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Spring 2021 Live Work Corporate Office
Typical Loft Unit Type A Interior
Loft Unit Type A Loft Unit Type B
The question became, how can we take things we have come to enjoy while working from home(like no commute taking breaks and eating lunch at home) and combing them with the benefits of the physical office (like increased productivity and worker collaboration). done by looking at the singlefamily subdivision and its relationship office building. Where each building is assigned a “lot” within a subdivision. This model was then applied it to a vertical tower by creating a three dimensional grid and assigning threedimensional lots to each residence. Instead of blocking the offices into one larger lot the corporate office was broken into smaller lots for each department. By doing retains one of enefits
Typical Residential Level Type B
Typical Office Level
Bar Unit Type A Bar Unit Type B
of working from home; keeping all the amenities of home within a few steps.
additional bedrooms may become more important than added outdoor space.
As each resident would ideally be living here as an employee for an extended time, their space needs over time will inevitably change. Whether it is due to having children or having a parent live with them,
In order to accommodate the residents changing needs each of the unit types would have a “base” design that provides one or two Bedrooms while allowing the opportunity to expand in case of household growth.The loft unit type base has double height space on both the outdoor space and the living room. Each