Hot & Heavy July August 2016

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CRYSTAL CONNECTIONS A Holistic Lifestyle Magazine Issue #02

July/August 2016

The Hot & Heavy Issue You CAN talk to your Higher Self NUMEROLOGY REPORT! Facing fears w/ Nicci Johnson Current Crushes: get cuffed, get sexy, get inspired

Crystal Connections Table of Contents Mind Communicating with Your Higher Self, by Lynne Hartwell page 4 Class is in Session, with Nicci Johnson page 6


Money Talk, with Teri Bach page 9

Body Current Crushes page 12 The Art of Letting GOal with Judy LaJesse page 16


Oil of the Month: Ylang Ylang page 18


10 Soul The Number Nymph, Tammy Campy page 10 Finding Inspiration, with Kailee Marie page 14 It Doesn't Fit Anymore with Daring Spirits page 15




Crystal Connections Contributors

Nicci Johnson Multi-Passion Creative Coach of women that are ready to speak life over their fears. Page 6

Judy LaJesse Model, Fitness fanatice, and Blogess speaks about about how her life goal was sidetracked (for now). Page 16

Teri Bach Psychotherapist for 25 years and a Certified Tapping into Wealth Coach, Teri talks about the emotions of money. Page 9

Tammy Campy Committed to growth and expansion of consciousness in humanity, Tammy specializes in numerology, and much more! Page 10

Daring Spirits One part daring, one part spirited: They can teach you how to access your cosmic information through AMP meditation. Page 15

Lynne Hartwell A Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, Spiritual Guide and Psychic Intuitive connects you to your inner wisdom. Page 4

Kailee Marie An inspirational Millenial who coaches women who are craving a healthy body and confident outlook on life! Page 14

Crystal Connections From the Editor Do what, now? When I asked Heidi, the Assistant Editor, what the July/August theme should be, she immediately suggested 'Hot and Heavy'. I thought it was brilliant! It's summer, it's hot, it' do I inspire our contributors with this theme? But then I realized when you are in the thick of things, when you are in a new relationship or venture, you are hot and heavy in the energy of it, the excitement of it. But it's important to remain level headed and see the big


picture. Seasons change, situations shift. Are you equipped to shift with them? Crystal Connections is is your resource to prepare you for those shifts. We're happy to be on this journey, with you.

Get it, girl! Congratulations to Heidi Tungesvick, Crystal Connections Assistant Editor, on becoming a Huffington Post Blogger! Proof that big things happen you when you just take a chance on your dreams!



Does marketing freak you out? Do you have the belief that advertising is beyond your budget? Do you have creative design blocks around your ads? Drop your judgements and step out of those paradigms! Advertising is affordable at Crystal Connections Magazine. Our in­house designer will have your business turning heads! What are you waiting for? Let's get you started: crystalconnectionsmag@gmailcom

Communicating with your Higher Self Everyone is searching for answers. Psychic Intuitive Lynne Hartwell teaches you just how easy it is to find what you are seeking.

How to “talk” with your Higher Self-and get answers! *The first step is to get yourself in a place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. Sit yourself comfortably, with feet on the floor or seated in lotus position. Slow down your breathing, as this slows down and calms the mind. Focus on your slowed breathing for a few minutes until you can feel your mind and body become noticeably calmer. *Next imagine your Higher Self has a physical form and is seated or standing next to you. Imagine this is your best friend that is nearby, or that you are surrounded by a warm, loving presence. How does your Higher Self appear to you? Release the expectation of what you will sense, and allow yourself to just experience. *You will know you are sensing your Higher Self when you receive sensations that are light, positive, loving, joyful, etc. If you receive sensations of fear or anger, then you are connecting to your ego. If this happens go back to your breathing and repeat the process.

