June / July 2018
Balancing God’s Goodness & Severity DR. BRIAN BAILEY
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T I M ELESS ET ER N I T Y by Pastor Daphne Yang Discovering why we were created and knowing our purpose on this earth are the two things that will significantly alter the way we live. They will change the way we approach life, view life, and live life. Perhaps one of the most affirming and transforming passages in the Bible is found in Psalm 139:15-16. The psalmist declares, “My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all are written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” We were conceived in the mind of God long before we were born. All our measurements, each intricate detail of our lives were then written in a Book and at the time of His choosing, we were brought forth into this world. When He created us, He formed us in His image. As we see in the Garden, He also created a perfect environment in which we could be nurtured, until sin marred the image of God in man. Before that, Adam and Eve walked with God in a perfect environment where God curated a plan for their lives in the most perfect way. But discovering the purpose of life is a serendipitous journey of revelation. Granted, it is not always easy but when we find it, it brings definition, clarity and meaning. In Isaiah 64:8, the prophet says, “But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand.” In Romans 9:21, Paul further clarifies our significance when he wrote, “Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make one vessel for honour and another for dishonour?” How important it is for us to be chosen as a vessel of honour, not dishonour. Many people will live day after day aimlessly, without discovering their purpose in life, only to awaken one day and realise that life has passed them by. They often wander aimlessly in life until they meet someone who has discovered their purpose and living life to the full. Hopefully, that would jolt them out of complacency and bring purpose. As parents, it is our responsibility to ensure that our children discover this reality. It cannot be left to a child to decide on how they want to live life. As parents, we have the responsibility to train them in the way they should go and the promise is, when they are old, they shall not depart from it. We have children to share our lives with, and for us to be a part of their lives. However, if they ever completely turn away from us and God, the sadness is in knowing what could have been realised in them.
Another aspect of this parent-child relationship is poignantly portrayed in Hosea 11:1-11, and God expresses Himself in this manner, “When Israel was a child I loved him… I taught Ephraim to walk, Taking them by their arms; but they did not know that I healed them. I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love, and I was to them as those who take the yoke from their neck. I stooped and fed them. How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I make you like Admah? How can I set you like Zeboiim? My heart churns within Me; My sympathy is stirred.” As wonderful as God is as a father, Israel still refused to obey and we can see this great agony in the heart of our heavenly Father. And essentially, you can be the best father and still have a child who is wayward. It is revealing to see how God feels the way He does, and how precious it is that we can call Him, Abba Father. Does this perspective and manifestation of God’s heart bring greater light to help us understand John 3:16, where Jesus declared, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
This plan for us to live with God for all eternity has always been in His heart. In His house are many mansions and Jesus has returned to prepare a place for us. His longing is, where He is, we will be as well, forever. Our options are limited after we die. It is either heaven or hell. Someone said that hell is God’s prison without any possibility of parole. And the choice is ours. Where would we rather be for the whole of eternity? If you don’t believe in the afterlife, you are going to believe it very quickly, that I promise. This life is just a dressing room rehearsal for the real life that is to come. This life is a probationary life. No human being should ever spend an eternity in hell. It was not created for mankind. It was the great mathematician Pascal who said that it should be better to wager that there is a hell, and find out that you were wrong, than to wager that there is no hell, and find out that you were wrong. We are essentially spirit beings going through a short human experience. The real life is the life we live after we have expired. It was the great English preacher Richard Baxter who said, “Speak to your people as to men that must be awakened, either heaven or in hell.” It is my earnest prayer that you will discover this amazing Saviour.
Pastor Daphne Yang
Herald Team
Pastor Daphne Yang Celine Foo Emma Lim
Alicia Chua Audris Quek Dr. Brian Bailey Darnell Moo Daphne Lee Danny Wong Edwin Ding Emma Lim Ettienne Hand Jovy Sim Ruth Kok Pastor Timothy Chong Pastor Tim O’Connell Timothy Weerasekera Tracey Chia Wendy Tan Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong Zoie Tan
IN THE HOUSE 10 13 14 18 24 32 34 35
Christmas Weekend Leaders’ Dedication Vision Sunday Resurrection Weekend Kingdom Invasion Chinese Ministry Outreaches Holy Mandate: Braveheart Elijah 7000 @ CSCC
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The Gen Camp, L ibert y
CCS Bursary Awards Blessing the Eunos Community 40 / KINGDOM INVASION KIDS
BCW Graduation
A Journey of Restoration
Empowering Lives in Cambodia
Families Serving Together in the Field
Kingdom Invasion Kids
Balancing God’s Goodness & Severity
Hosting His Presence
Israel 70
by DR . BR I A N BA I L E Y A n e x t r ac t f r om C h apte r O ne of T he G ood ness and Seve r it y of G od . T h i s m ate r i a l i s pr i nte d w it h t he aut hor ’s pe r m i s sion. T he book i s a lso av a i lable at Fa it hwork s B ook stor e.
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The goodness of God towards His creation may be defined as considering that which is best for all of His creatures in any given situation. Succinctly put, goodness is doing what is best.
The severity of God requires that the deserved judgment and ensuing punishment be meted out. The actual proportion of Scripture that describes God’s judgments with respect to disobedience far exceeds that which describes His blessings. We must be in no doubt whatsoever concerning the severity of His judgments upon the disobedient. For example, we realise that for nearly 2,000 years, Israel lost their sovereignty over their own land because of their disobedience.
In introducing Himself to Moses upon Mount Sinai, the Lord used the following proclamation, “The Lord, The Lord God, Merciful and Gracious, Longsuffering, and abundant Goodness and Truth” (Ex 34:6). Whilst the quality of goodness is listed fourth place, nonetheless, it is accompanied with the adjective “abundant,” meaning that it is not an incidental attribute of our Lord, but one that animates His personality, and vibrantly so. He is the One with the bountiful eye, looking for those on whom He may pour out His goodness and blessing. We may say that the goodness of God is entrenched in the beauty of holiness; it is permeated by the Light that no man can approach. Zechariah 9:17 reads, “For how great is His goodness, and how great is His beauty…” Many men seek to do good. The Apostle Paul even says in Romans 5:7-8, “For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” In other words, he is saying while there are good men, none can compare with God in goodness. Why?
It is because His goodness emanates from the peerless character of the Godhead. This is the sublime difference that puts His goodness apart from all others.
Moses, who knew the Lord so intimately, gives us insight into His character in Psalm 90:7-8,
“For we are consumed by thine anger; and by thy wrath are we troubled. Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.” Here, Moses speaks of living in the presence of God’s anger, and that our sins are continually before Him. This is a picture of One who demands perfection at all times; not one little error is permitted to escape His scrutiny. This emphasis upon perfection must be understood in light of the fact that He does all things well. It is like a teacher who has the pupil constantly under surveillance to ensure that his work attains the high standard of the teacher, and the pupil therefore honours the teacher. For example, in calligraphy, the teacher is particular regarding every dotting of the ‘I’. Is not the teacher concerned when the student hands in work that is not up to standard? A blot or a misspelling calls for his correction. The Lord said that not one “jot” or “title” of His Word would be unfulfilled. We must indeed grasp the standards of heaven as evoked by our Lord.
Thus, we are going to see a manifestation of the perfection of goodness that can never be challenged. It is a goodness that is infinite. It is a goodness from a pure motive, without any colour or variation or shade that might mar its perfect motive. It is without thought of pride or personal gain. It is a goodness that is incapable of doing evil to anyone and seeks only the ultimate best for all whom He has created.
In such an atmosphere did Moses live, for it was he who was admonished by God to build all things according to the pattern shown him on the Mount. That tabernacle had to be accurately built, according to the pattern of heavenly things—because it was to reveal, reflect and illustrate heavenly and eternal truths to all generations.
God’s inherent goodness was revealed to me when He appeared to me on one occasion as Goodness. That virtue emanated from His very being. Then He stretched forth His arm and said, “Touch Me; I am altogether goodness.” Goodness is the quality He wishes to impart to and work out in all His people.
Let us so live, realising that the unseen Teacher is looking over our shoulders and examining our work. May we be as precise and particular as He is at all times. Remember, that we must give an account for every idle word. So then let us be careful, detailed, and particular in all things we do, whether large or small.
GOD’S GOODNESS AND SEVERITY FROM SCRIPTURE Both these aspects of the goodness and severity of God are expressed succinctly in Deuteronomy 28. In the first part of this chapter, we see the promises and the blessings that the Lord will give to His people, Israel, if they will but keep His commandments. We enumerate them as follows:
Now let us consider the severity of God, which is manifested when His people become disobedient. The following curses shall come upon them:
They shall be blessed in the city and in the field.
They are cursed in the city and in the field.
They shall be blessed with the fruit of the body, meaning good health and children.
They are cursed in the basket and in the store.
Their ground, cattle, and sheep shall be blessed.
The fruit of their body shall be cursed, as well as the fruit of the land. They are cursed when they come in and go out.
Their shopping basket and their bread shall be blessed.
Sickness and pestilences will cleave to them.
They shall be blessed when they come in and go out of their houses.
The heavens will be as brass, and will give no rain.
Their enemies shall be smitten and shall flee before them.
The Lord will smite them with the sword, and their enemies will rule over them. Then we have a warning concerning the great Diaspora, when Israel would be taken in to Babylonian captivity. (The Diaspora was the name given to the period of time between 606 B.C. and 536 B.C. when Israel was in Babylonian captivity. It consisted of three distinct deportations in the reigns of Jehoiakim, Jehoiamchin and Zedekiah, kings of Judah.)
They shall be blessed in all that they put their hand to do. They will be established as a holy people. They will be plentenous in goods. They will lend to many nations, and be the head and not the tail.
The Apostle Paul warns those who despise the riches of God’s goodness that they, through the hardness of their heart, will reap the wrath of God on judgment day (Rom 2:4-6).
