Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Editor’s Note
By Pastor Daphne Yang
Herald 20th Year Issue! It has been an amazing and memorable journey with the Herald print since it was first launched 20 years ago in 1997. As I trace its steps through the lenses of eye witnesses, it has been a discovery to see how Cornerstone has been transformed into who she is today.
In the early days when the Herald first got off its feet, Peter Sam, his wife Alvena and I would spend hours working past into the night. Time could only be given after they had returned home from work, it was then that we would work on the articles and artwork. Reviewing, revising, reorganising and often rushing it out especially in the final weeks to meet datelines. During those times, my husband would tease that I was with “Herald” my best friend, and he would have to release me. Herald became a really “close friend” because he knew the lives and stories of many Cornerstonians. So many lives, so many tales to tell, so diverse and all were captured by Herald. We worked well, labored and laughed together, being refreshed as we refreshed those who became our audience. Cornerstone is made up of living stones and she is not a growing thought or a brand, she is the Bride of Christ. She is, as Psalm 139:16 describes, an open book held in the hands of an all-knowing God, wise and true. God watched us grow from conception to birth; all the stages of this life were spread out before Him, the days of Cornerstone were all prepared before we had even lived one day. This is the Cornerstone story, and every person in Cornerstone has been born into this house of God. People have said to us that when they come to Cornerstone, something resonates within them, they just knew this was home. To each of you, we say welcome home! In 1 Corinthians 4:15, Paul writes that after all, though you should have ten thousand teachers and guides to direct you in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers. Paul says he became their father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel. The context reveals the heart of Paul, encouraging his sons to endure and to continue in the good works. Look at me, Paul says, we continue to labor still in this hour and am not put to shame. There are many who will only be too quick to tell you what you’ve done wrong and point the finger at you. But how many are there who will take the time to correct you, to put in the effort in the hope that you will grow up. Reproofs that kindly and affectionately warn are likely to reform. The church in Corinth at that time was in a mess and Paul was writing to set their lives in order. Paul spoke with the authority as a parent and he would rather beseech them in love as they follow Christ in faith and practice. Christians may have differing views, but Christ and Christian truth are the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever.
“This is the Cornerstone story, and every person in Cornerstone has been born into this house of God.” The key is the power that works in us, the word that has its way to quicken our mortal body, to deliver one from the slavery of sin and Satan, renewing them both inwardly and outwardly, comforting, strengthening, and establishing us only by the power of God. I am continually thankful to God for His faithfulness to keep us on the right track. In this journey, we can trace the fathers and mothers whom God has sent to perfect His work in us. The Herald is a testament of that transforming power that operates in the believers’ lives. The continual stream for a humble and repentant heart towards our Maker, that we know nothing and to lean in to Him to hear His voice, for “My sheep hears My voice and they follow Me”. This journey is about following the one who has called us who belong to Him, because we recognise His voice. Every word of God has a transforming value and He doesn’t tell us something to increase our knowledge to make us smarter, rather it is our surrender He delights in. We do not want to hear His commands and plan to be faithful later, every word that proceeds from His mouth that’s the life we receive. May the Herald continue to be an encouraging and life giving stream of the goodness of God. May it refresh your soul as it has refreshed the many who have written their testimonies to the glory of His name! There is no one we desire to boast except our God and King! Ps 20:7 “Some boast in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast in the name of the Lord, our God.” Blessings Ps Daphne Yang
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
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Top row from the left: Fu Ceming, Pastor Peter Sam & Maureen Low Bottom row from the left: Claire Nazar, Pastor Daphne Yang & Alvena Sam 4
KI 2017 12
P R O G R A M M E The Cornerstone Internship Programme is an initiative taken by Cornerstone Community Church to provide a dynamic and vibrant programme to develop the next generation of Christian leaders. It is a mentoring and experiential learning journey focused on understanding the Bible and Bible-based ministry skills.
15 May - 11 July 2018
Taught on the fundamental values necessary in a local church.
Personally mentored by pastors and leaders of Cornerstone.
Gaining working and ministerial experience in various departments within the Cornerstone office and ministries, onthe-job training and apprenticeship.
15 April 2018
• Contributing to significant projects and events. • Having presbytery session with Cornerstone pastors and Christian ministers.
Application forms can be downloaded at Visit us at for more information or email us at Herald Herald| |November Nov/Dec 2017 2016| |Cornerstone CornerstoneCommunity CommunityChurch Church
“Whatever we do, we do it out of the love for God.�
turns 20!
From a quarterly 8 page newsletter to a magazine 6
Over 20 years, the Herald magazine has faithfully covered the following aspects of Cornerstone Community Church: CON F E R E NCE S \ M I S SIONS \ C A M P S \ PR AY E R \ C E L L M I N I S T R Y \ T & E \ VA R I O U S E V E N T S M E N’S M EET I NG, WOM E N’S CON F ER E NCE , L E A DE R’ S DE DIC AT ION , V I SION SU N DAY ET C .
“these 20 years represent His ultimate Love for the community and for the church.”
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
off, my congratulations to the HERALD Team on the 20th Anniversary Issue of the Cornerstone Herald. What was birthed 20 years ago, essentially as a vision to record God’s goodness and faithfulness to us in Cornerstone, continues to be a great source of blessing and encouragement to the entire Family. It was a well-known preacher, Benson Idahosa, once said it takes about 20 years for a church to enter into the fullness of her destiny. In other words, it takes time to find out who you are. It takes time to find out what you value and what you don’t, what is important and what’s not. I believe this is a true statement. I think most churches make the cardinal mistake of crafting their values statement or missional statement within the first 2 years of their beginnings. This is not only premature and inaccurate, but it can give the church a false centre and vision, for the simple reason, you don’t have enough history. You don’t really have any idea who you are or what’s important to you. I remember in the 2nd year of our church, we brought in a consultant to help us craft a eleven-word mission statement, which we eventually did, and it sounded really good. But after several years, no one paid attention to it. And the reason was, it wasn’t who we were. It didn’t come from our experience. It was just an academic exercise. So, it has taken us about 20 years to come to self-discovery, of who we really are as a people, to gel as a team and build core values that describe us. We discovered this by not only finding out what’s important to us, but also what’s not. We
have taken time to be introspective, to ponder carefully who we really are and thankfully, we had the wisdom to journal this down. I remember shortly after we started the church, my wife felt the need to chronicle some of the things that God has been teaching us and the events that has shaped us. So, we mooted the idea of the HERALD, which was then a quarterly publication, to record the highlights and events of the church, as a testimony of God’s goodness. It is now a bi-annual publication.
“Paul pleaded with the Corinthian Church that they all speak the same thing and this is uniform testimony, and it begins with everyone having the same mind and values.” In the Old Testament, God commanded the people to erect landmarks. These landmarks served to demarcate boundaries between properties but also to serve as outof-bounds markers. In Hosea 5: 10, the Lord rebuked the leaders of Israel because they moved the ancient landmarks. “The princes of Judah are like those who remove a landmark; I will pour out My wrath on them like water”. One of the key phrases that was being thrown around in our parliament from way back in the 1990’s was the term “OB Mark-
ers” or what we called “Out of Bounds” Markers. Basically, what they represented were taboo topics that should not be discussed in public sphere. You could say they represented the boundaries that as a society we should not cross. Once we cross those boundaries, there would be repercussions and consequences, especially for the next generation. John Wesley said: “What one generation tolerates; the next generation will embrace”. Interestingly the bible is full of boundaries and OB Markers. In Hosea 5, the Lord referred to them as landmarks and what these landmarks indicated were inheritances. What belongs to a person within the boundary marker and what is beyond the marker belongs to someone else and it was sin to the man who moved those landmarks. It would constitute theft and there were serious consequences. But the indictment here is that the princes of Judah, who essentially were political rulers of the day, they were not just shifting landmarks, they were removing them and God said He would judge them. It is a serious thing. What they were doing was removing the standards that God had set up to protect society and we are seeing this happen everywhere in our society. We have seen leaders of major denominations vote to ordain female gay bishops, gay pastors, and bisexuals. Ministers are getting drunk at the pulpits. Moral standards are being eroded globally. What’s happening? They are removing landmarks. And the scary thing is, this is not the world we are talking about; this is the church. Of course, if one dares to speak up against it, they call that “hate” speech.
Whether we like it or not, TRUTH is now the new hate speech. People don’t want to hear the truth any longer. They have no stomach for the truth. Amos 5:10 says, “They hate the one who rebukes in the gate, and they abhor the one who speaks uprightly.” If you love truth, then you are going to be in the minority. So, let’s get used to it. Then we read in verse 11, we read “Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment, because he willingly walked by human precept”. Human precept can be translated humanism in our modern vernacular and humanism is a concept where man at the center of the universe. And humanism is slowly creeping into the church and we must contend against it. This tide must be reversed. It is one thing for it to be the norm in the world, but when it becomes the norm in the church, then Houston, we have a problem. The story was told of a rich nobleman who was looking to hire a coachman who could drive his carriage. 3 men were selected and interviewed and when asked the question, how close could you steer the coach at the edge of the cliff, the first man replied, Sir I could steer one foot from the edge of the cliff and you will have nothing to worry about. The 2nd man when asked that question, replied and said, “I could drive it so that the wheels could be on the edge of the cliff and you will have nothing to worry about. The 3rd man, when asked that question replied that he would steer the coach as far away from the edge as he possibly could. The 3rd coachman got the job.
One of the great weaknesses of humanity is- we always want to test the boundaries, to see how far we can go, how far we can push things. It is in all of us. It was certainly in the progenitors of the human race. Eve had heard the command not to eat of the fruit from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and instead of staying as far away as she possibly could from the tree, she ventured so close that the tempter could somehow lure her into the trap.
“...humanism is a concept where man at the center of the universe. And humanism is slowly creeping into the church...”
the Lord created Adam and Eve, He told them that they could eat freely of the fruit of all the trees in the garden. But there was an exception. The Lord said: “Of every tree you may eat freely but…” In other words, God gave liberty and freedom for man to eat whatever he wished, as long as he kept away from the Tree of Knowledge. As long as man operated within those boundaries, he was free to enjoy everything else in that garden. Bill Johnson said “There were 2 trees in the garden not because God wanted Adam to fail, but because He wanted to reward obedience.” The Cornerstone Herald must not just be a record of the events that happen in the church, but it must be a voice to uphold truth and righ-
teousness, to uphold the boundary markers of the Word of God and to speak up against injustice in society. As we celebrate our 20th year as a magazine, we must remember why we mooted this in the first place. It is to be a trumpet, a voice to the nation, not just to our community. We must not be afraid to declare truth and proclaim the whole counsel of God. Finally, let me just say that the number 20 is an interesting number in the Bible. It is the number that signifies a complete waiting period and there are a few incidences of this in scripture. If you recall, Jacob had to work 20 years for Laban before being released to fulfill his destiny, to become Israel. The Ark of the Covenant was 20 years in the House of Abinabad before it was returned to its rightful place on Mount Zion. And Solomon’s building projects lasted 20 years. But the number 20 is also half of 40, which signifies a generation, and it is like half-time in a soccer game. The half-time mark in a game is important because it allows the manager or coach to review the game thus far, what have been accomplished, the lessons learnt, and give a fresh perspective for the strategy for the next half of the game.
As a church, we have entered into the 2nd phase of our journey and we are now seeing much of what God has promised to us prophetically, coming to pass. In short, we are entering into our destiny as a people and how we respond to God is crucial. In the last 22 years since our inception, we have experienced growth and increase, year upon year, without fail, in every aspectnumerically, in our cells, finances, missions, buildings, right from our inception.
The Lord made a promise to us that we will grow, little by little, and we have seen this happen yearly. And that’s really a testimony of God’s faithfulness to us. He is above all, a GOOD God. But I also believe that the next 20 years will be glorious and whilst it is actually counterproductive to try and forecast where we might be in the next 20 years, all I can say is- “if God is with us, then who can be against us”. I conclude by quoting the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:10, where he declares, “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”. Paul pleaded with the Corinthian Church that they all speak the same thing and this is uniform testimony, and it begins with everyone having the same mind and values. May we all be of the same mind and same judgment and may the Word of God be our only standard. Once again, congratulations on your 20th Anniversary Issue.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
By Matthea Seow
Will you give God your calendar? SEE:
here is something significant about all the congregations in Cornerstone coming together in one place to worship God and to be commissioned for the year ahead! God certainly had a powerful word for us and encountered each one of us in a special way during the service on 1 January 2017 at the Max Pavilion. Pastor Yang began by sharing how 2017 will be a year of “The Greater”. Everything that God has done in the past, He is going to do greater – greater glory, greater presence, greater anointing and greater harvest. 3 words encapsulate the vision we are heading towards in 2017: See, Sow and Go.
We need to see that the fields are already white for harvest. If we don’t move quickly we might lose the harvest. The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. All hands need to be on deck. We were challenged to make a commitment, by faith, to lead five people to salvation this year. Let us sign up for what God doing SOW: We were reminded to sow to the Spirit and not to our own flesh, and go to the mission field instead of a holiday, sowing into the Kingdom. GO: “The day is coming when the success of the church is not in how many people we’ve got on a Sunday morning, but how many people we’ve sent out into the field,” said Pastor Yang. As Cornerstone is a missions-sending church, let us pray and ask God to send us to one of these nations and sow in the spirit. If we will do that, we will see the favour of God.
Sister Heidi Baker was the speaker at the service. She took us into a time of reflection and surrendering ourselves to the Lord. She shared that often, when God wants us to do something, we have probably told Him that it is not in our schedule, giving many excuses, without actually asking Him what He wants us to do with our time. She reminded us that God can use us anywhere – in the office and even in the elevator. Some of her questions struck me. Am I willing to give God my calendar? Do I believe that everything He has said, all His promises, will come to pass? Am I willing to let God take full control
and do whatever He wants with my life? I struggled with these questions as I knelt down before the altar and allowed God to speak into my heart. God’s assuring presence was so strong and many of us, myself included, decided to give Him our calendars and trust Him in all areas of our lives. Sister Heidi also reminded us of a vision she had shared in Cornerstone some time back. She said that God is looking to release endtime chariots of fire – an army of saints who will give Him the reins. A transparent people with no hidden motives, no hidden agenda, no hidden sin, but with passionate hearts that beat for Him – whom He can send wherever He calls them to go. Have we released the reins of control over our own lives and given Him full control?
the Vision Sunday
God is looking to release end-time chariots of fire – an army of saints who will give Him the reins.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
is lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ ‘For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.’ ~ Matthew 25 Do not despise these small beginnings… Never did we imagine that Cornerstone would one day host a conference of eight thousand people at the Singapore EXPO hall. It all started in 2002, when Pastor Yang was invited to be part of the planning committee of the Fire Conference with Evangelist Reinheart Bonnke. “We were hesitant as a church as this was something we had never done before. We are, after all, not a mega church. Were we up to the task of handling such a big event? However, God reminded Pastor Yang that the Lord is not restrained from saving by many or by few in 1 Samuel 14:6. With this in mind, we began to do our best to prepare for the FIRE Conference, knowing that our strength is in Him.” (Excerpt taken from Herald March 2002 issue) Quoting Pastor Yang, ‘When the Chairman of the committee, Canon Derek Hong called me to spearhead the committee, I knew I had to say, “Yes”. It was the only option for me because to say no was disobedience. The Holy Spirit had spoken. It is not only the final outcome of the event that mattered but also the journey along the way.’