Your Higher Self is the deeper part of who you are, your “true” self. It is the non-physical aspect of you, the part that is pure energy, light, love, joy, etc. The Higher Self is the “real” you, the consciousness that fills you with inspiration, guides you through your intuition, and teaches you through wisdom. This is the part of you that knows every desire, thought, and intention-it knows intimately every aspect of your being. Many of us feel that we are disconnected from our Higher Selves, and that we do not know how to communicate within. The reality is that we are always connected! This is not something that becomes learned or just happens, it is something that has been in existence since birth. Another aspect of our reality is that our soul is made of energy, but our body exists in a physical state. It can become difficult to grasp that our soul is energy, and when connected to a physical body it is having a physical experience. But there really is no separation between your physical body and your Higher Self-think of it as more of a “unity”. So why listen to your Higher Self? Why is this important? Your Higher Self can act as a powerful guide, and help you move forward through challenges you face in life. It communicates with you through “hunches”, “feelings”, “premonitions”, etc. It can be tricky to determine what these mean when you experience them-it’s not like you can pick it up, see it, hear it, etc. Messages from our Higher Self can also be cryptic or confusing at first. They can be in the form of emotions, flashes of images, or even sound. They can also come to us through dreams, which are highly symbolic, and sometimes confusing.

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*When you can sense your Higher Self next to you, ask it questions. Start with questions that can be answered in either “yes” or “no”, and go with the response that immediately comes to you. Answers that are immediate are coming directly from your Higher Self, and this is what you should focus on. Write down what you experience, and keep a journal.

Your Higher Self is one of the strongest guides and mentors you can experience, so it’s important you connect on a daily basis. This will help you move forward in the direction you want to take, and to overcome obstacles you experience along the way.

Meet Lynne Hartwell: Lynne has been assisting both the general public and professionals alike with successful transformation of their life’s path & direction. She shares methods and techniques that have worked with shifting her own life and the lives of others into one of personal empowerment, success and joy. She is a Multi-Dimensional Energy Healer, Spiritual Guide and Psychic Intuitive with numerous certifications and experience in the field. Website: Facebook: LUnique Realm Twitter: luniquerealm

Crystal Connections- Hot & Heavy

Class is definitely in session whether we are ready or not. Looking back I can honestly say I have had plenty of experiences when I absolutely was not ready nor capable of taking on any challenge that came my way. Life has a funny way of saying, "Hey I am here for you, but here comes another shit storm." More often than not, back then, I was the storm – unpredictable, unreliable, chaotic, twisted, with an unwavering desire to stir up drama wherever I went because I didn't know any better. Through many therapy sessions, treatments, getting sober and recovery meetings, I have developed a new, Spiritual design for living, allowing me freedom when I choose it. I believe more people are out there with this issue too. That's why I feel the duty to share tools I have picked up along the way to teach you how to create the space for your journey, ultimately leading you back home, to love.

let's face it: fear Bad-ass Boss Lady, Nicci Johnson, gets real, and gets down to the nitty gritty about fear and how to face it. Are you ready to get schooled? Class is in session:


ny given moment life throws curveballs. Sometimes we are ready – other times it knocks the wind right out of our sails. The moment of impact is when we are truly tested. Do we flinch? Do we fall? Do we run away? Or do we instinctively know to catch the damn thing? It's like we have been training our whole lives for that very instant. So what do we do? Have we been paying attention during our lessons to know how to prepare for the next test?? "Life is a classroom, and everyone is our teachers," Gabrielle Bernstein says. Page 6

Fear, the dreaded fear. But, is it really something to dread? Is it possible to use fear to fuel us propelling us right back to our passions and core desires? I believe it can, with Divinely inspired guidance. Granted, the human condition is perfectly imperfect. When something doesn't go our way we naturally bristle, flinch, tense up and react out of… yes, fear. Why? Fear, I have found, occurs for one of two reasons: either we are afraid to lose something we have or we are not going to get what we want. This can be things such as, losing a job or not getting a job, losing a boyfriend or not getting a boyfriend, not getting the recognition we think we deserve or losing the good reputation we had due to a careless mistake, not having the perfect wardrobe or having to sell your clothes so you can afford rent. The list goes on, but you get the point. It is common to seek outside of ourselves for validation. Eventually, I had a spiritual awakening and came to realize I had been searching outside myself for a solution. I used drugs, alcohol, men, shopping, and food to try to fill a God-shaped hole. I had to fix an interior problem. The only thing I had to change was everything. Quickly I became responsible, knowing I had no one to blame but myself for my unhappiness. I realized if nothing changes, then nothing changes. I was running on Crystal Connections- Hot& Heavy

