Safety Etiquette of the Internet in Plain Language

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Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen

© 2012 Oppimateriaalikeskus Opike, FAIDD and the author Author: Petri Ilmonen Editor: Petri Ilmonen English translation: Petri Ilmonen & Sisko Rauhala Illustration: Mikko Silventoinen Layout: Pirkko Rajamäki & Petri Ilmonen Designer: Pirkko Rajamäki Special thank yous for their contribution to the members of the steering group of Tikas Mrs. Sirpa Ahde, Veromäki School Mrs. Hanna Fontell, Eestinmetsä School Mr. Pasi Holmström, The Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities Mrs. Paula Jägerhorn, Oppimateriaalikeskus Opike, FAIDD Ms. Pauliina Kyllönen, The Plain-Language Centre, FAIDD Mr. Hannu Lampi, Lehtimäki Folk High School Mrs. Anu Pärssinen, Oppimateriaalikeskus Opike, FAIDD Mr. Jouni Oikarinen, Martti Special Elementary School Ms. Tanja Räsänen, Papunet, FAIDD Mrs. Raija Siirilä, Keskuspuisto Special Vocational School ISBN 978-951-580-528-7 All rights reserved. This English publication of the Tikas Safety Etiquette has been made possible by

Safety Etiquette of Internet 10 Good Tips about Internet in Plain Language Safety Etiquette means online rules of conduct. If you follow the Safety Etiquette, it will be safer for you to use Internet.

© Nettietiketti: Petri Ilmonen / Oppimateriaalikeskus © Safety Etiquette Opike of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Be honest

Everyone is responsible for his own actions on the Internet. Always think what you do or say. Be honest.

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Respect other users

Think what you write on the Internet. Don’t insult other users. Be polite.

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Keep your password private

Think of such a password that other people cannot guess easily. A good password contains both letters and numbers. Keep your password in a safe place. Don’t give it to outsiders. If your password will be revealed some other person might use for example, your email and pretend to be you!

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Be careful with your personal information

Always think carefully whom you tell your personal information. Don’t give, for example, on a wiki or chat site your whole name, home address or phone number. Someone might misuse them. There are safe e-shops and web services on the Internet. In order to do, for example, shopping, you must give your correct personal data that is to register in the service. Keep your personal information private. You never know where they will end up.

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Don’t trust people you do not know

Think carefully whom you chat with on the Internet. It is easy to lie your age or sex on the Internet. Even a photo can be false. Always think what you tell about yourself on the Internet. Unfortunately, there are cheaters and criminals who use the Internet too. If you would like to meet up a new friend you found from the Internet:

• take with you a person you can trust when meeting the first time.

• always arrange the meeting at day time in a public place where there are other people.

Be careful.

© Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Everything you see or read might not always be true

Always estimate the reliability of the site. Think carefully, does the site look real or is the information true or false. Be careful with advertisements. They might promise that you have won money or goods. These advertisements are cheating. Stay safe. © Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Don’t steal

When you copy information from the Internet, always tell where you found the information. Don’t publish other person’s text or pictures without permission. Download music only from legal sites. Respect copyrights. © Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Don’t share recklessly

Don’t spread or share incorrect information on the Internet. Remember to ask for a permission, if you want to circulate files that are not yours. If you have downloaded a book, game or music, you are not allowed to distribute copies of them on the Internet. Follow copyright regulations. Don’t upload files that are not yours. © Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Tell someone: a trusted friend, career or parents

If you find confusing information or you are bullied on the Internet, talk about it. Don’t stay alone to worry about it. Be open. © Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen


Don’t get in trouble

Threatening, stealing, cheating and bullying other online users are also criminal actions on the Internet. Laws are also laws on the Internet. Don’t do things online that you would not normally do to a person when meeting him. You can get sanctions for the misuse. © Safety Etiquette of Internet in Plain Language/Petri Ilmonen

Safety Etiquette of Internet 10 Good tips about Internet in Plain Language Safety Etiquette means online rules of conduct. If you follow the Safety Etiquette, it will be safer for you to use Internet.

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