“... It is not only the final outcome of the event that mattered but also the journey along the way.’ “ 12
The Fire Conference was indeed a good learning journey for us as a church in the area of organising a conference. It was a preparation to what God had in store for Cornerstone. The very next year, in 2003, Cornerstone hosted our very first conference known as the Asia Pacific Zion Convention with Dr. Brian Bailey. Zion Convention was held in our own premise in Odeon Katong. We hosted about 700 local and foreign delegates from 14 different nations
and quite a number were from a host of local churches. The theme that flowed throughout the convention was pressing on unto Zion, having a progressive vision. What an appropriate theme to start us on our journey! Zion Convention went on from 2003 to 2007. It was through the convention that we saw the birthing of several of our network churches as God divinely connected people to Pastor Yang.
“To organise the Kingdom Invasion Conference was not an easy step to take for the leadership team. It required a leap of faith to organise a conference of such scale...”
“We were hesitant as a church as this was something we had never done before. We are, after all, not a mega church. Were we up to the task of handling such a big event?...”
ne divine connection led to another and in 2011 we had Pastor Randy Clark in Cornerstone conducting the School of Healing. This stirred the hearts of the leadership. They saw the need to train and equip the body of Christ to move in healing and miracles which gave birth to the Kingdom Invasion Conference in 2012. To organise the Kingdom Invasion Conference was not an easy step to take for the leadership team. It required a leap of faith to organise a conference of such scale, the finances, manpower etc. But the burden grew on the team and they decided to take a day away with God in prayer. And the rest is history.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
hen Lou Engle reminded us of the prophetic word, given by Billy Graham, for Singapore to be an “Antioch of Asia”, it was as if something had awakened in the spirit realm.’
ingdom Invasion has always been a place where prayers are answered and milestones set in the lives of many.’
Antioch of Asia
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Sabrina Low
believe this year’s line-up of speakers at the Kingdom Invasion Conference is by far the best one put together! There was such a combustion in the spirit as each speaker brought a different dimension and perspective on the Word. Although the anointing each one carried was different, there was great synergy in the flow of the messages, each one building upon another. Being blessed by the teachings and the mantle of the speakers was so refreshing and renewing. I felt as if the Lord was stripping away old mindsets and causing new paradigms to set in. A great divine transaction was happening in my spirit with every session. What a privilege it is to be feeding on such a wealth of knowledge and on the fine wheat of the Word! The prophetic words that were released over Asia and particularly, Singapore, were so crystal clear. When Lou Engle reminded us of the prophetic word, given by Billy Graham, for Singapore to be an “Antioch of Asia”, it was as if something had awakened in the spirit realm. There was a cry that rose inside of me for that word to be fulfilled as we approach the 40th year since Billy Graham released that word. We cannot afford to wait another generation for that word to come to past! I believe the Church in Singapore needs to grab hold of this season and do something about it! Another thing I love about Kingdom Invasion is seeing nations and people from different churches, denominations and generations coming together in one place for a common purpose. What an amazing sight it was to behold the unity of the Body of Christ across such diverse cultures. Kingdom Invasion Conference has always been a place where prayers are answered and milestones set in the lives of many. It was through this platform that both my full time ministry staff, Joshua Hajok and Jedidah Jong from Cornerstone Miri, heard the call to full time ministry, surrendered their own ambitions and laid their lives down for the kingdom. There are so many other mighty testimonies that speak of touched lives and transformed cities that were first birthed and inspired by Kingdom Invasion.
Bill Johnson
Ps Yang Tuck Yoong
Lou Engle
Shawn Bolz
Heidi Baker
Ed Silvoso
God is looking to release end-time chariots of fire – an army of saints who will give Him the reins.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Testimonies collated from the Healing Team@KI 1. A lady who had stress fracture on her ankle for 7 weeks was able to jump and run around after she had been prayed for. 2. One of a little girl’s legs lengthened as she was prayed for. She was born with an uneven length of legs. 3. Prayed for a woman who was partially deaf and she said she could hear better after prayer. I would say she is about 80% healed. 4. A man from Sarawak had blurry vision for years. He kept seeing lines and thus could not see far. After he was prayed for, he could see the screen clearly and read the words, “Social Media”. 5. I prayed for a church member’s mum who had a meniscus tear and the doctor had advised her to go for surgery. When she came for the prayer session, she was in tremendous pain because of the Physio treatment she had that day. When I prayed for her, she felt heat on her legs. After a while, the pain left and she was able to stand and walk. 6. A Filipino lady came in proxy of her cousin who 18
was in the Philippines. Her cousin was in a coma for a few days. She had brain infection. The lady showed the healing team her cousin’s photo and they prayed for her. The next day she came back to the team to inform them that she received a call that morning saying that her cousin has woken up! 7. One lady had one of her legs shorter than the other. The team prayed for her leg to straighten. After prayer she could walk without limping.
9. A lady came to the healing team to testify of the healing she had experienced at KI 2016. As a couple, they were told by many Doctors that they had to conceive their baby by IVF and that natural conception was not possible. At 2016 conference, she was prayed for and two weeks later, she conceived a baby naturally. Her beautiful healthy baby is now 5 months old. 10. I pray for a lady who had a spinal problem since birth. She is now 20 years old. Her vertebra was not in proper position and had a hole. Two years ago, she suffered pain on her spine all the way to the tail end and both sides of the lowest back and down to her right leg and hip joint. After praying, the pain on left side of her lowest back and hip joint was 100% gone! The pain on her lowest back on her right has improved tremendously too! 11. One lady who was blind on her left eye for 6 years was able to see very clearly after prayer!
8. A man who was assaulted had torn ligaments over his shoulders and knees. He also had a broken kneecap. As such, he could not move his shoulders but after prayer he could move them! He also walked out without crutches!
‘What a treat for the Herald team when Lee Grady came to Cornerstone and wrote a special mention about our church in his article, “Has the Baton Been Passed to the Asian Church?”’ (25 May 2011)!
erald played a very significant role in shaping my life-story. In my 20s, it gave me an opportunity to serve in the editorial team. Working alongside Pastor Daphne and past editors, we kept the Church on the same pulse with the articles that were published. Reports of church activities, casting of visions and most dearly, Pastor Bailey’s message was a key anchor of (personal) growth for me. Through serving in Herald, I was able to meet many members, share their stories and interact with new members. It was fantastic! In my 30s, Herald became Peter’s “Cornerstone girlfriend”. It also brought us closer working through editorials, layouts and deadlines. Thank you Pastor Daphne and team for such a great journey together. 20 years - it was a blast! ~ By Alvena Sam
hat have we achieved in the last 20 years working with Herald magazine? Today, if we look at every events, big or small, there will always be a pool of excellent photographers to capture the heartbeat of the activities, archiving them throughout the events and years. To me, this was a milestone for the church to have established a good and excellent workforce to keep covering the breakthrough events for the church continuously. ~ By Peter Sam
‘Working alongside Pastor Daphne and past editors, we kept the Church on the same pulse with the articles that were published.’
will like to commend and congratulate the Herald ministry on their 20th year anniversary. I had the privilege to serve in this ministry for 10 years as both a writer and a sub-editor, and as I look through the articles in my archive from 2003-2012, one recurring theme stands out. The Herald publication is more than just a community newsletter; its outstanding feature is its prophetic edge. It is amazing how this prophetic influence directed various writers who wrote their articles months before publication and yet the pulse of their writing was relevant and fresh at the time of print. As a team, there was a common understanding that we were not to just report past events, but we should also herald what was coming. Congratulations on the 20th year and may the next decade be your best! Semper ad meliora! ~ By Fu Ceming
CONGRATULATORY NOTE FROM CLAIRE NAZAR Habbakuk 2:2 2 Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it.
he Cornerstone Herald was in many senses, the off-shoot of many a prophetic word spoken by prophets, intercessors and I believe, catapulted by Pastor Brian Bailey’s vision for Cornerstone to enter Zion and be a plumb line of righteousness for the nations. Having served as a writer and sub-editor with the Herald in the early years, I have fond memories of our quarterly ministry meetings. I recall Pastor Daphne presiding over the meetings, regularly impressing and imparting the vision that the Herald shall be an instrument of global revival as we write the vision of Zion plain so that readers could run with it (Habbakuk 2:2, NKJV). Who can be worthy of such a task? Every ministry meeting was spent in thanksgiving to God with utter relief for the timely completion of each issue and in fervent prayer for the next one. To God be the glory! At times, writing at feverish pace to meet deadlines and at other times, praying desperately through writer’s block, I dare say that the agony of every Herald writer has never been about writing with skilled flair - but about whether the heart of God was represented in every article. Lee Grady, the editor and writer of Fire In My Bones column, Charisma magazine, was understandably, the Herald writers’ role model when it came to authentic prophetic Christian writing. What a treat for the Herald team when Lee Grady came to Cornerstone and wrote a special mention about our church in his article, “Has the Baton Been Passed to the Asian Church?” (25 May 2011)! From the days of scrambling to find writers and testimonies to where it is today with powerful testimonies and coverage on Kingdom Invasion and other international conferences hosted by Cornerstone, I am honoured to be a part of Herald’s humble beginnings. Congratulations on Herald’s 20th anniversary of daring greatly in laying plain the vision of Zion! Greater things are yet to come! By Claire Nazar
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
By Bob Sorge
This is Bob Sorge’s latest book and it is his 24th book. Reset is a handbook that gives 20 practical and attainable steps to establishing a consistent prayer life. More than just a guide book to prayer, Bob takes you on a personal journey to pursue a deeper intimacy with God. It’s definitely a journey worth taking!
(Excerpt taken from RESET, Day 9 & 10. This material is printed with author’s permission. The book is also available at Faithworks Bookstore.)
“As time allows, pray the six requests of Colossians 1:9-11 for some other people who are dear to you.”
Reminder: Cleanse your conscience today. Jesus, sprinkle me with Your blood. Rejoice that all accusation is silenced by the blood of Christ and draw near to Him with boldness.
PRAY. Just do it. Act upon Psalm 100:4 (above). Express thanks for something specific, and bless His name. This is a perfect way to start your daily prayer time.
n this prayer Reset, you’re experiencing fresh grace to come into the Lord’s presence every day. And He told us, in His word, how He prefers we approach Him. Here’s the best way to draw near to God:
Praise His name. Every name of God expresses something wonderful about the nature of His character and attributes. Personally, language for praise comes more easily when I consider His greatness in four ways:
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. (Ps 100:4)
• I praise His name (Ps 7:17)
“You could offer the prayer of this passage for your national president, political and civic leaders, and any other officials for whom you care.”
The Lord loves it when we come into His presence with thanksgiving and praise. Sometimes in our dis¬tress, we come to Him with the agonized cries of a broken heart, and He never despises that. But even in our times of greatest despondency, our first words can still be thank You. When you step into His room, let it be with a word of thanks and praise. Are you so distressed that you can’t think of anything to thank Him for? When you first meet up with someone you haven’t seen for a while, usually your greeting is gracious and welcoming. “It’s great to see you again!” Your first words usually aren’t, “We need to talk.” Same for God. He appreciates when the opener to the conversation is characterized by thanksgiving, praise, and blessing.
• I praise His word (Ps 56:4, 10) • I praise His works (Ps 78:4) • I praise His power (Ps 21:13) PRAY. Take a minute with each one to offer thanks and praise. These four qualities of God’s greatness provide a fabulous framework for daily praise Jesus offered thanks to His Father frequently. Here’s one example: Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.” (John 11:41) Before Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead in John 11, He gave thanks. He also gave thanks before break¬ing the loaves and fish, before instituting
the Lord’s Supper, and before meals. For Him, thanksgiving was a way to open the conversation. In giving instructions concerning prayer, Paul also spoke of the centrality of thanksgiving. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and sup¬plication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (Phil 4:6) Thanksgiving is added to prayer much like salt to food. You can eat food without salt, but salt makes the meal much more enjoyable. Similarly, God will receive us if we pray without offering thanksgiving, but thanks¬giving makes the exchange more delightful to Him. Salvation, forgiveness, acceptance, mercy, grace, lovingkindness—His word, His name, His works, His power—we have sooo much to be thankful for! I’ll confess my forgetfulness here. Although I feel thankful to God most of the time, many times I forget to actually verbalize it. Thanksgiving needs to be spo¬ken. That’s why this prompter is helpful for me. I need to be reminded to actually express my thanksgiving and praise at the start of my prayer time. PRAY. Ask the Lord for a way to remember to in¬clude thanksgiving in each day’s praise. Once He shows you a way of remembering, write your strategy down. Lord Jesus, I’m asking You to make thanksgiving and praise an habitual part of my daily prayer life. As you step into your day now, go with a happy heart of gratefulness for the multitude of His mercies!
DAY 10
“Praise His name. Every name of God expresses something wonderful about the nature of His character and attributes.”
