3 minute read
Julia Cha
Best-selling author and international Success Coach Julia Cha shares how she is helping alpha women smash their glass ceilings by helping them leverage the genius of their subconscious mind power. She explains, “What I do differently is that I don't leave any stones unturned. A woman's success has to be set up right at the foundation. Then, it becomes effortless! The subconscious reprogramming is an important process for
her to work through the gender, family, and societal conditioning that hold her back. At the same time, with the right support, ecosystem, guidance, and a vibrant network, she's now got an unfair advantage to success!”
She continues, “Back in 2012, I began my journey as a broke, single mom with two little kids, struggling, and hustling to build my career from scratch. So much of this journey was about overcoming my tendency to fall into toxic relationships, being strong, yet still having an invisible pull where I "needed" a man, and doubting my own abilities as a mom and a career woman. No matter my circumstances, I had a dream. That dream kept me going to do the work, even when the outcome had no guarantees. I took massive action that felt so scary and risky. I worked through the hurdles, obstacles, and major triggers, to "make it" to where I am today.”

Cha’s life today, “I am extraordinarily happy and proud to have accomplished the dream of working from home, building the business of my dreams, and having a network of wonderful, connected, healthy relationships. My journey has been about learning the right things from the hurdles and applying them, as well as how to make the best of limited resources: time, focus, energy, money. No circumstances are ever greater than your power.A lot of times, the one thing that stops many women from starting their own ventures is confidence.” When asked about the definining moment that pushed her to the right direction Cha said, “I went through a series of career successes, pivots, and new jobs, only to find myself dissatisfied. I was waiting for my kids to be older, so my potential "failure" won't affect their standards of living. I was waiting until I was older, wiser, and more experienced, to do the work that I knew deep inside, I was meant to do. I was waiting for "something" to get better, until I started heading in the right direction. But that someday never came. I became a financial advisor, and made my first $10,000 a month. That was the most deflating and defining moment. I made the money, but I didn't feel happy. I felt really sad that if this works out, I won't be forced to change and do what I'm called to do, and make a great living doing what I love.”
When asked to give advice to future women entrepreneurs Julia said, “When you start the right business, that's when you'll be required to do more self-development than you've ever done. Even if you think right now that you've done a lot, you will be challenged more than ever when building the business that is your life mission. Don't wait until you're more ready. Instead, start now, and deal with the growth you need as they come up. This is the only way.”
Discussing her future, Julia shares, “Taking the business to 8 figures to help more women around the globe. We'd like to have contracts with corporations to support women leaders in fortune 500 companies. Then, opening a not-for-profit that helps to support women in developing countries who do not have access to such resources and support. One of the biggest hurdles I have worked through at each level of my success are layers of blocks around money and success. Our gender and cultural conditioning is so deeply ingrained, and is revealed in layers. With each level of achievement, we notice new blocks we never saw before.” She continues, “This is not just me. Women and money /success blocks are a prominent problem. This is why every industry is male-dominated at the top. We're working against the conditioning deeply ingrained via millenias of patriarchy. I created a short, minicourse to help her start getting to the root of the issues, and start resolving them. I also have a program for women in business where we do this work together, and form a strong, supportive community, exactly what she needs to reach her highest potential.”
Julia can be found online at: www.juliacha.com https://www.amazon.com/Am-There-Yet-Business-Yourself/dp/1777062802 https://youtube.com/c/juliacha https://www.instagram.com/juliajcha/ https://www.facebook.com/juliajcha https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliacha/.