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Conversations Reimagined
The impacts of COVID-19 have been felt in every community and have affected every industry in some way. The Council of State Governments has worked to measure the degree of devastation on public health, economy and state finances, the impacts on the health care, education, transportation, agriculture and trade industries and to develop strategies for how states will recover in the coming months and years.
When it came time for CSG members and associates to convene for the annual CSG National Conference, everyone knew it was in the best interest of one another and our partners to cancel our in-person meeting. CSG made the decision to host a virtual national conference but knew the usual format — intensive full days of sessions — would not work in 2020.
From Oct. 26 through Dec. 18, CSG offered more than 50 virtual session covering topics ranging from diversity and inclusion, elections, the impacts of COVID-19 on youth as well as on immigrant communities, mental health impacts in Medicaid, criminal justice and international trade, strengthening legislative oversight, interstate compacts and occupational licensure, telework, healthy states and the future of work.
CSG members, subject matter experts and leaders from across the country came together to present thoughts, analysis and predictions on these important topics. All pre-recorded sessions and accompanying presentations are available on the conference website at web.csg.org/2020 under Past Sessions.
Strengthening the Role of Legislative Oversight
ELISE BEAN | Director, Washington Office levin center at wayne state university school of law
Language Matters: How Words Shape Our View
RASHAAD ABDUR-RAHMAN | Executive Advisor | Kentucky Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
Inclusive COVID-19 Relief: Impacts on Immigrant Communities and State-Level Reponses
SARA MCTARNAGHAN | Research Associate | Urban Institute's Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
Utilizing Public Sector Apprenticeships to Improve Employment Outcomes
DIANA ELLIOT | Principal Research Associate | Center on Labor, Human Services and Population at the Urban Institute
Innovation Classroom: Counterfeit Medicines and the Importance of Patient Health and Safety During COVID-19
LEV KUBIAK | Vice President, Chief Security Officer| Pfizer
Challenges for People Leaving Prison and Jail Amid theCOVID-19 Pandemic
NICOLE JARRETT | Division Director, Corrections and Reentry | CSG Justice Center
Deep Dive: Mental Health Impacts in Medicaid Programs
CHUCK INGOGLIA | President & CEO | National Council for Behavioral Health