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STRIKING THE B A L A N C E There are many who simply dwell upon God’s graciousness and His goodness and are wilfully ignorant of the terrors of the Lord. I am reminded of an occasion which bears out this truth. Many years ago, when I was in the suburbs of London, my friend, who was a soloist for his church, desired to practise during our lunch break. He asked me to accompany him upon the piano; and so we thought that the best place to do so was in a church. We went to a local vicarage to ask for permission; and there, the conversation which I shall always remember took place. In the course of asking the vicar if we might use the church piano, I enquired about his own salvation and his views on the Bible. He responded that he could not believe in a Jesus who would send people to hell; therefore, he did not believe in the Book of Revelation. He wilfully ignored all the warnings of Jesus related to eternal judgment and the Lake of Fire. Was this an isolated case? I think not, for it is the firm belief held by many, even among Christians, that there is no such place as hell. Yet the Word of God is filled with warnings of eternal punishment. We shall examine a few that reflect the severity of God. R evelation 20:5: “And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” R evelation 21:8: “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Jude 1: 12-13:
“These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”
Luke 12:47-48:
“And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”
The position of the Lord Jesus in His dual capacity, as Lord of Heaven and Lord of Hell, may perhaps be illustrated and understood by a thought expressed to me by a former senior judge of Auckland, New Zealand. When I asked him why he had resigned early from the bench, he replied that he was always so sad when he had to sentence anyone to prison. He wished that he could have had the right to set them all free, but he had to uphold the bar of justice; and because of their crimes, they had to be sentenced to prison.
Thus in like manner, we have the Lord Jesus, the Son of God, whose desire is that all would be saved. However, because some would not believe on Him, nor accept His so great salvation when it was offered to them, the judgment written has had to be executed. They had to be assigned to the required punishment in hell below. Often, on trips through the nether regions of hell, the Lord would have to respond to the pleas of certain condemned souls who saw Him as He passed by. While they were living, He had tenderly pleaded with them, giving them so many opportunities, but they had refused His offer of mercy. Thus at death, He had to refuse their pleadings and mete out the judgment designated. The judgment is fixed, for Hebrews 9:27 reads, “… it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.” None can doubt that the judgment is severe. Since we are dealing in heaven with eternal life, let us be clear that the punishment is likewise eternal, with absolutely no hope of escaping from the terrible torments of hell. It is clear that God designates the punishment. We remember the words of David, “…If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there” (Ps 139:8). Hell was designated for Satan and the fallen angels, but it is also the abode of the damned of mankind. The torments in hell are horrendous. The Lord Himself continually warned of the unquenchable fire that burns forever and forever without respite (Mk 9:48). Therefore, both the beauties of heaven above and the terrors of hell below reflect the character of God. May we at this point say that hell was created by God, and not by Satan. Hell was designated for Satan. Also, every torture has been designed by God, and is administered by demons upon the members of Adam’s race who have been condemned to those eternal places of doom. We must never forget the words of Paul in Hebrews 12:29, “… our God is a consuming fire.”
He is a fire that purifies the saints and also torments the damned in hell. Yet the goodness of God is expressed through His forbearance and longsuffering, by which He leads us to repentance, if we so choose, to save us from hell (Rom 2:4). The Lord of Heaven, who is so joyful with His eternal blessings for the redeemed, is the same Lord of Hell, who is so severe with the eternal torments and judgments for the damned. He is the judge of all, giving to each one what one has earned while upon the earth. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living Judge (Heb 10:31). Knowing the terror of the Lord, the Apostle Paul pleads with us to be reconciled to the Lord of Heaven and Hell (2 Cor 5:11-21). 09
Snowglobed by T R AC E Y CH IA
The journey of producing our Christmas musical allowed the team to experience God’s grace and faithfulness. ‘S nowgl obe d ’ came about when Ruiping, our Media and Communications Director, found herself sitting on the idea of this ornament that appeared to create a snowstorm within its own glass dome, and this idea did not go away for months. She had spoken to the team, and they had juggled ideas on how a snow globe could be featured within a story, be it a time-travel device, a portal into a fictional world or something more realistic. In the first draft of the script, ‘S nowglobed’ featured three main characters; an advertising agency man, a fashion doyen business lady and a troubled school girl, who would each come into contact with a wise sage. We took elements of each of these three stories and made them into a whole, focusing on Tricia, the fashion business doyen as lead character. We decided to make the kopitiam uncle the ‘God’ character. It was a really enjoyable process.
Working on ‘Snowglobed’ was a perfect example of how ordinary church members stepped up to the plate to do extraordinary things when empowered to. Our pastors entrusted us to come up with a vision and direction. They basically said,
‘Do what you need to do, and we will support you.’ On the aspect of original songwriting for the show, we were blessed with Paulo Garganta, who is an extremely talented and proficient musician composer. We also had Bob Nathaniel and Pastor Andrew Yeo on the team. Cast wise, Elizabeth Graves brought her passion, training and talents to the lead character, Tricia. It was Elizabeth who added some very crucial lines to the scene where she testified to young Steph about the peace of God in a time of trial. We took a while to find our ‘Ah Teck’ character. Before Timothy had come on board, the team had even looked at the possibility of changing Ah Teck to ‘Uncle Sammi’ because Jeremy Joseph ‘JJ,’ who played the ‘IT guy,’ had done such a funny and lovable rendition of it during his audition.
The real challenge about this whole thing for our Director, Timothy Weerasekera, was that he would be directing ‘S nowglobed’ while being a full-time missionary. He literally went from rehearsals to the airport to fly off to Africa, and straight to rehearsals upon arriving back in Singapore. “It was very tiring, but also very exciting. This is the type of thing that one could only do once or twice in a lifetime. Especially when one is young, you can use your energy to serve the Kingdom,” Timothy shared later. 10 /
They finally found Victor Yoong, a natural singer, and his humility, hard work, dedication and willingness to take direction really came through. There were other people, who were also a part of the process, and who truly exhibited the humility of Christ. Yeo Xiao Ming and JJ were such ones. Originally Xiao Ming’s character ‘Cha-o’ was played by JJ and it was not working. We decided to swap the actors. Both of them were humble enough to try that as long as it worked best for the show. The levels of experience and talent they both had was way higher than the roles they played. Another character with great talent was Isaac Mak, who came on board three weeks before the show as the very funny Fashion Choreographer’s Assistant.
Many asked why we had a double cast for the girls’ characters Mel and Steph. At the auditions, so many people with talent came and we did not want to turn them away. We wanted to give as many a chance. Also in theatre, double casts are a norm. What did happen, was that we were unable to find double casts for more roles. There were many more amazing people we had on this show whom we won’t be able to list. To name a few, Peter Hui and Eunice Lim for Set Design. Jeremy Yeo and Jeremy Tan, our Stage and Props Managers. Andy Su, our very reliable and supportive Sound Engineer. The entire cast and ‘models.’ All the pastors, departments, and even the prayer team that stood with us behind the scenes. 11
4338 AT T E N DE E S
We developed a very close and well-bonded cast that felt like family. We could sit down and talk about things honestly. We had the chance to run a Christian Theatre and do things differently from the world. We would start rehearsals with prayer and end them with prayer. Our prayer was always that God would prepare the hearts of the audience, that He would help us love one another, and use our creative gifts for His glory.
There were also many things that almost and did go wrong behind the scenes. Here was one such close call - our Producer had made an online order for the icon of the show, the snow globe. We were informed that the parcel had arrived one day before we needed it for a location shoot, but the delivery boy had misplaced it. On the very morning of the location shoot, the four missing snow globes were located at a post office nearby, and we were able to collect them in time! God is faithful. Two ver y impor tant things came out of the ‘S nowgl obe d ’ Production. Firstly the lives that were impacted by the shows. Among the 37 people who came forward to pray for salvation and 23 rededications were two relatives of our cast and crew. That was priceless! The other thing that was birthed from ‘Snowglobed,’ was the core team that has been meeting on a regular basis since and now form the new Production and Creative Arts ministry. And we hope to keep telling stories and bringing more Kingdom messages to you.
37 SA LVAT ION S Among the 37 salvations and 23 rededications were two relatives of our cast & crew!
323 AT T E N DE D pa s t o r s , l e a d e r s a n d s ta f f f r o m d i f f e r e n t c o n g r e g at i o n
8 CONGR E GAT ION S R E PR E SE N T E D a f r ica n
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Starting the Year with the Lord by E M M A L I M
m ya n m a r
engl ish
m a n da r i n ta m i l
t elugu
56 N E W L E A DE R S A PP OI N T E D a c r o ss d i f f e r e n t c o n g r e g at i o n s
Committing the new year to the Lord as one leadership team. As 2018 began, pastors, leaders and staf f of Cor nerstone Community Church gathered to dedicate themselves unto the Lord during the annual Leader’s Dedication service. There was a total of 323 who came, including the zone leaders, section leaders, cell leaders and ministry leaders from the English, African, Bahasa, Filipino, Mandarin, Myanmar, Tamil and Telugu congregations. It started with a skit put up by the staff and Pastor Daphne shared on the key events of 2017, thanking God for the growth. Some of the significant initiatives included the Cornerstone Internship Programme, the Leadership Development Initiatives, Teachings in the Cells and the Cell Community Outreach that was launched in partnership with Cornerstone Community Services. As part of the outreach, the cells were allocated regular visits to LC Home. Pastor Yang gave the word of exhortation and he challenged the leaders to make a difference, to keep eternity and sow into the things that matter. An overview was also given on what to expect from the Cell Ministry in 2018. We warmly welcomed and installed 56 new leaders this year and prayed for God’s blessing and anointing to rest upon them as they took on their new roles and responsibilities. To God be the Glory! 13
The Year of Prayer & Fasting by A L IC I A C H UA
As we began the year, Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong shared that 2018 would be a benchmark year for Singapore, and that prayer would play a key role in the fulfilment of our nation’s destiny.