Reminder: Come into His presence with thanks¬giving and praise. After you receive the sprinkling of blood, offer thanksgiving. Praise His name, word, works, and power. Let’s talk about praying the Scriptures. That’s what I’m meaning by #PrayRead. Praying the Scriptures is the central pillar in a life of prayer. It’s the juice that jazzes our prayer life. You may have noticed that we’ve been praying the Scriptures each day during this Reset. Let’s drill down on this to maximize its potential. Jesus modeled this kind of prayer during His
cru¬cifixion. Of His seven sayings on the cross, three were taken from Psalms. For example, during His crucifix¬ion Jesus prayed from Psalm 22:1. At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is translated, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mark 15:34) When you are praying Scripture, therefore, you are following the example of the Master. View the Bible as providing language for prayer. Many verses are excellent springboards for conversa-tion with God. Some of the easiest passages to #PrayRead are the various prayers in the Bible. The apostles wrote many prayers in their letters, and they’re excellent fodder for #PrayReading. For example, this prayer of Paul’s is great to use: For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowl¬edge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and longsuffering with joy. (Col 1:9-11) PRAY. Let’s use the rest of our time today to pray from this passage. First, ask God to work everything in those verses into your own heart and life. Make men¬tion of specific situations in which you want His will. Second, think of someone whom you would like to bless in prayer today. Got a name? Now, begin to pray for that person according to each phrase above. • Lord, may _________ (name of person) be filled with the knowl edge of Your will. • Help _______ to walk worthy of You. At work, at school, at play, every minute of every day. • May _______ please You fully in every word and deed. • Empower _______ to be productive in good works. • May _______ increase in the knowl edge of God.
to endure in faith with joy, even when life is painful. If you’re aware of certain needs in that person’s life, mention them as you pray. Once you’ve finished praying Colossians 1:9-11 for that person, would you like to offer the same prayer for others in your circle of friends? This is a powerful passage to pray for virtually everyone you know. You could offer the prayer of this passage for your national president, political and civic leaders, and any other officials for whom you care. The Bible is chock full of marvelous verses to pray over your national leaders. When praying from Scripture, sometimes you’re simply telling God what He tells you to tell Him. As time allows, pray the six requests of Colossians 1:9-11 for some other people who are dear to you. Another marvelous way to #PrayRead the Scriptures is during your daily Bible reading. While reading, be on alert for a phrase you’ll be inspired to pray in the mo¬ment. As you do, your Bible reading times will morph into a delightful conversation with Jesus. • #PrayReading is a boredom killer, making your time in the secret place more energized and engaged. • Bible reading becomes relational--an interac¬tive conversation with Jesus. • You’ll never run out of things to say because the Scriptures provide endless possibilities for prayer. • You will pray with increased authority. • Your prayers will accord with God’s will. • Your understanding into God’s word will open. • Your whole heart will align with truth and righteousness. As you step out now from your place of prayer, would you want to take your Bible with you and pray from another Scripture as you hit the road?
• Fill _______ with Your mighty power Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Our very first Women’s Conference, “Unfolding Beauty” was held in 2002 and
interestingly the keynote speaker for the conference was a man, Rev. Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. He “came with such an unusual display of understanding of woman whom God has created and the anointed insights he was given.” (Quoted Isabella Sim, Herald 2002, June/Sep issue) In 2012, we decided to organise a ladies getaway. It was our first time holding our women’s conference overseas. About 110 ladies set out for Johore Bahru KSL Hotel for a time of refreshing, renewing and made ready to be released into their destiny. We ran 3 consecutive years overseas.
WOMEN’S CONFERENCE 2017 – Laugh, Love and Lead
augh, Love and Lead” Women’s Conference 2017 was such a refreshing event for the women in Cornerstone. Held over a Friday and Saturday in April, many women came to be equipped, inspired and prepared for God to use them mightily wherever He has placed them. They were ministered over the two days by Pastor Karen Schatzline and Pastor Daphne Yang, who both exempli-
fied the grace of God, displaying His beauty and strength through the testimony and exhortations they shared. Pastor Karen Schatzline shared on the importance of rebuilding the altar of our lives to God as it is the place where what we have been is interrupted by what we can become. The altar is the place where we desire to see God more than people, platform and plaudits; that
we become plaintiffs in the courts of heaven and not defendants to the inner circle of the religious. In essence, we as women created by God need to return to the one thing that matters and that is the presence of God - not building up our own defences and reasons to justify or excuse ourselves, not turning to the latest Korean drama serial or to the chocolate bar to fill up our drained emotional banks, or simply turning to our
By Juliet Chia
The holy women of old were beautiful before God that way, and were good, loyal wives to their husbands. 22
1st Women’s conference with Rev. Sadhu
2002 companions and husbands every time we need to be affirmed in our identity or a solution. When we can begin to bring our frustrations to God, Pastor Karen shared from her own experiences that God can turn our frustrations, to desperation, confrontation, revelation and then transformation. And as Pastor Daphne continued to share in Day 2, we see women in the bible who metamorphosised
Women’s conference overseas
from frustrated to transformed women. Women like Sarah whom Peter used as an example to exhort the women in church at that time: The holy women of old were beautiful before God that way, and were good, loyal wives to their husbands. Sarah, for instance, taking care of Abraham would address him as “my dear husband”. You’ll be true daughters of Sarah if you do the same, unanxious and
unintimidated (if you do what is right without being frightened by fear). (1 Peter 3:5-6 MSG) A woman that is strong in her identity as a daughter and princess of God; a woman who sets her face to behold God and laughs at adversity; a woman who leads and influences by serving and through faith, lays hold of the promises of God – These are the qualities of women that Pastor Daphne shared
through the illustrations in the Bible of women such as Sarah, Rahab, the widow in Zarephath, and the Shunammite woman. That in all times, women can laugh at the circumstance, love through the circumstance and lead in the circumstance. It was a holy moment that through the two days, the Holy Spirit inscribed these two verses upon the hearts of the women who
were there. Let them be faithful reminders of the high calling that God has placed upon the women wherever they are at, as they laugh, love and lead:
Laugh Proverbs 31:25 “Strength and honour (dignity) are her clothing (her position is strong and secure); She shall rejoice (laughs) in time to come (over the future, knowing that she and her family are ready for it always facing it with a smile)”
Love 1 Cor 16:1314 “Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions (brave & strong), give it all you’ve got, be resolute and love without stopping.”
Lead Ps 143:8-10 “Point out the road I must travel; I’m all ears, all eyes before you. Save me from my enemies, Godyou’re my only hope! Teach me how to live to please you, because you’re my God. Lead me by your blessed Spirit into cleared and level pastureland.” Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Timeout at The BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES, SWANSEA • He will multiply leaders in Wales. He will increase the quantity and quality of the leaders speedily that will be able to look after the increase of believers that will be coming into the kingdom. We felt the weight of this matter upon us and understood that there is truly a lack of leaders and the raising up leaders is an urgent matter.
Fang Jiahui & Rachel Yang Cornerstone Community Church, Singapore hile Wales seem to pale in comparison to London and to most of the world, there is a well bubbling in a little town of Swansea that is beginning to attract quite a fair bit of attention. This, should not be a surprise to any of us here at Cornerstone Community Church, Singapore. Having heard so much of what God used to do in the Bible College of Wales (“BCW”) during Mr. Rees Howells’ days, we were thrilled to be able to visit historical and spiritual landmarks. We didn’t just visit BCW but also stayed in BCW at the Hall of Residence (“HOR”). It was such a blessing to stay in BCW itself as it allowed us to roam on the compound freely, anytime, and accessing the spiritual atmosphere easily. During our time at the BCW, there were many times where we were overwhelmed with the presence of God as we prayed in our rooms or at the Italian Garden. Unbeknown to us, it seems that our body could respond faster to the 24
spiritual atmosphere than our soul could. As we prayed, even without feeling a tinge of emotion, tears would roll down our eyes uncontrollably and we wouldn’t even know what was happening or why. We could only attribute it to the fact that His presence was evident and strong, and we were not even aware - but our bodies were fully under His control and responding to Him.
We felt our spiritual senses quickened and specifically felt the Lord speaking to us the following:• God desires to dwell in BCW. He is currently in the season of gathering His people that He has pre-determined ahead of time, to prepare individuals in the project before His presence descend onto BCW, like how the glory descended on the Temple of Solomon (2 Chron 7:1). He also revealed to us that His glory will be brought to parts of Europe through visitors and guests.
• God has also anointed the people for their tasks way ahead of their time. Besides hearing from the Lord, we also managed to hear from residents of Swansea who witnessed the heydays of BCW during Mr. Samuel Howells’ time. They shared stories of frequent angelic visitations and the days of when there was an open heaven over BCW. A couple also shared that the Lord spoke to them that the (current) water baptism pool was too small for the next outpouring that is coming to Swansea. It would need to enlarge and stairs should be built at each end of the pool so that the multitude of believers can enter from one side and exit on the other. Amen! Apart from the spiritual atmosphere, we felt very much at home at BCW due to the common language and food culture shared. While the pace of life is slower in Swansea, it is a good place and pace for people seeking to get away from the hectic lifestyle in Singapore to retreat and serve the Lord. Inasmuch as it has been a blessing for us to visit the BCW, we strongly encourage everyone to take some time off to visit the BCW and soak in his presence without so much a care of work, shopping and other burdens faced in Singapore.
ur annual Leaders’ Dedication service was held on the first Saturday of 2017. It is always a significant and meaningful time to see the whole leadership team of Cornerstone coming together to dedicate ourselves unto the Lord and to witness the ordination of new leaders into the team.
How many attended?
Who are represented? Cornerstone Staff, Pastoral Leaders from 11 congregations and Ministry Heads
How many new leaders did we ap point in the different congregations?
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
The Cornerstone Internship Programme (‘CIP’) was first launched in 2014. It started out with 30 students, many of whom were from our Cornerstone Global Network in China. CIP was designed to prepare marketplace influencers to bring about God’s kingdom purposes on earth, by aligning them to His purposes, reigniting their passion for God and His people, and equipping each one with practical skills to share the love of God through their daily lives.
“I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to unfold His glorious plans He has for each one for us.”
Cornerstone Internship Programme
By Lydia Ooi
CIP 2017 – A Personal Journey
his year, CIP was held from 8th May to 30th June 2017. When I signed up for CIP, I had just returned to Singapore and was looking for a church to settle and grow in, with fellow godly believers. Little did I realise that CIP has been so much more than this. Looking back, I dove in without much thought, yet as one of our lecturers mentioned, “We all got a good deal!” as we can safely say it’s been a milestone experience. The theme of this year’s CIP was ‘Come up higher’, a call to persevere and go on upwards to what we are called to become. I encountered the Lord daily through the lessons from our Cornerstone pastors and leaders. This allowed me to not only see God’s word in a new light but also gave me a renewed understanding of the fatherly Heart of God. His tender heart which cares so deeply for each one of us and understands our deepest desires and needs. It was through encountering and understanding the depth of His lavish love for me that I could finally begin to surrender my will to Him. My apprehensions and doubts of letting go were swiftly overtaken by His goodness, His grace to overcome and His kindness to meet me right where I was. One particular lecture which spoke deeply to me was Ps Pei Han’s sharing on our identities as leaders. I use the word ‘sharing’ as his teaching session was so raw and unadulterated in its urgency to simply reflect how God sees us all, as individuals uniquely created by God, we need to understand who we are in Him because when we are truly ourselves – just the way He intended – we reflect a part of God which the world needs to see. Mind. Blown. Our afternoons were spent assisting in various departments to better understand how they support the church functions. I chose the Community Services Department where I had the opportunity to see how programmes – from Seniors’ Day outing to lifestyle workshops – were planned and executed. I even learnt how to make waffles at the Cornerstore, Auntie Shirley’s style ;)! ‘Fashions shows’ would take place whenever we sorted through donations at The Barn and picked out treasures fit for a second lease of life. We would also go on home visits and meet with individuals who came to us needing practical help, yet unknowingly (sometimes, knowingly) they were in fact searching for God’s peace and presence amidst the chaos in their lives. In these moments, I could really see the team, both full time staff and volunteers, being used as God’s hands and feet to reach into the darkness and shine His marvellous light. One of the greatest gifts CIP has given me is the friendships I have forged with the people whom I have had the privilege to go through CIP with. From strangers to dear friends, we have walked together during our turn aside moments and shared with such a vulnerability and openness that epitomises what ‘doing life together’ is. Time and again, these friends have demonstrated what it means to exemplify godliness in their lives, an even more needed asset in our fast-paced, chaotic world today. They consistently allow what is on God’s heart to be their driving force and guide them in all they do and I have been blessed beyond measure by each one of them. I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to my mentor, Ps. Aileen, who journeyed with me throughout CIP. She candidly shared her insights of having walked similar prior paths and spoke into my life to challenge me to exhibit a Christ-like attitude and demonstrate His love in a radical manner. Our mentors, endowed with wisdom from above, were an integral part
CIP 2017 Testimonies
of making CIP more personal and thrusting us forward in our unique purpose and destinies. I do not think that it was a coincidence that our final week at CIP, was spent serving together at the Kingdom Wealth Conference (KWC). The weeks in the lead up to the KWC were preparing us to be positioned, mostly in the marketplace, and to activate our calling to bring glory to God wherever He has placed us. KWC gave us handles and practical tools from experts in the marketplace to bring God into whatever He has purposed us to do. Conclusion Initially, signing up for CIP felt like I was taking a detour. It was not in my roadmap of life at that juncture to stop and take time out to seek God and encounter Him afresh. Yet, what did not seem instinctive in the natural, was the hand of God, whose thoughts and ways were indeed much higher than mine.
The bond that we built and the support given by everyone in the programme not just assured me that the house of the Lord is built on the foundation of love, but also helped me experience that abundant love that He has for me.
To me, the internship has really been a “get-ready-to-be-‘Ekballo-ed’-time” through the people I met and through the classes. It feels like a time of equipping for me to go and to love people beyond the four walls of church, not just in the nations but also in Singapore!
- Hochi, Student, Adults
- Aaron Ezekiel Soh, Student/NS, Adults
God set a table for me to partake with Him, a spread of 40-dish buffet to enjoy. From eating to digesting and being blessed to be a blessing. 40 people among my 28 classmates, CIP team coordinator, mentor and department team. I see diversities, I see a God of diversities. It may seem challenging at times, yet by the grace of God, the journey is filled with encouragement, joy and love. What kind of love is this? God’s unmerited favour all over me. Hallelujah!
The CIP experience for me has been a ‘turn-aside’ moment -- encountering Him, being in an atmosphere of hungering more for Him, understanding not just His ways but His heart. It was a time of sharpening, realignment, and reigniting of heart through the teachings and mentorship programme, and I have received a lot more than what I thought I’d signed up for. God had indeed set me up, but in an extremely wonderful way.
- Christine Leow, Home maker CIP has impacted me in a highly positive way. I have grown spiritually and received powerful impartations. Also, I have deepened my understanding and extended my knowledge of God’s values and DNA. I had the privilege to meet amazing friends with such a great heart for people and for God. I was greatly blessed just by spending time with them and I am grateful for all the wonderful memories made during this internship. While serving at weekend services, I witnessed the spirit of excellence and unity that is present in the serving team. At the Youth department, I was blessed to see the passion of the young people for Jesus Christ and the love they have for the pre-believers. I am glad to see them making a difference in their generation.
