesof fencing.InstallandRepair.Free estimates.(518)451-0531

FRIDHOLMPAINTING INTERIORPAINTING-Oneor multi-roomprojects.Popcorn andCathedralCeilings.2-story foyersandkitchencabinets. Exteriorpaintingprojects,too. Freeestimates.CALLUSAT (518)330-9507orvisitusat WeLoveWhatWeDo!

GLASS/SCREENREPAIR Brokenglass,tornscreensrepaired.Homerepairs.Makes housecalls.(518)203-8595

HANDYMAN 35yrs.exp.Kitchens,baths, carpentry,plumbing,electrical, etc.Fullyins.(518)727-9077

HANDYMAN Interior/Exteriorpainting.Sidingrepairs,sheetrockrepairs, deckrepairs/staining,carpentry work,lightplumbing,cleanouts-household/garages,etc. Over30yearsexperience. CallRoland(518)530-6118

HANDYMAN/PAINTER InteriorandExterior.Freeestimates.Town&Country.(518) 833-4608

HANDYMAN Remodeling,carpentry,decks, porches,masonry,int./ext. paint,fences,doors/windows. Fullyins.25yrsexp. (518)669-0814

HOUSECLEANING Calltoday foranestimateona one-timedeepcleaningorregularly scheduledcleanings.Excellent references. Linda(518)222-9734

HOUSECLEANING Dependable,thorough.Exc. ref’s.PerfectPremisesHouse Cleaning,Jill(518)727-1342

HOUSECLEANING Experienced.Reliable.Reasonablerates.Ref’s.Freeest.

JUNKREMOVAL&DEMO Oiltanks,hottubs,pools, sheds,barns,houses,fence& retainingwallremoval,yard cleanup.Res./comm.cleanout &organize.Fullyequippedto handleanyjob.(518)339-8710. Partoftheproceedsgotothe veterans.


Fullyins.,freeest.Mowing, cleanups,mulch,sod,lawnrpr, landscapedesign,trimming,& snowplowing.Jim,Herbert’s Landscaping(518)334-0015


Mowing,landscapes,mulch, yorkraking,crusherrun,drivewayrepairs.15+yrs.exp.(518) 361-0498,(518)701-3772

LANDSCAPING&PROPERTY MAINTENANCE Treeservice,clearing/cleanups, drivewayrepairs.Del.stone, topsoil,mulch.(518)451-0531

LAWNCARE Acceptingnewcustomersfor mowingandtrimming.Yard ArtLandscapeConcierge (518)674-0817

LAWNCARE Dependable&fullyins.Letus earnyourbusiness.Nocontractsreq.(518)231-5062

LAWNCARE/LANDSCAPING Affordable.Mowing,mulching, shrubtrimming,planting& clean-ups(518)610-5730

LAWNCARE Mostlawns$35.Seniordiscounts.CallHarry(518)2272411or(518)479-4263


LAWNCARESERVICE Lawnmowing.Reas.rates. SandLake&surroundingarea. RichSagar(518)258-6213

LAWNMOWERREPAIR Prompt,guar.repairsonmost brands.P/u,del.MikeHorowitz (518)477-8378

LONGARMQUILTINGSERVICE Doyouhaveaquilttopwaiting tobeturnedintoafamily treasure?Icanmakethathappen.CollarCityQuiltWorks (518)944-4069

MASONRY&LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION Newinstallations&old restorations.Fullyinsured. John(518)269-6804

MASONRY-ReddenMasonry Allphases,new&old.Brick, block,concrete,stonework. Fullyins.Shawn518-577-0962

MOUNTAINVIEWLandscaping SpringClean-Ups.Mulch,Rock, Plants,Mowing,TreeRemoval/ Pruning,BrushRemoval/ Hauling.Call(518)330-0504

PAINT/PRESSUREWASHING Decks,housepainting/alum siding,concrete.Weclean& paintanythingTown/Country. JJ518-618-8051