Bringing us a word in season, Pastor Yang then shared on “David’s five smooth stones”, and how we could draw parallels from them and the five key areas we should focus on for the year ahead. These stones were:
To pray & fast To seize the moment To simplify our lives & travel light The necessity of sacrifice Focus & practice
There was an atmosphere of excitement and expectancy as the entire church gathered at the Max Pavilion for our very first combined service of the year. An annual affair, Vision Sunday is a time when the various congregations come together for corporate vision-casting for the new year. Personally, I find that there is always something precious when the church gathers as one to praise and worship God, and fellowship in His presence. As we entered into a powerful time of worship, the presence of God began to saturate the hall. It was indeed a moving experience to sing praises to God together with everyone from all the different congregations as one big family in Christ. Pastor Yang gave an exhortation that 2018 would be a year of prayer, a benchmark year that would set the tempo for years to come. Perhaps most significantly, he highlighted that 2018 would be the 40th year since Billy Graham’s prophecy about Singapore being the Antioch of Asia – the time for a cyclical review of how we have stewarded our spiritual destiny. When I spoke to several people after the service, many echoed the same sentiments that the year ahead would be a significant one for them personally and also for our nation. After the initial exhortation, our emcees for the service, Pastor Lip Yong and Pastor Sharon Chong, gave everyone a summary of some key statistics for Cornerstone Community Church (CSCC) in 2017. These included a total of 1,759 salvations and rededications, as well as a total of five new congregations in the nations that were planted by our existing congregations – CSCC Melbourne, Hong Kong, Michigan, Long Island, New York and Gujarat. What a joyous report it was as we celebrated God’s work in the nations!
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Members from different congregations were challenged by the message and spurred to take steps to fast and pray with greater consistency this year, over longer durations, and to see the purposes of God fulfilled in our lives and in Singapore. As we move forward into 2018, let us reflect on how we can respond to God’s Word in our personal lives, and let us also join hands in prayer to contend for the destiny of our nation.
Here are some reflections from our CONGR E GAT ION M E M BE R S KIKE AJEIGBE, AFRICAN CONGREGATION I was struck by the love of God in the service and the togetherness of gathering as one family. I was very blessed by the Word about how we must use the five stones and how we can live victoriously. I’m very expectant (for the year ahead). This year, I want to pray and fast more, and live a simplified life.
PAULINE MYAT, MYANMAR CONGREGATION It’s been a long time since we (the Myanmar Congregation) came together with the main service. There was a strong presence of God in my heart and I believe 2018 will be a breakthrough year for me. It’s also a year for me to enter into God’s presence more.
CHARLOTTE TAN, GENERATIONS Pastor Yang’s point on practice and focus to do well in everything really resonated with me. This year, I hope to pray and fast more to see more people coming to know Jesus.
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I’m just very impacted by Pastor Yang’s sermon on seizing the moment, especially for Singapore. It’s as if everything we have laboured for in the past boils down to this year, 2018. It also leads me to think about what I can do for God and how I should position myself for this defining moment for Singapore. I believe prayer is definitely the first step!
A Little Goes A Long Way by W E NDY TAN
The Cornerstone Development Initiatives have helped families needing financial assistance to kick start their children’s education. On 3 February this year, Cornerstone Community Services (CCS) held the 11th Cornerstone Development Initiatives (CDI Award Presentation Ceremony at Cornerstone Community Church’s (CSCC) Auditorium, and a total of 277 bursaries and school allowance awards were given out to the recipients over two separate ceremonies. Families showed up in full force to support their children, and they were treated to a Korean pop dance performance and lunch buffet after the ceremony. Volunteers from CSCC also helped to welcome and serve our guests who came for the event. Each year, bursaries and school allowances ranging from $400$700 are awarded to students, and families have expressed their sincere gratitude to CCS for helping their children with their education through the CDI. It is very heartening to know that since the CDI’s inception in 2008, CCS has helped over 2,000 students through awards amounting to more than $850,000. 16 /
In spite of the rising affluence in our nation, there are still people who are struggling to make ends meet. I was confronted with this harsh reality when I joined CCS last year and had the opportunity to meet and interact with people from different walks of life who require financial help to fulfil their basic needs. I remember an encounter I had with a parent of one of the award recipients, who was unable to make it for the ceremony. When I handed her the bursary award letter at the CCS office, she beamed with pride and joy that her daughter had received the bursary. In her excitement, she requested for me to take a photograph with the both of them. She also went on to encourage her young daughter to work hard and excel in her studies. This way, she could repay the kindness of the donors who have contributed to her bursary award. We can all help to make a difference in the lives of families and children in need. As we thank God for what we have received, we can also take one more step forward by looking for ways to give. We are blessed to be a blessing, and the little contribution we make can go a long way in transforming and impacting a child’s life! Consider supporting the CDI, and help a needy family to see their child through his or her foundational years of education.
The Room
by DA PH N E L E E
Over the Easter weekend, the drama ministry put together a powerful play on forgiveness, reminding us about the extent of the Lord’s love for us.
How would you feel if you knew that every account of your life, every overt or secret act ever done, was now recorded for God, stored and accessible to God? It is. The premise of “The Room”, a short play presented at our Resurrection Services, focused on an unnamed character who found himself surrounded by filing drawers, each one holding records of every detail of his life. These records ranged from the bittersweet (his past loves) to the out-of-control (his party days), to the unravelling and crashing of his life before our eyes. At his lowest point, after his wife and child leave him, we saw another figure entering The Room. This was Jesus, who did not enter by the same door as any other man. Jesus came through the Fourth Wall, the theatrical space that separates performers from the audience. This was as significant as the idea of The Room itself. As nothing and no one stops God from having access into our lives. Up to this point, the main character has not been given a name. He could be the believer in us, as much as the unbeliever who has yet to know God. We are all, and we will all be accountable to God for every word, action and intent of the heart. 18 /
Neither did Jesus identify Himself to the main character. Scripture says that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. The recognition of who Jesus is, is instinctive and instantly realised. As Jesus started reading the cards of his life, he is overcome by shame and tries to prevent Him from doing so. However, Jesus persisted, culminating in the most poignant moment where He signed His name over the cards in red, representing the blood which He shed on the Cross, and that He would take upon Himself for all our sins, giving us a new life and a new beginning. You could hear sobs through the congregation in the tableau of Jesus hugging the main character, and we remember our own redemption story, of how He set us free from our guilt and shame. The play though short, was powerful and moving; the actors and narrator did a wonderful job of portraying these emotions. God uses the talents we have, and through these, 44 people gave their lives to Jesus, and 18 rededicated themselves over the Resurrection Sunday weekend!
Kudos to the entire team for a job well done; for the effort put into this evangelistic platform! It is a reflection of how Jesus spared nothing for us, and we continue to obey His commandments to seek and save those who are lost in this world. We will not rest until the gospel has reached the ends of this earth!
Different Nations, One Body
We give thanks for what the Lord has done in the lives of the recent graduates of the Bible College of Wales.
by ET T I E N N E H A N D
This year’s School of Ministry Spring term cohort saw 23 students representing six nations in ages ranging from 20-70, come together under a banner of unity at the Bible College of Wales (BCW). Their time together can be summed up by the exhortation from Philippians 2:4-5, “Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests. And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let His mindset become your motivation.” This is the sixth class that has graduated since the reopening of the college in 2015, after Cornerstone Community Church redeemed the estate.
“Something I learnt about unity here was that although we’re all part of one body, we are all different. We are different people with different cultures and habits, and so we all had to learn to be understanding, loving and flexible so that we could all function as one,” said Colin Beresford, the valedictorian of the Spring 2018 School of Ministry class.
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Colin was sharing at the Graduation ceremony on 24th May, where the students had also put up a skit showcasing precious moments they shared during their time at the BCW. The ceremony was held at Waterfront Community Church in Swansea and Pastor Steve Ball from City Church, Cardiff was the guest speaker. Among those attending the ceremony were local pastors, ministry leaders, as well as friends of the BCW.
Through the school term, there was continual evidence of students serving one another in love – in the way that they shared their belongings, helped each other with estate duties, and always looked for opportunities to encourage or pray for one another. They also eagerly prayed for and shared the gospel wherever they went. Whether it was going out for coffee or going into Swansea’s town for toiletries, they always returned to the college with stories of seeing physical and emotional healing take place as they shared the love of Jesus with strangers. One specific story that stands out is when a group of women went to a salon to get their hair styled for graduation. The students shared the love of Jesus with the hair stylist and she also received prayer and encouragement from them. The stylist was of another faith but was so moved by the genuine love from them she accepted their invitation to graduation and brought along other family members who did not know Jesus. They are now being followed up with someone from a local church and have been so encouraged by their encounter with students who took time to listen and show them love. We are thankful to God for the life-changing encounters the graduates have had while being here and pray that they will be carriers of His love who will make a difference in the nations! “This is not a graduation but your commencement into the greater eternal purposes of God,” said Pastor Daphne. She challenged the graduating class to press on toward the upward high call of God for their lives.
“Cherish your memories, catalyse your calling and come up higher! May the Lord be the joy who is set before you, just as you become His joy.”
Here are some of our students’ thoughts on their three-month journey: SARAH FORWARD / UNITED KINGDOM “I have experienced wonderful teachings, been a part of powerful prayer meetings, met awesome staff, and received ministry within a context of belonging and unity. This equipping has strengthened me for my next adventure in the assignment God has for me.” JOACHIM TEE / SINGAPORE “In His mercies, He has revealed to me areas in my life that needed to change so that I can step into something greater than myself and into a oneness with Him”
MICHAEL JAMES SLIVIAK / UNITED STATES “I desired a solo pilgrimage to encounter the Lord but He placed me in the middle of an amazing family of students, staff, and teachers who are all committed to surrendering their all to Christ. The Lord has since confirmed my calling and purpose as an intercessor who will stand in the breach! (Ezekiel 22:30)”
A Journey of Restoration by AU DR I S QU E K
A graduate of the Bible College of Wales tells us her story of restoration in her family.
