Use abbreviations that are understoodi.e. MVP, NHS
Don’t have to complete all blanks
Helpful resources:
2024-2025 Common App Guide
How to Write a College Application
Resume that Stands Out
Essay Services
Essay Review Service until Dec. 1
Senior Academy Credit is awarded for participating
Confirming Application Types
Early Decision - binding (ED I and ED II)
Early Action
Regular Decision
Receiving Admissions Decisions
Accepted: student is granted admission, must confirm by May 1 and pay enrollment deposit
Denied: student is denied admission for this year's cycle but could reapply for Fall 2025; this decision is final
Deferred: decision has not been made; decision has been "deferred" to later in this application cycle (ex: deferred from Early Action round to Regular Decision round)
A few other scenarios:
Waitlisted: student has met the criteria for admission and may eventually be offered admission based on other enrollment decisions; student needs to read this notification carefully as there may be steps the student needs to take to "accept" a spot on the waitlist and it often has a deadline
Spring Admit: student has been accepted for admission but cannot enroll until the Spring semester (beginning in January usually); primarily this has to do with enrollment decisions and space capacity that has nothing to do with the student and is well beyond the applicant's control, but it can feel like a "no" to the student! Sometimes the student will need to respond so he/she should read the communication carefully. Oftentimes - not always - a student will be offered a spot to enroll in the Fall semester later in the year as the class begins to shape up. This can be a frustrating wait for students and families.
Class of 2025 Crosby Scholarships
Students will apply using Scholarships Handbook, as they have in previous years.
Scholarships Handbook will be available on November 1
How to Apply for Crosby Scholarships Webinar Nov 4 at 6PM; signup details to come in Crosby Connect
Other Scholarships
Check out our Local, Regional, and National Scholarships database for resources for students looking for scholarship starting points. Available in the Student Portal and on the Scholarships + Financial Aid section of website.
2025-26 FAFSA
25-26 FAFSA opens for all on December 1
Parents are major Contributors and will need to be involved in the FAFSA process
Students and Parent Contributors need own FSA
Parents without Social Security Numbers are still able to obtain an FSA ID and Contribute to their students FAFSA
2025-26 CSS Profile
Available October 1, 2024 to qualify for non-federal financial aid. Find which schools require it at
CSS PROFILE fee waivers for families with an Adjusted Gross Income of less than 100k $25 for first application and $16 for all subsequent applications
Many schools have specific CSS PROFILE deadlines. Make sure to meet those deadlines.
Using Net Price Calculators to Estimate College Expenses
Net Price Calculators: CollegeBoard's Net Price Calculator helps you estimate the Net Price (cost to you after anticipated financial aid is applied) of hundreds of schools. It's important for Parents to understand how much they may realistically pay each year for college costs.
Residency Determination Service (RDS)
Students who need assistance or need help troubleshooting should reach out to Ashly Wilson via Calendly link (on CN 4 notes).
Students may watch ‘Intro to RDS’ recording found in Senior Newsletter through On-Demand academy options until Dec 1. Watching recording can be a helpful tool for Advisors as well.