full self-centered fear for so long I wasn't sure where to begin. I knew I needed to change from the inside out. So, I began to change my thinking, utilizing affirmations, mantras, positive quotes and words that spoke life rather than death. This interior problem was the way I perceived everything. The way I thought about everything. I was so full of self-loathing and unworthiness from past belief systems and irresponsible behavior. Something needed to shift radically if I was going ever to bust through the blocks keeping me from my truth. HOW?? Honesty, open-mindedness, and willingness. Fear. This is a daily battle. However, I know I am not alone in this. Let's get honest right now – feelings of anxiety, worry, doubt, irritability, judgment, comparison and discontent are a few examples of what I call fear. When these feelings are occurring, I know I have temporarily detoured from love. I have learned fear is the result of one of two things – we are afraid we will lose something we have, or we aren't going to get what we want. Things such as money, power, prestige, emotional security, accolades, recognition, control, and attention are just a few examples. When I recognize I am stuck in fear; I have two choices: either I become aware of the illusion and take the necessary steps to change my attitude, or I sit in selfpity where nothing changes and resentments begin to fester. Here are some steps to propel you forward, bust your blocks, and face your fears: 1: Recognize the feeling of fear: When we can acknowledge this feeling of being overwhelmed, anxious or irritable, fear loses its power. Tell yourself – seriously say this out loud – (A good friend said to me the words we speak can literally change our DNA) "I recognize this feeling of fear, and it is a lie. The only thing that is real is love. I choose love instead of fear right now." Feel free to say these affirmations multiple times until you feel ease start to slip in. Crystal Connections- Hot & Heavy

2: Let it go: After affirming/claiming Truth and Love, give yourself permission to become present. Your presence is your power. Great job! You are on your way to peace. Now say out loud, "I choose peace instead of fear. Right here, right now I release this fear." 3: Trust that everything is in divine and perfect order right now: By trusting you are being provided for allows you to feel confident in knowing that whatever happens is for your highest good. There is always a way through every block. God has your back. Say out loud, "Everything is in divine and perfect order right now. I trust in whatever spiritual assignments that come my way. I am ready, willing and able to see love instead of fear." My challenge for you is to use these affirmations on a daily basis. Write them down, put them on your mirrors, walls, door frame.. Where ever you can see them regularly. This way, these words will subconsciously sink into your mind and creative new neural pathways, and ultimately creating new behaviors and thinking. Using these tools shifts your perception from fear-based thoughts to more loving thoughts – bringing truth to life and will prepare you for the next lesson that comes your way! Speak Life over fear and your future self will thank you. Class Dismissed.

Nicci Johnson: I am a Multi Passionate Creative Coach to women who are ready to speak life and live their passions. I also support women that are new in business, in my Facebook group: The New Crew. I love all things communications: Video blogs, writing, radio, podcasting, eMagazines, designing, and branding. I am an avid lover of this giant adventure called life. Some consider me quirky and that’s what I love most about myself! Website: Facebook: Niccilove247

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Plunder Design Vintage Jewelry, Savvy Prices Choose Plunder. Choose happy. How will you choose to Plunder?


Inspirational Classic

Boho Plunder is an vintage jewelry company that has a style and price point for every woman! You can choose to shop, host a party to earn free jewelry, or become a Plunder Stylist and build your own business!


Crystal Connections- Hot & Heavy

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Number Nirvana with Tammy Campy

When you add the year 2016, 2+0+1+6 = 9. This year is about our global connection to all! Offering healing at the humanitarian level, supporting and raising the vibration and consciousness collectively. Given that, it is also a significant year for endings. You will notice it in your personal lives as well as in the celebrity realm. What endings have you experienced personally? What thoughts, patterns, beliefs, things, people, and places are you willing to release this year? Why is this important? Simply since 2017 will be a 1 year and all about new beginnings. What we do globally next year will set the stage for the next 9 years! A new cycle begins. Now do you see the importance of releasing this year personally and collectively? This can offer you a sense of freedom to let go and healing to occur. And as always, what we do release, forgive, let go of, and surrender will only support the planet as well. Let the healing and releasing begin!