After graduating from the three-month course at the Bible College of Wales (BCW), I was entirely wrecked by the extravagance of His love, and the Lord said, “This is only the beginning.” The basic principles and values of our faith that we ought to live by had always been head knowledge to me. But through personal encounters with the Lord, they turned into deep heart revelations and I will never be the same. On the second day of the term, I questioned God and asked if I was the right candidate to come to bible school as I felt unworthy and inadequate. He showed me the debris of my heart that I had to allow and invite Him to clear before I could readily receive all He wanted to pour into my life. It started with casting my cares and anxiety on Him, yielding and relying on His grace to forgive my family, specifically my Dad. The Lord took me through a process of healing, restoration and understanding my identity in Him through my time at the BCW. I thoroughly enjoyed the teaching I received there, but the class that really stood out for me took place on the fourth week, when Sister Ong Guek Ju taught us on “The Joy of Personal Bible Study”. It was a significant week for me, as I repented for taking His word lightly in the last seven years of walking with the Lord. In His goodness and mercy, I was refreshed and renewed. That week, the Lord did a deep work in my heart, and since then, the Word has come alive and is precious to me. In the Spirit, I saw my belly being cut open, and the Word of God was inserted, placed inside and sealed up. I saw scriptures enveloping and floating all around and inside me. Then He affirmed and whispered the words from Ezekiel 36:26 to me, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
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At the end of the School of Ministry term in November 2016, He also gave me a new family, precious relationships forged with 33 of my classmates. Our hearts were tightly knitted, united in Christ and we shared the same vision. He placed a portion of His heart in ours (Class of Autumn 2016), for the nations and for missions. I think we truly graduated with the mandate which was given to Mr Rees Howells, to reach every creature with the gospel. For me, ministry began with my family and the Lord told me that my first mission field was my family. I heard those words so clearly as I cried out, “Here am I, send me! ” And this continued during the last week of school when Pastor Daphne got the class to write down one thing we were believing God to do in the next six months after graduating. She wanted to pray with us and stand in agreement with us. On my piece of paper were the words “Family Salvation”. During my time at the BCW, one of our lecturers, Pastor Steve Carpenter said,
“Many people get the revelation and want the manifestation, but we cannot expect it to happen without intercession.” How true! We must be praying because even our Lord Jesus, seated at the right hand of the Father, is constantly interceding for us. We must humble ourselves to pray and He will hear us. The Lord dropped a seed of intercession into my spirit while we were learning more about the history and heritage of the BCW, which included the heart of intercession. With this new mission of praying for my family’s salvation, coupled with friends who believed with me, I prayed and interceded.
Indeed, we serve a faithful God who answers prayer! On 26th February 2017, the only ones left in my immediate family who had yet to give their lives to Jesus, my parents, were graciously and mercifully saved! On 30th April 2017, they were baptised. Hallelujah! To date, they are loving on Jesus and are hungry to know Him more. Today, they are growing together in the Lord and shepherded by my fellow batch mates, Papa Jimson and Mama Michelle who have such a heart for them. Prior to this, love, peace and unity, and even health in my family had been stolen and destroyed. My dad was diagnosed with stage three and four cancer in his nose and lower back. However, God miraculously healed him from his nose cancer and we are now believing and praying together for complete healing in his lower back. Just a year into their salvation, I am seeing my parents share testimonies of God’s goodness and the desire to be His vessels.
All the years and tears of declaring “For me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” is worth it. Truly, God takes the broken pieces and makes glorious ruins out of it. He was right, my time at the BCW was only the beginning of the adventure of this lifetime!
Will we be found faithful to God’s call? 24 /
It was 40 years ago when a very special conference took place in Singapore. The Reverend Billy Graham preached the Good News resulting in thousands giving their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. In that meeting, a mandate was proclaimed that Singapore was called to be an “Antioch” to Asia. What does that statement mean and how does it relate to Kingdom Invasion (KI) 2018? Antioch’s role in the Book of Acts helps to provide a blueprint in understanding Singapore’s role for today. Essentially, Antioch served as a sending base for the evangelising of the surrounding gentile nations. Two notable characteristics in the leadership (among others) was their unity and willingness to send out their very best. The above are absolutes if Singapore is going to fulfil her destiny as an Antioch to Asia.
An Antioch calling must have evangelism at its core. Ben Fitzgerald highlighted the last two evenings with powerful testimonies, that resulted in powerful altar calls where scores of people gave their lives to Jesus. Two primary keys consistent in Ben’s testimony is his genuine love for people. He can boldly reach out to sinners because God reached out to him. Secondly, he is not governed by fear due to recognising God as his source for all things. Ben’s radical faith for souls is paving the way for stadium-based outreaches to multitudes in places like Europe and Australia. Heidi Baker once again demonstrated the effectiveness of ministry to the individual; one soul at a time. Iris Ministries is a testament of what God can do when time is taken to love people, even people who violently oppose their efforts. Heidi’s story of the gift of the “football pitch” to her community and its resulting effect on former adversaries touched every heart.
A review of the messages spoken at this year’s Kingdom Invasion conference helps to put into perspective how this can become a reality. First, it was Lou Engle who set the stage by reminding the audience of the 40-year cyclical review. It was the Reverend Billy Graham, not a Singaporean, who prophesied Singapore’s call as an Antioch nation in 1978. Forty years earlier it was Dr. John Sung who stirred Singapore to action. Lou alluded to Daniel and Esther and their dates with destiny as “atomic moments” that had to be perceived and acted upon. He exhorted a movement of both the old and new coming together. Lou’s ministry laid a strong foundation for the 2018 prayer and fasting initiative being taken up by the Singaporean Church.
Suzette Hattingh demonstrated the power of prayer and intercession which is vital in becoming and sustaining an Antioch mandate. A keynote verse that helped define her ministry throughout KI was Isaiah 62:10 “Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.” Suzette presented a powerful statement that helps puts intercession into perspective. “Intercession in the bedroom needs to be as powerful as on the platform.” Suzette lives by her example.
Dr. Ed Silvoso presented an apostolic view to the Antioch mandate. There was the reminder of how the gospel was retained in Jerusalem for about 16 years before Antioch. That which is contained in the church must be translated into the marketplace. Dr. Ed’s messages can be summed up in his emphasis on having the right starting line (Matt 28:19) and right finishing line (Rev 21:10).
KI 2018 had several afternoon workshops that featured all the conference speakers in specialised forums. The workshops also included Pastor Yang speaking on the Rise of the Asian Church and Bruno Roche and Jay Jakub speaking on “Completing Capitalism”. These meetings were well-attended and provided a reinforcing element to the overall conference.
There was one message shared throughout the week that helped to put all the events into an understandable context. Bill Johnson’s message on the reign of King Hezekiah was thoughtprovoking on many levels. Was there any greater king who reigned in Israel when looking at the bigger picture? He ushered in a period of “Profound Reformation” characterised by the tearing down of strongholds. This is what is needed today in our secularised culture. King Hezekiah prospered in all that he did (2 Kings 18:5-7). On the other hand, how is it possible for such a mighty king to forego planning for future generations? King Hezekiah was granted a 15-year extension to his life through a healing miracle. Bill Johnson made an interesting comment which may help shed light to this question. He stated that King Hezekiah did not offer a sacrifice equal to the miracle; he further warned of the dangers of a “token response” to a move of God. The reign of King Hezekiah provides great expectation of what God is about to do in our day; his reign also gives warnings we need to heed. We must never come to the place of taking the presence of God for granted.
Where do we go from here? An Antioch calling is a privilege which carries great responsibility. KI 2018 has concluded, but where do we go from here? Are we just going to look ahead to the next conference, or will we take time to absorb the many keys presented and respond to the Lord. KI 2018 featured nine different speakers, each providing a different aspect of the kingdom. A true Antioch calling requires each and every component. Lou Engle commented on the 40-year cyclical review from the time of Billy Graham’s prophecy to our day. Perhaps the words of Dr. John Sung, the 40-year predecessor to Billy Graham, best sum up the matter in his two signature messages to Singapore in 1938. “Behold I have set before thee an open door” was the title of an overview given on the Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-11). The second message was entitled “For the love of Christ constraineth us” (2 Cor 5:14); a message making clear the debt of love we owe to our master and to one another. It’s time for the churches of Singapore to now become an Antioch to the nations.
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Testimonies reported by JOVY SIM This year’s Kingdom Invasion (KI) was the 6th conference organised by Cornerstone Community Church, and we had almost 4,000 day registrants; and close to 900 overseas delegates hailing from 47 countries – the highest count in a single KI Conference. Over four nights, we prayed for 1,465 people during the “Prayer for Healing” segment and recorded 207 healings. We also recorded 229 responses to the calls for salvation and re-dedication during the final two night meetings. Here are some of the testimonies from our delegates.
SHINTA, HOUSEWIFE (INDONESIA) God spoke to my friends and I to start an apostolic church. We don’t know how and we are still waiting. The last few days, God gave me confirmation for the church. He said it is not about which church, but about all of us being together. We need to be obedient, then we can minister to nations. I think KI has modelled and taught us what an apostolic church looks like.
COLETTE MENON, RETIRED FASHION DESIGNER (FRANCE - LIVES IN MIRI NOW) This is my third year coming back to KI and I love the atmosphere of the youths on fire. It’s encouraging to me to see so many young people hungry and I like to be a part of this.