- Genevieve Lim, Student, Generations I feel so privileged to be able to be in this Internship program. I’ve learned most from the daily teachings and the friendships. I now feel so much more connected to the DNA of Cornerstone, and am in awe to be able to be a part of the legacy, built upon the audacious faith of a small group of people who decided to risk it all, and put everything on the line so that many others can be impacted by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. - Cliff Ethan Sim, Self-employed, Adults
- Joanna Lam Wai Shun, Student, CGN Mauritius
One of the interns mentioned that it was like we were in an incubator during this season and the end of CIP signalled the time we would be thrusted forth into our respective harvest fields – to demonstrate His love in places of strife and discord, to bring peace to weary souls, to be messengers of His good news and hope. I cannot wait to see how the Lord is going to unfold His glorious plans He has for each one of us. We have been so changed and challenged by His love and now it is time for us to go forth to show it. It has been such a wonderful milestone to look back on as I embark on my journey into the marketplace. These precious moments will always hold a very special place in my heart.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
tanding at the Church foyer and looking at the many people coming out from our weekly Sunday services, it’s hard to believe that Cornerstone started with just 2 Cell Groups. God has been so faithful, right from the beginning when He called us out to be Cornerstone Community Church. In the early years when we were moving from location to location, and then finally standing in Odeon Katong, contending for the space we believed God would give us. God has given us the space He wanted to grow and nurture Cornerstone in our first 20 years. And now having almost maximised the space that we have, we are now at an exciting time as we are sensing that the harvest is ripe, and a great harvest is about to be reaped. However, preparing for the harvest is not only about preparing a larger space to hold our weekly services. It is also about strengthening our nets to hold on to the coming harvest. Over the years, we have received many promises from God that He will be increasing our numbers and we have seen God multiply the people in Cornerstone. We are seeing many new believers join the Church, get integrated in a Cell, grow and begin to serve God faithfully. Cell is where we can study God’s Word together, do life together and challenge each other to grow in our characters to be more like Christ each day. Let us purpose to strengthen our Cells, as this will in turn strengthen the nets for the coming great harvest, being ready to welcome the many new believers into a community where they can be discipled, edified and sent out.
ANNA NG - YOUNG ADULTS CELL I accepted Christ in Jan 2016 and my friend invited me to her Cell Group a few months later. From the very first visit, I felt right at home as everyone was so warm and friendly. And after meeting the Cell a few times, a dear sister offered to do weekly Bible Study with me after knowing I had just recently received Christ. Each time we met, my understanding of the Word grew and her prayers never failed to encourage me. I also looked forward to the weekly Cell meetings as the sharings always encouraged me and helped me to grow in my understanding of the Lord and His Word. Subsequently, my family encountered some problems and the Cell was always there for me and prayed for me frequently. When I had my Water Baptism in October last year, the entire Cell turned up and I was so surprised and touched as I had barely known everyone. It was also there and then that I felt the Lord’s great love for me for the very first time, and I came to understand what it means by “we love because He first loved us”. 28
NG BAO QIANG - YOUNG ADULTS CELL Cell group has indeed taught me how to be more like Christ and lover of Christ. It is also a place where iron sharpens iron and man sharpens one another.
LOW HUI JUAN - YOUNG ADULTS CELL To me, Cell is a family where we can grow in God together. It’s heartening to know that people are on the same journey as me, and are spurring me on.
ALICIA CHUA - YOUNG ADULTS CELL Joining a cell was one of the best decisions I’ve made. It’s like a second family to me, where I’ve found people to guide and encourage me as well. I’m blessed to do life with them. IRENE LIM - ADULTS CELL My Cell Group was there to encourage me, help me to hang in there whenever we go through any storms, reminding me that I am not alone in this walk of faith, and that our God is forever faithful. We pray together, worship together, love and serve God together. It makes us feel that we are indeed a family in Christ.
“MY CELL GROUP WAS THERE TO ENCOURAGE ME, HELP ME TO HANG IN THERE...” “OVER THE YEARS, WE HAVE RECEIVED MANY PROMISES FROM GOD...” OUTREACH EVENTS We have had many outreach events over the years where many have made the decision to come into the kingdom. Many of these new believers join a cell group where they can be discipled in their spiritual growth. Evangelistic meetings by Canon J. John (7-8 Feb 2015) Combined Service - Canon J. John (1 May 2016) Forest of Dreams (Cornerstone’s first Christmas play) (Dec 2012) Home for Christmas (Christmas production) (Dec 2014)
VINCENT LIM - ADULTS CELL The Cell Group helps me in my walk with God whenever I have any difficulties to deal with. My Cell leaders are always ready to be there and it makes me feel well covered in the walk. I always believe that it is not enough to attend weekly service only as walking in Christ is a daily thing, and definitely we will face issues in life which most of the time we can’t really share. However the Cell leaders and members will be the ones that always be there to share our issues and cover us with prayer. Till now, they are no longer just friends but a close family to us
RAYMOND HO - ADULTS CELL The anchoring verse that apprehended our hearts to service was taken from the Book of Joshua - ‘But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.’ It has been a good 13 years and a joy for my wife, Rosalind and I to host a cell group here in CSCC. To be able to share our lives with God’s people, to see them being ministered, encouraged, grow and go on to serve the Lord in their capacity. Cell is a place where lives are made vulnerable and accountable in testimonies and sharing. A place of trust and confidence. Cell is building block of the body of Christ and indeed, a place to be in.
2007 Article first appeared in Herald Issue Sept., 2007
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
n the recent FOPx conference, we saw more than 89 salvations and re-dedication of lives to God. We had 2500 youths from 100 churches worshipping together. It was such a sight to behold! We had a powerful time with Ben Fitzgerald and Lou Engle as they brought us the word in season, calling all young people in this nation to be a generation who will propel Singapore into her destiny. There were moments during the conference where revival felt so possible and an inner knowing that it could break out at any moment. I am convinced that we are on the brink of revival. The glimpse of revival I caught goes beyond the messages, salvations, and huge crowds. It was in moments where I saw churches working together, serving one another, crying out to God in one accord for revival to break out in this land. This was not an event hosted by one church but ran by a committee of youth pastors of various churches, putting aside their differences and coming together believing that there is so much more they can do for Singapore. At every session, we had youth pastors from different churches coming up to anchor the meetings, sharing their heart for the nation. Session after session, you could hear a resounding voice of the Lord getting louder and louder, calling young people of Singapore to unite and rise up to take their place in this upcoming revival. I find it difficult to articulate all that has transpired, but it is beautifully put together by one of the committee members. “Surrender. It’s a big word, but the concept so frank. Freedom is like this generation’s pledge and anthem, and society screams at us to fight for your rights. Yet, this kind of freedom that sounds so attractive, draws no power and leaves our generation bound. We find no joy despite this proclamation of supposedly freedom. Precisely because of the culture we are in where this kind of freedom rings through the media and in the secular, we turn the tides by calling for a cry of surrender. This generation do not have to be afraid of 100% abandonment to God. Surrender is not about choosing God above anything else. Surrender is giving up the right to choose, even. If you were there to witness these, you’d be so sure that God is doing a work in this generation. You’d be convinced that this generation will not stop at anything for the work of His kingdom. I for one believe that something has shifted in the spiritual. It isn’t even about FOPx, but about the season God is bringing our nation into. I think it’s beautiful to be able to say, ‘not my will but Yours be done’, moment to moment”. Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
“Camp has become one significant event....”
amps have always been part of my growing up years in Cornerstone. It was and still is something that I look forward to every year. Looking back over the years, I have seen how Cornerstone camps have grown and evolved. Camps in the early years were vigorous and packed with activities when we were just a group of youths. The committee itself was led by a group of young men and youths. Camp venues were no luxurious hotels but rugged bunk beds in dormitories. I remember running around the island of Sentosa on a Treasure Hunt. Unforgettable tele-match games that left no one dry and clean but gooey starch all over our hands and faces covered with talcum powder. That was camp in every sense of the word! As our congregation’s demography began to change, with our young adults starting families of their own and more adults and their families joined the congregations, camps evolved to have more structured activities that facilitated more interaction and bonding time amongst the campers. Since 2000, our camps have moved overseas to places like Malaysia and Indonesia. Our first
overseas camp was in Kuala Lumpur. We had 240 campers that year. We also started inviting overseas pastors as our camp speakers. In 2002, our annual camp was renamed to Family Camp. As the name explains, camps became significant times where the Big Cornerstone Family gathers to connect, bond and be refreshed by the Word of God. Camps became all-encompassing where both the young and old were able to enjoy. As the children grew in numbers, Cornerstone Children’s Church too started their own children’s camp within the camp. They started with home team running the programme but in the recent years, we have engaged different teams from Kid’s Ministry locally and overseas to run the Children’s camp. Over the years, we have seen not only seen physical growth in terms of the number of campers but more importantly, we have been experiencing a greater intensity of the presence of God at every camp. The Word of God that has come to us has been directives for the church as well as individuals that it demands responses from us. Camp has become one significant event for us a church, a convocation that is not to be missed!
Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and mercy, 2 fulfill my joy by being likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. 3 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4 Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. – Philippians 2:1-4 (NKJV)
Prayer in the House of God By Lydia Ooi
LOOKING FORWARD “Show them My brand of love. Not the kind which has been misused and used out of context. The brand of love that is uniquely Mine – the love that inconveniences yourself for the sake of another. The love that serves and puts others above yourself. The love that does not have selfish personal agendas. The brand of love I extend to all.”
French fries dipped in ice-cream, strawberries and basil, peanut butter and cheese. These delicious combinations most certainly are not conventional by anyone’s standards, yet the synergistic outcome is better than the individual components. The differences complement each other and the contrast in flavours enhances the taste of the individual flavours.
These thoughts that came into my head were certainly God-inspired as it is clear that the Word speaks of showing love among each other and by that we will demonstrate that we are His disciples.
This is a picture of how I see churches across different denominations coming together. Unity is absolutely possible and essential. Yet, unity across the body of Christ is by no means an easy feat. What does it look like to have that kind of harmony in the Body of Christ?
ooking back over the years, prayer and prophecy have always been the hallmark of Cornerstone. These areas of ministry demonstrate that the Lord continues to move powerfully among His people. In the early 2000s, we first started Prayer for Israel and National Day Prayers corporately and in cell groups. In more recent times, we hold our monthly Church Wide Prayer and Fast-itForward alongside weekly Vanguard ministry gatherings. Herald magazine commemorated such moments in the “In the Secret Place” columns.
As I sifted through the prayer articles from Herald, one truly stood out to me. It was an article covering the National Day Prayer in 2003. It spoke of how SARS had ravaged Singapore, taken away loved ones from families, struck fear and alienated individuals. As a young child then, I remembered the air of fear and trepidation, as the government and healthcare professionals, worked tirelessly to contain the virus and find a cure. Yet, at the National Day Parade, there was a quiet sense of resilience and renewed harmony amongst the people of Singapore.
This year, there has been a great emphasis on prayer to call forth the things the Lord has prepared and is ready to pour out upon those who ask. From the call to prayer and fasting highlighted by Lou Engle at Kingdom Invasion 2017 to the Cornerstone Family Camp, where we invited the prayer powerhouse Suzette Hattingh – “I’m not a preacher who happens to pray, I’m an intercessor who happens to preach!” Oh what a powerful testimony from one who lives out what she preaches!
The realities of that calamity was only further unravelled at a recent work orientation session I had. A doctor who had lived through the battle shared his experience of how they had been caught off-guard and the response of having to band together to fight the unknown.
Over the past few weeks as I sought the Lord on what to share regarding prayer, I was constantly reminded of the importance of “unity”. Be it through messages preached by our own leaders from the pulpit, to seeing it in my devotionals or by sheer coincidence, the word ‘unity’ kept resurfacing. So I asked, how should we show unity as one body of Christ? Not just within Cornerstone but as the body of Christ in Singapore?
I do not want to wait for another calamity to shake up the nation before we learn how to unite as a body of Christ. The Lord has shown us how His love can unite us. As it is written in Philippians, being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
It is when we purpose in our heart to represent His brand of love. It’s when we understand that the differences and diversity are an asset and strength because the Lord has made us unique and as we purpose to move seamlessly in one direction – the Lord’s direction – we can have unity. It’s allowing the grace of God to flow into the situation and help us overcome our weaknesses. It’s as simple as coming together with a passion to seek the Lord and stand in the gap. Let’s build ourselves up in our most Holy faith to see Kingdom reality on earth! I’m glad to say there are definitely glimpses of it within Cornerstone. But it’s not enough. Our Lord of the nations calls us to a higher standard, to have unity in the church across Singapore. The year 2018 heralds exciting events including the 40-day prayer and fasting, tasked to unite churches across Singapore to pray for our beloved nation. As we press on forward, let’s continue to keep our church leadership and nation in prayer. That through our prayers, we can partner our Heavenly Father in bringing heaven to earth and birth the plans and purposes He has for our church and nation.
Article first appeared in Herald Issue Sept., 2007
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
CSCC FAMILY CAMP 2017 By Jonathan Jiang
fire was ignited in my family’s heart when our cell group shared their experience of Cornerstone Church Camp 2016. We knew we had to attend church camp this year as the Lord spoke to our hearts to go in faith. However, we had a slight challenge. My wife had recently given birth to our second child and he was only six weeks old. By faith, we registered for the camp and only had the passports ready for the children just a week before the camp commenced! God is faithful that as we signed up in obedience, He helped us overcome all the obstacles to be in the camp as a family. The theme for the Family Camp this year is “Face-to-Face” and Pastor Suzette Hattingh led the church to repentance and re-establishment of personal prayer altar on day one which set the tone for the camp. There was a deep sense of hunger as the people made a deliberate decision to lay aside everything and make things right with God. In the day sessions and mission workshop, Pastor Will Hart ignited and stirred the passion of going forth in obedience and allowing God to use us in the manner that He chooses. Through the sharing of his life story, Pastor Will reminded the church that while it is a blessing and privilege to give financially, the call to go forth is powerful as God is faithful to show up when we go to the needy, broken and hurting people around us. In his sessions, Pastor Nicky Raiborde spoke from his heart of the need to encounter God and finding our identity in our relationship with Him, illustrating his points with practical and sensible examples. He concluded the camp with pointers to fight the good fight daily so we can move from glory to glory. The children were also fully engaged in the kid’s camp program as we saw the fun they had in the competitions and crafts. Above all else, they encountered God personally in the sessions designed and conducted just for them. As part of the church and cell group, my family was blessed and loved in the camp as there was time away from tight routines to fellowship and feast with one another over good food. There is also a sense of family in the church even as we made new friends in the camp. It was a pleasant surprise to see the pastors and speakers let loose over Gala Dinner, another highlight of the camp! Joy was palpable and evident in the smiles on the faces of the people, and we leave with many happy memories and our lives inspired.
“...& we dance.�
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
he day I decided to set aside time to attend the Bible College of Wales (BCW) School of Ministry was the start to my journey of breakthroughs and transformation.