PLUMBING,HEATING&ELEC. License,Cert.&Exp. Service,Repairs,Installs, (518)283-2331

ROOFING Allphasesofroofing&repairs. Shingle,Metal,SlateRepairs, TorchDown/epdm,FlatRoofs, ChimneyRepairs&Rebuilds, ChimneySweeping&Rooftop SnowRemoval.24/7EmergencyRepairs.AcceptingCredit Cards.Fullylicensed&insured. CallDEPENDABLEROOFING foraFREEEstimate. (413)281-5655,(413)441-1380



SANDLAKESEPTIC Tankscleaned,repair,new installation.(518)674-3000


Pumping,repairs,installations. Sewer&draincleanin. A.P.Septic.(518)674-0908


Tankscleaned,grouprates avail.Callaneighbor! Gene(518)674-5223


AlltypesofResidentialRoofing.26Yearsinbusiness.Fully Insured,Bonded,Factoryand OSHAcertified.(518)449-3422

STUMP’NGRIND Stumpgrindingservice,big orsmall,insured&backyard accessible. (518)301-5712

TOPSOIL,STONE,MULCH Freedel.shale,sand,fill,dirt, gravel,coloredstone,natural& coloredmulch.Installation& haulingavail.518-339-8710

TREESERVICE (518)312-8005,(518)674-2444 DonBradleyJr.Brush,tree, shrubremoval&trimming.Alsosmallbuildingdemolition. Insured&experienced.

TREESERVICE C&STreeandProperty Services.Freeests.Insured. SeanFinn(518)491-4206

TREESERVICE& EXCAVATION Driveways,Waterlines& Ponds.Freeest.Farmrates. Quickservice.518-423-6885

TREESERVICE Scheffler’sTreeService.Removal,pruning,trimming.Ins. Freeest.Bill(518)479-9749

TREE,SHRUB,STUMPSRVC Bucket,crane,chipper,stump removal.Smalljobstomega. Truckingavail.Wesellwood. (518)339-8710

TREE&STUMPREMOVAL Brushhoggingavailable.Free Estimates.Fullyinsured.Call RayatN&RTreeandProperty Services(518)573-1133


WANTED-AllAntiques,comic books,musicinstruments,vinylrecords,pocket,watches, oldtoys,oldcoins,oldsigns, artwork,fishingitems,old tools.(518)801-4673

WINDOWCLEANING Ken’sWindowCleaning.Fully insured.Comm./Res.40-yrs. familyexp.(518)766-4975


WANTED-Aplacetocultivate honeybeesintheWynantskill area.Call(518)928-1372


IwillsellyourhouseforONLY a3%commission CallYvonneCostanza@Dream StreetProp.561-654-4134




CollinsDesign&BuildLLC. ArticlesofOrganizationwere filedwiththeSecretaryof StateofNewYork(SSNY)on 12/07/2022.Officelocation: RensselaerCounty.SSNY hasbeendesignatedas agentoftheLLCuponwhom processagainstitmaybe served.SSNYshallmaila copyofprocessto1Tracey CourtTroyNY12180.Purpose:Foranylawfulpurpose.

EmailYour LegalNoticeto:

Noticeofformationoflimited liabilitycompany.NAME: BULLISPROPERTY MAINTENANCELLC.Arts. ofOrg.werefiledwiththe SecretaryofStateofNY (SSNY)on4/6/23.Officelocation:RensselaerCo.SSNY hasbeendesignatedas agentoftheLLCuponwhom theprocessagainstitmaybe served.SSNYshallmaila copyoftheprocesstothe LLC,480CAMPBELLAVE, TROY,NY12180.Purpose: Foranylawfulpurpose. PITCHFORKPROPERTIES, LLC.Arts.ofOrg.filedwith theSSNYon04/10/23.Office:RensselaerCounty. SSNYdesignatedasagentof theLLCuponwhomprocess againstitmaybeserved. SSNYshallmailcopyofprocesstotheLLC,9076NY66, AverillPark,NY12018.Purpose:Anylawfulpurpose.