Two days ago, I came here from Jakarta. We had a vision to build churches in 12 cities in Indonesia before we flew to Singapore for KI. Here, I received many confirmations that it’s a word from God. I was walking past the art gallery when my eyes saw this painting of the enclosed garden which reminded me of a dream I had five years ago. A pastor also happened to walk pass and he prayed for us and gave us words about cities and church buildings. It was a confirmation for what God spoke about.
I heard about KI from someone in my church in China. Over 20 friends from China flew here together for this conference and I’m also amazed that there are people from 47 nations here. I was encouraged to reach out to my co-workers after hearing Ben Fitzgerald talk about the fear of men. I never dared to speak about God to other people and I was discouraged because of rejection. Today I realised that it’s the fear of men. Now I am encouraged to go back to tell people about God. I’m going to go back and tell everyone to come to KI because the rhema word is here. They need to come to hear it and feel it for themselves.
PASTOR KHEM CHANNAT (CAMBODIA) I was impacted by Lou Engle’s message on Daniel’s fasting and prayer. He shared about Billy Graham’s passing, and how the next generation now gets the mantle to preach the gospel. I was encouraged to pray and fast like Daniel and I was touched in my heart. It made me want to bring this message back to our nation and apply it to my country. I want the mantle for the people in my country.
by PA STOR YA NG T UC K YOONG Sen ior Pastor of Cor ner stone Com mu n it y C hu rch
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In 1995, we had the privilege of hosting what I could only describe to be an open heaven, over our church for a period of about five months. We had just stepped out of our comfort zone and left the safety nets of the Anglican Church, and we were now an independent church, on a journey to the unknown. And all of a sudden, as if in response to our obedience, the heavens opened over us, and we lived under a supernatural cloud of glory for five months. It was heavenly. Our weekend services would stretch 5-6 hours and nobody wanted to go home. They were greatly blessed by the outpouring. I never saw people so wrecked and drunk in the Spirit like those five months. In every service, God would just take over. There was no need for a long sermon or anything like that. The presence of God was so overwhelming. After about five months, the presence slowly lifted and by then, we had seen a 30% surge in our attendance, and it left us with a deep hunger for more. It was in 1994 that God visited a little church in Toronto called the Airport Vineyard Church and it exploded into what is today commonly known as the Toronto Blessing. One of the most visible manifestations of that visitation was the phenomenon of holy laughter and that renewal basically restored the spirit of joy in the church. And God knows we all need some joy in the church. When I first heard of this holy laughter, I just knew it was God and I wanted it. So, I asked the Lord and sought Him for it and each time I heard someone receiving the joy and holy laughter, I said, “Lord, I want this.” Six months passed and I got desperate. Then we heard that Rodney Howard Browne was visiting Brisbane. So, my wife and I hopped onto a plane to catch the meetings there. The first night was great and all sorts of things were happening around us but nothing was happening to us. The second night came and still nothing! On the third evening, they shifted the meetings to the main convention centre in the city because of the swelling crowds and we were sitting in the bleachers, right up in the nosebleed section of the stadium. But just before the meeting started, a friend of mine walked by and he asked if I had received the blessings. I said no. He said the key is to block out everything and just keep your eyes on Jesus. Forget about what is happening all around you; just close your eyes and press in. I thanked him for his advice and the meeting started. About 10-15 minutes in Howard Browne’s message, right up in that nosebleed section, about a 5-metre radius, God seemed to open up the heavens over everyone in that section and we all started laughing uncontrollably. I took the advice of my friend, blocked out everything and kept my eyes on Jesus, and suddenly, the joy of the Lord just gushed out of me and I started laughing hilariously and I have not stopped. The wells of salvation were broken up and the spring began to flow. It was wonderful. When I came back to Singapore, I gathered all my leaders, about 20 of us, to tell them what I had experienced. I remember we were all sitting in the living room and I shared my experience and showed a video. Halfway through the video, I heard a “plonk” and several of the leaders came under the power of God.
The meeting ended at 12 midnight and we had to carry people out. It was just a supernatural visitation. Then Sunday came and all heaven broke loose. Our services would go on for 5-6 hours and people were so intoxicated with the Spirit that they could not walk nor speak. It was just glorious.
There were a few things I discovered about that precious move of God: The anointing, or blessing, or presence, was transferable. I could carry it with me. I got it in Brisbane, and I could bring it back to Singapore. And everywhere I went, I brought it along with me. The good news is, if this happens in the service, tomorrow, you can carry it to your workplace, your schools, your offices, your homes etc. This thing can really go viral. It’s the River of God flowing out of our innermost beings.
The second thing I discovered was that God gave us the privilege of hosting His presence for five months. I considered it a great privilege and although it wrecked our plans and programme, we were all enjoying the move of God. Here’s the good news: If He did it once for us, He can do it again. And we must believe that God is about to do this again. We need to learn how to host this presence and make sure we do all we can to make the Lord comfortable in this house.
The key is we must make sure that the fire is burning.. I have learned if we will keep the fire burning, the fire will keep us burning. It is interesting that it was God who ignited the fire in the Tabernacle of Moses supernaturally. But it was the responsibility of the priests to keep the fire burning. So, what does that tell us? It tells us God supernaturally ignites every revival; but every revival ended because of the neglect of men. That’s just the nature of fire. For fire to keep on burning, you have got to feed it and you have got to fan it.
Now here’s the application of this: If this is transferable, then we have to carry it with us to the marketplace, schools and everywhere we work. If we are saturated with His presence, then it ought to have an effect on people who come within proximity of our being. We call it the zone. So when people step into our zone, they will begin to feel the effects of the presence of God upon their own lives. 29
Remember the apostle Peter. He carried so much of the presence of God that people would line the sick on the street where they knew Peter would walk by and so much as his shadow would pass by them, they would get healed. Now shadow has no substance. So it wasn’t the shadow that was healing the people, it was proximity to Peter. When the people came within proximity of the zone that Peter was living in, they began to be influenced by the power of God. The presence of God just radiated from him and anyone coming near would be affected by that presence. Is this possible in our day and age? The story was told about Smith Wigglesworth who, on one occasion, boarded a train at Bradford to travel to London. He selected a corner seat and eventually, five more people joined him in the compartment. As was his custom, he took out his Bible and began to read and pray silently. He never spoke a word to his fellow travelers or tried to initiate a conversation. About 30 miles away from London, he went to the restroom and as he was making his way back to the compartment, the man who had been sitting next to him said, “I don’t know what it was, but when I sat next to you, a terrible fear gripped me. I was afraid I was going to die. What was it?” All the other passengers then said that they had experienced the same feeling. Wigglesworth then explained to them about conviction and the way to salvation and right there in the compartment of the train, they knelt on the floor and accepted the Lord. Don’t you long for the same glory and presence of God to rest upon us? I want to be saturated with the presence of God to the degree that others around me will inevitably be impacted by it without me having to say a word. 30 /
We must seek to host the presence of God in our midst. And we can do this individually or corporately.
One of the great revivals of the last century was the Hebrides revival that broke out on a series of islands off the coast of Scotland. The main spark of the revival was a man named Duncan Campbell and that powerful move of God lasted for four years, to 1952. But what precipitated the revival was that a cry came forth from the people in the Hebrides. Seven men bounded together in covenant to pray for God to move and three times a week, they would meet in a barn and there, they would pray for many hours. Two other sisters, very powerful intercessors, joined them in prayer and the rest, as they say, is history. Many years after the revival had waned, they found one of the seven men who had been in the original group crying out for revival. They asked him what he could tell them about the revival and with tears in his eyes, he said that one of the great mistakes they made was that they were more caught up with the effects of the revival than they were to protect the cause of the revival. This is such a powerful revelation that if we don’t get it, we are going to be bound to make the same mistakes again. The effects of the revival are the shaking, the laughing, the crying, the dramatics, and all that is good. We must not touch the glory.
But in every revival, we must ask the question—what is God seeking to accomplish? After all, revival is basically God bringing the church up to speed with what He is doing in the world.
It is getting the church back on track. It is basically accelerating the purposes of God in our generation.
So let’s not just seek to host the presence of God, let’s do all we can to guard it as well. Having said that, it is important that whilst God is moving in the church, we will see many things that we might not understand and it is vital for us not to try and control what God is seeking to do. Remember David is bringing the Ark of the Covenant back from the House of Abinadab where it has been for the past 20 years. The two sons of Abinadab were riding the oxen that were pulling the cart and somewhere along the way, there was a bump on the road and the cart destabilized and the Ark probably started swaying and Uzzah tried to stabilize it. The fire of God came forth from the Ark and Uzzah was fried into a BBQ crisp. This guy stopped the entire move of God because of his presumption. Here’s the warning—when God starts to move, let’s not try and control what He is seeking to do. A river is exactly that—a river. It meanders and it turns whichever way it desires and we must resist every attempt to try and control it. Do not touch His glory. Even David did not get it right the first time. Instead of priests carrying the Ark on their shoulders, David used the oxen and cart method and that didn’t work too well for him. We all make mistakes; and it is always a learning process, but here’s the warning—you are not to touch the glory. It is His and His alone.
Christmas Concert
A memorable and meaningful outreach through drama and songs.
332 AT T E N DE E S
On Christmas Eve, the Chinese Congregation held a heart-warming Christmas Concert, 情意 浓浓 featuring Matthew Tan, an accomplished gospel singer, and his student, Xu Chenxi from Hangzhou China. More than a hundred new friends, relatives and visitors came and celebrated Christmas Eve with us, leaving the Auditorium bustling with activity and filled with Christmas cheer. The Christmas concert began with a short skit, followed by familiar Christmas carols sung by our very own choir which comprised of senior members from the Chinese Congregation. Through a series of touching testimonies and beautiful songs, our special guests, Matthew Tan and Xu Chenxi shared the true meaning of Christmas and the goodness of Christ with the audience.
