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Resolutions for 2021
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As we look ahead to the new year, CSG members reflect on 2020 and set goals for 2021.
“2020 has been a year filled with challenges for families and policymakers. I look forward to working with my colleagues in addressing the challenges that we will face in 2021. I resolve to adhere to and follow the advice of the scientists and healthcare providers in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic in a nonpartisan manner. I am very hopeful that we will turn the curve in 2021.” — Sen. Hillman Frazier, Mississippi
“My New Year’s resolution is to approach the challenges facing my home state with a fresh perspective. This coming year, I have been given a new opportunity to serve as my caucus’ leader, which will require me to look at the issues through others’ eyes. I hope to take on this new role with awareness, understanding and discernment.” — Sen. Dan McConchie, Illinois
My New Year’s resolution is to help build a new “post-COVID normal” in which ALL people have the opportunity to thrive. The “old” normal was terribly inequitable. Let’s build the new normal.” — Rep. Javier Martínez, New Mexico
“I can honestly say the New Year is all about one word: HOPE! Research indicates that hope can help us manage stress and anxiety and cope with adversity. It contributes to our well-being and happiness and motivates positive action. My hope for 2021 is that our great nation will focus on hope through the strength and strong belief in faith, family, freedom and friendships. America is too great to lose hope!” — Rep. Rick Youngblood, Idaho
“Each new year and legislative session brings with it the opportunity to explore new challenges, take a step back and look at an issue from a fresh perspective, build coalitions and to rededicate oneself to driving legislation to the finish line that has previously fallen short for any number of reasons. I have numerous priorities to tackle for 2021 including criminal justice, health care, water quality and workforce investment, but the end goal always remains the same: to find a way to make the greatest positive impact I can in my constituents’ daily lives as an advocate for their families and future, within the limited time we are all granted on this earth.” — Sen. André Jacque, Wisconsin
“My 2021 resolutions as a legislator include continuing to work across the aisle to find common ground, while holding true to my values. Also, as co-chair of the 2018 Illinois Bicentennial Commission, I resolve to reach out to my colleagues just to the west of Illinois — Missouri — to make sure they have a great Bicentennial celebration this year. Sorry that we beat you to the punch on statehood by almost three years.” — Rep. Tim Butler, Illinois