Being the only Christian in my family, the biggest challenge for me was to get the ‘green light’ from my parents. I fondly remember that while I was contending for my parents’ blessings, I was still in the midst of completing my last semester in University. This meant that after I graduate, my parents would be expecting me to get a job. To them, that is the only appropriate and responsible route of any fresh graduate. This preconceived mentality only made the situation worse because the decision to go for bible school already conflicted with their beliefs in life. However, deep inside, there was a stirring that this would be the Kairos moment for me to attend the Bible College. I remembered praying fervently before approaching my parents to raise the topic of BCW. I presented my supplications to the Lord and claimed every promise prayed over my life. Miraculously, the conversation with my mother lasted for only two minutes and she willingly allowed me to go! I couldn’t believe how God had paved the way for me. All I did was to muster the courage to ask and He did the rest. Just when I thought the battle was over, I realised that finance was also going to be an issue. However, God came through for me again. He is indeed our Jehovah Jireh. When I submitted my application to BCW, I indicated my need for financial assistance. More than receiving the money to go for bible school, my heart’s desire was for the Lord to show my parents how He is also a God who provides. Later that month, I had an interview with a church staff and my subsidy for financial assistance was approved. Praise the Lord! The subsidy certainly helped to ease a considerable portion of the burden. Still, I knew that I too had a part in paying for the trip and work for my finances. I started looking for a job before heading to Wales in August. The difficulty however, was that I was the Camp Commandant for my Youth Camp in June
By Koh Yaoyi
Journey of Many Breakthroughs that year and time posed yet another constraint – besides, I also wanted to set aside time for Church Camp. That was when I saw an opening to intern at the Ministry of Education (MOE). Indeed, my acceptance to the programme was another testimony of God’s providence that humbled me. Despite my time constraints, the whole internship programme worked out well and I was able to attend both church and youth camps! During the internship, there was a twoweek break and it fell on the same weeks of the camps. I was so overwhelmed by how the ways and plans of God fallen into place so beautifully, in ways only He can. Interestingly, my Bible School endeavour also coincided with Brexit. That meant that the British Pound was falling drastically against the Singapore Dollar, allowing me to exchange each of my dollar for more pounds. Brexit turned out to be a blessing in disguise for me! One day, the Lord began challenging me to invite my family to attend my graduation in Wales as this could be a good opportunity for them to encounter Christ.
I thought that it would be a lot easier for me to invite them for my graduation compared to a typical church service. So I took the step of faith and asked my family members if they would want to come for my graduation. By God’s grace, my family agreed! They also took this opportunity to travel together around Europe and had a short but amazing holiday trip. My time in BCW was phenomenal. Many of my classmates will testify that being there was a surreal experience of Heaven on Earth. God placed people for me to encounter, to reflect a different facet of His nature. The revelation of God reflected through these people left me amazed at who God is. I have made friends of different nationalities and walks of life, and they have taught me how to worship, pray, prophesy and walk in the Spirit in a deeper way. The fellowship of the brethren was an invaluable experience of bible school. I had initially envisioned bible school to be a season of theological training and unravelling the deep mysteries of God. To my surprise, my greatest takeaway was understanding the simplicity of Christianity. I have come to realise that simple words such as ‘love’, ‘hope’ and ‘peace’ carry such depth in their meanings. Oftentimes we as ‘seasoned believers’ think we know it all and have fully comprehended these words. However, it is only in the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit that we will start to truly grasp their meanings. Today as I look back at what God has done in my life through this whole journey, I gladly testify of His faithfulness and goodness. The breakthroughs that the Lord has brought me through the whole year – getting permission from my parents, clinching the internship and financial providence for BCW, seeing my family in a worship environment during graduation, and the deep work that He has done in my heart, are precious and invaluable. If you are thinking of going to BCW, I strongly encourage you to take a step of faith to sign up. There may be many obstacles that you may face or you may lack the courage to begin this adventure, but may faith arise in you to trust that when the Lord calls, there will be provision for the vision ahead in your life.
11 ~ 14 JUNE 2018
M A R K T HE DAT E S 11-14 JUNE 2 018
2. DE CIDE E A R LY W I T H FA MILY ME MBE R S 3. “ CHOPE ” E A R LY W HE N DE TA IL S A R E OU T Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Testimony of Renee Yang
“He loves me beyond comprehension.”
found a few lumps on both sides of my thyroid gland in 2016. As the doctors did not find anything cancerous, I decided not to remove them. However, this year, one of my lumps kept growing bigger so I opted to remove half of my thyroid gland that contained the bigger lump. When I went for another round of scan, the doctor found a calcium spot that aroused suspicion. I indicated to the doctor that I was prepared to remove the whole thyroid gland in the event he found anything that would cause concern during the operation. Even though removing the whole thyroid gland meant that I had to be on long term medication, I was prepared for it too. Leading up to the operation right until the very day of the operation, there were not only people who were praying for me, the Lord Himself consistently spoke to me through His Word. Among many things, He said that He would give me peace and I trusted that word as I knew God was in control. When I was preparing to go into the operating theatre, I had no fear within me but an indescribable peace. I was relaxed and was even able to jest with the nurses. Upon rousing from being under the knife, a nurse gently informed me that my whole thyroid gland had been removed. This news did not take me by surprise as prior to the surgery my husband felt that my full thyroid gland would be removed. I am thankful that every step of the way I felt I was in the know as the Lord had given me foreknowledge of things. It has been a journey for me after the surgery. I have many interesting post-op stories. For one, there was minimal pain and I knew it was supernatural. The only time I experienced excruciating pain was when the nurse administered medication via the drip. She did warn me that it would hurt. I just cried out to God for grace and I put on some worship songs to distract myself from the pain. Amazingly, the moment I fixed my eyes on Him, the pain stopped! In addition, almost immediately I dozed off and had the best sleep. Throughout my quick stay in the hospital, I felt His reassuring presence. Days later, the doctors reported that there were actually micro cancer cells which meant that I had the earliest form of thyroid cancer. However due to the removal of the full thyroid gland I was as good as cured! I was thankful that this was
“ T HE DAY A F T E R M Y SURGE RY, I T OL D THE LORD TO CONTINUE WRITING HIS STORY IN MY LIFE AND HE HAS INDEED SEASONED THIS JOURNEY WITH EXHILARATING HIGHS AND PAINFUL YET STRETCHING LOWS BUT ONE THING’S FOR SURE, I AM ASSURED THAT HE WILL NEVER LE AVE ME NOR FORSAKE ME.” detected earlier and the wound was recovering in quick time (so much so that the doctors had difficulty taking out my stitches). The recovery of my voice was another round of trusting Him. Even though the doctors told me I would regain my voice back in 2 to 3 weeks but it took almost 3 months. Many were concerned about me losing my voice and so was I. I struggled for a while, but the Lord kept reminding me to trust Him. My breakthrough came during church camp. On the first day of camp, Suzette Hattingh was teaching us on how to worship Him in our quiet times and when she exhorted us to sing, faith rose within me. I opened my mouth and to my amazement, I could sing! It was the start of my healing and thereafter my voice improved by leaps and bounds!
I thank God for many things this year. I am grateful for the smooth process from the time my condition was detected to an almost painless surgery and subsequent speedy recovery. But more importantly I have been constantly blown away by amazing experiences with the Lord Jesus throughout the year, I see the promises in the Bible come to life. He has given me such peace that surpasses all understanding. I have also learnt to cast all my anxiety on Him and hear Him say, “Fear not.” He really loves me beyond comprehension. The most exquisite thing I received out of this episode of my life is that my sweet relationship with Him has been strengthened and I would not trade anything in the world for this. The day after my surgery, I told the Lord to continue writing His story in my life and He has indeed seasoned this journey with exhilarating highs and painful yet stretching lows but one thing’s for sure, I am assured that He will never leave me nor forsake me. And I have nothing to fear no matter what I go through because I am in the palm of His hands. I am excited for the next chapter with the newest miracle in my life and thankful for testimonies of His goodness, love and providence that I can share with the people around me and my future generations!
BAPTISMAL SERVICES IN 2017 04 February 2017 We baptised 57 candidates 29 April 2017 We baptised 35 candidates 29 July 2017 We baptised 50 candidates 28 October 2017 We baptised 40 candidates
“Go therefore[c] and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.�
Matthew 28:19-20
Congratulations to all 182 baptism candidates who have been baptised! We celebrate with you!
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
n the 10th of December 2016, Generations Youth Ministry rolled out Project Shoebox to end off our “Light of the World” sermon series. Just like the name of the sermon series, Project Shoebox is an initiative by Generations to be the light of the world. The bible tells us that we should be doers of the word and not hearers only, the Project Shoebox is a stepping-stone for Generations to put what we have learned into action and demonstrate the love of God by blessing the community and investing into people’s lives. A week before the commencement of Project Shoebox, each cell group busied themselves with wrapping and packing items into shoeboxes for the project. Every member contributed by bringing, wrapping and decorating unwanted shoeboxes. After wrapping the shoeboxes, each individual contributed by donating items like dried food, canned food, books, coloring pencils, toys and clothes. All of which were placed into the shoebox meant for distribution the following week. The sound of chatter intensified as throngs spewed out from the doors of Odeon Katong. Amidst the crowd, the multicolored array of shoeboxes held by our youths cannot be missed. These shoeboxes were neatly wrapped with colorful wrapping paper and tied with a brown string that held the contents in the shoeboxes together. Generations Youths gathered
outside as they waited for their buses, which brought them to their respective places. We reached out to neighborhoods of one-room flats, primarily in the district of Jalan Kukoh, York Hill and Jalan Minyak. Upon reaching their designated block, every group was tasked to distribute the shoeboxes to those living in that block. The residents were mostly welcoming towards us and some of them even invited us into their homes to allow us to pray and minister to them. The Project Shoebox was more than just handing out the shoeboxes and blessing the less fortunate. Some youths took the Project Shoebox further by talking to the families, spending time with the elderly, praying for people and playing with the children. I remember a woman whom we visited told us about her sick baby. We were initially afraid to initiate any prayer since she wasn’t a Christian, but we mustered up the courage to ask if we could pray for her child. To our delight, she agreed with a grateful smile. We have learnt through this outreach event that sometimes, in wanting to help others, we fear being rejected but we have to learn to overcome the fear of rejection in
order to step out and be the light of the world. Photos and short videos of the youths as they went around blessing others were posted on Instagram. The wide smiles on the faces of the youths and the people they have blessed captured the mementoes of the joy everyone gained from this act of kindness. Overall, the Project Shoebox proved one thing for sure - that a small act of kindness can make a big difference to the people around us. It does not take much from us to give, but it can mean so much to the people we bless. Even as the Project Shoebox is over, let us never cease being the light of the world and showing the love of God through our actions to the people out there!
ince the Mandate series began in 2014, it has become a tradition in Cornerstone that the men of the church come together 3 times a year, to partake in the 3 feasts that God has called them to in Deuteronomy 16:16: The Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Mandate 2017 kicked off with guest speaker Philip Ng, CEO of Far East Organization, who took to the pulpit to share his thoughts and experiences on the atmosphere of the workplace that he has built and cultivated in Far East Organization over the years. Referencing from the parable of the workers in Matthew 20, Mr Ng shared that one worrying observation he has made, is how envy can subtly creep into one’s heart. And he advised us of the need to be mindful of this trap.
With Philip Ng
the principles in the parables can be applied to what we are doing in the workplace as well. He went on to say that everyone must be open, transparent, and given an opportunity to contribute in a Christian enterprise. Mr Ng also spoke about how the management in Far East Organization came up with a framework regarding bonuses that was made known to all employees from the beginning of the financial year, so that each employee will be aware of the individual amount entitled to, if he or she hits the mark. Looking at the many workplaces, Mr Ng noted that many employers do not know how to let go of employees who do not hit the mark. As Christian stewards, it is necessary for us to apply grace, when dealing with tough decisions in the workplace. It is when we do not pray and seek
By Immanuel Roszini
counsel from the Lord that rash judgments are made, hence the importance of grace and justness in the workplace. Perhaps the most important thing that Mr Ng shared was this: We do not own our possessions; rather we are merely stewards. As a steward, we have a responsibility to manage what we have been given, and we are not able to do so without praying and spending time with God. A Christian steward must die to oneself and let go of one’s ego as well. Ultimately, we must not be possessed by our possessions. In addition, Mr Ng warned that the one thing Christians who are in business need to guard themselves against is: covetousness. Thus, his advice to all in attendance was to be wary of conceit and deceit of others and of ourselves.
Mr Ng next focused on the parable of the rich man and his servants in Matthew 25:14. In bridging the two parables together, he spoke on how both parables speak of justness, grace and most importantly, stewardship and discerning the abilities of others. He expounded on the parable in Matthew 25:14, which speaks of the early days of venture capitalism, with the apostle Matthew himself being a tax collector, and how striking the similarities are between that parable and today’s marketplace.
Mr Ng shared a final story about his father, who was declared brain dead by doctors, when he was hospitalised after a fall. Although he had been to church, he was not a Christian. Yet the remarkable encounters his father had in the days leading up to his peaceful death, was nothing short of the miracle of God, and he described this as the “11th hour grace”. It was also this 11th hour grace that led his parents to accept Jesus Christ into their lives, and the entire account left the congregation in awe of what God had done in his family.
Mr Ng shared that while these parables are meant to tell us about the kingdom of Heaven,
Truly, it was a fitting start to the Mandate series for the year.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
“But in your hearts honour Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” – 1 Peter 3:15
Training & Equipping
had a vision several months ago. In the vision, there was a blunt arrow that was being thrown at a target, but it consistently missed the mark. It was thrown out of human will and strength. Then I saw an arrow, sharpened and seated in the arrow rest. The string was stretched taut, then the arrow shot through the sky in such a clear direction, hitting the mark with absolute precision and clarity.
By Lydia Ooi
The arrow was us, rested in the Lord, stretched by His loving hands and sharpened by His Word, to go forth with purpose and to fulfil our destiny. Training and Equipping (‘T&E’) classes in Cornerstone started long before it was formally named, as we know it, a mere four years ago. Having started out as two small cell groups that have grown into Cornerstone as we know it today, the Word of God has always anchored our church. The very heart of T&E is not just to feed us spiritually but to also encourage us to seek God’s ways and thoughts by approaching His word. In Semester 1 of T&E 2017, we had more than 1,000 participants for the first time! It has evolved over the years to become an integral delivery tool to arm us with the Word of God. The call for each one of us is to be taught and equipped so that we can teach, share and encourage others in the Lord.
Interview with Sharon Lee I had the opportunity to speak with Sharon Lee, who first started attending Cornerstone in 1995 as a youth. While attending Supernatural Healing Track 2 during Semester 2 of T&E 2017, Sharon experienced a personal healing in her class.
For a long time, I had noticed a discomfort, not a pain, just discomfort. And I had this recurrent dream on and off that I was walking with one long leg and one short leg.
Share a little about your healing experience that took place.
She led me through a repentance prayer regarding idolatry and generational curses, having me name incidences and people that came to remembrance regarding idolatry. She also prayed for my spine to be aligned throughout. I sat down again and shifted myself to be seated properly against the chair and my legs were aligned! Praise the Lord! When I went home, I kept checking. I admit that there were doubts but I told myself I must reject and rebuke those thoughts because I saw for myself. I sat as aligned as I could and there were witnesses there as well. So I stand in faith that God has healed and I may not know exactly where He has fixed but as far as I’m concerned, my ankles now line up. So I give all glory to God.