NSAENTERPRISELLCArt. OfOrg.FiledSec.ofStateof NY2/22/2023.Off.Loc.:RensselaerCo.SSNYdesignatedasagentuponwhomprocessagainstitmaybeserved. SSNYtomailcopyofprocess totheLLC,448Hoosick Street,Troy,NY12180,USA. Purpose:Anylawfulactor activity.

while being introduced to more advanced techniques. All age level will be separated and a scrimmage will be held each night. For more information go to www. or e-mail us at

SIXPILLARSHEALTH NURSEPRACTITIONERIN FAMILYHEALTH,PLLCArt. OfOrg.FiledSec.ofStateof NY1/24/2023.Off.Loc.:RensselaerCo.SSNYdesignatedasagentuponwhomprocessagainstitmaybeserved. SSNYtomailcopyofprocess toThePLLC,106Menemsha Lane,Wynantskill,NY12198, USA.Purpose:Nursepractitionerinfamilyhealth.

NOTICEOFFORMATION of DESKSPACE,LLC Arts.ofOrg.werefiledwith SecretaryofStateofNew York(SSNY)on03/16/2023. Officelocation:Rensselaer County.SSNYhas been designatedasagentof the LLCuponwhom process againstitmaybe served. SSNYshallmailacopy of processtotheLLCat: 16 NorthGreenbushRoad, Suite 201,Troy,NewYork12180. Purpose:Anylawfulactivity.

EmailYour LegalNoticeto: lassifi

OrderChicken-FightAddictionBBQ ChurchoftheCovenant 3055NY-43,AverillParkNY12018 (

Saturday,April29,2023, ta eo t eati . pro eedstobene t a oca g o pin and a e dedi atedtoraisingpreven on awarenessandpreven on ofopiateaddiction, providingsupport tothosefightingopiateaddiction and rememberingthosewhohavebeenlost tothe disease. i eri l de i e ,potato, ole law, roll,pie!&bottledwater. @$15perdinner preorderat o a ph a ontagna Donationsaccepted.

THE ADVERTISER APRIL 20, 2023 | PAGE 15 FREEEstimates,Pick-Up&Delivery AVOIDPROBLEMS-LUBEANNUALLY Call 518-745-5916 AllMakesorModels-AntiqueorNew CLOCKREPAIR SERVICE ServicingTheCapitalDistrictForOver40Years •GRANDFATHER•WALL •MANTEL•CUCKOO GUTTERS NOLEAKS−NORUST NOWORRY DOITRIGHT! DOITONCE! Insured-Experienced Anylength,one-piecealuminumrainguttersmade,installed andguaranteedto tyourhome.ColorsAvailable. See“THEFACTORYONWHEELS” SchodackSeamless CallAnytime732-2260
FULLTIME Call(518)454-5503 ToPlaceA ClassifiedAd CombinedLargest ReachInThe CapitalRegion Automotive Merchandise Auctions, LegalNotices, Business Opportunities, Services, Memoriams WeMakeIt EasyTo RentYour Apartment orSell YourHome. Call (518)454-5611 ToPlaceYourAd AAA-Antiques Antiqueswanted.Paintings, furniture,glassware,silver/gold jewelry,toys,jazzalbums, nauticalitems,andvintage watches.Icometoyou! (518)424-4626 WANTEDTOBUY

17 Chapel Street, Unit 404, Albany



bathrooms and a lofty, open-concept living area with floor-toceiling windows and city views. A laundry room with pantry shelving is located off the kitchen, which features granite counters, Aristokraft cabinets and stainless steel appliances. There is underground parking for two cars and 24-hour security. The $504-per-month HOA fee includes access to the building’s rooftop terrace and fitness

facility, as well as water, garbage service and snow removal. List price: $400,000. Taxes: $4,183. If you’d like to learn more, contact Alexander Monticello, real estate broker and owner of Monticello realty, at 518-227-0718.