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When the time came for Pastor Samuel to share the Christmas message, “God’s Most Precious Gift, Jesus—Source of Love, Joy and Peace,” many hearts were deeply touched by God and responded to the invitation for salvation. We had the opportunity to connect with our new friends and exchanged gifts with one another, while spreading and sharing the love of God. We give thanks to God for the 332 attendees and 10 new friends who gave their hearts to Jesus. Many were touched that night and we give God all the glory! 情意浓浓 Christmas Concert was definitely a memorable and meaningful Christmas experience for all who came. Till we meet again next Christmas, shalom!
Chinese New Year by RUTH KOK
“旺望”迎新春晚宴 2018
Ruth shares her family’s experience attending the dinner and hearing about God’s love. Each year, the Chinese Congregation organises an annual Chinese New Year Outreach Dinner, which provides a great opportunity for us to invite our pre-believing relatives who speak Mandarin to come for a time of fellowship, food, as well as to hear the gospel through songs and testimonies! This year, there were a total of 447 guests, and many enjoyed the evening, which included tossing yusheng, an important part of any Chinese New Year celebration. Kelvin Soh and Suzann Sing were the invited guests for the night, and they won the hearts of the audience with their stories and voices. Kelvin Soh was addicted to drugs since the age of 11 and had been in and out of prison for over 24 years. His life took a turn when he met the Lord, and he now ministers to others through music as a singer songwriter. Suzann Sing was once involved in gambling and in debt, even on the verge of taking her life, but she found hope in Christ. When I brought my family to the Chinese New Year Dinner t his year, t hey were moved by t he testimonies and t he demonstration of God’s love through the people around them. As the only Christian in the family, it is often hard for me to invite my family to church to hear the good news. However, almost yearly, my family and relatives have agreed to come for events like the Chinese New Year Dinner and it has been a time where seeds have been sown in their hearts. I am thankful for such initiatives, because it allows me to connect my Chinese-speaking loved ones to Christ and to allow them to see His love at work beyond the walls of the church. I am praying for their salvation and will let God water the seeds that have already been sown!
Dare to Make a Stand for Things that Matter by T I M OT H Y WEERASEKERA
The men of Cornerstone gathered in unity for a time of powerful teaching on love, purity and boldness.
In the Old Testament, the men of Israel met thrice yearly and presented themselves before the Lord in conjunction with the festivals ordained by God. Cornerstone Community Church (CSCC) is no different, and on the 11th of April, the men of CSCC met for 2018’s first Mandate, entitled Braveheart.
father over his treatment of the family, and to that end, Pastor Lip also encouraged the men not to bear grudges against their fathers. Pastor Lip dealt with the hearts of the men, challenging them to seek justice in the right way, not out of bitterness.
This time, the men were able to receive from a buffet of the finest teaching CSCC had to offer. A three-course spread of insight from Pastor Lip Yong, Pastor Tim O’Connell and Pastor Yang Tuck Yoong, each bringing their giftings to the table to edify the body of Christ.
Pastor Tim spoke with the men on the subject of sexual and moral purity with the sensitivity of a true teacher of the Word. He dissected the scriptures, comparing the lives of Samson and Joseph to determine who the true braveheart was. “The true braveheart is sexually pure” proclaimed Pastor Tim, “and it begins with our eyes.” He talked about how it was imperative that the men pray for a fresh circumcision of their eyes and that they honour their wives with singularly-focused dove’s eyes.
Pastor Lip kicked off the night with an insightful teaching on the life of Reuben, the son of Jacob and Leah. Reuben eventually lost his birthright because of his transgression against Jacob - sleeping with his father’s concubine, Bilhah. Why? Because he was trying, out of his compassion for his mother, to return Jacob’s attentions to her. Pastor Lip left the married men with an impassioned challenge to love their wives as they rightfully should. No woman deserves to feel like Leah who had to seek her husband’s affections with Mandrakes. Neither should any son grow up bearing grudges against his
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Pastor Yang wrapped the evening up with a powerful challenge from the story of David and his armour bearer, Jonathan who took out an entire garrison of Philistine soldiers because of one incredible act of courage. He also challenged the men to be brave in their pursuits, to seek God diligently, and at the end of the day, for them to be willing to take that bold step of faith when the right circumstances arise.
Praying Fathers by E DW IN D ING
Uniting fathers in the church to pray for each other, their wives, families and nation. In partnership with Elijah 7000 (E7K), the fathering movement in Singapore, Cornerstone Community Church (CSCC) holds a weekly Saturday early morning prayer meeting at 6.30am for fathers in the church. Just as Elijah repaired the broken altar before he called down fire, we believe our individual and family altars are broken too and badly need restoration. We firmly believe that when earthly fathers pray, our heavenly Father will move. Elijah 7000 @ CSCC seeks to raise up and restore fathers as spiritual heads of their households, beginning with our weekly Fathers’ Prayer Altar. We recognise that the main problem in dysfunctional families is fatherlessness, and hence we desire to help fathers to bring heaven home. Since launching the Elijah 7000 @ CSCC weekly Fathers’ Prayer Altar, we have seen fathers (biological & spiritual) grandfathers and fathers to-be coming to seek the face of God for our marriages, children, families and nation. Each week, we take time to proclaim Malachi 4:5-6, that the Lord would turn the hearts of the fathers as we wait upon Him to reveal what is upon His heart. The issue of abortion came up multiple times during our meetings and many of us felt so burdened that we knelt and wept to seek God’s forgiveness on this matter. We have witnessed God’s sweet presence filling the room and seen how the reading, praying and declaration of the Word of God can cause a quickening of our spirit man. Under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, there were many times that we felt led to repent for the sins of men and fathers of our land. A number of fathers have also shared that they caught the fire of God during the meetings and began to build their own individual and family prayer altars back home. In fact, the Elijah 7000 @ CSCC team has also conducted two half-day workshops on building the marriage and family prayer altar for fathers to attend with their wives.
Here’s a testimony from JOSHUA SEAH, one of the fathers who has been blessed by the prayer gatherings: There are so many things to thank God for since I joined the inaugural Elijah 7000 @ CSCC Fathers’ Prayer Altar. I was sharing with my beloved wife, Rachael, that it is a privilege to worship with “serious” Christians who make sacrifices for God. (If one can wake up early and come to church to pray at 6.30am, he must be a serious Christian!) Personally, I have been very stirred by the fervour of the brothers in the meeting, seeing them kneel down to worship God with contrite hearts and confess sins to one another for ourselves and on behalf of our church and nation. I have reached a new level of understanding of humility before God by being in the fellowship with fathers who take God seriously and diligently seek Him. Inspired by E7K, I started to wake up early every morning this year, to seek His face before I step out of home to face the world. The results have been amazing as there were instances that I ministered to those around me even without deliberately trying. I believe God placed people in my path and caused me to speak “rhema” words that ministered to them in their situations. My family life has also been transformed since I joined the fellowship and I have restored the family altar. Since, Rachael and I can sense that there has been a change in the spiritual climate in the family. For instance, we were praying over our elder daughter, Enxi, to have a victorious spirit in Christ and declare that she is more than a conqueror through Christ (Rom 8:37). Weeks ago, when Enxi’s Chinese teacher asked her to pick a Chinese word that would represent her hope for the Chinese New Year, she picked “凯” (Pronounced in hanyu pinyin as KǍI), meaning triumphant and victorious! I believe Enxi has internalized the living word that have been spoken into her life. He is indeed a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Heb 11:6b). All Glory to God!
In the coming months, the Elijah 7000 @ CSCC team is considering the possibility of setting aside selected Saturdays for the United Family Altar, where the fathers will invite their wives and children to join them in prayer. There are also plans for father-child bonding activities and equipping workshops on fathering. 35
FEATURE ARTICLE 1 https://www.timesofisrael.com/ netanyahu-israel-and-singapore-are kindred-spirits/amp/
2 https://www.todayonline.com/ singapore/pm-lee-lauds-singapore israel-ties
by PA S TOR TIMOTHY CHONG This year, the State of Israel celebrates 70 years since her rebirth as a modern nation, a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy: “Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons. ...Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her... ...For thus says the LORD, “Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream.” Isaiah 66:8, 10, 12 (NASB)
THE CHURCH & ISRAEL What has happened to the church and Israel since 1948? Firstly, Christians have been rediscovering their Jewish roots. What’s happening in churches worldwide is a greater love and identification with Israel like never before. The evidence is clear to see as the Spirit of God moves among the churches. The Holy Spirit has been at work linking Christianity to its Hebrew roots, resulting in a proper understanding between Israel and the church.
Here are a few examples: • The Old Testament is studied and taught as never before. • Christians are discovering that many of the promises and blessings currently enjoyed were initially made to the Jews. • Tens of thousands of Christians continue to visit the land of Israel resulting in a greater appreciation for the holy land.
There are other amazing events to note since 1948. It’s not just Christians rediscovering their Jewish roots; the Jews have begun to discover Jesus. Since 1948, the Jews have written hundreds of essays, articles, poems and other works about Jesus.
Dr Isodore Singer (rabbi), who is the editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia said this: “I regard Jesus of Nazareth as a Jew of Jews, one whom more Jewish people are learning to love. His teachings have been an immense service to the world in bringing Israel’s God to the knowledge of hundreds of millions of mankind.” Another rabbi: “We Jews are very proud of our Einsteins, Hennrich Heiners, Sigmund Freuds; we ought to be much prouder of our Jesus!” Another rabbi: “Christianity and Judaism share one of the great reluctance of history; we are both reluctant to live openly and fully to the fact that Jesus was a Jew.”
We thank God for the strong ties and friendship between the churches in Singapore and Israel. It’s vital that we continue to pray and build relationships with Israel and the Jewish community; especially in these momentous days.