July is a 7 month. It is the energy of connection, to people, trusting, going within, and having some solace alone. When we go within, what and who do you want to pay attention to? Who and what is it you connect to personally in that higher level of consciousness? Your higher self? God? Father? Mother? Spirit? The Divine? The Earth? The Water? Buddha? Krishna? Christ? Nature? What is being revealed? Time to look at the deeper meaning of life and what is being presented to you to view, observe, witness, understand?

Our intuition will be in a high state this month if we pay attention to it! Now when we look at this energy globally, adding the 9+7=16/7, which offers us the opportunity to look deeper and connect to some karmic relationships, or asking what we have in the way of connecting spiritually? Perhaps some old beliefs or patterns in the way preventing us from fully connecting to all at a soul level as we were intended? What in you needs healing to enable you to trust fully and to connect authentically to your higher essence? What are you willing to release to be fully engaged consciously, heartfully, and completely trusting. When we trust that we are Numerology is the belief in the divine, mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. It is also the study of the numerical value of the letters in words, names and ideas.

completely and fully loved and supported here, we can be in this highest essence to allow all the love, connection, trust, possible to come in. The 1 offers us again an opportunity to view and observe ourselves independently. The 6 allows us to connect and serve humanity as well. Spending time with friends, family and community AND allowing ourselves to connect to what we do want. Being willing to ask for what we need and balance out the scales of giving and receiving. This can be challenging for some. What comes up for you in regards to identifying your personal needs first? Please consider, we are here to honor our vessel and soul here while healing, evolving, and growing and THEN giving to others, not the other way around.

Number Nirvana with Tammy Campy

When we add the energy globally we get 8+9=17. From that, we are again going within, seeking to understand and connecting spiritually to trust our knowing, to connect with our personal power, and money.

August 8 energy, the month of power! We will have an opportunity to connect with our personal power within ourselves and balance the yin and yang around money. First viewing where we are at with our personal authority within our being. Is it weak willed or dominant? Is it passive aggressive or unaffected by the power you harness using it for the good to direct and bring people together harmoniously? Clearly we are not always balanced in life, and we certainly go back and forth on the continuum of life. If we didn't, we would stop growing.

...connect with our personal power within ourselves and balance the yin and yang around money So what part does your personal authority play in your world? What is your relationship with the people around you that hold personal power energy? What is your idea, judgment or opinion about that? Are you neutral? It is naturally a masculine energy. Is it more on the mental plane and learning how to be compassionate with themselves and others? What will it take to connect to your personal power in an authentic way compassionately to move forward powerfully in the months ahead?

What is out of balance financially for you? Are you super conscious of money? Not conscious enough? Do you feel neutral or triggered by the conversation of it? If we can all remember that money is just a source of exchange for something and that our attachment or detachment is personal for us, and we can connect to it through free will to transform our relationship to it, therefore producing a huge shift for all! And if you are grounded and connected to money in a healthy state, please contribute to the world to connect to it authentically and healthily as well! We will all be grateful for your contribution! It is also a great month for our labor and state of consciousness to call forth abundance around money! Will you choose to shift to a state of allowing to stand fully in who you are and be open to receive all the goodness you deserve and desire? We are most certainly worthy to receive! May you find this helpful and you feel guided and support on your beautiful journey here living a life you love completely and authentically! ­Tammy Campy­ Committed to growth and expansion of consciousness in humanity, Tammy studies and specializes in her practice of meditation, numerology, Core Passion, Hypnotherapy, dowsing, personal development coaching, Reiki and Access Consciousness. Prosperity Partnership Inc

CURRENT CRUSHES.... Current Crushes is all about our current OBSESSIONS! What we love, what we can't stop talking about, and what we think everyone needs to know about!