Poestenkill Spring

Clean Up 2023

When: April 24thApril 28th


• Yard Waste (leaves, grass clippings, etc.) placed in biodegradable

PAPER bags

• Brush and branches (cut to 8ft. lengths maximum, stacked neatly, no more than 3ft tall)

• Stack piles with the cut or thicker ends facing the road

• Maximum diameter for brush or limbs is 6 inches. If we cannot chip it, we cannot take it



• Garbage or Trash

• Cleaning of Vacant


• Stumps, Sod, Rocks, or Dirt

• Metal Items

• Plastic Bags or Flowerpots

• Tires or Batteries




• Please keep in mind we are a small highway crew that must take care of these brush piles by hand.

• Brown recyclable waste bags will be picked up a few times a month throughout the summer/ fall. Please notify the Highway Garage of your location so the bags do not get missed.

Questions: David (DJ) Goyer Cell: (518) 269-1656 Garage: (518)283-4144

Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Troy

Come join us for many seasonal events.

The Sunday 8 a.m. spoken service follows a more ancient Eucharistic Rite in Elizabethan English. The 10 a.m. modern Eucharistic Rite is preceded by hymns on the tower chime and is both live-streamed and in-person. Hymns are accompanied on the regal pipe organ, and Communion music is often from contemporary repertoire. Coffee hour follows the 10 a.m. services. Join us!

The Thrift Store thrives. Hours for shopping and dropping off are from 9 to 12 on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.

Do stop by!

Our next food pantry, which includes fresh produce, will be Saturday, May 6th, from 10 until noon. All are welcome.

Our next Troy Night Out event will be a Hymn Sing on Friday, April 26th at 6 pm. Come join us for this intergenerational event, which will feature a wide variety of hymns accompanied by organ, guitar, and other instruments, including bells played by attendees! For more information or to request a hymn, be in touch with Choir Director Tiffany Dzembo at tdzembo@

Saint John’s will be a part of the Hidden Garden Tour on Thursday, May 25th from 4 to 7:30 pm. For more information log onto All activities are at 146

1st Street in Troy (518)2745884. The Rector, the Rev. Judith Malionek, can also be reached at

Dunham HollowWest Stephentown Scholoaship

The scholarship committee announces the availability of the Dunham Hollow-West Stephentown Scholarship. The scholarship is in memory of Frank Johnson. It is open to anyone (graduating senior, post graduate, or adult wishing retraining) living within the boundaries of the Averill Park School District and has been accepted to a trade or vocational school.

The deadline for submission of an application is May 15th. Scholarship applications may be obtained by contacting the Averill Park High School guidance department at 518-674-7025 or by emailing

Tutors are Needed in Rensselaer County

Literacy Volunteers of Rensselaer County helps more than 160 adults each year to gain the skills they need to be employed, participate in community life, and become U.S. citizens. LVORC needs volunteer tutors to do this work, and

you can help! As a tutor you can develop new skills, make friends, and see how your efforts make a difference in your community.

Would you like to help someone to read and write, improve their math skills, or to speak English as a new language? We can train you. To find out more, join us for a Volunteer Opportunities Information Session via Zoom at 6:00 p.m. on May 1. Contact mhellerlvorc@ to register. Visit the website for more information:

Crafters Wanted

in Richfield Spring

CAPITAL DISTRICT - Applications are currently being accepted for two popular craft events in Richfield Springs--the 42nd Annual Friendship Craft Festival to be held on Saturday, June 10 in Spring Park and the 3rd Annual Fall Craft Fair scheduled for Saturday, October 7 at the Cullen Pumpkin, 587 Cullen Road. Both events are sponsored by the Church Of Christ Uniting in Richfield Springs. For information and an application for both events go to or call Carla at 315-858-1451.