Auntie Mabel started sharing about the healing of the unequal limbs. So she was trying to explain how to evaluate an individual’s legs. While she was trying to show us how the person ought to sit during the evaluation, that was when I raised my hand in faith and said, “Demonstrate on me, I will be your live subject!” I sat as best as I could, trying to make sure my back was straight. As she placed her thumbs on my ankles to demonstrate symmetry, her thumbs were clearly at different positions. The students standing around could see it was not aligned; I myself could see it was not aligned.
So what took place next?
Even as you share this testimony, your words are affirming the healing that has already taken place. Let me share with you another testimony. I had a cell member who also attended this class. Prior to the teaching, Auntie Mabel had asked if anyone was experiencing a migraine but nobody raised their hands. At the end of the class, my cell member shared that she had asked God for a practical experience of healing rather than just the theory that was being taught. She asked for God to demonstrate His power. When I raised my hand to volunteer to be prayed for, she felt that the migraine symptom was alluding to me and then I recalled that I had been suffering from a very bad migraine at the end of the previous T&E [Supernatural Healing Track 1], which I had forgotten about. The headache had come on for about 2-3 weeks and then faded so I had forgotten about it. So she felt it was witness to the fact that God wanted to heal me too. And she also got her “live demo” (laughs).
“My desire – and the reason I took up the course – is to see people healed, physically and of course, inner healing as well.”
Article first appeared in Herald Issue Sept., 2007
Why did you sign up for this particular module of T&E? My desire – and the reason I took up the course – is to see people healed, physically and of course, inner healing as well. It breaks my heart to see unwell people. Any form of pain, disability, any form of need. I desire that God uses me to bring across that healing for them. Of course it’s not about me, it’s all about Him. But to use me as a vessel because a lot of them don’t know Christ. I want to see people healed and made whole. I desire His presence. My pursuit could be better but the desire is there. What would you say to someone who is considering signing up for T&E? T&E is a great way to increase our knowledge, beyond the pulpit and other sharing. It’s also great to meet people in church who are like-minded in interests. The fact that the 20 odd people chose to come to the class shows they have the same interest. I encourage people to try to attend T&E because it’s always good to learn more and the teachers
put in effort to prepare the teachings. Again it is not imparted to us just for us to store in our heads but it is imparted to us so that we can either use it or share it and use it for His glory. We have to move with God’s timing and it is a season of harvest and I am speaking to mature Christians in general. God always calls us upwards. God’s heart for the harvest – part of the work involves praying for people, reaching them. We may need signs like healing or words of knowledge to show them that God is real, God is true and God is powerful. I liken it to the situation where you are placed in the kitchen of a beautiful house. Cold Storage comes up to you and gives you all the expensive pots, pans and food. But you don’t know how to cook and the food is going to turn bad. Likewise when the souls are coming in, and if you don’t know how to reach out to them, pray and intercede for them, be the conduit for God to reach out to them, then you may not be able to help take that soul further. Granted, everything is led by the Holy Spirit, of course, but God wants to partner with us, right? If we have
some battle training, we are able to do more. And that’s what the classes are for, to get us ready for the big battle that is going to come. You can’t go into battle without training. So what lies ahead after this round of T&E? I’m returning back to work and I’m quite excited especially after these T&E classes. I ran into Ps Tim Chong and when he prayed for me, he prayed something interesting. Rather than physical or even emotional healing, it was healing for workplaces, for relationships there. So if I can be a conduit to bring unity back, between two friends, colleagues, businesses, it opens up a different perspective of healing as well.
It is such an encouragement to see how God can use each one of us, if we would just willingly yield ourselves to Him. A big thank you to all the course convenors of this year’s T&E, who have generously given their time to share and equip God’s people. Do keep a lookout for the next round of T&E classes and SIGN UP for them! I am sure you will be greatly blessed by it. Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
ornerstone Community Church has been involved in missions since her beginning and missions have always been in the core of our DNA as a church. God spoke very clearly to our Senior Pastor that Cornerstone was to be a “missions-sending church”.
MISSIONS By Maureen Low
In the early years, the church’s involvement in missions primarily revolved around sending short-term teams to China, India, Indonesia and the Philippines. The trips were more exploratory in nature. It was only in 1995 that our first church plant took place in Myanmar with the conception of Cornerstone Yangon. In year 2000, we saw our missions work expanding outside Asia into the African continent. The first trip into Africa was made by Pastor Yang to Uganda and Kenya. With that, we established the first of many partnerships with our African counterparts. And who could have thought 12 years down the road, God would open the United Kingdom to us with the purchase of the historical site with a rich spiritual heritage, The Bible College of Wales (BCW). It was to be one of
Cornerstone Global Network Summit 2017
the most exciting adventure that God has brought us on, even as the BCW will become a second Cornerstone base for our mission work in the nations, especially towards Europe and regions covering the Apostles’ early missionary journeys.
After the restoration and renovation works were completed on the grounds, we inaugurated and dedicated the work and ministry of The Bible College of Wales on the 25 May 2015. We will be writing history with the purchase of this property because we have obtained and inherited something bigger and greater than we can imagine. There are deep wells to be dug in The Bible College of Wales. This was followed by the purchase of Pisgah Chapel in 2014, another historically significant site in which revivalist Evan Roberts had spent much time praying in. Over the years, we have now planted 161 churches in 15 nations and partnered with 5 ministries in 5 nations. With this we saw the birthing of a network of churches beginning in 2005 and in 2008 the Cornerstone Global Network was officially formed.
e have just recently concluded our Annual Cornerstone Global Summit (CGN) in the last week of July, from 24 to 27. We had 40 foreign pastors from 17 nations with us at the summit. It was an amazing time of fun & laughter as well as weeping and crying from hearts who longed for more of God. The CGN summit has always been an important and significant time for us as a network of churches and ministries. There has always been a sharpening and enlarging of vision for the kingdom of God with each conference. In recent years, we have seen a tremendous momentum in a number of ministries and recorded some significant growth. There has been an increased synergy and partnership between our CGN members across nations too.
This is what some of our CGN Pastors have to say:
hat a blessed few days of being recharged, challenged and inspired at the recent Cornerstone Global Network (CGN) Summit. I felt encouraged listening to some of the testimonies shared by the different pastors. The sessions during the Summit have inspired me to move forward in establishing God’s Kingdom on earth in my nation, Indonesia. I also found the sharing sessions on Children’s Church, Cell Ministry and Media very helpful and practical.
more than 10 years ago. The sincerity and unity I experienced amongst my brothers and sisters all wanting to expand the kingdom of God is heart-warming and very encouraging for me after being in the field and working the, at times, ‘hard soil’ in The Netherlands. The main takeaway for me was to continue to be a Fire Brand for God!
By Ps Paulus from Surabaya, Indonesia
ttending the CGN to me was definitely an impactful experience. I have long believed that the church is not about one super star but rather a community of people that lift each other into their God given call and potential. As an observer at the summit, watching each one convey God’s heart through their unique gift, strength and celebrating each other’s victories and above all having a culture of honour was refreshing. I returned home with the assuredness of what The Lord He had placed in my heart years ago, to build a broad platform for many to stand on and function in their God given call to impact generations.
his year’s CGN Summit was an awesome experience. For me it was a time to be renewed and refreshed and to receive new direction from the Lord. Seeing how the network has grown is truly inspiring. It was great seeing old friends and getting to know new ones. Being part of the CGN helps me realize the scope of the work that each of us is called to do. The challenge for excellence is a constant reminder that we should properly steward the work and the resources that God has given us. I would certainly look forward to next year’s CGN! By Ps Raymond Masuecos from Novaliches, Philippines
t CGN Summit, Ps Yang gave a strong exhortation to the network of churches and ministries on being Apostolic. Having an Apostolic disposition is to push boundaries for the Kingdom of God, carrying the breaker’s anointing and being dominant in where we have been placed. We need to know and align ourselves rightly and be ready to move in partnership with the Holy Spirit. God is on the move among the nations. With the added courage and strength received at the Summit, may we echo the words of William Carey, “Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God.” By Alan Sim from Penang, Malaysia
ome Coming, to Singapore, to Pasir Ris but above all to a Family in Christ, is the one word I would use to describe my feeling attending the recent CGN summit since my move to the Netherlands
By Pastor Sharon Houweling, The Netherlands
By Pastor Jitto from Sri Lanka
hankful to God for the time at this year’s Cornerstone Global Network Summit. It was a great time of being refreshed and enriched. I was encouraged to see the stronger relationships that have been forged among the pastors from the different nations. It was also a great opportunity for me to learn from the different ones so as to enhance my leadership skills. The message shared by Pastor Yang on the Apostolic Disposition was powerful. It literally lit a fire within me. I saw the need to rise up and be a catalyst in where I have been placed. I want to press on to be His best and to seize every opportunity to expand His kingdom. I was also challenged by the practical step by step approach towards excellence which Pastor Kevin shared. It is my desire to be excellent and to cultivate the spirit of excellence in our church. By Pastor Henry Mukisa, Uganda, Africa
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Cornerstone Couriers Services MISSIONS
issions gained vigour with the launching of our Cornerstone Couriers programme in 2010. The launch saw a record high of 300 sign-ups for short term mission trips. Since then it has gained much momentum and over the 6 years we have sent more than 2,000 people into the nations.
The Couriers is an eye-opening experience for many of our members. It created excellent opportunities for many to witness what God is doing globally and for some God birthed burdens for nations within them which led to them signing up for the Cornerstone Overseas Volunteer Programme (COVP). Since its inception in 2012, we have had 12 people who volunteered to serve in our overseas churches for a period of 3 months to 1 year.
By Josephine Ruth Sim “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” - 2 Corinthians 12:9
n 13 August 2016, I set foot in Cambodia, and began my fourmonth Cornerstone Overseas Volunteer Programme (COVP) with Global Renewal Ministry (GRM) and City Life Church. In GRM, I assisted in setting up structures and processes, overall administration, and hosted team visits and lecturers for leadership training. I was also involved in discipleship with the staff, dormitory students and the girls who were saved from human trafficking. While I was with City Life Church, I briefly assisted in providing recommendations for structures and processes in administration and in the youth ministry. I love to read books on biographies of missionaries and always thought to myself, “What exciting lives they have lived for God!”. With COVP, I managed to experience in reality, all that I have read in the books. In those four months, God renewed my spiritual lenses and there was transference from head knowledge of what the mission field is about to an understanding from the heart. “Our ‘Being’ must supersede the ‘Doing’ In our lives and ministry.” This quote summarises it very well, “When most people think of their callings, unfortunately they think about what they are to do, not who they are to become.” As a city girl, I tend to think that I can help answer a need through my gifts, talents, and past working experiences. It is true to a certain extent. However, the Holy Spirit taught me that there is more than that. Needs are always there wherever we go. Hence, doing the work of the ministry through your gifts and talents can only bring you and the ministry so far. But, being in the presence of God first, will bring you further than any distance you
Josephine Sim is one of our recent volunteers to Cambodia.
travel through your gifts and talents alone. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” - Matthew 6:33. It does not mean that everything in our life will be “fixed”. As we focus our eyes on the Cross and the kingdom of God, it gives us surety of the power of God over the matter or situation in our lives or ministry, thus reducing our need to worry and look for solutions. He already has the solutions. He is waiting for us to be in His presence, so that He can reveal the solutions to us in His timing. Through our “being”, we will become what God created us to be. Focus on the Cross: Greater Unity, Greater Resource The other major takeaway that the Holy Spirit has taught me is that missions do not stop at short-term trips or giving financial help to the ministries. It is about training and equipping the locals to reach out to their own people. It is about all organisations (e.g. churches and Christian-based NGOs) coming together, to share resources and to tap on each other’s strengths. “Can you imagine the amount of resources my people can gather?
Can you imagine how many pre-believers we can share the gospel with if my people unite together without denominations and personal agendas, but through focusing on the Cross?” Those were the questions that the Holy Spirit put in my heart. Indeed, there is a great work to be done on earth. Yet, our God has all the resources to do that. All we need to do is to set our eyes on the Cross, and He will lead and guide us with His resources, to extend His kingdom and bring His love story to people who have not heard it. I believe God has shown me a facet of the mission He has in His heart, and He will continue to reveal more as I walk in this faith journey. If you have a missions calling, or you are curious on what mission work is about, I would strongly encourage you to pray and ask God when to go. And as you go, you will be amazed at what He wants to share with you from His heart. His grace will be sufficient for you, as you step out in obedience to where He calls you to.
By Alicia Chua
Alicia was our very first volunteer Excerpt taken from Herald, December 2012
licia was our very first volunteer in the COVP. She spent 4 months in Surabaya serving in Pondok Hayat.
How did you start out this journey? It started as an idea that my dad shared with me several years back about setting some time apart for God. He had suggested taking time off from my studies to do some mission work overseas. At that time, I was about to finish my ‘O’ Levels and I was quite taken aback by the idea of ‘skipping’ school for a whole year and doing other things (basically, not studying
to realise how blessed I am to be able to lead such an easy life in comparison.
Would introduce
However, this thought about taking a gap year had always been at the back of my mind, and at the same time, my dad never stopped encouraging me to take a year off from my formal education. As time went by, the idea grew on me and after praying about it and considering it carefully, I decided that after my ‘A’ Levels, I would make the jump and put off going into the University for a year. What impacted you most in respect to your perceptions and views of life and pursuits? During my stay in Indonesia, I had the chance to meet various groups of people I probably would not have much opportunity to meet in Singapore. Such groups included orphans, unwed mothers, those living in slum communities, and even people who stayed in a mental institute. Personally, seeing and meeting all these people really brought home time and again the reminder that I am so blessed by God. Looking at the lives they lead and the many challenges that they face (on a daily basis for some), I realised that there is so much more to life than what I normally see in Singapore. Issues like Discrimination are not what I generally face but these are very real issues others living elsewhere go through. I was really humbled
The first Courier took off in 2010
when I thought I was supposed to). I was not comfortable with it back then, so I simply put the idea aside and went on to Junior College.
you the’
gap year’ to others? Yes, I definitely would! I understand that taking a gap year probably isn’t for everyone out there. I really do think that if people can and want to go, they should! There are so many things you can do in one year “out of the system” (so to speak), of which you might otherwise not have the chance to do. During my four short months overseas, I felt that I really learnt so much more than I would have if I had stayed back at home and gone back to a formal school setting. Well, perhaps not in terms of academics, but definitely in terms of Christian life and in understanding and relating to people in general. In my opinion, things like walking in someone else’s shoes are invaluable experiences, and cannot really be taught or learnt in school. Especially so when it is not something you can easily experience in your normal, daily routine.