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SINGAPORE & ISRAEL On his state visit to Singapore on 21 February last year, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told his Singaporean counterpart that Israel and Singapore are “kindred spirits”. 2 Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Singapore will “always be grateful” to Israel for helping the Republic to build up its armed forces when it became independent in 1965. Israel and Singapore are “old friends”, and bilateral ties that go back to 1965 have now expanded beyond defence and security, noted PM Lee on Monday (20 February). 1
SALVATION OF ISRAEL God’s heart and desire is to see Israel come to salvation. He has given Singapore such a unique relationship with Israel.
I believe the Lord set up this friendship in a very unqiue way so that the gospel can go to Israel from a place of friendship. It goes without saying that as Christians, we must take a biblical view of Israel. While this sounds rather obvious, such an approach helps us avoid two extremes vis-à-vis Israel. On one hand, we cannot revile Israel as some presentday intellectuals are prone to do. On the other, we cannot romanticise Israel, by subscribing to Jewish practices wholesale and fully agreeing with everything she does. Rather, a biblical view would be to seek God’s revelation, through His Word, as to His heart for Israel.
Israel went through a captivity of 70 years before being restored as a nation out of Babylon (Jer 25:10, Dan 9:2). Daniel then spoke of a period of 70 weeks that would lead to the time of the Lord’s second coming (Dan 9:24-27). The 70-week period was divided into three periods of time, 7 + 62 +1. The one week period represents the last seven-year period of the church age. Do you know the answer to the following question? How many jubilees (50-year period) has Israel celebrated since its inception at the crossing of the Jordan under Joshua? The answer is 70. Here is another interesting question; how many jubilee years are there from the time of creation to Joshua’s day? The answer is 50. Now let’s do some math! From the time of creation to our day there have been 120 jubilee years. This amounts to a total of 6000 years (120 x 50), a number commonly referred to as the church age. The number 120 also has a significance regarding the end times. “And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years” (Gen 6:3). Can you see the significance of Israel as a nation in both the natural and spiritual? This jubilee period represents the 120th jubilee number of years since the time of creation. Are we getting the message that we are living in extraordinary times? How does this relate to today’s church; to both you and me? Israel’s history and destiny has a strong connection to the church. Both Israel and the church have a strong part to play in these ensuing days. We are to have spiritual discernment about the times and seasons; aligning ourselves to God’s will and plan. We all know that God’s prophetic clock is attached to Israel and Jerusalem. The hand of the clock has advanced yet again. Do we fully appreciate the significance of this unique jubilee year for Singapore, Israel, Jerusalem, the world and church? A period of 70 years is described as turning point dates for the restoration of the kingdom to Israel in the following scriptures: Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10, Daniel 9:2, 24. The period of 70 years is to cross over to a new paradigm from what happened previously. It is to cross into the next historic stage. The year 2018 is a 70-year completion for the State of Israel. Now is the time for the next stage. It is the time for the spiritual restoration to rise out of the natural restoration. It is the time for the revival stage of the restoration of the nation of Israel.
A NEW JUBILEE I believe Israel is entering into a new season. The number 70 has great significance and there is an added message that needs to be revealed. Here are some interesting insights regarding the number 70 and its link to Israel:
Let’s continue to bless Israel and pray for Jerusalem: “May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.” (Ps 122:7-9) (NIV)
Our youths gleaned spiritual truths from the Journey of Israel.
The annual Generations camp was held from 18th-20th December 2017 at Praisehaven, and the theme that was chosen was “L iberty”. As the camp committee gathered to seek the Lord, we sensed that God wanted to lead us out of a season of warfare and battling, to a place of victory in Him. During Kingdom Invasion 2017, Lou Engle prophesied over Singapore and said that there is an old and new church, and two generations must move together into the next generation. He also added that they must cross over into the new Promised Land and fight the giants. We believe that Generations has a role to play in the fulfilment of this prophetic word, and felt that God wanted to take us to a place of freedom from bondage. The theme, “L iberty”, continued to resonate with the youths even as we crossed over into the new year. During the planning process, our team of 28 committee members sought the Lord and the Holy Spirit came upon us during a time of prayer. We were wrecked by Him in a personal manner, and this prepared us to lead the campers. The theme “L iberty” was manifested in different segments of the camp programme, and we used the analogy of the “Journey of Israel” from Dr. Brian Bailey’s book to teach the youths about the Christian’s journey to maturity, from the place of bondage in Egypt to the promised land and ultimately to Mount Zion, the resting place of God. We introduced the bible characters, Abraham, Joshua and King David and brought their stories to life through skits, videos, recordings and games so that the youths could identify with the children of Israel. Camp games featured the 10 trials in the wilderness, crossing over the Jordan and finding rest at Mount
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Zion after full victory at Canaan. For the youths, it was a time when they had fun and bonded with their friends, and also connected with the truth in the Word of God in an interactive way. Worship sessions at the camp went on for longer than planned, as we had such a great time lingering in the presence of God. One of the significant moments at the camp was when an altar call was given for the Pastors’ and Deacons’ children to respond and to press in for an encounter with the Lord. Pastor Peh Han challenged them to grow as believers and not to remain contented with the experiences of their parents alone. They needed to know the Lord for themselves.
As they responded during the time of prayer, you could see a marked change in them. We know that the Lord has done a work in their lives!
Marked by the Lord Forever by E M M A L I M
The children encountered the Lord in a personal way and received their callings.
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The inaugural Kingdom Invasion (KI) Kids Conference was a significant event which marked the lives of many little ones forever. There were 400 children from 37 churches across Singapore, and the presence of God was very tangible in the auditorium as the children worshipped and responded to God. Many of the children encountered the Father’s love and saw visions of heaven, while others received their callings in life. The children wept under the power of the Holy Spirit, and were seen praying and prophesying over their teachers, pastors and their friends all around the auditorium. Will Hart shared with the children that they were not too young to be used by God and that there is no junior Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that lives in their parents, siblings and teachers could be at work in their lives, and would empower them to do great things for the Kingdom, if they would only ask Him to fill them. He encouraged them to respond to the Lord, and the Holy Spirit moved during the times of ministry to the children. The children were so hungry for the Lord that they were willing to stay on, even when it was time for lunch, for more of the Holy Spirit. One little girl was caught up in a vision of a throne room during the altar call. She saw the Lord on His throne but she did not see His face. “I just saw a body with a blue sash and He said that if nobody on earth wants to be your friend then I’ll be your friend,” she said. Another little girl was touched by the Holy Spirit and felt a wind blowing. She saw angels in white with different coloured eyes in a vision and then heard the Lord tell her that she was going to be a missionary in Africa. One little boy started to cry when he had a vision of himself in front of a village, preaching the gospel to the poor and less fortunate. He then said that his heart desired to travel the world to tell others about Jesus and started to pray that the other children around him would also receive something from the Lord. Ministering to the children with Will Hart were Brendon and Cathie Clancy, who led the children into times of anointed worship. The sound of their voices carried such a purity and sincerity towards the Lord that touched my heart. It is no wonder that Jesus said in Matthew 18, that we have to learn to “receive the Kingdom of God like a little child.” During the afternoons, the children were exposed to prophetic art through Art and Craft, as Ong Wei Lun taught them about having a conversation with God. She also released words of knowledge to some of them during “soaking time” and some heard God speak to them about books they would write. Others had the assurance that God saw their creations as special and unique.
“We might teach the kids because we have information but they will teach us about an encounter because they have simple faith,” said Pastor Jeff.
As part of the KI Kids programme, the children also The conference concluded with prayer for each child as had the opportunity to go out into the streets to pray for they walked through a human “fire” tunnel. The pastors the sick and to speak the blessings of God over people they and leaders prayed and prophesied over the children, that met. They were led by the children’s ministry volunteers the Lord would redeem the next generation through their in teams to the Marine Parade area and released prayers lives, and grow to fear His name, doing mighty exploits using animal puppets. Pastor Jeff Yuen from Soakability for Him. Church shared that the children would scream “Wheelchair, wheelchair! Let’s go heal them! ” and they would then run “The best thing about this conference was to see all the different churches coming together to work hand in hand, all out of the towards the sick elderly and lay hands on them. love for the children,” said Pastor Sharon, our children’s One man who was prayed for by a group of children was ministry pastor. healed of partial deafness and another lady was healed She shared that the KI Kids conference was born at the of breathing difficulties. The testimonies recorded of what last Kingdom Invasion Conference, when there was a call God did through the children reflected the willingness of to raise up a generation who would do mighty exploits young hearts to step out in faith to bless another with the for the Lord. The heart of KI Kids is to equip the next love of Christ. generation in the move of the Holy Spirit, and that through “We might teach the kids because we have information but they the seeds sown in the conference, the children will know will teach us about an encounter because they have simple faith,” deep inside them that they have met God and will never said Pastor Jeff. be the same again. On the final day of the conference, the script flipped, and the children who were filled by the Holy Spirit were so moved that they were led to pray and prophesy over their pastors and teachers. They also began to pray for one another and there was a mighty move of God in our midst. The fire of God fell upon so many young ones in a way they had never imagined.
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Blessing the Eunos Community by E M M A L I M
Our cells from Cluster Two blessed the Eunos neighbourhood during the Christmas season. Last Christmas, our Cluster Two cells worked with the grassroots community to bring Christmas cheer to residents living in Eunos through games, performances and a blessing draw. In partnership with Cornerstone Community Church (CSCC), the grassroots organisations involved included Eunos Crescent, Geylang Serai, Eunos Village Resident Committee, Haig-Road, Geylang Serai Women’s Executive Committee. Even though the weather forecast had predicted that there would be showers the whole day, the cluster came together to pray and the Lord brought the drizzling to a stop. He held the rain throughout the event and it only started to pour after everyone had dispersed. Praise the Lord! Our cells from Cluster Two joined hands with the grassroots organisations to put together the first ever Christmas celebration for the residents of Eunos! More than 1,000 tickets were sold to the public, bringing together almost 800 families to the Eunos Crescent basketball court, including those who came on buses chartered by the People’s Association.