PAGE 16 | APRIL 20, 2023 THE ADVERTISER REAL ESTATE / HOUSE OF THE WEEK Sellers,callustodayto findyourhome’smarketvalue! PRESIDENT’SCOUNCIL LicensedAssociateRealEstateBroker ForCreativeResults 102VanRensselaerSquare,SuiteL Rensselaer,NY12144 • Sheisinthenation’s Top10%ofrealtors! Landscaping,WeeklyMowing, SeasonalCleanups, Plantingand LightExcavation ResidentialandCommercial•FullyInsured 518-257-2338
n If you have seen or own a particularly interesting home for sale to feature, send the address to n For more real estate stories, sign up for the Places & Spaces newsletter: newsletters/realestate/ REAL ESTATE / HOUSE OF THE WEEK This apartment has an open- oor concept, and rooftop access, seen at left. Below, the kitchen, and a room set up as an of ce. Weneedhomestosell. FlexibleRatesandTerms GUCCIARDO REALESTATEGROUP L IS TL OCAL .S ELL GLOBAL. Over 300 Homes Sold in 2022
Gucciardo Broker/Owner 518- 331-3785 SCANME OVER300HOMESSOLDIN2022 PHOTOS BY ALEXANDER MONTICELLO Unit 404 of 17 Chapel St. in Albany has two bedrooms and
Located at 17 Chapel St., Unit 404 features 1,650 square
in 1,650 square feet of living space. his week’s house
Tan apartment that
maintenance-free living with easy access to some of downtown Albany’s best restaurants, theaters and bars.
bedrooms, two

Storytelling Night

Join us at First United Methodist Church 1 Gilligan Road East Greenbush for another special Storytelling night on Wednesday May 3 at 7 pm with our own Choir Director, Robert Thompson . He will share the long history of music in our church and how it has shaped our congregation for over 150 years.





will feature a special recognition program. This will be buffet-style event (with cash bar). There is limited seating. Additional information, tickets, and sponsorships are available at

The current Arlington House building dates from the late 19th century and also has been known as the [Old] Journey’s End, the Elk Horn Hotel, and the Arlington Hotel. We look forward to seeing you there!

Agriculture & Trades Scholarship for Rensselaer County Students

The Hilldale Farm Foundation is accepting scholarship applications from Rensselaer County students seeking higher education in Agriculture and related trades. Applicants should be graduating high school seniors who have resided in Rensselaer County for the last two years, and have been accepted to a college, university, vocational or trade school in New York State. Suitable majors and trade programs include, but are not limited to, agriculture, horticulture, pre-veterinary studies, food science, welding, diesel mechanic, etc. Applications must be emailed or postmarked by May 1. For additional information and application form, please email, or contact Linda King at Award recipient will be announced in June.

The Hilldale Farm Foundation was formed in 2022 to honor the heritage of the Rensselaer County farming community, and support future agricultural industry in New York State. We seek applicants who share our values of hard work, discipline, education, and commitment to family and community. Visit online at

Notice of Bond Resolution

isdaily coverage Whencoverageofnecessary openingscannotbesecured throughoutsidenursingor substitutes, the Assistant Nurse Managerwillsupport withthiscoverage..Theworkis performed underthe supervisionoftheNurse Managerwithleewaygivenfor carrying out the detailsof the work Supervisionmaybeexercised overRegisteredProfessional

Nurses(School) Doesrelated workasrequired


CHARACTERISTICS: Thoroughknowledge ofnursingprinciplesandtechniquesandtheir relationtomedicalpractices andskil intheir application;abilitytounderstandandfollow technica oralandwritten instructionsand the abilitytodisseminatethe sametoonsite schoolnurses;abilitytoplanandsupervise theworkofothers; abilitytokeepaccurate recordsandreports;abilitytoestablish productiveworkingrelationships andelicit the cooperationofothers; goodwritten andoralcommunication skills.

SALARY: Minimum Salary - $70,000/yearCommensuratew/exp Thisis a 12month positionwithnoweekendsrequired excellent bene ts andNYS retirementsystem.