Joe and Carol’s COVP in Bali Excerpt taken from Herald, November 2013
erving in the mission field together has always been our dream. But that remained a dream. It is seemingly impossible with work commitments, bills, housing liabilities and all...the dream seemed
like a thousand miles away. Yet, at the back of our minds, we knew that one day God will enable us to fulfill it and grant the desires of our hearts. In September 2012, in one of her sermons, Angela Greenig said God is calling for a radical group of people to be conscripted into His reformation army and so we said a resounding ‘Yes’ to God’s clarion call in our hearts. Then Pastor Yang exhorted the congregation to respond to God but he reminded us to carefully consider the call and weigh the cost as God is looking only for yielded hearts that were fully surrendered to Him and willing to let go of everything to follow after Him. Immediately, we responded to the altar call. We received a surprise call from Pastor Yang encouraging us to consider a 3 months COVP (Cornerstone Overseas Volunteer Program) in either Philippines or Bali. Without hesitation, we accepted his invitation to go. After some prayers, the Lord directed us. While preparing for the trip, the roads became bumpy. Fears and worries crept in as uncertainties loomed around us. Many times we questioned if we had made the right decisions but God kept assuring and spurring us on through His Word, prophecies and visions each time we prayed. Thus we were comforted and had the courage to stay on track for the COVP. On 16th January 2013, after 2 weeks of church attachment with Cornerstone Singapore, we arrived in Cornerstone Bali to kick start our 3 months COVP. Psalm 2:8, “Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.” Let us continue to ask of the Lord for the nations that we may go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teaching these new disciples to obey all the commands that Jesus has given us in Matthew 28.
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
n 18 February 17, Cornerstone Community Services (CCS) celebrated their 10th year anniversary at the Cornerstone Development Initiatives Award Presentation Ceremony. This annual event provides support for students from low income families and enables them to have an equal opportunity to excel in life.
has been a School Merit Bursary Award (Secondary) recipient for four consecutive years, was transferred from Normal Technical to Normal Academic Stream in Secondary 5, and subsequently topped his Normal Academic Stream cohort for that year. Zong Wei serves as an inspiration and a testimony to many of the young recipients.
A total of 254 awards, amounting to $145,000, were given out across four categories – School Merit Bursary Award (Primary and Secondary) and School Allowance (Primary and Secondary).
At the end of the ceremony, the recipients and their families were treated to a sumptuous buffet spread. Much to the delight of the recipients and their siblings, there were Churros, candy floss and ice cream carts as well as balloon sculpting to engage the little ones.
In addition, a special award, Academic Achievement Award, was given to Loh Zong Wei of Yishun Secondary School. Zong Wei, who
Eve Huang, GY1.3
Tate Lim, GY3.1 Jabez Leong, GY3.1 When I transited to Generations 2 years ago, it wasn’t very tough as I knew quite a number of people in my zone. What impressed me the most was the friendliness of Gen-ers towards the transits and the presence of God during the praise and worship. Through my time in Generations, I have been continually challenged and moulded to become a passionate disciple who wants to please God with the entirety of my life. Serving in the Ushers Ministry in Generations has also allowed me to learn social skills like engaging with new people, and this has helped me make new friends in school too.
Aaron Lim, GY5.4 My transition to Generations wasn’t as difficult as I thought it would be. Initially, it was a little awkward interacting with my new cell members. However, I quickly assimilated and found a community of friends that I could get along with. This strong community has made being in Generations beneficial, not just to my spiritual walk, but also in providing me with a place where I can be comfortable and relaxed in. Hence during school days, I will always be looking forward to the weekends where I can meet up with my cell and talk to them about my week.
When I first joined Generations, it was a pretty huge shock for me. Having not participated in most of the bridging sessions, I did not expect Generations to be so different. From the exuberant praise and worship to the lengthier, deeper sermons, I had some difficulties in getting used to the new environment. However, my cell and zone members took good care of me by guiding me and keeping me company throughout the first few months. My shepherd would also spend time with me by meeting with me after school to talk. Gradually, I was able to adapt to Generations; I started making friends with other people and begun looking forward to coming here every Saturday afternoon. Now a year later, I can gladly say that I have greatly benefited from this transition and am looking forward to greater years in Generations!
I found it easy to transit to Generations because of the friendly people and the welcoming atmosphere here. Through Generations, I have learned the importance of intimacy with God and how to build a strong Christian walk. Through the teachings here, I believe that I have also become more compassionate and matured in my growth as a teenager.
Jeremiah, GY5.1 The community here in Generations has kindled my interest in coming to church. Looking at other fellow Christians around my age and listening to their testimonies have helped me understand God in a more relevant way, allowing me to appreciate what He has done in my life.
“Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who built it” Psalms 127:1
by Jessica Soo
ut of this verse comes a revelation, in that everything we do, our focus and motive should be on God. Our desire should be to glorify Him in all areas of our lives, and for every heart be set upon Him. “Glory Manifest”, the theme of this year’s Gemmy Awards, was thus birthed out of the verse, which was “chosen to inspire Geners to glorify God in whatever they do - through serving or using their talents to become vessels for God’s glory to be manifested,” Gemmys, a portmanteau of ‘Generations’ and a reference to the well-known award show, ‘Emmys’, was held on 24th December this year. Unlike the actual award show, full of business and rivalry, Gemmys was held to honour those who served with hearts of excellence and faith - from the various ministries, to leaders and even the youths. The auditorium was decorated with unexpected elaborateness, from a photo booth at the back to the warm lightings of the stage, decorated with the words ‘GLORY MANIFEST’. The whole set up was organized by the Gemmy Awards Committee, who was our very own Geners. Despite having little experience in organizing a big scale event such as this, they had the heart and dedication to serve and give their fullest to the project - truly exhibiting the glory of God with the excellence of which the event was carried out.
G ener s were also provided with opportunities to use their talents to glorify God through singing, performing a skit, preparation of publicity videos and handcrafting of bookmarks for door gifts. The highlights of the event were the performances, consisting of a skit and a song. The skit told the story of a girl who realized that when she had went to heaven, the little things that she had done in her life were valued of equal importance in God’s eye. The songs sung by the Geners were “Light of the World” by Lauren Daigle and “Glory Floods” by Generations, all proclaiming the glory and the revelation of God. The highlight of the song item was that it was put up by the young and budding musicians in Generations. As part of the Gemmy awards, outstanding individuals who glorified God in their respective ministries were honored and given awards as recognition of their efforts. As Marianne Williamson nicely put, “We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.” A big thank you to the Gemmy Awards organizing committee for their labour in which they served tirelessly behind the scenes to produce this awesome event that turned out to be a huge success!
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
God of Second Chances
Esther Doris D/O Chandran
n 27 January, the eve of Chinese New Year, my dad was admitted to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital due to a fever that refused to subside. He was warded for the night and, other than his high temperature everything seemed alright.
ly. It was hard not knowing when he would recover or when I could speak to him or hear his voice again. Three nights after my dad entered the ICU, exhausted with worry and sleeplessness, my mum and I prayed for the peace and love of God to give us rest. At that moment, I felt the presence of God in the room. I saw in the spirit the Father placing a blanket of comfort over my dad. He assured me that He is the Healer and that my dad was His responsibility, and asked if we would trust Him. From that day on, we knew that God was in control. Even though we did not know what He would do, we were filled with an inexplicable peace.
When my mum and I visited him the next morning, he seemed a little weak. The doctors ruled out a lung infection but were not sure what was ailing him. However, when we visited again at 5.30pm, he was in severe distress, with his oxygen level falling below 40%. A doctor hovered around my dad’s ward and large machines were brought in as my dad was practically gasping for air. Within the next hour, he was taken into the ICU and heavily sedated and intubated because he was unable to breathe on his own. He was also placed on dialysis because his kidneys were failing. My mum and I were at a loss because we didn’t understand medical terms and it was very distressing to see my father in such a condition. The doctors eventually diagnosed him with acute respiratory distress syndrome and severe pneumonia. The next morning, the hospital called to tell us his lungs had failed completely and could no longer take in air — he was now completely dependent on the ventilator for support. We had an urgent meeting with his team of doctors who told us that he was critically ill and had only a 10% chance of survival. Their last option was to do an urgent transfer to the NUH cardiothoracic ICU for a specialist procedure called ECMO. The ECMO machine would work as his lungs while his lungs tried to heal. Basically it was a life support. We were told the risks of this treatment included stroke, brain haemorrhage and internal bleeding. The specialist added that he was no miracle worker and we had to accept that my dad was in a bad state. We were also told to prepare ourselves as anything could happen in the ambulance. My dad made it to the NUH ICU and was hooked up to the ECMO machine. Days went by with no improvement. The pneumonia had spread to encompass both lungs and the daily X-rays showed a huge white space where his lungs were. He had to be medically paralysed and heavily sedated because of the numerous tubes they had inserted into him and he underwent CT scans and numerous blood tests dai52
My Dad’s Testimony:
hile I was under heavy sedation in the ICU, I found myself in a dark place surrounded by winged creatures with scary humanoid features. They had arrows and spears in their hands and were tormenting me. I tried to run away but I could sense a dark force pulling me down to the ground. The stench of burning and death hung in the air. I was brought to different places and experienced the same torments over and over again. It felt endless. Finally in my spirit I cried out and asked God not to take me away now but to give me a chance to go back to my family. I also knew that I wasn’t ready to face God. I needed another chance. At that moment, I felt a hand from above grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the darkness. The torment stopped and I believe that’s when my healing took place. I believe that my experience was that of Jeremiah 29: 13-14 where it says that when we seek the Lord with all our hearts, He will bring us back from the place where He had banished us. I believe with all my heart that this is a second chance to live my life for Him. I have never had a testimony to share and I believe He has given me this one so I can glorify Him.
We knew that only God could heal him. The doctors could not give us any hope. The specialist told us frankly that there was only so much medicine could do - my dad was already receiving the highest level of medical support a patient can receive and all we could do was wait and continue having faith. We kept praying and declaring God’s promises over the family and my dad. During this period, God gave us supernatural faith and peace to go about our daily lives despite the situation and the scary things people said. Then, on 8 February, the same doctor who had earlier told us that it might take three to six months for my dad’s condition to improve called us in to show us my dad’s X-ray. The lungs that had turned completely white were now 80% black! The doctors themselves couldn’t believe it and had thought it belonged to some other patient. As we were thanking God, He reminded us of the significance of the number eight in the Bible: it means a new beginning. Within the next few days, my dad was taken off dialysis and the ECMO, and the sedation and paralysis were reduced. My dad was in the ICU unconscious for more than twenty days. Then, twenty-eight days after he had been admitted, the man that doctors had given a 10% chance of survival was discharged. Throughout this time, God provided for all our needs. He was our source of strength and we know if it wasn’t for Jesus, my dad wouldn’t be alive today. There were days my mum and I would break down because we were exhausted. But God comforted us and He increased our faith. Whatever the doctors said, we knew our God is the Great Physician.
In addition to being our Jehovah Rapha (God our Healer), God also showed Himself to be our Jehovah Jireh (God our Provider). The doctors had told us that my dad’s hospital stay would cost as much as $6,600 per day excluding all the scans and tests they frequently did. We were all concerned about the hospital bill since he was there for a month and he had no insurance coverage besides Medishield. But we kept praying and believing that if God could heal my dad and bring him out of such a hopeless situation, He would provide all our needs. Two weeks after my dad’s discharge, the hospital bill arrived. His total bill was about $130,000. After the government subsidy, $20,000 re-
mained – a huge sum. However, at the end of the letter, it stated that after deducting from MediShield and Medisave, our payable amount to the hospital was zero dollars! God is indeed faithful! As I write this, it’s been a month since my dad was discharged after his 28-day stay in the hospital. His lungs are better than they were before he was admitted. Despite all the potential complications we were warned about, God indeed preserved him and he experienced none of them. Above all, he knows what he saw during the twenty days he was sedated in the ICU [see “My Dad’s Testimony”]. He knows it was Jesus who brought him back from the brink of death.
He knows he was dying but God gave him a second chance. This is our testimony. Words cannot express what we went through nor the amazing grace of God that carried us through. Indeed, faithful He has been and faithful He will be. We are eternally grateful to the Father for His faithfulness in our lives. It is only through His grace and mercy that my dad is back home and well. We are also very thankful to the church, our cell groups and the leadership for all their support and for having stood by us in prayer. All glory to God!
Healing Testimonies of Mary Jane Butay Testimony of my Grandson, Ace
go to the Kingdom Invasion meeting tonight. We can look for Ms. Jessie Chia, a member of the healing ministry, to pray for your grandson’s recovery.” I told Mama Gim that I also have a desire to pray for people to be healed. Mama Gim prayed and asked Jesus to use me as an instrument to heal the people that I pray for. While Mama was praying, I could feel something warm entering my body.
n the morning of March 16 2017, I received a call from my daughter in the Philippines informing me that my youngest grandson, Ace, has been rushed to the hospital as he was not able to breathe properly due to blocked nose. He was also having a cough. According to my daughter, Ace was looking very pale and the doctor had put him in the Intensive Care Unit. I was very worried and began to cry out to the Lord to save and heal Ace.
That night we attended the conference and prayed for Ace. The following morning, I received a call informing me that my grandson has recovered to the surprise of all the doctors. Ace has been healed by the Lord Jesus Christ!
That afternoon Mama Gim said to me, “Let’s
Healing of my husband
sad that he was not able to walk. I encouraged him and told him that he would be able to walk again! I told him that I would continue to pray fervently for him.
n January 6, 2017 my husband was admitted into the hospital due a problem in his nervous system. His nerves were strained due to overworking. He has been a chef for many years. And there was one morning, he suddenly experienced numbness in his body and that affected his eyes as well. He was bed-ridden for a while. As I am working in Singapore, I was not able to take care of him and all I could do was to pray to Jesus to heal my husband. I knelt and prayed, asking for mercy upon my
Vessel for God
n March 18 2017, I went home to the Philippines to spend some time with my family. Never did I expect that God would use me to minister to a few of my family members. One of them was my sister in law who has been bedridden for a long time with half of her body paralysed. While praying for her, she told me that my hands were very hot and she could feel as if electric current was flowing in her whole body. After prayer, I lifted her arm and she said that she could feel some sensation in her arm. That’s good news! Praise the Lord! I will continue to contend for her full recovery and to see her walk again.
husband. The following day my daughter called to inform me that dad’s sight was getting better and he had regained his appetite. We had a video call and I saw my husband crying. He was My eldest son had fever last April 2 due to the infection of his gums as he was having toothache. So that night as I applied oil on his forehead, I prayed for the fever to break. To my amazement, the fever broke and there was no more pain in his tooth and gum the very next morning. He was healed and it was heartening to hear him acknowledge that Jesus has healed him. My youngest sister who had migraine and was recently diagnosed with some liver problem experienced God’s healing upon her. While I was praying for her, she told me that she could feel warmth on her whole body. Shortly after that, she had no more headaches. As for her liver condition, at her most recent check-up, she was told that her liver has improved much and the doctor
A couple of weeks later, the doctor told him to try to stand and walk as part of his exercise to strengthen his muscles. To his surprise, he was able to stand with some support. What a miracle! God is so good! Now, he is totally got healed. He is able to cook and do marketing again. I want to thank all the people who had prayed for my husband. Because of this ordeal, my husband has come to know Jesus as his Lord and saviour. actually asked her what she had done. She answered that Jesus Christ has healed her. Praise the Lord! The former girlfriend of my eldest son, who is a nurse in U.A.E (United Arab Emirates), sent me a message recently to ask for prayer as she had taken ill. She vomited due to her gastric problem. I prayed for her over the phone and shortly after, she sent me another message informing me that she had recovered and was even able to report for work that night. It has been an amazing experience for me ever since I attended Cornerstone Church and received Jesus into my life about 1 year ago. I am thankful Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Christmas@ LC Home Outreach Organised by Cluster 2
Date of event: 24 Dec 2016 Venue: LC Home No. of people reached: 60 plus (1 received salvation) No. of volunteers: 28
ast Christmas, Cluster 2 decided to bring the love of the Lord Jesus Christ to the elderly in LC Home. They brought with them goodie bags as gifts. They also presented songs and prepared a buffet lunch for the residents and staff of LC Home.