Mind: Medical Medium Anthony William was born with the unique ability to converse with a high­level spirit who provides him with extraordinarily accurate health information that’s often far ahead of its time.t For over 25 years, Anthony has devoted his life to helping people overcome and prevent illness—and discover the lives they were meant to live. His groundbreaking book will rock your foundation of what you think you know about eating healthy, and the causes of Autism, Lyme's Disease, Epstein Barr, and much more. This book is NOT for a closed minded person. Purchase on Amazon or at

Inner Child: thecuffchic Inspired by the loss of her beloved father, Mary Haman­Tooke turned one of his old belts into a leather cuff, as a memorial to him. Word got around, and before she knew it, "Thecuffchic" was a full on #bossbabe business! Check out "Thecuffchic" on Facebook and Etsy:


Ashley Danielle

A business prophet who helps Women Entrepreneurs, with service based businesses, get to the root of their Soul Purpose and realize they are worthy of success by communicating with spirit for guidance and actionable concrete steps to find the success they truly desire. She pours her heart into her Facebook group, The Enchanted Entrepreneur, providing support and intuitive readings! Book an appointment for a psychic medium readings in person, through Facebook Messenger, or Skype at or email

Body: Layla Martin: Jade Egg Layla Martin created The Sexy Revolution as a community and playground to empower you to be all of who you are – powerfully, unabashedly and pleasurably. Embracing your sexuality can help you love and connect more with your body, pleasurably heal from any sexual trauma and abuse or know deep down inside how completely amazing and sexy you really are. Layla uses inspired and practical tools based on real science and ancient Tantric and Taoist traditions that you can use in your daily life to bring immediate self­love. Shop for her magical Jade Egg at:

Finding Inspiration when you feel stuck By Kailee Marie, Healthy Soul 360 Many people lose inspiration at some point in their lives. It’s a feeling that makes you feel stuck and lost. You can lose inspiration when you don’t feel supported. You can lose inspiration when you feel like you failed. You can lose inspiration when you lose a loved one. There’s many ways that you lose inspiration, but the best way to describe it is that you feel empty and not in motion. Inspiration is what helps you stay focused on your goals. It gets you excited about your dreams. It gives you that feeling that you are ready to achieve your goals. It gives you guidance. It gives you a higher feeling of support and love. Simply, you are energized and bubbling over with excitement that can’t be contained nor described with words. There have been times that I have lost inspiration, but that’s because I am human, we all are. So how do you find this inspiration when you feel unsupported, lost, a failure, and not focused? 1. Ask for guidance. I’ve been studying Angelology on my own time and I’ve learned that we are always supported. When you call upon your angels for guidance, they will give you guidance and show you the way.

2. Focus on what excites you. Take note of what excites you. If something doesn't excite you, it’s only holding you back. When something excites you, write it down in a journal or on a piece of paper. You’ll begin to notice a pattern.

3. Revisit your goals and dreams. When you ask for guidance and focus on what excites you, it will help you to refocus and change you goals and dreams. Your goals may change, your dreams may change, and it is completely okay.

4. Inspire your social media. Only follow people who are inspiring and motivating. When you watch their videos or read their posts, it should help you feel excited and it should remind you of your dreams.

These four simple steps will help you find and feel that inspiration that energizes you. The biggest step of all is to simply ask for guidance. It may not be over night that you find this energy. When you are open to it and allow yourself to accept the guidance, everything will work in your favor. Have faith. Believe it. Believe in you.

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Meet Kailee Marie: Kailee is the Founder of Healthy Soul 360. She is a college student studying for her Bachelor’s degree in Biology with a Psychology minor and Public Health pathway. She has always had a love and passionate interest in eating healthy, working out, and being an inspirational light to those around her. As a Light Worker and Spiritual Healer, Kailee's mission is to help and guide people on their spiritual journey while getting healthy and confident. Website: Facebook: Healthy Soul 360

grow and stretch!" We tend to see outgrowing relationships as a negative. We judge: we judge ourselves, we feel guilty, we think we've been bad, or believe we could have done better. That is not always the case. I use divorce as an example; however, the metaphor spills over to many other situations: not getting a job, breaking up with someone, losing touch with friends, the clothes in the back of our closet not fitting anymore...need I go on? Yes, it might feel unpleasant when something doesn't fit anymore (when we let go of "old" pictures, if you will), and if we can see what we’ve outgrown and let it go, give ourselves permission to transform and change, what comes next can seem down right magical. If things aren’t fitting right anymore in certain areas of your life, use these simple techniques to see what isn’t fitting (if you aren’t sure) and ways to move it out so you can have what is coming in next: 1. 2. 3. 4.