LOCATION: Central Of ce

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bond resolution, 23-003 Acquisition of a new Fire Apparatus, has been adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the South Schodack Fire District, in the Town of Schodack, Rensselaer County, New York (the “Fire District”) on March 27, 2023. Therefor this proposition is subject to a public vote by qualified voters of the Fire District. A Special Referendum will be held on Tuesday May 2, 2023, at 7:30 pm at the Fire District building located at 1567 Bame Road, Castleton, NY.


The following is a summary of a resolution adopted by the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Fire District on March 27, 2023. Said resolution authorizes the issuance and sale of a serial bond or bonds and a bond anticipation note or notes in anticipation of the issuance and sale of said serial bonds, in an amount not to exceed $650,000. The proceeds from the sale of the obligations authorized in said resolution shall be used for the specific purpose of financing the acquisition of a fire apparatus. The maximum estimated cost of the fire apparatus is not to exceed $725,000. The plan of financing is to apply an amount not to exceed $75,000 from the South Schodack Fire District’s Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund or the receipt of a grant to pay a portion of the acquisition cost. The period of probable usefulness for said purpose is twenty (20) years. A copy of the resolution summarized herein is available for public inspection during normal business hours at South Schodack Fire District located in the Town of Schodack, New York.

ThisIs Nursing.

Handmade, Becca Van K. and Romancing the Woods. The rooms feature a mix of modern and vintage furniture, but each cabin is unique in its design. Some have wood-burning stoves and Penobscot Bay porch swings, and all have organic mattresses.

The resulting rooms accommodate a variety of Catskills explorers: cozy “nooks” for quick getaways, and larger cabins with multiple rooms and a kitchenette for extended stays. The mix makes Camp-town ideal for weddings, reunions and corporate retreats. Rooms start at $209 and cabins at $299.

Bucci and Pirkle met working in New York City and in time relocated to the Hudson Valley. They collaborated with Workstead, the design studio, on Rivertown Lodge. Camp-town is their first solo design project with Ramshackle Studio, their new hospitality and real estate design company.

Camptown’s farm-to-table Mexican restaurant, Casa Susanna, led by chef Efrén Hernández, focuses on Jaliscan flavors. Menu highlights include duck leg confit with fermented mole negro, whole grilled mackerel al pastor and prickly pear sorbet. The kitchen has a masa program using three types of heirloom corn (red, yellow and blue) from Mexico known as maíz criollo.

“We use the red corn for tortillas, tostadas, totopos and sometimes sopes. We use the blue corn for tetelas, tlacoyos, sometimes sopes and the yellow corn for all three of our tamales and the pozole,” said Hernández, who also pays close attention to the corn’s grind. Tortillas puff better when corn is ground fine, while tamales will be fluffy instead of dense if the corn is ground more coarsely.

Casa Susanna features a large horseshoe-shaped bar with a cognac leather top. Guests can pull up a French oak bar stool from the 1960s for a glass of natural wine, a cocktail or a fermented drink created with house-made tinctures, seasonal jarred ingredients and garnishes from Camptown’s greenhouse.

For travelers who prefer to cook in the cabins with kitchens, Camptown has an honor pantry with snacks, dry goods, fresh meats and vegetables. There are also on-site grills. Items signed out get billed to guest rooms. Some provisions are local, including Kinderhook Farm meats, Hawthorne Valley dairy, a selection of locally brewed beers and cookies. In the near future, guests who prefer not to shop in the honor pantry will be able to request a “fill your fridge” option, too.

There’s plenty to do around Campground, including hiking on the grounds, and a pool is slated to open Memorial Day weekend. It’s for guests, of course, but local full-time residents of the Hudson Valley can snag a pool membership ($450 for individuals and $600 for families). When the pool closes on Labor Day, never fear — Camptown is planning on opening a sauna in the fall.

