Alternative Concepts for Water and Sewer Main Access in the Northwest Territories

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ALTERNATIVE CONCEPTSFOR WATER AND SEWER MAIN ACCESSIN THtr NORTHWEST TERRITORIES K.R. Johnson,IJMA EngineeringLtd. (kjohson@uma$ B.C. Grieco,tlMA Engineering Ltd. ( ABSTRACT A studyto investigatealtematelesscostly accesssystemsfor below ground water andsewer main servicingwasundenakenby UMA EngineeringLtd. on behalfofthe Govemmentofthe NorthwestTerritories. The systemmost commonlyusedin permafiostareasofthe Nofihwest Territoriesis a buried insulatedsteelaccessvault. The studywasbasedon a decisionanalysisofa numberofaltemative concepts.lnfbrmation for the conceptswasbasedon a surveyof inftastucture accesssystemsin Aiaska, the yukon Territory, the Northwest Teritories and the Nunavut Tgrritory. Theseconceptswere then refined,andcombinedto provide a largenumberofpotential accesssystems. A total of l7 altemativeswere evaluatedusing a Kepner-TregoeDecislon Alalysis. The evaluationindicatedthat the threehighestruking altemativesfor accessto sewerandwater mains(in decreasingrar*) are: .

Commonbelowgroundmainswith insulatedsteelaccessvaults.


Commonbelow groundmainswith insulatedHigh Densitypolyethylene(HDPE) access vautts. Separatebelow groundmainswith shallowinsulatedHDPE water accessvaults, (requiringa portableshelter),andinsulatedHDPEseweraccessvaults.

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