Vintage Christmas Luncheon with Old Airport Road Elderly Residents Organised by Cornerstone Community Church
Date of event: 03 Dec 2016 Venue: Qian Xi Restaurant (Paya Lebar) No. of people reached: 80 No. of volunteers: 30
ornerstone Community Services threw a banquet at Qian Xi Restaurant for the elderly residents of the Old Airport Road. The theme of the party was, “Vintage Singaporean Christmas”. The plan was to incorporate elements from the 1950’s and 1960’s into the programme in an attempt to bring the participants down memory lane and reminisce about their experiences when they were young.
Couriers Team into the Nations Teams: 42 | Nations: 10 Participants: 337
Marikina, Philippines Ann Ngiaw’s Team
hile the team was praying in the morning, we received words from the Lord regarding, “new grounds” and salvations. After which we headed out to the Boys’ Home, where we sang a Tagalog worship song (Mahal na Mahal Kita Panginoon) and Counting on God, with the chorus translated into Tagalog. We included actions for the boys, as they loved to dance. We then put on a skit about being special in God’s eyes, and Darren shared his testimony and gave a salvation call. To our amazement, we saw around 40 kids raise their hands in response to the salvation call. After the corporate prayer, we prayed for every individual. Later, we found out from Tontie (our host) that he had not met most of the boys as they were relatively “newer” to the home and this would mean that they may likely be pre-believers. While we initially thought that the word about “new ground” was referring to a new home where Pastor Kathy and her team were just given permission to minister to that week; it turned out that the word we received about “new ground” and salvations was referring to these boys! Indeed God never fails!
Bless Santiago Cambodia O Cheryl Lek’s testimony
ne lady was healed from the pain that she had experienced in her ears for two weeks! Before prayer, she said that her ears would hurt and the pain would make her feel light headed and weak. However after prayer, she joyfully exclaimed that the pain had completely left her! There was no more pain in her ear! Seeing her face lit up with such joy, when she realized what God had done for her, made me so happy! We witnessed many amazing healings. One of the pastoral staff excitedly testified that he has been healed of a pain in his back that had been there for a long time. Many of the girls we ministered to, shared with tears in their eyes about how the words that the team released encouraged them. This experience taught me that love is really the foundation of the prophetic ministry; when we love, we will be able to move in sync with the God who loves, releasing the heart and power of God to the people around.
n 31 Oct 2016, we had a total of 90 volunteers headed for Santiago, Philippines, for a 4-day Medical, Dental and Kingdom Invasion Conference.
Statistics for Bless Santiago Project Treated 546 patients for medical Treated 326 patients for dental Recorded 471 salvations Recorded 204 healings As the name suggests, “Bless Santiago”, the heart of the project was to be a channel of blessing to the city of Santiago located in the Northeast region of the Philippines. The project was a two-pronged approach. One was to bless the community through medical and dental mission and sharing the love of God through our shows at the Robinson Mall and kids programme. The other was to strengthen the body of Christ in Santiago through the leadership training for pastors and leaders in the city as well as the Kingdom Invasion Conference.
Testimony by Alvin How who led the Medical/Dental team: Personally, I felt the Bless Santiago Project was a breakthrough for the Cornerstone HeART (Humani-
tarian Aid Relief Team). This is the biggest team ever. In total 4 doctors, 1 chiropractor, 4 dentists, 4 nurses and 20 volunteers were involved to run both the medical and dental outreaches. On the first morning of the outreach, due to shortage of manpower, I could only assign one of our volunteers, Sister Evelyn, to pray for the sick. However, God started to surprise us through her. By noon, we were witnessing people, who came with the intention to seek medical or dental care, getting healed and saved. On the second day, we could really sense a shift, we saw more people getting healed and saved. As a result, we redeployed some of our volunteers from the medical and dental rooms to be part of the prayer team. By the end of the four days, we had close to 900 patients who had come for the medical and dental outreaches. At the same time, we also witnessed hundreds of patients getting saved and healed through the outreach. One lady who was healed from her lower back pain came back with two huge rice cakes to show her gratitude and thanks to the team. She is like the only leper who was healed and came back to thank the Lord. Not only was she physically healed but I believe her soul was healed too. The Singapore team was just astounded by how God would use us as a vessel to heal the sick and lead them to salvation. Apart from the Singapore team, the local volunteers were the first to witness the signs and miracles when they were interpreting for the Singapore team. What a testimony!
Never Too Young To Serve
n Christmas Eve of 2016, my family and our church friends volunteered at the Cornerstone Telugu Congregation Christmas Outreach event held at the Victory Family Centre in Sembawang. This is the second consecutive year we have helped Pastor Nelson with the Christmas outreach. This year, we packed 250 goodie bags and presented them as Christmas gifts to the Telugu uncles who attended the event. My friends and I also performed at the event. We sang “Hark The Herald Angels Sing”, first in English, then in Telugu. We really wanted the Telugu uncles to understand what we were singing and therefore practised really hard before the event. From their response, I believe they understood us and appreciated our efforts. At the end of the event, all of us helped to serve the delicious Briyani dinner which Pastor Nelson had catered. I could tell that the Telugu uncles really enjoyed the yummy dinner. To help fund the event, my friends and I decided to forgo the Christmas presents that we would usually receive from the adults, so that the money can be given to the event instead. Some of us also contributed funds from our own piggy banks. Through this event, I experienced what it really means by “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. I thank God for this opportunity to serve the Telugu uncles and also for the salvation of 30 of them at that event. I am glad that they were able to know the real reason for the season. I really look forward to helping out at the event again next year.
By Megan Kwok
hristmas season has always been a time of gathering for our cell groups, where we come together to feast and also to remember the reason for the season. The children will be the happiest bunch as they will receive gifts from all of us. This year, instead of spending money on presents for the children’s gift exchange, our cell members decided to pool the money as a love gift to bless the Telegu congregation. With that, we purchased some daily necessities and essentials as part of a goodie bag, which they will each receive as a Christmas gift. The cell groups have been partnering with Pastor Nelson to organise a Christmas outreach since 2015, but this year is the first year we have our children participating in the outreach programme as well. My little 4 year old boy, Jude, who was participating for the very first time, put up a simple dance performance together with the other children. After the altar call, Jude was invited on stage to address the congregation in the most impromptu fashion! To our surprise, he bravely stepped up upon invitation and addressed the congregation without any reservations or hints of shyness, and I quote him, “Jesus loves you & died for you, Amen!” We were taken aback by his courage, as Jude is a reserved boy by nature.
am glad that I can be part of this outreach. I had so much fun packing and distributing the goodie bags with my friends. My parents told me about how the Telugu people had to leave their loved ones behind in order to come and work in Singapore. I am really thankful for what they have done for us. May God bless them and their families.
By Sonya Ruth Tan
That night, we had a total of 30 salvations! What was rewarding to us as parents, was to see the joy in Jude as he served even in simple tasks of distributing fruits at dinner time. We could see that he really enjoyed what he was doing and we thank God for giving this boy a tender heart for His people even at such a young age.
By Jasmine & Julilan
Herald | JUNE 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Lean On Album
ABOUT THE ALBUM Lean On Lean On is the second album by Generations Worship. In this album, the outpouring of a raw response to His love comes together as melodies of worship to the almighty, yet intimate God above. He weaves together a tapestry of stories to tell, and herein lies certain testimonies in the form of songs, that we hope will encourage you, and anchor a dependency on God in your life. In this, our prayer is for hearts to be yielded to Christ, with every fibre of our being engaged as a testament and witness to the goodness of God. ALBUM ART CONCEPT A process Lean on is liken to a process. In song writing, design, or any other aspect of living, in general, involves many raw, messy and personal moments with Him. Expressed through handwritten notes and scribbles, this design seeks to show the work-in-progresses of us. Encapsulated within the inner folds of the album are stories from faceless names, that can be shared and passed on. To not only show how our almighty the God we serve is, but also the intimate Father who has personally placed His hand’s upon various lives, weaving a tapestry of different stories documented, journaled. Song story from the main song Lean On
Our purest and truest form of love for God is first and foremost a RESPONSE to His love. It says it 1 John 4:19 that we love because He first loved us. And that is the reflection of our worship. I cannot surrender more or love Him more simply because i will myself to. I have to experience the reality of who He is to be changed and let every part of me respond back in worship. That’s how total surrender works. That’s how radical obedience happens. That’s how wild worship begins.
The album was launched on 17 November 2017. 263 people came for the launch and we saw 5 salvation and rededication of lives.
So naturally, the bridge takes us to that place of sweet surrender. Not one by our will or might but because we have tasted and seen the wealth of His love for us that we can’t help but yield to Him. Oh that we may never live life or be able to go on without relying on the fresh outpouring of His love for us daily. Because if that’s not the case, what are we living for? What will you respond to?
The launch was more like a worship night focusing on God Himself instead of an event promoting the album itself. It started with the praise songs, and moved to a time of worship. There was also a time of testimony sharing when they played the video of Joseph Chan.
JOSEPH CHAN’S TESTIMONY Joseph was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma stage 2 for 6 months. In the process of leaning on God, and relying on Him, more than just the physical healing, God also did a work in his family. Joseph’s dad accepted Christ when he went with Joseph to the Kingdom Invasion conference which happened to be the day Joseph received his diagnosis. But his dad did not received Christ into his live immediately. It was when his dad saw his brother ( Joseph’s uncle) heal of depression after someone prayed for him after the service ended. As for Joseph’s mom, also rededicated her life to God.
For My Father’s Pleasure
By Christine Teo
s I walk this journey of life with God, I comprehend with greater depth the limitations of our earthly, cultural worldviews in grasping a transcendental God. I grew up in Singapore – buffed and polished by an achievement-oriented education system that offers the security of being able to master anything I do not understand, and sail through life with honest, straightforward grit. However, the beauty and complexity of God is that He does not fit into the broken boxes of our worldly systems. I cannot “be better” at Bible College by taking ten test papers from previous years, nor does God provide an answer key to my life decisions. One of my greatest struggles was overcoming the lie that I could not hear God’s voice – a problem I encountered when seeking the aforementioned answer key on my quest for a perfect and problem-free life, or, as I called it, “God’s will”. After all, I was solid flesh and bones, hewn from the blunt stone of rationality and scepticism – how could I catch the wispy thoughts of a God of Spirit and stillness? I came to the BCW disheartened from some regular instances when I was unable to discern God’s voice and from the sensation of feeling around in the fog for something solid every time I tried. Ironically, my breakthrough came when I clearly heard God challenge me on this issue during a prayer meeting. I felt that I had a message to share but resisted stepping up to the microphone because of fear. I feared the vulnerability of speaking before my lecturers and classmates – that I would not phrase my prayer correctly or fail to use the right Christian lingo enough for all the men and women of God around me. Most of all, I feared that I had not heard God accurately and did not want to make a mistake in public. Eventually, I did go
up to the microphone and share my message, but was squirming inwardly for the rest of the prayer meeting. Amidst the loud voices of my insecurities, God’s stern but loving voice came with great clarity:
“You chose the better thing between staying fearful and stepping out. You risked being wrong for the sake of obedience. If you were wrong and I am pleased with you, is that enough for you? Are you willing to be wrong for My sake? It is your fear of getting it wrong, your perfectionism, and fear of failure that prevent you from hearing My voice.” It hit me then that while I had boxed God’s voice within the worldly binary of accuracy or inaccuracy, the God of love and faith speaks according to a deeply intangible – and far superior logic of His own. As Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” ( John 10:27). Just as a bride would recognise her bridegroom’s voice not because of the perfect clarity of his words, but the familiar and loving lilt of his voice – I recognise the voice of my Father not through any definable characteristics but through our intimacy. The pleasure of hearing His voice lies not in catching His every word accurately, but in Him who is speaking. God reinforced this lesson when I received my first job offer after graduating university. I panicked and was anxious from the thought of making a mistake by either accepting or rejecting the job. I sought God desperately for the answer when I realised that the root of my anxiety lay in my fear of failure. I was afraid of
the pain of making a mistake by accepting the wrong job and somehow missing God’s will for my life. In that moment of honesty, God met me again, in His gentle but firm voice: “Christine, the way the world defines failure is not the way I define failure. If you love Me, you will not fail.” It truly hit me then that all along, I had carried my worldly attitude of perfectionism into my relationship with Jesus. The Kingdom of God, however, operates on a different currency – worship. My highest calling is not to be perfect for God or live perfectly for God; my highest calling is to worship Him with all of myself, for He has set me apart for His pleasure. With those words, the burden to strive for perfection and to never make a mistake rolled off my shoulders. I was liberated from the world’s tainted measurements of value and free to fail, for I could never be a failure in Christ. I rest simply in my identity as His daughter – imperfect but perfectly loved by my Father.
“My highest calling is not to be perfect for God or live perfectly for God; my highest calling is to worship Him with all of myself, for He has set me apart for His pleasure.”
BCW Graduation
By Elijah Chan
“Activities done in the service of the King cannot replace an audience with the King.”
his impression came to me while I was doing my devotions in the Italian Garden one morning. I knew what the Lord was telling me. I have always had a love for theology and have been serving in a number of ministries but in my time here, the Lord has been aggressively pursuing my heart with this question,
“How is your heart?” I knew the three months in BCW would pass me by in the twinkling of an eye if I did not purposefully resolve in my heart to be transformed by His Love. I do not want to graduate with mere theological knowledge. It is not just how much I know but whether I love the One I read about. I am grateful for the opportunity to study here. This is a very special place where I have encountered and fallen in love once again with the Word of God becoming flesh (John 1:14).
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church
Herald | Nov/Dec 2017 | Cornerstone Community Church