East Greenbush Pop Warner Registration Now OPEN

Come join the biggest youth football and cheer program in East Greenbush! Over 50 Years of knowledge in teaching our youth football, cheer and dance. The only national program committed to tracking and rewarding scholastic achievements! Football ages 5 to 14, Cheer ages 3 to 18! Register NOW until July 1st @ https://tshq.


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To apply,visit:

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Planning for Nature in Your Community

Thursday, April 27, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Bethlehem Public Library, Bethlehem, 451 Delaware Ave.

Registration: https:// www.surveymonkey. com/r/Planning_for_Nature

Which natural areas are most vital in my community? How do we plan for a future that sustains nature and quality of life for residents? What types of conservation policies have been successful in other communities?

This workshop will address these questions and introduce approaches for conserving natural areas and water resources from the town-wide scale to the site level. Drawing on Hudson Valley examples, presentations will cover:

• Natural resource inventories and conservation planning;

• Using natural resource information in local project reviews; and

• Municipal policies such as conservation overlay zones and critical environmental areas.

The training is especially designed for members of planning and zoning boards, conservation advisory councils, elected officials, and others involved in open space and nature conservation at the local level. Those who are new to local government or conservation are encouraged to attend. Certificates for two hours of municipal training credit will be available. The workshop is free of charge.

Speakers: Christine Vanderlan, Conservation and Land Use Specialist, Hudson River Estuary Program/ Cornell

Gretchen Stevens,

Director of Biodiversity Resources Center, Hudsonia Ltd.

For questions, contact Christine Vanderlan at christine.vanderlan@dec. or 845-256-3062.

Earth Day Poster Contest

Rensselaer County Legislative Chairwoman Kelly Hoffman has announced their Annual Earth Day Poster Contest! Earth Day is Saturday, April 22, 2023 and the theme this year is “Invest in our Planet.”

Members of the Legislative Majority encourage students who live in Rensselaer County to participate in this fun activity while showing off their love for our planet. We will be accepting entries from students in grades K-6 until April 29t h.

One original art entry per student, not to exceed 22x30 inches. Posters can be mailed or dropped off to: Rensselaer County Environmental Management Council or Legislative

Majority Office at: 99 Troy Road, East Greenbush, NY 12061.

Schools in the county are welcome to coordinate drop off for their students.

Please be sure to include the student’s name, address, school, grade and contact information on the back of the poster. Prizes will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place in grades K-2 and 3-6.

This contest is one of the most popular events the Rensselaer County Legislative Majority sponsors, filling the walls with hundreds of unique posters.

The legislature continues to bring to light issues of environmental significance and educating our youth about “Earth Day” is an opportunity for all of us to learn from our youngest and brightest. We want to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate and use their imagination to come up with the most unique posters. Good luck!



Happy Birthday Jennie103 Years Young and Still Rocking and Rolling: May 24th

Please join the Rensselaer County Rensselaer Senior Center as we celebrate an amazing woman. Jeannie Carpinello has been a active member of our Center for decades. She was a part of the Rensselaer County Senior Center Rockettes and in the Yankee Doodle Entertainers and a Lifetime Achivement’s Awardee just to mention a few of her accomplishments.

Jennie still dances with our line dancer’s on Tuesday and Wednesday. You would be amazed to see her on the dance floor kicking, tapping, and spinning to the beat. She notices when there is someone new trying the class and you will hear her say “ I’ll dance next to you just in case you need some help”. Plan to join us on this


“Special Day”. To describe her as amazing just doesn’t seem enough so let me add Astonishing, Outstanding, Stunning, Extraordinary, Incredible, Jaw Dropping Eye Opening, Phenomenal ETC … you get the drift.

Luncheon menu will consist of Sausage, Peppers, and Onions w/ Pasta and special Birthday

Cake. Music by The Young Winchesters. Make your reservation early at (518) 463-2166. This will be a day you won’t forget. We are located on East and Herrick Streets in Rensselaer. We are open 9am to 3pm Monday through Friday. Looking forward to seeing you.



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• Stumps,Sod,Rocks,orDirt

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