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In Review
Special Districts Legislative Days and #SpecialDistrictsWeek
The 2023 Special Districts Legislative Days was held on May 16-17 in Sacramento, coinciding with Special Districts Week May 14-20. Check out some of the social media activity from Facebook and Twitter during this exciting week! Search for more on these platforms, as well as LinkedIn and Instagram, with hashtags: #DistrictsAdvocate and #SpecialDistrictsWeek.
California Special Districts Association
May 16 · Sacramento
Thank you Senator John Laird for addressing Special Districts Legislative Days attendees. We are honored to name you Legislator of the Year!
SGV Mosquito @SGVMosquito • May 15
What is a special district? #SpecialDistrictsWeek
Special districts are local governments created by the people of a community to deliver specialized services. @SGVMosquito is a public health agency that provides protection from vector-borne diseases.

#LocalGov #LocalGovernment
California Special Districts Association
May 16 · Sacramento
Wrapped up an informative day 1 of Special Districts Legislative Days during this #SpecialDistrictsWeek. Special thanks to Pedro Nava from the Little Hoover Commission!