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Grassroots Advisor Associate Professor Fatimah Lateef (MP for Marine Parade GRC), who was there to grace the event, warmly welcomed everyone and thanked CSCC for partnering with the grassroots organisations. “We may come from different places but we all need each other,” she said as she addressed the crowd.
“Let’s work together to strengthen our bonds.” She was very happy to see people of different ethnicities, walks of life, races and age groups coming together.
1000 + T IC K ET S SOL D
800 FA M I L I E S AT T E N DE D
Cells within the cluster were involved in various aspects of the planning of the event including preparing the logistics, manning the game stalls, contributing financially to the prizes and putting up performances. Amongst the performers from our church were the children of cell members from Cluster Two, our Generations youth dance team and acoustic band, the Cornerstone Choir and singers from the Chinese ministry.
“I saw our members serving with so much joy and being the salt and light for Jesus, I saw a church in action, sowing seeds of love into the lives of hundreds of people in the community,� said Pastor Andrew, who leads Cluster Two. The event began at 6.30pm and continued till 9.30pm when the final round of blessing draw winners was announced. This was the most highly anticipated segment of the day for the majority of participants. He added that a little boy had enjoyed himself so much that he had come up to him and asked if this could be a weekly affair. It was truly a privilege for CSCC to be a blessing to the Eunos neighbourhood and to be carriers of the Lord’s love to the community! 45
Empowering Lives in Cambodia by T R AC E Y CH IA
A closer look at the work Pastor Dian and volunteers from the Builders Programme are doing in Phnom Penh. Every year in Phnom Penh, droves of ethnic minority and rural women and girls migrate to the city to work in an estimated 550 sports and brand-named garment factories there. They leave their villages to rent small rooms in the city, and work 10-hour days, six days a week under harsh work conditions. Sexual harassment, poor nutrition and financial manipulation are rampant, but the workers accept this along with low wages to sustain themselves and their families. The plight of these workers caught Pastor Dian’s attention while he was on a trip in 2016, and he shared this with Pastor Dave Reed’s wife, Kascha, who had been carrying a burden to help these women. Pastor Dave and Kascha were running our local Cornerstone Global Network church at that time, and have since passed the baton on to Pastor Suvuth and Channat Peng in May 2018. Pastor Dian and the volunteers of the Builders Programme have since been actively supporting the local church to extend this vision of helping the women.
‘It is good to bless, but it is better to build,’ is an adage Pastor Dian holds close to his heart. The current focus of our work in Phnom Penh is to start a Training Centre to equip garment factory workers with English and Khmer lessons as well as life skills. Concurrently, the team has plans to run dormitories to house garment workers who are interested in pursuing their studies. The boarding fee is minimal and boarders will have access to weekly mentoring and discipleship. The church currently runs two dormitories that cater to tertiary students. The long-term vision is to purchase a piece of land to build the church and boarding facility, to provide opportunities for education in learning languages, as well as taking the GCE O and A-level exams, and to send as many as are capable to university. This will help raise the social mobility of women, as well as bring closer to reality, an end to the poverty cycle in the land.
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Apart from working with the local church on the initiative to reach out to garment factory workers, the Builders team currently returns to Phnom Penh to help train up the local worship team and equip the children’s church there. The team has also ministered to local women who have been victims of prostitution, gang-rape or violence. One lady shared her grief after her aunt had killed her mother. They listened and prayed with her. Unknown to them, after being ministered to, this girl made a visit to reconcile with her guilty aunt in prison. The prison guard there ridiculed her as she hugged and forgave her aunt, who unsuspecting of the visit, broke down in tears. Such is the power of the Cross! Another lady who had multiple traumas of abuse by men vowed that she would never again allow any man to come close to her. In this situation, the team prayed for healing and God led Pastor Dian, in representing all the men who had let her down, to help her forgive them by washing her feet. She broke down wailing and weeping. Those who were present testified to a powerful breakthrough in the atmosphere as she received her healing. Glory be to God!
Here’s a testimony of God’s protection over the Builders team when they were on the field: On the recent May 2018 trip, the Builders team were put up in a hotel that was in a seemingly safe area. On one of the nights, drunken men entered the floor where the girls’ room was situated and created a ruckus along the corridor. Screaming was heard for about half an hour and the girls were filled with fear. As they prayed, they had a vision that their hotel room door was invisible to the men outside. They had come close to experiencing a very real trauma that is commonplace to the local women. However, God was keeping them safe that night!
Families Serving Together in the Field by Z O IE TA N AND TRACEY CHIA
Two families share their mission trip experiences serving the Lord together. Throughout our journey as a Missions department, it has always been on our hearts to send out families into the field. Last year, we made a push for families to serve together. And not just one or two came forward, but many responded to the call!
This was the third time the Tans had gone out on a Couriers trip as a family of four. And it was, in fact, their return visit to Surabaya. In all, there were seven families, in part or whole, on this visit. At the family level, watching their two young daughters step up to new tasks, such as leading worship alongside them, brought inexpressible joy to Tan Chee Ping and his wife, Susan. The whole team went to a children’s home, where they played some games and bought a meal for the local children. There was also a time of sharing by the dads, and more significantly, they had the honour of praying over each of these children individually, calling out the Father’s favour upon them and blessing their future. Here, the youths and children of the team were also involved in forging new friendships and being a blessing to others.
Not only did the Couriers trip mums and dads have opportunities to take up the microphone, or share one-on-one, but the youths and children did so too. Here was parental modelling in action, the opportunity for mums and dads to exemplify walking the talk in Kingdom culture. Their children took up the initiative to prepare song and dance items, testimonies and stories. It was rewarding to see this growth! The families were sub-grouped into teams to extend their outreach on one of the days. Some of the mums ministered to the unwed mothers, while some dads helped with cleaning up. Other families went on house-to-house visits to local families, listening and praying for their needs. Over at the home for unwed mothers, the team of mums were able to spend time listening and speaking to the mothers-tobe. Many of the young ladies’ stories were heart-rending, for they had come to this Shelter from painful and traumatic backgrounds. But one thing was for sure, and it was that these brave women wanted to keep their unborn children. They would be able to stay here, an extended arm of the local church, until their babies were born and their confinement over. It was also a crucial time of ministry to them. In all, this work in Surabaya continues a few times each year. The Tans feel that there is strength in our Couriers teams bringing support, encouragement and love to the community there. You can be sure that this will not be the Tans’ last trip together,
“We want to continue to be in a place where we can give ourselves in service to bless others, and exercise our faith by doing something different and new each time,” said Susan Tan. 48
In the Yoong family, Eunice is the mother of three teen boys. At the time of the Couriers trip to Jogjakarta, her husband, Victor had already committed to the grandfatherly role of ‘Ah Teck’, the kopitiam owner in the Christmas Production, ‘Snowglobed’. Meanwhile, at home, both Victor’s parents had become unwell. And doubt arose as to whether the family should fulfil this commitment. They prayed and were assured by God that He would take care of everyone, and that they should proceed to Jogjakarta. Victor and Eunice had previously gone on a family mission trip with their previous church, and were going again because they wanted to serve the Lord together. Joshua 24:15, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord,” was their heart’s desire for this trip. Most of their ministry took place in one location, an orphanage started up by the owners who were local pastors. Here, in the day, the team would build relationships with the local children, whose ages ranged from birth to mid-teens. But in the evenings, the premises would be open for adults to gather and be ministered to. With this understanding, everyone on the team was involved in preparing for the night worship sessions, teachings and personal sharings. No one was left out. One of the team members encouraged the locals to join cell groups. While another touched on the issue of managing finances, which is a useful subject for the community there. During one of these night sessions, the team ministered to the community in prophetic word, and one of the words released was to a couple who had just become believers. God wanted to give them a financial breakthrough and
bring the whole family to salvation. The accuracy of the word of knowledge was such an encouragement to them and the team. Another local lady also received a timely prophetic word on reconciliation from one of the team members, who found out later that she had been on the verge of making a decision for divorce. What was also heartening for the Yoongs was to see their three children work together with others to organise the Christmas Party for the local children. “We saw our 14-year-old son lay his hand on the local children to pray for them,” said Eunice. “As the team ministered to the local children, many were filled with the spirit and weeping.” During the daily morning team devotions, away from the busy environments everyone was used to in Singapore, God also spoke to the team and dealt with relationship and inner issues as well. It was a great time of encounter with the Lord, even while serving others. Their adventure did not end there, and there was a connecting flight delay that left the team of ten stranded in Jakarta on the way home! It was close to midnight, and no one was able to help. However as they prayed, a local gentleman came forward to help get the team tickets for a new flight. A second miracle also took place, and another person was willing to activate a credit card machine just for them to make the transaction. Yet another third miracle occurred when Eunice managed to use her local credit card to make payment when it should have been deactivated for overseas by that time in the night. The entire team arrived in home in Singapore safely! It was wonderful to be able to experience God’s goodness as a family while being out on the field. 49
Rooms available for stay
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Should visitors be travelling alone or in pairs, there are single, twin, or triple rooms to choose from with either shared or ensuite shower facilities. Rooms are modestly furnished with Wi-Fi, but do note that there are no cooking and laundry facilities available. Alternatively, we have an ensuite studio apartment for couples, fitted with a kitchenette. The second apartment is best suited for visitors travelling in bigger groups of up to six people. It comes fully equipped with a living and dining room, kitchen, two twin rooms, two single rooms, and two bathrooms.
Daily continental breakfast is served in the dining room and a lounge is open for guest use.
For bookings or further enquiries, please email us at mail@bcwales.org and we will get back to you shortly. 50
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