How do you deal when "it" doesn’t fit anymore? We have all done it. Outgrown something. When we are kids and we outgrew our clothing, it felt like a right of passage - a little bit older, a little bit wiser, a little bit more independent along with a little more air circulating around our ankles.

Sit in a comfortable chair and take two or three deep breaths. Close your eyes and ask yourself “what isn’t fitting anymore” and notice what first pops into your head. Then note your immediate reaction to what popped up – agree or disagree, resonate or not? Sit for a moment or two with what popped up and allow yourself to think/reflect about the information you are receiving from your body and your thoughts. Do you feel uncomfortable? Relaxed? Come back to this space a few times over the next few days and revisit the information as it unfolds and new insights appear. Your body, mind, and spirit will guide you to your next step as you take time to listen.

For more techniques and information on connecting to your authentic self and clearing out outdated pictures, check out our AMP (active meditation practice) Program on our website:

When we're older and clothes or relationships don't fit right, it can feel awkward; we may even say it's harsh, challenging, and wrong.

Meet the Daring Spirits: We teach you how to meditate, discover and work with your unique vibration, and "go all in" in your life. Life is better when you access your cosmic information and bring those insights into the body. We know that integrating mind, body, and spirit - keeping all three in balance - makes things feel easier and gentler.

Recently, I have noticed things not fitting like they did a week ago, six months ago, not to mention two years ago. At Daring Spirits, we decode the energy of things. In meditation, we see pictures of situations, people, relationships – we see how things are moving and flowing. We gain insight from the energy that surrounds us, whatever we are working with and handling. Then we can see whether the pictures are current or not. Allowing outdated pictures of ourselves or others to linger past their use-by date, creates discomfort because those pictures don’t fit the current energy - just like outgrown clothing feels uncomfortable.

Email: or Website: Facebook: Daring Spirits

It's practically unheard of to show up for a divorce and have your attorney or judge slap you a high five and say, "Way to

Crystal Connections

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Manifesto A manifesto is a public declaration of goals, intentions, ideologies, beliefs, and motives. Here at Crystal Connections Magazine we are all about goal setting and attainment as well as helping others manifest their dreams! Do you want to get clear on your views and goals? Write them down and share with us at:

Plant Medicine Rose

"The Rose has always been the premiere symbol of female sexuality. In primitive goddess cults, the five petals represented the five stations of female life - birth, menstruation, motherhood, menopause, and death. And in modern times, the flowering rose's ties to womanhood are considered more visual." -Dan Brown Rose Elixir! Fill a mason jar with organic rose petals, 1/4 raw honey, 3/4 organic vodka. Cover & and shake regularly. Let age for 3­6 weeks. Strain and store in a glass bottle. Use on burns and other skin irritations. Administer drops under tongue for emotional healing. ­Wild Velvet Wellness

Ylang Ylang This month we will focus on Ylang Ylang essential oil, pronounced Ee­lang Ee­lang. Ylang Ylang is said to balance male­female energies and act as an aphrodisiac. Its sweet floral scent is popular in perfume combinations and skin and hair care products. Ylang Ylang perfect for a romantic evening or finding your Joie de Vivre!


Ylang Ylang is a medium/strong, middle/base note fragrance. It is fresh, sweet, floral, slightly fruity, and delicate. Ylang Ylang blends well with bergamot, geranium, grapefruit, lemon, marjoram, sandalwood, and vetiver essential oils.


Ylang Ylang is great for clearing negativity and creating peaceful joy. It encourages self­love and confidence. Ylang Ylang dispels jealousy, encourages forgiveness and opens your awareness to the beauty in all things. It aids in connecting to angelic energies.

Health Its medical properties include: antispasmodic, vaso­ dilating, anti­diabetic, anti­inflammatory, anti­ parasitic, and it regulates heartbeat. It can be used for cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac problems, anxiety, hypertension, depression, hair loss, acne, oily skin and intestinal problems.

Spirit Ylang Ylang balances the sacral and solar plexus chakras. It opens oneself to love and sexuality and is popular for finding enthusiasm and upliftment in life again. PRECAUTIONS: Oil Specific: Use sparingly if you have low blood pressure.


Dilute 1:1 with a carrier oil and apply to chakras or reflexology points. Where diluted at perfume or blend for a signature fragrance. Inhale directly or diffuse. Add to homemade hair rinses, bath salts, and lotions.

Recipe for Loving Massage Oil Blend Ylang Ylang 8 drops, Sandalwood 6 drops, Orange 11 drops, with 2 ounces high­ quality carrier oil in a glass container. Hold container in hands while invoking your personal intention such as self­love, romantic connection, or empowerment. You can gently apply to the sacral and solar plexus chakras rubbing in a clock­wise direction or use for a full body massage.

Purchase I use Young Living Essential Oils as they are therapeutic­grade. I trust the quality and enjoy working with a great company. You can purchase oils on the Young Living website at retail price or create an account (use YL distributor #1418430) and purchase a starter kit for wholesale pricing. ­Heidi Tungesvick­

General: As with all essential oils, never use them undiluted, in eyes or mucous membranes. Do not take internally unless working with a qualified and expert practitioner. Keep away from children. If applying an essential oil to your skin always perform a small patch test to an insensitive part of the body (after you have properly diluted the oil in an appropriate carrier. For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Let go of the energetic clutter in your space and unleash your mental and spiritual power Introducing: AMP {Active Meditation Practice}- An exclusive offer from Daring Spirits

New to meditation? Ready to take your practice to a new level? Going all in? This is the series you're looking for. With this series of guided meditations, you will lay the foundation of an active meditation practice. Active meditation doesn't ask you to quiet your mind, in fact it requires that you engage your mind. Yes, you can use it to relax and recharge, and you can use it to open the door to your ability to see energy. Whether you're a seasoned meditator or a total newbie, these tools will change your life.

In these programs, you will activate your ability to: Ground: The fastest, easiest way to connect with the present moment and release what's not serving you Find the Center of your Head: Get comfortable with your ability to see clearly without judgement Call Back Your Energy: Fill your space with your original essence, the unique energy that makes you *you* - and watch what happens Work with Energy Channels: Balance earth and cosmic energies and create a comfortable equilibrium for your body Protect your Space: Establish boundaries and learn how to keep unwanted energy from creeping into your space Create and Destroy: Play with the Universe in its own language - creativity - and feel the power you already have within you to manifest what you want

Now through August 31, 2016, start your AMP and receive the following bonuses: 6 group coaching calls laser-focused on how to apply the techniques "in real life" and answering your questions (calls start in June and will run through August - the sooner you start, the more calls you can join!) Access to a private FB group where you can connect with other daring spirits and have access to the DS team for support An additional guided meditation recording putting all the tools together in a way that you can re-create any time, any place More perks as Spirit moves us - once you're in with us, the fun just keeps coming!

Purchase today for $57 and get started immediately:

Do you have a message to share with the world? Crystal Connections Magazine wants to work with you! We want your magic. Your words of wisdom. Your advertisements of service and products, so the world can be a better place.

We want to collaborate with you if you are a: writer blogger healer artist crafter entrepreneur magic and mischief maker

If you are ready to be seen, then give us a shout!

Let's do this:

Calling all Boss Babes!

You are invited to join this Facebook group for business­minded women that are new or fairly new to the entrepreneur world. This is a fresh and fabulous place to share ideas, find accountability partners as well as ask questions about how to start, maximize, and propel your business in order to better serve your ideal clients.

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